#my dark and broody bandana man
im-no-jedi · 3 months
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Hunter types with only his pointer fingers, he is truly the stereotypical technologically illiterate parent 😭😂
bonus pic of the fingey:
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clonegirlie · 11 months
The other day I saw a fanart of Omega braiding Hunter’s hair (don’t remember where sorry) and now I need that to happen so bad.
Please let us have Omega braiding Hunter’s hair cause they miss each other so much that they just want to be together doing nothing at all in season 3
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The people have spoken so now you guys are going to be subjected to a bunch of stuff about The Collector. If you don't want to see it, I'm sorry it's going to be taking over my page ;-;
Let's call this an introduction post but like...for the characters and plot.
SUMMARY: The city of Theona is welcoming a new ruler! Queen Tyra, next in line to the Sable empire, has taken the throne! She is widely loved and adored by the people, so what happens when an insider of the palace reveals a dark secret?
GENRE: It's a fantasy adventure. We got a healthy dose of found family and mythical creatures too.
The main character is named Merissa Shermann. She's 22, has red curly hair (kinda like Merida lol), hazel eyes, and she's 5'6". Her stake in the story is that her dad's life was ruined by the queen... before she was queen. She's incredibly caring, but acts like she's not. She also tends to worry. She is strong, but only because she does a lot of household chores because her dad is old and can't really do much.
The childhood best friend is named Zell Odison. He's 21. He's also albino, mostly because I noticed that there is like no representation for albino people? Like yes it's rare, but stillllll. He's 5'11". He's very dramatic and goofy, but will also do anything to take care of his family (including doing jobs for a well-feared crime boss). He and Merissa have been friends since they were little, and he's also very protective of her. His stake in the story is that his family has a hidden secret and he needs answers.
The blacksmith is named Raymond Clyde. He's a small man, being only 5'2" at the age of 53. He's a brunette, but it doesn't really show because his hair is graying. It's pretty ratted, but he normally keeps it under goggles and a bandana anyway. He's a grumpy old man with wet cat energy but we love him. His wife died fifteen years ago, and his daughter never visits him, so he mostly stays at home, working. His stake in this story is that his wife's death isn't what it seems.
The blacksmith's daughter is named Aeriel Clyde. She's 30 and 5'8". Blonde, blue eyes, but the kind that stare into your soul. She's obsessed with killing the giant who took her mother's life, and that's how she finds out that her mother's death is not what it seems. She's arrogant, and negative, but as the story progresses, grows as a person. She tries to rebuild her relationship with her father. Her stake in the story is that she has a vendetta to fulfill.
The faery is named Tamiko Sable. She's only 10 and stands at 4'8". She has Japanese facial features, and straight black hair. She can always be seen with her cat, Cinder, that her birth mother gave to her. She's very bubbly and excited, and doesn't let anyone put out her spark, no matter how hard they try. She was born to a maid in one of the rich plantations, coincidentally owned by Tyra's sister. After being adopted by the late queen Tyra when her mother died, however, she starts to discover that all is not as it seems. Her stake in the story is that her adoptive mother is not who she says she is.
The alchemist's apprentice is named Hugo Holloway. He's a broody little teenager, at 13. He's only about 4'11". Him and his mother are usually the ones at home, with his father being a palace guard. Since his father is gone all the time, he decided he needed a way to protect his mother, so he became the apprentice of an alchemist. He's very determined, straightforward, and doesn't do well with 'feelings'. His black hair can never seem to lay straight, and his skin can't decide whether it wants to be brown or white, even his eyes can't decide what color they want to be, with one being blue and one being green. His stake in the story is that his father is in serious danger.
The artist is named Sasha Holloway. Always the bridesmaid, never the bride, that is until she is married to a palace guard named Noro. She soon realizes that being married to a palace guard means a lot of cold beds, and solo parenting. However, once her son became older, and more independent, she got back into her art. Dancing, knitting, and painting became constants in her life, once more. She does wear a hijab, but I refer to it as a headscarf in the story because it isn't really for any religious reason, moreso because she feels more comfortable in it. She's 5'3", and 37, and you better not touch her son. Her stake in the story is that people that she cares about are being threatened, and she can not let that happen.
And finally, the wanderer is named Estelle Foxglove. She has been a loner her whole life, always doing what it took to survive, but...what she did didn't always resonate well with her soft soul, so she retired, at the ripe age of 19. She's black with dreads, usually pulled into a ponytail, and stands at the tallest of the group: 6'0" (Can we get more tall women in media please???) Her background is a mystery, to both her and everyone else, but after figuring out that the notorious crime boss: The Collector might know something she doesn't, Estelle decides to un-retire for a bit, just to get their attention. Her stake in the story, is the want, the need to find out who she is, and why she is.
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neon-junkie · 3 years
Through Durasteel Walls
Summary: Like most other women, you spend your free time doing normal things, such as scrolling through the holonet, napping, tidying, and using your vibrator. As quiet as it may be, your moans certainly aren't, and a certain Sergeant catches on to how often you call his name, almost every single night. It won't be long until he finally breaks, but will things pan out like they usually do in your fantasies? Pairing: Hunter x Reader
Reader Description: Reader is female, and uses she/her pronouns. This fic does not include any descriptions of her appearance. Word count: 7.6k Tags: Mutual pining, Mutual masturbation, First time, Angst, Jealousy, Flirting, Sex toys, Fingering, Smut, Slow burn, Friends to lovers, Spooning, Making out, First kiss.
Notes: My first Hunter fic!!! I wanted to go down a different path for this trope, and explore the side of Hunter that we don't often see. A lot of people interpret Hunter as a very confident and forward man, but what if he wasn't that way? I mean, there's no right or wrong way to write him, but this is my take on our secretly shy Sergeant!
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Having to exist during the war is one thing, but being a part of it? That's another. Sadly, you've been blessed with misfortune, ending up on the front lines from an early age.
Well, from your perspective, it's mostly been misfortune. Being a medic is no easy task, far from it, but you were lucky enough to eventually be partnered up with the Kaminoan's special forces, and their Sergeant who, funnily, is shorter than the average clone.
Nonetheless, he's... well, Maker, where do you even begin?
Hunter is a tall drink of water, dark and broody, and it seems that he's your type. To your surprise, you seem to be his too, as you two have exchanged more than enough flirty comments and glances. The Batch have, of course, noticed, and relentlessly tease you two over it. Maybe they're jealous? Or maybe they're sick and tired of you two dancing around each other, yet never taking the bold move and sealing the deal?
When you're not occupied with making heart eyes at your Sergeant, your mind fills up with thoughts of him instead. Like most other women, your evenings are spent alone in bed, squirming against the covers as you stimulate yourself. Hunter's name is always on your lips, and hidden behind your locked bedroom door, you have no problem filling up the air with soft moans of his name.
You're always quiet, your vibrator is also quiet, and so far, nobody has even hinted that they're aware of your antics. You're safe, for now.
However, from Hunter's perspective, things are a little different.
Tonight is like any other night. Hunter is cooped up in bed, his back resting against the ship's durasteel wall, holopad lazily in his grasp as he spends some time scrolling through the holonet. He's not on tonight's piloting shift, so Hunter's stripped down and changed into sweatpants, freed himself from his bandana, and tied his hair up into a messy bun, keeping his curls off his face so his tattooed skin can finally breathe.
Browsing through the holonet is almost as repetitive and boring as being on the battlefield. However, a familiar, distant hum appears in earshot, and Hunter instantly begins sweating, knowing the source of the humming.
"Again?" Hunter mutters to himself. "This is the fourth time this week," he sighs. Women, huh?
Sometimes, Hunter ignores the sound of you pleasuring yourself, even if you are moaning his name. Other times, Hunter silently joins in, jerking himself desperately as he presses his ear against the thick wall that separates your room from his.
Karking hell. Hunter swears to himself that one day, he'll finally burst, and kick down your door as he makes some cheesy, yet smooth comment. Something along the lines of, "you called?"
Wait, no. Hunter cringes at the imaginary scenario playing in his mind. He shakes his head softly, followed by rubbing his face, attempting to wake himself up, just enough to he can jerk off, then go to bed. Knowing you, you'll be up for a while, and you've only just started - time for Hunter to get to work.
Leaving his holopad on his bedside table, Hunter shuffles down to the foot of bed, finding a comfortable position against the opposite wall. He slips his cock out easily from his sweatpants, already hardening at the distant call of his name.
As always, Hunter presses his ear to the durasteel wall, unfazed by the chill that creeps over his skin. The sound of the vibrator instantly becomes clearer, as do your moans, and Hunter shudders as he crisply hears his name fall from your lips.
"Hunter! Ah- oh, kriff!" you gasp.
Hunter chews on his bottom lip as his hand finds his cock, starting with an even, steady pace. There are times when Hunter thanks his heightened senses, and other times when he curses them. Right now is a mixture between the two; he's thankful that he can overhear you, even if it is considered morally wrong to be spying on you. However, he's also cursing his ability, as he can hear everything - every pant and whine, every groan of his name, even the sound of your slickness squelching between your thighs.
"Karking hell," Hunter grunts as he overhears that specific sound. You're soaked, no doubt leaving a damp patch on your bed - a damp patch that Hunter should be making for you. He should be the one between your thighs, either with his cock, fingers, tongue, anything! It should be him, not some toy!
And yet, Hunter always holds back whenever given the opportunity to properly hit on you; light, flirtatious comments are easy, but mustering up the courage to say something bold? That's impossible, even for a genetically modified clone trooper.
"Hunter- oh!" you call his name out again. Hunter knows by now that, from the pitch of your voice, you're close. Wanting to orgasm at the same time as you, Hunter speeds up his thrusts, his other hand moving down to gently cup his balls.
His eyes fall shut, and Hunter relies on his hearing alone. He attempts to picture you in his mind, squirming beneath him, clawing at his back, panting heavily as he drives his cock into you. Hunter tightens his grip on his cock, knowing that your walls would wrap deliciously tight around him. He'd pound you so well, leaving you walking funny for days, and the second you begin walking normally again, he'll drag you into his room again and have you start all over.
"Hunter, oh, please!" you whimper, and Hunter lets out a heavy sigh at your words, maybe a little too heavy, but he doubts that you can overhear him with your shenanigans going on.
Then, finally, your voice cracks, and you let out a string of heavy breaths. Hunter can overhear you cumming, the sound of wetness filling up the air, and Hunter has to bite down hard on the back of his knuckles as he hits his own release.
Instantly, Hunter begins panting as he rides his high, eventually becoming fully conscious again. He lets out an achy groan as he slowly gets up, fetching his towel so he can clean himself up. As always, an overwhelming sensation of guilt and regret washes over him, and Hunter tries his best to swat the feelings away.
Yes, maybe he shouldn't be jerking off to you, but it's not like you're not doing the same thing. You're right there, moaning his name almost every single night! How can Hunter resist joining in?
"This is... team building, or something like that," Hunter thinks to himself as he finishes getting ready for bed.
Those heavy feelings soon slip from his shoulders, and a worn out Hunter finally falls asleep, only to repeat the same process the next night. Somewhat mutual masturbation is a part of his routine, and given from how you're calling out for him almost every night, he can only assume that it's also part of yours too, whether you know about his shenanigans, or not.
Months have passed since your routine began with Hunter, and even more months have passed since you first joined the Batch. It's been... what? a year now? something like that.
Either way, you're more than settled, and by now, you've come to the assumption that Hunter just isn't really all that into you. If he was, then why hasn't he tried anything? You assume that his light, flirtatious comments are nothing more than that. Maybe he's even using you as a way of practising his flirting, but if he is, then he could have asked permission first. Ugh!
With your loss behind you, you begin opening your eyes to any other opportunities that present themselves, although you're still spending your nights calling out for Hunter. You've confirmed with yourself that you keep the noise down more than enough, seeing as nobody has pointed out your desperation. Regardless, you're curious about the few, bold men that approach you every so often, only for... the Batch to scare them away.
More specifically, Hunter.
There's a time that specifically stands out, back when you were on Coruscant. A stranger was kind enough to purchase your drink whilst you were alone at the bar, leaving the rest of the Batch behind to keep the booth warm. You two exchanged names, followed by having a light conversation, covering all the basics. When asked who you were here with, you shrugged and stated, "my friends," whilst pointing over your shoulder to your boys.
The smile on the stranger's face dropped as he locked eyes with a series of glaring men, all silently informing him to leave you alone before trouble starts. The stranger informed you that, "you seem occupied," before scurrying away, leaving you sighing and empty.
"What did you do?" you asked as you approached the Batch, looking as disappointed as ever.
They all shrugged, and you were about to press for more details, until Hunter spoke up and stated that, "we were only saying hello."
Yeah, right...
