meowza315 · 3 days
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hello I made an avatar oc after being fixated on avatar for over a year and not making a singular one.
anyways this is tsu’tsim :) their name is deprived from “letsim” or “unique” in Na’vi. they really like bamboo groves and hammerhead titanothores.
extras under the break
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aeralithiel · 2 days
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In the heart of Pandora, a beautiful Na'vi man relaxes in a pond, glowing softly. 🌿✨
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urlocalfeiner · 1 year
is it selfish to want you? | neteyam sully
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gif by me!
pairing: neteyam sully x omaticiya!fem! reader
warnings: so much fluff, swearing, heated kissing, bonding, mating, intimate
a/n: both neteyam and you are about 17 in this, as to my knowledge that is when na'vi are declared as adults and are allowed to find a mate. please correct me if i am wrong!
neteyam sully was a boy of many things, he was a mighty warrior, loved by most- desired by more. he was easily one of the most sought out na'vi in the clan, many women in the clan had their eyes on him. they would do anything neteyam asked of them in a heartbeat- all waiting in anticipation for the day he would pick a mate to help him lead the clan.
but neteyam paid no attention to any of them, he had interest in not one other woman in the clan, except for you. his heart belonged to you and you didn't even know it. to him no na'vi even held so much as a finger to you and your beauty, your strong heart and mind- he honestly couldn't pinpoint any flaw you had even if he was held at gunpoint because in his eyes you truly had none. you were completely and utterly perfect.
but the one woman he wanted was the one that wasn't chasing after him- what he didn't know if that you had been pinning after him just as he did for you, but you were sure he did not return the feelings you had for him. he had all these women wanting him, why would he want you?
"neteyam!" he snapped his head at the sound of your voice calling his name, watching as you approached him with a small smile on your face. he was sitting on the forest floor carving a piece of wood. "do you know where kiri is?"
neteyam would be lying if he said he wasn't disappointed when you asked him where his sister was, "sorry, i do not know." you sighed, plopping yourself down on the ground next to him- only now taking notice of what he was doing, carving something.
neteyam saw you were staring at what he was making out of wood with curiosity. "this is for tuk, lo'ak broke her other ikran toy." he tried to show you a bit better, removing his thumb a bit to make it more visible.
you chuckled- which brought butterflies to neteyam's chest. "poor tuk."
"i would say poor ikran, it got his neck snapped off." he joked, recalling how lo'ak accidently stepped on the wooden toy and tuk crying over the decapitated toy.
you laughed at his joke, "ah yes, poor ikran." he was not nearly done with carving the wooden toy, "do you mind if i stay?"
does neteyam mind if you stay? what kind of question was that? he did not mind, not one bit. with every fiber of his body he wanted you to stay- he wanted you to always be with him. "not one bit." he was excited that you wished to stay with him instead of finding the others which were probably doing something more fun than what he was.
you watched as his hands worked delicately, sure of every little move he made with his small knife when it met with the deep oak wood- your eyes slowly traveled up to his arms which were filled with muscle. it was no surprise, he was incredibly strong- his muscles just proved the point of it.
you admired his arms- as weird as it sounded, watching how the muscles tensed as he carved.
neteyam noticed how quiet you were being, turning to look at you slowly. realising you had your eyes trained on his toned arms, he felt a smirk coming to his lips- suddenly feeling confident. "my arm must be nice to look at, hm?"
you snapped your eyes away from his arm, heat spreading to your face- embarrassed you had just been caught staring at his arms. oh eywa, you have never wished to disappear more than you wanted to now. "uh, no?" it came out as more of a question than anything- you were a flustered mess.
he chuckled, shaking his head as he continued to work on carving tuk's toy. he felt proud that he could make you flustered- and was never more grateful for his toned arms. "right, that is why you were staring at them for so long." he teased you more.
