#mina x reader
residentflamingo · 2 days
Twice Members' Favorite Places to Kiss You
Twice x fem! reader
Warnings: so sweet you’ll get a toothache <3
A/N: I’ve been in a really bad writing slump lately, so that is the main reason why I have not been posting at all. And school has also been kicking me in the ass 💀✌️ I have so many good drafts I want to share with you guys, but my motivation has been at 0% for a while. But lately I have been getting a lot better, so more works are expected to come soon! Which also means I will be opening back up my requests box :D Someone did request me to write something a long time ago, but I have been steadily working on it over time. It’s got about 5,000 words on it, so as long as my lazy ass doesn’t put off to writing it, that draft will be coming out soon as well. Thank you to all of you lovely people who have been patient, and also the ones that have been liking my posts. You guys are phenomenal and I love and appreciate all of you ❤️
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Lips ♡
A very standard one, but well suitable for her
She loves how soft and plump your lips are
Like Sana, Nayeon is a very affectionate person
So after she’s had a loooong day at the studio, all she wants to do is give you some repetitive and silly kisses that end up in slow and passionate ones
(Sometimes she’ll even bite your lip if she’s feeling a little bit frisky that night…)
“Oh my gosh I missed you so much Y/N. You won’t believe how many new dance routines they made us learn today.”
Her favorite kinds of kisses are good luck kisses and goodnight kisses <3
(And the passionate ones of course ;)
Nayeon loves how sweet it feels to be able to show her love through a kiss, and be able to feel your soft lips in the process
Kissing your lips make her feel grounded, and wanting nothing more than to spend every moment of every day with you
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Forehead ♡
Very domestic and homey feeling for her
Her kisses are always very sentimental and sweet
She doesn’t kiss as often as other people, which makes the wait worth it every time
“Here honey, you go lay down and rest. I can do the rest of the laundry for you.”
Always kisses you randomly and making sure it catches you off guard
She loves seeing you all flustered and shy <3
Kissing you on the forehead reminds her of being married to you someday, and just being able to protect you from harm
You are everything to her, and she never wants you to feel anything less than that
And if you’re shorter than her, then it’s an even better reason for her to kiss you on the forehead <3
Will also give you the biggest kiss when she comes home from work 🥺
“I missed you so much honey, what have you been up to?”
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Tummy ♡
When you had previously told her about being insecure about your tummy, you never thought she would take it so seriously
But oh boy how wrong you were
It instantly became Momo's favorite place to kiss you
Momo made sure to always remember it so she could prove your insecurities wrong
She loves how soft and chunky your tummy is, and just can't ever get enough of it
Also loves how much you giggle when she kisses you
If you ever have those days where you're not feeling too great, she will start giving you kisses there first and make sure you feel so loved and beautiful
“You are so beautiful Y/N. Don’t you ever forget it.”
“Your stretch marks are not ugly at all honey I promise. They make you look even more gorgeous.”
She will sometimes leave hickies and bite marks there too, but only when she’s in the mood and you give her permission
If you are also pregnant, she will not hesitate to smother your tummy in kisses then too <3
It would be almost impossible for her to keep her hands off of you
Her end goal is to always make you feel loved, and to remind you that you are the most beautiful woman she has ever set her eyes on
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Dimples ♡
We all know Sana is a very affectionate person. So choosing her favorite spot to kiss you would be impossible right?
Nope not at all for her.
The first thing that had drawn her to you was your radiant smile
But the deal breaker was the dimples that came along with it
She just couldn’t get enough of them
Once you guys had been dating for about 3-4 months, you both had gotten very comfortable with each other and started being all lovey dovey and such
That was when you noticed how much she loved to kiss your dimples
Any chance she could get, she made sure to kiss you in that same spot
It never failed to make you blush every time, and that’s part of the reason why she would constantly kiss you there
She also loves how well they compliment your face, and how adorable they make you look
“Y/N have I ever told you how much I love your dimples? They make you look so cute!” *pinches your cheeks*
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Cheeks ♡
She doesn’t mind kissing on the lips. She loves it actually, but she kissing your cheeks even better
Jihyo’s kisses are the most genuine ones you will ever feel in your entire life
Sometimes it’s hard for her to say how much she loves you outloud, so she’ll express it through her kisses
When you’re having a bad day and come home tired, she’ll wrap her arms around you and give soft pecks on your cheeks
Or when Jihyo has to leave for early morning dance practice, she’ll slowly wake you up by peppering your face with kisses too
It’s just a super sweet gesture for her, and your puffy cheeks are too cute to not kiss anyways
She loves the way you blush when she randomly walks up to you and kisses you
Jihyo adores you so much, even if it’s hard for her to say outloud sometimes
When she does, she makes sure it meaningful, and at the perfect time
“I love you so much Y/N. Even if I don’t say it outloud that much, I really do. You’re my world, and I never want you to feel any lesser than that.”
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Nose ♡–-
When you confessed to her that you hated the shape/size of your nose, she made it one of her top priorities to make you feel less insecure about it
Her shy persona may keep her from expressing a lot of things, but it didn’t stop her from showing her affection for you
You were used to her always giving you warm hugs, and very soft kisses on the lips
But when she added your nose to the agenda, it was game over for you
She loves to kiss your nose when you look super cute, and she can’t handle it
Or when you’re doing something sweet for her like washing the dishes, or doing her laundry. She’ll always find a way to pay you back with affection
“Thank you so much baby. You’re so sweet.”
Over time your insecurities had slowly gone away after receiving so much love and support from her, making your nose the very very least of your worries
Having someone like her in your life made you realize that looks weren’t every thing, and that you never have to worry about when you’re with her
“Honey your nose is so cold. *kisses your nose* Here let me kiss it some more so it will feel warmer...”
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Hands/ fingers ♡
Dahyun is very loving and sweet
She loves to hold your hand when you two are walking around Seoul together, or just cuddling on the couch
She loves the intimacy it brings between you two
If she doesn't express her love with words at the moment, she will express it with actions
She'll bring your hand up to her lip and pepper your knuckles, fingers, and whatever else with kisses
Something else that she would never admit, is how she loves the softness of your hands
It reminds her of when she was little, and she would hold her mother’s hand
Dahyun wants you to feel loved and adored by her at all times, even if it’s not verbally
When you guys are at restaurants, she will have no shame holding your hand from across the table and kissing it
“Dahyun be careful. People might see us.”
She’ll just laugh and say, “Let them. Nothing will ever stop me from expressing my love for you darling.”
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Jawline/Neck ♡
We all know Chaeyoung is a big romantic
And can sometimes be a bit flirty with it too
So it’s no surprise that her favorite place to kiss you, would be the most intimate and steamy
Even though it is her favorite spot to kiss you, she doesn’t really kiss there very often
But when she does, she makes sure to go all out
She loves how intimate it is, and loves hearing/ seeing your reaction every time she kisses in that area
Most definitely will leave hickies too, so be aware when she starts going to town down there
“You like it when I kiss you like this baby?”
You can just already see her smirking while saying that…
She loves riling you up and making you melt from her touch <3
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Ears ♡
Tzuyu is a one-of-a-kind woman, and the sweetest one you have ever met
When you guys first started dating you it stayed at the awkward stage for a little bit longer than most couples
But when she started warming up to you, her affection towards you became even greater
It started with little kisses on the nose, then on the cheek, lips, she eventually progressed to your ears
You thought it was weird at first, but you eventually grew to love it
Tzuyu loves to hug you from behind because of the height difference, and she’ll often whisper in your ear how much she loves you
Sometimes she’ll nibble a little bit too after kissing it, but not very often
If you have slightly larger size ears, she would tease you about it every now and then
But not enough to where you would feel insecure
She just thinks your ears are super cute, and make you even more loveable
"I love you so much Y/N... Don't ever change. You are perfect just the way you are."
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writerpetals · 2 days
twice mina! and with abba's take a chance on me 🙏🏻
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that was honestly just a perfect song to write a cute fluffy drabble hehe thank youuu~ ^^
Having a crush on your roommate is hard. Having a crush on your roommate when she’s currently going through a breakup is torture. When she’s clearly down and there’s little you can do to cheer her up, you try just about everything to get her past the heartbreak. 
You start with her comfort movies, just hoping she will smile that beautiful smile you’ve fallen for. There’s no luck. Not even her favorite TV show she can binge over and over again will bring her out of the funk. For a week straight you come up with different flicks or sitcoms to watch. She tries her best, feigning a few weak smiles, but you know her better than that.
“Sorry,” she says with a sigh, hugging the couch pillow tighter with a pout. “I’m just not feeling up to it.”
So you move on to her favorite foods. Even if she can’t laugh, at least her stomach will be full and you don’t have to worry if she’s eating enough. You know being heartbroken can do that, so one night you order a few appetizers from her favorite restaurants. Though she looks appreciative of your efforts, she picks at her food until you realize it’s not working.
“Sorry,” she exhales with a flutter of her lips, clearly trying to keep her emotions in check. “I don’t feel hungry lately.”
You consider murder for a moment, knowing she’s the last person that deserves a broken heart, but that will get neither of you anywhere. You keep it on the back burner, though, deciding to try one last thing.
“How about we go for a walk?” It’s been weeks since she was dumped and you know she always loved going on walks because she loves nature and the beautiful scenery. Hearing the birds chirping and the wind blowing softly between the leaves always made her feel so calm and relaxed. You’re praying this time it helps, even a little.
Surprisingly, she agrees. So one Saturday morning, you both put on your sneakers, baseball caps, and definitely your sunscreen before you head to the nature trails close by. As you walk along the dirt paths between the trees offering shade from the sun, you remain in a comfortable silence. Whatever she is feeling, she will tell you when she’s ready. You’re in no rush to fix her, you’re only patiently waiting until you can help.
“Thank you,” she says with a heavy breath. “For sticking around when I’ve been feeling so down.”
“Of course I’m sticking around,” you reply instantly. There’s no question about it. You would wait until the end of the world if it meant she could be happy again. 
For a few moments, you only hear the sounds of your shoes against the dirt, then she bites her lip and exhales.
“It just sucks, you know?” You do know, but you don’t say anything. Not when she is finally opening up. “It sucks because I kind of knew it was going nowhere, but I just hung on in fear of being lonely. Now I feel lonely and heartbroken and kind of lost. Like what now?”
“I understand your heartbreak,” you admit to her, resisting the urge to pull her in for a hug. Instead, you continue walking side by side, if just a bit closer to one another. “But you don’t have to feel lonely. You know I’m always here for you. And I can help you until you no longer feel lost.”
She stops upon hearing your words. A second later, you stop walking and turn to look at her. “You’re too good for me,” she says with a pout, then finally a soft smile crosses her lips. Before you know it, she’s reaching for you, pulling you in for the tightest hug you’ve ever received in your life. Like she’s putting all her hurt, her heartache, her emptiness into you to take some of the burden. You’d happily take it all if you could. “I’m so lucky to have you.”
The words make your heart race. It’s a small step, just one sentence to make the crush on her roar with anticipation, but you push it aside. It’s not about how you feel now. It’s only about helping the girl you care for until she can laugh and smile again. 
So you give her more time. More movies watched, more TV shows she slowly starts to respond to. More of her favorite take-out and more walks. She slowly opens up to you, spilling more of how she’s feeling until she can talk freely. Weeks pass while you nurture her heartache to help her see good days again. You’re there for her because you’ve grown to care so deeply, you don’t bother with your own feelings until you know she’s healed from her broken heart.
She’s eating more. She’s laughing more. She’s talking, and grinning, and being silly like she used to, and you’re falling even harder for her. Still, you push it aside. She’s not ready, but you’ll wait as long as you need to.
Until the day comes when she brings home your favorite food. An obscure restaurant’s take-out containers forty minutes away from the house you share are settled on the coffee table when you enter the living room. There’s a wide smile on her face, and one of your favorite movies on the TV screen paused right at the opening credits.
She pats the spot next to her on the couch, and you happily take your seat.
“What’s all this?” you question, one brow raised.
“My thank you,” she beams, giggling. You’ve missed her giggles so much. “You took care of me when I needed it, so I figured tonight could be my way of repaying you.”
“You didn’t have to-”
She grabs hold of your hand, holding it between her two palms and giving it a squeeze. “I wanted to, don’t argue.” There’s that playful side of her you love so much. “I really can’t thank you enough for being there for me. No one else in my life would ever try so hard to help me find my happiness like you did. I’ll forever be grateful.”
Your heart swells with warmth as she speaks. You can’t look away from her eyes, and she can’t pull herself from your gaze, either. She holds your hand, and you let her, finding comfort in the warmth of her touch. 
“We should begin the movie,” she says, but she still doesn’t turn away.
“We should also probably eat before the food gets cold.” You don’t dare pull away from her first.
“It… probably already is. That place was a million miles away.”
Now you’re laughing, and she’s blushing, but she doesn’t release your hand. She holds on to you and you let her, for however long she needs.
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neoplatinum · 2 months
morning beauty | myoui 'mina' minari
summary: has mina always looked this beautiful?
pairing: mina x 10th-member!reader
themes: fluff, major major fluff, minor 2yeon, rest of twice
wc: 3.9k
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you had something to confess, a little guilty pleasure of yours, well guilty as in you didn't want the other members to find out. but it was truly something you enjoyed for yourself and kept hidden away from the rest of the girls.
you always chose to room with mina, because you liked waking up to her. it started when it was something jeongyeon commented on during the 2022 once day fanmeeting.
when jeongyeon explained that she would like to be reborn married to mina, she explained it was because she wanted to wake up to mina's face everyday. while chaeyoung and nayeon were playfully laying their claim on their women.
you realized you never actually slept in the same bed with mina, so you don't know what jeongyeon means by it. mina's gorgeous, you could never deny that, but wow does jeongyeon sound like she has a crush. you laughed at the sight of a jealous chaeyoung and nayeon.
letting the thought slip into the back of your mind for a while.
until twice's 5th word tour: ready to be was starting up. after the grueling work and practice that came with preparing for a seven leg tour, also was the need of having partners for hotel rooms. the first foreign show was kicked off in sydney, australia.
the beautiful warm city with bright lights shining in to the hotel lobby. while you were still trying to adjust to the time difference. just as you were about to yawn, body sinking into the hotel couch, mina walks up to you.
"hi, we're going to be rooming together." in that quiet, calm voice of hers, handing you a second key card. you nod and continue to yawn and rub at your eyes, ready to get settled in the hotel room before soundcheck. stuffing the keycard into your pocket, and rolling the luggage towards the elevators.
the room was gorgeous, facing the beautiful sun shining in, but you felt like a heavy log in water. the time difference was really messing with your energy levels, so you begrudgingly rolled your luggage inside. flopping onto the bed immediately.
mina's quietly humming a song as she gets settled. tucking her luggage away on her side of the room, and then getting ready to play on her switch.
you watched her, with your body laying flat on your stomach, but your head turned towards her. hearing the low sounds of her game, she doesn't say much, but it's comfortable being around her.
she’s always brought you a comforting sense of home even if you are thousands of miles away from korea.
mina's a nice contrast from constantly rooming with nayeon.
nayeon always flings her outfit all over the bed, even landing them on your bed. chargers and phone misplaced all the time, begging you to call her number and to find her chargers. this is a much different change of pace.
you wake up to the sight of mina, wearing cute jeans and a plain tee, long hair running down her back, her face away from you. rummaging through her toiletries bag for something. then she gets up to go wash her face. her face half turned towards you when she realizes you are awake.
you let out a small gasp, has her side profile always been this pretty? your eyes go wide, trailing down her face, from the sharp eyebrows to the beauty mark above her lip and her defined jawline. it's all too much for your heart to handle while still waking up.
"i'm going to go wash my face before soundcheck." she says quietly, nodding at you before disappearing into the bathroom. you begin to wonder what's in the sydney water.
the rest of the soundcheck and concert, you've been in a daze: a mina daze. constantly eyeing her from across the stage, side glances and unfocused. has she always looked this good?
you try and snap out of it before the concert starts, but as you watch mina perform 7 rings from behind the stage, your jaw drops naturally. eyes glued to the screen, watching her turn around to drop her ass. you nearly drop your mic.
jeongyeon stares at the performance, cheering mina on, but her eyes fall on you, watching you watch mina. she keeps that in mind.
the rest of the concert goes off without a hitch, the crowd's shouting and the energy in the sydney night is beautiful. you're enjoying a break as the group takes a quick break to chat with fans. you lean down to grab water bottles, handing some to the other members.
then the big screen shifts to mina, and you hear her voice reverberate around the stadium. you try and watch her across the stage, but she's blocked by tzuyu so you turn to watch the 4k big screen instead.
and as she shares her feelings for the sydney onces, you get entranced by her speaking. watching the way her eyes shine under the fluorescent lights and the gorgeous outfit she has on. the second time that day you ask yourself, has she always looked this good? mina continues to talk until you notice yourself being shown on screen, eyes glued to the screen.
you completely miss the timing for your turn to speak, and then nayeon and jeongyeon are making a big deal about you staring at mina. pushing and shoving you playfully as you try and play it off coolly. it's too late though because the internet's already circulating with videos of you staring down the screen with mina's face blown up.
onces all over the internet are making memes over it, the sight of your face, jaw dropped and just in awe of mina on the big screen.
by the time you are focused on the concert again, and interacting with fans. you begin waving and doing requests off of once's posters.
laughing at one that's asking for sana's hand in marriage, you tug her towards the excited fan and watching sana offer her hand out, laughing and running away. as if she didn't just kill that poor fangirl.
the walk out of the van into the hotel lobby is tiring, you can feel the adrenaline finally wearing off. the intensity of having to perform for so long taking a toll on you, you keep massaging your shoulder as you follow the girls up the elevator. jihyo and jeongyeon happily chatting about being in australia. and looking forward to exploring local spots.
mina taps you lightly, and you turn your body towards her.
"i brought massage oils." she says quietly, pointing towards the hand thats been rubbing your shoulders. you thank her quietly, letting her walk you to the hotel room, too tired to even talk.
you fall into a chair, watching mina take out another toiletry bag. grabbing some massage oil, taking the time to work the muscle aches and the tension in your shoulder. a nice relaxing feeling with her pressing the buildup away.
"thank you mina." you offer as she leaves to go wash off the massage oil. your cheeks dusted light pink at the attentive care she has for you, even if she's bone tired from her own performance.
after doing your nightly routine, you get ready to sleep off the exhaustion, dreaming of soft hands and long jet black hair. dreaming of the girl in the other bed in the room.
waking up you feel like you've been transported into a different world. eyes watching mina do her morning routine so gently and quietly. moving around to collect her outfit for the day, and to put on light makeup.
you try and concentrate on your own morning routine, but you keep glancing over at mina through the wall mirror as she fixes her eyeliner by the other sink. with your face dripping in water, you forget what you were supposed to be doing. that warm yellow light bringing a gorgeous hue to her skin.
walking out to join the other girls for breakfast didn't help either as mina was seated next to you, taking the edge seat closest to the window. the sun bouncing off her skin, glowing even more than in the bathroom. dahyun had to tap on you five times to get you to pass her the syrup bottle.
you try and snap back into the real world, but with a face like mina's, how can you?
the melbourne concert was amazing, the synergy in the air making you forget about your little dilemma. you playfully tugged chaeyoung along, running around the stage and making half hearts with her at every corner. hearing the shouts of fans at the sight at every pose. you nearly run into mina at one point, not noticing her in your peripheral until it's too late.
at the last second, you pull her body towards you, arms circling her waist in a protective hold, making sure she didn't fall backwards off the stage. in the stress of the moment, you don't realize how close you are to her face, until you look up. her eyes staring into yours, and your eyes go wide at the closeness.
trying to play it off, taking your arm away from her waist and asking if she's okay. but the video is circling the internet that night, fans squealing at the near kiss.
you try and avoid the topic as you and mina get ready for bed, mina wouldn't confront you about it, you know that much. she's quietly humming another song as she cleans up her make up bag. sorting it and tucking it away.
you try and think about anything else other than her, this mina fixation is slowly eating up your attention.
with the osaka and tokyo shows, you begin to get closer to mina, her taking time to bring you around to her favorite spots when she was younger. she's in her home country, and her parents are friendly, familiar faces.
they offer nice gifts to all the members, even asking you how your shoulder is doing. you reply that it's doing well, all thanks to mina's massage oils. they smile at that, glad their daughter is so nice and thoughtful to the other girls.
mina brings all the members over to the myoui residence for a sleepover.
you get a real feel for pre-debut mina. the game obsession is still obvious, but you also discover her childhood memories. photos littered in her room and a giant wall dedicated to the group. you try not to tear up at the sight of everyone as the final lineup from sixteen, but the memories are coming back.
she walks in with a box in her hand.
"this is for you, from my parents." and you look down and see massage oils, top of the line and very very expensive. your eyes widen at the sight, you would never justify buying this for yourself.
"oh mina, you don't have to." you push the box away.
"my parents insisted. i told them about your shoulder, and they ordered it right away." you smile at that, the myoui's are always so thoughtful. you begrudgingly take the box, and thanking her parents for the wonderful gift. promising to always look after mina.
that night as you get ready for a sleepover at the myoui's with all the girls huddled up in her living room floor, you think that you would love to live with mina.
then came the US leg of the tour, and with it came more moments spent with mina. you nearly had a heart attack when you found out mina was experiencing back pain the whole concert. she didn't even mention it, just pulled out a back brace from her luggage and wrapped it over her shirt.
mina had to calm you down from calling your manager, your frantic voice demanding a doctor visit immediately. she managed to convince you to let it go, with the promise of much-needed rest and letting you take care of her.
so you use the massage oils her parents bought to massage her back every night. attentively rubbing her lower back and then to her upper back. removing the knots in her shoulder, mina falls asleep at one point, so you tuck her in. pulling the comforter up and washing your hands before getting ready for bed.
with her back pain having flair-ups, you always carry her luggage, insisting that she doesn't carry heavy things. you insist even if she rolls her eyes because you'd rather have an unhappy mina who feels coddled than a mina in pain and aching from carrying around her luggage.
you start to question why you do all this for mina.
you've developed a routine since rooming with mina at every hotel. always tucking away mina's luggage by the side of the bed that is closer to the bathroom. in that corner that she always likes, always setting her makeup brushes from biggest to smallest, left to right on her vanity. you always make sure the water you brought to her was warm, not too hot but also not too cold.
when mina is feeling a little under the weather from being in the rain for the atlanta concert, you urge jeongyeon to come with you to buy medicine for her.
you stroll into the target, looking around for cough drops and cough medicine, going up to the cashier and through the use of your translator app, you successfully are directed to the right row. getting cough drops for mina.
while you are busy debating between two brands, with jeongyeon holding a basket full of remedies, jeongyeon asks you this.
"who is mina to you?"
"mina? she's our member." you laugh, what a silly question jeongyeon.
"no, who is mina to YOU?" jeongyeon asks again, as you shove one bag back into the display. then reaching into the back of a different row to get a bag of cough drops that hopefully no one has touched.
"she's my..." you stop, hand on the bag. a little confused by what jeongyeon means. "why are you asking this question?"
jeongyeon keeps shuffling her feet, peering on the other side and picking up a box of travel toothpaste for herself. "you've just been really close with her, and now you're even out here buying medicine and little things that she likes."
"well of course i would, it's what you would do for nayeon." you roll your eyes at the obvious.
"exactly, nayeon and i are together, and when she was sick you didn't rush me out here to buy her medicine. so what does that make mina to you?"
you grab the bag, placing it into the basket and briskly walking away.
"hey! you can't avoid the question!" jeongyeon catches up to you, while you continue to ignore her, and then you see a row of red. the nintendo switch display aisle.
you begin searching through the rows of game cartridges for pikmin 4.
the game that mina's been raving about the release for. talking to you animatedly about how she excited she is to get her hands on it, talking about her obsession with the previous games. you kept that in mind to buy it for her when it releases.
with the chaotic schedule, mina never had the time to buy the game, so you took it upon yourself to buy it for her.
"oh you are so in love with her, dodging my question only to buy mina a switch game?" jeongyeon smirks at you placing the game into her basket.
"am not!" you shout back, and jeongyeon cackles because you're lying through your teeth. your cheeks are flushed, and you're throwing the worst temper tantrum ever.
