#mikey x male reader
reallyromealone · 2 months
This isn't a request but I'm brain rotting rn about imagining Emma is once again at a toman meeting with another 'girl' and Draken of course scolds her and is like "Don't go bringing your schoolmates to a gang meeting," but it's actually reader crossdressing and Mikey's new bf
Thank you, bye bye I had to tell somebody and I thought you would like it. 🤧
Title: cross dressing
Fandom: Tokyo revengers
Pairing: Mikey x reader
Warnings: slight au, male reader, cross dressing, fluff
Notes: made some slight alterations for the sake of hahas
Mikey was slightly annoyed as he heard his younger sister brought someone to a Toman meeting, the girl making friends at university and he often saw her friends when he got home from gang stuff or helping shinichiro with his shop on occasion.
What he wasn't expecting was (name) to be dressed in cute feminine clothes and a mini skirt, tucked flat-- Mikey chuckled silently to himself as he knew (name) probably regretted letting Emma get into drag racing shows. Draken scolded the girl as (name) glanced around and saw Mikey leaned back on his chair with his legs spread, slicked back blond hair showing off his tattoos as he winked before blowing out smoke from his cigarette.
(Name) And Mikey had recently begun dating, the blond initially hesitant when he learned Emma had a male friend and Draken nearly hostile at his girlfriend being so close to the cute boy but they quickly realized that (name) was not interested in Emma or any other girl.
What Draken didn't know was that Mikey immediately went on the hunt, practically popping up anywhere (name) was to flirt with him and eventually begin dating him.
So when the twenty-one year old saw his boyfriends bare thighs swished slightly by stockings and that cute skirt, (name) looked nervous at the look he gave him though... The Toman underlings who stood in position in the back garden of Toman headquarters didn't see the look as their boss being a horny bastard but instead saw it as annoyed.
To be fair, Mikey was incredibly hard to read.
"She can stay but she has to stay out of the way, we aren't responsible if she gets hurt" Draken sighed and kissed Emma's forehead as the blond girl beamed up at the tattooed man "thanks Kenny!" She said sweetly and the giant of a man grumbled but didn't say anything.
(Name) Sat with Emma quietly as they started their meeting, Emma and (name) chatting amongst themselves and working on a project, (name) explaining his half and what he was doing.
They didn't even notice the meeting end until Mikey wandered to them "oi" he said passively as (name) looked up confused and Mikey raised his hand, many members holding their breaths only for Mikey to grip (name)s neck and kiss him softly "what" Baji said confused, he was fully ready to get the cute girls number but seems Mikey got to her first.
"What's with the clothes? They look weird" he asked confused and mitsuya looked up from his laptop, working on business expenses that he will be sending to Koko later "Mikey! Don't tell a girl her clothes look weird! That's rude!"
"But (name) isn't a girl" Mikey said bluntly as he plopped beside (name) and draped himself over the other "I just made (name) wear girl clothes, he owed me a favor" Emma said sweetly "besides he looks cute! Don't judge my fashion Mikey!"
"Wait, she's a dude?" Pah said confused and (name) nodded "yeah "
"Wait why did Mikey kiss you?" Chifuyu was also confused, a group of grown ass men who ran a notorious gang and made illegal millions couldn't figure out was a relationship for the life of them.
"(Name)s my boyfriend" Mikey said bluntly, Draken connecting the dots fast.
That would explain why Mikey went to a specific apartment often.
And based on how he played with (name)s skirt...
He would be going back pretty damn soon.
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dex0s · 7 months
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☆ ⌒Short smut ˑ 𖥔
!Draken x reader x Mikey!
A/N Ngl I’m starting to get writers block but this is all smut because I’m too lazy to make a story. Warning; your ass getting called a boypussy
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Image you waking up to both of your holes stuffed.
One cock in your ass and the other in your mouth.
Mikey and Draken had the biggest crush on the cashier at the bakery that they would go to.
They slowly got to know you better and it got to a point your guys would have sleepovers or hangouts.
But tonight they were going to do something they have been waiting for.
Draken asked if you wanted to have a sleepover at his house just you and him and of course you accept.
You had ended up falling asleep on the movie you guys were watching and that’s was when the plan was set in motion.
Draken had called Mikey over so they can start yet Draken was getting inpatient so he decided that he would start without Mikey.
By the time Mikey finally arrived Draken already had his cock in your ass with you moaning underneath him.
You moaned as Draken pounded your “boypussy”, you hear to door open and you see Mikey standing there with a pouty face. “You know you could have waited until I was here” he said
Yet he got no response due to Draken being too drunk on your ass. Mikey walked up to you two and from the corner of your eye is can see the tightness in his pants.
Draken knew he was close to release so he started to become sloppy with his thrust. Mikey settled on the bed and pulled out his hard cock, took one of your hands and started to use it to jerk himself off.
Draken finally released his warm cum in your slimy walls but he wasn’t near done. Draken slipped out of your walls and said, “Mikey it’s your turn”, Mikey quickly climbed over to where Draken was sitting.
Mikey slides in easily with Draken’s cum and your walls already prepped, Not even seconds later Mikey was pounding into you like a dog in heat.
“D-damn you feel amazing” is what Mikey said, Mikey took one of your nipples in his mouth sucking like you would lactate some milk.
As you opened your mouth to gasp and Draken took this as an opportunity to slip his cock in your mouth.
Before you can a breath of air Draken already started to thrust in your mouth not caring if you can breathe or not. He’s more worried about chasing his high than you.
Finally after the third round you can feel both of them getting sloppy. That when you felt something warm in your ass and a salty taste in your mouth.
Closing your eyes someone slap your ass. “Don’t go to sleep now, we still have the whole night ahead of us”
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hunn1e-bunn1e · 2 months
Sano 'Mikey' Manjirou - "While You Count Sheep"
In which while your boss naps away on the sofa in his office, you sneak in and take off some of his workload in secret as usual. Or; In which even after years of being the loyal secretary to the head of Bonten, "Mikey", you still find yourself taking on more work than necessary if only to let the man sleep a few more minutes.
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The door opens with the near-silent click of the latch sliding back with the turn of the handle. [Name] pauses his movements after taking a single step inside the room; his keen ears picking up the sound of his boss sluggishly shifting about in his sleep. He keeps his body still even after the sound movement ceases; it would be a bother if he were caught. Once he was sure the sleeping man had fallen back into the vice grip of rem sleep, [Name] fully entered the room and softly shut the door behind him before directing his attention toward the large desk in the center of the room.
Letting out a quiet huff, he sat himself in the well-cushioned office chair and lowered its height; making sure to keep a mental note of its original position for when he eventually made his exit. He looked over the various collections of paperwork that held themselves together with paperclips of various colors. The normal clutter that frequently occupied the desk was more organized than usual, which, while slightly reassuring, was also alarming. It was almost as if Mikey had done it on purpose to make it easier for him…
Although, the thought of the majorly depressed, nearly sleepless boss of his knowing about his secretive escapades wasn't all that off-putting now that he thought about it. Mikey was someone who had nearly a sixth sense for danger and [Name] doubted that he would allow himself to sleep when he was unaware of his surroundings. The man had more trust issues than he had seen in anybody in his entire lifetime, but he was sure that it was warranted, even if he had no idea of the snow-white-haired man's past.
[Name] shook his head as he moved on to the next collection of papers, already having completed three while he took an occasional glance at his boss's sleeping form. 
Perhaps, after he had finished a good two-thirds of this paperwork, he would try his hand at finding another healthy recipe that Mikey would like. The panda-eyed man's health was another one of his priorities. Even if it was Sanzu who usually takes care of that, [Name] couldn't help but want to pitch in as well. He was, after all, the second closest person to the head of Bonten out of all of its executives and employees.
The quiet slurred hum of the sleeping man to his left drew [Name]’s attention for a moment.
He quietly observed the thin man's relaxed expression with interest. Ghostly pale skin that seemed almost white at times, thin black brows that told of his original hair color, long black lashes that lay atop the apples of his cheeks and deep and heavy bags that hung under his eyes. The man resembled an apparition more than he did a human being.
[Name] huffed once again, eyes trailing back to the task at hand as he made a mental note to ask Sanzu to add Vitamin D supplements to Mikey's list of needed medications. 
As he invested himself into ‘his’ work he only vaguely paid mind to the quickly retreating daylight outside the window and the sluggish but certainly not involuntary movement of the sleeping man in the corner of his eye. Six piles of paperwork turned into five. Five turned to four. Four to three and three to two; and was enough for now.
[Name] turned his gaze to the clock that hung above the doorway; 02:37, about six or so hours had passed by in what seemed like seconds. He sighed as he quietly rolled the chair back and stood up; staving off the urge to stretch and pop his joints with the reminder that his boss was still asleep only a couple of feet from him.