"i was staring at them because of how dirty they are," you tried to regain yourself, rolling your eyes playfully- his arms did in fact have dirt on them from when he was out hunting that morning. "you need to go for a wash."
neteyam glared at you playfully, swiping his finger on his arm collecting some dirt and smeared it on your cheek. you slapped his finger away, groaning. "neteyam!- you skxqwng!" you rubbed your cheek in attempt to get the dirt that he had put on your face off. "i just cleaned myself!"
he grinned as he looked at your cheek- which was smeared with dirt, in your attempt to clean it you had made it worse- spreading it. "my finger slipped, sorry." he innocently said.
you raised your hand, slapping the side of his head harshly- making him shoot his hand up to his head that stung from your hit. "sorry, my hand slipped." you repeated his words, smirking.
but your smirk soon vanished as a smug look came to his face- you knew he was about to do something. and you were proved right as he stood up quickly, urapiductly picking you up, flinging your body over his shoulders with ease. you had not time to react with how fast he was at doing so and before you knew it he began to walk- your face being smushed into his back as one of his hands was holding you in place, the other holding your legs so you don't kick him.
"neteyam!-" you hit his back with your fist, trying to make him let go of you. "let go of me!- ugh, bitch!" he chuckled at the name you had decided to call him.
you continued to hit his back- your punches had no effect on him, his hold becoming tighter on you as you tried to squirm off his shoulders- having no success. you stopped fighting him as he suddenly came to a stop, hoping he was about to let you down. he let you down, just not in the way you had planned for.
he moved you from his shoulders, now holding you bridal style- he held a smirk on his face as he looked down at you. you were confused, looking around you. your eyes widened as you saw a large pond in front of you- knowing what he was about to do. you looked back to him, narrowing your eyes dangerously at him. telling him not to do it. "neteyam, let go of m-!" before you could finish your sentence you felt yourself get flung from his arms.
the cold water hitting your body as you landed in the water, as you resurfaced breathing heavily from not preparing yourself you looked up to neteyam who was standing on the dry grass in front of the pond, watching you in amusement.
before you could open your mouth to speak, neteyam once again interrupted you this time by jumping into the water right next to you- causing a large splash, the water getting in your mouth. you were truly done with this boy.
neteyam pulled his head out of the water, flinging his now wet braids away from his face so he could see you clearly- you had a sour look on your face as you glared at him. he was grinning widely, showing off his fangs. "what? you said to let you go."
"not like that!" you yelled at him, keeping yourself afloat. "i am going to kill you."
he raised one eyebrow teasingly, amused. "oh yeah?"
without a reply you swam forward at him, hitting him repeatedly as he laughed trying to swat your hands away- he quickly pulled himself underwater and before you could react you felt yourself being pulled under as well.
you opened your eyes under the water that you had just been dragged under, seeing neteyam in front of you grinning. you lunged forward at him in the water as he quickly dodged you- not fast enough though as you got a hold of his tail, pulling him back. you felt a smile make its way to your face as you saw neteyam's angry expression under the vision of the slightly murky water.
he swam forward to you, wrapping both his arms around your body, trapping you- pushing you both deeper under the water- as the two of you stopped fighting one another he admired how you looked. your hair floating above you, which looked almost magical- your white spots that couted your face glowing in the darkness of the water. ewya, if neteyam didn't run out of breath from being in water for too long, he was sure you would. your blushed as the two of you held eye contact- it felt so intimate, his hands wrapped around you gently as he floated just aboved you looking down at your face.
you seemed to have forgotten you couldn't breath underwater for a second, it finally registered to you that you were out of breath as neteyam pulled you and him back to the surface to breathe.
as you reached it the two of you gasped for air, regaining your breath. when you did the two of you bursted out laughing- you were suddenly glad he had thrown you in the water. oh how much fun you had with him, he never failed to put a smile on your face no matter what circumstances it was under.
as your laughter died down, you realised how cold you were- shivering slightly from the water. neteyam too realising the coldness, looking at you, “come on.” he softly said, pulling you to the edge were the dry grass was.
neteyam reached his hand out to help you up, you took it gratefully- you too now on the dry land. as you emerged small droplets from the water coated your body, dripping slowly into the soul beneath you. neteyam felt his heart pick up its rhythm, you looked like a goddess, you always did.
