#obanai headcanons
hoejosatoru · 1 year
Stars Around Scars
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“You drew stars around my scars”
Pairing: Fem!reader x Obanai. y/n’s skin color/hair color/texture is not specified 
Summary: Y/n is the newest hashira and catches the attention of Obanai. The more you get to know each other, the more you fall for each other. And the more you’re scared to admit it.
Word Count: 5.6k
Warnings: Spoilers for what’s under Obanai’s bandages, mentions of a difficult upbringing, y/n is scarred, a touch fo yearning, body worship, face sitting, raw sex, cream pie, Obanai being a softie bc I know he is for his girl idc<3, not proof read
You stepped onto the Hashira compound, a swirl of emotions inside you. There was a swelling sense of pride at getting to the highest level a Demon Slayer could hope to achieve. There was a nagging feeling of anxiety as you wondered if you truly were worthy of this honor. Though you sometimes doubted yourself, you knew you would give it your all. You just hoped that was enough.
Meeting the other Hashiras didn’t help with your imposter syndrome. They all seemed so confident, so capable, that you wondered if you could ever measure up. They weren't quite as welcoming as you’d hoped, but no one was mean to you. It was in the nature of a Hashira to be wary, you just hoped you could win their trust over time.
Your first week was long and exhausting as you learned the layout of the compound, were updated on the biggest current threats to the Corps, and were thrown into training. The training, though tough, was where you felt the most confident. You were used to brutal training sessions, so there was a sense of comfort slipping into something familiar.
Nonetheless, it was a tiring week and you were looking forward to enjoying lunch on your day off under a particularly shady tree. You made your own food instead of eating what was provided by the compound, enjoying the familiar flavors of home. You had a complicated relationship with your family, but the food brought you a sense of peace after a long week.
The tree was a perfect as you thought, providing shade from the sun and cool breezes on occasion. You let your back rest against the stump as you enjoyed some stillness. You were only there a few minutes when you sensed movement out of the corner of your eye. You zeroed in on it, recognizing the scaly white creature as Obanai’s snake. 
“Hello little guy,” you greeted the snake. Kaburamaru blinked at you. “Are you hungry?” His tongue darted out, which you took as a yes. “Not sure if snakes like salmon, but you go.” You ripped off a piece of your salmon onigiri and placed it gently before the snake. He gobbled it up, which made you smile. “You’re a cute little guy aren’t you? Are you looking for your... err father?” You weren’t sure exactly what Obanai considered the snake. “You do know he’s right above us, right?”
Obanai stiffened on the branch he was perched on. He’d been sitting there before you arrived and thought it was the perfect opportunity to scope out the new hashira without being noticed. He, evidently, had been noticed. “When did you know I was here?” he asked.
You looked up and gave him a kind smile. “I saw you from across the yard. I figured the tree was big enough for both of us. Didn’t wanna bother you if you didn’t want to be found.” 
“Impressive.” He wasn’t sure if he was more impressed that you noticed or that you showed no signs of it. His stealthiness was usually one of his greater strengths, so for you to see through it was truly worthy of praise.
The snake hashira dropped to the ground next to you, barely making a sound. You knew the grace of his landing had nothing to do with his smaller size and everything to do with year of training. “Thank you.” You were surprised to hear praise from him, You hadn’t had much interaction with Obanai after your introduction, but heard from Shinobu that he could be quite tough. “Kaburamaru is so sweet. Do you consider him a pet?” You gently pet the top of the snake’s head as he slithered past you.
Obanai was surprised that the snake allowed this; he usually was hostile towards strangers. The kindness you showed the snake had interested him, as many people were not so pleasant to Kaburamaru. Obanai didn’t know you well, but if his snake approved of you, it gave him a good feeling about your character.
“He’s a friend,” Obanai explained. He watched your face for any judgement, which he was used to when he told people about the relationship between him and Kaburamaru. People didn’t understand it and tended to mock him for it. Not that those people usually left those conversations laughing.
You, however, smiled. “I bet he’s a great friend.” There was no a trace of mocking in your voice. The way you smiled at Obanai made him... uncomfortable. Not in a negative way, no that was for sure. But he felt something he could not quite put his finger on. “Do you want to join me for lunch?”
Obanai did want to stay. He was intrigued by you and wanted to know more. However, eating involved taking his bandages off and he was not going to do that around someone he just met. “I’ve got some business to attend to.”
You knew it was a long shot. In your short time at the compound, you’d never seen Obanai eating. You knew he had to at some point, but it seemed something he preferred to do in private. “Of course. Why don’t you take a few onigiri? I made too many anyway.”
You placed them in his hands before he could respond. Obanai felt strangely moved by this small act of kindness. He was not used to people, especially new people, being so, well, kind to him. He knew it was his own fault; he wasn’t exactly the most approachable person. Typically it didn’t bother him, as he preferred solitude. He found a lot of people were not worth his time. Something about you, though, made him feel differently. “Thank you,” he replied. “I’ll se you around.”
With that you were truly alone under the tree. You hoped you made a decent impression and hadn’t come off too strong forcing food on him. What if he didn’t like it? Would he think poorly of you? And why did you care that much if he liked your onigiri? You guessed it was your nerves about being accepted by the other hashiras. Obanai seemed like a tough nut to crack and you felt one wrong move could make him have a negative opinion of you. 
As you sat under the tree reflecting on your interaction with him, you felt a little blush creep up your cheeks. You knew you weren’t flustered just because he was a coworker you wanted to impress, you thought he was cute. You felt so totally juvenile sitting here crushing on your coworker. You barely knew him, plus there were a lot more important things to focus on with this job then a crush. You did your best to shove that thought away and enjoy the rest of your day.
Later in the week you sat in the compound library, flipping through books. You loved reading, but your home village did not not have nearly as much reading material- not that you would have had much time to read them.
You sensed motion and looked up to find Obanai approaching. Unbeknownst to you, a small smile appeared under his bandages that you’d sensed him again. “Hi, Obanai and hi Kaburamaru,” you ignored how him standing close to you made your pulse surge. You gave the snake a gentle head rub. Obanai appreciated that you greeted his snake, as most ignore him. “I’m not hogging anything you want, am I?” You weren’t exactly sure how the library worked here, as there was no librarian monitoring the works. You hopes you weren’t doing anything you weren’t supposed to.
Obanai shook his head. “No, I actually wanted to uh- thank you.” He wasn’t sure why the words felt hard to get out. “For the onigiri, I mean. It was great. The best I’ve ever had actually.” He’s never felt such a need to praise someone over something so small.
The way you beamed up at him made his heart do something strange. It fluttered. It fucking fluttered. He always thought it was bull shit when people said someone made their heart flutter, but he couldn’t deny how the sensation started in his chest and seemed to spread through his whole body. He could feel Kaburamaru staring at him, sending that Obanai was feeling something strong.
“Oh, I’m so glad!” You gushed. “I am making some soup later, but I’ll definitely have extra. I know you don’t like eating in front of everyone, so I could bring it to your room… you know if- if you want.” You became more shy as you spoke, unsure if you were doing too much. Obanai was looking at you in a way that you couldn’t quite decipher, which made you nervous you were weirding him out.
Little did you know, Obanai felt warmed by your words. You’d been here a short while and shown him more consideration than most of the other hashiras had. “I’d like that. If it’s not any trouble.”
You were relieved. “None at all. I’ll come by your room later.”
Though he didn’t want to leave, he also felt he needed to make a get away to clear his head and sort out these strange feelings. “See you then.”
Later that evening, you arrived at Obanai’s door with a pot of soup in your hands and butterflies in your stomach. No matter how stupid you told yourself you were being, you couldn’t quite banish them. Obanai opened the door, pulling you from your thoughts. It didn’t shock you that he knew you were there without you having to knock.
“Hi,” you said
“Hello.” Kaburamaru stuck his tongue as a greeting.
