balerathon · 7 months
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Drool hehe
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queenbarbemily · 7 months
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Do you think leather it's too much?
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albihypnostuff · 2 months
so called free thinkers when i hypnotize them (they are no longer free thinkers)
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tokei-sama · 3 months
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Break time <3
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mistralonyx · 8 months
Yes, but...
You enjoy submitting. whimper "Yes, but-" So you're going to kneel. kneeling "Yes, but we're at the-" And you're going to unzip me. unzipping "Yes, but there are guests-" And take my cock out. grips rubs "Yes, but- oh gosh-" So you'll stroke and get me hard. stroking "Yes, but so hard alre-" Getting nice and hard. Faster. up and down up and down "Yes, but people are-" Nice and big. Drooling for it now. drooling "Yus, buuut- oh gosh drooling for-" And now standing up. standing pouting "Yes, b-but… wanted to suc-" Pulling down your top. Exposed. blushing "Y-yes, but… so embarrassed they can-" You don't care. You're turned on. shivering "Yes, but… gosh… oh gosh-" And your cunt gets wet and ready. dripping "Y-yes, b-but, s-so… so wet-" Turning around, lowering down. lowering "Yes, but… everyone's watch-" Rubbing your lips on the tip. rubbing teasing "Yes, but… but… they're staring-" It doesn't matter. Cock makes you dumb. rubbing dumbing "Yes, but… but dumb? but-" Cock makes you Dumb. Wet. Docile. wet squish rub "Yes, but… d-dumb… docile-" Back and forth. Blank and Empty. Sinking. sinking "Yes, but… s-sinking…" When I let you slide down, your brain stops. sliding penetrating "Yes, but… but s-stop? b-but-" You'll sink completely. Your brain cums out. sinking moaning "Yes… but… wut...? cum… out!?" Show everyone what a mindless little cunt you are. deeper dumber down "Yes, b-but... but... b-b-" And all the way down now. down full filled "Yessssssssssbbbbuuunghghhh-" Perfect. quiver cum squirt "…………"
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lauritasweetheart03 · 7 months
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Is it bad that I go around the house like this? 🙈
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Drool girly 😵‍💫
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secretlytranced · 3 months
I'm just saying- I would make an incredible test subject for an evil scientist...
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albihypnostuff · 2 months
I think soneone should put a spiral on a vr headset and force it on my head
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balerathon · 4 months
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hypsam · 1 year
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ironskyfinder · 4 months
Eavesdrop/Mind Drop
She knew she really shouldn’t be eavesdropping, but the voice was so hypnotic she couldn’t help but stop and listen. 
“That’s right,” the voice was low, and deep “nice, long, relaxed breaths - in, and out.”
She could barely hear the next words in the silence of the library, and she stopped to listen to the hushed sounds of breathing and the quiet voice.
“That’s it,” the voice continued. “Just relax, let your mind quiet down. Just listen, and concentrate on the sound of my voice. Listen, breathe, let everything else drain out of your mind.”
She heard a quiet mmm, sounding sleepy and unfocused.
“Every breath releases some of the tension in your body, some of the tightness in your limbs, some of the stress in your muscles. Breathe in, and out, and relax; in, and out, and relax.”
She realized she’d been standing there, frozen, and quietly set down the books as she sat down into the deep recliner at the end of the shelves, ears straining to listen more.
The sound of slow, steady, quiet breathing filled the air.
“Good,” the voice went on. “Let your eyes close as your body relaxes, let yourself be comfortable. All you have to do is relax, focus on the sound of my voice, and breathe, in and out, nice and slow.”
She shifted a little, the armchair cradling her weightlessly, and closed her eyes. 
“Imagine a spiral stairway, leading downward as far as you can see. It’s quiet, and dim, and calm, and as you breathe in, and out, it’s easy to imagine taking that first step. And, as you take that step, you feel yourself growing calmer, more relaxed.”
The voice grew deeper, huskier. “You take another step, as you breathe in, and out, letting your mind quiet as you listen to the sound of my voice.”
She needed to go, she had things to do - but it was far easier to relax, and listen.
