kumakooo · 5 months
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Hehehe miss drawing ma boi💕🍎
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beeluckylucky · 15 days
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First meeting: Curiosity
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christine-rose96 · 5 months
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I love them ok?!🙈✨
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lemonsdream32 · 7 months
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95 notes · View notes
snappedsky · 3 months
ROTTMNT: Retired Leo AU
While Casey deals with a problem in the present, we see glimpses of his past.
Leonardo exited out of one of the many ground hatches leading to the lair. Sitting just outside on the hill, looking out at the surrounding view, was Cassandra Jones. She half-glanced at him before turning away.
“What are you doing?” Leonardo asked as he stood behind her. “I thought your guard duty ended hours ago.”
“I took a double shift,” she replied curtly.
“Hm,” he grunted and cocked his head. “You...okay?”
“Just wondering. We haven’t seen you all day. April was asking about you.”
Cassandra’s shoulder sagged a bit and she sighed. “Just...thinking.”
From where they stood, they had a pretty good view of New York City- or rather, what remained of it after the Krang came.
It had only been a couple years since the invasion, and already most of the planet was ravaged. New York, having been ground zero, was the worst so far. Most of the buildings were crumbled and what remained of the once brilliant skyscrapers were now just mere skeletons. The ground was barren and lifeless. The sky was dyed a permanent dark red with a rip like a scar cutting through it where the Technodrome exited from the prison dimension, signalling the beginning of Earth’s downfall. Their once beloved city was now unrecognizable.
“I...left the Foot Clan at the right time,” Cassandra said, “it was one thing to just talk about bringing the end of the world, but to actually see it happen...by people I once saw as comrades...and now they’re monsters...I hate thinking I was ever a part of that.”
Leonardo cracked a grin. “What’s with you today? It’s not like you to be so retrospective.”
She sighed again and hung her head. For a few minutes, neither of them said anything. Leonardo fidgeted awkwardly, but he felt like he couldn’t just leave her. Something was clearly wrong.
“Leo,” she said suddenly.
“Yeah?” he replied.
“I’m pregnant.”
A beat of silence.
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maxdrawer · 1 month
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Just a silly drawing I had on my head :]
29 notes · View notes
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I wrote this a long time ago for Twst SMAU. Some lore on how Ghost King! Idia and Mario!Yume meet! I have a general plot planned, but right now I'm working on Ghost Marriage lore so I'm not sure when I'll get around to it! I have lots of fun with this au though! (´。• ᵕ •。`)
Enjoy! Writing under the cute!
Title: Ghost King Join's the Party!
Length: 6.5k words
“Whe he he!~ It’s finally finished!” Idia giggled, his sinister laughter echoing throughout the dark, cold dungeon. 
“This is gonna be the one for sure, no way he gets out of this one!” He assured himself, and himself alone as there was no other soul in the room with him. His ghostly underlings were all at their posts; awaiting the expected arrival of one, said Yuuta Midori. Idia sighed, his brows furrowing at the thought of his rival. 
During their last encounter Yuuta had “beaten” him…that part wasn’t…really uncommon. Yuuta interrupting his plans was a constant plague on his life to the point where he was genuinely worried about the amount of free time Yuuta had. But, even though Idia never won their encounters in a literary sense he had always gotten what he needed to do.
Sure, Yuuta may have stopped him from summoning an undead army, but he had gotten away with the necromantic book he needed with the spell. So in a way he was the true “winner” in their game. That is until last time….
Absent-mindedly, he touched the top of his head. A place where his family’s crown was supposed to be sitting.
“How annoying…freaking goodie goodie…” He grumbled to himself. Idia got careless with their last encounter. When trying to steal those parts for his machines he ended up losing his crown. 
“It wasn’t my fault!” He groaned aloud, drearily pacing back and forth as he talked to himself. 
“Those Toads wouldn’t sell anything to me! Just because I had some “terrifying and scary Boo's” with me.” He put finger quotes and rolled his eyes as hard as he could. 
“So what if they scared a few people!?” He shrugged. “I needed the parts way more than them!” He pointed at himself indignantly, as if he was having an intense debate with someone.”They weren’t utilizing the parts to their full potential! Just letting them rust away in a corner because they were too STUPID to see its value!” He growled, the long blue flames of his hair blazing a harsh red for a second as he kicked a loose rock on the floor.
 Idia yelped as it actually kinda of hurt his foot…
“But would that wannabe anti-hero with a mom complex hear me out?! Noooooo of course not!~ Cuz I’m just the gross, creepy, shut-in who lives with dead people!!” He complained dramatically, hopping up and down on one foot until the pain subsided. Idia’s voice simply echoed off the empty walls of his family's old castle dungeon. Only the slight jangling of chains in the wind through the cracks in the walls responded back to him…He stood there for a few moments soaking in the lonely silence as his face went passive and expressionless. 
It was fine…he was used to it by now…
Idia sighed, feeling ashamed that he was once again getting himself so worked up in a conversation by himself. How pathetic…
“Well…I guess it doesn’t matter. Once I capture that wannabe hero, I’ll make him give me back my crown.” He grinned widely at the idea, his sharp teeth on full display.
