#my hiromi <3
murderofravens · 5 months
i am very normal about him btw i'm not at all insane i'm very sane and normal. and not atall insane i'm normal i'm normal i'm normal i'm normal I NEED HIS BIG FAT WET COCK TO PUNCTURE A HOLE THROUGH MY THROAT PLEASE
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satoriberry · 5 months
Higuruma Hiromi is a cat.
No. That's not the correct verb.
Higuruma Hiromi behaves like a cat. Occasionally. Well, it only happened once.
Higuruma Hiromi, a man who lives up to the reputation he doesn't even know he created for himself a while back, never ceased to amaze you. He amazed you a first time when he correctly guessed your favourite skittle without even knowing your name ("You have the face of someone who would enjoy grape skittles.").
He amazed you a second time when he technically won a case and managed to score his client a one-month house arrest instead of a decade in jail after proving her innonence with nothing but tax return receipts as his golden piece of evidence. He amazed you a third time when you watched him ride a mechanical bull and manage to stay still as a statue the whole ride - not even whobbling when he got off.
A few dozen (read: hundred) more shocks and synonyms of the word "wow" later, you found yourself cohabiting a cozy apartment with him, one that conveniently allowed him to dodge public transport and bask in the crisp morning air on his way to his firm, then lackadaisically gaze at the moon on the way back. Nevertheless, Hiromi didn't find himself any more chipper or excited about going to slave in an office than he was before.
It had been a while since Higuruma has done something major that made you ogle him with a mixture of fear and wonder, ergo, amazed you. It had been a while since he's wowed you, but that didn't make you love him any less. It may actually be quite the opposite: ever since you made the mutual decision of living together, you believe you've become even more charmed by the man. His painfully bland yet charged lifestyle was practically the whole reason behind you sighing dramatically with heart eyes whenever someone mentioned the first two syllables of his name.
However, Hiromi managed to update the surprise score you had in your brain just for him, and, for the first time in a while, made you wonder what exactly was he made of.
9:56 AM.
You stood in the kitchen, palms on the marble counter's edge and eyes drooping every few seconds as you tried to resist the urge to sleep, and the only noises that kept you somewhat awake came from the chirping of birds outside your balcony doors, the typical Saturday traffic and the faint sizzle produced by the waffle maker you had plugged in.
You chose to skip some sleep, that was now starting to sound much more appealing than it did previously, and cook up an elaborate breakfast to avoid the avocado toast and coffee combo you and him have been having out of convenience for the past 10 days or so. You were waiting for the waffles to be done so you could move on to the other food items.
You reached for the egg tray and held one in either hand, contemplating the cook that you were going to go for, then horror struck as you heard your shared bedroom door creak, followed by the sound of irregular footsteps against the wooden tiles. He was already up. Feeling a bit betrayed and looking visibly deflated, you replaced the eggs on the tray and went back to staring at the red light that indicated that the waffles were still cooking.
The footsteps became louder as Hiromi approached your figure, rubbing his eyes with the ends of his palms, completely mute aside from the "ouch" he let out after bumping the island.
"Morning sleepyhead," you greeted him with similar fatigue in your grin, enjoying the sight of him manouevring rather terribly. You didn't move, awaiting the back-to-chest embrace he made a habit of offering you every time the occasion presented itself. However, you didn't get one. You didn't feel two warms arms wrap around your midriff, nor did you feel a jaw being placed on one of your shoulders.
You simply felt a nudge on your neck. More correctly, you felt a series of nudges, pokes and nuzzling motions on the side of your neck, accompanied by his bedhair scratching your ear multiple times. You additionally felt him rub his boney cheek against your shoulder's exposed skin, uncovered by the baggy shirt you had on.
He was rubbing his face against you. Like a cat.
You were certain of that due to the familiar bump of his hooked nose jabbing you gently, and rubbing along the expanse of your neck in a vertical motion. All this with his eyes glued shut despite wiping the life out of them a few moments ago.
