#oh even worse i just double checked what this thing was that she signed me up for is
the-kipsabian · 26 days
i feel like ive been thrown down a set of stairs tbh
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jades-typurriter · 3 months
Cherry Pops Under The Hood
This piece was my half of an art trade with @ricecreamart back in November 2023, starring her cast of OCs. She also did all the illustrations for this after the fact—if you're as much of a fan of plushie and mechanical stuff as I am (which, if you're one of my followers, there's a good chance), you should have a look at her work!!
The apartment was filled with all its usual signs of activity. The air inside was chilly—this deep into fall, the leaves had long since fallen and winter was beginning to butt in early. Ada hadn’t actually had to run her cooling fans in a long while, since it was cold enough even inside that her processors could be passively cooled, but she set them on low anyway. Her employers, Cherry and Nutmeg, appreciated any little bit of heat they could get, even the paltry amount that her system kicked out when she was just going about her business.
The two of them were seated at the kitchen table, snouts basking in the rising steam above their drinks. Ada relished in the mingling scents of Nutmeg’s tea and Cherry’s hot chocolate, and listened as the two of them bickered and bantered. Also as usual, Cherry was on the back foot in their flirty little playfight. Ada glanced over and saw all the tells that she was gonna be the first to get flustered: her eyes narrowed to help keep her face steady, her stubborn smile as though she was taking all of Nutmeg’s pokes and innuendos in good humor.
She smiled to herself and continued through the room, carrying a fresh load of laundry (and trying her best not to bury her face in the warm, soft fabric, another favorite new sensation of hers). She walked carefully—some component in her leg had failed recently, and the bundle of clothes was obscuring the ground in front of her feet. Though she tried to keep her gait straight, she could hear her own footsteps falling unevenly, heavy under her metal frame in spite of her padded exterior: thump-pmfsshh, thump-pmfsshh, thump-pmfsshh. One of Cherry’s ears flicked toward her and, grateful for the opportunity to retreat from Nutmeg’s teasing, she piped up.
“Hey, are you good, Ada? It sounds like one of your legs is dragging.”
“Yeah, uh…” she mumbled, her brows furrowing. “That’s a bit worse than I thought it was, actually… Here, lemme just set this down.” She dumped the clothes onto a nearby chair and, once again watching her step, ambled over to the table.
“‘ve you been having this problem long?” Cherry asked, resting her arm over the back of her chair to better face the housekeeper.
“You didn’t have to come in if you weren’t feeling well, you know,” Nutmeg added, setting her drink aside.
“Oh, I know, I just,” Ada hemmed, “I already have an appointment with the engineers that built this body for me, and y’know, they’re pretty busy… I figured, as long as I could watch where I was going, it wouldn’t be that much of a problem in the meantime.”
“Do you mind if I ask what’s wrong?” Cherry tilted her head. Ada had seen the expression before, on the number of occasions where she’d watched her fixing things up for other people—there was concern layered over it, but her interest was piqued.
“I think it’s a severed cable, the one that leads from my central nervous system to my knee. Or, maybe disconnected. I hope it’s not severed, uh. It could always be replaced, but it’d be much more of a hassle to have the whole cord unfastened and removed, and, y’know, it’s better to just not get damaged in the first place. Uh—”
“Do you want me to take a look at that for you?”
“Um.” Ada hesitated. Her fans, subtly, spun up. She hadn’t been examined by anybody besides the doctors and mechanics that had put her in her new body. For how many times they checked and double-checked her, from tip to tail and from paw to prow, that she’d be used to having someone poking around in her body, but… The last check-up had been months and months ago, before they were confident they could let her live on her own after the transition.
Plus, they were doctors, and it would feel… it would feel very different to have her friend get so close to her. Other than a doctor, it would actually be the first time anyone had gotten so close. But she had spent a good deal of time with Cherry since moving here, and she’d seen firsthand how good she was with her tools… Her fans spun yet faster; it occurred to her that they were becoming audible. Nutmeg’s eyes flicked between the two of them, which Cherry didn’t notice, but made Ada realize how long she’d been trying to think of what to say.
“Sure?” Okay, maybe she should have spent longer thinking about it. Nutmeg’s eyebrow jumped a full inch. “BUT, uh, c-ould we maybe? Do that in private? It feels a little… I don’t know, embarrassing. To have to strip and everything.”
“Oh, well, yeah. I mean, I wouldn’t ask you to get naked in the middle of the living room! C’mon, we can just do it in the den, you already know where my setup is.” She hopped out of her chair and, casually as anything, sauntered over to the den to wait for Ada to strip down to bare metal for her. Ada glanced back at Nutmeg; the wry smile she wore when she’d been pushing Cherry’s buttons was halfway back on her face—or maybe just half-concealed.
“You’ll be in good paws, sweetie,” she assured Ada, doing absolutely nothing to settle her nerves. Her wires. Whatever. “Do you need me to help you walk over there?”
“N-no, that’ll be—I’ll be fine, I just have to be careful. But thank you! Thank you, um,” she stuttered, eventually opting to just follow Cherry after realizing she wasn’t going to get any less awkward under the tanuki’s gaze. When she walked into the den, Cherry glanced over her shoulder.
“Just go ahead and get comfortable up here,” she said, patting a spot on the table. As she went back to rooting through toolboxes, she continued. “You said it was your knee, right? So you shouldn’t actually have to strip down. I promise I’m not gonna, like, look up your skirt.”
“Well, no, but—It’s not the c-clothes I’m worried about—well, I guess I’m worried about the clothes, too, um. Okay, just, you’ll see.” She turned away from Cherry—not that she was even looking. Gosh, why did this worry her so much?—and bent down to reach under her skirt. She fumbled for a moment before her paw found a zipper; she pulled gently, working it around the circumference of her hip joint, and began to roll down the now-freed fabric casing that sat over her metal frame. When it was about halfway down her calf, leaving her thigh and knee bare, she padded over next to Cherry and sat down on the table.
“Alright, are you—oh,” Cherry interrupted herself, finally looking over from her tools and seeing the exposed mechanisms. “Ohhh, I see, okay. My bad,” she apologized, rubbing the back of her neck. “When you said you had to strip, I thought you meant… your clothes. I forgot the fuzzy bits are separate, haha.”
“Oh, t-thats, totally fine,” Ada managed, unable to look Cherry in the eyes.
“I think I just, consider it… like, it’s your face, right? It’s like if you were trying to think of my skin as a separate entity from the rest of me. When I think of ‘Ada’, that’s just, what you look like.” Ada finally turned her head, just about at eye level with Cherry from her seated position. Their eyes lingered on each other for a moment; Cherry’s expression was still somewhat sheepish after the little misunderstanding, and something flickered behind Ada’s eyes that approached doubtfulness. Disbelief. Then a little smile broke on her face, and there was something very soft in them instead, softer even than her plush exterior. 
“That… means a lot to hear, actually,” she half-whispered, her eyes drifting downward. “Sometimes I still have to remind myself of it, but you’re right. This is me. It’s just, it’s almost a pleasant surprise every time I re-realize it, y’know? Like it’s too good to be true.”
“Oh, god, do I understand that,” Cherry chuckled, shoulders relaxing in the mercifully-broken tension. But hey,” she said, drawing their eyes back together. “you kinda get used to it after a while. Not in a way where it stops being fun, though!. Like, you still wake up some days, and it’s like it’s Christmas, but it doesn’t shock you like you’d lost track of the date, right? You still get to be you—it’s still awesome every time you remember ‘dude, this is your life now’—but you don’t forget that you’re you in the meantime. Y’know?”
“I can imagine. I get closer every day, I think. Physical… snags, like this one, remind me a lot of how things were before, but… I guess I have you for that now, right?”
“Right!” Cherry slapped a fist down into her open palm. “We’re gonna get you good as new in no time. You ready?”
“I-I think I am! Uh—” she stammered, pressing down her skirt between her legs. “Okay, now I’m ready!” Cherry giggled, then looked at her lap and back up at her.
“...Do your clothes even come off?”
“Sure! If. You take the rest of me off, too.” They stared at each other for another half a breath and cracked up again. That’s bedside fuckin’ manner, babey!! Cherry was doing a kickass job at this robot doctor thing already. She kneeled down, still giggling, to get a closer look at the laggy limb.
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“Woooahh,” she mused, face-to-face with Ada’s bare knee. Her eyes were wide and sparkling like the robot had shone a little red laser dot on the floor in front of her. “Oh my god, Ada. I know we were just talking about how cool it is to be you, like, with a capital B and Y, but you really are an amazing piece of work!” She gushed for a minute straight about the suspension, a thick spring coiled around Ada’s stand-in for a tibia and fibula, which Cherry could see extending down the remainder of her leg underneath the metal sheath and the remaining fabric cover; that was to say nothing of the hydraulic struts that extended behind and above her knee, powering her locomotion.
“I kind of don’t want to touch anything there… at least, not if we can help it. I’m not gonna say I couldn’t do it—I’m pretty good, y’know,” she added with a flicked ear and a raised eyebrow. “Buuut, it’d definitely be more complicated to fix than a connection issue would, so let’s look around for that first, right?”
“Sure, sure. It should be higher up in my thigh. Thhhhhhat panel,” she recalled after some deliberation, pointing to a plate of metal on the inside of her leg, “should come off.” Cherry produced a screwdriver from her pool of tools and dutifully levered the compartment open, finding… well, it was much cleaner than she’d expected.
“Huh. I guess I gotta give ‘em points for wire management? I can see a couple other big cables running through here, but they’re all on the other side. This one seems to be the only one that runs to the upper leg. Kinda seems like putting all your eggs in one basket, though… If something happens with this wire, poof! There goes your whole thigh.”
“Just like now,” Ada sighed.
“Why would they do it like that?”
“It’s supposed to be like the femoral artery,” she huffed. “If you ask me, the human body is the last thing to be taking design inspiration from, but the engineers liked how tidy it was, and the doctors thought I was complicated enough as it was. They agreed that mirroring the bigger anatomical landmarks would make it so a non-specialist doctor could at least try to treat me.”
“Who the hell studies medicine and engineering?” Cherry muttered, peering further down into Ada’s chassis. “I can see it all the way to the end, though. Like, with a plug and everything still attached. It must’ve just come loose, so all I gotta do is—”
“NyaaAAAA—” Ada squealed. Her paws flew to her mouth; her fans revved full-force. Cherry’s claw had barely grazed the cable, but it felt like she had just rubbed her paw all the way along the inside of her thigh.
“Ah!! Did that hurt? Are you okay?” She looked up at Ada and saw the flustered expression half-hidden behind her paws. She felt a rush of air from the opening to the inside of Ada’s furry casing and realized that she was burning up. “...Oh.”
“I-I’m. Yeah, f-fine,” the mortified android managed, squeezing her eyes shut. “It was just, um. Sensitive. Sorry.”
“Oh, no, it’s no problem!! I should’ve looked a little bit more before leaping, I guess. I’m just,” she finished, bowing her own head again to hide the blush spreading across her own cheeks, “glad you’re alright. Lemme try it with some pliers instead—I’ll be more gentle this time.” She fished out a needle-nosed pair and, gripping the bundle of wire just beneath the plug, slowly finagled it into the socket.