“Here’s the soup,” you said stupidly. Obviously that’s what it was, that’s the whole reason you came here. Your nerves were making you feel like you were being awkward. Ugh.
“Thank you,” Obanai replied. He was feeling a bit awkward himself, though he was blaming himself for it. Your hands brushed at you handed the pot over to him and you both had to stifle a gasp. “Smells really good,” Obanai said, trying to distract from how such a minor touch made him feel.
“Thank you,” you replied. “Oh! I almost forgot. I bought some salmon for Kaburamaru. Seemed like he liked it.” You fished the wrapped little piece of salmon out of your bad and placed on top of the pop. Kaburamaru shimmied gratefully.
Obanai smiled and even you could tell by the way his eyes crinkled. “You’re going to spoiled him.”
You giggled, a sound that made Obanai’s heart flutter. Again. “I’d say he deserves it.” There was a beat of silence. You both wanted to say more but weren’t sure what. You were afraid of overstaying your welcome, knowing he probably just wanted to eat in peace. “I don’t want to take up too much of your time. Don’t worry about getting the pots back to me, it’s not rush. I know where to hunt you down for them anyways.” You laughed at your own stupid, not so funny joke. God you really needed to get it together, you thought.
Obanai wished he could invite you in to eat with him, but he didn’t want to bother you. Nor did he want you to see him without the bandages. He was always self conscious about his scars, but with you in particular it felt worse. Not that he thought you’d be outwardly mean at all. He was just scared of seeing your face change when you saw them, like most people did. He wanted to remain unscarred in your mind.
“Thank you again,” Obanai replied. As you turned, he couldn’t help himself. “Wait a second.” You looked back at him expectantly. “Would you ever want to um-” he hesitated. He realized he wanted to ask you out on a date, but instantly felt foolish. He allowed himself to really take in your beauty, which equally made his heart swell and sink. No one that looked like you would want to date someone that looked like him. You deserved better. “Uh, train together? Not saying you need it, but sometimes it’s helpful, you know, a little one on one practice.”
He hoped he didn’t sound as nervous as he felt.
“I’d like that a lot,” you replied, easing his nerves a bit. You made a plan to meet up the next time you were free before you left him to enjoy his dinner.
Kaburamaru gave him a knowing look once you were gone. “Oh shut up,” he grumbled.
Your training sessions with Obanai quickly became your favorite part of the week. Even when you were tired you found yourself looking forward to them. And not just because it was an excuse to spend more time with him, though that definitely didn’t hurt. 
What you really appreciated was learning from him. He was incredibly talented, which you knew a harshira would be, but it was still amazing to witness firsthand. You were surprised how quickly training with him improved your own skills. In just a few weeks of sessions you felt yourself getting faster and stronger. Each time Obanai praised your progress, your stomach did flips. 
They were not hollow praises either. Regardless of his feeling, Obanai was not one to handout empty compliments. He truly was impressed with your work ethic and skill development. He looked forward to the sessions as much you did, loving that he had an excuse to be close to you. Sometimes to even touch you when critiquing your form. He knew it was wrong to enjoy it in the way he was, but he could stop his damn heart from fluttering whenever he was close enough to breathe in your sweet scent. 
“So, I hear you and Obanai have become quite friendly,” Shinobu brought up over a snack in your room. It wasn’t a secret that you and Obanai trained together; many of the hashiras did sessions together. However, it felt like something you wanted to keep private, probably because of the other reasons you were enjoying the training. It made it feel more illicit than it should. 
“He’s just helping me train,” you replied, trying to keep your voice calm and vaguely disinterested. As if it didn’t mean much to you. 
Shinobu rolled her eyes. “Obanai doesn’t help anybody. At least not for a good reason.”
Your brow peaked. “What do you mean?” 
“You’re so dense,” Shinobu teased, “he obviously likes you.”
You stiffened. That couldn’t be possible, never showed any signs of having feelings beyond what was normal with a coworker. “No, I think he is just being nice.”
Shinobu snorted with laughter. “Obanai is never nice. I know you’re new around here, so trust me. He’s never like that with anybody. He has to like you.” 
Could she be right? You’d heard that Obanai was not the most friendly hashira, yet you’d had the opposite experience. Still he never seemed romantic or anything like that with you. Though there were times you felt a strange tension between the two of you….
“You’re red as a tomato you know,” Shinobu commented. 
“Am not,” you grumbled. “It’s not possible. We are just… friends. At most.”
Shinobu rolled her eyes. “Oh please, y/n. I see how you are with him. You totally like him too.”
You gaped at her. Had you been so obvious? “I do not!” You tried to dispute her but it only fueled her amusement. 
“Are your training sessions really just training? Don’t tell me you guys are hooking up?” She was snickering as she spoke. 
Your cheeks burned impossibly hotter. “Never, it’s just combat training.” You were able to answer that calmly, as it was the truth. 
“But you want to hook up with him, don’t you?”
You groaned. You absolutely did, despite your desperate attempts to deny that feeling, but you were absolutely not going to tell her that. “No.” 
The look she gave you told you she wasn’t buying it one bit. “Hey I’m not judging. Maybe Obanai would be in a better mood if he got laid.” You were silent, hoping it was stop her from continuing. Of course it did not. “If you do hook up with him you have to tell me. I’ve always wondered what he’s got going on down there. What if he has another snake where his di-“
“Okay that’s enough!” You cut her off before you died of embarrassment.
Shinobu left shortly after that, still laughing at you. You almost asked if she knew about what was under his bandages, but it felt too personal. You wanted him to tell you if and when he was ready. You sighed, flopping down on you bed, plagued by the confusing thoughts Shinobu put in your head.
Meanwhile, Obanai was sharpening his weapons as Tengen poked him about you.
“You sure are opening a lot of time with y/n.”
Obanai did not give him a reaction, keeping his eyes trained on his blade as he polished it. “I’m training her.”
“You didn't train me when I joined.”
“That’s because you’re beyond help,” Obanai replied flatly.
“Oh?” Tengen smirked, “You sure it has nothing to do with me not being a beautiful woman?”
Obanai stiffened. He hated that Tengen called you beautiful, even though it was true. The more he spent time with you, the more he was sure you were the more beautiful woman he’s ever seen. Knowing that Tengen thought the same triggered his jealousy. “It has nothing to do with that. Only an air head like you would think like that.”
Tengen chuckled at how Obanai prickled. “Really? So you wouldn’t mind if I took her on her first mission instead of you?” Kaburamaru hissed.
“You should worry about how sloppy you’ve been on your own missions,” Obanai practically hissed too.
“Whatever you say, Obanai,” Tengen laughed, walking out the door. “Who knows, maybe she’ll take pity on you and you’ll get an extra special end of mission reward.” 
Obanai simmered over Tengen’s insinuation, as if that was all he saw in you. Of course Obanai had thought in you in... that way. But he didn’t want to just hook up with you. He wanted to date you; he couldn’t deny it to himself anymore. However, he doubted someone that looks like you would want him. He despised Tengen for many reasons. He was tall, strongly built, had an annoyingly handsome face (though that didn’t mean he was a better hashira because that was not true). He had everything Obanai didn’t, not to mention 3 wives. He was the type of guy women wanted. The type of guy you deserved. Obanai sighed, resigned to his fate. He told himself after he finished this mission he would stop being selfish and leave you alone. 
You were a mix of excited and nervous as you and Obanai set out for your first mission. It was explained to you that every hashira is accompanied on their first time by another to demonstrate what is expected of them when they go out on missions. After that, missions were solo unless it was a particularly significant threat. You were foolishly excited to spend time with Obanai, while also nervous about making a good first impression.
You spent a full day traveling, arriving at the village plague by three demons at nightfall. You and Obanai split up, as they typically attack simultaneously, but in separate parts of the village. A scream alerted you to the demon you were tracking, finding him cornering a girl a bit younger than you. Anger flamed through you, hating how demons went after those who were so vulnerable. 