“We just have to-Hm?” He stopped, hearing a notification sound from his tablet. He lifted his cloak, sticking his hand through it to the pocket dimension inside and pulling out of his tablet. Unlocking it to check his security cameras feeds.
“What the-?!” Idia’s brows furrowed and he leaned forward; hunching close to the screen. 
There he saw a chaotic scene; dozens of his Boo subjects all scattering around, panicked expressions on their faces. They all flitted about, desperately finding places to hide and disappearing into old furniture. Through the blurs of barely transparent ghosts he could see the rooms of his family’s castle were a wreck, more so than usual, as if battles had taken place. Remnants of his puzzles and traps that he had so strategically placed were either rendered obsolete or smashed to smithereens. 
Did Yuuta do this?? It usually took him longer to solve Idia’s traps and he NEVER scared any of his subjects like this, usually they did the scaring!
Idia watched as one Boo ran right into one of his security cameras cracking the lens. What was his name…? Herbert? Idia wasn’t sure. He was never good at recognizing all their faces and remembering their names… it was always Ortho who…
His train of thought was interrupted as someone stepped in the camera frame. 
Due to the crack in the camera lens, Idia couldn’t make out any details, but he saw the Boo shriek and scrambled to get away. A blurred motion approaching the camera was the last thing he saw before it was busted. The camera feed going offline. 
Idia winced and sneered in annoyance thinking about how he’d have to replace that camera now. Though he felt himself beginning to sweat as he cycled through the other camera feeds, trying to identify or even catch a glimpse of his intruder. But he never could, they were always just out of sight of the camera angles or moving too fast for him to get a clear picture. Just a red blur? He swallowed hard; he couldn’t help but notice that the cameras he was following were getting closer and closer to his current location.
“Gah, geez what’s with this horror movie atmosphere!” He bemoaned, growling in frustration as another camera was destroyed, just one room away from the dungeon he was currently standing in. A few seconds later he heard a bang from outside the door. 
“Wha-! O-oh forget this!” He said, closing his tablet and stuffing it in his cloak. 
“N-n-nothing w-wrong with a strategic retreat! H-hehe?” he said to himself, laughing, nervously as he hurried to gather his tools and keys.
He jumped in place and failed to hold back a high pitched shriek, his tools falling around his feet; as the heavy wooden dungeon door entrance was suddenly struck.
“O-Oh! Oh, shit!” Idia looked around frantically. The banging on the door continued relentlessly. It wouldn’t hold forever. 
Usually he would just phase through the walls to escape, but that was impossible here. The dungeon was designed to imprison even ghosts. He could try to take this threat head on, but without his crown his powers were so nerfed he could BARELY use them to fight. He let out a nervous noise, stepping around his trap's trigger, and cramming himself into a corner of one of the dungeon cells, crudely kicking an ancient skeleton aside as he did. 
With one final *thunk* the dungeon door fell off its hinge, a cloud of dust puffing up and a deafening bang reverberated off the old stone walls. Idia cautiously peeked from his hiding spot, looking to see this new enemy…
“Whoa~!” Yume yelped as they fell through the door. A small ‘oof’ escaping them as they tripped on the door.
“Oww…” They groaned into the hard wood where they face planted. Maybe they used a little too much force on that last swing? They thought, clumsily stumbling to their feet. They gently dusted themselves off, taking extra care to clean their monogrammed hat. Yu went to adjust their glasses only to realize they weren’t on their face.
“Ah, my glasses!” They panicked for a second looking around the dark room until they found them only a few feet away. They sighed in relief, putting them back on and taking stock of their surroundings. 
Yume glanced around the room, which looked to be a dungeon of sorts. A majority of the area was shrouded in shadows; only a bit of light coming from dull torches of blue flames. They could hear the slight jingling of chains as the cold air drifted through the room. Yume grimaced, their knees buckling for a second at the idea of exploring this creepy place. 
Ugh! They should have gotten a flashlight like Yuuta told them. They jogged in place for a moment to calm their nerves.  I’ll be okay, just some dumb little creep, I can take him! His puzzles weren’t even that difficult! Yume took a deep breath to calm down. Their face settling into one of determination.They would be fine, they just had to keep their guard up. 
With that thought in mind they grabbed the handle of their hammer, pulling it from where it was wedged into the door. The old sturdy wood splintered under the head of the iron hammer head and they made a small noise of effort as they lifted the blunt weapon over their shoulder.
“Eek-!” An unknown noise echoed in the chamber.
Yume whipped their head around towards the direction of the noise, but all they could see was darkness. Their first instinct was to call out, but they hesitated for a moment. Was it an enemy? Or…maybe someone who needed help? They bit their lip unsure if they should speak…
“Hellooo? Is someone there?” They called out, their voice echoing across the chamber. They felt slightly silly at how much they sounded like a dumb horror movie victim. But if someone was here then…well…it’s not like they hadn’t heard Yu come in.
Yume waited a few seconds, but got no response. They let out a breath through their nose…guess I have to do this the hard way. With that final thought, Yu tightened their grip on their hammer as they slowly and methodically began searching the room .
