#nervous posting in new fandoms
kanakori · 27 days
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drops this and runs
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voidshrub · 4 months
Hiii hello first art post!!! I hope you guys like addi fanart :D
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Woag wow they kiss,, Context? Backstory?? Sorry this is all for the aesthetic I dunno how they got like this :3
Click (pink) belongs to @brightgoat and Link (green) belongs to @e40536 :D
This is the only post I’ll ever be brave enough (and proud enough of) to tag them on probably because I am an anxious coward. Also expect me to draw them a bunch. I might be late to the hype but the brainrot is still strong (Help)
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gazspookiebear · 4 months
No thoughts, just arm wrestling with Ghost
You wanted Ghost's attention. There was no denying it- he was too enticing to let him slip through your fingers. You wanted, just once, to feel him.
You were purposefully being an arrogant and cocky prick all day, telling anyone who would listen to you (and those who didn't) that you could easily beat Ghost in an arm wrestling match.
Of course, Ghost caught wind of it, but he brushed it off. After all, there were tons of clueless rookies who talked shit when they didn't know who exactly they were facing.
Unfortunately for Ghost, it kept happening. First time he heard you yapping was during training. Then when Soap was laughing and telling him about some dumb comment you made earlier. A few times after that throughout the next few days, and finally, you had the nerve to say it to his face.
"You couldn't beat me, " you announced mockingly
"Mmh. Let's put that to the test, mate."
You were nervous. You hadn't expected him to agree to it in all honesty. Not that you would back down now.
Sitting down at the table, you had gathered quite a crowd. Who would want to watch some rookie get slammed by the Ghost? Everyone, apparently.
You readied your elbow on the table. On the opposite side, Ghost did the same. You took in a small gasp of air, nerves now getting the best of you. This was a horrible idea, wasn't it? You vaguely hear someone count down and yell "start", causing you to clasp your hand with Ghost's and start pushing with all your might.
Holy shit. He was hardly struggling- the both of your arms staying firmly in the center. You looked up for a second to try and gage his expression, only to be met with his eyes already staring into you.
It was like all the air was torn from your lungs- you might as well have forgotten how to breathe.
You couldn't deny it, his eyes were absolutely gorgeous. Weary and calculated brown eyes staring into your own, an odd softness to them.
He still hadn't beat you. He easily could, you were never a match for him.
But maybe, just maybe-
-he wanted to hold your hand, too.
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rattinahatt · 6 months
So I found a post with a template for a 2010s dancing anime girl gif so naturally I had to grab Randy and force him to dance against his will
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splatoon3 · 6 months
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KL dump + just one knife
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actual-changeling · 2 months
i started writing a post-pusher fic last night at like 1 am, might finish it today, might not, but have an excerpt!
They fall into step beside each other without trying, attuned to each other's bodies like two twin stars stuck in a common orbit; gravity is keeping them both together and apart. 
Her heels echo through the mostly empty halls, and his gaze is drawn to her hands—drowning in her dark sleeves, warm, always warm, fitting into his like they were made to. Neither of them speaks, and the silence is comforting after having Modell's commands penetrating his mind. 
I could have killed you, he doesn't say, slowly tracing the slope of her nose and jaw as she presses the call button for the elevator, her features blurring in front of his eyes. 
There is a version of this story that ends with three dead bodies on the floor, all bullets fired from the same gun, the same hand. Scully still reached out, still took the hand capable of soul-numbing violence, and touched him like she had no reason to be afraid of him. Mulder has never wanted her to—the opposite, selfishly so—and yet he sees her in a different life (a better one), far away from him and without the pain he has brought her. 
I could have killed you, he doesn't say, but he brushes against her as the doors close and the elevator begins to move, and his fingers blindly search for hers.
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ronsenthal · 8 months
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He was big and strong, in his eyes a flaming glow
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queenofbaws · 1 month
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Reading & Other Fun Rituals: What To Do When Your Bookclub is [REDACTED] a Control/Supermassive Games crossover by TheIcyQueen
After pushing back the Hiss, Jesse figures the creepiest and/or crawliest parts of her job are behind her. No more monotone chanting coming from the shadows? Check. No more low-level employees floating up by the ceiling? Check. No more HIGH-level employees trying to kill her after getting possessed? Check, check, check! Surely things will be quieter now - calmer. Only...that's not really how the Oldest House works. Suddenly there's a whole book club's worth of Altered horror novels on the loose, and if Jesse doesn't manage to take them down and return them to the Panopticon's unsettling Repository (and its even more unsettling Curator), the papercuts alone might just spell the end for her. Is everyone's favorite Director in for a scary good time, or will she be undone by some killer library fees? There's only one way to find out!