Speaking of Coruscant, that's where you are right now. And oh! how history repeats itself! It seems you've wound up in another similar scenario, with a handsome man chatting you up whilst you're alone at the bar. The question of, "who are you here with?" finally creeps into conversation, and you mindlessly sweep it under the rug as you reply, "some friends," this time not pointing to the Batch.
Needless to say, they're all watching you gussy up to the stranger. Echo and Tech have come to the decision that, "she's a free woman, and welcome to sleep with whomever she wants."
Wrecker doesn't think that this current guy is worthy of your time, and Hunter is silently boiling with rage as he curses himself out for waiting so long to make a move - not that he's ever made one. (Yet?)
Crosshair, the observer that he is, knows far-too-well about yours and Hunter's pining for each other. Well, the entire Batch knows that you two clearly have a mutual soft spot, but Crosshair is always the man who sits back, and pays attention to every little detail as scenarios play out. Crosshair has noticed how tightly Hunter grips his drink whenever a man comes within ten feet of you, and how sternly his brows furrow when they have the audacity to speak to you.
Mischief is Crosshair's middle name, and he can't help but rile Hunter up. He leans towards Hunter, speaking quietly against his ear as he asks, "what about this one? Think he'll be lucky enough to go back with her?"
Hunter scoffs as he sternly replies, "no."
"And why's that?" Crosshair asks with a soft chuckle, keeping the toothpick pinned between his teeth. "He seems to be her type."
"And how would you know that?" Hunter snaps as he forces himself to look away, glaring at his vod, assuming the worst.
"She's always keen on guys with long hair, just look-" Crosshair points out, gesturing back over to you.
You're clearly flirting with the stranger, twiddling his shoulder-length locks around your fingers as he compliments your own hair, tucking it behind your ear. Hunter curses his heightened senses as he picks up part of the conversation, gritting his teeth as he overhears all the cheesy compliments that the stranger is smothering you with.
However, even in Hunter's silent burst of rage, he repeats Crosshair's comment in his mind. You're keen on guys with long hair, huh? Another sign that points to you liking Hunter, despite the fact that you whimper his name into the pillow every night.
Hunter comes to the decision that if he doesn't make a move right now, then he'll never have you, and you'll be snatched up by this karking idiot!
After gulping down the rest of his drink, he slams the empty glass down onto the table before making his way out of the booth. Hunter hasn't thought this through, and he realises that as he snatches your arm, and firmly tells you, "we're leaving."
Before you can protest, you're being dragged away, heading straight for the exit. Not wanting to cause a scene, you follow, although you're certain that Hunter wouldn't give you much choice. It isn't until you're out of the club, and around the corner, that you finally, and forcefully remove Hunter's grip from your arm.
Hunter, with his brows still furrowed, spins around, and before he can ask why you've pulled away, you begin laying it down.
"What the kriff are you doing?" you begin berating, attempting to keep your voice down. "You can't just pull me away whenever somebody approaches me!"
"I can, and I will!" Hunter snaps back, but keeps his tone of voice level, not wanting to draw attention.
"No, you can't! I'm free to do what I want, Hunter. I can hook up with anybody that I want."
"Oh, so you were planning on hooking up with him?" Hunter scoffs, straightening his back, and resting his hands on his hips. "You don't even know him-"
"-I was getting to know him," you cut his protest off. "Maybe I would have succeeded if somebody didn't get jealous!"
"Jealous?!" Hunter repeats your bold words, his voice threatening to crack from shock. Hunter scoffs, looking down at you with suspicious, narrow eyes.
"Yes, jealous," you repeat, scowling up at him. By now, you've given up on your attempt to keep quiet, unfazed by the strangers passing by, raising their brows as they overhear your argument.
Something within Hunter finally snaps, and he spits out his next set of words, instantly regretting them before he can even finish his statement. "Why are you going back with him, when you're moaning my name into your pillow every night?"
Silence fills the air as the ice breaks; your eyes turn wide, only to narrow as you glare at him, debating on how to react. Heat is rising to your cheeks, scorching your skin, and there's an ever burning pit deep within your stomach. So, he's aware? For how long? Surely if it bothered him, then he would have mentioned it, right? Or has Hunter enjoyed listening in on your late night antics? 
You can feel your fists clenching as thoughts and questions fill your mind, overflowing, bursting through the seams. You can't seem to settle on a reply, and for some reason, Hunter rocks the boat even more as he asks, "did you forget about my heightened senses? Or are you choosing to play dumb?"
It seems the liquid courage from earlier has loosened his lips, and you decide to be as bold as he is. "Choosing to play dumb?" you repeat with a scoff. "You're the one who's been listening in on me!" you state, pointing your finger as you talk.
Hunter's eyes turn wide as his back straightens up, his eyes flicking down at the malicious, yet somewhat adorable gesture. He bites back a smile, wanting to inform you about how cute you are when you're angry, but decides to leave that comment for a later date - a time when steam isn't blowing out of your ears.
"You aren't exactly quiet," Hunter lies, knowing damn-well that you always keep the noise down. Always. Until Hunter presses his ear against the wall, tuning in to your sweet sounds.
"I know that I'm quiet, Hunter. You're the pervert who's been listening in on me!"
"And you're the one who's been masturbating to me!"
Ah, he's got you there. You force yourself to look away, mentally beating yourself up as guilt washes over you. Sure, masturbating to your Sergeant isn't exactly a good move, but he hasn't denied that he wasn't listening in, has he?
"If you wanted me to stop, you could have said," you mutter, refusing to look at the clone. Your arms cross, and Hunter catches the way your breasts move, pushing up slightly as your arms wrap around your waist. He sighs, heavily, followed by taking a step forwards, bridging the gap between your bodies.
"I didn't want you to stop," Hunter states, his voice returning to his usual, content tone. However, there's something different, a pitch that you recognise as flirtatious - a pitch that you've heard before during your brief, flirtatious encounters, but this time, it's deeper.
Finally, you look up at Hunter, warmth appearing in your chest as his short statement plays on repeat in your mind. He didn't?
"Why did you never make a move, then?" you ask, breaking the tension even more. Whenever you've been caught up in your wild fantasies with Hunter, things have always begun in fluffy, flirtatious settings, not during an argument after he's dragged you out of a bar due to his jealousy.
"What was I meant to do?" Hunter lightly scoffs, shrugging softly. "Knock on the door and ask if you need a hand?"
"Yes!?" you sigh, acting as if that's the most normal and common approach to a scenario like this.
Hunter shakes his head, pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration. "That wouldn't work," he sighs. "This isn't one of those silly romance novels that you read on the holonet. I'm... not that confident," he admits, his gaze flicking from yours as the words spill from his mouth.
He's right. Those silly romance novels that you read on the holonet are always entwined with fantasy and lust. Nobody, almost nobody, would ever dare to intrude on another person whilst they're occupied, and even then, they'd likely be rejected and labelled a creep. Hunter knows this, and despite how you two are, he's still not willing to take a gamble.
At least he has the confidence to admit that. Finally.
Your eyes meet the floor as you come to terms with what's just happened, as well as your first proper argument with Hunter. It's rare that you two don't get along, minus that one time when your minds clashed, and you bickered over a silly plan. This is different, far different. It seems that all those flirtatious comments, glances, light touches, and so on, were genuine - they were always genuine. Hunter has just as much admiration for you, as you have for him, yet neither of you have ever moved past first base.
"Were you ever going to make a move?" you eventually ask, finally meeting Hunter's auburn eyes as you look up at him.
Hunter shrugs as he mutters, "eventually."
Your lips slope downwards, and your eyes meet the floor yet again, only to be met by the sight of light raindrops hitting the concrete surface. Hunter sighs as he stares up at the sky, the rain becoming heavier as every second passes.
"Here," Hunter mumbles as he shrugs his jacket off. You almost reject his offer, but before you can even think your decision through, Hunter's already pulled the jacket over your shoulders, tucking you in snugly.
"Come on," Hunter urges, and without thinking, he slips his arm around your waist, holding you close. You don't protest - you don't want to - but something within you tells you that this isn't right. You're finally close to the man that you've been pining after for so long, but at what cost?
Yet, you still enjoy the warmth that he provides. Hunter keeps you sheltered as you two silently walk back to the Marauder, exchanging few words before you both turn in for the night.
Maybe it's the alcohol running through your veins, or the weight on your shoulders from today's awful turn of events, but you find yourself sobbing into your pillow before dozing off to sleep. Hunter's right, this isn't one of those silly romance novels that you read on the holonet. Hunter isn't some smooth, charismatic guy that will jump at any opportunity to get into your pants.
Hunter is... well, he's Hunter. He's a genetically mutated clone with little to no experience with relationships, let alone sex. He's going into this blind, just as blind as you are, and you're going to need to come back down to his level if you two want to progress things.
For now, all you can do is rest, and pray that time heals both of you, and creates a new path for you to finally try things out.
Weeks have passed since your angsty and unexpected turn of events. At first, there was a thick layer of tension in the air, tension that phased out over time, like a cloud of smoke, filtering out within the air. The Batch picked up on something, given how you two avoided each other for days after the event, eventually silently agreeing to move past things, and start over.
Once the air finally cleared, you two spoke as friends - no, not co-workers, friends, because that's what you've been since day one. There was no flirting involved, not until Hunter overheard Crosshair flirting with you, and you're almost certain that Crosshair only did it to rock the ship.
Crosshair didn't say much, just a brief comment about how good you looked before you went out to see some other friends, but it was more than enough to have Hunter back on your tail. When you returned later that night, drunk and in good spirits from seeing your loved ones, you were met by Hunter, who had stayed up all night to ensure you got back safely.
He helped you get ready for bed, seeing as you were stumbling all over the place. Hunter left your room to give you the privacy to undress, only for him to come in seconds later when you began grumbling that you couldn't undo your dress. That distant sexual tension returned as Hunter unzipped your dress, attempting to avert his gaze as your skin revealed itself to him. You can still remember how featherlight his fingertips were as they trailed over your shoulders, whilst he informed you that your dress was unzipped.
And before you could shrug it from your body, Hunter left the room, giving you your privacy once more to change in peace.
Looking back on that event, it's clear that, as much as he wants you, Hunter held back due to your intoxicated state. His respect and care for you knows no bounds, and if anything, that makes him even more attractive.
Maybe that's why you've found yourself in this situation again.
Like most other women, you masturbate, although you recently had a 'break' from your usual favourite fantasies. However, ever since that night, you've found yourself pining heavily for Hunter, even worse than you once were, before angst tore at your bond.
The distant hum of a vibrator catches Hunter's attention. He rolls his eyes and smiles to himself as he realises what you're up to. Over the last few weeks, he's not heard his own name, and he's even tried to move on, assuming that you have. Hunter attempts to pay no attention to you, tuning you out from his senses, until he overhears a familiar, muffled cry through the thick, durasteel walls of the Marauder.
You shift your hips, angling them, and hit the right spot within you. A choked sob bursts from your lips, followed by a certain name. "Hunter!" you gasp, pumping the vibrator in and out of your soaked cunt, unfazed by the sound of your slick filling up the air.
Hunter sighs heavily, and repositions himself. As he moves to sit on the edge of his bed, his hardening cock brushes against the soft fabric of his sweatpants, catching him off guard. Hunter bites back a groan, and gazes down, only to notice a small damp patch on his crotch. His arousal continues to grow, leaping forward every time he overhears you calling out his name. Hunter needs to do something about this.
That usual, budding feeling begins warming your groin, and you know that your orgasm is sitting on the fence. Not wanting it to be over yet, you turn down the vibrations on your dildo, keeping the toy stirring just enough to edge yourself for longer. You give your poor hand a break, and lie back to let your mind wander, thinking deeper into a new set of fantasies.
You're so deep in thought that a sudden thumping sound jolts you upright. Rushing to turn the vibrator off, you listen out for the sound again; seconds of silence pass, until it repeats itself.
Somebody's knocking on your door.
Kriff! It's not exactly late, so you wouldn't be surprised if it's one of the boys asking if you want to come into town, or if you can help them with one of many tedious tasks. You're quick to tidy yourself up and pull on a gown, only to wish you hadn't bothered redressing as you open the door.
Hunter's standing there.
The first thing you notice is his body language, perfectly split between aroused, and awkward. He's shirtless, only in sweatpants with his hair in a messy bun, and although you've seen him in his sleeping attire many times before, he still goes to cover his bare chest up, only to force his hands away, tucking them into his pockets.
Hunter gulps, and when his eyes meet yours, you realise how blown his pupils are. His nose twitches, and he blinks heavily as a certain scent spikes up his arousal even more
Wait... kriff! You were just masturbating, and poor Hunter has heightened senses. He can smell you, can't he? He can smell what you were doing seconds before, and now you're stood here with the door wide open, flooding his poor senses with the scent of your arousal.
