otiksimr · 24 days
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catovyen · 6 months
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womgen!! (I haven't drawn Estir.... I will do it soon....)
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album-aurum · 7 months
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I did a thing! About Nyarlathoteps forms. I'm still bad in eng translation, so i hope i did it not that bad
Also last page that i've changed - bunch of nyarlas
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her butchification is gonna put me under
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akabaka-dev · 1 month
Sucker for Love: Date to Die For is out now! Check us out on Steam!
Discord // twitter // website // press kit and key requests for SFL DTDF
Chromatose (Demo Available) // Sucker for Love: First Date (out now)
Hi! We're Akabaka, a small solo indie dev studio that focuses on stylish-as-fuck, narrative-first games, with a love for blending horror, comedy, and drama. Ask us anything! Love to talk about the games, the technical or business side of game dev, fan creations, progress updates, horror, comedy, or whatever else.
Studio Team:
Akabaka- lead dev, creator, artist, programmer, sound designer, everything creative and technical, etc etc
AkaTsuma - business manager, creative assistant, does the taxes, manager of this blog
We are a husband and wife team with 1 very happy dog and 2 grumpy middle-aged cats.
Have fun playing!!!
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aspergerasparagus · 1 month
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Meanest meow meow in all the universes.
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cherriredlol · 1 month
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“Haven’t seen a Russian blue before~?”
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fizzymilkcan · 1 month
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replayed first date recently and this was my experience
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dionysosmadness · 1 month
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Marcelle and Laios, Ash and Sally Face, and D and Ln’eta/Nyanlathotep/Estir
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franstastic-ideas · 2 months
After Markiplier is finished with IRON LUNG, I think he should consider producing a horror/comedy film about a man in love with an extremely tall and powerful monster woman that absolutely could kill him, but all her attempts just enhance his desire.
Because that seems to be... a thing with him.
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redacted-coiner · 4 months
Lovingcraftian Icons!
[PT: Lovingcraftian Icons!]
Information About Lovingcraftian(link) can be seen in the link! These icons can be used by the followers of Lovingcraftian.
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DNI is listed within my pinned post. Please go read it before interacting with any part of my content. Ask to tag.
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feral-lore-creature · 1 month
Sucker for love spoilers.
Nyanlathotep being a sadistic old cat-lady with a tendency to aid in the abuse of her own family members was a little shocking.
ALSO??? The entire reason why Estir and Ln'eta date Humans is BECAUSE OF RHOK'ZAN.
It's a fucking prequel game 😭
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album-aurum · 7 months
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i've decided to cut page with 11 Nyarlas (i don't like compose + i'm really tired to draw this), so here some of them that i like:
a pharaoh, Kadath's one
aunty nyan-nyan from dating sim (hell love her design)
lady Nyarl
basic black man
kitty Nyarl
Mummy Nyarl
and how it supposed to be, it's only 3 left, but whole composition and basic poses makes me sick of (and draw transient design it's not what i want to speedrun)
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goodoldwritings · 14 days
I'm so stupid, being autistic I am stereotypically eating chicken nuggets and mac n cheese....
And while it cools im thinking about writing; I thought about the reaction of the cast with an autism gremlin reader.
Ln'Eta, Estir, Nyanlathotep and Rhok'zan x Autistic reader headcanons.
Rhok'zan has mention of things sexy but nothing bad. wholesome and stupid
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First of all, if you get the sensory ick from her tentacles she'll be SO SAD, you can't control it and she knows that- but you two need to find a way to work around that.
Opposite if you get sensory happy from touching her she is quite happy! She is rather snuggly, you can be found idly stimming on one of her leg tentacles while you both watch TV.
With your safe foods, she always offers you some of her food when you eat together but the same food every day of the week for every meal seems to be just fine for you. She just doesn't understand why you don't get sick of it.
Ln'Eta offering to block out the sun when you're over-stimulated.... She's great when you're under-stimulated but panics when you're over-stimulated and puts the house into the void more times than you can count on one hand.
Has no grasp on what autism is- a human its a human thing to have "typical" "standard" things versus every individual being completely different. She simply learns your behaviors and triggers to know You specifically.
Quickly she learns raising her voice is the quickest way to make you NOT do something and freak out instead. She froze when she saw it happen for the first time, why are you shutting down, why aren't you listening- why are you crying?! She in turn never does it again, but claims it's because it is "not effective"
She takes it as a challenge when you dislike the fabric of the clothes she gets you (Fancy fabric is usually so uncomfortable!) She will not stop until you have the most comfortable, yet fancy outfit to match hers. Definitely brags when she can about the expensive, soft, comfortable accommodations she can provide.
Imagine this, Estir has an entire feast table of food, goose, lobster, caviar- and you at the other side of the table with your chicken nuggets and/or other safe food.
She, like her sister is horrible when you're over stimulated, but takes longer to even realize you're not well. Kicks out all her servants- but she can't help with the lights because Carcosa is a star! It's a burning ball of light.
Autism? No idea what that is but has your explanation written down anyway. "My human is very particular in their wants and needs. You are just jealous you cannot provide for such an individual like I can."
Nyanlathotep is very even toned in her voice and actions, consciously she doesn't do anything to give you the sensory Ick. Although her intense presence is always there, so when she uses her powers it likely becomes more unbearable
Listen, listen... she's very fuzzy. You cannot tell me whether she likes it for not you can stim on her fur like people do with pet cats. It can range from fine to annoying depending on what she Is doing when you decide to nuzzle your face into her fur. She's supposed to be scary? Shouldn't have made her form fuzzy.
"Why." You with the 7th day only eating your comfort food " because. " Nyan-Nyan experiments trying to get you to eat something else, fails, "facinating- you'd rather starve than eat something else--"
Completely confused about your situation, overstimulated or under stimulated- "I thought humans could handle more than this..." not that she meant it offensively but she thought she knew what humans were like by watching them. Although... she is tall and strong enough to hold you, I can just imagine it would be like one of those sensory swings- unlikely she would though unless you were really bad off.
Autism? She's older than mankind she has no idea what the word is for it now in your language. She just knows some humans are "sensitive creatures"
Not many know this but flirtation and sexy times is overstimulating! She can over do it if she isn't careful but she doesn't mean to and backs off quickly if you're not in the mood. Rhok'zan the queen of Consent.
On the plus side, like Nyanlathotep she is lovely and fuzzy! She will gladly let you snuggle up to her at any point in time you just need to ask.
" Love, please eat something nutritional- please" she has to find somethings you can eat that has some nutrition to it that you're willing to eat as a safe food. It's easy to have a safe food that isn't the healthiest, like nuggets.
When you're over-stimulated she is actually quite good at helping you, closing curtains, turning off lights- and over all staying calm. Asks if you want snuggles or if you'd prefer not to be touched. Will read a book nearby if you want her to stay but not touch.
Doesn't know what autism is, but she has met and loved so many people to realize each one has their own needs.
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akabaka-dev · 28 days
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eldritchcatserpent · 5 months
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Mrow meow
I drew Sucker for Love’s Nyanlathotep in her other black cat form. I had it shared originally in the Sucker for love discord server and the dev for the game liked my art and even reuploaded it his Twitter. Thought I’d share here on my Tumblr blog.
Nyanlathotep, Rhok’zan, Ln’eta, D and Stardust are from Sucker For Love
Ellieot belongs to me.
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