#thanks for requesting
icycoldninja · 2 days
Hello! I've been a fan of your posts for a while and I'm very impressed by your ability to write in such a wide range of requests 😃
So, Vergil x reader who is very emotional and at the same time out of touch with their feelings, in a way that tears are a basic reaction to any kind of emotional situations. They try to act like a tough cookie, but then eventually pathetically break down. They can't explain to Vergil why they are crying, and are afraid that he wouldn't tolerate any kind of emotional situations from them. With a happy ending though.
That probably will be really short, but still thanks :)
OMG thank you 💜 I hope you enjoy!!
Emotional (Vergil x Reader angst/fluff)
Throughout your life, you'd always been emotionally detached, yet extremely emotional all at the same time. No matter what the situation was, if it was slightly saddening, you would cry. You'd turn your head to keep others from seeing your tears, and vehemently deny it if anyone asked questions, but the facts remained. You were a strange person in terms of reactions, but since you took great pains to keep this a secret, no one noticed; no one knew.
You were perfectly content to keep things that way, crying in private or covering your face with a book, your phone, or just turning away and pretending to do something else, but it seemed Fate wasn't having any of that. It decided that someone had to know your secret, and of course, that someone had to be your loving, but incredibly stern and cold boyfriend, Vergil.
He'd been away on a very long mission for 4 months and hadn't contacted you once during that time. You tried asking Dante and the others to see if they knew where he was and if he was alright, but no one knew where he went; all anyone could do was trust that he'd return. Despite their reassurances, you were worried sick. There were so many possibilities, none of them good. What if he'd been kidnapped? What if Mundus got him again? What if he was being tortured? What if? What if?
Once again, your reaction to this situation was to curl up on the bed and cry, silently, since no one was watching. You lay there like the lump of miserable flesh you were, tears streaming down your face and soaking the sheets. Then, as if summoned precisely for this moment, you heard the sounds of a portal being opened in the living room. You quickly tried to compose yourself, but no matter how hard you rub your face, you can't hide the redness in your eyes.
You heard him call out to you, footsteps heading towards the bedroom, where he presumed you would be. You sat up, trembling in anticipation, the stress and anxiety in your heart finally getting to you the moment Vergil set foot through the door. The first thing he saw was your flushed face, glassy gears streaming out of your bloodshot eyes and pouring down your cheeks, the small sniffling noises you made adding to your utterly defeated appearance. Vergil was used to you putting on a "tough cookie" act, not this. He'd never seen you cry before, and now that he was, he felt horrible.
"What's wrong, are you hurt?" He asked, stiffly walking over to you. You knew you shouldn't have done what you did next, but you did it anyway.
"I don't know!" You wailed, springing up from the bed and flinging yourself into his arms. Vergil was stunned for a moment, but quickly realized what you wanted and returned the hug with enthusiasm.
"What is the matter?" He continued, "Did you perhaps grow lonely because of my absence?"
"I don't know," You repeated, sniffling and pulling away, furiously rubbing your eyes and biting down on your tongue to keep from crying any more. You did this because you thought Vergil wouldn't tolerate tears or any kind of weakness, especially if they were from you. To your surprise, Vergil snaked his large arms back around your waist and tugged you close, smushing your face into his chest.
"Shh, never mind, just stay here." He told you, running one hand up and down your back.
"You're not...mad at me?" You croaked, your face still buried in the wall of muscle that was his chest.
"Why would I be? What justifications do I have to be cross with you?"
"Cause...I'm crying...and...you don't want me to be...weak..."
"Your tears are not weakness." Vergil's words were shocking; you never expected him to say something like that. "They are the embodiment of your emotions, emotions that you are otherwise indifferent to. For anyone else, they would be signs of weakness, but not for you." Vergil glanced down at you with his rarely seen, truly warm smile, and pressed a kiss to your forehead.
"Not for you, my dove. I could never be cross with you."
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lovelywritinglady · 17 days
Could you make Sanemi x Male reader where R is working as a doctor at the Butterfly mansion and is patching up is Husband Sanemi because he was being careless during a battle. Also the girls are probably scared of sanemi so when sanemi does come to the butterfly mansion (which is rare) only R and Shinobu take care of him
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Injured Hubby
Sanemi x male!reader
In which your husband was too careless in his recent mission and now it’s your job to patch him up.
Slight angst, mentions of blood, fluff, Sanemi being a bit of a jerk, reader is a doctor.
