#not sure abut this one lol
icycoldninja · 3 months
Hi can I request headcanons about Vergil with a s/o who has habit of giving him THE STARE. Not out of malice but because they just like watching his face lol. Thank you a lot (っ'-')╮=͟͟͞͞❤
Ahahaha I can genuinely relate to this one, ( I spend too much time staring at Vergil I swear) enjoy! 💜
Vergil x Reader who stares a lot headcannons
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Sorry about the big-ass image, I couldn't shrink it. (Not mine btw)
-Being an observant guy, Vergil quickly noticed that you were staring at him, but brushed it off as you simply being curious about him, which was understandable--he was a son of Sparda.
-Your gaze was piercing; it seemed to blast right through his skin and deep down into his flesh--no, beyond that--into his soul. He wasn't certain of how you possessed the ability to stare so predatorily, and wasn't sure if he wanted to find out.
-Over time, he noticed that your staring wasn't just curious nor intent, it was like you were observing him; analyzing and spying on him for some reason. Why? What did you want form him?
-He started getting a little uncomfortable, thinking that perhaps you were plotting something devious.
-Eventually, he decided to ask you directly abut it, hoping his intimidating presence would get you to tell him the truth.
-It worked; you were terrified of the way he was glaring at you so you nervously, hastily, and shakily confessed that you simply like looking at him.
-It took him a full 5 minutes to realize what that meant. Once the thought settled in, he nearly fainted. You liked looking at him? Why? You thought he was handsome? Him? Vergil Sparda, the son of Sparda, was considered handsome? By you? Why?!
-He had absolutely no idea what to say to that so he stomped away, stiff as a board.
-From that point onward, the issue was never spoken of again; you continued staring at Vergil's face, taking in every feature, and he remained sitting there, stoically allowing you to observe his every move.
-He honestly didn't mind it--the silent attention was appreciated.
-Occasionally, when the two of you are seated in the same room and no one but you is looking, he will reach up and smooth his hair back, very slowly and sensually, keeping eye contact with you the entire time.
-Just don't tell anyone why you're doing it and Vergil will let you stare at him until your eyes water, and might even stare back with his icy blue ones.
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jhjluvs · 6 months
possessive boyfriend ricky and baby trapping 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
nonnie this broke me the best way i hope u know that!! not suuper proud of this n it’s a bit messy sighhh but i hope i enjoy 🫶
possessive boyfriend ricky who loves you his perfect pretty girlfriend so much n wants you to be his forever so he decides to trying gettin u pregnant so you’ll have to get married and then boom ur legally his wife n his 4ever (it doesn’t always work like that but shh he don’t need to know)… he promises he’ll pull out when he fucks you but your pussy just feels so good around him n he just has to cum inside poor kitty baby can’t help it :(( bonus points if he’s subbing and you’re a mean mommy that makes fun of him after noticing he didn’t pull out,, you’re not stupid like your kitty is (it’s ok he likes it when ur mean <3) :( poor baby acts all confused of course when you take a pregnancy test a few months later n it comes out positive he’s like :0 i swear i pulled out!! what a silly boy… but you know he didn’t (and secretly you’re not even that mad,, you weren’t on the pill after all). and deep down you know your hot sexy boyfriend just wants you allll to himself and has since you met,, he’s sooo possessive all the time, has to be touching your waist or thigh or kissing you often to let everyone you meet know you’re his girl… can’t help it when he’s got such a pretty gf like you by his side!! but when you two first started dating ricky began thinking abut you as his perfect little wife to have n hold forever n for you to carry his kids (if you want to do that... he’s open to adoption as a last resort lol) bc you’re so wonderful he knows you’d be the best mommy n he loves you so much,, to be have you and a few mini shens by his side forever would be a dream come true for him :( ricky’s sooo excited his plan worked too, he had no idea you wanted it just as bad he’s so silly!! ricky wants to be a dad so badly and when you tell him you want to keep the baby he’s over the moon :3 spoils you and baby at every opportunity (read: all the time) bc you’re His Babies n you both deserve only the very best <33 he even proposes to you so sweetly after baby is born to make sure you’re his for realsies like … you’re His wifey and no one else’s nope!! no one can take you from him now that would just be wrong!! you’ll be his perfect beautiful wife 4ever n ever just like he’s always wanted 🥺🥺
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Man I think just about all of us are dying here GIVE US SOMETHING!!!! ANYTHING WILL DO! A SCRAP A PIECE A LEFTOVER ANYTHING??
🫢I sound exactly this when I beg my parents money for food
I just had this random thought. I can't sleep rn I gotta get up in like 3 hours lol but anyway,
I was thinking abut this and you know how you said Bucky drew her a bath right after, imagine that happening but like there's no sexy time, if u know what I mean🫣
Its just them talking and conversating in a bathtub!! Probably about Buck, Frank's new missions or her past yk stuff u talk about with someone you love when it's past 1 AM. I love their dynamic so much it just makes my heart melt!!
Also this is so irrelevant but Mamma You've been on my Mind by jeff buckley reminds me so much of Bucky!!
@karashawsblog here’s the excerpt as well:
18+| Explicit scene below:
Frank laughed softly, eyes still closed as Bucky kissed her temple, carefully avoiding the bandage still pressed to her skin as his finger slipped just a little further inside her, “I just thought you tired yourself out last night.”
“Got plenty more fuel to go again this morning.”
Frank giggled playfully, her laughter transitioning into a soft moan as Bucky slipped his index finger all the way inside her, slowly stroking her walls as she clenched tightly around him. “So tight,” Bucky whispered into her ear, “suck me in, Stella. You’re fucking soaked.”
