#mphfpc imagine
miss---lu · 10 months
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Walks on the Beach
She came to the loop not to long ago, yet no one could figure out what her peculiarity was. She always dodged the question, never looking uncomfortable just not answering.Claire and Olive believed she must have a more scary peculiarity, otherwise why wouldn’t she share it?
Enoch watched as YN walked outside in the garden. He was peering though his window, just studying her movements. Her steps seemed to be with intent, all incredibly light.
He saw how Olive was walking on over towards her. Her heavy boots dragging in the grass. YN just smiled at the young girl as she continued on her path. She was leaving the garden and heading towards what looked like the beach.
Against his better judgement, Enoch decided to follow after. He quickly made his way down the stairs, trying to avoid his housemates, but he was not that lucky.
He ran straight into the bird and started apologizing profusely. She just tutted at him and gestured for him to follow behind her.
“Mr O’Connor what has you in such a hurry? Typically you spend your free hour after lunch working on those puppets of yours.”
Enoch just shrugged, but he felt a soft, warm feeling start to bubble in his chest. “I don’t know, just thought I’d spend some time outside with the others.”
Miss Peregrine narrowed her eyes as she looked at the boy. “You were going after Miss LN, weren’t you?”
Enoch’s face started to heat up as he went to shake his head. It was too late, though. The bird already knew.
“Mister O’Connor,” she stopped and gave a small smile, “you know Miss LN happens to go the beach during this time. She considers it her tranquility period where she can just roam.”
Enoch nodded. After seeing that he was still standing there the bird ushered for his to continue on his journey. He smiled back at her as he made his way out the door.
. . .
YN stood on the beach barefoot as she watched the waves. Her eyes were closed, so Enoch approached her slowly. Before he could open his mouth to say anything, she started talking:
“I know you’re there, Enoch. I can sense your presence.”
Enoch let out a small chuckle. “Was I loud?”
YN turned to face him and laughed. “No. You were very quiet, but you see, it’s my peculiarity.”
Enoch cocked an eyebrow, confused by what she meant.
YN just laughed again before continuing, “I’m what they call an earthwalker. I can control the ground kind of how Emma can control fire.”
“That’s fascinating.”
“Thanks,” she giggled. “That’s why I don’t like wearing shoes. When I have skin on the earth I can feel what’s touching it, what’s inside it, etc. I can also cause the rocks to shift.”
YN suddenly stomped her foot on the ground and Enoch felt the earth tremble below him. YN only smiled at his shocked expression.
“See? I can manipulate the fault lines.”
Enoch smiled softly as he went to take her hand. “You want to just sit here with me?”
“I’d like that. And maybe you can show me some of your homunculus creations.”
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nerdblob · 1 year
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krakenandcracker · 10 months
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normal people scare me
Book enoch looks
first look is from map of days and second is his “stolen from a corpse” clothes.
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swanimagines · 7 months
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Alma LeFay Peregrine
Enoch O'Connor
(Any of the other characters don't have any requests written nor pending as for now, so I'm unable to have serieses for them as AO3 requires you to have at least one oneshot written to be able to add it to a series, and I can't promise serieses for characters who don't have requests pending/I have no ideas of my own for them)
For anyone who's concerned, THESE ARE NOT ONESHOT COLLECTIONS, they are made using AO3's "series" feature.
If you want to be informed about new fics for Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children or its individual characters, create an AO3 account and subscribe or bookmark any of those serieses listed above. There are buttons at the top right corner for those, or on top on mobile. I do not do Tumblr taglists anymore.
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Wish That You Were Here
Peculiar!reader x Emma Bloom (platonic!) - Inspired by 'Wish That You Were Here by Florence and the Machine
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“Y/N? Y/N, are you even listening to me?” Emma’s voice breaks through your thoughts like a knife and you jump in your seat to attention, shaking your head slightly. “I didn’t catch that, sorry.” You mumble sheepishly, gazing back out into the distance, looking towards the sea once more.
It was one of the things you had appreciated the most when you had first arrived into the Cairnholm loop, you hadn’t always been so lucky. Being a peculiar that most normies would liken to a siren, it was quite a pickle if you didn’t have a body of water to ‘haunt’. It had made life in the middle of London quite challenging at times.
When that loop was destroyed, you were placed here, in Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children… but you then had to leave someone behind. Someone special.
“You’re doing it again.” Emma warned you, the look on her face is equal parts concern and amusement. “Sorry… the sea is drawing me in strongly today.”
