#mike faist
bladesrunner · 3 days
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Challengers (2024) dir. Luca Guadagnino
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kendyzzlewp · 1 day
Hard Work, Pays Off || ART DONALDSON
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art donaldson x fem!reader
summary: after months and months of trying, it finally happens
tags: married life, husband!art x wife!reader, mentions of sex, exhaustion, tw: throwing up, pregnancy, pregnancy announcement, fluff
Art Donaldson was exhausted.
He had never been so sexed out in his life. Trying to have a baby was harder than people had realized. Don’t get him wrong, it was very enjoyable, but the lack of sleep was not it.
It seemed like you were craving it. All day, every day. Waking him up in the middle of the night, lips on his neck, hand on his dick. In the shower, in the kitchen, in the car, hell, you almost got kicked out of a restaurant because you couldn’t keep your hands to yourself.
Art did his best to please you, bending you over wherever possible—pounding into you until you were a trembling mess below him.
He let out a yawn, his hand rubbing his tired blue eyes. His publicist rambled on about the latest endorsement deal, and he was trying to pay attention. It’s just that his voice was soothing, and the room temperature was hitting just right. If he closed his eyes for just a second…
That jolted him awake, almost spilling his to-go cup of coffee all over the table. He blinked rapidly, trying to focus on the stern face of his publicist, Mark.
“Sorry,” Art mumbled, straightening in his seat.
Mark sighed, shaking his head. “You’ve got to keep it together, dude. This deal is important. Nike doesn’t just hand out endorsement deals like candy.”
“I know, I know,” Art said, taking a deep breath and forcing himself to concentrate. “Just send me the details. I have to go.”
He stood up, grabbing his keys. Mark looked like he wanted to argue, but he just nodded, exasperated. Art didn’t wait for a response and headed out the door, eager to get home.
When he opened the door to the house, the sight of you asleep on the couch greeted him. You looked so peaceful, sprawled out with a light blanket covering you. Art’s heart softened as he watched you for a moment, your chest rising and falling with each breath; despite his day's exhaustion and chaos, seeing you like this made everything worth it.
He crept, trying not to wake you, as he set his keys down and shrugged off his jacket. He tiptoed over to you, crouching down to brush a stray strand of hair from your face. You stirred slightly, your eyes fluttering open.
“Hey,” you murmured, a sleepy smile forming.
“Hey,” Art replied softly. “Sorry, didn’t mean to wake you.”
“It’s okay,” you said, stretching. “How was your meeting?”
“Long and boring,” he admitted, chuckling. “But it’s over now. How are you feeling?”
You sighed contentedly. “Tired.”
Art smiled, leaning down to kiss your forehead. “Why don’t we both take a nap? We could use the rest.
You nodded, shifting to make space for him on the couch. Art lay beside you, wrapping his arms around you as you settled in. The warmth and comfort of having you close began to soothe his tired mind.
Weeks passed, and you still wanted Art every second of every day. It wasn’t even the fact that you both wanted to get pregnant; it was that he looked so good all the damn time. Every glance, every touch, every whisper had you pouncing on him.
This day, however, you woke up feeling off.
The smell of pancakes wafted in from the kitchen, making your stomach uncomfortable. The feeling of nausea danced around in your throat the moment your bare feet touched the cold floor.
As the bile started to creep up, you muttered a curse under your breath. With a hand clasped over your mouth, you darted to your ensuite bathroom, barely reaching the toilet in time. Nausea washed over you in waves as you knelt on the cold tile floor, your stomach heaving uncontrollably.
Retching echoed in the small room, each heave sending a surge of discomfort through your body. Tears welled up in your eyes as you struggled to catch your breath, the taste of bile lingering on your tongue.
Through the haze of nausea, you heard the sound of hurried footsteps approaching and then Art's concerned voice calling your name.
"Babe, are you okay?" he asked, kneeling beside you and gently touching your back.
You shook your head weakly, unable to form words as another wave of nausea washed over you. Art's hand rubbed soothing circles on your back as you clung to the toilet, feeling utterly drained and miserable.
After what felt like an eternity, the nausea began to subside, leaving you feeling shaky and exhausted. You leaned against the wall, closing your eyes as you tried to steady your breathing.
Art stayed by your side, offering you a glass of water and a damp washcloth to wipe your face. His concern was evident in his eyes as he watched over you, and you felt a surge of gratitude for his presence.
"Thank you," you whispered hoarsely, taking a sip of water and leaning into his comforting embrace.
He kissed the top of your head, his voice soft and reassuring. "What happened? Was it something you ate?
You shrugged weakly, still feeling too queasy to speak. Art's hand rubbed your back soothingly as you tried to collect yourself.
"It's possible," you managed to say, your voice barely above a whisper. "I'm not sure. I just woke up feeling off."
