#never get tired of drawing the evil stinky man
kerfufflearts · 24 days
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yamithediaperdork · 3 years
My little brothers revenge, Part 2
Alex woke up Sunday morning and rubbed his eyes, trying to get the sleep out of his eyes and hearing the heavy snoring of his asshole big brother.
'Man, can't believe I conked out so bad!' He thought, now rubbing his arm across his chin and mouth to take care of any left over drool. 'I guess I must of been more tired then I thought..Ugh.. and Justin's been stinking up the room again in his sleep.'
Alex put his fingers to his nose, glaring over at his brother who was a well know toxic hazard in his sleep and as such normally got his own tent when the family went out camping.
Tossing his blanket back Alex froze as the smell not only got worse in the room, but it became clear WHAT the source of the stink was as he looked down and the shot swelled diaper around his waist.
'No way..no.freaking.way!' Alex thought as he blushed beet red.
he quickly glanced over at Justin who was thankfully still asleep and then slowly got up onto his hand sand knees and crawled backwards to get out of his bed, trying not to squish the mess around any worse and fighting back whimpers that might of woken Justin up.
There was NO way if Justin saw him in a shitty diaper that he'd ever let Alex live it down, and he could easily picture Justin 'accidentally' bringing it up around his friends or even at school.
getting his feet on the floor Alex found himself forced to do a cowboy walk of sorts from the bulk of his filled diaper and as quietly as he could he made his way to the door and out into the hall, praying to every deity he could think of that he was the first one awake since it was only 8:34 am and mom and dad liked to sleep in on Sundays.
Fate was not on his side however as he made his way towards the bathroom and saw that the door was closed. before he could even think of turning around and waddling back to his room the door opened and out stepped mom.
She appeared to of smelled Alex before spotting him from the way her nose wrinkled, then she looked eyes on him and her mouth twitched as if she was fighting the urge to smirk.
"Did somebody have a stinky accident?" She asked, sounding amused but coming over.
"I..I didn't mean to.." Alex whimpered and looked down, all sorts of shame flooding though his body and he was fighting back tears.
Instantly she went from amused to trying to comfort him, even if she winced as she knelt down in front of him and cupping his chin.
"Alex it's ok, accidents happen. this this goes to prove that you're not feeling so well. Maybe I'll let you stay home while I go and get you some more diapers later." She said in a soothing voice.
"I..Yeah Ok mommy." Alex said, feeling very much like a big baby as she then picked him up, hands under his armpits and carried him to the bathroom.
"I think maybe it's for the best you're gonna be in diapers all day today too. you wouldn't wanna have a poopie accident in your Captain America briefs right?" She asked.
This was NOT helping Alex feel better but he just nodded his head, kicking his legs a little.
"Uh..Uh..Mommy? I-I can clean myself up." he said as she carried him into the bathroom and stood him in the tub.
"I'm sure you could, but it'll go faster with my help and I don't think you want Justin seeing you like this." She said with a warm smile.
"I-I guess you got a point." Alex whimpered.
Oh yeah, he was gonna get revenge on his brother and prove who was the big baby in the house alright. right after his mom changed his dirty diaper.
'God, what have I done to piss you off so much?' he silently asked as his mom started to open his diaper.
One humiliating clean up and shower later and Alex was in a clean diaper and downstairs at the kitchen table, having some toast and tea. Normally Sunday's were a sausage and bacon filled feast if you waited long enough for Mom to get up but she had been wary about putting too much into Alex's system and asked him to go simple. Alex wasn't happy about it, but since Mom had put the plastic bag with his stinky diaper in the trunk of the car and promised to get rid of it away from the house he decided to humor her.
He was in just one of his Spider-man diapers and a loose Iron man t-shirt and kicking his legs softly at the table when Justin came down stair's with a grossed out look on his face, spotting Alex before he saw mom.
"Geez Alexandra, did you crap yourself or something? Our room friggen reeks!" He complained and then fully walked into the Kitchen and saw their mother standing there, NOT looking happy.
"Excuse me, but I thought your father and I talked about you calling Alex that name." She said in a less then amused tone.
"Er..well..See, Alex likes the nick name! Yeahhh, He said it just didn't feel right if I wasn't teasing him." Justin lied, Looking to Alex for back up.
