#mind flayer hot
aka-indulgence · 8 months
Illithid Kiss
So I caved. Immediately. Mind flayers are hot, bite me
Thanks to @llamagoddessofficial for showing me 1 (one) image of bg3 mind flayer and immediately going AWOOGA
Yes I made an ao3 link, I ‘ve been taken over help
(Mind flayer x Female!Reader
Mind flayer goes by he/him)
Vaussur took you in as his thrall for what feels like a long time ago. Despite being a mind flayer, for his kind, he had surprise you at every turn, acting unlike how you expected an illithid to act- like how the rest of the mind flayers in his hive acts. Lenient and forgiving with you, letting you roam with your mind free (for the most part), you find yourself unexpectedly getting attached to him.
What do you do, when all of a sudden your mind flayer ‘master’ asks you to tell him about human love? When he asks you to show him more directly? And most importantly…
Would you kiss a mind flayer?
Content warning: Mind control involved (consensual), suggestive themes, master/servant romantic relationship
“Tell me, pet. What does it mean to love like a human?”
You’re snapped out of your musings at the voice, echoing both through the room and chambers in your mind. You look away from the window, from the alien society outside. Vaussur was looming behind you, a curious glow in his eyes that looked soft, somehow.
In the shadows of the room he looked ominous, almost spine-chilling. Illithid armour glinting in the faint light, while the rest of his body was merely a silhouette save for his glowing, golden irises. It reminded you of stories people back home used to tell you when you were young: to close and lock the doors at night and close the windows lest a monster sneak into the room. You didn’t know what a mind flayer was, back then, but seeing him now, he fits the stories perfectly.
Yet, he keeps surprising you with his curious mannerisms- his strange questions. You turn to face your ‘master’.
“Why do you ask?”
“As you might guess, it’s not something I can speak of amongst other illithids,” he says matter-of-factly, with a bit of humor in his eyes. “But its still something I’m personally interested in, nonetheless.”
You giggle. “What do you mean? Do you study humans?”
Mind flayers don’t have mouths. But from the way his tentacles moved, it almost looks like Vaussur was smiling at the sound of your giggle. But he answers seriously.
“I have been, as of late.” He gives you a meaningful glance. “Of course, illithids are the superior race and our ways of living are equally superior. … But I find myself becoming curious. We don’t have such customs in our society, and what I’m about to say is unbecoming for a mind flayer, but…”
You look at him curiously as he struggles to speak his words.
“I… envy you.” He whispers. “You have no idea how exquisite your mind tastes, my dear thrall. … How tender, the sweetness in every drop of thought in that delectable mind of yours, the warmth and comfort your memories radiate… You come from a world where a small, innocent, kind thing like yourself could flourish and bloom- thrive, even. How can such a world exist?”
The way he describes your mind in frightening and alien detail, reminds you of what he is- an illithid, a being that literally has a taste for brains. But even so, the way he described yours, though a little unsettling, almost sounds like a poem, words woven carefully just for you. Try as you might, it sounds like a compliment to you.
“W-well,” you stutter, staggered by his flowery words- coming from a being that has never seen much of life in the sun. “I think humans are more social than mind flayers. You communicate out of necessity, working together like a hivemind for the elder brain… right?”
“Right. You remembered what I told you? Smart pet, you prove me again and again why you’re my favorite thrall.”
“Um!” Being called a thrall wasn’t flattering, but still you feel your mind spin from the praise. “Thank- thank you. As I was saying, humans communicate and cooperate too, but we don’t do it just out of necessity. We find joy in the comfort of other humans- and other beings too, if they’ve formed a bond. We do it because we like it. We make bonds with people in our families and our communities, for companionship and… sometimes more. We can work alone, but most suffer from being solitary.”
You don’t know what kind of love Vaussur was asking you for, but you thought keeping it general was a good start at least. And the safest option, considering the other possibility.
“Interesting… not unlike illithids.” He comments.
“Really? How so?”
“As a non mind-flayer, you would not know this, but… it’s very unhealthy for a mind flayer to be completely alone.” You raise your eyebrows in surprise while Vaussur continues. “No elder brain, no other illithids, no thralls. Mind flayers are surrounded and connected by thoughts. To strip the familiar away from them… I’ve heard stories where they’ve gone mad.”
“Wait- mind flayers can go mad?”
“Of course. We are superior but not perfect- even I can admit that. Mind flayers can’t thrive in isolation, we must rely on another living being. It’s a disgrace for a mind flayer to accept it, let alone admit it- especially to admit they rely on thralls so heavily beyond labor.”