“i can’t believe you chucked us both in the water with nothing to dry ourselves off with.” you groaned, glaring at neteyam playfully who shrugged innocently- more time with you that meant.
you sat down on a nearby rock that was by the large pond, neteyam following sitting right in front of you. waiting for yourselves to dry off. neteyam looked at you, you were still shivering- hugging your legs for warmth. he slid forward on the rock a bit, sliding an arm around your should bringing you closer to him- he rubbed your arm in comfort.
you melted into his touch, how was he so warm after getting out of the cold pond?- whilst you were still freezing. “you’re warm.”
he chuckled looking down at you, “you’re cold.”
you glared up at him, rolling your eyes. “maybe because you threw me into a cold pond?” he sighed, playfully pulling away from you- you missed the warmth of his body as soon as he did so, “okay, okay i’m sorry- please come back.” he laughed sliding back over, engulfing you in his arms once more.
it all felt so right, you in his arms. you silently wished to stay like this for the rest of your life, in his arms. neteyam too wished the same thing.
he stroked your hair gently, running his fingers through its dampness- you closed your eyes slowly, enjoying the head massage. neteyam smiled as he saw your peaceful expression, all he ever wanted to do was make you happy- and he wanted to do that for the rest of his life.
he continued to run his fingers through your hair, a comforting silence falling over the two of you. the only noise coming from the flowing water from the small waterfall that lead into the pond.
“thank you.” neteyam suddenly said, breaking the silence- which you were quite confused at what he was thanking you about.
opening your eyes, looking at neteyam with a confused expression. “for what?”
for what? for everything you did, for being alive, for being you- there were so many things he could thank you about. “for being there for me like today. it’s good to have some fun, training has made me have less free time lately- it may be selfish but, i miss it.”
your face softened as you sat up, removing your head from his shoulder. you knew he his father had been going harder on him than usual as he was coming quicker to the age of where he would become olo'eyktan- you suddenly felt like he needed a hug, or maybe you just wanted to be close to him. you didn’t really know. you leaned forward and wrapped your arms around him, holding his head with one hand the other around his neck.
neteyam hadn't realised how much he needed a hug until now, breathing in your scent that he knows by heart now. wrapping his own arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him.
"i miss having you around too," you whispered into his neck, it sent shivers down his spine. you pulled away slightly so you could see neteyam's face, you pushed away a loose braid that always fell in front of his face. "and it is not selfish to want something, nete."
neteyam stared into your eyes, he swore he could drown in them and he would be completely content with going down like that. your words echoed in his mind, it is not selfish to want something- he wanted you to be his and him to be yours until the end of time itself- he yearned for you so much it hurt whenever he saw you speak to another male in the clan, he knew it was selfish of him but he only wanted you to speak to him. he wanted to be the one to show you the wonders of the world, he wanted to be the one who got to kiss your lips at night, he wanted to be the one whose name you whispered in the dark. neteyam sully wanted you and only you.
"is it selfish of me to want you?" his voice was quiet, in a whisper as the two of you held each others eyes. your mouth parted slightly, not sure if you had heard him right. had neteyam sully, the boy you had been in love with since young just speak those words? "is it selfish to want to be the only one that can look at you?"