"Alex is that true?" Mom asked.
"Yeah, Not at all. I've told him to quit it." Alex said smirking big time.
"i see. Justin, How would you like it if I called Justine or Jessica all day?" Mom asked, smirking now.
"..I wouldn't like it very much." Justin muttered and looked down at the floor now.
"Mmmhmm..So keep that in mind next time you get the urge to brat..I can always go and get you a adorable pretty princess lunch box and put Justine on the front of it and make you take it to school. Your father isn't the only one who can get creative with punishments."
Threat made Anne turned back to the kitchen counter and started on making Justin some breakfast.
"Y-You wouldn't!" Justin whined.
"Wanna try me? I'm already going to the store in a bit for more diapers for Alex." She said and smirked. "As is, I think you can have a nice toast and tea breakfast like your little brother. He's not feeling so good so you'll be watching him today."
"Ahhh moooom, I was gonna go hang out with Grizz and Rayne today!" Justin whined."I'm Sure Alex is a big enough boy he can look after himself! Or Dad can watch him!"
"Your father is going and helping Mr.Nilson build his deck today, But if you stay here I'll lift the TV ban so you two can play video games. Co-op only, I don't wanna come back to you both all mad at each other like what happens every single time you play a versus game."
Her point made the brothers both sulked as neither really wanted to be stuck with the others company.
Justin huffed his way though breakfast. between having to have buttered toast and tea instead of a meat explosion and being stuck with Alex all day he knew this was gonna suck all the balls, at least till he recalled his evil plan from last night and brightened up.
'Wait, no mom..no dad..and just me and the pamper butt. Oh yes yes yes yes yes! this is gonna work out great!' Justin thought and got a big silly grin on his face.
"Well, Somebody's cheered up after his tea." Mom teased.
"Oh yeah, I just had to wake up some more you know? I think I can have LOTS of fun with Alex today mom, so don't worry if you wanna take a bit." Justin said then added. "I know you like to drive around and it'll be nice for you not to have dad bugging you to hurry up or listening to me and Alex fighting."
"Well that's nice of you, though Alex is on his last two clean diapers so I really should hurry back." Mom said, giving Justin a half hug.
"oh nonsense! Alex is just gonna wear the diapers, It's not like he needs them mom, Right little bro?" Justin asked and smirked.
With Justin was being happy and helpful alarm bells were going off in Alex's head but there was nothing he could really say in argument of mom coming back sooner without tipping off he'd pooped himself earlier or making it sound like he needed his day time huggies. It was a catch 22 and Justin's look told Alex he knew it.
"yeah mom, I'll be ok..I'm sure me and Justin will have lots of fun." Alex said, trying to sound cheery.
Aside from not wanting to sound like he needed his diapers, he knew if he tried to whine to go with her or have her come back fast he'd also sound like a whinny little mama's boy.
"Well ok, If you boys are sure. I'll be heading out in a bit then, why don't you two leave the dishes for me and go and play some video games. And since you're both being good little guys for mommy." Anne smirked as both boys made a face at that. "You can both have 3 cans of soda each. Just try and spread them out."
the ugh faces turned into surprised smiles as mom was usually a stickler on the boys sticking to juice or water and she was always careful to keep a count on the can's of pop in the fridge.
Finishing up their light breakfast, the boys put their dishes in the sink and washed up a little then each one grabbed a can of cola out of the fridge and got a Blanket set out over the floor, well Alex got the blanket over the floor while Justin made sure the curtains were drawn shut.
Naturally normally Justin would of loved to of had the curtains wide open to show off his BABY brother but with mom still home he had to play nice.
Sides he wanted to try and draw Alex into a sense of relaxation before springing his super genius evil plan on him.
Alex wasn't falling for it for a second but went and fired up one of their rare co-op two player games (Since Justin wasn't a fan of retro games) and the boy's started to play, pausing only to wave bye to mom as she headed out, telling them that she'd be back in a hour or so, and to make sure dad woke up soon as he'd promised to be over helping with the deck bright and early.
They played in peace for about half a hour, with only cries of booya, eat it and the like coming out of their mouths and Justin giving Alex tips and for the most part they actually got along for a change.
