sm-baby · 2 months
Piece by Piece - Mei-lyn endings
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Poll's going GREAT, guys
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queerskiies · 5 months
Mei-Lyn (one of @sm-baby ‘s sonas!)
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I love her she’s so goofy
(It’s not my best colouring job but oh well)
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rabid-mercenary16 · 4 months
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The queen is awful and so I thought this was funny
Piece to peace
@sm-baby characters
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an-albino-pinetree · 4 months
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I’m sorry sdvfgfgjh
I didn’t do the meilyn doodle btw, that’s Mush’s art -v-
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leafryoworks · 2 months
Have some Lawfully Courted Shipping drawings , @sm-baby !
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You better see this .
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sorascribbless · 2 months
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Have these Mei-Lyn doodles i made in statistics
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yanako-san · 2 months
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Weiss x Mei-lyn
They should date in library or make out there or whatever that can make them banter in lawyer way.
Characters belongs to @sm-baby
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quin-onyxx · 4 months
Meet me and my Sona in the Chess AU
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(@sm-baby 's AU)
Meet Bishop Lia!
She is the Bishop and is the 7 of Spades.
Living in the Spade kingdom, His family had her work with the king and maybe move his way up the kingdom's hierarchy. She instead goofs around and made friends with the Rook.
(Ask questions about him to add more of her stuff here)
Meet Rook Dominiq!
He is the Rook and is the 9 of Diamonds.
Serving the Diamond King as his close guard, next to the King's favorite Knight. He does plot the Knights death somehow to finally promote himself to a higher level in his army. He meets Lia along the way and treats her like a little sibling, Even if he has to clean his mess half the time.
(Ask questions about him to add more stuff here)
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dinoace2 · 26 days
Short story featuring @sm-baby's Piece by Piece world, Prosecutor Weiss and my oc, Kay.
Right after the court battle.
A/N: this idea has just been bouncing around for a minute and I wanted to indulge my own writing :] it's only like 300 or so words
The case had ended.
The jury placed their verdict.
Hushed chatter echoed in the courtroom as the defending lawyer held her head in defeat.
Weiss put on his hat and made his way toward the door.
As he exited, the guard at the door cleared her throat.
He kept his head down, hoping to avoid exess conflict.
He sighed. "...yes, captain?"
Kay frowned. "I won't try to convince you of anything. It would be out of place for me to have done such anyway." She sighed. "Please...do not pass judgement on Lady Lyn for what has happened today. She's defending a guilty cause...but not by choice. She doesn't want to be involved in this. None of us do, really."
She shook her head. "Please, don't misunderstand. I'm not asking you to pity her." She let out a sad chuckle, half-smiling. "She'd probably kill me if that were the case. Matter of fact, if she found out I was saying any of this, she'd ignore me for weeks." She smiled a bit more. "Lyn is the strongest woman I've ever met."
Weiss raised an eyebrow. "Is that so? A knight, one of the kingdom's captains, no less, commending the strength of a pawn? I'm impressed."
Kay nodded. "I mean it, though, truly. She fought, tooth and nail, worked her way up from nothing, to get to where she is. We met when we were children....and even then, she was just as determined and strong as she is now. To call it admirable is a severe understatement."
She sighed. "I dont wish to waste any more time. But you're a respectable man, and I'm sure you know innocence and insight when you see it. All I hope to ask..."
She looked at the pawn still knelt on the court floor.
"Please, don't hate her for what she's been forced to defend."
Weiss looked at the captain, back to his opponent, then simply let out a thoughtful hum as he walked out the door.
"We shall see."
Thanks for reading! :]
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thereiswasabi · 2 months
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They having a heist on a King :³
Amazing "Piece by Piece" by @sm-baby
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eros-agape-art · 2 months
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Finally made a Piece by Piece OC, this is Evallynn. She would like you to know it's pronounced [ee-va-line] though.
She is 15 and just randomly appears in the castle when she wants. No one knows where she comes from or how she even gets past the guards, but it's not like they can find her when she doesn't want to be found. She likes to pester people with questions, and sees the King as an uncle weirdly enough.
She tends to appear when Mei-lyn is not around, during meals, and when she has questions she thinks only the King can answer. She's a pretty good judge of character and doesn't really like the Queen. She figures the King hides things too but isn't worried about it.
Piece by Piece is by @sm-baby
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sm-baby · 2 months
Piece By Piece - Mei-lyn Doodles (and Weiss)
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Weiss goes to interrogate Mei-lyn and in the span of a second, suddenly HE's on the interrogation table, Mei-lyn's flashing a light on his face, slamming the table and going "WHERE WERE YOU ON THE NIGHT OF JANUARY 30th"
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blazingpeter · 4 months
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@sm-baby I love her, she's so cute!
