echoruby18 · 25 days
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Here she is!!! My pride and joy with a new updated ref because I fucked up so many colors without realizing last time. All referenced from Clone Wars 2003 because the art style is simple and easy to draw :) I also finally made her personal sigil :D
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dingoat · 2 months
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As the poll decreed, a bunch of random aliens! Decided to raid the swtor cupboards for outfits for them which made it extra fun. I'll probably do some more of these before long because I got some great suggestions while I was already halfway through this lot!
A Nelvaanian (NOT a bothan I swear, even if she is riffing off one of Ahuska's favourite getups), a Devlikk, a Keshiri, a Camaasi and a Chistori!
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zellkernchen · 1 month
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They’ll live a happy life together They’ll live a happy life together They’ll live a happy life together They’ll live a happy life together They’ll live a happy life together They’ll live a happy life together They’ll live a happy life together They’ll live a happy life together They’ll live a happy life together Nothing bad will ever happen to them Nothing bad will ever happen to them Nothing bad will ever happen to them Nothing bad will ever happen to them Nothing bad will ever happen to them Nothing bad will ever happen to them Nothing bad will ever happen to them Nothing bad will ever happen to them
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alenchikova · 17 days
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Mayana for an art trade for @zellkernchen
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greasybandit · 9 months
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Training Montage ensues Interaction between Vork and Nimph, our two star wars ocs who happen to be dating/married to general grievous Nimph belongs to @echoruby18
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butts-art · 1 year
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dougielombax · 1 year
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Harvos. My beloved.
Another alien.
No I’m not predictable.
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thedrown · 7 months
Just remembered I have a Nelvaanian OC of fairly major importance I only drew once and never again purely because some asshat on deviantart was angrily demanding I draw her more
like 5 years ago
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maxivermillion · 11 months
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Sov Caval, my Nelvaanian enforcer, for a FFG Star Wars game I was playing in.
It was nice to play more of the asshole inclined character for once.
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komorebi-art-blog · 10 months
Kaleesh week
Day 1- Khan
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Bentilais san Sk'ar. Khan, a member of Izvoshra, a friend of Grievous and the future leader of the Kaleesh people after the death of the last Khagan.
Quite different from the one we know. But I'm drawing for my and @koyato AU. And we have a long-established headcanon, according to which he is not really a Kaleesh (at least physically), but a Nelvaanian.
We will talk about this headcanon in more detail later, but if you want to know part of the thought process, you can look at the brilliant picture that Koyato made uner the cut. This is just the beginning, but there are already a lot of coincidences.
Thank you @tuberculosis-bot-9000 for the opportunity to share our hyperfixation with people! You are a gift for this fandom!!
Bentilais has been our headache ever since we found out about him. Because what are you?? He doesn't look like a Kaleesh, he doesn't act like a Kaleesh (in fact he does, just not on a surface level), and at first glance he has no reason to be a Kaleesh. He's a three-meter pink Godzilla from a comic book from the Seventies. We could just imagine him as an ordinary Kaleesh, but we always choose the difficult path. We wanted his canon image to make sense.
Basically everything went really wrong when we just watched Tartakovsky's Clone Wars show and discussed the plot of the Nelvaans, which is already a whole different story. But then I read their wiki and... the height of mutated Nelvaanians men is exactly three meters. From that moment on, we started noticing things.
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echoruby18 · 4 months
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More Spoilers, now for a book that is nowhere near close to being written
I needed the mom and son serotonin doodles to keep going
Just adding stuff from my twitter over here don't mind me~
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zellkernchen · 15 days
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Surely nothing bad will ever happen to them 🙂
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dingoat · 9 months
In the mood for doodling! Poll time!
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yama-uba · 1 year
Mystery Ranch by Midjourney
This was the most interesting interaction with Midjourney. I described my fantasies to the neural network and offered references, and it drew something third, at the same time similar and different from the original idea. So that's how it feels to write a book and then make a movie out of that book. ATTENTION: this selection of pictures is desirable to listen to the accompaniment of Bryan Adams - Where I Belong.
Of course, the tags did not leave any intrigue, but still it would be interesting to go from the opposite: to imagine the personality and appearance of the owner of this whole place.
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Why does he live so far from civilization in the space age?
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What is he hiding here? Who is rich enough to own all of this? Did he build everything himself?
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Who owns all these colza, corn fields and elevators? (Yes, I think Durossian fields look like this because of the irrigation system and the convenience of agricultural droids)
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We're getting really close...
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Here is the place. It seems that the owner is not at home, otherwise, as befits local customs, he would have already shot us on the way to his property.
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Especially now, in the spring, when his 11 milky "lil ladies" are preparing to become mothers. In no case should they be disturbed. By the way, an interesting fact: Midjourney perfectly understands the difference between black angus and jersey breeds of cows, drawing some rectangular and triangular, respectively. However, the neural network does not understand what a bifalo is and always draws bison.
Okay, if we are still pulling "our death" by its breathing tubes, then why not look through the windows of the first floors?
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This is where Midjourney and I had a misunderstanding. I didn't know how to remove the stuffed of "sacred cow" for gray aliens from the pictures (you know, gray aliens, crop circles, sounding and stealing cows...they adore cows so much that they have learned to metabolize lactose). And American rustic implies an abundance of stuffed animals and horns in itself. The hunter is such a hunter. And I was never able to squeeze a good photo out of Midjourney with "a collection of Stetson and Akubra on the walls and in the showcases." Once ai showed me a classic American Boy Scouts raccoon hat with a striped tail, but I couldn't get it to repeat.
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The most important thing is not to start looking at these pictures, so as not to see strange things (especially with stuffed animals).
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Guest bathroom. Looks cozy... and extremely illogical.
Next comes the memory loss. And, if we see this, it means that we are either one of the Nelvaanian women that Bane bought for himself as domestic housekeepers, or we were left in the meat ripening chamber so that the corpse would not spoil until the ranch owner returned.
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I am absolutely convinced that duros adore earth cows to the level of absurd stereotypes.
Okay, this was Cad Bane's house. Otherwise, everything is with his "working lairs", of which he has a myriad of in all corners of the galaxy, even on that unknown side of the galactic attractor. And the contents of these apartments are more... ascetic .
I think it’s better to describe even just a photo from the Internet:
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The box is the property of Todo. He's charging into it.
And this is what Boba's room looked like when the duros was his mentor. These spartan conditions prepared the guy well for the fact that then he had to live in Sarlac for some time, until finally dropped that damn rope to him)
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Most importantly, men really do not see anything strange in this.
It's all drawn by Midjourney, it's all yours and Midjourney's.
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theoasiswinds · 2 years
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Nelvaanian commission for the lovely https://ewelamb-lover.tumblr.com/
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