#oc backstory
molabuddy · 1 month
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you can't remember the name of that one kids show you used to watch when you were little, but the girl in it looked a lot like you.
on dark nights, you'd put it on and pretend that you were her. (that you were happy & free & human)
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smoll-stace · 5 months
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Finally got around to posting this, it was like a week ago I made this xD
ANYWAYS my boys' first meet! Atm I can't explain much about this situation cause ☆spoilerssssss☆
But hopefully, I'll be able to show you guys some of the actual story for these two soon. ^^
Hope you guys have an amazing day! ✌️ peace
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 5 months
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idk if i've ever talked abt Hazel's backstory on here or not but it's suuuuuper petty and dumb LMAOOOO
basically at some point the PizzaPlex started getting complaints from a few parents that their daycare didn't 'meet standards,' in that the 'child-to-caretaker-ratio' wasn't acceptable. So the solution was to bring an old concept out of storage and dress it up to look like a third daycare attendant! Enter Hazel, a project scrapped after the execs decided that having a rabbit (Bonnie) and a hare (Hazel) was one too many bunny-shaped mascots.
so they rush Hazel together into what is, functionally, a beta-phase of her project wearing a children's-caretaker costume, and management says 'good enough!' and they drop her into the daycare with almost zero training/socialization programming, and Sun and Moon are left with the worlds newest of new hires with little to no warning. Okay you three have fun byeeee!
Sun, not wanting to deal with training a clearly unfinished new hire, and not wanting to essentially share his daycare with some unqualified stranger, 'welcomes' her cheerfully and immediately 'offers' her her own special spot in the daycare: a corner far from where the kids normally congregate, with a small, seldom-used storage closet for her to use as her 'dressing room.' Hazel, not knowing any better and just happy to be here, is SO EXCITED and is ecstatic to start her new job as a fellow daycare attendant- and to be brought under the wing of Sun and Moon as their friend and equal. WRONG LMAOOOO Sun actively ignores her whenever the kids are around and subtly discourages them from playing near Hazel's corner, and Moon keeps to himself so often anyway that even if she had been a more active participant, they wouldn't have interacted much to begin with. She's left on her own, watching and waiting and, eventually, wondering if she was following Sun's instructions to 'stay right there and try not to have any problems' incorrectly.
At some point she wakes up and Realizes, this whole time she had been MISERABLE and LONELY and stuck on the outside looking in, and for what?? Because someone didn't feel like taking the extra three seconds to explain to her the 'proper' way to clean the daycare, or how to calm down a child thats overstimulated and cranky? Because she wasn't made correctly? And who had made her that way, anyway? And why? Why was she like this? Why hadn't anyone fixed her? Why was everything so wrong? And why did it feel like it was all her fault???
To cope with the abandonment, the anger, the loneliness, the sadness, the confusion, she twists it all together into an obsession with her own suffering and inflicting it on others in every way she can- mean jokes, twisted threats, uncomfortable bluntness, sowing strife and distrust into every relationship she comes in contact with, etc, etc. She's angry and hurting and longing for something meaningful- why should everyone else get to be happy?
Is that childish as hell. yea. is it stupid as fuck. yea. is she a dramatic little shit. yea lol
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petracozbi · 1 month
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I think it’d be funny if Clover and Trevor met JD, while hitchhiking between troll kingdoms
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irraydiate · 25 days
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An OC, he’s a Hank clone that survived when both twins were caught in a cave-in when they were 14.
(Further lore ↓)
Apologies for being overly verbose for parts of this, I’m just like that sometimes
Dean died and Hank was hit in the head and knocked out. Because his watch (and by extension his wrist) was crushed, he was assumed to be dead. He survived but was forced to live with his brother’s rotting corpse, and only ate/drank bugs, moss, tree roots, and underground spring water, effectively becoming severely malnourished. The only “company” he had was a small colony of bats that came and went through a vent in the cave’s ceiling. This led to more delusion and detachment, as well as further fuelling his obsession with Batman. I know scientifically he’d probably just die from all this but whatever..
He’s found after like 6 years and does not take the news about them being clones very well, but he’s very happy to see his family, and ends up liking the current Hank. He gets surgery to deal with his broken bones that healed horrifically wrong, but nothing seems to really fix him mentally.