"no." your voice was in a whisper, matching his. his eyes trailed down to your lips then back to your eyes- you had not missed it.
he reached out his hand placing it on your chin, gently pulling your face closer to his. you didn't fight it at all, you leaned in closer. your lips grazing each others. "good." he whispered against your lips, breaking the small gap between the two of you.
as your lips met his a spark appeared within you, whispering that this was meant to be. the kiss was short but was passionate, the two of your first kisses. neteyam loved that he was the one to be your first kiss and yours his.
the two of you broke away slowly, staring into each others eyes which were filled with desire and love. "you're so beautiful." he said as he pressed his lips to yours once again- this kiss was not like the first one, it was more messy, your lips chasing one another. he continued to kiss you, deepening the kiss as his hand slipped around your waist, pulling you onto his lap- now straddling him with your legs. "is this okay?" he asked softly, searching your face for any slight bit of uncomfortableness- but there was none.
you smiled, cupping his jaw in your hand, leaning into him. "more than okay, nete." was this what heaven felt like?- that is what neteyam was asking himself, because this was heaven.
his name against your tongue as you kissed him- eywa, it was enough to make him fall limp. his hand was on your lower back, supporting you so you didn't fall as he slid his tongue into your mouth. the other hand on your jaw softly. your hands found it way to his braids, tanginling your fingers in them- trying to pull him closer to you.
his lips began to trail down your neck, earning slight whimpers from you. it was the most beautiful sound neteyam had ever heard in his life. "keep making those noises." it came out without thinking as he continued to suck on your neck- you were embarrassed by the whimpers that escaped your mouth, but when neteyam said that you felt all the embarrassment slip away.
he pulled away from your neck, smirking as he saw the marks he left scattered across it. "neteyam," you hissed, "people are going to see those, you skxqwng." though, you weren't sure if you actually cared.
he grinned at your annoyed expression, "then they will see you are mine." you couldn't help but smile at what he said.
that was when you decided to make it official, it was the biggest decision of your life- you had been told that it would be a hard one to make as you would be with the one you bonded with for life. but, this was the easiest decision you had made in your life.
you slowly grabbed your braid that fell behind your back, bringing it forward to neteyam. his mouth fell slightly agape, looking up to you. "are you sure?" he asked, worried you may regret it later- he knew he would in fact never regret it, he didn't want you to though.
"neteyam, i have never been so sure of anything before." you smiled softly at him, that was all neteyam needed- he grabbed his queue and brought it forward with his hand your queues mere inches away from one another.
the two of you looked at one other, as you brought your queues to the other. the tsaheylu was formed.
both you and neteyam's breath hitched and pupils dilated as you looked from the bond to one another- you had never felt anything like this before, you could feel him, everything. his breath, heart beat, his feelings to you.
"i see you, y/n." neteyam breathed out, you swore you had never been happier- and neteyam could feel how happy you were when he spoke the words through the bond which made him smile.
"i see you, neteyam."
eywa had heard the two of your wishes and answered them. you and neteyam sully were now one, mated for life.
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kayrakhan · 1 year
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field training
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thewingedswine · 9 months
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Enjoy one of Nona’s slutty doodles✨
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dilfsyndrome · 2 months
“Na’vi don’t have long lashes!”
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She’s so gorgeous 😻
People put long lashes on their oc’s and that’s fine but don’t make them look false 😭 it just makes your oc look like she’s wearing an over exaggerated makeup filter on tiktok. Not cute btw..
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tears-of-moonlight · 1 year
Quaritch coming back from the hell to throw hands with a dad, his wife and their four kids
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dhysis · 4 months
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Please consider some of the stupider appearances of the Thanator
thank you
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nqify · 1 year
AHHH I’m so happy I found ur quaritch account! I’ve been dying in lack of quaritch fics so tysm for ur service. I was fed. Also headcannon for quaritch w a shy/ naturally submissive reader? I feel like he be surprised to someone NOT being a brat against him. If u wanna, ty and have a great day?