You cut the demon down easily, which boosted your confidence. You checked on the young woman, who was thankfully okay. You left her to search for the third demon, who you found easily. For as fast as you thought you had been, Obanai had beat you to him. You were in awe of watching him use his skills in real time. Not that he needed it, but you jumped into help. Due to all of your training, you and Obanai worked together easily. He was able to keep the demon distracted while you beheaded it.
Just like that your first mission was over. You knew it was a fairly easy one, but you were proud of how well you did. Obanai praised you just as much, which amplified your glow. You were both exhausted, though, retiring to your respective rooms in the villages Inn. 
In the morning you were able to enjoy the villages hot springs. You welcomed how the hot warm relaxed your muscles after a long day of travelings and a night of demon hunting. You soaked as long as you could, before heading back to the Inn to get ready for the trek back. You bumped into Obanai in the lobby, who told you that a crow came and announced a terrible storm was rolling through, making it unsafe for you to travel back today. You'd have to stay the night.
“I’m so sorry, but we have only one room,” the Inn keeper reported anxiously, “We only planned for you to stay for one night. I don’t mean to dishonor either of you. I could ask another guest to leave.” You weren’t used to being treated in such high regard. You knew people felt that serving a hashira was a great honor, one that this man obviously took very seriously.
“You have not dishonored us in the slightest,” you replied kindly, “You have hosted us graciously, which we are grateful for. We don’t blame you for an unforeseen storm. Please do not inconvenience any other guests. Obanai and I can share my room, if that is okay?”
You could feel Obanai watching you as you spoke. You hoped that he was comfortable with the arrangement; you were so focused on relaxing the Inn keeper you didn’t think about how he would react. Obanai, of course, was only surprised that you were okay with this arrangement. He was also in awe of your ability to put the Inn keeper at ease. Connecting with people in such a way was not his strong suit.
You and Obanai retired to your room. You weren't uncomfortable with him being there, but you did feel nervous. It was one thing to spend a lot of time with someone, but it was a whole other thing to sleep with them in the same bed. You hoped you hadn’t made Obanai uncomfortable by suggesting this.
“Do you mind if I put Kaburamaru in the closet? He likes to sleep in dark places,” Obanai explained, pulled a little serpent-sized sleeping bag out of his bag. Kaburamaru slid off his shoulders and into it, curling up comfortably. 
“Of course not,” you replied, “He looks very cute in there.” If Kaburamaru could blush, he would have. Obanai was only slightly jealous. He set the snake in the closet, closing the door behind him. “May... May I say something?”
“Of course,” Obanai replied. He could tell you were nervous, but was not sure why.
“Seeing as we are going to be sleeping here I... I want you to be comfortable,” you began, hoping you wouldn’t be overstepped, “I just wanted you to know that if you wanted to take your bandages off, I would never judged you for what is beneath them.”
Obanai stiffened and you were afraid you had offended him.
“I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have said anything. I hope I didn’t upset you.”
“You didn’t upset me,” Obanai replied quickly, hating how upset you looked at the thought of hurting him. “I’m not offended I... I just don’t want to disgust you.” Your heart ached at his vulnerability.
“You won’t,” you insisted, “Whatever it is, I promise I won’t think less of you.”
Obanai felt an itch of anxiety as he admitted, “I’m scarred.”
You instantly understood. “I want to show you something that might make you feel better.” You started unbuttoning your top, making Obanai’s eyes widened.
“What are you-” He stopped when he saw it. Scars, all over your chest and stomach. You breasts were covered by a bra, but he wasn’t even concerned with that. He felt a flash of anger, knowing that someone had cut you, hurt you, in order to get those scars. He wants to kill them. Slowly.
“The village I grew up in trained us harshly,” you explained, “It was... almost unbearable at times. When every I was cut by a katana in training, I was told that it would have meant death in a real fight. And for the longest time I felt that way when I looked at the scars. They were like a permanent reminder of my failures.” You took a shaky breath before continuing. “But now I see them as proof of all I have endured. Reminders of my survival. I still struggle at times, though. They make me feel less... beautiful at times.”
Obanai was so moved by what you shared he couldn’t help but blurt out, “You are so beautiful, y/n. Scars and all.” And he meant it. Obanai judged his own scars harshly, thinking it marred any chance of being attractive. But on you, he felt they didn’t do a thing to detract from your beauty. He wondered if maybe, just maybe, that could be the same for him.
That was enough to make his shaking hands go to his bandages, slowly unwinding them. Your heart was already pounding from him calling you beautiful, but it surged even more as you watched. When the bandages fell you stifled a gasp. Not at all because you were disgusted, if anything you were sad for him. The scars on either side of his mouth looked painful and it hurt you to think of what he suffered to get them. However, the lower half of his face was just as beautiful as the top half. This connection you had to him only made you want him more.
“You’re incredibly handsome, Obanai,” you told him. 
He blushed, unable to believe you felt that way. “You're just saying that.”
“I’m not. And I’ll prove it if you let me.”
Obanai wasn't sure how you meant to do that, but he wanted to find out. “Please.” 
The room fell silently as you approached him. You both seemed to be holding your breath as you gently took his face in your hands. You leaned in, pressing you lips to the scar on his left cheek. It was slightly cooler than the rest of his flushed skin. You repeated the action on the right cheek. Then, because you couldn’t resist, you pressed a kiss to his lips.
You were about to pull away when Obanai grabbed you and kept you close to him. You were more than happy to be held there, feeling his lips move against yours. The way he kissed you was surprisingly sweet, albeit deep with need. You both pulled away, catching your breath.
“Okay I believe you.”
You giggled. “Should I stop then?”
“Never.” Obanai pulled you back into him. His hands snaked around your body as yours tangled in his hair. You sat on the bed, pulling him down with you. You laid side by side kiss and allowing your hands to explore each other for awhile. “May I?” Obanai gestured to your shirt. It was still open from when you unbuttoned it; it was a wrinkled mess now,
“Only if I can do yours.” Obanai agreed easily and you both stripped the other of their top. Obanai kissed down your neck and started kissed all of your scars. He didn’t miss a single one. The way he did it felt like an act of worship.
“You’re so beautiful, y/n,” he said breathlessly. He continued to kiss you all over, making you giddy with pleasure. He looked to you for consent before removing your bra. He could feel his already hard cock stiffen at the sight of your bare chest. “So, so beautiful.” He kissed your boobs, letting his tongue flick over your sensitive nipples. He smiled to himself at the sounds it drew out of you. Each flick of his tongue was making your pussy throb.
“Obanai I wa-” you gasped. You were too embarrassed to complete the sentence.
“What?” he asked, eager to hear what you wanted him to do to you.
“P-Pleasure me... with your mouth,” you blushed profusely, but you wanted it. Badly. Not just for you, but for him. You could tell he was still self conscious about himself and you wanted to show how much you loved his mouth.
Obanai sucked in a breath. He does not go down on girls often. No because he doesn’t like it- it’s the opposite, actually. He very much enjoys it. But he’s insecure about how women will react. He was afraid of them being disgusted by him using his mouth on them. In truth, he often kept his bandages on while having sex. Lucky for him, a lot of girls were into that. 
Most of the sex he had were just hooks up of convenience. A release for both parties, but no real emotions attached. Being with you felt intimate in a way he has never experienced. Knowing you wanted him to pleasure you with his mouth drove him damn near crazy.
“Anything you want,” Obanai replied, “But I want you to sit on my face.” His cock ached at how you blushed, but immediately agreed. He helped you out of the rest fo your clothing, cursing as he took in your naked body for the first time. “Fuck you really are so beautiful.” He didn’t know how he got so lucky.
“Keep saying that and it’s going to go to my head.”
“Good, it should.” He gripped the back of your thighs, pulling you up his body. He couldn’t hide how eager he was to taste you. He let out a satisfied sigh as you lowered yourself on him. He let his tongue swirl over you, groaning at how sweet you were.