Idia held his hands over his mouth. Shit that was close!! He hadn’t meant to make that noise! He scolded himself for acting like a dumb protag in horror movies, the very ones he always rolled his eyes at!
 ‘C’mon think, Idia think, you're better than those idiot normie throw away characters!’ He swallowed hard, finding it difficult to focus as he heard the intruder stepping around in and opening doors in the other cells. Each time getting closer and closer to his current location.. He couldn’t run away, the enchantment on the dungeon walls prevented even ghosts from phasing through them and if he tried to run through the open entrance they would definitely see him!
The footsteps came closer.
He could try to fight but without his crown he was severely underleveled! He didn’t know the stats of this intruder yet, but if what he saw on the camera was any indication they were not just some random noob! He could easily get K.O’d if he wasn’t careful!
The creak of the cell door next to his opened.
Gah-! He was running out of time he-! Idia felt himself start to hyperventilate. 
The footsteps were right outside the cell. 
He hated this, why couldn’t people just leave him alone!? Is what he was doing really such a crime?! He just wanted to be left alone! Why couldn’t they leave him alone? He wished he was anywhere else, he wished Ortho was here, he wished he could just disappear from the face of this earth for good! 
Idia heard the door to the cell creak open and he gasped. Blinking away the tears and instinctually cowering and covering his face to hide. His bloodline powers activated automatically, making him invisible where he stood.
He held his breath as the intruder stepped around the cell, he could hear them, walking around towards each corner carefully until they got to his. They were so close, Idia could tell without even seeing them. Cautiously, he peeked through his fingers, trying to see this interloper up close…
Big brown eyes stared directly at him and he almost screamed in shock, but caught himself as he realized they couldn’t actually see him. He felt his face heat up in embarrassment, avoiding eye contact regardless.
He moved his fingers aside just a bit to see them more fully.
Idia wasn’t sure what he expected, maybe a huge monster or a large buff dude but…instead this person was actually rather short…? Glasses resting on their rosy round cheeks, wavy curls framing a soft face, and a small pout their plump lips as they carefully examined the corner he was hiding in. Huh? Who…? His eyes trailed down, catching a familiar attire
Short overalls and a monogrammed hat? Yuuta wore something like this though in a different way…was this person…related to him in some way? Did he send them? Idia thoughts raced, his curiosity starting to overtake his anxiety. 
If that was the case then…it's possible that they weren’t that much stronger than Yuuta… maybe they were even more of a scardy cat then him? At the thought a mischievous sharp tooth grin split on his face as he got an idea. A way to get this nuisance out of his hair AND avoid a fight with some NPC of unknown lvl. He just had to do what Boo’s did best.
As the person turned away from the corner, stepping over something and kneeling down to examine the entrance to the cell, Idia saw his chance. 
Idia released his breath, making himself visible and with all the remaining strength he had left called upon his power to shift into his ghostly form. He felt his figure grow, his wispy cloak merging with his body.  His tongue lolled out of his mouth as his mouth unhinged, displaying his rows of razor sharp teeth, his face twisting and distorting in an unsettling nightmarish visage. He loomed over his capture, now turned victim. Idia took a deep breath as he prepared himself to let out an unholy scream and hopefully scared them to death.
 He took a step forward, getting closer and closer, waiting for just the right moment…
Idia looked down with wide eyes, seeing the trigger of the trap release. Oh n-
Idia couldn’t even finish his thought as the trapped sprung and he yelped as metal sheets on the floor quickly folded up around him, locking him in a metal box. He couldn’t even scream as the small area encased him, forcing him to fold his body like a tetris piece just to fit.
“AHH-! WHAT THE FUCK!” He heard the intruder scream, then a loud metal thunk hit the trap. 
“S-shit!” Idia choked out, finding it hard to breathe. The trap wasn’t made for someone his size in mind. He tried to shift his knees to sit in a better position. 
This was fine, this was completely fine! He just had to get the remote from his pocket to release the trap. With great effort he shimmied his hand to his pocket to find…
…It empty?
SHIT! HE MUST HAVE LEFT IT SOMEWHERE ON THE FLOOR! He had thought he would have more time to prepare before Yuuta came!
“No no nononono!” He whined and began hyperventilating again as he tried to kick and pound at the trap. Unfortunately, it was working perfectly as intended, leaving him with no hope of escaping on his own. What was he going to do?! It could be days before one of his subjects found him?!
A few seconds later three hesitant knocks on the container broke him out of his panic. 
“Umh…H-hello? I-is someone in there?” Yume asked carefully, their hand on their chest to calm their still racing heart. What the fuck just happened? One second the cell was empty and then they heard a horrible loud noise? And now this metal box was here?? And it was making noises?! Where did it come from?? Did it fall from the ceiling…?
There was no response from the box. So, reluctantly, Yume leaned forward and cautiously knocked again; pressing their ear to the side of the container. A few seconds passed but this time they did manage to get a response.
“H-help…!” A feeble male voice choked out. If Yume wasn’t literally pressed up against the box they definitely wouldn’t be able to hear it. Yume gasped, placing their palm against the box.