Finally, Hunter speaks up, and his voice almost cracks from sheer nervousness as he asks you an important question. You're not even sure that you heard him correctly, given how bizarre his question is - something you'd read in one of your silly romance novels - but it runs through your mind on repeat as Hunter awaits your reply.
"Do you need a hand with that?"
Air is sharply sucked into your lungs as your stomach begins spinning. The tension that's been building up for almost a year now is sitting on the surface, ready to break, and it finally smashes as you nod and reply, "yes."
With your consent, Hunter steps into your room, and you step back, allowing him in. Your light grip on the door slips away as Hunter takes it from you, shutting the door behind him, then turning back to face you.
Finally, he's here, gazing down at you in your dimly lit room. Maker, he's gorgeous. The warm light from your bedside table is dancing deliciously over his curves, entwining perfectly with every single hair that covers his body, trailing down his stomach, and disappearing into the waistband of his pants. Honey brown eyes lock onto yours, and a large, tender hand meets your jawline as Hunter sucks up his courage, and dips his head down to press his lips onto yours.
Nervousness is the main flavour on Hunter's lips, and you ease it away by kissing him back, your own hands finding his shoulders. He's toned, yet soft beneath your palms, and you squeeze at his skin every so often, as if to remind yourself that yes, he's physically here, kissing you in the privacy of your room.
Lust soon takes over, and becomes Hunter's main emotion, followed by determination and admiration. His hands meet your waist, and Hunter's fingers wrap around the tie of your gown. His lips move mere centimetres from yours, and you can feel them lightly sliding against you as he asks, "can I?"
"Please," you sigh.
With that, Hunter pulls at the loose knot keeping your gown closed. His hands then move up to your shoulders, and he sighs as he pushes the fabric off you, revealing your almost bare form, and a pair of panties hugging your hips.
"Maker," Hunter whispers as he gazes over your body. His lips are back on yours, this time, with much more intensity. Eager hands are trailing all over your body; cupping your breasts, sliding over your waist, kneading at your ass. Hunter can't get enough of you, and needs physical reassurance that you're here, slowly falling back onto the bed as Hunter moves down with you. 
With one hand on either side of your head, pinning you down onto the mattress, Hunter breaks the kiss to gawk at the sight beneath him. "You're beautiful," he mutters, soaking up the image of you sprawled out for him. "So beautiful," he coos again, and dips down to latch onto your lips once more.
You have to remind yourself to hold back, and to not rush things. Yes, you want everything to do with Hunter - right here, right now - but he's not going anywhere anytime soon. You need to take your time, and to enjoy the moment before it slips from your grasps. With that in mind, you slowly trail your hands over his bare torso, admiring every dip and crevice, his toned areas, and his softer areas.
Eventually, you find the waistband of his sweatpants, and break the kiss to ask for permission. "Can I?" you question.
Hunter's lips slip into a cheeky grin as he pretends to ponder on your decision. "Soon," he decides. "But first, I want you to do something for me..."
You grumble, and playfully slip your finger into his waistband, rubbing along his V-lines. Hunter tuts you, and shuffles away, your hand slipping from his grasp as he moves. He sits back against the wall, and comments, "you're not getting me that easily," as he finds a comfortable position.
Propping yourself up onto your elbows, you quirk a brow as you wonder what he's up to. "Well?" you ask.
"I want to see what I've been missing out on," he states with a smug grin. Wait, what?
"You want me to...?" you pause, and vaguely motion with your hand down to your crotch area.
"Mhm," hunter hums with a nod. "Yeah, show me."
Kriffing hell.
"With my...?" you shyly mumble.
"Yep," Hunter nods once more. "I've spent months listening to you whimpering my name through these walls, and now I want to finally enjoy the show."
Oh. If it's a show Hunter wants, it's a show he'll get.
You find a comfortable position opposite Hunter, propping yourself up on the pillows. Reaching under the bed, you find your vibrator, the one that you were using minutes ago. It's still somewhat slick, and safe to use, since you stored it properly, preventing it from touching anything.
As you shift your hips, you pull your panties down, and fling them off onto the floor. The overwhelming urge to cover yourself up attempts to take over, but you fight it, and beat it by locking your gaze onto Hunters, and slowly parting your legs, showing off your soaked cunt. Hunter sighs, and his nostrils flare up as he catches a whiff of your scent, now on display for him as you begin to slowly touch yourself.
"That's it," Hunter mutters as you slide your fingers over your folds, smirking to yourself as you notice the way he shifts his body, eager to touch himself.
Wanting to rile him up, you continue teasing yourself with one hand, whilst the other holds your vibrator at the base. Your eyes remain locked onto Hunters as you slip the vibrator into your mouth, and begin sucking on it, eventually shutting your eyes and putting all your focus into your performance.
"Kriff," Hunter swears through gritted teeth. Maybe he shouldn't have asked you to show off for him? He can barely keep himself composed - the urge to lunge forward and take you into his grasp is overwhelming, but he manages to remain calm, or as calm as he can be.
The vibrator slips from your lips with a pop!, and as you open your eyes, the first thing you notice is the rise and fall of Hunter's chest. His cheeks are a deep shade of red, barely hidden under his tattooed skin, and his eyes continue to flick between your pussy, and your face.
Hunter eventually decides that your pussy is his main focus, especially when you guide your vibrator down, and begin slowly inserting it, vibrating at a low speed. With one hand occupied, your other begins rubbing your clit, stimulating yourself to the max.
Hunter finally caves, and shifts his hips, pulling his sweatpants down and kicking them off onto the floor. His head tilts back to rest against the durasteel wall, mouth parted, and his hand wrapped around his thick cock. Maker, he truly is a sight to behold. Hunter is everything you've ever dreamed he'd be, and now he's here with you, slowly jerking his length as he watches you get yourself off.
And yet, there's still something missing.
You flash Hunter a cheeky grin as your wicked plan pops into your mind, and Hunter smiles back, not realising what's in store. With your hands still working, and the vibrator still humming away, you throw your head back onto your pillows, your chest rising and falling heavily, and begin moaning loudly.
"Oh, Hunter!" you groan. The edges of your lips turn upwards, and you chew on your bottom lip to hide your mischievous grin. "Hunter, kriff! Oh, stars-" you continue panting, and press a button on your vibrator, upping the speed.
"Karking hell, girl," Hunter grunts through gritted teeth, jerking himself faster. "So, this is what I've been missing, huh?"
"Uh-huh," you softly whine, nodding your head at the same time. You continue indulging yourself in the moment, your orgasm slowly building, all whilst you continue moaning and whimpering Hunter's name. He watches you with blown pupils, enticed by everything about you, especially his name slipping from your lips.
Your eyes have been shut this whole time, but they open once you feel a large, calloused hand wrap itself around your thigh. As you open your eyes, you meet Hunter's, who is now finding a comfortable position between your legs. His cock hangs freely, precum smeared around the tip from where he was touching himself moments ago; for now, his hands trail up and down your thighs, lightly massaging them.
"I didn't tell you to stop," Hunter orders in a dominant tone. Wait, that's the tone of voice that he usually uses when he's in Sergeant mode, and now he's using that same tone to order you to continue playing with yourself?
"Yes, Sir," you nod. 
Hunter chews at his bottom lip, humming pleasurably at his given name. You continue pumping the vibrator into your slick, only this time, you're the one struggling to keep your composure as Hunter begins kissing along your thighs. Every time he gets dangerously close to your pussy, he pulls away, and begins kissing down your other thigh, teasing you, like you've been teasing him.
As much as you want to buck your hips up, you hold back, knowing that Hunter will punish you for being needy. Instead, you attempt to remain calm, or as calm as you can be, whilst your crush continues teasing you.
Finally, Hunter's patience snaps. His hand moves over yours, and you allow him to take over, slowly working the vibrator in and out of your cunt. Hunter smirks to himself as he watches your pussy take the toy, but moves it much slower than you usually do. His gaze meets yours just as you prop yourself up onto your elbows, wanting to get a better view of Hunter playing with you, only for your eyes to fall shut as he reconnects his lips to yours.
The kiss has barely started, and Hunter's already introducing his tongue, softly moaning as it slides against yours. Your hands move up Hunter's arms, admiring his toned biceps, and soon settle on his shoulders. The ends of his curls brush against your knuckles, and without thinking, you slide one hand up and weave it into his locks, then softly pull on them.
Hunter breaks the kiss with a groan, and dips his head down to leave his mark on your neck, claiming you as his own. You continue softly tugging his hair, enjoying the whimpers he makes, until Hunter finally loses all composure, and snaps.
"I don't get this thing," Hunter grunts as he sits back on his knees, looking down at your slick. He pulls the vibrator out of your pussy, and turns it off, setting it on your bedside table. You softly laugh, and you're about to ask what's wrong with your favourite toy, but Hunter answers your question with his next choice of words.
"I could do much better with my fingers alone," Hunter cockily comments. It's rare that you see him so smug, but you'll allow it, knowing that Hunter always lives up to his words - always.
"Can you?" you playfully tease. Hunter's cheeky grin matches your own, and he enjoys wiping it off your face as two firm fingers begin sliding over your soaked folds, enticing you.
Rather than answering verbally, Hunter answers by slipping both of his fingers into your cunt, not stopping until he reaches his knuckles. You whine, and Hunter soaks up the sound, drawing even more from you as he begins pumping his fingers in and out.
"So karking tight, even after you've had that toy in you," Hunter comments. He positions his body to lean by your side, propped up on one elbow, giving him the right angle to curl his fingers up, and search for that spot.
"Ah! Hunter!" You suddenly cry out, and Hunter chuckles to himself as he repeats the motion that he just did - rubbing his fingers up against your g-spot.
"There it is," Hunter chuckles to himself, and dips his head down to begin kissing along your collar bone, leaving purple blotches dotted on your skin. The more you moan, the faster Hunter works his fingers, unfazed by the sound of your slick squelching. If anything, Hunter enjoys the sound, knowing that he's the one making you this wet, not some toy!
The way Hunter's curling his fingers is perfect, absolutely delicious, drawing your orgasm out more and more as every second passes. As always, your thighs begin to tremble, and you grasp Hunter's forearms in desperation. "I'm gonna..." you slur your words, and Hunter nods eagerly.
"Go on, sweet girl," Hunter coos, and latches his lips onto your neck, leaving even more marks.
"Kriff!" you hiss through gritted teeth, clamping tightly around Hunter's thick fingers. He eases up his pace, but only slightly, draining your orgasm as much as possible until you're whimpering from over stimulation. "Too much," you mutter with a heavy sigh, and Hunter finally allows you to relax by slipping his fingers from you.
Hunter cleans his fingers off by pushing them into his mouth, and wrapping his tongue around his digits. They slip from his lips with a pop!, and Hunter flashes you a cheeky smile before placing a tender kiss on your lips. "Think you can do that again for me?" Hunter sweetly questions between soft kisses.
"Y-yeah," you confirm with a nod, barely able to keep your eyes open as your body enters it's post-orgasm haze. 
"Here," Hunter gestures before lying down beside you. He's gentle as he rolls you onto your side, manhandling you into a spooning position. You can feel Hunter's erect cock press against your ass, sandwiched between your bodies, and instinctively, you grind yourself against it. "Eager," Hunter comments with a chuckle, his hand moving down to hold the base of his shaft.
You feel Hunter pushing himself against your entrance, slowly slipping between your soaked folds, stretching you out. Both of you sigh in unison as Hunter sinks in, stopping once fully sheathed to give you a moment to adjust. The hand that was holding the base of his cock finds your hip, kneading it tenderly, whilst his other arm weaves beneath your head.
"Nice and full, huh?" Hunter chuckles as he plants featherlight kisses along your shoulder blade.
"Uh-huh," you sweetly mutter, barely able to keep your eyes open as pleasure takes over your body.
"Tell me what you need," Hunter orders. Ah, of course, he's going to make you work for it - nothing ever comes this easy!
"I need you, Hunter," you sigh. Your hand moves back to grasp onto Hunter's hip, holding him steady as you begin pushing back onto his length. Hunter gasps, and begins moving his hips, meeting you halfway with every thrust.
"Gonna fill you up-" Hunter mumbles as he continues kissing along your shoulder blade. "-Gonna finally give you a reason to call my name out every night," he continues babbling, only his words are cut short as he begins deepening his thrusts.
Hunter wraps his arm around your waist, pulling your back tightly against his chest. He buries his head into the curve of your neck, grunting and groaning, his sounds filling up the room, along with your moans and the echo of skin against skin. Hunter is giving you his all, thrusting into you at a pace that is dominating, yet still tender. It's the perfect balance, a mix between love making, and raw fucking.
