#nope layin down
bones4thecats · 6 months
Which ror characters do you think would have this dynamic:
*reader being drunk as hell* *character trying to get her up to help her make it to bed* reader:"get the hell away from me i have a partner."
Character:...i AM your partner
Reader,smiling dumbly: "hi luv"
(if it's too bothersome feel free to skip)
A/N: OMG, this was so much fun to write for!! I love this dynamic in couples, my friend actually has this dynamic and I tease her for it all the time! This is the Gods edition, I’ll make a Humans one later. Anyways, enjoy~~
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💀 He may seem like he wants a regal and mature S/O, but let's be honest, he needs a chaotic one to balance him out
💀 So when you got drunk, holy hell, it was funnier than shit
💀 Hades came home and walked through the bedroom doors and saw as you laid on your back, allowing your top half to dangle off the edge and your bottom to hang on the bed top
💀 He chuckled and asked what you were doing in which you replied with;
“ Layin’ down. “
💀 You were slurring as you spoke, and with that, your body language, and the empty wine bottle that laid on the bedside table top led him to realize, you were drunk
💀 He bent his knees and began to lift you up before coaxing you into bed, and when he was about to lay beside you, you pushed him back up, and said;
“ Get the Helheim away from me, I have a husband. “
💀 Hades started to cry from holding back his laughter, answering with;
“ My Queen, I am your husband. “ “ Hi love. “
💀 He was not letting you gain access to his wine anytime soon
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💪 Like Hades, he seems like he wants a fairly mature S/O, but he does enjoy the amounts of randomness and seeming chaos you bring everywhere you turn
💪 He had been training with Ares’ army, since the God was busy with other work, and all he wanted was to lay down and take a well-deserved sleep with you by his side
💪 Heracles expected you to be sitting on the couch waiting for him, but seeing you sprawled out, snoring with an empty beer bottle on the ground, he chuckled, picked you up and laid you on the bed while he took a quick shower
💪 He knew you hated him laying in bed all sweaty and sticky
💪 When he finished his shower and got ready to lay down with you, you laid a hand on his chest while gently, yet firmly, pushing him away
“ Don’t come near me, I have a husband, and he would kick your butt for touching me. “
💪 He wanted to laugh so badly, and unlike Hades, he did, though he kept it at a low volume
“ Sweetheart, I am your husband. “ “ Hi love. “
💪 Seeing you smile made him chuckle, and lay down next to you as you relaxed
💪 He’s have to tell the others not to give you any alcohol anytime soon
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🌩️ He adores the chaos you bring around most of the time, but he doesn’t like it if it gets to be super extreme, so if Loki is involved, nope
🌩️ Thor and you seem to balance each other out well, he’s calm and quiet while you’re loud and oblivious
🌩️ He has seen your drunk before, but that time you just passed out after hugging him and making him carry you home from the meeting
🌩️ But he had never seen you this drunk
🌩️ Thor came home from his training and noticed a broken bottle on the ground with slight blood, and it made him ready himself, preparing to see something horrid
🌩️ He strode deeper inside your living room and saw you laying on the ground with a blanket lazily draped over your midsection, halfway off and halfway on
🌩️ Slight blood was dripping onto the ground and blanket from your hand, you must have dropped the bottle and tried cleaning it up
🌩️ Thor picked you up and laid you on the bed and motioned for the maids to clean the mess up while he took you to bed
🌩 Once he laid you down and tried to clean up your hard injury, you woke up and pushed him away from you with a pout
“ Get away from me… I have a husband, thank you. “ “ My bolt, I am your husband… ” “ Hi love… ”
🌩️ Sigh, this is why he doesn’t let Loki and you hang out
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📨 He didn’t keep that much alcohol inside the house, knowing you’d do something stupid with it
📨 The only stuff he kept was things like wines given to him on his birthdays and whatnot, but he made sure to keep it hidden very well from you
📨 When Hermes came home early that day, he had decided to break open a bottle of red wine with you, but when he went to go grab some, it was gone, and he froze
📨 Hearing stumbling come through the house made him grab a pair of scissors just in case and walk towards it, carefully not making much noise
📨 Hermes looked inside your room and saw you with a bottle in your hands, it was nearly fully empty, and by the way three more rested besides you, you were drunk off your ass
📨 He just chuckled at both your actions and his own
“ My dear, are you alright? “
📨 He grabbed the bottle and kneeled down to kiss your forehead before you stood up and caused him to headbutt you on accident, thankfully, you didn’t seem to feel it
“ I have a husband, and he can run circles around you, now, leave! “ “ Dear, I am your husband, but I thank you for the compliment. “ “ Hi love. “
📨 It took a while, but when he finally got you to sleep it was fun, especially when you woke up and remembered what you did, he was gonna use that against you for a while
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jackmanbj · 8 months
well taken care of
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summery: jack always make sure you’re good before leaving you by yourself.
it was 10 in the morning, you had just got done making breakfast and you honestly were ready to lay back down.
jack had a few interviews to do so you woke you early to make sure he had some food before he left.
jack walked in the kitchen and started walking over to you while you where flipping pancakes.
“hi baby..” jack voice was raspy and soft being as though he just woke up.
“hi baby boy, go sit while i make the food mmh?” “i want to help baby” “j.. when i wasn’t home you put noodles in the microwave with no water..” “that was old!” “baby it was 3 days ago..” “thats old!” “ok baby, just get the drinks for me, you can handle that?” “of course, but you know what you can’t handle?” “what j?” “this dick” “jackman go get the drinks!” “fine”
jack walked out of your way and got the drinks before placing them on the island and going back to rub your thighs and kiss on your neck.
“mm j.. not right now” jack ignore you and kept kissing on you
“baby..” you dropped the spatula and turned around to face your tall blue eyes husband.
“jack baby” you started rubbing up and down his biceps “as much as i want to, you leave in about 3 hours jack” “but-“ “aht! nope! when you get back promise” “fine” “go sit foods almost done” “ok”
jack went to sit down looking at you ass while you turned back around and finished cooking.
“here baby, ill be back im going get your outfit together” “eat with me” “i already ate, im not hungry” “sure?” “yes im sure j, eat ill be back” “mk”
you went to the bedroom and picked out a suit for jack and laid it out on the bed before laying back down to go back to sleep.
“hey mamas why you layin’ back down?” “m tired” “ok well come on lemme get you ina bath first and your gonna drank some water before i leave and you can go to bed mmh?” “jack i can do all that later” “yeah your right..”
jack lift you up and started walking to the bathroom “JACK PUT ME DOWN!!” “dont be yellin’ in my ear ma” “i can do all this later!” “but i want you to do it now so i can make sure it gets done!” “fine”
you started stripping your clothes while jack changed the water to the temperature you liked it.
“get in mamas ill be back” “mk”
you got in the water carefully and jack came back with rose pedals, baths salt, water, and new body scrub.
“thank you baby..” “you’re welcome mamas, im gonna go get dressed ok?” “but i usually help you” “i know, you want me to come in here and get dressed?” “yea go get your stuff” “mk”
jack walked out the bathroom coming back with everything.
“put undershirt on then a white tee then your suit j” “why cant i just put on the white tee then suit??” “‘cause i said so!” “fine”
jack finally got done getting ready when you started letting the water to your bath out
“baby wheres my earrings?” “oh ill go get them” “mk”
you came back with jacks earrings on your hand “bend down” jack bent in front on you and you put the earrings in his ear then gave him a quick kiss.
“call me when you get there j, and dont forget!” “wont, promise! i love you mamas!” “i love you more sweet boy!”
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samnia · 5 months
For example, think about rnb, hip-hop, pop, and K-pop girl groups.
Fem reader
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You never told him, he found out by himself. Marlon was looking through the principal's office for shits and giggles, right? Then he came across an album that contained a picture of you and 2 other people. You all looked pretty young. That's how he knew it was before the walkers existed.
"Y/n, come here for a second." Marlon said, excitement in his tone. You walked over, and he helped you huddle down. "Look what I found!" He handed you the cd. "Oh my god! I forgot about this. Marlon, where'd you find it?" You asked in shock.
