#noodle shop ghost
revlischarm · 1 year
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The other various outfits of Morro in Noodle Shop Ghost. Took me ages to finish this, but I’m happy with how it turned out!!
More info on the specific outfit details under the cut!
- This outfit is Morro’s pajamas from the start of the series to current.
- The moons are both to represent y’know, nighttime, but also as a way of foreshadowing the Macaque connection in the later seasons.
- Morro let’s their hair down when they sleep
- The shirt text says “Great Sage Equal to Heaven” I think I hope I’m not fluent in other languages so I really pray that I got that correct. The shirt references Morro’s love of JTTW, and the character of Wukong within the book
- Morro uses face masks when he sleeps. Hey, if they have to have skin again, they wanna take care of it. Ish.
Work Uniform
- The outfit changes between seasons since Morro gets new looks, but the constants of it are the jacket and the gloves.
- Morro swaps out the hand wraps because he feels more sanitary wearing gloves. And because I feel like it would make people unsure about him handling food.
- Occasionally Morro will throw on other pants? But idk I wasn’t sure what to go with so I just did their final design clothing.
“Take Responsibility” episode
- Finally have a name for that fan episode I mentioned where Morro has a crisis!! Takes place in season 1. Thank you @randomcrapstories !!!!
- The only thing that’s different about the outfit here is the addition of the jacket, which I still haven’t decided if I want it to be a gift from MK and Mei, or Morro just straight up stole it. Still, it shows us the base design for the jacket as it appears later in the series!!
Theatre Outfit
- During the in-between point of season 3 and 4, Morro actually starts helping out Macaque with his theatre! Morro’s a stagehand; they do a lot of the special effects and such.
- This outfit is mainly just me putting Morro in cool looking clothes hehe
- It’s identical to Mac’s outfit in most ways! I changed the shoes tho, and the colors. And the patterns on the robe and sleeves are different too!
- Eyeliner because it’s fancy
Shadow Travel
- I’ve mentioned before how Morro is learning shadow magic from Macaque; the basics that Morro knows are kinda just like. Being able to hide inside of shadows, manipulating them on walls and stuff, and also those shadow portals.
- Macaque has a shadow form, and so does Morro. But this isn’t a clone form or anything, that will be its own design. This is just for like…idk. Shrouded in shadows and whatnot.
- I highlighted the two most important features of Morro in this au: the eyelashes and the scar. The scar is its own important thing; the eyelashes are just a style choice on my end.
Season 3 Lantern City Outfit
- This outfit is for that episode in season 3 with the third ring!!
- The jacket makes an appearance once again! Except now Morro has personalized it much more. Patches and pins and stuff.
- The gloves Morro has on were made by Sandy; Sandy didn’t want Morro to get cold lol.
- And ofc Morro’s markings on full display since they weren’t able to cover them in season 3
Uhhh I think that’s everything. I’m gonna do another one of these for Morro’s scrapped/bonus designs at some point too. So look forward to that!
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seaghosst · 10 months
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i’m so normal abt @revlischarm ‘s noodle shop ghost au .
if you like morro check out this au it’s so cool and i love the designs and story for it sm!:!!:
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reverse-t1me · 6 months
@revlischarm here us the art posted separately
The main sketches:
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Close ups:
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A digital rendition of NSG!Morro with LBD's chains:
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"Tug of war,
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randomcrapstories · 1 year
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eirzera-blog · 6 months
Lloyds Conflict
I been having this major hyper-fixation with this AU and I finally drew something off of it. The AU is called Noodle Ghost Shop. I recommend checking it out! The AU is basically Morro being sent to the Monkie Kid Universe, and about a couple months ago @revlischarm the creator of the AU said that one of their ideas is the Monkie Kid gang meets the Ninja through Morros scroll. This gave me an idea, what if instead of fighting or being trapped in a memory. Morro is sent through trials based on each person he affected. One of those trials would be getting Lloyd to forgive him.
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Should Lloyd let go and move on? Or forever hold a grudge?
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llimazy · 6 months
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I saw your au and was like must make art, and then put it on the backburner. AND THEN I see your au again after MONTHS, and I finished the art piece lol. Here ya go!
(PS. Sorry if it don't look like your morro that much XD)
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dontlookforme00 · 9 months
Notes app doodles I can't believe I haven't posted before
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lucysparks2468 · 8 months
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Not my best work, I was trying out a new art style 😅
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ninjago-x-lmk · 1 year
Can I interest you in…my LMK morro au? Aka Noodle Shop Ghost
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starblazerrules · 4 months
@Revlischarm I have a fanfic for you~!
I hope I did the AU justice!
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introverted-ghost · 2 years
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(Click for full images)
Absolutely love @revlischarm’s noodle shop ghost au and i made some random shit for it :)
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revlischarm · 5 months
Before the year ends. Have a bunch of stupid wips and doodles from 2023.
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Yeah most of them are Noodle Shop Ghost, leave me alone
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seaghosst · 10 months
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doodle caude i rhink their meeting will be funny
(au by @revlischarm !!)
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reverse-t1me · 6 months
Some more sketches of your Noodle shop ghost AU!
This time of the time during LBD fight:
The sketch:
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The digital version:
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(Edit: I forgot Morro's bandages, and I highlighted the broom)
I'll likely add text later, but thoughts?
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randomcrapstories · 11 months
To anyone who doesn't know, my works are unfortunately locked to user-only on ao3 to try and avoid scraping bots. If you cannot find How Did We Get Here?, you may not be signed in or have an account. I'm sorry that I have to restrict my works like this.
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shhhhimwatchingthis · 1 month
Dead Boy Detectives has everything:
Co Dependent queer platonic tough to define Best Freinds who would and have gone to hell for each other. they have an office with a cupboard full of board games, and a long history of Noodle Incident cases of '04, and also a bunch of maneuvers with code names. They are also ghosts who solve mysteries for other ghosts.
One is a sassy well read diva in a stupid little bowtie. he keeps meticulous notes, and went to hell on a technicality. he has no rizz and has a sexual awakening at the hands (paws?) of a supernatural Cat King
the other is a cheerful happy bruiser, the brawn with a pocket demension only he can navigate in his backpack, a magic cricket bat, and wells of anger deep down
they team up with a cool psychic (whos also a pretty tree) dealing with her asshole abusive boyfriend who was literally a demon while also trying to restore her memories (she also has a hilarious hate off off with the nerdy one)
then they add a sweet shut in who isn't very brave but is very inquisitive and has excellent reading comprehension and is actually the most brave
and their landlady is a hot goth Sapphic butcher who is done with their shit (but not really)
and the main antagonist is a cunt serving witch with an iron cane chewing up the scenery, just camp queen obsessed with Beauty and Revenge as she should be
she turns her crow familiar into an astrology loving twink to honeypot the nerdy one but the crow catches feelings whoops
the cat king who deserves his own mention again. he's here to seduce a stuffy British detective/tease, cause problems on purpose, reluctantly help solve those problems and mostly slut it up.
a bureaucrat learns to VERY reluctantly embrace the beautiful power of friendship after being swallowed by a fish
its set in a gorgeous seaside town with a light house! and a malt shop!
because this is all A Scooby Doo homage!
It's an episodic Case Of The Episode format! with strong serialized elements!
and as if that wasn't enough there's even Death of The Endless.
what more could any person possibly want in a show.
oh and there's a lot of really interesting themes around internalized homophpbia, abusive relationships and trauma and toxic anger and learning to love and trust and help other people again in spite of and because of the bad parts.
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