Art nodded, his brow furrowed with concern. "Do you think you need to see a doctor?"
You hesitated, not wanting to overreact. "I'll see how I feel after a little while. Maybe it's just a stomach bug."
Art nodded again, understanding. He helped you up from the bathroom floor and guided you back to bed, tucking you in gently. You knew deep down that this wasn't a damn stomach bug. Still, you didn't want to get your hopes up after months of trying and facing the same disappointment each time.
"Try to get some rest," he said softly, brushing a stray hair from your face. "I’ll make you some toast.”
The mention of food sent you running to the bathroom again. This was not a stomach bug.
As Art finished packing his tennis bag, his mind ran in circles. You hadn't stopped throwing up in days, only finding respite when you were asleep. The mere mention of anything edible sent you into a spiral that seemed to last for hours.
He was worried. He had to leave town for a stupid challenger that Tashi had signed him up for. Looking at your state, he didn't want to go, but the US Open was approaching. He needed the tournament to qualify.
Art sighed, running a hand through his hair as he glanced back at you, curled up on the couch, looking pale and exhausted. He hated to leave you like this, but his career was on the line.
"Hey," he said softly, kneeling beside you and taking your hand. "Say the word, and I’ll stay.”
You looked up at him, your eyes filled with fatigue and uncertainty. "You have to go," you whispered hoarsely.
"I know," he murmured, brushing a strand of hair from your face. "I don't want to leave you like this."
"But you have to," you insisted, squeezing his hand weakly. "You’ve worked so hard this season, don’t mess it up because of me. I'll be fine. I promise."
Art searched your eyes momentarily, finding the determination and strength he loved about you. He stood up with a heavy heart, leaning down to kiss your forehead gently.
"I'll call you every chance I get," he promised. "And I'll be back before you know it. Take care of yourself, okay?"
You nodded, offering him a weak smile as he grabbed his bag and headed for the door. Watching him go, you felt a mix of sadness at being alone and pride in his dedication to his career.
As the door closed behind him, you waited a few minutes before jumping from the couch. You went into your shared bathroom, hands shaking in anticipation as you grabbed the pregnancy test from the bathroom cabinet.
This is it. All the signs were there.
Throwing up? Check.
Sore nipples? Check.
Late period? Check.
Horny 24/7? Check.
You took a deep breath, trying to steady your shaking hands as you unwrapped the pregnancy test. Your mind raced with emotions—hope, fear, excitement, and uncertainty. You knew deep down that this could be the moment you had been waiting for.
After following the instructions, you waited anxiously for the results. The minutes felt like hours as you stared at the test, willing to show the desired answer.
Finally, the moment of truth arrived. You looked down at the test, your heart pounding in your chest. And there it was, clear as day—two pink lines.
Tears welled up in your eyes as you sank to the floor, overwhelmed with emotion. You were going to have a baby. All the nausea, exhaustion, and uncertainty suddenly made sense. It was all worth it.
Now, the fun part.
Art was crushing the tournament.
Barreling through to the finals easily, finishing every match with such an advantage that it was almost embarrassing for the other players.
As you watched Art prepare for the final match, a sense of pride swelled within you. He had worked hard to get to this point, and his performance throughout the tournament was impressive.
You couldn't help but smile as you thought about the news you would share with him. The thought of seeing his reaction filled you with excitement and joy. Quickly closing the door, you sat with the rest of the audience, eager to know the outcome.
As Art stepped onto the court for the final match, you took a deep breath, knowing that win or lose, this moment would be one to remember.
The match was intense, with both players giving it their all. Art's determination and skill were evident as he moved across the court, his focus unwavering.
In the end, Art emerged victorious, the crowd erupting into cheers as he raised his arms triumphantly.
As Art basked in the crowd's cheers, his eyes locked onto yours, a grin breaking through his focused demeanor. His expression softened with surprise and relief as he saw you in the finals despite how horrible you felt.
This was your moment.
With a steady hand, you reached into your purse, pulling out the newborn-sized onesie you had been carrying. "Way to go, Dad!" were scribbled in bold letters on the white material, a message of celebration and love.
As Art approached you, his victorious aura shining bright, you held out the onesie with a smile, your heart pounding excitedly.
"Congratulations, Dad," you said, your voice filled with pride and joy.
Art's eyes widened with surprise as he took the onesie from you, his expression shifting from disbelief to pure joy. A wide grin spread across his face as he looked down at the tiny garment in his hands, the realization sinking in.
"You're pregnant?" he exclaimed, his voice filled with emotion.
You nodded, tears of happiness welling up in your eyes. "Yes, we're having a baby."
Art pulled you into a tight embrace, his arms wrapping around you as he held you close.” I love you," he whispered, his voice choked with emotion. "I love you so much.”
