you know it’s a good podcast when they apologize for the deception
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audiotourguide · 1 year
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Celebrate and appreciate the Mistholme Museum of Mystery, Morbidity, and Mortality this May!
Celebrate The Misthome Museum Month of Mystery, Morbidity, and Mortality this May! Use the tag #mistholme month to share your creations, recommendations, and other contributions to this fan community event. While this event is primarily being celebrated and hosted here on Tumblr, we also invite you to join the Mistholme Museum fan Discord here!
The beginning of this month, May 1st through 13th, will be dedicated to prompts intended to inspire everything including fanfiction, fanart, headcanons, analyses, and other posts from fans that can be shared using the #mistholme month tag. The prompts are as follows:
May 01: Mystery, Morbidity, and/or Mortality 
May 02: Alternatural 
May 03: Perilous 
May 04: Persevere 
May 05: Resonant 
May 06: Embrace 
May 07: Coveted 
May 08: Imperfect 
May 09: Amusing 
May 10: Trustworthy 
May 11: Innocent 
May 12: Omission 
May 13: Nuance
Faves Week will run from May 14th to May 20th, when we encourage Mistholme fans to create work, share something, or post about your favorites! The favorites categories for each day will be:
May 14: Favorite Character 
May 15: Favorite Exhibit 
May 16: Favorite Episode 
May 17: Favorite Creature 
May 18: Favorite Season 
May 19: Favorite Fan-Art* 
May 20: Favorite Fan Fiction
* A note on favorite fan-art: If promoting or sharing artwork created by someone else, particularly work that is on other platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook, which you cannot find on Tumblr, please obtain explicit permission from the original poster of that work before creating your own post to promote it here on Tumblr. Thank you!
Community Week, from May 21st to May 27th, is all about aspects of our fan community. 
May 21: Share Mistholme-related headcanons about characters, exhibits, anticipated plot points for Mistholme Museum season 6!
May 22: Do you have Mistholme Museum original characters? If so, we invite you to talk about them! Share art you’ve created for them, create new art, write something up to describe them, talk about where they fit into the ‘Mistholme Museum universe’. If not, this could be your long-awaited excuse to create one!
May 23: Review-writing day! We are challenging everyone participating in Mistholme Month activities to go on Podchaser, Apple Podcasts, or their preferred podcatcher (function-permitting) to write reviews of The Mistholme Museum of Mystery, Morbidity, and Mortality. Sites/apps like Podchaser.com even allow you to review individual episodes, if you would like to highlight a particular favorite! Show Mistholme the love it deserves on this day by leaving reviews with us.
May 24: Wiki Wednesday! Open up the Mistholme Wiki and find a page, any page, to write, complete, or add to. This is another challenge we are administering to the whole Mistholme Museum fan community as part of this month’s event. No contribution is too small!
May 25: Do you enjoy conceptualizing crossovers for your favorite media? What other works would you combine with Mistholme? What would it look like? Draw fanart, write fanfic, post headcanons, and everything else crossover-related on this day!
May 26: It’s Feedback Friday! Leave comments, kudos, likes, and go forth to reblog, retweet, share, or otherwise promote the fanworks of others in the Mistholme tags on Tumblr, Twitter, Archive of Our Own, and more. Alternatively, fan-artists and fanfic authors are encouraged to welcome critique from fellow creatives on their work via the Discord server.
May 27: Are you a cat-owner? Do you have pictures of cats to share? Participate in our Caturday! It’s fun for the whole fan community. After all. every cat is the Curator’s cat.
Get Silly! The final 4 days of May are dedicated to three specific fan-favorite categories, much looser in structure:
May 28: Stables Sunday is a great day to share more work featuring canonical stables residents such as Bull or the Wil-o-Wisps, headcanon creatures that might additionally be housed by the Museum, or even continue ‘Curator’s Caturday’ by sharing some non-feline creatures from your personal camera roll.
May 29: Man with a Voice Monday is all about The Man with a Voice like Honey and Chocolate and Coffee all at once. Anything additional that happens to be Man with a Voice-related? Share it, post about it, talk about it on this day!
May 30: Audio Tour Guide Tuesday is Guide’s special day. All about the Guide. Much like Man with a Voice Monday, Tour Guide Tuesday is an extra day dedicated to the Audio Tour Guide.
May 31: Wrap-Up Wednesday is a leftover free-space day! Did you happen to miss a day during this month long celebration and you want a chance to post, share, or talk about something from earlier in May? Do it on May 31st! This blog, @audiotourguide will continue sharing anything in the #mistholme month tag up to 2 weeks after the 31st as well, just to keep our celebration and appreciation alive!
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eyeblocks · 1 month
Awww guide :((((( it's so out of place ohhhh I wanna give it a hug :(((
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0-sunstranger-0 · 4 months
"We're beginning to lose track of her personality." "And your own pronouns."
i mean same astrid, same
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unesheet · 5 days
I wonder if the Mistholme Future World is the same planet as the Tales From The Low City world
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jenniferc1377-blog · 6 years
Namjin with their children
Jungkook: Tae share it’s not that hard
Jimin: oh well sharing lines seems to be hard for you kooki~
Jungkook: mMOMMM
BTS kids: AGHH- no we’ll share *evil stares at each other*
Taehyung: * smirks *
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eyeblocks · 2 years
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Everyone clapped
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me: i hate ai
also me: the audio tour guide is the love of my life i adore it and would do anything for it, i’m willing to die for it
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0-sunstranger-0 · 4 months
THE LONG HAIRY BASTARD (not unaffectionate) IS BACK!!!
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eyeblocks · 1 year
"I try to help people. It's kinda my thing"
Guide and Dirk would be such good friends and I know this deep within in my bones
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nikolai x vlad x boris
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