“Help?! Who are you?! Are you okay? How can I help?!” They asked in rapid fire, their instinct to aid beginning to take over. Yu automatically grabbed their hammer, thinking maybe they could just smash the trap, but then they noticed. The spot they hit earlier didn’t even have a dent…Even if they pounded away at this thing all day; it might not budge...
“The trap is too sturdy-! I don’t think I can break it!” Yume explained. They squished their cheek up against the box; now able to hear the labored breathing of whoever was inside. Yume frowned, their worry for this person increasing with every second.
“H-Hey, it's okay, it’s okay! We’ll figure this out…!” They said, trying to calm the person. An unsure noise came from inside. 
“I mean it!” They tried to reassure them again. “I heard that this guy always has an out for these kinds of things, there must be a way to free you? A-A key somewhere or-!” They did a quick once over of the cell but found nothing. Then the prisoner piped up.
“R-r-re-remote…!” His voice stuttered. 
A remote? Yume thought, then like a lightbulb they remembered. A remote! Yume reached into their pocket, pulling out the strange device they had found earlier in one of the rooms upstairs. They didn’t know what it was then, but thought it seemed important. Definitely a key item! Maybe the Ghost King had dropped it and misplaced it? HA! What a total idiot!
“Hang on! I’m gonna try something!” They said, taking a few steps back.
“H-hurry…!” The voice pleaded.
Yume held the device out at arms length, leaning slightly away, and pressed their thumb down on the almost comically large red button.
A satisfying *click*, sounded. Something inside the trap whirled and the metal plating shifted rapidly as the coffin-like trap began to unfold itself. The top of the box popped open like a trapped door. A cartoonish spring noise sounded, and the person screamed as they were quickly and forcefully ejected upwards out of the trap.
“Whoa-!” Yume’s eyes followed the motion, holding on to their hat as a blur of blue flew up past them.
Idia let out a shriek as he was ejected into the air. After being tumbled around in the trap he was completely disoriented, he couldn’t tell up from down; the whole world was LITERALLY spinning. Were his traps always this messed up? A few moments later he felt a moment of equilibrium, before gravity overtook, sending him plummeting down.
He was falling? Time almost seemed to slow down around him. Since he’d inherited his crown it was a sensation he’d forgotten…Was he going to die?  The thought crossed his mind matter of factly before the panic set in. N-No he couldn’t, he still had so much to do-! He could hear his own heartbeat in his ears as he fell, faster and faster. Idia pinched his eyes shut and tried to brace himself for the cold unforgiving stone floor…
“Gotcha!” Yume grunted, their small arms wrapping around the prisoner. Even as they caught him the force of the fall was a little too much for them and they both fell to the floor. Yume let out a groan as they fell flat on their butt. The person bouncing on their lap as Yu’s own body cushioned most of the fall. It knocked the wind out of Yume so they tried to take a few deep breaths. 
“Ack!” Yume wheezed as they were suddenly squeezed in a tight hold. Long arms wrapped around their waist as the trembling prisoner clinged to them like a lifeline. Wisps of blue overtook their vision as the person buried themselves in Yume’s shoulder. They felt small panicked breaths hitting their neck as the person hyperventilated.
The sudden closeness started Yume and they were a little embarrassed, but they set that aside, their practiced heroic persona taking over. 
“Hey hey, shh… it's okay…” They cooed, gently rubbing the prisoners back. Yume tried to pull them back a bit so he wasn't sitting directly on their lap. But, he  flinched at the contact, letting out a small whimper. He clutched the back of Yume’s hoodie more intensely, bunching up the fabric. 
Yume sighed, but relented, tentatively setting their arms around the person.
“Okay okay, you don’t have to let go.” They murmured softly, it wasn’t the first time they had to comfort a panicking victim, but usually it was only children who clingged to them like this. Though this person was clearly not a child, their tall frame almost completely enveloped Yume. If it wasn’t for how thin they were, Yume might have been knocked flat on the ground. Absent-mindedly they moved their hands around his waist. Actually, they were REALLY THIN! Yume’s brows pinched up in worry.
Idia was beside himself, he couldn’t think straight. It wasn’t the first time he had a panic attack like this, but this was one of the worse he’d had in awhile. Ironically, the only thing keeping him together right now was the very person who caused his composure to crumble in the first place. He hadn’t meant to cling to them, sure, it was a natural instinct when falling but… then he felt it…
The warmth of another living person…he had almost forgotten what it was like. Idia shivered as soft warm palms rubbed his back.
“...How long have you been here?” The intruder asked, sounding concerned.
How long? How long had he been here? In this castle; a glorified prison for his cursed family?  He wasn’t thinking straight, a part of him knew that wasn’t what they meant but…
“Forever…” The words just came out.
 “...I-I-’ve-” Idia struggled to speak, cringing at his own voice and giving up the thought halfway, choosing instead to steal more warmth from this person and burying his face in their neck. He caught a whiff of a fruity smell he couldn’t identify, but strangely it calmed him. 
The stranger didn’t seem to mind, in fact they held him closer, a hand soothingly patting his head.
“Shh…it’s alright, I’ll protect you… '' They said the words softly, but with conviction. Even in Idia’s skeptical mind it sounded reassuring. Though, it was the next words that really got to him.
