#nora and hae sung
admireforever · 4 months
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cinefiliz · 5 months
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use-ur-inside-voice · 11 months
Past Lives: How can a movie be so beautiful yet painful?
I watched Past Lives this past Tuesday, and I have some thoughts. I won’t necessarily speak to the movie itself, but instead to how this movie made me feel. After I left the theater, I felt this wave of sadness rush to me. I couldn’t shake the feeling of sadness as I thought about Nora and how her story is so similar to the stories of other immigrants. I know that a lot of people have been taken with the romance in this movie, but I think we all need to step back and refocus for a bit. This is a movie about immigrants, and how immigration can impact everything and everyone. As I was saying, I couldn’t shake this feeling of sadness after leaving the theater. I could only think about my mother, and how her life would be different if she didn’t immigrate to the U.S.
Would she still be a nurse? Would she have followed her passions of being an English teacher or a lawyer? Would she have more kids? Would my sisters and I know our mother tongue fluently instead of constantly asking, “What does that mean?” Would I be close with my grandmother whom I never see or understand? Would I feel the pressures of having to be extremely successful in order to feel like my life was worth it? That my parents’ pilgrimage to the U.S. was worth it? That their sacrifice was worth it? How would being the eldest daughter be if not for my immigrant parents making me feel like I need to be the saving grace of the family? Would be mother be happy? Would we be happy? 
Every so often, my parents pull out their old photo albums and show me who they once were. Photos of large smiles on faces I don’t recognize. Photos of friends, aunts and uncles at parties that I have never met. Seeing my parents light up at the photos and hearing them go on and on about what life was like when they were in their home country. The community they once had, the lives they lived, the happiness they experienced. I could see the longing for those memories in their eyes, full of glee and sadness at the same time. 
My parents, especially my mother, speaks in the future tense. “Once I go back home...,” “I’m going to walk on the beach...” “I can’t wait to see my sisters again...” “I hope I can see my mom one more time...” It pains me to think that the life that my mother lives is not one that she longed for. It’s not a life she wanted. She longs for something I can not give her. And so I’m left with the thought of what would life look life if my parents never won a green card in the green card lottery? Would my mother be happy? 
Past Lives is a beautiful yet painful reminder that the life of an immigrant can be upended in seconds, whether for better or worse. It is more than just a love story, in fact, the romance between the two main characters acts as a vehicle to show us the real meaning behind the movie. Who were we? Who are we? And who will we become? It is sometimes too painful to think about what could’ve been, but something I learned from Past Lives is that it is also beautiful to reminisce on the past, embrace the present, and look forward to the future. I hope someday my mother can go back to her home country and live out the rest of her days, and I hope once she does that I never have to ask, “Would my mother be happy?”
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milfhandholder · 4 months
You know what would've sucked? If Grell never killed Madam Red, if the two just broke apart from the heat of their relationship after the Jack the Ripper arc, if they started to live life as though the other never existed ONLY to then meet each other again later on in the story
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shrublub · 4 months
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i’m inconsolable
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FILM RECOMMENDATION: Past Lives (2023) Directed and Written by Celine Song Cinematography Shabier Kirchner Starring Greta Lee, Teo Yoo, John Magaro
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"There is a word in Korean. In-Yun. It means "providence" or "fate". But it's specifically about relationships between people. I think it comes from Buddhism and reincarnation. It's an In-Yun if two strangers even walk by each other in the street and their clothes accidentally brush. Because it means there must have been something between them in their past lives. If two people get married, they say it's because there have been 8,000 layers of In-Yun over 8,000 lifetimes."
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foxsoulcourt · 3 months
Celine Song, director of Past Lives
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Today's teensy rabbit hole discoveries include 2 interviews with Celine Song : The Guardian (Aug 2023) about her work + UK GQ (Dec 2023) about her most recent film in particular. Loved learning a bit more about this creative person's journey + their work. LOVE this summary of a movie which is STILL with me, rattling around inside:
“But halfway through, the film reveals itself to be about something grander and more universal: learning to make peace with the life you’ve built for yourself.”
THRILLED to see Manhattan in a fresh way!!!
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“Though Past Lives is part of the lineage of great New York films, it’s also a new kind of New York film – and an additive one to the Western canon. Cinematically, Manhattan is still a place where pretty blond women can traipse through the West Village in Manolo Blahniks. But now it’s also a place where Korean Canadian creative types can fall in love, lose their shit on the sidewalk, and hold real power over the men in their lives.”
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And this?! Seeing Song's intention with the bar scene?!!!