“Do you want to head down there? We’re past the reset, so it’ll be safe.” Emma offers, gesturing to the path. “Are you sure you can handle it?” You ask, knowing that if you let out your song, buried in you, that you could control her to do almost anything.
“Don’t worry, I’ll keep a safe distance from you. Just means we may have to shout.” Emma smirks. You nod in agreement, and walk down with her silence. You became lost in your thoughts again, thinking of your dear friend. Where were they now? What year, what loop? Were they even still alive?
Your siren’s call slips out before you even realise it as you take one step into the water. True to her word, Emma remains somewhat further back up the beach and luckily seems unaffected. “So, what is this about?” Emma shouts to you, knowing that you weren’t usually so affected by your peculiarity.
“Her. Again.” You call back in a floaty, sing-song voice. “She’s... always on my mind. I wish she was here. Every second, every hour.” Saying every day seemed moot, considering it was always the same day in September.
Emma hummed back in understanding. “I know how you feel. I think of Abe every day too.” You pause your song, surprised to hear Emma talk of him. She rarely brought him up, and you considered it an honour that she felt comfortable enough to do so with you.
“Do you ever feel like missing him becomes so burdening? Like a feeling that just sits on your chest, weighing you down, making it hard to catch your breath?” You ask Emma, your voice still singing a haunting call.
“…Often.” Emma shouts back, taking one step further away from you to ensure she didn’t become trapped by your song.
“I don’t even know if she is safe. Sometimes, I wonder if she thinks of me as often as I think of her.”
“I bet she does.” Emma replies, hoping in her heart that Abe thought of her often too.
“Some days, the image of her seems so very far.” My siren’s song starts to die down, as I turn towards her. A tear slips down my cheek. “I don’t even have a photo of her. I worry that one day, I’ll forget what she looks like. That all I’ll have left is the idea of her in my mind.”
Emma remains quiet for a while, feeling almost guilty that she at least had many remainders of Abe to fall back on. “Why don’t you paint a picture of her? I’m sure the bird will have supplies.” Emma suggested tentatively, praying you responded favourably to it.
You stepped out of the water, looking back out to sea. “Yes… I think I shall ask her.” You walked back up the beach, looping your arm into her’s as you returned the house. “Thank you, Emma.” You say softly as you step back into the safety of the house. “I won’t let her be forgotten.”
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Enoch O’Connor Masterlist
Love Me Or Love Me Not?
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Dating Enoch O'Connor Would Include...
From my Wattpad
Warnings: Sexual allusions, not proofed
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- Being the only person in the house to see him smile - Stealing his sweaters - You asking him to zip up your dresses - Him obviously helping you - Teaching him to braid your hair - Hand-holding under the table during meals - You convince him to go on walks - And to actually spend time outside - And with the children - Enoch is SUCH a tease - Touching your thigh during dinner - "Enoch..." - "Yes, love?" - "Stop." - "I don't know what you're talking about" - The damn smirk on that boy - Enoch is protective - especially when Jacob shows up - You can't be in the same room as Jacob without Enoch being there too - he just can't risk losing you - You are going outside? Enoch is going too - Going into town? Enoch is coming with you - It does get annoying at times - You got up to use the restroom and so did Enoch - "What are you doing Enoch?" - "Coming with you." - "Enoch, I'm going to the bathroom." - "Oh." - You go to the shore quite often - He loves it when you smile - He smiles when you smile - Miss Peregrine loves you two together - She knew it from the beginning - Even though you had hated each other - She had to set rules once you got together - She caught you two kissing one time - Along with Claire - Enoch was so embarrassed - When Miss Peregrine and the children go on trips to the town, you have the house to yourself - He's like, kinda kinky? - No but really - You have to cover up so many hickeys/bruises - You are so shy when it comes to PDA - Even when it is just you two - Especially when it is just you two - his accent is so hot - him saying your full name?? - DONE. ABSOLUTELY DECEASED - He teaches you how to do stuff - And shows you, many, many things - GoD he's a dom - But he won't do anything you are not comfy with - You two are just so cute together
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ambersweets134 · 5 months
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Paused Mphfpc at the wrong time and I can't unsee her bitch slapping Jake now😭
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phoenixnewton · 2 months
Loop Mornings
Enoch O’Connor x Reader Fluff
Miss Peregrines Home for Peculair Children
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My eyes fluttered open as the sound of familiar birds sang their morning calls in the garden. I woke the same way every day. The same minute, of the same day, of the same year. September 3rd 1943. As always I closed my eyes again, attempting to fall back into a deep slumber.