GIRL U ARE ONTO SMTH AND I LOVE IT!! shy!sub s/o headcanons. — miles quaritch ☆
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pairings. na’vi!miles quaritch. fem!reader
content warnings. daddy kink. lil spit play. lots of dirty talk.
note. idk if this is good or not anon!!! so if you want me to change anything feel free to ask
this guys deals with so many brats on the daily!! his coworkers, his boss, the mf Lyle. He just hates having to put people in line all the time this guys deals with so many brats on the daily!! his coworkers, his boss, the mf Lyle. He just hates having to put people in line all the time
so when he meets you, it’s like a breathe of fresh air. Your naturally submissive, listening to everything he tells you to do, “hey, y/n, could you grab that for me?” And without complaining or whining you nod your head, “yes, sir.” This dude is pussy whipped already
even without all the devils tango, just doing what he says gets him going. He’s so used to ppl not following his orders, when u come along and start submitting to him, this GUY WILL NOW PREY ON U FR
when y’all start dating, he starts to notice how easily you get shy, especially with his words, “hey pretty, how are you?” your cheeks are burning up. This dude will find smth to make you flustered. he’ll give u little neck and forehead kisses to just to see how red you get from his touch. it’s fr driving him mad.
let’s just say your sitting on his lap in public, your horny asf and this guy will not give u attention. You begin to slowly grind your ass on him, he takes notice. As much as he would love take you right then and there, he wanted to test out if you’d rlly listen to him in a situation like this.
Miles pulls you by your waist, your back now hitting his chest. you could feel his hot breathe against your ear, he nibs at it a little before going in and saying, “uh, uh baby, behave”
And your ass listens. You don’t move or fight him in that matter. This guy is shocked. His ears perk up at ur submissiveness. He most def wanna fuck u more now. He’d try to keep his cool and move to ur ear again, “such a good girl for me, guess who’s going to get a reward when they get home” YOU ARE BITCH!!..
girls!! now we getting juicy!! just imagine miles pounding into you, his cock reaching every spot, making you an absolute mess!! This fucker wanna test out the waters again!! “open ur mouth for me, ma” and ofc, as a good girl U DID!! why is this guy so stunned. This most definitely triggers smth in him, you thought he was going hard before?? yeah girl no. He’s now drilling your shit, he’s reaching in deep. Not surprised if he touching your cervix now
he brings his pointer and middle finger to your bottom lip and slightly drags your mouth open a little. and then, BOOM he spits in your mouth. and ofc, you swallow it. THE FACT that he didn’t have to tell you to do that, his dick is twitching and aching for u girl.
since u submit to him so easily, this guy WILL praise you, and I mean it. You’d be taking his dick in your mouth and this fucker will not stop being so vocal towards you, “f-fuck, good girl, such a good girl” or when it’d be your first times together and ur taking his big dick he’d just praise tf outta you, “look at you mama, making daddy so proud and letting him stretch you out, s-shit” creaming as we speak!!!.
bc ur ass is so shy, he will try anything and I mean anything to get you all flustered in the bed room!! this means with his words, his touch, his movements! ANYTHING .
he’ll have u spread out on the bed, hair all messy and ur lips all puffy and pink. Your hands would be covering your face, hiding your embarrassment as you laid there, fully naked. And ofc, miles would be towering over you, this guy is 9’5 for god sake!! Even though he’s seen you naked so many times, He’d still find it so so cute how flustered you are.
He would grab both your hands and pin them above your head,“no need to be so shy baby, lemme see all of you” his tail is wagging like a dog at this point. He secretly likes how u get so shy, the fact that he gets to ruin it MAKES HIM BOOMBOOM baby making time.
bc this guy is a certified dirty talker, he will and I REPEAT!!!, he will say shit to make you embarrassed.
Y’all are literally in public and this fucker becomes behind you, grinds his bugle into your back and says, “can’t wait to fuck this pretty pussy when we get home” u froze. or when he’s annoying you a lil and you just can’t help whining out, “miles, ur so annoying” he be grinning. “that’s not what u said last night baby” get ready for him to mock tf outta you, “weren’t you all like, ah, ah, pls daddy, feels so good!!??” “want more!! ah! so big fuck” ur so fucking embarrassed now omg.
one last thing, eye contact. this fucker loves it - rlly gets the gears going. So when he’s eating your pretty pussy and looks up at you with half-lidded eyes, U GO CRAZY. you try to not look back at him, constantly dragging your gaze to smth else. But oh no, he will not take that
he pulls away from your pussy and grabs your chin, “look at me baby, cmon I know you love it - don’t you like it when daddy fucks you with his tongue?? you don’t want me to make u cum, huh?” your 100% looking at him now. like girl.
requests are still open!! don’t be shy, gimme ur fantasies rn!!!!