“Dammit darling, you need to be more careful!” You lectured your husband as he sat in the infirmary bed.
“That damn demon got too cocky. It’s not my fault I had to teach that filthy thing a lesson.” He pouted looking away from you.
“Looks like you might need some stitches.” You sighed. “Girls do you mind getting me some stitching supplies?” You called out to them
“It’s not that big of a deal you know.” Sanemi mumbled now looking at you
“Maybe not for you, but how do you think it makes me feel when you’re reckless like this? I’m more than happy to patch you up, but I need you to be more careful.” You pleated taking one of his hands into yours and placing a quick kiss on it as you looked at him.
“You know I’d do anything for you.” He whispered giving you a small smile.
“Yep, I know.” You responded knowing that this was the best response you were going to get out of him.
After a few more moments, you could both hear the thumping of feet speed waking across the mansion floor. And hushed whispers echoing throughout the hallway near the room you and your husband sat in.
“You go!” One of the girls whispered
“No you!” Another spoke
“We’ll I’m not going!” Another pouted.
“Fine, I’ll go.” Whispered the last and you could tell it was Aoi based on her sassy tone.
“Come on in girls.” You chuckled gesturing them inside. “I promise he doesn’t bite.” You added making your husband roll his eyes in annoyance.
“Here are your supplies Dr. L/n.” Aoi said giving you a small smile as she gave you the supplies.
“Thank you very much!” You beamed. “Here.” You spoke reaching into your pocket. “You girls can have these.” You told her handing her some candy you had in your doctors coat.
“Thank you very much, Dr. L/n. Say thank you girls!” She yelled making you wince slightly. She then left with the others that were too scared to see your husband.
“Thank you!” The other girls said still not showing their faces
“You’re quite welcome!” You called out laughing at their shyness. You then turned back to your husband and began patching him up, doing your best to make it quick.
“Thank you, I know you’re busy.” Sanemi told you softly
“You know I’d do anything for you. My only wish is that you’d be more careful.” You replied giving him a quick hiss on his scarred face before returning to your work.
“Yeah, I know you would.” He chuckled as he watched you do your work.
“And… there. You should be all good now.” You beamed.
“Damn you did a good job.” He whispered admiring your stitch work.
“Of course I did. I’m one hell of a doctor.” You teased as you put your supplies away.
Once you were done, you turned around to see your husband still sitting there with his arms crossed In with a small pout on his face. You smiled at how cute your supposedly “scary husband” was as you walked up to him.
“Yes?” You questioned raising your eyebrow.
“Do I really need to ask?” He said narrowing his eyes.
“Yep!” You chirped
“Dammit all.” He sighed “Can you give me one too?” He whispered looking anywhere but in your eyes.
“Give you one what?” You teased knowing full well what he was asking for.
“Dammit one of the candies that you gave those brats out there!” He finally said as the tips of his ears turned red.
“Sure thing my darling.” You cooed reaching into your pocket and handing him a piece.
“Thanks.” He mumbled popping it into his mouth.
“You’re quite welcome. And do me a favor and give those girls a smile. You scare them.” You responded pulling his forward and giving your husband a sweet kiss.
You both then said your goodbyes as you had more work to do and he had a hashira meeting to attend. But as he was leaving he heard the voice of his sweet husband one last time.
“I love you have a good meeting!” You called out as Sanemi was waking past the girls.
He sighed at your antics and smiled softly to himself not really caring at this moment of others heard his devotion to his husband.
“Yeah I love you too!” He called back. Once he was done he looked at the girls that were still scared and gave them a small smile before walking out. Which left the girls absolutely stunned.
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Thank you so much for reading!💜 Many thanks to the person that requested this fic! I hope you liked it.
Click here to see what I’ll write for and Here for my master list.
Please feel free to follow, like, comment, request, and reblog.
•I do NOT own any characters except y/n•
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segasys · 6 months
Ummm sorry, could I order Godmode? (Saint X Enot) Or omelette (Monk X Enot) thanks in advance and have a nice day!!
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Hell yeah!!