His eyes landed on said man and met with a pair of half-lidded, sleepy, abyssal black eyes. He froze, not daring to make even an inch under the near-predatory gaze of the panda-eyed man. Mikey, still half asleep, only stared at him unblinkingly before training his vision on the significantly more organized desk.
“You're done now…?”  
Mikey asked quietly, yet his voice seemed to drown out all of the noise of the outside traffic that poured in from the cracked window.
[Name] only nodded, slowly beginning to make again as he sensed no hostility. He pushed in the office chair and adjusted the height back with one, two, three, and a half pumps of the peddle.
“... tell Sanzu I want dorayaki.”  
The snow-haired man spoke again, adjusting his position on the plush cushions of the sofa and sinking into a relaxed lying position again, the blanket pulled to his chin.
“I'll tell him. I'll see you when you need me again, Sir.”  
[Name] replied, giving a respectful bow and moving to exit the room at a quick but still cautious pace.
As he gently pulled open the door, the quiet voice of Mikey caught his ears again, making him pause in movements.
“[Name]... ”  
He turned his head back to look at his panda-eyed boss, his posture respectful even as the white-haired man wiped the dry bits of crust from the corners of his eyes. How the man who masterminded the movements of Bonten managed to be cute and intimidating at the same time completely baffled him.
“... thank you.”  
Mikey muttered as he flicked his eye crust off somewhere across his room.
[Name] offered a small smile and nod as he exited Mikey's office, quietly closing the door behind him.
It seems that he had been discovered since the beginning. How fun.
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tenjikyu · 4 months
𝘥𝘢𝘥𝘥𝘺 𝘪𝘴𝘴𝘶𝘦𝘴 - 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘯𝘦𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘩𝘰𝘰𝘥.
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౨ৎ ⋆。˚ bonten!executives x manjiro’s son!reader , male!reader , izana lives bc fuck it we ball & he adds character to the fic , bonten all lives together in a massive penthouse just like my rockstar!reader fic bc that’s such a fun idea , reader is a very “ ion gaf ” character , reader is not biologically related to manjiro , reader has suffered through childhood abuse , more fluff then angst , going to make a part 2 .
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❤︎ the day manjiro sano found you, helpless and starved, he practically convinced himself to ignore you.
❤︎ alas, his big brother didn’t share the same sentiment, quickly walking over to you and overwhelming you with questions.
❤︎ izana talked your ear off, and all the executives present could see that you were pissed by his presence.
❤︎ deciding it would be better to just leave you be to die of starvation, he takes izana’s hand in his own before dragging him away.
❤︎ you barley crossed his mind after that.
❤︎ until he found you in an alleyway, drenched in blood that was certainly not your own.
❤︎ you were wielding a simple thin kitchen knife, and you were clearly distressed.
❤︎ looking over your shoulder, you notice the man’s presence behind you, and get in an offensive position, ready to attack need be.
“what happened?” the boy with frosted skin asked you, staring lifelessly at the rather large man that had a slice to his throat.
“he followed me back to the alleyway after i borrowed some apples from the store next to his. when i told him to leave, he didn’t.” you explain, glaring at the corpse next to you.
“and so, i had to take matters into my own hands.”
you seemed almost indifferent to the stench of blood, your eyes spoke a million words to manjiro. it was as though this was an all to familiar scenario for you.
“come boy, i’ll get you a change of clothes.” the man before you almost orders you. scoffing, you race to him and grip the knife to his throat.
“like hell i’m going anywhere with you.” you spit at the man, completely oblivious to just how dangerous he was, not that you would’ve cared regardless.
it’s a kill or be killed world, and you weren’t going to become apart of the former. not again.
manjiro only sighed, waving your hand away from him.
“come, or do you want the cops to find you? you aren’t getting anywhere dressed like that. if you’re with me, the police force won’t be able touch you.”
at the end of the day, you had just killed a man once more, and you knew deep down that the strange man in front of you was right.
there was no way you’re getting out of this alone.
❤︎ and so, you allowed the lean man to hold your even thinner wrist as he walks through the streets. it was about 10:00pm by now, and manjiro knew that his brother is probably blowing up his phone as you two walk.
❤︎ regardless, he takes you into a shady thrift shop and gets you dressed. nothing fancy, just a black hoodie with some worn jeans and a pair of 2nd hand converse shoes. not the best, but much better then the rags you were wearing beforehand anyways.
❤︎ as he made his way back to the penthouse, which could easily home more then 15 people, he finally answers his silenced phone.
❤︎ izana is giving him the usual earful about how he “shouldn’t leave without his big brother” and how “anyone could be tracking his movements.”
❤︎ manjiro only holds your little hand tighter as he steps into the place.
❤︎ immediately, 8 sets of eyes land on the two of you.
❤︎ the man with the curly white hair blankly stares into what feels like your soul. he slowly approaches you, before leaning down to his level.
❤︎ “you like taiyaki?”. his eyes crazed and still glaring into you.
❤︎ and thus, you were oddly enough, quickly welcomed into bonten.
❤︎ you were promptly fed and bathed, much to your discomfort, before being placed into one of the many spare bedrooms within their absolutely massive penthouse, right next to manjiro’s bedroom for simplicity’s sake.
❤︎ everything was a first for you, from the endless amount of food stocked in the home, to having adults around you that aren’t about to beat you senseless.
❤︎ after waking up from your first ever comfortable night asleep, you promised to yourself that you wouldn’t speak a word to any of these people.
❤︎ having your trust in the ones supposed to protect you abused and shattered doesn’t get fixed overnight, but that didn’t seem to bother any of the men around you.
❤︎ it has been 2 days since your arrival, and apart from manjiro showing you around, they seemed to mostly ignore your presence.
❤︎ you did whatever you wanted. watched TV, ate anybody’s food without a care in the world, interrupted all of the men from getting their work done and stolen an excessive amount of personal items that belonged to the executives, much to their confusion.
❤︎ some of them used the spare bedrooms as 2nd offices (apart from the one at HQ), and you used that as a way to learn more about the guys who had ripped you from the streets.
❤︎ and from that, you learned then that you were currently residing in the most dangerous home in japan, with the deadliest men in the country’s stolen goods scattered in your bedroom.
❤︎ your heart sunk when you heard someone enter the office you were in, only to find the head on bonten staring at you as you scrolled through his laptop.
❤︎ you only blinked, before slowly backing away from him, attempting to make a run for it.
❤︎ “let’s chat, (Y/N).” he takes ahold of your little wrist once more.
❤︎ fuck.
❤︎ you spent a good 2 and 1/2 hours talking to manjiro. you told him about your home life. how your mother slept around with the door wide open, and how your fathers empty bottles typically collided with your forehead if you took a breath too loud. you told him about how you had finally had enough, and murdered them both with the same knife you held to his throat only a few days ago.
❤︎ you told him about how school was a drag, and the kids there would often laugh at the marks left by your father. ‘the boy with unfortunate parents’ was your title, and you found yourself breaking the noses of the children teasing you. and so, you just stopped going.
❤︎ you told him more about yourself. how you (from what you could remember), were nine and turning ten next year, and what your interests were, heavily limited due to lack of exposure.
❤︎ not once did manjiro interrupt you as you spoke. he sat there, legs crossed and staring at you with an indifferent look.
❤︎ after you were done, he gently pulled you by the waist into his lap and ruffled your messy hair.
❤︎ “from now on, you only listen to what i say. you don’t need to listen to anyone else in the house, okay? just do as i say, and you’re free to do as you wish.”
❤︎ that’s all he says as he strokes your hair, attempting to have you drift off in his protective hold.
❤︎ and it works.
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A/N : part 2 is gonna have the reader interacting with the executives, as well as the father/son relationship form between him and manjiro.
uncle izana is gonna go so hard.
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kisakis-boyfriend · 4 months
imagine threesome w bonten!sanzu and bonten!manjiro (not in a ship way ion fw that ship but if you do then go for it).
gun kink would go crazy 😧😧
PLEASE this has my mind running wild with thoughts 🥴
Oh, to have your boss/superiors on their knees completely at your mercy. Both of them get off to being ordered around so forcibly, a slave to your every command. Mikey nearly cums when you yank him around by his hair and shove the gun in his face. Sanzu can't stop the moan that escapes when you hold him by the back of his neck and force him to look you in the eye while you rub the gun on his dick
Maybe, while you're railing Sanzu, you make him suck Mikey off. Press the gun against the back of his head to keep Mikey's dick deep in Sanzu's throat. Perhaps you'll make them fight over who earns the privilege of deepthroating your gun? Sanzu is so torn, because he wants to be your little dollie with a gun fucking his pretty mouth, but he also wants Mikey to get that same pleasure too 😓
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solannn · 2 months
Hallo :D I hope you're having a good day!
I would like to request male rockstar reader! I was imagining Mikey seems to be really distracted during a Toman meeting and at the end Takemitchy suggests to go see a friend of his that's in a band and will be performing for the first time.