I shivered as a breeze came through the window and snuggled deeper into the duvet and the strong arms that encompassed me. Enoch must have forgotten to close the window the night before after we'd spent the evening on the balcony. I felt my face heat up at the memory. Despite having been together for the past twenty years in the loop, the thought of the broody boy set my cheeks aflame and my stomach to flutter in nervous excitement.
As if he knew I was thinking about him, I felt Enoch shift beside me. He mumbled something illegible and pulled my body closer to him. I let out a breathless laugh and let myself be pressed against his chest. At last, I let my eyes open fully as I listened to his steady heartbeat in his chest. My fingers drew out intricate patterns with a featherlight touch on his chest, being as careful as I could not to wake him. Although, knowing Enoch he was probably already awake and just pretending. He did that a lot, especially in quiet loop mornings like this, just feigning sleep to make the moment last longer.
Despite being virtually adults, and both the oldest wards under her care, Miss Peregrine still disapproved of us sharing a bed. So, moments like this were rare and short-lived.
Enoch stroked a hand down my back softly. His hands were calloused from all the manual work he did constructing his homunculi, but I felt his roughened caress comforting. As his hand made its way down my bare spine I was reminded suddenly that I was naked, which meant he certainly was too. “G’Morning, darling.” He said in a husky voice that was rough from sleep. I felt a shiver go through me at the deep rumble of it.
I tilted my head back and placed a soft, lingering kiss on his jaw in reply. I saw his Adam's apple bob as he swallowed when my lips carried on a trail downwards along the column of his neck. “Morning handsome,” I murmured against his hot skin.
Enoch groaned and pulled me on top of him so fast it made my head spin. I giggled quietly, aware that we couldn't be too loud. The walls in this house were ridiculously thin. I ran my hands down his defined chest teasingly as he gripped my hips tightly.
“How long have we got?” He asked me slightly breathless when my hands drifted lower, tracing the deep v-line on his hips.
I grinned devilishly, “Long enough.” And with that, Enoch captured my lips in a searing kiss full of lust and love.
Loop mornings were repetitive-literally, and there was no way to deny that. But it didn't mean they couldn't be fun. And as long as I had Enoch, I could spend every morning like this. Full of searing kisses, soft caresses and gasped breaths. Forever.
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miss---lu · 1 year
Teddy Bear
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A/N: I decided to make Enoch like an older brother figure for Claire. Because oh my god that would just be so precious.
Enoch slowly opened his eyes as he saw the sun start to peak into his room. He groaned and turned over trying to avoid the light. He heard the soft pitter-patter of feet and he turned to look at the door.
Claire was standing at the door with her teddy bear. He noticed a small rip on the bears stomach. He sighed but beckoned the young girl towards him.
She smiled as she went to hand him the bear. He gently pushed his blankets off as he went to his desk. He pulled out the little sewing kit and got to work on her bear.
Once he finished, Claire gave him a hug and ran out of the room giggling. She passed Y/N who was leaning on the doorframe smiling at Enoch.
He felt a blush creep up his face as he made eye contact with Y/N. He quickly turned away as she started to laugh.
Softly her footsteps made the way over towards where he was sitting. She softly wrapped her arms around his chest, giving him a hug from behind.
Resting her head on his shoulder she whispered a soft, “You try to act like you don’t care about us, but secretly you’re a big softie. Your like a teddy bear.”
Enoch relaxed into Y/N’s embrace. He felt completely safe as he sat their with you. Y/N turned her head a quickly placed a delicate kiss on his cheek before getting up to walk away.
As she walked away, Enoch felt his face heat up where she kissed him. He brought his hand up to his cheek and smiled to himself.
“Enoch, are you coming?”
He made his way out of his room and closed the door. He heard giggling and turned to see Claire standing with her teddy bear in her arms.
Claire was giggling at Enoch’s blushing face. He jokingly rolled his eyes, making her laugh harder. He softly ruffled her hair and then made his way downstairs to spend time with his favorite peculiar.
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nerdblob · 1 year
Jacob: Enoch are you feeling all right? You've only told me to fuck-off 4 times today
Jacob: see you didn't even say it then?! are you sure you're ok?
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dragonsdendoodles · 8 months
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What if we rewrite the stars
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multimilfs · 1 year
Alma Peregrine x Fem!Reader: Not-Birthday
Summary: Alma Peregrine + 17 — “You did all of this for me?”