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weaponizedmoth · 1 month
I'm so happy I saw your post under the phantom tag, bc I love your art style! Looks like I already had seen and reblogged your art in the past too. If its okay, could I request anything to do with the phantom himself? Maybe the 1990s version if you're familiar. Thank you sm 🥺❤️
I have never watched the 1990 version, but I drew him anyway because I always liked how the costumes and cast were closer to Leroux's original writing:
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
Aaa first of all Congratulations! You totally deserve this, I'm so so happy for you! I Can't wait for your blog to grow even more! 💕 as for the event, could I request something for Anasui? 💕✨️
I Didn't Want You to be Alone - Anasui
notes - @doppiosfroggy i literally love you so much dude. you have been so supportive and kind to me ever since you followed me and I am forever thankful for you :) i really hope you enjoy this even though i made it VERY angsty. stay hydrated love :)
WARNINGS: mentions of death, heavy angst, language (??), spoilers for part 6 (????)
word count: 908
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You can't get Anasui's scream out of your mind. His blood curdling scream that chilled you to the bone. He cried so hard in your arms that night that he couldn't breath, hiccupping on his words. You didn't know what was wrong, but you didn't ask. You held him, hiding in an alleyway in the middle of Miami, Florida.
He told you that he was running, but he wouldn't tell you what from. Instead, he just sat, his hoodie pulled over his head, crying as the moon sat above the two of you. You spotted a shooting star, but didn't say a word.
After a short while, Anasui stopped crying, his eyes both puffy and a light shade of pink. He sniffled and pulled away from you. "Sorry, y/n." He whispered.
"You don't need to apologize," you whispered back, pulling down his hood and tucking his long pink hair behind his ear. "Do you want to talk? You don't have to if you don't want to."
"My girlfriend cheated on me." His eyes changed from sad to completely enraged.
"I killed her and her prick boy toy."
You didn't know what to say. At first, you thought he was just pissed off enough to say something like that, thinking that he meant he really fucked them up or something, but his eyes told you everything.
"I killed that bitch." He said again, his eyes looking quickly away from you.
You went silent. You've known Anasui for years and never thought he would be capable of doing something like that.
When you looked back at Anasui, he had his face buried in his hands and he was crying again. "I didn't mean to kill her," he stuttered. "I-I just wanted to take her apart.... I didn't know you couldn't put someone back together. I just thought she had a broken part of her. Why didn't she love me?!"
He was panicking, saying that the cops were going to find him. You couldn't comfort him because he was probably right.
"I wish I could help you more." You finally said, your voice soft as you rubbed his back.
"You are helping," he admitted, his eyes finally meeting your own. "God, I should've been dating you this whole time, huh?" He lifted your hand and placed the softest kiss onto your knuckles.
Your face flushed red as you watched his pink, plush lips press against each of your knuckles. His eyes stayed locked onto yours and he smiled, chuckling.
"You wanted me this whole time, didn't you, love?"
You felt your face heat up. He wasn't wrong. You hated that he was with that woman. She was awful to him, but he was so in love that he didn't even realize. He put that girl on a pedestal and this is what she did to him. It made your blood boil. But watching Anasui kiss all over your hand made you feel something different. You almost felt like this was wrong, but no matter what, you knew you had to protect this man.
You both jumped when you heard sirens and saw blue and red flashing lights.
"Sh-Shit." Anasui jumped up, but there were already cops running down the alleyway. He quickly put his hands in the air and the cops grabbed him, cuffing him.
You shot up as you watched them lead Anasui to the cop car.
"Wait!" You shouted. The cops turned to you and Anasui looked at you in horror, mouthing what are you doing?!
"What do you want?" One of the cops asked, looking you up and down.
"Don't take him."
"Oh yeah? Why's that?"
"He wasn't the only one."
"Were you in on this too?"
Anasui's eyes looked at you full of tears. "Don't do this," he told you.
"Yes." You said, bringing your hands in front of you as one of the cops held Anasui down and another ran over to cuff you too.
The drive to prison wasn't long, but it was quiet. Anasui didn't look at you. You couldn't tell if he was mad at you or thankful for you being there with him, but honestly, you wouldn't have it any other way.
You were quickly separated when you got thrown in the prison, getting searched and placed in your own cell. You cried the first night, and the second night, you didn't feel a thing.
You met a couple of people, but made no friends. Were you even supposed to do that in prison?
All your time was spent doing what looking for Anasui, and it took weeks before you actually did. You were in the courtyard that everyone could go into, both male and female prisoners, and you spotted him. He was talking to a man with a big white hat. Their faces were close and both their voices were low. Anasui looked up from the conversation and immediately ran to you.
You thought he was going to hit you square across the face, so you froze, flinching a little bit before getting pulled into Anasui's arms. Despite being in prison, he smelled lovely, like perfume and a hint of musk. You threw your arms around him and buried your face in his hair.