That being said, all good things have to end and Justin never put his plan out of his mind, so when it was time to go and wake they're dad up he volunteered to do it while Alex took a much needed potty break.
Stopping by their room to grab Alex's phone Justin made a quick little call.
"Ngggh.. Yello?" came the groggy voice of Max.
"Heyyy max. how's it going?" Justin asked, keeping his voice down.
"Ngggh..Justin? what are you doing calling me?" the sleepy boy asked.
"Well Alex is kinda been missing you, and I was trying to set up a little surprise for him but getting you to come over and hang out with him." Justin said, grinning ear to ear.
"...OK who are you and what have you done with Justin?" Max asked, sounding suspicious.
"Hey, I can be a nice guy every now and then. but if you don't wanna come over finnnne." Justin huffed, mentally cursing just how well Max knew him.
"...Give me like 20 minutes or so to wake up and get some food in me." Max sighed on his end of the line.
"Ok the front door will be unlocked so just come in." Justin said and hung up.
with operation:show my brother baby butt off underway, Justin went off to go and wake up dad.
With dad being his normal cheery morning self (read: grumpy as fuck) Alex did his best to stay out of his way while he made himself a bacon and egg sandwich then grabbed his tool box and was out the door.
"I wonder he even offered to help if he was just gonna be this grumpy?" Alex asked Justin.
"Because there's free beer involved after the deck is built and you know mom won't let him bring any booze into the house." Justin said, oddly keeping a eye on the time.
"heh, you missing mom already or something?" Alex teased.
"Oh no, Just arranged a little surprise for you." Justin said and smirked.
As he smirked Alex felt a pang of fear go though him, the old Justin was back and he went to scramble up to his feet to get get away.
"ah ah ah, come here huggie butt." Justin taunted and grabbed onto Alex, tugging him down and into Justin's lap, pressing on his tummy.
Which had the effect of making Alex let out a massive fart.
"Dude! really? what are you, part skunk?" Justin asked, shoving Alex back out of his lap.
"M-Maybe!" Alex said, his tummy gurgling now and as he went to get up he ended up hunching over, anther fart coming out of him.
"Heh, Uh-oh, is widdle Alex gonna go poopie in his diapies?" Justin asked, smirking and getting up to block the path to the bathroom.
"J-Justin Nooo! I don't wanna poop my diapers again!" Alex whimper, hunched over and making his way over, yet anther fart coming out and that one was totally a wet one.
"Wait..ANTHER poopie diaper?" Justin asked, then it clicked. "Oh my god, you shit yourself in your sleep! Ahahaha! You really ARE a baby!"
"J-Justin Please! I'm begging you! Let me use the pot-" Alex started but then there was the sound of the front door opening and Alex was cut off by Max's voice.
"Allo allo! whats going..uh..on.." Max said, walking into view and looking at Alex in shock. "Uhhh.."
"M-Max!?! what are you doing here?!? I Uh..Oh god, Max don't loook!" Alex wailed.
Max was too shocked to look away though as Alex lost the battle with his bowels and the back of his diaper ballooned out as wave as wave of mush filled it, making the spider-man designs fade away and the formally white parts of the diaper go a ugly shade of brown.
With the back of the diaper being destroyed the front didn't get off easy either as Alex's bladder apparently didn't wanna be left out and he soaked the diaper even as he sank to his knees.
Balls up fists coming to his eyes and rubbing them as he started to bawl, Alex almost but not quite drowned out Max's million dollar question.
"Uhhh..what's going on here?"
The living room was filled with Alex's stink, but it was the smell of victory to Justin as he took in the scene with a sick joy. Alex was too busy bawling like the big baby he was to try and defend himself so Justin spoke up.
"Sorry about this Max, I tried to get baby Alex to cover up his diapers but he said he wanted you to see what a big baby he is an-" Justin started, but was cut off.
"Yeah, Bullshit. What's really going on here, Alex, did Justin make you wear a diaper?" Max asked, wincing as he moved over to comfort his friend.
'damn it! was hoping he'd fall for that. ah well, can't win'em all.' Justin thought.
Alex was still full on bawling though, and was just finishing up his dump and the diaper had amazingly held up.