“You're not alone anymore.” The person whispered to him as if it was a promise. 
Idia tensed, the words making him freeze in place. His brain jump started as he suddenly registered EVERYTHING that was happening. Where he was, who he was with, the position he was in. The scenario and sensations overwhelmed him, making him hyper aware of every stimuli in the room.
What the hell was he doing? 
At the thought he pushed the intruder away, scrambling away from them.
They let out a noise of surprise at the sudden shove.
“G-get away-!” Idia choked out, all at once the warmth from before left him, sharpening his focus. Idia crawled away until his back hit the cell bars and he anxiously gripped one. Uncomfortably pushing himself into the cold steel to get as physically far away from this person as possible. NO ONE had ever made him drop his guard like that? Was it some kind of weird power?  In his mind they were even more dangerous now then when they were just some OP freak with a hammer. 
The push knocked Yume to the floor. They grunt in pain as they felt their elbows skinned against unforgiving stone. They recovered quickly. 
“Ow! Hey! That hurt!”  They growled, giving into their first instinct to get angry. They were only trying to help this person and this is what they get. Geez! 
“What’s your fucking issue?!” Yume shouted as they sat up to glare at the person, puffing up their cheeks at him. Though their anger dissipated once they set eyes on this person; vaguely registering that this was the first time they could see him clearly. 
Bright golden eyes trembling with fear met Yume’s. A glint of sharp teeth peaked from his mouth, nervously biting thin blue lips. His pale skin seemed to glow in the darkness. The illusion only became more prominent due to the actual flames of long blue hair; cascading wildly around his shoulders and back; framing his mature angular face.  
Yume blinked twice, taking in the appearance of this person, a person who just a few seconds ago was sitting in their lap. Their face heated up now at the idea.
“Oh…You’re…” Yume started to say ‘beautiful’, but caught themselves, as they saw the man’s shoulders hike. Yu trailed off…losing their nerve to say what they wanted. They took a moment to collect themselves, clearing their throat..
“-You're safe.” Yu said, firmly, trying to sound as reassuring as possible; thought still a nervous laugh escaped them. “Y’know what, here let's uhm, start over!” They said kindly, shifting to sit on their knees. They clear their throat again, their nerves suddenly spiking  as they realized they were meeting a stranger.
“ H-hi, I’m Yume Ume! Part Time Hero! ” They tried to smile, voice a little too loud and gungho; as they awkwardly put their hand out for him to shake. He jumped at the loud volume of their voice and tried to lean back even more at the quick movement. Eyes shifting back and forth at Yume’s hand, and expression, skeptically.  He made no move to shake their hand, but raised an eyebrow at their introduction.
“Part time Hero”, that was the way Yuuta introduced themselves to people sometimes, too. Idia didn’t say anything but made note of it. A more pressing concern plaguing his mind right now.
“U-Uhmm…” He started speaking, cringing at his own stutter.
 “A-aren’t y-you….g-gonna to attack m-me? O-or s-something” Idia muttered, he knew he should try and put on his villain persona, but his head was pounding. He felt so weak, he must have used too much of his power… 
Yume’s eyebrows hiked up in surprise. 
“Huh?!” They were confused for a second, so he shifted his eyes to their hammer lying in arms reach. They followed his gaze.  “Oh! Oh no! No!” They said quickly, pushing the hammer away. It slid further across the floor, clunking loudly till it hit the wall.
“That’s not for you! That’s only for bad guys!” They said, holding their hands up in a placating gesture. Idia paused, his eyes widening and jaw going slack as he realized…
This person…this Yume…had no idea who he was.
“What’s your name?” They asked, further proving his assumption. 
“O-oh! I..umh…” It’s been a long time since he introduced himself to anyone. Part of him understood, why would anyone want the name of some freak like him. Even the moniker of ‘Ghost King’ was given to him.  Nobody, not even his subjects called him by his real name anymore…no one did, not since Ortho… He shook off the thought, not trying to go down that train of thought.
“M-my n-name-i-ts uh-!” He hesitated, bringing his knees to his chest and fiddling with his fingers. Unsure if he should tell them… In the end he decided it wouldn’t be worth the trouble of keeping up a lie.
“I-Idia j-just…Idia.” He whispered, peeking up at them through his bangs. Yume smiled at him.
“Idia…” They repeated, giving a little nod of approval. “That’s a nice name!” They said so sincerely it made Idia’s stomach churn a bit. Even so his face still heated up at the compliment, he wasn’t used to them. They went on, leaning into him a bit.
“Listen Idia, my brother, Yuuta! He sent me here to stop something the Ghost King was planning, I’ve searched this place to to bottom, but I still can’t find him, I don’t think he’s here so-”
“Wait-! YUUTA IS YOUR BROTHER?!” He asked in disbelief, leaning into them as well. Yume leaned back not expecting him to suddenly raise his voice.
“Yeah…have you met him?” They asked, raising an eyebrow. 
“O-oh n-not I-I’ve just uhh…h-heard of him…! Y-yeah, talk f-from the dungeon g-guards ehehe…” He lied, chuckling nervously, pushing his index finger together to stim.Yume frowned looking at him with sympathetic eyes.
