#micah bell x reader
Modern RDR2! Reacting to you calling them “Husband”
After that tiktok trend where ladies have been filming videos or taking orders and refer to their boyfriend as “husband.” Some of the fellas go into multiple categories.
Responds immediately with, “I ain’t your husband”: MICAH, Josiah, JOHN, Bill
Looks around and says, “Husband? Where?!”: Sean (as a joke), John (not as a joke).
Stares at you, waits for you to correct yourself, is happy when you don’t: Charles, ARTHUR, Javier.
Responds by calling you his wife/husband: CHARLES, HOSEA, Javier(nearly passed out tho).
Follows after you to make sure he heard it right: Javier, Dutch, Kieran, Arthur.
Gets cocky about it, starts calling himself your husband publicly: Lenny, Hosea, SEAN, EAGLE FLIES, Micah.
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cowboyfromh3ll · 7 months
Hcs for how each of the boys to react to "I'm pregnant"?
Any of them that you want to write for :)
So excited
English not my first language. Sorry
Van Der Linde Gang's Boys' Reactions To "I'm pregnant" (And Eagle Flies)
Hehehe this was so cute and also I didn't edit this ❤️
Warnings: none
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Arthur Morgan
He'd be so fucking happy
Probably in disbelief at first but oh my God he'd be overjoyed
Ask you if you're serious over and over
Once he's convinced he's gonna ask all these questions about your physical and mental wellbeing
Celebrates with you (whatever that entails wink wink)
In his elated haze he's gonna wanna ask all these questions about your future together as parents
Is aware the gang ain't the best place to raise a kid but he'll reassure you that you'll have the whole gangs support
John Marston
Oh god
Let's just say he wouldn't be the most elated parent 😭💀
He's already got Jack and now he needs to take care of another?
If this were a revelation that came earlier in the game he's gonna be very irresponsible but I feel like he wouldn't deny that the kid was his
So at that point he's sort of forced to actually give a damn about him
And believe me he'd try but he wouldn't be the best at it, would need guidance
If this came later in the game like epilogue he'd probably be WAY more happier.
Your lives are finally settled and you can afford to have a kid
He'd be the happiest and more supportive husband and dad
Still wouldn't be sure about all the ropes but he'd try
Dutch Van Der Linde
He'd be SO happy
Like genuinely he'd shower you with gifts and praise and reassurance
I feel like part of it would be a power thing for him because not only can he lead a gang, but now he can lead a family
Also some sort of weird power symbol for him. Idk how, but it is
Wouldn't let you lift a finger
Would probably keep you in his tent to rest 24/7 and only allows a few people (Grimshaw, Hosea) to see you
He's going to hope and pray it's a boy
Charles Smith
You sorta have to repeat the news to him a few times for him to fully absorb it
Literally a dream of his to start a family one day so now that he has it he's ecstatic
Probably incentive to leave the gang though, doesn't want his child growing up in that environment
Would prefer if you sit back and rest but won't hold you back if you don't want to
Javier Escuella
This is cause to celebrate
Takes you into town on a date
Offers you massages, foot rubs, hand massages
Sings to you to calm you
Holds your hair when you throw up (true love)
Buys you clothes to accomodate to your changing body
Kieran Duffy
I feel like he'd start crying
Asks to touch your belly and would speak to it
That night he'd fall asleep while holding it
Wakes up the next morning and remembers you're pregnant and his day is already off to an amazing start
Get drunk while celebrating it and he'd boast to everyone about how he's gonna be a dad
Sean Macguire
He'd say some stupid shit I already know it
Probably crack a sex joke
He's getting stupid, fucking drunk. I'm talking black out
He's probably gonna wanna celebrate if you catch my drift HAHAHA
He'd forget to be gentle sometimes out of excitement, like carrying you around and cheering
Refuses to let you do any work
In private I feel like he'd cry
Lenny Summers
He'd probably panic a bit at first
Ask all these questions about how you guys are gonna be parents and if you're even ready
Once the two of you talk through it a little more he'll calm down and his nerves turn to excitement
I'm assuming y'all would be real young so he'd seek for a lot of guidance in the others
Constantly asks you questions about what you want and need
Bill Williamson
He'd be so flustered and nervous
Probably in disbelief for a while and asks if you're serious
I wouldn't blame you for thinking he's upset with the news at first
But he just needs time to process how his life's about to change!
He becomes even more gentle with you, more than he already is
Will argue with Miss Grimshaw about letting you rest/lightening your work load
And let's be real, she would lower your work load but he'd insist it stops altogether
Micah Bell
He'd be in disbelief, but bad disbelief
That or the sleaziest reaction
I'm leaning more towards sleazy reaction
Talks about how he's gonna raise the bravest kid and he's constantly gonna reference to the kid as he because I'm convinced he wants a boy
Brags to the others
Don't get me wrong the gang's happy for you but the way Micah uses it as a point of elevation is IRRITATING
Hosea Matthews
He's the cutest like seriously
He'd be sooo happy
Probably in disbelief that he even managed to get you pregnant
I believe he'd cry, and openly, he's not ashamed! He's happy!
Announces it to the whole gang, means for celebration
Takes you on dates to buy cute little baby items ahhh
Eagle Flies
Pace around the room asking if you're for real, contemplates his entire life, curses himself for cumming inside
You'd have to calm him down and talk him through it
It'd be a super emotional moment for the two of you, eventually he'd realize he's fine with the idea of kids and he's just nervous!
Would ask his dad and a lot of tribe members for advice
Over time he'd get way more excited and bring up the topic more often
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anithesunshineoutlaw · 3 months
The Van der Linde Boys Romantic Headcanons
( Realistic, Includes: Dutch Van der Linde, Javier Escuella, Bill Williamson, Charles Smith, Lenny Summers, Micah Bell, Kieran Duffy )
Trigger Warning: Manipulation on Micah's part
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Dutch Van der Linde - Words of Affirmation/ Physical touch
• Dutch is one smooth man. He knows exactly how to hit right into your heart. And he does it well. But his honeyed words aren't the only thing charming about him. He does it unexpectedly most times, you never know when you'll have him take your hand and hold it like he's holding diamonds in his grasp. When he'll come from behind and hold you to him like you are everything he has ever wanted. When he will pull you into a slow dance and whisper sweet nothings into your ear. You never know.
He is patient though, he knows when to give you space and wait.
Javier Escuella - Words of Affirmation/ Physical touch, Acts of service
• Javier can basically be described as golden. While he is far from perfect, he emphasizes his good qualities so much, it's hard to see him as anything but the best. If he loves you, he will show it. He will shower you in compliments and treat you like the most precious gem on the Earth. While he would love showering you in affectionate nicknames and all that, he wouldn't go too fast. He takes things slow, takes his time winning you over. There are times he acts completely casual with you and then suddenly, he's treating you like royalty and placing a kiss on your hand as he rambles about how wonderful you are. It's a bit confusing sometimes.
Anyways, when he's calmer, he has other ways to show his love for you. Like sharing your work, he takes the hard part, you get the easy one. And for every mission he can, it's always like that. It's his way of showing his will to care for you and the ability to mutually grow together in the future.
Bill Williamson - Acts of service/ Quality time
• Bill is a little confused when it comes to romance. Frankly, he doesn't know how to act. He's trying, he really is but he's not good at it. He believes he has to proof himself to you so the only way he knows how to woo you is by taking care of things for you. He constantly works and does your job in order to get your attention. He will never admit he is searching for it and even if he receives your attention, he'll act as if he doesn't want it. But he does, if you acknowledge his efforts, it would keep him awake at night for the whole week.
He's very reclusive in a way but he tries to spend time with you without being obvious, he acts like it's all casual and friendly hangout but it means a lot more to him than that.
Charles Smith - Physical touch/ Acts of service
• Charles isn't very open about his affection. Not that he denies it but he doesn't talk about it often. So besides admiring you from afar, his way of revealing his care is by subtle touches. Holding your waist when passing by you, brushing his hand slightly against yours while you walk together, tucking a loose strand of your hair behind your ear, you name it. He doesn't comment on his actions but it's often you see him smile slightly when he gets to interact with you. He's of course very careful and he would immediately stop if he notices it bothers you.
Another way he likes to show his love for you is by taking care of your work for you. He'll often take on your chores, help you with a mission or even offer to take your place for a task so you get to rest. It's his way of showing he values you.
Lenny Summers - Quality time
• Lenny's way of courting is most out of all spending time together. He would take every chance to see you and get into a conversation with you. He's a good listener and an even better charmer. His confidence and intelligent insight show off what he could offer to you but he also makes sure to express tenderness and vulnerability as to present himself the way he fully is and the way he hopes for you to accept him in the future. He wants to show he's always going to be upfront with you and that if it comes to it, he wouldn't shy away from fixing his flaws and working on himself. For you both.
He doesn't overwhelm you with compliments but he doesn't miss the chance to share his thoughts on everything he admires about you either. He would share what he sees in you but there's never pressure for you to reciprocate those feelings. You could brush him off and he would respect it just as he respects you.
Micah Bell - Words of affirmation/ "Acts of service"
• Micah as terrible as he is, knows how to play his cards right. He is manipulative and observant, if he wants you, he will use your deepest desire to get to you. So, of course his main love language would be words of affirmation. Lying is practically his second nature, he can easily envelope flattery with qualities you like and by the end of it, he would hope he'll have you wrapped around his finger.
However if that doesn't work, he has other ways. Such as acts of service. Make no mistake though, he won't actually help you. Not with anything important. He'll either do something himself and expect a reward from it because he did it for you or he'll actually help you with a minor inconvenience and expect to be treated as your hero. Nothing in between.
Kieran Duffy - Quality time/ Words of affirmation
• Kieran isn't exactly the most bold with his approach yet at the same time he wants to express his love for you somehow. So as nervous as he may feel, he would share just how perfect you are to him. In a slightly childish way, but he means well. He would trust you so he would hang around you the most. Sometimes it's like you are being followed by a lost puppy but really, he just likes your company and he wants to enjoy it as long as possible.
He would admittedly be a little awkward sometimes as he would try to probably impress you in some way. He seems the type to get into his crush's interests so he would most definitely try a hobby you enjoy for himself. He may not like it but he would still show interest towards your feelings about it. He likes listening to you ramble so he often ends up staying quiet and staring at you with a certain lovestruck gaze. Before of course hurriedly replaying once it's his turn to speak.
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spongeyspot · 6 months
Toxic Traits/Red Flags HC
Characters: Arthur, Javier, John, Lenny, Dutch, Micah, Charles, Sean, Hosea, Mary Beth, Abigail, Tilly, Karen, Sadie, Molly
(A/N): WE WERE JUST TALKING ABOUT THIS DAWG. I LOVED @cowboyfromh3ll 's take on that shit sm and these hcs have literally been swimming in my head for weeeeeeeeks bro
Edit: some of these were kinda hard because there's not a lot of bad in the characters themselves... I had trouble with specifically Charles, Lenny, Mary Beth, and Tilly. Sorry if they may be OOC. IM EVEN DOING THE GIRLS BECAUSE IM IN A SILLY GOOFY MOOD
Content Warning: female reader, jealousy, self hate, narcissism, gaslighting, physical abuse, verbal abuse, mental abuse, mentions of murder and violence, mentions of infidelity, mentions of sex (Sean, Micah, Sadie kind of) (MINORS DNI)
Not edited btw
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The boys
Arthur Morgan
- Honestly, I feel like Arthur would have this insane, crippling fear of rejection, especially when it comes to dating. - His self hate/deprecation plays a huge part in this, and quite honestly, him and Mary not working out probably also probably contributed to it. - Very emotionally distant. Has a hard time expressing his feelings openly due to that same fear of rejection.🚩 - Bottles shit up until he feels like he's gonna explode 🚩 - His impulse control is almost nonexistent 🚩 - Will resort to saying things that he doesn't even mean. He just says things when he's angry🚩 - Will hate himself even more if he makes you cry - Won't hesitate to run away from camp for a while to cool off. This isn't necessarily a bad thing per se, but he usually takes his time away to overthink the fuck out of everything - Prone to acting violent. (not to someone he cared about, but to other people, absolutely)Also due to his poor impulse control. 🚩
Javier Escuella
- Has a flirty personality, but around women, it just seems to get worse. 🚩 - Tells you you're overreacting if you tell him it bothers you🚩 - Overprotective of you. Always has his eyes on you, and practically orders you to stay in camp where it's safe. - As if you step one foot outside the camp without him, you'll spontaneously drop dead - Jealous asf. Are you laughing at what Bill just said? It wasn't even that funny. Why are you standing so close to him? You should be at least 6 feet away from him, not 5 and a half. 🚩 - Also has a problem with how you dress sometimes. God forbid your shirt is ever low cut. He'd probably ask you to change. 🚩 - And if you get offended or upset, he'll lie and tell you it's because he can't stop staring at your chest, and he'd like to focus of whatever it was he was doing.🚩
John Marston
- Stubborn as all hell. Doesn't listen to anybody for anything.🚩 - Commitment issues up the ass - Says mean things out of anger and sometimes actually means them 🚩 - Won't apologize half the time. He thinks kissing it better actually makes it better 🚩 - Regularly ignores his own bad habits instead of actually facing them 🚩 - Will run away from problems like Arthur, but worse. He'd be gone a really long time.🚩 - Gets annoyed with you if you get angry at him for leaving and staying away for a while. He told you he needed space, didn't he? What else do you need from him?? 🚩 - Ignorantly clueless half the time. Head empty, no thoughts.