You breathlessly giggled at the ridiculousness of....whatever this was. "Hiromi, don't take this the wrong way but, what on Earth are you doing?"
He made a bizarre grunt, but no words came out of his mouth. He contently kept tilting and pushing his face into your shoulder, his body stiff and arms dead on either side. A few times, you felt him push the top of his head in the junction between your shoulder and neck, as if he was spreading his atoms all over you. The feeling of his somewhat spikey morning hair made you emit a perplexed chuckle.
After what felt like a century, he switched gears and began peppering light kisses that started at the cap of your shoulder and made a trail to behind your ear, where he placed a final peck before patting your head and making to the bathroom, croakily mumbling, "Morning angel."
Just as you were doing before, you stood in the kitchen silently, body still and palms on the countertop's edge. Yet contrary to earlier, you were gobsmacked, absolutely lost as to what the fuck your will-be husband just did. Your eyes didn't leave the spice rack that was in direct line with your vision, and your jaw was still floored by the feline assault you just went through. It wasn't until the waffle maker's light switched to green with a clicking sound that you snapped out of your shock-induced stupeur, and began moving again.
Scratching your head in a cartoony manner, you walked to the bathroom whose door was completely ajar and showed that Hiromi was almost over with his morning routine, splashing water on his face to rinse off the ridiculously priced cleanser you persauded forced him to get.
Grabbing a towel from the rack, he patted his face dry a couple times before looking up at you with a mocking grin plastered on his features. Throwing the towel away haphazardly, he placed a callous palm on your shoulder and planted a brief kiss on your forehead, then proceeded to let you know just how good whatever it is that you're cooking up smelled, before heading off, leaving you a second time with no answer to your question.
Higuruma Hiromi was a man with a myriad of tricks up his sleeves, but waltzing up to you and acting like a needy cat wasn't something you could have predicated.
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omitea · 1 month
should i… or nah? im leaning towards a no idk why sigh…
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ezralva · 6 months
Top 3 things to look forward to in JJK S3 (in chronological order).
Choso fights Naoya
Choso fights Kenjaku half naked
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divinephoenix46 · 25 days
Hiromi 🌸
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G-rev outfit.✨🌸
I hope you like it, please support my art, thank you.
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littleragondin · 5 months
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wowowzersss · 2 months
thinking abt higuruma coming home after a particularly difficult case and needing to let off some steam but he’s fucking exhausting 😊😊😊 imagine him lazily thrusting into u or even better yet, letting u do much of the work 😊😊😊 just thinking and imagining!
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mazapain · 5 months
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nigelgraz · 1 year
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The fallen star~
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t-u-i-t-c · 4 months
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deadbaguette · 1 year
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‘The light of my life’ the Getou-Higuruma Family
Part 1 my art series of for @missingn000 and their fic ‘The Phantom Guardian’
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5
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annaesterella · 6 months
Please 😞 i want more fics of this MAN!
( I am 21 and i don't know why i want him lmao)
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pastelpinkmomoi · 4 months
at this point even im not aware what gender hiromi was assigned at birth. and i dont really care!! hiromi is hiromi and i love them <3
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gojonanami · 5 months
hi all, thank you for all the very, very sweet comments, reblogs, and asks about prof geto :) <3
i'll be responding soon to them after lunch probably because i'm very touched by all of them and i'm trying to process since i have a hard time accepting praise (don't stop doing it, i do want it - i just get very flustered lol).
i'm already thinking about part two lol - and also about the professor gojo and nanami and hiromi fics i wanna write - this is gonna be a whole au at this point. but anyway - first 2k fics!! i'm making progress on the bodyguard! reader x rich boy! gojo fic :) hopefully will be out later next week :)
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plushrats · 2 years
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“You give me butterflies, but do I give you anything at all?”
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scoups4lyfe · 1 year
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George, ever the simple thinker
(he's right tho)
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love how he had to get super close to whisper this into George's ear
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