#oc: biting notos
spotsupstuff · 9 months
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takin a break from asks a lil with misc. silly oc stuff + some ideas for iterator cleaner fauna. cuz there just ain't enough of variety in those structures yet n i've been thinkin about cleaning methods of the insides for ages now
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spotsupstuff · 11 months
Did saint ever ascend biting notos? Also how was the gang’s reunion in the void?
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of course Saint has! after all, its sole reason for existence is this. no matter how lonely and difficult the quest will be for it, everyone has to go
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as for your second question... my god as u can see i went off on the first one, this is legit the biggest comic i've ever done- i'll do some stuff for the reunion in the void at a later point i prommy 😩✌ it'd be better like that either way. these guys haven't been introduced enough for my tastes for the big relief ending yet
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spotsupstuff · 1 year
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BIG damn post, but as i've said!! i (FUCKIN FINALLY) did end up fleshing out the rest of the important Iterators of the Children of EO group a little that map is a forever wip, fuck it all, i'll be just postin updated versions of it from time to time or smth
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spotsupstuff · 10 months
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the Eo group, except all meme'd to help me chillax for once
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spotsupstuff · 11 months
How would you design your ocs in a caterator au? (slugcat iterators)
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smth like this? 🤔 gkjldscmkldmgk they were bound to get slugged at some point, it is an inevitable fate for all iterators...
Boreas looks like an aggressively slavic flag slugcat i fucking love it so much. n Euros like the spanish dancer sea slug,,,
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spotsupstuff · 11 months
Does saint get more fluffy if you water them?
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water, sunlight n time and Boom, you get a fluffy bouquet on a weasel, aye
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spotsupstuff · 1 year
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the four big pics from the voice claim vid without the text and in their entirety cuz i'm So proud of the first two actually holy smokes
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spotsupstuff · 10 months
Okay, I was going to explain a possible path for a worm of the string au with Sparrow complaining one day that the puppet can't leave the chamber to relive the fever of being in one place and that her thesis being rejected and then Caper reading the thesis and iterating that idea and then he somehow manages to get off the string.
But getting off the umbilical without reason or explanation is more funny!
Imagine if that starts happening to the others iterators?
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Pls tell me his face is priceless! More so if it is a red lizard (do train lizard exist in your au?)
Also, how would Notos and Haboob react to Sparrow?
Now, you mentioned that when Sparrow killed the red centipede she was not in the respawning cycle. What is the age that the Ancients enter the cycle?
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staring like a deer caught in headlights GSDLKMCLK this man should either have internal bleeding from a Red Liz bite or bad damage in the coconut and Yet he's 👌 how puzzling n yah! train/hurricane lizards Are real in the Serotonin Take!
as for Notos n Haboob, assuming it's in the off string post-ascension thing too:
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they'd like each other! :D
and the respawn cycle is entered once the etheric body is finished growing which is around like.... 20-23 years old
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spotsupstuff · 1 year
Let's say we take your silly little guys out of their cans, who's thriving and who's immediately dying?
ooo that's a fun one! okay, so i'mma assuming all of them have base cabilities such as walking and stuff like that
Haboob: thriving! she canonically gets her puppet outside and functions about. she's the scout of the group, the survivor, got aaall the smarts on how to make it out there (especially in a desert biome)
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Boreas: thriving! but in the sense that he can survive out there just fine cuz Nokia rules. he wants back into his can and if he has to tear a Red lizard's jaw off with his bare damn hands then so be it. not at all as graceful in surviving as Boob is, i'm p sure he kins Kratos at least on about 70%
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Euros: eeeh... he would last for a bit, but like. he isn't emotionally or mentally capable of killing things and if he ever ends up Having to, he's guaranteed to go straight into a panic attack and probably get chomped while he's in it
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Zephyr: she'd try her damnest, bein free somewhat like this is all she wants for Everyone, but... i doubt the wilderness has any protection laws for the disabled. ofc if we took out the chancla meme she'd be golden tho, yeah, mhm
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Notos: immediate death. Causation: the bedsheet
Fish: immediate death. if Tinkerer isn't there to help him, he's a goner. he'd probably still be hung up on not succumbing to the sins, so he never fights back and needs saving all the time
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spotsupstuff · 11 months
Does notos’ face plate not have eye holes while the puppet itself does or does not even the puppet have eyes?
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that had to be one of the most confusingly but correctly worded questions i've gotten yet- here's the information, sir
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spotsupstuff · 11 months
Biting Notos mentions "Ghastly Things" he did to other iterators in his and Spores' ascension comic. What did he do, how did he do it, to whom, and to what end?