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sullyfortress · 1 year
“Monkey Boys”
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misskingshit · 1 year
𝘖𝘶𝘳 𝘸𝘢𝘺 summary: Being a Na'vi, you completely forbade yourself from feeling any kind of affection for the strange creature, but Jake won't give up. Note: It’s me again, it’s been a long time, i’m sorry i didn’t post anything (I don't really know why I apologize, probably nobody cares and nobody is reading this) but i’m here! Am I sick of finding a living being (not human, almost animal) that is blue and non-existent incredibly attractive? yes, but I don't care, he is HOT. xoxo
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"Why are you following me Jake?" you asked without stopping on your way to the forest. Your thick accent was impossible to ignore, English was still not your forte.
"Me? I don't do anything, just learning" he answers, playing dumb.
"Following me like a lost pet?" You turned to face him, even so, a smile was plastered on your face.
"Where did you learn that phrase? It's used where I come from… not here" he looks at you strangely. It was true, not a saying the Na'vi used.
"I got to meet your...human friend, Norm, he's a bit weird but he knows a lot about these lands, it's interesting" you said, the fact that these strange beings are finally interested in learning about you and that they take the time to study everything about your home made you feel good and you were excited to hear everything.
"Do you spend time with him now?" Jake asked looking at the ground, brushing past you as he started walking again.
"He gets very close to me and says he likes me, I don't see the problem" you raised your shoulders a little, now you are the one who follows Jake.
"Yes, he likes you too much" you hear a small whisper.
"What?" questions.
A sigh on his part makes you very alert to the situation, not understanding what was happening "where I come from there is something called codes" he says "I think he is forgetting, maybe I should help him remember" Jake squeezes shortly his jaw, although you couldn't see it since he kept walking, turning his back on you.
"Codes? what kind of codes?" poor naive you were.
"He shouldn't get too close to you, much less tell you how much he likes you."
"Why shouldn't he?"
"Because I already like you, are the rules" he replies.
"Those are stupid rules, I don't get it, I like you too like I also like Norm or Dr. Grace, that doesn't mean I can't get close to them..." you stop when you see the abrupt way in which Jake stops his step and turns to talk to you.
"You don't understand, you don't understand the way I like you, it's… different" he says seriously.
"Why are you angry?" you ask, now you are a little more serious.
"It's called being jealous! I'm jealous! You don't understand" he raised his voice a little.
"I don't get it! I'm not of your race and I never will be! You and I are not the same!" You try to escape but he quickly stops you.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, let me explain" he holds you "I like you, the way my heart races when you're around, like when I'm in my real body counting every second to come back and find you again, the way The one where you make this place feel like home to me," he confesses.
"like... like tsaheylu? That's what you say...".
Jake laughs slightly and caresses your cheek with one hand "yes, that's what I mean, the bond" your eyes widen "and I can't stand that the weirdo scientist approaches you because I want you for myself, I couldn't bear to lose you" he meets your foreheads.
The seconds in silence that seemed like centuries to him were killing him little by little, fear was eating him up inside.
"Jake...no, we can't..." he interrupted, again.
"Too many things, our path is not connected, you are temporary here" you start "sooner or later you will have to return to your real body...".
"That is not true, our way is our way, we decide it, the rest is solved later".
His hearts beat a thousand, it was something mutual, they both loved each other, but more than anything you were aware of all the obstacles that stood in their way, but Jake was willing to fight until his last breath to make their paths become one. only.
"Just, let me show you that it can be done" he leans closer to you.
You don't even doubt it, you already know you want it, but the fear is still there.
"I want the bond with you Jake."
This is not what i had in my mind, im sorry, this sucks.