Frank moaned again, biting down on her lip as Bucky began thrusting in and out, her hips rocking into his hand to try to get a little bit more friction. She felt her hips roll, her entire body urging her to get more—telling her she needed more. “Need you,” Frank eventually moaned out, head lulling against his shoulder, her hand snaking back around to wrap around his length, squeezing the hard skin between his legs, “need more.”
“Ran out of condoms,” Bucky grunted as her thumb swept across the head of his cock, his middle finger sliding inside her alongside his index, “I’ll have to go get some more in a bit.”
“Don’t need one,” Frank lifted her leg, Bucky’s fingers sliding out from inside her, the pilot’s hips pressing into hers as she felt him at her entrance.
“You sure about that?”
“Mhmm,” Frank arched her back as Bucky’s hands slid across her thigh, the head of his thick cock running along her folds, “just get inside me.”
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alexanderlightweight · 11 months
Hello! For Writing Wednesday could we please have some more Spoils of War or Created for Death? I’m obsessed with both of these to an insane degree:
What I love about SoW: tentative!Alec whom Magnus has to work at gaining trust from? I love it. There’s a line in one part about Magnus having to fix how the Clave broke Alec before Magnus can gentle him and I just—gorgeous, perfect, headcannon accepted. Veiled consorts? Hooooooly that’s so cool omg I swear I heard a symphony in my head when I realized where you were going. The mask? Alec’s hesitance and obedience, thinking everything is out to hurt him but doing it anyway because what choice does he have, is so beautiful, and Magnus mourning a little that he didn’t have more time to make the experience better for Alec but not willing to risk the delay and risk Alec growing even more distant is just 😍—lmao I could write an essay about how much I love this universe.
CoD: I fucking love eldritch angel nephilim and this is giving EVERYTHING. Nephilim who are cobbled together projects of the angels, their biology so skewed by angelic power that even the nephilim don’t know what their children will look like/heal like/die like. Mostly the difference being subtle, but sometimes Not. Raised to hate and fear their full potential, anything that is Too Angelic, and Alec a living hearsay/blasphemy even when his blood was only 30/70 because if it. AND THEN. It’s not losing Jace that tips Alec over, it’s Magnus dying—demon-born prince/king of edom enemy of the Clave. So gorgeous, holllyyyy. I can’t even think too much about Magnus collaring 6-winged Alec, about Alec kneeling for him, about the terrible kindness and protection in Izzy disowning her brother, about the gentleness of Magnus hiding Alec away and covering his eyes and hushing him because even the ANGELS wouldn’t know what to do in this situation, with this new body, and then Team Immortal coming in and IMMORTALITY and wow
Anyway yeah sorry for spitting up my lovestruck brain in your asks but I had to make sure that you knew you’ve struck me deeply with your writing and that’s why I’m begging on your doorsteps for literally any content in either one of these verses 💜
i'm very glad both stories are being enjoyed so much and please don't apologize i love stuff like this! it's a huge compliment but also it's just really nice to see that other people are as into and obsessed with my verses as i am. because sometimes i wait for my sleep meds to kick in and i just plot where i'm going and end up passing out in the middle of a mental scene being written lol
so i wrote a thing for spoils of war and thank you! i'm glad it was enjoyed because i have this big headcanon about how consorts are really magically important to warlocks and magical kings if dominion magic is in the fic and a big thing about that is protecting the consorts identity. via masks but also cloaking the consort in so much magic that you can't even tell anything abut them besides what the warlock allows you to know. and there is a lot of history thats hinted at
for created for death
izzy was fucked up about that, okay. but she had to relinquish alec as a brother because otherwise the clave still had ties to him. since they don't need them anymore, the clave sort of doesn't let true nephilim have any rights. so alec had to be disowned as a nephilim and then magnus was basically like 'okay but my magic is on him so hes mine since i calmed him down' and izzy was like 'he totally counts as a weapon. yours now. because thats the safest thing for alec atm
so alec is actually 70/30 and most nephilm are 30/70 in a angelic/mundane equation. which is why he was being kept watch over by the clave but uh, the fear of magnus dying kinda made him lose it
i hope you enjoy this!
<3 lumine
spoils of war
Alec doesn’t know what’s going on.
Magnus didn’t bother explaining what the ritual was or what it did beyond that it was yet another bonding ceremony. But even their political wedding that signified the end of a war didn’t feel this elaborate.
Alec knows it doesn’t really matter, that he’ll be taking part in the ritual whether he knows what it does or not. In fact, it's almost better not to know than to know what he might need to do.
Alec can’t say no to whatever is going to happen and he knows that, so he takes comfort in the fact that he can still see. The mask has magic in and through it and Alec tries not to consider where it’s from and why he can feel nephil magic still fading from it.
Instead, he concentrates on Magnus and his magic and puts out the thoughts and details of his surroundings, like being watched by over a thousand warlocks and their companions, all hidden with their faces hidden behind a variety of masks.
It’s daunting to be here, to be taking part in something that feels so old and sacred when Alec was supposed to be no more than chattel. Fodder for a war built on the blood of innocents that Alec’s own people started.  It feels wrong to be here so defenseless and yet know that Magnus’ magic will protect him better than any weapon.
Carefully, Magnus uses magic to take off Alexander’s ceremonial collar and he instead replaces it with a loop of pure magic that will slowly take on more and more power until the image of it will always become whatever Magnus wishes it to be.
For now, however, it is a tight loop of deep purple magic that pulses with Magnus’ magic and power in time to Alexander's every breath.