"Alex..Alex buddy it's ok.. everyone has accidents." Max was saying and Justin rolled his eyes at that.
'just my luck, most boys his age would of started tormenting the fuck out of a pamper packer and I get the kind and understanding one.' Justin fumed.
"He's in all day diapers today because he went to sleep without putting one of his bed wetter pants on yesterday and wet the bed." Justin sighed. "And apparently if he's to believed he woke up stinky too."
"...Alex is this true?" Max asked.
Alex hiccuped and sniffled, calming down slightly now but he nodded.
"So..you knew his diapers were gonna be on display and invited me over..dude, your a asshole." Max said and glared at Justin.
"eh, Guilty as charged. but if you care soooo much about widdle Alex then you can get him cleaned up. Otherwise I'm gonna leave him to sit and stink." Justin said and shrugged, turning to leave.
"Sheesh.. brother of the year aren't you.. Where's his diapers?" Max asked helping Alex stand up and rubbing the poor guys back.
"In our room, I'll toss out what's left of them." Justin said then walked off leaving the stinky diaper boy and his little buddy to clean up.
For the second time this morning, Alex found himself doing a dirty diaper cowboy walk and heading for the bathroom, whimpering and saying sorry to Max over and over again.
"Hey, it's OK dude.. I should of known your brother was planning something when he invited me over. But Uh, I've known about your bed wetting for awhile." Max said, giving a sheepish grin.
"N-No you didn't, I'm super careful!" Alex whimpered.
they made it to the bathroom and Max had Alex stand with his legs spread and the trash bin in the bathroom under him as he undid the tapes and let the diaper plop down into the trashcan.
"yeahhh well about that.. you remember three weeks ago when we were playing Avengers in your room? you pack of Iron man diapers was sticking out from under your bed. When you weren't looking i pushed them back under with my foot." Max admitted, even as his face wrinkled in disgust.
"I..but..Noooo!" Alex whined babyishly.
Somehow this didn't change facts though.
"Look, we'll talk about it in a bit, you go and get in the shower, I'll go and get rid of the 'treasure'" Max said.
With no real choice in the matter, Alex nodded and made his way into the shower to go and get cleaned up.
'Pretty sad my best friend is more mature about this then my own brother..and Justin..your gonna pay!' Alex swore as he started the water.
After taking the plastic bag and putting it in the trash can outside, Max came back in and after opening some windows to air out the living room he made his way upstairs.Hearing the shower still running and found a pack of diaper with only two in it out front of the bathroom door.
the door to Justin and Alex's room was closed but since it didn't have a lock Max barged in anyways, finding Justin laying on his bed and reading a comic book.
"Can i help you?" Justin asked, a smirk on his face.
"That was a really shitty thing you just did to Alex, you know that right?" Max asked, hands on his hips.
"Cute choice of words there, and yeah, I'm a asshole and proud of it." Justin said.
"Yeah, well I'm gonna tell your parents what you did when they get back." Max shot back.
"Oh, cute idea. Let's tell them how Alex went and crapped his diapers when he has potty privileges and make it so he has to wear to school tomorrow. Of course I'll get grounded for inviting you over and showing off his diapers but who's really gonna come out on the short end of the deal here?" Justin asked.
Max blinked and tried to come up for a counter to that but just huffed and pouted.
"That's what I thought. If Mom asks when she gets back, Alex invited you over. I'll keep hush about the poopie diaper if you two little dweebs keep me out of trouble, deal?" Justin asked, going back to his comic book, clearly knowing he had the upper hand.
"..God your SUCH a asshole!" Max huffed and then stormed out.
Alex got out of the shower on his own and got himself diapered, then went and got a t-shirt (Hulk this time for the little avengers obsessed nerd) and a pair of black short's on over it before retreating down to the living room with Max, whining as Max told him about the deal Justin had offered.
"I don't know..he was suppose to shut up about the wet bed yesterday too and went back on it..and uh.. where did you put the..you know.." Alex asked huffing and squirming.
"Uh, out in the trash can on the side of the house. why?" Max asked.
"Because it's gonna be stinking up the block in no time and I'll get busted again for sure!" Alex whined.