"I guess the headmaster had a copy. Y/n, I didn't see you as that type of girl." He teased, you took a relieved sigh. "What can I say? The chance was presented, so I took it." You rested your head on Marlon's shoulder.
"This was my favorite, I swear there was a Cd player layin around."
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She found out at another one of Ruby's hootenanny. It was time for music to play. A.J. and Willy was dancing with glee while Tenn hyped them up. You sat down and watched with Violet. Dancing just isn't your strong suit. "Now this song is more modern.
It was my Mama's favorite!" Ruby voiced, she played the song. the beat gave you deja vu. "Y/n, you alright? You look kinda pale." Violet asked with concern. You nodded your head. It was only when the first chorus started to play. You realized something.
It was the song you made with some other girls and made a song.. It was getting deadly close to your part of it. You started to sweat a bit. "You don't seem fine. What's wrong?" Violet muttered. She wrapped her hand around your shoulder
"This is my song. My part is coming up real soon." You chuckled out. before she could reply, your voice came on the player, bright as ever. Everyone and anybody looked at you in shock. "Wow, you sound really amazing." Violet claimed, "you think so?" You asked. "Yeah."
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He first found out through the card game. When Clementine asked if they ever met anyone famous, you decided to speak on your own experiences.
"Kinda, I was a part of singing trio. Those kinds of things. It was for 3 years, though.." Soon as you uttered those words, he started to flood you with questions. Did you ever blow up like crazy? What were your favorite tunes to perform? Oh, and where in the world are the other two? You seemed to like and entertain his questions.
Eventually, someone intervened, " Louis, knock it off!" But that didn't stop the both of you from fooling around somewhere else. Just two melodic idiots whistling into the distance.
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You and Mitch had just found a working van capable of carrying a lot of people. But it needs a bit of renovation if everyone wants in. You bought Clementine, Willy, A.J., and Assim along. Mostly because Mitch and Clementine want this to be a learning moment for their adoptive siblings. But Assim is there to actually work. "Mitch and Y/n, we're going to need some parts to get this thing going. It'd be nice if you went and got us these things. Go out further if you have to." Clementine offered.
"Sure, anything to get out of here," Mitch exaggerated. Clem handed me the paper. It had all the car parts and where they're located.You two have been walking for a while. You came across a vehicle with some stuff inside, "Mitch, I found one." You yelled. He came over quick. "No walkers?" Mitch checked. "Nope," you reassured. He used a crowbar to force it open and then started to search.
You joined him, looking into the front seat. You found a rolled up poster in arm rest. You were about to unroll it until Mitch called your name, "Y/n! Come here, we really hit the jackpot!" Y/n came out with the poster in hand. Mitch was supposedly siphoning gas. A whole lot was coming out of the tube and in the canister. "Damn, this can last us a lifetime." You claimed. "What's that?" He asked, pointing to your hand. "A poster I found. Im gonna open it up right now." You told him. Mitch got up from the ground and standed next to her
Y/n unraveled it, only for a wave of shock to overrun her face. Mitch had catched a glimpse of it, too. "Holy shit, y/n- is that you?" He beamed, a picture of you and two other girls were holding bubble letters, spelling something out. A lot of junk was on it, so it wasn't readable. One word was crystal clear, "concert."
"It's been so long, I didn't even get to perform." You marveled. "How did you even get the chance?" He questioned. "Oh, I didn't mean it like that!"
Y/n sighed, "My parents were friends with one of the girls' mom. She got me on set." You paused, "if I remember the poster came with an cd. Maybe it's in here."
Please send requests, no smut.
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jungle-angel · 2 months
I'll Kiss Your Hurt Away: Part 2 (Rhett Abbott x Reader)
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Summary: Rhett calls it quits in the bull riding ring after a nasty ride, but you're more than willing to help him get back on his feet in any way you can.
Tagging: @floydsmuse @callmemana @attapullman @cowboybarbie @withahappyrefrain @kmc1989 @bradleybeachbabe @sebsxphia
Warnings: Parenthood, injuries, doctor's visits, mentions of jerking off in a cup in said doctor's office etc.
"Fuck me," Rhett groaned.
"Wish I could but what if Pete walks in?" you asked cheekily.
Rhett winced again. Sitting up straight was still hard on his sore body, but thankfully his leg didn't need the brace anymore.
The door creaked open and in entered Pete, one of only a handful of doctors still left in Wabang. "Got the test results," he announced.
"What's the word, Doc?" Rhett asked him.
"Well for one thing, I can't believe what I saw," Pete said trying not to laugh. "Your sperm must be invincible."
Rhett laughed a little as you rolled your eyes.
"In all my years as a doctor, I have never seen such a spectacular display of virility," Pete remarked. "Lets get a good look at the rest of you though and make sure you're still in one piece."
"I don't feel anything stickin out so that's a plus," Rhett chuckled, rolling his shirt up past his nips.
"Yeah but just to be sure," Pete mumbled.
He listened to Rhett's heart and felt up his ribs, Rhett wincing at the tenderness of the bruises as Pete felt up the rest of him.
"Everything's still in place which is good," Pete concluded. "Surprising given how hard that fucker must've kicked."
"I'll be ok though right?" Rhett asked.
"You'll be perfectly fine," Pete answered. "But next time you might not be so lucky. If I were you I'd call it quits."
"Already did Pete," Rhett told him. "I ain't goin back if I can help it."
"Damn proud of you for that one," Pete chuckled. "Alright, you're good to go."
"No scripts?"
"None whatsoever," Pete told him. "Just get plenty of sleep, fluids, eat well and if anything changes, you know my number."
"And don't call beggin for Viagra," Rhett joked.
"Out! Out of my office!" Pete ordered, unable to contain his laughter any longer.
You and Rhett left the office but on the ride home, you remained on the quieter side with only the quiet playing of the radio going in the truck.
"Did you really mean it?" you asked him, a lazy smile breaking out on your face.
"Did I mean what?" Rhett asked you.
"When you said you were gonna quit the bull riding circuit?"
Rhett chuckled a little. "Darlin I mean it, I ain't goin back in that ring," he said. "Not for all the money in the world."
"Not even if it'll help build our dream home?"
"Nope," Rhett said, shaking his head. "Layin in that ER, I kept thinkin of what would happen to you and Amy if something happened to me. You and that baby need me as much as I need ya'll. I ain't leavin this world without either of you."
You squeezed his hand as you drove along that lonely stretch of road that led from town back to the Abbott ranch where Cecelia, Amy and Royal were all waiting for you.
"Feelin alright there Grumpy?" Cecelia asked.
"Never better Ma," Rhett answered. "Still sore as hell though."
"Ya'll want some lunch?" she asked again.
"Think I'm gonna go lay down," Rhett told her.
You led him upstairs and helped him lay down, covering Rhett with the wooly green throw blanket. "Oh," you said suddenly. "I went to grab the mail while you were asleep and it appears there's something here for you."
You handed Rhett the envelope which he tore right open, reading the contents and going wide eyed at the response.
"What's it say?" you asked.
"Says, Dear Mr. Abbott," he began. "We're pleased to inform you that you've been accepted to our learning center at the Amelia County Steiner School and will soon fill the position of full-time woodworking teacher for our students."
You caught the shriek in your throat before it had a chance to travel down the hall and catch Cecelia's attention. You leaned in and kissed your husband. I'm proud of you cowboy."
Rhett laughed as you kissed him again. You couldn't wait for this new beginning and all the new beginnings afterwards.
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bethesammytomydean · 6 months
"What is this?"
"A blanket."
"I know that."
"Then why did you ask?"
"Cause I don't get why you have a blanket layin' out in a field."
"So our asses don't get wet from the grass, Dean."
"Why would we sit on the grass?"
"God you're impossible- for our picnic, duh."
"Our what now?"
"Nope, not getting it."
"A picnic, Dean. When you eat a packed meal outdoors."
"And just why would we be doing that?"
"Because it's romantic. Jeez, can't you just enjoy it?"