Cherry instructed Ada to flex her knee; she could, just fine. She asked her to extend it, and she did, no problem! She rolled her ankle around next, even though it wasn’t originally the problem, just to make sure Cherry hadn’t accidentally knocked anything else loose while she was down there. She slowly snapped the panel back into place—this time, Ada had braced herself, and though she couldn’t look Cherry in the eye while she was working down there, she barely made a peep this time. They finally emerged from the den, Cherry holding the door open so Ada could make sure she could get around without difficulty again, and were met with Nutmeg eyeing the two of them over her mug.
“Did something go wrong?” She asked, voice full of exaggerated concern—after all, Ada was walking just fine.
“In my workshop?" Cherry gloated. "C'mon. It was just a loose cable. You’ll make sure not to flex your leg too far in the future, right, Ada?”
“Oh, good!” Nutmeg continued. “So, if you didn’t make a mistake in there, I assume you meant to make her squeak like that?” she asked, taking a slow sip of her tea and staring Cherry dead in the eye.
“Y’know,” she forced out, putting her best poker face back on. “I think I’m gonna take Ada to the park, just to put her through her paces. Doesn’t that sound nice, Ada?”
“Huh? I wasn’t done cleani—”
“Awesome! We’ll be back in a bit, Meg,” she growled, nearly shoving the girl out the door in front of her.
It wasn’t long before Cherry realized that she’d escaped from Nutmeg’s coolheaded quips without thinking to take a sweater—she’d jumped out of the fridge and into the freezer, with the way the weather had been recently. Ada offered to turn her fans up, and Cherry stayed nice and close to her (which was very, very easy, with how soft her exterior was). While the two of them walked laps to keep their servos warm and their blood circulating, they talked about all kinds of things. A simple “you mentioned ‘how things were before’” turned into swapping backstories: how Cherry got into tinkering with machines, how Ada got into a machine.
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Of course, they had plenty of common ground, from the realization that things could be different, and the freedom that came with it, to the malaise that it had freed them from. Cherry managed to keep things light; like she’d said earlier, things only went uphill from the start of journies like theirs, and she was rarely without a crack that would break the gloom of a bad memory. It got dark faster than they expected, but it had more to do with how much fun they were having together than the shortening days. When it got too cold for Cherry to stand staying out any longer, the two of them walked back to the front door of her apartment building.
“Y’know,” she said when they arrived, “you didn’t have to walk me all the way home. It’s almost like the end of a date, or something.”
“What, with how much you and Nutmeg flirt while I’m around? It couldn’t be!” She froze; and Cherry felt the air around her begin to thaw. “Wait, could it be? Cherry, was this supposed to be a date??”
“I was just kidding, bestie, you don’t have to go critical on me. Usually, you get up under a girl’s skirt at the end of a date, right?”
“C-c’mon!” she cried, screwing her eyes shut again. “It wasn’t like that!!”
“I know, I know!” Cherry laughed. “Hey, c’mon. I promise it’s not like it’s gonna be weird or anything. Doctor-patient confidentiality, or whatever, right? But hey,” she said more softly, reaching for Ada’s paw. She paused before touching her, waiting for her to nod in confirmation before just going and grabbing things, this time. “We could make it a date, next time! If you want, anyway.”
“U-um. Yeah. Yeah!” There was a growing, fully snow-free circle spreading from Ada’s feet, at this point. “T-that would be, it’d be awesome! I would love that!!”
“Great! You know the door’s always open for you, bestie. See you soon?”
“I’m already scheduled to come over again in a few days!!”
“Sooner? I’m on my way to face the music. I was definitely losing to Nutmeg earlier. If you bail me out before she literally pushes me up against the wall, we can call it even for helping you out today.” Ada’s brow furrowed, a little concerned.
“She’s not… literally pushing you around, right?”
“Oh, no! I’m constantly asking for it. Literally, most of the time. I wouldn’t even complain if she did it tonight, but like… it’s the principle. I gotta save face after getting dressed-down in front of a guess like that, y’know?”
“Well, that makes two of us getting exposed in front of our friends, right? At least you aren’t alone.”
“Ha! Sorry again about that. But hey, maybe we can do that on purpose next time too, right?” She could see Ada freezing up again, and blew her a kiss goodbye to save her the trouble of finding her words again, ducking back inside; she could hear the air whooshing around outside all the way until she got back to the elevator.
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plus a little bit of an epilogue for you =^w^=
I hope you enjoyed!! The transgender plushie robot catgirl is very near and dear to my heart. I know, I know, total shock. If you're interested in more of my writing you can have a look here and here. And please check Robin out too!! She's crazy talented and is the one who came up with Ada in the first place so
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csigeoblue · 10 months
Double Date Part 2 - Roy Kent x Platonic!Reader (Ted Lasso)
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A/N: Roy being the bestest friend and keeping you safe. Part 1 It was pretty late when you made it inside Nelson Road. You kept your hoodie up to try to cover as much of your face as you could. Grateful the guy who lived in the Stadium let you in the door after you mentioned Roy's name without asking any questions Walking through the tunnels with the lights flickering only enhanced your sense of dread. You couldn't shake the feeling of being watched even though you knew no one else was there at this time of night. While you didn't have a good plan, you knew you could hide in the boot room since it had the most privacy and leave through the tunnels in the morning before the team arrived.
Keep reading
Yeah you could've called Roy but it was late and you didn't want to put him out over this. He'd told you a thousand times that Luke was bad news but you swore up and down he wasn't anything other than a gentleman. What a liar you turned out to be. By the time you made it inside to the boot room, your adrenaline had faded. You finally felt safe and curled up on the floor behind the boot wall.
When Will showed up in the morning, he was ready to tackle the day. Although he never quite won over Nate Shelley while he was around, the Greyhounds had been very receptive to his little improvements he'd made to Nate's processes. Because of this he liked to start off the day in the locker room reviewing everything he'd set out the night before and sprayed a lavender scent there and in the boot room to start the day off right. Not today though. Upon entering the boot room, he knew something was off. There were dirt tracks left on his floor! He followed them cautiously around the corner of the boot wall to find... you. fast asleep. Oh wait are those scrapes on your face?! Blood? Oh dear. Will checked his watch and knew that the coaches should be here any minute. For now, you didn't show any signs of waking but the room was chilly so he took towel and laid it gently around you in case you were cold. With that he left the room as quietly as he could to find Roy ideally but Ted would do too.
"Ey, uh.. Coach Kent?" Roy continued ignoring Will who'd stood at his door for 5 minutes already before saying anything.
"Coach, Sorry to disturb you so soon after you've arrived but you're needed in the Boot Room." Will fumbled his way through the sentence but he finally got Roy's attention.
"Why the fuck would I need to go to the fucking smellyarse Boot Room first the in the fucking morning?" Roy didn't yell but Will was nodding along polite as he is. He took a deep breathe and finally told the whole truth.
"Because I found your friend Y/F/N Y/L/N in there asleep when I came in this morning with her face a little cut up. Coach, I think she spent the night here."
Roy was up and out of his chair before Will could even finish his sentence once he said you were the reason he was needed in the boot room. Fuuucking hell. What did that prick do to you?
His answer came shortly after that thought as you started mumbling and twitching in your sleep.
He had been just so angry that evening. Ever since that double date, things got worse. He was mean and a little picky before but that night when you arrive home he slammed the door and turned on you, shoving you to the ground. You felt your heart leap into your throat afraid that he would come back so you locked yourself in the bathroom until he went to bed.
"You fucking bitch, you tried to upstage me with your friends huh?" CRASH. There goes the lamp from your coffee table falling into pieces on the floor.
"No no, that wasn't it. I didn't want them to think you were mean when you called your trainees idiots is all. I was trying to fix it. I'm sorry I'm sorry."
"You think I'm mean? You were trying to fix me? I am the best damn thing to ever happen to you. Where would you be without me?" CRASH except this time the glass he threw at the wall was too close to your face and the some shards ricocheted off the wall scraping your face a bit. It was in that moment that you woke up with a start arms flailing, knocking the blanket Will had draped over you away.
"Don't touch me!" Roy's heart broke as he watched you take in your surroundings as you realized you weren't in that horrid memory but at Nelson Road with him in front of you arms up in surrender.
He stayed right where he was as you took deep breathes to try to calm your breathing but it wasn't working. Your panic was increasing instead of subsiding. As you dropped your head on your knees and wrapped your arms around your legs to form a ball, Roy sat down next to you taking you under his arm so you were curled up against him. He texted Keeley.
RK: Y/N is here. It's bad. I don't car what she says she can't go back to that prick. He hurt her. She's going to stay with us for a bit. That okay w u?
KJ: Ofcourse love! Fuck that piece of shit. Do you need me to come there?
RK: Not yet, I've got them for now. Can you ready the guest room just in case? *Keeley reacted with a heart emoji.
Roy smlied at his phone and then pulled you closer.
"Fuck that guy. Fuck what happened. I'm here and you're safe."
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vamqiredove · 1 month
OKOK @indigoartistqueen i'll ramble and elaborate err i'm keepin it here cause this rlly isn't smthing i want on slaingelo especially bc i get a bit mad in this oops
CAMERAS LIKE THAT ARE USELESS. ALSO THEY MAKE SHIT WORSE IF YOU ARE PARANOID. having them inside your house is unnecessary unless you're convinced someone's living in your house without you knowing. otherwise it does nothing but take up electricity or batteries and money ect ect whatever. If you unnecessarily install cameras you're going to be checking them constantly. and also within the context of just "waah my big strong man is out for a week i'm so scareed i'm going to put cameras inside my house" WHAT IS THAT GOING TO DOOOOOOOOOOO SOMEONE HAS TO /ALREADY BE BROKEN IN TO YOUR HOUSE/ FOR THAT TO BE "USEFUL" AT ALL AND BY THAT POINT IT'S NOT SECURITY WHATTTTTT
like other people said in that post, security like that makes it impossible to get out of your house fast/give first responders a hard time getting in. I have a bar in my window. it's removable from the inside very easily and all it serves to do is keep the window from opening more than a few inches. this mf would install damn prison bars if her husband had to go away for a month.
IF YOU'RE THAT PARANOID ABOUT LOCKS GET A FUCKING DEADBOLT AND/OR CHAINLOCK OH MY GOD. first responders are more likely to know how to get around those than "mobile locks" what the fuck is a mobile lock. OH WAIT !! SHE ALREADY HAS A DEADBOLT AND SHE'S DOUBLING UP WITH THE MOBILE LOCK. HUH ???????????????????????????????????
