#mp spoilers
kiwikiwiandkiwi · 2 years
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MY POLICEMAN (2022) dir. Michael Grandage
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braverytattoos · 2 years
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My Policeman -- the last look
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sillyysunnyy · 1 year
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I just finished season 2! Very epic. I really...really wanted this scene to be longer... So I'll probably draw more of it.
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luckyagain · 2 years
*my policeman spoilers*
There is a moment where Marion's character mentions a new art installation called My Bed by Tracey Emin.
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Harry included it in his Late Night Talking music video.
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loquaciouscat · 1 year
I wanted to talk about this one thing people are skipping over. Reigen's feet scene. Read this first before judge me and laugh it off!!!
It is funny and it made me giggle as well, it became a meme really quickly. Yet it's actually a symbolism that is easy to miss unless you are familiar to Japan symbolism.
CW: discussion of s*icide. Please read at your own risk!!
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To me, anime wasn't able to capture the seriousness of the situation.
Reigen was getting prepared to die.
Barefoot suicide is really a thing and also is a common TV trope in Japanese media. Many people believe it's because people don't want to track dirt and such into their ethereal destination, or to imply it was their choice to die. Apperantly as it got more commonly inspired by real life situations, abondoned pairs of shoes have became a symbol for suicide. Feel free to search yourself as well.
You can see in the manga panel, there was a literal hurricane going on in the place. All the people that have faced with Shigeo so far were all very powerful espers, yet got severely hurt. Reigen has no powers to protect himself, never had one. You can literally pinpoint the moment he has decided to go for it, and you can also how terrified he is.
He is ready to die to save Mob, yet he is still so scared. He goes for it anyways.
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Considering seriousness of the situation, it was indeed a suicide mission for him. I believe the repeated scenes and focus on bare foot was to show Reigen was ready to risk everything to protect his young brother figure.
Everything Reigen had in his life, it was because of Mob's influence on him. This goes for both ways, we were shown how much Reigen affected Mob yet didn't fully grasp how much Mob affected Reigen. This was shown beautifully in the seperation arc. I believe we can see a similar situation going on here.
When he started S&S Counseling, he was an adult lost in life. He wanted to "become someone", (which I believe it's roots comes from his family dynamic) and Mob helped him achieved that. But it was built on a lie. And they both knew it, yet didn't talk on it. Mob didn't share about his hidden feelings much either.
At some point, understandably, it exploded. All the repressed feelings came to surface. Reigen risked everything he had left, including his life, to assure Mob that it was okay to struggle with his own identity, and it doesn't make him less or more of a person. We never really see Reigen being this vulnerable, so it was so refreshing to see. He didn't just assured Mob it's okay to struggle with self-acceptance, but he also admitted he struggles with it too. And it makes me cry whenever I think about he was willing to die to help the kid he raised.
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I just can't help but adore the strong bond they have with each other. And I'm so glad the manga (and the anime) just ended with the most amazing way of showing self-acceptance.
I will always appreciate One's storytelling so much!!!
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stylesnews · 2 years
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PrimeVideo: Experience the beauty of #MyPoliceman in theaters tomorrow and on Prime Video November 4.
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moonslust · 2 years
Can we also have a big round of applause for Julia? She was so brave coming out to Marion after what she'd just heard, the words coming out of Marion were horrifying to hear, I really admired Julia for that and aspire to be that unbothered by homophobes <3
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my policeman no context
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alwaysxyou · 2 years
“how do you stand being alone” “im not alone am I”
“harry you’re no good alone”
“you can start a family who will always show you love”
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kiwikiwiandkiwi · 2 years
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MY POLICEMAN (2022) dir. Michael Grandage
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braverytattoos · 2 years
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My Policeman -- Tom and Patrick
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thebus1boys · 2 years
isn't there something to be said about how the same events were so different from patrick and marion's point of views. when patrick's pov started, that's when we got the full picture. the true story. because isn't that what always happens, people see what they want to see until reality is shoved right in their face and they go oh.
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persephoneflouwers · 2 years
I haven’t seen anyone complimenting Everett Rupert. The way he played a patient with post stroke dysarthria was without any question my favourite moment of the movie.
My mind keeps going back to the moment Patrick yells at Marion to leave and I’m like jfc that was so powerful and well done
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loquaciouscat · 1 year
btw before i log off y'all are bullying THE WRONG KID.
forgot about teru what the HELL is this:
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he looks like those grass heads but orange
This one:
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stylesnews · 2 years
My Policeman – ‘Origins’ Featurette | Prime Video
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dae-15 · 2 years
I could recognize him by touch alone, by smell; I would know him blind, by the way his breaths came and his feet struck the earth. I would know him in death, at the end of the world."
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