"Is there a reason behind this? Are you ill?"
"Dude, no! I'm just- man, you try to do something nice for your boyfriend and all he does is whine."
"I packed freaking pie, Dean. Pie. Because you like it so much."
"You did?"
"Yeah, cause I love you and I wanted to do something romantic for you."
"But now you're making it stupid."
"It's not that stupid."
"Not making it better."
"It's... It's nice, Sam."
"Hey, no, get back here. I like it. You did this for me?"
"Of curse. You see anyone else here?"
"Nope, just you and me. And apparently you've got delicious pie in your pockets or something."
"I packed it in the basket."
"And that's why you're the smart one. Man, you're amazing."
"So you really like it?"
"I do. Now let's sit down on that blanket and eat some delicious pie, huh?"
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Any flashback snippets from the early days of the kidnapping? This part interests me the most at this moment 😅
Oh I’ve got plenty. I’ve basically been writing a Cabin 2.0 that I’ll break up among the different endings as flashbacks. I plan on posting everything in order on here though at some point, maybe when Cabin finally drops, maybe before if I just feel like sharing because it’s not like it’s a spoiler, it’s just an expansion of what I’ve already published.
Anyway enjoy!
“What are you doing,” Spider shreked, rearing away from the touch.
Quaritch sighed, “well you can’t eat layin’ down.”
Horror flooded Spider as he realized what was about to happen. “You're not going to uncuff me?”
“Nope.” Quaritch took his opportunity to grab Spider again, this time succeeding in lifting up the stunned boy, propping him up with pillows. Then Quaritch took a fork in hand, skewered a roasted carrot and held it to Spider’s lips, “Alright now, open up.” Spider clamped his mouth shut, shaking his head. No way in hell was he about to endure this humiliation. He’d rather starve than be fed by this monster. “Miles,” Quaritch said with authority, “We can do this the easy way or the hard way. And you sure won’t like the hard way. Now be a good boy and eat your dinner.”
Spider wanted to mock the condescending bastard. He wanted to scream in his face. Instead he turned away, pointedly staring out the window instead. Quaritch sighed, “I am not leaving until this plate is cleared, y’a hear me. Now you face me and eat your dinner.”
“You’ll leave if I eat?”
The disappointment radiated off the man, “yes.”
“For the whole night? You’ll completely leave me alone, no sitting there, staring at me like a creeper.”
Quaritch sighed again, “If that’s what’ll get you to eat son then yes. I will leave you ‘till mornin’.”
“I’m a lot of things but a liar isn’t one of them.”
“You’ve murdered and kidnapped but you draw the line at lying?”
“Are you gonna face me or do I need to come over to that side?” Spider turned his head, glaring daggers at his kidnapper. He didn’t want to take anything from this demon. But he couldn’t stand the thought of Quaritch being around him any longer. Couldn’t take another hour of the man staring at him like a coveted prize. Spider needed to be alone so he could think and process everything. And he needed that more than he feared humiliation. His glare never wavered as he slowly opened his mouth just wide enough for the fork to pass through. “There y’a go,” Quaritch praised while he watched Spider chew. “That’s my good boy.” He speared a bite of chicken. Spider took it easily. The process was agonizingly slow, every morsel another taste of shame that only added to the last until internally, he was a complete wreck of utter embarrassment.
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yyumemika · 3 months
Ougonten: Registry of Dragons Part Three
Registry of Dragons: Part Three
Mitsuru: Umm… This time Mikanii-chan was… Hmm, this writing style is harder than I thought. 
Mika: (Mitsuru-kun looks like he’s concentratin’ real hard. Even if I wave at him all flashy-like he ain’t gonna notice.) 
(And if I can’t catch Mitsuru-kun, Ran-senpai is layin’ low and waitin’ at the book room’s entrance.) 
Mitsuru: …Is it finished? Alright, I’ll read it over one more time! 
Mika: (In any case, I’m the one sneakin’ around behind Mitsuru-kun’s back now. Things were the other way round ‘till now, it’s kinda funny…) 
(How should I put it, It’s kinda excitin’, I guess he was followin’ me around with this feelin’ too.) 
(Ah, this is no good! If I start thinkin’ silly things like that I’m gonna go off track.) 
(I wanna settle this here an’ now! Let’s resolve this, Mitsuru-kun. Today’ll be the last day ya follow me round.) 
Mitsuru-kun! I wanna talk to ya— 
Mitsuru: Yippee~! It’s finally complete~♪
Mika: —Hagyah!? 
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Mitsuru: Huh? Mikanii-chan, what’re you doing here? 
Mika: Owow… I fell on my butt cause ya scared me when ya stood up so suddenly, Mitsuru-kun. 
Mitsuru: Sorry, Mikanii-chan. It‘ll be a problem if you get injured. 
Mika: Don’t worry, I’m alright. It’s my fault ‘cause I was sneakin’ around and hidin’ from ya… 
Nnah~! That’s right, I was sneakin’ around so ya wouldn’t run away! 
Mitsuru: ? Mikanii-chan, were you playing hide-and-seek? 
Ah, if that’s the case I can write even more! I gotta hurry and jot this down! 
Mika: …Huh? Whaddya mean write even more? What’re ya sayin’ Mitsuru-kun, ain’t ya gonna run away? 
Mitsuru: Eh? Why do I have to run away from Mikanii-chan? 
Ah, because we’re playing hide-and-seek? Then I want Mikanii-chan to be the seeker! 
Mika: No, we ain’t playing… huh? 
Nagisa: …Apparently we didn’t need to take measures from the beginning. 
Mitsuru: Ah, Nagisa-senpai! Hello! 
Nagisa: …Hello. I’m relieved, you’re as energetic as ever Tenma-kun. 
Mitsuru: Yup! I’m really energetic today! I’ve finished my book report homework, so I’m feeling super refreshed♪
Nagisa: …So that’s why you’re in the book room. Mika-kun said it was unusual for you to be here. 
Mika: Y-yup. Cause Mitsuru-kun can’t stay still. I mean, that’s not the point right now! 
Mitsuru-kun, why ain’t ya runnin’ away from me today? Ah, don’t say it’s cause ya wanted to play hide-and-seek. 
Mitsuru: H~mm… But, then I don’t have a reason to run from Mikanii-chan? I’ve already finished writing my book report yunno~? 
Mika: Book report? What’s that gotta do with me? 
Mitsuru: Yup. I’m surveying Mikanii-chan and writing down my observations! 
Mika: …E~eh? M, mmh? 
I just don’t get it. What’re ya talkin’ about? 
Nagisa: …Tenma-kun, why are you writing your book report on Mika-kun? I thought a book report was something you write based on your impressions of a book. 
Mitsuru: I thought that at first too, but I get sleepy no matter what I try to read… 
That’s why I searched around on the net for something about idols that I can read, and I found a short story where Mikanii-chan had the leading role! 
Mika: Eh~ Is that it? Me as the leading role in a short story… 
Nnah? Me, the leading role of a short story? 
Eh, that’s gotta be a joke, right? A story like that shouldn’t exist in this world. 
Mitsuru: Nope, there really is one. You can find them if you just look online! 
Nagisa: …Even if a story like that really does exist. Why would that make Tenma-kun want to investigate Mika-kun’s surroundings? 
Mitsuru: Ehehe… The truth is, I couldn't read that story very well. I could only read the first part before I started to get sleepy! 
That’s why I investigated Mikanii-chan’s daily habits, so I could write my book report on them! 
Because Mikanii-chan is the main character of the story, right? That’s why if I write about Mikanii-chan it’ll surely show my impressions! 
Nagisa: …Hmm. If it’s written based on rigorous research, then Tenma-kun’s review could indeed become a nonfiction novel based on Mika-kun. 
Mika: Wait a sec? My understandin’ ain’t really caught up yet… 
Nagisa: …Anyway, I wonder what this short story with Mika-kun as the main character is about? 
Mitsuru: Umm, I’m positive Mikanii-chan was a God and saved the world… Was it some kinda conquest? Or maybe he destroyed it. 