Lenny Summers
- Not assertive in the slightest, and usually, respectfully, keeps to himself. -Takes orders without verbal complaints but inside he's annoyed as fuck 🚩 - Even if he hates doing something he'll probably just go "Okay" and do it anyway, and he'll sulk all day afterwards - Refuses to tell you what's wrong because he thinks he'll sound childish.🚩 - If you push the issue, he might snap at you out of annoyance like "Would you just let it be??" - Immediately feels guilty and shameful, and he'll hide away until he's ready to apologize and face you again - Also kind of a know-it-all... He'll correct you a LOT. It would get annoying 🚩 - Would blatantly tell you you're wrong before correcting you🚩 - Not necessarily an asshole about it but he still tends to get under your skin sometimes
Dutch Van Der Linde
- The BIGGEST Narcissist you'll ever meet.🚩 -He loses another piece of his mental state with every breath he takes. Slowly but surely losing his mind.🚩 - King of gaslighting🚩 - How could you even think that about him? He could never do anything wrong! You must be crazy...🚩 - Tries to recite his "pretty words" from Evelyn Miller to try and sound smarter than he actually is 🚩 - Expects you to just feed his ego without him actually doing anything to earn it🚩 - Will try to correct you even when he's wrong🚩 - Refuses to admit he's wrong. He can never be wrong. That word isn't even in his vocabulary unless he's talking about literally anyone but himself🚩
Micah Bell
- Where do I even start with this guy - Not above putting his hands on you if he doesn't get his way. Let's be honest here.🚩 - Mega Narccisist, almost as bad as Dutch 🚩 - Will brag and share every sexual encounter you've ever had with him like he's talking about the weather🚩 - VERY prone to Violence 🚩 - NO impulse control. Murders people for fun.🚩 - Backhanded and borderline abusive compliments 24/7 "You'd look so good if you weren't so fucking fat..." 🚩 - Selfish lover. Thinks just sticking it in will do the trick, and it does, for him at least.🚩 - Little to no affection. What are you? His girlfriend? Wait...🚩 -If he actually does show you affection, and you react in surprise, he'll tell you to go fuck yourself, and that that's the last time he ever does anything nice for you.🚩
Charles Smith
- Impossible to read sometimes - Like Arthur, Charles tends to keep a lot of his emotions bottled up until he feels like he's gonna pop 🚩 - Like most of the men in the Van Der Linde gang, Charles is also prone to acting violently. I mean, he started a bar fight with a fucking chair, and he fights in street fighting rings, let's be real for a second.🚩 - He's incredibly quiet and reserved a lot of the time, and sometimes you just assume that he's listening to you when you talk, but a lot of the time, he's lost in his own thoughts. - Will do everything anyone asks him to at the expense of his own free time and energy, and sometimes he works himself to exhaustion just to try and please everyone.🚩 - In doing so, he sometimes doesn't have time for himself at the end of the day. It also seems like you spend time together less and less as the days go on. - If he ever got himself hurt and you tried to help him, he'd decline any help with anything to save his own pride. The last thing he needs is you thinking he's weak. 🚩 - Extremely Overprotective. Like to the point where he'd beat the shit out of anybody you asked him to🚩
Sean Macguire
- An Alcoholic🚩 - horny 99% of the time, but half that time he probably has whiskey dick. Still asks you to try but doesn't understand that it's like trying to play pool with a rope... - If he can manage to be sober enough to actually get it up, and you're not in the mood, he'd get pissy and annoyed with you for "wasting his boner" 🚩 - Will probably also brag about having sex with you to everyone🚩 - Needy as all hell - Bro sulks on purpose - Low key loves the attention you give him when you continue to ask him what's wrong, but he never actually tells you and constantly says "I'm fine..." or "It's nothing..." 🚩 - But then sighs dramatically and continues sulking and dragging his feet so you keep giving him more attention 🚩
Hosea Matthews
- Ignores his physical health until he's practically dying. You've told him to get that cough looked at for literal years and he just says "I will" and does nothing 🚩 - sometimes talks to you as if you're a child especially if he's around Dutch -low key gaslights you sometimes 🚩 - and he says it with such a gentle tone, its hard to catch it 🚩
The girls
Mary Beth Gaskill
- Daydreams way too much - Likes to live in her romance novel fantasy land rather than face reality 🚩 - Cries a lot - Tries to be angry but can't help but cry instead - If crying makes you feel bad for her, she'll probably do it on purpose so you comfort her and give her attention🚩 -If you're in a fight, she'll turn on the crocodile tears to get you to stop being angry with her or whatever it is you're arguing about.🚩
Abigail Roberts
- She can be verbally abusive if she's pushed far enough 🚩 - Holds in a lot of her emotions🚩 - Neglectful of her own personal needs to make sure you or Jack are fully provided or cared for🚩 - a lot of the time, when she's upset with you, you're probably given the cold shoulder and the silent treatment - incredibly protective. Not necessarily a bad thing, but she can sometimes be super overbearing.
Tilly Jackson
- Tells it how she sees it, sometimes accidentally sounding a lot colder than she means to 🚩 - Too sarcastic for her own good 🚩 - Laughs a little too much sometimes when you tell a joke, and you can often tell it's actually incredibly fake🚩 - gets irritated really easily, especially if she's bothered while doing her chores. The last thing she needs is Grimshaw on her ass again.🚩 - irritable a lot of the time, unintentionally becoming short or snapping at you - like john, she also believes that kissing it better is better than actually apologizing
Karen Jones
- An alcoholic 🚩 - picks fights with you for fun, finds it entertaining to see how red your face can get from anger 🚩 - Screaming matches are a regular occurance between you guys, and she starts it almost every time 🚩 - Pretty jealous when it comes to the opposite sex🚩 - Has self doubt and believes that she can't give you everything a man probably could
Sadie Adler
- The nosiest woman in America. No chill. She reads everyone's mail. - Makes a lot of loose threats 🚩 - Anger issues🚩 - Low impulse control🚩 - Can be a little too rough sometimes 🚩 - If she's upset with you, she'll either yell or storm off. Sometimes both. 🚩 -(She tends to walk away a lot more often because she's actuall self aware that her anger issues are a problem) - She'd never admit that to you though.
Molly O'Shea
- Even more jealous than Javier🚩 - Glares at and envies anyone you talk to that isn't her🚩 - Has immaginary conversations with people in her head🚩 - Rubbing her hands together when the real life conversations are following the script she had planned out in her brain - Needs constant reassurance - "D'you even love me anymore?!"🚩 - Overthinks everything 🚩 - Paranoid as hell about infidelity - Gets mad at you when she dreams about you cheating on her🚩
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allzelemonz · 8 months
Dare: The Van der Linde Boys X Male Reader
(Arthur Morgan, Charles Smith, Bill Williamson, Micah Bell, Sean MacGuire, Javier Esquella)
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Fictober Prompt: Day 17, Multi Pronouns: he/him, Reader referred to as ‘fella’ and ‘man’, heavy masculine implication Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: (have you ever been in a men’s locker room and things got a little weird), smut, background relationships, masturbation, hand jobs, kissing, oral sex, blow jobs, dirty talk, facial, cum swallowing, Micah being an asshole, flirting, casual sex, everyone is gay but especially Bill Summary: Drunk Sean wanting to get off prompts a dare to jerk off and last longer than anyone else at the fire. Gay chaos of a sort ensues.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” Arthur nearly shrieks, his head turning away from a much drunker Sean.
“Oh, come on now, Englishman.” Sean giggles. “We’re all men here, ain’t no trouble at all, is it?”
His hand palms at the bulge in his pants. A bulge that has only now been noticed and has the rest of camp’s attention. Bill fixes his eyes for a few seconds before he looks away, shifting his legs nervously. You try to look almost anywhere else.
Sean grins. “Ya know what, fellas, I bet you I can get myself off ‘fore any a’ you.”
Micah scoffs. “We all heard yer whore goin’ off ‘bout how ya can’t last, cowpoke.”
Sean hisses, stilling his hand. “Fine, then I bet I can ‘least outlast a greasy arse of man like you.”
“What?” Javier grimaces. “You want us all to sit here with our dicks out?”
“Embarrassed, Mister Escuella?” Sean laughs, giving him wavy eyebrows.
“We’re not all gonna jerk off in front of each other.” You mutter. “That’s insane.”
Sean sits up, putting a falsely offended hand over his chest. “That ain’t fair, big man.” A grin grows over his face. “What if I dared all a’ ya?”
“A dare?” Charles mutters.
Sean proudly puts his hand over his bulge. “I dare each a ya ta last longer than the legend Sean MacGuire. An’ whoever lasts longest, I’ll give ya my share a’ the job.”
The men around the fire shuffle, some hiding their own erections, others simply uncomfortable. It’s just a handful of the young men here, sent out for a train job. Arthur stares into the fire, as does Charles, Bill glances all around as he tries not to look at anyone at all, Micah and Javier seem more insulted than anyone. A dare is an odd thing, often able to make a man do things he never would, stupid things at that. And one like this, as odd as it is, is almost a challenge to each one of your own masculinity. Everything about dicks is.
You assume that’s why it’s Micah that starts unfastening his pants first. “Fine.” He mutters.
And Javier follows, wordless. Then Bill, fumbling quickly. Sean flicks his eyes between the rest of you as he fishes himself out. You admit, confident in your manhood or not, a dare is a dare so you pull your dick out as well. Arthur grumbles something to himself, doing the same. Charles is the last, seemingly embarrassed and likely thankful that his complexion hides most of the heat in his cheeks unlike most of you.
“Alright.” Sean says proudly. “Everybody gives a good effort, whatever ya like, long as ya don’t stop. Huh?”
Nods follow, each man showing their nerves in little bits and averting their eyes as much as they can. Plenty of you have been naked in front of each other or just caught glimpses during a piss break, but it’s much odder with this context to see each other’s dicks in hand.
“Count a’ three then.” Sean grins. “One! Two…! Three!”
You lick your hand and wrap your fingers around yourself, focusing down on that sight as opposed to anyone else. You flick your wrist loosely, moving slow and trying to ignore how the shivers spread over you. If you were alone it wouldn’t be much stimulation, but knowing you’re surrounded by six other men makes it just a little more exciting.
When you chance a glance up you find shamelessly wandering eyes and slow strokes all around. Arthur’s face is flushed red as his eyes stare around, the most shame anyone has. Sean lets noise spill from him easily, his hand the first to move faster. He doesn’t last long past that, Micah laughing at him as he releases.
“Shit…” Sean sighs, staring down at the mess of his pants.
Some of the other men still, looking at the loser of the little competition.
“Well don’t stop on my account.” Sean says with a smile. “Winner gets my share a’ the job, remember?”
The slow strokes continue.
Sean looks around for a moment before you see a grin spread over his face as he tucks himself away. “‘a course, that don’t mean I can’t play favorites.”
“The hell’s that mean?” Bill mutters.
Sean stands, slowly making his way over to Micah. “Ain’t like ya need the money, do ya?”
Micah eyes the Irishman warrily, but makes no move to stop him from dropping to his knees. Sean shocks everyone around the fire when he takes Micah in his mouth. Micah hisses, moving his hand out of Sean’s way and into his tangled red hair. Bill gasps next to you, his eyes fixed on the sight. You look away, the thought of Sean’s share of money paying for a nicer saddle or something keeping you restrained. Micah caves, gripping Sean’s hair and fucking into his mouth until he releases.
Sean coughs and splutters, swallowing most of the cum before he can pull himself away. “Least…” Sean spits. “Least  you ain’t winnin’, ya lousy arse. When’s the last time ya wash that little thing a’ yours anyway?”
Micah scowls at him, tucking himself away. “You wanna play rough, MacGuire, fine.”
It’s like a cloud of hated lust washes the sense from everyone, both Micah and Sean moving to a target they don’t want winning.
As Arthur glares at Micah, Sean smirks. “New rule, boys. Ya get picked by somebody that’s out, ya gotta let ‘em try fer at least a minute.”
“That’s stupid.” Arthur mutters, eyeing Micah as the blond smirks down at him.
“Only fair, Morgan.” Micah says. “I ain’t gonna be the only fool that got out on a technicality.”
Arthur grumbles, but doesn’t stop Micah from gripping him and stroking furiously. Your heart skips when Sean’s eyes meet yours and he takes a few steps forward.
“No hard feelings, big man, Bill said he’d buy me a drink.” Sean snickers as he drops to his knees in front of you.
You shudder when he touches you, your hot skin buzzing at his cool fingers. But before you can blink, his mouth has engulfed your entire length. Sean is far too good at this. He bobs his head and you will yourself not to give in for the minute he has.
Across the fire, Arthur shoves Micah away. “Ya had yer chance, sick bastard.”
Micah grunts, wiping his hand on his pants before turning to Bill and starting his process again. Bill moans at the touch, struggling not to buck up into Micah’s hand. You’ve lost track of Sean’s minute, but he wasn’t far behind Micah so you shove at his shoulder.
“Better luck next time.” You say, your voice shaking a bit as you replace your hand.
Sean grins up at you, whispering. “Hope ya win.”
Likely because he’s losing his promised drink with the way Bill is shutting under Micah’s touch. Just as Sean reaches Javier to tease, Bill releases with a gasp. Micah grins to himself but you catch it, you also notice how he doesn’t stop as Bill shakes but instead strokes him through it.
“Get Morgan.” He mutters.
Bill nods, sweat covering his face. Micah straightens himself and glances between you and Charles, opting for you after a few seconds.
“Sorry, cowpoke.” He mutters. “Just rather touch you than him.”
“Fuck off, Micah.” You say through gritted teeth.
Micah smiles at you as he sits down next to you, leaning close as his arm wraps around your waist and his hand closes on your dick. “That ain’t any way ta talk. I’m ‘bout ta get ya off, ain’t I?”
For as much of an ass as Micah is, he’s good at this. Your mind wanders, picturing all the times you’ve seen Micah by the fire cleaning his guns. His fingers wrapped around the barrel as he drags the cloth over the metal.
“Shit!” You gasp.
Micah’s hand feels better than Sean’s mouth did, fast and furious strokes making you have to stop yourself from squirming. A low groan from Javier takes him out as he fills Sean’s throat, the Irishman not pulling off like he did with Micah and choosing to swallow it all this time. Only a moment later, Arthur mutters a curse as he releases onto Bill’s face and dirties the man’s beard. He mumbles an apology as Bill grumbles about it, both of them blushing deeply.
“Alright, alright.” Sean says. “Let’s give our finalists a chance.”
Micah leans a little closer as he takes his hand back. “Win this, cowpoke.”
You shutter as his breath hits your neck.
Sean grins. “Hands away now, boys! Take a breather.”
Charles pulls his hand back, resting it on his thigh as he eyes the group. You swallow thickly, still feeling all the heat from Sean and Micah’s attempts. Charles hasn’t even been touched once, he has the advantage.
“How should we do this, boys?” Sean asks, turning to the group of losers. “Let ‘em keep at it, help ‘em out?”
“This is stupid.” Arthur grumbles.
Bill is too occupied with trying to get the cum out of his beard to answer.
Javier is still catching his breath from his orgasm.
Micah shrugs.
“Fine.” Sean grins. “I’ll be the judge ‘ere. Javier an’ Bill.” He points to you. “Ya work on ‘em an’ Arthur an’ Micah get Charles.”
No one moves for a moment. You look over and share a sympathetic look with Charles.
Sean groans. “Come on, boys! Have a little fun… I’ll buy a round a’ drinks.”
It’s enough to get Bill at your side, Javier follows as Micah and Arthur go to Chalres.
“Alright, count a’ three.” Sean grins, rubbing his hands together like the schemy little shit he is. “One, two…three!”
Bill goes straight for your dick, wrapping his big hand around it and stroking almost as well as Micah. You screw your eyes shut, trying to focus on lasting. It becomes infinitely harder when Javier’s hand dips below Bill’s and finds your balls still tucked in your pants. He leans in close, whispering a mix of English and Spanish in your ear and you know well enough that every word is dirty even though you try to tune it out. You can hear Micah snickering in the distance and take it as a good sign, he’d be the type to laugh at Charles getting off and losing. Bill’s other hand wanders up your chest and squeezes at your pecs briefly before he winds it under your shirt and feels at your skin. Javier’s other hand finds your jaw and his fingers trail as he turns your head. Your eyes peek open in time to see him smirk, then he kisses you as his hand squeezes at your balls firmly.
