the-king-of-lemons · 2 years
“im new to tumblr from mcyttwt what do i need to do :(”
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seriously dont fucking crosstag its a whole separate community
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pixelfun20 · 2 years
A compilation of Twitter users freaking out over Tumblr
Because their Puritanism and inability to curate their own experience is about as funny as it is sad.
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^In reference to not being able to mass qtwt someone
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bonesandthebees · 2 years
Ok seriously protip to newcomers trying to learn tumblr culture: just sit and watch for a while. Follow some blogs that look interesting, and take some days or even weeks to just see how people interact on your dash. Reblog posts but don’t make any of your own until you get an idea of how things work. That’s how I did it in 2014. You can learn a lot by just observing how things work around here. No one here is looking to get followers this isn’t a place for clout it’s just a place to hang out in a community and vibe
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cactuupng · 6 months
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birthday art for mumbo because I am cringe
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lateematcha · 2 years
simple doodle :o
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surely noone dies at the end of this one heehee
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paradoxlemonade · 11 months
My personal advice for mcyttwitter refugees looking to break into the fandom scene is to make surveys. For some fucking reason this fandom goes nuts for data analysis. No I cannot explain this
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piningpebbles · 2 years
mcyttwt users: use tag filtering
oh also mcyttwt users make sure to take advantage of the blocked/filtered tags feature. this is in your settings, and you can block crit, neg, or any triggers you just don’t want to see on your dashboard, and it’ll filter the post for you. this is completely private and only helps to make your tumblr experience better.
MAKE SURE NOT TO CENSOR THESE WHEN YOU’RE BLOCKING THE TAG. the blocked tag feature will block these tags EXACTLY and not things similar to them (for instance if you block #self h/rm, it won’t block posts tagged with #self harm.)
so, if you really want to make sure you don’t see anything on a particular subject you’ll also want to block all variations of a tag. this can mean if you want to block #self harm, you should block: #self harm, #self harm tw, #tw self harm, #self harm cw, #cw self harm, #// self harm, #self harm //, #tw sh, #cw sh, etc.
i know it’s tedious, but it’s worth it to take a little time and filter out what you need to. and there’s no shame to what you block. crit of a character you like? go ahead. a ship you just don’t want to see? knock yourself out.
oftentimes, if someone didn’t tag something (trigger/content warning wise) that you think should be, you can ask them to tag it and they most likely will (be polite!) but if you go to a blog centered around a certain character, and ask them to tag any mention of that character, they may just decline and that’s okay! just scroll past their content or even block them entirely if you don’t want to interact with them.
i think twitter has different social ideas around blocking, but here you can block anyone for just about anything and no one really gives a shit. block someone for making takes you don’t like, block someone for filling maintags with unrelated content, most times people block others they haven’t even interacted with, and it’s fine.
block what you need to, reblog content you like (especially from artists), change your profile picture from the default ones, write in the tags, DON’T put mcyt posts in the #minecraft of #mineblr tags, and you’ll be just fine.
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evil-bpd · 2 years
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this is why i need yall mcyttwt ppl to stay away from mcytblr because yall will just ruin our ecosystems... ooo cbeeduo in gay love they kiss
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go-learn-esperanto · 2 years
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octoberended · 8 months
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strifesolution · 2 years
yeah mcyttwt we totally share leeks all the times. passing all my followers one of these bad boys.
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In light of not only fans but ccs as well jumping ship and joining tumblr, I'd like to remind them that this is a fandom space first, social media second. This means you will find stuff that you find cringe and/or makes you uncomfortable. That's fine! Happens to the best of us. However, this is the website for cringe uncomfortable fandom stuff, so do not dwell too much over it and please do not make call out posts or stuff like that. Just block people and curate your own experience. You do not walk into a circus then get upset when there are clowns there.