I don’t know, cause I only read the start, but it was something like that! 
Mika: That’s already messed up! Me as a God… How the heck could somethin’ like that happen? 
Ah, maybe I’m hearin’ it wrong and mistakin’ it fer ‘paper’? Or it could be ‘hair’… * 
Mitsuru: Nope! I definitely mean the super great ‘God’! The God of my and Nagisa-senpai’s “God Team”! 
Nagisa: …Hmm. I didn’t expect Mika-kun to be a God. I’d like to try reading that story myself. 
Mika: Don’t act so curious! Nnah~ What’s really the meanin’ of all this!?
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*T/N the Japanese words for God, paper and hair are all pronounced ‘kami’.
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tiny-banana-time · 2 years
you’ve seriously never thought about [us kissing]? “ “ maybe once or twice.
Hey look! Something finally came out of this one! This marks the last of the first kiss prompts I received previously, so maybe I'll request some more, soon. I think I've decided on how their first kiss is gonna actually play out?
Surprise, it's an extension of a different prompt from you 🤣 Now, I just have to write all the chapters leading up to that 😭
Anyway, here ya go!
"Ah, fucking hell, would you two just kiss already?!"
The lounge falls silent as Romeo's drunken question lingers amongst the marines, but Jay's heart feels and sounds like it's going to pound forth from his chest – flopping about like a fish on a line. He doesn't meet Kaidan's eye on the other end of the couch, instead looking over the back towards where the rest of them are gathered around a hand of poker.
Jay opens his mouth, already on the defensive.
But then Lever speaks.
"Shut the fuck up, Romeo."
A quick eval of the situation shows both Lever and Klaus each fidgeting with their cards. They're sitting close. Really close. But it's not until Lala chimes in that Jay's tipsy brain starts to realize what's happening.
"Romeo, that's your fucking XO you're talking about!" She practically hisses at him, punching the arm nearest her and sending Murray into a fit of poorly concealed giggles.
Oh. Not me and… he was asking about Lever and Klaus.
"Look," Romeo insists, "I might be out of line-"
"You are," Lala interjects.
"- but, I can tell you're both thinking about it with the way you're looking at one another. So I'm throwing it out there! You are thinkin' about kissing them, aren't ya Klaus?"
Klaus stacks the cards in his hand into a pile and lays them face down on the table. Turning to Lever, he says, "yeah, I am."
Excited gasps from Murray and Lala accompany the smug grin on Romeo's face. But when Lever, wide green eyes darting over Klaus's face, leans in and kisses their XO, gaps turn to cheers as they pound on the table.
Kaidan lets out a whoop of his own across from Jay, who turns to find him lifting a beer to them and taking a long draw. Jay watches him drink, watches his lips around the bottle let in another sip before the long lines of his throat flex to swallow it down.
He's staring, but he wets his lips before looking back to the table.
Klaus is on cloud nine, smiling and giggling and looking like he's planning out how to thank Romeo for not knowing when to shut up. 
Lever looks like they're plotting Romeo's death, even with the pleased grin on their face.
But then Jay looks a little farther left and sees Murray, Lala, and Romeo all staring him down before looking over to Kaidan in sync, like they planned the fucking timing.
"Ya know, Romeo, you might be onto something here." 
Lala, don't you dare.
Jay chances a glance at her and, yep, she's gonna dare. He recognizes that look on her face, like when she told him her latest batch of hot sauce had the same spice level as the last, despite the package on the counter being a new shade of hellfire red.
"I'm sure by now that all of us here have thought about kissing one of the others, wouldn't you say?"
It's a shame he and Lala have become such good friends. He'll miss her after he kills her.
"Or have already kissed," Murray adds, shooting a glance at Lala behind Romeo's head and putting up a hand for a high-five.
Which Lala returns.
Oh we're talking about that later.
"Hah, yes! That's what I'm saying!" Romeo hitches a thumb over his shoulder at Murray. "I thought about kissing her."
"It was fine."
"And Lala still thinks about kissing her."
"That one was pretty nice."
Jay's head spins listening to Murray and Romeo go back and forth. He looks to Lever and Klaus for backup, but they're gone and when the fuck did they leave?
"What about you, Squash?" Jay rejoins the conversation when Romeo pulls him into the spotlight. "You think about layin' a smooch on any of us?"
'Layin' a smooch'?
"Nope." He hopes he sounds more convincing to them than he does to himself. But it's not technically a lie. 
"What about Lanky? The way you two look at each other, there's no way you guys haven't thought about playing tonsil hockey."
"A Canadian joke, really?"
Kaidan's gentle rasp is louder than normal, voice and body made slightly more loose, open, from the handful of beers they'd each had. Jay can't tell if the pink tips of his ears are from the alcohol or the topic of conversation, but they're cute either way.
Fuck fuck fuck-
"Just – whatever, fine, what's your answer then, Lanky?"
"Hah!" Kaidan sets his empty bottle down on the coffee table next to the rest and turns back to Romeo. "I mean, Murr and I tried it a couple years back. Decided we wouldn't work and didn't try it again. Still a nice memory, though. They're a great kisser. But, yeah." he turns to Jay then and reveals a hint of a blush on his cheeks as well.
"You've uh, never thought about us? Kissing, I mean."
Jay takes in the slightly disheveled hair, flush spreading across cheeks and nose until there's a pink tinge from ear to ear, and that scar trailing down and out from his bottom lip. He's thought about that scar and how it seems like it would line up perfectly with his own, top to bottom, damn near every day they've known each other. Jay's thought about kissing Kaidan – soft and slow and running his hands through those curls, or hard and desperate while tugging him close, safe – every damned day for months now. 
Yes, of course, is what he wants to say. What comes out-
"I, uh. Well, maybe once or twice. What, uh- what about you?"
Kaidan beams at him, that glimmer of hope in his eye Jay loves growing into a realization. Jay's heart pounds, echoing in his chest and through his head as Kaidan scoots closer, leans forward on one hand, and rests the other on the back of the couch for leverage. 
Nerves and anticipation leave goosebumps dancing along the exposed skin of his arms when Kaidan says "once or twice."
He's probably grinning like an idiot now, but Kaidan smiles back and leans in further, and when they meet in the middle they damn near collide. Noses and lips bump, Jay's teeth knocking against the inside of his mouth before they can adjust. Kay's lips are soft, firm, insistent in their pressure against his own and hard coding the moment into Jay's memory. 
There's cheering over the pounding in his ears and he pulls back just far enough to part, breath coming out fast as he opens his eyes to see Kay: lips pink from the careful force, pupils blown wide, chuckling as he pants.
When Jay moves in for a second, hand at the back of Kaidan's neck pulling him closer, Kay stumbles until Jay pulls him into his lap. A second turns to a third, and a fourth, and he doesn't hear the trio congratulate themselves on the jobs well done. Doesn't hear them get up, throw their bottles away, and race out of the room before things go any further. 
But he hears Kaidan chuckle at his admittance that, "okay, maybe I've thought about this more than a couple of times." 
He hears that chuckle turn into a confirmation right after.
"Yeah, Jay, me too."
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mublerr · 9 months
imagine actin all this tough and shit but gettin the hardest lee mood you can imagine sadashfdsjfdsfddsfaafdsfasfsdf
noooo its not about me.... naaa uhhhh
i dont want someone to just sit on my hips while layin down and dig up to my sides, nope
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Okay nope, layin back down for a bit
Started feelin really warm
But yknow, progress 😅
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When he disappeared, I smiled.
Chapter 2: Be safe
Chapter Text
"I hope you will solve this, earl."
" I promise, I won't let the Queen worry about this no longer that it's necessary."
"Hah. You are like a dog chasing carriages. I wonder what you will do when you catch this one.”
As they left, I've entered the shop from the back room.
"So, how it went?" I asked.
"Ah, the butler decided to pay me this time, and he -hehe- he paid well," answered Undertaker.
"I've heard," I said, crossing my arms over my chest,"I've almost gone deaf."
"If you'd been here, you'd be laughing too!" He shrugged and sat on the counter.