Read the COMPLETE fic on AO3!
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comfymoth · 2 years
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small hollow knight doodle for a change of pace!
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dangerous-advantage · 7 months
tgcf writing request(s)
eyo i am in a bit of a slump writing-wise so. if you see this and are interested, i would be very down for you to send me in any tgcf/hualian writing prompts!
i cannot promise anything concrete will come of it, but i am desperate <3 also uninspired
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I’ve been writing this two/jamie fic in every pocket of time imaginable since I rewatched the Mind Robber again last week and I think it’s finally almost ready to post!
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phyllisthefirst · 7 months
No tired sigh, no rolling eye, no irony - Part 1
[So, after rewatching the episodes and lurking in the Band of Brothers fandom for a few months, I've decided to finally get active myself and try my hand at a little writing. I love so many of the Easy Boys, but I felt like giving Luz some attention, so here we are. I haven't really had time to do much research yet, so there'll be a lot of inaccuracies to handwave away.
Obviously, this fic is based on the fictionalized representation of the Easy Company men as portrayed on the show. I intend no disrespect to the real men.]
[Masterlist] [on ao3]
Part 1
The first time Phyllis Baker meets George Luz, he nearly knocks her over with his radio. He can't really be blamed for the collision - the radio's a heavy, unwieldy thing and she guesses he's only just received it and hasn't had time to familiarise himself with it yet. And she was the one who rounded the corner at full speed, still riled up from another morning's worth of being overlooked and talked down to and sent for coffee instead of doing her actual job. It's the perfect blend of ingredients for an explosive collision.
"Watch where you're going, Private!", she snaps. "That radio is top-of-the-line equipment, and the military certainly wouldn't want to see it wasted on someone who can't even manage to navigate a corridor, let alone a warzone."
The effect of her words is immediate: The young man's face falls, overcome with a mixture of shame, guilt and fear. His big, brown eyes widen until he resembles nothing so much as a kicked puppy. And Phyllis feels her insides sink as if her stomach had been filled with stones.
"I'm so sorry, Ma'am. I should have paid better attention."
Phyllis runs a hand through her hair, a nervous habit she's spent years trying to suppress that's been coming back with a vengeance lately.
"It's not your fault; I didn't watch where I was going. I should apologize for snapping at you."
She doesn't know why she says those words. Never apologize unless you absolutely have to , that's what she's been trying to drill into herself, because every apology these men hear makes them more sure in their assumption that they're better than her. But something about him makes her forget about that self-imposed rule.
Oh, who is she kidding - it's the eyes.
"Did you just get assigned a radioman?" She nods her head towards the radio, although it's fairly obvious that was her clue.
He nods his head, vigorously.
"Yes! We got our designations at breakfast, and this morning we'll begin our specialized training."
"Well, then you better pay close attention - you and that radio may be the difference between reinforcements or defeat one day."
He nods again, somehow even more energetically, tucks his radio under his left arm and raises his right in a salute.
"Yes, Ma'am."
For a second, she thinks he's mocking her. But his face is earnest as ever, the salute perfectly executed and held until the radio under his arm begins to slip and he has to support it with his right. Then she realizes: He thinks she's an officer, or a sergeant at least. He sees the modified WAC uniform she's wearing and doesn't even question why there are no sergeant's stripes, no lieutenant's bars on her jacket.
He doesn't question that she belongs here.
He might be the first man to do so.
She's still working through that revelation, staring at him wordlessly, when he clears his throat and hitches the radio higher up under his arm.
"I ought to get going, Ma'am, or I'll be late for training."
"Of course. It's been nice meeting you, Private..."
"Luz, George Luz."
"Private Luz. Have a good first day of radio training."
With that, she turns to walk away, all her social graces depleted for the day - only to be stopped in her steps when he calls out:
"What's your name, Ma'am?"
When she turns back around, he's smiling, open and curious, and she can't help but smile back.
"Perhaps we'll meet again, George Luz. I'll tell you then."
He laughs.
"I'll hold you to it."
It only occurs to her when she's already rounded the corner that that exchange might be misconstrued as flirting.
What a ridiculous idea, she tells herself. As if any man would ever think that she was flirting with him.
The second time George Luz meets Phyllis Baker, he gets the feeling she's trying very hard not to be seen.
He doesn't know why she thinks it would work - even with her shoulders slouched, her hair up in a severe bun and her lipstick a subtle, natural shade she's still awe-inspiring in her olive drab skirt and jacket and still very much a woman, and those are rare around here.
He's been wondering about that, actually: What is she doing here? There are women preparing for the war, he knows that, but they aren't necessarily stationed at Aldbourne. The nurses are in nearby Swindon, and he hasn't yet seen any members of the WAC around here.