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bonesandthebees · 2 years
the neurodivergent truthing of cc's on twitter is getting soooooo weird. like I get it you wanna see yourself represented but also these aren't fictional characters these cc's are real people and you don't know them personally. would you go up to a stranger on the street and say "I think you have ADHD" ? no you wouldn't! that's not saying that having autism or ADHD is a bad thing because it's not, but it's just a very weirdly invasive thing to try and diagnose someone you don't know.
cc's aren't your friends but they're also not fictional characters. if you wanna make jokes like that about cc's keep it to your private gcs not everything needs to be blasted on twitter dot com
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giinity · 6 months
rereading mangoball is soul healing i am being so fr rn like holy shit it’s like looking at a time capsule of 2020 mcyt stan twt and every post is so fucking funny
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hualian-blessing · 2 years
tw// grooming allegations
about the dream allegations? im sorry but i cant fully believe amanduh's case because she has so many holes in her story to the point that she's also destroying her own case as well. i had a talk with my friend who was groomed for years and they told me what a victim usually acted when sharing their story.
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i cant say if the victims should act like that all the time when exposing someone for grooming but it was really sus that she wasn't, uh how should i say this, emotional i guess???
(edit: i phrased that so bad but what im trying to say is that everyone has a different reactions to grooming but from amanduh's video, (i showed it to my friend after so that they'll the one who will judge her instead of me) both my friend and i noticed how she doesn't really put her heart into it in a sense? it's along that line technically but still not all victims have the same reaction as my friend.)
other than that, a lot of people were pointing out how the math ain't mathing with the story.
first, she said that she was turning 18 when dream texted her and allegedly started sexting her but in one of her tweets, she said that she just turned 17 last year. which is really confusing and downright idiotic if she lied about her age.
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second, she said that she was with her boyfriend during the years 2020 to 2021 thus she stopped texting dream at that time range. but here's what confused me, she herself said that her and her boyfriend met at april 2022 tho??? someone might ask "but bella, this boyfriend might be the different one!!!" no, she didn't have an ex. she could have explicitly said "ex", "ex boyfriend" or "current boyfriend at that time" and her boyfriend confirmed that he was already with her when the dream situation happened.
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third, she was still following dream up until today when people noticed that she made that post but still kept up to date with his life happenings in twitter. in fact, she was defending and liking posts about dream's face reveal no less than a week and few days ago. if she was a victim of his grooming, shouldn't she unfollowed and blocked him in all of his social media platforms??? make it make sense. (photos aren't mine, i forgot who the user is because of the sheer idiocy i witnessed).
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fourth, she tried to get keemstar of all people to cover her case instead of going to literal lawyers if she wanted everyone to hear her and the "victims" voices. if she really want to make a credible case, she should hold her cards close to her chest instead of showcasing the evidences in the internet before she could even take legal actions against dream. it's literally the best and most logical action she could have done instead of this.
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fifth, she already has a record of being...weird online?? like this photo for example is literally just crazy for me to read...i literally can't take face value if she's like this.
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i also saw people how the first girl before amanduh already admitted that her claims were fake and i wont be surprised if this one is fake as well. look im not a die hard fan or a stan of dream but i do watch his content and my friend (from earlier) does so as well, and they're downright pissed at this situation because these girls might have destroyed the chances for actual victims of grooming to speak up about their own situations. all for what? clout? it disgusted me and my friend to see people using this serious matter for something so cruel and malicious. i used to believe on the "believe the victim first and foremost" but after the amber heard case and then this, i would be more on "listen and criticize if the victim's claims are true".
to the girls who made these claims and proven to be false, i hope you have a fun time in hell after all of this.
but if it was ever proven that dream literally did it, then i'll retract my statement and remove myself from the internet to reflect.
either way, only time will tell and i hope everything clears up.
edit: no way is amanda fr rn. cuz holy fuck the story is so messy right now, first with avril then anna. and i saw accounts saying amanda did the same thing to sapnap, bad, skeppy and boomer before and im like wtf is going on???
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