"Well uh.. It's not like we can just go and ditch it in someone else's trash can you know." Max pointed out, rubbing the back of his head.
"Hmmm.." Alex said, rubbing his chin thoughtfully then snapped his fingers. "Hey! you know that old nature trail by here? the one that's hardly used anymore?"
"..Yesssss though I don't think I like where this is going." Max said.
"We'll take the stinky diaper and shovel out there, and bury it! by the time the trails popular again in the summer, no one will be able to smell it!" Alex said, beaming at his brilliant idea.
So excited with his 'brilliant plan' was he, that Alex actually started out of the room to head for the back yard to go and get the shovel.
"Alex, one second. You mighttttt wanna change into something baggier and with longer legs on it, those short's aren't really hiding your diaper butt." Max said with a small smirk.
Looking down and then looking at himself in a mirror Alex could see Max was right and gave a sheepish smile.
"Oh..yeah.. good call!" He said and then went to his dresser to find something a little more concealing.
Justin had of course by this time headed down stairs, not wanting to deal with Alex's 'toddler whining' ad he put it, and was playing a video game and drinking one of Alex's can's of soda since he had gone though his three.
Looking over as the pair went to go and get their shoes on he raised a eyebrow.
"And where are you two dweebs heading off too?" He asked then chuckled. "Awww, Is Max taking widdle Alex to da park ta pway?"
Alex growled but before he could speak up Max cut him off.
"Actually we're just gonna go and play on the old trail, go and dig some holes and the like. I figured that way if Alex has anther accident you won't have to smell it right away."
"Pffftt good thinking! did you pack a diaper bag for him then, hence the book bag?" Justin chuckled.
of course he couldn't of known that the pack pack was for holding the stinky diaper once they got it out of the trash, though he really didn't care anyways.
Alex meanwhile was blushing big time and huffing like a pouty toddler.
"Ayup, though hopefully it'll just be a wet diaper." Max said.
"pffft, ok. just be back soonish, Mom will wanna know where you are." Justin said and went back to his game.
Once they were outside Alex gave max a semi hard punch to the arm.
"what the heck was that all about! you sounded like you were on his side!" Alex huffed and glared.
"Uh, OW! and we didn't want him to know what we're really doing did we?" Max asked and then swatted Alex's padded backside, making a whumping sound.
"...You didn't have to be so believable." Alex huffed.
"oh I'm sorry, did you want him following us? knowing him he'd of tugged your pants off once you were on the trail and tossed them in a tree!" Max shot back.
the thought of being trapped in public with his diaper exposed made Alex blush and squirm, and let out a muffled fart of fear.
"Ah.. do you need, to go back inside and sit on the potty?" Max asked.
"NO!" Alex growled, then paused, and looked thoughtful and wiggled his butt a little, making Max have to bite his lip to keep from laughing.
"Yeah no, I'm good." Alex confirmed a few seconds later.
The adventure out to bury the treasure so to speak was uneventful, much as Alex had predicted the trail was dead this time of the year and the only hard part was digging into the semi solid earth, the shovel being almost too big for the either shorty to really use it so they had to take turns.
Coming back they were greeted in the driveway by Anne who was less then pleased to see Alex not only outside when she was still concerned he was sick, but that he was all dirty from playing in the dirt.
At least it worked out that she'd been home for about five minutes by that time so she'd already taken his new pack of diapers (Avengers print this time) to his room but still she gave Alex a mild scolding and sent Max home.
After that it was a day of just lazing around the house but Anne had also insisted on keeping a close eye on Alex so he hadn't been able to get enough alone time to e-mail Ben.
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imnotcameraready · 5 years
chivalry is dead (epilogue 2)
A/N: wowee it’s been a long long long week. i just started my new job OFFICIALLY today! so yeehaw to that! its been a lot of working and running around but between everything i managed to not only crank this shorty out, but also get a headstart on epilogue 3. which is. gonna be long.,..the outline i write for myself pre-chapter writing is already longer than this chapter laksdghaslfk
WARNINGS: Remus is in it lol, a pillow fight, scars, mentions of weaponry, mentions of fights, argument mentions — hopefully this covers it! let me know if i missed anything!
Words: 2428
AO3 link!