“You… must have been trapped here for a while, huh?” Then their brows furrowed. “No wonder you look so thin and pale! That guy is gonna pay!” Yume said seriously, bawling up their fists till they shook. 
Idia let out a quiet noise as if he had been stabbed; any confidence he had plummeted to the floor and shattered, and he hunched in on himself.
“I c-can’t help how I look…!” He grumbled gloomily. Honestly, he had been called much worse by others, but for some reason the comments from Yume stung extra hard. He didn’t try to dwell on why.
“Ah-! Nono-! I didn’t mean-!” They tried, but Idia interrupted them.
“H-how do you plan on beating the Ghost king anyway!?” He asked,  looking at them curiously. This whole thing was a big epic fail, definitely one for his cringe comp. But maybe he could get some useful information from someone so close to his nemesis.
“O-oh well!” Yume pushed up their glasses. “ Yuuta told me the last time they fought, he managed to steal the Ghost King’s crown. We didn’t know much about it or how it worked. So, I was worried it might be dangerous, y’know?” They gave a small shrug. 
“Like, bro I love you. But you can’t just take freaky villain shit without knowing what it is!” They explained, and gestured their hand out as if it was an obvious conclusion. “Like that thing could be cursed for all we know!” They said, throwing their arms up dramatically. 
Idia’s eyes widened and how close to the mark they were, but he didn’t say anything.
“Anywho,  I took it upon myself to do a little research on the crown so my brother gave it to me and-”
“YOU HAVE MY CROWN!” Idia blurted, forgetting himself for a moment and scrambling closer to them; scanning Yume up and down to find it. Their posture turned a bit sheepish, seeming to be nervous at suddenly having Idia’s full attention.
“Oh no not on me I- '' Yume paused, Idia’s words catching up with them. 
“Your crown?” They repeated, tilting their head and looking at Idia with narrow eyes. Idia let out a noise of shock, only now realizing what he had said as well.
“O-oh! I meant- W-what I meant is um-” He stumbled over his words, bawling his hands to his chest. Unable to come up with a lie to cover it. HOW COULD YOU BE SO STUPID! He internally screamed at himself. 
“Wait a second…yellow eyes…and blue flames….” Yume said, their eyes carefully scanning over his features, he could practically see the gears turning in their head…
GAH, THIS WAS IT HE WAS SO DONE FOR! GAME, SET, MATCH! Idia’s eyes darted around, back once again in trying to find a way out of this situation. But there was nothing he could do, even if he ran they would definitely catch him.
“You…you're…” Yume continued. And Idia swallowed nervously, pinching his eyes shut and preparing his mental tombstone: “Death by hammer”.
“...A SHROUD!” Yume said confidently with a look of awe on their face.
“Huh?!” Idia said dumbfounded, his body untensing. It wasn’t what he was expecting to hear.
“Yeah..?” Idia nodded.”H-how did you know?” He asked genuinely surprised. His family was considered the stuff of legends. They weren’t recorded in any historic literature; at least not traditionally. Whispers of the Shrouds only came up in myths or sometimes tales of cautions.
Yume gasped, doing an excited little dance at being correct. Then they propped their hands on their hips, looking proud that their prediction was true. 
“I KNEW IT! Well not ‘knew it’, but it all makes sense!” They began speaking passionately.
 “All the books I read about the crown mentioned a family with ghostly powers that passed down the crown from generation to generation! Some books even theorized that the bloodline had ended long ago, but they were all so ambiguous and never had definitive proof! A story that inspired so much mythology couldn’t have been based on a simple fairy tale! Gosh, I can’t believe it!” They rambled on passionately. Idia simply watched them, overwhelmed but…unable to take his eyes off them.
“Um-.” He tried, but Yume went on, speaking quickly and manically.
“And AND, you’ve been imprisoned here all this time! The Ghost King appeared only a few years ago, so that’s when he must have stolen it and learned how to unlock the secrets of your crown! By imprisoning you! AM I RIGHT?” They asked, sitting up on their knees leaning in only an inch from his face.
Idia laughed nervously, blushing at how close they were now. It took him a few seconds to process everything they said. They had really crafted this whole narrative in their head without Idia saying anything. But the scary thing was how almost accurate their theory was. Sure, they were just missing a few crucial details. But…they didn’t need to know that. 
“T-that’s right!” He lied, nodding quickly to agree with them. Yume’s mouth fell into an ‘o’ shape, and for just a second, Idia found himself having to hold back a genuine laugh at their expression. It was the same face he made when his favorite TV show theory got confirmed.
“Oh my gosh…what a conspiracy! Yuuta’s never gonna believe this!” They murmured to themself. “Like, ‘Hey bro, that thing we’re using as a paper weight at home, it's a legendary artifact of darkness from a royal family.  Hey, who would have thought; not me!” Yume said, mocking out the conversation 
“W-what, you just have it at your house-! Wh- A PAPER WEIGHT?!” He spluttered indignantly. “YOUR USING MY FAMILY CROWN AS A PAPERWEIGHT!?” 