"yeah, sure." jeongyeon continues to cackle as you take the basket out of her hand, rushing forward to pay for the stuff, ignoring the way jeongyeon is just waiting for you to look at her with that knowing smirk of hers.
you are not giving her the satisfaction.
you return to your hotel room after shoving jeongyeon to her room. begging nayeon to take her girlfriend away so she can stop asking you if you're in love with mina.
obviously you are not.
you walk into your own room, seeing mina laying like she was before you left, switch in hand and looking pale. you immediately press your hand to her forehead, oh good, she doesn't have a fever.
you start taking things out of the shopping bag. cough drops, and bottle of cough medicine in case she needed something stronger. pedialyte to rehydrate herself, chicken soup that won't hurt her stomach. and tylenol medicine in case she gets a fever. at the display of all the items on her nightstand, you scratch the back of your head. did you really buy that much?
"thank you, you really didn't have to get me so much. it was only a cough." she says quietly, taking the bag of cough drops and ripping it to throw one in her mouth. you realize you have definitely overreacted, but how could you not when mina was coughing?
then you remembered the gift in your hand.
"i also bought something for you." you hand her the physical copy of pikmin 4. watching the ways her eyes go wide, excitement coursing through her, she leans forward, offering you a hug, that has you frozen. and she turns to open the game. you sit by her side the rest of the night letting her explain the game to you.
oh god, maybe you are in love with mina.
it becomes a habit, watching mina play her games every night, no matter how hard or confusing the game was, you alway sat by her to watch her. sometimes she caught you watching her instead of the game and would just redirect your focus back to the game.
then it becomes a habit of sleeping in the same bed. you wake up to the sight of mina, always waking up before her, sometimes you liked tucking her hair out of her face if you were bold. or plugging her switch into the outlets when she falls asleep playing it. you don't question it when she gets closer to you, and you lay your arm over her protectively.
today, mina didn't even want to wake up, so here you are, arranging breakfast in a tray from the lobby, bringing it up to her. with jeongyeon following you, you forget about how this isn't normal behavior for you. so dedicated and attentive to mina's wellbeing.
you walk in and gently place the tray by the counter. then you sit down to wake up mina, tapping her shoulder in a way you know won't spook her. as she slowly gets up, you brush her hair away, you also unwrap utensils for her to eat the breakfast you have for her.
she's enjoying her meal, with you making sure each bite isn't hot, blowing on it if it's too hot. and then you hear it.
"oh. my. god." your head snaps towards the hallway, the sight of jeongyeon and nayeon peering in, with jeongyeon filming the whole interaction. nayeon giggling like an idiot and hitting jeongyeon on the arm. then you get up ready to chase them out the room, them both turning on their heel rushing out the room.
you grow embarrassed, cheeks and ears flushed red and you look at mina, who also seems embarrassed being caught like this.
"let me go talk to them." you say, needing an out from this awkward moment. mina nods and continues eating her meal, letting you walk out, with your hands in your pockets and a nervous shiver down your spine.
you spot the two girls, eyeing jeongyeon's phone, and you can see it even if their back is turned to you. nayeon's snickering and jeongyeon's loud gasps. the video of you hand-feeding mina playing through the speakers.
"jeongyeon!" you shout as you get ready to snatch the phone out of her hand. she's quick, tucking the phone into her shirt. if it had been literally any two other members, you would not have to lose your head like this.
"so...mind explaining to us what's going on?" nayeon looks at you amusedly, pointing at the hotel door. you shake your head no, adamantly.
"oh also, just so you know, jeongyeon sent the video into the groupchat." nayeon says to you, and jeongyeon chases after her girlfriend down the hallway. you get ready for the confrontation that's going to happen when everyone in the group chat sees the video.
jihyo has you and mina in two chairs, watching you two closely. eyes boring into your and then into mina's, it keeps going on until you finally snap.
"jihyo please, can you just say what you want to say?" you sigh.
"okay, i had to do this to jeongyeon and nayeon when i found out they were sleeping together." she explains, you gag at the information, while mina looks away. "are you two together?"
"we're..." you trail off at the end. you haven't asked mina at all, you barely know if she feels anything towards you. mina taps her foot rhythmically. a nervous tick she's developed over the years, you hold her hand, and she stops tapping her foot.
"ooookay, i'll let you guys talk it out." jihyo slips out of the room, closing the door behind her.
you look at mina, she's not looking at you either. but the urge to confess was too much to handle, and you realize words are tumbling out of your mouth, before you had the time to think it through.
"i like you mina, i realized it through this tour, with how beautiful you are, i mean that inside and out. you were so attentive about my shoulder and you always offered to give me a massage even if you were tired from the concert."
you continue to word vomit in front of her.
"i mean i always knew you were gorgeous, but wow you take my breath away. seriously, all those videos circulating the internet was actually because you took my breath away. i want to wake up to your face, every. single. day. i don't know if you like me back, but i really do like you."
her face is beet red, hands rubbing one another as she listens to you talk, and then without another word, she gives you a quick peck on the lips, and returns to her seat. even more embarrassed than before.
"mina?" you gasp out. feeling for your lips, ones that she just kissed. she shakes her head no, but her feeling are betraying her. her body sinking into herself.
you giggle at it; it's cute that she can't even say it. "i'm going to assume you like me back because you kissed me."
she nods her head shyly, and then you let out a laugh.
at the very last concert of the ready to be tour. you're busy trying to tease tzuyu with momo. a wonderful encore stage to wrap up the amazing 49 concert tour. you continue to circulate the stage, often chasing jeongyeon and nayeon, when you spot a sign, "mina, will you marry me?"
you squint a bit at it, a little hard to read in the night, but when you get it, you immediately bring the mic to your lips, accidentally speaking into it.
"you can't marry mina, i'm marrying her."
the video breaks the internet.
a/n: this is a birthday gift to minari!! thank you to @im--yoong who messaged me requesting this fic, this is the video that inspired this fic!!
ALSO HUGE HUGE HUGE SHOUTOUT to @cry4mina who helped me move this story along, frfr saved me. bare-faced mina could save me, i believe it. stay safe and stay healthy everyone!
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miinatozakiii · 1 month
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myoui mina x fem!reader ; smut
synopsis: your girlfriends a model and you’re always clocked in so it’s reeeaaally hard for you to get intimate and goddddd mina’s getting impatient and sexually frustrated so she takes matters into her own hands.
warnings: smut ; filthy!! ; did someone say sub reader? ; sub!reader!!!!! ; mina is a model ; reader is in forensics ; somnophilia ; thigh riding ; fingering ; mentions of stitches ; bruises ; blood ; small easter egg if you’ve read one of my jihyo fics ; not proofread ; anything else i forgot to mention
a/n: muahhahahaa
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your phone buzzes, and usually you’d ignore it considering you have to meet this deadline– but when you look at your phone, seeing the small pixels of your girlfriend getting a kiss on the cheek from you in the contact picture and the little “minari” on the screen; you quickly grab your phone, clicking on the notification.
jesus. is all you can think of when you see the picture, you’re surprised you can think after seeing it.
mina – your girlfriend, your oh-so-lovely girlfriend, the girl of your dreams, the model you managed to get into a relationship with after spilling all of your drink on at one of sana’s parties, your everything and more – is leaned over against a balcony, eyes looking into the camera seductively. her makeup is light, a strand of her bangs fall over her forehead and then you glimpse down. you feel your chest tighten as soon you see the panties peeking out, pants slipping down so you can get a tantalizing glimpse of the skin and–
you groan.
it’s four, and you’re working overtime – again; there are too many cases to examine and report – you can’t be riled up, especially not now. biting your lip, you put your phone down, deciding to push everything to the side.
getting back to work is not easy.
minari: 1 notification 
“you fucking hate me.” is mumbled under your breath before you peek over, unlocking your phone quickly to see a text:
minari: don’t ignore me baby
minari: miss you
minari: did you like the picture? 
oh you loved the picture, loved it so much that you wonder what it would be like to rip the clothes she has on right off of her.
you: :-( 
you: please dont do this to me
you: i’m working overtime
you: when will you be back?
minari: this weekend, friday night
you groan again, sitting back in your chair in defeat. that’s three days.
you: i have to get back to work
you: the things i’d do to you
you: you’re a pain in the ass
on the other side of the line, mina giggles. she’s satisfied with her effect on you, she can just picture the little crease of your brows, the frown, and really just how cute you look when you’re all pouty and impatient. 
she bites the inside of her lip after reading the second to last text from you, thinking about just what you could do to her, until she’s interrupted by one of the photographers. it isn’t easy to model when she’s missing you, she’d much rather show off her luxury panties to you than the cameras. 
you’re beat. literally and figuratively.
as someone accustomed to the comfort and safety of the forensics lab and the routine of the department, being dragged into a chase on a friday night is far from what you expected. you had plans to go home and wait for your girlfriend, ready to greet her with a hug and something more – but no, of course you had been caught in a pursuit.
after being treated by the nurses, they hand you a slip of paper for a follow-up check-up, but you wave it off, insisting that you'll be fine. however, it's clear that jihyo, the detective, has endured much worse. fresh stitches on her ribs, bruises covering her upper back and arms, a bloody nose, and a cut on her jaw, she's clearly been through a rough ordeal, thankfully spiderwoman stepped into help you all out. 
in comparison, your injuries seemed minor—a smack to the ribs, a punch or two to the face, and a close call with a punch that grazed your temple, resulting in a bit of blood and a bandage to cover it. 
when you finally get to your car, exhausted and limp against the seat, you check your phone while you wait for the air conditioning to turn on. 
there’s seven new messages from mina, earning a sigh. 
you read through all of them, each one slowly getting more worrisome as you scroll, which paints a frown on your lips. 
minari: i just got home
minari: where are you?
minari: i bet you’re busy, stay safe
minari: i’ll be waiting here
minari: love you, i hope you’re okay
minari: going to bed, i’ll see you soon love
minari: thinking of you
minari: wish you were here, goodnight, i love you
the pain that’s spread throughout your body doesn’t bother you anymore; the thought of your girlfriend alone in bed – finally home after her two week-long work trip – makes you groan frustratedly as you lean your face against the wheel of your car. 
you’ve got to get home.
it’s almost midnight when you get to your apartment and you don’t even make it to the bedroom.
you underestimated the toll of the fatigue, the bruises, and the damage done to your body – not to mention the countless sleepless hours leading up to this chaotic night. you've been tirelessly investigating various dna samples and physical evidence, neglecting your much-needed rest in favor of focusing on your work and trying to distract yourself from missing your girlfriend too much because that is already enough to throw you in a spiral. 
as soon as you catch sight of the couch, you practically collapse onto it, sinking into the cushions with a sense of relief. leaning back lazily, you feel the heaviness of your eyelids, each blink a struggle to keep them open for just a little longer.
mina crosses your mind and you feel sorry for leaving her alone, but you physically can’t do anything about that.
the exhaustion catches up to you, and then you find yourself passing out on the couch with your work clothes still on, tie loose, and no energy left to fight off the drowsiness. 
mina wakes up earlier than usual – still alone.
the sun hasn’t even risen yet, and she had expected to find you lazily draped over her, maybe with the blanket slipping off the bed and the feeling of your breath gently warming her skin. but as she wakes, she realizes that the blanket is still snugly wrapped around her, and her skin feels oddly cold.
she blinks once, then twice, and still, you’re not there.
getting up and reaching over blindly for her phone, she unlocks it groggily, opening your messages to see a “read, 11:40pm” 
mina furrows her brows, rubbing her squinted eyes to read the same message on the screen. she feels a pang of worry as she wonders why you haven't responded or called, and why you're not next to her right now. hastily, she checks your location, clicking on your contact photo, and then freezes in disbelief.
you're home?
the contact picture she has of you—your smushed face with drool leaving the corner of your lip—is only half a centimeter away from her on the screen. with a sense of urgency, she jumps out of bed and rushes to find you.
she walks out of the hall and into the living room, catching a glimpse of the back of your head on the couch. mina lets out a sigh of relief, walking over and standing in front of your figure.
you look adorable, sitting up against the couch with your head leaned back on the cushion. you stay frozen in place, the only movement coming from the rhythmic rise and fall of your chest, which tells mina that you’re out. your hair is disheveled, you're still in your work clothes, and there's a new band-aid beside your brow on your temple. mina finds herself captivated by the sight, unable to tear her gaze away.
“long night, i bet.” mina mumbles, sitting down next to you and putting her head on your shoulder. you don’t budge, still remaining in your place.
mina kisses your cheek before returning to your shoulder, deciding to rest her eyes with you for a while more.
your girlfriend wakes up a few hours later – you’re still asleep by her side, still frozen in your place.
mina rubs her eyes against your shoulder, feeling the warmth of your body as she stirs awake for the second time that morning. fishing for her phone, she checks the time: 11:31 am. glancing back at you, still sound asleep, she decides it's time for both of you to start the day. she hasn't even had a chance to greet you while you were awake yet, and she misses your attention.
she presses a kiss to your cheek – no response.
pouting, she presses a few more to your cheek – you stay frozen in place, eyes closed and breathing still relaxed. 
then she moves over to your jawline, pressing a few pecks and moving down to your neck, the spot that earns the most from you – there’s a reaction, a small groan from you, and then you shift in your place – still no sign of consciousness. 
mina's never been a morning person, which only adds to her frustration. with a whine, she moves over to straddle you, settling herself on your lap.
“c’mon, i’ve been waiting for you.” she says, and still, it doesn’t wake you up. “wearing the same lingerie from the pictures and you’re still like this…” 
not only is she frustrated from missing you, she’s been irritated from how sex-deprived she’s been.
she brushes a strand of your hair behind your ear, gently fixing the mess from whatever ordeal you endured last night, before taking a good look at you. the morning sunlight highlights the contours of your jawline, making your skin glow, and the slight parting of your lips adds to your allure. 
you look good—maybe even better than usual—and mina can't help but feel a surge of desire, fueled by her deprivation of you.
she tugs gently on the tie wrapped loosely around your neck, coaxing you forward. your head naturally falls forward in response, so mina tilts it up by the chin, cradling your face between her fingers.
“you look so cute,” mina sighs, rubbing a thumb over your skin. “i could take you like this.”
the two of you have talked about this – about fucking while one is asleep – and neither one of you was against it. however, it’s never actually happened, and sure mina’s daydreamed about this, and you have too, but she never thought there’d actually be such a perfect moment in time.
you’re asleep, looking all pretty, perfect, and downright fuckable – mina can’t help but bite her lip at the sight, grinding down against your lap a bit.
she shifts over to straddle one thigh in order to gain more friction, gasping at the second movement of her hips against you.
“maybe,” a small breath leaves her lips, “this’ll wake you up.”
another rut against your slacks and she’s shutting her eyes, fully waking herself up at the feeling.
mina’s usually never this horny, or bold for that matter, but after two weeks without her girlfriend with barely any time to talk to one another – she’s a whole new person.
holding onto one shoulder – earning a small mumble from you – mina grinds against you again. she’s only wearing your t-shirt, which sits loosely on her, and the panties from the picture she had sent – they’re soaked now.
her arms rest on the top of your shoulders now, and wrap around your neck as she clings onto you desperately. she feels hazy, seeing stars the faster she stimulates herself on you, and you have no fucking clue what’s going on. it honesly turns her on even more, getting to use you like this.
and when she thinks it can’t get anymore overwhelming, the feeling of her cunt against you, the thrill of making a mess of herself against you – she feels a rough, firm grip on her hips, then moves her head away from your neck to see your eyes slowly opening. 
“baby, w-what?” you sigh out lazily, trying to process everything that’s going on, “what are you–”
mina cuts you off with a kiss, to which you respond immediately with a hand cupping her cheek, and your lips fitting with hers perfectly. 
your girlfriend shudders against you, looking down at her cunt leaving a dark mark of arousal on your gray bottoms, then latches her lips onto your jawline. she leaves sensual kisses, waking you up from your deep sleep immediately. you melt as your hands reach the base of her neck.
she presses a peck on your upper jaw before muttering into your ear, “i missed– ah– you,” she says breathily.
“me too baby,” you respond with a sly smile, using your hands to push her down on your skin roughly, eliciting a loud moan into your ear.
she leans back, placing one hand on your shoulder while the other grabs the end of your tie. with a swift tug on the black cloth, you gasp in surprise. your face is close, close enough for mina to see your dilated pupils, creased brows, and flushed cheeks. it all adds to the allure, and tightens the knot in her stomach.
“y-you– fuck– left me all alone… l-last– god, nngh– night,” she struggles to say, especially when your thigh flexes. her hips jerk once before she grabs your hair roughly, then she throws her head back slightly, still making eye contact with you.
all your attention is on her, your eyes wide and pleading, like a puppy ready to answer and do anything she says. there's a mix of longing and desperation in your gaze, making you look arousingly pathetic and utterly irresistible simultaneously.
she tugs on your tie once more, earning a small whine, then orders: “you’re going to make me— u-ugh,  cum, okay?”
you nod eagerly, already helping her please herself against you with both hands again.
quickly, you tap your thigh up and rut her against you once more, the sensation and timing earns something near a yelp from her. mina pauses in her place and you feel her lower body vibrate against you as her high washes over, she practically melts, and her body goes a little limp as she tries to catch her breath.
you hold her tightly, supporting her body as it recovers from the overwhelming feeling. 
there’s a large, darkened spot on the cloth covering your whole thigh now, her arousal leaking over.
she kisses you again, basically taking the breath away from you. she traps your bottom lip between her two teeth, tugging gently to tease you – your grip on her tightens.
“y/n,” she says, climbing off your thigh and settling beside you.
you respond immediately, “yes?”
her hands toy with your tie again before she pulls dangerously. you whimper, biting the inside of your bottom lip. her manicured nails trace along your skin all the way up to the bandaid on your temple; you sigh out pathetically.
“where were you last night?” mina questions, letting her nail trace down your skin languidly. “no text, call, or girlfriend in my bed after two weeks of not seeing her.”
“i-i–” she tugs on your tie once more, tantalizingly, before rubbing two fingers on the cloth covering your cunt.s “mmf, i-i was caught in a pursuit and, we got into some um– some disagreements.” she presses on your cunt and your head shoots back – mina pulls again, making your head jerk forward to meet her dark gaze. “mina, please–”
“keep going, i didn’t tell you to stop, did i?”
you gulp. “n-no.”
she unzips your slacks now, skillfully unbuttoning it with one hand so she can play with your waistband. you fight the urge to look down, pleading with your eyes in an attempt for her to just fucking touch you.
pulling on the cloth again, she orders, “keep going.”
then she slides her fingers in, teasing your skin by rubbing circles above where you need it most. “j-jihyo um, she was beat up really–” mina presses against your clit, brushing her fingers over it softly and pushing your buttons. “fuck, really badly, a-and i– mmf–”
“you what, love?”
“p-please, please i need you, please just–”
“are you done with the story? i still don’t know why i woke up alone, and to find you dead asleep on the couch.” her tone is viscious, which makes you gulp again. 
“s-sorry,” you apologize, looking down at her hand in your panties. “i waited until everyone was, patched up and–” you throw your head back at the feeling of her fingers sliding up and down your slit. she tugs – you whimper, “s-sorry. and i saw your text and had to go home and– god, i had to rush home and by the time i–”
you feel her enter you just barely, pressing just the tip of her finger inside you, making you squirm and moan breathily. your head shoots down, your eyes shutting in response to the overwhelming stimulus. mina's touch is grueling as her fingers trail up to your chin, caressing it with a sensual tenderness. she tilts your head back up, and when your eyes meet hers.
“c’mon, use your words.”
“s-sorry, again.” you pant. “i got home and, t-these past weeks i couldn’t sleep without y-you and–” she pushes half of her middle finger in; you bite back a groan in order to finish your explanation. “i-i guess it caught up to me, and then i passed out here.” you sigh out quickly, looking at her deperately.
“you haven’t been taking care of yourself?” mina asks, looking at you pitifully. her hand cups your cheek now, “love…”
“i just, missed you.”
mina frowns, rubbing her thumb on your cheek. “let me take care of you baby.”
“please,” you beg, “just, god, just touch me already.”
mina kisses your lips again, and as she does so, you groan into her lips as she pushes two fingers into your soaking cunt. 
they enter seamlessly, earning a desperate mix of a cry and a whimper out of those puffy lips of yours. she brings her fingers out, and with the same thrill – pushes them back in, almost double the force. your hand grips your own thigh, overwhelmed by the way she flattens her palm against your clit, tormenting your pussy. 
mina’s lips start to roam your neck, leaving marks that’ll stay for days, marks that’ll have you reprimanded but you don’t fucking care. she’s been gone for two weeks, way too long and fucking yourself to pictures of her on your phone could never compare to what you’re feeling right now.
she can feel your tightening around her fingers, you were always so easy to rile up, so sensitive and vocal about everything that made you feel good. so when she curls her fingers and feels your hand snake to her hair, practically pulling it off her scalp, she knows you’re close already.
and then you’re lazily grinding your hips against her, slacks now caught at your ankles as your panties start to soak up the arousal leaking from your entrance. your legs close, but mina opens them, getting rougher with her fingers and hitting your clit with her palm. 
“m-mina,” you whine, “i’m close, god, so close,”
“yeah?” she says softly, in a way that sends a shiver throughout your whole body. “cum for me then, c’mon baby, you deserve it after all your hard work.”
you manage to look her in the eye, brows creased to oblivion and your jaw dropped before it picks itself up so you can mutter a shaky “m–hmm.”
her thumb moves swiftly to brush your clit, which is enough to send you over the edge, leaving you to shake against the couch and rock your hips up. she watches you cry out, the rise of your chest – then the fall, and feels her hand grow damp with your climax.
she continues to massage your clit, sliding her fingers up and down your entrance simultaneously to let you ride out your high, bringing you back down to earth, letting your vision go from hazy to normal again.
“m-mina, fuck, baby,” is all you can mutter before she pulls you forward with your tie, kissing your swollen, reddened lips. your words muffle against her and your hands grip her shoulder tightly before loosening the more you kiss.
you feel dizzy, dizzy in the best way possible with her lips on yours, tongues swirling and kisses growing sloppier. 
and then mina pulls away one more time, twisting the fabric of your tie around her pointer as she gazes at you; dark red marks – almost purple, each the size of a quarter – are plastered on the skin of your neck, your eyes are closed as you breath heavily, and your hair is even more ruffled than before. you’re trembling, mina always liked how cute and overstimulated you are after you cum, so riled up and thrown off that it makes her want to kiss you till you’re struggling to bring air into your lungs.
she brings a hand to your hair, brushing the messy strands that hang over your pretty face in order to then cup your cheeks again. she smiles at you, grinning at the mess she’s made.
“awake now?”
“very.” you sigh out, bringing your hand over to her thigh to rub circles on it. “i’m really sorry for leaving you alone last night.”
mina shakes her head. “it’s fine, you had your job to do love.” 
“i would’ve enjoyed doing you instead.” you joke, pouting at her cutely. “god, do you know how annoying it is to be horny when your girlfriend isn’t home?”
your girlfriend rests her head against the cushion, then turns to face you. “oh i know. i waited all night for you, you know?”
turning to her and giving her an apologetic frown, you apologize again, “sorry.”
mina rolls her eyes at you, giggling. 
she holds your hand and uses the other to brush her fingers over the marks she’s made on your neck, making your breath hitch.
“make it up to me with a few more rounds?”
yeah, you’re tired as hell, even after eleven hours of sleep. you’ve just came and it took the life out of you – plus, you’re seriously just exhausted, but the way your cunt throbs at the suggestion urges you to lean over and kiss her again.
you pull away, lips brushing against hers before you answer against her, “ruin me.”