MASTERPOST <-- here’s your one stop shop for all the other chapters and the long term warnings!!
enjoy! love you !!
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Roman closed the door carefully behind himself, letting out an exhale. He then rested his forehead on the door, smiling a soft and true smile to himself. 
It’d been a week since his little incident, and he had never felt so loved. Patton and him had cooked dinner, dancing around each other, and heck, they’d gotten Logan to sing when they revealed it was breakfast for dinner. Who knew the man could drop bars for Crofters? Well, they all knew, but he’d let Virgil tape it for future reference. Deceit had even helped do the dishes with Virgil afterward, leaning against each other in a way that — Logan posited the theory, but Roman was inclined to agree — was all too familiar to be a new thing.
All in all. It was fairly good. He was healing. He hadn’t changed his countenance around the others since his return, despite the gnawing desire to throw on a fresh layer of skin and his uniform every day. Sometimes, like today, he wore other kinds of fancy clothing. Playwright did have one thing on the money: vests looked so cute. 
God, he was excited to lay down in bed. Hopefully continue to iron out his thoughts. They had a script, too, that had to be edited. He and Logan had to do that tomorrow.
“Oh, good, you’re back,” he turned around, hand flying to his sword on instinct, but the sound of compressed air being released eased his worries. 
There were few constants in his room. He liked having a bed. His desk always remained the same, cluttered with papers and make-up products. Usually there was a window, so he could look out at some kind of view, and there were fairy lights, and a vanity mirror. 
One such constant was the bookshelf. They’d made it soon after the first Split, a secret doorway between the two sides of the Mindscape, because they’d promised to be friends forever. That promise was usually under strain. They were at each other’s throats so often that it was easy to forget that they were also friends. And, at times when Remus’ morningstar was pressed against his chest, Roman’s sword drawing a thin line against his throat, it was easy to forget. So easy. 
Still. They didn’t think anyone would approve of their promise, not after Creativity was split, regardless of why. The bookshelf would open if Roman pulled “The Prince and The Duke,” a fake novel for a fake door. The same thing would happen if, on the other side, Remus tugged the handle of the sword on his weapons wall. “As if I’d ever use something so boring,” Remus had joked when they made it. 
There were times when they wouldn’t open the door for a day. Sometimes it wouldn’t open for weeks. Months. Years, for a small time. But they couldn’t disconnect the Imagination, would accidentally run into each other, would accidentally apologize. Would be friends again. 
They’d been arguing, before the incident. Roman had been angry with how Remus made himself known in the last episode. He’d agreed to it once everyone else expressed that they thought it would match Remus’ characterization, would be comedic, would assert his villain-self, but Roman of course never agreed with it internally. 
Remus had given him his space. And then had accidentally ended up trapped in the Imagination. That’d never happened before, so he sought out Roman, and, well. Found the Damsel instead. 
Roman wondered if it was jarring. If Remus was angry with him. The Dragon and the Damsel were incredibly volatile and aggressive, even with him. The Dragon had said some things. Not all of them were things Roman agreed with, would have voiced had he been given the option, but they were all things he’d thought before. That he was objectively better. That Remus was cast out for a reason. Things Roman had definitely thought, but would die before voicing. Hopefully getting to physically kick the shit out of the Dragon helped Remus let off some steam.
“You’re quite put together, brother,” Remus drawled from the now-open doorway, “Do you have gel in your hair?”
Roman lowered his hand from his sword. There wasn’t any anger in his voice, but Remus was good at being unpredictable, even offstage. “I took everyone to see my library,” he spun around, then began unhooking his sheath belt from his side, “I thought it was a momentous occasion.”
Remus was still in his pajamas, an oversized sweater and some short-shorts, lazily eating some whipped cream straight from the canister. Roman watched as he lifted the container to his mouth and absolutely filled it with whipped cream, smacking on it happily. Then he held out the can to Roman. 
Okay, so he wasn’t mad. That was nice. Roman’s shoulders finally loosened, and he nodded. Remus tossed the can across the room, which Roman caught and consumed easily, spraying his own mouth full of the air-liquid-solid sugary goodness. He could almost hear Logan telling him off for the unhealthy decisions but, well, c’est la vie and it tasted good.