With their hands all over you, you can’t hold it anymore. It’s like a burst. The waves hit you hard and you spasm as you cum over your pants. Bill strokes you through it, his other hand gentle as it settles on your waist. Javier muffles whatever odd little noises you would have made, trailing off in smaller kisses before he stops. You open your eyes to look at him and he kisses your cheek with a wink. The three of you look over at the competition. Micah is stroking furiously, as he did with the others he tried to sabotage while Arthur kisses Charles’s neck and a hand plays with his nipples under his open shirt. Charles won, he hasn’t cum yet.
“Damn it.” Bill grumbles, glancing at you. “Was hopin’ you’d win.”
“Your fault.” You reply, breath still not quite back in your lungs.
Bill blushes. “Sorry, got, uh, caught up…”
“‘s alright…” You slur, head spinning still.
Sean doesn’t say a word to stop anything, holding a finger to his lips to silence any of you from alerting them. It’s only fair. Charles holds strong, though he seems to enjoy it when Arthur kisses him properly as his hand grips the other’s hair and holds him in place. Micah, never one to like losing and still unaware of his sealed fate, takes Charles in his mouth. Javier has to clap a hand over his lips to keep a laugh from alerting them. All of you sit in shock, never expecting Micah to suck off a man he berates on a daily basis even for the sake of winning some silly competition.
Charles’s hips buck and Micah moans when his hair is gripped and his mouth is used. His hands do nothing to stop it, only wandering over Charles’s thighs as he’s used. It only takes a minute after that, Charles’s hips stutter and he holds Micah flush to him as he releases. Arthur continues to kiss him and Micah is held in place despite his squirming until Sean clears his throat.
“Ya won, boys.” He grins. “Unless ya wanna keep goin’.”
Micah shoves himself away, falling back on his ass as he spits and coughs. Charles watches him, smiling for a moment before pulling Arthur closer and continuing.
“Alright then…” Sean turns to you and your saboteurs. “Anybody else all cheeky now?”
Bill grumbles something, standing and going over to Micah. He grips the smaller man by his collar, yanking him to his feet and shoving him towards the little collection of tents.
Sean has his eyebrows raised when he turns back, but he grins. “I ain’t gonna lie, I seen them hidin’ in the trees a couple times.”
“So you made us all get each other off?” Javier smirks, his arm draping around your shoulders. “Lousy move, cabrón.”
“I didn’t make ya do a thing ya didn’t wanna.” Sean crosses his arms. “It ain’t my fault you boys all wanted ta fuck each other.”
You sigh, remembering to tuck yourself away and glancing over to the winning fools. They’re nowhere to be seen. “They sneak off?”
“Suppose they did.” Sean chuckles. “Filthy sods.”
Javier waits a beat before turning to you. “Seems like everyone else is having a good time tonight. You wanna?”
Before you can answer, Sean whines. “Ya gonna leave me out? I’m the one that got ya started!”
“You’re taking then.” Javier mutters.
Sean grins. “Happily.”
You shake your head, sighing. “Fine, I guess.”
“Don’t act like you didn’t enjoy me, cariño.” Javier whispers, pressing a kiss to your jaw.
You hang your head, smiling softly. “Shut up, Escuella.”
He tugs at your arm as he stands, pulling you with him.
The fire light dies down over the course of the night. Faint, muffled moans and whimpers can be heard if you really listen, but it’s mostly that distinct sound of skin hitting skin that echoes well into the night. Some of you can’t walk in the morning, very much complicating the robbery and no one knows how you all are going to explain the failure to Dutch.
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ateliersss · 4 months
Red Dead Redemption 2
...is part of The Bookshelf.
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Arthur Morgan
He Used To Be Mine
Crimson Snow
Young Love
Just Friends Summary: You’ve been good friends with Arthur for some time, and when he visits Mary, your jealousy gets the better of you.
Happy Ending Summary: When the gang splits and Dutch shows his true colors, you and Arthur grab the gang's money from deep within Murfee Brood Cave and escape to live a happy life together. 
A Selfless Act Summary: Your former partners abandon you in the mountains. Luckily, you come across a lonely cowboy who saves you from freezing to death.
Chance Encounter Summary: You have been working on Emerald Ranch as long as you can remember. One day, you notice a cowboy who from this day on seems to appear more often to do business with Seamus. You are not sure why, but this man has your fullest attention.
My Last Confession Summary: A robbery goes awry and you find yourself fighting for your life.
Lost and Found Summary: After getting separated from the gang, you thought you would never see Arthur or any of the other Van Der Linde’s again. That is, until you run into a familiar outlaw in the streets of Rhodes.
The Gala Summary: Dutch and Hosea take you out on your first job to a fancy gala. And Arthur isn’t too happy about it.
First Kisses Summary: Robbing rich folk in Saint Denis takes an unexpected turn, when Arthur and you are running from the law and in order to blend in, Arthur decides to kiss you - not knowing he had taken your first kiss. After finding out about it he hopes for a chance to redeem himself.
Placeholder Summary: You and Arthur have been together for a while, but Arthur gets another letter from Mary and goes to see her. You overhear their conversation, and it wasn't what you were hoping…
The Job Offer Summary: You get an offer for an honest job outside of the gang, making Arthur begin to confront his feelings for you. 
No Offense Summary: You unintentionally offend Arthur while out in town.
Violet Flowers Summary: You find John Marston staring at you longer than you'd come to appreciate. As you confront your friend, he can't help but let it slip that Arthur has a big surprise for you.
Our Dear, Green Little Friend Summary: Oh, jealousy. When the thought of you straying too close to the comfort of Charles, the green monster claws its way into Arthur’s head.
The Final Choice Summary: Arthur has to make a choice, you or Mary?
Delicate Summary: When Arthur and the gang are out in Valentine, you can’t help but notice that he left his journal by his bedside, unattended. You’re aware that Arthur is never careless enough to leave something so valuable to him in camp and see you see it as an opportunity. Upon reading his journal, you discover something that changes everything…
Spark (Series) Summary: An impulsive and reckless girl who stands for everything Arthur tries to overcome joins the gang. Even worse, she is related to Micah Bell. What starts off as a relationship of mistrust and hate slowly transforms into a beautiful, deeper connection, as both parties realise that there is more to the other person than what meets the eye at first.
Your Protector Summary: Arthur comes to your rescue while you’re being harassed.
A Proper Woman Summary: After getting all dressed up for a day on the town, you need Arthur's help getting off a corset.
Low Below 0°C Summary: You’ve just escaped from Blackwater, barely ducking from bullets that were shot your way. Your trusted horse, however, wasn’t so lucky. Stuck in Colter with no stables to buy a horse from, Arthur decides to go out and get you one, but not just any one, a White Arabian. Is the horse the only thing he’s bringing back?
A Bastard Child Summary: After finding out that the reader is pregnant with his child, Arthur can’t help but think about Eliza and Isaac. Hosea comes to find him when after Arthur stayed away from camp for a while.
I'll Be Here in the Morning Summary: Words spoken so late at night are not always the most honest.
Accused of Love Summary: It reaches your ears that there in camp goes on a bet that you and Arthur will end up together. You decide that as an involved party you should get a cut from it, and go on to make sure that the bet is won.
Can't Buy Me Love Summary: Almost everyday like clockwork, Arthur brings you gifts like some sort of offerings. Is he trying to win you over? It doesn’t matter though, because you already like him, but a personal conflict is keeping you from telling him that. Until…
Walk Cut Short Summary: The tension hung thick and heavy as you walked down the deserted main street of Rhodes. “This don’t feel right,” said Arthur. That would be an understatement, you thought as you looked around the town that usually bustled with people, currently looking like a ghost town. Suddenly, a gunshot rang, sending everyone in action, and you on the ground. Was this it for you?
Liquid Courage Summary: Confessing your love to Arthur while he’s drunk is a great plan, since he wasn’t going to remember it in the morning, right?
Protector Summary: You can defend yourself. Arthur knows this. But he makes sure Micah knows you aren’t the only reason he should keep his hands to himself.
Defender, Protector, Keeper Summary: Arthur steps in to help you with your son after a run in with Micah.
More Take Than Give Summary: After Blackwater, things are only getting more strained between you and Arthur. 
Loyalty and Liabilities Summary: Sometimes you can’t help but to stand up for Arthur when Dutch talks down on him. 
Intuition Summary: You fear Arthur may have done something horrible. 
Captive Summary: On your way back to camp, the O’Driscolls attack.
Lake Summary: He's walking in on you bathing.
Graphite and Gratitude Summary: After a difficult day in camp coming to a head when Micah crosses a line, Arthur comforts you in an unexpected way - by sharing his journal with you.
Drunken Flirtations Summary: Arthur is drunk, and some drunken flirtation ensues between the two of you.
Downtime and a Bath Summary: You take a part time job at a hotel near camp, hoping to find some leads on potential jobs for the Gang. Being called away from your normal duties to give a gentleman a Deluxe bath, the last person you expect to find in the tub is the Gang's enforcer, Arthur Morgan.
The Art Of Thievery Summary: A curious evening in the Parlour House when you meet a certain deputy.
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Charles Smith
Beer Bottles and Broken Fingers Summary: Charles doesn’t like how Micah speaks to you.
Lake Summary: He's walking in on you bathing.
The Protrait of Charles Smith
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Dutch Van der Linde
No Title Summary: Dutch seems like a stranger to you now and maybe it’s time to take a step back.
Of Cigars and Delicate Flowers Summary: Dutch just wanted to get new cigars. Who knew you had to save him.
Thus With a Kiss I Die
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Micah Bell
Lilacs Summary: Someone keeps leaving flowers on your bedroll. Guess you have a secret admirer.
Lake Summary: He's walking in on you bathing.
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Hosea Matthews
That Old Time Feeling
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Flaco Hernandez
Home With You Summary: You hadn’t seen Flaco in ages, so decided to pay him a visit.
Mrs. Hernandez Summary: Whilst finally being reunited with your sweetheart, Flaco calls you something that he’s never called you before, and you love it.
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Sean MacGuire
I Will Always Come Back
All I Need
No Title Summary: Sean seems to have disappeared, but on his return he seems to have a strange surprise with him, and is it for you?
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outlawwithaheart · 1 year
How clingy are the rdr2 boys?
No warnings! Just some kinda fluff relationship headcannons! Asks are open! :) Not proof read really just a lazy post. Pretty sure I got all of them. If you want a separate post for any of them just ask :D
He's not clingy
Of course, he gives you all the attention you want
So if you're clingy, he's going to give you a lot of attention
But, he leaves camp for days at a time and what not, and usually doesn't want to to come along because it can be dangerous
He makes up for lost time though!
He leaves you drawings of yourself at where you sleep
I'm sorry y'all saw the way he treated Molly
Sorry Dutch simps let me be optimistic
So let's say he actually loves you
And let's say.. hypothetically that you love him back
He's a perfect amount of clingy
It depends on the day though
If you leave for a day, he's okay
He of course showers you with compliments all the time
He's a little clingy!!
Well, on a scale of one to ten.. maybe a 6.792
Most days you're already chillin with him anyways
He's always touching you
Holding your hand, shoulders touching, his hand on top of your hand, his hand on your thigh, his arm around you, etc.
But if you're gone for a day or so he'll be all over you
Not clingy
If you want affection.. well he'd do anything for you
It's not that he's not affectionate, just not clingy
He does enjoy his alone time, and his quiet time!
He of course does like just being next to you in a comfortable silence
That's actually his favorite way to spend time with you
Just doing your own thing in the same space :)
Very clingy!!
He highkey follows you around like a lost puppy a lot of the time
It gets worse when he's drunk
He's all over you all the time
God forbid you leave for a few days
He will not detach from your body LMAO
He rambles on to you about nothing and everything
He's not clingy
But if you want affection
He'll complain a lot a lot
But he still gives you affection
Just for his little cowpoke awee
He secretly enjoys you begging for his attention so it's fine
He's a little clingy when he's drunk
But other than that he can hold off on his own
He's okay with you leaving for a few days even
He does ask for your attention sometimes though
Not outright though
He's kinda awkward but it's okay
He's not that clingy
Occasionally though he can be
He's less of a touchy guy, more of a words guy
He's always telling you how much he loves you
Are there any Bill stans out here? Does ANYONE LIKE BILL?
Show yourselves
He's very clingy when he's drunk probably
Any other time he's usually just fine
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outlaw-apologist · 1 year
Bitter Sweet Goodbye - RDR2 - You Die In Their Arms
Imagine you, as their lover, die in their arms (Fem!Reader)
Characters: Arthur, Charles, Micah, Dutch, Hosea 
Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence and character death, mentions of Chapter 4, use of Y/N and L/N
If anyone has any writing requests or want to see any other characters/scenarios please let me know! :D If you rather read it on AO3 it can be found here! ______
This couldn’t be happening. Arthur would have laughed at the absurdity of it, really. If he weren’t so choked up by the gnawing realization that you weren’t going to make it. Micah had insisted on pulling another O’Driscoll bust. Stealing the mother-load from a bank transport wagon the rival gang had their eye on. “C’mon Arthur. After what they did to you and Kieran? They deserve it.” He coerced you both into it. “And Y/N is a quick shot. In and out, easy job.”
You were excited to fuck over the Irish gang. When Arthur returned half dead on his horse you were in shambles. Heartbroken over seeing your lover at death’s door. “Let’s do this!” You exclaimed. “Let’s make their pockets hurt.” Just as Micah had pointed out, you were quite experienced. You had been running with the gang for a long while and your talents were admirable. Hell, you even saved Arthur from getting shot a few times.
“Okay.” He agreed reluctantly. “Let’s go.” He didn’t trust Micah but if you were there… Well… The job would probably be fine.
Arthur should have known by now it was another setup. After the O’Driscoll boys strung him up in that cellar he should have known… After Sean’s head was blown off during the blood feud he should have known. When he saw you fall from your horse everything clicked for him. The world slowed as he watched the horses of the men behind you trample your limp body mercilessly into the dust. The O'Driscolls outnumbered the three of you greatly and it was clear they were out for blood. Arthur shot every single one of them with little hesitation, leaving behind no survivors.
Micah rejoiced while the dirt cleared from the air. “Whoo-hoo!” He laughed, sliding from his saddle to loot the O’Driscoll corpses. “They got some good money!” Micah gazed up, tilting the brim of his hat while scanning the area for you. “Shit-” He breathed. Your horse was dead and you… Well, he could tell by the way Arthur dropped everything to rush to your side that something not so good probably happened.
Arthur noticed you hadn’t moved in awhile. By the time he collapsed by your side and held you in his arms he was able to take in how much you were in rough shape. Arthur swallowed hard, watching you gurgle on your blood and gasp, struggling to breathe. “Arthur-” He winced when the broken sound of your usually sweet voice reached his ears.