Also the “Allen” is the normal/replacement Hank, as everyone agreed this cave Hank was Hank first and got to keep his name. Idk what I’m doing
I only made this character as a sort of hypothetical crisis for Hank, and also wanted to make my own take on a D-19 type character
I was inspired by Alphonse Elric and Riku from Kemu Voxx’s books for the (minimally transformative) design, but it’s mostly just Hank.. It was hard to restrain myself from drawing dicks on that cast both because innate urge and it actually being in-character
(Also ik that this design ever being animated at this level of detail would be some form of abuse, but I ain’t animating his ass, and I also have little restraint when it comes to adding pointless details.)
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leahlozers-blog · 3 months
can you tell us more about amp and his relationship with floyd?
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Amp is very much a mess.
Floyd and Amp met at a party with mutual friends, Floyd solo career was going pretty well at that point so he was pretty well known amongst the trolls. They had great chemistry and made really fast friends, they’d go out partying together all the time and that developed into something more as time went on.
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Amp has commitment issues so he didn’t want to put a label on their relationship, so it quickly spiraled into a situationship/friends with benefits situation. Amp is pretty selfish and doesn’t think about others feelings when he’s having a good time. Floyd wanted to be exclusive, Amp didn’t. He also didn’t want to slow down on his partying and drinking since it was effecting their relationship and Floyd’s mental health. Amp also very much has abandonment issues, he wants boyfriend benefits without saying that he’s in a relationship basically.
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After the “break up” he still drunk calls and texts Floyd in the middle of the night. Leaves lots of long rambling voicemails. You know those ex’s who you had a real messy relationship with and then still wants you back. Yeah that’s him.
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He frequently tries to meet up with him, kinda creeping. But after being confronted about it, he stays away. He loves Floyd deep down but that anxious attachment style of relationship is something Floyd doesn’t want ultimately. I feel like Floyd tends to gravitate towards these types, like he has to fix them for them.
If Amp got therapy and slowed down on the partying, he’d be a good partner. But that’s something he’d need to want for himself first.
Thank you so much for the ask! I love rambling about my ocs!
Send more asks :)
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Bonded Pair. - OCxGhost Backstory.
|| [Part Two ->] ||
pairing: COD OC!Victoria "Whiskey" Callahan x Simon "Ghost" Riley bonus: Moot!OC (Meabh "Pirate" O'Malley) x Johnny "Soap" MacTavish words: 2K~ cw: injury (nothing major or too explicit)
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May 2020
“How long until the American comes?” Soap asks to Ghost’s right as the lieutenant is halfway through assembling their camp/nest for the foreseeable future.
“Laswell said he’d come before sundown.” Ghost muttered. 
“What do you think he’s going to be like?” Soap asked.
“I think you should start heading to your spot and setting up camp, instead of yapping. It’s gonna get dark soon. You don’t want to spend the night lying on a pile of sticks, do you?”
“Jeez, L.T., calm down.” The Scot quipped with a chuckle. “I have plenty of time!”
“You really don’t. Sun’s setting soon.” A voice called out from behind them, causing them both to turn sharply, already pawing at their guns. The southern american accent was the only reason they didn’t draw them or shoot at the source.
Whiskey stepped out from behind the treeline, setting her hands on her hips after slinging her rifle onto her shoulder. She was on the tall side for a woman, standing at 5ft8, and had broad shoulders and strong arms.  Her dark brown hair was tied back into the usual military-standard low bun, though a few loose strands of damp hair were glued to her forehead, and the lower half of her face was concealed by an Army green neck gaiter that was pulled up to her nose. 
Ghost wasn’t particularly keen on working with her. But at least she looked more capable than some of what he’d seen come from the US.
She wore the standard combat uniform he had grown used to seeing on the Americans: camouflage cargos trousers, jacket, and Kevlar with the American flag. To keep her warm from the unforgivingly rainy and cold weather, she wore a brown fleece jacket under her camo, which was zipped up all the way, covering her neck and the bottom of her gaiter. She had on tan fingerless gloves, tan combat boots, and a camo backpack over her shoulders, from which hung her helmet. 
“You’re the Navy SEAL?” Ghost asked in greeting as he approached her.
“That’d be me.” Whiskey replied evenly as she reached forward to shake hands with Ghost. 
“I’m Ghost, this is Soap.” He explained as they shook hands, eyes locked into a strong, unyielding eye contact. 
“Whiskey.” She replied as she let go of his hand and turned to shake Soap’s. Only for her eyebrows to knit together and then set dangerously low, darkening her hazel-brown eyes. “You.” She said as she pulled her hand back before he could shake it.
“Me?” Soap asked, his own eyebrows rising up to his hairline.
“You’re screwing my best friend!” Whiskey said bluntly as she pointed at him.