“That’s right, every breath lets you relax, as with every breath you take a step, slow and even, every breath taking you farther down the stairway, deeper and deeper. Breathing in, and out, you feel yourself grow more relaxed, and more calm, and more focused on the sound of my voice with every breath.”
She sighed quietly as the voice continued.
“As you listen to the sound of my voice, guiding you deeper, every breath leaving you more relaxed - imagine a lake, calm, quiet, serene, and still. As you breathe, as every breath takes you deeper into relaxation, let your mind be that lake, calm, quiet, serene, and still - as you let the sound of my voice lead you deeper, and deeper.”
She could feel the shiver going up her spine as she imagined the voice growling in her ear.
“Good, In, and out, breathing nice and slow, letting yourself go deeper, and deeper, growing more relaxed and more calm,” they went on, quietly, “as everything except the sound of my voice falls away.”
There was a pause, then the voice continued.
“As everything except the sound of my voice fades away, as you breathe in, and out, as you relax, imagine that lake, calm, quiet, serene, and still. As you go deeper, and deeper, you step into that lake, breathing in, and out, relaxing, and focusing on the sound of my voice as you imagine the water of that lake washing away everything else.” 
She found it easy to imagine as she let herself melt into the chair, the voice intoxicating.
“As you imagine the water, as you step into that lake, as the sound of my voice washes away everything else, you feel something else float away - your name. As you take another step, down deeper, and deeper, you find it harder and harder to think of that name, and as you listen to the sound of my voice you find it calming, freeing.”
The voice was the only thing in her head, her thoughts echoing along after.
“Relaxing, breathing in, and out. Breathing in, letting the sound of my voice be your only focus, out, letting everything slip away, even a name that no longer matters. Instead, when you go to think of your name, you find the last name I called you. Letting yourself relax, and take another step, deeper, and deeper, your conscious mind letting go -”
She gasped and sat up. Had she fallen asleep?
The books she’d come for, sitting on a shelf. Metallurgical Principles Vol XII, Elemental Electrochemistry, the several back issues of Science on energy storage and alloy analysis, all jumbled together with the rest. Just reading the titles seemed…harder…but she needed to get back to work.
As she picked up the books and turned the corner, she walked right into a solid form, hard enough to lose her balance as she stumbled back and just barely caught herself on the chair.
“I’m sorry, miss,” came the voice, sharp with surprise, “are you alright?”
Miss gathered up the books that had almost fallen from her arms, nodding without looking up. “I’m fine, thank you.” 
“We didn’t see you there,” a girl knelt down beside her and smiled. “Let me help with those.”
“Thanks,” Miss said, and smiled back at her.
“Of course!” The girl handed her a book on battery technology. “I’m Becki, what’s your name?”
“Miss,” she replied instantly. 
Becki giggled after a moment, and Miss couldn’t help but giggle a little with her. “What’s funny?”
As she stood up and turned around into glittering gray eyes, the voice answered her question in a devious, knowing tone. “Seems like you got caught up in eavesdropping, and dropped yourself - isn’t that right, cupcake?”
Cupcake tried to think for a moment, then gave up and nodded, so lost in the voice she almost dropped her books again. “Mmhmm,” she murmured.
“What did you say your name was, again?” the voice asked.
She couldn’t help but stare deeper into those sparkling eyes.
“Cupcake,” she finally whispered.
“Can we keep her, please? Oh, pretty please?” Becki was beside her, begging, and as the voice began to fill her ears again, Cupcake had the feeling she wasn’t going to need those heavy books ever again, and started to relax and let them drop -
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gaymindcontrol · 10 months
The Traffic Stop
David was driving home after a long day in the office. He was still dressed in his work tee and jeans, driving with the windows down and the music on full volume. He was trying to shake off the stress from the day and take in the brisk autumn air.
He exited the freeway that he was traveling on and noticed a Police car following him. He knew that he had been speeding.
“Shit.” he quickly muffled to himself.
In a flash, the car’s lights and sirens were engaged and David knew he needed to find a place to pull over.