“Shhh, Y/N. Save your energy. It’s gonna be okay, we’re gettin’ you outta this.” Though they were meant to be soothing, his words were desperate. A silent prayer to whatever god above had long abandoned him and his friends, and now his lover who was suffering badly. Arthur knew you wouldn’t make it to camp. Shit, you probably wouldn’t even live long enough for him to get you both on his horse. All he could do was hold you in his arms. Memorizing the weight of your body against his. The warmth of your skin and how beautifully you always looked up at him even in your last few moments.
Despite the drying blood coating your bruising face you were still the most ethereal being Arthur had ever laid eyes upon. He could have laughed right then and there. He could have cried. He could have begged; ‘No! Not Y/N too. Please- take anyone but Y/N! Take me instead!’ but who would listen? The universe never answered his prayers or his pleas. Surely the universe would be quiet today too.
He didn’t want your last moments to be scary. Instead he pet your hair, kissing your lips while trying to make sure you were laying in a comfortable position. It wasn’t easy since your ribs were shattered but it was all he could think to do. “Guess what?”
“What?” Your voice was barely just above a whisper.
“I wanted to tell you earlier, but… We finally have enough money to get ourselves a nice cabin out West. Just you and me. Maybe we can get ourselves a dog. Doesn’t that sound nice?” It was a lie but it was also a beautiful dream.
“Mmmm.” Your breaths were shallow now. There was a smile growing on your busted lips. Arthur’s heart sunk as he watched your eyes flutter shut. You looked so exhausted. Ready for eternal rest. Never had he felt such heartache. “It does sound nice. I really….. really want a dog.”
“I know you do, sweetheart. I know.” His voice trembled, finally giving away his emotions. When your breathing slowly came to a stop he pressed your foreheads together letting out a soft anguished cry. ‘I love you.’ He wanted to say, but who would listen? You were gone. The whole world fell silent. The birds didn’t chirp, the coyotes didn’t bark, and Micah Bell somehow had enough wit to him to give you both privacy in your final moments.
Arthur held you until the sun had long set and your body was growing cold. He couldn’t let go – wouldn’t…. Until Hosea finally came and squeezed his shoulder. “Arthur, my boy… I’m so sorry. Micah told me everything. Charles and I are here to help. Let’s let Y/N rest.” Slowly, Arthur uncurled from you, reluctantly passing your body to Hosea. Even as you were taken away he stared blankly at the spot you had been before slowly staring up at the twinkling stars above. Finally, he laughed. A cold hard grief filled laugh that was as heavy as his heart and mind.
“This is it for us.” He murmured, taking out a cigarette. “None of us are long for this world now.” Lighting it between his lips he flicked the match away then took a long drag. “I’m sure I’ll see you soon, sweetheart.” The breeze pushed back his hair while he smoked. Just taking in the scene before him. This was a scene he’ll never bear to draw in his journal. A scene that he’ll carry, burned into his memory, to fuel him until he too takes his final breaths.
Arthur Morgan stood. Covered in the blood of the only person who had genuinely loved him for who he was. In the blood of the most beautiful human being he had ever had the privilege of sharing life with. He carried his trembling body to his horse. “Follow me. I know where she’d wanna be laid to rest.” __________
Charles took you hunting in the Grizzlies West, an activity you and him have done a dozen times together if not more. Pelts were needed to upgrade things around camp and to keep everyone warm, it was a simple task. You were an experienced hunter and he loved spending quiet lazy days with you out in the mountains. That was, until today.
You had tracked a moose to cliff overlooking a nearby river. “We’re close.” Charles admired the snowflakes shimmering in your hair as the sun moved through the trees.  The day had been long and you two were wrapping up for the evening. Just one last catch…
Then, you were suddenly gone.
Charles blinked in confusion. It happened sp quickly his mind struggled to make sense of it even as the loud SLASH of your body hitting the frozen water reached his ears. “Y/N!?” Charles rushed to the ledge, watching you scramble to catch onto a rock since you were swept away by the deadly current.
He wasted no time in mounting his horse, riding fast and hard to catch up to you long enough to toss you his lasso. “Y/N!” He tried hard to call your name over the rushing sound of water. “Y/N grab the rope!”
You coughed and sputtered, flailing wildly. You couldn’t see anything in the water, the current dragging you under every few seconds. “Charles!” You sobbed out. Finally you felt something wrap around your wrist. Charles managed to throw his lasso just right for you to grab onto. The frigid water bit into your skin like a thousand stinging needles while you were being pulled to the bank.
“You poor thing.” Charles breathed, gathering you into his arms once you were close enough for him to grab. You were half frozen and turning blue with hypothermia. Teeth chattering and shaking so hard you couldn’t even speak. Your skin burned so badly your brain was begging you to rip it off. The cold was a shock to your system, all you could to was press helplessly against your lover’s warm chest. Never had you felt such pain.
Charles did the best he could. He knew he had to get you warm or else…. Luckily you were close enough to Colter, he was able to bring you there quickly. Returning to the spot was bitter sweet. He set you up in the warmest cabin, stripping your wet clothes off. Charles then covered you in his coat and the furs you two managed to collect earlier. Finding dry firewood was a struggle so he ended up burning little kindling with paper from a book and some fat from an animal you both killed.
“S-s-so c-cold.” You whispered. All of your energy had depleted trying to keep your body warm and now your eyes were growing heavy.
“I know, I’m sorry. It’ll be warmer soon.” The fire really wasn’t heating fast enough. Charles gathered you in his arms again in an attempt to share his warmth with you. He could tell you weren’t doing well. Even if he could bring you into the warmest place possible you probably weren’t going to make it, you had been in that water for far too long. He tried not to let that get to him. If he ignored that fact, maybe it would disappear from existance and you would be okay.
Charles brushed the hair from your face, kissing your forehead. Your head rest against his chest and he stared into the fire as he rocked you gently. He was silent for awhile, trying to conjure ways to save your life or to ease your suffering. Nothing came to mind and Charles was beginning to feel terrified. “Don’t go to sleep.” He whispered, resting his chin on top of your head.
“I’m trying not to.”
Oh, your voice was so strained and weak. Was this the last time he’ll ever hear you speak?
“I love you.”
Charles swallowed hard. He looked down at you again, searching your face with desperation. “I know. I love you too.”
“I know.” You teased him, snuggling up to your lover one final time. “Thank you for taking care of me.”
“Y/N…..” His brow furrowed. A part of him didn’t understand why you were saying these things while the other half was realizing the reality and severity of the situation. Tears pricked the corners of his eyes. He held you tighter as if that would somehow keep you bound to this world. “Always.” He whispered. “Now and in the future.” Please… please let there be a future…
You didn’t answer. Your eyes were shut peacefully and your breathing began to fade. Feeling helpless now that his best friend was slipping away in his arms, all Charles could do was silently cry. He kept rocking you, singing a lullaby his mother had sang for him as a child. He wanted you to go peacefully and well loved. It was the least he could do.
Only hours ago you both were on top of the world. Enjoying each others company. Giving thanks to the animals you hunted. Only this morning he woke up to you in his arms kissing all over his face while giggling. And now…. Now you were gone. In his arms, yes, but not really here at all. He’ll never see you again.
Charles sobbed, his whole body shaking as he clung to you. He wasn’t ready for you to leave. Not like this… He stayed with you until the sun rose and a new day broke. Placing one final kiss to your lips he carefully bundled you up in the pelts and brought you to his horse. It was too cold up in Colter to dig a grave and he wanted to place you somewhere beautiful. Somewhere meaningful. The ride down the mountain was slow and painful. Charles sang sorrowfully his lullaby the whole way.
After that day, Charles no longer found any peace in hunting. It only brought memories of you. ____________
Micah had a hard time loving people. Letting people in. He was shown from a young age that love was a weakness and he was a survivor. That was, until you came around and somehow tore down those walls. With you in his life he was calmer, milder, less likely to shoot up a town for looking at him wrong. If he had to do a job you were always right there by his side.
Micah didn’t consider this might be a setup. He thought it was just another day out and easy money.  A house robbery where the occupants had recently come into some decent cash while gambling in Saint Denis. However, they were simple country folk and seemed innocent enough. The wife was supposedly away visiting her sister with their children and the husband was fast asleep. Easy. Sneak in, grab the money, sneak out. Maybe steal their carriage. Something you could probably handle on your own but Micah thought the two of you riding off into the moonlight with pockets overstuffed with ritches was rather romantic.
It was an ambush.
You found the cash effortlessly just as assumed. There was a book here you picked up and glance at, or a bottle of alcohol there you stowed away in case it was useful. You always had a good eye for these things and since you’ve robbed plenty of homesteads you weren’t too concerned with things going south. Instead you took your sweet time as quiet as a mouse.
Micah was right behind you. He even teasingly spanked your ass at one point, causing you to glare playfully at him. “Really?” You mouthed. He shrugged. “C’mon. Let’s get outta here.” His hand was on your hip as you opened the front door. Micah could feel you freeze.
“Shit-”  Was all you could manage before stumbling backwards, clutching your throat in a feeble attempt to stop from bleeding out. Bounty hunters! They had surrounded the house as soon as you two entered, waiting for an opening. One hiding behind the door had shot you point blank in the jugular.
“Mother fucker!” Micah’s voice cracked with rage. His eyes were wild with insanity as he shot the man to death. Micah kicked the door shut in an attempt to buy you both a bit of coverage, dragging you to lay in the safety of his lap. “Come on out Micah Bell. We know you’re in there!” The team of bounty hunters circled the house, shooting at its walls, shattering the windows.
Micah ignored them the best he could. They could wait. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from your writhing choking form. You couldn’t breathe. Your hands reached out for him, clawing at his arms desperately as if Micah could give you your breath back. Crimson stained the both of you and your clothes.
“Shit baby-doll.” He let out a shaky breath. “I’m so sorry. I’ll make ‘em pay. I’m so sorry, I shoulda known.” He brushed the hair from your face, wiping the blood from the corner of your mouth with his shirt sleeve while his free hand put pressure on your spewing neck. There was so much blood and he could tell by the way your wide eyes glistened you were in pain. “I know, I know.” He hugged you while listening to your gurgled plea. “I know it hurts. It’ll go away soon.”
His hand wet with your life force slid down your body to rest over your still beating heart. He felt it thrum a moment longer before pressing his gun to the area. “I love you baby-doll.”
Your body falling limp brought relief to Micah’s own lungs and he let out a shaky breath. He couldn’t stand the thought of you dying while wretching like a wounded animal. A mercy killing was most fitting of his sweetheart, he thought darkly with a heavy heart. Micah stayed with you a moment longer, whispering soft nothings until the bounty hunters caught his attention again. All of that rage filled him once more and he wasted no time in kicking open the front door and gunning them down in cold blood.
Silence filled the midnight air accompanied by crickets. The scent of gunpowder and iron was so thick he could taste it. It was peaceful. Life and death mingled in silent spaces held in the shadows. It was as expected, Micah thought.
Shrugging off his jacket he slid it on your form before scooping your lifeless body up in his arms. He set you on the back of Baylock before dragging the other corpses into the house and lighting it on fire. Micah watched it burn, smoking a cigarette. The dancing images cast over the land in a faint glow amused him. Were you there? Rejoicing in the death of the men who killed you? He wanted to think so. To think that you would dance in every fire he lit from here on out.
Once dawn broke Micah finally mounted his horse to find a place to bury you. He actually considered this a lot. He wanted to lay you to rest in a place easily accessible so he could visit you often. He stayed silent the whole ride, replaying memories of you in his mind. You were his one and only and Micah knew he would never find love again. _____________
Dutch had many lovers but none were quite like you. You were ethereal. Special. All he ever wanted to do was make his plans then return to his tent to hold you in his arms as you both spoke about the future and fell asleep for the night. He looked forward to his time with you. Unlike his other lovers you enjoyed going out and working for money. Charming a fella for his days wage, or stealing from a rich man’s wife during teatime. It was a quality about you he found… Well… Sexy.
When Dutch met with Colm O’Driscoll he thought it went rather well. Arthur never met them on the road home but he didn’t think too much of it. Riding back to camp he was in high spirits. Speaking loudly to Micah about how they were finally moving forward in life. “Where’s Y/N? I have wonderful news!” He announced after hitching his horse. Charles and Ms. Grimshaw exchanged looks.
“She hasn’t returned yet Dutch, I thought you went to meet her in Rhodes.” Grimshaw flattened her skirt.
Dutch scoffed. “Now why would I go and do that?”
“She said she’d be back in the evening.”
“It’s evening now, Ms. Grimshaw.”
“I know. We were waiting for her.”
With a sigh, Dutch simply stalked back to The Count, climbing onto his saddle. “I’ll go fetch her then.” It was such a chore! He shouldn’t be out when he has such a price on his head. But Dutch was quite giddy after Colm complimented him and he wanted you to be the first to hear about how the meeting went.
He rode into town, walking through on his horse as his eyes scanned the buildings for any sign of you. Maybe you were mingling?  Before he could consider any other possibilities something caught his ear. His heart sank while he overheard words he never dared imagine the combination of.
“O’Driscolls? Down this far South? Unheard of. I guess they were searching for a gal. Grabbed her and took off with the Lemoyne Raiders hot on their tail. Nasty business.”
Nasty business indeed. Now, he could be slow but Dutch van der Linde was no fool. Why else would the O’Driscolls be down this way, during the day of their meeting no less, to kidnap a random girl? Oh, he knew. This was their idea all along. To kill his other sweetheart.
Dutch’s knuckles turned white with rage, snapping the reigns violently. The Count whirled around, running out of Rhodes until he carried Dutch back to camp. “Micah, Bill, with me. Now!” He barked through gritted teeth, pacing straight to his tent to grab his revolver. “Y/N has been taken. By Colm O’Driscoll.”
“Shit! That bastard. You shoulda’ killed ‘em!” Bill ran, grabbing his rifle while Micah walked leisurely to mount Baylock, completely unbothered.
“I should have, Bill. I should have. Now com’mon!”
They rode fast and hard. Somehow catching up to the O’Driscoll’s little posse before they could reach some encampment with you stowed on a horse. Micah flanked the enemy gang on one side while Bill came in from the other. Dutch held the back, eyeing you tied up and gagged. The sight made his blood boil. There was eight O’Driscolls in total and their horses were fast, but Dutch, Bill, and Micah managed to keep up. Riding and shooting at each other as they went.
The Irishmen fell from their horses like flies. Some with their face half blown off, others screaming as their horses dragged them to death.  One by one they were picked off until there were only two left. Dutch dug his spurs into his horse, moving him to ride along the man who held you captive on horseback. “Give it up son. Give me the lady and we’ll spare your life.” He didn’t want to shoot the man just yet in case you got hurt.
When a gun was pulled out of his pocket, Dutch veered to the side, assuming the fucker was going to shoot at him. His eyes widened when he realized the O’Driscoll boy wasn’t aiming for him at all. A severe miscalculation on Dutch’s part. “Colm says hello.”