“Am no! I have a girlfriend!” Soap said while shaking his head, entirely convinced of 
“Yeah, my best friend!” Whiskey replied with a nod.
“No? My girlfriend’s name is Meabh and her best friend is Victoria.”
“Right. Victoria, who’s American and part of the SEALs?” 
“Oh shit!” Soap said in surprise as he looked at her. “You’re her?”
“Yeah I am. And you’re the piece of crap that-” Whiskey stopped herself, biting her tongue and pointing a finger at him.
“Woah, you’re nothing like Meabh said you would be.” Soap said with a dropped jaw. “What’s with the aggression? I dinnae do nothing to ye-”
“You did enough.” Whiskey hissed at him through gritted teeth, her hand shaking as she wagged her finger in his face. She seemed so pissed off at Soap, Ghost couldn’t help but wonder what the sergeant did.
Ghost was watching the whole scene go down, the entire situation sending some alarm bells ringing in his head, not because of the animosity… But because Whiskey was loud and feisty. And he already had Soap to deal with, and now there was another one?
He didn’t even want to imagine what comms would look like between them, how they’d talk his ear off.
Whiskey turned away with a huff, shaking her head. “I’m gonna go set up shop. I suggest you do the same.” She told the lads.
“Wait!” Soap said as he stepped forward toward her. “What’d I do? Why do you hate me so much?”
Whiskey looked back over her shoulder, eyes locking onto Soap’s. Then, she looked up at Ghost and, for a moment, Simon swore he was seeing right into her soul and her right into his. Whatever reason she was pissed at Soap, it was bad, and he could tell.
“Just get to work and don’t piss me off. Gonna have to deal with you for three weeks…” Whiskey grumbled about Soap as she turned and walked off, heading downrange to her own overwatch coordinates.
Soap exchanged a glance with Ghost as she walked off, before softly murmuring. “What was that about?”
Ghost shook his head. “Fuck if I know. Just do as she said and get to your campsite.”
“Yeah…” Soap trailed off and waved a goodbye at Ghost before he headed out to his camp, following after Whiskey’s trail.
Night 1: 2000 hours
“I was thinking we take turns sleeping. 24 hours in a day, we could trade and do 4 hour straight of sleep.” Ghost suggested over the radio as he snacked on a protein bar.
“Copy that, L.T.” Soap replied, his voice chewed up, a clear sign that he was also eating.
“Sounds good to me.” Whiskey replied from her camp, her voice clipped and curt, even through the radio. “You can take first shift, Ghost.”
“I’d rather take last.” Ghost replied.
“Alright. Soap. Take first shift.” She demanded.
“Nae? I wanna stay up and speak to you about something.”
“No, you don’t.”
“Victoria, c’mon, I don’t even know what I did.”
“It’s ‘Whiskey’, Soap. I still outrank you and we’re still at work. Haven’t given you permission to call me by my name.” Her voice was so blunt and strong, Ghost found himself almost impressed.
“I’m sorry.” Soap ended up saying with a sigh. 
“Save your sorries. Go to sleep.” She demanded. 
“Aye, ma’am.”
It took a good half an hour or so, but soon, Johnny’s PTT was turned off, so, Ghost spoke up.
“Switch to 3, Whiskey.”
“Copy that.”
After switching frequencies, he finally spoke. “What’d he do?”
“Something he shouldn’t.”
“Cheated on your friend?”
“No. He’s stupidly devoted to her. At least from what she says.”
“Sounds about right. He talks about her a lot. Tires me.”
“Bet it does.”
“Then what?”
“Can’t talk about it.”
“Hm…” Ghost murmured. “Okay.”
Ghost was supposed to be sleeping. He really was. But with a new team member alongside them, he knew he wouldn’t be able to. 
Besides, he wouldn’t risk missing the shitshow of the other two bickering.
“So, how long have you and Meabh known each other?” 
“Longer than she’s known you.”
“How’d you meet?”
“On a ship.”
“Her ship?”
“So how is it, being a Navy SEAL?”
“So, how old are you?”
“Old enough.”
“Where are you from?”
“Yeah, but which state? You’re obviously from the south.”
“None of your business.”
“You and Meabh ever work together?”
At one point, Ghost couldn’t help but start to smirk at the way the conversation was going. All throughout Days 1, 2 and 3 of their watch mission, she answered Johnny’s incessant questions with nothing but nonchalant dryness.
He could almost guess what answer she’d give and what tone she’d use whenever Johnny asked another question. 