Shortly ahead, there was an abandoned Gas Station that had plenty of room for both David’s truck and the pursuing Police Officer’s vehicle. Once David pulled over, he waited about 5 minutes before the Officer exited his vehicle. He was about 6’ tall with a slender yet muscular build. His hair was brown and short, perfectly styled. He was wearing a pair of Aviator sunglasses and… dangling a lit cigarette from his mouth?
“People still smoke cigarettes in 2023?” David asked himself.
David’s Father was a smoker when David was young, but he quit years ago. David only knew because his Father is seen smoking in some of his own baby pictures. None of David’s buddies were smokers, and they all frowned upon the habit pretty heavily.
As the Officer approached David’s truck, he removed his sunglasses. David began to roll down the window. The office spoke in a deep, commanding voice.
“Do you know why I pulled you over today, boy?” asked the Officer, rather firmly.
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“Well, I do believe… I’m sorry, did you just call me boy?” David responded, shocked.
The Officer took a long drag on his cigarette and took it from his mouth, simultaneously flicking the ash to the ground and blowing a thick cloud of smoke into the surrounding air. “Yes, I did. I’m approaching my mid-40s and you’re what… no older than 25-30 years old? To me, you’re a boy.” answered the officer.
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David was unsure how to respond, as he has always respected the Police, but this entire situation just seemed odd to him. “I understand, Officer. My apologies for questioning you. I believe you pulled me over because I was speeding.” he said, hoping that coming clean would keep him from paying a fine.
The officer immediately responded, “That would be correct, boy. Now I’m going to need to see your license and registration.”
David handed over his documentation and remained in the vehicle. The officer went back to his patrol car and got inside. David looked in his rear view mirror and noticed that the lights on the patrol car that were previously flashing red and blue appeared to be flashing an odd green and purple.
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“No, that can’t be right…” David said as he shook his head, thinking he may be seeing things. He looked in his rear view mirror again and now the lights appeared to be red and blue again, but there was still something off about them. Almost like a little extra light with every flash.
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“These are actually kind of nice to watch” David thought to himself. He continued to watch them until, well… David wasn’t sure. Everything went black and he felt so incredibly relaxed. He felt like he could stay in this place, wherever it may be, forever.
Suddenly, David got a strong whiff of cigarette smoke. “I’m back with your documents, boy. Put them back and step out of the vehicle.” the officer commanded.
“Yes, sir.” David responded without thought. As David opened his eyes to put his documents back, he thought, “why did I call him sir?”
“Everything alright, boy?” the Officer asked, a little firmer than before, and David felt his mind relaxing again. Any thoughts of this situation being unusual left his mind instantly.
“Yes, sir.” David responded again, without thought. Instinctively, David performed his next command and stepped out of the vehicle. He shut his door and stood in front of the officer waiting for his next order.
It didn’t come immediately. David continued to stand in place staring into the Officer’s face as he dangled his cigarette from his mouth and took continuous drags. The smoke was blowing directly into David’s face, but he didn’t mind in his current state.
David never considered himself to be gay, but everything about this Officer simply captivated him. His hair, his face, his voice, his body, and his uniform. His boots. The way he dangled a cigarette between his lips and blew thick clouds of smoke from his mouth and nose.
“Do you smoke, boy?” the Officer asked David.
“No, I don’t smoke, Sir.” David replied coldly.
“Have you ever been a smoker?” followed up the Officer.
“No, I have never been a smoker, sir. I have always found smoking quite repulsing.” David replied as he continued to stare into the Officer’s face.
The Officer paused and stared back at David. He appeared to be thinking about how to handle David, and what to do next.
“Do you find it repulsing when I smoke, boy?” the Officer questioned David.
“No, Sir. You do not repulse me, Sir.” David replied, blankly.
“Good. I think there’s some hope for you then.” the Officer smirked.
David didn’t understand the command. “Sir?” he hopefully asked.
The Officer chuckled. “See this here in my uniform pocket? These are my smokes. Marlboro. Marlboro Reds. The first time I smoked a red, I knew there was no turning back. The way that it made my lungs feel. Stronger. Full. It made my cock hard, instantly. I was only 17, but it made me a man. Boys don’t smoke, men do. Do you understand?”