The hand on your waist moves to grasp your thigh, repositioning your leg to wrap back around Hunter's. He's got you spread out, still spooning you, but now he has the right angle to move his calloused hand down your stomach, and find your clit, grinding his fingertips over the bundle of nerves with precision. A heavy sigh is pushed from your lips, and Hunter groans at the sound - he can't get enough of you.
The more Hunter plays with the clit, the faster your second orgasm approaches. There's pressure building up in your stomach, a burning, yet alluring sensation that you can't get enough of, especially when Hunter's providing. "So tight for me," Hunter mutters, feeling your walls wrap even tighter around his cock, drawing his own orgasm out slowly.
"Tell me, pretty girl, can anybody else kriff you like I can?" Hunter questions. His tone of voice is deep, treading on the usual tone that he uses as his Sergeant voice, but with its own seductive twist.
"N-No," you stutter your reply, softly shaking your head at the same time.
"That's right," Hunter sighs. "Nobody can kriff you like I can... don't you ever forget that," he mumbles. You're almost certain that he's bad-mouthing your vibrator, but it's not like you'll be using it again anytime soon, not when your Sergeant is at your service.
Your orgasm is about to wash over you, yet you're holding back, just enough to let Hunter catch up with you. He senses this, and orders you to, "let go."
On his command, you climax, tightening your walls even more around Hunter's throbbing length. He growls, and buries his head into the curve of your neck, panting harshly as his own orgasm approaches. Hunter manages to slip his cock from you just in time, spilling his release on your inner thigh, a little too close to your pussy, but far enough that you'll be fine.
Once he's empty, Hunter leaves his softening cock pressed between your bodies, whilst his hand wraps tightly around your waist. All he needs to do right now is hold you, and hold you tight, reassuring himself that you're really here, in his arms, both in a blissed out state. Your chest rises and fall heavily, heat radiating off your skin, sweat sticking both of your bodies together, but neither of you care. If anything, you take some form of pleasure in it, satisfied that the ice has finally cracked, and you two have finally spent some alone time together.
The sensation of thick, dark curls tickling the back of your neck soon slips to the front of your mind, and you happily hum as you comment, "your hair's tickling me," breaking the silence.
Hunter, like the bastard that he is, buries his head deeper into the curve of your neck, and softly shakes it, attempting to wind you up even more. You giggle as you move away from him, rolling onto your back, unfazed by his cum pressed between your thighs. "You can be such a nuisance," you comment as your gaze locks onto Hunter's. His pupils are blown, still full of lust, but also full of affection; he still can't believe that he's here, spending some time with you, the first time of many.
"I take after you," Hunter cheekily responds, and you both grin at each other.
Silence fills the air, and minutes pass. You're both content with gawking at each other, slowly blinking like a pair of lovestruck tookas. However, the urge to refresh yourself calls out, and you encourage Hunter to join you.
"We should go and use the refresher," you hint.
"Together?" Hunter questions without missing a beat.
"If you want," you flirt.
"Can't get enough of me, can you?" Hunter chuckles as he pulls you closer, resting his forehead against your own.
"Can you blame me?"
Hunter raises his brow, smiling at you, before pressing his lips to yours. Light kisses are shared, before Hunter finally makes a move, and shifts off your bed, finding his sweatpants within the pile of clothes on the floor. It takes a while for you muster up the energy to move, and just as you're about to, Hunter offers you his hand, with the promise of more affection, if you choose to follow.
"So, are you joining me...?"
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book-of-baba-fett · 3 years
Passing Time - Hunter x Fem!Reader
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In between jobs on Ord Mantell, you meet a mysterious man named Hunter who’s more than willing to help you kill some time.
AO3 link
Warnings: 18+ SMUT, bar hookup, oral sex (fem receiving), thigh riding, vaginal and anal fingering, light degradation, light spitting, light biting
Notes: hit 99 followers on the same day as The Bad Batch finale so I thought of a little Hunter smut as a treat. This was my take on@delusionsxfgrandeur ‘s Redefining smut challenge!
Word Count: 2.2k
Cid’s bar is as seedy as ever, with grime covering every surface including the glass you’re drinking from. You examine the glass, twirl around the brown liquor, then pour it down your throat figuring the alcohol must work as a disinfectant. You just finished a drop off for Cid and are hanging tight while your astromech works on some maintenance for your ship. The droid was going to comm you once everything was flight ready for your next job, but for now you’re trying to to find the best way to way to kill time. And the ache in between your legs reminds you that you can’t even remember the last time you had a good fuck.
Scanning the room, you realize there’s not much to work with. Just a weequay and an ithorian, both obviously intoxicated as they argue over a game in the corner. Otherwise the place is empty, except for a man sitting on the other edge of the bar. By the Republic issue armor he wore, you could assume he was a clone but he was unlike any clone you had seen before. There were some basic facial similarities, but he wasn’t identical to is countless counterparts. He had long dark hair, that curled to his neckline, kept away from his face by a red bandana. What captures your eyes is the skull tattoo covering half his face; you can’t help but lick your lips when you wonder how far it goes down his body.
“Hey Cid,” you wave down the Trandoshan. “Another round for me, and a drink for the man down the end of the bar too.”
“Huh, Dark and Broody?” Cid questions you, a confused and judgmental look on her face. “Sheesh, kid, I guess everyone has their own type but fine.”
Cid hands the drink to the man, who looks around the bar surprised until his eyes found you. He cocks a brow, and he lifts the drink up to you. You mirror his movements and you each take a sip at the same time. He slowly rises from the seat and stalks his way towards you.
“So you must be Dark and Broody?” You extend your hand to him. The man let’s our a soft chuckle.
“Did Cid tell you to say that?” His low and husky voice asks before he properly introduces himself “It’s Hunter, and I must say you don’t seem like Cid’s usual clientele.”
“Well, I’ll take that as a compliment.” You smirk at him. He must be another bounty hunter under Cid’s employment, you think as you notice how armed he is. He leans on the counter next to you, and you don’t fail to notice the way his eyes drift up and down your body. If he’s in your line of work, maybe he’s in the same need for some relief as you are. You shift in your seat, painfully aware of your growing arousal as you and Hunter make small talk. You had your fair share of lovers, but there was something about his magnetic ruggedness that intrigued you. That and the fact that he seems reluctant to give you any information about himself, but that wasn’t too uncommon in your line of work. But you don’t need his life story, you just need him to satisfy your itch.
“So how’s the men’s room here?” You ask.
“I’m sorry, what?” Ahh, it seems you’ve broken his tough guy facade to earn a flustered look on his face.
“The men’s room,” you repeat. “The last time I was here the women’s door wasn’t working properly and when you closed it you were locked in or you had to keep the door open. And I’m really looking for some privacy and no interruptions, so I’m curious if the men’s room will work.”
You down the rest of your drink, licking your lips as you finish, carefully keeping eye contact with him as you do. You watch his face process your words, his pupils expanding in his dark eyes and the corner of his lips on his tattooed side rises as he realizes your meaning.
“I think it’ll do just fine, I can show you the way?”
“What a gentleman,” you tease, taking his hand.
Your hands are on each other the second the door closes behind you. His grip on your plush ass, pulling you tighter to him. Yours find their way through his curls, tugging his hair as his mouth meets yours in a needy kiss. His large hands travel up your curves, until they reach your head and cup your face as he pulls back from the kiss.
“Such a dirty little thing aren’t you?” He rasps out. “Going into a filthy bar bathroom with a man you don’t even know?”
“What can I say? I like things a little messy.” You glance at him through heavy lashes as you grind against his codpiece.
“Open your mouth.” He orders, the deep tone in his voice going straight to your core, where you already feel your arousal dripping from you. You follow his command, just for him to spit in your eagerly awaiting hole. He groans as you close your mouth and swallow it. You bring your lips back to his as you make out with him again.
One of his hands leaves your face so it can trail down your waist and under your top, roughly groping your breast. You let out a soft moan into his mouth as his thumb flicks over your nipple. You feel him smirk against you, as he adjusts his ministrations so he’s lightly pinching your pebbled nipple. Your head involuntarily tilts back at the please and his mouth connects with your now open neck, his teeth nipping at your sensitive skin.
You stumble backwards under his exploring hands, your back hitting the bathroom door behind you. Hunter uses this to his advantage, and grabs hold of your hip with one hand while the other continues its squeezing of your breast. He brings a leg in between yours and presses it against the apex of your thighs. You cry out as you finally have some friction against your aching core. You instinctively grind on his thigh; the crease of his armor and the seam on your pants combining to rub against your clit in the most addicting way that you can’t stop yourself. Your hands reach to his shoulders as you balance yourself against him.
Hunter watches, eyes blown out in lust, as you use him to chase your own needs. The hand on your hip assists your movements, making you gyrate faster and faster into the man. Moans are rolling off your lips, and your head snaps back against the wall as you feel the tightening coil of an approaching orgasm in your stomach.
Hunter bends down to nibble at your earlobe, his warm breath panting against your skin as he whispers, “Such a sexy thing, riding my thigh to get yourself off. You’re almost there, aren’t you? Dirty little slut. “
You whimper against him, your eyes shutting so you can focus on your impending climax. A harsher bite on your neck makes you yelp, and your eyes snap open to see Hunter staring at you.
“I asked you a question, be a good girl and answer me."
Your mind stutters for a moment before his harsh gaze reminds you of what he asked you. “Yes... I’m so close!” You gasp out at him, as you continue humping his leg. He smirks as his smoky eyes stay locked your face, watching every reaction as you build to your peak.
“Go on them, cum for me.” You cry out on his order, and his mouth clamps down on yours so he can muffle the sound to avoid being discovered by the few patrons in the bar. Your orgasm rolls through your body, your hips unrelenting in their thrusting on Hunter’s thigh as you ride out the waves of bliss. Once your movement slows, Hunter pulls back from kissing you to examine you in your post ecstatic state. Chest heaving, cheeks flushed and eyes drooping; you’re the sexiest thing he’s seen in a long time. And he wants to make you do it again.
He removes his gloves as he shifts his thigh out from under you, making you slump against the wall. You sigh, feeling him drag a hand over your covered center. He groans, feeling the wetness seeping through your pants from your previous orgasm. His fingers fumble with your buttons, then he roughly pulls the pants down and over your ankles. He presses his face against your panty covered mound, inhaling deeply as he’s intoxicated by your arousal. Looking back up at you, he licks a long strip over your panties, circling around your hidden clit. You moan from the overstimulation as you grip the door handle behind you, your legs still feeling like jelly and struggling to hold you up.
Sensing your predicament, Hunter slides your panties down your legs and removes them, tossing them in the pile with your pants. He then props one of your legs over his shoulder and presses a hand against your abdomen to hold you upright.
His warm breath wafts against your sensitive skin as he separates your folds with two thick fingers. His tongue slowly peaks out, teasing your swollen clit with delicate flicks. You groan as you feel the warm wetness of him lapping up the release of your previous orgasm. Once he’s sure you’re past the point of overstimulation and ready to go again, he attacks with more fervor.
Your head snaps to the wall again as he starts devouring you with a renewed intensity, his lips closing around your clit as his tongue rapidly circles and flicks it. He switches up the rapid movements with broad, strong strokes against your pussy, making your hips arch into his face to push more pressure from him. He hums into you as you moan above him, the vibrations adding to the euphoric sensation of his tongue against you. He’s a quick study to your body, following any hitch of your breath or moan to follow what you like and return to those sweet spots over and over again as he enjoys you.
You feel a prodding at your entrance as he pokes one large finger into you, your hips keening against him as you allow him to push deeper into you. With a gasp, you feel him add a second finger into your tingling pussy. He groans, watching your cunt grip his fingers as he pushes them in and out of you.
“So wet for me, mesh’la.” He growls dipping his head back to lap at your clit while he fingers you. Matching the pace of his hand and mouth, you feel the tension of another orgasm building up. His fingers crook inside you, pressing against that hard to reach spongy spot inside you.
“Yes, right there!” You cry out, begging him not to stop. He focuses on hitting that spot with every thrust of his hand. He brings his other hand around to your ass, squeezing your cheek and bringing you closer to him to ravage. Your breath leaves your body in wanton moans as he brings you closer and closer to the edge again. The hand on your ass slides inward, until you feel a single finger circling around your other entrance.
“Hunter!” You yelp as the finger pokes in, teasing along your sensitive entrance. Your head flops down so you meet his eyes, a devilish, lustful darkness taking over them as he continues eating you out while fingering both of your holes. His pace in in your cunt increases, finger bending and stroking you just where you need him as he wrenches your orgasm out of you.