“I didn’t know that.” You remarked, seeing the illithids in a new light. Most of what you’ve heard from when mind flayers were merely myths and legends, and from what you’ve seen directly from their society indicates that they’re a self-sufficient, self-aggrandizing people. To know they could be attached to anything other than themselves, or at least to their elder brain… and Vaussur had so easily conceded this information to you.
“Wait, if it was a disgrace, why are you admitting this to me right now?”
“Because I’m no different. And it is no disgrace to say that I need you to stay with me.”
Your mouth hangs open at his honest confession, like it was factual. You try to ignore the little flips your stomach is doing, and whether or not it was a good feeling.
“I’ve also heard that there are different types of love. Platonic and romantic, I think they’re called.”
“Yes, yes there is, it’s-” you stop yourself, even as you quieten the excitement in your chest at the mention of the other type of love (to your puzzlement). “How do you know about that?”
“During my time on a ​​reconnaissance mission. I was looking for possibles hosts to implant with tadpole.”
You fail to hide the distaste on your face at the mention of ceremorphosis. If Vaussur saw it, he doesn’t react.
“I heard them talking about it. I think they were discussing whether what they felt for each other was one form or the other. Their discussion about the romantic one became particularly charged.”
He refocuses on you, and eagerly asks, “What is… romantic love?”
He was trying to sound calm and analytical but you could hear it: excitement. But why would a mind flayer be so interested in romance, of all things?
“It’s… like I said earlier,” you swallowed. You don’t know why you felt so bashful about it, like you were in a group of children talking about your parents kissing like it was a scandal. “It’s when people have more… intimate relationships with another. It’s not very different from platonic love, but different nonetheless. It’s…”
How do you explain romantic love to someone who doesn’t know what it is? How is it different from platonic love? Just having to explain what love is to him proved itself quite confusing to you, as the more you tried to grasp the definition of love to you, the more it slipped away.
“It’s like…” you grasp again, “romantic love is when you meet another person, and you feel a, a… a spark. It’s more intense than platonic love, where you just feel this… attraction to the other person, where you want to be as close to them as possible, and just their presence can make you really happy. You do things with them things you wouldn’t do with any other people you have in your life, intimate things. Someone you want to share your life with.”
You feel a little helpless as you clasp your hands together, trying to convey what you think love looks like to someone who’s never experienced it. Even with your loose explanation, Vaussur is rapt with fascination, his luminous glare unblinking. 
“I’m sorry if this is confusing to you…”
He shakes his head. “That’s more knowledge than any mind flayer knows. And… if it proves hard for you, pet, maybe you should show it to me.”
“I… show it?”
You were about to ask how, but as soon as you thought that, a word echoes in your mind.
With a kiss.
Your eyes widen, and unfortunately, it looks like your mind was loud enough for Vaussur to notice.
Without skipping a beat, he asks you, “Can you… show that to me? Kissing?”
Added with his forwardness, you fluster, but you try to calm yourself. Vaussur is a mind flayer. He’s never experienced any kind of love, let alone romantic. He really is just curious, he’s not trying to charm you… right?
You try to explain it to him.
“I c-could, but… kissing you would be more… romantic. One of the intimate things people do together to be romantic.” You said that twice. Your mind is tripping over itself. “You have to- no, you should do it with someone you care about deeply, the one you want to keep in your life. At least, that’s how you make it more meaningful.”
Vaussur doesn’t speak, not immediately. A strange look washes over his face, his brows furrowing. Subconsciously, he brings his hand to a tentacle, stroking it thoughtfully.
“I don’t see the problem. That describes how I feel about you perfectly.”
Everything goes quiet for you.
… “What?”
Vaussur doesn’t skip a beat.
“That’s how I’ve felt about you since I took you as my thrall. That is not a strange concept. I’m intimately familiar with that feeling.” He pauses. “Unless this is hesitation because I’m a mind flayer.”
“I- no that’s not it,” you say, the ice freezing your tongue melting. “It’s, I just- do you… love… me?”
“Perhaps. If that really what love is, then yes. But illithids don’t have ‘romance’ or ‘love’. So I need you to show me what it is.”
You shake your head, you can’t believe the situation you’re in, looking at the floor. The mind flayer that’s called you his thrall might very well love you- even be in love for you. People have described mind flayers as soulless, one of the defining characteristics they were often associated with, something you’d accepted as fact, until you were captured by one. Despite his illithid tendencies, the air of superiority, lack of care for non illithid lives, and strange fascination with brains; for what he is, Vaussur’s acted with more humanity than what you imagined a mind flayer was capable of.
You’ve noticed that most of your favorite qualities in him come out when you have his attention.