His tongue was skilled, seemingly all over you. Flicking at your throbbing clit, teasing your clenching hole. “Fuck Obanai,” you moaned. His lips attached to your clit, sucking hard. The sensation was almost too good. Your hips instinctually when to lift off, but Obanai had an iron grip of your thighs. He wanted to be buried in your pussy and was not about to let you escape him.
He went back to licking your soaked pussy, while you gasped and squirmed on top of him. You began rocking your hips against his mouth, creating the most blissful friction. “That’s it baby, fuck my face,” Obanai urged. He looked up at you, loving how you looked so desperate and fuck out already. He flattened his tongue, allowing you to fully grind your pussy against it. Mere seconds later you were falling apart, moaning his name and coating his tongue with your release.
Obanai kept you there even after your orgasm passed, lapping up every last bit. When he finally let go, you nearly collapsed on top of him, peppering him with kisses. “So good Obanai,” you praised, “Made me feel so good.” Your words were an aphrodisiac to him, making his cock throb with need. 
“Can I make you feel even better?” he asked, already working off his pants, “Wanna make you cum again. Feel you squeezing me.”
“Yes, yes, please Obanai,” you begged, “Wanna feel all of you.”
He didn’t waste a second stripping himself and gently flipping you both over so he was on top. You took a second to admire his strong body. Despite his smaller size, his cock was nice and thick. “You’re so beautiful,” you told him, pushing hair out of his eyes. His heart was fluttering, of course. But he loved it.
He slid inside you slowly, allowing you both to enjoy each inch. He couldn’t believe how good it felt to be inside you, not just physically, though that was unreal. You were so wet and warm and squeezing him impossibly tight. But he never knew sex could feel this good. Feel so right. With each thrust of his hips, he found himself falling harder for you. Becoming addicted to you.
You could practically feel his reverence with each roll of his hips. “Just like tha- ah fuck,” you moaned. You loved how full you felt. How his cock head nudged your most sensitive spot with each thrust. How he looked at you so lovingly while also giving you the best pleasure you’d ever felt. It was all so perfectly overwhelming. “’M close Obanai.”
He slid his hand down to play with your clit as he fucked you. “Cum for me, y/n. Lemme make you feel so good.” You couldn’t resist falling into your second orgasm. You cried out his name as your pussy squeeze him impossibly tighter. He loved the face you made, how you looked so lost in pleasure. Obanai couldn’t deny himself any longer, spilling his warm cum inside you.
“Fuck y/n, so good,” he groaned. You admired how he looked when came, too. He truly was beautiful, scars and all. He slowed his hips, allowing you both to come down from your high. He lowers himself to his elbows so he could kiss you without having to pull out of you. He didn't want to, not yet. Not that you were complaining about it.
“Does this mean demon hunting was our first date?” you joked.
Obanai smiled. You loved being able to see it. “Fitting, I guess. But I promise I will take you on a date you’re deserving of the second we get back.”
You kissed his lips once more. “I can’t wait.”
A/n: I know Kaburamaru in that damn closet like 👁️👁️
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shinobuscanonwife · 3 months
Obanai, rengoku and Giyuu meeting there child for the first time?
Hello!! I'm so sorry for the lack of posts recently I've been busy recently. But i've had a lot of inspiration for writing recently so i'm going to try and work on some requests!!
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Obanai anxiously waited for the doctor to give him permission to come into the room. After what felt like an eternity of waiting, he was finally able to see you. He walked into the room and sighed in relief when he saw you and your newborn son. He made his way over to the hospital bed and he planted a kiss on your cheek. "How are you?" He asked seriously. He held your hand in one hand, and he gently traced his thumb over the baby's cheek with the other "can I hold him?" he asked softly. When you nodded, he let go of your hand and cradled the baby gently. Obanai smiled when he saw the baby smile at him. "He's perfect" Obanai said softly.
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He ran into the hospital room when the doctor said he could come in. He smiled when he saw you holding their newborn daughter. "How are you?" Rengoku asked in a soft tone. He kissed you softly and smiled at the baby. Rengoku had been under so much stress recently with his father and his job wasn't helping with his stress either but when he saw you holding your daughter all his worries and stress melted away. He hugged you and the baby and rested his chin on your head, and he just enjoyed the moment.
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He was worried sick about you and the baby. His leg bounced impatiently as he waited for the doctor to come out. After what seemed like forever the doctor finally came out and said that he could see her and Giyuu sprang up and walked into your room. He saw you laying there with your newborn daughter and he couldn't help but tear up. He had lost so many people in his life, and he never saw himself having children ever. A part of him was worried that he wouldn't be a good father but seeing you with their daughter made all those worries melt away. Giyuu kissed you softly and the kissed the baby's forehead softly. "She's perfect." He said softly.
Thank you sm for reading!!! Have an amazing day/night!!
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mitsvriii · 1 year
Random Iguro hc's
TW's: talks of scars and insecurities
Word Count: 260+
Pairings: Obanai Iguro x reader
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First off, just because you aren't Mitsuri doesn't mean he won't be a simp for you like he is with her.
Bro will literally do anything and everything for you. You're slightly hungry? Can and will fix you a bento in record speed. You're cold? His haori is yours. Oh, your feet are getting uncomfortable from walking so long? He'll carry you.
Seeing Kaburamaru curled up on your shoulders is enough to make his heart flutter.
Y'know that scene where Iguro is on top of Tanjiro and won't get off? You tell him to get off of him and he'll do it immediately. Or if you don't say anything but confront him about it later he'll apologize profusely to you. Not to Tanjiro, though.
Will glare at anyone who so dares look your way when you two are in public. He doesn't care if they're your close friends, he'll get jealous.
Please, please say his eyes are pretty. His heterochromia is another thing that makes him insecure. So seeing you admire it makes him happy.
Tracing his scars on his cheeks when you two are laying together in bad makes him feel happy, too. He'll give you one of his smiles that's only reserved for you.
Training together is rough but he always makes sure you're okay afterwards. Literally scans you up and down like you're a gem and he's the jeweler.
Always hugs you close when you get back from separate missions. He's also a nervous mess when you're gone on them, too.
Overall, he's just an insecure person that needs to be comforted.
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xxlady-lunaxx · 2 months
21 yr old trio hc's bc why not
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This man will probably get flustered w/ the small bits of affection because he distances himself so much that he isn't used to it. He'll get better at hiding it after like 7 months but yes<3 Like he'll js melt in his s/o's arms if they so much as hug him 😭
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MEANWHILE lil baby Obi will always—and I mean always, it doesn't matter how fuckign long his s/o has been dating him—he will turn into the ripest, reddest tomato to ever exist. He'll turn into a puddle if his s/o kisses his forehead or pats him or literally just smiles at him I cannot. He's so cute istg-
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He's harder to fluster but I think drawn out make-out sessions or maybe js long-ass kisses will make him bury his face in his s/o's embrace. He's js cooler /j- Okay but in all seriousness, he'd most likely be dying inside but just be better at handling it externally
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p1err0st4r · 8 months
♱  | author's note : I AM SO SORRY THAT I DIDN'T POST FOR 15 DAYS. 😭  I have been a little busy , i'll try to post more.
★ | MINORS DNI only 18+ readers ; switch!obanai x switch!reader ;brief mention of his trauma.
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• If you guys were dating not really long then your intimate sessions would be a bit akward mostly if Obanai wanted to eat you out / suck your dick.
• Obanai doesn't take of his mask during the process and if he does then he ties up your eyes ... you're absolutely ok with it , you respect his boundries but despite that it's still pretty akward.
• Snake boy is insecure , don't be so hard on him :(
• Is probably a switch with a preferance for topping.
• He might be either A) sappy vanilla romantic or B) an absolute asshole , depends on his mood.