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sanarkeo · 2 months
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don't stop, play your video game
mina finds it hard to focus when she’s getting eaten out.
alternatively: spying on your gf gives you some really great ideas! gamer!mina x f!reader smut - kinda fluffy kinda vanilla - established wholesome relationship - idk if it counts as voyeurism...
having a girlfriend who’s never had to want for anything, who’s always been more of a giver than a taker, has made special occasions slightly difficult. your anniversary’s coming around again and you’re stuck on what gift you can get her next. another lego set you both can spend a night putting together? artisan yarn to add to her growing knitting pile?
you know that whatever you do give her, she’d love it regardless. last year’s was a home cooked meal with her favorite dishes followed by a movie marathon on that new monitor you got her (and of course she insisted on stepping in and helping you with the chopping, and was the one who did all the tech set up). you still remember how content she looked, her head resting on your shoulder as you snuggled under the blankets. this year though, you want to get her something extra special, and you’re willing to use any means necessary to find out what exactly it is that myoui mina wants.
standing outside the door to her study, you feel the lightest pang of guilt hit your stomach for observing her like this. mina’s always treasured her alone time and you surmise she’s probably just playing that one video game she, chaeyoung and tzuyu have been hooked on recently. you press your ear to the wooden door and hear a muffled buzzing noise. it’s oddly familiar.
curiosity got the better of you and so you turn the handle and open the door ever so slightly, as quietly as possible. peering in, you see mina slumped in her chair in nothing but her baby blue tie-dye hoodie pressing a vibrator to her pussy. you’re honestly glad she has those noise canceling headphones on because she’s making the softest, sweetest grunts and hums as she massages it onto her clit. it’s taking everything in you to not rush in and please her.
when you tear your gaze away from her trembling form and take a look at her monitor, it takes a while to register what’s on her screen, but your jaw drops. mina’s watching porn. of someone getting sucked off while they’re playing zelda on the switch. it makes you giggle a little - obviously, the nerdiest girl you’ve ever known would get off to something like this.
looking back at mina, you can tell she’s getting close by how tightly she’s screwing her eyes shut. yet, with one quivering hand keeping the vibrator steady, she reaches out and clicks on another video (this time with someone getting fucked with a controller in hand). as distracting as it is hearing the monotonous drone replaced by wet squelches when she abandons the vibrator and starts rubbing her clit, you think you might know what could be a good little surprise.
“a-ah- fuck…y/n...”
you twiddle your toes on the lacquered hardwood and scrunch the hem of the hoodie you borrowed off of your girlfriend. the scent of her’s fading away, but still present on the plush cotton. you’ve seen mina naked a hundred times before (and you can’t help but stop and stare every single time). and yet, the image of her nipples, erect and rubbing against the inside of this same hoodie, of her touching herself, the cuffs of the sleeves gliding over smooth thighs - it makes you giddy.
“you can come in!” you hear her call out.
there’s this inexplicable psychic ability mina possesses that you haven’t yet gotten used to. but, the shock soothes the rising tension in your shoulders and you quickly let yourself in. it’s a quick clearing of your throat and a rubbing of your flushed cheeks before you allow yourself to meet your girlfriend’s gaze. she always regards you with a tender, sincere hue to her eyes, and it’s no different right now. she looks like she would give you the world, and in a way she has.
“i’m sorry angel, i’m in the middle of a game,” she apologizes with a pout, pulling a stool out from under her desk and patting the seat lightly. “but you can come and watch ‘til i’m done?”
if she hadn’t sneaked a look over to her screen and double clicked on something, you might’ve felt a tad bit sorry for what you’re going to do to her. you know mina as the kind of girlfriend who’s attentive to a fault; normally she’ll abandon everything to see that you’re well cared for. so it humbles and amuses you to watch her balance her attention between gawking at you and focusing on that convoluted game. tiptoeing her way, you quirk an eyebrow up as she examines what you’re wearing with darting eyes.
you throw out a rhetorical question: “playing league again?”
she’s played league everyday for over a week.
she sends you a nod and her signature gummy smile, then immediately snaps her head back to the monitor, her fingers fluttering over her keyboard as vivid circles form on the screen with a flurry of clicks. the sunshine rushes through her window to illuminate her silhouette. those bulky headphones look silly framed against her delicate features, but the way she clenches her jaw, the slope of it shifting up, makes you feel some type of way.
when her sight lands on you again, her mouth is set somewhat agape and she’s leering at your legs. “are you not cold, love?” after a couple more clacks of the keys, mina reaches out and strokes your bare skin with her knuckles. “you’re not wearing an awful lot,” she probes, and squeezes your thighs. she’s taking her time to skim the back of her hand over your knee, then to just under your hip. you shudder and the wool of her sweatshirt tickles you. you wonder for a second if she’s already clued into what you’re up to, or if maybe just this is enough to make her want to pin you down.
“you can warm me up then?”
she presses her tongue against her teeth while you pull her chair back. and for once, as you swing your leg to the other side and climb up on her lap, she looks at you for longer than a few beats. you slide your hands under her sweatshirt and wrap your arms around her waist, gripping onto the small of her back. at the expense of blocking her view for the slightest bit, you give her the lightest kiss on the lips, then sneak another on her nose, near her mole.
“love, it’s ranked…” she trails off, drawing a staggered breath. mina’s trying to ignore the heat that’s emanating from between your upper thighs, the wetness that spread since she layed her palm on you. she’s trying to pretend she doesn’t want to take your lip between her teeth and suck ‘til it swells, but she’s bad at acting and you love how visible restraint shows on her face.
“luckily, i don’t know what that means,” you joke and draw heart shapes into her skin like some lovesick fool. her eyes fall to somewhere between your thighs and her lap and the tip of her tongue peeks out of her mouth. your hearts become spirals thinking about how it’d feel on your heat. you clear your throat.
“focus on your game baby. don’t want you to lose, do i?”
you push her chin away and pause until you’re sure she’s got some of her attention back on her match. when you hear the clicking of her mouse and the striking of keys, you decide it’s a worthy distraction to begin bunching up the fabric of the hoodie and adjust yourself on her lap. mina stops muttering about minions in the game (when did she start, again?) as soon as she feels the warm, damp lace of your underwear pressed onto her thigh. you love how the curve of it arches perfectly to kiss your covered clit.
your girlfriend tries to gulp down her arousal: “honey…”
“i can’t… i can’t focus when you’re like this.”
mina has such telltale signs for when she’s turned on and you’ve memorized every single one of them. the way she starts breathing so hard with the erratic rising and falling of her chest, it nearly looks like she’s panting. the way she purses her lips, forming a little line. the way you can feel her contain and control her lust for you with how she doesn’t know what to do with her hands.
they’re trembling in mid-air.
you can feel the thumping of her heartbeat on your chest when you give her cheek a peck. “yes you can, baby. concentrate on it,” you’re trying to be encouraging, yet you grind down onto her thigh, feeling the muscles in her leg tense up.
“do it for me, babe?”
she gulps, feeling you stain her sweatpants. mina peers over your shoulder to wince at how badly she’s doing. she gives it another try, clicking and launching an attack furiously but is washed by defeat when she sees you strip the hoodie off, revealing a set of matching lilac lingerie.
“my mina’s said she’s been liking this color a lot lately, right?”
“princess, please…” with closed eyes, mina lifts her head, withdrawing her hands and gingerly placing them on your hips. her palms feel slightly cold, but it just sends jolts up your ribs. “i can’t- i really, i don’t know.”
abruptly, you get off mina’s lap, and her eyes pop open in surprise. “i think you know, you know what i wanna do.” you crawl on all fours to get under her desk, and situate yourself on your knees, right in front of her. you have the perfect view of her thighs, now squeezed closed. your eyes trail the veins along her arms till they stop at the smallest hint of her tummy peeking through.
“didn’t you hear me?”
she cocks her head.
“d’you rather me do this while you’re playing zelda?”
she blinks slowly then looks down but away from you. a hand moves up to cover her mouth.
“how many times have you seen me?” she asks, and her words are muffled.
“what? you’ve watched that kinda porn more th-”
mina whimpers and her fingers slide down her chin, and she strokes at her neck. you wet your lips as you notice her fingertips trembling, hovering over her throat.
“don’t, please,” she mutters.
you push up her sweatshirt and take in the glossy sheen of sweat over her abs, rising and falling, tensing up every time the pads of your fingers graze over her skin. you spread your hand over her abdomen, toned and smooth, and glide it up her sternum to prod at her bare tits. her breath hitches when you cup her breast with the palm of your hand and brush your thumb over her hard nipple.
"my prettiest baby."
you spare the torture and hook your fingers into the band of her sweatpants and tug. she arches her back, allowing you to tear her sweats and underwear down to her ankles. she’s looking down so intently at you, her knitted brows shading a firey gaze, eyelids fluttering. the sight of her, so very eager for you to be buried in her pussy, choked whimpers amid the slight soundscape of the game coming through her headphones - it makes your mouth water. you lean closer to her and give her a smirk.
her scent is unmistakable and intoxicating. it strains at your chest. her legs are milky but defined, and you slide your impatient hands between them to push them apart. mina’s inner thighs glisten with her arousal, and dew pools at her entrance, needy, ready. you wonder if making love with mina will always make you feel like this - like you’d do absolutely anything to hear her make those little sounds of satisfaction. and you look up at her again as if you’d even need her assurance to go on.
mina looks like she’s writhing in pain.
she reaches a hand down to stroke your cheek. it’s gentle and saccharine and her gaze is burning you with want. the idea of the game dissipates somewhere in the middle when you stick your tongue out and sink its breadth onto her aching, soaking pussy. the taste of it is sharp and it’s sickly sweet as your mouth is swathed by her delicate folds. you try to keep eye contact but she screws her eyes shut as soon as your tongue reaches her clit.
“hnn- ah… ah-fuck!” she cheeps.
when your tongue dips into her hole, you feel the pressure of her thighs dig into your temples. you lap up her warmth, tease at her sensitive bud with the faintest licks, and ghost your lips over hers. her moans are music but frustratingly subdued, and you swallow her juices. nails scrape against your scalp and you feel your girlfriend’s fingers catch locks of your hair. mina twitches, drops her hips and tugs your head up slightly, shoving your mouth against her clit.
“please, honey-” mina throws her head back. “please.”
you leave kisses on her thighs to test her a little, but give into the force of her grip that makes your core throb with eagerness.
“only because you asked nicely.”
you suck her nub into your mouth and flick at it, the edge of your bottom lip beginning to feel her hole clench around nothing. her moans settle into whines, each one growing longer, higher in pitch with every stroke of your tongue coming quicker than the one before. your chin is coated in her wetness and your fingers are itching to slip into her. mina near crushes you between her thighs now, your mouth so unbearably hot and good on her cunt, she can barely think.
“i’m so close- so close, ah!-”
her hand in your hair moves to join the other with urgency to paw and claw into the armrests. you paint spirals over her clit, and the anticipation flowers in you when her whines turn to desperate groans. mina sees white first before the mounting pleasure bursts into ecstasy. when she cums, she grabs your head again and suffocates you in her pussy.
“oh my god… oh my f-”
without letting another word slip past her lips, you stand up and yank the collar of her sweatshirt up to tug it off her. then, kneeling once more, your hands find her lower back again, and you pull her chest closer to roll her nipples between your teeth, to give them as much attention as you did her clit for at least one moment. mina stares at you, bewildered, drool beading at the tip of her tongue. pulling away from her breasts, you crawl to your right and swivel the chair to have her face you again.
“you lost, didn’t you?”
immediately, mina whips her head to examine the text on the screen and her lips form into a pout. “and i got reported,” she mewls with a sluggish nod.
“and you got reported,” you repeat at her and she huffs at you. patting the floor beside you, you tell her: “come down here, babe.”
“c’mon, minari,” you coo, and the corners of your mouth droop down as you furrow your eyebrows to get her to fold.
and mina crumples, her gaze softening while she slides down her chair to move to the ground. she doesn’t expect it when the caress of your hand massaging her shoulder changes to a grip, and she’s shoved down with a yelp, back to the rug. she blinks in disbelief. but your girlfriend, attentive and hungry for you, soon devours your lips, chest, waist, hips with her eyes. you straddle her. you trace her clenched jaw, the sweep of her collarbone, the wave of her overworked ribs, the slope of her abs.
you wonder if fucking mina will ever stop being this fun.
“what else do you imagine when you’re watching that kinda stuff?”
it's finally up, no edits no proofreading just prayers!! 1000% done w this but mina today was sooooo 🤕 i just needed to do something about it. i think it says a lot about me that i take way longer to write about cute sweet loving than my usual pervy shit. had to cut it shorter than i wanted. well!!!
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saiidahyunie · 2 months
look here
myoui mina x f!reader 
synopsis: a late night gaming distraction makes it a challenging level to beat.
warnings: smut ; mina recieving ; reader giving ; eating out under the desk ; sachae mentioned ; written in one take ; rushed ; not proofread
a/n: thanks to @inluvwithnay for the thought and the writers guild for feeding into my sub mina motivation :D
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your mouth is filled with toothpaste, dragging your toothbrush in, out, and around the inside of your mouth while you walk down the hallway to an open room filled with laughter. 
peering through from one side, you see mina behind three monitors, knees up on the chair while she finishes up her boba popsicle you handed her roughly about thirty minutes ago. crossing over to see a discord call with a strawberry and hamster pfp, you automatically knew that she has been gaming with chaeyoung and sana for a few hours now. 
mina pulls the popsicle stick out of her mouth with a pout in her eyes, but they immediately soften when she sees you give her a small wave while sitting on the armrest of her chair, she wraps her arm around your waist while you see the camera from mina’s end. 
“they’re saying hi to you.” mina says, nudging your waist to give a wave to the two girls, so you do. 
“aren’t you gonna get off now?” you ask, putting all of the toothpaste on one side of your mouth to speak more clearly. “it’s getting late.” 
“we’re gonna get off in about an hour or so.” she replies, hand now on the mouse scrolling through the texts and different programs of games figuring out what to play next. “here, i’ll put my mic on speaker so that sana and chae can talk to you.” 
while she was doing that, you grab one of the empty cups at mina’s desk, spitting the toothpaste before placing the cup down for a quick second before the sound rips through the calm ambience of the fan in the room.
“y/n!! hiiiiii!” one of the voices in a sweet tone calls you through the screen.
“hi sana!” you reply, waving back to the webcam as the screen shows her and chaeyoung with their cameras. “i thought jeongie was gonna come play with you guys?” 
“she’s backed up with work so we couldn’t play phasmophobia tonight.” chaeyoung replies, beaming a smile while you giggled, trying to help pick out a game for the girls to play. in a few short moments, sana brought up that she had to get some food and chaeyoung said that somi dropped by to drop something off to her. the both of them turned off their cameras and muted their mics, mina doing the same thing while stretching out from playing to hours on end. 
you sit on mina’s lap, her head nestling on your chest while she catches the whiffs of the coconut conditioner you used while showering, speaking of—
“i missed you in the shower earlier,” you mutter, kissing the top of mina’s head while she hums into your oversized shirt. “that’s twice now in a week.” 
“i know,” mina replies. “i’m sorry baby, it’s just that work has been so tough lately and i haven’t had time for myself.” she looks up at you, palming the side of her face and grazing her cheek with your thumb. you’re pouting along with her and you understood that mina needed to unwind. 
“well,” you start before leaning down, giving a loving kiss, pulling away just a bit. “i’m gonna go ahead and sleep first. don’t keep me waiting for too long now, okay?” 
mina hums, “mkay. i’ll see you there after.” 
“have fun baby.” 
“i will.” 
you give mina one more kiss before grabbing the empty cup with your toothbrush before mina called out for one last thing.
“can you turn off the lights on your way out?” 
you nod immediately, flicking the switch in the room to off while the hallway is filled with your fading steps.
mina didn’t even keep track of the time since you came into the room, but here she was playing minecraft with sana and chaeyoung, building up their treehouse when she glanced over to the clock on the bottom corner of her second monitor. 
2:10. pretty late as it is. 
the only thing that’s keeping mina awake was sana’s bubbly energy pooling through her headphones. that and the peach smoothie that you made for her before going to bed not long after. 
she’s trying to help sana come up with a name for her ocelot that she just found somewhere in the jungle, when she hears you come into the room again, rubbing your eyes while mina set her headset around her neck. 
“y/n, what are you doing here?” mina asks. 
“couldn’t sleep…” you mumble, yawning while you set yourself on mina’s lap again, adjusting her sitting position as she continues to move her character in the game to keep up with sana and chaeyoung. the faint sounds of their voices blaring quietly through the headset. 
mina catches the same whiff of coconut conditioner in your hair now added on with the lavender scent from the humidifier that was in the bedroom. she couldn’t help but take in the smell while you relaxed on top of mina’s lap. “you smell really good.” 
“hm, do i?” you ask, and mina looks up at you. there was something about her being so cozy in her oversized hoodie with a gamer headset. you would find it hard to believe that this woman was the same person who waltzed into your life effortlessly when you asked for her number at a restaurant, but here she was, in your arms. 
you lean down for a kiss, the tender feeling of her lips becoming instantly addicting the more you taste her. feeling her hand wrapped around your back while your hands are cupping your face, it’s impossible to stop once you start, and with mina, you never want things like these to end. 
pulling away, you have the rational thought of stopping yourself getting lost with mina’s lips and body, but at the same time, there was this need for her that was burning inside you—and the way she looked so hypnotizing with her glazed eyes and parted lips, you need more of her. 
“you should,” diving for another peck before retreating, “come to bed with me. right now.” 
mina ponders on this for a second, “i’m almost done baby, then we can have our fun after.” 
“i don’t think i made myself clear enough.” you sigh out, dismounting from mina’s lap and leaning across from her. “get off the game.” 
“or what?” she challenges. 
“or i do this.” 
your hands are quick to slip under mina’s oversized hoodie, feeling that she nothing under, giving you free access while your lips are working her face, pulling and sucking while mina stifled a groan that could’ve been picked up in the mic, but she kept herself composed while you let yourself have fun.
trailing from her neck, your fingers reach the elastic of her pink shorts, pulling them down while you keep your gaze on mina, biting your lip as mina feels the heat rise up to her cheeks, tossing away the shorts from the desk under. 
“y/n, fuck...” mina stutters, “w-what are you doing?” 
“don’t worry about it sweetheart, just focus on the game.” you reply while parting mina’s luscious legs, trailing kisses upwards from her inner thigh, inching towards her aching cunt. 
“but…t-the girls. they—” 
“let them hear you darling, i know they’ll like the sound of me going down on you.” 
mina’s fingers find the back of your head when you make that first contact of her pussy with your mouth, tongue laving and tasting the midnight snack you’ve been craving for a bit as mina tried to keep herself composed, putting back on the headset before continuing to play with sana and chaeyoung. 
"mina you here with us?" chaeyoung asks through the headset, mina putting them back on instnatly while you rolled your eyes giving her pussy another lick.
“i-i’m here guys. d-don’t worry.” 
“everything okay mina?” sana asks through the voice call, “we thought you left already.” 
“no, i-i just, fuck- had to do something real quick. that’s all.” mina pants out, moving the character with her left hand on the keyboard, the other on your head as you slipped a finger inside her cunt. 
mina hits the keybind that automatically mutes her mic for a second while she covers her mouth, the relentless assault of you eating her out from under her gaming setup, groaning out while she tries to press your face together with her legs, prolonging the sensation. 
“i can’t belie–god! fuck, y/n—shit, just like that.” 
pulling away for a bit, the bottom half of your face soaked while you licked your lips. “unmute your mic.” 
“unmute your mic. i wanna let them hear you cumming for me.” 
mina has to follow, her mind fogging up from the pleasure—she can’t even think straight when you dip to fingers inside combined with your mouth on her clit. she’s biting her lip while you go down on mina again, the pace unraveling her from within as you’re sucking and swiping and humming and–
“y/n, i-i’m–so fucking close…” 
“is the mic on?” 
“y-yes.” mina barely gets out. 
there’s a loud whine, airy moan as you groan out in the rewarding. feeling mina’s walls clamp around your fingers and her head falling all the way back into her seat. it takes quite a bit for the both of you to recover, the scent of sex now filling up the air as you’re cleaning yourself up from mina’s mess—mina tasting herself off your lips when you get up and kiss her again, straddling her and taking off your shirt in the process. 
“is that enough to convince you?” 
mina lands a few expectant kisses over your cheek and chin—an indication that she wants more, and you aren’t complaining. 
“forget turning off the game baby, let’s go.” you say, getting up from mina and pulling her by the hand into the bedroom. 
(while that was happening, here’s what the headphones pick up from the vc: 
“did y/n just fuck mina during the call?” - sana
“i think she did, and that was kinda hot for us to hear…” - chaeyoung)
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smutallyouwant · 3 months
Twice Fic World ch. 2.5
I Got You, Boss
🎱 Part 1
I got busy, but here's the first part of the sequel of Strawberry Picking 🍓<3.
Mina x Male Reader
Word count: approx. 800 words
Summary: A quick warmup before the presentation.
The time has come, it's Monday and today is your presentation in front the higher-ups of your company. You're excited and nervous at the same time. You went to work early because you and your boss will hit the road at exactly 8 am. You arrived at 6:45 am and you went to the roof top to have a smoke. Smoking clears your mind and also makes you relax. You held into the rails and a familiar voice called out your name.
" Y/N "
You looked and Mina approached you with a peace sign pose
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" What the heck, why are you so early? "
" I heard that you smoke here every morning whenever you have quite a work load. I knew you'll go here early because it's your presentation today " Mina answered.
" You're amazingly thoughtful " you giggled and continued smoking.
" You know smoking kills you, right? "
" Yes I know, will you make me stop? "
" Of course not, but I will help you relax " Mina answered before kneeling.
Mina looked into your eyes whilst removing your belt.
" Hey Mina someone might see us, someone can just bust out the door " you whispered.
" No, I locked it "
" I checked view earlier, no one can see us down there in this angle " she added.
You're turned on already due to her hot outfit. You palmed her cheeks and gently rubbed it with your back hand. Mina looked at you seductively. It's abvious that she's wet and horny right now. She keeps on looking towards you while licking your dick.
" You remembered when you fucked my throat last time, Y/N? " she asked with a frown before putting your dick inside her mouth.
She sucks it while maintaining eye contact with you. She gently sucked your shaft in a slow pace. You cupped her cheeks as you find her so cute in that position while giving you a head. You're very surprised on how she's doing a fellatio, you can feel her tongue circling and playing the head of your dick while sucking it at the same time. The pleasure is immense, her slow pace causes you to feel her blowjob much better. Her tounge makes your dick tingly, her sucking and her lips then gives you that nice pleasure.
She finally popped your dick and started stroking it with her silky smooth hands. The combination of the pre-cum and her saliva makes a perfect lubricant. You grabbed her face and started making out with her while she strokes your dick.
Moans escapes both of your mouth while enjoying the make out. You are leaning on the terrace grills, your left hand is palmed and rubbing her face and the other is wrapped around her waist. You're pulling her closer as you sucks her tongue and clips her lips with yours while her left hand stokes your dick, her other hand is simply wrapped on your neck.
You slowly pushed her to the door of the rooftop entrance, all while you're still kissing. You pushed her against the thick door and you held her neck. You kissed her neck and shoulders, her arms hugged your head and your other arm is groping her boobs.
" ~~ ahh baby, I've been waiting for this " she said under her moans.
" Me too, I'm so hungry for you " you said before giving her a final deep kiss.
You broke the kiss and you turned her around, revealing her back. You licked her back and you gently pulled her dress up so you can remove her shorts and underwear.
~~ mmhhh ~~ahh
She moaned.
You aligned your dick to her pussy and slowly pressed it inside.
" ~~ ahhh, yes babyy fuck me, fuck me " she said while moaning.
You started fucking her, she arced her back and her head is pressed into the door. You're holding her waist while giving all your strength in every thrust of your dick. Mina kept moaning every thrust.
~~ ahhh!!
~~ mhhh, fuck me more baby!
" Y/N can you pull my hair? " she said while smiling seductively.
You're shocked on how bold Mina was. But nothing's going inside of your head right now except that you're fucking a goddess while completely witnessing her sexy arced body and bottle-like shape. You pulled her hair and her moans becomes more bold.
~~~ahhhhaaahhh yesss!
" You're so horny, Mina "
" Are you happy? That you can now moan this wildly because of my dick? Your girlfriend can't do this to you so you can't show your true nature right, Mina? " You said while ramming her.
" Don't say that, Y/N ~~ahh "
You put your head beside hers.
" No, you're my slut now. Tell me the truth if you want me to fuck you like this everytime " you whispered into her ear.
" ~~mhhh, yes babyy. I'm your slut. Chaeyoung can't fuck me like this so please fuck me everytime you want " she seductively said.
You pulled her hair to your head, she released a wild moan and grinned her teeth while you're ramming her pussy.
" I've been fucking you for few minutes now, where do you want this load, slut? "
" I don't have a tissue with me baby, please tell me if you're cumming and I will suck that dick clean ~mmhgg " she said before biting her lower lip.
" ~~ ahh I'm cumming baby " you said before letting go of her waist.
Mina quickly puts her mouth into your dick and sucked it. You grabbed her hair and fucked her mouth, your dick reach her throat and you continued ramming her throat. Mina is pretty used to it now and she holds your leg while looking into your eye. After few thrusts you shoots your cum into her throat and you feel her fingers clenching your leg muscles. You pushed her head into your dick so hard while it still spits your cum. Mina's eyes rolled as she choke in her own salivas. After you withdrawn your dick she fell into her knees and gasped for air, she coughed heavily as she chokes. She is holding her neck and her eyeliner is a mess.