"y/n," Anasui said, his voice low.
"I hate that you're here... but.... thank you."
You pulled him closer, not wanting to let him go. "You're welcome. I didn't want you to be alone."
jjba masterlist (2) | pinned post @tonberry-yoda
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montydrawsstuff · 1 year
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charmy and espio in detective costumes!
espios trying to play quizzical but the silliness makes it kind of hard...
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7vvch · 2 years
Do you have any headcanons for how Masky would act in a relationship? Whether that be romantic or just a friendship, would he still act cold to them in public or hang out with them as much as he can?
Hi, yeah I do have hcs for that! Thanks for request<3
Masky in a friendship/relationship headcanons:
If you do manage to catch his eye he would try to get to know you better, and even try to form friendship with you
As a friend he would be really overprotective of you, he wouldn't act all that cold around you, he would actually be huge sweetheart
He didn't have many friends in his teenage days, nor now so having you with him is actually really comforting thought for him
Everyone thinks he is just a bitchy person but when you get to know him you see his brighter side for sure
He enjoys spending time with you, and it doesnt matter if youre friend or lover he just does<3
It makes him think there is more to life then just being killer machine yk
But if he gives you his trust do not break it, once you do its over it will be impossible to have it back
Also as a friend Masky wouldn't let nothing to hurt you, he lost too much people and now he can't lose you too, same thing as if you were in relationship with him
So he will do everything in his power to keep you safe, even if he has to kill
He is type of person that would stick with you through bright and dark, he would listen to all your problems and give you advices to solve them
Even if its 3 in the morning he would come to you just to make you okay
After some time he would probably catch *romantic* feelings, and you two would probably get in relationship (hopefully)
The whole relationship thing is new to him, so be patient with him
As a partner he loves to have you on his side and would protect you from dangers like *faceless entity*, and if he fully trusts you he would tell you everything about him, and his *real* job
(I did a bit mixed headcanons here, if you want relationship hcs or more detailed hcs i can write them!)
In conclusion my version of Masky would be great friend/lover to have, he wouldnt act as cold towards you, I mean he is killer but still he has some feelings left in him.
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Hope you liked my hcs! If you want to request something you can feel free to do so :)
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starline148 · 1 year
“You talk too much. How about we use your mouth for something else?” with KdFd
!! Aged up characters. Multichaptered Story. 7 prompts were requested for KdFd. Tagging also @luniaczek1308
>> You can read it HERE <<
Below the cut a little part with each Prompt and a BONUS drawing. Don't read if you don't like this kind of things. It's smut.
Warning: Smut. Read on your own responsability.
Chapter 01 “Ever heard of an Australian kiss?”  “No. What’s that?” “It’s like a French kiss, but down under.” 
"What an adventure, huh?" "Yeah." "Ever heard of an Australian kiss?" "No, what is that?" "It's like a French kiss, but down under." Fudou smiled mischievously pointing to his crotch and the other boy followed his hand with inertia and blushed when he realized where he was looking.
He blushed at the question and blushed for blatantly staring at the playmaker's crotch who laughed out loud at that, extraordinarily amused in the way Kidou seemed to be unable to take his red eyes down there and his cheeks were turning more and more redder.
“What are you looking at me so much, Kidou-kun?” He finally looked up, watching somewhat strangely and with a pounding heart as Fudou leaned back against the table with his green eyes twinkling with the wink of mischief. "Do you want us to try it?" His light brown eyebrows rose abruptly on his forehead, but his whole expression seemed weak and feverish. He cleared his throat slightly without taking his gaze connected to him. "The Australian kiss?" "Yes, exactly."
The boy got very nervous at that suggestion and even bumped his elbow into a sports drink bottle that was on the table, which luckily was tightly closed. The brunette greatly enjoyed that little chaos caused by his friend's agitation and bit his lip waiting for the moment that he didn't think would take much longer when Kidou would send him to hell. But instead, he asked in a raspy voice. "And which of the two would give the kiss?"
Chapter 02 "All day I’ve been thinking about how good it would feel to have your head between my legs." 