• If it's case A) then you are so lucky , you don't even understand how lucky you are.
• This man will prepare you for the intimacy until he makes sure that you more than prepared , will make sure you feel comfortable and safe. During the process he will also be an absolute  sweetheart ! He will preise you non - stop about how well you take him and how beatiful you  look while doing it.
• And if he decides to be an asshole ( god forbid ) you are going to suffer. He's going to make you aroused and overstimulate you and not even fuck you until you literally start crying and screaming... and even if so he'll just do it hecause he'd be just a little tiny bit guilty for holding you like that. He'd even go as far as to degrade you calling you a 'desperate whore' (regrets it) so his aftercare is amazing in that kind of situation.
• Never let's you top . 🥲🥲
• I think he'd have a little of sadistic and / or masochistic thoughts during the process.
• And if you guys were dating for a long time and he showed your his face then he doesn't even hold back .. if you're comfortable then he'd do absolutely any sick shit that he's into , and i think he'd have some extreme fetishes.
• And he's ALWAYS a little darling during it. Preising you constantly , will try not to overstim you so you wouldn't struggle ( would if you asked though <33 )
• He'd let you top more ... even alot.
• He's far more comfortable if you already knew him more if you would in a short term relationship.
• He can sometimes start crying randomly out of happiness , thinking of how amazing you are and how you could love a hideous person like him.
• This poor boy , i can't... 😭😭
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Im sorry that it's so small 😭😭
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tsukasalvr · 8 months
Hi I was wondering if you could do one with Mitsuri and Obanai with reader that was a mission and lost his memory but he only remembers his previous relationship so he tries to get back to his ex boyfriend
AN: poly mitsuri and Obanai angst hcs must still go on!!!!!
s/o loses memory and tries to back with ex
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Anime/fandom: Demon Slayer
Characters: (POLY) Mitsuri Kanroji and Obanai Iguro
Warnings: I don’t proofread, poly relationship, part of a series that can be found in masterlist,
A/n: byeeeeee Obanai and mitsuri keep suffering😭😭
Demon Slayer masterlist | Main masterlist
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(POLY) Mitsuri Kanroji and Obanai Iguro
They were immediately alarmed and worried when they found out you’ve been hurt while on a mission
They both arrived quickly arrived to the butterfly estate to visit you and saw you were wide awake on the bed with Kocho standing nexy to your bed
When Kocho noticed the two had barged in, she looked worried and was about to speak up before Mitsuri rushed over to you and hugged you while crying
“Me and Obanai were so worried about you, dear!” She wailed while hugging your face close to her but was pushed away by you and immediately looked at you while stopping her crying as Obanai came up behind her to place a hand behind her back and reach over to grab your hand on the bed but was appalled when you immediately pulled away
“I’m sorry, I don’t think we’re close like this.” You said as you looked at them in confusion and and slight fear as you wondered why two of your fellow hashira acquaintances were being so close to you.
It didn’t take long before they were told by Shinobu who explained to them outside of your room that you had lost your memory during a mission but still remembered them but not your relationship with Obanai and Mitsuri
Obanai and Mitsuri were devastated by the news but Mitsuri was hopeful enough to make you remember so the next morning when they went to visit you, they were once again even more devastated when you told them that you had a boyfriend already and even worse it was your ex boyfriend whom you still thought you were with
Obanai felt so hopeless that you forgot everything and how you seemed to be worried about your past ex boyfriend, he was jealous and worried that you would never remember
Mitsuri was just the same as Obanai, but she still had hope and would drag fellow Hashira friends to talk to you and hopefully make you remember
Hell, Obanai would suck up and ask Giyuu to talk to you about them and Mitsuri would drag Muichiro and Sanemi to you and force them to talk to you as well
Mitsuri and Obanai were determined to make you remember and make you forget about your ex boyfriend and would always dismiss it whenever you thought it up, even though every time you did it stung their chest but they knew you didn’t know so they couldn’t blame you at all
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My Heart
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It was a beautiful night out, crickets singing their lullabies to ease you into a mode of relaxation and calm. It was a welcome distraction from the events earlier in the day. Your fiancee sat next to you, head resting on your shoulder. His long hair spilled over your shoulder to rest on your chest. It was a very welcome feeling, to have him this close. It wasn’t often he came home from a long mission wanting to be with you, but what happened during his job left him needing the assurance that you were okay. He didn’t divulge the details of the mission, choosing to utter something about a ‘manipulative demon getting in my fucking head’ He was upset, disoriented from the pain meds, and in pain. His arm was in a cast, forearm snapped in half during the mission. He had gotten sent home after they treated him, strapping care instructions along from his notice of medical leave to his cast so you would see it before he had the chance to dispose of it. The whole day had been interesting after that. 
Wrestling a man made of pure muscle into bed when he adamantly refused to get even a second of rest. It wasn’t until you offered to stay with him that he agreed, Waiting patiently on the bed as you change into something lighter. It was early evening when you had stirred from your short rest, blinking wearily around the room to adjust to the low lighting. Your fiancee was still asleep, wrapped arm tucked under his pillow and out of sight. It was serene like this, knowing that he was safe, comfortable, and cared for. While he is away, no matter how long, it leaves you feeling anxious and unsure. Never quite knowing if he would return or not. This is what you knew though, it's what you agreed to understand when you accepted his courtship. You slipped out of bed as carefully as you could, stopping every few seconds to make sure your partner's eyes were still shut. With the newfound freedom you moved to the engawa, leaving the sliding door open to let in fresh air and let your partner know you were still around, just outside in case he woke up. You should make food and wake your fiancee. You can’t recover on an empty stomach, but the comfort of the crystal clear night was too endearing to move. You sat in silence, listening to the call of the animals preparing for their own night of rest, calling out to loved ones to come home. The melody was interrupted by tired grumbling and the shuffling of feet on the hardwood.
“What’re you doing?” his words were slurred, thick with sleep as he plopped next to you, head gravitating towards your shoulder as he settled back down.
“It will be winter soon. I would like to enjoy the nice warm nights I have before I shiver under all of our blankets without you. Don’t forget to remind me about making you a new scarf for keeping Kaburamaru warm now that I think about it.” Heterochromatic eyes flicked to your face, analyzing your profile as you looked into the night.
“I won’t remember, come to bed,” he said bluntly, adjusting his posture to lean more into you, intertwining one of his arms with yours. It was a rare night indeed.
“m’not tired. Do you want something to eat? More pain meds?” He huffed out a ‘no’ shaking his head so his hair tickled the bare skin of your neck.
“Just want you with me, safe”
“I’m safe as can be with you right here my heart.” He let out an unimpressed huff, disbelieving you. “Did I lie?” He sat up, sleep-riddled eyes looking at your face, looking for a sign of lying, anything that tells him you don’t believe the words you said.
“no, I’m sorry. It was-“ he let out an uneven breath. “The blood demon art was a psychedelic of sorts, they were-I-we.” He paused, eyes shaky as he looked at you “I had to kill you. They disguised themselves as you. They knew something I don’t know but it was you. 7 people were killed before I had the heart to do it” You were speechless, baffled at the confession you just heard.
“It wasn’t me my heart. I’m right here” he looked away at your words.
“She called me my dear” He looked out at the backyard, the fence that ran around your estate, hiding your home from sight. There were holes in the wood, from birds trying to build homes and find comfort somewhere. Obanai begged to have comfort right now, it was all he wanted. You sensed it. With his lack of comfort, he seemed uncomfortable in his own skin, hunched up and stiff. You placed a gentle hand over his, cautious before crowding his space. All his exhaustion was gone from his body, replaced with anxiety. “That’s how I figured it out. How I convinced myself it wasn’t you” You moved closer, wrapping your arms around his shoulders to hug him.