" Are you okay Mina? "
You asked before you sat in front of her while she is still gasping her air. She is not answering but she laid her arms into your shoulders.
" You okay, Mina ? " You asked again in a comforting voice.
Mina slowly lifts her head and she opened her mouth infront of you revealing her tongue. She shows how she swallowed your cum and nothing is left, all while smiling. You're turned on again and your dick became hard again. You sucked her tongue and makes out with her.
" I'm horny again, Mina " you said.
" Follow me " she replied.
She pulled you into the women's restroom, she pulls out a toothbrush from her pouch and she removed her underwear and raised her dress. She lets you fuck her while brushing her teeth infront of the mirror and on top of that she lets you record how you fuck her. In her defense she want you to watch that if you became horny when she's not around. She let you cum inside this time. Before leaving you kissed her and she sprayed her perfume into your suit.
" Goodbye, Y/N ! Goodluck in your presentation " she said with a gummy smile.
- To be continued
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lady-ashfade · 10 months
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Yan!Mafia!Bakusquad x Chubby!Fem!Reader
Plot: After getting stood up by your date things take a twist when a group takes notice.
This isn’t really mafia but has undertones and me thinking about it.
Warnings: Being stood up, flirting, slight yandere vibes, hinted sexual themes, nothing to much on this.
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Liquor filled them room with many other mixed smells of perfume, rich and cheep each. The place was crowded and it wasn’t what you had in mind for a first date, let alone to be set up at. A deep feeling made your stomach twist at the people that filled up the tables and seats, they all seemed off. About two drinks in you swirled the straw around the cup of fruity alcohol that the bartender recommended. It was funny to think that you had to convince yourself to come to this date and in the end you got stood up.
It’s been thirty minutes since you sat down and waited for the man to walk threw the doors but still saw no sign of him. The dress around your figure was black and red, something to show off the body you had just right. Your stomach showed its fluff and the dress stop just below your knee. You even shaved for the dude, hoping you’d get at least some relief from the date. He was a handsome fellow and seemed to be your type, he was overly sweet when you met him.
But still couldn’t have the decency to tell you he was running late, or not even coming at all? It ticked you off.
Across the bar sat a group of friends that unknowingly owned the bar, a set of cards in their hands while chatting about anything they could think. The girl with pink skin and matching hair seemed to pay no attention to the boys she was with and instead looked a beautiful girl all alone. Her hair seems styled perfectly, the dress she wore had herself drooling at the hips and body, and don’t get her started on the legs and thighs that showed. She sat on the arm of the chair a guy with red hair sat in, his eyes playful and looking at the blonde in front of him.
“I think I have you now.” He showed a toothy grin that showed pointy white teeth. The blonde smirked and rolled his eyes while leaning forward, “Doubt that.” His rusty voice made the rest smirk and watch the two boys. At the rest of the table sat two other boys, one with more yellow blonde hair and black dyed ends, he wears a loose button up shirt. Beside him was a man with black hair with many piercings, his ears filled with different types and then his brow which matched the red haired boy. When he talked you could see the black haired boy had a tongue piercing.
“Say, how many games have you guys played tonight?” The girl, Mina spoke while forcing her eyes away from the beauty she was staring at. Her fingers found the red hair on the body near her.
“About twenty.” Katsuki, the angry blonde spoke and threw his hand down to show the cards, the other man groaned and leaned back. He laughed and pulled the money to himself and started to count everything he won. Mina hummed and licked her lips while turning her head back across the bar.
“Do any of you know who she is?” She asked. The boys then turned to see who she was talking about. They all saw how sexy the girl in question was and wondered how they hadn’t noticed her yet. “If I did I wouldn’t be sitting around.” The other blonde, Denki smirked while his eyes traveled over her body.
“She’s been all alone since she walked in and the glass across from her has already melted.” Mina pouted her lips in pity at the thought of you getting stood up. “I think she got stood up, poor thing.”
Bakugo sighed, “She doesn’t look like she knows what this place is, you think she’s a spy or some shit?” The table didn’t consider his question or didn’t care. Hanta smirked and got up from his chair and straightened his jacket, “I could find out.”
Mina pulled him back down to his chair and replaced his place on the floor, “If anyone gets to speak to her it’s me, I noticed her first.” Her hands brushed off her hips to freshen herself up first. “Plus, I’m a girl. She would be more comfortable with me first.” The boys watched with slight jealousy they didn’t get to speak to her first but let it go, because it would be their turn soon.
You decide that it was about time to head back home because you thought everyone noticed that you were alone. It was embarrassing to think about. As you continue to take a few sips of your drink someone walked up to you mid sip and you looked at them. The most beautiful girl looking at you with a smile on her face, your cheeks flustered at her attention.
“Hey cutie, what are you doing her alone?” Her voice was cheery and sounded like sugar. The table made a clink when your glass hit it and you swallowed the slightly burning liquid down your throat.
“I um- I don’t really know to be honest, seems like men become more dicks these days.” A giggle was heard from her and your ears heated up at the sweet sound. You couldn’t deny the feeling you had toward her because she was attractive so you felt pride when you made her laugh.
“Good men these days are hard to find, but they are there.” She inches closer and leaned her arm on the counter, “The names Mina.” She winked at you.
“Y/n, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” You gave her a kind smile and she couldn’t stop herself from falling for you. There was something about you that made her scream inside to be close to you and have you by her side. “Y/n.” She repeated, “The pleasure is all mine.”
You watch her name move up to your face and grab ahold of the peace of hair that was by your ear and stared to spin it between her fingers. Butterflies filled your stomach and ran everywhere, “You’re too pretty be here alone. Mind if we keep you company?” She asked so smoothly. But you caught her wording and arched a brow.
“We?” Her smile only grew bigger as your attention on her blinded you from the men standing behind you.
“Don’t get her too worked up, we still need a chance.” The sudden voice made you turn around and your eyes went wide. Four men stood before you and you couldn’t help but take notice of their bodies. Two were huge with muscle, one with a small frown and the other with a grin. Then one with a smirk who spoke, a calmer one but he held a charm. They all looked rough and had something about them that you couldn’t pinpoint, but they were very attractive.
“Don’t bitch about it, I was just warming up.” Mina threw a arm around your waist. You looked down nervously at her hand and back up to the imitating men with hunger in their eyes. The one with dark hair and piercings stepped forward and grabbed a hold of your hand to give it a soft kiss. “Call me, Hanta.” You nodded.
“Denki is the name, better remembered.” You looked at the blonde with yellow eyes to match his hair. “D-Denki, nice to meet you.” He laughed at your stuttering. It was cute to be so shaky around them. “Whatever, Katsuki is fine.” The other blonde growled and pushed his hands into his pocket, his red eyes making you fold slightly in fear. “Call me Eijiro or Kirishima, any one you want.” The red haired man leaned on the angry one with a more playful aura.
All the attention on you made you feel overwhelmed, they all seemed too attractive. “My names Y/n like I was telling mina here.” You flashed a smile and her grip on your waist squeezed for a second. “Isn’t she cute?” Her voice called out and your eyes went wide and your body heated up again.
“Awe,” fingers wrapped themselves around your chin and made you look up into black eyes “Don’t get so embarrassed now, we’re just getting to know you.” Hantas lips curled up into a smirk because he knew how close he was to you. You laughed nervously as he let you go.
Mina dropped her head on your shoulder and her chest pressed against your back and her arm was still on your hip. “Care to dance with us?” The boys watched you go through your thoughts to find answers. Bakugo walked passed them and took Hantas place, he looked at you with a slight glare.
“I deserve the first dance, I am the boss after all.” Mine whined and the guys huffed at his statement. His hand reached out and you saw his rough and tough hands that had scars on it. “Boss?” The way you titled your head made Bakugo feel some type of way, you seemed so innocent to not even know who they were. And where you are.
“I own the damn bar, now you dancing or not?” His voice got louder and more angry. You took his hand hesitantly but then gave him a smile. “Sure.” He grinned and pulled you close to his chest and began to walk you over to the dance floor. The group watched you two carefully and admiring everything about you.
“We agree to keep her right?” Denki asks with a sparkle in his eyes.
“Damn right, can’t have her getting hurt.” Kirishima glared his eyes at the thought of you getting hurt. You came into their territory so they have a claim to you easily.
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nr1chaedickrider · 1 month
I can only be me when i'm by your side - i'm not a monster.
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As time passes recovering, you've seemed to found your place in Jihyo's arms.
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cw: fluff, smut, angst, petnames, virgin!reader, sweet girl!jihyo, popular but not so popular!jihyo, basketball player!jihyo, both are 18 but they are students, mentions of death, drunk confessions, they fall in love pretty fast, lwk rushed, lmk if there is more ^_^, ~ 4k words
if you're thinking "hm! i read this fic somewhere... yes! its my heeseung fic from my bg blog @adorwoo ! which i wanted to use for jihyo !^_^ hope you enjoy anyway.
men dni.
It's not your fault.
It's not your fault.
It's not your fault.
It's not your...
Is it really?
The rain beats down on your black umbrella, the lines from Dahyun's letter playing over and over in your head. It feels like you're trapped in a vicious cycle, not being able to think of anything else.
But why?
Why didn't she tell you?
Were all those conversations about the mutual trust between you two a lie? Was it just talk to keep you from worrying?
If someone had told you a week ago that you had to be at her funeral because she had killed herself, you would have laughed at that person. Dahyun was always the happiest person you've ever met.
Even if you had been told that a day ago, you wouldn't have believed it. Because in theory, it's the stupidest thing you've ever heard.
In his letter, she wrote about how much she loved you, how she enjoyed every minute and every moment with you, how it's not your fault that she's not here anymore.
She's probably right, not just probably. She's right, and you know it. But you can't stop blaming yourself. Someone has to take the blame. Someone is responsible.
You could have helped her.
You should have helped her.
Tears run down your cheeks as you stare at her grave. Her family, her friends, they are all gone. You stand here alone, not daring to leave.
'Kim Dahyun
Born on may 28, 1998.
A friend, daughter and lover.
She will continue to live in our souls.'
It feels like your eyes are glued to the writing, you can't look away. You try to regulate your breathing, taking a deep breath.
A sigh leaves your mouth as you place the white rose next to the gravestone.
You take one last look at her grave before turning and slowly walking away.
"I'm Y/n, nice to meet you all."
You look at the students in front of you, all of them giving you strange looks. Of course, you are a new student, but you feel uncomfortable under their gaze. The teacher smiles at you and tells you where to sit, next to a girl called Mina.
It's as if everyone has forgotten about you again as the teacher starts teaching. You sit down next to Mina and she smiles at you.
"Nice to meet you," she whispers. You smile at her.
You can't talk to her for long because she starts taking notes for the lesson. You look around at the faces of the others. It actually looks like a normal class, but your eyes land on a girl.
She looks shorter than you, her hair is brown as well as her eyes. She's wearing a white t-shirt.
"Have you laid your eye on someone?" asks Mina, laughing a little.
"No!" you answer, a little too loudly, and you put your head on the table as a few people look at you. "I was just looking at her," you whisper.
"Yeah yeah... that's what they all say" she says.
You slowly lose yourself in your thoughts as memories of Dahyun come flooding back.
Should you even look at other girls? Is it bad?
Would Dahyun hate you for trying to find love again?
It's been more than two months since she died, but you can't stop thinking about her.
Maybe it's normal, your behavior. Your overthinking of everything, maybe you're not the only person who feels this way? Maybe there is someone else who is just as lost in their thoughts as you are.
Maybe you are simply not alone.
However, your thoughts are interrupted by the bell and Mina.
"I can show you a few things here at school if you want," she suggests, and you gratefully accept her help.
You spend the whole lunch break running after her while she shows you around.
"Why did you change schools anyway? Your old one is a pretty well-known one, and much better than here," she asks, before taking a bite of her sandwich.
The question makes you wonder, and you think about whether you should just lie to her and say that you moved, or that you were somehow bullied at your school - but somehow it feels wrong. Because you neither moved nor were you bullied. No, everything was actually fine.
Somehow everything changed after her death.
Your classmates started looking at you funny, and you still don't know whether they are looks of pity or looks of condemnation because they blame you.
"I don't know" is your answer, and somehow it's true. Sometimes you really have no idea why you changed schools, but Mina doesn't need to know the whole truth.
She just nods in response as she continues to eat.
"The girl you were looking at in English, her name is Jihyo by the way" she says.
"Why are you telling me this?" you ask.
"Because you were staring at her a lot - you looked really interested in her" she replies with a little grin.
"How many times do I have to tell you, I wasn't staring at her..." you laugh a little, but can't hide your despair. Why does she think you're interested in her?
"Watch out!" someone shouts, but before you can react, a basketball hits you.
You fall to the floor, your head hurts and you feel slightly dizzy as you slowly open your eyes.
The girl from your English class is kneeling on the floor in front of you, looking at you, trying to see if you're okay.
It's like a cliché high school movie.
"Are you okay?" she asks, a couple of other girls come over, but she just tells them to get something to cool off and shoos them away.
The things that can happen when you want to visit the gym...
You nod slowly, after a few blinks your vision is no longer blurry.
Another girl comes back and hands Jihyo a cold pack.
"Here, take this," she says and puts it in your hand, her hand on your shoulder to support you.
You hold it to your head, biting the inside of your cheek slightly from the cold.
Before she can say anything else, she is called by his coach, at the same moment Mina comes to you.
"I was looking for you," she says and helps you up.
You watch Jihyo jogging across the field before you leave the gym.
New week, new luck?
Every day you tried desperately to talk to Jihyo somehow, but suddenly she was always gone after class and you were never put in a group together.
But it looks like luck is on your side for once.
"Here's the list of groups, you have to give a presentation in pairs on a play of your choice," your English teacher announces.
You look at the picture projected on the wall.
Chaeyoung and Mina,
Sana and Miyeon,
Jihyo and Y/n,
Jeongyeon and...
Wait, what?
You read the list again and once more you see your name and Jihyo's name next to each other.
"Jihyo and Y/n," you say quietly.
"Are you happy?" Mina asks teasingly with a grin on her lips.
"Are you happy that you have to work with Chaeyoung?" you ask back - Mina doesn't answer.
Before your teacher can give you any more homework for the break, the school bell rings and everyone rushes out of the classroom.
You walk (or rather, run) to Jihyo who is packing her things away.
"Hey, I was wondering when we should meet," you say, and she looks up at you and smiles. You feel your cheeks turning red.
She puts on his backpack and stands up.
"How about Friday afternoon? My place?" she suggests and you nod.
She takes a pen from her pocket, "Give me your hand," she says, you are confused but do it anyway.
She opens the pen with her mouth, the cap between her teeth as she gently writes on your hand.
Her phone number.
It feels like she's giving you an autograph.
"Text me and I'll send you my address," she says, and before you can answer, she walks out of the room.
You look down at your hand and see a little smiley face next to her number.
You can't help but giggle as you look at it.
You stare at your phone - up to her front door and back down to your phone.
You are 10 minutes early and don't dare to ring the doorbell.
"You know you can just ring the bell?" someone asks you, you look up and see Jihyo smiling at you.
"I'm early, that's why-"
"Not a problem," she interrupts you.
She lets you in and closes the door behind her.
Her house is beautiful, modern and yet somehow old-fashioned.
"My parents aren't here, so I thought we could study in the living room," she says, and you nod, leaning your backpack against the table.
"Water?" she asks and you take it gratefully.
You drink a little before she sits down across from you.
You both leaf through the books, take notes, talk briefly about certain passages, but otherwise no one says anything.
Jihyo decides to break the awkward atmosphere.
"I wanted to apologize again, for the basketball," she says, and you laugh a little.
"You don't have to apologize, things like that can happen," you reply.
"Have you ever had a girlfriend?" she asks, and instead of answering, you are completely silent, thinking.
Memories of Dahyun come back while Jihyo looks at you and waits for your answer.
"Yes, I did, but she died a few months ago," you answer.
She nods slightly, "Can I ask how he died?" she asks in a quiet, polite tone, as if she really wants to make sure that she's asking something that doesn't hurt you in any way.
"Suicide," you say, short and meager, without many details (whether you know many details at all is another question).
She looks at you with a supportive look, one that makes you feel like she's really listening and that she really understands you.
Maybe she understands you even more than you think?
She puts her hand on yours with a slight smile.
"Thank you for confiding in me," she says, your cheeks slightly flushed, hers too.
You both look at each other for a moment before she lets go and you both go back to work.
If only the work had gone on for longer.
After the one meeting, you saw her every day of the vacation. Always with the excuse that you supposedly "need to add something" (does going to the movies together add something to your project?).
It's been more than a week since you first met.
"You're in love," Mina says as she parks her car in front of Jihyo's house.
"Don't even try to find an excuse, it's all good" she replies with a small grin.
You both get out of the car and walk to her house, the music so loud you can hear it several meters away.
How Jihyo, who is slightly drunk, hears the doorbell is also a mystery to you.
"Hey guys!" she greets you, she shakes Mina's hand and gives her a kind of high five, she gives you a hug.
You smile at her as the three of you walk into the living room.
"I'm going to Chaeyoung," Mina whispers, or rather shouts, in your ear before disappearing.
"Y/n, do you want to play a drinking game with us?" asks Jihyo, you nod.
Maybe it was a stupid decision.
Jihyo and her friends (of whom you only know Jeongyeon) only understand drinking games to mean taking shots and asking stupid questions.
Either answer - or drink.
You always chose the second option.
After about 7 questions (maybe more, maybe less - you lost count of that pretty fast) you get up and say that you need some fresh air.
Since you've been to her house several times, you know where the upstairs balcony is.
It's quite big, with a parasol and two folding chairs. You sit down on one and close your eyes, your head throbs a little.
"Are you okay?" someone asks after a few minutes.
To your surprise (not really a surprise), Jihyo stands next to you before sitting down on the chair to your right.
"Yeah, it's just the alcohol," you say.
You and alcohol, not really a good combination.
Especially not when you're sitting next to the girl you're in love with.
"Do you have a girlfriend?" you ask out of nowhere.
She shakes his head, "I thought it was obvious" she says and laughs a little.
"I love you" you confess.
She turns to you, but before he can answer anything, you keep talking.
"I know we haven't known each other that long... a month?? more? less? but-... I just have this feeling with you that I only used to have with her"
"I thought I'd never feel it again," you say, a tear running down your cheek.
Jihyo looks at you, her eyes slightly watery.
Is she crying too?
"Y/n" she says, interrupting your continued rambling.
She gets up, kneels down in front of your chair, and -
kisses you.
Her soft lips on yours.
She pulls away after just a few seconds and you already feel like you miss her lips.
"I love you too Y/n" she says softly.
You look at her in amazement.
"Really?" you ask.
"That's why I asked if you had a girlfriend" now it all makes so much more sense.
She pulls you up and takes you to the guest room. She tries to lay you down on the bed but you pull her with you and she falls on top of you.
You both stare at each other and laugh a little.
"You're drunk, get some rest," she says, kissing your forehead.
"I'll be here when you wake up"
And she really is next to you when you wake up.
"Good morning..." you groan as you rub your eyes.
She smiles at you, "good morning" she says, from the look on her face you suspect she woke up just a few minutes before you.
You pull her closer to you by her collar and kiss her, she kisses you back while her hand is on your cheek.
The kiss is just perfect, gentle, slow, a perfect way to start his morning.
But it can also be perfect in another way.
It gets warmer under the covers as you continue kissing, she kisses down your jaw to your neck, leaving a trail of wet kisses on it. You can't help but rub your thighs together a little.
"What about the others?" you ask.
"I kicked them out yesterday after you fell asleep" she says, continuing to kiss your neck, even nibbling on it, making you let out soft moans.
"Jihyo, I think you should know that I am a virgin" you say, your cheeks heating up a little in embarrassment.
She giggles a little, kissing you on the lips again.
"Nothing to be embarrassed about baby" she replies with a smile.
She gets on top of you, continuing to kiss you.
You think kissing Jihyo is the best thing in the world.
Her hands trail over your body, giving you a soft squeeze here and there.
"Can I?" she asks, her hand playing with the buttons on your pants.
"Please" you answer with a smile.
She complies and opens them, pulling off your pants and leaving you in your underwear.
You sit up a little, your hands on her waist, feeling up her muscles, especially her abs.
"Want me to take it off?" she asks, you nod.
She pulls off her shirt over her head, dropping it somewhere on the floor.
Your finger trails up his stomach to her bra, looking at her like she is a work of art (she definetly is one).
"Done admiring me?" she asks with a teasing grin, to which you reply "never".
She leans down again, kissing your face as she starts to trail them down till he arrives at the waistband of your underwear.
"Can I?" she asks again, "yes" you answer, already out of breath.
She takes your underwear off, her hands placed on your thighs as she leaves kisses everywhere.
You can definetly tell that she has a thing for kissing.
When she places a kiss right on your clit though, you let out a small moan.
She begins licking and sucking on it, making you grab her hair with your hands as your fingers curl deeper into her scalp, leaving a delicious burn.
She drags her tongue down as she circles your core, slowly entering it a little.
You let out more moans as you turn your head to the side, moaning into the pillow.
Her tongue feels so good when you realise that you are closer and closer to your climax.
"Jihyo- I think I'm gonna-"
"Let it out princess" she mumbles against your core, the vibrations of her voice stimulating you even more as you cum into her mouth.
She smiles at you as he sits up, watching you coming down from your high.
You smile back at him as your cheeks turn red again.
"Can I?" she asks, her fingers trailing down your soft skin as her nails scratch you a little.
You look at her hand, a few veins poking out, her fingers thin but long.
You look at her again, nodding.
You pulled her closer as she rubs your clit with her fingers, you suck in your breath as she slowly pushes them in, the little stretch burning in a way that makes you even hornier.
She slips them in completly, you let out a moan in response. She takes your hand with her free one as your fingers intertwine.
She starts to slowly thrust into you, kissing you again as her tongue explores your mouth.
"You're so tight baby.." she mumbles into your mouth.
You can't help but let out louder moans when she starts to speed up a little.
Her fingers drive you crazy, it feels like she is everywhere, you feel her everywhere in your body as she exits and enters you.
"P-please jihyo- faster" you moan out, and who would she be if she wouldn't listen to your wishes?
She speeds up her thrusts, kissing down your neck again as her hot breath hits your skin.
Your hand grips the pillow your hand is laying on, moaning against your arm as you can feel Jihyo curling her fingers.
She thrusts into you again before you moan loudly, cumming as your thighs close around her wrist, panting heavily as she lets herself fall onto the spot next to you.
You both stare at the ceiling, the only sounds the heavy breathing from you.
You move her hand to yours and intertwine your fingers. She moves her head to the side to look at you, smiling.
You think seeing her smiling is something you can never get enough of.
Idiots in love, thats how you two can be described.
The next few months were full of love. Kisses here, kisses there. It didn't even have to be sexual, no, it was always romantic, no matter what you did together.
After a few months, she gave you a ring.
"One day I'll buy you an expensive, real diamond ring and ask you to marry me," she said, and since then you've both worn the matching rings without taking them off once.
If only it had stayed that way.
It's late at night, you're lying in bed reading a book when you get a message.
"I love you,
I'm sorry" - from Jihyo.
You sit up and stare at your cell phone.
"What's wrong?" you type and send the message, she replies,
"I can't take it anymore"
She can't take it anymore?
You feel a twinge in your head as you suddenly realize something.
It's too similar to Dahyun's goodbye.
"I can't live in this world anymore" she wrote in her text.
You look at her location, and without hesitation you walk, no - storm out of your apartment and run to her.
She's not far away, a bridge situated over a river only 5 minutes away, and you think you've never been so grateful for anything.
You squeeze your eyes shut, trying to see anything while your clothes get wetter and wetter, the rain completly drenches you.
Again it feels like a cliché love drama.
Only maybe this time you have the chance to have a happy ending.
Your legs are burning from all the running as you arrive on the bridge.
"Jihyo!" you shout, the rain pattering loudly on the asphalt, forcing you to shout even louder for her.
Her bike is right next to her, one leg over the railing, her hands gripping it tightly, as if she's...
"Y/n?" she answers, her voice low and shaky.
"Please..." you say as you walk slowly towards her.
She doesn't stop you when you take her hand in yours.
"Why didn't you tell me?" you ask, she looks at you as a tear runs down her cheek.
