ddeellaa · 23 days
also sorry meatwad looks bad because hes si hard to draw 😔😔
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daaas-haa · 2 months
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Some old and not so old art by Aqua Teen Hunger Force ^⁠_^
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theyluvescty · 16 days
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“Kill yourself!”- Master Shake (Freaky font)
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thecountkrispy · 2 months
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Well guys, this is the final version of my oc that I made for ATHF (Aqua Teen Hurge Force), I decided to make this page of hers to show a little about her, I'm planning to make a blog talking about her and Shake and what her relationship is like with him and the other characters.
I know you can't see all the details of the drawings, so here they are separated <3
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Guys, please don't use or repost them without my permission, this is illegal and discouraging, so I'll leave a warning here.
To make Meatwad I was inspired by the design of @bestosunglass
Well, guys that's it for now, it took me about 2 days or so to do this, and I'm happy with the result for now, I'm planning new drawings (like Shake asking my oc to marry him <3) and a post just about my oc who is Tiffany Grant, that's her name by the way hihi.
Thank you for your attention, kisses from the heart 💗
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cottondo · 9 months
Master shake x reader | chapter two : my treat
[ just a little A/N :
i feel like y/n has to be a lil toxic
to end up with someone like shake
LMAO so fair warning, reader gon be a lil wild ]
  One word to describe Frylock's house just couldn't be done. It was an absolute shit show of emotions, arguing, and impulsive behavior, caused separately, by all three of them.
  However, this was nothing new to you. You've been friends with Frylock and Shake for too many years to count. Meatwad coming into the picture was just another tab on that slab. So this type of behavior was expected from them. Mostly Shake, as he was the main problem causer.
  Waking up to the sound of a heavy fist pounding on the bedroom door wasn't exactly how you wanted to be woken up; but you should have at least expected it.
  "Yo! Wake up! Are you dressed?" The knob on the door turns, and in comes a very messy looking Shake.
You pull the blankets up over your face, and whine loudly enough for him to know that you were annoyed. "Get the hell out!"
"Sheesh. You're in a bad mood this morning. What the hell's wrong with you?" He asks, making his way to the edge of your bed.
As you pull the covers down from your face, your glare sends him into a curious reaction.
"I wonder why." You seethe up at him. His lips curl into a smirk, which soon leads up to him cackling with laughter. "Are you on your period or something-? Hey—!"
You smack him with the pillow from under your head, and sit up with a heavy sigh. "Don't ever ask a woman that." You lecture. "But no, that's not it - - You're barging into my room at seven in morning!"
Shake idles for a moment, running a hand through his hair in an awkward silence. "Oh . . Well, I figured you'd want that."
  If deadpanning him wasn't enough, you shake your head. "Why would I want that?" You ask.
His shoulders shrug, and you can't help but now crack a lighter smile. "You're only going to succeed in life if you're beautiful, or if you get up early. So you better go slap your face together, and let's get the hell outta here!" His hands wrap around your wrists, and you're now being tugged from the warm and cozy bundle of blankets.
  "Thefuck-" You frown at him a little. "Where are we going?"
"I'm gonna take us out for breakfast. Your treat." He smirks, pushing you over to the door. "Oh, I'm paying?" You raise a brow through your sarcastics.
"What- You think I'm going to?" He asks, brows furrowed. "You're the one with the job!"
  Shake wasn't exactly a . . generous, type of guy. He was selfish and irrational. But, despite his shit personality, that was still your best friend.
"Dick." You elbow him in the stomach, and smirk as he clutches himself, letting out a little "oof".
His gloved hands remove from your shoulders, and you smile as you stand in front of the bathroom door. "I'll think about it."
"You sure know how to play hard to get." He huffs. You shrug innocently at him, and flash a sweet, charming smile. "It's what I do best." And with that, you shut the door in his face.
  The Cafe you chose was pretty popular in the area, you realized. Maybe getting here earlier would have been best, but it did take you some extra time to get ready this morning.
  On addition of going through a breakup, you had allot going on. Your job was hounding you to pick up more hours, you were looking for an apartment- - dealing with Shake, who was very clearly into you, with little to no hesitation of showing it. He was just lonely, you figure, as that's what Frylock seems to say. But, lonely was an understatement.
And all of those things were weighing you down a bit more than you thought it should be, so that's why you agreed to taking Shake to the cafe.
  "Alright, hand me a twenty. I'm paying for us both." Shake reaches into your purse, and you swat his hands away. "I'm not giving you the satisfaction of using my money, to look good for everyone else in the room." You eye him a little. Shake frowns, crossing his arms over his chest. "Why can't you just let me have this?" Shake asks. "You're just as bad as Frylock."
"Because, you're being fake as hell." You quip back. He only shrugs in return. "I gotta impress people somehow."
You hold back a laugh, and roll your eyes at him instead. "Alright, look. I don't wanna be out any longer than I need to. Just order somethin' and we can take it home."