It’s a show of power to summon a single adamas arrow — one that Alexander gave to Magnus by his own hand — and hold it without harm. Alexander sucks in a startled breath — perhaps at the sight of one of his own arrows or that Magnus can hold it with ease — and Magnus can feel him quiver under Magnus’ palm.
“My protection is absolute. When you bleed it will be because I wish it, for no other is allowed to spill your blood.” Magnus uses the arrowhead to nick Alexander’s upper lip — just as he cut the lower with the stele — and then he leans forward to lick it off and suckle the cut until he earns a whine of pain.
“The flames of Edom will devour all before allowing anyone to touch you without my permission.” Magnus promises and his fingers dance with flames that brush harmlessly over Alexander’s neck — the shard of Magnus’ soul claiming Alexander in an undeniable way that will protect him from harm in Edom.
Alexander seems torn between leaning forward and stepping away and Magnus knows his boy better now than he did when they were wed. Alexander needs no leash as Magnus first thought, just a steady hand and Magnus’ voice.
The bonds between them are the only tether Magnus will ever need with Alexander.
“Sweetheart—” Magnus teases, his voice caressing Alexander with magic and he can see how his boy shudders at the sound and feel of it. He steps forward unconsciously, he's been instinctively drawn to Magnus from the very beginning and Magnus croons and reaches out. His palm blooms with hellfire before settling on Alexander’s hip and Magnus pulls him closer still.
“Should any look at you without being graced by my benevolence, their sight shall be consumed by my magic. A payment for stealing a glimpse of what is only mine to see.”
Magnus’ vows are instinctive and there is a primal surge of delight as he takes the ritual a step further, cursing any being who would dare look at Alexander’s uncovered face without his blessing.
It’s an old tradition.
Older still than the ritual Magnus is using and it’s something that has been out of style for over three centuries. Magnus still remembers the stories of how the legend of Medusa started. A warlock desperate to protect her gorgeous consort cursed her love with a vicious, loving protection.
Magnus knows now that Alexander expects to be a spectacle.
A disgraced nephilim in the eyes of his own people, traded away for a peace bought with his soul and virginity. Alexander expected to be paraded around as a mockery, a whipping boy for the clave to offer to the warlocks and it’s clear that’s what the clave told him he was.
But Alexander is not something to be gawked at.
He is not someone who Magnus will allow others to see, not to admire and certainly not to laugh over. Alexander is his consort and if that means that Magnus veils him in magic and curses all those who dare look upon him, then so be it.
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wawamouse · 22 days
Drunkposting here I go
here's the thing: I reread Beneath the Shadows or whatever the fuck I title that fic, and: It's sorely missing come cuddling. I thought it was fluff at the time because I have the EQ of a piece of bread but I see in retrospect that the Something Deranged universe was badly missing some actual tenderness. Maybe I will write some more later but in my mind they're very much in love in that series, no quesiton
I have been missing Oz a lot in past weeks that I have been having to work on other fanfics. Even tho I know like nobody gives a shit abut this pair or the fics (AH), I still miss the feeling of thinking on it every day. Sure beats thinking about work or whatever (fail life). To be honest, I have a scraps notes app thing of Chico andMiguel moments that is much more self indulgent (lol more so than my fic, even). In those i'ts like very like reciprocated and shit. Idk . To go off the canon characterisations, it would feel OOC to me, because I don't think there is a single character in Oz that is Actually 'nice". There're all assholes to be honest. So trying to imagine them as anything else feels disingenuous in some ways. Like I think they're humanistic but I think there is a danger of writing them as too nice, which would be false. i don't think they are nice people. I think miguel seems nice by comparison of the others in the show but if you plopped him amongst non-oz people, he would have a very uncomfortable and even threatening vibe. idk where i'm going with that thought.
Imagine for a second that this was a big fandom that created portmanteaus. what would miguelxchico be? mico? (laugh). chiguel?
I really like Oz but idk how long i see myself writing fic for it. this is a very give everything/get nothing type fandom (no offense); i feel like this is obvious either way). my own personality is such that i find it somewhat difficult to go on when there is no one matching my enthusiasm. like what's the point. oh, we do it for "for you", but get real, why should I write when nobody is read it lol. bu ru don;t post it or whatever the fuck! but i do like that this fandom has been around for so long, like there's still people doing events 20 years later. i think that's lovely. I am just worried my own focus will wane eventually. maybe i'll come back to it. this latest hyperfixation was after i reread some fics i had saved to my google drive. it's kind of funny to me that i'm probably never going to to write a miguelx ryan . i really like how other people wrote them (there is one with a diamond heist that is probably my fave) but i read all those before finishign the actual show and ryan is a shitbag i would dare not inflict upon miguel. i think someone should be inflicted upon ryan, tbh, say stanislofsky or whoever, idk. he's just some pathetic white guy to me. idgaf in canon. i'd beat him with a blunt object tbh. force feed him Respect women juice like leave gloria ALONE.... fanon makes him more sympathetic, I guess. LOL. he's on a thin wire with me, frankly. I don't have much sympathy for his life ruining tactics. I wish someone wrote a miguel x ryan fic where he ruined miguel's life too because that would SUCK but it would be in character for both of them (and i love angst). couldnt be me tho! I just don’t seem them as being very happily ever after tbh . There was a fic that some giy wrote (I think it’s funny that you could tell it was written by another guy idk) “interim” something idk whatever the fuck . I liked that it ended with Miguel sort of just riding off on his own. I feel like that felt right…. I remember other comments being very like bu fu about it but I think it worked /made sense . I realllt like that fic
inflicting chico on miguel conversely is amusing to me bc chico is down so bad and is at best a moderate annoyance ( aside from the attempted murder
i should write a mcd fic. i keep thinking this to myslef. i I did it for ding rong and cried like a baby while i was cooking dinner at the mere thouguht but it was kind of cathartic too. crying over fictional characters is always funny to me. i should kill chico and leave miguel alone alone.
i was originally looking for hte chico's so hot post but i couldn't find it. but i was real for that one. i need to start a tag for drunkposting probably
mukada x cloutier i still think about it
Cloutirrx Timmy Kirk also not bad
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hxllo-nana · 26 days
Alright, just wanted to say and/or Ask a few or so, mostly disconnected things in this Ask (Ask #2).
