#oc: Bee
ghouljams · 5 months
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With Love, König tags: König x f!reader/f!oc, regency era au, manners, collaring, courting, king!König, reader is mildly insane, König is going to marry you and that's a threat Summary: Your fiance runs off, your reputation is in ruins, and worst of all König has decided he's going to make you his queen. He doesn't even ask your father's permission to do it.
You receive word that your fiance has left you in the short hours of the morning. It comes in a carefully folded note, with his seal, and his signature. It's cruel, but not unexpected. You'd known for long enough that this was an engagement for nothing but your title. Still, you shed a few tears onto the parchment at the loss of your future, bleak as it might have been. You can rest assured that your parents, and the rest of the social world, have already received the news. You expect they'll start looking for another match for you soon.
The second letter is somehow more surprising. You don't recognize the black wax seal, or the handwriting. You don't know how it slipped past your family without being opened, but it's tucked on the same tray as your fiance's letter and you break the seal with cautious fingers.
"My Heart," it begins, and you frown at the familiarity, "You have bewitched me, body and soul. My every hour is spent with thoughts of you. The memory of your touch is only remedied by my own hand, and even that is not enough. I hope that you will accept this small token of thanks for the dance we shared, and look forward to our next meeting with the same fervor I do."
You look up from the letter to stare at the wall. You narrow your eyes at the wallpaper and do your best to try and think of who the fuck is sending you love letters. Certainly not your ex-fiance, he never did more than send you a note asking you to wear something "more appropriate" for the next party. You look back at the letter. It's a bit stuck at the bottom, likely to keep whatever token it contains in place. You slip your finger carefully under the edge of the fold to open it. A silk ribbon flutters onto your lap as you stare down at the king's signature. "With Love, König" in perfect royal handwriting.
You scramble to ring for your maid, you need to get dresses and you need to speak to your father immediately. Your maid seems to either not know or not care that you are received a letter from a king because she helps you get ready with her usual compliments and coos. Disinterested in the day ahead of you, you always assume. She ties the ribbon behind your ears when you ask her what to do with it. The black clashes, but you don't have time to argue.
König is already in the sitting room with your father when you finally make it downstairs. He stands almost as quickly as you drop into a low curtsy. Your father stands too and you're taken aback by how small he looks next to König. Your father has always been a proud man, a man to be feared as much as respected, but next to König he may as well be a child. You drop your eyes to the floor, proper and polite.
"Gott in himmel," König breathes, and your eyes dart to him. His brows are drawn together, like he's in pain. You can't tell if he's displeased when you can only see half of his face, his mouth obscured by a dark black cloth. You meet his eyes and are quick to avert your gaze, lest the heat in his burns you.
You rise from your curtsy and keep your eyes on the floor. "My lord," you greet, and hear him hum. He's pleased you think.
"My lady," The way he stresses "my" makes you shiver, his lady, "look at me when I speak to you." You're quick to follow his command, the tightness in his tone is intriguing, but you can't see a reason for it when you do look up at him.
Your father attempts to raise issue when König stalks towards you, his voice drowned out by the way the king fills your vision. You barely flinch when he grabs your chin, and turns your head. His skin against yours is unfamiliar and rough, it makes your skin prickle with heat as he sighs.
"You're wearing this wrong, Hummelchen," He tells you, his free hand going to tug at the end of the ribbon around your head. The black silk is tugged loose, falling delicately into König's grip. His thumb teases your lower lip, improper and entirely hidden from your father. "You want to wear this right for me, ja?"
You open your mouth to answer and he pushes his thumb between your lips, presses down against your tongue to hold you open. Your eyes dart in your father's direction, panic rising in your chest. König's eyes crease at the edges, he tips his head to watch your tongue try to work under his grip. You settle for swallowing, your lips closing around his finger as you nod your head. What else can you do in the face of a king?
"Braves Mädchen," He praises sending another prickle of heat over your skin. You feel like all your manners are just being thrown out the window, it's making your head spin. His grip loosens, his thumb sliding out from between your lips to smear the wetness against your hot cheek. Warmth pools between your legs, entirely too familiar, and entirely his fault.
König makes a twirling motion with his finger, and you don't hesitate to turn. You can hear his fingers pulling the length of ribbon between his hands, and you're glad to have your hair off your neck when he loops the ribbon around your throat. You have to tip your chin up, you have the sudden --and startlingly appealing-- thought that he could very easily choke you like this. König's fingers pull the ribbon tight, and you make a quiet noise of... protest? Approval? You make a noise, and it loosens just enough to be comfortable. He's quick to tie a neat bow, the tails of it hanging on either side of your spine. You touch your fingers to the silk. Like a collar.
König's fingers linger on your neck, and you tilt your head to afford him space to touch. Each brush of his skin makes your heart race, this monster of a man is so gentle with you. As if you were some treasure he could hardly afford. He curls over you, one of his hands sliding down your arm. He grips your wrist tight, and raises it to his lips. You turn your head to watch him, his eyes are dark when he catches you staring. His teeth flash dangerously in the light where they scrape against your pulse. Not so gentle then.
"You will accompany me to the next party," He leaves no room for argument in his command, states it like a fact predetermined by God, "We'll announce our engagement there."
"Your what?" You father asks behind König, aghast at the breach in conduct. You hardly notice it, entranced by the way he presses his cheek into your palm.