Mikey declines before he can listen to Takemitchy and he rushes off. The rest of the members go together. They see the reader perform and after the show Takemitchy wants to introduce his friends and is surprised to see Mikey already there and maybe be kissing the reader and it's revealed that they're dating ヽ(*´з`*)ノ
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which, the reader is rockstar and mikey’s secret boyfriend !! Male!reader, establish relationship.
Mikey was distracted during the Toman meeting. He often forgot his words, his gaze was not precise. He seemed to be thinking of someone, but the Toman members weren't sure. who it was.
His moments were also hesitant. After about two hours of meeting, Mikey announced that they could all leave. He got off the podium, ready to leave, but the fake blond and also his friend, Takemichi called out to him.
"hey, mikey, do you want to see a my friend, he's a rockstar and--" mikey's firm voice interrupted him. "sorry i can't" he answered, with a smile across his lips. Takemichi didn't want to force him to come, but he only do this for his friend.
"It’s his first time performing and, the others already said yes—" Mikey’s reply was only a nod. He felt a bit of pity for his friend, but someone is first in a list of what he has to do. "I can’t, takemichu." He quickly apologized in his way, and he rush off, escaping Takemichi’s eyesight and the others. "what’s up with him ?" The taller among them mumbled, making the twin next to them shrug.
[Name] was in front of a crowd, he was embarrassed and anxious by just seeing the many people in front of him. He saw his friend, Takemichi, with people unrecognizable to him. The blond who was easy to see in the crowd smiles at him which gives you the courage to pick up his guitar and start singing, his songs.
After the concert, which lasted more than two hours. The concert was cool and fun to attend. Takemichi wanted to introduce his friends to [Name]. the group of friends waited patiently for their turn, but there was no sign of him.
Seeing that he had permission to enter backstage. They went backstage and saw a room, very well decorated and furnished.
they looked around before seeing [Name] and their captains kissing passionately. Takemichi felt like he was turning pale just looking at this. Draken, the vice captain, judged them with a side eye. Souya, the twin with blue hair, had his eyes wide with shock. Nahoya, the ginger, didn't know whether to laugh or be shocked. Baji's eyebrows furrowed, he was too stunned to speak.
[Name] was surprised, and grabbed Manjiro's shoulders and pulled him away from her lip. Mikey groaned, he hadn't noticed his friends presence before [Name] guarded him while being threatening. The blond, dressed in a black outfit that did not cover his shoulders, looked at the 'intruders' and waved to them.
"s-so, you’re both dating ?" The fake blond stuttered, sweat was falling from his forehead. their heads nodded, [name] was completely embarrassed while manjiro, known as mikey was delighted, but he found it a shame that their moment was interrupted. "You could have at least told me." The taller blond man grumbled as he sigh and looks away from them. "ken-chin!!" Mikey whine as ‘ken-chin’ tched at him. At least, now they now they’re in couple
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kawataslvr · 22 days
could you do Reader x Mikey where reader works at a cafe part time & one of their regulars is Emma(occasionally dragging along Draken) but this time she brings Mikey along too & and when its his turn to order, he gets all nervous when reader asks for his name & order which catches Emma’s attention to which she quickly pipes up “Oh y/n this is my sorta famous brother! with the bike gang i was telling you about! you can call him Mikey!!” winking towards the end, seeing how flustered they both were becoming, Emma knew that reader wanted to meet Mikey after hearing about all the stories Emma had told him and meeting Draken, his best friend, wondering what Mikey was like. after eventually getting Mikey’s order, the trio left and Emma’s teasing began as they walked home, noting to bring Mikey to the cafe more often, or maybe he decides to go on his own even more often, having coffee dates with reader during their breaks or when its not so busy, after awhile Mikey finally confesses and ask reader if they would like to go on a bike ride sometime and then they end up on a hill or something watching the sunset together, then when Mikey brings reader to his apartment(lets pretend reader pays for their own place) but when saying bye, reader panicked and kissed Mikey which led them to the bedroom and doing the things they had been dreaming of since the first coffee date
or yknow, something like that lmao, i get so carried away with these requests im so sorry 😅 dont have to add the smut if u dont wanna, doesnt have to be written or written immediately either!! thanks!!
Cafe Shop .ᐟ
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Note : I actually enjoyed writing this very much ,, Changed smt up a tad. Lit my longest fic yet fr
P.S: I know the request said it doesn’t have to be written immediately but this took overly long, i had huge writers block. 😭
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You worked at a cafe shop right around the corner of the Sano household, so it was only natural Emma became a regular at the said Cafe shop, well.. her and sometimes Draken, who to your knowledge was always dragged in to the cafe against his will.
You two became close friends quick. Seeing how talkative the girl is, it wasn’t really a shocker. She was more of a talker than you for sure, you mainly always listened to what you she had to say and gave your advice from time to time.
Yet somehow, her older brother Mikey only came up until today. Emma sat down at the booth infront of the counter. “Hey (name)!” she smiled , while you got out the ingredients for her usual order.
“Hey Emma, i’m assuming it’s the regular?” she nodded her head and gave you a warm smile, as usual begging to tell you about her day again.
the conversation went back and forth while you made her usual Caramel Machiato and whatever bread she picked that day, until you noticed she brought up her brother “you have a brother?” you tilted your head slightly in confusion.
You set down her coffee infront of her and let her pick up whatever bread she wanted, Emma’s head peering up at you “I never told you about him?!” she let out a dramatic gasp. But really, she thought she did..
Well it’s not like you didn’t know ANYTHING about him, a little..?? Anytime you ever heard about him was because of a “meeting” of some sorts but that was only when Draken swung by with or without Emma. “No, I thought you were an only child Emma.” your voice sounded offended and dramatic while you looked at her with a fake pout and closed eyes.
“I’m sorry (name).. please.. forgive me” you both laughed after the whole fake scene you made, you looked up at the time “my breaks almost over, hurry up and tell me now.” you really only made Emma drinks DURING your break, you know you would get to distracted talking to her if you actually did serve her without being on break.
Sadly, your alarm went off right before she got to tell you “i’ll talk to you later and tell you about him!” she got up and you put your apron back on helping your friend who also just got off break.
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After your shift ended, you texted Emma and you two met up mainly just walking around while she told you about her older brother, eventually the conversation had drifted off into whatever.
But you had to admit you were certainly curious about the boy, even when he wasn’t the main focus during you twos current conversation.
You looked around and then opened your phone, 7:40.. you were supposed to be home earlier to wake up early for work.
But you just got so caught up, now you have to walk back all the way home. “Emma, I should probably get going.. it’s already past 7:00.” you sighed.
Looking at the VERY long walk you had to take back home, and how sleepy you were.. you really considered just passing out thinking about it.
“Emma!!” A man’s voice called out, making both your heads turn. The sound of a motorcycle following behind it before it paused.
“oh! Hey Mikey!” Emma turned over to the blond boy who was still sitting atop of his bike. “what are you doin’ out this late?”
Mikey took a quick glance at you, well.. multiple.. “I was just talking to my friend! (name) this is Mikey, my.. sort-of-famous-brother! the one in the biker gang!” you nodded your head and stretched out your hand for him to shake. “Nice to meet you.” you gave the blond a nice warm smile.
it took him a few seconds to actually shake your hand, not because he was being weary of you.. but because he was so stunned by you. So.. awe-struck by you.
When he finally made contact with your hand, he froze up completely.. not that you were any better, seeing how awkward and shy you turned.
Emma smirked at the encounter, getting all giddy seeing how you two definitely took an immediate “liking” to each other. “Mikey, (name) here has to walk all the way back home, can you give him a ride?” Emma winked at you, while you died in the inside wishing a hole would come and eat you up.
“Oh, please it’s not a big deal. I can walk back.” you two finally let that way to long hand shake go, you wouldn’t have minded if it was anyone else.. but you had to admit you were already developing a crush on this guy.
“Don’t worry I can.” he gave you a little smile, Emma’s plan slowly working, surely.. but slowly. I mean, you two were already reeking of being in love whenever you met she couldn’t just miss this opportunity up!
You sighed and gave a defeated nod, you would probably end up passing out before you actually got to your apartment if he didn’t drive you back home.
After a few moments you finally agreed, Emma only had to walk two minutes to get home, she was fine off.. but she knew you had to walk a couple hours.
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You and Mikey started talking just fine, sure a FEW flirty remarks here and there.. well maybe a bit more than just a few. But you two were actually getting along great.
The only thing that worried you was.. were you really supposed to be this close up to Mikey, I mean.. touching his back and holding onto his torso directly?? sure you were afraid of falling off but you felt like you were suffocating the dude.
Mikey knew he made you purposely sit closer than usual to him, only making you more nervous.
“Alright, where do i turn from here. Y’know i don’t just know where to go magically right?”
“oh! take two turns to the left and go straight from there until you see a (makeup a random checkpoint in a tad lazy)” Mikey nodded and continued going, you had to admit this was much better than walking.. 3 hours turned into 40 minutes. Only because Mikey was driving slower than his usual fast pace. He actually wanted to get to know you.