I promise next one it’s gonna be better.
(English is not my native lenguage so im sorry for any mistake)
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urlocalfeiner · 1 year
i’ve got my eye on you - neteyam sully
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pairing: neteyam sully x omaticaya! fem! reader
trope: best friends to lovers
summary: neteyam came back from a raid and is injured, you help clean him up whilst he can't stop thinking about how perfect you are. when you finish healing him he wants to stay with you and helps with making more supplements as he carefully approaches the topic of finding a mate which leads to him confessing his feelings for you.
warnings: swearing, injuries, tooth rotting fluff, jealousy, light making out,
A/N: taking requests on neteyam! masterlist
recently, mo'at had been teaching you and kiri how to heal. the two of you had been helping heal the injured from the raiding parties. you enjoyed it- you liked helping people, it gave you a sense of purpose. but you did not like having to heal your best friend after he was stupid and followed his little brother into a raid and got hurt.
you and neteyam sat on the wooden floor of the healers hut, nobody but you two there as you patched his wounds up from the last raid that had occured. the only source of light coming from the dimly lit fire in the middle of the hut, no noise but the small hisses of pain from neteyam when you disinfected a wound. "sorry." you whispered apologising as he hissed once more, eyes on his muscular chest as you placed the wet cloth over the bloodied area- trying to be as gentle as possible. his eyes were trained down at you, watching as you healed him.
the tension between the two of you thickening by the second. "don't apologise." he gently spoke, you then looked up for the first time since you've been cleaning him up and met his eyes. how he was looking at you made your stomach twist into a small knot- he was looking at you as if this was the first time he had ever seen you, taking in all your features as if it was his last time.
the two of you stayed like this, just staring mindlessly into one another's eyes like you both were searching for an answer within the other. you felt heat creep up to your cheeks and looked away from him quickly breaking the intimate eye contact, "you're all cleaned up now, you can head back if you wish." you started to pack up the healing supplements and tools.
you expected neteyam to stand up but he stayed seated- eyes still focused directly on you. "do you mind if i stay?"
this made you smile lightly, "of course you can." you placed poncosh leaves into a mortar and began to grind them down with a pestle, you needed to make more to prepare for the next raid. but poncosh leaves are difficult to grind down, neteyam watched as you struggled to do so.
"here, let me help." he reached out placing his hands on top of yours which were holding the pestle, his touch sending shivers down your spine. "you need to grind it side to side, like this" he moved his hands moving yours side to side grinding the poncosh successfully, all you could focus on were how warm his hands were on top of yours as he guided them where to go.he took his hands off yours- you suddenly missed the contact, wanting his hands back on yours as you continued to crush the leaves doing the same motion he was helping you do moments ago. you finished crushing the poncosh, stopping your motion glancing up at neteyam as to ask if you did it correctly. "perfect." neteyam said but he was not looking at the crushed leaves in the mortar, he was looking at you. your face heated up once more, for the severalth time this night. oh eywa, this boy is going to be the death of you.
you grabbed a cloth, folding it as a comfortable silence fell over the two to you. until neteyam spoke up, breaking the silence. "i have heard people talking," he spoke fiddling with his fingers as you hummed in response. “that t’shæn is wanting to be your mate.”
your eyes perked up and eyes were wide open as you stopped folding the cloth and looked up at neteyam. sure you found t’shæn attractive but you could never picture yourself being his mate. “oh.” was all you replied with as you continued to fold the cloths leaving neteyam even more nervous, did you like t’shæn? did you want to be his mate?
“uh- do you want to be his mate?..”
“hmm, no not really.” neteyam felt a weight get lifted off his shoulders as you said that, he had been worried that you did.