He tossed the canister back and began taking off his vest as Remus entered the room, stealing a quick glance out the window as he did. 
It seemed Roman was tired of the kingdom, because before them was a sprawling city, something out of a comic book. His room looked like it was the penthouse apartment of some building, looming over the other towers, cars honking and lights flashing below. It was night, and this was the night life of his city. 
Remus was kinda fond of the city. Whether they were just people, or superhero and archnemesis, or unlikely companions on a mission, it was always so interesting. Yes, companions. You can’t expect Remus to always want to play the villain, despite it being his favorite role. And, similarly, when they were an evil duo….those were especially fun times, indeed. 
He liked working together. Roman was a dumb bitch a lot of the time, yeah, he was soft and a people pleaser and was so full of himself that there wasn’t any room for anything else. But brothers were brothers, and he did love his brother. The other Sides got to love him, too, in a much different way. Remus wouldn’t hesitate to decapitate any of them if they were mean to Roman. 
Oop! But for now! 
He threw himself onto Roman’s bed, rolling around on top of it to get the blankets stinky, and then propped himself up on his elbows. Roman, now just wearing just his black slacks, shot him a look of disgust. 
Meanwhile, Remus was just looking at Roman’s scars. He usually hid them; they were always striking. Remus had even given him a few! Like that one, on his shoulder — and that one, on the back of his neck — and that one, on his spine — “Do you mind,” Roman asked, raising an eyebrow at him while toying with the white dress shirt in his hand.
“Since when does your Highness physically do anything?” Remus joked, kicking a leg up in a pose. “You can just conjure on new clothes.”
“I’m going to physically throw you off of my bed if you keep messing it around,” Roman shot back, tossing his shirt at Remus. 
He failed to catch the shirt and it smacked straight into his face, and thus Remus’ only viable answer, as a sibling and as a chaos gremlin, was to spray whipped cream into his brother’s bed. Retribution! The shirt covered his face, though, so he just laid down and made snow-angels. Except, you know. On Roman’s bed. Which was now covered in whipped cream.
“I’m just freshening it up for you!” Remus laughed, “I want all the best for my baby, baby brother!”
He heard Roman scoff, then make an incredibly offended noise. He probably finally noticed the disaster state that his bed was in. 
“I’m older. And done,” Roman said, tone as defeated as they come.
“But you’re still a baby,” Remus responded as he rolled over, taking Roman’s shirt off of his face and throwing it back at his pajama-ed princely brother. Roman, now wearing pajama pants, grabbed the shirt and tossed it into his laundry hamper, where it promptly vanished. Why wash clothing when you can think up new ones? I mean, Patton enjoyed the concept of domestic activities, Logan enjoyed order, but Roman didn’t care much for doing chores.
Roman looked back at his mess of a bed as Remus hopped off of it, waving his hand to clean it. The whipped cream vanished, the blanket tucked itself once more, and the smell of roses wafted off of it.
“And you’re still a nuisance,” Roman found himself saying.
There was a pause. 
Roman looked up. Why the fuck did he say that? He looked at Remus, who was halfway through the doorway. Putting away the whipped cream maybe? 
Leaving now? He was frozen. Remus wasn’t moving, and Roman didn’t blame him. His throat felt like it was closing. He hadn’t meant to say that. Well, he had, but he hadn’t mean to be so mean. 
He was always so mean! Always pushing the others away!
“I’m sorry, Remus,” Roman stepped closer, he didn’t want to keep pushing people away, he COULDN’T, “You’re not a nuisance. I...I’m sorry, I said a lot of things—”
Roman recoiled, flinching as Remus set the canister down in his room and turned around on the ball of his foot. His face was flat, lacking in expression, hands loose at his sides. It was always weird to see Remus without any exuberance. 
It was weird, until Remus smiled. A small, kind smile. One of those smiles that only Roman and, on some occasions, Deceit was privy to. He held open his arms and Roman, well. He wasn’t one to deny a hug. 
Remus’ hands curled around his shoulders, squeezing the living daylights out of him, while Roman just held him as tenderly as he could against himself. “I know what having no filter’s like,” Remus said, voice quiet and leading into a small, confessional giggle, “And I can’t say I haven’t thought equally devious thoughts about you, Prince Perfect.”