“Soo where do you work?” the silence was broken and you looked over at the blond “Oh, it’s that Cafe shop right around the corner of your house.” Mikey’s head perked up, that meant he had an excuse to visit you now.
“Ohhh at (cafe name)?” you nodded your head, finally seeing your apartment in sight you two got there pretty quickly.
“thank you Mikey.” you got off the bike and waved each other goodbye.
You sighed and slumped down onto your couch putting your palms back up to your face. “geez.. I need to calm down, it’s just some random guy I just met.” you sighed and smiled.
The thought of him was just so sweet though. Not that you could ever actually go out with the dude, he was out of your league and you two just met. It wasn’t like you would just get together with him.
You ended up falling asleep on the couch thinking about the guy, it had been a while since you even stayed up thinking about a guy.
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The next day at work it’s like the universe meant to curse you, because Emma decided to come in with Mikey and Draken to the shop.
Knowing emma she was doing it on purpose, not to spite you or anything but because she saw how much of a crush you developed for the guy.
Emma was an expert when it came to love, or well.. so she said herself anyways. You greeted the trio and took their order. It wasn’t your break time, so they couldn’t really stay it was just for a short drink.
But the second Mikey stepped through that door you were a mess again, you took Emma and Draken’s order pretty swiftly, quickly. not waisting a second, but you froze up whenever speaking to Mikey.
Wasn’t like he was any better, he froze up just as much if not more. “What would you like?” you finally were able to muster up, even if it sounded slightly chopped up.
It took Mikey a second to fully process everything, especially with your sweet honey toned voice talking to him . “oh just a (order)” you nodded your head and went to make the trio’s orders.
Taking a deep breath and calming yourself down while you went to the back to go grab something real quick for the coffee’s , your coworker pointing out how nervous you looked and the slight blush on you. Only making you panic worse.
You calmed down, went back to making coffee’s and handed the three their order. “Thanksss (Name)!” Emma said while she took a sip of her drink, Draken and Mikey waving goodbye and the trio finally left.
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Emma had gone back home.. she had already walked around enough yesterday with you and half of today, so they dropped her off at the sano house.
“Oí, Mikey, Can I ask you something?”
the short blond gulped down the rest of his taiyaki treat down his throat and looking over at the taller.
“eh? what’s up?”
“you’re into that (name) guy aren’t you.” Draken said in an almost teasing-tone laughing at the way Mikey’s face turned bright red.
“Ken-Chin what the hell!? Stop laughing!!” The blond caused a tantrum over this ordeal. Saying he didn’t, then saying he did?? then saying he might, then saying he just thought you were real cute.. then back to him liking you.
“it’s obvious you like this guy whether you like it or not.”
“Really, i haven’t seen you freeze up like that at anything over than a brain freeze from ice cream. You’re hopeless!”
“what should i do then.” Mikey slapped his hands on his hands and gave a long sigh. Draken was a little slumped on that one, he was more swinging to girls than guys.
“I dunno.”
“you sound like me , you aren’t helping.”
the conversation had led to no where, they just ended up side tracking.
Mikey drove around time, but you were still on his mind. And it was already turning late, to only worsen things he saw you outside the cafe shop where you worked at stopping his bike.
“Oh, Hey Mikey.” he froze again , he was worse than Hakkai around a girl.. really. “Hey (name).”
“what brought you around here, if you’re gonna visit me then i’m already off y’know.” You softly teased at him, giggling a bit.
He forgot how pretty you were, god..
“I was just driving by, talking about that.. do you need a ride?” he was sure he sounded like a starving homeless chihuahua being held at gun point right now.
“Oh if it isn’t too much a bother.”
he just waved for you to get on and scooted over to make room for you to sit on. Helping you mount on. “thank you.” he never heard such a honey toned voice.
or met a guy so pretty. “you remember the way? or do i need to guide you again?” your teasing was making his feelings about you grow crazier.
If you were being honest, you were worse than he was on the inside. Just really good at pretend.
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“Thank you Mikey.”
“No problem.”
it just felt way too empty, wayy to empty. something was missing really, you couldn’t shake it off.. and Mikey clearly couldn’t too.
Both of you stood quietly, the silence was so loud. You two had the same idea .. apparently, both of you kissed each other.
For quite some time.
“Mikey.. you wanna come in?” your voice was so quiet, and out of breath. He only nodded as you shakily pulled out your keys and opened your door, Mikey holding onto your waist and breathing down your neck .
Leaving soft kisses along your neck, you could feel his breath on you. He couldn’t wait for you really, maybe it was just you two be pent up with your feelings, but you two needed this. Clearly.
He pushed you down onto your bed and started taking off your clothes sucking on your neck and leaving hickeys. “Mikeyyy..” you whimpered , taking off his shirt, he took off the rest of his clothes swiftly after you took off his shirt.
He opened your night stand, as expected finding a bottle of lube. It was barely used, and definitely not used.. you really hadn’t used it since you were so busy with working and paying your bills.
“oh you’re really neglected huh?” he teasingly whispered into your ear. pouring the lube on his hands and kissing you while he shoved his fingers in your tight hole. Your moans were being swallowed by his kiss, his tongue didn’t even struggle for dominance.
Mikey’s fingers slid across your velvety squishy soft walls, only imagining how good they would feel around his cock.. he couldn’t wait anymore. He pulled out and you let out a annoyed whine, Mikey didn’t expect you to be so bratty. “calm down..” he shoved the tip of his cock in, making you moan, a needy loud and long moan.
“Mikeyyy.. pleasee…” how could he ever deny your pleas, really. He shoved his cock into your hole, his pace wasn’t as soft as his fingers.. it was fast and rough. He smiled watching your face turn into overwhelming pleasure.
Mikey gripped onto your hips tight as ever, his voice becoming deep, similar if not the voice he used whenever he was at a meeting. His commander voice, the combination of his cock sliding into you at a brutal pace and his assertive voice as he whispered into your ear.
The pre-cum leaking out of your untouched cock , you swore you might’ve cummed untouched. You were supposed to stay quiet, it was a unspoken rule you two had clearly set, but you could care less as you practically screamed Mikey’s name. Wasn’t like he was complaining, but your neighbors might..
turning incoherent as his thrusts becoming deeper and harsher, he started to kiss and suck on your neck again.
You were gonna have to hide those in the morning…, not that you were focused on that anymore. Mikey started to stroke your cock up and down, soft long strokes. Torture, but the fast force he was using in your ass was definitely making up for it.
You felt a white sticky liquid inside you, shortly after you felt yourself orgasm as well. “f..fuck sorry.. you feel so good..” he pulled out and grabbed some random rag around your room and cleaned you up.
you nodded your head as he cleaned you up.
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spooky-bunnys · 1 year
Alpha Draken x Omega Male Reader x Alpha Mikey
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Sunlight leaked into the bedroom where two Alpha's were laying. One on each sides the middle empty. The Alpha on the right reached towards the middle and quickly sat up when he realized it was empty. He quickly woke up the Alpha on the left. "Ken-chin wake up!" Draken groaned and turned over. "5 more minutes Mikey." "But (Name)-chin isn't in bed!"
That woke him up. Draken quickly sat up and looked at the middle of the bed. Empty. He put his hand down. Cold. "When did he wake up?! He's 8 months pregnant how did he leave the bed without us knowing!?" Both Alpha's quickly left the bed hurriedly put on shirts and pants and were rancing out of the bedroom door. Half-way through the hallway they could smell delicious food.
'Kitchen' they thought. When they finally arrived to he kitchen they saw their beautiful (hair colored) omega making breakfast. Four bento's made. Their twin boys sitting at the breakfast table. "(Name)-chin?" (Name) turned to his alphas and smiled brightly. 'Angel' both Alpha's thought. "Morning Alpha's! Did you sleep well?" Mikey nodded kissed (Name) softly and sat at the table quietly talking to the twins.
Draken shook his head and smirk softly. "How did you leave the bed without waking us up?" (Name) looked at him confused. "But I woke up Jiro hungry for (food) and he told me to make it myself and when I realized the time I figured, Hey I could make it for breakfast!" The smile the Omega's face could melt any cold heart.
Draken froze repeating what (Name) said in his head before he glared at Mikey. "You told our 8 month pregnant Omega to get. No. MAKE. The food he's craving!?" Mikey froze and a look of horror flashed across his face. "I thought I dreamed that" Miey spoke quietly. (Name) giggled and put breakfast on the table and kissed the twins heads.
"My handsome boys! Ready for school? Momma has to finish making your bento's then he'll join your for breakfast!" That's when the younger twin spoke up. "A-Actually momma I don't want a bento today." The heart break on (Name)'s face spoke many things. Draken and Mikey froze. They knew how important food was to him.