First of all, I am curious what happened to ur Carrd that u used to have in ur pinned post? Ofc, u don't u have to have it up or anything, I am just curious abut what happened to it.
2nd, I just wanted to say, I actually say a lot of stuff in reblogs to Answers you did to my Asks instead of putting them in more Asks (well, I am still doing Asks and stuff though. Just less so in this case). So if u want to check those out (u don't' have to ofc though!).
I also wanted to ask, what u might do with ur TikTok videos, since TikTok might get banned? I really enjoy looking at some of ur TikTok videos (esp. ur cool UT/DR ones); some of which are only on there. So I would hate for them to be completely lost/disappear? Maybe they can be on YT shorts instead? If TikTok does actually end up getting banned (this time).
2 (kind of more) Hazbin Hotel and Undertale things; which one (or maybe more?) of them I kind of brought up already, I think, but like, I like this point so I am bringing it up.
First, I love how both Chara and Charlie have similar-sounding/looking names, and both have those red circles (what else would u call them? Red marks? Red circle marks?? How u would u describe it/them, lol) on their faces and/or cheeks.
For some other points (which I may or may not have already talked about some and/or etc. already in some form): Both Alastor and Sans are both basically always smiling, but just because they aren't, doesn't mean they are happy. And for another Husk connection(s) to Sans, both have like casino and/or etc. connections considering Husk's connections to casinos and cards (though, Alastor is also quite good at cards too), and in Switch version of UT, I think, Sans is wearing the hat, at a casino or something, I think? Having trouble remembering for sure.
And a somewhat looser connection, but Sans has also helped Grillby w/ working at the bar and stuff (and Sans and Grillby are connected in general), and Husk has some connections to drinks and stuff. And/or both are at a bar a lot. Looser connection, but you know. Still think Sans and Alastor are too similar though, for all the points I brought up here and in other Asks and rb's. But Sans and Husk works well too.
1. I decided carrd is only for those who ask for it. I’m a private user with multiple names and secret accounts i never tell unless you ask for it.
2. I already have…lololol
3. They will be moved to Youtube Shorts on my alt account. Hopefully they don’t ban it. There’s still a lot I would lose and miss since TikTok is basically my main platform other than Youtube.
4. I call Chara and Charlie’s blush the clown blush.
5. My man Sans can fit any role and I find that rad as hell. Also you’re correct about the casino thing. Why is he like this. Don’t call your connections losers, any connection is a good connection. We’re all mad in this household and we will combine and compare hyperfixations like our lives depend on it….because they do- *holds up a gun*
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timaeuslover001 · 1 month
Dr. Olivia Octavius Headcanon (AU)
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Born and raised in California, Los Angeles August 8th, 1957
adopted by a second generation Mexican American Family as a baby (stretch you imagination for a bit, I know im fooling with actual legal history here but bear with me lol)
her mother had trouble having chicken for a few years and prayed every dat for them but she felt like she should adopt and ws drawn Olivia.
her mother Elena was a Sundays school teacher and a homemaker and her father worked in construction
she was a happy active and outgoing girl. she could never have her hair done for long it aways came out messed up from her being outide and playing and digging up dirt.
she was tested for being gifted and passed and got transferred to a gifted school for kids her
she learned how to surf and loved being outside and nature and always caught butterflies in the summer.
she was teased for her hair, height, glasses and her parents heritage and got into fights and even a few fist fights but she never let it get to her and built her confidence from it.
the boys however thought she was cute when she got older and flirted with her and that was another reason to hate her.
she skipped grades and finished under Gard school quickly.
she eventually applied to MIT at 19 years old and didn't get in her first year but applied the following year and got it.
she after her first year she didn't think would come back to New York because there was hardly any attire and was surrounded by building and after her first winter ever, she was sure shed be gone by summer time but Norman convinced her to stay.
There she met norman osborn after overhearing a conversation him and dr stromm were having and the next day struck up a close friendship with her and Dr stromm and lasted ever since.
She taught Norman to salsa and she would always make him laugh
she and dr stromm encouraged him in his support of oscorp
Norman ended up convincing Olivia to speed through school and get their doctorate degree. Which they did , they graduated with a doctorate at 22
over time she fell in love with him hard but by the time she felt the need to tell him n, he had met someone else named Emily Lyman
Olivia met Emily a few times and didn’t see any glaring reason why they shouldn’t be together not to mention she was always “busy” or our partying but soon she’ll come to realize how that would hurt Norman in the end.
Olivia over the years tried to give advice to Norman on dating but his insecurities would just talk a little bit louder and he end up making the same mistakes. Until after so many heartbreaks and lies , he just became bitter over dating. After his last and final broken engagement, with a woman who was actually genuine, due to her not wanting to sign a prenup, he just reigned to the fact that “marriage isn’t for him” . And stayed a confirmed bachelor.
at 40 years old she left the Company to start her own. Norman was heartbroken a bit but knew she ha dreams of her own to pursue and they always talked abut her dreams as well and he was more than happy to support her.