“I mean…yeah.” Yume shrugged, tilting their head and sheepishly grinning at him. Idia didn’t know whether to laugh or cry at the absurdity.
“I need it back!” He said desperately, even going as far to reach over and tug a little on their sleeve. 
“A-ah okay okay, we can get it back…” Yume said, placatingly patting his hand. Their faced scrunched up in thought. “Hmm…well actually it's kinda of a long trip there and back…just going home for me is gonna be a journey in itself.” They murmured thinking to themselves for a few seconds, before their eyes widened; a creative sparkle to them.
“Oh I know! Here’s an idea!” They smiled. “You need your crown back and I need more info on the Ghost King! So, If you're willing to, I can escort you out of this place, and you can come back home with me to retrieve it!” They said.
“Hm?!” Idia’s first instinct was to grimace at the idea of leaving his land. Yume noticed his expression.
“Hear me out…!” They said, carefully placing a hand atop Idia’s. Idia noticed it, but decided not to yank his hand away to keep up appearance. The warmth was already spreading through his skin, even with his gloves on. Yume continued.
“This way we both can get what we need and besides I…well…” Yu looked away shyly. 
“I wouldn’t feel right leaving you behind-!” Idia watched their face flush a bit. 
“I mean-! S-someone who's never really been out in the world on their own! It would be hard to fend for yourself!” They flusteredly explained, looking back to him. 
“I have connections back home too, people who can help get you settled back into society…you must have been so scared and lonely…” They trailed off, giving his hand a gentle squeeze, before continuing.
“So…what do you say?” Yume asked, looking up at him through their long eyelashes, they almost looked…nervous? Idia didn’t understand why.
“Uhm…” He looked down, avoiding their gaze as he processed their words. They didn’t seem to mind; not pressuring him for a quick answer. He took a minute, running through all the possible scenarios in his head and came to a conclusion. His gut instinct was to tell them no, thank them for saving him and run off; when the “ghost was clear” pun intended. He could just return back to his castle and fortify his defenses. And apt strategy…however…This might be his best and only chance to get the crown back…and he needed it soon if his plans were ever going to come to fruition. He knew could never get it back with a full frontal attack, not with his debuff status ...but a stealth mission….that could work…he just had to play pretend, he could do that. He did that all the time as a child and even now.
Idia turned to them, doing his best to maintain eye contact. 
“O-okay…I-i'll take you up on the offer…p-please take care of me.” He stuttered, doing his best to give them a warm pleasant smile and not be “positively creepy” and “wonderfully unnerving” as he’d been told it was by his subjects. Gently, he gave the tiniest squeezed in return to Yume's hand.
Either Yume was a big weirdo or he did a halfway decent job, because they beamed at him, looking relieved.
“Great!” And they grinned, as if he had told them the best news in the world. They helped him to his feet as he shakily stood; smiling at him for a few moments longer before they seemed to remember themselves, looking away and chuckling nervously.
“Well then-!” Yume heaved up their hammer. A glint of what Idia recognized as magic sparkled for just a moment as they wound up a big swing towards a crack on the wall.
 Idia jumped and let out a noise of surprise as a large section of the castle dungeon wall crumbled.
The dawn of the morning sun shone on the horizon and the birds chirped, signaling the start of a new day. It was so bright Idia had to shield his eyes and instinctively tried to take a step back into the shadows. Through the cracks of his fingers he saw Yume holding out their hand. The rays of light from the sun enveloping them and glinting off their glasses, making their warm olive skin almost seem to glow. 
Yume smiled at him with a kindness he’d never seen from a stranger…
“Let’s go!” They said cheerfully, flexing their hands for Idia to take. 
Their words broke him out of his stupor of awe and he stumbled towards them, nearly tripping over the debris, but at the last second Yu caught him, lacing their hands together to stabilize him. Idia blushed as they locked eyes, seeing nothing but pure sincerely on their face. How could they be like that with someone they just met, weren’t they embarrassed? Idia looked away, but couldn’t help but notice that somehow Yume’s palm felt warmer than the burning sun on his face. 
As they began climbing carefully down the hill of the crumbling rocks, Idia couldn’t help but wonder what kind of mess he was getting himself into.
It was fine…he just had to stick to the plan. 
No mess, no strings attached, just play pretend…that's all.
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abritishasian · 2 months
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“Oh, cool another shitpost!”
Man, this AU of Narinder is a big bully.
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mysketches15-blog · 27 days
Almost ready to get the first pages out, just a little mooore... =w=
But for now, got some pics from the pages that are finished. (Warning: a little blood)
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(fav.: 1, 2 n' 4)
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lyricsmonsterdraws · 1 month
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Old Vs New
That's Blue btw in my book in watty
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sabindark · 11 months
What if Ballister became a shapeshifting ?
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beeluckylucky · 1 month
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Finally finished Adam's design!!
Adam Morningstar The Great Father Father of all Humankind Self-proclaimed “Dick Master”
Adam is the first human soul to enter Heaven. After becoming an angel, he became the commander of the angelic military force known as “The Exorcists,” and served Heaven as forerunner of “The Extermination” movement. 