As the crowd continued to cheer around you, you held onto Art tightly, feeling the warmth of his love and the promise of a new beginning. In that moment, surrounded by the echoes of victory and the anticipation of new life, you knew your future together was brighter than ever.
Hard work does pay off.
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midwestprincesss · 12 hours
a/n: reposted this again cause for some reason the original one w the ask barely surfaced like. anyone .
contents: sub patrick my beloved, reader is a lil funny, patrick is #1 in the slut Olympics, finger sucking, p in v, more stuff. blah blah blah.
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Patrick Zweig is a whore.
if you look up "whore" online, a picture of patrick comes up. you told him that. he didn't take it well.
"i'm not a whore!" he protested. he didn't sound sure of it either, though. and the very obvious boner under his sweatpants spoke for itself.
"patrick, you're literally hard. i didn't even do anything" you deadpanned, staring him right in the eye.
he scoffed then took the pillow next to him and covered his growing erection with it. "you're wearing that shirt again. you know how i feel about it"
you looked down at your shirt. it was an " I ❤️ Art" top which you got at one of art's recent matches, as a joke. (but you really did love art though)
you laughed. "this shirt gets you hard? i mean, patrick, i know how you feel about art, but, a shirt that only mentions him? c'mon man"
"UGHH." patrick groaned as his face turned red. "it's the way the text stretches because of your tits, okay? fuck you."
"i don't know about you fucking me, but me, on the other hand, i'll be glad to do it" you smirked, proud of the little pun you just made.
patrick's hips bucked up into the pillow at that. "yes, please. god, just fuck me. i've been hard the whole day." he cried.
"you've been hard the whole day? how did you manage to actually get through the day without jerking off?" you joked, referencing, well, his slutty tendencies.
patrick blinked and looked around the room suspiciously. "i uh. i did. like two times." he admitted.
"WHAT?!" you screeched. "but- when the fuck?! i was with you like the whole day. except for when you went to the bathroom that one time"
"well. i jerked off then. once" he said.
"and the other time?" you asked.
"uh." he held back. "i uh, i came in my pants. just a few minutes ago when you called me a whore."
your eyes widened. "well then, i was right, wasn't i?"
"i guess so." he said, hips still bucking into the pillow.
"then i gotta treat you like a whore too." you said and took the pillow from his hands and threw it on the floor. immediately straddling his lap, you started making out with him. messily. he moaned into your mouth as you explored his with your tongue. he bit your lip and you pulled back, mouth open, pretending you're going in for more. only to pull back when his mouth chases your again. he moans again. this time, because of frustration.
"don't fucking tease me, i'm so hard, fuck. and i'm so wet, just take my boxers off. please. i'll let you do anything you want to me if you take them off." he pleaded.
you raised your eyebrow at him. "i can do anything i want to you, even if you don't let me." you giggled. "but just to be nice, i'll take them off."
and shit, he was right. his boxers were fucking drenched. of cum, thanks to the fact that he had came in his pants. like the slut he is.
"hey uh. you have a bit of boxers in your cum." you couldn't help but joke.
you grabbed his jaw, softly, and then slammed him back onto the pillow, right hand all over his face. then, as your fingers reached his mouth, he immediately parted his lips and took them in, sucking on them while holding eye contact. you let him have his fun for a couple of seconds, then tried removing them in order to take off his boxers. he didn't like that.
"put them back." he whined, as he took your two fingers and put them back in his mouth, pressing them against his tongue. "i can take my boxers off by myself."
his little high-pitched moans filled the room, all while not even being touched by you yet. he finally let go of your fingers with a loud pop.
you looked at his pretty dick resting on his stomach. he was really, really fucking big. girthy too. pink, wet tip with a brown-ish base, slightly curved to the left. just right to hit that one spot in your pussy you couldn't reach by yourself.
"please. please. please. pleas-" he started. only you cut him off. he did this often. repeating the world "please" until you sucked him off. or fucked him. or did anything, really. anything other than staring at him and not touching.
"shut it, zweig. i'll only fuck you if you convince me with your words, but you're not allowed to say please. if you say please, i'll leave you like this." you smile confidently at him. his dick was fucking twitching. thighs squeezing every now and then, even with you straddling him. he was doing everything in his power not to lose his shit and jerk himself off.
but he still put on that patrick zweig signature smirk. challenge accepted.
"i need you to fuck me until i can't speak coherently anymore. i need you to fuck me like if you don't do it, we'll both die. fuck me so hard that my eyes will roll to the back of my head for you. ride me until i start crying. just do it. i'm so hard it hurts. i need you-" he whimpered, trying to get his dick somehow closer to you.
and with that you took off your panties, and lined up your entrance with his dick. not sinking down on him yet.
"will you eat me out after this?" you ask.