If I found her in my ice cream I would eat her in one bite.
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acethatlovesdinos · 4 months
I've been really obsessed with @sm-baby's super cool card-chess-kingdom thing? The one with Mei-lyn the jester lol. Anyway I've made a character for it!
Kay is one of the Knights for the white kingdom
Also yes the Knight is a horse-satyr thing (because I said so) leave me alone
As a pawn she was an enthusiastic kid with big dreams, and she fought tooth and nail to pull herself up to where she is now.
She is very tired
She politely declines the whorish King's requests for "pony rides" (but she swears to God if he asks one more time she's not gonna be very polite about it)
I think she'd be chill with Mei-Lyn, maybe they'd go out for drinks together after work sometimes (platonically)
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Also hiii I hope u like it sm-baby, I love ur work :>
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leafryoworks · 2 months
Wine & Whisky
Piece by Piece by :@sm-baby .
I originally write this because I have a thought . Although there isn't many information about Mr Weiss , I wrote this based on my own interpretation on him last night . Mei-Lyn appearance is in here too .
Words : 1623
Happy reading !
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Another job well done if he has to say so himself .
Another life he has been brought to justice in court against the king and his little defendant .
Mei-Lyn .
A jester and an advisor , a two package deal . He almost didn’t recognize her with the way she pitched her voice when she was being the jester . 
He almost felt bad .
Almost .
If she hasn’t been silencing all the other women that had been injusticed in this lifetime because of the king’s actions .
But that doesn’t matter , he wouldn’t need to see that little pawn anymore when he’s walking into the old bar of town to down some whiskey on his throat .
Spoke too soon .
It could be any regular pawn he’s looking at sitting down on that very stool . It could also be a coincidence that a pawn would wear that very dress . But the way she sits and brings herself up…
Mei-Lyn ?
No , it can’t be . But when the pawn opens her pretty mouth to ask for some wine , her voice already confirms her identity .
…weeeeell ,this is awkward . It’s one thing to obliterate her on court with evidence but the court was his habitat . This bar isn’t .
He can sense that this place is her natural habitat . 
…nope , just don’t appear in her line of vision . Just blend in the shadows . His coat should help . Don’t make eye contact . Plus , she seems inebriated a bit so another plus .
The dark corner of the bar seems well suited enough for him to reside . It didn’t take long for a waiter to take his order . Plus , he can actually take an eye on her without being obvious .
…dang it , he can’t believe this . He’s stalking a lady ! What would his mother say ?! 
It’s one thing to follow her to the castle but to a bar that feels more personal ?!!
Wait , no . This is just a coincidence . A coincidence that he happens to be here . Besides , he doesn’t have anything else to look at that seems interesting in the bar so it isn’t that bad if he’s resting his eyes on her , right ?
The little pawn on the stool seems to slouch a bit more and the most interesting thing happens . He heard a giggle . It was a small one but he caught it .
And then there was another and another . It was so loud , how come the other patrons aren't hearing this ? This , this soft giggling pawn that’s drinking her sorrows away ?
This miniscule pawn that tried to defend the king and show the papers to the judge before clumsily losing them in her small hands ? This meek pawn that tried to have a say when he cut her words so easily with the truth ? This tiny pawn that he can so easily throw out the window by a simple yank ? Thi-
“Phe hehe hee !”
This small pawn that he’s hearing her softly giggle as she fiddled a cup with her small hands ? This pawn’s voice that’s so meek that you have to kneel on her level to hear ? This small pawn that’s waist he can easily envelop with his one hand…
What is he thinking ?!!
It must be the whisky , there is no way he’s thinking properly with the alcohol in his system right now . He can’t . It’s not logical to be thinking this way right now without something tampering his brain .
He would never feel such a thing , especially at a little pawn known as Mei-Lyn .
“Whatchu doing here all alone , little miss ?”
…oh , it appears in just a quick moment he has looked away , someone already approached her . That’s not good . The guy that asked her… his vibes are off .
Like bad news kind of off .
Like he would…
He just blinks and before he knows it , he’s sitting beside her and giving a sharp glance at the guy . He knows his appearance can be intimidating to many and the guy that looked at her funny earlier quickly backed off before apologizing . 
Psh , more like a baby’s mumble actually .
Mei-Lyn however , turns around to see what caused the guy to chicken out and he can help but sweat under her eyes .