"I-... I didn't want you to worry. I thought this feeling would go away if I didn't talk to anyone about it," she says.
Whether your face is wet from the rain or your tears, you don't know.
"Believe me, you have to talk to me, then it will get better," you say.
Her face comes closer to yours and, without answering, she kisses you.
You kiss her back, try to grab her so you can hold her closer - but she lets go.
You slowly open your eyes, afraid of what you will see - but you see nothing.
No one.
The rain completely overwhelms you.
"No..." you whisper, looking down on the floor and picking up something shiny.
Her ring.
You look out over the railing and see the water turning slightly red.
It feels like you're trapped in a vicious circle, like you'll never find peace again.
You are trapped, with no way out.
While other people find the rain soothing, you find it to be more like torture.
While other people would stay indoors in weather like this, you're outside again.
Again in front of a grave.
But this time it's Jihyo's.
Everything feels too similar and you hate it more than anything.
"It's not your fault" is a sentence you started to hate.
You hoped so much that you would never have to hear or read it again.
"Why didn't you talk to me..." you whisper, as if she could hear you.
Your hand clutches the letter, it slowly getting soaked by the rain.
You don't dare to move.
"You knew what happened..."
All time does is passing -
"Why did you hide it from me..." Your voice is full of despair.
And all you ever do is grieve.
"Life without you is no way to live" the white flower falls on his grave -
just like her ring,
engraved with your name.
She helped you recover from Dahyun's death.
You just wish you wouldn't have to recover over her death alone now.
In another universe, you've seemed to found your place in Jihyo's arms.
In this universe, you're left alone,
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ptq3000 · 11 months
bakusquad w/ quiet but caring fem!reader
reader has a portal quirk which allows her to make portals and teleport.
> everyone in 1A thought you were a complete bitch since you never sought out to talk to them. you just had a resting bitch face
> one night after training, iida was struggling with making the communal food and he was going abt the whole process sluggishly.
> you noticed, so you walked over and gently took the knife out of his hand and took over. he just stared at you in shock as you quickly but perfectly cooked dinner for 1a that night.
> you found it calming, so you silently decided to cook dinner for the class once a weekish. maybe twice if you were generous.
> everyone is super thankful for the food, but nobody really said anything else to you.
> you were feeling like cooking in the dorm's kitchen today, so you started to make spaghetti. you were making the marinara pasta and alfredo pasta since you didn't know which kind everyone liked. halfway through, denki came up to you.
> "thank you for dinner, y/n. your cooking is always super good," he praised. you nodded in acknowledgement, but didn't say anything.
> denki then asked if he could rest himself on you and you obliged, seeing nothing wrong with it. he wrapped his arms around your waist and his head rested on your shoulder.
> you both stood like that as you continued to cook. mina took notice in the silence without denki and glanced over at the kitchen to see you 2 together
> mina quietly, but super excitedly got most of 1a's attentions. "guys!!! look at denki and y/n..they look so cute," she ranted.
> people started to watch you and denki as you offered him a bite of the pasta and he approved it. you softly smiled at denki and everyone saw how sweet you actually were.
> unwrapping denki's arms from you, you carefully set the table with both pastas in the middle and went over to iida to tell him that dinner was ready.
> to say you were shocked that everyone was already staring at you was an understatement. hell, even bakugo had his gaze on you. you nodded in greeting and quietly announced, "food's ready."
> the bakusquad started to include you more, unintentionally. yk? it just kinda happened.
> sero and denki started hanging around you whenever you would be in the kitchen making something. you would 'accidentally' make extra portions just because you knew one of them would ask for a bite (denki would definitely attempt to eat all of it.)
"y/nnn" denki drags out your name as he dramatically lands on your lap. you look at him and he continues. "can i have a bite? it smells so good." you smile as you answer, "of course, there's extra on the stove."
"hey y/n, what's that?" denki looks to see sero pointing at your food. "just something i was craving. i accidentally made extra, so you and denki could have it. it's on the stove still if you want any," you explain with a small smile.
> jirou is 9 times out of 10 awake til 3am. she can never fall fast asleep unless she's absolutely exhausted. most times, to help her fall asleep, you stay in her dorm as she puts movies on to entertain the both of you. she's out like a light when you sleep in her dorm.
> you 2 also share playlists with each other, fight me. jirou loves when she plays a song on her speakers and she finds you bopping your head to the music.
"thanks for coming over. sorry for waking you up, y/n." she softly says, opening her dorm to let you in. you sleepily drag your pillow and blanket into her dorm, settling on the floor.
"it's not really a problem," you yawn out. "i'll put a movie on, just get comfy and go to sleep," you assure her as she looks at you with guilt. you put a movie on and 10 minutes later when you look over to check on jirou, she's quietly snoring away.
> you and mina would go out together, yet whenever you were tired, you would just help her pick outfits. she was definitely your go-to gossip buddy, even though you usually found yourself listening to her as she rants abt this annoying girl at the mall.
"y/n!! i've been looking for you!! where have you been?!?" mina exclaims to you with a loud volume. "sorry, i was jus-" "yeah, yeah, sorry, but we need to talk and walk. emergency girlie," she interrupts.
you 2 walk to her dorm and she throws herself on her bed, using her hands to express herself as she rants. you sit at her desk and hum acknowledgements to show you were still listening and you try to give feedback to her. she normally ends up frustrated, so you teleport to the nearest gas station to buy her favorites.
"thank you so much y/n!!! you're a lifesaver babe." she praises
> you and kirishima, i feel like he would definitely be into taking care of you more than you taking care of him. he loves to be cared for, but he wants to show that he's there for you..so you 2 get together sometimes after school to have small 1 on 1 discussions together. it's normally abt each other's weeks and school work, but sometimes it drifts to the new restaurants in town or potential hangouts together.
"y/n, i need a little bit of help on the homework today. did you finish it?" kirishima asks.
you nod and without a word, walk to his dorm. it's routine with you 2 now. kirishima would ask or offer something and you would wordlessly walk to his dorm. you're not one for words and he gets that.
after you help him, kirishima lays down and you wait to hear what he has to say. "y/n, is there anything on your mind?" you smile and avoid his gaze as you confess. you're easy to get to talk, you just need someone to show interest in you.
> bakugo..he's the type to challenge you after school to spar. you're a decent fighter and you've already told him that you don't want him to hold back.
> so he doesn't and he sees you improving. you find new tricks or moves for your quirk and you never tell bakugo, always insisting to try it out in the moment. you have a small scoreboard in your room for whenever someone wins. bakugo says is super childish and stupid, but whenever he's at your dorm door to tell you something, you see him glance at the scores.
> speaking of being sparring buddies, he's also your gym buddy. sure, he has kirishima, but kirishima doesn't usually go to the gym straight after school, so you find yourself spotting each other.
"come on, woman. one more." bakugo insists, always getting you to fight the pain and work harder.
tears threaten to spill out as exhaustion hugs you close. "i can't, bakugo, my body's tired." you hang onto the pull up bar. "one more and i'll be off your back. come on." he says. his motivation isn't the best, but you oblige and do one final pull up slowly. bakugo helps you down, holding your hips as your body tires out.
a/n: wasn't as short as i had intended it to be, but it works. ngl, im actually super proud of this one :DD
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seoltzuki · 1 month
mina x gn reader
fluff, suggestive sorta, not proofread
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Entering the suite, your hands brim with bouquets for Mina, the vibrant petals of orange, pink, and white nearly obscuring your view. Carefully, you navigate through the room, finding a spot on the antique vanity to set them down.
In the bustling scene of stylists, makeup artists, and assistants, everyone exudes a sense of fatigue yet they’re still committed. Glancing around, you search for Mina, as you overhear praises from her manager. Following the voice, you maneuver around the cables from the ring lights, making your way to the balcony, anticipation building with each step.
You reach the door and there she is, bathed in the soft glow of the setting sun. God, she’s so beautiful. Despite the casual luxury of her attire her relaxed demeanor contrasts with the elegance of her surroundings.
Leaning against the concrete railing of the balcony, her hair dances around her face, framing it like a halo, her eyes sparkling.
She strikes another pose, effortlessly shifting her stance as you lean against the door frame, completely in awe by her presence.
A graceful swipe of her hair to the side, and then she sees you. In an instant, her serious model demeanor fades, replaced by a gummy smile that lights up her face as she catches sight of you.
Another picture is snapped, capturing Mina’s radiant smile as she poses effortlessly. The manager excuses themselves, disappearing back inside, likely to discuss the schedule with the rest of the staff.
“Hey,” she sighs softly, pulling a hand out to reach for you. You walk up and gently take her hand in yours, answering back with a simple, “Hey.”
You both gaze at each other, small smiles playing on your lips, each showing a hint of shyness. Despite the passing years, you both still can't help but feel a rush of giddiness whenever you're together.
"How was the photoshoot?" you ask, but then you can't help but add, "You look breathtaking, have I told you?"
She giggles and squeezes your hand. "Yes, you did," she replies with a playful smile, "and it went well." She then looks down at her outfit and asks, "Do you like my clothes?"
You look down at her plain t-shirt, then her jeans, and suddenly, your gaze lingers a little longer. God… the way the Fendi undergarments peek over the waistband of her jeans and the tantalizing bit of skin showing in between… Gosh, what you’d do to bite that skin there—
“You’re staring, y/n,” Mina interrupts, her voice pulling you back to reality. She stretches back a bit, giving you a better view, a mischievous glint in her eyes.
You clear your throat, feeling a bit flustered by being caught, and quickly regain your composure. “Sorry,” you say with a chuckle, “I got lost in thought for a moment. But yes, I do like your clothes. They always leave a lasting impression.”
Mina raises an eyebrow, a playful glint in her eyes. “Oh? And what kind of impression are they leaving on you?” she asks with a smirk, leaning in closer.
Your cheeks flush as her proximity sends a flutter through your stomach. "Well," you start, your voice dropping to a husky tone, but then you can't help but tease back, "that's actually rich coming from you, Miss I have a staring problem."
As you tease Mina about her staring tendencies, a playful glint intensifies in her eyes. She leans in even closer, her breath warm against your skin, and murmurs, “Well, maybe I can’t help staring when I’m looking at something so irresistible.”
Your heart skips a beat at her words, and before you can reply, she closes the distance between you, capturing your lips in a soft, teasing kiss. It’s brief but electrifying, sending a surge of desire coursing through you.
You pull back slightly, a smirk playing on your lips. “Careful now,” you whisper, your voice laced with mock warning. “We don’t want to give the whole staff a show.”
Mina chuckles, her eyes sparkling mischievously. “Who says I mind putting on a show?” she retorts, her fingers tracing playful patterns on your arm.
Despite the temptation, she knows you’re right. With the entire staff bustling about inside, it wouldn’t be appropriate to take things any further. But the tantalizing promise of what could be hangs in the air between you.
Reluctantly, you pull away, but not before pressing a lingering kiss to Mina’s cheek. “Later,” you murmur, your voice low and husky with anticipation.
She smiles, her own lips tingling from the kiss. “Definitely later,” she agrees, her eyes alight with promise.
She then kisses your jaw, a soft smile gracing her lips, her shy demeanor returning. You can’t help but be drawn to her sweetness as you pull her along with you, leaving the balcony behind.
“I ordered fries, by the way,” you grin, your hand lingering on the mesmerizing hint of skin you so badly want to bite.
“Did you bring the ketchup?”
“Of course, my love,” you reply, a cheeky twinkle in your eye as you dig into your pocket, pulling out a small ketchup pouch. You hand it to her with a playful wink.
One last longing glance is shared and you both warily return to the bustling suite, the memory of your stolen moment on the balcony lingering in the air like a sweet secret.
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w0rmm1lk · 5 months
Reader: not mentioned.
characters: all characters i write for (besides kota and eri)
type: can be read as both platonic and romantic
sumarry: how i think the mha characters would text.
warnings: possible swearing, denki being denki.
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👾Mina Ashido👾
she abuses her emoji privledges. like nobody will ever receive a message from her that doesn't have an emoji. lots of all caps.
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👓Tenya Iida👓
oh you were texting him? bitch writes as if he's writing a formal email. your ass is lucky that he doesn't start that shit off with "I hope this message finds you well.". not even kidding will proof read every message he sends at least twice.
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♾️Ochaco Uraraka♾️
will end every message that isnt on a serious topic with :D. its so sweet tbh.
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⚡Denki Kaminari⚡
this man uses so many abbreviations that even if you think you use a lot just know you're learning a new one everyday. not even kidding makes up his own shit. once sent mina "lmkiydthesicci" and nobody could figure out wtf he meant. lowkey flirting with every mssg he sends. every single person in the class, girl or not has received a message from him that just says "hey bbg ;)". he received a very long lecture from iida and a very confused reply from todoroki. todoroki didn't actually know wtf bbg meant. thought he misspelled bbq at first.
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unironically sends messages that just say "rawr". uses the :} face a lot bc he thinks it looks like his unbreakable.
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🐙Mezou Shoji🐙
i feel like he has such a low screentime that if anyone needs to text him he's only available for like an hour a day. accidentally leaves ppl on read. messages seem very bland usually.
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❄️Shoto Todoroki🔥
another bland person but tbh hes the worst out of them all. like he can look at a whole paragraph asking him if he wants to go to the movies with the rest of the class and all he will reply with is just "ok." uses periods at the end of every message but I swear he's not mad.
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💥 Bakugo💥
if he receives any messages past 8pm the "reply" will be you getting left on delivered even if he's still up, or a message just saying "shut the fuck up and go to bed.". also bland but he's more of a "k" bland rather than a "ok." bland.
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🥦Izuku Midoryia🥦
he will not even kidding receive a message that just says "hi" and will send a whole paragraph that is basically just a lengthened "hi! how are you?". uses the smiley emoji a lot.
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💫Momo Yaoyorozu💫
lots of ! at the end of messages, you can feel the happiness through your phone screen. uses heart emojis at the end of messages and memorizes the meaning of each color so she can use them accordingly.
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🖤Shihai Kuroiro🖤
another :} user, sometimes uses :] but mainly :}. only ever texts ppl at hours like 2-4 am. you cant convince me he gets enough sleep.
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👔Neito Monoma👔
you think hed text you?/j kinda just an average texter, any message about class 1a will be in all caps.
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oh look. another bland ass texter, at least he takes the time to actually type out "okay," only sends emojis if he's talking about how weird the emoji looks.
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🔪Himiko Toga🔪
uses :] all the time. not :}, or :). just :]. if anyone texts her, even if its just a simple "hi." and she isn't busy, congrats you've agreed to a 3 hour face time call.
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✋Tomura Shigaraki✋
he leaves everyone on read. if you question why he left you on read all you're getting is an "if its so important then talk to me face to face."
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🃏Mr. Compress🃏
so you know how earlier i said you were lucky Iida didnt start with "I hope this message finds you well,"? your luck ran out. he writes it like you're a long distant friend who he is sending some fancy ass shit letter to. not even kidding ends each message with "--Compress."
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types so fast his phone doesnt even register his hands. half his messages be looking like "se tht ouds ood". he doesn't even bother to edit it or correct himself.
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he texts like a dad. texting this mf be like:
"*photo of a weird boat*"
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miss girl uses so many ;) that its hard to tell if shes suggesting something weird or not. ended every greetings message with that one kissy emoji.
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🙂Mirio Togata🙂
uses the 🙂 all the time because he thinks it looks like him. it does.
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🌀Nejire Hado🌀
lots of !!! and :D, also uses the :> a lot lol. lots of blue heart emojis aswell.
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🦋Tamaki Amajiki🦋
sends articles about different butterflies he likes or thinks the person he sends it to would like along with a message along the lines of "I think this fits you :]". rarely texts first but when he does he clicks send and sitts on the other side of the bed as his phone while staring at it intensely, just waiting for the reply notif. wont actually read the reply for a good minute.
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🐈‍⬛Hitoshi Shinsou🐈‍⬛
sends photos of random animals he sees while out and about. usually just cats. (no way this man doesn't feed the strays around ua) another person that only texts at night time.
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🛠️Mei Hastume🛠️
uses >:D a lot, shows blueprints of her new babies all the time, ngl they are usually rlly messy. texts are just :
"* incomprehensible image of a blueprint *"
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⭐Yo Shindo⭐
uses the thumbs up way to much but like in the passive aggresive way yk? but also if you send him a photo of something ur proud of he will reply with a simple "oh that's cool!" but there's so much fucking emotion behind it ur just kinda like ???
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🛡Melissa Shield🛡
her messages are so sweet. sunset pictures of the ocean every other day. lots of :).
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wrote this is one go and now my hands hate me. i think this was at least 20 characters-? idk I'm struggling to count.
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raainberry · 2 months
Cross The Line (Prologue)
« Doing something outside the bounds of acceptable behavior. »
Mina x gn!reader
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synopsis - being a regular at urgent care raises suspicions but apparently also temperatures which results in the blurring of a few lines
wordcount - 1.5K
T/W - mentions of diverse injuries, stitches, and the hospital obviously. resident!mina, patient!reader angst but also fluff that’s not really fluff bc its just angst disguised as fluff. yearning if you will.
A/N - i made my research after writing🧍‍♀️girlie is NOT supposed to be alone with the patient but oh well. we’re here for the plot. happy mina day to all who celebrate!!
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Mina’s movements were calculated. Precise, and accurate. She never let any room for the unexpected. It was too dangerous.
Her attention was consumed by the monitors, checking and writing down any anomalies she deemed important enough ahead of your transfer to a surgical unit. You’d come in with an open wound on your cheekbone, and pain in your arm which she quickly found out was a fracture in need of surgery.
She was known to be effective, eyes sharp and catching any detail that dared try and escape her. Like how your heartrate slightly increased on the monitor when she came in earlier, or the way you looked at her whenever you landed in the building.
She tried to ignore the familiar sense of déjà-vu washing over her, but her questions kept increasing in number. She never knew the reason behind your visits, but the nature of your injuries gave her a few clues. A broken nose, scratches, cuts and open wounds, hematomas… Five visits in the past two years, an unusual average, enough to leave an imprint on any Resident.
Something about you was odd. It pulled at a curiosity she’d vowed to ignore unless in name of the patient’s wellbeing, and you were especially good at tempting her.
For whatever reason, she was the one assigned to your case for every one of your visits. A twist of fate maybe. She’d call it incredible bad luck if she hadn’t grown that damn soft spot.
As frustrating as tending to you could be, the hours it took to do so allowed her to get a glimpse of the person behind the entire Unit’s favorite gossip column. Though that glimpse remained very surface leveled.
You were incredibly hard to read through your blatent lies, and it scared her. It made her see through herself more than she probably ever could you.
In short, she was attracted to you.
“What are you thinking about?” Your voice was soft despite the slight rasp in your throat. It almost made her forget about her surroundings.
“Nothing.” She cleared her throat, tearing her eyes away from your figure as fast as she’d found it.
You chuckled, your mind a little fuzzy from the local anesthesia. “Come on, we’re past that.”
Her fingers halted their motion against the clipboard in her hands, something you barely noticed but still had the strength to smirk at. It wasn’t hard getting a reaction from her, but it was hard to catch it.
You smiled to yourself, closing your eyes as the effects of the anesthesia lingered. That was something you usually kept to yourself, and Mina’s attention didn’t fail to catch that detail either.
"You know, it’s getting hard to believe you're not getting hurt on purpose." She sighed, pushing her glasses back up her nose.
"I would never break a bone on purpose.” You mumbled, wincing slightly as you adjusted yourself on the examination table. “Hurts like hell…"
"Thought you'd be a little tougher," Mina remarked in a tone that pushed your eyes open.
It was colder than you were used to. Icy and slippery.
"Yeah, well… we all have our limits, Mina." You replied quietly.
"It's still Dr. Myoui to you.”
You nodded, pursing your lips apologetically. The words would have pulled a laugh out of you if they’d ever come out of anyone else’s chest, but you knew better around her.
"What happened this time?" She asked, and the question surprised you. A glance at her eyes, now on you only out of respect, and you found out it wasn’t her own will.
Don’t be difficult, they begged. So you played along.
"Fell off a skateboard," You responded with as casual of a demeanor as you could.
She stared at you in silence, leaving you a few custom seconds to see if you'd tell her the truth this time. Instead, you offered her your best smile, and she had to hold her own back. "Do you even have a skateboard?"
"Do you need that information to treat me?"
"Just wondering."
"You seem to do that a lot…" You trailed off, leaving the words hanging in the air.
Mina left that as the last of them to be spoken for a long while, turning her focus onto some more medical nonsense you could never decipher to save your life.
Maybe that’s why your eyes always landed on her.
She could feel them, following her every move around the room, and it was hard not to meet them.
A silence you were used to settled, the quiet hum of the room fading into the tension hanging in the air.
You feigned interest in your hospital bracelet to escape it, but the sight of your own name made you look away from it. The blank ceiling was enough to distract you, but only for a moment.
Not staring at her was an effort you struggled to make even with a sound mind. The first time you’d seen her, it took you a full minute to blink. It had pulled a smile out of her, and the words she used to point it out echoed in a blurry memory.
How safe you felt in her hands that night, you sought the feeling ever since. In vain.
Your gaze bore into her, merciless against the composure she desperately tried to hold on to. Each of your visits tested it in a way she had yet to see. To feel. She would resent you if she doubted your intentions. If she doubted her own.
"How long until it's not anymore?" Your voice broke the silence, startling Mina into meeting your eyes again.
This anesthesia seemed to guide you into an uncharted territory, where the boundaries of her professionalism blurred, seeping through her fingers with your every word.
She seemed lost in the place your words had suddenly lured her into, so you offered some guidance.
"How long until I can call you Mina?"
The question lingered in the air, pulling at the veil you’d draped over your desires.
It seemed you were close to baring them, Mina exposing a glimpse with a soft bite on her bottom lip.
You’d sculpted a fragile bridge. Cracked and vulnerable to the slightest movement. You enjoyed dancing around it, but one wrong step and it all comes crumbling down.
Mina hesitated, eyes avoidant and voice soft as she stepped forward. "Maybe once you don't get hurt anymore," she murmured.
This wasn’t the first dance she invited you to. It was rare, you weren’t used to it, but you’d rehearsed enough to guide yourselves through it.
“You know, I'd love to see you somewhere else. Outside these walls, preferably," You confessed in a whisper, wary of the thin curtains separating you from the bustling building.
Those almost slipped her mind. You could tell by the silence that followed.
She put her clipboard on a free space of the table, far enough away to keep it from becoming an obstacle. Her hands reached for your injured cheekbone, carefully examining the cut she’d stitched moments ago.
A breath caught in your throat at the touch and attention, long enough to bring a few changes to the data displayed on the screen not too far from you. A change she didn’t fail to notice yet again as she went to retrieve her notes.
A quiet laugh escaped her lips, catching you off guard. You could only watch her write down whatever conclusions she’d pulled out of her observations, waiting to see if it was safe to carry on.
“Do you feel any pain?” She asked.
“Uhm...” You hummed, focusing in order to identify any pain other than the one in your heart. “Slightly. Now that you mention it.”
Mina nodded and carried on with a bunch of questions about your well-being. You answered all of them honestly, words leaving your mouth without much thought.
“Do you feel lightheaded? Any dizziness?”
“Are you feeling thirsty, or hungry?”
“A little thirsty.”
“Can you tell me your name and where you are right now?”
“My name is Y/n, and I’m in… at the urgent care.”
"Where would you like to see me?"
Her voice had dropped a couple decibels on that one. It took a few more seconds for you to sink it in and match an answer.
"Somewhere a little more… colorful?”
Your eyes left the spot they’d blankly focused on on the floor to find hers still ignoring you.
“I mean… I don't know, I didn't think that far," you admitted, complying to her silent wishes.
Mina let a smile slip, a rare sight that let you peek at the depth of her feelings, and her thoughts allowed her to fantasize about the world outside. The one she could share with you. "That would be nice," she admitted softly.
Your smile mirrored her own, "So… Is that a yes?" you probed, and she chuckled, ignoring your question once more as she wrapped up her duties.
Just then, a couple nurses stepped into the room, asking Mina to take you away for the transfer you were long past due for.
Your arm was in a far worse state than your face. Or your heart.
"See you in three months, Y/n.”