Norman made sure he was the first one to donate to her company of 100 million dollars.
she moved her company to upstate New York, where she built a home as well and feels like she can "breathe"
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andromedaexists · 10 months
The Binding of Bloom Mountain || Siggy Chambers
omg you guys I genuinely can't think of anymore triggers on this holy shit abut also WHAT THE FUCK
Where do I start? Right here:
This book feels like home.
That's right, this book that I had no idea existed until last month feels like home to me. I wish I could rate it 6 stars, it's re-framing my rating system in my head. It is 11pm a night, hours past my bed time, and I am going to tell you everything I can about this book.
This is an Appalachian Folk Horror. A genre I had no idea existed and now I need more of it. From the very beginning I felt peace through the descriptions. The book is set in Virginia, but it rings true of northern West Virginia and southern Ohio Appalachia too.
I argued against Celeste all the way through the book. There are just certain things you learn being raised in the boonies. Things such as NO DON'T GO OUT TO GREET AN UNKNOWN CREATURE THAT BECKONING YOU TO THE WOODS and RUN BITCH WTF
From the beginning you can tell that Celeste isn't going to follow those tried and true rules, she has something against the small rural town of Milton (that doesn't surprise me, she's living in DC when we meet her)
I also just love the inclusion of natural remedies in the book. Again, it makes it feel like home. I can't tell you the amount of natural remedies and things that people would consider witchcraft in the day and age that I was raised on. We take care of nature and she will take care of us, after all
And the horror element was so perfectly executed! It wasn't super gore heavy or really super horror heavy, but the horror that was in here really hit home for me. It was shadows in the forest and always being watched and creatures that just Aren't Right. I love it
This book changed me just as fundamentally as Angels Before Man did, but in a wholly different way.
There aren't many quotes that I want to pull out of this story, just two really:
the spirit wanted something to tend, something to watch grow and thrive, something to love. And it wanted to feel that love in return.
"The trees knew I was coming..." "More than that, Celeste. They were calling you home."
Okay, now that that's over let's get into the spoiler heavy stuff:
OH MY GOD ABRAM WAS HER GRANDFATHER!!!! I literally messaged Doom like 3 lines before that reveal because that's when I put it together holy shit it's sooo good!!!
And the way that literally everything is foreshadowed:
Ellie being shown as soon as Celeste enters Milton
Celeste being told that she might meet something worse up there and then being hunted for sport by her grandpappy
All the foreshadowing about how Celeste is not only a good fit to do the binding, but The Fit (because she has the blood and magic of one of the mountains guardians pumping through her)
I cannot wait for the sequel to this book omg Doom you better give me that sequel holy shit
This is definitely being added to the recommendation shelf. Holy shit.
I am planning on writing little things like this every time I read a book just to help me keep track of them. If I don’t write down my opinions and thoughts right away I am liable to forget them. I am hesitant to call these a review because i’m really just not comfy with that lol I will do my best to make sure I appropriately tag and warn about topics. If I miss any please let me know!
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rotshop · 7 months
OOOO desire, fear, and guilt for june!!! Gonna send more as well just seperatong by character heehee >:]
darts around in circles and jumps and does flips .
desire ; peace? rest? it's hard to put into words. just sort of longs for a feeling of calm he hasn't had in a long time. didn't have it when she was younger because he had so many younger siblings to juggle [yes, his mom obviously took care of them too, but he would feel terrible if he just left her alone to it. besides, having only one figure to rely on when you're so young would probably really poorly affect you huh??? haha yeah it probably would. lol. good thing june is different.], doesn't have it now because she's constantly fighting and watching her friends get torn to shreds and waiting for someone to make an attempt for the intelligence, and she doesn't know if she'll have it later because. well. what even is later? when is she gonna stop fighting? what is she even gonna do then? thinking about it is enough to warrant the whole day feeling like a wash. just try again tomorrow, just don't worry about it, says the guy who loves worrying abut everything.
fear ; another vague one but anything bad happening to his family, a fear that's only gotten worse now that he's got respawn. he's a little more desensitized to violence with his job, but the thought of anything happening to his ma or his siblings still freaks him out. he knows they're all capable and independent and are surviving just fine without him but he still feels like he has responsibility for their well being. again, having one figure of reliance sure would suck huh. keeps this fear to herself from the most part because she knows its irrational but sometimes in particularly rough moments she'll start spilling it all out and falling into incoherency to just try and make some space in her chest to just breathe again.
guilt ; guy who feels like he's not doing enough and like he's also too overbearing. more just a general sense of guilt rather than over a particular decision or mistake, but he feels like he struggles to strike a balance between caring enough and not becoming overbearing. but if we were to be more specific i would honestly say he hates having lied to his family about his line of work. he knows that 'hey, im killing people to make money' probably wouldn't go over well and the idea of it making them hate him or god forbid be afraid of him makes his skin crawl but god it sucks having to act like he does something normal. it sucks having to lie to his mom over the phone and say he's on some business trip down south and it hurts to play off the joke she makes about how she's jealous he gets to be somewhere so warm. doesn't really do too much about it other than just kind of. quietly live with it. doesn't make peace with it because she doesn't know how and doesn't really ignore it because its impossible to.
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mrtodd · 1 year
Some (semi-old) ClanGen Drawings!!
So I drew some of my ClanGen cats a while ago, but I hadn't really been on Tumblr back then. But now that I am here, I thought it would be fun to share them! Just keep i mind these are all a few months old. I also don't remember a lot about these cats because I never write anything down about them... hmmm.. Maybe I should do that lol
First off, the one i put actual effort into: Gravewanderer & Voiddive!