Though he’s always been imposing and quite frightening, you can’t believe that you’ve… thought what it’d be like to kiss him. At times when he seems to go against his natural instincts, like keeping you away from the feedings, how he praises you when he defends you from other mind flayers, how you were precious to him, and the way he held you protectively whenever you needed to cross their domain.
You’re amazed at yourself when you answer him with “... Alright.”
When you pick your head up from your musings, you startle from how close he was to you. You could see the patterns in his illithid armor, the intricate swirls and spirals, turning to complicated geometries as they reach the edge of the armor, extending from what looks like a mind flayer skull in the middle of the collar area. Long, dark purple robes extend from underneath, covering most of Vaussur’s skin. You withhold the urge to trace your fingers over the shapes.
You look up, way up. You were no stranger to this- even among mind flayers, Vaussur was particularly tall. He loomed over you, your head only reaching somewhere in the middle of his chest, and you’d have to crane your neck whenever he commanded you. But now, with the prospect of… kissing him, he seems all the more imposing. The closes thing you could to kissing him properly would probably be on one of tentacle.
Vaussur makes a strange sound, a sound that tickles your brain. A laugh…?
Before you could worry about what you were about to do, you feel a magic presence all around you, like someone was holding you. Your feet lift off the floor as you’re picked up by his psionic energy, bringing you face to face with him. There’s expectance in his burning gaze, something that makes you feel small and defenseless. You feel his thoughts seeping into your mind, mixing with yours: the want to be closer, of warm affection… and something possessive. You’re not sure if he’s trying to make you feel the same things for him, or if he’s simply communicating with you the way a mind flayer would with each other. It scares you a little, especially feeling his more foreign emotions- but whatever it is, you know he’s being genuine. You don’t sense a hint of malice in all the rush of feelings he’s emanating.
Despite your timidity, you can’t say those feelings were wholly unpleasant. You find you’re actually leaning into it, closing your eyes to try to feel it coursing through you. When you open them, you find the courage to brace your hands on his plated shoulders. Brilliant citrine eyes glance down at them, and you realize how small they must look to him.
Your brows furrow a little as you look for a good place to… kiss an illithid. Your fingers curl, and you try to position your head a bit to the side. You could feel him watching your every move, and you swallow.
You lean in. You could smell him, somewhat like vanilla and something else, and you’re surprised that you like it. Your lips press to the side of his face, above two of his tentacles, and kiss him. Vaussur closes his eyes and hums- you could feel him physically and mentally relax. His skin was strange, smooth and slick with a thin film of something; but you didn’t dislike it.
You pull back, parting with a little cup! as you did. Vaussur looks a little more… floaty, like he was dreaming.
“... Can you do that again?” He murmurs
You purse your lips together, hands letting go to twiddle your fingers, not quite knowing where to look.
Apparently Vaussur takes your hesitation negatively.
“I feel your nervousness, puppet. What’s the matter? … Did you not like it?”
You didn’t know mind flayers could even sound hurt, but he did, though he tried to hide it from you.
“No, no!” you stressed, “I’m just! It’s! … I’m just… shy.”
His eyes widen. You know what he must be reading from your mind right now: curiosity, interest, maybe even… fondness.
When you look at his mouth you feel a mix of emotions. Were you afraid? Were you excited…?  … No you don’t want ot think of what that meant, it’s too much. You stare for his mouth a moment longer while you try to gain the courage to kiss him.
You decided to work up to it.
Your hand reaches for a tentacle tentatively.
“Can I…? Touch your..?”
The tentacle flexes. Vaussur seems clueless as to what you want to do with it, but he lets you have it.
You give it a feather light touch, tracing a finger down its length. You realize how… sensual this feels, and you wonder if mind flayers ever enjoyed the pleasures of the body…? If they could? Vaussus gasps quietly, the tentacle reacting to your touch, twitching closer to you.
You’ve found yourself imagining what it was like to stroke his tentacles, of what would happen. Vaussur closes his eyes, letting you run your hand down. It’s smooth and slick with illithid mucous, cool to the touch, almost slippery. You think you like it. The other tentacles start to curl and sway closer around you, as if looking for your attention. You feel a sudden sense of pride fill you, at the effect you had on this mind flayer, just by touching him lightly.
His tentacles start their own exploration of you; timidly at first, but they quickly gain confidence and start to lavish you with tender caresses. One prods and brushes your cheek. Another traces along your collarbone curiously. The third free tentacle slides behind your back and holds you steady. The one you’re holding- clearly enjoying what you’re doing to it, curls around your arm.
You tittered. It’s like they had minds of their own. You wondered… what would happen if you kissed him on the tentacle?