YOU WANT PEOPLE TO KNOW YOU ARE HOME.... when I'm home alone I actively try to make it look like someone's always awake. do I go over the top locking every door and window in the house and leave the curtains facing the backyard closed and did I once move furniture to block my bedroom door in order to sleep ? yeah sure but I'M MENTALLY ILL. WHAT I'M SCARED OF ISN'T EVEN PEOPLE BREAKING INTO MY HOUSE FFS IT'S MONSTERS THAT AREN'T REAL BUT MY DELUSIONAL BRAIN CONVINCES ME IT IS REAL TO THE POINT OF INSOMNIA IN PARTICULARLY BAD EPISODES. I AM NOT THE AVERAGE WHITE AMERICAN WOMAN FOR I AM NOT EVEN ANY OF THOSE THINGS
literally the only way I can see someone going this far for security in a way that ISN'T just "this is an ad" and/or "i am trying to brew fascism" is if someone fell into the delusion of being gangstalked, and in which case, they probably aren't posting their entire security system online because they'd be convinced their stalkers are watching their every move online and offline lol... it sure as hell wouldn't be framed like this either. also if it was the case she'd still be scared while her husband was home. it wouldn't magically appear when he's done, it would be constant.
doing shit like this isn't normal nor healthy, it's either a sign of going severe into the alt right pipeline and/or severe mental health issues that are going unchecked bc those are absolutely not mutually exclusive.
even the "keeping a flashlight nearby" thing is stupid in the sense that I DO THAT. BECAUSE WE FREQUENTLY GET POWER OUTAGES HERE ???????????????? what's it going to do if there is an intruder are you going to shine it in their fuckin face. what, can't see them thru your aesthetic lighting ?? what's the fuckin whistle going to do ... you've isolated yourself your home alone it's a WHISTLE. at the veyr least get a fucking weapon, HUH ?????????????
honestly I don't even know how coherent any of this is, it pisses me off a lot. I've done a lot of shit to try and feel "safe" and frankly it feels insulting especially given my minor agoraphobia too [ can't leave the house alone, i always need a friend or family w/ me ] especially the weird way this shit is made aesthetic. AGAIN. LIKE THE FUCKIN PURPLE LIGHTING IN THE VIDEO. AND ALSO THE SLEEK TECH.
the aesthetic-ification of that video is probably what REALLY gets me mad about it though.. like it really just makes it feel like an ad playing both on white peoples fears and mentally ill people.
blah blah my experiences aren't universal and my delusional paranoia isn't "that bad" compared to other ppls. whatever. i don't like it either way
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dragbunart · 1 year
A jealous reserve course student spreads a rumour about Kaede cheating on Shuichi with a picture of Natsumi kissing her current romantic partner while wearing one of Kaede's dresses.
It got everyone gossiping except the Ultimate students because even the ones that don't know Kaede that well know that the pianist would never cheat on her boyfriend.
This leads to most of the ultimates debating whether the beloved blonde is being set up by an evil clone or she has a secret twin.
That is fucking hilarious, and TOTALLY how Kaede would be outed as a Kuzuryu
Also technically Kaede would have a secret twin. I bet Celeste put money on the secret twin option.
quick note: I headcanon Kaede is neurodivergent so that will play a part in the story. with sensory over load.
Kaede was passing by the reserve course to pick Chiaki and Mahiru up, and totally not check on her twin. While it was pretty well known that the pianist had better ears than most people, it seemed the reserve course hadn't received that news. As she could hear their whispers as she passed by.
"Is that her?" "I think so. I can't beleive someone so sweet looking would cheat."
"I mean have you seen her boyfriend? Can you blame her?" That comment earned a glare from Kaede, one signature to her family.
Who do they think they are!? Me? Cheat? On Shu? He may have self-esteem issues, but other than that he's the best boyfriend ever! Kaede's steps became very aggressive and stompy.
"Everything ok?" Chiaki asked looking up from her game. Hajime waved nervously to the main course student.
"People think I'm cheating on Shu!" Kaede stomped immaturely. Hajime blinked.
"What? But like, you two are one of the most sickeningly sweet, couples in either course?" Hajime interrupted.
"Honestly I have a good idea who it was. This guy confessed to me last week, claiming to have been a fan of mine for the longest time, but I turned him down since, you know, Shu."
"Maybe he mistook you for someone else," Mahiru said dragging Sato behind her.
"I hate to mention it, since Natsumi is literally the worse..." Sato suggested. "I'm pretty sure the rumor says Kaede's cheating with Natumi's most recent hookup."
"Oh! You two do look really similar from behind!" Mahiru agreed. "When we first met I totally thought you were Natsumi trying to mess with me! You two could pass for twins if you tried."
Kaede tried to shrug the comment off, but Hajime in particular didn't miss the slight flinch at the 'twin' comment.
"It's probably why Fuyuhiko is nicer to you than most people." Chiaki yawned.
"He's nice to Peko too!" Kaede defended. Chiaki and Mahiru both stared at Kaede with a 'We all know why he treats her nicely' look. "Yeah, if he were any more obvious there would be a neon sign."
"And Peko would probably still miss it." Mahiru joked.
"Why don't you talk to Natsumi? She can confirm if the girl kissing the guy was her or not?" Hajime suggested. Everyone else seemed in agreement except...
"There's no need! I'm sure things will work themselves out!" Kaede tried to stop. Mahiru's gaze softened.
"Kaede, I know the Kuzuryu family can be scary, but you'll have everyone in 77-A and B backing you up!" Mahiru grabbed her hands.
"I'll get Fuyuhiko to invite Natsumi to lunch tomorrow." CHiaki helped.
and thus Kaede's fate was sealed.
Somehow class 78 got roped into the 'Clear Kaede's name team'.
Shuichi squeezed Kaede's hand. He could tell she was nervous and knew that the whole 'cheating' rumor had bugged her, even if everyone knew it was just a rumor.
"I can't believe that degenerate spread a rumor because you said no! I'll kick his ass!" Tenko shouted.
"I can see how the rumor started though," Rantaro stated. "I mean, Kaede wears a dress just like that a lot so seeing another blond of similar height and build from behind in it? I would've had to do a double take."
Peko merely nodded, not saying anything, and rubbed Kaede's back. While she knew why inviting Natsumi was making Kaede nervous she couldn't do anything to stop it. She could just sit here and help try to calm her.
Fuyuhiko and Natsumi entered the room.
"What the fuck is everyone doing here?" He groaned. Kokichi immediately started causing trouble.
"WOW! If I didn't know any better I'd think you were Kayayde's twin! Do you want to be my evil queen too? You'd certainly fi-" "Move asshole." Natsumi pushed her way past Kokichi. "I can't believe you hang out with people like this." She said to Fuyuhiko. "It's bad enough you're in a class with that loser," SHe nodded toward Mahiru who glared. "But this is a new low."
"My, my, genetics are a very curious thing!" Kiyo circled Natsumi who seemed off put. "I can see why people confused you for my class rep."
"Mistaken fo-" finally Natsumi connected the dots. She had heard a rumor about one of the Detectives in the main course getting cheated on. And she had borrowed Kaede's dress the other day.
That's why Fuyuhiko's class rep insisted he invited her to lunch today. They were confronting her because they thought she was trying to ruin Kaede's life. She looked at Kaede who seemed to be a nervous wreck about everything; the rumor, being outed...
If these people weren't truly looking out for Kaede's best interest she was about to lose all her friends. And there was nothing Natsumi could do to protect her.
"Sorry about them all." A rather stylish boy approached Natsumi, gently pushing Kiyo and Kokichi to the side. "We do want to have lunch with you, we just need a small favor."
"I don't do favors." Natsumi looked passed him.
"YOu owe Kaede one! You nearly ruined her relationship!" Mahiru shouted. "And this isn't the first time someone mistook you for each other!"
"Green and purple are two different colors. It's not my fault people didn't do a double take." Natsumi's normal bite wasn't in her words.
"You're hiding something," Celeste stated. "Kokichi and I noticed the minute you walked in."
"I don't owe you punks anythi-" Soon she was bombarded with different people threatening or begging, all to try and get her to clear Kaede's name from the rumor. And finally, she broke as she watched sensory overload take over Kaede and the onset of a meltdown. "Oh shit!" She pushed past everyone and covered Kaede's ears. "Where are your headphones? In your bag? Where is it?" "I dunno," Kaede mumbled. "I feel itchy and I can't breath." "Ok.. Ok..." Natsumi looked around, locking eyes with Shuichi, who she only recognized through Kaede's description. "Where's her bag?"
"Over by the wall..." Shuichi nodded he didn't look like he wanted to leave Kaede in such a state.
"She'll be fine, but she needs her headphones so she can regulate the sound in the area," Natsumi explained. Shuichi blinked but nodded and ran over. Fuyuhiko ran over with a water bottle handing it to Kaede.
"It's ok, we got you." Fuyuhiko gently soothed. No one knew his voice could get that soft.
Oh. oh.
That little lightbulb in everyone's heads went off. And Mahiru realized why Kaede seemed nervous.
"Anyone else curious how the sperm and egg factory that spit out fuckin' Baby GodFather somehow also produced lil miss 'Perfect'?" Miu interrupted to mood.
Everyone let Kaede regulate herself before they asked too many questions.
"So... I guess introductions are in order," Kaede spoke as if she hadn't had a meltdown 15 minutes ago. "Everyone I'd like you to meet my Twin sister Natsumi... Who is no longer allowed to borrow my outfits."
"I'm going to kill the motherfucker that started that rumor!"
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scholarlypidgeot · 2 years
19) “What do you mean you got the bottles mixed up, they we’re very clearly labeled POISON and NOT POISON!! Oh fuck, oh shit, oh fuck, okay, here’s what I want you to do!”
I admit, it's strange to think about now, but there came a time in my life with Todd that kidnapping became normal.
I guess it puts into perspective the point that I reached, between twelve and fourteen, when I just accepted that I wasn't living normally. That's...that's not really true, I'd actually accepted it a lot earlier than that, but twelve and thirteen are when most of the kidnappings that I remember happened.
After the first one, when I was five, Todd hadn't really let me out of his sight. After the time I ran away, though, he decided that maybe I could afford a little time to myself. I never strayed far for obvious reasons, not that it did much. I went out every day along different routes, exploring, sometimes spending some of the money Todd had given me, sometimes dropped off at a new spot and allowed to roam until he came and picked me up.
I remember one time, it was a latter case. It hadn't quite become a weekly occurrence, but it had happened a few times to the point where I knew how to recognize when somebody was following me, when a stranger who seemed too nice probably was too nice. Unfamiliar Unseelie didn't try anything during my day outings, but I still steered as clear of them as I could.
Anyway, by this point I'd come to recognize the telltale signs of strangers who were too interested in me, but I hadn't yet reached the point where I recognized those telltale signs in shopowners. It wasn't so much that I didn't think of them as being the same as them being obviously trustworthy, because they owned shops and sold things to people. That changed when I purchased some kind of pastry - it might've been a Danish, I remember having a Danish phase - and then waking up in the back of a car to hushed voices arguing.
"What do you mean you got the bottles mixed up?" One voice demanded. "They were very clearly labeled POISON and NOT POISON!!"
"Technically," the second voice said, "they're both poison. One was just more severe than the other."
"Do you know how fucked we are if she's dead?" the first voice hissed. I opened one eye to see two Hunters in the front seat, clothes hiding most of their identities, but I recognized their voices. The first one was the nice baker lady from behind the counter where I'd gotten my pastry. The other was the cashier, who'd called me "dear" and given me a discount. She'd had the name "Rosie" embroidered on her apron.