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(Gravewanderer is the cream & white one while Voiddive is the black & white tabby one)
Just to be completely honest w/ you, I only drew this couple because I liked their names lmao. Though I don't remember their clan (I've had like, a thousand clans, so no chance on that honestly) I do remember that Gravewanderer was one of the medicine cats & Voiddive was just a regular warrior. But I thought they were cute, & so decided to draw them. :)
These ones are much simpler (& i actually included their sprites!):
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...Yes, Blightbright's name was entirely randomly generated (So were all the others. but yknow. Blightbright.) Again, I don't rmemeber their clan, but I am fairly certain it was the same as Grave and Void's. Anyways, like the others, I don't have much to say about these cats... Uh, they're cute right? Lol.
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Riftpelt & Roughsun. Again, not much to say abut these guys other than, they're cute, right ?!?!
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Just a solo cat this time. Venomtide! Still not much to say about them. I know for a fact they're from the same clan as Nutmeg/Blight, & I do know that I liked them a lot despite not giving them any sort of story or whatnot... But yknow. They're pretty! Lol!
& now, a couple headshots in a slightly different style (AKA more complicated faces).
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She was the deputy of a clan I am still yet to remember. She actually has a personality this time: She was quite a bossy & stoic cat, often not taking shit from any other cat, but deep down, she did genuinely care about her clanmates & wished them the best - she was only bossy to make sure they got themselves out of trouble. She kinda acted like the mother to her clanmates.
I also drew this bonus shitpost of her:
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Next, here's Icicleshard:
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As you can see, Icicleshard is EEVVIIILLLL. Though she never actually did anything. She's the only one here who's name wasn't randomly generated - I didn't like her original suffix, so I changed to shard, as I felt it fit her better. Despite the fact she likes acting like she's all tough & is gonna destroy the clan, you could probably knock her over w/ a slightly strong sneeze. Oh, & also, I actually remember her clan: FeralClan!
I also made this bonus pixel art of her:
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& Finally:
Barleysmoke of ScorchClan. The only one I gave an actually cool design to. Need I say more?
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Yeah, that's it. I hope you enjoyed the silly kitties <3
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cherchersketch · 7 months
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Raffine's Plan: Save My Favorite Character / I will Seduce the Male Lead for My Older Brother
I've just been on a kick of reading "cute babies doing cute baby things" series on Manta
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Summary Baby girl gets reincarnated into a super depressing tragic romance novel. Everybody dies at the end @A@ And her older brother is the first one to go (by offing himself @~@) It all stems from the OG!ML marrying bro's secret love, the OG!FL, and the OG!FL also realises her mutual feelings too late. Big bro was her oshi in the novel so of course, gotta come up with a plan to save him while they're all still young and the tragedy hasn't really started yet. It's all so simple. This 6-year-old kid just has to propose to this other 10-year-old child. What could possibly go wrong.
Tropes   - cute babies doing cute baby things - my family is obsessed with me - *proposal* at first sight (but they're all still BABIES) - isekai-ed but I’m just an extra - you're gonna isekai because "god" says so
baby FL - Raffine Estern
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- technically older than she looks (but keeps ending up acting like her actual body's age anyway) - lost child returns to her rightful family ;w; - manhwa children always be a mix-and-match of the parents’ hair and eye colour - 4 steps ahead of everyone (helps to have already read the ending) - somehow all the important plot elements are coming to her instead
baby ML - Zerkan Perdenia
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- he's gonna have a ~traumatic childhood~ (but our FL's here to stop that) - for once, it's not the dowager empress that's evil but some random concubine - look they're all literally too young to be thinking abut romance so he thinks the slight blushublushu is brotherly affection for his best friend's little sister
children who deserve the world - Adrian Estern + Violet Fitz
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- baby boy is a siscon so poor ML is slowly becoming his number one enemy (affectionate) - there are so many other series where Violet would be the FL instead lol (accidentally picked up an MC's long lost baby relative) - at least they're actually gonna get the happy ending this time (because this is a romcom)
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Rating: I enjoyed my time reading this I will read all the otome isekai and you can't stop me Status (as of 6 Nov 2023) Ongoing. Still pretty new, but it's a Manta series so I'm not sure if it'll hit 100 episodes.
Same Same but Different   - Too Cute to Handle - Devoted to Diamond - Flirting with the Villain’s Dad - One Step Forward to the Flower Path
full rec list
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theangrypomeranian · 1 year
Hey there! What are some of your favorite tropes? Least favorite?
Hi Babs!! faves:
friends-to-lovers (i am suuuuuuuuuch a sucker for this one, i frickin' love it, especially childhood friends)
mutual pining (gimme two dumbasses who love each other but think the other doesn't, i eat that shit up)
hurt/comfort (it's abut the hurt! and the comfort that comes from the hurt!)
fluff (i love watching my favorite characters and ships be cuddly and cute just *goes feral* G I M M E)
slow burn (LOOK I LOVE IT OKAY i love watching the relationships build and grow, it makes me so soft)
angst (there's a reason i call myself an angst whore lmao) least faves:
love triangles (Twilight ruined that for everyone, i think, and i say that as someone who likes the books (i'm 30, i can like what i want now lmao))
break ups (i haaaaaaaaaate break up stories, like they legit trigger me, i just cannot)
bait and switch ships (starting out by promising one ship but then hard turning into another one is one of my least favorite things, i've dropped series before because of this)
any kind of nice guy TM or overly pushy characters for romance (it makes me wanna crawl out of my skin, no means no dude)
major character death (this one is mostly for fics, i read fic to have a good time, not to have my heart broken lol)
any kind of graphically described SA (cannot cannot nope nope nope instant trigger and block)
i'm sure there's more that i'm not thinking of, but that's what comes to mind rn. thanks for the ask!
