#oc: oh mari
jinjinranran · 2 years
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Mystictober Day 7 - Seven x MC
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mariposita24 · 1 month
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✨my mer-may addition✨
brining back the giant merman au from 2021 with a messy doodle
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clownsuu · 10 months
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Mood smhhhh
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Anyway take a goober I accidentally made while trying to find Robbie’s beetle on google (with the help of my lovely partner 👍🥄)
Mari Robs (short for Katamari Damacy) being one of the more older siblings in robbie’s lil hatch- being inspired by a 3 horned dung beetle. They get along well with Robbie, but not so much with Lovelie (tbf Lovelie gets along with nobody-)
a quirky lil goober to say the least, she has a weird fascination with round circular objects and tends to stare at them for long periods of time— (they are also a very busy beetle! So many things she has to do, like eat snacks, play video games, and sleep. Oh and be part of a marching band she accidentally got separated from after taking a “quick nap”)
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lunefuforu · 11 months
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My lackaocs!
+ their relatives
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I didn't design bios for the relatives because I did not have the time and energy for that so it's just written
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Edit: If you'd like to know a lot more about my lackaocs I made an infodump post here
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crabuncle · 16 days
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been keeping track of all the people that piss hawthorne off.
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sophapop · 3 months
Happy White Day!! 🤍🕊️
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waterghostype · 3 months
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a bit of an unconventional post but here is rosel!!! struggling princess and novice of void she is my ninjago oc bc ive been infected with deadly oc brainrot disease…
oc ramblings under the cut lel
she is a princess with a tragic backstory . super original i know
in all seriousness she basically conjured up in my head while i was thinking “what could they ever do to recover harumi’s character from crystalized in dragons rising” and it all went downhill from here
she’s super energetic, lively, dramatic, basically a cringe theatre kid who doesnt shut up at all. she loves animals and nature and life and being elaborate and performing and all that jazz.
she’s basically harumi’s surrogate little sister. after being on her own for a bit and traveling all across realms she landed in this weird magical realm (one that i made up. lol) and was taken in by the royal family as a knight (basically) after she brought back rosel when she got lost in the forest. she’s having a terrible time in there BUT she’s staying because… there is a freakazoidal organization trying to take them down. super original once again.
harumi feels like shes sort of called to do something about it to somehow atone for her wrongdoings but she doesn’t want to do any more than she has to aka she doesn’t want to get close to rosel bc shes obviously very Not right in the brain and also because of her past
rosel originally had an older sister who was supposed to be the actual heir to the throne and she was totally chill with that! she liked to just have a second say in important stuff and do a lot of commercials like that was her whole thing and she enjoyed it. then her sister got assassinated so now she has to be the one to worry about everything and just be an heir all of a sudden. this is part of the reason why she got very easily attached to harumi and harumi knows this and understands what’s going on in rosel’s brain because a losing family then getting badly attached to someone bc you think they can fill that hole in your heart?? yeah not cool
doesnt help that harumi currently hates herself and thinks shes the worst person in the world (tbf she did do All that.) but the difference is when she was being unhealthily attached to garmadon he mistreated her BAD but here harumi actually tries protecting rosel and gets unfortunately attached as well which sucks! it’s like that grumpy old man adopts daughter trope except it’s a ~20 yo girl and a little sister
before she died rosel swore she hated her sister and they would fight allll the time. older sister (havent decided on a name) is really strict and pressured to do all her work as an heir and the oldest princess and i could go into more detail abt their relationship but just think oldest sibling vs youngest sibling shenanigans. theyd fight abt how rosel would never understand the pressure of being the heir in their political cilmate thing (yeah the made-up realm is going through it) but too bad so sad she got executed in front of literally the whole kingdom.
after a surprisingly short while rosel gets back on her feet after her sister’s death but shes just fakering oops. she has a bunch of bottled up issues but it’s ok! it’s ok!