Toes curling, head snapping back, and eyes rolling into your head: you cry out. Your body tenses, your legs quake and you would fall over if it were not for him holding you up. Your pussy pulses as you release, the waves of ecstasy overpowering your body. Hunter works you through your release, removing the hand from your ass to keep you steady. He softly laps at your folds and slows the push of his fingers in you until he feels your walls stop pulsing then he removes them.
He rises off his knees to kiss you, his mouth glistening with a mixture of your release and his own spit. You lean into the kiss, one much softer than the ones that started you escapades. You curse to yourself when you notice your comm going off.
“That important?” Hunter grumbles against your skin, his lips dragging along your cheek.
You groan, realizing it’s your droid letting you know your ship is ready to go. “Sadly, it is.” You had wasted to much time before starting your next job. You look at him with apologetic eyes, your previous experiences with men leading you to think he might be angry about your lack of reciprocation. To your surprise, he grins and holds up his hands as he steps away.
“No worries, I get it. Duty calls.” He hands you your pants from off the ground, you mumble your thanks, looking around for your underwear when you realize he’s twirling them in his fingers. He smirks at you before he sniffs them and places them in a compartment on his belt. “Hey, if you want these back you’ll just have to find me next time you’re back on Ord Mantell.”
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jedipoodoo · 2 years
Whiskey on Ice (Hunter x GN!Reader)
Notes/Warnings: alcohol, drinking, reader is a bartender at Cid’s parlor to make a little extra cash. I work in food service and this is what I think about all day.
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"Excuse me," A sultry devaronian approached the bar, her horns polished so that they glistened like crystals as they stuck ou from her sleek black hair. She was gorgeous.
"How can I help you?" you smiled, spreading your arms wide to indicate the variety of drinks that Cid sold. Admittedly, it wasn't much, but you had learned a trick or two in the months you'd been working for her, and your customers loved your concoctions. Cid had even found it in her to give you a raise.
The Devaronian woman nodded to the corner where four men in almost-identical suits of gray and red armor were sitting.
"Do you know them?"
Your head bobbed back and forth as you considered your answer. "Maybe, maybe not." it was best to be vague when it came to Cid’s customers.
"The guy with the bandana, send him a drink with my compliments."
You raised one eyebrow, and smiled at her knowingly. "Anything special?"
She glanced at the menu for a moment. "House spotchka. And add some meiloorun, he looks like a guy who needs something sweet."
You could tell your new best friend a lot of things, how Hunter took his spotchka being one of them, but all you did was give her a conspiratorial smile as she handed you a shiny-looking pile of credits.
"Is there a name I can tell him when he says thank you?" You asked.
"Emree," She nodded.
You did up the show, one of your nicest trays, a clean glass, and a neatly folded napkin, and waltzed across the room to where Hunter and the others were sitting.
Wrecker waved as you walked up to them, ready to hear some hot gossip, and Hunter smiled at you until you set the glass in front of him.
"I...I didn't order this." He said, sniffing the glass to make certain there wasn't anything funky. Not that you would do that to him, of course.
"I know," You said innocently.
"Emree wanted to say hi and she thinks you're cute," you pointed her out to the table. Emree waved at Hunter, propped up on a stool at the bar. She sent him a wink, for added measure.
"She seems nice, you should go talk to her."
Echo nearly spat out his drink at your nonchalance, and Hunter gaped at you, open-mouthed as you spun on your heel and sashayed back over to the bar.
"Thank you, sweetie," Emree told you with a squeeze of your hand.
"Just doing my job." You quickly took the next order from an impatient Bolo, who had been waiting two seconds too long for his and Ketch's regulars
The night progressed in a manner as interesting as it had begun. Emree made her way over to Hunter's table bit by bit, and eventually struck up a conversation with the guys. Wrecker and Echo were trying their best to not laugh, and Tech, bless his soul, kept going a kilometer a minute to save Hunter from having to talk to her. All was going well until Emree said it was late, and asked Hunter if he would walk her to her speeder.
"I won't feel as scared with a big, strong man like you around," she assured him with a hand on his shoulderpad.
You bent over your glass of water (the life of a bartender was parching) trying to keep your laughter from being to audible. Wrecker was crestfallen that Hunter was being called the strong one, and the flush on Hunter's face was too good.
"Have a nice night!" you waved to Emree as she walked past, her arms wrapped tightly around Hunter's with her head on his shoulder.
"You should be careful, you know," a voice hissed. You jumped, too preoccupied with watching Hunter escort Emree up the stairs.
"Cid! Give me a warning next time!" You sighed, trying to assuage your rapidly beating heart.
Cid smacked your arm with her staff. "That's what I'm tryin' to do, sweetheart! you think Dark-and-Broody's gonna wait around for you if you let him wander off with every girl who gives him tooka eyes?"
You rolled your eyes at her. "Hunter's not your dime-a-dozen bounty hunter, Cid. He's different."
Cid made a "tch" sound between her teeth, "If you say so. But you hang around this crowd long enough, you start to see patterns in people." She sighed and walked over to break apart Ketch and Bolo's daily fight over the slot machines. they could never figure out how to make it work anymore. If only they knew that Tech had rigged them all a month back.
You brushed off Cid's warning and the growing green monster of jealousy that was beginning to take up residence in the pit of your stomach, and began to attack a rather troublesome stain on the countertop of your bar (Cid could say whatever she wanted. You were the one who kept this place habitable enough to make people want to come here. You could call it yours as much as you wanted).
"Cyare," His voice was smooth as he approached the counter.
"Yes?" You asked innocently, slinging your cleaning rag over your shoulder.
Hunter slipped behind the counter, catching your hand in his. He spun you around quickly, bringing your back flush against his chest.
"Why do you keep letting other people buy your boyfriend drinks, huh?" He whispered in your ear.
"Did you like them?" You asked innocently.
Hunter chuckled, "That's not the point here, Cyare."
You continued to play dumb, "It's good business," you shrugged, and the pile of credits you'd accumulated over the night clinked musically in the pockets of your apron as you swung back and forth. "Am I supposed to turn down a paying customer?"
Hunter hummed thoughtfully. "It doesn't make you jealous?"
"No." You shook your head decisively.
You spun around to face him, placing both hands on his plastoid chest piece.
"Three reasons. One, you never treat yourself. You save every spare credit we have for your brothers and Omega. Two, you deserve nice things, even coming from a stranger. And three," You tapped the tip of his nose with your finger.
"When you get buzzed, you tend to get a little handsy after I get off my shift." You smiled slyly up at him.
Hunter's jaw dropped slightly, but he quickly composed himself with a chuckle.
"I can tell them no if you really want me to," You shrugged, "It's up to you."
Hunter shook his head, "So you like it when I get a little handsy, huh?"
He squeezed your hip, and you squealed, smacking his hand with your cleaning rag.
"My shift doesn't end for another two hours, Sergeant, do try to control yourself."
Hunter kissed your shoulder, just above the collar of your shirt. "Can't help it, Cyare. Something about you is just so...intoxicating."
"Must be my mixology skills." You shrugged.
"Must be," Hunter grunted. He cupped your chin, leaning in for a proper kiss. You could still taste the meiloorun on his lips from the drink you'd made him earlier.
"Mmm, so you did like the drink Emree sent you," you smirked.
"Tastes better on your lips," Hunter murmured, his mouth a hair's breadth from yours.
"Hey! Bandana! Step away from my bartender! I don't pay you two to flirt!" Vid screeched from halfway across the bar.
"Unless it gets the Pantorans to buy a couple more rounds," You muttered. Hunter's arms were still snug around your waist. You gave him a gentle push so that you could get back to work.
He leaned against the bartop where Emree had been a while ago, watching you work. You could feel the heat of his gaze on you as you mixed several more drinks, impatient for more, promising you a heavenly evening the moment Cid let you clock out. She was right about a lot of things, but she certainly wasn't right about your relationship with Hunter.
"So what do you want me to do if someone tries to buy you a drink?" He asked, settling in for a water to keep him from getting too buzzed.
You mulled it over for a moment. "I don't know. No one really ever buys the bartender a drink."
"Huh," Hunter thought it over for a a moment, then requested your favorite drink.
You placed your hands on your hips. "Are you trying to tease me, Sarge?"
Hunter leaned across the table so that his lips nearly met yours once again.
"Hey, if I deserve nice things, you do too."
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One Night| Hunter
Note: Nsfw content,
Warnings: creampies, p in v, facials, squirting, name calling, rough, hair pulling, light choking, smoking 18+ content
Reader: Female
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"Thanks again." Y/n thanked the kessel burbon slid to her, sliding credits to Cid, "any more missions?"
"No,those clone boys took the last one I had." Cid spoke, "there won't be any more for a few cycles."
"Clones took my jobs?" Y/n questioned, sipping the hard liquor.
"Yeah! When wrecker through those KT troopers like it was nothing!" Omega cheered as the group walked down into the bar.
"Speak of the devil." Cid spoke, Y/n turning her head.
"Yes Wrecker's strength was acceptionally helpful this mission. Yet Omega's new tracking skills came in handy." Tech spoke.
"And Echo's climbing skills! How do you do that with one hand?!" Omega cheered.
"Pratice." Echo spoke.
Hunter chuckled at Omega's happiness.
"We did good boys-"
He stopped, seeing Y/n casually talking to Cid, sipping on her drink, her hair a mess, a few braids in her short hair making her hair uneven in both long and short length. In baggy black robes a belt tired tigh around her waist. Boots knee high with her baggy pants tucked in. Her eyeliner red and in sharp wings up towards her relaxed brows.
She turned her gaze towards hunter, her eyes a cybernetic white, then her head followed. Her gaze lingering on him as she smiled smally.
"Oh no no no! Watch your eyes dark and broody!" Cid argued, rushing around the counter.
"Don't mind me I'm also looking disrespectfully." Y/n teased getting up from her seat, following behind Cid.
"Uh," Hunter tried to speak, woah was his only thought process, "Your...new."
"Not knew. Just havent seen me before." Y/n smiled, standing next to Cid with a hand on her hip, "names Y/n's and Im presuming you all are the clones that have been taking my jobs?"
"Oh, we are?" Omega looked up at Hunter, who was still at a lost for words.
"What?" Hunter asked looking down at Omega.
Y/n chuckled, walking up to the longer haired male, "Listen, dark and broody, we can be friends. I just want my missions."
She leaned into his face, his face becoming red "Y-yeah..."
"Thanks then." Y/n smiled, his eyes gazing to his banana, "I'll take this as payment for taking my last missions."
With ease she pulled the headband off his head, turning her head half way to talk to Cid she smiled.
"I'll see you late then mom." Y/n chuckled, nudging Hunter as she passed, "Im off to collect some credits Im owed."
"Did she just call Cid Mom?" Wrecker questioned Y/n walking out the bar and up the steps.
"I believe she did." Tech responded.
Hunter was hit in the side with Cid's walking staff, "I'm docking your pay half!"
"What!?" Hunter argued.
"Thats what you get for lookin at my kid like that!" Cid defended, "watch it next time"
"Well if our pay has already been docked. She was quiet pretty. Her eyes especially." Tech repsonded as Hunter nudged him hard.
"Don't worry, Hunter if you marry her Cid's your new mom!" Wrecker laughed shoving the man.
"I don't even know her!" Hunter argued.
"And that'll never happen!" Cid defended, "now watch it before I dock all your pay! You won't be seeing her again."
"But she took Hunter's bandanna." Omega pointed out, Hunter feeling his head.
"She did?!"
"And I thought Wrecker had it bad for that twilek girl he helped at the market." Echo told.
So there Hunter was, left the whole day with no headband, atleast 3 standard hours he waited, rubbing his head feeling as if he was missing something, well he was missing something.
"Hey! Mom! You'll never guess the load I got this time!" Y/n called out walking down the steps and into the bar, "I beat fifteen of the finest warriors apparently! Yeah right!"
Y/n walked in, gym bag at her side, the boys turning to the girl, stripped down to a tank top and a diffrent set of black pants that were tucked into her boots, a certain red bandana around her thigh.
"Oh you're all still here." She spoke, "I was-"
Hunter stepped infront of her, "I'd like my bandana back."
"Hm? Yeah come on." Y/n spoke, walking around him, "follow me."
"Yeah no sorry- not happening-" Hunter argued grabbing her wrist, "just hand it over."
Y/n ripped her wrist from him, hurting his hand in the process, "well then take it off, its right there."
Hunter kept his gaze away from Y/n's thigh, her ahoulder looking interesting at the momment.
"Well its mine then." Y/n spoke going to walk away but her arm was grabbed, Hunter turning to her as he kept his gaze up, his hands feeling for the band,
She chuckled, "little higher and you'll be at my zipper-"
He sighed looking away as he felt his bandana, his hand reaching around and untying it from her thigh.
