#my beautiful man 2
rayandgay · 10 months
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Don't you ever have thoughts like that? (subs by @DE4RKAZU)
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amethyst-fiend · 1 year
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 Utsukushii Kare  + textposts
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jimmysea · 1 year
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I won't kiss you for a while. What? I won't do it until you decide to face me properly.
Hagiwara Riku as HIRA & Yagi Yusei as KIYOI 美しい彼 シーズン2 (2023) dir. Sakai Mai
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storge · 1 year
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Please forgive me. This sin of touching god, pretending that it's courage. No, it's fine if I’m not forgiven. In exchange, I was able to get Kiyoi all to myself. Please tell me. This contradictory feeling... What is it called? Hira Kazunari....He really makes me act strange. I actually wanted to show off how cool my man is. But when it seems like someone will steal him away, I'm painfully lonely. What is this contradictory feeling in my heart? I want to know...
HIra & Kiyoi Utsukushii Kare S2 2.01
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Forehead touches - an indication of not only the emotional or physical connection, but also a mental one (Part 3/?)
Never Let Me Go
Between Us
Stay With Me
Eien No Knou / Eternal Yesterday
The Promise
Destiny Seeker
La Pluie
Our Skyy 2
Utsukushii Kare Season 2 / My Beautiful Man 2
Part of my favorite bl-tropes collection, as always in no particular order.
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respectthepetty · 10 months
My Beautiful (Colorful) Man
Over the course of two seasons and a movie, we have witnessed My Beautiful Man/Utsukushii Kare's Hira and Kiyoi be the most dedicated color-coded boys in love.
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Hira is a Blue Boy. He is stable and sincere.
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But above all else, he is loyal to his idol, Kiyoi. Obsessively so.
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Because even though all of the world sees Kiyoi as an arrogant, sophisticated, and secretive Black Brooder
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Hira sees him as a Heavenly Human.
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To him, Kiyoi is a god who should be worshiped, so Hira always lowers himself as he believes he could never be equal to such an ethereal being.
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But what Hira misses is that Kiyoi is not a god in all white, but a man devoid of color and love.
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Hira worships Kiyoi, but Kiyoi just wants Hira to love him, not as a god, but as a man.
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So when Hira finally shows Kiyoi that he not only worships him, but loves him, he finally gives Kiyoi some of his color.
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And Kiyoi quickly picks it up since all he has ever wanted is for Hira to love him.
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Because as much as Hira openly admires Kiyoi, Kiyoi loves Hira immensely more.
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Kiyoi's entire world is Hira, and without him, Kiyoi's world would be colorless.
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Which is why Kiyoi demands that Hira sees them as equals.
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He knows Hira would never cross a line with him, so Kiyoi always crosses the line first, but it's to lift Hira up and make him understand that they both love each other and are both worthy of this love.
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Because when this all began, Hira wouldn't even look Kiyoi in the eyes.
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But slowly, Kiyoi continued lifting Hira up.
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Until finally, Hira rose on his own to meet Kiyoi where he was instead of admiring him at a distance from below.
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So even though on the outside, Kiyoi comes across as dark and guarded
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When it comes to Hira, the Blue Boy who gave his world color,
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Kiyoi really is heaven sent.
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Hira gives Kiyoi the support and love he needs. Hira gives Kiyoi color.
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And as a result, Kiyoi gives Hira confidence and purpose. Kiyoi gives Hira's life meaning.
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Although Hira would gladly give up his life for Kiyoi,
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Kiyoi would never let that happen because he needs Hira by his side just as much as his Blue Boy needs him.
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At the core of their relationship is a Blue Boy whose love for Kiyoi is deeply rooted and firmly planted in his heart.
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And a Heavenly Human whose love changed him from a boy devoid of love into a man with a devoted partner.
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Even if Kiyoi has to be the one to cross the line first
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Hira will always follow him without question.
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Because they would be adrift without the other. They are equal in life and in love. They are both beautiful men whose world is made brighter by the love they have for each other.
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Their love is eternal and not even the heavens could contain it.