“have you got your eye on someone yet?” he asked, praying to eywa for it to be him.
you didn’t really know how to answer the question, because yes, you did indeed have your eye on a man- that man being the one sitting in front of you asking the question. “yes, i’ve had my eye on someone for a while now.”
neteyam felt his heart pick up pace, maybe there was a chance it was him- but he knew if it wasn’t him he would know what to do. he couldn’t picture any other woman being his mate besides you. “who might this lucky man be?”
your eyes met with his, you opened your mouth to speak but quickly shut it- you didn’t know what to say, you were in a battle in your head wether or not you should speak the truth and tell him that the man you’ve had your eye on is him. “he’s a mighty warrior and an amazing hunter.”
“there are many fine warrior’s and hunters in the clan.”
you hummed, “indeed there are many, but he is the finest out of them all.”
neteyam was trying to think of who it could be, having a glint of hope that it is him. “is he kind to you?”
“he is very kind to me and others, he has a strong heart.” you were hoping he was getting the hints you were very obviously dropping at him, “i am not sure if he wants me though.”
neteyam internally scoffed at the idea of a man not wanting you, you were absolutely perfect. “any na’vi that would turn you down has something wrong in the head.” your cheeks and ears had a light blush on them from neteyam’s comment, he noticed this and smirked. he reached forward, placing his hand on your chin gently tilting it up so you could look at him. you were internally freaking out about the proximity of you and neteyam’s faces, you felt butterflies swarming in your stomach. “you are so beautiful.” he brushed a strand of hair that had fallen out of place behind your ear. you were speechless, your stomach was doing back flips left and right. “i’ve also had my eye on a woman for quite a while.”
“who is this lucky woman?” you breathed out, you swore that your heart was about to thump right out your chest.
his thumb caressed your cheek gracefully, his hands soft on your skin as he cupped your cheek. “she is a beauty like no other and a fierce warrior.”
“there are many beautiful women and fierce warriors in our clan.”
“there may be, but she is the most beautiful and fierce woman of them all.” he continued rubbing his thumb over your cheek. you felt entranced by his bright yellow eyes that were staring into your own, staring right into your soul as if they were to judge it for itself. his hand left your cheek and moved down to your chest, where your heart sat. “and she has a strong heart.” you looked down to where his hand laid then back up at him, eyes wide with excitement. “i’ve got my eye on you, y/n.”
“neteyam,” you now placed your hand on his cheek. “i see you.” neteyam’s ears perked up, a love sick grin appearing on his face. before either of you could say anything else he broke the gap between the two of you and placed his lips on yours. you were shocked at first but then quickly returned the kiss. it was soft and passionate, speaking all the unspoken words- neither of you had to say anything more or less as it said a million words. your lips felt like heaven on his, this is what he had been yearning for since he was a young boy.
your lips chased one other, both filled with desire. your hands made their way up to his braided hands as his slipped down to your waist, delicately holding them. the two do you broke away for air, slightly panting from the lack of breath. “i have been wanting to do that for ages.” neteyam said as he pulled you back into a kiss, you had no protects against it. his hands that were holding your waist pulled you into his lap, your legs straddling his as you deepened the kiss. neteyam let out a soft moan against your mouth as his tail wrapped around your waist. you broke apart once more, your foreheads resting against each other as you saw a smirk on neteyam’s lips. “so, who was the someone you’ve had your eyes on?”
you grinned playfully, “you may know him, his name is neteyam.”
his lips were grazing over yours, you could feel his hot breath as he spoke against yours. “he is a very lucky na’vi.” as he finished his sentence he lent in placing another kiss on your lips, he went to kiss you further but you suddenly stopped feeling the presence of something. leaving neteyam confused. “are you okay? did i hurt you?” you looked around the room searching for something, then you looked up- your mouth parted a small gasp leaving your mouth, a Atokirina was floating above the two of you. neteyam moved his head to where you were looking confusedly, but when he saw what you were admiring he grinned softly. you two truly were made for each other.
the two do you removed your attention from the woodspirite to one another, large grins on both of your faces. “eywa has spoken.” he whispered.
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planetslove · 5 months
so’lek isn’t fucking with my sarentu’s sexy moves guys im moving onto ri’nela
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stephstars08 · 12 days
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