“My heart, I’m right here. This s actually me. You’re fiancee, your love. It’s me. I would never do that to you. Alright, feel this” You moved back, grasping his hand and placing it on your chest, right where your heart rests. “This is me, it's real. I’m safe, I’m alive. I’m right here my heart. Okay?” His eyes didn’t look up from where his hand rested, covered by your own, the small diamond ring he had gotten for you glistening in the moonlight.
“You’re here. Yeah. It’s okay” he raised a small smile. Finally meeting your eyes.
“Want to go lay back down, we can get Kaburamaru and relax, I’ll make some tea and we can elevate your arm.” He nodded, relaxing back into you, letting your hands guide him back into the bedroom and into bed.
“It’ll be alright my heart, while you recover I’ll be right here with you”
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apsephion · 1 year
Here's the fluff I spun a wheel and it picked Danganronpa V3 and Demon Slayer characters so..... Here you go make sure you enjoy.
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Characters: (Demon Slayer) Obanai, Mitsuri, Shinobu, Giyuu, Sanemi (Danganronpa V3) Kaede, Shuichi, Korekiyo, Kaito, Kokichi and Maki
Fandoms: Danganronpa V3 and Demon Slayer
Title: sleeping at night with these characters
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Demon Slayer:
Man is a silent sleeper prove me wrong
He is also extremely still so you'd prob think he is dead sometimes
He gets cold easily so in summer it would be fucking perfect but in winter...
He might cling to you in his sleep but that's a small chance of happening
I'm sorry but mans would move away from you and push you in his sleep
Overall 5.5/10 could be better but still very nice to sleep with
My baby
She snores a lil bit tbh but cutely somehow
Will cuddle you in your sleep no debate
Might accidentally punch and kick you in your sleep
If you're bigger/taller than her she will sleep on top of you
If you're smaller/shorter than her she will little spoon you, you have no say
10/10 would recommend if you love physical contact
I personally she would be a fucking menace.
Prolly can't sleep so messes with you defo
She is a light sleep so don't move too much or she finna get annoyed with you
But if you ignore all of the she's actually a pretty good person to sleep with
Prolly snuggles up to you
But if you sweat in your sleep leave her the fuck alone she hates the moisture
She is smol so she likes being little spooned, but when she wants to feel confident big spoons you
She's a peaceful sleeper when she can finally sleep
A solid 4.5/10 would recommend if you're a deep sleeper if not I totally don't recommend
Doesn't sleep
But when he does end up sleeping like a log
Cuddles you and blushes like a mess when you tell him about it in the morning
Likes to be little spooned simple
Doesn't really like heavy blankets so your just gonna have to suffice
He is cold.
So he loves you're warmth whether in the summer or winter
Prolly cling asf
8.5/10 would recommend
how do I say this...
Don't sleep with him please he is an absolute menace
A kicker and a puncher no debate
A heavy and light sleeper so he'd switch between the both
He will take your blankets even if you get your own
Pushes you if try to get close while he's light sleeping
But he would wrap his arms and legs around you
Protective so holds you closely and tightly
Won't let you live
Danganronpa V3:
Baby I love her btw
Amazing cuddler
Comfortable body heat
Prolly switches between a light and heavy sleeper through the night
Holds you
Rests her head on your shoulder
10/10 sleep with her, amazing experience
My love, the reason I wake up
Hugs you,holds you, clings to you. Physical touch is just a must for him
He will not let you go while sleeping
Gets cold easily so you're a liability for him to keep warm
Little spoon frfr
10000/10 Soooooo recommend
I love this man like pleasss fuck me with your fingers
Ahem anyways
He is a gentle cuddler
Slight cold body temp
I personally love thinking that he would play with your hair
Sweet nothings while you're falling asleep
Sleeps late so he might coddle you while kissing the crown of your head
10/0 would recommend
Chaotic sleeper ™
Blanket hog
Sleeps right on you despite his weight
Squeezes you tightly
Big spoon
7.5/10 though he's annoying sometimes he's a great cuddle-bug
He doesn't like sleeping periodt
So he would be a fucking nuisance
Pokes your face while you sleep
Kicks you purposely
Takes your blankets
Why does he do this? Because he's kinda lonely being awake alone
So you have to mom him
When he gets to sleep he is a cuddle bug
You wanna go get water you have to bring Kokichi with
You wanna pee Kokichi's tagging along
2/10 annoying asf
Doesn't sleep
Has trained herself to not sleep
But understands sleep is important
So what's the next best thing for her? She cuddle with you
Very nice body temp she adapts to winter and summer
Your thirsty? She gets you water
You need to pee? She accompanies you
Basically very comforting even if she rarely sleeps
7.5/10 would recommend
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Sorry for not getting this one I live in South Africa so I didn't have lights but I'll get the smut one out as soon as possible. Love you guys
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©Apsephion 2023 (forgot how to copyright sr)a
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mirukosbitchywife · 1 year
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mean gfs with their sweet gf...... thinking so hard rn
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teddy-yandere · 10 months
hi i hope your doing alright--now lets get inot bussness i was wondering if you can do a "yabdere obani iguro x reader" if its not a bother
- Secret Protecter -
✧*゚WARNING ✧*゚ will contain dark themes
A / N = I wasn’t sure what you wanted , so I just thought of something from the top of my head. I did not proofread this , Enjoy !!
«★»———- KNY Demon Slayers Masterlist
* .:。✧*゚ ゚・ ✧.。. * * .:。✧*゚ ゚・ ✧.。. * . *.:。✧ *゚ ゚・ ✧.。. *.
★ Obanai cringed as he stepped in twig. He watched from the bushes as your delicate face turned around to look at your surroundings in worry. You pulled out your sword immediately. You didn’t know that there was someone following you . Obanai hoped that your eyes would miss him as you continued to scan the tree line around you.
★ The main reason why obanai was following you was because he wanted to make sure that a demon didn’t attack you.
★ Every since he first laid eyes on you he knew that there was something special about you. You just looked so pure , and peaceful in the dangerous world that you lived in. It actually took a while for Obanai to realize that you were in fact , part of the demon slayer corps. He just didn’t understand why such a cute thing like you would want to risk your life in this field.
★ That was why he was watching you like a hawk.
★ Anyways back to the story
★ As you continued to scan the tree line , you got a horrible feeling from the pit of you stomach that you were being watched . You tried to reason with yourself that the only reason why you were so nervous was because you kept hearing of all of the recent disappearances around the area. Many people were warning you not to be alone at night .
★ Little did you know that Obanai was to blame for these disappearances.
★ He just couldn’t stand seeing any other man around you
★ You tried your very best to stay calm , but is beginning to become increasingly harder with the feeling that you were being watched . All of a sudden , the second you eyes moved from that one spot in the bushes , your vision went black .
★ When you finally woke up , you noticed a man with a snake around his neck looking down on you with live-sick eyes.
★ “ oh darling , I can’t wait for all the fun things we are going to do now that we are together at last “
* .:。✧*゚ ゚・ ✧.。. * * .:。✧*゚ ゚・ ✧.。. * . *.:。✧ *゚ ゚・ ✧.。. *.
Thanks for reading , Darling !! <3
Have a nice Day / Night ~
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lettersgarden · 2 years
Could you do a Sleeping next to a Hashira
But could you do Rengoku he’s my favorite character and I love your work
Keep it up
This my first time requesting btw :)
Sleeping next to the hashira Pt2
Characters mentioned: Rengoku, Mitsuri and Obanai
Gender neutral reader x the hashira
Warnings: None
You've gone on a mision with (x character), who you've had a big fat crush for a while now. It was supposed to be just a one day mision but you end up getting lost on you way back and decide to spend the night at an old man's house who you've met on the way and ooobviously you'll have to share a room with them.
Rengoku 🔥
He doesn't care about you two getting lost. Actually he's even happy about it once he sees the dinner the old man offers you.
Another thing he also doesn't care about is personal space!
You can complain as much as you want be he's going to use you as his personal pillow AND teddy bear.