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miinatozakiii · 4 months
eyes on me (and only me)
myoui mina x fem!reader ; fluff, angst, smut ; wc: 9.1k
synopsis: mina’s not fond of the attention you’re receiving, but it’ll take more than a glare to get that message across.
warnings: smut smut smut! ; alcohol ; almost fucking in the bathroom lmfao ^_^ : angst if u squint ; friends to fucking to lovers or smth like that ; rushed lowk ; not proofread and anything else i missed??
a/n: not my best work plus i wrote this on my phone. lots of mistakes oops
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the light turns red, you slow down smoothly. the glow from the traffic light illuminates mina’s face with a red glow. you turn to catch a glimpse of her.
she catches you glancing over and raises a brow, you smile playfully and turn back to watch the cars pass.
“why do you do that?” she asks you, rolling her eyes. “you’re so weird.”
“don’t say that, i’m amazing.”
mina shakes her head and turns to face the passengers window, hiding her smile from you. the music in the car continues to play, you giggle, and the light turns green again. you gradually press down on the pedal.
you and mina have been friends for 8 years and counting, luckily you both ended up at the same university—which meant no long-distance friendship and no problems.
(well— there was one problem, one that kept the two of you up at night: the mutual attraction the two of you had for each other.)
(but both of you choose to ignore that in order to keep yourselves sane.)
(it doesn’t keep any of you sane.)
mina was someone you could be completely transparent with, and despite how stupid or unhinged you’ve been, she’s stuck by your side throughout the years. and speaking of which, throughout the years she’s only gotten prettier, and she’s been undeniably beautiful. she matured physically and mentally, the physical aspect unquestionably catching your eye more. years pass and her features are sharper, yet as elegant as ever. more eye candy for you, and more excuses such as: “i was zoning out” to repeat after getting caught staring. both of you had a staring problem.
“and~ we’re home.” you beam, watching mina unbuckle the seatbelt. “give me your bag, you must be tired.”
mina hands you her small shoulder bag and smiles at you, you return the smile. she gets out your car and stretches her arms out, sighing as she does so.
the night breeze hits you in the face hectically, but it passes through mina’s hair in a way that reminds you of some commercial, with her as the conspicuous model.
the two of you walk over to the entrance of your apartment complex, then up the stairs. you follow mina up as she walks to the third floor, and you feel a little bad since her legs must hurt.
once you get to your shared apartment, mina reaches inside the pocket of her jacket for the keys, then pulls them out and starts to unlock the door. she turns the lock to the right once and pushes the door open, turning on the light as soon as she steps inside.
mina plops on the couch and you giggle, smiling at your best friend and roommate. you plop down next to her and she puts her feet on your lap, sinking into the cushions deeper.
“shift must’ve been rough, huh?” you ask, watching her nod in response. she closes her eyes and turns to the side, sighing.
“i have a test tomorrow too.”
“seriously? on what?”
“physics.” she groans, then sits up. “i figured majoring in architecture would be less grueling. i was wrong. so wrong.”
“you set yourself up for more of that.” you tease, tapping her shoulder and urging her to turn around. “let me ease the tension, then you can rest a bit and study a bit. it’s only 5:50.”
she hums and turns around; you place your hands on her shoulders and begin to work at the stiff muscles with your nimble fingers. she gasps at the sudden contact, shrugging then easing into your touch. mina lets out a variety of sighs and groans here and there, but otherwise stays pretty inaudible the rest of the time. she leans away from you after she’s had enough, rolling her shoulders back and then cracking her neck.
"thank you y/n, for everything.”
you can’t help but chuckle after hearing her words of gratitude. she sounded so serious and sincere, which caught you off guard. you stand up and intertwine your own fingers together, stretching them up and behind your back a bit.
“i just drove you back from work and massaged you, that’s what friends are for. no need to be to sentimental minari.”
she rolls her eyes and scoffs at your teasing tone, “oh so i guess i’ll just quit showing my gratitude.”
“hey i didn’t mean—”
a pillow is thrown at your stomach before mina starts giggling, showing her gums and all as she beams; just how you adore. you throw the pillow back at her and she catches it with her hands, then stands up and sets it down on the couch.
“okay now go study, can’t be wasting your tuition on a failed physics grade.”
“i don’t want to hear that from you y/n. didn’t you get a 67 on that anatomy module?”
“hey!” you raise your hands up in defense, “i passed, that’s all that matters.”
“yeah, whatever. i’m going, thanks again.” mina mumbles, grabbing her bag and walking over to her room.
she smiles as soon as she enters her room, then laughs to herself. she sighs dreamily, something out of a romcom.
“so the both of you aren’t actually togeth—”
“no.” mina dismisses momo immediately. momo looks at you whilst you talk with the girl you met in your kinesiology class, the girl that’s a little too touchy and flirty for mina’s liking. “she’s occupied anyway, always talking with any girl that’s in her line of sight.” mina scoffs.
“oh, so you’re jealous?” momo laughs, grinning at mina.
the younger woman shoves the older one in the shoulder, rolling her eyes. “no. she’s just taking her sweet time when we need to be somewhere.”
you’re smiling, you’re laughing, and she is doing the same. her hands are resting on your chest every now and then and she’s also giving you heart eyes. of course, you’re too oblivious to realize – just how you always are with girls like that – mina hates it.
finally, after what feels like an eternity, you finish talking to the girl, make an excuse that you have to leave, and check your phone. you look up and mina is talking to momo, and then you walk over — no, rush over and almost trip in the middle of the lobby — and apologize for being a couple of minutes late. mina grimaces and momo gives you a toothy smile.
“let’s go, we need to pick up sana too—right?” you ask, mina simply nods, no small smile or anything before she turns away.
she starts walking out the doors first and you frown at the sudden moodiness from her. you know mina well, well enough to know when she’s having her mood swings and feeling down. you learned to be attentive at a young age, and mainly — only — for her.
you look over to momo and she shrugs, then suggests, “maybe if you weren’t so late.”
“it was six minutes.”
“maybe it’s more than the time then.”
“momo—” you’re unable to finish your sentence because now she’s the one turning around and following mina’s path. your shoulders sink and you frown again. your legs carry you out the doors to follow the two women despite the sinking feeling in your heart.
mina is standing beside the passenger door waiting for you to unlock your car, and momo is on her phone leaning against the door to the backseat. you click the button on your keys, your car makes that clicking noise and lights up, then mina and momo get inside at the same time.
you get into the drivers seat and turn on your engine, then face mina to ask, “want the aux?” then she hums in response, plugging her phone in. momo observes from the back seat; the way you clench your teeth subtly, mina’s hesitance, the way your hand grips the steering wheel tighter than usual, mina’s body turning away from yours.
sana is in the car ten minutes later and immediately, the tension starts to die down.
“i’m so hungry…” sana sighs, linking her arm with momo’s.
you laugh and assure her, “i’ll drive quick, i think everyone is as hungry as you.” mina smiles and you catch it from the corner of your eye; you grin sheepishly..
it’s silent for the most part other than sana starting all the conversations and everyone responding. then, halfway through the car ride, sana beams and mentions: “hey, sebastian is throwing a house party, everyones going to be there you know.”
“…and?” you hum, eyes on the road.
“we should go!”
“sana,” mina begins, “you know i’m not a party person.”
sana pouts. “come on~ that chaeyoung girl you’ve been all flirty with is going to be there. maybe you can hit it off with her.”
the light turns red and you hit the brakes – not so smoothly – and quirk a brow at mina. you’ve been able to hit it off with some girls on campus, hooking up with them and whatnot, but the mention of mina talking to someone – which, you’re been completely unaware of – strikes a nerve in you for some reason. she’s not yours, you’re not hers, yet there’s a sick feeling in your stomach.
“you’re— you’re talking to someone?” the uneasy atmosphere makes its comeback as soon as the question slips past your lips, and mina shrinks in her seat. “you never told me that.”
“you never tell me about all the girls you talk to, i can’t talk to one?” mina says, her tone vicious.
“i- no, i just, i thought you would’ve told me about something like that.” you look at her apologetically, she doesn’t bat an eye at you. “i didn’t mean that, mina.’
sana and momo glance at each other in the backseats; momo shrugs, sana raises her brows, and then sana decides to clear the air.
“so, let’s go as a group?” she insists, and you can only hum as you pull into the parking spot near the café.
momo decides to find seats for the four of you and you thank her before grabbing mina’s wrist and dragging her to the bathroom. sana and momo watch, both as surprised as mina.
it’s a single person restroom, and you close the door behind you harshly before backing mina against the sink. you’re only an inch or two taller, nothing too significant, but somehow it feels like you’re towering her completely.
she looks into your eyes, you look into hers tenderly; mina surrenders and breaks the eye contact.
“what’s going on mina?”
“i’m sorry, it’s nothing.”
“it’s clearly something.” you murmur, curious and confused. “please, you can tell me anything.”
without thinking, you cup her face. your hands are warm, they’ve always been warm and mina’s have always been on the colder end. mina feels her heart shatter and pound against her chest at the same time, her cheeks flush but her lips twitch into a frown.
hesitant to give into your touch, she shudders away subtly. “it’s nothing, i’m just, you know—“
“mood swings?” you ask, moving your hand to her shoulder and rubbing your thumb against the material that covers it. mina leans in to your touch this time and nods, looking back at you. “i’m sorry for, sounding so… i don’t know, angry. it’s not my business, and if you’re talking to someone…” you gulp down your feelings and decide on what anyone would say. “then i hope they make you happy and whatnot, it’s not my business. i shouldn’t have pushed it.”
“no,” mina mumbles. you turn your head, confused. “i think i’ve been a bit distant recently, i haven’t been as open.”
“hey don’t say that, i guess the stress is killing both of us.”
“i’m sorry again.” mina sighs.
“it’s okay, i love you always, no matter what.”
“and how do you?” mina questions, tensing up at the feeling of your thumb rubbing against her shoulder now. you slide your hand down to her forearm subconsciously, pausing your actions.
“what? mina, you know i love you. we’ve been friends since like, forever. i’m just saying i’m always here if you need me.”
“okay, yeah thanks.” mina rushes her response out, then recomposes herself. she grabs your wrist briefly before letting go, then opens the door. “i’m hungry, hurry up.”
“yeah yeah, whatever.”
mina’s normal for the rest of the week and there are no complications or mood swings for the most part. the two of you are pretty busy anyway, no time for arguments when your professors are up your asses.
there’s those moments of solitude with your roommate that bring you some peace of mind here and there, which makes it harder to push down the trivial feelings you have for mina. like that one time mina helped you out with dinner, pushing you to the side with her hand on your waist. yeah, that one had your heart racing.
other than a near heart attack and some domestic and weirdly intimate alone time with mina, there hasn’t been any tension or bickering since that car ride. things seem good and you’re happy with that.
sana reminds you of the party the day of, it reminds you of what had happened in the car. you’re reminded of mina’s ‘talking stage’ and it bothers you more than you’d like to admit, but there’s nothing to worry about since mina isn’t the biggest partygoer. she’d probably be cooped up in her room playing games while you drank more than you intended to again, just like always.
tonight was an exception.
you’re leaning against the counter in your baggy jeans and the fit t-shirt where the sleeve cuts off just above your bicep – the shirt that makes your arms look good and shows your tattoos better – and sana is texting the group chat saying she’ll be there in five. you wait patiently and pass the time by mindlessly scrolling.
what you don’t expect is to see mina emerging from the hall looking effortlessly beautiful like she always does. she meets your gaze then drops it to your own body, quickly returning back to the shared eye contact. there’s something in the way she holds herself up that’s keeping your look on her for a moment longer, afraid to look away just in case you’ll miss something.
she’s fucking stunning, no doubt about that. a cropped, white top hugs her figure perfectly and shows a good amount of her defined abdomen, the light shines in a way that highlights her grooves. she has that naturally striking body, the one that girls envy or swoon over, and the ones that guys eye not so subtly in public, much to your dismay. she’s also wearing some light makeup — a rosy sunset lightly decorating the outside of her eyes and a darker shade of red painted on her lips — and even without it your jaw would be on the floor. her wavy hair falls loosely around her and her bangs are tousled – different than her usual well kept look – it all captivates you. mina’s fucking hot, no doubt about that.
your eyes do a lot of the talking, they run up and down her body, down to the curve of her hips that are covered by her low-rise boyfriend jeans. mina’s inching closer and you recompose yourself, try not to eye fuck your roommate too hard.
“you’re going to the party? thought you weren’t a party person.”
“i don’t have anything better to do.”
“not going to stay and play games? that’s new.”
she scoffs, then crosses your arms and it makes you realize that you’ve been looking at her exposed tummy again. you make eye contact with her again. mina raises her brows, then responds with a hint of test in her tone, “do you not want me to go? sounds a lot like it.”
not when you look like that. you should only look like that for me, you think, and you want to respond with that thought. but you hold yourself back and decide to laugh it off, masking your odd jealously that looms.
you clear your throat, then respond, “no, just curious. we should take my car over then, just in case you want to leave early.”
“yeah, okay.” mina says, suspicious of your sudden change in mood. “let sana know then, and don’t drink too much, or really anything since you’re driving.”
“you know i’m a heavy weight. three shots and i’m still walking straight, functioning, and able to have fun. don’t worry about me.” you wave your hand and grab your phone. “i’ll ring up sana.” you say, then motion for her to leave the house with you.
the walk to the house is not too long, but unfortunately you were too late to bag a spot in the astonishingly large drive way. it was already filled with seven cars, all different brands besides the two honda civics that are next to each other, one red and one black. how generic, and probably driven by men who’d try to hit on you and your friends later.
there’s a fence to the backyard and you easily lift up the metal that prevents the door from opening. you push the door open and mina slides in through the gap, then you slip through and lock it again.
the music was already noticeable before the two of you had actually made it on the property, but now it’s much louder and disturbingly raucous. but that’s just how parties are. there’s a good amount of people in the spacious back yard, maybe fifteen or more – give or take – some are talking in a group with bottles of beer in their hands, two people makeout against the tree in the right corner, and others are cackling while some shirtless guy with a buzzcut and shotguns a can of cheap alcohol. nothing too surpassingly other than the size of the house and yard, pretty normal for everything that’s unfolding.
you lean down a bit to bring your lips to mina’s ear, making sure your voice is heard over the drake that’s playing at a volume that’s surely going to bring noise complaints.
“you okay?” you ask loudly, almost a shout. mina nods, then turns over, her face only inches away from yours. you look down at her lips, and back up to peer into her dark eyes. “we should go inside.” you suggest, mina nods once more.
compared to outside, the house held a lot more people. the kitchen was filled with people getting refills of sodas alcohol, and maybe one or two people ended up with water in their cups — though only those few — the rest of the bunch that crowded the house were either tipsy or drunk out of their minds.
“i think i’m gonna grab a beer or something, text me if you need anything – actually, just call me.”
mina wants to cling onto you the whole night and if anything, she only came in hopes of making you jealous. but here you are, actually indulging in whatever the hell is going on around the two of you. she feels sick to her stomach when she sees you wave goodbye, and prays that you won’t end up like those two girls in the corner of her eye that are eating each others mouths. at least not with anyone but her. fuck.
“hey, it’s you.” mina feels a tap on her shoulder and turns around to face the girl she met in her design class. “i didn’t know you were a party person, didn’t strike me as the type.”
chaeyoung is also wearing a crop top, revealing the various tattoos that decorate her skin. mina liked the tattoos, but all she could think about was the ones you had on your own skin, the ones mina always found herself staring at. her dark hair is messy, yet it suits the younger woman, so does her whole outfit: some crop top and paint splattered jeans.
“you here with anyone?” chaeyoung asks, then takes a sip from her can of beer, mina thinks it’s the rocket pop based on the colors.
“no, you?”
“nah, i came here with a friend though. i think she’s out flirting now though.”
“yeah, i came with a friend too. she’s probably doing the same too.”
“you don’t sound too happy about that.” chaeyoung says, observing the faint disappointment that spreads across mina’s features. “wanna get a drink?”
mina hesitates, then nods. chaeyoung smiles and grabs mina’s hand, leading her to a fridge in the kitchen.
“oh, and by the way,” the younger woman starts, turning to mina. “you look good.”
“thanks.” mina responds.
it’s not that mina doesn’t enjoy chaeyoung’s company, if anything she’s actually really intrigued with her little anecdotes and cute little rambles. mina likes the way chaeyoung giggles with her over some small thing, and mina doesn’t necessarily hate how chaeyoung leans closer to her, the skin-to-skin contact isn’t anything that bothers her. mina simply can’t feel anything for chaeyoung, and it frustrates her because one: chaeyoung is pretty, quite nice on the eyes. that’s something mina can’t deny. two: she’s attentive and sweet, mina know’s this from the times she’s interacted with her before this headache of a party.
she’s just not you.
“you okay?” chaeyoung asks, rubbing her thumb on mina’s hand.
“yeah, i just, um— i need another drink.”
“you’ve had two cans already, and you seem all hazy. you sure you can take it?”
“it’s fine, i’m fine. yes, yeah.”
“okay… careful then. let me go with you.”
“no.” mina says almost immediately, then pauses. “i mean, um, i can go myself. sorry.”
chaeyoung nods, letting go of mina’s hand. “i’ll see you around mina, hope we run into each other again. i liked talking to you.”
“me too, i’m sorry.”
“it’s okay.”
mina leaves chaeyoung on the couch alone, finding her way through the crowd and towards the kitchen to grab something stronger. she does in fact find something stronger in the fridge: some bottle of (most likely) cheap vodka. mina fucking hates vodka, but she also fucking hates that you’ve been plaguing her mind all night. so, mina grabs some small, plastic shot glass and pours herself a quick remedy to her growing disturbance. she shoots her head back and winces, groaning at the stinging taste of it dying down in her throat.
to make matters worse, you only plague her mind further. and to make it even worse (yet again), she catches you in the corner of her eye.
the girl from that day she got mad at you stands awfully close, putting her hand on your chest as she laughs. you only smile and laugh with her, not really paying attention to anything else.
this is the closest you’ve been to the girl, courtney was her name. she’s in your anatomy and has a similar hairstyle to mina, though mina’s looks ten times better. her eyes shine as she looks at you, well, mostly your lips. she smiles and slides her hand around your neck.
“you know, i’ve always thought you were pretty.” she says, “how about we find a spot to be alone?”
“oh,” you say, features shifting into one of confusion. “courtney i don’t— i thought we were just having fun…?”
“don’t be stupid baby,” you wince at the petname, it doesn’t sound right coming from her. she twirls your hair around, it irks you, you definitely don’t like it. “we can have fun if we find a place with a door that has a lock.” and all you can do is laugh awkwardly.
“courtney i don’t—” you look past courtney and towards the familiar girl in the kitchen, making direct eye contact with her and freezing as soon as you realize just who you’re looking at.
mina huffs, frowning at you disappointedly. she shouldn’t be disappointed, but she is.
if only that were her, she thinks.
she bites back a tear, clenching her teeth and shaking her head – which somehow makes her more uneasy than she already is – and starts to walk away. she doesn’t know where she’s going, just as long as it’s less overwhelming and there’s no sight of you with someone that isn’t her.
“shit,” you mumble, and then courtney desperately tries to postpone your departure with small talk, but it’s no use. you speed through the crowd and bump into various bodies as you try to keep mina in your vision, pushing anyone in your way just to find her.
you watch her turn into the hallway and manage to make it to that turn only two seconds later, but by the time you get there she’s already stepping into some room and closing the door. a curse slips from your breath as you run towards the same door a second after it had closed, hitting your fist against it in defeat.
“mina!” you shout – no response. “fuck, mina, please.”
you lean your forehead against it, flattening your hands against the door before you bang on it again.
“please? please mina, i know something is up.”
“go entertain yourself with whoever you were with earlier.” and what the fuck did that mean? you didn’t know. could mina mean courtney? you didn’t want her like that, mina can’t possibly be bothered by her – and, if she were, that wouldn’t make sense. courtney is just a friend, if anything, you wanted mina in her place.
“what does that mean? mina you’re being so—” she cuts you off, opening the door. she’s got that flush, the same one that she did when she lost to sana in that one drinking game a few months back. mina’s not sober, meaning she’s ten times more vulnerable and even moodier, but why? hell, you never know.
“weren’t you enjoying that? that girl, she’s all up on you so why do you run after me.”
“courtney? mina you’re being irrational, she’s just a classmate, a friend i guess. i don’t want her like that.”
“we’re friends and you never look at me like that,” she says, voice being muffled by the music playing in the house. “why don’t you smile at me like that?”
you step inside and close the door, now it’s just you and mina, alone.
“mina what are you saying? i smile at you all the time. are you pissed over a smile?”
“you’re so dense.”
“well i don’t know what the fuck is wrong if you’re not going to fucking tell me mina.” maybe that was harsh, considering the fact that she’s most definitely drunk, but you’re also irritated because she’s been tip toeing around the things that have been pissing her off. “you always tell me what’s bothering you and about your mood swings, but what’s been going on recently? you’ve been so, i don’t know—difficult to read.”
“and you’ve been so dense.” mina scoffs, looking you in the eye. “you flirt and charm all these other girls – any girl – why not me? what’s wrong with me?”
“mina there’s nothing wrong with you. and… you want me to charm you? what does that even—”
“why do you run after me when you don’t even want me like that, why don’t you love me like i love you.”
you halt, watching mina’s bottom lip twitch and brows crease as she looks at you.
“mina,” you begin, shoulders relaxing a bit. “of course i love you.”
“then why do you-“
with no warning, you lean in, capturing her lips with yours and cupping both cheeks with your hands. this is one of the dumbest decisions of the night, undeniably so. reality hits you and you’re pulling away, but mina pulls you back in.
you should stop this, you have to stop this, it can’t be right.
you don’t stop, partially because mina is wrapping her arms around you, keeping you close.
(and mainly because this is what you’ve been needing – dreaming – of for years. you’ll let your morals come back to you later, because right now this contact feels better than anything.)
her hands almost sting from how cold they are when they graze your neck, sliding up to grip your hair. you reciprocate and place your hands on her waist, the music fades out in the background, her back is pressed against the door, and you’re keeping her place as you savor what you’ve daydreamed about countless times.
using the part of your brain that isn’t overtaken by lust, you try to make sure everything is alright after remembering she’s had a drink or two – at least before you indulge again – and that she’s not sober—which is very rare for someone like mina. you pull away first and fight the urge to ruin her right here and right now.
“wait mina—” mina doesn’t give you time to speak, immediately leaping back onto you and locking lips again, whining as she tugs at your hair. she bites your lip slightly, which makes you push her against the door harder, fingers leaving marks in her skin.
there’s too much going on, too much you want to do all at once – mina wants the same.
you pull away successfully, mina doesn’t pull you back in hurriedly this time. her eyes are partially closed, lips puffy, her breath is heavy – chest heaving up and down since she hadn’t gotten the chance to properly catch her breath – and her cheeks are a rosy shade of red.
“y/n…” mina murmurs. her tone is whiny and desperate, and all it urges you to do is close the distance again.
first, you’re exchanging saliva as you slide your tongue in, sloppily making out as you shift mina over to the counter of the bathroom sink. her moans are muffled as you kiss her and it leaves you ravenous, wanting to hear it clearly. the two of you indulge in each other, just as you’ve been craving for years.
you fall to her jaw, then the soft skin of her neck, spending your time marking it up and tending to it how you’ve been wanting to. no, needing to.
mina grips your shoulder tight and her head tilts back as her lips part. it’s odd, this is what you’ve been craving, but there’s a uneasy feeling in your stomach and it’s not from anything you’ve consumed.
“shit,” you murmur, partially because mina’s tugging at your hair again, but mainly because the realization hits you: mina’s under the influence. “what am i doing.”
the spell she’s casted on you by giving you the taste of her lips finally wore off, it takes a good amount of self-restraint to pull away one last time – and this time it’s for real, you don’t dive back into her pool of temptation – though you linger a moment, lips dangerously close to the skin just above the crook of her neck.
again, you look at her: hair messy, eyes now opening, and a pout plastered on her face.
“y/n… please, keep going.” you can’t, you know better than to keep going, despite how bad you want it.
“we should get going, minari.”
“but i need you, please.” fuck. fucking shit. you want her too, more than words can tell.
“mina…” you start, bringing a hand to cup her cheek. she leans into the touch, not hesitating for a second. mina’s beautiful, you know that. she’s against the counter of the bathroom and the only thing you can really notice right is how beautiful she is despite the music from outside getting louder. it’s strange – time slows down for a moment.
your fingers push the strands of hair that messily frame her face behind her ear and she frowns harder. against a canvas of flushed cheeks and pale skin, her eyes radiate an ethereal luminescence under the glow of the bathroom light. exuding an ineffable brilliance. her eyes, wow, her eyes are pretty in the moment. they’re staring at you and captivating your senses, holding you captive as you try to fight everything telling you to go on with your desires.