Prompts found here!
A/N: I hope you all enjoy this!!
Full Ficmas List
Tag List: @multifandomfix @escapetodreamworld @ghostsunderstoodmysoul @imtrashinflames @evil-feather @elenaguarnieri @nonbinary-cryptid-baby
Warning(s): None
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Things are actually going according to plan. 
You’re still waiting for something to fly off the rails, but overwhelmingly, everything has fallen into place; Alma took Olive and the other children into town, leaving you with Emma and Enoch to help.
Every month or so, you’ve started doing a ‘not-birthday’ for one of the children. Alma stopped celebrating their birthdays long ago to keep from reminding them of how time never passes. It’s a sweet thought. You felt that the children never got to be individually special, though, as a result and so; not-birthdays. 
“Miss Y/N, does this look okay?” 
You look up to see the pink paper-letters spelling out ‘Olive’ hanging on the wall next to the staircase. It’s perfectly straight, just the way you wanted it. 
“It looks perfect. What else do we have?” 
“You wanted to make a cake,” Emma says, “but you might not have time. Do we always have to do it in secret?” 
“Yes.” You nod, leaving no room for argument. 
Enoch clears his throat, “If you’re not going to offer me a task, can I at least go to my room?” 
“Enoch, you know Olive better than anyone. I need your eyes.” 
“Olive adores you. She’ll adore anything you put on.” He shakes his head. 
You take one of his hands and squeeze, “Please, Enoch. I want this to be perfect.” 
He sighs. 
“Alright.” He grumbles. 
You grin and squeeze his hands again. Back to the details, you focus on your list, trying to cross-reference what needs finished with how much time you have left. Alma is nothing if not efficient, but she knows the plans, and should take a little extra time. 
The idea of not-birthdays aren’t too far from an actual birthday celebration; which makes Alma twitch. She fears knowing how old they should be will make them itch for freedom from the loop she can’t provide. And while you can agree with that, the point of a not-birthday is that it’s completely random, and you don’t mention age. 
Plus, there were many years Alma didn’t celebrate before you came along. So the children have long lost their sense of time and their own age. 
The older three are always the trickiest to plan for. It is easy enough to get the girls out of the house, but getting Enoch away long enough to plan raised his suspicions. Every year you find yourself jumping through new hoops to surprise him. 
Olive, though, is the simplest. She’s so sweet, she never expects anything for herself; the thought gives you chest pains. Every time she’s just as surprised as before. And though you know she’ll love it no matter what, you strive to make it bigger and better each time. 
“Emma,” You call, making your way into the kitchen after a while, “How is the cake coming along?” 
Emma is leaning against the counter with a book in her hands. She’s flipping through it lazily, pointing at the oven without looking up. You resist the urge to shake your head. 
Cracking it and peering in, it seems the cake is coming along nicely. Emma made quick work of it. Though you do hope it’ll be done before everyone returns, you know it’s unlikely. 
“Miss Y/N.” Enoch calls.
Busying yourself with preparing the cake decorations, “Yes?” 
“They’re back early.” 
You freeze. Next to you, Emma does too. 
The two of you look at one another and then stare at the oven. There’s no way. Even if you had a way to manipulate time, there’s no possibility of finishing it before they come inside. You’re left to rely on your peculiarity. 
“Are you okay with keeping an eye on it?” You ask. 
Emma nods, “Of course. Try and distract them, please.” 
You nod back. With a flutter of your fingertips, Emma is hidden from view, as well as any indication that the oven is on. You race around the house doing the same with all of the decorations. 
By the time you’ve hidden all of the decorations, the front door opens. 
“Miss Y/N, we’re home!” Hugh calls out. 
Coming around the corner, attempting to smooth down your hair, you smile. The children seem none the wiser. Alma’s brow ticks up ever so slightly, a sly little smirk coming to her lips. 
“How was town, my darlings?” You ask. 
Your arms are suddenly full of Claire and Bronwyn. The latter nearly sends you flying backwards. If not for her strong arms holding you in place, you’re certain you’d be in another room. Her sheepish smile tells you she’s aware of that fact too. 
Claire wraps herself around you like she’s trying to become one with you. She’s careful to keep your arms away from her back-mouth. 
“The humans were more subdued today,” Olive says, coming to give you a little side-hug, “It was weird. They were almost… nice.” 
“Odd.” You agree. 
Alma cuts in, “It was likely the early hour. We scarcely visit so early. Shoes off, children.” 