"You smell nice." Y/n teased
"I don't see how you're Cid's kid." Hunter commented.
"Not by blood sweetheart." Y/n commented.
There was a chuckle as Hunter turned his head, Tech and Echo going back to there silence Wrecker luckily out and about with Omega. Hunter removed the band finally as Y/n chuckled.
Y/n leaned over, kissing Hunter's cheek as he flushed, "rooms down the hall on your left, we should be lucky my mom's on the upper floors."
Hunter only nodded as Y/n walked away, waving to his two brothers who were playing sabbec at the bar.
Hunter turned around to follow her a few mintues later, "don't be too loud."
Hunter glared at the two but made his leave anyways, following Y/n's instructions. Making it to the last door he knocked the door sliding open as Y/n sat on the floor, a tray in her lap, neon fairy lights on the strung carelessly on the walls and ceiling, weapons littered on the floor, some things hanging on the walls, there was a mess of the bed.
"So you came." She spoke popping whatever she was rolling into a jar, setting it on her nightstand and pushing the tray into the drawer. Standing up zhe grabbed a box of matches, throwing herself into one of the large bean bag chairs, big enough for two people, "lock the door would you?"
He did as asked, "why call me in here?"
"Well...Dark and Broody." Y/n spoke, "sit, come on."
Patting the seat besides her he walked over, "I have a name."
"Okay? Tell me it."
"Okay Hunter." She spoke, "you seemed tense. So we. Me and you. Are gonna smoke-"
"Smoke? Smoke what-"
"One of these." Y/n spoke holding up the jar, "Kessel herb."
"Spice? Yeah no-"
"No. Herb." Y/n defended, "there's a big difference."
Hunter watched her swish the jar around in front of him, "you pick one for me atleast."
Mentally sighing he did as asked, Pulling out a joint for her she smiled, closing the jar and setting it aside, "atleast this doesn't smell bad, smells like flowers."
Hunter watched her open up the match box, the joint between her lips as she striked the first match, a complete dud, she moved onto the second one, also a dud, by the fourth one Hunter was wondering if she'd ever light the thing.
"Dropped them in water-"
"I can do it." Hunter cut off, Y/n gladly handing him the match box as she leaned over, he striking out on the first match but the second one he got working, the flame bright and prominet despite the red undertone of the lights, leaning over as well he lit the thing easy as pie.
He watched her take a deep inhale in bowing out through her nose she leaned back, muscles already calming and relaxing.
"Why did you really call me in here."
"I told you to smoke." Y/n spoke, "I know a stressed man when I see one. Shit half the time I am a stressed man."
Hunter watched her take in another puff, "Plus it would ruffle my moms scales."
Hunter chuckled Y/n was right about that much, "yet also wanted to see if you wanted to hook up for a night."
Hunter coughed, not because of the smoke but the abruptness, "I'm sorry?"
"Well I seen you look at me the way you did earlier," she told, "and you're pretty good looking, but you seem to atleast have a good head on your sholders, men I know that look at me usually make a comment right away, you kept them to yourself."
Hunter responded with silence, "it's just a suggestion, an idea." She told him turning to look at him.
Again silence and Y/n contuined to smoke as if it was no problem that he said no, he found it, hot, sexy even. She knew what she wanted and she asked if told no she was okay with that, carrying out through her day.
"Why me?"
"I just explained why, you." Y/n spoke, "its yes or no tense guy."
Hunter shifted, its been a while, he mentally sighed, Y/n returning to smoking casually. Was this a way of teasing? If it was, it was harsh, and it was working. Shifting once more there chlothed and armored touching one another.
Damn, Hunter thought, to have her strong thigh in his hand, his head between her thighs. He looked up seeing Y/n pull the joint away once more, feeling the stare Y/n turned her head
"Wanna try it after all?" Y/n questioned, bringing the joint infront of him, "if not more for me."
Fuck it, the empire rules the galaxy, the republic fell, his brother is trying to kill them, what could he possibly loose from having any fun.
He took it with gloved fingers bringing it to his lips, Y/n watched him take a deep inhale, Y/n impresssed.
"This isnt your first rodeo." She teased.
He leaned in closer to her, if even physically possible, removing the joint from his lips, he pushed closer to Y/n, his lips placed on her's softly, and only for a momment, then pulled away, strings of smoke coming from both there lips now as Hunter's mind felt clear, relaxed.
"Lets do it." Hunter responded, usuing his armor as an ash tray, pressing the ashes to death on his chest plate as the embers died.
"One puffs not gonna get you anywhere." Y/n teased.
"But you will..." he whispered against her lips, pressing furthur once more he kissed her.
The kiss much more passionate than the first, Y/n running her hands through his hair, his bandanna slipping off in the process as she tossed it away.
"Fuck you're so hot..." He whispered into the kiss, Y/n moaning softly, his hands untucking her white tank top from her pants.
"Don't tell Im sharing with someone, thats why you came back all undressed." He teased against her lips, his hands hiking up her t-shirt past her covered breast.
"If sharing means arena fights. Then yes." Y/n teased back causing Hunter to chuckle.
Hunter pulled away, unclapssing his armor as she watched, letting it be tossed to the floor he was stripped down to his blacks. Bitting her lip at the buldge in his blacks, he leaned back into her,kissing her lip's passionately, forcing his tongue into her mouth she groaned, his touange pressing against his as they fought.
The kiss ended in a tie, both pulling away panting, Hunter let his hand's find her bare skin in the mean time, traveling up her adoment and covered breast he found her shirt, pulling away he lifted it over her head and arms. About to kiss her again she stopped him, pulling on the edge of his blacks, she pulled his shirt up, he lifting his arms in the process, his gloves rolling off with his sleeves in the process. Tossing the article of chlothing somewhere random. He removing her black sports bra, he kissed her just above her breast.
She humming in pleasure as he did so, traveling up to her neck, kicking her boots and socks off in the process, her legs tensed squeezing together Hunter had found her sweet spot, the space just above her collar bone, where her muscle was tense.
"H-hunter..." she panted, kissing the side of his head as she let out a soft groan, her head rolling back as her fingers tugged on his hair.
"You drive me crazy doing that..." Hunter whispered against her skin, dragging his kisses down her chest, and to her breast, where he let himself take in one of her soft buds.
"Fuck..." he moaned, his hair being pulled once more.
"Maker you're mouths amazing-" Y/n spoke her legs squeeze together tighter, adding to her pleasure as she groaned.
Switching over to give the second one just as much attention his hand cupped her other breast, squeezing her battle scared flesh softly, his other hand slipping behind her waist band slipping into her panties.
Hunter pulled away from her bud with a intoxicated look, "Your soaked..."
Y/n chuckled, "and you're hard as a rock..."
Pulling his hands away from her, she watched him undo her pants, pulling them down as quick as he could, and with her help of kicking them off they were gone.
Y/n reached for the last of his blacks, pulling them off his hips he pulled at them as well, removing his boxers as well. His chlothes barely releasing his length, Y/n's hand wrapped around the base of his aching cock.
Y/n's face laced with warmth and a teasing smirk she let her thumb rub the strip under the base of his cock, he groaned watching her tease his cock. His hand pulling at her panties she raised her hips to help, and he loosely pulled them down enough to let his hand go between her legs.
His finger's teasing her clit softly as she meweled, "Fucking hell..." she whined softly.
Both messes under each other's touches Y/n picked up a pace, her hand starting to milk his cock as he moaned heavily, body both relaxed and tense he gripped her thigh.
"Easy- now..." Y/n whispered to him, planting a soft kiss on his lips, "Don't wanna finish just in my hand do we?"
Hunter shook his head no, "you better be on something...I'm gonna cum in you till you beg me to stop..." he moaned.
She chuckled, leaning into his ear, "yeah? Am I gonna be sitting in pools of your cum?"
"Fuck yeah you are." He told her, "f-from every fuckin hole, starting with you're mouth."
She was taken back both by comment. He stood up as she looked up at him, his cock in her face, she moved forward, her lips brushing against his cock as she licked his tip, the taste of Pre-Cum now on her touange.
"Salty..." she teased kissing down his shaft, her hand wrapping around his base. Looking up at him his face was flushed, yet still held a determined look of lust in his eye.
Pulling back to the tip of his cock she kissed the tip, opening her mouth she pushed his tip in, her hands resting on his hips.
Fuck does he feel so good down my throat, Y/n thought, her eyes closed as she moaned, bobbing her head almost instantly causing Hunter to groan.
"Easy doll. You don't wanna choke." He teased, watching her bobbing increase he moaned loudly, her pace only increasing, "Maker you know to suck cock- s-shit-"
Y/n pulled away jacking his siliva covered cock off, "H-hunter fill me with your cum please. I wanna be in a pool of your cum."
He covered his mouth, what the fuck., but he wasnt complaining, watching her deep throat him again he groaned, his hips starting to pool back and thrust, and as soon as he knew it he was holding the back of her head, mouth fucking her hard.
"Yeah baby take it all...like a little slut take it all for me." He moaned, " hell- I'm-"
Hunter hit deep inside her mouth, cumming down her throat, mid way pulling out letting the rest coat her face.
"H-hunter!" She meweled, but he covered her mouth, not wanting anyone to hear.
She swallowed his cum, groaning into his hand as he pulled his hand away.
"They can't hear us..." she panted, cum covered her face and mixed with her drool as she tried to catch her breath, "t-the walls are solid concrete..."
"Well then...I suppose I will be making you scream..." he panted as she bit her lip, looking down at her he chuckled.
Face covered in cum, running down her lips and chin, her breast perky, marks already starting to form on her neck, her panties down to her knees as she sat waiting for him, flushed and horny.
"Maker I can not wait to put my cock in that tight pussy of your's." He told her, his thumb holding her chin.
"Then do it. Fuck me till you can't cum no more" she begged, watching him kneel down infront of her, causing him to chuckle.
"I want a taste of you first." He told her.
Pulling her panties off she bit her lip as he grabbed her legs roughly by the back of her knees, spreading them from one another, she shifted in her spot, allowing her legs to spread a bit wider and give him a better veiw. Hunter didn't bother teasing her, her pussy soaked and aching as he dived in, eating at her clit.
"F-fuck Hunter!" She cried, her back arching as she gripped onto his hair immediately.
Y/n was in heaven, Hunter between her legs completely devoring her.
"Baby so sweet..." he moaned into her cunt, licking up every bit of her fluid he could, shoving his touange deep inside her.
"Oh- maker! Fuck me! Please fuck me!" She begged, his fingers joining his touange deep inside her, as an incoherent mewel escaped her lips, his fingers thrusting deep inside her.
"Come on baby..squirt for me i wanna taste it." He whispered against her cunt.
"H-holy shit!" Y/n exclaimed, her eyes rolling to the back of her head, eating her raw her back arched and her legs squeezed together but he pulled away, spanking her on the back of the thigh.
"Do that again and I'll stop eating you out and fuck you until you're raw." Hunter deamnded, she nodded mindlessly, as he went back to devoring her.
Her pussy pulsating as he shoved his touange deep insider her, his fingers competing for space.
"H-hunter..." she whined, feeling like she was to snap, "H-Hunter- Hunter! Hunter!"
She squirted into his mouth, her legs squeezing together in pleasure.
"F-fuck!" She moaned, back arching as her legs shook, "F-fuck,"
He pulled away from her, flicking her clit with his fingers intesifiying her orgaism. Moaning loudly she watched him getting up to his knees he leaned over her grabbing her face.
"I told you if you closed your legs again I'd fuck you until your raw." He argued as Y/n blushed deeply.
"I'm sorry sir..." she apologized, pussy still pulsating, still completely soaked with a mix of her own cum and his siliva.
"What did you call me?"
"S-sorry daddy." She apologized.
"Atleast you know your place."
Holy fuck, where did this Hunter come from? Not that she knew Hunter at all, but it was still a shock to see the 'dark and broody' man become such a sex addict that liked to be called daddy.
"You either call me daddy or sarge," he demanded grabbing her chin, "understand?"
She nodded in response.
"I can't hear you."
"Yes daddy."
"Good girl..." he praised, "the better you are the more cum you'll get, understand?"
"Yes daddy."
He spred her legs open again, his knees resting on the bean bag below her as he lined himself up with her soaked entrence. Pushing his tip in her she moaned loudly, her feet resting on his hips, he chuckled, grabbing her hips tightly he shoved himself in her fully.
"F-fuck!" She cried out, "Oh maker yes!"
He started beating into her without warning, she crying out in pleasure as her body shook.
"D-daddy so rough! Oh-yes!" She shouted.
"Touch yourself While I fuck you," he demanded, her hand hand reaching between her legs,rubbing her clit while he fucked her senseless, "Good girl, looks like someone wants to be filled with cum."