The baker took a deep breath, then started to mutter as if thinking. "Oh fuck, oh shit, oh fuck, okay, here’s what I want you to do! Keep an eye out. I'm going to double check that she's got a pulse."
"We don't even know if she had one to begin with!"
"I do." Not seeing the point in playing sleep anymore, I sat up. Both of them jumped, and the baker turned in her seat.
"I'm not Unseelie." I rubbed my eyes. My head was still fuzzy. "You should stop before Todd finds out. I'm supposed to meet him at three on the corner."
"We haven't even-" Rosie started, but the baker shot her a venomous look before turning back towards me, sugar-coating her words like I was six.
"We're not going to-"
"You're not going to hurt me, you want to help me, Todd is dangerous." I was still too groggy to really be polite, and also, she'd started to baby talk me. I was twelve. I was much too old to be baby-talked. "He's not, but he will hurt you if you don't let me go, and I know you wouldn't hurt me, but you'd try to hurt him, and just get hurt worse."
"She has a point," Rosie said, before getting another glare. "What? Without Jo, we probably couldn't take him, even during the day. No offense, Bray, but you didn't think this through."
"I saw an opportunity, and I took it. It's what Jo would do."
"But we're not Jo, and we should probably let her go, because she's right." Rosie's tone was very reasonable. "If we don't, we're probably going to be dead."
"Let me think." Bray made it sound like it was a momentous effort.
Rosie visibly rolled her eyes, then unlocked the doors before Bray could stop her. "Get out of here, kid. Sorry about the trouble."
I slid over, relaxing a little, then stopped as I looked out the window.
"Actually," I said, slowly, as one of the Unseelie in the alley across the way looked in my direction, then made a double take, "I think it might be better if I stay here for a little bit. If it's not too much trouble."
Impulse writing at 4AM! But I've been chewing on this prompt for a while and decided what the heck, might as well.
Thank you for the prompt! It was hilarious trying to figure out a situation where it actually worked in Crimson. This isn't told from Pat's perspective, as you can probably tell; instead this is Eva, a daughter of the Hunt who was raised by an Unseelie ambassador. If you have questions or more prompts, feel free to send them!
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fuckmeupjackson · 1 year
The echoing effect of misunderstandings in Byler's relationship s4 is cool, also could it be a romeo juliet parallel??
Anyone else feel like the romeo and juliet metaphor could kind of a little. bit actually apply to byler s4? I mean I don't fully remember the book at all but... ( skip to the paragraph directly after the numbered list if it's too much to read or if you want to get to the point faster)......
1. At the start of s4, Will doesn't completely know whether or not Mike is still interested in talking to him, given that they didn't fully resolve their s3 conflict and he might still feel betrayed by Mike, so he waits for Mike to make the first move by calling him first when he moves to Lenora. Will doesn't get the calls, which he doesn't know is actually because of Joyce's telemarketing job, so he mistakenly thinks Mike's uninterested. So Will continues not to call him still.
2. Mike doesn't get called by Will despite all of his unseen attempts. Next thing Mike knows he's getting a letter from El suggesting Will might be interested in a GIRL! What a betrayal after all this time of no communication from Will, all the desperate attempts with no success! Mike is so hurt and probably a little confused about his feelings and where he stands with Will.
3. Mike doesn't want to get more hurt. So when he goes to visit him in California he acts like he couldn't possibly give a fuck about anything he does (or paints). He acts like he doesn't see him lingering behind him and El meanwhile he's the only one he's got his eye on all that ttime.
4. Will is clearly offended by Mike's (faked) aloofness and carelessness, but tries to play it off so he doesn't make a fool of himself and make the pain of rejection even worse. So he stays silent and yet again, doesn't talk to Mike thinking Mike doesn't want to talk to him. He's still confused, and has pent up anger+ frustration. Mike is also confused still. And has pent up hurt.
I have no idea if this is gonna make any sense, but it's kind of like the romeo and juliet "i thought you died so i killed myself, then you woke up and killed yourself seeing that I was dead" except it's "i thought you didn't want anything to do with me so I didn't talk to you, then you genuinely became offended and didn't want to talk to me either" and Will and Mike both do this to each other repeatedly, actually they do it like double the amount of times R & J do it.
Also the reason Juliet pretended to be dead was so that Romeo could come visit her and she didn't have to marry that other guy. You could say that Will doesn't call Mike thinking Mike will call him, but Mike just ends up getting hurt by it, kind of like how Romeo (Mike) doesn't get his happy ending with Juliet (Will) because he takes her fake death (silence) too seriously (not knowing what her plan was? or maybe he did idk) and kills himself too (feels extremely hurt+ ignores Will at the airport/is silent too). Does that check out? I have no idea xddd.
thanks for reading <3 back to homework I go ahhh
Mike is the one leading on the idea that he doesn't love Will (like juliet pretending she isn't alive) so that he doesn't have to confess, but Will takes it as a sign to push El and Mike together (a version of his own death) but then it's echoed even further by Mike confessing his love for El (which is also a form of his own death bc it's him lying to preserve his relationship with El, like Juliet pretending to be dead... actually idk where I'm going with this but whatever i detail it below if you want to keep reading it)
Van SCene:
Will thinks Mike loves El even though all Mike does is vent about how dysfunctional their relationship is. But being the poor selfless boy he is, Will does it... he tells Mike that El will ALWAYS love him and Mike and El DESERVE to be together forever, they belong together! At least that's what he implies. But Will decides to communicate this through his OWN veiled love confession, ouch.... pouring his deepest love into a river that's rapidly flowing in the worst direction, and he'll never see it again.... this hurts so bad, it feels like he's killing himself, poisoning his heart. He looks to the window for an escape. But here's Mike being, per Finn's words, "CLUELESS," and taking this as a sign that Will genuinely thinks he should be with El, that Mike telling her he loves her is the RIGHT thing to do.. and also, why would Will tell him these things if Will was in love with him? Couldn't be possible... (the parallel being romeo thinking juliet is dead /// mike thinking will's love for him isn't real. But actually it goes even further than that for byler bc will only said all of this because he thought mike didn't love him first and it's like an infinite story/parallel when you trace it back of misunderstandings and false assumptions like when you hold up a mirror to another mirror and wow it's confusing sorryy).
They go to save her...
Pizza Shop:
El is struggling in Vecna's mind, and Will commits his second metaphorical suicide (or a continuation of the first one) thinking it will save her, he grabs his friend's shoulder and says "you're the heart, mike!" as he gives his own heart away to Mike and his relationship with El. Mike honestlyy looked genuinely confused as hell at this part which kinda cracked me up, but he turns and... he gives his heart to El... he says "I love you, El!" Will's pained face is seen (El's is too but that's for another time). But we can only imagine... Mike feels like he's dying inside. This is Mike's metaphorical suicide? Maybe? He thought Will didn't love him so he goes and tries to give his love to someone else, even though it's probably Will that he truly loves. But here he goes suppressing it just as always. He must be feeling crazy honestly because he's lying for El to survive thinking it's what she wants to hear, he's lying to appease Will, he's lying to uphold what he thinks society/everyone else expects of him... i feel like at some point he can't help but wonder if there's any reason why he should tell the truth, if there's anyone to reveal his true feelings to that wants to hear them... anyways....
They crossed out their hearts for each other because they couldn't see the reality of their love. Mike couldn't see that Will's heart was still alive and beating for him, and only for him, and Will couldn't see how alive Mike's heart was when he was with him, they couldn't SEE that their hearts only beat for each other! They're emotionally killing themselves, and EL, by not being truthfullllll with each otherrrrrr
Either way though the writers were supperrr smart to have this sort of echo or domino effect where one lies or hides from another, or at the very least there is a misconception about each other and it keeps going back and forth where they assume things about each other, and then they react in a way that causes them to hurt one another even more until they're both fully convinced that they couldn't possibly be in love with each other.
It's cool.
ok idk im done being delusional and rambling, analyzing potential parallels that don't really help me predict anything for season 5 goodbye and thanks heehee
anyone has any thoughts confusions or disagreements feel free to tell me!!!
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olddirtybadfic · 1 year
Level Nineteen and Pregnant: A Pokémon crackfic
For a change, here's a recent fic. Hopefully, it's not a badfic.
Of course, it contains blueshipping and mpreg. And TMI from Meowth.
James fidgeted on top of the toilet lid, but kept his eyes locked on the plastic stick in his hands. The suspense was worse than waiting for a blastoff. "Has it been a minute yet?"
Meowth checked the stopwatch. "Not even close." He glanced up at James. "Jimmy, don'tcha know a watched pee stick never turns?"
James's gaze never shifted. "That only applies to pots. Besides, I want to see the exact second the blue line appears."
Meowth scratched his head. "What difference does that make?"
James pushed his hair out of his eyes. "Maybe the speed at which it appears will indicate whether or not this test is even reliable." He sighed. "I really don't want to tell HQ's doctors about this."
Meowth reread the test's packaging. "It does say 'Ninety-nine percent more accurate than other brands.'" He blinked at the tagline. "Maybe I shoulda swiped some of those other brands."
James shook his head, as if to clear it. "The clerks would want to know what a Pokémon wanted with human pregnancy tests. We'll work with the one we've got." He hazarded a glance at the stopwatch. "Has it been a minute yet?"
Meowth checked and shook his head. "Thirty seconds left."
"What is taking you so long—oh." Jessie stopped short when she saw the box in Meowth's paws. "This certainly complicates our mission."
"Tell me something I don't know." James fidgeted again, then sat up straight. "It's changing! How much time is left?"
The beeping of the stopwatch was his answer. Meowth was on his shoulder in seconds. "What's it say?"
James squinted at the test's screen. "It's….half a blue line? That can't be right." He skimmed the instruction sheet. "Thin line, thick line, two lines, no lines—they say nothing about half-lines!"
Meowth examined the test. "Maybe this one's defective." He put the test down.
Jessie grabbed the test and examined it further. "I don't see any signs of damage. Are you sure you followed all the instructions?"
"Positive," James said. "I peed all over the blasted thing!"
Jessie dropped the test as fast as she'd picked it up. "If only Meowth were that thorough about Poké-protection."
"Hey! I double-bagged my meat," Meowth protested.
Jessie glared. "Mew damn it, Meowth! You're not supposed to use two condoms at once!"
"You're not?!" both Meowth and James asked, surprised.
"Not unless you want them to tear from rubbing together." Jessie gave an annoyed sigh. "This is why we need Sex Ed as part of Team Rocket training."
James squinted at the half line again—had it lengthened?— and asked, "So, Jess, could I be half-pregnant?"
Jessie only face-palmed. "Let me see those instructions."
While she read the instruction sheet, Meowth mused over his newfound knowledge. "Come to think of it, maybe I got the wrong kind." He looked up at Jessie. "Do they come in different sizes?"
"Of course," Jessie said. "Some pocket rockets blast off further than others."
"And some have a French tickler head," Meowth boasted. James gave a weak nervous laugh.
"Too much information, Meowth." Jessie continued to read through the instructions. "You dingbats, you're supposed to wait two minutes for it to work, not one!"
"Mew's Tongue," James swore before sliding off the toilet to vomit into it. Jessie went to hold his hair back.