That's how they met. The boys skipped class one day in middle school. They were running around beating up bad delinquents. When Mikey got hungry but there wasn't any restaurants nearby and Draken was broke. That's when they met a sweet Omega who was home schooled. He shared with them his bento and the rest was history. They fell for his kindness and delicious food.
"B-But Momma put so much love in it baby..." (Name) looked like he was gonna cry and with how crazy his hormones were he actually might. Draken quickly changed topics and moved the Omega back into the kitchen talking about dinner, while Mikey stared at the twins. They had both his and Drakens features. Both Alpha's loved (Name)'s cooking so something had to be wrong.
"Who did what?" Mikey's question made the twin freeze. (A! Kid Name) looked at his younger brother with a worried expression. His brother was an omega and sometimes got picked on at school. He wasn't always there to save him and that scared him. (O! Kid Name) looked up and whined. He didn't like being in trouble. "A-An Alpha keeps taking my bento..." The air froze as Draken who had been standing in the door way spoke with a calm voice. "What?"
After explaining what's been happening Mikey and Draken were ready to round up Toman and go on a hunt. Luckily (Name) calmed his Alpha's down. "Why don't we talk to the Alpha and his parents? Maybe we can settle this." Mikey and Draken shared a look and nodded. 'If we want him to disappear, so does his family.' As if he knew what they were thinking (Name) sent the two a hard look.
Later that week both sets of parents were in the principals office. All 3 kids with both parents the teacher and the principal. Mikey and Draken were staring down the young Alpha. This is the kid terrorizing their baby. His parents didn't look different considering they just learned that their son is picking on a Omega. "Son! How dare you?! We raised you better then this!" His parents were giving him a lecture that would last generations.
(O! Kid Name) looked to be in tears. He didn't mean to get the boy in trouble. That's when the other kid spoke and froze everyone. "It's because I like him!" Mikey and Draken felt their hearts stop and their blood turn cold. (Name) smiled brightly and bent down the best he could. Considering he could pop at any moment. "Aww my baby already has an admire! Well why don't I make more so you two could share?"
That snapped the two Alpha's out of their minds. Share? They remembered how they met and fell in love and paled. "NO!" Everyone jumped at the two Alpha's yelling! (Name) looked confused. "Why not?" The two grabbed the twins and held them close. "Their too young!" Mikey wailed. Draken nodded face serious. "Not my little baby!"
(Name) shook his head. A fond smile on his face. That smile left when he felt water hit the floor. "Speaking of baby." He spoke gaining everyone's attention. "My water just broke." It was like hell froze over and chaos began.
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nex-ture · 8 months
Hi, could I solo a Mikey with a shy reader at a Toman meeting? Please
Manjiro (Mikey) Sano x gn!reader
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2-year-old asks!! I post every blue moon. I also took creative liberty cause, idk wtf I was supposed to write
I might have accidentally put "He" somewhere in here for the reader, but I'm illiterate so don't come for me
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Y/N was always so quiet. They weren't an ordinary member, but they never stood out like a sore thumb. The only person attention they ever seem to steal was Mikey and an ever so curious Takemichi. Whenever Takemichi didn't know someone or their position, he would ask his trusty, right-hand man, Chifuyu.
"Who's the kid, the one leaning against the pillar." Takemichi turned towards his partner with an egar look on his face.
"That's L/N Y/N. They're not the most talkative, if I'm being honest. But they show up to just about every gang meeting and division captain meeting." Chifuyu mentioned off as if this should be common knowledge.
Takemichi looked at Y/N, now talking to Mikey. They were deep into conversation, yet they would only ever talk to Mikey, maybe on the rare occasion would they be caught talking to another founding member.
Chifuyu leaned closer to Takemichi to mention something in a loud whisper, "There's rumor stirring that they're actually dating, or at the very least crushing."
Takemichi continued to stare at the two as Mikey left to officially start the Toman meeting.
Y/N seemed to be keeping to themselves throughout the whole meeting, every once in a while people would usually turn to talk about what their captain said, but Y/N didn't seem to have interest in that.
When the meeting finished, Y/N hoped on the back of Mikeys back as they went home. Takemichi was dead set on uncovering their relationship. Why would Mikey be so interested in someone who barely spoke, and why would anyone be into Mikey...
Takemichi walked over to the few remaining captains, which consisted of Draken, Mitsuya, Smiley, and Angry. They all left shortly after Mikey, aside from Sanzu, who left the exact second Mikey did.
"Hey Draken, can I ask you something?" Takemichi walked closer to the group who were previously lost in conversation. "Does it have something to do with Y/N?" Draken questioned like he already knew.
Takemichi was taken aback by his response, begging to know how he knew... was Draken a timeleaper, too!? Takemichi was quickly brought back down to earth when Draken spoke, "It was kinda hard not to notice how intently you were staring at Y/N almost the whole meeting." Takemichi was a bit embarrassed by this. He knew he was staring, but he didn't know it was that obvious.
"Yeah, do you guys know what's up with Y/N? They don't seem to talk to anyone but Mikey." Takemichi let out in what seemed like one breath. A few in the group looked at him dazed, others with a curious look to hear the answer. "Well, I think it's normal to feel most comfortable around you, partner." Draken uttered like it was the most obvious response in the world.
Takemichi looked at Draken dumbfounded with his response, though he's not shocked, Drakens acting like he knows every last thing about the personal lives of the Toman members. "Oh yeah, Y/N and Mikey are dating...if you didn't know." Draken says, still making direct eye contact with a dumb founded Takemichi.
Takemichi sighs, thanking Draken before heading over to wear Chifuyu had parked his bike so his partner could take him home. He made sure to tell Chifuyu that his suspicions about Mikey and Y/N were true, earning a loud yell in excitement from Chifuyu over his correct assumption.
As Takemichi was dropped off at his house, he made a note to himself to get to know the person dating his best friend.
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Bad day.
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Tw; Mentions of murder, grief and spoilers I guess. Mentioned top!male!reader
Please do not copy or steal my work.
Sano “Mikey” Manjirou/gang!member!Male!Reader
Summary; Mikey’s dark impulse almost comes out. Luckily for everyone, you are there to calm the beast.
You sat behind Manjiro, watching the meeting over his shoulder. It was going nowhere. Your boyfriend and his captains were stuck in an endless cycle of yes, no, maybe. And Manjiro’s patience was running lower by the second. You could see it by how tensed his shoulders were and quiet he was.
Everyone could see how displeased Mikey was. Over his shoulder, you had a good sight on their expression; they were terrified. With good reason. Mikey could kill a man in a heartbeat if he wanted, with no warning or sign. Just like he could beat the poor fucker to a bloody mess for the littlest thing.
Apparently, Manjiro use to be different. Calmer, more in control of his Dark Impulse. Before the death of his sister, best friend and so many more. The last straw has been when a named Takemichi had left. You ignored why, Manjiro refused to speak about it. But sometimes, you would wake up to him calling for his friend while tears would roll down his cheeks.
You never said anything, thinking Mikey would talk when ready. The only thing you could do was offer your shoulder and cuddle him. Or fuck him until he forgot everything, but you.
Licking your lips, your gaze turned toward Mikey's neck. You could still see the love bite you left there last night surrounding his tattoo. You wished you could simply get up and give him more while giving his shoulders a good massage. Maybe get him to sit on your lap so you could kiss them instead. You knew he loved it when you two took a bath before going to bed.
You were kicked out of your fantasy when his whole demeanour switched. You saw all his muscles tensing in a second as he raised his head higher. The whole aura changed in the room, feeling as if the temperature dropped below freezing. Not literally, of course. But you did get chills running through your whole body.
You weren't the only one noticing the change. All the captains fell silent, all their colour draining off their faces and fear filled their eyes. What had been said, you ignored it, but one thing was sure; it has turned Mikey’s Dark Impulse on. And like a ticking bomb, it could explode at any second.
Sighing, you got up. All eyes, except Mikey’s, turned on you. Half we're hopeful, the rest scared for your well-being.
You walked behind Mikey and rested your hands on his shoulders. You felt them instantly relax under the contact. Bending over his right side, you kissed his temple.
- “Easy Mikey. You have good, competent captains, so don't go around blasting their brains on the walls okay?” you said, lips still pressed against his skin.
- “You weren't listening right, Y/n?” he asked, voice empty.
- “Sorry Mikey. I spaced out before the gorgeous view I had.” you smiled, knowing he might be blushing. “Might have been making plans for tonight too, for us. So please, no shooting, no beating. I know it's frustrating, but it won't change anything.” you added and Mikey said nothing, but you felt him relax completely. “Let’s take a pause, just an hour or two. Let the boys get some food and air, might help. What do you think?”
For only answer, Manjiro dismissed everyone with a simple waving of his hand. Without a word, they all left the room almost running. Chuckling, you grabbed a chair and sat by Manjiro’s side. His eyes were empty and dark, but there was no sign of his Dark Impulse. Taking his hand in your, you rubbed small circles on his skin.