-face in hands- Notos is a primary it/its user!!!! with a she/her as the original pronouns that it doesn't mind bein refered to as even after its change, por favor no he/heem
but the ghastly things include: • waving its status as an Anemoi in front of an Iterator to scare them into compliance/threats (everybody knows that any threat made by Biting Notos will Not be an empty one) • actual physical assault by sending in some kind of virus that an Eo Iterator can't exactly defend themselves from cuz of Notos' position as a superior Iterator (again, place with the Anemoi. this is its least favorite thing to do and usually tries to delay it as much as possible) • what it considers the worst: manipulation. its manipulation might be straightforward between it and the target, but it can Also be done specifically to influence or break friend groups by getting under the skin of one of them. the influence one happened with Spore and her friend group. Notos clawed itself a way under Spore's plating and then with Spore as its metaphorical puppet it quietly forced Gem in an Eye and Sordid Expiation into compliance with Mission Self-preservation
important note here is that Notos is acutely aware that these things are horrible to do, especially to people that are meant to be family. it takes no joy from this and when given the chance, it will try and steer the whole ordeal into a civil conversation. just like it says in the Anemoi as Ancients drawing
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it does not wish to inflict suffering. its job as an Enforcer is a necessary burden it took on itself to ensure the survival of Mission Self-preservation. for the greater good of survival of Everyone in the group, it needs to shepherd the less thoughtful and kind Iterators into this. it wouldn't be fair if most of them tried so so hard to stay alive and find cures for their illnesses/problems, but it all failed just because a handful of assholes didn't care enough
its actions are righteous. it regrets having to harm kind souls in order to get through to the ruckus makers (like with Spore who was genuinely sweet and Gem n Expiation who were too haughty to give a shit about everyone else's fates, including Spore's). it was still horrible to mess with the three's relationships, including the two ruckus makers
Biting Notos isn't an Iterator that can say they are proud of most of what they've done in their existence
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spotsupstuff · 1 year
BRO! I love Notos so much they’re so goofy! Literally so small and creepy at the same time \(^ヮ^)/
Their cloak ngl reminded me of flipping Hello Kitty oml XD
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WHAT HTE HSDJDSKLCMKDSLGMLKSMCKLDSMGKLMSCAMLKGMDLKCMLKLC HELLO KITTY NOTOS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, i'm gonna cry actually, there are legit tears in my eyes. HHHHHHHH -thumps chest- my god, you are brilliant captn. you are a genius. definitely up there with the best things i've seen today, imma make it my discord pfp
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spotsupstuff · 3 months
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day 11
logic won't let her be fully edgy but that doesn't mean she can't be annoyed by a goody two shoes
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spotsupstuff · 11 months
Is notos' jaw practical aside for religious reasons?
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that thang doesn't even allow it to cleanly expresses in that minimal way its siblings can </3 not that it Would express Much even if it could, but still. the impracticality is why it threw a bedsheet over that puppet and left it to just lie in the chamber the moment its citizens ascended (since the puppet is specifically there for interaction with Ancients and such, with them gone the Whole thing became useless according to Notos)
the only good thing about the jaws is the spooky factor. Notos likes the spooky factor
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spotsupstuff · 11 months
what happened to boreas during the events of saint's campaign? I'd have figured because of his self sustaining properties, he'd be one of the last iterators actually functional before saint inevitably bababooeys him
-snaps fingers n fingerguns atcha- you got That right, buckaroo! Boreas indeed is still kicking just fine when Saint enters the Aeolus Root ring, especially if you ignore his mental state consisting of crushing loneliness and nasty ass giant case of guilt. i told Shkiki this- i geniunely think he'd only die if a lot of ice would block his water filtration systems. he's like a damn cucaracha
(see, Beebee is stationed very high up north n i think he's close enough to the sea that he uses That as his water supply. he runs Very cold, much more so than a normal Iterator- this is mostly the case cuz i wanna give the greek god Boreas shout out with it, but in-universe can be blamed on his sheer massive size. he needs to keep himself as cold as possible. can't exactly cool his systems with solid ice tho and so this person who doesn't like/can't handle other people Needs these other people that warm up the atmosphere n keep the polar caps at bay. so honestly even tho he's fine n dandy when Saint finds him, he was already living on borrowed time)
Saint has a bossfight with Boreas just like with Sliver except Boreas is.. kinda more sturdy n also more aggressive n has a bigger chamber- he's like Sliver+, that girl was a weasel. hard mode Sliver.
it takes a bit, but eventually Boreas' puppet falls and the antigravity stutters to a stop. i imagine that working iterators that put up a fight need multiple blasts before they completely die because each blast is killing only a portion of the Hivemind, then the rest of it rushes to fill in the holes, that gets blasted and the process is repeated until there's no more of the collective left. so you can imagine what kind of state B is prolly in after like 9 direct blasts
torn apart, exhausted and so much more smaller n lonelier than before, Boreas finally stops fighting and instead huddles in a corner. for once absolutely terrified out of his mind n insterestingly enough- regretful. he tries to send out a warning signal to the rest of the group, but he can't manage it with how diminished he's become. Saint approaches. Boreas doesn't plead for mercy. he stares the rat down even when its eyes wildly flash
Saint finishes him off. Leaves. Notos watched the whole thing
to say that Notos is fuckin Traumatized from that is an understatement. its special overseer stays with Boreas' puppet beeping at it for an hour, waiting for him to wake up. but of course, nothing
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now, i'll add- Beebee n Notty didn't ever really Fully Click together. either they didn't interact much because of their "i gotta work, man" mentalities, they were shit at interaction or they barked at each other (even in mythology it says that fights between Boreas and Notos were catastrophic and absolutely terrifying- fun fact! Notos actually seems more dangerous than Boreas from what i've read n this Is meant to be reflected with the Anemoi Iterators too). like i've had the idea that when Notos calls for an elder brother n Boreas n Euros look up, it'd specify "the elder brother that I actually appreciate" when needin Euros
either way, these two were still siblings and Boreas *did* Mentor Notos when it needed it (along with Euros; the Winds r kinda like a lil self-sustaining group within the bigger group- they are "Elite"/Leading Iterators of The Children of Eo after all) n they still like... Loved each other. even when Notos cut the communications with him after everything started going down the drain, it still loved him. n it regrets some things it said to him (thoughtless.. cruel things...) but cuz of the way it is as a person it never decided to step up n be the one to reestablish contact and apologize
and now Boreas is dead. one of the first iterators of the group gone, maybe the third. it can never say now, how it is so sorry and never meant it
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