#misa's undergrad journey
studyblr-perhaps · 1 month
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26/04/24 || Friday
I've not done 4 pictures in one post in a while haha. The 3rd picture is right after a storm so horrendous it tore off our hostel's false ceiling. Nature can be so horrifyingly beautiful.
The exam week is upon us, and I am trying to stay afloat. After this it's only one year before I graduate, and man I really want it to be over...
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studyblr-perhaps · 2 months
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24/03/24 || Sunday
I got a summer internship! And at such a wonderful time, too. Recently I had been feeling so overwhelmingly stupid, cause my grades don't seem to want to go up, and I had lost all motivation to do work. But with the conference and this internship, my passion for research is back up again, and I am so glad!
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studyblr-perhaps · 1 year
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04/03/23 || Saturday
Found some very pretty flowers growing on the way to the gym lol. Also I just have one exam and then I am going back home for a week!! So excited!
And let me be a reminder to keep all your money and wallets safe, cause somebody stole all my cash from my wallet and I didn't even realize T_T. That was a sad sad day sigh, but what can I do about it now...
I hope you all (and your wallets) are safe and happy right now, and good luck to all the ones giving their exams!
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studyblr-perhaps · 1 year
I didn’t see any studyblr posts today with cats T_T
How am i supposed to go through with my day
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studyblr-perhaps · 3 months
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19/02/24 || Monday
Posting a day late as usual. I have a quiz on a subject I understand nothing about so that is fun, and it's the worst prof of ours his question paper is literal hell. I am just hoping to get a C in his course and then I'll say goodbye and never look back.
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studyblr-perhaps · 4 months
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31/01/24 || Wednesday
One day to February oh my god. The first month is already over. I know people are saying this year has started slow but for me it's already moving too fast. I have so much work I am slightly on the track of burning out, but I'm going okay for now. Plus hilarious typos which someone seriously should have proofread before printing it out and pasting in front of labs always bring my mood up.
Day 2/30 of 30-Day New Year Momentum Challenge
Share a picture of your study area
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studyblr-perhaps · 4 months
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03/02/24 || Saturday
I think I messed up my previous post (checked and yes I called yesterday Saturday sksksk). Finished two out of three lectures I need to do for a quiz on Monday, and I still have a lot of work. But I am going to go sleep for now and figure out the rest tomorrow (it's 1am 💀).
Day 5/30 of 30-Day New Year Momentum Challenge
What methods do you find best for managing tasks?
Mostly sticky notes. I am not the best at time management and discipline, but I usually keep the deadlines on my notion calendar, and I have a tiny notebook where I scribble all the things I need to do (including academics and grocery lists lol), and finally I use sticky notes for day to day tasks and stick them on the side of my laptop so that I can remember.
Also I like drawing little doodles on my sticky notes haha
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studyblr-perhaps · 3 months
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29/02/24 || Thursday
I have a godawful exam tomorrow and I am already prepared to fail this course miserably. Seriously this professor makes sure nobody gets marks no matter what and I honestly am so tired of him. Nobody wants to work under him nor does anyone like him, I have no clue why he's even kept in the university till now. I am so utterly tired but let's see what happens. I'll be glad even with a C- in my course just let me never have to look at this man's face again, please.
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studyblr-perhaps · 3 months
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11/03/24 || Monday
It's been a while! We're finally out of the midsem week (I have one more on Saturday but it's okay) and I am allowed to breathe. I have to submit an abstract for a poster for a conference in 10 days and I am losing my mind a little. It feels like yesterday when I started uni and I am already to the point where I can present my research to a panel of judges. It feels really unreal lol. Truly an experience.
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studyblr-perhaps · 3 months
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16/03/24 || Saturday
Finally I can fully focus on the poster presentation in the conference and it seems like it'll be fun (frankly I'm just happy for the good free food I'll get). I am feeling finally at ease but I have a hefty amount of projects lined up so that will be hell fun. Either way I feel unusually at peace today so haha yeah life is good.
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studyblr-perhaps · 1 year
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30/04/23 || Sunday
I got previous year's papers to study for tomorrow's exam and finally I see a little hope for me jsjfjsjfje. These flowers are just so gorgeous, make me feel alive in these depressing exam seasons.
Hope everyone is doing okay! Hang in there!
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studyblr-perhaps · 1 month
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19/04/23 || Friday
It's been so long!! I utterly despise April cause it's filled with so much work, and man I'm already exhausted. I have a presentation tomorrow and a few more next week, not to mention more quizzes and assignments. Truly tiring. At least I get to go home once all this ends.
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studyblr-perhaps · 2 months
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04/04/24 || Thursday
Very hurried post today cause I have two exams tomorrow (one I'm prepared for, one I'll start tomorrow morning because I'm insane). My post periods euphoria has been keeping me stress free right now but I seriously should be stressing about my poor time management skills. I never learn though, so yeah. Now I'll go try to sleep and hope I get enough sleep to wake up early tomorrow to study.
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studyblr-perhaps · 2 months
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30/03/24 || Saturday
March is about to end?????? We're at the end of the first quarter of the year what????? Everyday I wonder how time flows so weirdly. Anyways, we're getting softies in our dining halls! (It's out of our pockets but it's still better than nothing) I absolutely abhor April, it's the busiest month. Especially next week is going to be my hell. Sadly I do not have the liberty to skip past this month, or else I'd have run away to home by now, sigh. Either way, I'm feeling okay right now so I'll work while I'm still motivated. At least clips of seventeen's concert can keep me alive for now (any carats here?).
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studyblr-perhaps · 4 months
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01/02/24 || Thursday
I keep feeling like I forgot something lol. I had two quizzes which went well (fortunately), and I am doing okay in my classes. I wanted a break from studying today and got to sit and make the bujo spread for February. It's not the best thing I've made but it's something, and I'll take it. I have wanted to go back to bujo this year (not for tracking purposes because it never works for me, but for art and creativity) and it's going along okay. Now hopefully I keep up with it and make the rest of the spreads too.
Day 3/30 of 30-Day New Year Momentum Challenge
What does your ideal study plan look like this week?
I usually just write down the stuff I need to do and wing everything as I go. But as for now, I have to study for a quiz next week, fill internship applications, beg for letter of recommendations, and finish two presentations for a lab course. When will I do it? Idk let's see.
Ideally I'd prefer to study around 4 hours a day and have a couple of hours for my hobbies but I know I'll end up just scrolling through insta for six hours so I just wing everything.
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studyblr-perhaps · 3 months
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18/03/24 || Monday
Shh don't look at the date on the sticky notes. I need to start asking for attendance waiver for the upcoming conference and study for it but man my head hurts so bad I just want a break.
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