While she had been sleeping, the Scot had confessed he had wracked his brain thinking of reasons why she didn’t like him and had come up short… And that he wanted to make friends with her, for his bird’s sake.
But he wasn't succeeding. She was cold and stubborn and curt with her answers, not giving him more than a few words at a time.
Even as the questions got more probe-y and personal… She gave him nothing. In a way, Ghost saw himself in her answers.
“What do you and Meabh usually do when you’re together?”
“Hang out.”
“Yeah, but what do you do? Go out for drinks? Go on holiday?”
“We hang out.”
“So what does Meabh tell you about me?”
“The usual.”
“How come Meabh has never shown me a picture of you?”
“I don't do pictures.”
“Why the mask?”
“To hide my face.”
It’s as the sun sets on Day 4 that she finally gets tired of playing nice:
“You know, Meabh described you as really cheerful and funny… But I don't see it.”
“Meabh sees the best in people. Don’t take it personal. She lies about you a lot too.”
“I’m not that bad, you know? I don’t know what your problem is with me but… I’m just trying to befriend ye.” Ghost can pick up on Soap’s annoyance in his tone of voice.
“I wish you wouldn’t.” Whiskey replied.
There’s a long, long moment of silence before Johnny tries again.
“How often do you and Meabh talk?”
“Often enough.”
“I miss her a lot when I’m on missions… Can’t talk to her steadily…” Soap admits, this time a lot more sincere. “Do you miss her too?
“No.” She replies. 
“No? Do you not like her the same as she does you?’
“I do.” Whiskey tells him. “But I’ve got ways of communicating with her.” She announces. 
“How’s that? Sending a letter and waiting weeks for a reply? I’m not satisfied with just that. Need to hear her voice… and she doesn’t have signal out there in the ocean…”
There’s a sound from the radio, which Ghost can swear is a snort from Whiskey laughing. Then, she speaks again.
“Can you see my camp from where you are?”
“Alright well, take a look at this.” 
Out of curiosity, Ghost decides to turn his binoculars toward Whiskey’s nest too, and adjust the focus until she comes into view.
“It’s a real shame that you can’t talk with your girlfriend.” Whiskey said while waving a black radiotelephone in the air for them to see. “I wouldn’t know anything about that.”
Ghost smirks at the sound of her sarcasm, shaking his head, already anticipating the dramatics that Soap would engage in.
“Wait, you’ve got a phone to talk to Meabh WITH?!” Soap’s voice is so loud and high-pitched one would think he just suffered the greatest betrayal.
“Oh yeah, I’ve been speaking pretty consistently with her the past 4 days.”
“Oh yes.”
“That’s it! I’m going down there, I want to talk to Meabh!”
“No you’re not, don’t you desert your post!”
“I’m not deserting! I’m going to you!”
Ghost has to turn off his PTT so he can laugh without them noticing. Soap had been talking about Meabh for forever, talking the ear off anyone who’d listen, raving about the girl and how much he loves her. At this point Simon feels he himself is dating her with how much he knows about her… 
And now, here was her best friend, showing him just how much higher she ‘ranks’ in the girl’s consideration.
Turning his binoculars toward Soap’s nest, he watched the younger sergeant slip out and, under the shadows of the rapidly approaching night, rush out behind the treeline, dashing toward Whiskey’s nest about 2 kilometers out.
“He’s really going over.” Ghost murmured into the PTT.
“I know he is. Meabh is laughing over it.”
“YOU’RE TALKING WITH HER RIGHT NOW?!” Soap shrieked into his own PTT. “Tell her to hold on!!! I want to hear her voice!!!!”
Ridiculous, Ghost thought as he heard Soap’s desperation. How ridiculous it was to be so obsessed with a woman. Girlfriend or not.
By the time he reached Whiskey’s station, after a few minutes, Ghost got to watch a flurry of limbs happening.
And, after a moment, Whiskey came back onto the PTT. “Ghost contact Laswell, Soap needs to be sent on medical.”
“What happened?”
“He tried to get the radiophone off me, so I broke a couple of his fingers… And his wrist. And kicked him in the balls.”
Ghost pressed his lips together to stifle a smile. He shouldn’t be as amused as he is… But God, is the situation hilarious.
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nataliabdraws · 3 months
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Yall wanted Ramona lore so here is some!! I posted it on my tiktok a few days ago but completely forgot to post it here. Its kinda of long sorry about that 😅
CONTENT WARNING: mention of a miscarriage!!
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sapphanimates · 4 months
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Here's the girlie!
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queermentaldisaster · 4 months
Y'all wanna hear a little drabble from one of my OCs backstories?