But then, what better excuse to approach her than to ask about exactly that?
He mumbles an excuse to Tab and Perco, with whom he was on the way to The Crown after snagging a rare weekend pass, and jogs over to where she's standing by a half-unloaded supply truck, frowning at a clipboard.
"Ma'am? I believe you still owe me a name."
She startles at being addressed, clearly very engrossed in her task, and he feels momentarily bad for disturbing her. But after a moment's struggle to get her bearings, she seems to recognize him, and even smiles.
"Private Luz! How's the radio training coming along?"
"It's going well! I think. At least I haven't blown the whole thing up yet."
She laughs, the melodic sound at odds with her severe appearance. Together with the fact that she remembered his name, the sound makes him bold.
"But don't believe you can distract me from my goal: Your name...?"
"Phyllis Baker. But I have to correct you right there: I'm not an officer, so you don't have to address me as such. I'm sorry I let you believe otherwise the last time we met."
He shrugs.
"It was my mistake, wasn't it? Not your job to teach me how to read someone's insignia." He tilts his head to look at the sleeves on her uniform, but they don't really clear things up. "But if I may ask - what is your rank? And why are you here?"
The second the question is out, George has to fight the urge to slap his forehead. Of all the ways he could have posed that question... His cousin joined the WAC and told him a little about what the women have to put up with in response to their attempt at joining the war effort - doubt, hostility, and outright smear campaigns questioning their morals simply for joining up. He guesses she knows a little about those difficulties as well, and the pinched expression on her face suggests the same. He quickly corrects himself.
"I mean, what division are you with? I didn't know there were WACs at Aldbourne."
"There aren't. I'm with the 506th, to support the logistics and supply officers."
He nods, not fully understanding yet but not stupid enough to ask for more details. But before he can ask, she blurts out:
"Which means I know more about logistics than most of the men around me, but they still insist on ignoring my advice in favour of sending me to get coffee."
She's barely finished speaking when her eyes widen comically.
"I mean... I didn't mean to say..."
The surprise on her face turns to outright fear, and he quickly reaches out to place a calming hand on hers, right where she grips the clipboard with white-knuckle force.
"No need to explain. Our CO's an absolute ass."
For a moment, the fear in her eyes remains, then it slowly eases out, replaced by a relieved smile. He drops his hand, surprised to find himself reluctant to do so. Her skin is soft, surprisingly so for such a pragmatic-seeming woman.
"Most of my superiors are sensible men, luckily. They just have their difficulties accepting that they're supposed to work with a woman sometimes."
He nods, not quite knowing what to say to that - he can imagine but probably never quite understand what she's dealing with. Then something else occurs to him.
"So, where did you learn so much about logistics?"
She hesitates for a moment, the way he's seen her do before.
"My father is in the import trade. I've been helping him at the office since I was a little girl, and I’ve been running his entire office for the European branch for years."
George whistles through his teeth.
"That sounds like a lot of responsibility. And you gave all of that up just to come here and fetch coffee?"
She laughs again, a sound he's quickly becoming addicted to.
"We all should do our part, shouldn't we?" She tilts her head to study him, and he suddenly feels like a specimen under a microscope. It's a strange but not entirely unpleasant sensation.
"What about you, Private Luz? How did you end up here?"
He shrugs - compared to her, he doesn't have any special knowledge to add to the war effort - just his body and a certain recklessness he hopes will translate into fearlessness, when the time calls for it.
"Like most of the men - Pearl Harbour was attacked, and I figured I better sign up to do something ." He grins, aware that he's making himself seem a little too selfless with that description. "Plus, the pay's double for a paratrooper."
She laughs again.
"So is the risk, I hear."
"Hopefully the glory as well."
It's a stupid thing to say - sure, he doesn't mind the attention his uniform gets him when they're out trying to impress women - even though he never takes it quite as far as some of the others, presenting sob stories of their impending heroic death in the pursuit of some female attention. But he probably should try and make himself look a little more upstanding in front of her, shouldn't he? Then again, he has a feeling she'd see right through any front he'd try to put up.
"You're the first ones to attempt dropping out of airplanes into occupied territory. I'm sure your place in history is secure."
He doesn't know what to say to that, but he doesn't have to come up with an answer: Behind them, Muck, Penkala and Malarkey are passing by on their way to the pub and calling out to him.
"Hey Luz, you about done bothering the lady?", Penk calls out, and George suppresses the urge to send him a rude gesture. He does have some manners.
"You're not bothering me," she says, a little hastily, and he swears he can see the faint hint of a blush on her cheeks. "But I don't want to keep you from your friends."
"Why don't you just come with us? Or join us later, if you still have work to do."
She looks at the truck beside her, grimacing.