" is that even a questi- OH FUCKK" he moaned, like someone straight from a pornographic movie. you started bouncing up and down on his cock, all while kissing and sucking at the skin of his neck, shoulders and chest. you went rough with him. but you knew that he was going to stay hard even after cumming the third time, so you didn't hold back at all.
after all, he was going to pay you back. considerably a good amount of times.
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veryberryjelly · 23 hours
request ; @diorrfairy; can i get 25. kissing hip bones i repeat kissing hip bones with art donaldson !!
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art donaldson x reader
prompts ; ' kissing hip bones i repeat kissing hip bones '
𝐍𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ✦ 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐲 𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲 !
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while there were many benefits to dating a tennis player, attending functions was not one of them.
a lot of people would love to get dressed up, go to a fancy event with their partner and spend the night drinking, but both yourself and art would much rather just stay home and order in.
you enjoyed each others company more than others.
but unfortunately neither of you could get out of it tonight.
which was why you were finishing off curling your hair in the bathroom while art tied up his shoes sat on the bed.
" we could say i got hurt during practice "
the entire time the two of you had been getting ready, art had been offering up excuses you could give to the organiser to get out of it and every time you had the same sort of answer.
a soft laugh fell from your lips as you set the curler down on the counter, switching it off at the socket.
" baby, there is no way we can get out of it. " you relented, waking through to the bedroom, your bare feet padding against the carpet. " but we only have to be there for an hour or two and then we can come home "
art lifted his eyes when you came to stand infront of him and for a moment he was glad that they had been invited to this event.
you looked absolutely ethereal.
your dress complimented your skin beautifully, the thin material allowing him to see every curve of your body.
when he lifted his hands to slide up your thighs, ruffling the material slightly, he realised how soft it was beneath his fingertips.
his hands slid up from your thighs to your hips, pulling you those few steps closer to him, his head tilted back and his gorgeous blue and brown eye staring up at you with something you recognised as 'complete and utter adoration' as he so eloquently put it.
" you look absolutely stunning, baby " he whispered, his voice slightly hoarse from the amount of restraint he was having to put to use to prevent himself from pulling this dress off of you.
" is the promise of getting to take this off later enough to get you out the door ?" you questioned, your hands sliding up into his mess of strawberry curls.
he didnt seem to hear you, his lips moving to press light kisses against the silky fabric, his lips moving from your stomach and down to your pelvis.
you were so entranced with the sight of him so addicted to the feeling of the fabric against his skin, that you didnt notice his hands lifting your dress from the floor and up your thighs.
" art " you prompted, trying to pull him out of his euphoric state as he tried to pull your dress up over your ass.
that was when you had to step back and let the fabric fall down to the floor again, causing him to snap out of his daze.
you sat down on the floor infront of him and began to slide your feet into your heels while you spoke.
" 2 hours, and then we can come home and i'll even keep the dress on for a little while if you want " you bargained. seeing how he reacted to you in the dress, you thought the promise of some private time with you in the outfit might get him out the door.
" fine, 2 hours " he said, standing from the bed and offering his hands out to pull you from the floor after you had put your shoes on.
as you promised, after two hours at the event, you and art said your goodbyes and headed to the car, arts hands already all over you as you walked to the car.
you managed to keep him off of you until you got back to your place, but the minute the door was shut, he had his hands pawing at the fabric of your dress, pulling it up to bunch at your waist so he could grasp at you properly.
his hands went to your ass, your arms looped around his neck and your lips only disconnected for air every few seconds.
a small yelp fell from your lips when your feet were lifted from the ground and your legs wrapped around art's torso, holding on tightly as he brought you both to the bedroom, setting you down on the mattress with a small bounce.
he knelt down to undo your shoes and drop them onto the floor, his lips pressing to your ankles, then your shins.
he continued up your body, pulling your dress up as he went.
when he reached your thighs you lifted your ass slightly to help him move the fabric but you watched in amusement as his head pulled out from under the dress.
he didnt hesitate to push the silky material up over your hips so it bunched up just above your belly button.
his eyes flamed as he presses a feather light kiss to your stomach, following down the same path as he had previously by pressing a light kiss to your pelvis.
he moved to the left, his lips trailing a path towards your hip bone as he pulled down the fabric of your panties, doing the same to each side.
once your panties joined your shoes in the pile forming on the floor, you were absolutely done for
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miley1442111 · 2 days
(part 9)- hotel room choice- a.donaldson
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summary: how art and you start to reconnect, as friends, of course.
(dw there are more parts after this :))
pairing: art donaldson x reader
warnings: mad angst, feelings of disappointment and depression, hurt, loneliness, eating disorder, SMUT 18+, piv, fingering, no protection, small fluff, etc.