also shes the elemental master of void. oops
this one is fucky wucky complicated but BASCIALLY my bs reason for her little mary sue op power is bc time twins were stuck in that weird time vortex all throughout everything And then the merge happened and the merge’s weird elemental energy whatever caused the time vortex and the twins’ elemental powers to get weird and because time is being messed up reality can be messed up and so this basically broken version of the time element gets transferred onto my girl rosel as if it was a regular degular elemental power which sucks bc it’s even harder to use and control and she doesnt even know how to fight so shes just struggling
she finds this out while on a journey with the ninja and harumi. like if it was a season itd be like episode 15+ she finds out. this is because she accidentally caused an important artifact to disappear out of nowhere, got sad about it bc she messed everything up, and then she accidentally makes a whole bunch of stuff (including living things) disappear too. yikessss
she doesnt want to hide it she tells the ninjarumi right away and theyre all like What the hell and shes freaking out but after some help she can at least keep herself from destroying literally everything.
until she messes up gets mega emotional loses control of her everything and starts voiding a bunch of stuff so she gets even more stressed which makes her void even more stuff and now shes basically destroying the kingdom shes been trying so hard to be able to rule. ooooopsies
after a whole thing with the power of siblingship and empathy harumi snaps her out of it and now shes absolutely baffled with what shes done and is a bit crazed abt the whole thing. bc of this she decides it’s best to train with the ninja (idk if she actually becomes one) so she can use her power better. btw harumi was able to snap her out of it and give her a hug without being voided because a) power of friendship and b) overlord resurrection she’s literally dead inside She basically is already voided in a way
so thats basically what goes on very sorry this is too long but i hope it all makes sense… i swear her story is better than the way i explained it (or maybe it’s not idk) i just have many MANY MANY thought abt her! i might ramble even more in the future so be cautioned. thx
heres zoomed in ver of the notes in case u need it
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quinloki · 3 months
Canon Characters vs OC vs x Reader
Disclaimer: This is just my two cents, and my perspective on things, and I'm not trying to lay down the law for everyone. I needed to just put this to words though, in order to sleep.
I was thinking about this because of a post I saw, and some, we'll say, kind of useless comments associated with the post. Mean-spirited stuff.
Normally, in one ear and out the other, but the vibes just kicked me off down a rabbit hole of sorts an I wanted to try to put some of my thoughts to words.
First, some style vibes:
Canon x Canon Canon/Canon stories are, to me, like reading an episode of that show. I'm sitting down in front of a TV or whatever, and I'm experiencing the story As A Viewer. I like this style because I don't really have to expend much energy and I just kind of roll with whatever's happening. Generally some sort of 3rd person perspective.
OC x canon OC/Canon stories are like being on a carnival ride. I'm sitting in a car on a roller-coaster, and maybe the OC is sitting next me. I'm experiencing the story more deeply than strictly canon stories, but my connection with the OC is no deeper than say, my connection with Katniss Everdeen when I read The Hunger Games. Sometimes 3rd person, sometimes first person.
Reader x canon Reader/Canon (or Reader x/ OC) is like putting on a VR helmet. I don't get much physical input about the "Reader OC" because I'm experiencing the story through their eyes. I don't expect the reader to be me, but there's a bigger feeling of immersion to be had. Some description might happen cause it's relevant to the story, and it's still a type of ride, I can't jump the rails on the roller coaster, after all. (Even with a VN you still follow the tracks). Sometimes first person, sometimes second person (I'm partial to 2nd person perspective, but that's just me).
I love Fan Fiction, I love it. All of it, and man even more than anything, what I love is that I'm going to dislike 80% of it. Because that 80% was written for someone who is not me. (Hell, that number's probably closer to 99% if we're looking at ALL fandoms, but I digress).
Second - The VENT:
What got me the most in the post that prompted this, was someone saying "Bring back the Mary Sue OCs!" and then they went on to describe something more detailed, and I just -
Look, respectfully, fuck you.
The point is, you're not going to be happy no matter what. Whether it's "mary sue" OCs, or x readers, or alternative universes, or a ship you don't like, you're going to find something to be unhappy about.