"I do, unfortunately. Half of that truckload was supposed to go to Littlecote, but no one seems to be able to figure out which half. I'm afraid I'll be here a little while longer."
"That's a shame. Some other time then? You gotta meet the guys - we're both part of the same division after all."
"Sure, maybe some other day."
That doesn't sound very convincing, but George chooses to believe it's just because she's mentally preparing to go back to work, and not because she isn't all that keen on going to the pub with him.
"Well, if you ever find the time, look for us at The Crown. If you can't find me, just ask around for Easy Company, and the boys will take care of you."
"Easy Company, huh? I've heard of you."
"That's cause we're the best. Have been since Toccoa."
"Is that right," she teases.
"That's right," is his firm reply, followed by an equally firm "and we'll prove it just as soon as they finally drop us into Germany."
With that, he jogs off to catch up with Skip, Penk and Malarkey. When he turns around to look back at her, Phyllis's head is already bent over her clipboard again.
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tea-earl-grey · 5 months
there's something so dismal about how so much of tv fandom's energy nowadays seems to go towards trying to prove to big corporations that their show is good enough to save. like whenever a new episode or series comes out it's "remember to watch it all in 24 hours or it won't get renewed!" "play it on repeat for a month or else it'll become another piece of lost media!" "don't stop talking and posting about it during the hiatus or else this season that's already in production might not air!" "if this tag trends on twitter for long enough we might get eight episodes instead of six!!!" it feels less like we're enjoying a show that so many people worked hard on and more like we're trying to create rituals to please the gods (which replace gods with The Algorithm and you're not far off).
like i haven't even been involved in fandom for that long but even just seven or so years ago if a show did well enough that it was nominated for awards and trending on twitter and having well attended comic con panels then it would be renewed for at least a season or two. and back then being renewed for another season meant "we're for sure going to get a new season next year!" with almost no possibility of cancelation. and even shows that did just okay ratings wise would easily get 5+ seasons.
and it was more fun. when i was watching Doctor Who or Arrowverse or whatever in 2014 i could enjoy and critique the media itself instead of constantly being nervous about whether the next season will be cashed in for nostalgia bait or have its episode count cut or be postponed for three years or just outright canceled because it was slightly less popular than last year. like the fandom would still stress out over potential bad narrative choices or whatever but we would also get excited about the future.
maybe it's just my own perceptions but i just tend to find myself favoring fandoms for shows (or at least eras, i'm looking at you Doctor Who) that have been completed. i like Good Omens and Our Flag Means Death and Strange New Worlds and Percy Jackson and the Olympians and the latest Doctor Who era but i just find it hard to get invested when there's so much anxiety around if there will be a future to those shows and so much of the fandom activity revolves around that anxiety. and then as a result when the show does end for good (whether through cancelation or design) the fandom starts to fade away too because so much of it was based on the temptation of The Future.
and i'm also quick to admit that production in pre-streaming era shows had their own problems (once popular shows running for 15 seasons and jumping the shark just because it's a cash cow, tampered down diversity in the interest of "popular appeal", the whole quantity over quality issue, etc) but at least the fandoms were more optimistic and focused on the story itself instead of just being angry about the eternal potential of cancelation or outright deletion.
(also there are obviously much larger issues to the streaming model re: residuals and everything else brought up during the wga and sag strikes but that's all been said much more coherently so i'm just speaking from my own perspective as a fan. and even then there's still definite overlap between the fandom anxiety over renewal and the real world economic anxiety for people involved with production over "will we have a job/be paid". it's far too early to tell but i really hope the strikes will help to solve this problem.)
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last drawings of the year! ft gays doing makeup
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tinderbox210 · 1 year
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Title: Metanoia Fandom: The Guardians of the Galaxy Pairing: Nebula/Peter Quill Rating: T Chapters: One Shot Setting: post GOTG3
Summary: Peter's doing some soul-searching to find closure and gains some new perspectives…
Read on AO3
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breathinginsulfur · 11 days
New pinned post for the billionth time .
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name- Charlie
pronouns- he/him (i am transmasc)
i have BPD, ADHD, and Autism
I have a lot of interests and reblog a lot of them. Hopefully they don’t clash much.
Currently obsessed with: Slipknot and Korn
I also like: Helluva Boss (i am critical of vivzie), Pokemon, FNAF, Invader Zim, Scott Pilgrim, Resident Evil, MLP, and tons of more bands 💥
Yes. I used to be a MCYT blog, but i have left that fandom. No disrespect to people who still enjoy it
I make art! I appreciate all attention my art gets , please rb if you enjoy it! /nf
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For any current/former mutuals i used to be Sorry-Octopus (before that i was Twistedwingz)
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