PART 9 of 12
You sat in your hotel room, a full plate of untouched food in front of you, a party going on outside, and an empty feeling in your stomach. You hated your life. You were worse than empty, you felt desolate, and unknown. Everyone knew your name, but no one knew you. No one knew what you liked and hated, what your real dreams were, what you liked as a kid, what your favourite colour was. 
No. You were completely, and utterly alone. 
Which was fine. It meant no hurt feelings. No complicated relationships. But it also meant radio silence. It meant going days without speaking a word out loud. It meant weeks without real human contact. You had no family, none that wanted to see you anyways. You had no friends, no one at the top could. You enjoyed the tennis season, because it meant you’d at least be surrounded by people, even if they didn’t speak to you. That was fine. You liked people watching. Like when you spotted Lily and Art in the crowd at your match earlier that day. Lily was a beautiful little girl, and your heart ached for the hypothetical children you and Art would talk about back in college when you both got tired enough to forgo any anxieties surrounding talking about a future together. 
“We’d have a girl first,” he smiled, pecking your lips as he held you close. The cold air from the open window (that neither of you were bothered to close) caused you both to huddle together under his bedsheets, the darkness of the room giving way to a serious conversation. What you wanted your life to look like. How you believed it would look. “We’ll call her Lily.”
“Lily? Like my favourite flower?” You’d smiled as he nodded. You could barely make out his face in the dark room, but you could feel his smile against your skin. It felt good. 
“Like your favourite flower,” he nodded. “Then we’d have twins, a boy and a girl.” 
“We’d name the boy Matthew,” you decided. “After your grandad, obviously.”
Art beamed with happiness. He’d been close to his grandfather when he was a kid and a few months ago he’d opened up about it, telling you off-handedly about his desire to name his kid after him. You’d remembered. 
How could you ever forget it?
“And the girl could be named Heidi,” he offered. “It’s cute, right?”
“Very cute,” you agreed. 
“And then we’d have another boy-”
“Christ, how many times will I have to be pregnant?” You chuckled. 
“You don’t seem to mind me fucking you everyday now,” he smirked, pressing an open-mouthed kiss to your neck. You chuckled at his antics and pushed him off. 
“Fine,” you rolled your eyes. “What would his name be?”
“Why Lucas?” You asked, holding his hand. 
“It’s pretty, like you,” he smiled and kissed your cheek again. 
“I love it,” you nodded. His hands went down to your waist and pulled you on top of him. 
“I love you.”
You pushed the plate of pasta away from you, a scoff on your lips. You weren’t hungry. You weren’t anything. 
You were empty. 
Knock, knock, knock. 
You got up and answered it, swallowing your tears back. “Hello?”
And there he was, blonde hair in a pair of pyjama pants and a hoodie that made him like 19 again. He looked at you with those same sparkling eyes, Lily’s hand in his. You both just stared at each other for a few seconds, before Lily shook his hand, breaking him out of the trance you’d found yourselves in.“Hi.”
“Hi!” She smiled. “You’re really good!” 
You leaned down to her. “Well thank you,” you smiled. “I’d love to play tennis with you one day, I bet you’re amazing.”
She nodded her head profusely. “Let’s play now!”
“Oh peanut, it’s kind of late-”
“It’s fine,” you nodded at him. “Unless she needs to be in bed?” 
“She’s fine to be awake,” he nodded, his eyes trained on you. 
“Perfect,” you smiled at her. “I’ll grab my racket, yeah?”
“Yay!” she celebrated. “I’ll go back to the hotel room and grab one of yours daddy! I’ll be right back,” Lily rushed off, keycard in hand. 
Art walked into your room and your frame stiffened. He felt like he had no control over his body. He was just… drawn to you. Like a mosquito to a light. His eyes stayed glued to you. 
“Have you eaten?” He asked, looking at the untouched dishes at the end of your bed. 
“I’m not hungry,” you shrugged. 
“You should eat something,” he nodded. “It’s good for you.”
You turned to him with a teasing smirk. “Really? I never noticed.”
Art felt 19 again. Awkward and much too sweaty around you. Nervous.
Like when you two first met at that party. Your beautiful face in the crowd. When Tashi introduced you to him. 
“That over there, is Art Donaldson with Patrick Zweig, Art’s great at tennis, but he lacks a certain drive, and Patrick is just an asshole who thinks he’s way better than he is,” she giggled. You laughed along, but your eyes lingered on Art. He met your eyes and his widened, he choked on his drink and you chuckled. He waved at you, and you waved back, a teasing smirk on your face. 
“He seems to like you,” she winked. “Go for it.”
You did. 
“You haven’t changed,” he chuckled nervously. 
“I wish I had,” you plastered on another fake smile and took his hand. His entire body went electric, every nerve ending on fire. You were touching him. You were here with him. Your eyes met his and he leaned in, trying to commit your face to memory. Like he would ever forget it. 
“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered, bright eyes staring into yours. “So, so beautiful.”