You lift it up to you and give it a gentle peck.
Apparently, they were sensitive because as soon as you did, claws closed around your back and hips and pulled you flush against Vaussur’s chest, squeaking as he did. He lets out a deep, pleasurable sigh that turns your cheeks red while he grips you tightly, wantingly. You’d always assumed that a mind flayer’s body would feel cold, but even though his skin was covered in fluid, he was warm. Very warm.
So were you.
His golden eyes were glowing brighter than ever, his tentacles caressing you and start to float and curl languidly around you. His mouth is open before you, and your breath mixes with his.
You don’t feel fear.
“Please, my human,” he implores, “teach me. Teach me how you love.”
You didn’t hesitate this time. You felt naturally drawn to him. Willingly, you lean into him, his body, his feelings. You wrap your arms around his neck and somehow, your lips found his mouth and you started to kiss him.
As you expected, kissing Vaussur was nothing like the kisses you’ve experienced with other humans, or even other humanoids. You aren’t sure how to describe it, it felt you were kissing all around you rather than on one single spot, he surrounded you. His tentacles start to wrap you more tightly- around your head and neck. Though the thought of how vulnerable you were in this position with a mind flayer- that he could eat you so easily- did cross your mind, it only did so briefly. You were worried earlier that kissing a mind flayer with their mouths that opened four ways accompanied by lamprey teeth, meant to suction and grind into skulls might feel horrible but… you’re delighted that that wasn’t the case. The sensation of having him surround you and hold you so lovingly tightly was quite pleasant.
He hums, the sound vibrating around you. He starts floating backwards with you, slowly settling into his bed, his hands wandering, feeling you. You could feel him in your mind again, but he wasn’t intruding. It felt more like he was asking for your permission. You happily let him in, and you feel yourself cradled by his thoughts: soft, warm adoration for you.
Despite what the natural order tells you, you felt safe with him.
Vaussur had seemed confused earlier, not knowing what to do with himself while you spoiled him with your kisses, but he’d started becoming more confident, evident from the way he holds you and the tentacles’ affectionate touches. He starts taking control, sitting up a little and folding you backwards, reciprocating your kiss with new fervor, deepening it. His claws start to dig into you possessively, and you squeak, his power overwhelming you.
A flood of satisfaction floods your brain, and it isn’t yours.
I like those sounds. Vaussur’s voice purrs in your mind. Give me more.
You gasp and mewl, squirming in his hold, which only excites the illithid more, tentacles winding around your head tighter. One hand manages to stray from the tangle of limbs, only to quickly get reclaimed by his slender fingers, entwining with yours.
Don’t be scared, sweet human. He teases diabolically, I promise I won’t eat that delicious mind of yours. You’re safe with me.
You don’t know how long he kept you like that, hungrily taking your mouth while his hands and tentacles wander. When he was finally sated, Vaussur gently pries his tendrils off your face, and lets you go. You take a gasp of air, the blood in your head slowly draining away, and you cool down. You could feel warm imprints on your face where his tentacles and mouth were. Already, you find yourself missing the closeness you shared, his warm mouth on yours.
It felt like he was sucking your face in the best ways.
… You feel scandalized by your own thoughts, and you cover your mouth bashfully.
“I felt that.”
Damn it!
Vaussur chuckles, his eyes flickering with smugness. His gaze wanders over your face, like he was admiring his ‘work’.
He looks happy, eyes crinkling at you.
“Just like I promised. Your mind is still yours, untouched, undigested. Though… there are marks on your face. I rather like it.”
You don’t know how red your face is right now, fingers scrambling on it as if you could see it better that way.
He chuckles again, and your frantic thoughts stop when a finger brushes your cheek.
“Thank you. For showing me that, puppet.”
Slowly, you smile, small and demure. “Your… welcome. Thank you for keeping my mind safe. I…” you swallowed, laughing nervously, “I liked it.”
Oh. Oh, he liked that.
“I did too. Immensely. You’re… incredible.” He praises you. “I would not be opposed to it if we did it again.”
You’re suddenly intimately aware of the fact that you were on his lap, practically straddling him, his arms keeping you close. He’s just invited you to another kiss, and you… like that idea. Sheepishly, you say the same.
“I… I wouldn’t either.”
You’re hoping you’ll get to kiss him again soon. Maybe more.
He lays you down beside him, and as he presses the top of his tentacles to your head, you realize it was his attempt at giving you a peck. You smile, and you instinctively curl into him, tentacles floating around you protectively.
Rest, human. He urges. You’ve done a lot today. Sleep.