Cause people have been bitching about all styles of fan fiction since the first "You've Got Mail" chimed in 1991. And until 1998 and ff.net you really had to hunt for it, and until 2007 and Ao3 the idea of tagging a fic for any reason wasn't really a thing. Every click was a surprise! \o/
I just have seen the same song and dance a dozen times. It's exhausting. People become okay with OCs and decide x readers are the enemy, and before that OCs were *all* Mary Sues and cringe and people who made OCs were the enemy, and before OCs people who wrote even a little OOC were the enemy, and people who wrote AUs were the enemy, and you can write fan fic but it HAS to be Canon Compliant, and everyone MUST be in-character at all times - "They would not fucking say that" was the enemy.
Look, just please - please - in any capacity, stop it with the "All X style of story telling is crap" mindset. There's over a dozen different ways to do x readers alone. I know 20 x reader writers and I don't think any of us have the same style, preferences, or vibes.
I've had a lot of comments along the lines of "I thought I hated x readers, but I really loved this." on a few different fics I've written. Sometimes it's not the style of the fic, sometimes it's the style of the writer, and my Brother In Christ - you're going to have to read some awful shit to shuffle through the thousands of writers out there to find the vibes that resonate with you.
Ostracizing entire swathes of fan fic because you need something to be "The Enemy" so you can lift up something else, and then bitching you can't find anything new to read seems like a personal problem.
And I know y'all are scrolling by TONS of posts that don't interest you, every day, as a matter of course. So don't give me that "clogging up the tag" BS, because we deserve to be here same as anyone else in the fandom.
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sillymarieee · 1 month
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Done with @smolknismofox template 💗
The butterflies I got while drawing this— mmmm😵‍💫😵‍💫
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ghosthoodie · 1 year
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jinjinranran · 1 year
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Mari x Saeyoung ❤️
So in this case it's CANON that Saeyoung is a bi/pan king ✌️ both fit him so I did 2 versions since I'm indecisive, tho I usually call him bi bcs it can be used as an umbrella term and bcs I hc Saeran as bi as well 🌸
Additional pieces:
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I couldn't get that "someone you know is Italian... maybe even someone you love" meme out of my head and since Mari is half Italian, it fits okay 😂😭
Other characters: 💛 💜 🧡 💗 ❤️ 💚 💙 🤍 🤎
Mari's story under the cut ✨️
❤️ Mari Oh ♡ she/her ♡ 21 yo ♡ demisexual
Mari didn't have a label for her for a long time. She didn't honestly think much of it - until a friend of hers brought up a topic about different sexualities, and when she learned about demisexuality, she went oh, that kinda fits and explains a lot 😮
She had lots of celebrity and fictional crushes and can get quite... imaginative, but the thought of being intimate with a real and attainable person without being super close? Far from appealing. The whole concept of dating before getting to really know each other, blind dates, people meeting to just "hook up" or pursuing someone only because you want to sleep with them? Separating friendship and relationship and even treating the former as something less? It all put her off and confused her. Do really most people operate that way? For her, the perfect idea of a relationship is friends-to lovers trope and that's what she wished for in her own life.
She considered being demiromantic as well, but she had romantic feelings for people she wasn't close with (very few, but still); they did go away fairly quickly tho, as opposed to crushes formed after friendship.
Regarding her potential partner's gender, she has slight preference for masculinity but honestly, doesn't care much. She doesn't label her preference nor romantic attraction.
She doesn't really talk about her sexuality much unless it's with someone really close and it's revelant to the conversation.
You can bet tho that this living meme made a big deal to "come out" as Italian at some point 💀
With Saeyoung, they clicked instantly, both sharing the same sense of humor and chaotic energy (to other members of the rfa and Saeran's displeasure sometimes 😂). But it wasn't just those funny moments that made her really connect with him. She adored the dorky Seven, and she loved the hurt, broken Saeyoung. She knew she met her soulmate, her best friend with whom she wants to spend the rest of her life with.
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merwynsartblog · 4 months
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Happy 18th birthday to me...Jesus im a adult now..huh
Tbh, it felt like yesterday since i was 12, and now im technically an adult. ITS FUCKING FREAKY!! Funny enough last year even though i had alot of downs and stuff it..was one of the best years of my life.