"I guess we don't need that test anymore," Meowth said.
"He could just be nervous. Two minutes have probably passed by now. Go check the test," Jessie told him.
Meowth picked the test up and looked at the screen. The line had lengthened to reach the other end of the screen. "Well, there's the thick blue line."
Both Jessie and James's shoulders sagged. "Seriously?"
"As blue as James's hair."
James wiped his mouth. "It's lavender."
Blueshipping, why can't I quit you?
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thisischannelab3 · 6 days
Tumblr media
And now the storm has left the beach deserted, and the ocean crashes and roars against the surf. I am alone and covered with blood. Standing on the slowly retreating waterline, I watch for the first signs of sunrise. I'm waiting. I've been waiting so long.
But Ophelia said she'd be here.
She promised.
It had taken four hours of driving to reach Cape Cod. It was me, my mother and father, and my brother Leon, who was a year and a half older than me, the darling daughter. Ordinarily, my father celebrated his son's victories with men-only trips to New York City or Lake George. But since his beloved all-star was heading off to college in the fall, he decided it would be a family affair.
No matter how much I'd tried to weasel out of it, father still made me go. It wasn't because they were worried about me getting into some kind of trouble; it was simply an unspoken rule in the Sweet family that I never got what I wanted.
An hour into the trip, Leon started ragging on me, making snide remarks about my grades, my waistline, and my therapist, then waving his scholarship under my nose. I ignored it for as long as I could, but my Walkman's batteries died as we passed through Sturbridge, Massachusetts, so I decided that would be the perfect time to bring up his DUI. All Hell broke loose in the car; it got so bad that we had to pull over so my father could tell me in no uncertain terms that I was seventeen and I needed to grow up and get my head on straight.
As always, mother tried to be the peacemaker and failed miserably.
The rest of the car ride was icily quiet, except for the music on the radio, but father started to perk up as he got closer to the cabin. He was so proud of the deal he'd gotten.
We turned left on a street called Patti Page Way onto a long dirt driveway. Once we reached the cabin, we understood it hadn't been a deal at all; it had been a robbery. The outside of the cabin was a wreck, with peeling paint, a sagging porch, and a crooked hanging bench. Tiles were missing from the red roof, and the windows were cracked and covered in grime.
It looked like it should have been condemned, not rented out. My mother and I said we should double back and find a hotel, but my father, of course, would have none of it. "It's already paid for! Non-refundable! You're not even giving it a chance. Let's look inside."
The inside of the cabin wasn't nearly as bad, but it was obvious it hadn't been cleaned in a while. There was a layer of dust on the worn-out furniture, and cobwebs adorned the corners of the room. My mother went to the bedrooms to check for bedbugs or worse and returned with a nod of reluctant approval.
"See?" my father said, "It's not so bad, and besides, after you girls clean it up a little..."
"Us girls?" I dropped my bags on the floor. "I thought this was a family vacation."
Leon rolled his eyes, and my father looked ready to turn purple. mother tried to get in the middle, "What she meant was that we didn't come all this way just-"
"Oh, I know what she meant all right." My father looked right over mother and glared at me. I could feel the 'I work all day speech' coming.
He said, ”I work all day so you and your Goddamn mother can have nice things, and all you give me is grief."
"It's not fair," I said.
"Honey, maybe if we worked together..." mother began, but she stopped talking when my father's glare turned her way.
With that, Leon and my father announced they were going to the store to get pizza and beer. But of course, my father couldn't leave without one last barb at me, "Besides, a little work might help you slim down a little."
Leon laughed. ”You hear that Chubbs?”
Face contorted with rage, I stormed out of that rat-hole cabin, shouting, "That's not my name!" If anyone called out after me, I didn't hear. I ran to the beach, determined not to let them see me cry.
I'd never seen the ocean, except for movies and TV.  It was huge, stretching across the horizon. Looking at it made me feel small, but I didn't mind. My science teacher had told me that the oceans were the first things the Earth created. They would probably be the last things to go.There were big ugly seagulls everywhere and tiny, nervous-looking birds that divided most of their time between sifting in the mud and running in terror at the slightest motion. Small shells cracked under my feet. Slipping off my shoes, I waded into the surf, feeling the waves brushing against and around my legs.
As I waded through the water, I saw my reflection. For as long as I can remember, I've despised what I saw staring back at me. My weight, the constant burden I carried, distorted my image, making me appear older than my years. I had battled with it for as long as I could remember, dieting on and off since I was eight years old, yet nothing seemed to make a difference. Two years ago, someone mistook me for Leon's mother, and that was the moment I mostly gave up trying to change. Still, despite my aversion, I could not look away as I watched how the ripples in the water pulled me apart and pieced me back together again.
It was like I was hypnotized. I walked along the water's edge, not glancing up until distant voices startled me. That's when I realized it was twilight, and the ocean had turned a bruised purple color.
When I got back to the cabin, I found my mother nearly in tears, "Where were you? We were worried sick! We almost called the police."
"I'm sorry," I said.
Leon and my father were sitting at the rickety table, a plate of chicken bones in front of each of them. My father stood up and approached me. His breath was sour, and there were shreds of chicken in his teeth. "Are you trying to ruin this vacation?"
"Look, I just-"
"You're miserable and ungrateful, and I won't stand for it," He poked me in the chest, just hard enough to hurt but not hard enough to leave a mark, "You are gonna shape up and fly right? Do you hear me?"
Leon rolled his eyes, "Oh, like she'll ever get in shape."
mother hushed him but let my father continue his performance. He said, "I didn't bring you up here so you could screw around and do whatever you want to do! We are here to vacation as a family!"
"I'm..." the words stung my mouth, "I'm sorry."
He smiled with satisfaction and gestured to the table, "I didn't like the looks of the pizza place, so we got some Kentucky Fried Chicken. I got you a large meal."
He turned to go outside and have a smoke, Leon tagged along after him. mother busied herself cleaning up while I ate all the food my father had brought, hating myself with every bite.
Despite being warned we were going on a deep-sea fishing trip, no one was ready for my father shouting and bullying us all awake more than an hour before sunrise. My mother was barely awake, but he was already ordering her and me to make breakfast. I didn't mind helping, but I did mind that Leon didn't have to lift a finger.
One sloppily made breakfast later, we were in the car making our way to the marina. Leon was in the front seat listening to my father's stories about the deep sea fishing expeditions he had gone on as a single man in the Navy. My mother’s gaze shifted down to her lap when he said those had been the best days of his life.
Leon asked about the ship, and my father began to explain the difference between a regular yacht and a sport fishing yacht but suddenly I realized something.
"Dad, we have to go back," I said, "I forgot my jacket."
"So?" He said.
"You said it would be freezing."
"And I said not to forget anything." he shrugged. He actually picked up speed as he maneuvered the car onto the interstate. Ten years ago, he'd told me I was his princess and he would do anything for me.
My mother piped up, "It's not such a bother, is it? We don't want her to catch cold."
"That's all right," she patted my arm, "We'll just buy you a jacket when we get to the marina. They must have a gift shop around there."
"We are not buying her a goddamn thing," my father said.
"Good thing she's got all that blubber to protect her," Leon said in a stage whisper.
"Ginny, Let me handle this," my father said. "Maybe she wouldn't be such a brat if she had to deal with some consequences once in a while."
"Oh," I said, "like your son had to deal with his consequences? How much did you spend to keep him out of jail?"
The answer was a lot. My father had moved Heaven and Earth to protect Leon and his 'promising future.' It had hurt our family financially and socially, and he had forbidden any of us to talk about it. But at moments like this, I was glad to bring it up; it felt good to remind them that the Boy Wonder had feet of clay.
"God damn it!" He pounded his fist on the steering wheel, "Can you not be a bitch for five minutes?"
"I don't know," My reply was lightning fast, so fast that I didn't realize the words had come from my mouth, "Can you not be a bastard?"
The brakes squealed as my father swerved us onto the shoulder. My mother gasped, and my brother snickered; a line had been crossed, but so many lines had been crossed over the last few years. I barely cared anymore. All I could think to myself was how we used to be a family. What happened to us?
He unbuckled himself and turned around in his seat, "You think you can talk to me like that? All this over a damn coat."
"Yes." I said, "Over a coat!"
"That's it." He said, and I flinched instinctively, "You're grounded."
We sped back to the cabin, and with every twist and turn of the wheel, my mother and brother grew more and more worried that my father was going to send us plowing into a tree or a ditch.
Finally, we arrived back at the cabin, and my father slammed on the brakes, bringing the car to a screeching halt. Without a word, he shifted into park and turned off the engine. We all sat there in silence, waiting for his next move.
My father turned to face me, "Get out.” He pointed towards the cabin's front door. "Go to your room and stay there until we get back."
I started to speak, but my mother shushed me, "Just do what he says. Please don't make any more trouble."
"We're gonna be late," Leon said.
I sighed and stepped out of the car onto the dusty gravel driveway. My family drove away. They left me behind. The sound of their departure echoed in my ears. I trudged up to the front door, wondering if any of them had spared me a backward glance.
When I was alone in the cabin, I did not go straight to my room; I plopped down on the couch. I had been looking forward to today; I had been so excited at the thought of being out on the ocean so far out on the ocean, that the shore would be just a memory. I had been so excited that I had forgotten my jacket. Now I could see it across the room, slung over the arm of the recliner. The sight of it made me bury my face in my hands. I stayed that way for a long time. Then I went to my temporary bedroom like a good girl and hated myself for it.
With nothing else to do, I napped and listened to my Walkman going through every one of the Police's albums, from Outlandos d'Amour to Synchronicity.
It was just a little while after lunch when the calls began. I answered immediately, thinking it was my parents checking up on me somehow. "Hello?"
I heard a man’s voice ask, "Is she there?” He was weeping. "Who is this?" I asked.
"Who is this?"
"I think you have the wrong number," I said.
“Ophelia is it you?"
I hung up the phone with a grimace, imagining some idiot with a fake number from a bimbo who'd flashed them a polite smile at first or some fake affection at best. Better them than me. I started to go back to my room when the phone rang again. I waited for whoever was on the other line to give up. Ten rings later, I answered. "Hello?"
"Ophelia?" They blubbered.
"That's not my name," I said, "Please stop calling."
"You sound like her."
“I’m not her. I’m nobody.”
The voice became even more desperate and pleading, "I've waited for so long."
I put the receiver back down again.
They called back almost instantly; this time I let the phone ring, put on my Walkman, and cranked the volume all the way up. I tried to let the music transport me to a place far away from the cabin, from that phone call, from my family. ‘Message In A Bottle’ filled my ears and I imagined myself somewhere far far away.
But the ringing persisted. I heard it going on and on in the silence between one song and another. It made me feel uneasy with questions. Finally, inevitably, I ripped off the earphones and picked up the phone again. "Look, I told you already, you have the wrong number," I said.
“I did everything you asked.” The voice on the other end of the line trembled, “I’ve been waiting for so long."
"Please." I pleaded, “stop bothering me."
"I need to see you." He said, "I'm coming to see you now."