"I doubt it. You have a weird sense of humor. And-" I've held up my index finger to stop him, as he immediately wanted to whine that it's not true-"it's not because of the corpses. I understand those. I mean those you and the butler share."
He just grinned and reached towards me with faint: “C’me here.”
I sighed and stepped forward.
He dragged me closer, wrapped his hands and legs around me like a panda and laid his head on my shoulder.
Then he whispered: “Why can't dalmatians play hide and seek?”
I wrapped my hands loosely around his shoulders and said that I don’t know.
“Because they'd get spotted! Guehehe-”
I've giggled with him for a while. His jokes were so stupid but he still made them sound funny.
He pulled back a bit, his face all serious.
"Could you stay inside or a couple of days? 'Till they solve this thing."
"Mhmm, nope. Unlike you, I have to make money. I doubt you can afford to pay for my flat.”
“I’ve told you, you can stay here.”
“Thanks. I like not having livers in jars on my nightstand. Even though they look cool.”
“You can move them away.”
“It’s still no, Undertaker.” I smiled at him and stepped away. “I have to go. Nina is waiting for me.”
“Who’s Nina?”
“Friend, you know that.”
“Just a friend?”
“Just a friend.”
“Alright. Take care, love,” said Undertaker, as I was opening the door.
“I will. Bye.” I stepped out of the shop into the pouring rain.
Chapter 3: You light my fire
Chapter Text
He was stroking the fire we’ve made.
“What, don’t you like it here, love?” he smiled and looked at me.
He just showed up at my shop in the morning, said that he needs me to go with him and then dragged me to the forests beyond the London.
“I do,” I answered him and straightened blue blanket I’ve been sitting on.
“Then where’s the problem?” he asked and sat on the blanket beside me.
“I’m supposed to be in my shop and sell flowers right now. Ms. Klauson said she will stop by. She won’t be pleased.” I could feel his questioning look. Of course, he doubted that I care this much about that. “Look- I don’t really mind being here. I just want to know why. It’s very unlike you.” I tried to explain myself. Meanwhile, he lied behind me and I couldn’t see him.
“Customers were annoying. Earl visited. Guests are not many. I thought I’ll take a day off.” said Undertaker.
“With me.”
“Who else? C’me on, lie down,” he whined and tugged my sleeve.
I sighed and lied beside him.
“Do you see that?” he asked and pointed to the nearby tree. There was carved a big heart with L+C inside. Nothing much unusual.
“Yes. And what?”
“It’s just when I see lovers' names carved into a tree, I don't think it's sweet. It’s just surprising how many people bring a knife on a date.”
“Well, do you have a knife?”
I sat up and turned to him.
“Then what are you getting mad about?” I exclaimed.
“I wasn’t mad! Just… wondered. And this is not a date.” Suddenly his face was right in front of mine. “Unless- hehehe- unless you want to…?” He grinned widely and let out a couple of giggles.
“Stop it.”
“No, no, no. I wanna have a date.This is a date. Here-” he said, picked lonely dandelion that was growing in the reach of his arm and handed it to me” -for you. And then we will crave our names into the tree. In the biiig heart. Hehehe.”
“You really are crazy.” I answered him with a smile.
We looked into the fire in silence for a few minutes. Then I felt something laying around my shoulders. Undertaker put his coat on me and wrapped it around my body. Then he hugged me from behind and laid his head on my shoulder. He hummed some song and rocked us slightly from side to side.
We had to leave before sunset, but for now, we could peacefully listen to crackling fire and think about nothing.
Chapter 4: Tiny Surprise
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Early in the morning, I’ve banged on the funeral house’s door. Its owner took a while to open and when he did he greeted me with a scrunched nose and little angry: “What is that.”
“Just let me in,” I answered and squeezed through the door.
He shut the door closed and repeated the question.
I set down the little box I’ve been trying to protect from the cold outside.
“I’ve found these in the backyard of my shop,” I said.
“And by these you mean…?” Undertaker raised an eyebrow at me.
Lifting carefully the cloth that was draped over the box I’ve whispered: “Kittens.”
“Why do you bring them to me?” he questioned me further while peeking into the box to see three tiny fluffy balls, peacefully sleeping.
“I didn’t have another place to go to,” I said and let the cloth fall back down, “my landlord wants to kick me out. I don’t want to know what he’d do to these babies, once he’d learned I have them.”
“And what do you think I’ll do with them? Couldn’t you just… leave them be?”
“That’s what I was supposed to do?! Leave them outside? It’s freezing there! They were completely alone! And I can’t have them home!”
“Fine, fine. I told you, you can stay here.”
“I might, but now you have to let these kittens stay. It’s warm here, they’ll be fine.”
With a faint sigh, he nodded and said: “I’ll take care of them. But you must stay too.”
I knew I had no other choice. I wasn’t welcomed at my flat anymore and Undertaker had told me to stay with him million times.
“I will. Until I find another place.”
He helped me out of my coat and laid in on the counter. Then I heard a tiny meow from the box and rushed to it. They began to wake up. Turning to Undertaker I asked: “I don’t think they’ve eaten lately, do you have something we can feed them with?”
He instantly disappeared to the next room.
I knew he wouldn’t fail me.
After we fed them, they began to wobble around. Being in the funeral parlor, we’ve transported them to a coffin that had no lid, so that they couldn’t escape, but still had lots of room to explore.
It became obvious, that Undertaker was absolutely in love with them.
“So it’s Toby, Ida- and look! This one has a scar on his nose like me!”
“…no, it’s a bit of white fur-”
“-A scar! We should name him after me!”
“We aren’t calling him Undertaker. We’ll call him Arthur or Martha”
“But why?! He has to have my name!”
“Because it doesn’t suit him.”
He stopped talking for a moment and then let out a soft whisper: “Aiden.”
“Aiden? That sound nice.” I’ve admitted. “So he doesn’t have to have your name?”
He dogged my look and patted each kitten’s head with his index finger.
“He has,” he whispered again.
“Then wh-” I began but immediately shut up. Did- did he-
Did he just reveal one of his secrets to me?
Hi! I know I don’t write much, but I want to write more, so I’d love if you’d request Undertaker/Reader, no smut, please.
Series this work belongs to:
Part 1 of Kuroshitsuji
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plaidbooks · 3 years
Sonny fluff?
"What's wrong?" Sonny asked, brow furrowed as he looked at you.
You gave him a soft smile. You were sitting on the couch, him in an armchair. "Nothing, babe."
"It's not nothin'; that look on your face.... Are ya feelin' sick?"
You sighed; there was no lying to him. "Not sick like you're thinking. Just...my vertigo is acting up.... I'm just a little dizzy, nauseous."
"What can I do?" He stood, moving slowly to you and crouching down to your eye level.
You shook your head but the motion just made it worse, and you closed your eyes. "Nothing; just have to wait for it to pass." Once the dizziness was under control, you reopened your eyes to find Sonny looking incredibly concerned.
"Would layin' down help? Or an ice pack, or--"
"Nope; just gotta wait it out, Sonny. I'm sorry."
He huffed in displeasure. "What're ya sorry for? It's not like you can help it--"
"I'm sorry that you can't help. I know you, and how badly you want to help," you explained softly. "As long as I keep my head still, I'll be fine."
He shook his head, dropping his eyes. "Yeah, you're right; I want to help you. But if just bein' here helps, then I won't leave your side."
"I'll never turn you away, Sonny. You expressing concern helps me a lot; it helps me remember that I'm loved."
He glanced up at you, a soft smile clearing his face. "Of course, you're loved. As long as I'm breathin', you're loved. Never forget that."
"Would you let me, even if I could?" you teased.
He leaned forward, careful not to move your head in any way, and kissed your forehead. "Absolutely not."
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marvelite624 · 3 years
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There was so much more to the story, so much left to be said but, we were all dog-tired...it would have to wait. Frank had to be up for work in just a few short hours so, with the acknowledgment that the conversation wasn't over, we all said our goodnights and called it a day.