- “Something is wrong, I can see it. What's going on love?” you asked, and when no answer came you asked another one; “What can I do?”
Mikey turned his eyes on you. For a second you thought he would remain quiet, but no.
- “Could you hold me? I'll like to listen to your heart.”
You simply opened your arms wildly, inviting him to do just that. You wrapped them around his little frame once Mikey was comfortable on your lap. Resting your chin on the top of his head, you closed your eyes.
- “You know I am here if you need to talk. Whatever is on your mind or heart, I will listen.” you said softly.
- “Just a bad day. Angry just...” he sighed and hid his face against your chest. “Today is Emma... It's...” you heard his voice crack and hugged him closer.
- “Hush, it's alright. Mikey, if you need to cry, then cry. Let it go, love, you have the right to. I'm sorry, I didn't know.”
Mikey gave no answer, but you felt his shoulders shake as he cried silently in your arms. You rarely saw your boyfriend cry. Sometimes after a nightmare, or coming out of his Dark Impulse after killing someone.
You also felt like an idiot.
You should have seen the signs.
When the Captains returned, they said nothing seeing their President sitting on your lap, your head resting on his shoulder as he played with your hair. And if Mikey’s hair looked wild or if he had a new set of love bites on his neck, and if you too had your share of them just now showing, they said nothing.
The tension had left the room, it was easier to breathe and focus. For the next hours, you listened to them deciding if they should start a war against a rival gang, and so on.
And for the rest of the meeting, Mikey’s Dark Impulse never made another appearance.
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reallyromealone · 6 months
Lost and found 2
Angst omegaverse male reader
"Sanzu" (name) said disinterested as Mikey, Sanzu and Ran stood outside of the apartment "(name)" he said back as Ran smiled "hello~" he greeted as they were best friends forever "you two can wait outside, I don't want you traumatizing my daughter" (name) said blankly and Sanzu glared but Mikey raised a hand to halt him and the pink haired man glared but complied.
"Take your shoes off" (name) said to him as they closed the door "let me get her, I don't want her surprised or anything" (name) grunted, Mikey watching the Omega walk to the livingroom and quietly talk to the toddler, her little voice mumbling back as it was early in the day, she just finished breakfast after all.
"Ok come" (name) said poking his head around the corner and Mikey tentatively stepped forward, heart racing and feet felt numb as (name) spoke so lovingly to their daughter "sweety, this is Manjiro.. he's your dad" the six year old looked confused as she tilted her head, obsidian eyes looked back at one another "hi..." Mikey said crouching before the little pup who looked at him shyly "hello..." She said back and Mikey felt his heart clench at how precious she was "I brought you something" Mikey said softly, a gift approved by (name) of course.
(Daughters name) looked curious at the gift, the little girl had been really getting into a kids show lately, a power rangers- like show.
She looked starry eyed and (name) cleared his throat and the girl looked at Mikey in realization "thank you!" She gave a little bow and accepted the toy "wanna see my others?" She asked taking his fingers in her tiny hand and Mikey smiled "sure" and let the pup lead him to her toys.
(Name) watched with a heavy heart as the two interacted, the pup shy but still played with her dad none the less.
'hes here for her, not for me' (name) reminded himself when the two locked eyes, this is all for (daughters name) and (name) would make sure she was cared for.
"Roaaar!" She squealed as she played dinosaurs with her dad, the blond smiling softly at how sweet she was "daddy! Look at my Dino!" (Name) smiled at his kid "very cool! What dini is it!"
"Atta girl"
(Name) made sandwiches for the two of them, shaped like dinosaurs of course as that was (daughter name)s current fixation "thank you daddy" she ate her sandwich happily and Mikey noticed (name) hadn't eaten anything "aren't you gonna eat?" Mikey looked over his-- (name) worried and the other looked cold "I'm fine" voice clipped and icy, thankfully Mikey took the hint to drop it.
It was domestic, mikey and (daughters name)...
"So whaddya do?" (Daughters name) asked softly "daddy said you worked veeeeery far away" she looked so precious as she asked, Innocence radiating off if her as Mikey felt his heart break "I work in trade, I had to go for a long time"
(Name) went to the restroom at this time while Mikey continued "I'm sorry I had to be away but I'm here forever"
"Are you gonna be with daddy?"
"I'm working on that" Mikey loved his kid so much, the second he laid eyes on her he knew he would love her forever, his love for the two overflowing.
He didn't miss the hurt look on (name)s face, like he was holding back tears when he believed Mikey and (daughters name) weren't looking, the pain on his face all day.
"This was nice..." Mikey said softly and (name) looked cold at him as their pup had her nap "I want to see her again".
"Then we set ground rules"
"She doesn't go with you alone"
"She eats what I approve and she doesn't miss school unless it's *dire* and even then she is only picked up by me"
"And finally... She is never to be in your business, know about it or even catch a glimpse of it" (name) was dead serious as he stared at Mikey "we play by my rules, I'm not tolerating none of you're shit Sano"
(Name) was the only and will be the only person to get away with talking to him, the Omega finally letting Sanzu and Ran inside now that the pup was sound asleep "long time no see~" ran said merrily and (name) just looked uninterested in him "if you guys plan to follow him, there's rules"
(Name) explained the rules once more, ran pouting and Sanzu looked livid but didn't argue "and for the love of god, no drugs. Ever."
"If any of you pull her into your shit, there's no place on earth that will keep you safe from me" (name) didn't value his life the way he valued his daughters, no matter what she was first on his priority list and he made that clear with everyone.
"She has a schedule, on Saturdays she sleeps over at drakens, they work on bikes together and she's happy, we work around the set schedule" (name) looked done but didn't stop explaining his kids life and plans.
And Mikey listened to every word, taking it in.
The two made plans for the next meeting, until (name) deemed it ok, it would stay at (name)s house.
(Name) just hoped to fucking god that that asshole wouldn't bring his work to (name)s home.
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boozenboze · 1 year
Tokyo Revengers x Male reader
Summary: Being an Ace and a division captain are two hefty things to juggle. So what happens when the other Toman captains find the leader of the 6th division at volleyball practice
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Females She/Her and She/They DNI
“Good hustle L/n keep it up!” The coach yelled to the s/c skinned male who gave him a thumbs up. Practice didn’t end until late that night, and the Toman meeting that had been planned had begun without. He didn’t worry about it to much, but he knew he’d have to go through a light hearted interrogation from Mikey and Draken.
To be honest, they should’ve known that the male had practice. Why you may ask? Well thats because he had mentioned his after school activity plenty of times to them. If they hadn’t known then that would be on them for not listening.
(Pov switch)
Mikey was giving his speech to the gang, eyes wandering ever so often to see if his eyes would catch sight of the h/c haired male. Before the beginning of the meeting the blonde had been searching for him and to no avail, he didn’t spot him. The other captains tried calling or texting him but they would left with his voicemail. They continued to wait for him but had to start since there was no signs of him showing up.
The meeting ended not to long ago snd Takemichi was trying to call M/n again. As he did that, the other captains conversed with each other while also wondering where their 6th division captain was. This wasn’t the first time the male had missed a meeting but the other times he’d make sure Mikey knew so that confusion wouldn’t get caused.
“Hey-Hello! M/n where were, you the meeting is over.” Takemichi spoke as his mention of the h/c haired male caught the others attention. When they approached they watched as Takemichi’s brows furrowed in confusion.
“When did you start playing volleyball?” Takemichi asked as the others held their own looks of question.
“I-uh ok we’ll come over to see you. Ok bye.” Takemichi said before hanging up.
“When’d he start playing volleyball?” Mitsuya asked as he glanced at the others. Angry hummed in response before saying.
“That could explsin the other times he didn’t show up.”
“Yeah thats true...wait Takemichi you said thst we’d go and see him hm?” Draken questioned as Takemichi nodded.
“Alright lets go I wanna see N/n-chin play!” Mikey said with excitement as he made his way to his motorcycle. The others sighed at their commanders attitude and followed behind him, getting onto their own bikes.
(Pov switch)
“Nice serve M/n!” One of your teammates yelled on the sidelines as the ball made contact with the floor of the other teams side. It was the males ball again and he bounced the ball a few times before serving it again. Once again it was a perfect serve but the other team was able to pass it back to which your teammate Lain was passed it to your setter Ryu.
The captains had just arrived to the gym and heard the sound of shoes squeaking against the floor and a ball making contact with it. A loud boom and cheering could be heard as they walked in and they saw M/n's team cheering. They could tell because of their f/c jerseys and shorts. M/n was doing a little dance with Ryu who was laughing his ass off as they did.
"Can ya'll stop acting like you won an actual game." Your captain who was on the other team said as you turned to face him.
"Your just mad that ya'll lost~!" The h/c haired male whipped out his middle finger and started to shake his hips out of mockery. The captain rolled his eyes as his gaze averted to the Toman captains who were standing by the door.