After listening to the Officer’s relaxing, yet commanding voice, David was struggling to keep his eyes open let alone speak. “Y… Ye… Yes… Sir… Boys don’t smoke… Men do…” he managed to stumble out.
“Good, boy.” the Officer responded. He then blew a thick cloud of smoke into David’s face. David’s body immediately tensed up. David could taste and smell every ounce of smoke in the air. He felt it infiltrating his nose, his mouth, his lungs. His cock even become fully erect. Even harder than usual, it seemed.
As the Office continued to stand in front of David, smoking away, David felt a desire growing inside of him. It was so strong that it felt like it could rip him apart from the inside out, if he didn’t satisfy it. David couldn’t quite determine what the desire was. He just knew that it had to do with the Officer. His new master.
With a snap of the Officer’s fingers, David instinctively knew what the growing desire was. It was to smoke. It was to be a real man. Without thinking, his arm raised from his side and reached for the officer’s front pocket of his uniform. David removed the contents, a pack of Marlboro Red cigarettes and a silver Zippo lighter. Though David had never smoked a day in his life, he knew how to proceed. He removed a cigarette from the pack and placed it between his lips, willingly, even eagerly. He flipped the lid of the Zippo and struck the wheel. A flame emerged from the Zippo and David placed it in front of his cigarette, dragging deeply as it lit.
He exhaled and took a deep drag on the Marlboro Red, allowing the delicious smoke to enter and fill his lungs. Take over his body and his mind. Another drag, and another. David couldn’t get enough. His actions seemed to make the Officer very happy.
“Mmm. How does it feel boy? To be a real man? To smoke a red?” the Officer asked.
“It feels amazing, Sir. So much pleasure. So relaxed…” David replied, in between drags on his nearly finished cigarette.
“You’re a natural, David. Have another.” the Officer commanded.
“Yes, Sir. I need another red, Sir.” David begged.
Once again, he withdrew a cigarette and lit it. Sucking on it deep, filling his lungs with the rich smoke over and over again. It had gotten dark, and the Officer seemed to be interested in a little more fun with David, before moving on to his next stop.
“How about this, boy? I’ll let you go without a ticket today, but I’m going to need you to follow a few more commands. Do you think you can handle that?” the Officer questioned.
“Yes, Sir. Anything, Sir. Will obey, Sir.” David helplessly replied.
“Perfect. As I said, you’re a natural. Now get into the back of my squad car, and lay on your stomach.”
David stomped out his cigarette and complied. The Officer leaned in behind David and pulled David’s jeans down to his knees. David could hear the Officer unzip his own pants. David never imagined he would be in a situation like this, but he was so turned on. Even if he wasn’t, he’s not sure that he could resist the temptation of this handsome Officer.
He heard the sound of the Zippo lighter and sensed the now familiar taste and smell of a Marlboro. He began to relax again, knowing he would not be resisting any Officer today.
David felt something warm and wet on his asshole. Lube? Than the Officer’s rough hands, and fingers. “Ooooo…” David spluttered.
“This may be a new experience for you, boy, but I promise you’re going to love every second of it. As long as you relax and obey.” the Officer said.
“Relax. Obey. Relax. Obey.” David found himself repeating inside of his head.
Something began to penetrate David. He was so relaxed, but it was painful. “Please, Sir. It hurts, Sir.” David begged.
“Don’t worry, boy. That’s just my cock. It’s on the larger size, but you’ll get used to it if you just relax.” the Officer emphasized.
“Relax. Obey. Relax. Obey.” David found himself repeating again. He could feel the Officer’s cock penetrating him deeper, until the Officer was completely inside of David. David sporadically began thrashing his arms trying to find something, anything to dig his fingers into. It hurt so much.
Suddenly, David felt something touch his lips. He knew exactly what it was. The Officer had placed his own lit Marlboro into David’s hungry lips. David took a deep drag and felt his body relax again instantly. There was no pain. There were no worries. Just David, his Marlboro Red, and the Officer’s thick, sweet cock.