"You don't even know-"
"328 Patti Page Way." The stranger started weeping again, "Don't you remember? We walked from the cabin to the beach and held hands at the promontory."
My stomach dropped. I quickly ended the call and retreated back to my room. After a few panicked moments, I put the chair in front of the door. How did they know where I was? I envisioned a local Romeo bewitched by a visiting Juliet. Now Juliet was long gone and Romeo was heartbroken. And where did that leave me?
Alone and defenseless with my family miles away. I hated myself for arguing over a stupid jacket. Was it really worth it? Arguing with people who would never let me win? Why couldn't I just grin and bear it?
The hours dragged on, each minute feeling like an eternity. I was terrified and bored; I didn't dare put my headphones back on, so I listened. Every creak and groan of the cabin seemed to taunt me. My nerves were shot as I waited for something, anything, to happen. Was the caller all talk and no action, or would some maniac break down the front door in search of his lost Ophelia?
A dozen forevers later, I heard the family car pulling up outside. Relief made me feel weak, but I still managed to un-baracade myself from my room and meet them at the door. My family looked sunburnt and exhausted; when I hugged my father, he reeked of salt and sweat, but I didn't care one damn bit. "Looks like someone learned their lesson."
There was a long pause before he reluctantly hugged me back. My mother entered the cabin holding up the bag of fast food she had gotten for me. When my brother passed my field of vision, he gave me a smirk . I didn’t care. I didn't argue; I just didn't want to be alone and afraid anymore.
That night, as I scarfed down my burger, I told them about the creep on the phone. My mother was horrified and said I should have called the police; my brother rolled his eyes and said I should have just left the phone off the receiver, and my father told me next time, I should grab a steak knife before I went into hiding. That night, I couldn't sleep well. The sound of the ocean was louder than usual, making me feel restless.
The next morning my mother said she wanted us all to go to the beach as a family. My father agreed with a grunt. Leon asked if he could call his friends from a few days ago and have them meet us there. My parents were fine with that.As soon as my brother was off the phone, we grabbed our cooler, beach chairs, and towels. We walked the short distance to the shore. The ocean was just as beautiful before. Sunlight danced upon the waves, creating a breathtaking display of shimmering light. I wanted to stare but instead helped my family find a spot and set up our little beach camp. My brother Leon, ignoring our mother's protests that we had just arrived, went off in search of his friends. I told my parents I wanted to go for a swim, and my father told me to be careful. My mother looked me over and asked why I wasn't wearing the nice new bathing suit she had gotten for me. I didn't really want to go into the water in shorts and a T-shirt, did I?
I explained that I was wearing the pale pink one-piece bathing suit she had bought me- under my t-shirt and shorts. That led to an argument that was as gentle as it was relentless; my mother won out, and I stripped out of my shorts and t-shirt. My father scowled at me and looked away. The salty breeze whipped at my hair, and as I waded into the cold water. Slowly, I let myself sink into the sea, allowing my body to float on its surface. The vastness of the ocean made my insecurity and anger seem insignificatant.
Looking back to the beach, I saw Leon returning with a small group of new friends: two girls and two guys. They introduced themselves to my parents. Then they stripped out of their street clothes, revealing bathing suits beneath. One of the girls wore a swimsuit exactly like the one from the Christie Brinkley poster. My father did not look away from her. An incoming wave lifted me up and dropped me back down again. When I looked back, they were running into the surf, laughing and splashing each other."
There was no way I wanted to share my part of the ocean with them. So I picked a direction and started to swim, my limbs moving with practiced ease. I had always been a good swimmer, but everything changed when I turned twelve and started to gain weight. Despite being an athletic kid, I began overeating in seventh grade. Our house had always been full of snacks, but suddenly, I couldn’t keep my hands off them. I don’t know what changed, but everyone else seemed to have an opinion about it and each one was worse than the last.
Mindful of the riptides, I kept the beach to my left as I swam. I saw volleyball players, solitary people reading, women sunbathing, children playing, strangers all of them but I knew if they saw me they would snicker and make snide remarks.
After a while, longer than I expected, my muscles began to ache, and fatigue set in. It was time to return to land and rest. Maybe I would walk back or maybe just sit on the sand for a while. In the distance, I  noticed a formation of rocks jutting out from the water's surface. It was wide enough for three people to walk along and stretched all the way back to the beach. As I swam closer, I saw it rose about five feet above the waves. The closer I got, the rougher the ocean became, pushing me towards the rocks. I struggled to maintain control, but the relentless waves made keeping my head above water difficult. Salt water filled my mouth, and I collided with the ugly crag with bruising force.
I floated there for a few minutes, clinging to the rock formation. Finding a sturdy handhold, I began to climb, my tired muscles groaning with effort. Finally, I pushed myself up and lay flat on my back, staring at the sky and the gulls. I concentrated on nothing more than catching my breath.
What would have happened if I had drowned? If the angry tide had smashed me against the rocks with fatal force? Would my family even care? Or would they be relieved? Would they make jokes as they searched for a  Plus-Size coffin?
I shut my eyes tightly and kept them closed until I heard a splashing noise nearby. Then, I sat upright and let my feet dangle over the edge of the rocky outcrop. The water was further below now, and I couldn't help but wonder how much time had passed while I lay there, blind to the world.
There was another splashing sound, and then her body broke the surface of the water below me; I hadn't seen anyone swimming there. Her hair was dark, and her face belonged on the cover of a beauty magazine. She was wearing nothing but a white blouse that was two sizes too large for her. The wet fabric revealed a body like something out of Leon's wet dreams. I wanted to grab one of the loose rocks nearby and drop it on her.
She scaled the jagged rocks with the fluid grace of a seal emerging from the water. Our eyes met, and she flashed a smile. "I didn't see you up there.” Dark hair clung to her skin, droplets of water trailing down her face. “I hope I'm not bothering you.”
I shrugged. "It's a free country." Then, with a hint of sarcasm, I added, "Couldn't afford a swimsuit?”
Her smile turned playful. "I have everything I need."
"I bet you do." The bitterness in my voice surprised me, and a twinge of guilt followed. What had she ever done to deserve that? Attempting to recover, I asked, "Uhm, do you like the beach?”
"I love the ocean," she fiddled with the wet fabric covering her torso, pulling it away from her skin only to have it settle back into place just as translucent as before. I got a strange feeling she was doing it for my benefit. "Unknowable, Uncontrollable. And deeper than any of us could imagine."
"That's pretty poetic."
"You have such serious eyes," She said. "Tell me your name."
I did. Then she moved closer, her face even with mine. Her smile became strange. She leaned in close, I thought she was going to say something, perhaps share a secret, but instead, she kissed me. Electric shocks ran through me. I felt numb. I felt sick. I felt warm all over.
The kiss broke. "Who are you?" I breathed.
Before she dove off the rock pier, she uttered just one word: "Ophelia." The name caught me off guard. I was still in shock from our kiss and didn't even hear the splash when she hit the water.
Scrambling drunkenly to my feet I raced back to my parents, the hot sand of the beach burning my feet, the taste of seawater heavy in my mouth, the cool breeze wafting off the ocean making me shiver. Or maybe it was something else making me shiver. I found my family packing up; my mother asked where I had been, and my father demanded to know what I had been up to. I made an excuse about riptides and losing track of where I was, and they believed it. All the while, Leon and his friends watched me and shared conspiratorial grins. On the walk back to the cabin, the girl in the Christie Brinkley swimsuit said, "Your brother told us all about you."
I was about to say something sarcastic when one of the guys said, “Why are you wearing lipstick?"
That stopped me dead in my tracks. I realized the taste in my mouth that I had taken to be seawater was something else. When I touched my lips with my fingers they came back stained red. When had I bitten my lip?
A noise outside the cabin startled me awake. I went to my cracked bedroom window and peered out into the darkness. I didn’t know how late at night it was but sunrise must have been hours away. The noise was like whispering; it wasn’t just one voice but several. Yet, even as that thought occurred, uncertainty crept in—were they really voices? Somehow, I just wasn’t sure. What I was sure of was that, somehow, the sounds were familiar to me, like something out of a dream.
I needed to know what it was. So I quickly threw on the clothes I had worn the day before and quietly made my way to the front door, careful not to wake anyone else in the cabin. There were no stars or moon, just the shadowy outline of low-hanging clouds. As I stepped onto the porch I nearly stumbled over the empty cooler that had been left behind by my parents. There was a sickening moment when I thought I was going to fall flat on my face, but I caught myself on the railing.
The air was warm and thick. Without thinking, I stepped off the porch and began to follow the sound of the whispers that were not whispers. My steps were cautious and shuffling as I waited for my eyes to adjust to the darkness. Gradually, I  realized I was making my way along the familiar path to the beach.
The ocean was a mirror of the starless sky; I knew it was there only by the salty breeze and the rumbling crash of the waves. The sound of waves was so loud that it drowned out the whispers, but they were still there. I closed my eyes, trading one darkness for another, and tried to orient myself to the sound. I was sure it was somewhere to the east, but before I could follow it, I heard a familiar voice. It was the stranger from the phone, "Ophelia!"
My heart began to pound in my chest; sick with fear, I spun in place, looking for him, but I might as well have had my eyes closed.
A figure emerged from the blackness, the outline of a man shuffling along the shore. His shoulders were hunched. I could imagine the tears running down his face, the gaunt face looking far older than the body that carried it. “You said you’d be here,” he said, his voice fading into the sound of the ocean, “You promised.”
Certain he believed he was alone, I began to back away slowly. I didn't dare run. With every step, I feared he would notice me and, despite my very different shape, mistake me for Ophelia. What was it I'd heard my father say to Leon? Something about every woman being the same in the dark.
The not-quite whispers were closer now. I followed the sound until I found myself where the rocky outcropping that had nearly killed me met the beach.
Fear and curiosity drove me to make my way along the ugly crag; water lapped at my feet, numbing them almost immediately. More, by instinct than anything else, I stopped at the edge of the outcrop. The waves were knee-level now, splashing against me relentlessly, trying to push me back. There was inky blackness all around me.
The whispering chorus stopped just as suddenly as it had begun. Impossibily the sound of the waves also vanished and I stood there unmoving, unseeing and unhearing. It made me remember that when I was a little girl, this is what I had imagined being dead felt like.
"I found you!" The sound of the stranger's voice jolted me. He was close behind me, a fast-approaching shadow. Panicked, I ran blindly and blundered over the side of the rock formation into the dark water.
Cold oblivion consumed me.*
I regained consciousness in a cave lit by unseen candles. Strange symbols adorned the walls, and the air was heavy with the scent of saltwater and decay. As my vision adjusted, I saw slender, ethereal shapes moving in the shadows, tending to something—an ugly silhouette that thrashed and gurgled.
A familiar figure loomed over me. Wet, dark hair and sea-blue eyes filled my vision. Her hand stroked my face, gentle yet firm. "Ophelia," I said.
"You've been asleep for so long." She propped my head up, bringing a clamshell to my lips. The water was salty and stung, but before I could protest, I realized I was naked. My clothes lay spread across the rock floor, slowly drying.
Humiliated, I curled into a ball, trying to cover myself. "Don't look at me!" I whispered.
