shadowsong26fic · 20 hours
So it's been a while since I posted anything here (other than reblogging a couple memes/etc.) So, uh, mini catch-up ahead of next month's Coming Attractions, I guess? Since I don't think I've done one of those since like...February...lol.
To be fair, there hasn't been a whole lot going on. I did finish my SWBB project, with podfic from the lovely @kittonafoxgirl! It's a fun little AU; Padme's ship went somewhere Not Tatooine during TPM and therefore Anakin never joined the Jedi Order. Now, about halfway through the Clone Wars, Ahsoka runs into Anakin in a black market hub, and Shenanigans ensue as they immediately Bond and get dragged into foiling a Nefarious Plot.
Possibly some interesting stuff would happen later on in this timeline if I ever get back to it, but we'll see given how many other SW projects I have that I'm (in my own head) overdue on lol...
And I'm signed up to do pod_together again this year (with a much smaller list of fandoms to be partnered on, haha. I mean, keeping my much larger laundry list in mind once I'm matched because who knows where things will go from there, but I think this is a better approach for me for this year, especially since the past couple years have been slower for me on the writing front.
I'm writing for Galactica Big Bang this year as well! Check-in #1 for that is Friday, so I'm noodling on that. of course instead of giving me anything i need for that my brain is feeding me something Entirely unrelated in an Entirely different fandom; there will probably be an au outline just to get it out of my head at some point in the next week or so lol
...and yeah, I guess that's where things stand with me! More details on upcoming projects and a proper Coming Attractions post next month, on the first Monday as usual.
And for now, since I'm around and working on GBB or that other thing that won't leave me alone...let's do an Open Question Night!
Usual rules apply--any fic or fandom I've posted about here is fair game, as are general writing questions, stuff about my original fic is always welcome <3
What's on your mind?
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uncleasad · 2 months
Any day that I get to the end of the day and have fewer than “99+” posts waiting for me on my tumblr dashboard is a good day.
Any day when @avengerskye (👋) graces my dashboard is a good day.
Today was a doubly-good day.
(Also, I am trying to do my part to help manifest new avengerskye Hosie fics 😏)
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aristidetwain · 1 year
Fun With Time Loops
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One of many entertaining incidents in Who Is Doctor Who?, the collaborative series of sightings of the Ninth Doctor on the old whoisdoctorwho tie-in website. (It’s recently been confirmed that we owe this proto-Moffat lark to Andrew Blossom.)
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tokyoice · 2 years
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Serene Ailment / 8th September 2022 Miscellania (Disco Brut) / Melbourne, VIC Photos by @photoyunist sereneailment.bandcamp.com
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dreamingpartone · 3 months
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some asny commissions I did for @marshmali late last year!
if you're interested in the story behind them, these are based on scenes from their fic Warm, Like Sunshine on Skin ₊��
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shadowsong26x · 2 years
so there used to be a Thing that people on this site would do (idk if they’re still floating around somewhere out there and just haven’t circled around to my dash in ages), where it was like... “your icon[/pfp/whatever the cool kids are calling it these days] is doing X, what happens”
anyway, i’ve been on this hellsite for many years, and i have had the same icon for the duration. and i still think that the funniest joke i ever made here was in response to one of those.
the prompt/whatever was something along the lines of “your icon is madly in love with you. how screwed are you?”
and my answer:
“that story ends with at least one broken heart, at least one religious revelation, and everyone in prison."
and idk i just think about that sometimes.
the other answer would be ‘very, in both senses of the word’ mostly for the reasons stated above but that is way less funny
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tamlinv · 11 months
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Oh also got paid on the clock to pick a lock at work yesterday!
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lower-east-side · 4 months
goddammit why is there no english translation of varia historia on the perseus site, do not make me parse greek at 3:45 am (from a roman writer, but that didn't stop him from being a greekaboo i guess)
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iamoutofideas · 1 year
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finally got the pics back from my set @ disco brut, miscellania. had an absolute blast playing here despite my shit mixing
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teethdreamer · 3 months
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teeth dreams (feat. UBOA) // Disco Brut (Miscellania) // 22 Feb. 2024
played a pretty neat set a couple weeks ago. the incomparably lovely @uboatheflesh raided towards the end. free palestine.
📷: photoyunist
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ether-blooms · 2 months
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Kyoto miscellania 🐦🌸🍵🏮
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shadowsong26fic · 4 months
Coming Attractions!
Yes, I'm aware it's Tuesday not Monday but shhhhh XD
Just a quick one this month. Not even going to split it up by fandom as I usually do, just kinda blitz through.
So I ended up...essentially taking January off from writing, apart from a scattered few sentences here and there. Which on the one hand was probably good for me but on the other hand I'm behind on projects lol. Ah well.