Seeing David smoking again seemed to excite the Officer, as he began to pump his cock in and out of David’s tight hole. David moaned loudly, but there was no one around to hear. As David continued to smoke, the Officer continued to pound harder. David’s head was even beginning to hit the inside of the opposing rear vehicle door.
“Now we’re getting somewhere, boy. Fuck. Fuck yeah. How does it feel?” the Officer asked.
A few minutes ago, David would have responded that it was painful and terrifying. Now, however… “So good, Sir. Must obey, Sir. Fuck me, Sir. Please, Sir.” David managed to moan out.
As the Officer continued to pound David, all of the sensations began to overwhelm him. His lungs were begging for more smoke. His ass was begging for more cock. His brain was begging him to relax and obey. David’s eyes began to roll into the back of his head. He was unable to process anything further. He was stuck in a state of pleasure and ecstasy.
David’s own cock began to throb so violently that it was actually shaking. David could feel the rest of his body begin to shake, too. He knew he was reaching the point of ejaculation.
The Officer lit another cigarette and continued to fuck David from behind. “I forgot to tell you, boy. You cannot cum until you hear the snap of my fingers. I’m going to take my time, and so will you.” the Officer ordered.
“Yeeeeesssss Siiiiirrrrrr….” David groaned. The Officer placed another Marlboro into David’s mouth and lit it. David again took a deep drag and felt his stress and worries flow away. Nothing else mattered to him in that moment.
The Officer pressed down on David’s neck as the thrusting became more and more intense. David’s head was turned to the side so he could continue to smoke while the Officer watched, as he freely fucked David.
David heard the sound of a snap, and the next thing he knew his body began to shake once again. He continued to suck down his Marlboro as he felt the Officer’s cock draining deep inside of him. David’s own cock had never felt more pleasure in his entire life. It was pouring cum onto the backseat of the Patrol Car. David felt incredibly sweaty and sticky, but more satisfied than he had felt in his entire life.
The Officer put away his serviced cock and zipped up his uniform pants. “Pull up your pants and get out of the car.” the Officer ordered.
David obeyed once again. He got out of the patrol car, and stood at attention in front of the Officer, awaiting his next order. “With the next snap of my fingers, you will forget this experience. You will remember it as just another traffic stop, and a friendly cop who let you off without a ticket. However, from this moment on you are a smoker. You will not remember why you started smoking or how, but you will know internally that Marlboro Reds are a part of you now and you need them to survive. If you feel like something else is missing from your life, you will stop down to our station. That means that you enjoyed the experience today and want to experience it again, and I can certainly make that happen, David.”
With that, the Officer stuck a fresh pack of Marlboro Reds in David’s tee shirt pocket. He snapped his fingers, and David suddenly appeared lost and confused. “Uhh… I’m sorry… what’s going on here?” David asked quietly.
“Nothing out of the ordinary, bro. Just another traffic stop, but all seems well here and you are free to go on your way.” the Officer responded, smirking.
“Oh, great! Thank you, Officer.” David replied.
“No, David. Thank you.” the Officer said with a wink of his eye, as he lit up another cigarette.
David got back into his truck and pulled the door shut. He reached back to pull his seatbelt, when he noticed the pack of Marlboro Reds in this pocket. “This day has been so fucking stressful.” David sighed. He lit up a red, put his truck in drive, and pulled back onto the main road. He waved a friendly goodbye to the Officer, who was still parked.
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A moment later, the Officer placed a call over his radio. “This is Officer Fulmer. I’ve got another recruit, Sarge. His name is David. Good looking guy, very open to suggestion. May need to be trained up a little. I expect we will see him at the station within the next day or two.” the Officer explained.
“10-4, Officer Fulmer. Return to the freeway for patrol.” the Sargeant responded.
“Yes, Sir. Must obey, Sir.” Officer Fulmer mumbled.
Officer Fulmer lit up another red, rolled down his cruiser window, and pulled a U-Turn to return to the freeway. He couldn’t wait to find and transition another recruit for his Sargeant.
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Allow it 🫵🏻
Give in 🧎🏼
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And confess to me that I’m your miss 🙇🙇‍♀️
I don’t deal with weak subs, dm if you miss my sweetness hehe
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