He noticed how your breath hitched. How your lip quivered. How your eyes watery slightly.
“Dad, I’m ready!” Lily called from the door. 
“So are we!” you smiled, walking over to Lily. She put her hand in your and you felt that sorrowful ache in your heart increase in size. You’d wanted to be a mom. You couldn’t now, not after what you’d done to yourself. 
The tennis court was foggy, a slight midnight haze on your game. Art and Lily played against you, mostly having it be Lily serve, you hitting it back, then Art catching the ball and giving it to Lily to serve again. She was pretty great, especially for a little girl. It was beautiful. Your dreams coming true for one night. A family. A domestic setting in which Art looked at you like he used to. But Lily wasn’t your daughter. And Art wasn’t your husband. They were both Tashi’s. Everything in your life had become Tashi’s. 
Art walked you back to your hotel room after he walked Lily back to their hotel room. 
“Thanks for tonight,” he smiled. “Lily had a blast.”
“Thank you for tonight,” you smiled. “I had fun.”
He just looked at you for a moment, feeling exactly how he did eleven years ago.
“I had a great time tonight,” he smiled, dropping you off at your dorm. 
“It doesn’t have to end,” you smirked. “You could come in for a while.”
He’d never agreed so quickly. 
His lips were on your in an instant, his hands expertly undoing the lacing on the back of your beautiful black dress. “You’re so beautiful.”
“So are you,” you smirked, slightly biting his lip. He swore he could’ve cum right then and there. 
His lips worked down your neck as you both stripped, then you landed on the bed, his fingers slowly working you to your first orgasm of the night. 
“So pretty like this,” he whispered into your ear, somehow speaking over your moans. “So gorgeous.”
His lips seemed to be magnetic to your neck. His eyes, drinking in your body as you convulsed and moaned beneath him. 
“Art!” you whined gripping his bicep as you came. 
“Good girl, just like that-” he groaned when you took his hard cock in your hand. 
“Feels good?” you asked, coming down from your orgasm. He nodded his head as he whimpered out small praises, depraved sounds coming over of his mouth as you worked your hand up and down faster. He lay back as you straddled him, pushing him inside of you as he moaned out particularly loudly. 
“Fuck!” he whined out as you started to move. “So good- so, so good.”
“Fuck you’re huge,” you groaned. “You’re so big.”
With your praises Art came quickly, cumming inside of you with a groan as you clamped down around him, his orgasm triggering your own. 
“Fuck,” you groaned, laying beside him. 
“Please tell me you’re on birth control?” He asked and you groaned. 
“Fuck off and stop ruining the moment,” you chuckled, kissing him softly again. “But no, I am not. I’ll go and grab the morning-after pill now,” you sighed, getting up. 
“No way you’re getting it. I’ll go get it,” he assured, getting up and dressing himself. You simply walked over to your desk and pulled out a blister pack, then chuckled at him. He rolled his eyes and walked over, burying his face in your neck. “I thought you meant going out-”
“I know what you meant,” you smiled. “You’re so sweet Art, thank you.”
He faced you, a rosy blush on his cheeks. “So we’ll see each other again?”
“I hope so,” you smiled. “Cause I really like you.”
“I really like you too,” he admitted, and kissed you softly. 
He cleared his throat  “You’ll get some dinner?”
“Sure,” you nodded. “You’ll get some sleep?”
“Sure,” he nodded. 
You started closing the door, giving him a small wave,  but he stopped you, putting his foot in the door. 
“I wanted it to be you,” he admitted. “Always. I’ve always been in love with you.”
Suddenly this innocent night had turned into something much heavier. 
Suddenly you didn’t know what to do. 
art donaldson masterlist :)
navigation for my blog :) (criminal minds, obx, the bear, marvel, top gun, the hunger games, challengers :)
people who asked to be tagged :)
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mazzywstar · 3 days
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can we please never stop talking about him
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Challengers (Luca Guadagnino, 2024)
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The Perfect Christmas Morning
pairing: art donaldson x female reader
warnings: mentions of a kid you two have together, sex, p in v, nothing too kinky!
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You padded down the stairs on an early Christmas morning, greeted by the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and something sweet wafting through the air. Entering the kitchen, you found your husband wearing a crisp white apron, rummaging through the cabinet. The countertop wore a fine dusting of powdered sugar, resembling a scene from a wintry postcard.
“Need a hand, chef?” you quipped, leaning casually against the doorframe, the corner of your lips tugging into a smile. Art glanced up, his eyes lighting up at the sight of you.
"Actually, I need someone to do a taste test." 
You sauntered over to the bowl of pancake batter sitting on the counter. Slowly, you swiped a finger through the mix, tasting it with a deliberate slowness to relish the sweet flavour. Leaning casually against the counter, you met his gaze, noticing how intently his eyes lingered on your mouth.