"You're thinking that I regret what happened." "You don't?" "No," the red-eyed snorted, never taking his gaze from him. "No, it's not that... Not at all." "And what is it then?" "I find it very embarrassing to say..." His green eyes judged him in silence, a tense silence that did not help to clarify the situation, he shuddered knowing that he should be honest before ruining something that was too precious to him. “Damn… It's okay… I'll tell you. I'm unable to focus, all day I've been thinking about how good it would feel to have your head between my legs. ”
The brunette mouth opened immediately, so perplexed, incredulous and shocked that he couldn't even help hiding. “Kidou…” he gasped trying to recover from that unexpected confession. "I'm sorry! I already said that it is very embarrassing, I thought I had better self-control; but I can't help it, every time I see you I can only remember how fucking good the fellatio tasted and I lose my mind."
Chapter 03 “What’s wrong?  Why’d you stop?”  “Nothing’s wrong.  I just wanted to take a second to admire how beautiful you are.”
Yes, without a doubt, that sensation of being inside him feeling its soft, tight and delicious walls around his penis was incredible and worthy of praise. He moaned softly and stood up a little, stroking a burning cheek and looking up at him, ogling him as he did with his lips and his penis. His boyfriend was covered in sweat and they had barely started, but he was the same, his skin was burning. He thought he was more beautiful than ever. He felt overwhelmed with love.
"What's wrong? Why’d you stop?" "Nothing's wrong. I just wanted to take a second to admire how beautiful you are." Fudou was struck by that surprise and flushed with embarrassment, averting his eyes and covering half of his face with one hand, his heart pounding and his voice cracking at the compliment in a moment of such intimacy. “Am I…?” “You are beautiful, Akio. Very very beautiful. I love you."
He looked at him again, speechless and breathless, he gently bit his hand with which he covered himself due to the embarrassment and Kidou, even more turned on by that, kissed it and brought it to his face, letting him caress him with so much love that it overflowed through his eyes and emanated from his body. “I love, Yuuto.”
Chapter 04 “I bet I can make you cum without even touching you.” 
"What are you doing here, Akio?" he asked crying, still wiping his boyfriend's eyes instead of his own. “Take note of your order,” he laughed back, pointing to the notebook that had fallen to the floor in the embrace. He kissed his tears away and took his hands, entwining their fingers.
"How long are you staying, Akio?" Fudou smiled broadly showing his white teeth in a gesture of absolute satisfaction and Kidou thought he was filled with tears again, hugging his boyfriend tightly against his body once more. "Akio, my love, congratulations."
Kidou went to separate again when Fudou grabbed him tightly, preventing him to do it and burying his head in his neck. That small contact was not even enough to begin to fill the void that time had drilled in him. It was then that he noticed that a certain part of his boyfriend was reacting to his body and he smiled mischievously hidden as he was, hearing the other’s growl of frustration at being unable to prevent something like that.
"Don't you want us to go to the bathroom for a moment?" Kidou asked in a whisper so no one else would hear. Fudou raised his eyebrows and laughed. “I was forbidden to have sex with you here or even put my hands on you with impure intentions; But don't worry, I bet I can make you cum without even touching you.”
Kidou furrowed his brows and pursed his lips because he wanted to touch his boyfriend and have him touch him back all over his body. He wanted to undress him and caress that skin that he missed so much, he wanted to drive his lips along the roads marked on the map of his body.
Chapter 05 "First one to cum loses."
Kidou closed the door again and trapped his boyfriend against the shower wall, putting his lips together and inserting his tongue into his mouth, the cubicle giving off a fine silver mist from the water that had been falling to the floor. Their bodies rose in temperature when they came into contact with each other.
"I want a rematch to see who wins today." The shorter young man's light brown eyebrows rose and a smug, twisted smile appeared on his lips as he slowly licked his boyfriend's neck, chin and lips before slipping his tongue back into his mouth that was sucked between shudders of joy. “So you come to declare a winner? Any ideas, my love?"
That hoarse voice, like a growl, always aroused Fudou enormously, he looked at him, slowly moving his eyelashes in a very provocative way that he knew would drive his boyfriend crazy, and he raised his index finger to his lips, leaving it on the lower one and pulling this, Kidou swallowed slowly with desire, they could see how his throat moved in that gesture and Fudou, unable to avoid it, brought his mouth to it and bit him making him moan with pleasure.
“I have an idea,” he murmured, moving up to his lips and biting down on them before kissing them.
Both of them were already very close together, since Kidou had him completely immobilized against the wall, Fudou supported his weight on it and with his hands surrounded the penis of both of them who were ready for the action they would propose from the very moment the door opened. His boyfriend stifled a murmur of excitement, red eyes staring at him, hot, heavy breath caressing his face. Fudou's hand rose tightly up their dicks and they bit their lips with the pleasure of feeling not only that gesture but how both penises brushed against each other.