In our bedroom, we brushed our teeth in silence. As Frank undressed for bed, he looked at me like it was the end of the world. He was so bewildered by everything that had happened, by all he'd heard..it was overwhelmin' to say the least. I wanted so much to comfort him then but, the words just wouldn't come. I didn't know how to ease his mind in this, what to say that would make it alright. As he slid the last leg of his jeans free, he began tellin' me how sorry he was for all of this. Laying his pants to the side, he said, "I thought it was over, that we could move on. Seems now, it's just the beginnin' instead. I don't want to see anyone else hurt by this mess, Sarah, least of all, you and Becka." Finally, I knew what to say, "None of this is your fault, honey. You're a victim here, no less so than any of us. I love you, Frank. We'll get to the bottom of it, we'll find the truth, together. With Gil's help, we'll solve this. We're a family and like a family, we'll stay together; everythin's gonna be fine, we'll be fine."
I stepped forward to put my arms around his neck and layin' my ear to his chest, I heard his heart, strong and steady. As he clasped his hands behind me, delivering a gentle squeeze, he nestled his cheek into my hair and said, "You're the best thing life ever gave me, Sar...you an' Becka! Have I told you that?" "With every breath you take, hon...each and every one." He backed me slowly towards the bed then, kissing me as we went.
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I fell backwards across the bed and he lowered himself on top of me, kissing my neck, nibbling at my ears. His breath was moist, warm and sweet, his caresses gentle yet firm. We were about to venture into territory left unvisited for a while, the timing was right, the need never stronger. I reached around to his backside, sliding my hands beneath the waistband of his briefs. My fingers were tickled as I softly squeezed, drawing him in even closer. His lips met mine, warm, wet, inviting. I allowed one last, brief thought of what tomorrow might bring before quickly diving headlong into the adventure opening up before me.
♡ ♡ ♡
Getting Frank out of the bed was not easy. After bein' up so late and, well, "slayin' the dragon", he was out of it. What had he gotten? Three and a half, maybe four hours sleep? His day was gonna be hell; to quote my daughter, "I just know it!" He showered in a rush as I made toast and poured coffee into his favorite travel mug. He popped into the kitchen all smiles and a lot perkier than I'd expected, hugged me before snatching up his coffee and toast, "What? No jelly?", he said. I crossed my arms and opened my mouth to unleash some Alice Cramden on him but, he cut me off, "Just kiddin', hon! You was about to hand me my ass, huh?" His comment reminded me that I'd had my hands full of that ass last night and wasn't about to hand it to anybody! "Love ya' madly!", he exclaimed, as he kissed my cheek and made a dash out the door. I called after him, "Love you too, you crazy-assed..."
And then, I was alone again. I checked the time, 6:34, before gettin' coffee and havin' a seat at the table. Too early yet to wake my baby girl up, no need to. The apple pie for Nadine Wilkinson caught my eye. That would have to be a priority this mornin', should have run it over last night but, we had company and all...I was only half a cup down when Gil shuffled into the room.
"Mornin', sunshine!", I said enthusiastically. He replied with a barely audible, "Uh-huh, you too." I noticed he wasn't wearing his pajamas, "Forget where you left your jammies?", I asked, jokingly. "Nope, just too tired to put them on. ~yawn~ What a night, huh?" He headed for the coffee pot, scratching at the right seat of his boxers as he went. After retrieving a cup from the drainer where I'd left them, he poured his coffee then moved to the fridge. Lookin' in he said, "Ah, there you are." I instantly knew he'd spied what was left of the pie. "It's all yours, Gil. Can I fix you a real breakfast before you jump on it, though?" "Thanks for the offer", he answered, "but, that little piece of heaven will be just fine." I snickered and he turned, still huddled at the fridge, he shot me that pearly smile of his...he laughed with me and reached for "heaven".
* * *
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Jeb was standing there, staring into the fridge when I walked into the break room. "If I was to ever find any goodies here in the mornin', I'd feel like I died and went to heaven! Folks 'round here is just stingy, what it is!" Somebody threw a wad of paper at him as he closed the door and said hello. He took a silly Kung-fu stance, "Hey! Which one'a yall just tried to hit me in my face?" Jeb just never stopped. Donny stepped out of the bathroom a few seconds later. I was already at the clock with three minutes left before I could punch it.
"Best get over here, bud, you're gonna be late!", I told him. "Nope, not today...or tomorrow...there was a note attached to my card when I got here. Seems I'm gettin' a week off, without pay." "Well, damn! The mouth!? That's not fair, Donny!" He then continued, "Since when is life fair? I knew this would happen. Almost hoped it would." He had a grin on his face, odd I thought. "He had it coming! They didn't even ask me for my....what was that? You hoped it would?" I scratched my head as Donny added, "Yeah, there's a 'certain somebody' in town I want to spend some time with. The timing couldn't be better." He winked at me as he turned to go, "Better hit the clock, Frankie-boy, you're gonna be late." Jeb reached past me with his card, *k'chunk*, "Don't mind me, Frankie, but I been late enough...don't need a week off either." I punched in and headed for the work floor. "I heard they had to wire that guys mouth up.", Jeb exclaimed. We stopped in our tracks for a second, looking dead at each other. Both of us busted out at the same time, the laughter continued long into the warehouse.
* * *
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"Be right there!", I heard Nadine say, after knockin' several times. I was holdin' the pie I'd promised her and couldn't wait to hand it over. Becka stood beside me, holding the tail of my blouse. Suddenly, the door opened, "Oh, Sarah, what a nice surprise!" "Mornin', Mrs. Wilkinson!", Becka greeted cheerfully. "Hope I didn't wake you." "No, not at all... come in dear. I've been up since before the crack of dawn, puttin' up some apples, makin' jelly and preserves..." "I was wantin' to ask you about that.", I replied as I handed over my promise. "Oh, this looks wonderful, Sarah! Thank you so much!"
"When I asked you yesterday, about getting some apples, you told me 'good luck with that'; you said the trees hadn't produced much this year. Those trees were loaded, Nadine...I mean..." "Yes, the oddest thing too! When I saw them, I nearly fainted! Just a week ago, there was hardly anything worth messin' with on those branches. It's a miracle, sure as I'm breathin'!"
Becka began to shuffle restlessly then. I glanced in her direction and she turned away, lookin' about, like her eyes were chasin' a fly. Her little foot continued to scrape back and forth in front of her, one finger hooked onto her bottom teeth. She was avoidin' eye contact, I could tell. "Well, I just wanted to get that pie to ya' while it was still fresh. I've got a few things at home to see about too." "Okay, then. If you want any more of those apples, help yourself, dear. There's plenty, wouldn't want them goin' to waste! Would it be alright if Benji dropped over later? He's been buggin' me to death to go see Becka." "Benji's always welcome, Nadine, you know that." "It's still polite to ask sometimes. Well, you don't be a stranger now, girl! And thanks again for that beautiful pie!"
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We stopped to take Nadine up on her offer, loading ourselves with what we could carry away. When we got home, there was a note on the table. Seems Donny had picked Gil up while we were out. He said he'd be home later to finish what he'd started. That was just fine with me. Incredible as it seemed, I couldn't help but wonder just how much Becka had to do with the apple 'situation'.
She was across the room, having pulled Peskers away from the basement door again, she sat stroking him, whispering things I couldn't hear. "Honey, could you come here for a minute, Mommy wants to talk to you?" She pushed the cat to the side, "You stay away fum the basement, Peskews, Daddy is gonna be mad at you! I'm comeen, Mommy."
"We're gonna cook these apples down and freeze them, you want to help me?" "I'n always weady to help you, it's fun!" "Okay then, honey. But first, can you tell me where the apples came from? You can tell me if you know somethin', baby, it's alright." She hesitated as she lowered her head. Once again, she was fidgeting as if she were in trouble, "Hey there!" I put my hand under her chin and lifted that pretty face, "You haven't done anything bad, baby girl. I just need to know is all."
