#nahuel molina
thedemonlady · 1 year
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We have waited 36 years, finally it happened.
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cloudsspoke · 1 year
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✨and my absolute favorite....✨
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Enjoy these little things... 🇦🇷 💙
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Part of It
Synopsis: Y/n has been the social media manager for the Argentina National Team for a few months now. She’s unofficially everyone’s favorite employee
young fem argentine reader x platonic argentina national football team
A/N: this fic will be regarding the entire team, but it will mainly feature: Alvarez, Fernandez, Molina, Garnacho, Messi, and De Paul, because those are the players I know the best.
more a/n: also please don’t be surprised if some of the info in this fic is false and the players are ooc, im not based in argentina so I could easily get a lot of these things wrong
. so
. for as long as you can remember, the only thing you’ve loved more than playing football is being behind a camera
. as a kid whenever you weren’t on the pitch itself, you were recording your teammates and friends, creating their own personal highlight reels
. and like every other kid in Argentina, you spent your entire childhood playing football
. but it wasn’t until you were a teenager when you started to discover your love for camera work
. it started when a teammate of yours asked you to record something for social media, initially as a joke
. but then the video got a couple hundred views, and you quickly began to love the feeling of creating something people can visually enjoy
. your teenage years were filled with football and videography
. then by the time your senior year came around, you knew you wanted to by apart of both scenes however you could in the future
. leading to your commitment to Cordoba National University with a major in communication and media studies
. you graduate in 2021, and spend a few weeks looking for jobs
. then you find Cordoba fc and their opening for a new social marketing manager
. you get hired within two weeks of applying as a social media manager
. because the Cordoba community is pretty small, you can spend a lot of time getting to know the players and the fans really well
. you learn a lot there, as it’s your first work experience for a professional football club
. you work there till the end of sepetmber/mid october, because through a few of your co-workers, you learn that Central Cordoba has an opening for social media manager
. which of course, you applied to and by the end of November, you’re part of the Central Cordoba staff
. it was a lot of fun; hanging out with players, befriending other staff, traveling with the team, and obviously, managing their social media
. you prove to be extremely efficient there, bringing in thousands of new fans
. which builds your reputation as an employee a lot
. and suddenly, you’re getting offers for different clubs around argentina
. only 1 stands out to you though
. Argentina’s national team offer
. because apparently, due to the world cup occurring at the end of the year, the communications directors wanted more publicity before the competition
. you obviously reply back, and a few weeks later you’re invited to their headquarters for an interview
. at first, you didn’t think you got the job because it took a while to hear back from the directors
. but then you wake up to yet another email waiting for you
. and you are officially argentina’s social media manager
. your first day is technically in april
. but you don’t meet any of the players until the end of that month
. you didn’t even know you were gonna meet the players that day so you were severely unprepared
. one moment you were making coffee with your co workers
. then lionel messi walks in beside rodrigo de paul
. they caught you by surprise
. both of them were really nice though
. you eventually learn that they all are
. your job mainly consists of filming the team together and managing the their social media accounts
. this is how you get to know each of the players
. you click with julian the most at first because of the age similarity
. he becomes your best friend within your first week
. any meetings that the both of you are included in are spent sitting on opposite sides of the room because you were told your friendship is “a disturbance to the work environment”
. you guys make it up by being attached to the hip before and after practices though
. a third of your camera roll is funny candid’s of julian
. you guys are bus seat partners and make fun out of annoying the other guys
. enzo is another close friend of yours
. you guys are always gossiping about something
. “did you hear about the new intern?”
. “apparently, somebody was found with somebody else in the break room after the meeting last week”
. “I swear he wasn’t even sick that one time, he was just at a party the night before”
. he tries to convince you to dye your hair like him
. and when you refuse, he lets you make up for it by helping him tone in
. you guys are always laughing together, no matter what the situation is
. you and molina have such a playful relationship
. you’re always making fun of him for no real reason
. he’s just trying to defend himself
. you do it for all of them, but his birthday photo dump is always the worst
. you two are always wandering around headquarters, looking for either someone to bother or something to entertain yourselves
. it always ends it great content though
. you have a soft spot for alejandro
. mostly because he has a crush on you and tries to play it off
. but you’ve known since the first few times of hanging out with him
. when you’re filming concent for the argentina pages, you’ll see alejandro trying to show off at least three times a video
. you find it hilarious
. the other guys tease him relentlessly for it
. you two are still good friends regardless
. he tries to be protective of you even though he’s literally four years younger than you
. again, you find it hilarious
. and he always gets shit from the other players
. leo is such a dad to you it’s funny
. he was so nice the first time you met him, and after that he unofficially adopted you as a daughter
. even though he’s only like 13 years older than you
. shows his care in small ways
. making sure you never get hit with a ball when you’re sitting in to a practice
. coming into your office when you’re both in headquarters to check on you
. making sure you’re safe when you’re traveling with the team
. whether it be just assigning another player to look after you or a whole ass bodyguard
. also protecting you from rodrigo
. because rodri is like an older brother to you
. super playful
. always teasing you
. agreesive type of love
. y’know those videos of rodri always picking up julian and stuff?