Wait , this wasn’t on the plan ! He was supposed to be sitting on his side of the bar and not interact with her right now !
The only thing his brain told him to do now is to do the right thing .
Shyly look away and hide behind his glass of whiskey .
This is embarrassing .
In court earlier , she was the one looking away from his gaze and now he is the one lowering his head from her eyes .
“Oooh , I've never seen you here before ? Are you new here ?”
…ah , she’s drunk ! Thank god for the alcohol in her system .
“Ah , oh , yes . I am very new here !”
He’s floundering , why is he floundering ?!!
“Psh , you’re lucky then . This place serves the best alcohol in town .”
He knows that , he usually investigates places he’s new at to be more prepared . Too bad there aren't any book guides on this situation .
“Been drinking here since I was at legal age , actually so I’m practically a regular and your senior here .” She gave a small wink at the end that almost caught him off guard .
“Senior , in drinking ?”
Hilarious , he can see why she can be a jester in the first place .
She gives a small hum of agreement before pouring herself a cup of wine and downing it at one go . He thought she was going to pour herself another when she actually surprised him by downing the whole bottle empty in barely a few seconds .
“...don’t you think you’ve been drinking too much ? Like too much wine ?”
He counted that there were at least more than three bottles of wine in front of her right now . How is she going to walk herself back home ?
She glances at him before giving a small pout as if she’s teasing him . 
“Aww , pretty stranger worrying over little old me ?”
He blinked before a blush started coming up to his face as he processed over what she said . Did she just ? It must be so funny as she clutched her stomach and laughed at him .
“Psheheh , oh god ! You should have seen your face ! Kidding , kidding , don’t be mad , I’m jesting ! You should have seen me during one of the King’s parties . People congratulate me as if I ran a marathon over the village .”
“Let me guess ?” He simply offered his glass out , before a waiter poured him another , feeling a bit amused by her drunken demeanor right now .“ You drank a king sized wine bottle and everyone applauded you .”
For a second , his heart felt like it stopped beating when she gave him a small smile . “ Woah , aren’t you right at the nose ? If you were a lawyer , you'd definitely win the big cases .”
He can’t help but tug on his collar a bit to breathe better right now . 
“Well , you can say that …”
Feeling a bit awkward on his stool , he took a sip out of his cup of whiskey to calm his nerves . He can’t believe he’s intermingling with her right now . He later heard a small yawn and a babble before it ended up a small thunk on the table .
Taking a look at her , he noticed that she had conked out on the table . So much for high tolerance . The lighting however highlighted her ruffled hair softly . There’s signs of it being pulled by small hands . Hands that he notices are hers . 
Hmm , must be a bad habit that she used as a coping mechanism . He gently pulled her hands out of her hair , having a bit of a feel of it despite wearing gloves .
…scoff , must be the expensive shampoo she used . That’s why it’s so soft and fluff despite being pulled down by her own actions .
“She always does that after having her 10th bottle .”
A gruff voice came out as someone he suspected as the bar owner . Old and having a little beard , the old man gives a warm smile through his eyes . 
Don’t worry , we have a little room for her when she does this .”
The old man chuckled when he looked confused at him.
“The old wife is quite fond of her so she always keeps her tucked in the guest room that we have at our side of an inn . Not too far , just beside this very oldie building . Your friend ?”
The old man pointed at her head when he realized that he’s still holding her hand earlier . How long has it been…
“We’re acquaintances at best .” He let go of her hand before dusting it off like it was nothing . 
He should go .
Downing his glass at one go and paid his bill, he already stood up when he recognized something akin to a shiver on Mei-Lyn . The night is going cold and that dress ain’t going to give much for her . Logically he doesn’t need to but a simple blink and he recognized his one hand putting his coat over her already .
…nevermind that . This night becomes one too many every time he blinks .
“Sir , please tell her to give back my coat the moment she wakes up from sleep tomorrow . Thank you .”
The old man is giving him a knowing look that’s making him feel uneasy in his boots and he wanted to run off but that would be rude right now . He simply gave a small tip of his hat before walking away . 
The night felt cold the moment he walked out the doors of the bar but for some reason…his face feels hot .
Like embarrassingly hot .
What could it be ?
Must be the whisky . 
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Everybody , please give your thoughts . I would really like to know how did I do .
Also , haha , I got a Carnival Ragatha Carnival oneshot that features a reader interacting with her that I might post if there's any people interested ?
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sorascribbless · 1 month
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Was inspired by a friend to draw more Mei Lyn (who belongs to @/sm-baby)
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