“you drank lots, didn’t you?” you ask, laughing a little to shake off your nerves. two beers is the equivalent of “lots” for mina. enough to make her all hazy and cuddly. “let’s go.” you insist, “home isn’t far and i can drive. i only had a can of beer, and i have work in the afternoon.”
“why can’t you just— fuck, y/n, i just—“
“we can talk when you’re sober.”
mina mumbles something under her breath, the sound of her voice thin and vulnerable. you hold her hand and squeeze it gently before letting out a breath.
“stay close, you were stumbling earlier.” you insist, “keep my hand in yours, ‘kay?”
you don’t let mina respond and instead, you’re out the door with her hand in yours trying to find your way out of the overwhelming atmosphere. trying to get yourselves home so you can compose yourself in an environment that isn’t making your skull pulse.
momo is dancing with sana, heat radiating off the both of them as their mutual allure drags them closer and the alcohol kicks in. momo’s eyes are only on sana, that is until she catches two familiar figures struggling to pass by the crowd blocking the door.
your hand slides down and snakes around mina’s waist, keeping her ever closer as you swim through the crowd and towards the door. sana looks at momo, who’s looking in a different direction, then turns to see what’s up with whatever is going on. “whatever is going on” is something that has sana smiling cheekily, giggling and then turning back to momo.
“you see it too?” voice low yet audible as sana speaks into momo’s ear, lips brushing against the lobe. “i wonder if they had any fun. most likely, knowing how y/n is.”
“mm, maybe,” momo mumbles, distracted by the woman placing a hand on her chest. momo gulps, then faces sana fully and smirks. “maybe… they’ve never been that close, touchy yeah but…” momo shakes her head. her hand slides to the curve of her waist and pinches just barely, just enough for sana to gasp. “let’s find out tomorrow and find out way to the bathroom instead, hm?”
sana smiles, nodding eagerly before they find their way out the crowd and into the same bathroom you and mina had been in.
it takes a few at least ten curses under your breath before you reach the door, opening it and slipping past like you had done before with the entrance to the backyard – though this time, none of you are afraid of being close.
mina is following you, your hand still on her waist – holding onto her even though it’s not necessary – and leading her to the car.
another small curse slips your lips while looking for your keys, scared that you’ve lost them throughout your late night rendezvous. luckily, they’re shoved in one of your pockets, you sigh out a breath of relief as you press the small unlocked logo.
you help mina get into the passengers seat, then close the door for her and get into the drivers seat yourself. once you close your own door, you reach over mina and grab her seatbelt, invading her personal bubble with your own body. mina watches you with tired eyes, watches you grab the end and fasten her seatbelt with a click of the locks. before you lean back into your space, mina stops you, putting a hand on your shoulder.
she presses her lips to your temple – sloppily and sweetly – then leans back into her seat, closing her eyes.
you huff, then your lips curve--? turn? they display something that’s something in between a frown and smile, something that shows both at the same time, even if it sounds impossible.
the engine starts, you turn to look at mina once more, then drive.
hangovers are not for the weak, and they’re surely not for mina.
mina wakes up and it feels like she’s gotten run over countless times in the head. she groans and sinks into her matress more, hugging the pillow in her arms and then groaning once more – if the first, annoyed one wasn’t enough already.
she tries to recall everything from last night, only remembers a brief image of chaeyoung and a beer in her hand; and then everything else. everything.
it’s like being hit by a life-threatening gust of wind that’s trying to knock you over and over, it hits all at once and keeps bombarding you more and more and more. each gust is worse than the one before. it feels like being stuck in the middle of the sea while waves keep crashing and crashing and crashing against you. that’s how mina feels when the memories come piling back.
she remembers the push and pull – desperate fingers clawing at cloth or skin, lips parting so the two of you oculd catch your breaths – she remembers the sensation of it all – her shoulder blades meeting the material of the door – the chill of the material making her shiver – your tongue against her own, the teeth nipping at her skin, and shit she even remembered the smell of your perfume: amber and vanilla. she could seriously lose herself in that fragrance if it meant being that close to you again.
mina jumps when she hears three knocks, groggily rubbing her eyes before seeing someone her bedroom door. her eyes are squinty, but the figure is unmistakable. mina feels her cheeks burn again, and now she’s figuring out that they always grow warm whenever you’re around.
“hey… morning.” you greet softly, smiling. “i um, i have work soon. i just wanted to let you know there’s advil and vitamins on your bedside before i left. figured you’d need it.”
“t-thank you.” mina stutters embarrassingly. “y/n i’m sorr—”
“let’s talk about it later. just take your time, you have work later, right?”
“shit,” she mutters, closing her eyes tight and pinching the bridge of her nose. “yeah.”
“i’ll be home later, you should ask momo to take you.”
“i’ll do that, yeah.” mina answers. she watches you nod awkwardly, and then without a word; you leave.
mina calls momo later, later as in 12 o’clock pm because there’s no way momo would ever be up before then on a saturday – especially not after a party with sana around. still, momo answers tiredly, voice all stuffy and low.
“mina it’s so fucking early can we please—”
“come, now.” mina orders, “i’m tired too but i really need to talk to you and i’m saying this as in it’s urgent. you know it is if i’m begging like this. momo please come, now.”
she hears momo groan on the other end of the line, a few seconds of silence pass before momo answers: “give me ten.”
momo gets to the apartment in thirty minutes and mina answers the door, making the older woman look at her shockingly. mina’s hair is disheveled with some strands loosely having a mind of their own. her eyes peer at momo tiredly, and she’s wearing an oversized tee with pajama pants to finish the “i just got out of bed and no hangover remedy could fix the headache i have” look.
“um, morning sunshine?” momo tries. mina turns and walks over to the couch, landing on it exhaustedly. momo follows over and sits down in the space next to her, watching her stare up at the ceiling.
“i think—no, yeah we definitely…” the younger woman starts, shutting her eyes. “there’s a hickey on my neck and i know it’s from last night. i remember, vaguely – but also so much at the same time.”
momo deadpans. “mina what the fuck are you saying.”
mina practically breaks her neck trying to lift it up just to glare at momo. “y/n gave me the hickey.”
“holy shit mina, that’s great! so you guys fuc-“
“no. i think we just… madeout.” mina sounds dissapointed when she says it, and she definitely is. “y/n’s being distant and i’m just—scared i ruined everything.”
the younger woman groans again, then leans back against the cushion. momo watches and moves over to sit criss-cross on the couch now, pulling mina by the wrists to sit her up. “stop moping, you kissed her. you’ve been complaining to me like, ages about her.”
“what if she regrets it?”
“i doubt it. maybe y/n is just worried that you regret it, i mean, you seemed pretty fucked last night.”
“i wish i were.” it slips out of mina’s mouth, momo tilts her head in surprise, this isn’t something mina would say, ever – at least out loud. “don’t start.” mina warns, glaring at her friend.
“i wasn’t going to.” momo assures, putting her hands up in defense. “maybe you should talk to her, she’s picking you up after work today, right?”
“perfect. good time to bond then.” momo chirps – mina deadpans, then collapses into the cushions again.
“i can count on both hands how many years we’ve known each other, i just can’t lose her.”
“you won’t. don’t worry, everything will be fine.”
mina’s worrying, and everything is not fine.
mina cannot take her mind off of you, the night before, and just you in general. it’s you you you you you running through her mind as she collects tips from the old couple in the corner of the restaurant. even as they compliment mina’s features she can’t help but think of you. it’s only you, you’re plaguing her mind even worse than how you did while she was all hot and heavy.
you tap at the wheel anxiously with your pointer and middle finger – a habit you’ve developed as soon as you had gotten your license at seventeen – as you wait for mina. the restaurant closes at 10, but mina’s leaving at seven because she can’t do closing shifts, you remember her rambles and complaints. you remember everything about her.
work had been as rough for you as it had been for mina, just the thought of her pulling you closer, bruising your lips, and just her drove you crazy. it took everything in you to function normally as people would come up to you asking where a certain book was in the library you worked at or if you could renew their copy of who fucking knows what novel.
your head shoots up when you see a familiar figure step out from the entrance to the restaurant. she pats down her clothes and adjusts the bag that hangs from her shoulders. mina looks at you through the window and you simply smile at her, fixing your posture. she smiles back and walks towards the car, then gets into the passengers seat.
you greet her like you always do: “hey.”
“how was work?”
“busy, but good tips.” she says, putting on her seatbelt and desperately trying to compose herself. “how was your work?”
“good, good. just the usual.”
“could be worse.”
“yeah.” she responds. there’s a short silence that sits in the air and that urges you to start driving. mina looks forward, but still, she can see you shifting the stick with your hands – the hands that were leaving mina breathless.
the car ride is silent, deathly silent.
sure, carrides back to the apartment after mina’s shifts have always been pretty nonverbal, but at least a few jokes and anecdotes were shared. the only thing shared is the silence, it makes you grip the wheel tight and has mina facing out her window.
“did you um, eat yet?”
“yeah, did you?”
“yeah… jonathan gave me half his sandwich before i clocked out.”
you reach the apartment complex after the most apprehensive car ride you’ve ever been in – which says a lot, considering the fact that you’ve been in a car driven by sana. not the best experience ever, she’s definitely a passenger princess, and should stay one.
the engine stops, you two get out the car at the same time – no words exchanged, but you’re both thinking the same thing – and then you hold out your hand so mina can give you her bag, just like always. the two of you head into the complex with you following behind mina, then up the stairs to your shared place.
the tension is cleared for a moment, mina watches you fish for the keys in your hoodie pocket, only for you to drop them on the floor and curse under your breath. mina laughs, you laugh with her and this is the first time you two have shared eye contact since last night, probably.
“you’re so clumsy, always.” mina snickers, looking at you with a gummy smile. you roll your eyes and put the key into the lock, twisting it right and responding,
“shut up.” you say in a tone of fake annoyance.
the door opens and you step inside, mina follows behind. your shoulders sink, untensing as soon as you close it again.
“i’m sorry, i made a move while you were drunk and if i hadn’t controlled myse—”
“shut up.” mina orders, using one hand to pull you close by the wrist and the other hand immediately slides to the back of your neck as she closes the distance again.
mina kisses you first this time, and now both your senses are fully there, no alcohol to fuck any of you over this time. you almost stumble backwards from how ttaken aback you are, but shortly after the contact you’re kissing her with the same force.
you drop the bag in your hand – it’ll be tomorrows problem, it’s not that big of a deal anyway – and cup her cheeks, slowly inching forward towards any surface that’ll keep you two from fucking on the floor right then and there. where’s the fun when there’s no action building up to everything?
mina’s feels the marble of the counter in the kitchen above her waist as you push her against it. her hands find the edge and grip onto it tightly as your hands start to roam down the curve of her hips. mina’s tugging at your hair and it earns a small whine from you, and then she’s swiping her tongue against your bottom lip since it’s the only way to ask you to sloppily make out with her without pulling away for too long.
it’s actually not that sloppy, it’s like your tongues know each other already, they accustom to each other almost immediately. minutes – it feels like hours – pass and you pull away to glance at her for a moment; cheeks? flushed. pupils? taking over mina’s eyes completely from how dilated they are. your lips? oh, they’re craving more of the woman trapped between your arms right now.
your lips fall to her jaw, pressing feathery kisses that leave her breath shaky. when mina thinks it can’t get any better, you take your time tending to her neck – which, is too empty for your liking – sucking, nipping, doing anything that’ll make her have to wear a scarf, your hoodie, or extra foundation the next morning.
as you mark up her skin, she blindly reaches to take off the jacket you’re wearing, and you reach for the end of her black shirt that she has on, then slide it off her figure.
you eye her up and down, lingering on her chest. “fuck, fuck i want to leave you a mess.”
“do it then.”
“gladly.” you say. mina feels a pulse in between her legs.
the two of you make it to mina’s room and leave pieces of clothing out on the way. mina grows louder with each kiss, and you grow touchier.
she pushes you through the door – you make sure to quickly turn on the lights so you can get a good view of her the whole night – and then her hand is on your chest, pushing you down on the bed. you prop yourself up with both hands, watching her take off her black pants and then making her way to your lap.
you can’t help but smirk at her, smirk at the exposed skin, the new territory, the groove down her abdomen, everything. she’s grinding on your lap and it feels like a dream, but it isn’t, not when you’re hyperaware of your hand sliding up the smooth skin of mina’s ribs, hyperaware of all the contact, the heavy breaths, the shaky ones, mina’s arms around your neck.
“my bra, take it off.” she orders. of course you’ll comply, it’s mina telling you this after all.
you slide your hands over her skin and feel her shiver against you, then you unhook her bra, sliding it off and throwing it somewhere around the room.
“fuck,” is all you can say. mina’s topless, she’s on your lap, straddling you, and you give up on trying to savor anything because all it’ll do is make you short circuit. it’s all so much to handle, far too much for you, so mina helps you out while she watches you amusingly.
“just gonna check me out? how about you use that mouth of yours again baby.”
mina moans as soon as you indulge in her tits. she trembles as your hold on her tightens, as you swirl your tongue around her nipple, and as your other hand stimulates her other breast. she grinds against you, trying to ease the tension down in her soaked pussy, but it’s no use. she thinks she might cum just from you tending to her chest, and honestly she could—she might.
but you won’t let her reach her high that easily, not so quick. you need to savor everything—well as much as your overwhelmed brain can — because this is mina.
“so,” you kiss her breast once more, then pull away with a slight ‘pop’ sound. “fucking pretty.”
she throws her head back as you trail back up to hee neck, sinking your teeth until you get the faint hint of blood on your taste buds.
“i’ve been wanting to do this for years.”
mina’s breathless. “hnghh— yeah, fuck y/n, me too—“
you stand up slowly snd hold onto mina, who’s still straddling you. her legs wrap around your waist and she lets out a sharp breath as you turn over and set her down on her back. you stand in between her legs, then brush a finger over her nipple while running a hand down her stomach. her skin twitches as you trail down to her underwear, sliding two fingers under the rim of it and pulling it off.
“you’re so pretty mina, always have been.” you mumble, brushing your fingers over the sensitive area. “bet you sound even prettier when im going down on you.”
“y/n,” mina gasps, watching you lower yourself so that you face her cunt — it’s aching, it’s craving. “please.”
you kiss the inside of her thighs lovingly. “if you say so.”
mina’s hand grips at the sheets tightly as soon as your lips meet where she needs, a loud moan reverberates around the room. you work at her pussy with your mouth at first, eating her out at more relaxed pace since this is your first time with her. when mina ruts her hips and pushes your tongue further into her, you quicken the pace and add a finger in.
“oh fuck y/n, ngh— keep going, don’t stop.”
she twitches and jerks around the more you fuck her, a plethora of whiny moans of your name leaving her mouth. another finger is added in, plunging in and curling at the spot that makes mina’s hand immediately move to your head, gripping your hair tightly as she loses her voice.
“c’mon, gonna cum soon?”
“y-yeah, fuck i’m so, fuck, so close.”
you reach up for mina’s hand, accidentally meeting her wrist but then finding her fingers and intertwining them with your own. mina’s thighs close around your head slightly, making you groan into her lazily. then, mina moans loudly, so loud and it sounds like a near cry. her thighs tremble around you, and she holds your hand tightly as her chest heaves up and down.
you slow down your pace, taking your fingers out and savoring mina’s essence with your tongue. she’s sweet and warm, you’re drunk on her arousal. the repeated murmurs of your name ring throughout the room like a song you could listen to and never get tired of. her grip loosens and you pull away, climbing up the beauty of mina’s body and leaving kisses as you make your way up to her jawline.
she lazily puts her hand on your neck, then gradually pushes her fingers into your scalp as you kiss her lips. she tastes herself off you, then hums once she’s satisfied.
when you pull away she’s looking at you with hooded eyes, putting her hand on your cheek and rubbing her thumb against your warm skin.
“everything okay?” you ask, and mina just kisses you.
“i’m tired.” she mumbles against your lips after a peck, “stay and sleep here.”
“i didn’t plan on leaving.” you say, laughing lightly. “let’s clean up a little, okay?”
mina nods and kisses you again, letting herself sink into the cushion as you run your hands down the side of her body.
the morning after is so normal it’s as if you two have been fucking ever since you moved in together.
there’s some morning pillow talk that consists of you groaning into mina’s bare skin and her teasing you for being so tired. her hands massage your scalp and your lips kiss the skin that covers her ribs. her cheeks flush.
“do you have work?” she asks, voice low and tired.
“no, do you?”
“no.” she mutters, “let’s sleep in.”
“okay.” you say. you weakly lift yourself up so you can lay your head on her shoulder. “how long have you been wanting to do that?”
she turns around so you’re spooning her, then lazily moves your hand over with her own so that your arm is over her body. you pull her closer and she answers, “sophomore year.”
you laugh. “why didn’t you say anything earlier?”
“you were too busy getting attention from other girls.” mina says annoyingly, though she scoots back so she’s closer to you. “didn’t want to waste my time waiting in line.”
“you should’ve skipped the line.” you feel for her hand and hold it, linking your fingers together. “i’ve liked you since middle school and you never noticed.”
if mina weren’t half asleep she would’ve had a bigger reaction, she’d be punching your shoulder and scolding you for being such a coward for not telling her. but what use is it when she’s already living the scene she’s been dreaming about for years. your breath is warm on her skin and she’s too content to yell at you.
mina yawns. “well it’s all figured out now, sleep.”
you kiss her shoulder and smile. “okay.”
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saiidahyunie · 6 months
dried flower
myoui mina x reader 
synopsis: being the timekeeper is a big responsibility to fill as a drummer, but why does that internal metronome go out of control whenever you’re around your band’s manager mina? 
wc: 3.7k
warnings: smut, fluff, cursing
✩♬ ₊˚.
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a/n: mina fits the cool girl vibe so well
also the smaller text is so much cleaner here^^
i kinda like it @miinatozakiii
you yell out in frustration as you throw your drumsticks down on the floor and shove the door open.
“what the hell is wrong with y/n? she’s been out of it all week!” 
you overhear your bandmate jay ask winter, the band’s leader as the whole group is left in confusion of your little breakdown as the door behind you shuts by itself.
“we only have two weeks until the gig and we need to have these songs down! she-” 
“it’s already a rough week for her as it is!” vernon shoots back as the band’s bassist, “you need to give her some slack since you’re already terrible at doing that anyway, jay.” 
“why you little-” 
“enough! both of you!” another voice is heard in the room as they look to see mina, who had been sitting in the sea of empty chairs and watched the whole thing unfold.
“arguing with each other isn’t gonna make the situation better.” mina sternly says, “i’ll step outside and see how y/n’s doing.” standing up from her seat as she exits the same door you almost busted down moments ago.
“dammit…” you sighed out in frustration as you leaned over the balcony overseeing the city lights, the breeze calming your thoughts as you continued to breathe at a slower pace, calming your heart rate. 
“figured you’d be up here.” 
you turn around to see mina, who was standing in the doorway as you leaned back against the railing, pressing your finger and thumb against the bridge of your nose as mina smirked at your distressed state, leaning over the railing to take in the view.
“what are you doing?” 
mina shakes her head at your question, “i’m just here to check on you, not as a manager, but a friend.” 
you scoff at her statement, “you didn’t have to do all that i was just-” 
“y/n, just shut up and let me listen to what’s going on in your head.” 
you don’t know why, but you feel a slight shift in your heart after mina’s sudden demand. it could be that or it could be just your fear of heights as you let your head back looking over your shoulder of the various cars on the street making their way around on a friday night. 
“why do you want to know what’s going on with me?” 
“because i have to keep everyone in shape in addition to not having one person tear the whole band apart.” mina responds, almost laughing as brushes a few strands of hair off her face from the wind. 
instead of keeping your wall up to mina since she’s the kind of person that will persist in asking questions until they get answered, you sighed in defeat as you met mina’s face, peering at the two beauty marks as she kept her eyes on you.
“i… just got out of a relationship.” you say, picking your fingernails as mina watches intently as you explained your emotional outburst. 
“stupid i know, but it’s been lingering on my mind for a week and a half now.” you continue to ramble, “i can’t think straight because of my stupid mistakes and-” 
a finger is drawn to your lips as your train of thought comes to a halt, mina’s soft side showing as her heart sank after hearing what you were going through, acting in sympathy in an attempt to mend your shattered state.
“who’s the girl?” she asks as you wave her finger off your face. 
“ryujin, i don’t know if you-” 
mina scoffs at your answer. to be fair, if it were anyone else you were telling about your relationship troubles and they did the same thing as mina, you’d swing first right on sight if that were the case. but for some reason, you weren’t offended at all by her antic; in fact, you were appalled that she was acting like this in front of you. 
“her?!” mina giggles out as you stand there speechless. 
“you can definitely do better y/n, no offense.” 
“none taken, actually, that made me feel a little bit better.” you mumble as she places a hand on your arm on the railing. 
“how bout i call practice off and we just hang out at my place?” she asks wistfully, “besides, the others don’t really need the extra practice for three additional songs.” 
you hesitated at her question as she rubbed her thumb across your forearm, looking at you straight in the eye as you bit your lip contemplating on what could happen–or what has already happened. 
so, in a brief second you scratch your temple trying to make your brain work faster in giving an answer to your manager and eventually you give her one, “okay, i’ll take your offer.” 
mina flashes that gummy smile at you, “great! i’ll go tell the others.” she says as she walks back into the studio complex as you stood there dumbfounded at what you just got yourself into. 
your eyelids flutter open a little at an unfamiliar ceiling.
as you laid on the bed motionless trying to piece together the bits of information your eyes were receiving, it wasn’t enough as you slowly sat up trying to connect the dots more. the drowsiness still present as you tried to fight the urge to fall back asleep. the more you blinked yourself awake as you hear the small whirr of a fan humming in the room, everything starts to come together–but there’s still gaps in your memory. 
the questions kept pouring in your head: “where am i?”, “who’s house is this?”, “how did i get here?” all listed as you scanned the room for anything that might help solve your predicament as you tug the comforter off of you–no pull as it seemed like it was weighed down by something.
after failing to get the comforter off, you continued to assess the unfamiliar room, and then another piece of the puzzle clicked in your head–this wasn’t your place. 
in the corner of your eye, you saw a figure form in the comforter, her back turned to you with her long black hair covering it. still asleep while you were panicking shitless trying to piece the events from last night. you shift yourself up a little bit better as you notice your bare shoulder, lifting the comforter to see that you were completely naked, adjusting the comforter more to see the figure sleeping next to you in the same appearance.  
the figure makes a murmuring sound, stirring awake as you pick up on the small sound that sounded a little peculiar, but also one that you recognized hearing before. 
no, there’s no way right? 
the figure sits up slightly as she turns around confirming everything that you feared as the person ruffles their hair, making it look more presentable. 
“mina?!” you cry out in surprise.
mina rubs her eyes together as the comforter drops down to her waist, her hair in the perfect spot in covering her tits as she yawns while you rush to cover yourself up frantically. 
“morning.” mina says nonchalantly, stretching for a bit as you stare in shock at the possibility that you just did more than just hang out at mina’s place.
well your mind tells you that the “possibility” was now all but a “certainty” as you scanned the room again to see a spree of clothes sprawled out across the room, the wine bottle and two glasses set on the nightstand that could explain one thing, but you still can’t remember all of it. 
“did we?” you ask in disbelief as mina chuckles at your stupid question.
“you don’t remember?” she asks you the better pressing question as you tried extremely hard to remember what you did–and then everything comes back.
flashes of last night came into your brain like a slideshow, giving a vivid play by play recap of what went down last night: drinking on the couch, laughing about stupid band stories, staring at mina, staring at mina’s lips and eventually…
you and mina kiss. at first it was wrong, but for some reason, there was a sense to get more.
one thing led to another from bumping into the door, stripping each others’ clothes off, you straddling mina, never ending groans here and there as you makes her way down to her–okay that would explain everything your mind tried to process but mina was the one who helped you in the end. 
as you and mina continue to stare at each other for a few more seconds, you then get off from her bed as you desperately scrounge up your belongings together, making sure that you didn’t leave anything behind, shuffling through the house as mina, now fully clothed, trailed behind you up until you reached the front door. 
“sorry i’m just confused right now, that's all mina. i didn’t mean to rush out on you like that and-” 
mina places a hand on your cheek, calming your train of thought,  “it’s okay y/n, if you need space for a bit all you have to do is just ask.” 
you scoff at her offer again, you didn’t want space away from mina, there was something about her that was comforting and it felt relaxing. then again, you weren’t so sure of yourself considering how ridiculously fast you were moving on from ryujin and in your “friendship”  with mina. 