"Kay," You breathe for him. He's just like one of the heroes from your penny novels, better for being real. You wonder if he's ever killed anyone, he'd look good with a little blood on him.
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1percentcharge · 1 year
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more work on Bee
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gaylight-prairie · 11 months
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Deer guy!! 🦌🌞
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swordcoasts · 11 months
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poor little meow meow (she could kill me with a glance)
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nebulavertigo · 3 months
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Some OC doodle stuff
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princesspandi · 2 months
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Fancy dinner fit for Bee
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sunfaggot · 5 months
Bee would pick flowers and fruit with Delphinah and infodump about them... forever n always
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buriedanew · 4 months
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cowboykidneys · 11 months
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more artfight refs and scraps :)
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ratboy-img · 9 months
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Red eye effect my most beloved
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ghouljams · 6 months
I beg of you, please, more King!König. I’m literally OBSESSED with your writing rn.
You've never been particularly graceful when it comes to dancing. You can parade and walk with elegance, but somehow when you're waltzing it all flies out the window. Your dance card fills and empties quickly as you struggle not to step on toes or pull your partner down on a dip. Your fiance always has some back handed comment, always asks why you even want to dance when you're so terrible at it.
Maybe you just want to. You like dancing, the idea of dancing at least. Is that so wrong?
You stand at the edge of the dance floor, watching your fiance work the room. One of your friends spins past and you flash her a smile so she doesn't worry over you. Everyone seems to worry over you except the person who's supposed to. You scan the room for anyone that might be interesting to talk to, it feels like most of the evening has been overshadowed by the royal guest. There's a throng of unmarried women trailing after him. They hardly need to, he's impossible to lose when he's a head taller than half the men in the room.
"Fräulein," A voice behind you inquires. You jump and turn to look up, up, up at the king. You dip into a curtsey on instinct, head bowed. He clicks his tongue, impatiently, and raises you with a thick finger under your chin. The warmth of the touch pools through your skin. He tips your head back to meet his eye, his gaze challenging you to look away. You don't want to. "You're not dancing," He states it, but it's a question still.
"I'm-" You smile, shake your head with a self pitying fondness, "I'm famously terrible at it, my fiance won't even fill my card." You hold up the empty paper to show him, though you can't say why. Perhaps you want König to commiserate with you, after all you have yet to see him dance.
He plucks the card from your fingers and one of the men next to him places a pencil in his hand, "Your fiance is a fool." The way he says it, spits the word "fool", the inflection on "fiance", they sound like insults. Worse insults than if he'd sworn. He hands you your card back, every line neatly penned with his name.
You're still looking at your dance card in disbelief when he leads you out to the dance floor. His large hand settles on the small of your back, the other enclosing your smaller hand as he readies you. You blink up at him, and he smiles at you. No one has ever looked at you so warmly before. You almost feel bad you're about to stomp on his feet.
Except that you don't. König moves you effortlessly, anticipates where you might misstep and redirects your feet. You've never felt so... elegant. You may as well be floating across the dance floor, his hands on you the only things keeping you grounded. He lifts you without struggle, dips you without flinching, he spins and catches you and you fit in his arms like you were made for him. By the end of the dance you're breathless, giggling like a little girl, absolutely giddy with how much you'd enjoyed it.
"A bad dancer," König shakes his head, almost fondly, "You only needed someone to lead you properly."
You laugh, press your gloved hand against your cheek to try and cool the heat there. He watches you with a hum, tipping his head, his eyes looking down on you. He almost makes you feel bashful, his gaze warmer than the blood under your cheeks and twice as promising.
"Thank you," You tell him earnestly, "I've never gotten to- you've given me a wonderful gift, but you must have other ladies clamoring for a dance." You glance over your shoulder at the smoldering glares that follow you. Again König drags your focus back to him, his hand cupping your cheek.
"I would give you the moon and all the stars in the sky, Liebchen," His thumb strokes gently over your skin, "what do I care about other ladies, when I have you in my grasp?"
His eyes bore holes into you, the burn with something dangerous, animal. Something in their spark scares you a little. You open your mouth to say something and your fiance grabs your elbow to pull you away. König lets you go, despite the rage that flashes over his face. Dangerous, he's dangerous, you remind yourself. A king that poached his throne from his father. A king crowned in blood.
"You majesty," Your fiance only seems to care for you when someone else shows him there's something to care about, "I believe it's my dance."
"Is it?" König asks, uninterested.
"And my fiance," He presses, his lips curling unpleasantly.
"Is she?" König chuckles, "I could have sworn she was mine. What a pity."
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1percentcharge · 8 months
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a quick drawing of bee
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hi hello remember Angel we posted yesterday? here's 3 of their companions!
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first up we've got Marble! he's a siren :] but also he's kinda bad at the whole “luring people to their deaths” thing,,they haven't earned the ability to become human yet, so travels with the group via rivers and such
second we've got Bee! he's a runaway prince from the demons domain, hasn't got any eyes but that has not stopped him before and it won't stop him now.
lastly, we have Ben. He's a trickster elf with high tech abilities! he hates the elves domain and usually travels outside of it despite the fact that he is generally banned from most buildings in the other domains. he's trouble and he knows it so the bans don't bother him because he deserved them lol
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gaylight-prairie · 4 months
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Sky stuff
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swordcoasts · 2 years
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hard being a guard in riften when the leader of the thieves guild is so hot.
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nebulavertigo · 7 months
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The Undead Duo!
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