#me: purposely gives Raph an 80s style R for his R.A.P.H. schtick
applecherry108 · 1 year
Will there be a bad guy or any threats to the turtles in genera, like I don't know... Bishop or the krang
Oroku saki with an evil look on his face 👀👀
Love your work ❤️❤️❤️
N….not really? 😅😅😅 The closest my au gets is the Foot Clan and even then, once they realize their Beloved Son is a Hamato, they go about dismantling the dark armor real fast. And without the Evil™️ in their organization, they have no need to free the krang…
And since Draxum has a New Found Appreciation for humans since, you know, his son is genetically human, he sorta….abandons the whole mutagen thing, so none of the mutant villains are present…
Even the Battle Nexus is transformed into a more Ninja Warrior-esque competition…
Honestly, it’s all just interpersonal drama. It’s a lot of custody battles and divorcees getting back together lmao
The biggest villain of this au is Loneliness and Guilt.
Anyways, check out these designs.
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