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tuiyla · 2 years
So it’s nice that you want Kurt as one of Santana’s besties. (Certainly her best male friend). Who do you think Brittany’s best male friends are?
Tone is hard to get across on the internet so I promise I'm not being defensive or snarky but I just saw many shit takes on Santana's besties this week so I'll take any opportunity to talk a bit about Kurtana first.
Kurt is one of Santana's besties, canonically. Certainly her best guy friend, I don't see any way to canonically say anyone else. And I am actually really big on the idea of Santana and her bros and could go on and on abut that, but based on the show Kurt really is miles and miles above anyone else. Santana refers to him as her family on several occasions. Sorry I just needed to get that out because it's not even what I want, it's canon.
Anyway, Brittany! Here we have a harder job if we wanna decide based on canon because Glee didn't do a great job at developing friendships apart from a select few. I think we can make a case for a few different guys if we just build on what we do have, though.
She has a fair few sweet scenes with Kurt and what I think is a sweet dynamic so he’s certainly a candidate. I would say they’d be best of friends but certainly get along really well. The Sunshine Twins, Brittany and Blaine really only existed in select few scenes in season 4 but I would have loved to see that explored more and have them grow closer. In my ideal version of season 4, Brittany becomes basically best friends with Sam instead of dating him because that would have been so much better, and that gives way for a fun Blamtany (?) trio. Oh, how mad I am at Glee for not doing a Bram friendship. And even when they break up they pull a Glee and never have them interact again which really cheapens the relationship and makes me yearn for a friendship that didn’t have weird meta ~jokes~.
I think one of the most popular fanon friendships for Brittany is Mike, understandably so. Sadly, once again we don’t have much in canon apart from bg moments and the obvious reason why they always danced together but I like to treat a Bike friendship as quasi-canon. There’s nothing disputing it, you know. And there’s the fact that they stayed friendly with Artie, despite the jokes about having forgotten they ever dated. One of the few examples of a post-breakup couple interacting. I really like the idea of a Bartie friendship, too, where they leave the past behind and just appreciate each other as people.
And that leaves us with Finn and Puck. I’m actually really partial to a Puck and Brittany broship and I’m sure I’ve written about it before, I’ll find it. I think they’d make a surprisingly fun duo and the idea of this friendship means weirdly a lot to me. I just think they’d be neat. As for Finn, I thought his apology at the end of 3x04 was sweet and despite my complicated feelings on him, I think they could be on the same wavelength. Probably not best of friends but a cute friendship within the larger web of ND.
Basically, I can make any friendship work in my head lol. But if we had to say mostly based on canon, her best male friends are Mike, Blaine and Kurt.
In terms of how much I would have wanted them to have a broship with Brittany in canon:
But I’ll take whatever I can get.
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April 10: Notes on The Fairy Ring
Today, some notes and trivia-stuff about The Fairy Ring. During this post I will try to refrain from being bitter about this story. It deserves better than like 3 hits and negative 1 kudos lol. It does! It's a good story. I like it.
Anyway, I enjoyed writing it and I like the finished fic, so.
Here's some stuff to know abut it:
The fairy world is inspired by AI-generated images because I find them intensely creepy and wrong and I wanted the fairy realm to give that same feeling: it's not human, it's not real, it's too much, it is excess that hates emptiness or simplicity.
All of the fairies are delinquents. Lincoln's fascination with the fairy ring is like his fascination with the sky/outer space; discovering the fairies here is like discovering the Dropship in canon.
The tree is the Dropship. What it might mean in the universe of this fic that it seems to be non-native to the fairy realm is an interesting thing, potentially. But it's described the way it is to emphasize the delinquent/fairy connection more.
I originally wrote Lincoln as 18, mostly because I wasn't entirely sure where the fic might end up, but then I changed his age to 16 because I wanted to emphasize that this is a pre-canon characterization, a younger version of him. I wasn't sure if that would be obvious if he was described as being 18 because I don't know how old he's supposed to be in canon or how old people read him as.
Fairy qualities (from my original notes): vicious, greedy, gluttonous, slight in appearance, large wings, pointy ears, selfish, amoral, curious
I originally had this image of Octavia playing with this large, glowing orb, like just suspending it in the air and tossing it around like a beach ball. But it didn't really fit anymore, and it seemed sort of... not of a piece with the rest of it, especially as telekinetic-type powers weren't obviously part of the whole fairy deal. Also I had the floating glowing lights at dinner.
This is my second fairy-Octavia story and even though it's not in the same verse (Bellamy was not a fairy in Never-Contented Things!, and neither was Raven, and they both are here), I think the Octavia characterizations are kind of similar and some details are the same. I did not re-read the earlier story before writing this one.
One of the last components was deciding what would make escaping the fairy realm seem urgent to Lincoln, so I did some extremely detailed research, by which I mean, quick googling and Wikipedia-reading, and wrote in some fairy lore, with both the dancing and the wooden totem, which will stand in for the (dead) body of one victim in the human world. There is only one body, because they only want, or so far only want, one of them--Anya. But, because they are greedy and hungry and amoral, they're getting ready to stop treating their guests as guests.