Of course you do. *Hands it to you on a silver platter*
Tags: @forestshadow-wolf
The little kid buried their face in their tail. “They say I'm Emma...but I'm not Emma...Emma isn't right...I'm not a girl.” They looked up at Soap and Price. “I don't understand...” they whimpered, their ears flattening.
Soap hummed softly, kneeling in front of the small child. “Well, people feel like that sometimes.” He gently reached out and tilted their chin up. “What are you then, if not a girl?”
The kid made a sound like a curious wolf. “Um...boy. I'm a boy.” He said, nodding confidently.
Price smiled. “Alright then, little man. If you say you're a boy, you're a boy.” he said.
The boy nodded. “I wanna be like that really cool guy I see in one of the handlers offices, on the wall picture! He holds a lightning bolt and he looks super cool!” The boy sighed, almost wistfully. “I bet he wouldn't let these mean people hurt him...”
Ghost spoke up from where he was sitting in the corner of the helo. “Does he happen to be a god?” He asked, his voice light and soft.
The little boy looked up. “Uhhh...yeah! I asked the handler about him once! She said he was a Greek god, but wouldn't tell me more than that...” He whined sadly.
Ghost chuckled. “That sounds like Zeus, King of the Gods, God of the Sky, and Ruler of Mount Olympos.” He said, and watched the boy's face light up.
“Wait, that's so cool!” The boy said, his tail beginning to wag. “Is he super strong?”
“The strongest.” Ghost confirmed, glad to have brought a genuine smile to this boy's face.
Then, the boy tilted his head. “Can I use that?” He asked.
“Use what?” Ghost asked, leaning forward in his seat.
“The name.” The boy stated. “Zeus...feels right, if that makes sense. Do you think Zeus will be mad if I use his name?”
Soap chuckled. “I think he'd be flattered. Besides, if the name feels right, no one can tell you not to name yourself that.”
The boy's eyes lit up and his face morphed into the biggest grin they'd seen on him yet. “Then hi! I'm Zeus!”
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didiwaffles · 3 months
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New OC everyone!!
Her name is Ada.
A bit of lore below.
Ada is the youngest daughter of Devi and Riam, and was born as the result of (mostly) Devi's curiousity.
The story goes as such. After a long time of being a Tianlong, Devi noticed that she was not getting anywhere close to the actual Tianlong power. She was the strongest, but she knew she wasn't even close to what Tianlong was capable of before they put that horn crown on her head. So she figured out it was due to the power of Tianlong being split between her and Riam. She was the successor while Riam bore the remains of Tianlong, each of them had the appropriate authority but none had the power that would be even close to that of Tianlong. So they both decided to merge their authority into one while going back to what they've long abandoned - being Aspects of Light and Darkness. And only when they came together, in a perfect balance, would Tianlong's authority manifest.
That out of the way. Devi had a massive trauma from how Light hurt her in the past, but now she noticed that wasn't the case at all. I will not get into the details of why that is the case, but that made Devi think. She remembered how torturous it was for her to have his child all those millions of years ago, and she was curious to see if that would not be the case anymore. So, things happened.
As they both suspected, it went most smoothly, but what they could not predict was that the child they had was born with a natural talent of manipulating pure energy (that is called Ada in the world they both come from). Which was pretty logical since that energy is born from the perfect balance of Light and Darkness.
Originally, they gave Ada a different name, but as they learned her nature, both agreed that the name change was most appropriate.
Ada was as pure as the energy she was made of. Even as she grew up, she remained pure, honest, kind, sympathetic, and innocent. That was leading many to believe she was naive too, but the truth was, she was far from naive or ignorant. She was perfectly aware of all the evil of the universe, she just chose to confront it with smile and kindness instead, while accepting that not many would go that road and it wouldn't be an easy one.
The most important thing for her was that her parents fully supported her decisions, however strange they found them, and she in turn fully supported their way of dealing with things, even if she herself would not do such things. She was aware that at times... she'd need their protection too.
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callsignhood · 2 months
Wendigo’s Consultation
Warning: Flashing Images (starting at 2:10, ending at 2:15) PTSD
CoD OC Backstory, when he finally decides to seek help instead of handling everything by himself.
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lepiota-cybe-yippee · 3 months
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Meet basil! at least- the adult version of basil. They are a hunter with a hot temper and the strength to fight a Charizard-
I wanted to do a mech-ish theme oc but AJHXCDUSYHCGDSU its so HARD-
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toxooz · 6 months
Hi, me again (senior in college)! Thank you for answering my previous ask! If it's alright to ask, could you please tell us more about Vinny and his momma (background, first squad interactions, etc)? I'm not sure if you already made a post about it or not. Thanks again <3!