“That’s weirdly promising,” Roman murmured. His hand squeezed Remus’ shoulder, and he pressed his nose into his brother’s collar.
Figuratively, he did feel a weight leave his shoulders. He didn’t want to make an enemy out of his brother, no matter what the world expected of them. No matter what he wanted in the flash anger of a moment
“It is, isn’t it!” Remus squeezed him tight once more, then let go of him, grinning ear to ear as though he was proud, “I was a li~ittle offended at first but, well. It’s hard to offend me for long.”
Well, he wasn’t wrong about that one. Roman was often the one to instigate their arguments. Mostly out of offense.
He smirked, though the happiness, comfort in his eyes made it clear to Remus that he 
“.....Thanks, Remus.”
“My pleasure, Prince Pea-brain,” then Remus giggled, and followed his statement with an elaboration, “Pee, you know, like pea but also like pee, like piss.”
“I see,” Roman leaned out of the hug, a small, happy smile on his lips. Sure, yeah, that was a disgusting image. He didn’t need to see it in his mind’s eye. But! He didn’t want to upset his brother! 
Remus straightened up, then conjured a hot dog. He grinned cookedly and asked, “Gee, Roman, how come Thomas lets you have FOUR boyfriends?”
Roman laughed, moving back toward the bed, expecting Remus to leave almost. They were done, right? Remus didn’t have to stick around. Roman had no expectations. “Because I’m the hot twin,” he said with a smirk.
“Hot as a hot dog on the sidewalk pavement,” the hotdog in Remus’ hand turned into a pillow, which he used to smack Roman in the face with. “Covered in spilt popsicle and snow and pee, Prince Pee-brain.”
Roman spluttered, arms immediately shooting to protect his face, despite the pillow being a lot softer than a morning star. Still, he laughed. 
At least it was a pillow!
“Holy fuck, ew,” Roman grabbed himself a pillow off of his bed and smacked Remus in the side with it.
Remus just laughed. These arguments were fun. The ones with no stakes other than making the other think something ridiculously outlandish. 
It was good to have his brother back. Remus was certain Roman knew by now that he was happy to see him, he was so relieved that he was okay. Of course, he’d rather have his tongue cut out and grilled and served as BBQ before inflating Roman’s ego anymore, but, then again….he was glad that his concern was over Roman having too much of an ego than none at all.
“I’m right and you know it,” he retorted, smacking Roman once more in the head with his pillow before tossing it back onto the bed and hopping away toward the window.
Roman recoiled, making an exaggeratedly disgusted expression. He swung at Remus as he fled, but found him out of reach. At that, he “Am I allowed to hate that visual? Because I do.”
“Love you, too, Abel,” Remus stuck his tongue out at Roman, who smacked him with the pillow once more before tossing it back onto his bed.
Then, he fell against the cushions. It had been a week, yes, but everything was still sore. And Remus was just going to keep jumping around. Might as well verbally fence with him from laying down. 
“I am a sacrificial lamb,” Roman’s voice took on a deadpan tone, “And God is my brother with a morning star.”
They both laughed at that one, airing out the last threads of the already. loosely-wound argumentative knot. Remus fell back against Roman’s bed with him, heads only lightly resting against each other, while Roman reached up. The ceiling opened up at his command, the Imagination swirling above them like a cyclonic galaxy, stars glittering on the black backdrop of nothingness and space. It was all theirs. Their kingdom, built separately yet together.
Roman exhaled. It was all so….pleasant. “Thank you, Remus,” he murmured. “For believing in me.”
Remus knocked his head against Roman’s, earning a small chuckle. “I always have.”
He paused for a second, turning back up to the ceiling, then added. “We’re the king, after all.”
“That we are,” Roman said, “That we are.”
General: @jemthebookworm​ @okay-finne​
chivalry is dead: @starlightvirgil​ @forrestwyrm​ @daflangstlairde​ @marshmallow-the-panda​ @askthesnake​ @k9cat​ @patromlogil​ @theobsessor1​ @ninja-wizard101​ @fandomsofrandom​ @sos-fandoms​ @gattonero17​ @thiaholimon​ @psychixx​
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