. like that but a smidge gentler
. this is where messi comes in
. insisting he put you down and let you do your job
. rodri also tries to convince you to get tattoos
. honestly that’s a whole team thing
. playful peer pressure is real there
. anyway
. you, julian, and enzo are such a trio
. getting up to the most random shit in other countries after games
. you guys were two seconds away from jumping into a canal in italy
. but then here comes leo
. scolding you guys like his children
. and sending you back to the hotel
. also, you have a jersey from almost every player on the team because before you got your own jersey, you always just picked someone random to wear on game days
. but then rodri started frowning when he saw you in julian’s jersey because apparently, you hadn’t worn his shirt in a few games
. and now you have a separate drawer just for jerseys
. oh and the world cup
. that was so fun for you
. traveling with the team to qatar
. hanging out in stadiums during practice, half upset because it felt like a million degrees
. but half in awe because holy shit you’re in qatar for the world cup
. you’re on the edge of your seat for every game
. the final almost killed you
. you were almost crying on the bench next to the other staff
. totally worth it though
. you started sobbing when montiel made the last penalty kick
. because you knew these guys, you knew how much they wanted it, how much they deserved it
. it was a mess of hugs and tears after that
. julian is grinning into your shoulder
. rodri tackled you
. enzo is basically jumping up and down
. you don’t think you’ll ever see alejandro that happy again
. you and molina are crying together
. and messi gives you the biggest hug
. it’s so fun celebrating with the team
. spraying champange with gonzalo
. singing along to music with paulo
. dancing around with lauatoro
. and coming back to argentina after that
. seeing all the fans in buenos aires, looking around and seeing argentine pride everywhere
. surreal
. there’s definitely no feeling like it
. which is why you’re so sad when it’s time to go back to your clubs
. you came to an agreement with central cordoba to go back and work for them during the argentine league
. then coming back to the national team when it called
. so you can’t wait for next season
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hermywolf · 4 months
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mountmasns · 1 year
Scenes you love to see
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meeel-things · 1 year
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yerbabrava · 1 year
lisandro: hay q manifestar hablando en presente para que el universo piense que ya lo tenes y te lo de pq en algun plano astral vos ya tenes lo que deseas aparte hay luna nueva y esta a nuestro favor
molina y el cuti:
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afadaily · 2 months
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Argentina vs Costa Rica | International Break March 2024 | Los Angeles
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cruelangel94 · 1 year
This Is Cinema.
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someshipsneversail · 1 year
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cloudsspoke · 1 year
La Scaloneta is a...
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It’s clear that both fans and players share the same sentiments toward La Scaloneta. “ An incredible group that was put together. When you are at the club sometimes you say, how long is it until you go to the national team? You are happy to be there ”, this is how Paredes defined the squad.
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- The 'infamous' Players' Group Whatsapp
Paredes is the one who was in charge of creating the group chat. “ We were following the World Cup group drawing through Whatsapp. No, it’s not called La Scaloneta. The coach doesn’t like the nickname, sometimes we tell him jokingly. We left it (the Whatsapp group chat's name) at ‘Copa America’ because it was created when we play for Copa America ”
(Lautaro and Cuti confessed that a day after the World Cup Final, Paredes renamed the group chat from 'Copa America Champion' to ‘World Cup Champion’).
Another story Paredes told about the group chat was, “ We always talk. Every time one of us has to play we try to watch and talk after the game. There are many times that we have to play at the same time and we can’t, but we always try to look at each other ”
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- A lot of times they have to become rival for 90mins, but let's pray for this squad to remain as a "Brother" for a very long time 🤞
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- The way they take care of each other
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Paredes took a trip down memory lane to the first moment he and De Paul broke the ice with Messi. He said, “ It was during an afternoon when we still had 2 hours before training and didn’t know what to do. And Rodri said, ‘That’s it, let’s grab the cards, mate, and knock on Leo’s door’. The idea is that simple; to play truco, drink mate, listen to some music, and hope he would receive us in the best way. We were lucky he opened the door to his room for us and everything has worked well since that moment "
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De Paul on Messi: Having him, everything is easier. On a club level, I only had contact with him once, at Valencia vs Barcelona. Apart from that, I didn’t know him. Given everything he lives through he could be a reserved character, so he surprised me (as it turns out) he enjoys having a mate, listening to a song, and playing truco. We do warm-up games, and I say: ‘Leo, I’ll take you on!’, he loves that. That humanizes him. You can see him like he's from another dimension, but he’s just a person.