- A.M.
OH BOI WOULD I ok so Vinny n his momma (Mrs.Clawford):
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and her husband were a well adjusted family where Vin's dad worked at a chemical plant(made the majority of their income) and his mom works at a daycare. Vinny and his dad were super close and he would take Vinny fishing along with other activities when he could, he was a strong source of support and Vinny aspired to be like him when he grew up. When Vin was about 9 years old his dad was involved in a fatal explosion in the chemical plant and his mom had to break the news to him after getting the call. They both took it extremely hard and his mom, now having to work overtime and find an additional job to support them, could rarely ever be there for Vin. Vinny secluded himself and would often stay in his room all day playing games and would often times scrounge around the house for meals if his mom didn't have time to make something before she would leave for work. He became bitter and sulky most of the time and wouldn't say much to anybody, and while his mom did try to connect with him, in reality she was simply too tired from all the work so she could never quite be there for him emotionally for she was also dealing with the grief herself as well. When Vinny was 10, his mom put her paw down and bought him a scooter so that he would at least be outside while she was away, and she looked for a nearby park to take him to before work which ofc Ollie's skatepark was the only one in the city. Vinny hated this idea immensely and it was incredibly uncomfortable for him for he did not cope well with the sudden change of activity and being out all alone on a scooter he didn't even want, so he was NOT happy. His dad being gone and him having little closure over it meant that his pillar of support had vanished, so he was left vulnerable, anxious and alone at a huge skatepark with loud skateboards and even louder Big monsters
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the first few days he was chased into a corner of the fence where he would stay bc it was too much to scoot around in fear that he may get knocked over or bullied ect. and he would hiss and swipe out of fear at people if they skated too close. A few skaters brought it up to Ollie that 'there's a lil dude who is totally Not having a good time over there' so Ollie checked it out and caught sight of the mini trembling furball in the corner evil eying everyone. He had to mosey his way over to him indirectly to not scare him more. He crumbled up his massive body to get as low and nonthreatening as possible and inched his way along the fence until he was at an interactive range with Vinny. Vinny noticed him a little too late, his fur stood up even more as he refused to look directly at Ollie while giving out a small low growl, but Ollie simply took out a candy bar, broke off a piece and ate it, then broke off another piece and calmly handed it to Vin.
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Vinny reflexively looked over and hesitated a loong time before taking the piece and waited til Ollie ate another piece before he ate his. As they silently finished the candy bar, Vinny's fur had gone down and his ears came back up which was Ollie's que to ask him his name ect. and by that time Vinny was pretty receptive to it. Ollie asked him if he wanted to skate with him and while Vinny was hesitant he accepted. They eased their way through the skatepark as Ollie kept a slow pace to allow Vin to keep up and Vinny was g l u e d to the side of Ollies leg while everyone else at the park kept their distance to give them space. They did this for the rest of the day which Really got Vinny out of his shell and even made Vinny kind of excited to come back tomorrow. They pushed around for a few days as Vins personality started shining through and eventually Ollie let him try out his skateboard which Vinny was super excited about. Even though Ollies big ass board was like a surfboard to Vinny he still wanted a skateboard nonetheless so Ollie agreed to make him his own skateboard. Ponti didn't care for Vinny in the slightest and would call him 'that damn scooter kid' (he got scratched by Vin once on the tail and had a grudge against him since lmfao) so Ollie would have to defend Vin from Ponti sometimes for he would deliberately skate threateningly close to Vinny and hit him with his tail( Ponti was hostile as hell since he was still kinda new and him and Ollie still had a little beef at this time) which probably started some fights between Ollie and Ponti tbh BUT eventually Ponti warmed up to Vin as he had his own redemption arc and is now the mean older brother to him but will beat anyone to a pulp who messes with Vin. Remy didn't care for him either but was pretty passive and Abio and Oscar helped with the warm welcome. Vinny used the skateboard for a while and Ollie would take it back with him when the day was over but eventually his mom found out and she confronted Ollie n the squad about it mad as hell talkin abt how dangerous it was and how Vinny was going to break something or get in with the wrong crowd ect. so Ollie had to calm her down and apologized. Vinny was tore up abt the whole thing but when his mom saw how much fun he was having and how he had opened up she reluctantly agreed to let him skateboard sO dear god there's his origin 😭
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THAT WAS LONG AS HELL MY BAD and kind of spoilery but its fine lmfao THNX 4 THE ASK!!