Ophelia grabbed my wrists and pulled me into a sitting position. "You have nothing to be ashamed of." She was naked, too, her skin gleaming as though she had just left the water. "None of us do."
My heart raced, on the verge of tears. "Where am I?"
"Among friends." She drew me close.
I glanced at the feminine shapes lingering in the shadows; they had drawn closer to the figure at their feet. A sound reminiscent of a fish being scaled echoed in the cave, followed by a familiar sob. It was the man from the phone.
"Who are they?" my voice was barely above a whisper.
"I thought you were-” I began.
"We are all Ophelias," she said, her expression darkening, "Born to be martyrs in men's eyes."
I said, "I don't understand."
Ophelia’s mouth became an angry frown, ”We can be daughters, lovers, even angels, but we can never be free from that hateful thing they pretend is love.”
I asked, “Why did you bring me here?”
“Why don’t you stay?”
"You don't even know my name." I breathed, “You don’t know who I am?”
"Do you?" She said with a kiss. She pushed me down onto my back. As her lips moved across my skin, each kiss felt like a cold drop of winter rain. Dizziness washed over me. It was like I was on an elevator that wouldn't stop going up. “Who do you want to be? Are you who others say you are?"
Ophelia started running her nails hard across my chest and belly. I wanted to escape. I never wanted to leave. It was like she was taking me, making me hers. Blood welled up from the cuts and scrapes. She kissed the wounds she had made, one by one, her lips smearing red. The cave was filled with whispered songs that had no words. Her murmuring joined them.
When it was over she held me close.
“I love you,” the voice of the man from the phone said. He sounded like he was drowning, “Isn’t that enough?” He coughed twice and then fell silent.
The candles began to go out one by one, and shadows began to swallow her, trying to snatch her away from me. I kissed her hard on the mouth, losing myself in her. In a matter of seconds, I was lost in darkness.
* It was late in the morning when I awoke. I was lying flat on my back on the crag. The clouds above were a stormy purple, and the rain was coming down hard. I was soaking wet, and my clothes were plastered to my skin. I heard a familiar voice calling my name, but it wasn't one I wanted to hear. I moaned, half with exhaustion, half with anguish. My skin still ached and tingled in the places Ophelia had clawed at me.
With trembling hands, I crawled to the ledge and looked down. The tide had gone out. Fifteen feet below me, Leon was trudging along the surf, wet and miserable, and shouting my name.
"Leon?" I called out. For a hilarious moment, he was utterly bewildered, his square head swiveling back and forth. I called again, "Up here!”
When he finally saw me, he started screaming, "You are in big trouble! Dad is seriously pissed!”
"I just went for a walk.”
"A walk? You've been gone for over a day!" Leon blundered closer until he was directly below me. I could have spit on him if I wanted to.
I scowled down at him, remembering all the times he had disappeared for an entire weekend without a single phone call, only to return to a gentle reprimand from our father instead of a harsh scolding and a slap to the back of the head. I used one of his excuses, "I was with friends."
The expression on his face twisted as if he were looking at something disgusting. "Delores told me she saw you here last night!"
Bile rose up in my throat. "So what?”
"She saw what you were doing! Are you crazy? Why can't you just be normal? What is wrong with—"
A stone the size of a bowling ball crashed down on Leon, crushing his skull. He collapsed face down into the surf, blood clouding the seawater.
I scrambled to my feet to find Ophelia standing near me. "You killed him," I said.
The waves greedily pulled at Leon's body, twisting and bending it like a rag doll only to push it back up the sand again.
I know I should have felt something, but I didn’t. “What am I going to do?’"I whispered, my voice barely audible over the pounding of the rain and the racing of my own thoughts.
“What do you want to do?”
"I want to be with you." The rain pelted us. It was getting cold and dark, but it didn't matter. I felt safe in her arms., "I want to be with you forever."
"Then be with us," she said.
"What about Leon?"
Ophelia chuckled coldly. ”What about him?"
"But the police will find out," I said.
She released me and stepped to the edge of the crag, "In the deep dark," She said, "We are free from judgment."
The downpour had become torrential. Ophelia's words caused me to gaze longingly at the ocean. Each wave crashed against the shore with a powerful roar, sending spray and mist into the air.
She kissed my forehead.
There were no second thoughts, no worries. I turned and started walking back to the cabin. After a few minutes, I turned back to look for Ophelia. Through the storm, I saw four hazy but unmistakably masculine figures standing by Leon's body. Moving clumsily, they lifted his limp form and carried it into the sea.
From the moment I stepped into the cabin my father started screaming at me, my mother was silent and glared reporachfully. The stinging sensation of my scratches was intensifying to the point of almost being pleasurable.
Turning away from them, I walked calmly to the kitchenette. Their voices seemed distant as if echoing from the base of a rocky cliff during low tide. Steady-handed, I reached into the kitchen drawer and retrieved a steak knife. My father's insult rang out. "Oh, Jesus Christ! She's going to make a sandwich!"
Ignoring him was easy. Everything he said was familiar. I waited until his temper broke, and he all but ran at me. He violently grabbed my shoulder, yanking me around to face him.
The knife was dull, but my strength proved more than sufficient to slice open his throat. Blood splattered across both our faces. His scream was gurgling and wet, his mouth gaping like a fish. He stumbled backward, clutching at his neck, tripped over his own feet, and collapsed. I stood there, watching as my father spent the final moments of his life weeping.
When it was over, I looked to my mother. She had been standing by watching, just like always. "Angela, please," she cowered at my approach.
I raised the bloody knife above my head, "That's not my name."
There was enough kerosene left in the cabin's rusty heater, to start a good fire. I watched the structure burn for a little while. I felt nothing; I hadn't felt anything at all since I left Ophelia's arms. When I was finished I headed for the shore.
And now the storm has left the beach deserted, and the ocean crashes and roars against the surf. I am alone and covered with blood. Standing on the slowly retreating waterline, I watch for the first signs of sunrise. I'm waiting. I've been waiting so long.
But Ophelia said she'd be here.
She promised.
The tingling under my skin was painful. I ripped at my clothes and tore madly at the scabs. They broke open easily. The flesh beneath them was unblemished and gleaming.
I waded out into the cold, crashing water, leaving my shirt, shorts, and long red strips of my flesh behind. In the unknowable depths, I would never be a daughter, a punchline, or a scapegoat. I would be free.
With each footstep, the roar of the waves changed, becoming softer and prayer-like. It sounded like a chorus of voices calling out the name "Ophelia."
Voices so very much like mine.
0 notes
angelofdarknessss · 6 months
Beautiful Sinner
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Prologue: 2/2 Previous part: prologue 1/2 Next Parts: 1 Word Count: 3,719 Main Pairing: Toko Fukawa x gen!neautral reader Summary: You meet the headmaster and realize how much danger you and your classmates are in. Author note: Again, This is a slow burn long-fic! Please keep in mind that the reader won't romantically converse with Toko at the very beginning!. Not much I wanna say here! Happy thanksgiving to you all!
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You all started to hear an unfamiliar voice. The voice came from the tv screen on the wall…what was shown was a silhouette of a…teddy bear?
“Ahem! Ahem! Testing, testing! Mike check, one two! This is a test of the school broadcast system! Am I on? Can everyone hear me? Okay, well then…!”
The mystery voice sounded so playful yet dangerous. So calm and unconcerned…Who exactly was this? You felt a deep, unnerving dread at the sound of it. It seems like Makoto felt the same way as his eyes were glued onto the screen.
“Ahh, to all incoming students! I would like to begin the entrance ceremony at…right now! Please make your way to the gymnasium at your earliest convenience…That’s all. I’ll be waiting!” Then the screen cut off. Nothing but silence filled the room.
“What. The. Hell was that just now?” Junko said anxiously.
“Well then, if you’ll excuse me…” Byakuya said before walking out the room calmly. You don’t understand how he could just willingly leave like that after watching that very suspicious announcement. That guy is insane.
“Wait! You’re just gonna leave like that?!” You yell at him. He turns to look at you with a look of disdain. “It’s better than sitting here looking like fools. Goodbye.” He then leaves us.
“Ohh yeah, now I get it! This whole thing was just to get us all pumped for the entrance ceremony!” Yasuhiro lets out a sigh of relief. “Man, thank god it was all a joke. I’d totally be freaked if this was real!”
“Seriously, Yasuhiro? You too?” You look at him with disappointment. “What? It’s obvious, isn’t it? Anyways, I’ll head out too. Wonder what they got planned for us next…” He says before leaving just as Byakuya did.
Right after him followed Leon, Chihiro, Celeste Toko. All who was left was Me, Makoto, Hifumi, Kyoko, Aoi, Sakura, Sayaka, Mondo and Junko. That disturbed feeling you had before.. you couldn’t get it out of your mind. And it looked like you weren’t the only one…
“This…this doesn’t seem right.” Sayaka nervously stated.
“Yeah, that announcement was totally weird.” Junko followed up.
“Maybe, but just staying put doesn’t mean we’ll be safe.” Kyoko bluntly said. “Besides, aren’t you guys just a little curious to find out what’s going on around here?”
You bit your lip. She was right. “Well. Yes, but… how do we know we aren’t just walking into some trap? That didn’t look normal.” You expressed.
Sakura crossed her arms. “If we do not move forward, we learn nothing. The only choice is to push ahead.”
‘I…I guess she’s right.” Makoto shakenly replied. You patted him on his shoulder. “You nervous too?” He just nods. “Yea… how’d you know?” “…I can see you’re shaking.”
Makoto lets out a flustered laugh. “Oh. I am.”
“It’ll be okay.. I think.. that doesn’t stop me from being nervous though. But.. I know we don’t have a choice. We have to go.”
Makoto looks at you for a moment before nodding. “You’re right. They said to go to the gym, right?”
With that, we all headed out of the room and back into the main hallway. We looked towards our left and spotted closed double doors with a sign labeled “gym” above it. Makoto and I nervously walked towards it and headed inside the room. Inside were multiple trophies and banners that hung towards the left of us.
Mondo huffed irritably. “God, I had no idea this Hope’s Peak Academy place was gonna be such a pain in my balls. It really ain’t that much different from the time I spent in juvie. Hell, this place is even worse!”
“Right... it’s like a maze in here. And most importantly... where’s the other students? Why is it just the 17 of us here in this massive school?” You spoke. Sayaka hummed in agreement.
“Isn’t that like, seriously not good?” Junko said nervously. “Th-They’re just trying to spook us! They’ll take those metal plates down later, I’m sure of it…” Taka said, also nervously. If he was trying keep his composure, it really didn’t show right now.
“All we can do now is hope for the best and prepare for the worst. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.” Sakura stated.
“Well, hell, it ain’t like I’m scared or nothin’. Let’s just get this over with!” Mondo angrily says, very clearly just as scared and nervous as we are. “Hey! Where’s whoever called us here!?” He then storms right into the gym. Taka followed him yelling “Mondo, stop! No running!” Sakura and Hifumi soon followed those two.
Now, it was just you, Junko, Sayaka, Kyoko and Makoto.