Priorities for this month: 1. SWBB I'm picking up the project I had to step away from last year. Anakin was not found at age nine and never became a Jedi; we're handwaving that TPM ended roughly the same way anyway because Padme and Obi-Wan are very good at what they do and one of the other pilots got lucky on the droid control ship. Fast-forward to like a year and a half/two years into the Clone Wars, Ahsoka ends up briefly stranded on a planet that's neutral mostly because it's a black market hub. They click pretty quickly, hang out for a while, stumble into a Separatist plot to test a chemical weapon and blame a limnic eruption for the deaths, and Deal With It. Hondo and Bo-Katan are briefly involved because I said so XD 2. P&J We're getting to the part where Ari actually finds stuff out, lol. Getting to Europe and talking with other researchers, etc. There's some interesting stuff in Marseille, and Calais is important. And Ari and Phil continue to be cute in the background. 3. The Other Battlestar Baltar ends up on Pegasus; there's a bunch of stuff built up around the two OCs who fill the plotholes he left behind...I need to get more text down in general, lol. And also figure out how I want to structure it? Like...I do need to establish the new people (including a few on Pegasus, like the senior medical officer, a marine officer, there will also be a Four who gets pulled from the civilian fleet...) and also clarify why Baltar ends up in a different position (and why Helo doesn't because he and Athena still need to meet). And it would probably make the most sense to just go linearly and handle all the miniseries exposition in order. But then again would that actually be Interesting; or would it be better to pick up later and jump back and forth in time...yeah, you see my problem lol. 4. Acheron Javert Groundhog Day fic; looping the last 36ish hours of his life. (from right before he heads to the barricade to his death). 5. Maybe get back into Precipice or write some origfic if I have time/brain.
Longer-range projects: 1. Percussive Maintenance is still hanging out in my head, so I'm tentatively planning on that for GBB (aka the one where the at least two concussions Sam gets during Downloaded unlock Enough of his memories) 2. Or maybe I'll jump back to The Blood of Angry Men, we'll see. (aka a Zarek character study; looking back on his life (and the allies/friends/tools that he's led to their deaths) from the night before his execution) 3. What I'm definitely not doing is any of the crossovers floating around in my head; either the Star Wars ones or the WoT ones. (the one I talked about the other night; and a fusion is actually sort of building in my head because of course it is. Mostly because of the Kara-as-Mat thing I pinged onto the other night; but also Baltar would be an interesting Logain; possibly Zarek as Taim? I think I'd leave Rand as Rand and just fill in the roles around him. Lee also lines up really well with Perrin...and since this would derail pretty early on I feel a little more Flexible about love interests/etc. lol. For reasons of Tuon, Moiraine, and Lan, mostly. Also Faile. Also I'd still want Caprica as a sul'dam, I think, but Logain doesn't have a canon love interest IIRC sooooo that's easier to sort out XD ...although now that I think about it, Athena as Nynaeve and Helo as Lan could work...) 4. Incinctus/other Castlevania things. 5. I'm doing pod_together again once signups open. I need to refine my fandoms list, haha. Not that I haven't had interesting times the last couple years, but it'd be nice to get matched based on something that Isn't a very secondary/tertiary fandom for me again. 6. AtLA may come floating back into my head enough to pick up some of the projects I wandered away from there, we'll see.
Not writing, strictly speaking, but there's some admin/modding stuff for this year's GBB that I should get a move on, especially since the event is moving to May-October, plus helping out with SWBB the way I do every year.
...yeah, that's pretty much where things stand. Hopefully I'll hit a nice groove this month!
What about you guys, what are you working on?
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uncleasad · 1 year
I’m not sure what I’m going to do if @badartndadjokes ever goes off the current Avatrice kick; I have become so accustomed to seeing them in my dashboard like a warm blanket this winter…
(It’s really odd, for a show I’ve never seen, but somehow I can tell that Ava and Beatrice truly were special.)
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amygdalae · 11 months
A band called "Miscellania" where each and every one of their songs is a different genre
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dreamingpartone · 3 months
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[ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴏʀʟᴅ ʜᴀꜱ ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴄʜᴀɴɢᴇᴅ ʙᴇᴄᴀᴜꜱᴇ ᴏꜰ ʏᴏᴜ. ]
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env0writes · 6 months
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No Longer Remembered 11.29.23 “As of Kate”
Kiss me, as of late, I missed your lips As I gasp and grasp and glass for more than sips May I drink my fill, although I may spill Down my shirt, turn dirt to mud and madness still For what greater good than mania Accrues a greater list of miscellania Where upon this trail, will I, of trials wait Within the lists to duel proud at fate Hesitate, so close to beauty given pause Such that fills a theater with grand applause What’s lost in a kiss that is given? Save for the pain once riven Cracked and chapped lips bleed Wet my shirt and dirt and hurt as lips recede
@env0writes C.Buck Ko-Fi & Venmo: @Zenv0 Support Your Local Artist! Photo by @env0
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