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“We can finally be a happy family again!!!”
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Oc art, they’re siblings lol
(lotus is a little silly lmao)
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Brass Balls. - OC Backstory.
pairing: F!OC: Kathleen "Brass" Moore x John Price words: 1.7K~ cw: yelling, threats, roasting (not even that aggressive really)
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At the meager age of 23, Kathleen Mary Moore had succeeded in doing something that no one before or after her could get ever away with: becoming an unofficial charge nurse at the military hospital in Tidworth Camp. 
And all thanks to one skill of hers: Conflict Resolution.
Well… more like… Resolution through Conflict.
Didn’t matter if the person that needed their arse reamed out was a patient, a family member or a commanding officer. She had enough sass to last her a lifetime and metaphorical balls big enough to look a superior in the eye and call them a gobshite.
In her case, being a charge nurse means little else than being a glorified enforcer. She’d be called in by anyone, in any department of the hospital, whenever there was a Difficult™️ situation to be solved. And solve them she did.
Maybe it was the Leo in her, maybe it was the Older Daughter blood in her veins. Who knows.
Nonetheless, it earned her an unfortunate nickname: Brass. 
Not just because, according to the other medical staff and even some low rank enlisted, she had “brass balls”... but also because she had the brass (the high-ranked officers) by the balls.
And that’s, unfortunately, the way she met John Price.
On March 28th, 2013, the Tidworth Hospital received an influx of 20 SAS soldiers that, although housed in the nearby Stirling Lines Garrison, didn’t have a proper hospital at the base, and so, were placed in Tidworth for emergency treatment.
By April 7th, 2013, only one soldier of the group of 20 stayed behind, a Sergeant Craig Wallcroft, the rest having returned to Credenhill. Wallcroft wasn’t under Kathleen’s care, being in a completely different department, but, eventually, she was forced to pick up his case.
Called to her nurse’s admin office by her Lieutenant-Colonel, Lieutenant Moore watched a small pile of paper being placed in front of her, 14 or so pages long.
“Sergeant Wallcroft’s superior, a ‘Captain Price’ has been very insistent in the release of his Sergeant…” Lieutenant-Colonel Margot Ward, a no-nonsense greying-brown-haired woman explained as she stood face-to-face with Kathleen.
“Insistent, you say?” Kathleen asked, dipping her head slightly at an angle, an eyebrow raising in a display of displeasure. “What’s he done?”
“Very.” Margot explained with a sigh. “He took to filing request after request for the release and clearance for combat… Then to filing transfer requests to the medical ward in Credenhill… To downright harrassing us with phone calls on the matter.” She revealed.
Kathleen’s eyebrows raised and her head pulled back at the chin in a look of utter surprise. To have someone abuse the online request system or maybe the email inbox of the department was one thing… But to downright shout down the phone line over this? 
Oh, Kathleen was not happy, her hands already trembling with the anticipation of putting this man in his place.
“And, now, he’s sent one of his Lieutenants to… pressure us into releasing his teammate. The man’s shouted at Lieutenant Byers in the nurse’s station already.” Margot added.
That did it. Hearing that someone raised their voice at one of her closest friends? She didn’t even want to imagine the state her friend Felicity was left in… the poor girl, always prone to tears.
“Leave it to me.” Kathleen said as she walked out of the room, marching away quickly.
The trip to Credenhill was quick. It took no convincing at all for the helicopter pilot, who was meant to transpo Wallcroft back to Credenhill, to turn the chopper around to deliver her, and this Lieutenant he sent for him, Lieutenant Cameron, back to Credenhill.
Cameron then lead her across the garrison in the lightly pouring rain, to the training gym where ‘Captain Price’ was bound to be.
Her brown eyes flittered over the room very quickly, surveying it, to try and locate Captain Price. Most of the men there were on the young end, handsome-ish, muscular and strong, wearing tight clothing while they grappled and tossed each other around.
Before Cameron could lead her further into the room, she took two fingers to her mouth and let out a sharp, deafening whistle, that stopped all the sparring (and observing) soldiers, in their tracks.
“WHICH ONE OF YOU GOBSHITES IS CAPTAIN PRICE?!” She barked at the top of her lungs, the silence in the room so loud that her voice bounced off the walls.
One of the men straightened up from where he was sparring with another of the soldiers and he stood tall and imposing, even from across the room. “That’d be me.” John said. “Who are you?”