They’re all quick to obey. Both sets of arms unwrap from around your waist as the children line their shoes up near the doorway. Even Millard, who is actually clothed this morning, thank the heavens. 
Alma is at your side. She offers a kiss on your cheek in greeting when she’s sure none of the children are watching. You smile, though you can see that curious smirk still on her face. 
She speaks quietly, “The house is normal.”
“How odd.” You say, giving her a pointed look. 
“Emma is also curiously absent.” 
“Is she?” 
“Darling,” Alma grins, “You went overboard, didn’t you?” 
“No, you just came back too early.” 
Alma shrugs. Her little smirk makes you furious and ravenous in equal measure. She seems to know it, if the twinkle in her eyes means anything. 
The children disperse back to their normal routines while you attempt to subtly continue the not-birthday details. It’s an infuriating game of pretend. Everytime one of the children walks into the room, you have to seem busy with something normal. 
A few of the younger children accept your behavior and go on about their business. The older ones stop and eye you, but ultimately walk off too. You breathe out a sigh each time. 
Three taps on your shoulder startles you from what you’re doing. 
Emma’s voice is in a whisper, “Everything is ready.” 
Making sure nobody is around, you snap, and Emma is fully visible again. She smiles. 
Behind you, a throat clears, and you turn to see Alma leaning against the doorway. The two of you offer smiles. Shaking her head, she turns to head back downstairs, throwing behind her, “I’ll collect the children.” 
And she does. 
The decorations are visible and when you hear the little gasp from the hallway, you know you were successful in surprising them. Olive comes into the kitchen with a look of wonder, eyes widening. 
In the center of the table is a pretty pink cake. It perfectly matches her dress, which is coincidentally her favorite color. 
“Happy not-birthday, Olive.” You smile. 
“You did all of this for me?” She whispers, staring at you with glossy eyes. 
When you nod, she hugs you tight around the middle. You laugh and hug her back. You could do the smallest thing for Olive and you know she’d love it. It makes you feel so warm inside to do something sweet for her, especially when she expects so little. 
She deserves more appreciation and love, they all do. You’ve made it your mission to make sure they get all they deserve. 
You fade into the background as the children bicker and fight over slices of cake. Emma, as always, steps in to mediate; taking the knife and doing her best to cut even slices for all of them. 
Alma discreetly takes your hand in her own. 
“You did well.” 
“Thank you,” You smile, looking into her eyes with your heart brimming with love, “You’re next.”
“Don’t you dare.” Alma shakes her head. 
“Too late, the plans are already in motion,” You sing-song, kissing her when the children aren’t looking, “You’re just along for the ride, Miss Peregrine.” 
She does her best not to smile at your apparent joy. Her unblinking gaze follows your every move, love in them. Her voice drips with sarcasm, “Fantastic.” 
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As It Used to Be
Bone-mender!Reader x Miss Peregrine (platonic!)
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Everyone was sat around the dinner table, just as it used to be before. Everything was as it used to be, it was safe once more. Your fellow peculiars, your family, were laughing and joking… Jacob made a wonderful addition by bringing in some fresh conversation. And yet, you sat back in your chair staring at your plate, not engaging with anyone at all. You couldn’t stop the feeling of dread creeping over your bones.
A particularly loud laugh from Emma shook you from your daze, and you forced a smile on your face as you brought your focus back to your family. You thought no one had noticed your lapse in attention, but you had failed to notice the beady eyes of Miss Peregrine watching you curiously. She decided to keep a close eye on you until the reset.
After dinner, everyone watched Horace’s latest dream… everyone except you, that is. While everyone crowded around the sofa, you hovered behind your makeshift family like a guard dog, pacing the floor. Olive and Fiona noticed and frowned to each other, before returning their attention to Horace’s dream. Miss Peregrine, however, was growing increasingly concerned by your behaviour. She was about to pull you aside to find out what was wrong, when Horace’s dream ended and the children all began getting ready for the reset.
The headmistress was determined to get to the bottom of it after she maintained the loop. However, the younger children commanded her attention until they went to bed. She noticed your door was closed, suggesting you were in bed. So, she walked past your room with a small shake of her head, not satisfied that she’d have to wait until the morning to confront you.
You were still awake, however. Staring up at the ceiling, you tried to calm your racing mind down, to quieten all your thoughts. There was still that foreboding sense of fear, that something was going to happen again, you just couldn’t shake it.