Mitsuri 💗
The love pillar definitely knows you like her, and for your surprise, she likes you too!
So when she finds out you'll have to share a room, she takes that opportunity to let you know that she likes you back.
The second you lay on your bed, she's going to take all of your personal space.
Mitsuri loves physical contact, although I don't think that's her MAIN love language, she's going to be very cuddly with you.
But of course, if she feels like she's making you uncomfortable she'll take distance, and probably think that you don't actually like her :(.
Obanai 🐍
Unlike Rengoku and Mitsuri he isn't going to approach you.
He's very shy and even if he likes you, he won't go near you. Not during your mission neither once you're in the room.
He takes personal space very seriously and will maintain a very wide distance when you're sleeping, that way he will make sure that you get a good night's rest.
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doumadono · 10 months
Hey so I didn't think I'd need to use this, but if your Emergency Requests are open, I could seriously use some comfort right now..
So I was supposed to get a kitten soon from a friend who's cat had just had babies and I haven't had a cat in years since my previous baby died in 2021 during an extremely hard time in my life. And I was so incredibly excited to meet him and I had all of the stuff ready for him to come home to me, I just had to wait a few more weeks for him to be old enough. Well yesterday I got some horrific news that he had passed away and I spent about 3 hours crying so hard about the loss of a kitten I never even got to meet and I'm still extremely torn up about it.
Could you possibly write something about some of the Hashira (preferably Sanemi, Tengen, Giyuu, Kyojuro, and Obanai) helping their partner (they/them pronouns) deal with the grief of losing a beloved animal? You don't have to do all of those Hashira if that's too many, any of them will work fine. I just feel so swallowed up in this and I really don't know how to cope properly right now.
Thank you so much, my love💜
Hashiras & s/o who lost beloved animal - headcanons
A/N: I'm truly saddened to learn about your loss, my dear. Even though you didn't have the chance to meet that wonderful furry soul, it's completely natural for you to grieve. Your heart and home were ready to embrace them, showering them with all the love they could ever need. Take all the time you need to navigate through the mourning process. Of course feel free to reach out to me – whether it's here or on Instagram. I'm here for you ♥ I trust these small headcanons will provide a measure of solace.
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Sanemi Shinazugawa
When he notices his partner's heavy heart due to the loss of their beloved animal, Sanemi decides to take a straightforward approach. He invites them to join him for a training session. With a mix of tough love and encouragement, he pushes them to channel their emotions into their movements. As they spar and practice together, he reminds them that strength comes from within, and sometimes pushing through physical challenges can help ease the weight of emotional pain. And in his own gruff way, he lets them know that he's there to support them every step of the way.
Tengen Uzui
Tengen understands the power of distraction and beauty. He takes their mind off the grief by whisking them away to a serene garden or a lively festival. He's the epitome of flamboyance and indulgence, but in this case, his extravagant gestures are all about making their partner smile again. He encourages them to express their feelings through art or music, even if they've never tried it before.
Giyuu Tomioka
Giyuu is quiet and reserved, but he's incredibly sensitive to their emotions. He doesn't overwhelm them with words, but he's a steady presence by their side. He brings them calming teas and sits with them by a tranquil river or under a cherry blossom tree, offering silent support. He shares stories about the strength and resilience of nature, reminding them that life is a cycle of beginnings and endings.
Kyojuro Rengoku
Kyojuro Rengoku, with his boundless energy and enthusiasm, knows that sometimes comfort can come in the form of a delicious meal. He spends the day in the kitchen, whipping up an array of their favorite comfort foods. The aroma of delicious dishes fills the air as he presents a table laden with a feast of flavors. With a warm smile, he encourages them to eat to their heart's content, reminding them that even in moments of sadness, there's solace in sharing a good meal and finding joy in the simple pleasures of life.
Obanai Iguro
Obanai's approach is gentle and soothing, grounded in tradition and mindfulness. He introduces them to the art of meditation and deep breathing, guiding them through moments of inner peace. He believes that by embracing stillness, they can feel their animal companion's presence in their hearts. He encourages them to plant a tree or a flower in honor of their beloved animal, fostering a connection between life and remembrance.
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shinobuscanonwife · 2 years
a kid knocking on the hashiras door every single day at exactly 3:46 with candy and a bento box with a note attached to saying cute little quotes.
the cutest thing about is the kid is like 5-7 years old
Spoilers for the manga on Sanemi's!
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No, because she starts waiting for you. You and her have some of the best conversations. She makes sure you have parents and if you don't she honestly considers taking you in. But you assured her you have parents. When she asks why you started showing up at her house in the first part and you simply responded with. "You seemed nice :)"
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She's very suspicious of you at first. She ate the candy and bento you left but still wondered why you showed up to her every day at such a specific time. One day she waited for you and asked you why you come to her house every day and leave this stuff. You just smiled at her and said "I liked the butterfly in your hair :D" she starts warming up to you after that. She honestly started seeing you as a little sibling she looked forward to seeing you every day.
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He was extremely happy to see someone leaving him candy and bento. He liked reading the notes you left too. He could tell you were quite young based on how you wrote. He wanted to thank you. One day when he was off from work he stood outside till 3:14 and then he saw a young child who was around 7 carrying candy and a little note with them. He smiled at you and said, "HELLO!!! YOU MUST BE THE ONE WHO HAS BEEN LEAVING THINGS AT MY DOOR" he kinda scared you by how loud he talked. You two spent all afternoon talking about his training and the notes you left. " I MUST INTRODUCE YOU TWO MY YOUNGER BROTHER. MAYBE YOU TWO COULD BE FRIENDS!!!"
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Forgets about the candy and bento but he remembers you by the notes you leave. He wanted to thank you. He didn't know why you were doing this but he wanted to pay you back in some way. He was outside one day. When it was 3:14 he heard footsteps behind him. He turned around to see a 5-year-old child putting candy and a note on his doorstep. Muichiro just responded to you with a smile and said. "Thank you."
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Really confused. He could tell you were young by your notes. He really loved receiving your gifts. It made him smile to see someone taking the time out of their day to give him gifts. He saw you one day when he was outside he saw you put the candy on his doorstep you both made eye contact he smiled at you and asked you why you were doing this. You just responded with. "I've never seen you smile before and I wanted to try and make you smile :D"
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His wives were the first ones to find out about you. Suma absolutely loves you. Hina thinks you are super cute and thinks it's sweet that someone is taking time out of their day to make food for all of them. Makio acts like she doesn't like you but deep down she absolutely loves you. Tengen saw you one day and he immediately thought you were very flashy!! Making candy and bento for him and his wives and leaving notes for them was something he absolutely loved. He loved seeing his wives smile as they read your notes.
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Thinks you are annoying at first. The first note he got from you was attached to some candy and it said how strong you thought he was and you hope to be as good of a demon slayer as he is one day. He threw the candy and the note away. He thought that was the end of it until the next day. Bento with another note attached to it. And they just kept coming. One day he saw you putting a bag of candy on his doorstep as he was getting back from a mission. You turned around and saw him. "Oh hello, mister!! this is for you!!" You said picking back up the bag of candy and held it out so he could take it. You kind of reminded him of Genya when he was younger. He started warming up to you and started looking forward to your visits.
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At first, he thought your gifts were stupid. He never even bothered to read the letters you left. But you just kept leaving them and leaving them. Still, he never paid any attention to them and just threw them away. One day he was getting back from a mission and saw a young child on his doorstep putting a note and a bag of candy on his doorstep you looked up at him and said "Oh hello!! I like your snake! :D" turns out all the notes were random facts about snakes and you and him ended up talking about snakes for about 3 hours. Maybe he could get used to your visits.
Thank you for your request!! Have a nice day/ night!