“I’m someone that’s sick and tired of your bullshit, Captain.” She told him directly. “Now, come over here, please.” She demanded as she beckoned him close with two fingers.
John approached with a certain swagger, confident steps and swaying hips, strong muscles wrapped by an army green t-shirt covered in sweat, beefy, burly and hairy forearms on display.
“Nurse Corps.” He acknowledged her uniform’s patches as he came to a stop before her, standing a bit below her, a few steps worth of a height difference, as she stood on a catwalk, and him on the gym floor. “You finally transferred my Sergeant?”
He was handsome. Bloody hell, he was handsome, stern blue eyes staring at her from below, stubble on his jaw that she knew would soon grow to be a thick shrub…
“No.” She replied as she set her hands on her hips. “Your Sergeant is still bed-bounded back in Tidworth, where he’ll stay for the foreseeable future because as you’ve been told many times by now, he’s not. fit. for. service.”
John looked at her blankly. “Is that what you came all this way for, little nurse?” He asked her with a cocked brow, his tone almost condescending. “This could’ve been a phone call.” He added and turned away. “Get back to work!” He shouted at his team.
Oh, how she hated being underestimated… And talked down to.
She lunged forward and grabbed John by the collar of his t-shirt like one would to a naughty child and tugged him back with an aggressive pull. “Get back here, you wanker.” She demanded.
John turned to look at her, eye-to-eye, faces mere inches apart, as she finally let go of him. “You’re gonna listen and listen good because I’m not bloody playing around and I have NO PROBLEM embarrassing you in front of your troops.” She gestured to the other soldiers in the room who had not heeded Price’s command to go back to work.
“You have no qualifications to decide what your soldiers need or do not need when it comes to their health. Hell, I wouldn’t trust you to tell your arse from your elbow considering the state of the First Aid that half of your soldiers came to Tidworth with.” She told him point blank, her hands now coming to rest on the railing of the catwalk that separated them.
Her voice grew louder with each word she spoke, venom slipping from her tongue as she continued her tirade. Her face had morphed into a wide-eyed, almost frantic look, her brows set low over her eyelids, and her jaw clenched tight.
“And even if you had qualifications, that gives you no right to talk down to me or my bloody staff. I’ve seen plenty of men like you in the last couple years and you all have one thing in common: hubris. You think that suddenly, what, cause you made Captain you can suddenly treat everyone as if they’re below you?” She confronted him as she leaned forward, getting right in his face.
“Just because your ego suddenly soared sky high thanks to your spiffy new title and shiny medals, it doesn’t mean that you can suddenly proceed as you fucking please. Your inability to fathom that your power over others is only in the scope of your immediate subordinates in the chain of command is not the Nurse and Medical Corps’ concern. We have better things to do than deal with little men with fragile little egos.” She shouted at him, pointing a finger right in his face, her teeth catching her lips as she spat pure vitriol at him.
“So you better hear me well and good-” She added and suddenly grabbed him by the front of the collar, tugging him close to her. “because I am not saying this again. If I hear so much as a PEEP about you, that you put in another request for Wallcroft’s clearance, or, God help you, that you called the nurse’s station and talked down on one of my sisters, again-” She warned him.
“I’ll print out the stack of over 30 requests you’ve already put in, come back here,” She pointed at the floor to mean Credenhill. “...roll ‘em up nice and tight and shove ‘em SO FAR UP YOUR ARSE that when I pull ‘em out your mouth, your teeth will work as a paper shredder. AM. I. CLEAR?!” Kathleen pointed her finger right in his face, almost poking him between the eyes with it.
John was dumbfounded. He had never been spoken to like this. Not since he became an adult. Even his mother wasn’t this intense as she reamed him out when he was younger, and there had been plenty of times where he had deserved it!
So, Price simply stared at her and blinked slowly, his breathing having hitched and his heart beating like a war drum in his chest. He swore he could hear his blood flowing inside his ears. His arms hung limply on either side of his body as he kept staring into the fiery woman’s brown eyes.
“AM. I. CLEAR?!” She repeated herself, eyes still wide, pupils blown, as she glared right into John’s blue eyes, his own pupils blown.
“Yes, ma’am.” John ended up saying and nodded imperceptibly.
Kathleen let go of his collar and leaned back. “That’s what I fucking thought.” She goaded in a vicious tone through her teeth.
Then, she turned around, facing Lieutenant Cameron and nodding at him before she marched off, forcing the lieutenant to rush after her to escort her back to the chopper, and leaving behind a stunned group of SAS soldiers… and her future husband.
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