Adam was specially created by God, morally perfect in knowledge, righteousness, and holiness, who by his own free act, for which he alone was responsible, sinned against his Creator to protect his wife from punishment and brought sin and death upon all his posterity.
In terms of personality, Adam is pretty similar to his canon version. I just made slight differences for aspects of his personality that I use for my AU, such as: his personality in Heaven, Hell, with his children and what would be his “Real Self”.
Heaven sees Adam as a perfect man, a rebel soul, but still an admirable one. They view him as someone who has grown over the years to be his best version, someone wise and mature. Adam puts extra effort on being seen as “The Perfect Individual” and a good role model. He always has a smile on his face and something nice to say to anyone.
Hell is a different story. Lilith made sure to put a bad image on him, portraying him as a controlling man, being feared by the citizens of Hell who viewed him as unsympathetic, depraved, selfish, irrational, and even as a sadist.
When I say “his children” I mean the biological ones, the virtues, the sinners and the exorcists. He absolutely cherishes all his children. He knows their names, their history, when and how they died (in the case of sinners and virtues), their goals and aspirations. He feels disappointed for how the sinners turned out, but he also blames himself for their mistakes.
However, his “Real Self" is how he acts when he's alone and with his husband. He is characterized by his charming attitude and rule-breaker tendencies, an extreme narcissist that hides his low self-esteem behind inappropriate jokes, profanities and crude language. After Lilith ran away and Eve bit the apple, he thinks that if he's not in control, everything can go wrong. If he's not in control, people leave, they make mistakes, they kill each other, they sin. He thinks that giving up control means to fail, it means he's a failure. The trait Adam tries to hide the most is his emotional side, he approaches everything with the heart, he gets hurt easily, he talks too much. He feels too much, and he thinks he is weak for it.
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christine-rose96 · 5 months
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Am I back with some Trolls fanart?? Heck yeah I am!!🤘🤩
And i absolutely LOOOOVED the new trolls movie!!😍✨ and yes i might have fallen in love with Viva and Clay👉👈😖 I WAS WEAK OK they were just too adorable not to love🙈✨
So here i‘m working on my very own Cliva fan kid, i call her Clover🍀✨
More to her comming soon🙈
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kumakooo · 11 months
GUYS, I NEED YOUR HELP this person stole my art and re-posted it with out my permission and credit!! I don't understand why it is so hard for them to ask me first;-; I'm really glad that they like my art but doing something like this is not good and it's made me very sad (It seems like they stole from other artists as well)
Here it's the link to report them I really appreciate your help THANK YOU SO MUCH😭💕
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snappedsky · 3 months
ROTTMNT AU: Retired Leo
The turtles are having performance issues. They seek help from an old master.
*Reblogs appreciated*
Training Day
Early morning in the city of New York. The sun is barely peeking over the horizon, mostly blocked by surrounding skyscrapers. A young woman walks home from her job on the graveyard shift. She’s exhausted and just wants crawl into her soft, warm bed.
The walk is quiet as it usually is on these back roads. It’s easier going this way than the constantly busy main streets. So when she hears something crash in a nearby alley, it startles her.
She looks around suspiciously, clutching her purse, ready to grab her can of pepper spray if needed. But she doesn’t see anything. She starts to continue her walk when something crashes onto the ground ahead of her and she screams.
It’s a giant monster with thrashing tentacles, gnashing fangs in scattered mouths, and multiple eyeballs polka-dotted across its bulbous body. It gurgles mindlessly and charges towards the woman, stumbling around as if it can barely control its actions. She screams again and tries to run away.
Suddenly, something else falls from the sky and lands in between the woman and the monster with such force the woman is knocked off her feet. She looks up at a new monster, this one resembling a large, bipedal turtle in a red bandana.
He looks at her and smiles. “Don’t worry, ma’am. You’re safe now-.” He’s suddenly cut off as the woman sprays him in the eyes with her pepper spray. “GYAAAAH! COME ON!”
Without wasting any time, the woman scrambles to her feet and runs away. The turtle monster rubs his burning eyes, moaning in pain. The tentacled monster swings one of its many appendages and smashes the turtle into a nearby building.
The monster gurgles and lumbers towards the knocked-out turtle, when a glowing orange chain wraps around its midriff.
“Hot soup!” a smaller turtle in an orange mask cheers as he jumps in, swinging another orange chain. The monster catches it with one of its tentacles and swings the turtle away. His chains disappear as he’s sent screaming down the street.
“Gotcha, beast!” another turtle in a purple mask exclaims as he flies in with a device attached to his shell.
He twirls his bow staff and creates two transparent, purple missiles behind him that fly at the monster. It lashes one of its tentacles into them, destroying them at a safe distance just ahead of the turtle.
“Whoa! Nononono!” he cries as he flies right into the explosion.
“You’re mine!” a fourth turtle in a blue mask shouts as he dives in, brandishing two katanas. A blue portal appears beneath him and he falls into it and comes out an identical portal just ahead of the tentacle monster. He laughs as he starts to swing his katanas when the monster grabs him with a tentacle and throws him into the road.
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viliantropy-art · 11 months
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