“God damn you!” He snarled. Dutch finally raised his pistol.
He emptied a barrage of shots into the man until the gun clicked and no more bullets came out. Dutch chased after the boy’s horse, corralling the spooked animal into stopping. Time seemed slow. Too slow. Dutch tried his best to calm the horse enough for him to safely take you off its back and into the comfort of his arms. “Oh, my darling.” Dutch fell to his knees, untying you so he could inspect the growing blood stain near your abdomen.
“Dutch! You came for me. You came-” You sobbed, gripping your side in pain.
“Shhh. Of course I did.” He placed a kiss to your trembling lips. The wound was bad. This situation was bad. Everything was fucked. He had seen men shot in this area more times than he could count and he knew they never survived for more than a day at most.
“Com’ere.” He picked you up, carrying you to his horse. After sitting you down he climbed into the saddle. “Tell the others…” His mouth opened and closed for a moment. What does he even say? He didn’t want to scare you but… He didn’t want that filthy camp to be the last thing you see. He knew how much you hated it...
“Alright.” Bill said, seeming to understand what was happening. He took his hat off, staring at you for a moment before bowing politely. “I’m happy you’re safe, Ms. L/N.”
You smiled gently. “Thank you Bill.” Your throat was dry and your words were weak.
Dutch held you close to him as you rode off.
“Where are we going?” You wondered.
“Somewhere nice, my dear. With a wound like that you need rest and fresh air. Simple as that.” Somehow Dutch managed to keep his voice calm even as his heart churned with sorrow.
He brought the both of you to stop overlooking a beautiful meadow with a perfect view of the lake. After placing a sweet kiss to the top of your head Dutch scooped you into his arms, carrying you to a nice tree where he then settled you in his lap. “Here, take this.” He pressed a bottle of alcohol into your hands. “It’ll help take the pain away and you’ll be able to sleep.”
Dutch pet your hair as he watched you. Studying your face. Every bump, wrinkle, scar, and blemish. He wanted to remember every single aspect of you. His last lover… Whenever he tried to recall her face the picture was fuzzy. He couldn’t stand the idea of not being able to remember you. “I love you so much, you know that? You were so brave today. I’m proud of you, sweetheart. Real proud.”
“I wasn’t really…” You gave a little laugh, wincing as the alcohol burned your throat. “I love you too. Thank you for saving me.” You felt stiff and exhausted. Snuggling against his chest you both watched the sunrise and Dutch began reciting lines from your favorite book he had memorized. It was lovely, you thought as your eyes became too heavy and sleep was hard to battle. You hummed happily, a smile on your face as you drifted off peacefully.
Long after he felt your breathing stop did Dutch keep telling your favorite story. As if your spirit were lingering around and would return to your body. Then, maybe, everything would be okay. When he reached the final line of his remembrance only then did he cry. Burying his face into your hair he sobbed and took in your scent one final time.
The last thread of his sanity broke that day. He no longer cared about what future the gang might have. What future he would have with the price on his head… The only future he ever cared about was with you and you were gone now. He held you until Hosea came looking for him. Together they buried you somewhere meaningful. This was the only time Dutch actually payed for a headstone to be made. In your honor. __________________
You and Hosea were always together no matter what you were doing. Half of the time you didn’t even need to speak with each other and just silently enjoyed each others company. Naturally you joined him on many outings to scope out who to rob. This particular occasion was a party on the outskirts of Saint Denis located in a beautiful garden home. You were dressed brilliantly, posing as Hosea’s lawful wife.
You’re charming. More charming than anyone else in the gang. With your sweet angel face and your gentle voice, everyone who spoke to you immediately thought of you as a good friend. And so there you were, mingling with the other guests. Giggling with the ladies and awe-ing (falsely so) with the rich gentlemen. Everyone loved you! So many people were trying to speak with you and flag down your attention.
It wasn’t usual to have such an elegant, smart, sweet, kind, and funny lady in their midst. You were a bit of a commodity. Hosea could hardly make his way to your side there were so many people surrounding you. He watched fondly from afar. Many times men would approach him to compliment you. “You’re one lucky man, Mr. Matthews. Mrs. Matthews is such a charmer.”
“Oh, I know it!” He laughed.” Trust me, fellas, it’s hard to keep my wife for myself some days.”
They all laughed. One man handing him a cigar which he happily accepted. The evening was bright and joyful. Though he nor you enjoyed events like this somehow you both were having fun this time. Hosea followed a group of men into a private back study to discuss investments while he left you at the main party.
This particular crowd was juicy, you thought. You heard so much gossip and many of the attendees were telling on themselves; bragging to you about what they’ve recently purchased for themselves or who’s neighbor was hoarding cash in personal safes. You were careful to make a mental note of each and every person as you nursed a glass of champagne.
“Did you hear?” A woman leaned close to you and a few of her friends.
“Hear what?” You inquired.
“Apparently Mrs. Conway has asked the local apothecary for… a permanent sleep cure.”
You tilt your head as the other ladies gasped and giggled. “Mrs. Conway… Our host for the evening?” Were they really gossiping about this woman in her own home?
“Yes. Oh, she must be dreadfully bored of Mr. Conway. I wonder if he’ll join us this evening.”
All you could do was smile and nod to blend in. It wasn’t the first time you had heard of a woman wanting to poison her rich husband. To each their own, you didn’t really care. You flinched as a loud clattering noise reached your ears. Looking behind you  your eyes settled towards the source of the sound. The kitchens.
“I heard they hired new help and the kitchens are a mess tonight.” Another older woman snickered. “The Conways are lucky mingling has been this evening’s high point. Otherwise a ruined meal would sully the party.”
“Absolutely.” You agreed, setting your glass aside. “Will you please excuse me? I wish to powder my nose before dinner.” With a hum you moved away from the group to find Hosea. It wasn’t hard for you to follow his voice down the hallway. You smiled to yourself, simply listening to him work his magic. He truly was such a likable man.
Once dinner arrived Hosea had met up with you and brought you to the dining room where he pulled out your chair. Even if you two weren’t in such a luxurious setting he would have still done this. Always such a gentlemen to the love of his life. “How goes it?”
“Quite well. The ladies here are wonderfully friendly. I’ve learned a lot from them.”
Hosea admired how stunning you looked in the chandelier lighting, ignoring the help as plates of food were set in front of each guest. “I’m happy to hear that, honey.” He gave you an easy but loving smile. A smile you were quite familiar with.
There was a short speech given by Mrs. Conway, who’s party this was, where she thanked everyone and made a few jokes that earned a chuckle here and there. Finally you were able to eat. It was spaghetti which was, apparently, an Italian dish. Jack had told you and Hosea all about it when he returned to Shady Belle.
There was still chatter in the air as you took your first bite. It was delicious! It made your throat tingle a little but you thought nothing of it. Perhaps it was just the spices used. After your third bite your throat suddenly completely restricted. Your fork clattered against the table, hands flying to your throat. You couldn’t swallow. You couldn’t breathe.
“Y/N?” Hosea’s startled gaze snapped to you immediately. The room went silent as looks of horror washed over the faces of guests. “Y/N!?” Hosea gasped when your body began convulsing. He quickly took you into his arms, helping you to the floor so you wouldn’t hurt yourself. “Someone call the doctor! Quick!” He screamed. His eyes met with Mrs. Conway’s only for a split moment. She was frozen into place, guilt written all over her face. “Hurry!” Hosea pleaded.
You cried out the best you could. Holding onto Hosea who tried his best to calm you. “I’m here my love. I’m here. Hang on. Please Y/N.” He felt so helpless. All he could do was wipe the spit from the corner of your mouth and the tears from your cheeks while whispering soft soothing words. He held eye contact with you, shushing you, promising you help was on the way. “Stay with me, love. Stay with me.” His words were desperate. Eyes filled with tears.
Your face was turning blue. Your body trembling, writhing and heaving. It was a disturbing sight for Hosea, who had always assumed he would meet his end far before you ever met yours. The poison was swift. As soon as it started it ended and you finally fell limply against his chest. Hosea paused, studying your face. He couldn’t understand at first why you were quiet. “Y/N?” He gently shook you.
“No…. No! Y/N!” He cried out for you. Hosea pulled you tightly against him, wrapping his arms to cradle your head away from prying eyes as he sobbed openly. The whole thing was a whirlwind. What was supposed to be a tantalizing evening ended in tragedy. A selfish woman meaning to poison her husband. The messy kitchen staff mixing up the guests’ plates. You choking to death on an elixir from hell. Hosea Matthews experiencing his lover being ripped away from him violently a second time.
To onlookers he was nothing but a broken man refusing to let go of his murdered wife even as the police came and tried to break them apart. He wanted so desperately to fight them away, but he knew he couldn’t.
“I’m so sorry Mr. Matthews. I never meant for-” Ms. Conway whimpered pathetically while her hands were being bound by an officer for her arrest.
“You never meant for what?” He snapped. “An innocent person to die? You didn’t mean to get caught? You didn’t mean for your greed to bring you to such lows?” His eyes were cold and Ms. Conway hung her head in shame. “Go to hell, Ms. Conway. Where you belong.”
Once it was allowed, Hosea left the party. He went straight to the Saint Denis morgue to see you one last time before making funeral arrangements. It felt fake. As if the events of the night were a figment of his imagination. The gravity of reality didn’t sink in until he returned to Shady Belle alone. Every ne was asking where you were. All he could do was drag his old bones to his room, collapse onto his cot, and cry.
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theres-a-body-here · 8 months
Scumtober- Day 6 (Drunk Sex)
Micah Bell x Reader
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You grip Micah's hair and pull him away from your neck.
"Hey Moron, Keep it down or they'll fucking hear us," You snarl quietly.
You were certain most of the gang was drunk. It's not often Dutch announces a party, so when he does, nearly everyone takes the opportunity to drink heavily. But you weren't going to take any chances. Any one of those drunk fools could hear the sounds coming from your shared tent with Micah and stumble in on the two of you.
Micah growls low in his throat, frustration coursing through him as he struggles to contain his desires. His hold on you tightens slightly before loosening again. Despite his attempts, however, he finds it hard not to push boundaries even further. He leans in close once more, lips brushing against yours needily.
"Can't...help..." he whispers hotly against your skin as you smell the booze in his breath. "It's driving me fucking crazy." His hands wander lower down your body, grazing lightly across your stomach and hips.
You roll your eyes and clamp your hand over his mouth to shush him. Micah makes a noise akin to a puppy having his toy taken away. You ignore his whimper and strain your ears to see if anyone is near the tent. There is the faint sound of Dutch's gramophone but no footsteps. Good. You're both in the clear....for now.
Sitting on the ground of the tent, Micah pants heavily as his gaze wanders over your body. He licks his lips subconsciously, unable to tear his eyes away from you for too long. There's something primal about the way he looks at you like he wants nothing more than to claim you as his own.
Slowly, cautiously, he reaches for your hand and laces his fingers through yours. The touch sends shivers down your spine. His thumb rubs softly against the skin of your palm in what seems like an apology for his being loud.
"Think I had too much to drink," he mutters, trying (and failing) to sound casual.
"Well, we both did," you remind him before you pull him in for a deep kiss.
As soon as your kiss turns passionate, Micah loses all sense of reason and control. With fervor fueled by alcohol and desire, he responds in kind, his tongue dancing eagerly against yours. His hands find themselves gripping the fabric of your top, tugging it upwards to expose more skin.
The feel of his warm hands on your bare flesh sends pulses of heat through your veins. You break off the kiss momentarily to pull your shirt over your head. Simultaneously, Micah begins to undo his belt buckle and yank his pants down along with his underwear.
In one swift motion, you slip out of your undergarments and straddle him, feeling his erection pressing against your core. You and Micah make out for a while until you push him to make the first move.
"Don't tell me you need help putting it in, old man?" You tease as you pull away to look down at him.
Micah groans deeply, losing some of his swagger in the face of your advance. He lets out a hoarse laugh, wrapping his arms around you tightly.
"Old man? Fuck you." But despite his bravado, his words lack conviction. Instead, he meets your gaze with a mix of drunk lust and vulnerability that almost makes you hesitate. Almost.
You laugh at his reaction. Micah glares at you and huffs. As your laugh dies down you lift yourself up a bit and grab a hold of Micah's cock. You slap it against your entrance a couple of times as you lock eyes with him. You then press his cock head right into your hole.
Slowly, you sink down onto him, taking him inside you inch by excruciatingly delicious inch. Gritting your teeth against the sensation, you arch your back and down up at Micah expectantly.
He watches intently as you adjust to his size, his expression a mixture of awe and desire. After several moments, when he's certain that you've taken all of him, he leans in and captures your lips once more.
Micah begins to thrust up into you, his movements slow and uncoordinated due to the alcohol. Yet somehow, it adds to the intensity of the moment rather than detracting from it. Every time he slams into you, sending waves of pleasure coursing through your body, you can't help but let out a moan.
Groaning loudly, he grips your waist tightly, pulling you closer to him with each thrust. "Fuck yeah...take it," he murmurs against your neck. "Tell me how much you want it."
You moan loudly, but can't help but cringe at how much noise you're making. You clamp down on Micah's shoulders and whisper harshly in his ear, "For fuck's sake, keep it down! Someone might hear us."
But his groans and grunts continue to echo throughout the tent regardless. It feels like all the walls are closing in on you, amplifying every sound.
Micah growls in response to your plea for silence, the alcohol fueling his boldness. He picks up speed, slamming into you with reckless abandon. Each thrust causes your body to jolt against his.
"Make all the goddamn noise you want," he grunts roughly. "Show them what they're missing." His voice is rough with arousal, and he continues to pound into you relentlessly.
Micah maintains an impressive pace, his thrusts growing deeper and harder with each passing second. The sounds of skin slapping against skin fill the air as he takes you without mercy.
As sweat begins to trickle down your forehead, you glance up at him nervously. He catches your eye and gives you a wicked smile. "Get ready," he growls, his voice thick with anticipation. "I'm going to fill you up so fucking good."
Your heart races as he begins to pick up speed even more, slamming into you harder than ever before. You can feel the tip of his cock brushing against that sensitive spot inside you repeatedly, sending waves of pleasure shooting throughout your entire body.
It's not before long you cum. Your body is on fire as pulses of heat wash over your core. Your whole body tenses, especially clamping down on Micah's cock, which causes him to cum too.
With one final powerful thrust, he buries himself deep inside you, filling you up completely as he pumps cum into your body. You whimper as you feel his cock twitch with every splurge of cum.
A hoarse groan escapes his lips as he holds himself as deep as he can go, his body trembling from the exertion. For what feels like an eternity, the two of you remain locked together, panting heavily as their combined weight forces the air out of your lungs.