I improved so much in my art that I probably wouldn't even imagine as a youngen. Tbh, she probably wouldn't expect future us to be a guy who dislikes dresses that much-
I met one of my wonderful partners @pageofthemicocee last year by total sheer luck. I love that i met her and that she done so much for us and im SO FUCKING HAPPY that we are still hanging on and she is the biggest supporter of mine and i just..ily sm 💖💖💖
And my first friend on this site @maskedinfinate (sorry for the at fjxjd) IF I DIDNT MET YOU I WOULD NEVER GOTTEN THIS FAR AS I AM NOW. I FUCKING LOVE YOU/P SO SO SO MUCH. You mean so much to me and im heavily thankful for you. I know we rarely talk now, but i swear you mean super duper much to me
And to all my friendos/followers
Thank you for being sweet and kind to this dummy/silly you legit are a major motivator to me and im so fucking happy for every single one of yall. If i could i would give yall all a hug and a platonic forhead kissy >:3 keep being awesome for me alright?
And since school is about to be out in a few months, i will be getting a job, so art will be sortaaaaaa not be active like before, but!!! I will still be making art posts and supporting yall on the sidelines. You all are awesome and amazing, and just... thank you ❤️♥️
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clownsuu · 10 months
Are you doing OK ?
P.S Mob lovelie looking so fiiiiiiine .
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I’m doing alright! Art block is still REALLY kicking me down rn though, it’s super hard to find motivation these days-
so as an apology, take some out of context doodles from the other blog JDHFHDHDH (spoiler: it’s mostly rob)
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🌭✨Out of context doodles✨🌭
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inafieldofdaisies · 5 months
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(WIP) Music (not) Monday | Tagged by @nightbloodbix
The rules: Post a song that is relevant to your WIP or inspires it. I’m also including the lyrics
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Can you hear us? The sound of a million forgotten souls Screams in the distance, cries from the mountains, our voices echo Their hands painted scarlet Hidden in shadows so nobody knows They'll pay for the bloodshed Legends are made from the stories untold Through the fire Under the gallows Facing a trial Justice will follow Can you hear them? The sound of their lost, unforgiven souls Voice of the victims roars through the valleys, now everyone knows What's done in the darkness, deep in the shadows, the light will expose There's nowhere to go Dearly departed Sins of the heartless Legends are made as the stories unfold Through the fire Under the gallows Facing a trial Justice will follow
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Signs on my skin Plying lines where your hands have been Scribing me So tell me what it's for Why the wilds want you, Riverborn All our bodies shorn But the dust adorns you, ever more Pines on the brim And in time the storms will snow us in But believe-- And believe-- That i know what it's for Why the waters mourn you, riverborn Both our bodies formed from the dust that haunts you, ever more Just tell me what it's for What the wines afford you, Riverborn All my solace torn That I may never know your winter's morn
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They do what we do They might look crazy From a low point of view Yeah that's why we're doing it For the thrill of it When you find the thing that Puts a smile on your face Don't try to fight it Let yourself be embraced Yeah that's why we're doing it For the thrill of it
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Hello, my love, the wind is weeping Stars on the ceiling, guide you into the unknown Beautiful to the bitter end In the night you call out to me Oh, the sound of your voice is crashing like waves down, waves down In my dreams Oh, in the night it's harder to breathe Oh, I wish you could know that nothing's the same now, same now Since I lost you You You
Tagging, @socially-awkward-skeleton @adelaidedrubman @strangefable @strafethesesinners @dumbassdep @florbelles @aceghosts @direwombat @onehornedbeast @simplegenius042 @macs-babies @thesingularityseries @cassietrn @kyber-infinitygems @finding-comfort-in-rain @carlosoliveiraa @fourlittleseedlings @voidika @theelderhazelnut @josephslittledeputy @trench-rot @josephseedismyfather @g0dspeeed @henbased @corvosattano @simonxriley @marivenah @captastra @la-grosse-patate and anyone that would like to share some songs this week <3
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receding-tides · 1 year
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what if you were a squid lesbian and you were cosy sleepy
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cericreatively · 3 months
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Drew this back when that whole 'draw two comfort characters of yours like that one steven universe comic' meme thing was big on IG (and social media in general) but oh well… better late than never, I guess.
(sketch and non-shaded version under the ''keep reading')
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