She moaned nodding her head in the process as he beating balls deep into her, hearing his cum filled balls slapping against her soaked skin.
"F-fuck daddy please!" She begged, one of his hands finding the back of her hair as he gripped it, arching her over.
"Please what baby girl? Come on. Tell daddy what you want."
"P-please cum in me!" She cried drooling in pleasure, he groaned her tight pussy walls clenching around him, "H-Hunter!"
Moaning heavily he gripped her hair tighter, her free hand gripping his forearm as she bit her lip. The feeling built up in her stomach.
"Y-yeah! D-daddy! Daddy make me cum!" She begged, he watched her come unraveled, beating into her roughly her back arched, toes curling as she moaned loudly, soaking his cock as she squirted onto him, he pulled out of her, rubbing her clit intesifiying her orgaism.
"Oh- Shit!" She cried, the quicker he rubbing her clit more she squirted, slipping back into her he delievered a few hard thrust as she cried out, pulling out once more her orgaism intense as she held her legs open.
"Fuck daddy!" She cried.
"Come on baby let it all out." He praised, slipping into her again and fucking her roughly for a few more thrust, pulling out once more as she squirted the last she could.
"H-hunter- Hunter!"
"Shh baby. Shh." He spoke leaning kissing her roughly she kissed back, pulling away he looked down at her, "You still need my cum in you huh baby?"
"Mhmm, yes please." She begged.
"Good girl." He praised, kissing her sloppily as she groaned.
Pulling away she held onto his arm as he pushed his way back into her, causing her to mewel out his name.
"What a perfect little pussy." He told her, starting to thrust into her, his hand rest at the side of her throat as his thumb pulled her chin down, she wore a curled smile with a deep blush, her pupils dialted wide and pupils seemingly in the shape of hearts.
"H-hunter...daddy..." she meweled.
He grunted down a groan, feeling himself starting to become unraveled, "pussys still tight for me,fuck-"
His gripp tightned around her neck, causing her to choke slightly, as his thrust became sloppy, becoming increasingly rougher as her moans grew louder once more. Loosing rythem he pulled his hand away from her neck, his hands gripping her hips for leverage as he pulled them against his thrust, groaning loudly he still beat into her harshly, his cock pulsating in her. She begged for him to creampie her, her hands finding his hair as she tugged and pulled.
"Ah! Fuck! Yeah! Fuck!" He groaned, "Oh! OH!"
He shoved himself deep inside of her keeping her steady as her back arched, his own body arching into her's as he released a massive load of cum into her.
"Oh! Fuck yeah!" He groaned, completely loosing control, contuining his rough thrust.
"H-hunter! Hunter! Holy shit!" She cried out.
"Fuck Im cumming again!"
"H-hunter! Fuck!" A second smaller load was shot into her, filling her womb with his hot seed as he held her hips tight, rocking into her steadily as to make sure he stuffed her. He panted heavily, his ears seemingly ringing as he looked down at her.
Her mouth agape as she breathed heavily, her breast rising and falling with heavy pants.
"Good girl..." Hunter praised, slolwy pulling out of her, Y/n letting out the last of her soft moans.
He panted heavily, his hands spreading her legs as she ended up holding her legs open by her inner thighs, Hunter watches the thick cum leaked out of her, cum covering her pussy folds.
"Good girl." Hunter praised, a few of his fingers scooping up some of the cum as she opened her mouth, letting it sloppily leak from Hunter's hand to her mouth and face, "Now, turn over on all fours, Im not done with you yet."
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✨Bad Batch E10 Spoilers✨
Episode 10 thoughts:
- Echo...bestie...why did you have to smell the space popcorn like that?
- I completely understand Hunter's concerns but the way he reacted to Wrecker saying that she seemed fine got me thinking. I feel like that the moment after hearing what Wrecker said and pushing past everyone to walk into the building gives us a bit of insight into Hunter's deeper emotional state. What I took from it was that because Hunter is not only a soldier, but also the leader, openly conveying deep forms of emotion isn't exactly something he's used to. Aside from his obvious worries regarding Omega's physical safety, I think when he said that Omega needed a break, he was trying to mask the fact that HE needed a break as well. After the showdown with Cad Bane and losing Omega, Hunter went from already level 10 dad to like level 1000 dad. The fear, panic, and shame that he felt during the time it took for them to find Omega must have been at such a jarring form of emotional intensity that he hasn't felt before and it’s clearly still bothering him a lot. Sure the team has been in stressful situations, but this is a completely different terrain. The point I'm getting at here is when we see Hunter push past everyone and go in alone before the rest of the squad, I think it pretty clearly shows that he's having a hard time processing everything that just happened and is doing everything he can to keep from feeling the way he did when Omega got separated from them as well as not wanting Omega to be that distraught again. (EEK sorry that was a lot, but what can I say? I love a good reading-between-the-lines type character analysis)
- Cid gives off great aunt energy. Not quite grandma. Not quite aunt. Great aunt. I have spoken.
- Speaking of Cid, as much as I genuinely enjoy her abrasive character, CAN EVERYONE STOP CUTTING OFF SIR GOGGLES McNERD-FACE PLEASE?! I just want to hear him talk is that too much to ask for 🥺👉👈
- omg hunter please just hug the child my god it's not that hard you both need a hug just do it please-
- Y'ALL ECHO'S UPSET FOR A REASON. You all saw what happened to him. Don't get me wrong, I love a good Echo and Tech sassy conversation moment, but maybe don't dismiss him so much? Can we try that pls? Thank you, loves.
- "Now are you convinced?" "Noooo" Agh someone please give Echo a hug, a nap, and some therapy please I beg of you.
- Raxus is pretty. Lovely forest. Nice architecture.
- There's something strangely calming about that droid's voice idk what it is.
- OoOoOoOo Cid got shamed for making Omega upset.
- Awwwww Dad misses his kid
- Good battle scene using only stun blasts (is that what they’re called? idk you know what I mean).
- Quick question: I will never doubt Tech's skills, but like how could he possibly fix the AT-TE using just his data pad without actually touching the walker? I think I'm reading too much into it, but I'm genuinely curious.
- Cid: "Try showing a little gratitude to my friend" awww even grouchy lizard great aunt likes Omega 😊
- I love the little moment at the end with Hunter and Omega playing dejarik, but lol wouldn't it be funny if the thing that finally makes Tech snap and lose his cool is Omega beating him in a strategy game.
FINAL THOUGHTS (and I'm so sorry that this was sooo long oops)
- Everyone needs a hug.
- Please let them process and TALK about their emotions. Please.
- Obvious question: Can we save Cross now? THAT MAN is most in need of a hug. Look I know he can be a bit of a bitch sometimes, but Dave...I swear to Obi-Wan "Space Jesus" Kenobi if you don't stop hurting him I will PERSONALLY set your cowboy hat on fire. 🤠🔥
That is all. It is past 4am. I can literally hear the birds tweeting outside. I need to go to sleep. Thank you for listening to my nerd rambling.
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corallp · 3 years
So I thought of a cowboy au for tfatws and @ja3hwa hyped me up to do this. A few place names are made up and hopefully you all enjoy my cowboy adaptation of tfatws.
Chapter One - Meeting Old Friends
The sun stands high over the small town of Della. The red dirt stains everything in sight, the buildings, the horses, the clothes of cowboys and dresses of women. Della is a blink and you'll miss it town, nothing big, nothing too small for a cowboys liking. Saloon, general store, hotel and sheriff's office.
Outside the saloon, Sam Wilson stands lazily smoking his cigar. Dressed in dark red clothes with a white long coat over the top, hiding his pistols that hang on his waist. The red Della dirt stained coat also hides his sheriff's badge on his chest. People of Della know who he is but new comers wouldn't expect a black man to be sheriff.
His white hat hangs low over his eyes, keeping the blinding sun from giving him a bigger headache. He really isn't in the mood for any bullshit today so he's just hoping that none of the boys decide to be pests. But today had gone smoothly enough, just hoping he hadn't jinxed it just yet.
A minute passes by and he curses under his breath as he hears a chippy voice call out to him.
"Sam! Sam!"
Deputy Joaquin Torres rides up to him on his small filly looking like he just rode from the other side of the state. He wears black and green clothes with shiny new boots that Sam is curious where Torres has the time to purchase them. A red bandana is tied around his neck and a single pistol hangs from his hip. Sam watches him with furrowed eyebrows as he hitches his horse. Torres wasn't meant to be back until the next day after tomorrow.
"I found the Johnny Boys!" Torres says puffed and huffed as he skips up the stairs to the saloon.
Sam's lazy posture stiffens and he stands up straight, almost dropping his cigar. The Johnny Boys. Just over the hill at Terra Creek.
"How many?" Sam quickly asks. He's already moving to his horse and Torres quickly does the same.
"Only three of them. I wasn't able to see the fourth," Torres informs as they both mount their horses.
Sam doesn't waste anytime, digging his spurs into his horse and riding off with Torres close behind. Out of all the days, today the Johnny boys had to pop up. They had been causing trouble for the last few weeks in Della and Sam had had enough of it and wanted them taken in by the law. He had sent Torres out, his best tracker he knows to go find them. It must of taken Torres less time to find them then he had originally thought. He had undermined the kid.
"What's your plan of action!?" Sam shouts to Torres. His heart is pounding in his ears because maybe finally, finally they'll get the Boys.
The deputy begins leading the way and turns his head back to Sam. "They're on the bank where the fallen tree is. They looked pissed as parrots so I say we sneak in from on top of the bank and get them from there at gun point!"
"What about the fourth!?"
"We'll figure that out when we get there!" Torres replies back with a large smile on his face.
Sam frowns but nods. Torres chuckles to himself as he leads the way and Sam can't help but let the smile that comes to his features. Torres has been by Sam's side for a good few years now. Ever since Steve left them, it's just been Sam and Torres defending Della. No other law has come to assist them but he's well aware of why no one has come and offered a hand.
As they near, gunshots and shouting can be heard. Torres glances back at Sam before they rush to the creek on their horses. Sam's horse is taller and has lanky legs and gains in front of Torres. The creek comes into sight and on the tree line, a tall black horse can be seen tied to a tree.
Sam knows that horse from a mile away. He curses as he throws his cigar down in the dirt and he kicks harder, riding faster ahead leaving Torres far behind. His headache only gets worse as he realizes the day he's about to have. He pulls on the reigns and comes to a stop just before the bank drops straight down to the dry creek bed below.
And down in the rocks stands James Buchanan Barnes. His boot is currently crushing one of the Johnny boys chest as he hovers over them. His long black coat is worn and torn and covers what Sam knows is a full artillery under there. Two of the Johnny boys lay dead and bleeding in the creek bed while the fourth is slowly crawling away leaving a trail of blood along the rocks. The third being under foot.
The man's gaze quickly shoots up and he stands to his full height, reminding Sam why he was such a feared man years ago, still is. His hair is now short from when Sam saw him last but he still carries revolvers and rifles on top of his all black clothing. His left coat sleeve is tied off, a sad reminder of what happened a life time ago.
"Leave the man alone, Buck!" Sam shouts.
"See!" Bucky quickly lands a punch to the man under him, knocking him out cold. "You don't get to call me Buck after all this time!"
"Steve use to call you that!"
Bucky chuckles with a shake of his head and begins walking over to the half dead man. Sam finds a way down to the creek with Torres closely behind. Bucky doesn't seem to notice as he grabs the Johnny Boy and rolls him over. He grabs the front of his shirt with his one hand and pulls him face to face.
"Where is he!?" Bucky seethes.
The Boy wheezes and his eyes are glazed. But he manages to rasp out, "I have not a clue. But- but Seph. Yeah Seph is where we last heard he was but that-" the man coughs out and Bucky flinches back in disgust. "But that was a month ago. Long gone by now."
Bucky throws the man down and reaches for his revolver but Sam is quick to his side. Bucky glances to him before walking away with a scowl on his lips. He feels exposed, not having his long hair or any hat to cover his features.
"Seph? Who's in Seph, Bucky?" Sam asks firmly.
"No, you don't get to play that game, Sam. Come and act like we're good friends again," Bucky snaps.
Sam frowns as he watches the broody man shuffle around the Johnny Boys camp for rations or other things. It's odd, seeing Bucky now. The last time Sam had seen Bucky was last year, and that's when he had convinced the man to stray from the life of an outlaw. Hang his hat from being the Winter Gunslinger. But I guess some habits die hard.
"I'm not asking you as a friend, Bucky. I'm asking you as sheriff. Who's in Seph?" Sam asks, walking over to the man that is knocked out cold.
Bucky doesn't answer as Sam checks the Boys pulse. Still alive. And hopefully with medical care that other Johnny Boy should live.