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“Take, for example, the widely discussed bar scene in which Nora and Hae Sung gaze at each other while reminiscing in Korean about their past, all while Nora’s husband, Arthur, sits quietly beside them, unable to follow the conversation. To some men, I tell Song, it almost plays out like Arthur is being cucked. She laughs, and considers the interpretation. “If you are somebody who likes masculinity and likes men, it’s really hard to see that as a sign of weakness,” she counters. “Because my thing is, Arthur sitting there is a sign of strength…. To me, there’s nothing hotter than that. That’s nothing more masculine and ooh” – here she feigns fanning herself – “than someone who’s able to not make that moment about themselves.”
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letterstomoon · 7 months
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myfemininedivine · 11 months
if you haven’t watched past lives and had a moment where you felt like grieving the girl you were and the people who loved that girl and the girl loved but can’t find that love anywhere else because the change is so drastic and so complete that nostalgia is the only real proof of love you have for them but then you have a funny realization that nostalgia is just a more edible word for grief ?????????????????? what’s wrong with you
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buck2eddie · 2 months
watched past lives finally and now having eddie/buck/tommy thoughts on it
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tinyreviews · 4 months
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While the main theme is about a lost relationship, there is also a minor theme about (racial) identity. A lot of quotable lines.
I love this. Very feels. Very human. A Must Watch for people who have loved and lost.
Past Lives is a 2023 American romantic drama film written and directed by Celine Song in her feature directorial debut. Starring Greta Lee, Teo Yoo, and John Magaro. The plot is semi-autobiographical and inspired by real events from Song's life.
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admireforever · 4 months
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Past Lives
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tw1nd0g · 6 months
finally watched past lives …. ow ow ouch owie owww owie wowie yeowch ai yi yi!!!!!!
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comehomet0myheart · 1 year
Past Lives works so well for me because I am so enamoured with pragmatism in fiction.
I read and watch a lot of stories about idealized love stories and I often enjoy them too! I spent my entire childhood believing that the teenagers who got together in the media I consumed would stay together forever. And then as I got older, I was naturally introduced to more stories about romances that didn’t work out. Still, it’s hard for me to think about those as pragmatic, most of them have this desire for sadness in them. They would make me feel as though the devastation was the point, that the narrative was forcefully bent toward the saddest outcome.
Past Lives doesn’t make me feel this way. Nora doesn’t stop talking to Hae Sung because of an unforeseen tragic circumstance. She makes a choice and goes through with it. Hae Sung puts it best during their conversation at the end of the film. She is the kind of person to leave. And he loves her because she is that kind of person. The “what-if” isn’t in wondering about if circumstances were different. No matter what, she would have chosen her plays over anything else. Her husband even notes that so much of how their relationship happened is because he fit so well into the life she wanted. The whole reason this film is called “Past Lives” is because that’s the only way to ponder about whether Nora and Hae Sung could be together.
It’s such a delightfully Asian perspective on it. “In another life” films are so common, but I always feel like Western movies do it in a kind of parallel universe kind of way. I love that in this one, Nora is so steadfast and consistent in her personality and desires, that there is no real contemplation and consideration of making her and Hae Sung’s relationship work. There is only a longing and a love.
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I'm SORRY not enough people are talking about how Celine Song and Justin Kuritzkes are married and she wrote a three-person movie called Past Lives and he wrote a three-person movie called Challengers and both of these movies have ONLY THREE CHARACTERS and in both of them one of the characters is named ARTHUR.
Are there no other names
What has an arthur done to them
I think it is significant which characters are named Arthur!! (well one is Art but you know.)
Why isn't everyone talking about this
Nora/Hae Sung/Arthur
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moviemosaics · 5 months
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My picks for the best film performances of 2023
Petri Poikolainen as Jaako Järvinen—The Blind Man Who Did Not Want to See Titanic
Clare Perkins as Cleve—Medusa Deluxe
Babetida Sadjo as Marie Cisse—Our Father, The Devil
Gael García Bernal as Saúl Armendáriz/Cassandro—Cassandro
Catalina Saavedra as Vero—Rotting in the Sun
Denis Ménochet as Antoine—The Beasts
Greta Lee as Nora Moon—Past Lives
Natalie Portman as Elizabeth Berry—May December
Kōji Yakusho as Hirayama—Perfect Days
Souleymane Sy Savane as Father Patrick—Our Father, The Devil
Emma Stone as Bella Baxter—Poor Things
Jeffrey Wright as Thelonious “Monk” Ellison—American Fiction
Rossy de Palma as Masilda—Carmen
Vivian Oparah as Yas—Rye Lane
Teo Yoo as Hae Sung—Past Lives
You can see my full list of 100 favorite performances of 2023 at this link!
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