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Sub! Obanai X Hashira Dom! Male Reader NSFW Headcanons
Warnings: overstimulation, rough sex, hair pulling
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Obanai acts so tough and dominant around others, but when he's around you, he is totally different
He is very submissive around you, and would be surprisingly clingy
Whenever you two do 'it', Obanai would moan very loud while you pound him. Oh, and he would also call you daddy when you pull his hair
He loves it when you are rough with him, he doesn't like it when you are gentle with him
You pound him so hard that it'll take a while for him to walk again, but at least he loves it
The good thing about this is that none of the other Hashiras knows that Obanai has a lewd side, and you keep the relationship between you and him a secret
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cherrys-side-bitch · 2 years
ℍ𝕒𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕒 ℂ𝕠𝕞𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕥 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤 ℙ𝕥.2
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Gn! reader, fluff
Includes: Muichirou, Gyomei, Giyu, Sanemi, Obanai
Part 1
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When he sees you cry for the first time he freezes for a moment, not knowing what to do.
Once he's had a moment he walks over and kneels down to your height, quietly asking what's wrong with a hand gently placed over yours.
If you don't want to talk about it Muichiro will respect your decision, simply rubbing your back in an attempt to comfort you.
If you want to talk about it he’ll silently listen as well as he can, sadly he’ll zone out on accident but he's trying his best.
Once he realizes that he zoned out he tries to piece together what you might've said and it only works sometimes...
He’ll usually ask if you'd like him to get you something, if you say yes he’ll go get it as quick as possible, not wanting to leave you for too long. If not he’ll stay with you to keep you company.
┉ˏ͛ ༝̩̩̥͙ ⑅͚˚   ҉  ⑅͚˚ ͛༝̩̩̥͙ ˎ┉
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He will legit start crying with you, I’m being deadass rn.
Gyomei probably thought he did something that scared or upset you.
When told that he isn't the issue he quicking changed to trying to comfort you, sinking to your height and enveloping you in a protective but fairly loose hug so as to not hurt you.
The 7’2 man gives amazing hugs, the comforting warmth from his body radiating onto your own would be such a pleasant experience.
If you decide to talk about it he’ll silently listen not daring to speak, once you're finished speaking he congratulates you on being able to share something so personal. Not every one has the guys to do that and wants you to know he's proud of you.
He doesn't like it when you cry but will always be there for you if needed.
┉ˏ͛ ༝̩̩̥͙ ⑅͚˚   ҉  ⑅͚˚ ͛༝̩̩̥͙ ˎ┉
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He's probably the least helpful in the sense that he doesn't know what to do. He just kind of sits there wondering what he should do to help.
After Giyu thinks for a bit he would likely rub your back and reassure you that you're allowed to cry.
Once you calm down a bit he asks if you want to talk about it or if you need something.
He’d gladly leave the room real quick to get you a cup of water, all you have to do is ask.
If you want to talk about it he’s all ears. Giyu sucks at comforting people but if you need someone to rant/vent to he's your man.
He’ll listen carefully to every word and try to offer any sort of advice you need based on his own experience. Although he’ll ask first, he's not some asshole who gives unsolicited advice.
If you don't want to talk about it he understands it can be hard to talk about your issues and he respects your privacy.
He’d simply ask if you'd like to go on a small way to get your mind off of things.
┉ˏ͛ ༝̩̩̥͙ ⑅͚˚   ҉  ⑅͚˚ ͛༝̩̩̥͙ ˎ┉
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As rude as it sounds, he probably believes that there's no use in crying, after all, nothing is going to change if you don't do anything about it.
So when he saw you crying to yourself he was a bit standoffish at first, almost making it sound as if expressing you emotions is bad.
When he notices how genuinely upset you are he calms down a bit.
He sits down beside you and asks what’s so important that you're crying over it.
If you start to open up about it he’ll stay quiet and listen to what you have to say.
Sanemi knows he sucks at comforting people so he tries to make up for that by being someone who actually listens to you.
If you decide to not talk about it he gets very annoyed but sort of understands why you wouldn't want to talk about it.
Acts fussy but offers to lend you an ear if you have problems in the future
┉ˏ͛ ༝̩̩̥͙ ⑅͚˚   ҉  ⑅͚˚ ͛༝̩̩̥͙ ˎ┉
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When he first saw you in such a state his first thought was that someone hurt you.
As he kneels to your height he grabs your face to look at him and asks who was dumb enough to mess with you. If nobody did he’ll apologize for his prior harshness, he just needed to make sure.
He quietly strokes your face where he suddenly grabbed apologizing if he accidentally hurt you.
After you've calmed down a bit he asks what's wrong and if you'd like to talk about it.
If you do wish to talk about it Obanai is quietly listening making sure you're aware that he's still paying attention.
He wouldn't even dream of interrupting you, especially since you've decided to entrust him with this information
If you decide to not tell him he's fine with that. Obanai respects your wishes and won't force you to talk about your issues, he knows from personal experience that it doesn't help at all.
Either way, if you decide to talk about it or not he and Kaburamaru will stay with you if you wish.
He will also be a bit less harsh with you for the next day or two, after all, he'd rather not be the cause of your distress.
┉ˏ͛ ༝̩̩̥͙ ⑅͚˚   ҉  ⑅͚˚ ͛༝̩̩̥͙ ˎ┉
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og-danny-dorito · 2 years
hihi! may i request obanai with a shy and timid s/o 💞thank u!
ofc! i love obanai he's so sweet <3
𝙾𝚋𝚊𝚗𝚊𝚒 𝙸𝚐𝚞𝚛𝚘 𝚆𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚊 𝚂𝚑𝚢!𝚂/𝙾
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𝚃𝚆: none :]
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two shy people in a room... what will they do... (kiss)
no but for real ya'll are literally twinning cause obanai is so fucking shy for no reason 😭😭
LIKE. like just getting ya'll to actually hang out with one another meant that you probably had to have someone make ya'll hang out since both of you were too shy to ask each other cough tengen did it cough
but once ya'll actually start hanging out you're damn near inseparable
obanai really likes that you're just as nervous as him cause he doesn't have to worry about embarrassing himself or anything. that and like, you get it and try to make things as comfortable as possible for him and he really appreciates it??
you probably would've had to ask him out, or alternatively he asked you out by placing a little note next to your bed with your favorite flowers asking you if you'd like to go out sometime
got mitsuri and kyojuro to help him out with it even though he was embarrassed and nervous about you rejecting him 💀
the first date is basically ya'll just hanging out like normal tbh
since you're both really shy the whole thing goes kind of slow, but its a comfortable slow if that makes sense
neither of you feel the need to rush into things or make any moves considering you're both on the same wavelength of embarrassment, and there isn't any apparent need to conform to a strict classification to what your relationship is since neither of you feel rushed by each other's presence
in fact the whole thing of you two becoming partners in the first place was very gradual, and if you were asked to define a specific point where your relationship turned into something more than just 'good friends' you wouldn't be able to pinpoint it
but thats okay!! relationships are fluid and you both feel comforted by the presence of one another, even though you turn each others' legs to jelly when you're in the same room
but there usually isn't a need to talk since you know each other so well. that and as the two of you spend more time together, he feels less and less anxious around you and gets more comfortable with voicing his thoughts
i feel like PDA and intimacy in general are kind of difficult for him because of anxiety and not wanting people to pay attention to him, but if you wanted it he'd gladly hold your hand whenever you wanted
in fact, as soon as ya'll hold hands for the first time he probably wont let go. for a while.
he struggles with verbal communication so usually squeezing your hand to get your attention or brushing up against you is easier for him LMAO
its cute though!! ya'll are like the couple that falls in love with one another a little more each day :]
tengen thinks its cute even though sanemi rolls his eyes every time you two get blushy over being around one another LMAO
[ 𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚔 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚊𝚜𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐! 𝙵𝚎𝚎𝚕 𝚏𝚛𝚎𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚍 𝚖𝚎 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚒𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞'𝚍 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚊𝚗 𝙷𝙲 𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚘𝚠𝚗 :) ]
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