You let him mentally compel you. It was nice, being able to sleep whenever you wanted without having to toss and turn before hand. You feel sleep quickly take you and your eyes fall close.
Vaussur stays up a bit longer after you, admiring his pretty ‘thrall’ that he feels lucky to have found. His fingers comb through your hair and behind your ear.
You’re… extraordinary.
You smile in your sleep as response. He thinks that might be the prettiest thing he’s seen in his illithid life: you being happy while you were with him.
He doesn’t think these soft, tender feelings are natural for a mind flayer. He wonders if he inhabits a human body.
You curl a little, trying to escape the chill, and Vaussur pulls a blanket up to you, and covers you. He needs to rest soon too, to shed his armor and sink into bed with you by his side.
His small… cute… vulnerable little human.
Whatever he may be in his previous life before the ceremorphosis, one thing is clear to him now.
He loves you.
And no one else can have you.
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offbeatworlds · 2 years
The Monster MANual calendar - a fireman-style calendar of D&D monsters reimagined as humanoid beefcakes.
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Aboleth, Mind Flayer, Werewolf, Troll, Gelatinous Cube, Shadow Demon, Mimic, Vampire, Beholder, and Shambling Mound.
I have two more left to finish, which will be done in the next couple weeks. Pre-orders for the calendar open tomorrow, Tuesday, Oct 18th!
Find out more here
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bludermaus · 6 months
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Find yourself a dragon wife who can flex your whole intelligence and being
💎 To see the HD version, get your hands on the Photoshop file or just support me: https://www.patreon.com/bludermaus 💎
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zfedraws · 9 months
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Drawing my tav in anything but her wizard robes
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wellthebardsdead · 6 months
Astarion: darling? Are you alright?
Falûne: *hair a mess, robes stained with blood, bile, shit and more, and now having a crisis of faith to top it all off* I. Am a snail. And the gods. Are salting me.
Gale: Okay. I think we need to get him back to camp, give him a nice bath- and put him to bed with a belly full of good food.
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hargrove-brainrot · 1 year
| Rainy Night |
🌶a (slightly) angsty billy hargrove x fem! reader🌶
i thought i would give y’all another smut, this has been sitting in my notes for a while. i went back through and edited some things, but i wrote this a while ago so don’t be surprised if there’s any weird wording 💀
descriptive smut, thigh fucking, breast stimulation, (protected) sex, hints & mentions of abuse, a little angst
as always, don’t like it? keep scrolling! don’t spread hate 🦇
you stumble across billy on your way home from dinner with your friends. he’s not in good shape, and he’s clearly gotten in another predicament with neil. you bring him to your place, dry him off, give him comfort and a nice warm meal. however, there is one more thing you do for billy to help him feel better.
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it was late at night, and you were driving back home from the restaurant that you and your best friends, robin and steve had just eaten dinner. you guys talked and teased about whatever drama you had in your lives or at school. you guys then walked around the shops and explored until it was dark. 
it was raining that night. it rained pretty heavily too. you felt glad to be in a car, even though it wasn’t in the best shape. you drove past billy’s house, which was relatively close to yours. you then eased your foot on the brake as you pulled up to a stop sign. 
you just so happened to glance at the bus stop beside you. there was someone there. you kept staring for a second, trying to see who it was. the rain drops on the car window made it hard to see, but the figure looked familiar. hang on, you thought, that’s… that’s- billy?. you rolled down the window to see who was there. you were right. your boyfriend, billy hargrove, was sitting all by himself in the pouring rain.
“billy!”, you shouted. billy looked up from the ground and saw you. all he heard was your voice, and relief flowed through his veins. “i’m turning around” you shouted again. you jerked the wheel to the side and made a U-turn towards his side of the street and sprung out of the car. you ran over to him at the same time that stood off the bench.
“billy, are you okay?” you worried, “you’re dripping all the way to your toes”. billy looked down at you, a fog of sadness and exhaustion in his eyes. his already puffy eyes dwelled up with tears until they began to fall.. “yeah”, billy rasped, his voice quivering. “really?”, you asked sarcastically, as you stepped closer to him, “don’t lie to me, b”. 
you ran your hand over his cheek, and rubbed it with your thumb. billy’s face curled up with sadness at your touch. “hey”, you soothed, “it’s okay baby. you can talk to me”. you then felt a small bump under your thumb. billy’s face scrunched as you touched it. you looked closer and found a red streak on his cheekbone. “…what happened?”. billy’s face was blank until he hugged you close. more tears streamed down his face as he whimpered. “i’m sick of this”, his voice trembled. “i know baby, i know”, you said calmly, gently running your hands through his wet curls, “let’s go back to my house and get you dried off”.
billy never opened up like that to anyone. billy and his dad never got along for as long as you had known him. he hadn’t felt real comfort since childhood. but little did billy know, years after that, he would find that feeling again. he would find you. it was hard for him to open up to you about his feelings, but he loved you. he loved you beyond being his girlfriend. he wanted nothing but to be with you,
after you got to the house, you two jogged through the rain. you then made your way to your bed, and set your things just inside your bedroom door. “wait right here, i’ll get you a blanket and some neosporin”, you said to billy before walking into the bathroom. billy plunked down on the mattress, as he felt grateful to have you in his life.