"Are those gang members?" One of your other teammates said warily, as the Captain spoke up.
"Do ya'll need something?" His voice was loud which caused everyone to turn their attention to the entrance door. M/n's eyes widened at the sights of his gang. He was only expecting Takemichi to show up.....not everyone else.
"I-uh...what are ya'll doing here? Takemichi I thought you were the only one coming." M/n replies to the others that hadn't said anything yet.
"Um yeah I did...I forgot to mention they were tagging along, sorry." Takemichi said as his eyes wandered down to M/n's legs. He kept his gaze steady on his thighs. He looked away, reminding himself that he had a girlfriend as the other captains stared as well.
"Why didn't you tell us your thighs were so.....gyat!" Baji said as he did hand motions around M/n's legs. The male laughed in response, not thinking anything of his comment. He has worked hard to get his legs to the state they were in now so he appreciated the compliments.
"Can I....touch them..? Baji asked, voice getting a bit quieter but loud enough for Mikey to hear his question.
"Not if I don't touch them first!" Mikey said as he leaped over to the h/c haired male and began to feel up his leg. He squeezed his thigh with his hand and the male above whimpered slightly from the blondes grip. M/n's thighs had muscle definition and were a little jiggly.
"Ah...Mikey are you done yet?" M/n asked as Draken attempted to pull the commander off his leg. Mikeys grip got tighter and a moan was stifled from his lips causing both blondes to look at him. The male looked away from them, forgetting to mention how sensitive his thighs were. Mikey let go and laughed with a blush on his face. Draken and the others were the same way. Smiley was laughing while maintaining his iconic expression, as well as Angry who had turned away. Mitsuya was smiling as Sanzu massaged his temple.
"Yo M/n! Come get your shit!" Lain said as he approached the male with his gym bag. M/n took the bag from him and nodded as I thank you as the brunette left the gym.
"Well now we know one of our captains secret...Imma use that against him when we play Mario Kart." Smiley said as his smirk turned to something more devious. Angry side eyed his brother as he turned his gaze over to the h/c haired male who was making his way over to them.
"I'll be at your house in a bit, the game should be updated by then yea?" M/n said as he walked out, moving towards his bike.
"What were ya'll talking about?' Mucho asked as Smiley laughed in response. He walked away from the taller male as the twins exited the premises. The other captains watched them leave with looks of suspicion.
"They're planning something...lets follow them!" Mikey exclaimed as the others followed him out the gym.
"That was interesting"
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akkkkollle · 2 years
Dear Akkkollle,
I have a request could you do super masochist Omega Mikey x super sadist alpha male reader where the read goes in to rut and make it super dirty smut ?
With these kinks: Spanking, Biting/marking, first time dry orgasm, Knotting, Nipple play.
Also could you have the reader call Mikey princess too please ?
Thank youfor hearing me out 🙂
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Pairing: Omega!Mikey × Alpha!M!Reader.
Words: 1000+.
CW/TW: biting, dry orgasm, nipple play, knooting, spanking, size difference, denial of orgasm, cum inside, "Princess".
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- M/N, just relax, okay? - he whispers, playing with your fingers on your left hand. - You know you can just fuck me, I don't mind.
-That's the problem, Mikey. - you pull your hand back, making him whine.
-Drop this idea, you're going to have this soon, honey, you need to have sex. - he smiles, and you sigh heavily.
- Are you sure you agree? - he nods.
A few minutes later.
Two completely naked bodies are lying on the bed. Your hands press him to the mattress, pressing your lips into his. He just whimpers, wrapping his legs around your waist, his hands tangled in your hair as he pulls you to his face.
You pull away, lowering your head lower, already kissing and biting his neck, he swallows when you bite the area between his shoulder and neck and sobs, feeling how you literally bite through his flesh.
- Why? You did it before... - he asks, but then he screams feeling a slap on his ass.
- I will mark you as much as I want, don't ask stupid questions. - you lick his blood, feeling the taste of metal on your tongue. - Everyone should know that this princess is mine, don't you agree?
He makes a sound like "Uh-huh", while sobbing, feeling your lips almost at his penis. He twitches negligibly right in front of your nose and you teasingly lick the tip, from which he raises his legs.
-How small you are, princess. - you're chuckling, making him snort.
- You're too big.
At the same moment, he moans, feeling your fingers on his penis, and your mouth on his right nipple. His hands cling to your hair as his legs wrap around your body, pulling you closer, which immediately makes him feel a slap that makes him moan even harder.
He whimpers when you start pulling his nipple with your teeth, biting it. He feels the imminent approach of orgasm, he violently jerks his hips in your grip, trying to cum faster.
A loud moan escapes from his lips, and then a sob as tears flow down his face. You pull away from his chest, chuckling. He's still hard, there are only a few drops of pre-cum on your hands.
His cheeks are covered with even more blush and tears flow down them when he sees the way you look at him. You lower your hand lower, circling his fluttering hole, feeling how wet he is. He jerks his hips impatiently and immediately feels another slap. He swallows, whimpering.
-Princess, be patient. I need to enjoy your pathetic appearance. - he nods, biting his lip, no longer trusting his own voice. - I've never seen you have a dry orgasm, you're just a priceless sight right now.
He whimpers a quiet "Please" that can barely be heard. You just roll your eyes and direct your dick into his wet, mucus-filled hole. He groans from stretching, and then from the pain when you immediately start moving.
His hands grab onto your shoulders, his nails dig into your skin as you grab onto his thigh, going much deeper, hitting his prostate.
A low growl escapes from your lips when you feel his ass squeezing around you, making the feeling even better. He licks his lips, pulling you to him, as a result of which you collide with his shoulder. He whispers a quiet "Please" again, but this time there is an extraordinary desperation in him. You bite his shoulder, making him moan and twitch his hips.
His black eyes are tightly closed while crystal tears flow from them. His face is absolutely red, although it is impossible to even think that a person can blush like that. His lips are bitten with anticipation. And his blond, usually gathered hair, scattered all over the pillow.
- M/N, please, I'm going to cum now..! - he shouts when you suck his neck.
- Nope. - you squeeze his whole penis, which makes him whimper loudly. - We'll come together, okay, can you stand it, princess?
He nods quickly while crying even harder. He feels like he's ready to cum right now, you just need to let go of his cock, but you obviously won't do it. You're still nibbling on his neck, although you are well aware that tomorrow he will look, to put it mildly, not very good in the neck and shoulders.
He can feel you twitching in him. He squeezes his legs even tighter, pressing you closer and stronger to him. He feels another slap when you unclench your hand, and squeezing you, he comes with a loud moan that echoed through the room. And you come with him.
- Damn, you came inside me. So warm... - he whines, squeezing your hair.
-This isn't the end, Princess. - he looks at you questioningly, and you just grin, making a lunge, making him whimper.
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tenjikyu · 6 months
𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 - 𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘶𝘯𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘦
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౨ৎ ⋆。˚ comedy, (toman) manjiro , tall!reader , gn!reader , overall a bunch of fluff and manjiro loving his taller partner.
౨ৎ ⋆。˚ original requester - @r0z0 i hope you enjoy!
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❤︎ mikey with a tall reader would actually be so funny.
❤︎ the man himself is pretty short, however his best buddy draken is rather contrasting in height, so people towering over him isn’t anything new for him.
❤︎ i can imagine him looking up at you the first time you guys met, in absolute AWE.
❤︎ he’s munching on some snack that draken paid for earlier, crumbs on his cheek, his abnormally wide eyes glimmering.
❤︎ you just stare down at him like ‘wtf this kid staring at” before asking him if he needed anything.
❤︎ obviously, being as straight forward as manjiro typically is, he basically goes:
❤︎ “you’re pretty cute, can i have your number?” before smirking at himself in pride, knowing he’s smooth.
❤︎ “alright i’m down” you nonchalantly reply, making him take a step back. you ACCEPTED??
❤︎ draken was equally as shocked. someone? cute as you?? REALLY??
❤︎ anyways he took you on a date and suddenly you two are besties LMAO. (and partners but let’s be real, a relationship with mikey is like a bestfriendship)
❤︎ mikey adores you! he especially loves crawling into your lap and being huddled in your embrace, hogging all your body warmth.
❤︎ he’s 100% the little spoon once y’all are comfortable sharing a bed. he loves protecting you, however he also appreciates having you spoon him from behind. it feels as though he can let his guard down a little.
❤︎ when out on dates, you hold his hand like an overprotective parent. y’all go to a restaurant or an ice cream stand and you, being the pants of the relationship, cover for him <33.
❤︎ mikey loves hand holding, if you couldn’t tell. having your hand in his does make him look like a little kid (despite being BUFF) , but if he needs to yank you away or grasp you tighter, having your hand in his keeps you safe.