“You've got a little something there, princess,”
His lips curled into a smirk, giving you a pretty good idea of what was to come.
“Oh, really?” 
“Why don't you help me out then?”
Fingers latching onto the straps of his apron, you pulled him closer, lips meeting hungrily halfway. He dipped your head, pressing his body against yours. The edge of the counter dug into your back, but you couldn't feel anything except the taste of his lips and the touch of his hands. As if hearing your thoughts, he gripped your waist, hoisting you onto the kitchen counter so you could be in a more comfortable position. Instinctively, your legs wrapped themselves around his waist, pulling him closer. 
“You have no idea what you make me wanna do, Angel,”
Art mumbled as he pushed up your sweater and jerked down your bra cups, kneading the soft flesh underneath. Hot, wet kisses trailed down your jawline, his lips making an exploration from your neck to the valley between your breasts. Meanwhile, his hands crept to the waistband of your sweatpants, yanking them off alongside your panties and throwing them carelessly onto the floor.
“Art,” you whispered anxiously,
“What if Julie wakes up?” 
“Then we tell her that we’re working on item number two on her list to Santa.. A little brother or sister to play with.”
The husky, conspiratorial tone sent a delicious wave of shivers down your spine, your toes curling before his words even fully registered in your head. Just as you opened your mouth to scold him, Art chose that exact moment to plunge his fingers into your slick core. “Art!” His name rolled out of your tongue in an erotic squeak. Your grip around his shoulder blades tightened, leaving crescent-moon indentations as you bucked against his fingers, desperate for more.  “T-take off your pants, now” you demanded breathlessly,
“Whatever you say Mrs. Donaldson," Art says teasingly. 
Shoving off his pants and boxers obligingly, he gripped your thighs apart and surged forward in one single stroke, slipping into your drenched entrance with ease.  “Oh,” you gasped quietly, always amazed by the fullness you felt every time Art entered you. There was a sense of belonging when you connected in the most intimate, carnal way imaginable—as if your bodies were designed for each other. He established a delicious rhythm that had you gasping for more.
“Baby, ‘m so close..” his voice was raspy. Pleading, almost. You could feel the thick haze of heat between you spiral higher and higher. You began to buck against him, hands greedily sliding all over his body to touch every inch of his skin. As he lurched up to meet your lips again, Art angled your thighs, slamming in deeper and more fiercely, the movements of his tongue displaying the same ferocity of his thrusts—desperate, aching for your warmth and taste. Your body bucked fiercely against his, feeling the goosebumps blossoming across your flesh. Your mouth opened, releasing a silent scream as your body convulsed, spine bent deliciously into an arc. Feeling him succumbing to his own pleasure as you twitched and shivered through your climax; a blazing, burning ecstasy.
His hips continued to jerk languidly against yours before finally coming to a rest. Out of breath; hot breath panting against your sweat-slicked skin. Art had his face nestled into the crook of your neck, chest heaving. You ran your fingers through his brunette curls, planting soft kisses along his neck. 
Your legs were weak and trembling when Art helped you get off the counter. Smiling, he tilted your head upwards to caress your flushed cheeks, admiring the rosy blush before lowering his head to capture your lips once more. Gentle and sweet, exactly the way you remembered your very first kiss with him.
"Merry Christmas, Angel.” he mumbled with a shy, boyish grin, before giving you a peck on the nose. Soft laughter escaped you as you smiled up at him, eyes shining and happy. 
"Merry Christmas to you too, Art."
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dodgesgirl · 3 days
content warnings: sub!art??, he's so pathetic, premature ejactulation, crying, overstimulation, let me know if i forgot anything!
art cums so quickly. he really doesn't mean to. he tries hard to get you to cum before he does, but it's just so hard. he does everything he can to postpone it, to stop it from happening, but even when he's just massaging your thighs, he needs to take breaks. he needs to breathe deeply, and hold his hands to his chest & away from both your body and his own dick, so that he doesn't cum too quickly.
he gets so embarrassed that he cries, even when you coo at him and card your fingers through his curly hair to soothe him, he can't help it, babbling apologies and holding you with one hand while he rubs himself through it with the other.
the overstimulation is even worse. sometimes he doesn't even realise he's cumming, until it's too late and he's already cumming a second or third time. his eyes roll so far back he sees stars, and his legs shake so much he won't be able to stand for a few hours.
he gets so annoyed with himself, but oh, you've never loved anything more.
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mikedfaist · 3 days
Mike with a needy significant other but he actually loves it
When he’s making his coffee in the morning and you come up to him from behind, wrapping your arms around his midsection and nuzzling your face into his bare back. He loves that shit. When he’s laying in bed on his phone, probably going through emails or group texts, and you crawl up his legs and rest your head on his stomach… he loves that shit. I think he just loves being loved on. He doesn’t even think of it as being needy. Maybe it has to do with him being gone a lot; he needs to feel wanted and loved when you’re around.