"First one to cum loses."
Chapter 06 "I’ll be gentle, baby.  Don’t worry."
“I'll be gentle, baby. Don't worry."
Those words of sweet menace were lost in the night adorned with the song of nocturnal insects, the dance of the leaves of the trees as they sway in a soft breeze and the cooing of the waves on the not so distant beach, the stars shining with its maximum splendor above their heads in an incredible show of connection with the Universe.
But Fudou could not perceive any of that at that moment when Kidou's red eyes glowed in the dim light with madness and the same expression as the wildest of beasts willing to voraciously chew its hunted prey. Salivating profusely and growling as he succumbed to his baser and insatiable instincts, a dangerous smile on his lips.
He knew he was screwed.
But it was him who had awakened the darker side of his fiancé and he had to take responsibility for it.
His hoarse and heavy panting as he moved over his naked body broke the silence again, which was soon joined by their moans that would last until the sun was high in the sky.
Chapter 07 "You talk too much.  How about we use your mouth for something else?"
He took him by the chin with his fingertips and looked at him with a certain reproach in a slightly immature grimace that silenced the other immediately, raising his eyebrows puzzled by that gesture. “You talk too much. How about we use your mouth for something else?" Fudou opened said mouth in surprise and then let out a loud laugh as he understood what was happening to the person he loved.
His mood changed so quickly that he suddenly seemed like a different person, his gaze the color of the sea became provocative and lascivious, just as tempting as the waters they remembered and that invited him to dive into them and drown in a moment of pleasure succumbing to the needs of the moment.
He took the red-eyed's fingers, eyes that burned like the blood that boiled inside him and that ran through his body, exciting him more and more as he fell into the invitation that was so seductively offered to him. He brought his fingers to his mouth, letting him sensually caress his lips with his fingertips, biting and licking them erotically and creating a pleasurable, throbbing sensation in their crotch that awoke at the wonderful idea of ​​uniting, once again, their bodies, their hearts, their souls. "Do you have any idea how to occupy my mouth, my love?"
Kidou smiled in a deranged and perverted way, his eyes shining like a beast, that same expression that made his entire being tremble with rapture and infatuation, he approached his ear to whisper in a raspy voice while pulling back his brown hair behind his ear for a moment before the lock snapped back into place. "How about you eat my dick?" His green eyes got lost in his reds and he licked his lips slowly, leaning over his husband to kiss him before answering. A kiss in which Fudou ended up sitting on his thighs and in which both rubbed openly. "Sounds good, I didn't have lunch today and I'm hungry."
BONUS Drawing for the End of Chapter 3
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keirahknightley · 2 months
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The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
🎬 Peter Jackson
+ IMDb trivia
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ashrayus · 1 month
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more of them lets goo!!!!
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icycoldninja · 2 months
the DMC boys (Dante, Vergil, Nero, V) finding out reader is pregnant???
Sparda boys + V x Pregnant!Fem!Reader headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
-Freaks the hell out--not out of disappointment or anger or anything like that, but out of excitement.
-Immediately starts researching dad jokes so he and Vergil can have a "dad-off" to see who can be cornier.
-Also helps you decorate and stuff, giggling and laughing the entire time.
-Talks a lot about his plans for the baby; how he wants to be a better dad than his was, how he wants to prepare it for demon hunting, and how he wants to train it to insult Vergil on sight.
-He's also got a whole-ass list of pranks to pull with the baby prepared, from chucking water balloons at your unsuspecting neighbors to TP-ing the neighborhood houses.
-Other than that clearly childish mischief, Dante's already rocking the "middle aged dad" vibes so he'll do fine.
■ Vergil ■
-His first thought was: "Oh no, not again."
-Vergil was legitimately afraid of having another child after what happened with Nero and his unknown mother, however, you managed to convince him that this would be different and that you wouldn't be going anywhere.
-Vergil had a lot of nightmares and troubled dreams the next few weeks. Though his heart wanted to believe you, his damaged mind had other plans, which it revealed to him in the form of horrible visions.
-With your help, and a lot of time, he got over these dark thoughts and began to see the light in having another child.
-Though he wouldn't dare speak it aloud, Vergil was convinced that the baby would reunite the Sparda family once and for all: Nero would finally have a sibling whom he'd want to visit, allowing Vergil to spend more time with his son, and since he, Nero, and the new baby would all be together, Dante would naturally join in and the boys could be bros again.