"Daddy useta' tell me that my gwam ma could make anythin' gwo. He said her thums was gween. He wishted he could do that too. Mommy, I think I can do that. I wanted them appos to be thew, I wanted to make Daddy an' Gilly some pies, wanted it weal hawd. I could feel the weaves gwo an' the flowews, bwoom an' change to appos. When Mrs. Wilkinson said there wasn't any, I knew it wasn't twue...I just knew it!"
"Just like Nadine said, it was a miracle. You are a miracle!" I hugged my baby and pulled her to me. My eyes welled with tears... again. Seems I started cryin' the day my husband disappeared and never stopped. But, these were happy tears, I think. Becka said her friend in the dark told her she was special and I was beginning to see just how special she truly was.
(to be continued in apart 13)
•This is an original work of fiction and labor of love, written by me, Terry G. Nunley.
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babbushka · 4 years
Yay, Sinday!!! May I request our sweet boy Clyde snuggling with the reader and trying to cheer her up when she’s sad? I know you’ve written one in which he tries to make her happy after arguing with her family, so if this is too similar, you can ignore it. Thanks for the incoming influx of that good thicc AD character content 🤩🤩🤩
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He comes home and can tell, immediately that you’re not in your normal spirits. He don’t know how he can, maybe it was just the sixth sense o’being married or somethin’. But he can tell and he gently closes the front door behind him, walks through the house lookin’ for you.
The sun is shinin’ over West Virginia, the heat of summer startin’ to creep in, and yet instead of soakin’ up the sunshine the way you sometimes do, you’re a blanket cocoon in bed, only the top of your head pokin’ out from under the covers as your body is curled aroun’ somethin’ that suspiciously looks like a stack of pillows to mimic Clyde’s body.
“Nope.” He announces with his hand on his hip, startling you into sittin’ up.
You’re confused, hair all mussed from layin’ about, and as the blanket slides down your body and shows off your pretty curves, Clyde bites at his lip, already sets to work on his buttons.
“No what, honey?” You blink, rub your eye, check the clock. He’s home early, way earlier than you thought he would be, and you can’t deny that you’re thrilled to see him, not with how poorly you’d been feelin’ before.
“I ain’t gonna let the sads get ya, not today.” Clyde shakes his head, steppin’ out of his jeans and pullin’ his shirt off his shoulders. “Ain’t nothin’ gonna steal the smile away from my darlin’.”
He gently pushes himself into your space on the bed, tucks up under the covers to be with you. Your naked body is so alluring, so beautiful there in the golden sunlight of mid-afternoon, but he ain’t in the love makin’ mood, not with the way your eyes shine with unshed tears.
You melt into his arms, letting out a deep sigh as you press your face into his throat.
“Do you wanna talk t’me about it? You know I’m a real good listener.” Clyde whispers, his hand comin’ up to smooth your hair over your skull, pettin’ it in a calmin’ gesture you do for him sometimes.
“Maybe tomorrow in the mornin’? I just want to be held right now, if that’s alright.” Your voice is soft and sad and it breaks his heart
“’Alright?’ Shit,” He clicks his teeth, squeezin’ you and rollin’ the both of y’all over onto your side so he can get a proper armful’a ya. He kisses your eyelids and rubs his nose against yours. “You say the words and I ain’t ever gonna let go.”
“Thanks big bear.” You can’t help but smile from the attention, and that’s all Clyde ever wants, is for you to smile.
“I love ya sweetheart, an’ I’m always here for ya, I hope you know that.” He tells you seriously, lookin’ into those deep soulful eyes o’yours.
“I do, I love you too honey.” You nod, and he tucks you back under his chin, content to spend the rest of the day snuggled up with you.
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myblueeyedbuggers · 3 years
My Boys
Chapter 10
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14
Pairings: Reader x Steve Rogers (best friend) Reader x Bucky Barnes
Word Count:1843
Warnings: Slow Start, Language.
Summary: After being abandoned by her parents in Brooklyn in 1929, y/n makes a living for herself by working for the Црни лабуд gang until she meets two boys in a back alley and her life slowing begins to change.
Annnddd I’m back! so I know it’s been a while since the last update and I just wanna thank you all for having patience with me while I finished up with college, just a warning this chapter may feel a little awkward to read due to me just getting back into my writing mind so apologises in advance for this one. Anyways I’ll quit blabbering, Enjoy everyone! :)
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This was my day of reckoning, my punishment for all the bad deeds I’d done over the past couple of years…I was finally being sent to school. Okay maybe that was a tad dramatic, but can you blame me? I mean who wants to be trapped in a building against their will for 7 hours straight learning about dead guys?! No sane person would willingly agree to that crap!
I’ve tried just about everything to avoid my approaching doom, hell I even went as far as hiding in the basement surrounded by cobwebs to try and get out of this, but as per usual neither Steve or Bucky took mercy on me, hence why in currently trapped between the two. “You are aware I’m perfectly capable of walkin’ by myself aren’t ya? The looping of the arms is not needed boys” I swear down these two are being more annoying than usual, and I didn’t think that was humanly possible cause these two are basically the living embodiment of annoyance. Steve turned and raised his eyebrows at me, shaking his head as he let out a small laugh, “Yeah there’s absolutely no way I’m fallin’ for that again, last time that happened it look me and Buck an hour to get you outta that tree”. Ah crap there goes that plan.
I’m pretty sure the noise I made wasn’t even human, it was a mix between a seal and a possessed monkey “I’m not gonna get outta this am I?” “Nope” and que another frustrated groan. “Is this payback for the time I placed that bucket of flour above your bedroom door and watched the both of you turn into ghosts? If it is then I want you to know I regret nothin’” both of them stopped and glared at me, for some reason they didn’t find that as funny as I did, and I have no idea why. Okay whatever you do y/n don’t laugh, even if Steve’s face looks like a slapped arse don’t laugh! A snicker slipped past my lips and a few seconds later I was full on laughin’.  Goddamn it.
Both of em just let out a bunch of sighs and started draggin’ my butt along the street, wait there’s somethin’ I haven’t tried yet…in hindsight this is completely stupid but screw it. “OH MY GOD LOOK A SPACESHIP!” I’m pretty sure poor Bucky jumped outta his skin, Steve ended up trippin’ up and falling down, I’ll admit that I felt bad about but hey may plan worked! So why am I still standin’ there?… maybe we try this thing called running y/n! I quickly pulled my arm away from Bucky and used my new-found freedom to run in the opposite direction of them, I could hear the shouts of protest from the both of them, so I decided to kindly ignore them and absolutely leg it.  “GODAMMN IT Y/N! THIS IS THE FIFTH TIME THIS MORNIN’!” when were the boys gonna catch on that I didn’t wanna go? Do I need to prepare a firework show and blast it in their faces or somethin’…probably.  
I know I probably shouldn’t be smiling, but the feeling of the wind flowing through my hair as my feet hit the ground made me feel free, after so many years I could finally begin acting my age and enjoy my childhood. I finally felt content with my life, which is probably the opposite of what I should be feeling at this moment in time, considering I was currently making my grand escape. And to completely honest I’ve got no bloody clue as to where I am. I glanced behind me to see where the hell those idiots were, to my surprise Steve was directly behind me, Buck was somewhere in the back holdin’ his knee and I’m guessing the daft sod decked it. Why am I not surprised? Okay maybe I should of kept my mouth shut cause literally a second later my foot tripped over a rock and, you guessed correctly, I landed on my ass for the thousandth time!
“Sh*t! Cr*p! B*lls! That f**king hurt!” and that ladies and gentlemen is my fine command of the queens English, a groan of pain made me loose my train of thought as I turned my head to Steve, to put it simply he was laid flat on his back with his eye closed. Well there’s the rush of guilt I’ve been waiting for, “Sh*t Steve I’m sorry, you okay down there tough guy?” I quickly offered him my hand to help him up, I mean it’s the least I could do. Steve’s hand grabbed mine, a not so quiet grunt of pain made me feel even worse, quick question why am I such an assh*le at times? “Yeah, I’m fine y/n, don’t worry about it you know for a fact I’ve had worse” a quiet sigh left my lips as I brought him in for a hug, which was a tiny bit awkward due to the height difference. Once we pulled away from each other, I couldn’t supress the need to check him for anymore injuries, much to Steve’s embarrassment and Bucky’s amusement, “Jesus I’m gonna have to start wrapping ya up in blankets and pillows, Steve how the hell did you manage to get a bruise on your ear?!”