Furthermore, De Paul describes his role in the National Team as a ‘spare tire’. I have no problem putting it like that. And I’ll do anything to wear this jersey. With my role, we can cover Paredes and help Messi, everything comes in its own time whether it’s to help Messi to attack, or hold back to cover Paredes. You compliment them.
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Messi's praise of De Paul
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Between players, it has been well-known that the secret to make Leo (Messi) happy is by treating him normally. However, Cristian Romero said in reality it worked the other way around.
Cuti: Since I joined the National team, Leo always treats me like I am one of them, he made me see how simple it is beyond everything he has won in his career. 
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"Rodrigo De Paul desde el primer día lo protegió, lo abrazó y lo apadrinó." - Molina's father told the story about how De Paul took care of his son when Molina first time played abroad for Udinese
Molina: I was at my house when Rodri with Correa were the first ones to call me and said ‘Congratulations! You deserve it! I hope you don’t flatter yourself (note: in a joking manner)’. I didn’t understand it until they told me that I had been summoned by the National Team.
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Paredes to De Paul: How well we raised these 3 (Cuti-Licha-Moli)
Meanwhile, long before acting as Molina’s ‘godparent’, Rodri was the ‘little brother’ of Ota back when the 2 of them played for Valencia (and they’ve been a roommate since Brazil's 2019 Copa America). Take a look back at their Instagram, there are so many photos of them together both on-off pitch, even after Ota moved to Manchester, the friendship still continued.
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- Players' bonding time with Asado
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Love how the young ones 'take advantage' by making the elder do the cooking
- Their attention to the injured ones
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Players' support for Gio; before, during, and after his comeback from injury
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Mac Allister about Garnacho: I'm sure Licha is working on it (persuading Garna to join Argentina) right now
Licha: I'm taking him with me to Argentina
It’s like a cycle of them taking care of each other, one another 💕 Just like how Ota took care of Rodri and Rodri took care of Molina in return. Gio’s presence helped Cuti to adapt when they were both in Tottenham even for a little while. Tagliafico helped Licha while both played for Ajax. Leo welcomed Paredes in the NT and later Paredes (together with Di Maria & Ney) helped Leo adjust to a new life in Paris, and now it’s Licha’s turn to be ‘the old brother’ of Garnacho.
Meanwhile, so many people against Garnacho join the Argentine side, mostly because they are afraid this kid’s personality will ruin the ‘harmony’ within players and all those bullshit talk about him idolizing Ronaldo. Well, in my opinion, I am 100% sure that the second Garnacho misbehaves (if ever), Licha will be the first to reprimand him. For real though, I don’t think there will be bad individuals inside this NT as long as there are players like De Paul, Paredes, and Dibu.
And yes, like Kun said, wish that the more Garnacho spends time seeing Messi play, the faster he will realize who the real GOAT is,
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although imo it’s not a crime to choose CR7 over Messi? if Messi can be best friends with Neymar and Suarez (both are Argies’ rivals), then why can’t Garna choose CR7 over Messi? It's only a matter of preference (not loyalty), anyway.
Meanwhile, Haters had a field day over Garnacho's injury news. Too bad we can't see Licha really taking Garna to Argentina.
- The 'dont-touch-Leo-or-I-will-kill-you' movement:
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Throwback to Kun's reaction seeing the UCL drawing when PSG, Juventus, and Benfica were in the same group.
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Meanwhile… Di Maria (& Messi himself) be like.. 😂
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- Different interviews were conducted at different times, but these players shared the same stories about the squad
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To quote Paredes: none of them makes a bad face if they have to be corrected, while Dibu said: ‘Acá nadie pone mala cara’
Dibu: One fell and the other ten help him to get up Licha: If they touch one (of us), we all go (to defend him)
De Paul said ‘Everyone knows what they’re expected to do’, similar to Paredes’ statement ‘Each one knows what they have to contribute’
Throwback to September 2019 during the match against Mexico. Argentina got a chance to score a goal via a penalty kick after Lautaro’s shot touched the hand of Mexico player. It’s understandable for Lau to think that he should be the player in charge of the pen kick since he already scored a brace and aimed for a hattrick. But somehow after Lau took the ball from Ochoa, Paredes demanded the ball from Lau and kicked the penalty himself. Paredes eventually scored & celebrated the goal with Lau, and 6 mins later Lautaro succesfully scored a hattrick. After the game, Lau posted a photo of him and Paredes with a playful caption to quickly shut down any rumor about an ‘altercation’ between him and Paredes during the penalty kick.