-After having that revelation, Vergil became noticeably more excited for the baby's birth.
□ Nero □
-Nero is excited but terrified.
-He's more than happy to learn you're expecting, but since he's so young, he's worried he won't make a good dad. You'd think he'd ask his parents for help, but no...he never knew his mom and his dad is less than pleasant.
-So, what does he do? Nothing. He puts his hood up and sits on the couch, doing nothing in tense silence.
-After an hour or so of brooding, he decides, fuck it, he's gonna wing it and be the best dad the Sparda bloodline will ever see.
-He proudly announces this fact over dinner at Devil May Cry, eliciting mixed responses, particularly from the soon-to-be-grandpa.
-You and Nero will be excellent parents who raise a happy, healthy child, he'll see to that.
● V ●
-Doesn't even know what being pregnant means, and can you really blame him? The only piece of literature he's ever read is William Blake's poetry, it's a miracle he can tie his shoes. Oh wait, he wears sandals.
-Griffon knows, somehow, and explains what it is. The minute the realization dawns upon him is the minute his eyes widen, his mouth drops open, and he nearly passes out.
-A baby, a real life baby is brewing gestating in your tummy and it's his?! He helped make life!? What?!
-V is ecstatic! He can't wait to read this baby bedtime stories, sing it lullabies, and rock it to sleep.
-Even his familiars are preparing; Griffon is ready to give it a light show with his magic and Shadow keeps bringing dead birds as gifts.
-V might be a complete noob when it comes to living life, but hey, so is your baby, so they can figure things out together.
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vilochkaaa · 2 months
Have you ever drawn harvey? Can you pretty please draw harvey?
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gotchibam · 4 months
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Espeon and Umbreon ko-fi doodle for Yama!
I’m accepting pokemon ko-fi doodle requests here! ✨
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weaponizedmoth · 21 days
Opening requests again. I'm working on another self piece, and I need to chill in between.
Venture bros requests will not be accepted, everything else is ok. Here's the guidelines. Here's the request tag of what I did before.
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
Aaaa sorry I just saw that "put random character in my askbox" post (this is the only time I regret not living in the USA, timzones and sleep 🙄)
Young Joseph
If the whole thing is "expired" then sorry for writing this. 😅
notes: seriously, I havent written for joseph in FOREVER. I honestly dont even think ive written for him on tumblr yet and that's kinda bonkers ngl. thanks for the request because i seriously love this man with all my heart and soul <3 stay extra hydrated <333
word count: 332
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You were in your room doing some work when you heard somebody... no... two people stomping up the stairs. You immediately knew who they were and who they were coming for, so you put down your pen, already prepared.
Your door flew open and Joseph ran through, Caesar running shortly behind him.
"y/n!" Joseph exclaimed, a little out of breath. "Am I-"
Caesar immediately shut him up by pushing him out of the way to be in front of him. "y/n, Jojo here thinks that he is prettier than I am."
"I am! y/n, tell him!" Joseph tried pushing in front of Caesar again, but failed completely.
You crossed your arms and just watched them bicker for a second before jumping in. "Are you two arguing which one is more better looking?" You couldn't believe them sometimes.
"Yes!" Jojo said, throwing his arms in the air. "Can you settle this argument, y/n?"
You gave the boys a very unamused look. "Seriously?"
They clasped their hands and begged you to pick and you rolled your eyes. "Fine. Jojo, you're prettier. Can I get back to work now?"
The two spiraled into even more arguing, trying to fight each other, so you just pushed them out of your room and closed the door. Not all the peace and quiet in the world, but it was enough.
A few minutes later, though, the door flew open again and you turned to find Jojo with a bright red face and a stupid smile across his lips. "Did you mean that?"
You held back a smile. "Maybe."
He ran over to you and got down to your level. "Did you really mean that?"
You turned towards him again. "Yes. I did."
Jojo's smile only turned bigger before kissing you on the cheek. "I should ask you on a date, y/n!"
You brushed your fingers over the place his lips had touch, feeling a tad bit of warmth there. "Then ask me, dummy."
jjba masterlist (2) | pinned post @tonberry-yoda
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montydrawsstuff · 1 year
I want to request Team Chaotix Halloween Style , thanx in advance 😀😄
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some spooky bois! also a butcher vector for @ra1nbow-roadtrip
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