When he’s taking a shower and you decide to join him… he loves that shit. Playfully smacking his butt in the aisle of a grocery store. Out walking Austin. While he’s folding laundry… he loves it all. Playing with his hair while you’re cuddling on the couch. Biting his earlobe when he’s pretending to ignore you… Anything to get you riled up, honestly.
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saturnicks · 3 days
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“Every once in a while a kid who wins juniors turns out to be an actually great player, but most of them end up in, like, the top 300. It’s a curse”
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jesuistrestriste · 1 day
Missing the Mike Faist priest kink era 😭 still wait for the«  see you in the next Wednesday service » ahaha I’m wondering if the locals suspects their relation or not( do they see each other outside his service ?)( Is he jealous when he sees other guys flirting with her before his church service starts ? ) 👀
an ask about "kneel" ???? im gonna cry
no let's talk about it because i never did a pt. 2 or anything
i think that a majority of the locals don't really suspect that the reader is messing around with the priest (they idolize him + see him as a nonsexual figure), but they do look down on her b/c of her visible promiscuity (i.e. the hickies and etc.)
they might notice her wearing shorter skirts to services, and crossing her legs/squeezing her thighs together incessantly throughout his sermons. someone might even catch a glimpse of soft bruises and red handprints on her ass after she bends over to pick something up in front of them the day after mass. and they're like omg? what is this young lady getting herself into? and who in this town could stand to do such vile, obscene things to her body? (as if it's not their precious priest)
i dont think they see each other outside of services/the church b/c they dont want to risk drawing attention to their "special, secret relationship". but! he does give her his phone number and she calls him sometimes when she thinks too much about him and gets wet :( he has talked the reader through touching herself on multiple occasions. tons of verbally guided masturbation over the phone as she lays on her bed, her hand between her legs, with an opened bible next to her. yeah.
he had gifted her that bible after the second time they had sex. not necessarily to indoctrinate her into the religion, but to give her a representation of something that was important to him. it was his subtle way of trying to connect with her. but it kinda backfired b/c now she gets hot and flushed when she reads the words "God" and "peace" and "faith". he basically pavlov's dog'd her. classically conditioned.
because she lost her virginity to him, she's definitely very attached. she tells him that she isn't, but its a total lie and he knows it too. she gets jealous when women, young or old (doesn't matter), come up to him after services all smiley and ready to talk to him about their problems. reader usually gets red in the face and pouts in the back pew as she watches their interactions closely. she worries a lot that she isn't the only person in the town that the priest is intimate with, but she is. he's fairly attached to her too. and because she's a pretty young woman, divorced dads and older teen boys will often try to flirt with her before the priest's regularly scheduled homily, and he has to gather all the restraint in his body not to insert himself between you and them.
they are very cute + sacrilegious. ugh.
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midwestprincesss · 21 hours
if you want it, you got it! *rubs hands together in excitement*
i will never get over the fact that we didn’t get an actual threesome in the movie 😭 but how do you think art and patrick would work together to get you off?
NAURRR cause i was FOAMING AT THE MOUTH waiting for a threesome scene.
patrick DEFINITELY teaches art everything. how to make out (by making out with him lol), how to give reader head etc.
"watch and learn" he says smugly, patting his blonde best-friend on the thigh as he dips his head into your pussy. art can't even think straight. like. ??? patrick??? the hottest guy ever going down on you, the hottest girl ever, AND IN FRONT OF HIM? this man is BRICKED UP. like, if there was a scale for boners, he'd be breaking it.
and then patrick makes him practice on you, after you've already cum. he's a little mean, and ofc he loves seeing you overstimulated with art's mouth on you <3 the way you keep closing ur thighs, and art just doesn't give a fuck. like, if u suffocate him with ur thighs, he'd be happy he at least got to be between them. but ofc, we have patrick, our lord and saviour, who gently opens ur legs again for art to have better access. and of course, for him to see how he's doing.
"suck her clit, yeah, like that, she likes that." patrick tells art. then he looks at you with that shit-eating grin of his- "don't you baby?" and you just MELT. he knows you like it. yet he had to ask, just to make you feel all embarrassed about it. "don't get all shy on me, now." patrick chuckles. "tell art you like it, honey. tell him he's doing a good job"
"f-fuck- i like it art, you're s-so good at this" you barely manage to say, trying to hold back moans.
"atta girl" patrick praises you, as both you and art moan, almost in unison. (only art's is a lil more whoreish than yours.)
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389 · 2 days
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poppy-metal · 3 days
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why are mike and josh actually their characters like the art and patrick mannerisms here im sick
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deadunderorbit · 2 days
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