“i’m back”, you cooed. you placed a soft, warm blanket next to billy on your bed. you then squeezed a dollop of neosporin on your finger for billy’s mark. “i don’t need that” billy chuckled, “it’s just a scratch”. “yes you do. it’ll stop the pain”. you gently smeared the gel on billy’s wound and rubbed the excess on the skin around it.
after that, you peeled open a band aid stuck it on billy’s face. “see, all better”, you crooned. you pecked billy’s cheek with a gentle kiss. “thank you”, he muttered before hugging your waist, “you don’t have to do any of this, you know”. “shhhh, yes i do”, you hushed. you gently stroked billy’s wet curls out of his face as he looked down at you with a warm grin. “i love you” billy purred as he pulled you up to him for a gentle kiss. “i love you too”, you cooed after you two eased your lips off of his.
you went over to your closet and tossed on any comfortable shirt and sweatpants you could find. you then pulled out a pair of billy’s sweatpants and a hoodie of his that he gave to you a while back. “here”, you said, stepping out of the closet, “change into these”. 
“you’re practically dripping” you remarked. his jeans had become a dark blue color, and his button up shirt was nearly see through. part of you thought that was hot, but you didn’t want him to get sick. “yeah?” billy questioned, licking his teeth afterwards. “billy, you’re gonna catch a col-“. you were cut off by a strong, dominant kiss.
“you’re wet too, babes” he groaned, as he attempted to slip his hand under your shirt and up your back. “you don’t even have clean clothes on”, you chuckled, “and i didn’t mean it like that”. “well, i do”, billy flirted “i won’t need these clothes”. the way he said that gave you goosebumps. once again, billy smashed his lips into yours as he began to shimmy his shirt off, nearly ripping the buttons. 
“babe, we just got in the door”, you paused, “what have you eaten today?”. “uh, well i had the waffles-“. “-after that”, you cut him off again. billy stayed quiet after that. “exactly” you snickered, “don’t be stupid, b. come pick something to eat”. you grabbed his wrist and led him to a barstool at the kitchen counter.
“whad’ya feel like eating?”, you asked, “i could make you a sandwich, or leftover pasta from last night”. “i’ll have the pasta”, billy said, once again smirking at you. you turned around and opened the fridge. you pulled out a small dish of pasta that was wrapped in plastic and scooped some out on a plate. you then placed the small plate in the microwave and clicked the door shut.
billy couldn’t help but stare. he imagined your pretty little ass bent over in front of him begging for more friction, even after several rounds. he imagined your needy cunt dripping lube and seed as it rubbed against his hard. all these thoughts made his cock throb.
“billy… billy!”.
billy looked up at you after he snapped out of the daydream he was in. “shit, im sorry”,
he said. “the pasta will be ready in a second, go grab a plate and fork”. billy stood up from his bar stool and walked in the kitchen. you felt him grow near, so you turned around.
“are you gonna grab a plate or-“. before you could finish, billy kissed you roughly as he mashed you against the counter. your hands glided over his chest without thought. “forget the pasta”, he groaned, “i can’t hold back anymore”. billy slipped his tongue down your throat once more before fully ripping off his shirt. “i can’t either”, you moaned into his mouth as you continued to spoil each other with kisses.
“bed” billy grumbled as he kissed you again. all you could do was nod before billy harshly gripped your ass and thighs, sweeping you off your feet. you could already feel your lower stomach coil with arousal, and he had barely done anything.
you moaned into billy’s mouth over and over (so did he) as he carried you to your bedroom and tossed you on the mattress. billy used the back of his foot to kick your door shut. his hands danced all over you as he continued to kiss you. you squirmed underneath billy to try and create friction, groaning and whining softly while you did so. but it would be hard, because billy was strong. 
billy usually took his time when you two had sex. he made sure to spoil you before and after. he always gave you the most mind-numbing, toe-curling head before (and sometimes after) things got penetrative, and you gave him the same. 