“what if i don’t want space?” 
mina tilts her head at you, “what is it that you want?” 
“i don’t know i-” 
“maybe this will help clear your mind.” 
she draws you in for a quick, passionate kiss. you were thrown off by the contact of her delicate lips as you prop your hand just under her chin for better stability. it wasn’t anything out of the ordinary for mina to be forgoing with her actions but you happily reciprocated them as you almost fell backward.
pulling away, you sigh out in relaxation, blushing at mina’s new side as she giggles at your flustered face.
“i should be mad that it worked, but thank you.” you said as you locked your lips with hers again, retreating after, still brushing lips together.
“my door is always open for you.” mina mutters as she breaks the hug with you walking out the door. 
“i’ll let you know if i ever need that again.” 
mina hums at your small promise as you walk out of her house waving goodbye.
the next following weeks were hell for your heart and mind as things somewhat returned to normal. sure, you managed to get the songs down with the rest of the band, but you felt like something was missing.
mina wasn’t like the previous manager your band worked with in the past. she was stern, quick witted, and had a changing duality between her casual and work related persona. you learned that she was very caring in the member’s individual conditions, always understanding what they have going on in each of their lives despite her cold tone at times. 
her home also reflected her appearance as her apartment minimal, but had various expensive items that would make you think she bought them off the dark depths of the internet; it fit her that’s for sure and you catch yourself slowly getting attached to what you and her have brewing in your intimate friend/relationship? 
“everything okay with you?” vernon asks you one day before the gig your band was supposed to play at.
“yeah,” you respond, “i have most of the songs we went over for jihyo’s-“
“that’s not what i meant y/n.” vernon butts in, “i was talking about your love situation.”
even though you were perceived to be a closed off person in the band, you were fond of vernon’s quirk of always knowing how to pry through your tough shell. because of that, you and him grew close outside the studio where you usually practice.
“it’s been tough, but i’m just healing and breathing.” you say as you sip water through your pastel pink hydroflask.
“is there something going on between you and mina?” vernon asks suddenly, making you spill a few drops of water on your shirt.
“no? why do you ask?”
“i’ve seen the look you give her during rehearsals, the eyes never lie y/n, they never will.”
“she’s just a caring manager, even if she doesn’t talk as much while we practice, she makes sure to have us something to do on the weekends that way we’re not at the studio 24/7.”
vernon exhales in agreement, “you do have a point, but mina seems to get closer to you after your little episode.” you flash a look at him, astounded at his observation.
“let’s not talk about that please?” you ask as vernon laughs at your pleading request.
on one good productive rehearsal a month after your accidental one night stand with mina, you and her agreed to not let anything happen between the both of you as the band was back in strong shape with the harmonious tunes of jay’s and vernon’s guitars blending well alongside winter’s voice with the simple beat of your drums. 
everything was going well as you just let your inner metronome control your muscle memory as you lightly bash a couple licks and fills in the various songs–giving it a little bit more spice as you share glances with the other members in the band, nodding for your approval as you bopped your head to the music. 
and then you set your eyes on mina.
even for a short second, you let your hands and feet continue their work on the instrument in front of you as you stared at mina a little too long as her eyes mirrored yours, looking away to your ipad off to the side trying to cover your flushed expression. while you were doing that, mina bit her lip at the sight of you drumming away as she watched the band play out.
once you guys were cleaning up, you were getting your drums in the case as you took inventory of all your necessary equipment as you picked up the sounds of footsteps walking to you.
“jay, for the last time i already said no to your drinks offer.” you say as you look up to not see jay, but her instead. 
“oh hey…” you say softly as mina flips her hair to the side.
“just wanted to check up on you, how are you doing?” 
“i’m fine.” you respond as you shove your bag of drumsticks into the bass drum case, “i still need to listen to the last song but otherwise, i’m good.” 
mina takes the small foot stand from vernon’s spot as she sat on it while you matched her height on one knee. the chemistry that's been concocting from simple “hellos”, longing stares, and that slender neck that you’ve marked multiple times that night as mina also seems to have the same thoughts that you were having.
“y/n, we’re waiting outside are you sure you want to-” 
winter walks back into the room as she forgot her phone to see you and mina get unbelievably close, standing in a bit of a shock as you and mina try to play it cool, making it look like mina was helping you get the last parts of your drumset into the bag. 
“it’s okay wint, i was gonna go back home anyway, too tired as of late.” you say, sliding your ipad into your handbag as mina got up to turn off the lights on the other side of the room. 
“you sure?” 
“yeah, i’m sure.” 
“if you say so and oh!” 
you turn back to winter as you shoulder your bag, pursing your lips at winter’s lingering offer to bond with the band members some more.
“i’m glad that you’re moving on from ryujin, she didn’t really seem the kind of person to fit you anyway.” she ways as she turns around and walks out, earning a scoff from you as you look down at your feet from the sentence you just heard. 
“you had no idea how much i wanted to hear that.” you mutter to yourself as you see mina return back from checking the lights of the small studio. 
“wanna get out of here?” mina asks you as you ponder her question for a little bit longer than you should’ve as she stares at you promisingly that you’d take up on her offer again.
is it okay for me to do this with her? what if history repeats itself with mina? will i make the same mistakes i did with ryujin and how could i live with myself if the others found out that i’ve slept with our manager- 
you freeze for a second as mina grabs your hand, pulling you to the exit.
“let’s go y/n.” she says, you nodded as you followed her out, your hand gripping hers tightly as your heart shifted again at mina’s action. 
that same shift happened again as you and mina didn’t even make it past the front door. 
it’s fast, hazy, and hot–your brain was sending all the right signals to your limbs as you were driven by mina’s lips all over you. 
gripping her hair as she presses you against the door to her apartment, letting out a few soft moans in her mouth as she blindly opens the door behind you. stepping backward as your hands had more roughness, grabbing mina closer as she pulls away for a second to breathe.
“are you sure about-” you whisper at a loss of words, “why-” 
“stop.” mina groans, her lips sloppily placed on the edge of your lips, “just don’t think for once.” 
mina’s hands begin to discard your dark grey hoodie as you shuffle through the house, groans echoing in the hallway as you refuse to push mina away, reaching the room and crashing onto the bed as she mounts on top of you.
“don’t fight what you need, embrace it.” mina whispers in your ear as she pulls away from you, gazing at your lowly state as you try to get up, only to be pushed down back onto the mattress. “mina what the-” 
“shhh.” she coos, biting her lip at the sight of your flushed cheeks as you tried not to make eye contact with her. mina’s hands working your pants as the growing sensation between your legs grew more and more the closer she took your clothes off.
“you’re so pretty for me when you’re like this.” mina hums as you whimper at the sound of her rasping voice. your eyes meet hers as you were clearly aroused with how she wanted to take control the second time of hooking up.
“mina,” you start off saying shakily, “don’t hold back. show me how badly you want to wreck me.” 
mina hums at your demand, giving her the greenlight as she runs a finger through the damp cloth of you soaked underwear, sliding it off your legs smoothly, tossing it away carelessly as she smiles at the beautiful sight of you, kissing your neck again making her way down to the lower half of your body.
at this point, you didn’t care if it was right or wrong, nor the fact that you couldn’t remember the last time you slept with mina. all that mattered was how hot mina was making your body as she slotted herself between your legs, her breath right on top of your entrance, gripping the bed sheets as she was teasing up until the last moment of bliss you so desperately needed.
you gasp as your back arched once mina parted your folds open, tongue flicking up your dripping core as she purrs in delight of the first tastes of your slick juices. fuck who cares if you didn’t remember what you did with mina the first time, you just wanted to enjoy the moment of her going down on you as your heart was racing uncontrollably. 
“my f-fucking god.” you breathed out as mina continued to ravage you, gripping her hair as she clutched onto your legs, nearly scratching them with her well trimmed nails. 
the pace of her tongue in you, stimulating your senses to the point where your mind felt like you were one with the clouds. what seemed like forever she was down there as it elevated to a whole different level when she started to pump her fingers inside to push you more faster to the edge. hands grasping the bed frame to the point where it could break with your back and head pressing further and further down as you were making incoherent sounds of how good you were getting fucked. 
“i’m so clo-hngh!” you moaned loudly as your body shook in mina’s face, still taking in all of your slick from climaxing as your body starts to relax, sinking into the bed as mina relentlessly cleans you up as you lay there barren, mind still hazy from the absolute pumping you just received from your crushing manager. 
mina laps up the last of your cum as she ingests the last of your taste on her fingers as she helps you sit up against the headboard, pampering you with more kisses for a few more minutes as you regain your senses. 
you lean your head back as she plants her lips on your neck once again, stopping as she notices you raised your hand up, looking at her with half-lidded eyes as bundles up across from you. 
“something on your mind?” mina asks you as you finish catching your breath.
“i don’t know,” you reply, “it still feels like i don’t deserve what we have going on but,” mina tilts her head at your reason.
“my heart races and my mind feels at ease whenever i’m around you.” 
“that so?” 
you hum, nodding at her question to confirm her odd suspicion, kissing her knee as you shift yourself on the bed, ignoring the throbbing core in your thighs as you ran your thumb on your bottom lip. 
“i like this side of you mina, especially the one you had just now.” 
mina snickers at your observation, you flash a soft smirk as she meets your eyes again, running her hands through her dishelved hair before leaning forward for another kiss.
“that’s what happened the last time since you look like you don’t remember, so now we’re even.” 
“what do we even call this?” you ask her as you hold her hand.
“we can be whatever you like, just as long as you let me go down on you like that.” 
your heart shifts again as you and mina share a laugh together on the bed, and this won’t be the last time for moments like these. 
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smutallyouwant · 3 months
Twice Fic World ch.2
Strawberry Picking 🍓
80% Smut, but still have a good storyline.
Mina x Surprise Member x M Reader
A sequel to Night Club Darkness
Word count: approx. 1.9k words
Summary: Mina approached you again inside the office, and she invited you over to have some more strawberries.
Ps. This contains much aggressive stuffs than it's prequel 🔥
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You woke up early today because it is Monday. You quickly prepared to go to work, and you can't wait to see Mina again. After what happened to you two, you can't take her off your mind. But there's really no communication between you and her after all of that. Just some glances and smiles, it is not an awkward smile, just a friendly smile. But you made some small talks to her in office during breaks or whenever you meet her in the office.
You arrived in the office and started to go at your block. You opened your desktop to finish the presentation due for next week.
After and hour your boss, Jihyo arrived and she told you to go with her inside her office.
" How's your presentation? " she asked in English and in her usual foreign accent.
" It is going well ma'am, actually it is faster than expected. I can finish it today and I can email it to you for your approval " you answered in Korean.
" Oh, sorry you prefer to talk in Korean. Well then " she switched into Korean.
" Make sure that your presentation will be approved by the board. We are going to Tokyo, Japan next week so be prepared "
" Yes ma'am, I assure you that we got this already in the bag " you answered.
" Quite confident, I like it. Oh well, you can now go back to your work. Thank you Y/N " she said while looking at you with a glaring smile.
You never felt awkward before while talking to your boss, but that smile and the " Thank you Y/N " that she said sent shivers to your spine. Just as you recover from the cold, you were surprised by someone pulling your wrist to the side.
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Turns out it is Mina, in her cute clothes and short brown skirt. She pulled you over with a cute smile, and your nervousness was replaced with comfort.
" Hey Y/N, are you busy right now? " she excitedly asked.
" Not really, I just have one presentation to cover later " you answered.
" Will you hang with me for a bit inside ? " she asked while pointing to the office behind her.
It is a new office that is still not functional and covered with unfinished mess for construction. It is meant for a new department for the company.
" Sure, we never got a chance to hang up since last time "
After the door closed, you sat in a sofa and she sat on top of you. You instinctively hugged her from behind.
" Ohhh " she giggled as you hugged her.
" You know I can't get you off my mind, I tried to just ignore you last few days but I can't resist " she added.
" I thought I'm the only one who felt that way" you said before puting your hands on her face and pulling her so she can turn around.
She looked into your face with a grin. You hold her neck with your left arm and your other arm explores her wonderful body as you two began making out. Both of you fought for dominance and your tounge discovered every inch of her mouth. She bit your lips and started to take off your shirt. She kisses her neck and you shoved off her blue blazer and put you hands in her bare back from under her arms while you enjoys her tounge painting into your neck and shoulders. You feel your bulge growing fast, she stoo kissing your neck.
" Which nipple is much more sensitive? " she asked.
You mumbled for second because you're confused, but knowing that your left nipple is much more sensitive than the right one you didn't answer her. Instead, you grab her head and put her lips into your left nipples. He quickly gave it a huge lick and she sucked it wonderfully. You left arm began to fondle her breast and the other cupped her ass cheeks. You felt heaven as she removed your pants and gave you a handjob while still sucking your nipple. When you're pleasuring yourself you're playing with your nipple too for additional pleasure. So what Mina is doing had remained your biggest fantasy until now. You can't hide your moans from her
*slurp ~ slurp ~
" You love this baby Y/N? " she said while looking at you seductively.
" Yes baby I love it " you answered.
" No, you're my baby "
" For me both of them are sensitive, so please give them both your attention " she said while pulling her top down and fed her perky tits to your mouth.
You sucked her tit while playing with the other and you made sure to give both your equal attention. You did your best to suck them equally. While you're sucking your shaft felt wet, and you saw Mina lining her pussy into your shaft. She removed her underwear and began to ride you.
She rides you in her pace while you are making out. It stayed like that for few minutes before she came.
" Ahhh~~ baby your cock is the best " she said while she is cumming.
" ahhh ~ " she kept moaning until she can't.
She laid on you like a doll, just like that night when she fucked your cock in a dark side of the night club.
You're not done yet, so you lift her up into the wall and rammed her.
" Ahhhh~~~ fuckkk yess babyy! " she moaned almost shouting. So you muffled her with your mouth.
She wrapped her arms into you and started biting your shoulder as she reaches climax again.
" mmmhhh, ohhhh ~~ " she can't avoid slipping some moans while still biting you.
She stopped biting you when you told her you're cumming
" I'm cumming, baby let me just put you dow..."
She wrapped her legs into your waist and she whispered to your ear.
" Come inside me baby, I love your cum inside me " she whispered before liking your earlobes.
The licks sent shivers and her words made you 10 times hornier causing your cum to burst inside her pussy.
" Ahh~~ yes baby, that's it fill me with your cum mhhh~~~ " she moaned while you're cum is still pumping inside her.
You laid into the sofa while she's still on top and you made out for a minute before she stood up and began to clean the mess with some wet wipes.
" Your cum is slipping into my legs Y/N "
she said with a seductive smile.
She gave you a peck in your chicks before going out the office and straight to the comfort room. You waited for a while before leaving.
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When you opened the door, you saw a dressed up new girl into the hallway. She's new so you greeted her.
" Hey what's up " you said while smiling.
" Hey " she continued to walk and did not even bothered to smile. She just looked at you like nothing.
" Who the heck was that? " you said inside your head.
You headed back to your block and you went back to finishing your presentation.
" Whoo! What a long day " you said while yawning.
It's already 6:21 pm and you quickly sent the presentation to boss Jihyo for her critiquing. You packed your things and went to the parking lot. As you open your car door you received a message from an anonymous number.
:Hey Y/N it's me, Mina. Would you like to come over to my apartment for some more strawberries?
:Oh hi Mina, I'm pretty tired but a dinner would make it up. Btw how did you get my number?
:Okay Y/N I'll cook dinner for us don't worry :) and I got your number while you're deep asleep on your bed last time. Lol.
:Send me your address.
:Homersan St. Block 342, apartment 301.
: I'll be on my way
You drove back to your home first to take a cold shower. You dressed cozily with a white top and a black night pants. You drove to her apartment and knocked on the door. No one is responding, you tried texting her but she is not responding.
After few tries , you called her and you heard her phone ringing from the inside. You're starting to feel anxious and over thought what happened to her inside. You reached the door knob and it is not locked so you quickly opened the door and rushed towards the phone. It is on a desk from the front of the television. You picked it up and stopped the ringing. You saw a glimpse of light from a room. It is dark in the living room so the light from the semi-opened door of a room beamed through the floor. You took a peak only to see two cuties lying besides each other.
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Mina didn't even changed clothes, and lying besides her is a cute one too. You took a gulp and you came inside the room.
" Hey Mina, I'm here" you whispered while knocking the door.
Mina opened her eyes slowly.
" Oh hey Y/N " she answered while she sit up into the bed.
" Why are you so late? "
" Sorry I was caught in the traffic" you answered.
" Come, let's have dinner "
" Hey Chae, wake up Y/N is here already let's take our dinner " she said.
Chae sit up to the bed and looked at you
" Hey Y/N, you're so late that we got sleepy. No worries though " she said while looking into you with a smile.
Mina led you to the dining table and she reheated the pork stew that Chae cooked earlier. As Mina is preparing the table she introduced you to Chae.
" Y/N this is Chaeyoung, my girlfriend" she said.
What the freaking fuck. She have a girlfriend?????
" Hi Chaeyoung, nice to meet you " you said awkwardly while looking to Mina.
Mina almost laughed and said
" Y/N don't worry she knows. She's the one that insisted me to go to the night club that night to experience real dick " she said while looking both to you and Chaeyoung.
You're surprised as to how casual her tone is. It's like she and Chaeyoung always having conversations like this. No words came out to your mouth.
" Y/N she told me everything, just like how you like strawberries? Her scent? That's mine lol " she giggled with a smile.
" That's my perfume and maybe I taste better than Mina " she said while smiling at Mina.
" Nahhhh, I'm tasty than you are you said it yourself "
" We'll find out later " Chaeyoung answered before smiling a little.
You started eating and Chaeyoung questions casual things like what's your age, work, educational background etc.
" I'm a bisexual I have tasted dicks too but my girlfriend did not try to have dick inside her. So I insisted her to try. "
You just smiled to what Chaeyoung have said and Mina is looking at you seductively.
" She's used to toys so she's not totally virgin, but for dicks? I know she'll need it "
Chaeyoung stated.
" Turns out you're right baby " Mina answered.
" I was longing for dick too, hey Y/N let's have a threesome with my girlfriend " she declared.
The moment you heard that it's just like a blink of an eye, you just found yourself on their bed without your shirt and your pants and underwear down. You and Chaeyoung is making out while Mina sucks your dick. Chaeyoung is wearing a shorts without underwear and a loose oversized shirt that reveals the straps of her bra. Your making out so intense that you can taste the pork stew from her saliva.
" mmmh ~ mmmh ~ " mild moans came out the three of you.
Chaeyoung broke the kiss and started kissing your neck. You focused on Mina that is giving her best at sucking your dick. You gently pats her head. But Chaeyoung pushed her head to your shaft. Mina gagged and pulled out her mouth.
" Gahh! Ahhwilpsmmanw " she mumbled, a tear flowed on her left cheek.
" Go on baby, I'll teach you how to deep throat a dick " Chaeyoung said before giving a sloppy kiss to Mina.
You enjoyed the scenery of two hot chicks making out in front of you. Chaeyoung holds your dick and she held Mina's mouth so she can spit in it. She spits three times inside Mina's mouth and you felt the pleasure that Mina is showing.
" Suck his dick " Chaeyoung ordered Mina.
As soon her lip touched your tip, Chaeyoung slowly pushed Mina's head to your dick. And as your dick touched the back of her troat Mina started tearing and her eye liner is a mess and it's so hot of a scene that you placed your palm into her cheek for appreciation. Chaeyoung stayed her in that position for 3 seconds before releasing Mina, Mina then started to suck you off as soon as she catches her breath.
" Good girl, that's my baby. Suck his dick more " Chaeyoung said before pushing Mina's head again.
" Go hold her head " she ordered you to both out your hands to hold still Mina's head .
She proceeded to push Mina forcing her to take all of your dick into her throat.
" Golk, golk, golk, " her throat released sounds as Chaeyoung didn't stop.
" Yes, good girl " Chaeyoung said before letting Mina go.
Mina's face is a mess, and she almost throw up after that. Chaeyoung hugged her while patting her head.
" What a good girl you are, I love you baby" She said.
" I wuv yu " struggling to say a word, Mina answered with a smile.
Chaeyoung puts Mina off the bed and she sits her against the bed's corner.
" Hey Y/N come here " she ordered
She hold Mina's face and spits in her mouth.
" Ahh~~~ yes give me more " Mina seductively moaned.
" Hey Y/N help me, spit inside her mouth too" she said .
The idea of spitting inside Mina's mouth is so hot that you started spitting too. You opened your mouth and let's your saliva flows into Mina's tounge as she smiled seductively while looking at you.
" That's enough" Chaeyoung said.
Chaeyoung held Mina's head and looked to you while you're standing.
" Open your mouth and show your tounge baby" Chaeyoung said to Mina before giving her cheeks a peck of kiss.
" Fuck her throat" Chaeyoung ordered you.
You hold onto the bed's corner wood for support and started thrusting into Mina's throat.
" Ahhh fuck your throat is so good Mina " you moaned.
Mina smiled while her head bounces as you fuck her mouth. Chaeyoung is looking into your eye while you ram, it causes you to be much more turned on.
Chaeyoung's sight switched into your dick. She is amazed of how you're fucking Mina's mouth. She is biting her lips and gently plays her tits.
" Hey Y/N fuck my throat too " Chaeyoung said while pointing inside her mouth showing her tounge.
Without a thought, you pulled your dick and Mina's catched her breath. You pulled into Chaeyoung's hair and stuffed her mouth with your dick.
" Take this you slut" you said.
Chaeyoung smiled slightly as you ram her throat.
You're much more aggressive into fucking her mouth because you're kinda pissed that she forces Mina to do deep throat. But it's nothing to her. She even wraps her arms into your legs and followed your rythm with her jamming her head into your shaft. You can see her perky cleavage up there causing you to be much more horny. The sight of her bra straps falling off made you hornier.
*golk *golk *golk
Chaeyoung's releases slight moans while her throat gagged. Chaeyoung's a beast, you realized that as you feel your dick slipping through her esophagus slightly and it feels so fucking good that you're about to cum.
" You fucking slut, your I'll fuck your throat all day " you said
She just looked at you and smiled.
" You want to be a good girl? " you said seductively.
She nods her head while keeping eye contact.
" Then swallow my cum you bitch, slut " you said while moaning.
You came inside her and the pump of your cum goes straight down to her stomach. You hold her head a little more before letting go. She sucked you off to clean your shaft and she confidently showed her mouth that not inch of a cum remains.
You found Mina sleeping on to the bed. You gently tucked her into the bed and gave her a little kiss.
" Hey Y/N let's fuck " Chaeyoung said while her finger is on her lips. She striped all of her clothes and looked at you hungrily.
You and Chaeyoung fucked besides Mina while she's sleeping. You rammed Chaeyoung's pussy missionary style and your moans filled the air.
" Ahhh~~~ , fuck, yes Y/N "
" Fuck me more "
" Ahh~~ ahh~~ "
*Bed screeching
It's more of like Chaeyoung fucking you, as she's much more hungry for it. You fucked her in dogstyle and while she's on top of you. And on that night you came inside her twice.
You laid on their bed between Mina and Chaeyoung. Chaeyoung ended up fucking you once more, after she woke up in the middle of her sleep.
When the morning came, you found Mina out of the bed. You quickly stood up and put some clothes. You saw Mina at the dinner table and she's preparing breakfast.
" Hey Y/N thank you for coming, I hope that we can hang out like this again soon " she said.
" Yes, thank you too " you answered before pulling her for a quick makeout session.
" Sorry Mina I have to go, you know we have to go for work again" you giggled.
" Yes I packed breakfast for you though " she answered before handing the bento box over.
" Thanks again Mina, please say my regards to your girlfriend, I'll be going now " you said.
" Yes Y/N, goodbye "
You' re driving back to your home you're so tired because of what happened but you had a great sleep that you are energized today. Maybe Mina's smile is all that there is that energizes you. You wondered what was inside the bento box. You opened it while the light are red and a pancake toped with butter and maple syrup catched your eyes. Inside the other one is some strawberries sprinkled with powdered sugar.
--------------------THE END-----------------
Thank you for the support on my first ever smut everyone ( ꈍᴗꈍ).
Here's the sequel to that story. I hope you like it.
I'm expecting this story to have another sequel so please stay tuned.
Prequel story:
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