Finally, Micah withdraws slowly, his cock slipping out of you with a wet, sucking sound. You collapse onto the ratman, spent and satisfied in equal measure. Slowly regaining consciousness, you meet his gaze, the intense connection between you palpable even in the dim light of the tent.
Scumtober 2023 Masterlist
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red-dead-do-over246 · 10 months
Heeeey, I saw your back after taking a break ❤️
I hope you’re feeling better.
I really appreciate your content!!
If you’re up for it, can I request Micah x F!reader?
Complete artistic freedom!! 🤗
Thank you!!❤️ I am doing better now! Micah may be a little OOC
It's Bell Tradition!
While out scouting for new leads, Micah stumbles across a woman he hasn't seen in several years. Along with that, a surprise he never saw coming.
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The air was hot and stuffy down here in Lemoyne. It was to the point that Micah Bell needed the cold relief of the mountains once again, and he never thought he would be saying that after Colter.
However, he did admit that he likes that kind of weather.
Baylock's hooves kicked up dust as he trotted along the less than traveled path out of Valentine. Micah left with little to no word to the gang. Not that anyone cared mind you. However, Dutch likes to keep tabs on his boys, so at least Micah had the decency to tell the boss that he's going to look for leads and won't be back for a while.
Besides, if he brings back something big, then perhaps the others will finally stop complaining about him.
Micah was lost in thought with a smirk on his face as his stallion's clip went from a trot to a gallop in the blink of an eye, kicking up his legs as he went. The outlaw didn't even seem to read his horse's distressed movements until his face was getting smacked by branches. Baylock had run off the track and into the woods.
"Hey! Slow it down!" Micah commanded the steed as he yanked on the reins. However, Baylock was just as stubborn and resistant as his rider. When Micah tried to force him to slow, the stallion bucked him off.
"You good for nothing-!" Micah shouted as the horse took off, cutting himself off as he realized the insult was meaningless. He stood up and dusted himself off, looking around for the cause of Baylock's panic.
However, it was oddly silent except for the occasional wind ruffling the leaves. It made him uneasy for some reason. Micah tried to whistle and get Baylock back to him, but the damn horse paid him no mind.
Grumbling to himself, Micah began to trek through the woods in hope of finding his horse (or the path).
But it didn't take him long to find something. And that something was certainly not Baylock.
At the edge of a small clearing, pine trees were clustered. Wildflowers were speckled throughout the grass along with some large rocks. However, his eyes found a black blur that was bawling near the top of one of the pines, which he now deduced was the reason Baylock freaked out. It was a black bear, probably one that has just been weaned by its mother. The whole world was still so new to it.
Which is probably why it was scared into the tree by a boy who wasn't much older than Jack.
The child was by himself and seated crisscross on the ground below the tree. He wasn't doing anything to harm or harass the bear, but he was continuously watching it. Now Micah would never say he was concerned or worried about the lives of others, but he did find it a little disturbing that the boy seemed to be alone. But he was curious of the situation, so approach the boy he did.
The bear began to bawl even louder when Micah came closer. This caused the attention of the little boy to be shifted. The older man inspected the child, who stared back at him with a same curious expression. He had to be around six or seven with blonde hair and big blue eyes, and there was something familiar about the way he looked. Micah was getting nostalgic, like he's seen that face before.
"Hey kid, what are you doing out here by yourself?" Curiosity got the better of Micah. The boy turned his attention back to the bear in the tree, who was paying close attention to him as well.
"Looking at the animals." He responded simply and without much fear.
"Why?" The older blonde couldn't stop himself.
"I like the woods." It was a simple response and one that was so child-like, but Micah couldn't stop the scoffing. He thought that it was ridiculous.
"Where's your parents?" Micah asked while crossing his arms, eyeing the bear up in the tree.
"My mama is close by." The boy said while holding Micah's gaze. It was as if he was threatening the outlaw to dare lay a finger on him. Just from that confidence alone, it made Micah more curious. Normally, he would leave the child to the wolves. However, there was a nagging feeling in the pit of his gut.
The bear bawled again.
"Get up. I'm takin' you home to your mother." Micah said while gesturing the boy to get to his feet.
"But I'm fine." The child protested in a whining manner, almost seeming fearful to follow the stranger. However, he got to his feet regardless.
"Too bad. See that bear?" Micah gestured back towards the nervous black bear and the boy's eyes followed: "That ain't no adult black bear. That's a baby cryin' for his mother. Now, let's get out of here before we become dinner."
Micah practically shooed the kid away from the tree, hoping his little lie would go unnoticed by the rather smart kid. That black bear was perfectly grown with no mother around for miles. The boy would've been fine to stay there. However, the sun was nearly setting, and Micah still found no lead. Perhaps he could get some money in return for bringing the boy home safely.
That, or he could just rob the house and deal with the mother himself.
It made him smirk.
"Nearly there." The boy said, drawing Micah's attention back to reality. And true to his word, a couple more steps revealed a rough-looking cabin. A black arabian mare was grazing nearby and, much to Micah's surprise, Baylock was grazing next to her. Again, there was something about that mare that struck a familiar chord in him.
"Mama! Someone is here!" The blonde boy cried as he ran away from Micah. The older man followed behind the child as he ran back and behind the house, where Micah could see the ends of some laundry blowing in the wind as they dried. However, when he rounded the corner, a familiar face made his heart stop.
"It's you..."
The tone in his voice was so questioning because he honestly couldn't recognize you, not with that boy hugging you from around your waist.
You were a woman he hooked up with several times several years ago. Back then, he was attracted to you due to your rough nature. You weren't afraid to stand up to him and Micah liked that. It got him all riled up, and you didn't hesitate to give him what he wanted. However, Micah didn't have any feelings for you, and he thought you had none for him. So leaving wasn't exactly a problem in his mind. He would never see you again, or so he thought.
But here you are, and with a child no less. Your hair was still the same h/c as it's always been, cascading down your back. You still liked to wear a plaid top with your dress, and your eyes still held a defiant look towards him.
"So...it seems you moved on from me. Where's the husband?" Micah said nonchalantly and quite rudely, gesturing towards the child with a flick on his hand.
"I never married." You told him sternly. Your son held onto you tighter, sensing tension.
"Then where's the boy's father?" Micah nearly growled, but you knew him. It was not an emotional thing. You knew he just couldn't stand the thought of you sleeping with another man. As far as he was concerned, you belonged to him.
"Go inside baby." You told your son as you kissed his forehead.
He nodded and moved towards the back door, holding eye contact with Micah. For some reason, it made the older man feel a bit sick, those blue eyes looking into his own. But it soon passed, and he paid attention back to you, looking gruff.
"So? What happened with the boy?" He cut to the chase, and you folded his arms.
"Micah." You said.
"What?" The blonde said in response and you shook your head.
"My son...his name is Micah." You told him softly yet strongly. The older Micah narrowed his eyes at you, but he was silent. You knew he was trying to process this whole thing. But you weren't done.
"Named after his daddy."
The only sound was the wind blowing through the woods and the trees rustling in kind. However, even that soon gave way to silence as if the forest itself was nervous for the reaction. Micah's eyes were just staring into yours, making you a bit uneasy as he gave no hint as to how he was feeling.
But instead of anger like you were expecting, he looked like was going to be sick.
"Hell...are you really saying...?" Micah's voice was weak. It was like nothing you ever heard before. He looked so vulnerable. And when you nodded, it amplified.
"I was told many years ago that it was Bell tradition to name the firstborn son after their father." You said, and this time, his hand went to cover his mouth as if he was actually going to throw up. He felt so sick at this knowledge for so many reasons.
You had his kid.
He didn't know about it for years.
You named it after him. You named your son after him...despite him leaving you pregnant and alone.
"I-I...Why didn't you ever say anything?" Micah said after composing himself, weird feelings swirling in his chest. You scoffed.
"I didn't even think you were still alive. Besides, you wouldn't have cared." You stated with a nonchalant wave of your hand, which caused anger to burn inside him.
"If I knew you were pregnant, I wouldn't have gone anywhere!" He shouted and you winced a bit. Perhaps it was wrong of you to assume, but you knew Micah was not one to form emotional attachments, claiming that they were for the weak. So why should you assume that he would care about a baby? Care about you?
"I mean, you never said anything to me." You said in a general tone, hugging yourself. He knew what you meant. Micah never once showed that he loved you for who you were; just for what you could give. But to be fair, you never showed it to him either. Both of you were there for benefits, and this was the result of that.
"You never said anything either." He retorted in typical Micah fashion. Your eyes drifted towards the ground.
"...I didn't know how to tell a person like you that I loved..." Your voice drifted off as you found his eyes, which appeared softer than you've ever seen.
"You loved me?" He asked, sounding more confused than his typical mocking tone. You nodded.
"I still might." You admitted.
Micah honestly didn't know how to feel about that. If that wasn't his son, he probably wouldn't give much of a damn. However, somehow knowing that you are the mother of his kid gave him a butterfly-like feeling in his chest whenever he looked at you. You were still beautiful and now it made him feel all fuzzy inside. It scared him a little.
"Um...think I could stay the night?" He hated how high-pitched and scared-sounding his voice was, and he rubbed the back of his neck nervously, nearly knocking his hat off in the process.
You let out an airy laugh, which made his chest tighten more.
"Of course." You said, knowing that it was hard for him to talk about how he was feeling. However, you knew Micah well enough to read his body language, and everything was telling you what he was feeling. It was so foreign to him and that's what was scary. You had to be patient.
"Just don't steal anything." You warned in that confident tone that he didn't realized he missed until right now.
"Yes ma'am." He teased back, feeling more like his old self now that all the mushy stuff was out of the way.
You were quick to start to move towards the front of the house as the sun had long since passed, shoulder gently brushing against his as you did so. He breathed in deeply, taking in your sweet scent of roses and juniper that you always seemed to carry around. Micah didn't even realize how close he was following behind until he nearly bumped into you.
"Where's..." Your tone drifted off as you couldn't see your son inside once you opened the door.
"Micah IV." He finished for you with a smirk, causing you to blush.
"I'll find him. Couldn't have gone far." Micah promised before you started to panic. You hesitated a bit before nodding, anxiety rising in your chest. However, you just had to trust this man, which to anyone else, would be absolutely terrifying. You went inside as Micah turned away from the cabin to scan around outside.
Sure enough, he found the little blonde boy near the horses. In fact, he was petting Baylock.
"Hi again mister...is this your horse?" The boy asked as the stallion continued to nudge for attention. Micah nodded.
"You like him?" He asked and a small smile formed on the child's face as he nodded. Micah knew that you would probably be pissed, but he couldn't resist.
"You wanna go for a ride?" Micah asked the boy with a grin. With a smirk that mirrored his own, his son nodded.
Riding through the forest was exhilarating, even more so with his son sitting in front of him. The laughter, the whipping of blonde hair, and the carefree spirit made him feel pride. Soon, they were making their back before you had a heart attack.
"So mister...what's your name?" He asked as he stroked Baylock's mane.
"Micah." The older man said without hesitation.
"Just like me!" The boy said with glee, balling up his little fists with excitement. It made Micah's heart twist a little because the boy still had to know that he was sharing a saddle with his father. But how can you explain that to a child?
"You know, in my family, all the oldest sons are named Micah, after our father." Micah explained and the boy tilted his head a bit. The older blonde looked down at the younger one, who was not connecting the dots very well.
"Micah...what ever happened to your father?" The older outlaw asked the small boy sitting in front of him. For a second, it was just the sound of Baylock's hooves against the ground. The boy looked down and replied in a small tone.
"Mama always told me that papa was always busy which is why he never comes home." He explained, sounding a little downtrodden. Older Micah gripped the reins tightly. Time for an explanation.
"Well...he's home now."
You didn't know what took them so long or what happened while the boys were gone. All you saw was Micah coming in through the door while carrying your son on his hip, who was holding onto him for dear life, fists gripping his leather jacket tightly as he bawled into the crook of the older man's neck. When you asked what happened, you only got a muffled response from the boy.
"Papa finally came home..."
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wrr000 · 1 year
Van Der Linde gang when you randomly kiss them - short headcanons PART 2
AN: I'm posting this as fast as I wrote it 'cause I'm afraid of burning out AGAIN. Hope y'all like this! Feedback appreciated :]
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Featuring: Dutch, Sean, Kieran, Micah (KIERAN STANS ASSEMBLE!)
Summary: pure fluff (and I mean a BIG FLUFF), kissing on the cheek (just to clarify)
Warnings: none, just really short
On one hand he is paranoid and bounty for his head is always on Dutch's mind so it would be normal that he's on high alert even in the camp
On the other hand he's usually reading a book and his thoughts are drifting in the fantasy/idealized worlds from the novels
When you came from behind with a gentle kiss on his cheek he immediately wanted to drew a gun
Luckily he quickly realized it was you *sigh of relief*
"Oh dear-- If you want a kiss just ask, I could have shoot you!"
But he isn't angry, just stressed and tired
After a while he pulls you closer to him into a tight hug and kisses your forehead
Don't feel bad! He knows that you didn't mean no harm and finds it kinda sweet
His little lover wants his attention which means you love him and think about old Van der Linde in your free time
Dutch is sure happy to have you and he's all for your kisses, but would appreciate if you changed the form of affection
You can always surprise him in other ways! Sneaking from behind leave for more peacful times
He did not saw it coming, you got him there
BUT Sean would pretend like you didn't 'cause you know--'everybody loves him and he always expect affection' (you know that talk, we all heard it, right)
Inside he's so fluttered and happy and you can tell that by a stupid grin on his cute face
"Oi beautiful, you love me that much that you can last a minutes without me?"
He wraps his arms around your waist, kissing you back
One kiss on the cheek, one on the lips, one on the nose... And there's no end
Boy is just so in love with you that he doesn't want to let you go, not now at least
Little attention seeker will make the most of the opportunity to spend a sweet time with his beloved
Sean adores everything you do and especially when it involves him so please do it more
You trying to surprise him and make him feel loved it's what melt his outlaw heart!
He's always up for your kisses and hugs :>
Everyone is threatening him in the camp so Kieran is constantly very stressed
It wasn't much of a surprise, but he isn't upset with you! He knows that you mean no harm
More like glad that wasn't a Sadie or Bill coming for his head
Big sigh of relief from him, but you felt kinda bad anyway
"Ah--! You scared me, babe! But it's glad to see you"
Smile crawled on his pale, but slighly red face as he gently returned a kiss
This sight broke your heart, so you embraced him, pressing your lover tightly to yourself
He hugged you back of course, it makes him feel loved and he doesn't want to let you go (your body feels so safe to him)
Kieran is really REALLY happy to have you a walking sunshine in this waking nightmare
I can asure you that this boy loves you very much and deeply
He's so happy when you two are close and you're showing him affection, but maybe try not to scare him next time
Try anything but that, you can even surprise him with a nice flower and he would be grateful!
You gave him a goosebos, but he would act like the knows you're coming to surprise him
Acting all tough, unphased and irritated just to fool you
Or maybe he was a little scared that he let his guard down and you managed to sneak to him from behind? Guess we will never know
"I knew it was you. Why are you even tryin', cutie pie?"