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vegasthehedgehog · 6 months
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There is something about the way Kiyoi has always been independent, aggressive, and often following the "I don't need anyone" archetype . This shows that he doesn't know what healthy relationships look like or why they matter. He never had anyone he felt he could rely on. He did not even want his friends to know what his dream was or that he took the idol thing seriously. He did not have anyone he thought would be his support if he failed and most likely assumed he would lose the artificial friendships that he did have if he showed his real self to them. His whole demeaner screams lonely, hurt, and scared.
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Kiyoi has always been so sure that nobody is around him for any reason other than to use him. He does not think anyone takes him seriously. He doesn't trust that anyone could ever be sincere. That is why when Hira comes into the picture, he doesn't trust him. He seems to see it as a way to go from being used to using someone. He never truly accepted that Hira truly just wanted to be around him because of him. This is most likely why they parted ways like they did.
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This has been on my mind because of the development we see later on. It becomes even more clear that Kiyoi does not want to be aggressive or the one to make the choice. He has always wanted someone to prove they take him seriously, that they want him, that they love him unconditionally.
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We see Kiyoi struggle to open up and communicate and how hard it is for him. We see his tendency to flee when he is scared or hurt. We see there communication suffer because of misunderstandings. But most of all we see them fight for each other even well fighting against each other.
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This leads me into the bathtub scene. Kiyoi is no longer this mean aggressive man that we once saw but instead someone who is quietly asking Hira to give him more physical attention. This is a big deal because we start out with him physically throwing Hira to the ground but now we are here.
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I am leaving so so so so much out but this show really took over my brain and I don't have anyone to talk to about it. Its been a while since I watched it and these scenes still live rent free in my head.
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khaotunqs · 1 year
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It’s always been like this. You apologize reflexively when I get angry. But honestly, you don’t understand me at all. 
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itsallaboutbl · 1 year
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Kiyoi's outfits My Beautiful Man 2, ep.1
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lurkingshan · 1 year
Kiyoi: *stares at Hira with longing*
Hira: He must be thinking about dumping me
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rayandgay · 10 months
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utsukushii kare eternal I bath time
+ 🦆
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amethyst-fiend · 1 year
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Utsukushii Kare  + textposts (2/?)
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jimmysea · 1 year
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Hagiwara Riku as HIRA & Yagi Yusei as KIYOI 美しい彼 シーズン2 (2023) dir. Sakai Mai
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gabrielokun · 5 months
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Shows that helped me get through this year
Best of 2022
Best of 2023
Utsukushii Kare 2
Be My Favorite
Bokura no Shokutaku
I Will Knock You
Kimi to Nara Koi wo Shite Mite mo
Kiseki: Dear to Me
La Pluie
Love Tractor
Our Dating Sim
Sing My Crush
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wanderlust-in-my-soul · 6 months
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Drying hair as a sign of affection and caring (Part 3/?)
My Beautiful Man 2
My Engineer
Tokyo In April Is...
Don't Say No
Minato Shouji Coin Laundry 2
Unintentional Lovestory
History 5
My Personal Weatherman
Sky In Your Heart
My favorite bl-tropes-collection.
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respectthepetty · 5 months
Dear My Beautiful Man's second season.
Let me be shady for a second.
I want you to know that this fight felt right, and it hurt.
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The audience thought we were past this. We thought Hira had figured out how much Kiyoi loved him, so we were slapped in the face just like Kiyoi when Hira said Kiyoi would never meet Hira's parents.
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So when Kiyoi demanded Hira let him go, so he could walk out the door, I remember thinking we would have to wait until the movie for any kind of resolve.
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Yet, to mine and Hira's surprise, Kiyoi was in their living room the very next morning, sleeping amongst their clothes.
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So he could calmly tell Hira that he hurt his feelings and that was unacceptable. He told Hira, moving forward, what he needed from Hira. He told Hira he needed to change or he really would lose him.
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Because Kiyoi knew Hira loves him, and even though he was mad as hell in the moment for a valid reason, he realized that Hira would never intentional disrespect him or hurt him.
Because he knows Hira.
And he loves Hira.
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And that's how you present a heartbreaking fight in the second-to-last episode.
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And I appreciate that.
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