It was not until the early hours of the morning that you managed to fall asleep, though you would not remain so for very long. You began to dream that the Wight and his hollowgast had come back. They grabbed Claire and Hugh and you heard a sickening crunch as the hollow broke their bones in an attempt to grab their eyes. You ran towards them, trying to touch them and use your peculiarity as a bone-mender to heal them both. But you were too late. You had failed to save them.
You woke up with a scream as your body involuntarily launched itself upright. Loud, shuddering breaths echoed in the room as you frantically searched your surroundings. Realising where you were, and knowing you’d had yet another nightmare, you slumped against the wall in defeat, allowing yourself to cry.
A few seconds later, you heard rushed footsteps heading towards you. In anticipation you turned your head towards the door, the relief of seeing Miss Peregrine rush in making you cry even more. “Oh, little one…” The headmistress muttered as she sat on the edge of your bed, reaching her hand out to rest on your shoulder. You launched yourself towards her, clinging onto your mentor in as a tight a hug as you could manage. After the initial shock Miss Peregrine returned the hug, smoothing down your hair as she gently shushed you.
“You had a nightmare, Y/N?” You nodded, sniffing as you tried to wipe your tears away. “I’m guessing this isn’t the first time, is it?” Miss Peregrine asked, though she already knew the answer. “No, it’s not.” You whispered, turning your gaze away from her.
“Why didn’t you say anything?” The headmistress asked, her hand softly clasping yours. “I didn’t think it was important.” You replied defensively, continuing to avoid eye contact. “Well, now that I’m here, would you like to tell me about these dreams?” Finally you raised your gaze to look at the Ymbryne, hesitating for a moment before deciding to give in.
“Its about the… the Wight. And the hollow.” You began, shuddering at the mere mention of them. “They keep hurting the others, my family. And I try to heal them, try to save them… but I’m always too late. I never make in time, I always fail to save them.” You struggled to maintain composure as you looked up into Miss Peregrine’s concerned gaze. “I have to protect them! I won’t let anything hurt them!” You felt yourself being pulled into another hug and you made no effort to resist, Miss Peregrine softly shushing you once again.
“I know you won’t, Y/N. You already do a wonderful job, and we are lucky to have a bone-mender with us.” Miss Peregrine pulled back, cupping your face gently, her thumb gently brushing your cheek. “But you don’t need to be on guard all the time. We are safe here, our adventure has passed. I hope to not need to return to battle for a long, long time.”
You nodded slowly, trying to take the words in, wanting to believe them to be true. “Why don’t we go downstairs and I’ll make you some nice soothing tea.” Miss Peregrine offered gently, standing up and offering her hand to you. “Thank you.” You whispered, pushing back the covers and climbing out of bed to join her. Her arm wrapped around you like a wing, and together the two of you spent a quiet early morning. You were safe, just like you used to be.
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Emma Bloom Masterlist
none yet!
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Staying in Bed - Enoch O'Connor
Summary: A slow morning in the Loop
Warnings: suggestive at the end but PURE FLUFF
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"See she won't wake up!" You heard Claire say.
"I think she's just tired, hon." Was Enoch's response. You slowly opened your eyes to see Enoch shuffling Claire out of your bedroom. You snuggled into your floral sheets and hear footsteps returning to your bed.
"Hi." You said, looking up at your boyfriend, his expression blank on his handsome face.
"You missed breakfast, love." He replies. You shrug, disregarding your grumbling stomach. You move over to the side of your bed, making room for him. He sits down on the edge of your bed, still looking at you, the darkness of his clothing contrasting with the pastel colors of your bedding.
"What Enoch?" You ask, pulling your white sheets up to get more comfortable.
"You're annoying." He stood up from your bed, walking over to your door. "Get dressed, we are going out today."
You groan into your sheets before making eye contact with your dark haired boyfriend, who is currently glaring at you from across the room, in the doorway.
"Now." You giggled, his accent making you laugh.
"Fine." You throw your blankets off of your body, the cold air of the house chilling you through your thin nightgown. Swinging your legs over the side of your bed, you reach for your hair ribbon on your nightstand. As you begin to tie your hair back, you hear your door shut. You see Enoch's feet walk closer before stopping in front of you. He reaches his hands to yours, letting your hair back down. Stepping between your legs, he lifts your head up.
"Or I suppose we could stay here." You finally meet his gaze, his dark eyes flaring. You nod shakily before he dips his head and kisses you slowly, pushing you back down into your bed.
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