But on the inside he's kinda fluttered 'cause he can't hide it that your kisses are good
Not to mention that in some way he enjoys you crawling for his attention
He may not kiss you back (maybe in private) , but he pulls you closer to him, placing one hand on your waist and the other on your thigh
Ignore his words and try it next time
In fact, Micah wants you to surprsing him like that more often, but for his own peace of mind he acts like nothing in this world can surprise him
He is an attention seeker and a touch starved bastard after all, he needs to know that you still love him as he loves you
So more random kiss are welcome!
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My Wretched, Bastard Sister
(Before 1899) Summary: This part details how you met your half-brother Micah and the life you lived prior to joining the Van der Linde Gang. Warnings: References to Physical ab-se, verbal ab-se, neglect, angst, unhealthy relationships (co-dependent), viol-ice, blood, reader is written as a half-sibling for immersion.
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The only thing you share with your brother is a father and a name. You don’t look much like him at all, which is a blessing you’re unaware of. Before your father took you, you lived with your mother. She was the daughter of a farmer who was disowned for falling pregnant out of wedlock. His name was Micah Bell Jr., and he left not long after bedding your mother in the family barn.  All her misfortune was put unto you, for she blamed you and you alone. Mother was cold at best. Her beauty helped her earn money, but not a husband. Your presence made it hard for the wealthy bachelors around town to take her hand. Over and over your mother would scream at you for ruining her life, how she didn’t want you there. 
The day Micah Bell Jr. came riding back into town felt like divine providence to your mother. 
You were a girl of only twelve when she dragged you into the saloon where the Bell Boys were said to be staying in. He was an ugly man, your father. Tall, grey-haired, with wild eyes and a wide mouth with his front teeth missing. At either side of him were his two sons, Micah Bell III and Amos Bell. Micah Jr. couldn’t remember your mother at all. He and his eldest son mocked you both as your mother shoved you forward. Mother insisted that you were his bastard and that he should claim you, take you away. All your father seemed to care about was if you knew how to cook a meal. When your mother said yes, you were riding out of town with them that same day.
The father who stole you had no love to give. He made clear right away that he only claimed you because you could be useful. Micah III didn’t want anything to do with you. Your eldest brother was in his late twenties when you came into his life. Micah always looked a bit older than his years to you. You suppose that’s the consequence of hard living, but Amos never looked that way. Micah barely spoke to you. Which you often preferred. When Micah did speak to you, it was to explain how much he hated that his father had a bastard. How he hated having some little girl following him around. Some bastard sister that folks would confuse for being his bastard daughter.  He hated you, but he never beat you. Not like your father did. It wasn’t long after your father took you that he started to give you, “discipline.” 
Amos was the gentler of your half-brothers. Alone with you, he would be kind. With the other two, he kept silent no matter what he saw. Together you would talk in hushed whispers of a simpler life. One of kindness and quiet in the far-off west. Amos had been father’s beast to blame until you showed up. If he didn’t seem terribly guilty about it, it was because he was relieved. He left in the middle of the night after an argument with father turned bad. Micah seemed all too delighted to share that Amos didn’t even look back as he ran off.
Not long after Amos left, father died of a broken neck. His horse had bucked him off his back as he and Micah were riding back to camp. That was the story Micah told you, anyway.
Since then, it had just been the two of you.
Micah is fond of reminding you that he could have just left you to die at that tiny camp father had set up. You didn’t have a horse, or a clue. And it wasn’t uncommon for them to be honest for days, leaving you to hold up camp on your own. Who knows how long you would have just sat there, waiting? When you ask him why he came to get you, he just says that you “have your uses.” He wasn’t wrong about that either. You can cook, clean, sew clothing just fine, and you’re loyal. 
Years would pass by like a prisoner’s dirty nail on a cell wall. Slow, purposeful, without a clear end or goal. You grew from girl to woman but never felt all that different inside. Hair in two braids and clothes mended thrice with patches of other garments because Micah never lets you go into town to shop. Still trembling when Micah would raise his voice or fist, even though he had never struck you before. He leaves you at camp with a loaded rifle each day and expects a long list of chores to be finished before he returns. Although you always complete your tasks perfectly, he never seems grateful or impressed.
At camp, he likes to have a few drinks by the fire and tell you stories. Tales of the past, ranging from mere hours ago to decades. Micah talks and talks, you just listen. You really don’t say much at all. He says that it’s something he likes about you, "If you weren't so ugly, I could make some coin in marrying' you off. Quiet women are a rare find in these modern days."
Micah doesn’t sleep well most nights. You often saw him sitting by the fire wide awake, staring off into nothing. Sometimes, you try to sit up with him. 
As nasty as he could be, you relied on him. You could shoot a gun, but you weren’t a cutthroat criminal by any stretch of the imagination. Micah was your defender, the breadwinner, and the Knower Of All Important Things. Between the two of you, he could read the best, so he would buy a newspaper and read it aloud to you if he was in a good mood. Aside from that, Micah didn’t really act much like a brother. He treated you like an indentured servant. Had you a kinder life before meeting him, that might’ve hurt you. Instead, it was all normal to you. 
In 1897, Micah took two bullets in a robbery gone bad. He had one bullet in his shoulder and another in his left thigh. Micah was able to ride back to camo before he passed out. Your brother fell from his horse a bloodied mess, babbling incoherently about bankers with pistols and that he couldn’t think straight. Without another thought, you went to his side and worked to stop the bleeding. When morning came, Micah awoke to you sitting at the side of his cot. You gave him a small smile and before you could ask him how he felt he demanded to know, “Why’re you still here? I figured you woulda hopped on Baylock and been halfway to California by now.”
You replied, “I can’t leave my brother.”
He let out a scoff that made him flinch, healing shoulder wound and all, “Ain’t there another one further west?”
“I stayed cus’ you’re the brother who didn’t leave me, Micah,” his mouth slammed shut at your words. For the first time in all the years you traveled with him, you had rendered your brother speechless. “We only got each other, don’t we?” you reached out to take his hand. He let you, for a moment. That perplexed look in his pale grey-blue eyes looked almost childlike. Vulnerable. It lasted about as long as your hand holding his. 
Micah snatched his hand back and sneered at you, “How ‘bout you get to fixing your good brother something to eat ‘stead of holding my goddamn hand? I’m starving!”
He was quiet for a few days after that. Angry. Things felt a bit different between you two. Micah went back to being a bully and a taskmaster, but he didn’t scare you as much anymore. You had seen behind the curtain and inside of his soul. In that brief moment where his eyes had gotten big and his heart slipped to his sleeve, you saw why he really came to get you after father died. 
Micah was afraid of being alone and afraid of needing somebody all at once. What a sad way to live, you thought.
Things were mostly back to normal until about a year later. The night that Micah saved a man’s life. Something you aren’t sure he’s ever done before. And from this uncharacteristic act of kindness, you and your half-brother would enter the Van Der Linde Gang. 
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cowboyfromh3ll · 7 months
Henlo! If it's alright, could I request some headcanons for Arthur, Dutch, Hosea, Micah, and Kieran being told that their S/O has been killed by the O'Driscolls? But nobody can find their body because it turns out they survived and took care of the worst of their injuries before making it back a week or so later. I am a sucker for hurt/comfort content. Thank you for your time and hope you're doing well.
HC For VDL Boys Being Told Their S/O Was Killed By O'Driscolls Ft. Arthur Morgan, Dutch Van Der Linde, Hosea Matthews, Micah Bell, Kieran Duffy
Ohhh nice and angsty
Warnings: Mentions of death, mentions of violence, angst
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Arthur Morgan
He would be absolutely broken
I don't think he'd go as far as to go out and kill O'Driscolls for revenge
But a new cavity in his heart would open up, and his hatred of the O'Driscolls would intensify
He wouldn't be able to get out of bed, would be incapable of taking care of himself, needs people to remind him to eat
Constantly scribbling in his journal about you
Probably the first time anyone in camp has seen him cry in a long long time
Only thing he'd get up for was to go in searches for your body
Is incredibly anxious the entire time they're looking for you and tries to mentally prepare himself for the sight of your body in who knows what state of decomposition
Once you return he'd think you're an apparition
He would be absolutely over the moon and crying tears of joy and relief
Interrogates you about your time gone but doesn't push it if the memories are too painful, you can visit that later
Helps mend any of your remaining injuries
Incredibly protective of you now and refused to let you go off on your own for a while
Holds you so so closely in bed the following nights, absolutely blots out the rest of the world with his body because he's scared if he lets go you'll disappear again
Dutch Van Der Linde
Like Arthur, he'd be destroyed as well
His mourning would cause him to jump to the anger stage immediately
Colm has already taken one lover from him, and now he's done it again? Tensions between the two gangs would be higher than ever before
He'd use the presumed death as an excuse to target Colm and the O'Driscolls for the week
Used the search for your body as an opportunity to interrogate and torture O'Driscolls. For once, he tells Arthur to back off so he can get blood on his hands
Despite everyone else's warnings, he just keeps on going and killing more O'Driscolls
When you finally return, he feels like he's hallucinating you because of his grief, and anger
Allows everyone else a moment to check over you before ushering you over to the privacy of his tent
Allows Ms. Grimshaw to follow so she can clean you up while he talks to you
Holds your hand the entire time and looks into your eyes while reassuring you that he'll never allow that to happen again
Insists you don't lift a finger for weeks afterward
Does NOT tell you about what he did while you were gone and simply speaks of his grief and his now relief that you're back
Hosea Matthews
He'd be grieving, but silently
He wouldn't be MIA like Arthur, and he definitely wouldn't be blinded by rage like Dutch
But he'd be a lot quieter, understandably, and you'd be able to see the deep sadness in his eyes
He didn't expect to lose a second lover, and his heart is heavy with feelings of loss
Would spend a lot of time talking about you to anyone who'll listen, mostly good memories
Turns down any of Dutch's suggestions to go out and take revenge, sees right through his attempts to use your presumed death as an excuse to kill a bunch of O'Driscolls
When you return he is all over you and is overjoyed by your presence
Takes care of all your injuries on his own and holds you sooo close the entire time
Reminds you how much he loves you because he feels like he didn't do it enough before he thought he lost you
Spends so much more time around you. If he wasn't attached to you by the hip before, he definitely is now
I don't think he'd doubt your ability to handle yourself; in fact, it'd probably be enforced by the fact you kept yourself alive for a week. But there'd be a lingering anxiety every time you go out
Micah Bell
Similar to Dutch, he'd go out and kill a shit ton of O'Driscolls
His grief translates to anger, and because I can't see him as a very sentimental person besides in terms of anger, that's the only way he'd express it
Probably wouldn't cry or show moments of vulnerability, but he'd be a lot more brutal in his killings
He'd spend a lot of time away from camp with Dutch probably looking for your body
Wouldn't return to camp for days
So you'd probably return to camp while he's gone, so everyone else tends to you before Micah can
When he returns he insists everyone else get away from you so he can take his own look at you
I wanna say you wouldn't receive a big welcome back gesture from Micah besides a rare shred of vulnerability where he tells you how happy he is to see you back
Don't get too mushy over it or else he'll backtrack
Kieran Duffy
On his knees crying and wailing in the middle of camp while people try to comfort him
Would be the same level as MIA as Arthur and wouldn't talk to ANYONE
Spends all his time around the horses and doesn't talk to anyone
If anyone does try to talk to him he just stares off silently in the opposite direction
The gang could probably hear him sobbing silently at night while trying to sleep
Drinks himself half dead because he doesn't know how else to cope
Drinks so often that when you come back he doesn't think you're real for a few minutes
It's a huge moment of vulnerability between the two of you where you see each other at your lowest
But it would definitely bring the two of you closer! After the two of you have cleaned yourselves up and taken care of yourselves, you'd have long, deep conversations about what you went through and how happy you are to be back
Lots of reaffirming his love for you, never leaves your side
Insists he comes with you every time you go out. Thinks he wouldn't be able to do much in terms of protecting you, but the sentiment is so so sweet
Becomes more of a way of comforting himself and quelling his own anxiety
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The Van der Linde Boys Cuddling Headcanons 
( Realistic, Includes: Kieran Duffy, Arthur Morgan, Bill Williamson, Micah Bell )
Trigger Warning: Portrayal of PTSD, Insecurity and Narcissistic Behavior
Kieran Duffy
Kieran would be the type to hold you very loosely. Whatever he does such as playing with your hair or rubbing your back, he would do it in an extremely gentle way. The sensation of his touch would be so light you might as well mistake it for the graze of a water droplet. 
He would speak in a hushed tone, barely moving his body as to not risk disturbing your comfort. Every other minute he would ask how you're feeling, if you're still okay with this, and so on. Admittedly the man is terrified of being too much for you and driving you away. You are everything he has. Literally. He has no one else in this world and frankly, he doesn't need another, as long as you are around it's all he can ask for. 
Arthur Morgan
Arthur is the best cuddler ever. Being held by him is like laying in a flower field on a sunny day. It's comforting, peaceful..it's love at it's finest. His arms wrap around you like the warmth of the sun showering you in the day. His hold is gentle but tight as if he can't help but doubt he will deserve to feel this again. He won't say it, no and if you wished to leave he would let you go. But he can't deny to himself that he needs you. 
Your love and touch are like medicine to him. The mere action of embracing you melts his heart. When he has you in his arms it feels like this thing between you two..will last forever. That he won't be pushed away again. He won't be alone. 
While you cuddle, from time to time, Arthur would lean down and kiss your forehead or he would cup your cheek and admire you for a moment. Not saying a word, just staring into your eyes. You are so beautiful to him. So so beautiful. 
Bill Williamson
Bill is not the fondest of cuddles, not because he doesn't like doing it with you but more so because he can never bring himself to relax. Even as you lay in his arms, you can feel the tension in his muscles. The constant alert and fidgeting, the quick heartbeat, and the gasp at every sudden noise. His hand jolts towards his weapon at every sound, you can barely calm him down after that point. 
He acts like he's not afraid. He's just protecting you, that's all. He's not paranoid. But it's a lie and you both know it. He is afraid, he always is. Especially when having you with him. He can't help but fear you will get hurt. He doesn't know by what but just the thought is enough to keep him awake at night.
His hug is safe in a way. Like a shield from the world around you. He doesn't do much but hold you to his chest but he does strike up a conversation, throwing in a joke every now and then. It's his way of showing he likes spending time with you. 
Micah Bell
Micah is not the cuddly type. He would cuddle you if you want, of course, he would but it's not his favorite pastime with you. He is more of a kisser you see. He would prefer to have you in his arms and shower you with kisses rather than just..hold you. But in order to have the affection he wants from you, he knows he'll have to do what you ask for, at least sometimes. He's not dumb after all. Selfish but not dumb. 