billy pulled his face away from yours and began to pull off your shirt, revealing your lace bra. he paused for a second before he moved down to your pants. billy looked down at you with that same “can i keep going?”, look that he always gave you before continuing. you simply nodded. after that, billy kissed you gently and passionately, taking his time with the kiss. “you’re so beautiful”, billy murmured against you before tugging at your sweats.
your breath hitched in your throat as billy pulled down your pants and brushed over your clit through your panties with his thumb. “oooh”, billy purred, playing with the fabric, “these are new”. “i picked them out just for you”, you breathed back, “do you like them?”. “fuck yeah i do, but you’d look better without them”. after billy impatiently kicked off your panties as billy pulled them aside.
billy looked down at you from above and smiled. “god”, he breathed, “you’re so fucking sexy”. he held you up in front of him with one of his strong hands and unclipped the back of your bra, allowing your breasts to sling out. billy licked his lips as he stared down at your bare body, imagining all of the things he was going to do to you. he then yanked his belt open and unzipped his pants. he pulled his boxers and pants off together and tossed them to the floor. “told you i wouldn’t need these clothes”.
“shut up” you snickered, blushing a little. “i’m gonna tease you now”. billy leaned you up against the headboard and slipped his hard between your thighs, nudging it at your clit. he let out a groan as he began sucking your breasts, while snapping his hips forward and backwards. 
“mm-“ you squeaked. billy picked his head up from your chest and gently placed his hand on your cheek. “shhh, just relax for me baby”, he cooed, slowing down his thrusts. you let out a small breath as you opened your mouth and sucked on billy’s thumb. that action nearly threw him over the edge already. he let out a deep growl before sucking your breasts again (this time harsher) and speeding up his thrusts. 
the thought of what would come after this drove you nuts. you couldn’t help but ponder how good it felt to have billy fully inside you. you thought of all the lewd things he would mutter into your ear, and the sound of his deep, guttural moans. you remembered the the way billy bit down on your shoulder every time he came, as you clawed your nails into his back while you had an intense orgasm. having these thoughts was nearly enough to throw you over the edge. 
your clit was so sensitive. it felt like all you would need to do is blow on it and you would start convulsing. the vibration against your breasts from billy’s grunts and moans felt incredible, and had you on the edge the whole time.
billy could tell you were close. your hands squeezed his curls on the back of his head and leaned your head back, exposing your neck. “hahh~ billy”, you breathed, “c- close”. billy stopped thrusting and pulled his member out from between your thighs. “not yet, baby girl”, he groaned into your ear, “not until i’m inside you”. billy pulled the small drawer of your nightstand open and pulled out a condom. he tore it open with his teeth and pulled it down onto his hard, making sure to do it in front of you. 
after billy had protection, he laid you down beneath him on the mattress. you relaxed your head onto the squishy pillows before billy kissed you passionately. “i thought we needed lube”, he purred, rubbing his throbbing cock against you, “guess not”. your breath hitched as you smiled against his skin. he then positioned his hips and lined himself up with your entrance. “are you sure?” he asked, smirking a bit, “i don’t wanna hurt you”. you nodded back, “please billy, f… fuck me”. billy kissed you gently, longer this time. he poked the tip of his cock with your entrance and slid into you, immediately hitting your g- spot.
both of you moaned into each other after billy thrusted into you. one of your hands tugged at billy’s thick curls while the other dug into his back. billy harshly gripped your hips and made a second thrust. he then buried his face in the crook of your neck and sucked the skin as you held his head gently. he continued to pump in and out of you as he ran his hands up your sides.
“oh~ yeah-“ you managed to word despite your jaw being locked open, “please…”. “what do you want, mama?” billy gazed down at you, his face barely an inch from yours. “h… harder!”, you whined, already cock drunk. “i’ve been waiting for this“. his moans and panting increased in volume as his thrusts became more repetitive. the sound of clapping flesh became more clear, your hole stretching out from billy’s width. your body wobbled forward and backwards, making the bed creak a little as billy rutted into you. 
billy groaned against you, making your skin tingle. his thrusts had become a bit more sloppy as your sweet bits squelched with wetness. billy held his breath before whining. you moaned back, already knowing what he was about to say. “i’m so fucking close- princess~”. you squealed as you arched forward, burying your face into billy. you were dangerously close to having an orgasm. your clit became more sensitive as your hole was pulsing in pleasure. 
billy’s upper lip and nose began to twitch as it always did before he came. he felt embarrassed by it since it was uncontrollable. to you however, it was adorable. your moans became more breathy and repetitive, as your orgasm was just around the corner. “billy!~ im gonna cum, im gonna cum!”, you squealed. billy rested his forehead against yours. 