❤︎ he gives you puppy dog eyes everytime he wants something. whenever you guys go out to grab snacks or take away and he’s too broke to pay for his part, he just gives you his big ol’ baby eyes and your card magically swipes on his transaction (how can you possibly refuse your boyfriend anyways).
❤︎ mikeys friends all worship you LMAO. ofc he brings you to every toman meeting (bc he can’t function correctly without you) and you just chill on the side while he acts all tough and mighty.
❤︎ and ofc, you meet all of his friends as you go.
❤︎ chifuyu and baji LOVE you! they always end up stealing you away from mikey whenever he’s distracted to fool around. you, being you, ofc go off and get up to mischief with them. mitsuya appreciates your protective side when it comes to mikey. he knows that the blonde can protect himself but sometimes, you need someone else to be there for you.
❤︎ you and draken are auto besties. the two of you are mikeys most trusted, his right hand units if you will. takemichi is a newer addition to your group, however he does like your presence! smiley and angry both like your big sibling energy and the three of you make a good trio when nessessary, ESPECIALLY if you’re apart of toman.
❤︎ overall, mikeys very VERY tall s/o is beloved by all around them, and mikey wouldn’t change anything about you for the world <3.
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kisakis-boyfriend · 6 months
idk if you know that burrito blanket meme but perhaps a request for cold weather and toasty blankets?? wrapping up mikey in a blanket like a burrito and fucking him that way so he cant get away or move his limbs??
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Pairings: Mikey x reader
Warnings: Male!reader, dom/top!reader, sub/bottom!Mikey, bondage technically LOL, creampie, whiny/childish Mikey
Genre/Format: Smut; Oneshot
Author's Note: I think I know exactly what you're talking about, anon. Or maybe it's a similar meme lol. The one I saw goes like: "Sad sushi -> roll sushi in blanket -> place sushi roll on couch -> dick that sushi nice and hard! -> happy lil sushi roll!"
Please check my blog title to verify whether requests are closed or not! Thank you!
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“Y/n it's sooo cooold!!” Mikey groaned for what seemed like the millionth time today. He did this every single time you had to stop cuddling. Bathroom break? Mikey complains. Go grab a snack/drink? Mikey whines. Fetch another blanket since it's “freezing”? Mikey holds onto your arm so that you can't walk away
“C'mon, cuddle with me!”
You pinched the bridge of your nose before turning around to face him again. “Mikey I need to pee. It only takes me like, two minutes. Not even.”
“What if I freeze to death before you get back!” Ok now he is really being dramatic...
“You're not gonna freeze, Mikey. I'll be right back.” As you shut the door to the bathroom you could hear the exaggerated moans and groans of your partner. Whining into the couch cushion like a child. If he was really so cold, then you'll find a way to keep him nice and toasty
As soon as you finish up in the bathroom, you dash over to the closet and pull out another blanket, bringing it back to the living room in a huff. Mikey looks up at you with outstretched arms, silently begging for more cuddles. Instead you make him stand up so that you can wrap the blanket around him — effectively turning your boyfriend into a warm burrito
“Heeeyy!! Y/n, how am I supposed to cuddle with you now?” He whined, tears pricking the corners of his eyes. Your response was pushing his fluffy self back onto the couch, pulling his pants and underwear down in one swift motion
“Y-y/n—?!” Mikey gulped, getting pulled by his thighs so that his legs now rested on either side of your waist
A glare silenced the boy rather quickly. Shrinking down in his little cocoon while you explained, “If you wanna be whiny I'm going to fuck you until you're too stupid to speak, understand?” You said with no real malice, simply a warning for Mikey not to push your buttons too much
Mikey whimpered but nodded nonetheless. Watching as you spit on your cock and stroked yourself a little. He knew exactly what was coming next— a familiar pang of pain hit his nerves when you pressed the tip of your dick inside of him. Pushing past the rim a little at a time
Another glob of spit fell onto his entrance and your tip, acting as shoddy lube. The burning stretch caused Mikey to wince, scrunching his face up as you filled him halfway. You shushed him, gently caressing his tensed thighs and petting his hair as you allowed him to adjust some more
Shallow thrusts helped him get used to your size, eventually leading into full on slamming into Mikey's hole like he was nothing more than a fleshlight. Deep and hard. Using his current burrito state as a means to dick him down as hard as you could; surely bruising his poor thighs
“Fffuck– Gonna cum, Mikey—!! ” You groaned, an iron grip around his little legs. “Gonna fill you with somethin' nice and warm, babe~ ” Gazing down at your baby boy's fucked out expression is what tipped you over the edge — cumming with a choked moan
When you eventually pulled out, some of your cum dribbled out and down Mikey's ass, eliciting adorable sounds from him. Maybe while he's stuck like this you'll fill him a little more? Keep him warm and cozy with your cum bloating his tummy
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Mikey x male reader
Y'all liked that last fic huh? 🫣
Warnings 6(?): NSFW, degrading, praising, cockwarming  slight humiliation, overstimulation
Bonten timeline Tokyo revenges spoilers (?)
Word count: 976
Request open! 🤍
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Mikey was a busy man he just barley had time for you, so you decided to bring him lunch and maybe spend a little time with him. And so far you had failed successfully.... You see Mikey was having you cockwarm him while he was filling out paperwork, your back to his chest facing his desk. You wanted to bounce so bad, he felt so good he made you feel so full he kept bouncing you on his cock every few minutes just making you even hornier if possible. The phone rang and he answered you let out a huff tired of waiting for him to be done so he could just fuck you dumb. But he just started thrusting into you and said "Shhh baby don't be so loud okay."
Why was he doing this to you!? God it was so humiliating but it kinda turned you on, having him fuck you while on call bouncing on his cock trying not to moan, but you wanted to so badly.
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But then he stopped making you let out a loud whimper "What was that." The other person on the phone said. Now you where really humiliated, Mikey just told the other person he was on the phone with it was his dog and said he'd call them back. Mikey covered your mouth with his hand and said "You're such a slut huh (name), couldn't even keep quiet while I took a call?" This just made you let out whine how could he expect you to be quiet!? His cock was so big it made you feel so full, you where struggling not to bounce on it right now. He turned you head to the the side and kissed the corner of you lips "Could it be that my cock is too big hm baby? It's so big you're struggling not to bounce on it right now aren't you? You're such a slut for this dick huh (name) you love it don't you?" He said in a teasing tone.
Why was he being such a tease? You just wanted to spend time with him even if it was sexual and now he was being a goddamn tease! "M-Mikey" you stuttered out "Hm? You got something to say baby?" He said reaching down to engulf your cock in his other hand he griped it tightly, and stared stroking it slowly letting the palm of his finger rub flat against your tip. He was still holding your face and he went in to kiss you rough, making you let out a whimper followed by a whine at the roughness of the kiss. When he pulled away you where both panting "M-Mikey I- I want more please?" You huffed out with a whine staring into his dark eyes, he stared back amused "Hm? You want it whore, you want more? But you couldn't even be quiet when I was on the phone? I bet you got off to being humiliated like that fucking slut, maybe I should've kept them on the phone so they could see how much of a whore you are." He said while quickens his pace jacking you off faster and you let out a string of moans and whines.
And God you where drooling, it felt so good to be stuffed full and have your dick played with. You felt the build up of an orgasm in your stomach and arched your back making his dick go further and you let out a porn worthy moan. "Mikey it feels so g- good, oh god please keep going I'm gonna come." You moaned out "I want more please Mikey." You whimpered out and started bouncing on his cock while he was playing with your dick using his thighs as leverage."But you've already taken more having you? Oh fuck- that's right baby, be a good boy and keep bouncing on my cock while I play with your's" He groaned out. You where drooling and moaning while bouncing up and down and god his dick was reaching all the right places making you feel so full. You stared moaning even louder and clawing at Mikey's thighs letting out broken moans as his cock hit your sweet spot. "Mikey m' gonna come it's too much." You moaned out. He looked at you he looked at how you where drooling, while bouncing on his cock he moved his hand up to play with your nipples, while the other was still jacking you off.
And God he was making you feel so good from him playing with your cock the hand playing with your nipples and you bouncing on his dick it was too much but felt like heaven. "Fuck baby you gonna come, shit I can feel you clenching around me that's right be a good boy and come around this fucking cock." He groaned out and that pushed you over the edge making you squirt cum all over yourself and his thighs. "Fuckkk (name), you came a lot fuck I'm gonna come too okay baby? Take it like a good boy okay." He let go of your cock and took both his hands and grabbed your hips, thrusting into you at a fast and hard pace knocking the wind out your lungs you where crying from the overstimulation and turned your head back to kiss him as he gave one final thrust and came deep inside you filling you up to the brim.
You both pulled away from the kiss both panting and Mikey lifted you up and pulled out making you whine. "Shhh it's okay baby Mikey's got you." He said while turning you around in his lap having you straddle his thighs, covered in your cum. You put you face in his neck while he petted your hair you drifting off to sleep peacefully while in his lap. 
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