So he does. He'll wrap his hands around your waist and hold you for as long as you wish. Just say the word and you're free to go...unless he gets comfortable, then you're gonna have to stay with him a while longer. 
Micah wouldn't do much. Aside from tightening his hold on you every time you move all you might get is a short talk but that's about it. He might have a cigarette or a drink while cuddling you, just something to keep him busy. His hand would run through your hair from time to time, just a brush but it is a sign of his care. You mean something to him. What? Only he knows but you are going to be staying around. 
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unidentifiedly · 3 months
Eventful Morning
Micah Bell x reader
- In which Micah almost scares the reader to death. Or at the very least, scares them enough for it to have consequences.
"Tip, tip, tip" Soft sounds of rain droplets made their way into your ears.
"No, no. Just a few more minutes." You thought to yourself, unable to open your eyes just yet. Slowly but surely you adjusted to the idea of waking up and opened your eyes. The off white canvas tent filtered the morning light beautifully. Glancing around yourself, looking for your favourite blouse and overdress, your gaze fell on the small dusty mirror in front of you, perched atop a trunk and supported by a stack of hardcover copies of romance novels.
In the mirror, yourself staring right back. You glanced at the intricately engraved brass pocket watch by the side of the bed. The watch itself was a birthday gift from Arthur a couple months back. The arms reaching toward four and twelve, it was way too early to get up and start one's day. Yet, here you were.
Softly humming to yourself you tied your hair up lazily with a ribbon, deciding to spend the hours of the morning organizing your safe haven. The gang had only recently arrived at the new spot, Horseshoe Overlook they called it. Far too east for Arthur's liking, but to you about anything sounded better than heading back up those cold mountains toward Colter. You were used to it at this point, the constant moving around. It was a way of life that held you tightly in its grip.
That being said, the new camp was still unorganized and there was sure to be work around that needed doing. This was a chance to have some private time, peace and quiet for yourself.
Sorting through the mementos and trinkets from throughout the years was quick, you wiped the dust off of the little mirror with the corner of your nightgown. Gathering up the few clothes you had laying around and neatly folding them up you realized the growing pile of fabric by the end of your bed was clothes and linen that needed washing, not something that should just be sorted back into the trunks right away. "I think it was Charles who mentioned there was a river just west of here?" Mumbling to yourself, you picked up the dirty clothes and put them in a basket, not bothering to dress up all the way. "Everyone will be asleep at this hour anyways, and if not, it'll be Miss Grimshaw awake. It's nothing that'll bother her too much." Pulling on your trusty leather boots you untied the strings holding the fabric flap door of your tent shut. A prompt walk to your horse, a beautiful paint mare, and you were off along with your basket of laundry. With the carelessness, soft hums and the skip on your step you failed to notice a pair of eyes watch you leave the camp. The observer finished smoking his cicarette, let his legs fall from the log they were resting on while chucking the cigarette butt over his shoulder, and rubbed his hands together. What on on God's green Earth were you up to this early in the morning, and barely dressed to boot?
The sound of a running stream reached your ears fast. Charles had of course been right, even a blind man would notice the Dakota River from this close by. Hopping off your horse and tying the reins to a nearby tree you swung the basket on your elbow and kicked the boots off your feet, walking straight into the cold running water. Oh how sweet the feeling was! In a low point of the river, a rock stood taller than the surface of the water, so you took a seat and began the chore.
"Eeeasy there boy" Micah huffed to Baylock, staying well hidden in the trees, observing you from afar. A smirk spread on his lips as he saw your boots and gun belt scattered on the riverbank, and you sitting on a rock in the middle of the water, with your back facing him. Dismounting with an agile leap, he slowly but surely started making his way toward you.
Completely lost in your activity and the sweet warm sunshine of the spring morning you were singing to yourself, getting ready to leave. Looking at the last blouse, and squeezing the extra water out of it a surprisingly strong wave hit the rock and splashed water all over you, soaking your thin white linen undergarments. "Fuck!" You stood up and turned around, screaming out loud.
"Mic- Mr.Bell! What the fuck are you doing?"
Keeping his eyes locked on your body, his smirk widened, his arms reaching out toward you. "Just call me Micah, and I could ask ya the same thing, sweetcheeks. Now come on here." He beckoned with his hands, but you refused.
"No, I don't think so, you can't just creep up on me like that Mr Bell. I could have dropped my laundry basket, or worse, fallen down and then drowned out of shock!"
You took a step back, lifting the now heavier basket full of wet clothes up to rest against your hipbone.
For every step you took back, Micah took one forward, and the man had both the advantage of longer legs and facing the direction he was going. It didn't take long for things to go south.
"I'm warning you Mr Bell, I'm going to tell Arthur about this, and you know he is not going to be happy!" You tried in vain.
"Hrmph. The cowpoke ain't got nothing to do with how I conduct my business with a lady such as yerself."
You were taken aback, "what did you just call me? You never- Ah!"
Slipping on a rock and falling back, you reached out to Micah for support, and closed your eyes in anticipation of the cold hard surface of the river. The sensation never came.
"Gotcha." Eyeing down at you was Micah, who effortlessly supported your almost naked body by your waist and left arm. "Now how about ya let me show you a good time as a thanks?" One of his eyebrows rising up and his face forming a seductive expression.
You, however, were too occupied to notice or care. "Micah you idiot! All of my clothes are fucking gone!"
And indeed, the river was decorated with the various pieces of clothing running merrily downstream, way too fast to catch up to.
"Well, ya won't be needin' any of those for th- Ow!" "Shut the fuck up and help me get dressed before anyone else notices!"
The ride to the camp was one of the worst you had ever experienced. For Micah, it was the opposite. A prideful smirk on his cocky face, throwing you the occasional remark about the curve of your waist and ass, and how good you looked in just his jacket as you rode, and making no attempts to be quiet and discreet as you arrived in camp. You tried your best to ignore him and get away from the situation as quickly as possible. Hopping off your horse, not even bothering to tie the rains to the hitchpost, you walked briskly toward your tent only to run straight into Sean.
"Oi, watch where ya- Y/N, wow, let me tell ya, could not see this one comin'!" A smirk instantly grew on his face, and he slapped a hand on Micah's jacket, on your shoulder.
"Sean it's NOT what it looks like, and don't you dare mention this to anyone either!" You whisper yelled while taking off the jacket, exposing your still wet and thus transparent garments. Sean blushed bright red, poor guy, and you stomped right in to your tent.
Not being able to face the rest of the day, the longer you stayed in your tent the more intimidating the prospect of leaving felt. Surely Sean had told everyone about what he saw, and you'd be mocked til eternity.
No, there was no way you'd ever leave that tent again.
A few hours later you were starving for a snack and stuck your head out to find the main area empty. Great! An opening. As soon as you stepped out, a voice rang: "Y/N!" You turned around, mouth open to start defending yourself, only to face a very noticeably beat-up looking Sean. "Listen, sorry about the earlier, I never saw nothing, alright?" You nodded in confusion and he smiled, thanked you quickly and scurried off. You got the food you were after, and returned to your tent to eat it. There, on your cot, rested a shirt and a dress, folded in a way which looked like a very bad attempt, with a piece of paper on top. There, in barely legible rough handwriting:
"The idiot won't bother ya about it. M"
You smiled to yourself, feeling the fabric of the clothes. Both of good quality fabrics, a white undershirt and a red simple dress. Just like the ones you usually wear every day.
Observing from a distance as you emerged from your tent in your red dress, Micah Bell smiled to himself as he sharpened his knife, softly murmuring to himself: "Gotcha ta call me by my name at least. That's a start."
note: Yay! My first ever piece of writing I've published online :) do suggest if you get any good ideas and like my writing style.
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allzelemonz · 1 year
Red Dead Redemption Scenarios: Telling them you’re a virgin
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Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Kissing, fluff, sensual touching, groping, begging, losing virginity, beginnings of a sexual encounter
He looks at you for a moment, processing what you said. “Ya are?”
You nod, slowly moving your hands from his waist. He catches them and holds them betweens you as he continues to think. You’re sitting on his bed, his tiny bed in a little shack on the edge of the ranch.
“Ya don’t wanna do it here, do ya?” He asks, his hands squeezing yours.
“I want you, Abe.” You shake your head and shrug. “I don’t really care where.”
He dips his head as he blushes and shakes his head a little. “I-I could get us a hotel room over in Strawberry…”
You tilt his head back up and rest your hand on his cheek. “I don’t wanna wait.”
Abe gives you a light smile as his face turns much redder. You lean in and kiss him, picking up where you left off as your hands go back to his waist and tug at his shirt to untuck it. Abe helps, pulling his suspenders down as he kisses you with a happy smile. He can’t help it, you’re picking him for something so important. At least he thinks it’s important, which is why he stops you when your fingers start at the buttons of his shirt.
“Ya sure, really sure, hon’?”
You press a quick kiss to his lips and smile. “Yes, Abe. I am very sure.”
“Alright.” He says, more breath than voice as he watches you return to unbuttoning his shirt. “If yer sure.”
Bill Williamson: 
His face goes red, already having been nervous about how far you’ve gone. You’re in your tent, Bill is hovering over you and his lips are already a little sore. He wants to keep going, it’s been on his mind ever since you put your hand on his thigh by the campfire an hour ago, but all he can do is look at you.
“Oh…” He shuffles above you awkwardly, suddenly feeling much more guilty about the tent in his pants. “Oh, I-I’m sorry- I didn’t- You-”
“Bill.” You say, slowly running your hands over his arms that hold him above you. “I just wanted you to know. I-I want to keep going.”
“Ya do?” Bill asks, confusion covering his face. “Ya-Ya want me ta…”
You pull him back in for a kiss and Bill returns it with some nerves. He’s hesitant to put his weight back on you, now unsure of himself.
“Please, Bill.” You whisper.
His heart skips at that. He looks over you and slowly gets comfortable on top of you again, letting his apparent arousal press against your thigh as he kisses you again and melts into everything you’ll give him.
Charles Smith: 
He stills, his hands becoming much lighter on your hips. “You should’ve told me.”
“I just did.”
He sighs. “I wouldn’t ‘ve been so…”
“You can be rough, Charles.”
He rests his head against yours. “I was thinking things I shouldn’t.”
You tuck some of his hair behind his ear and kiss his head. “Next time then?”
“Maybe.” He smiles lightly, sighing. “I’ll go slow. Tell me if it’s too much.”
“You don’t have to-”
“I do.” He pulls you closer. “I want you to feel good.”
His eyes catch yours like a trace and you nod. He connects his lips to yours again, much more intentional this time. With this new pace, it could be a long night.
Colm O’Driscoll: 
He grins like a mad man as he thinks of the implications. He’s just pushed you down to sit on his bed after having kissed and felt you up for hours. But now that you’ve told him, his plans are changing actively in his mind.
“Ya don’t say…” His eyes flick over you in a hungry way that makes just a hint of fear shoot through you. “Ain’t lyin’ are ya?”
You shake your head. “Why would I lie?”
He hums as he leans over you, hands resting on your thighs as his face gets close to yours. “Somethin’ special ‘bout takin’ somebody’s innocence, sweetheart.” His hand moves up your leg, tilting inwards until he feels what he wants. “Ya want me? Want me ta make ya feel what ya been missin’, sugar?”
You nod, breath hitching as he squeezes at your leg.
“I need words, sugar.” He hums. “Go on, tell me what ya want.”
His eyes fix on yours but his hand doesn’t stop its trip. He presses at you, much more than he has before. He’s touched you, groped just enough to make you want him, teasing you, but he had no idea this is all new for you.
“Colm…” You mumble.
“Be specific now, sugar.”
“I don’t- I mean-”
Your mind is clouded by the new and pleasant sensation that Colm is giving you as he rubs your through the fabric separating you.
“Want some help?” Colm asks, earning a nod from you. “That’s alright, sugar, you’ll get better. Ya like this?”
You nod as your hips buck against him slightly. Colm pushes you back down with his free hand as he moves closer to your ear.
“Ya want me ta fuck ya all gentle?” He whispers.
“Please.” You manage to say.
Colm grins against your skin as he kisses along your neck and slowly tilts you back onto the bed.
Kieran Duffy: 
Kieran feels a guilt come over him, expecting something from you that you’ve never even experienced. You may be the one pinning him to the tree but his hands are on your waist, his fingers are brushing bare skin under your shirt. He withdraws them as he looks over you in a new light, remembering his first time with a distinct worry that he’ll screw yours up like his.
“I didn’t mean to freak you out, Kieran.” You say, removing your hands from him because you don’t want to pressure him. “I just thought you should know.”
He nods, staring at the ground as he thinks. “Ya, uh, ya never even…”
You shake your head. “Nothing. But I want to do all those things with you.”
“Yer messin’ with me.” He mutters.
Timidly, you put your hands on the side of his face and make him look at you. “I’m not, Kieran. Can we just keep going, like I never mentioned it?”
“But yer- I mean-” He licks his lips from a mix of nerves and the desire you made him feel when his back first hit the tree and your hands wandered over him. “Ya don’t want somethin’ special?”
You smile lightly. “I have you, right?”
Kieran’s face turns pink as you press him back against the tree and kiss him as you were before. He puts his hands back at your waist and melts back into it, forgetting things for now and letting you do as you please.
Micah Bell: 
“You?” Micah asks.
His hand is frozen in place, resting high up on your inner thigh as you sit in his lap. You’re by the fire, alone at the late hour in the dark, and Micah has been pressing heated kisses to your neck. He’d just gotten hard and you could feel it, so you told him as gently as you could.
You nod, turning a little to meet his eyes. The ice in them is melted but covered in conflict as he weighs his options. He had a plan. He was going to get you all needy, take you to your tent, and fuck you like he’s been wanting for the whole of your time with the gang. He was going to be rough because he’s been waiting for so long, maybe have you suck him off in the morning too. But this changes things. You’re not what he thought and he doesn’t know what to do now.
You can sense this, seeing the look that plants on his face. So you take his hand in yours and encourage him to continue as you kiss him. He’s stiff for a moment before he leans into you, letting you take some lead in it all. He lets you pull his hand higher up your thigh and his fingers brush against you.
That makes him pull away with a slight hum. “Let me do this proper, darlin’.”
He pushes your hand away and helps you stand, pulling you along to your tent with an entirely new plan for the night.
Sean MacGuire: 
Sean sits back, pulling his hands into his own lap as soon as possible to hide a growing tent. “I’m sorry, love. I didn’t know, I wouldn’t a’ wanted ta… Well I would, but tha’s not the point-”
“Sean, shut up.” You mutter, annoyed that he took his hands back.
“Alright, love, here’s what we’ll do.” Sean says, leaning forward. “Take things nice and slow, right? I wanna give ya the time a’ yer life.”
You press a short kiss to his lips, only pulling away for a second before Sean puts his hands on your face and pulls you back in. He’s less hungry now, more sweet. He can’t help but giggle as he lays down with you and your hands rest on his hips.
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