The sudden gasp behind me pretty much answered the question for me, it’s safe to say barney boy is in trouble…for the first in my life Bucky looks pretty f**king terrified of me, perfect. Slowly I started inching towards him, the glare I was sending him would probably make a demon cry for his mum…so yeah imma go kill the boy. I didn’t even have to say anything, he just started runnin’, “IT’S NOT MY FAULT HE STOLE MY FR**KING PUDDIN’ AND THE PUNK KNOWS I LOVE MY PUDDIN!’” YEP DEFINITELY KILLIN’ HIM “HE IS A SMALL AND GENTLE BOY HOW IN THE NAME OF HELL CAN YOU EVEN THINK OF LAYIN’ A HAND ON ‘IM?!” god this sounds like a bleeding soap opera.
 At this point I wouldn’t be surprised of someone called the cops on us, all everyone woulda seen was a big lad runnin’ for his life as a small lass tried to murder him while a smaller lad ran after the pair yellin’ for em to quit it.  Now that I think about, that’s actually hilarious. Wait, where was I? ah yes the murdering of one James Barnes…okay that is not a normal sentence I am aware. “HE.STOLE.MY.PUDDIN’! THAT A CRIME WORTHY OF DEATH!” oh for f**ksake “HOW THE HELL DO YA KNOW IT WAS HIM?! DID YOU NOT THINK IT COULDA BE BECCA?!” I think he made a sudden realisation, cause the dumbass stopped running and BOOM I was on the freakin’ floor. Again. We both groaned, mine was mostly in annoyance more than anything, but seriously the bloody floor is quickly becoming me best mate! “…. It just dawned on me that that could be a possibility…” if my neck twisted any quicker I’m 100% sure that I’d end up doin’ that weird owl thing “Oh now you realise?! Ya gonna say sorry to Steve or not?” a few seconds of silence gave me my answer. “Don’t give me that look y/n! I ain’t doing s**t till I’ve got some evidence so he’s still under my list of suspects!” oh my Jesus Christ this is gonna be the day I get arrested for murder isn’t it?
“Barnaby…you have exactly five seconds to run for your life so I highly recommend you get your affairs in order and kiss ya ass goodbye” oh hey look at that I didn’t yell at him! Well done me I’m so proud! “could you two quit trying to kill each other for 5 minutes?! We’re already late enough as is it and I ain’t explainin’ to the teacher why Buck’s outta it on the floor!” my f**kin god Steve just yelled! At me! why do I never have a camera when this s**t happens?  “Jeez, alright I’ll murder him later, calm your damn t*ts Rogers” and cue the sound of barely contained frustration in 3,2,1….
“I’m beginning to get the feelin’ that you don’t like me y/n” oh really? I wonder what gave that away “wow you catch on quickly don’t ya Barnaby?” by the looks of things I’m really doing wonders for his ego, buck’s head looks like it’s gotten smaller so the risk of him turning into a hot air balloon’s gone down. The feeling of a pair of eyes glaring at the back of my head once again reminded me that the blonde boy was quickly getting tired of our crap, my worst fears were confirmed once I met Steve’s surprisingly intimidating glare…how he manages to be both adorable and beyond f**king terrifying is a mystery to me. “Okay I’m comin’ just stop staring at me like I just murdered your kitten!” and the little s**t has the nerve to smirk and look pleased with himself, ugh he’s been hanging ‘round me and Bucky too long that’s for sure.
“Ya know Buck and you are gonna be the death of me” right do I be offended or pleased with that statement? “actually, if anything it’s gonna be the pair of you that send me to an early grave cause god knows the both of ya don’t know how to stay outta trouble” two muffled sounds of protest came from my left and from behind me, “what’s that supposed to mean?!” once again the point has been missed “do you really wanna know the answer to that? I’ve got my report and presentation ready on how you two are a pair of numpties”.
Maybe that was a tad harsh…okay wait never mind it seems I’ve learned how to fly again with the assistance of one James Buchannan Barnes. “this is coming from the girl who can’t walk five feet without fallin’ over somethin’?” as much as I hate to admit it the walking embodiment of frustration and annoyance has a point “what you call fallin’ I call floor hugs, now how about you pUT ME DOWN FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!” wait when did Steve walk off? See this is what happens when an overgrown ape demands attention. I don’t even have to look at Buck to know he’s givin’ me that look that says, “what the hell?” and “I’m not surprised by this” at the same time, “Nah I don’t think that’s gonna happen doll” the temptation to kick ‘im where the sun doesn’t shine is too much to bare for me at this point. “And you wonder why I love Steve more that you” Buck’s face kinda looked like someone just shoved a whole lemon in his mouth, I’m almost certain that he woulda dropped me on my ass if it wasn’t for the fact that Steve came over and dragged us both through the gates of hell.
This is gonna be so much fun!……said no-one ever.  
Okay…maybe it didn’t suck as much a thought it did, hopefully my skills as a writer will come back for the next couple of chapters XD Thanks for reading ! :)
Rose xxx
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queen-scribbles · 3 years
OC Kiss Week-- Stars
 (also Toxic, if you’re feeling generous)
Keya & Ioan (Pillars of Eternity)
The sky was dark and full of stars.
And much as she wanted to enjoy it, Keya hadn’t spared more than a passing glance upward since her watch started, with good reason. The surrounding woods were dark and full of creatures; some friendly, most not. Wouldn’t do for a stelgaer to chew off someone’s leg because she was distracted, no matter how pretty the view was.
“Anything movin’ out there?” Ioan asked as he plunked down next to her on the log seat. 
“Nope,” Keya replied, then wrinkled her nose and spared a disgusted look for the mug in his hands. “The fuck is that?!”
“Murkbrew,” he said blithely, taking a drink and grinning at her expression.
“Really? B’cause it smells like a toxic abomination trying to sully the good name of murkbrew.” Keya scooted farther away down the log.
“Hey, d’ya want me awake for my watch or not, boss?” Ioan laughed quietly.
“Well, you are a crazy bastard,” she teased with a wink. “Figures regular murkbrew wouldn’t be enough for you. Is it your watch already?”
“Eh, give or take.” He shrugged. “I wasn’t sleepin’ anyway, didn’t see a point layin’ in my tent when I could lend an extra set of eyes.”
“Thanks for that. It’s been quiet enough, but you never know....” 
A growl reverberated out in the forest as if to underscore her words, and the two of them both scanned the trees.
“It’s a pretty night,” Ioan commented after a few moments’ quiet. “Weather’s nice, and it’s so much easier to see the stars out in the middle of nowhere.”
“Yep.” Keya took a moment to actually look up while he was watching the forest. It was indeed a beautiful sight, peaceful somehow. A yawn rose from what felt like the depths of her soul as she traced out a couple constellations. “Well, since you’re here, and it is give-or-take your watch” --she smirked-- “I think I’ll get some sleep.”
“Don’t wanna keep me company, boss?” he asked with a teasing grin.
She snorted as she stood. “Not when I’ve been up for almost twenty hours straight and you’re drinking that.” --a derisive wave toward his mug and its pungent contents-- “Delightful as your company is.”
He laughed, barely keeping it quiet enough to not rouse anyone still sleeping.  “Thank you for the reassurance. My tender ego really needed that.”
Keya grinned even as another yawn and the accompanying exhaustion surfaced. “Always happy to help bolster your ego.” She pushed up on tiptoe to kiss the top of his head playfully. “Night, Io.”
“Night, Key.” Ioan affectionately butted her with his shoulder. “Sleep tight, don’t let the stelgaer bite.”
“That’s your job, isn’t it?” she retorted,lightly punching his shoulder. “See you in the morning.”
He hummed in assent around another deep draught of his “murkbrew”, and Keya just barely resisted the urge to give his head a playful shove before heading for her tent. 
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