"Torres can you get these two men on the horses while I have a chat to my good friend here?" Sam tells more than asks, his gaze never leaving Bucky.
He looks sadder, a hollow of a man he once was. Sam almost feels pity for him. Steve wouldn't of wanted what Bucky became, wouldn't like to see this Bucky stand stand before him now. But he can't keep pity for the man when he's responsible for his own actions.
Bucky stands up and turns to Sam with a blank face. "Zemo is in Seph."
Sam almost chokes. "Why are you after, Zemo!?"
Bucky doesn't answer again, only stares. Sam shifts uncomfortably under the gaze and looks over to Torres who is tending to the wound of the fourth Boy. When Sam looks back, Bucky is gone from where he stood and instead he's already halfway up the bank of the creek. For a man with one arm, he climbs up it quickly.
"Torres I need you to look over things for a week," Sam calls back.
Torres perks up and jumbles over his words before spitting out, "Where are you going!?"
"To Seph."
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raeliyah · 6 years
Exalted Secret Santa 2018
First, snippet -- with full descriptions, reference pictures, and links under the cut. Anon-asks should be enabled so feel free to ask me anything if you need more info!
If none of these guys strike your fancy, I also have the rest of my exalted characters, with reference images and descriptions, here:
Caleb “Wraithshot” Raith Dawn Caste Solar Exalt of the South, longrider lawman, Righteous Devil gunslinger, Badlands Gentleman with a heart of battered gold, giant flirt
Qismet ibn al-Nusar, The Veiled Eagle Night Caste Solar Exalt of the west, self-appointed judge and executioner of corrupt supernaturals, leader of the Brotherhood of the Righteous Death, terse and broody
Zaela Tokari, Queen of Adrelith, of the Meridian Isles Zenith Caste Solar Exalt of the East, friend of Dragon Kings, precious cinnamon roll, youngest daughter, too young to be queen, too young to be Exalted, mousy and self-effacing but will stand up to everything from Deathlords to Elder Lunars in defense of her friends (no art yet)
Caleb “Wraithshot” Raith
Dawn Caste Solar Exalt
Caleb’s Pinterest Inspiration Board
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Caleb’s easy. Think of every western trope and smash them all together. He’s a cowboy bounty hunter; a self-proclaimed lawman in a land where there is no law, riding circuit on a handful of towns in the South he considers his and protecting them from whatever evils lurk in the desert.
Physical Description
Caleb stands at 5′11″ and is on the leaner side at ~185 lbs. He’s fit, like a brawler (been in significantly more than his fair share of bar fights) or a ranch hand - someone who works at hard physical labor most days.
Caleb looks like he’s in his early 30s
Being the son of Northern immigrants, Caleb’s complexion is mostly pale, a reddish-burned tan anywhere the sun would shine - arms to the elbows, back of the neck, face mostly.
He’s also freckly across his face, shoulders and upper back, mostly from sun.
His eyes are clear honey-colored brown, more gold towards the pupil from the influence of exaltation.
Hair is black at the roots, growing out into sun-streaked brownish blond. He usually keeps it cut pretty short but if it goes too long without a trim it gets curlier. He likes a clean-shaven face but given his lifestyle he’s pretty much always got a day or three of scruff.
Caleb… basically looks like Chris Pratt.
He’s always got a smile of some stripe - warm, mischievous, leering, insincerely-wide - something.
He’s also very mouthy, and usually has something to chew on, whether it’s a piece of straw, a match, a toothpick, a cigarette (50% chance of it actually being lit), a twig - something. He’s never met a lollipop or chewing gum but he would love them.
Scars, see reference image: He's got a fair few that have never healed all the way. Added to that a nose which was broken in some bar brawl and never healed straight.
Left arm, from wrist to elbow: long nearly parallel white lines.
The remnants of pressure cuts through his right eyebrow, right side of his lips, and the left side of his chin, leaving gaps in the scruff. 
A bullet-scar just above and to the left of his navel. 
The remains of various slashes and stabs decorate his ribs. Most of these fade to nothing quickly, but he’s in fights often enough there’s always something.
The upper portion of his back is a mess of scars look like they were left from him getting dragged quicklike backwards over rock (because he was). A stylized rattlesnake tattoo on his right shoulderblade is only half-seen through the scars. 
Caleb dresses in layers - shirt sleeves, a vest/waistcoat, and either a faded blue or red serape tossed over his shoulders or a brown longcoat. Pants are either canvas or faded denim, and boots are less cowboy-style and more combat- or motorcycle style with a heel for riding. He does wear spurs, but they’re blunted. He’s usually covered in trail dust and sweat, sometimes blood, despite efforts at cleanliness. Feel free to embellish the standard Cowboy gear with arabesque/middle eastern ornamentation, because it is Exalted…
He always carries two modified flame pieces (six-shooters… he’s got six-shooters) on his hips, and the belt’s buckle is large and obnoxious, mostly because he keeps a couple extra rounds of ammunition within it. He also has an artifact rifle (based on a Winchester M1873; lever action, but otherwise unspecified) named Medicine Man that is either slung across his back or is in a sheath on his horse’s saddle. He makes his own ammo for all his weapons. He is a student of Righteous Devil Style, having mastered up to the form charms, but his sifu disappeared and he’s not found another, nor is he skilled enough to pick it up without tutelage.
He does own chaps but whether or not he wears them on any given day depends on how hot it is and how much hard riding he’s anticipating. He has a hat he’s rather fond of, but it’s not anything truly special.
There may or may not be a bandana around his neck/on his person at any given moment, and he often wears a chip of blue crystal with an antelope petroglyph etched on it around his neck on a leather cord. It’s a token from his friend, a springs goddess named Rivela, and a reminder of a partner he lost.
He rides a buckskin warhorse named Dirt who he pretends not to be particularly attached to, but in fact he really really is. Dirt is his horse. Dirt adores him and is always trying to steal his hat. Dirt will also steal anyone else’s hat nearby, but he prefers Caleb’s.
Anima: Caleb’s anima banner is a hailstorm of bright burning metal, like large forge sparks, raining down on him and even appear to bounce off his skin and clothing. Golden smoke and flame rise from the ground at his feet wherever the sparks fall.
Full Description including Personality, History, Art, and links to Fic and Character Playlist Here.
Qismet ibn al-Nusar
Night Caste Solar Exalt Revenge-driven assassin, self-appointed judge jury and executioner of supernaturals who prey on innocents. Leader of a band of mortal assassins with the same motives.
Qismet's Pinterest Inspiration Board
Qismet's Character Playlist
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Physical Description:
Qismet is shorter than average at 5'9" built lean and tough like an acrobat at around 150 lbs
he’s kinda touchy about his height
Qismet looks to be in his mid-to-late twenties.
He's darker complexioned, bronzed from a lot of time under the Western Sun
Examples: (Oded Fehr)(Cristian Codrin)(Avraham Aviv Alush)(Francisco Randez-also his face inspiration)
His hair is so dark brown it might as well be black, cut close but still has a bit of a wave to it.
Style example:(One)(Two)* Eyes are the same: so dark brown they might as well be black. Tend to go lighter, almost honey-colored, when he's channeling essence.
Qismet has fairly narrow features, a generous mouth with cupid's bow lips (see reference images) and a crooked nose, somewhat overlong. He would look great if he smiled but he hardly ever does. Eternal Brooding Face
Face Inspiration: Francisco Randez (One)(Two)(Three)(Four)
He has a thin blade scar vertically through his lips on the right side
Tattoos: One, on his right shoulder, the symbol of his assassin's order. Two, on his left bicep: a greenish kraken crossed out by two black swords (indicative of his vendetta against the Lintha).
Clothes and Accessories:
Qismet has two distinct "modes" -- his working guise, as The Veiled Eagle, equal parts vigilante super hero and feared villain, depending on who's looking, and his regular everyday self. The Veiled Eagle's identity is an open secret on his home island but if he's not in 'costume' the folk there know not to bother him as anything more than Qismet.
The Veiled Eagle:
As the Eagle, Qismet wears long open vests and tunics and leather armor (cuirass, pauldrons, greaves) in shades of charcoal to dove gray, with a hood and mask over his face, leaving only his eyes exposed, though the skin around them is usually darkened with greasepaint and charcoal. This outfit is patterned roughly after the Assassin's Creed styles. (Inspiration Images: (Mayan Armor)(Original AC Outfit)).
There is a single splash of blood red among the grays as a sash: normally wound around his waist or crossed from hip to shoulder.
As the Eagle, Qismet also carries a lot of weapons. Most notable are his two artifact Moonsilver Bracers, the Eagle's Sheathed Talons. These artifacts are made of black siaka leather and covered with moonsilver filigreed plates making the shape of a mantling eagle. They extrude a long knife in combat and also serve as armor for his arms (they're basically Hidden Blades with Exalted flair).
He also wields the paired soul-steel short Daiklaves, Anguish and Agony (see reference image in refsheet.net gallery). He struck a deal with the spirits within when he took them from their former owner. They spend a night and a day of peace within a consecrated temple on the nights of moon dark every month, and in return he will never be chained by sorcery or necromancy until his Task is complete. If he fails to give them peace, they'll turn against him.
As Qismet:
When he's not 'working', Qismet tends towards sleeveless cross-front tunics and vests, loose-cut trousers and short fitted boots, thin-soled for good climbing. He still wears the red sash around his waist, knotted on one side, and always has the artifact bracers.
He tends towards cool, de-saturated colors (because they're cheap), but isn't picky: if it's free of obvious dirt and won't get in his way, he'll wear it. His lieutenant/lover Samira has been slowly stocking his wardrobe with nicer things since ostensibly he's an important figure in their region of the west and should occasionally look it. Really, have fun with clothing design.
He very occasionally wears a shark-tooth pendant, but he's not big on jewelry or adornment in general.
A ghost-white and violet sea-eagle, whose head obscures Qismet’s face and whose movements echo the Solar’s. 
Further Reading:
The Eagle and the Marionettist
Infectious - Drabble, features several characters
Silver Sun Era - Storium Game
A History of the Brotherhood of the Righteous Death
Zaela Tokari, Solar Queen
Zenith Caste Solar Exalted - Mousy former-Princess given Divine Power - Too Precious for this world - Too young to be Queen and feels it 
Zaela’s Pinterest Board
Physical Description
Slim and willowy at 5′4″ish and 120lbs-ish - built like a dancer or musician
Medium-brown hair at the roots and lower layers, bleached gold by sun (and anima) light, with those instagram beach-style waves. Comes down to about her shoulderblades
Turquoise eyes, that fade to nearly white when she channels essence
Heart-shaped face with expressive eyes
Her complexion is tan with a bit of a copper tone to it
She exalted at 17 and still looks it
Zaela wears draping gowns in vaguely greek or ancient egyptian-esque fashion, in cool greens and blues and golds and white, accented with delicate jewelry wrought from gold and gems and flowers (natural or artificial). They are usually of light materials, silk,mist linen, and brushed cotton, suited for her jungle island kingdom. 
She usually wears her hair in multiple loose braids, or half-up and adorned with tropical flowers (or whatever’s in season, if she’s travelling far from her home Isle). Nothing in her appearance would mark her as anything other than the favored daughter of a well-off family, but she does on occasion wear the orichalcum, white, and green jade lotus crown of her kingdom. It’s a little too ostentatious for her tastes. 
A flock of tropical birds, in jewel tones limned with gold, who spiral and swirl around her. 
Fun Fact:
The ghost of her former shardholder, Prismatic Lotus, used to reside in their royal family chapel, trapped there during the Usurpation. Lotus fled to safe harbor within Zaela when the chapel was attacked and Zaela exalted--she now carries the spirit of her ancestress with her. Lotus acts as mentor, guide, sometime-posessor and obnoxious First Age brat in turn. But mostly she is helpful. 
tagging @shiftingpath for secret santa organizational purposes -- thank you for all the work you put in to this every year; I very much appreciate it! and you!  I will probably be editing this to make sure all the links are working properly and everything’s formatted correctly so apologies in advance
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im-no-jedi · 7 months
I’m sorry W H A T
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W H A T 😂😂😂
(image from here)
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im-no-jedi · 1 year
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history repeats itself 😂
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im-no-jedi · 2 months
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don't mind me, just wanted to take some shots of Hunter's reaction to seeing Batcher find him 🥺💙
(side note: Joel Aron, I love you, but please sir, stop making these shots so dark, they're impossible to color correct 😖)
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im-no-jedi · 8 months
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im-no-jedi · 2 months
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this shot 😍😍😍
idk which of these to make my new icon 😩💙
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im-no-jedi · 1 year
Benni claimed this mission was impossible, and Hunter took that literally 😏
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