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As for now, for me, it is ironic how people assume bringing Garnacho to the Scaloni squad can bring ‘dressing room drama’. No, it’s not. It’s the fans' ‘toxic’ culture that could destroy this family. The way people start to compete players against each other or criticize players’ World Cup performance while disregarding their roles in the previous tournaments. Yeah, everyone has their own opinion, but acting like they have the right to decide who should join the NT or play as a starter is truly ridiculous.
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Paredes was one of the ‘undisputed starters’ on Scaloni’s squad but quickly lost his place after the loss against Saudi Arabia. He accepted his role as a substitute player and helped his teammates from the bench. “ I didn’t arrive in the best physical way and I was aware by not being 100% gonna cost me a lot. The group was above everything and luckily the great teammates (Enzo & Mac Allister) appeared as they played enormously well. I was surprised and very proud of them. ”
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Dybala interview with Marca: I needed some time after my injury and I was not yet in the best condition. I wanted to support, be positive with the best energies, and never put an angry or frustrated face for not being played. I made the team feel like they could count on me. And so it was, I felt better and Scaloni trusted me in one of the most important moments.
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Lautaro interview with espnargentina: I have discomfort with my swollen ankle and I had to play with painkillers. It’s not the World Cup that I expected (because the injury made him underperform), but Juli’s arrival made me very happy. He’d give the team what I couldn’t give.
I’ve seen many people questioning why then Scaloni didn’t choose a 100% fit player if he knew Dybala, Lautaro and Paredes weren’t 100% fit. The audacity for these people to think like that, because despite their injuries, during the crucial moments, all the 3 of them stepped up and executed their roles perfectly.
What's next?
Scaloni's interview on March 21st: I thanked the players again for winning the title, now it’s time to celebrate but this goes on. And it’s going to cost us more than ever because they are going to want to beat us much more. We need a lot more energy from everyone because everything will be more difficult.
In regards to the national team:
“A new process begins. Those who are world champions don’t have an advantage. The most important thing is that the players don't feel like the owners of the National Team and that the coach is always watching. There are also kids who are going to grow and play at a high level and fight for a place (in the NT)."
Say, we, supporters, love this team. We'd love to see Messi to win more trophies alongside these Muchachos. The closest is that we aim for a Copa America back-to-back champion. This time it will be 10x more difficult because other countries will proly want to beat Argentina just out of spite, just for them to be able to say "WE BEAT THE WORLD CHAMPION, WHERE IS MESSI? WE POCKET HIM, etc etc", like Scaloni said, this squad needs a lot more energy from everyone, and imo that includes US, the supporters.
Why? As I said earlier, fans' toxic culture could destroy this team from outside. What supporters don't easily grasp is the fact that Scaloni can easily kick any players out once they don't perform well and there's better replacement. This fact, the players are fully aware as they said in numerous interviews "In this squad, there's only 1 player who's irreplaceable. Other than Messi, we always have to fight for 1 spot". Specifically, De Paul said this, "I'll do anything to be able to wear this jersey, but if one day I don't play, it's because there are others who play better than me.",
Well, I think it's safe for us (supporters) to love all players equally and love them based on their performance on the pitch. That way if Scaloni decides to drop them from the future squad list we won't be so upset or displeased with that decision because we know that it's because there are other players who (according to Scaloni's better judgment) play better than our faves. If the players can accept the consequences with big hearts (like Lau, Dybala, and Paredes) then supporters need to learn to be respectful toward Scaloni and just pray for the best.
📌 Bonus gifs+pics
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Lovely place, with good feelings, and a happy squad. The return of the KINGS 👑
Because Tumblr can only have up to 30 images in a post, I can't say anything more about this squad, but if you enjoy reading this post you can also click here to similar posts I have already made:
(1) Little Things I love from La Scaloneta
(2) Hilarious & Heartwarming stories about La Scaloneta
(3) Crackhead Muchachos
(4) Full thread about AFA's Tournament de Truco
(5) Full thread about Players' room arrangement (¿Quién duerme con quién?) + more gifs about Messi and the gang
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No quiero, NECESITO.
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raskolnicore · 1 year
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peligrosapop · 4 months
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buenísimo lol
edit de @matedulce666 en twitter
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brig4y · 9 months
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