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missguomeiyun · 10 months
What I ate at K-Days
I’ve decided to contribute to the lower visitor count to Taste of Edmonton lol!  I don’t know about you but I find that everything is so pricey these days. After the few yrs of pandemic, where my lifestyle has changed, I’m honestly overwhelmed by the price tags of certain things out there. When I browsed the Taste of Edmonton menu & converted the ticket pricing to how much the food item would be in dollar amount, I was like, “WHATTTTT? o_O!” $6 for a single drumstick????? I’d much rather spend the money at a restaurant instead. Therefore, I didn’t go to the event at all. I later read an article abut the attendance rate of Taste of Edm & K-Days & woww... significant drop, IMHO. I did go to K-Days, not once, but twice ... so I could write this post for you HAHA
Just kidds.
I went for the ONE thing . .. again, I do a ton of reading before committing to something. I checked out the menu in detail, more specifically, the winners of the food/beverage categories.
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THIS was the #1 ranked dessert item this yr: Deep fried Oreos.
Y’all know how much I love Oreos! So I had to go try this out.
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It’s a single regular Oreo, coated in batter, & fried. The batter wasn’t very special; it’s like the standard. .. I don’t know, like a Korean fish-shaped pastry (or taiyaki if you’re familiar with the Japanese equivalent) kind of batter EXCEPT it was worse bcos unlike the pastry, there was no crisp to it at all. Like how?!? lol it is deep fried but it doesn’t have a fried texture =/ the Oreo inside was also like this soggy Oreo texture that I don’t like, but it wasn’t softened to the point where it melts together with the batter layer either. The whole thing was just disappointing, to say the least.
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Lined up for the soft serve I’ve been wanting to eat again.... the Dole whip :’)
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Yaaaaaas~  (also in photo: the classic vanilla that I have no interest in)  Pineapple ice cream isn’t a common flavour so . ..had to get it!
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The 2nd time I went to K-Days, I got the pink lemonade soft serve, which was a new item this yr. It’s bubblegum pink & super tart in flavour. Loved it!!!
Now that I’ve had this pink lemonade one. .. I like this one more than the pineapple. Sorry, pineapple, you’ve been replaced.
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Hmm... look familiar?
Pro tip: the deep fried Oreo & Oreo-stuffed donut IS THE SAME THING except the latter is glazed.
Thank me.
I did also try 2 actual food items lol not just the dessert stuff.
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This was from the International Gourmet Tater Tot booth. They all sound really good!
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Ended up getting the #10 Togarashi one.
This was very delicious!! Loved everything about it - the crispiness of the tater tots, the amount of tasty toppings, the sauce (not too much nor too little was given so it didn’t make the tater tots soggy). My one ‘meh’ thing about this was the seaweed. As a lover of seaweed, I cannot tell you what kind of seaweed this was. I’ve never seen seaweed that’s edible in this appearance before. It looks like the dried seaweed that I use for seaweed soup - ie: the raw, unexpanded version. The texture was also chewy... it was so weird!
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Next up is also an ‘international’ item: International perogies
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This item right here actually got 1st place for the food category at K-Days this yr.
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This was also $16 like the tater tots but I think this one was more worth the money - bcos, you know, there’s sriracha shortage lol! They were very generous with the sriracha here :P
But umm .. yeah, this was a diff combo of stuff I’m used to eating. Perogies & the falafel were hot, while the other items were cold, like a salad. The perogies. .. I’m sure they pre-make it so was just lukewarm so really, the only hot item was the falafel. I’ve never had perogies served in a salad-style like this before; I will definitely be keeping this idea in mind!
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The perogies were so cute! I’ve never seen these mini bite-sized ones in store before :O
Out of all the items I ate.. .
The falafel perogies was my favourite! Iuno.. . it just worked! The pink lemonade soft serve = #2!
Looking forward to next yr =D
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bisexualbuck · 1 year
📓 👀
i've never written anything abut it but i've often been wanting to write a fic in which buck doesn't forgive his parents for the way they have treated him growing up and in adulthood as well
i don't like this idea (especially in american media) that family members and usually parents have to be forgiven because they are sorry now, but they haven't earned that forgiveness, they haven't done the work
if we take eddie's father for example, i do see the way he is trying to mend the relationship with eddie, he's making an effort and he's listening
now the buckley parents do nothing of the sort. they lied to buck for his entire life, all of it, they forced maddie into lying to her baby brother for his entire life which put such a burden onto her shoulders
she lost one brother and then she was made to lie to her other brother, that's so fucked up
and then they were cold and distant and emotionally checked out to the point that buck had to hurt himself for them to pay any attention to him. again! fucked up
so flashforward, buck learns about daniel, not even from his parent, and i'm not even sure they apologize to him (do they? i can't remember) but even if they did, it doesn't matter because they don't do the work
we never hear much about them, we don't have mentions of them trying to repair the bridge with their kids
buck took it upon himself to forgive his parents for the way he was treated, but did that give him peace? i don't believe so, and to me that's why he's still struggling, he was hoping that this would free him of a burden but it just rendered it heavier
oh boy this is getting long. but anyway yeah, i would love to explore either this reflection of buck having forgiven his parents, or him refusing to forgive them and going no contact. i have gone no contact with two family members and honestly that would be really cathartic for me to write lmao
also and i swear i will soon shut up, but i just remembered that hen's mother wasn't and hen and karen's wedding, but she did apologize and worked toward mending her relationship with her daughter, ultimately planning the vow renewal
in conclusion, i would love to write about buck's complicated relationship with his parents, and parallel it to his friends' relationship with their own parents, especially eddie because i'm a buddie truther lol
Put "📓" or some other version of a book emoji into my inbox and I'll explain the plot of a fanfiction that I haven't written but daydream about.
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