“atta girl“, billy grunted, his thrusts becoming more intense, “cum for me- like a good girl~”. he was cut off by the sensation of your orgasm squeezing down his hard. your orgasm hit you like a truck, making your toes curl and your mouth loll open. you let out one last moan, your nails digging into billy’s shoulders. with just a couple more thrusts, billy looked down at you dearly before releasing. he let out a hoarse moan before latching his mouth on your shoulder. you grunted at the pain, but you enjoyed it. 
billy unlatched his mouth from your shoulder and kissed the skin there. he gave your neck a couple more kisses before letting his body flop beside you. he then pulled the condom off of his sensitive member, wincing at the feeling. he tied it off and tossed it in your small bedroom trash can. he then flopped back down and pulled you onto him, letting your head rest on his chest. you pulled the loose sheets over your back and huddled up against billy’s chest. billy rubbed his hands up your back and down your hips gently and kissed the top of your head. 
“so…” billy mumbled, “y’think the pasta’s ready?”. “shut up”, you giggled. you rested your head on billy’s chest and relaxed your entire body. soon enough, you were drifted off to sleep. billy grabbed a cigarette out of his denim jacket and lit it, taking a whiff of it through his mouth. he relaxed and eventually drifted off to sleep with you.
if you liked this, follow me if u want >:D
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marekh00 · 17 days
Whoa mama! Hakita, slow down with the hot as fuck enemies, it hurts to kill em!
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sharkys-left-eye · 5 months
Playing Baldurs Gate and akdfhkjahfkjaf I wanna get in with the emperor mind flayer 😩
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bylertruther · 2 years
ok tinhat time i kno shut up but.. hear me out.
u kno how the mind flayer is made up of dark particles? and how will could feel it everywhere? and it likes it cold?
and u remember how the teens used the light particles to communicate through the lights? and how they said they felt "good"?
what if... those light particles... are another creature, maybe a different type of mind flayer / flayer-kin? but maybe this one isn't evil, and that's why they can communicate through to the other side with it and why it feels "good" to touch?
what if... those light particles, whatever they may be, are what helped will to communicate in s1? which could maybe explain why he was able to manipulate the lights like that, since it clearly couldn't have been in the same way the teens did? (and maybe they even had something to do with how he shaped the upside down and why his powers are related to it but not present in his realm? smth smth abt hiding from henry in the light + will is good at hiding + el saying that will is hiding in s1)
what if... vecna, the dark wizard, uses dark particles to fight in the name of evil... and will, the light wizard, uses light particles to fight in the name of good... what if 🤔
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aka-indulgence · 7 months
I'm sure you're very busy and popular but please consider writing more illithid stuff 🩷🩷🩷 I've always loved mindflayers but even among monster fuckers they're Underappreciated. And your story was just so 🌟🤎🩷💖🩷🤎🤍❤️‍🔥💔💝🤎🤍🙈😸🌟💨🎉💦🌟👹🎉💛💜🧡💜😻💙😸⭐👹🌟💛💙😸🤎👹⭐💤🌟👹🌟💚💙💗🧡💜👹🙈
Anon you have no idea how happy this made me 😭😭😭
I’ve always been interested in them the moment I found out what they were djkhdf, but I don’t know much DnD information and left it at that for a while… and then bg3 came out with mind flayers as a main theme and him 😳 wowie
Monster? Mind control? Evil? Can form attachments to their thralls and suffer when they die? Canonically can be Nice/Complex? Tentacle mouth?!?! SIGN ME UP!!!!
Definitely got a bunch of ideas in my mind now! I was a bit worried about posting illithid stuff, but knowing someone wants it is really motivating :D
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goodeye-cyborg · 9 months
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HHHHHHHHH I'm gonna try again but I'm just not sure what you're supposed to do when they're all.... Attacking my fucking party....
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awesomechocolatesauce · 7 months
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Ugh, there I go again. Making the Dream Visitor too hot.
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wilchur · 9 months
So I've been playing Baldur's Gate 3 and while yeah I'm in the process of getting into Gale's enchanted boxers... Why won't the game let me fuck any of the monsters?? 😭 I saw those mushroom guys and have never desired a creature so carnally before. pLEASE I need the sporussy or I'm gonna die
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crowscroll · 5 months
It's been three? four? days and bg3 has TAKEN OVER my life
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offbeatworlds · 2 years
Pre-orders for the Monster MANual calendar are closing this Friday, Nov 4th!
Pre-order here!
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moghedien · 2 months
honestly tho thank god I am romancing Lae’zel with this Tav because that’s probably the only thing keeping her from genuinely considering ceremorphosis
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