  "You're right." He says, "You don't look like a successful person. I dunno if I wanna be seen with you." His snarky comment makes you nudge him in the middle of the order line. He shoots you a furrowed brow, and you glare back. "Yo, fuck you. I'm tired." You reply with.
  "Yeah, I can tell." Shake snarks back with a smirk. It was all teasing, but lowkey, you were both being serious. You were used to Shake's asshole remarks, and he was extremely blunt when he didn't need to be. In a way, though, you almost sort of liked it.
  "Just figure out what you want, cup." You nicknamed him with your own smirk. That name went waaayy back, and by the unpleasant look on his face, he wasn't too thrilled about it.
  Shake sighs, turning his attention to the menu. There was a decent amount of things to choose from, and you had already been eyeing your favorite pastry since you got in here. Once the couple ahead of you two finished their order, you were for sure going to buy it.
"Alright, alright." Shake sighs dramatically, stepping closer to the display case. Inside, are muffins of all sorts, pastries, and sandwiches lined up to show off the menu. "Hmm. Lots to choose from . ." He stalls, humming a little. "What are you getting?" He asks, looking over his shoulder at you. You muse him with a curious smile, pointing to your favorited item in the display case. "That. Looks good, huh?"
For a moment, his eyes dance between the display case, and you, until a cheesy smirk rests on his lips. He leans forward, an eyebrow raised. "I know what else looks good, baby." He muses.
"Shuddup." You push his face away with a hand, and roll your eyes through another smile. "Just pick something."
Okay, yeah. So, deep down, maybe you sort of like it. You liked the way he treated you, acting like you were the hottest piece of body in this town. If you weren't around, sometimes his texts and calls got a little . . desperate, and clingy—? But, regardless of his toxic nature, you sort of couldn't help yourself but to like him, too. It was sort of cute how flustered and on-edge you could make him with just the right look. Clearly, he was very inexperienced with women, and dating.
Even when you were in a relationship with your shitty ex, there was always something sort of there with Shake. You never cheated, but now that you're finally away from that asshole, Shake was starting to look a little more interesting.
Bad decisions, fun nights out, it would either all start to look up for you, or go really downhill.
  "Please, you're so into me, its disgusting." His lips curl into a twisted smirk, only making your face start to flush out of embarrassment. It was the fact that you two were in a small line, in a mellow cafe, that flustered you.
"Aw, if only." You smile in return, brushing off the tension beside you.
  "How can I help you?"
You both turn to the girl at the counter, and you smile. Shake does an extra glance to her, not so subtly.
"We'll take two of the pastries. One coffee, too." You decided that ordering for both of you would have just been easier. Shake tried to intervene, but you only elbow him in the side again. "Shoulda been quicker to figure out what you wanted."
"I was distracted. I could have picked something, if it weren't for you." He defends.
"I'll have it ready for you in just a minuet." The counter girl nods along to the order, typing it all into the computer. You nod, and sit down at one of the benches in the corner of the shop, Shake following. The atmosphere was clean and bright. Lots of plants surrounded the empty spaces of the room, and not many tables were taken.
"So . . what happened with you and that guy?" He was quick to break the ice, and very blunt about it. A puff of air releases from your lips, and you feel the way your shoulders slump at the thought.
"He kicked me out." You put it not so lightly. "Found out he was cheating on me, and threw all of my shit out on the lawn." Your face softens. Yeah, it hurt. But, you should have known this would happen. You've just been ignoring all the signs for months.
"Oh." His eyes drift down to the table, then back to your face. "So, how are you gonna get back at him for it?"
Your brow furrows slightly, head tilted. "What do you mean?"
"What don't you get about the question?" He asks, snorting. "How are you gonna teach that asshole a lesson? He obviously needs to learn one."
  Your eyes drift down to your hands that rest on the table. Was there really a need for revenge?
What were you thinking, of course there was.
He needed to see you with a guy. It would piss him off, and make his new girl jealous for him being so caught up in you.
Your gaze drifted back up to shake, a little simper crawling to your features.
And you knew just the guy to do the job.
With a quick movement, your hand nudges his. "I think I have an idea." You smile.
and if ya dont mind leavin some comments, that'd be cool too !
thanks for reading <3
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grrlsquest2007 · 3 months
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Hot alien grrrl yuri
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jessebutchman · 1 year
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drawings i made right now is it cute?
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marbee-doll · 2 years
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fort asshole ambassador
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broth4gamer · 3 months
I drew master shake!
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abasketofnothing · 8 hours
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i still dont want to talk about it
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dailygoatse · 5 months
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ijudgeyoursexymen · 2 years
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pornosophical · 1 year
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hellyesadultswim · 2 years
ATHF: AquaDonk Side Pieces
Ten NEW ATHF shorts you can watch free on Youtube.
The Broodwich is back! (Sort of)
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Nandor the Relentless
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