#muscle art
newblvotg · 3 days
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aimuscle · 2 days
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dasomyong · 5 months
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Your fluffy, beefy, moth boyfriend, Volcarona~
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taogebear · 10 months
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Muscle streamer 💪🎮
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lycanretweet · 1 month
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I take no responsibility for how gay this makes your adolescence
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pumperpup · 4 months
Ken and Josh, both middle-aged men with a zest for life and a penchant for the extraordinary, had been the best of friends for decades. Ken, a brilliant yet often mischievous inventor, had recently completed his most peculiar invention: a "muscle growth remote." This device, crafted with an aura of mystery, featured an array of intricate designs and a prominent red button that gleamed like a ruby.
On a lazy, sun-drenched afternoon, while Josh was leisurely reading a book in Ken's living room, Ken decided it was the perfect moment for a little prank. With a sly grin, he aimed the remote at Josh and pressed the button.
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In an instant, Josh's muscles began to transform. It started subtly; his forearms thickened, veins rising like serpentine rivers across his skin. His biceps swelled, straining against the fabric of his shirt, as if they were trying to escape confinement.
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"Wow, Ken, what in the world..." Josh gasped, feeling his shirt tighten around his burgeoning chest. His pecs were now protruding boldly, defined and powerful.
At first, Josh was amused, flexing his arms and marveling at his newfound strength. "I haven't been this buff since college," he chuckled, admiring his reflection in the mirror.
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But Ken, enthralled by the success of his invention, pressed the button repeatedly. Josh's muscles ballooned with each press. His shoulders broadened to Herculean proportions, casting a formidable shadow. His thighs became like pillars, each muscle fiber visibly twitching and expanding.
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However, the amusement soon turned into concern. "Ken, I think this is getting out of hand," Josh said, his voice tinged with worry. His movements were now lumbering and awkward, his body struggling to adapt to its excessive musculature.
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Ken, realizing he may have gone too far, watched in a mix of awe and fear as Josh's once-fit body morphed into a mass of overgrown muscles. The seams of his shirt gave way, revealing a landscape of bulging, rock-like muscles.
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"Ken, please, make it stop!" Josh pleaded, his voice echoing a mixture of fear and desperation. He tried to stand up, but his colossal frame made even the simplest movements a challenge.
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Ken finally put down the remote after Josh fell to the ground, helpless and unable to move.
"Oh, don't be so dramatic. It'll wear off soon.. I think," Ken laughed.
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newblvotg · 3 days
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aimuscle · 2 days
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Old school.
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dasomyong · 3 months
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Pec Meme
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aibigbois · 6 months
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Rembrandt's genius in portraying muscular subjects lies in his masterful use of chiaroscuro, deftly playing with light and shadow to accentuate the contours of the massively muscular human form. In works like the above he goes beyond mere anatomical precision, infusing his subjects with a profound emotional depth. The interplay of light on rippling enormous muscles not only showcases his technical brilliance but also conveys a palpable sense of vitality. Rembrandt's ability to capture the physicality and psychological complexity of extremely hypermuscular individuals elevates his paintings into powerful narratives of the human experience, where each brushstroke delves into the intricacies of strength, vulnerability, and the fragility of life.
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taogebear · 1 year
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*Snap snap* Gains! 💪
Imagine having a trainer who can give you the body of your dreams with a snap of his fingers! 🤤
Of course, this trainer's magic growth powers aren't limited to just muscles! See what else he can grow over on my Patreοn (🔞), where you can find HD spicy alts of this sequence (and many others)! 😉
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steelmod · 7 months
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raitokagami · 14 days
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Prepare for the explosion. 💥💥💥
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pumperpup · 6 months
The Diver
Dave was no ordinary diver. He thrived on exploring the uncharted ocean waters, seeking the unknown and the extraordinary. His adventures had taken him to the farthest corners of the deep, but one fateful dive would change everything.
As Dave descended into the depths of the ocean, the azure blue gradually darkened, and he found himself in a world of shadows and mysteries. It was during this dive that he encountered a sight unlike any other—a unique octopus, its tentacles shimmering with an otherworldly iridescence.
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Curiosity got the better of Dave, and he reached out to touch the octopus. To his surprise, the creature responded with equal curiosity, wrapping one of its tentacles around his arm. At that very moment, Dave felt a surge of energy, unlike anything he had ever experienced before. It coursed through his body, invigorating his muscles.
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At first, Dave was merely curious, watching in amazement as his muscles began to grow. He flexed his arms, fascinated by the transformation. However, his fascination soon turned to concern as his muscles showed no signs of stopping.
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Panic gripped Dave as he struggled to free himself from the octopus's relentless grasp. But instead of releasing him, the octopus's tentacle tightened further, and Dave's muscles grew to colossal proportions. His limbs became massive, and he could no longer move freely in the water.
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Fear surged through Dave as he realized the dire situation he was in. His muscles were out of control, growing beyond anything he could have imagined.
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The octopus, seemingly satisfied with its curious endeavor, released Dave and disappeared into the dark waters.
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Dave, now a giant among the ocean's depths, began to sink to the bottom, unable to swim with his colossal muscles weighing him down.
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As he descended, he caught glimpses of his rescuers—a team of fellow divers who had witnessed his transformation.
They worked tirelessly to bring Dave back above the water and onto the boat. It was no easy task, as he was now a massive giant, his muscles filling the deck of the vessel. But with sheer determination and the assistance of a makeshift pulley system, they managed to get him on board.
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Dave, once a rugged diver, now a towering behemoth, flexed his newfound muscles proudly. He had become a giant, a living legend of the ocean's depths. Though his transformation had been frightening, he couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at his newfound strength.
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newblvotg · 3 days
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aimuscle · 2 days
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Do you want some good old classic beefcake?
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