“Well… should we…?” He looks at you with uncertainty. You can still feel his nervousness radiating from him, and you cant blame him at all. Hell, you weren’t even sure if you wanted to see what was inside that gym. But.. you knew you didn’t have a choice. As Sakura said, if we don’t move forward, we learn nothing.
“Yeah.. lets go. Most of them are already in there anyways.” You turned to look at the remaining students in the room. “Are you guys coming or….?”
Kyoko didn’t respond. Sayaka seemed to be shaking, but ultimately nodded.
“I’m totally getting a bad vibe right now…b-but...it’s... not like we can like… go anywhere else s-so…. yeah whatever.” Junko shakingly sputtered. After that, you and Makoto began to walk towards the doors, and momentarily Junko, Sayaka and Kyoko followed behind us. You placed your hand on handle, anxiety riddling in your bones. But you knew what you had to do. It was inevitable to predict what was going to happen when we stepped in, but no matter what… we need to keep moving.
You opened the door and stepped inside. And what was waiting for you was…. The rest of the students. The gym itself really did look like an entrance ceremony…oh.
“Oh…It just looks like a normal entrance ceremony.” Makoto let out a slight sigh of relief, but you still felt uneasy.
“See? Told ya! It’s totally normal entrance ceremony stuff!” Yasuhiro stated calmly. “Normal?...What kind of entrance ceremony are you used to?!” You asked.
No…No no no….. you don’t believe it. Something is going to happen you just know it. This isn’t…-!
Just then, that same unfamiliar voice was heard…again.
“Hey there, howdy, hello! Is everyone here? Good! Then let’s get things rolling!”
Everyone turned to the front of the gym, what we saw pop seemingly right out of nowhere was…a black and white teddy bear..? What?
“Huh? A…teddy bear?” Chihiro asked confusingly.
“I’m not a teddy bear! I…am…Monokuma! And I am this school’s headmaster!” The bear responded.
What I was seeing was…incomprehensible...indescribable…just…. unreal.
“Nice to meet you all!”
That voice, its so bright and carefree but it felt so completely out of place. It transformed your anxiety to outright terror.
This earned a scream from Hifumi. “Wh—? Waaaaaah! That teddy bear can talk!”
“Calm down! I’m sure there’s just a speaker inside it.” Taka said with uncertainty in his voice.
This seemed to anger Monokuma. “I told you already, I’m not a teddy bear…I’m Monokuma! And I’m your headmaster!”
“AAHH?! It’s alive! Holy fuck?! Kill it kill it!!” You hid behind Makoto, who gave you a ‘Seriously, dude?’ look. Monokuma gives you a saddened look. “So cruel!...I thought I’d be welcomed with more love..”
“Seriously man, calm down! It’s prolyl just a remote-control toy or somethin’.” Mondo sputtered out. He himself wasn’t exactly the calmest compared to the others.
Monokuma’s attention went to Mondo. “How dare you compare me to a child’s plaything! You’ve cut me deep. Deeper than the Mariana Trench…. My remote-control system Is so complex, even the folks at NASA can’t recreate or even comprehend it!” He starts to laugh. “Ah, but don’t make me say stuff that might destroy NASA’s dreams. I just couldn’t BEAR that!”
Nobody laughed at his lame pun. Go figure.
Celeste places her hand over her mouth. “ ‘bear’ that? Really? You are…unfortunate.”
Monokuma clears his non-existent throat “Now then, moving on! We really must hurry and get started…”
Junko scoffed. “Giving up already? No other stupid bear puns?”
“Quiet down now, quiet down. Ah, okay, so…!”
“He has abandoned the gag..” Sakura muttered.
“Everyone, stand at attention and bow! And…good morning!” Right after Monokuma said this, Taka immediately followed up with “Good morning!!!”
“Teachers pet…” You mumbled under your breath. Toko seemed to agree as she stated “Y-You don’t have to s-say it back..”
“Now then, let us commence with a most noteworthy and memorable entrance ceremony!” Monokuma happily states. “First, let’s talk a bit about what your school life here will be like. Now, ah, make no mistake—you few students, so full of potential, represent the hope of the world. And to protect such splendid hope…you will all live a communal life together solely within the confines of this school.”
“Ah, now then…regarding the end date for this communal life…There isn’t one! In other words, you’ll all be here until the day you die! Such is the school life you’ve been assigned.”
It felt like your breath had just been stolen from your body. What do you mean... until the day we die?
“Wh-What did he just say? Until the day we d-die…?” Toko stuttered.
“Oh, but fear not! We have quite an abundant budget, so you won’t lack for all the common conveniences.”
“Shut up! That’s the least of our worries! What is this?!” You yelled.
“Yeah, what the hell? You’re saying I have to live here forever?” Junko angrily asked. “You’re screwing with us, right?”
“I am NOT screwing with you! I am no liar; of that you can be 100% sure.” He yells. “Ah, and just for your information…you’re completely cut off from the outside world.”
“Cut off…? So all those metal plates all over the school…They’re there to keep us trapped in here?” Makoto asked. “That’s exactly what they’re there for. No matter how much you may yell and scream for help…help will not come. So with all of that in mind, feel free to live out your life here with reckless abandon!” Monokuma replied with that same cheery voice. It was starting to really annoy you.
“Come one, what the hell is this? I don’t care if the school or whoever else is behind it all, this is just a bad joke.” Leon stated, followed by Mondo who agreed with him. “Yeah! Cut this shit out! It isn’t funny anymore!”
It never WAS funny!...You’re still freaking the hell out!
“You keep saying this is a lie, or a joke. A bunch of skeptics, all of you.” He laughs into his paws. “But I guess you can't help it, huh? You all grew up in an age where you're taught to doubt your neighbor... Well, you'll have plenty of time to find out whether what I say is true. And when that time comes, you'll see with your own eyeballs that I speak the undeniable truth.”
“Having to live here forever would be…quite the problem.” Celeste sadly but also calmly replies.
“Come, now. What's the matter with all of you? You decided of your own free will to attend Hope's Peak Academy, didn't you? And now, before the entrance ceremony is even finished, you've already decided you want to leave?” He tilts his head with his pay resting on his cheek. “Oh, but you know... I guess I did forget to mention one thing. There *is* one way for you to leave the school...”
Toko’s head perks up at this. “R-really…?”
“As headmaster, I've crafted a special clause for those of you who would like to leave! I call it...the Graduation Clause! Now, let me tell you about this fun little rule. As I mentioned, to maintain an environment of harmony here, we rely on a communal lifestyle. And if someone were to disrupt that harmony, they and they alone would be allowed to leave the school. That, my students, is the Graduation Clause!”
Disrupt the harmony…? What did he mean by this?
“What do you mean by…..’disrupt the harmony’?” You nervously asked him.
Monokuma looked at you with that same creepy smile as he laughed. “Puhuhu… Well, you know… If one person were to murder another~”
“M-Murder!?” Makoto exclaimed. You remained silent from fear, you could only blankly stare at the bear as the word ‘murder’ repeated in your head. “……….”
“Stabbing, strangling, bludgeoning, crushing, hacking, drowning, igniting, how you do it doesn't matter. You must kill someone if you want to leave. It's as simple as that.”
No way… no fucking way…..
“The rest is up to you. Give it your all to achieve the best outcome in the worst way possible. I see that stylist over here is eager to kill, looks like they prepared in advance!” Monokuma laughed loudly. “Puhuhu~! Those scissors can do some real damage to the throat!”
Now all eyes were on you. You hesitated before responding to him. “I-I what?! These are for hair only! I’m not going to murder anyone you sicko!” You defended yourself.
“Keep telling yourself that! I’m sure it’ll work out in the future….anywho..I bet *that* got your brain juices flowing! Beats the heck out of a human catching a salmon, huh? Like I said before, you guys are the hope of the world. But you know... Taking that hope and seeing it get murdered creates a darkened shadow of despair……And I just find that so…darn…exciting!”
Leon began to shake again. “What the hell are you talking about~? To kill each other is..It’s!”
Monokuma tilts his head. “To kill each other is to kill each other. I'm sure there's a dictionary here somewhere if you need it.”
Aoi clenches her fist angrily. “We know what it means, that's not the problem! Why do we have to kill each other!?”
“Yeah! Stop blabbering on with all this nonsense! Just let us go home already!” Hifumi yells.
Suddenly the environment felt even more dark than it originally was. Monokuma’s tone got sharper, he was starting to get visibly irritated again. “Blabbering, blabbering, what do you mean blabbering!? Stop blabbering on about blabbering on! You guys just don't get it do you? "Let us go, let us go!" You keep on saying the same thing over and over and over and over...! Listen. From this moment on, this school is your home, your life, your world. Got it?” He lifts his paws up. “And you can kill as much as you wanna kill! So go ahead, go on a kill-kill-killing spree!”
“Alright, come on…how long are you gonna keep this up?” Yasuhiro smirks, not understanding how much danger he’s in right now.
“You got us, okay? You scared the hell out of us. So you can go ahead and reveal the trick now.”
This guy is seriously going to get himself killed..
“Reveal the trick…?” Monokuma tilts his head.
“Yeah, cuz I mean…Y’know, this is all some kinda trick and all, right? So uh, like…”
“Dude, shut the hell up and get outta my way.” Before Yasuhiro could finish his sentence, Mondo shoves him aside, placing himself right in front of Monokuma. His voice rumbling like thunder.
“Listen up, asshole! This shit’s gone way too far! What the hell kinda joke IS this!?”
“Joke? What, you mean like your hair? Maybe you should’ve got stylist to give you a better hair do!” Monokuma teased him. This severely angered Mondo.
“FFFUUUUUUUUUUUU--! Mondo roared out, then there was a loud BOOM. It was the floorboards, he launched himself into the air and flew straight at Monokuma like a bullet. He held Monokuma into the air with his left hand. “Gotcha, you little piece of shit! I dunno if you're a toy or a stuffed animal or whatever the hell! Either way, I'm gonna rip you to fuckin' shreds!”
“Waah! Violence against the headmaster is in violation of school regulations!” Monokuma flapped his little arms and legs helplessly.
“Mondo! What are you doing?! Don’t touch it!” You yelled. “Shut the fuck up!” he replied to you before turning his attention back to the bear. “Let me outta here you dumb fucking bear…OR I swear to Christ…”
Monokuma went dead silent. Nothing was heard except…beeping.
“What, no smartass comeback this time!?”
The beeping got louder and faster.
He’s a—!
“Stop that goddamn beeping and SAY SAOMETHING!”
“SHIT— THROW IT!” You yelled out.
The beeping gets even faster.
“What…?” Mondo looks at you with confusion.
“Hurry up and throw it!” Kyoko yells. Without hesitation after being told a second time, he did what he was told and as soon as he did—
Monokuma exploded.
We all stood there in complete shock for a moment. If it wasn’t clear to us already, it was now. This isn’t a joke. This was all real. The painful ringing in your ears and the smell of gunpowder proved it.
Mondo was stunned for a few seconds. Fear engulfed his face. “The hell!? Th-That sure as shit wasn’t a joke. It blew the hell up…”
Chihiro held her hands together nervously. “But you know... This means that the teddy bear's been destroyed, right?” This would’ve been good if it was true but…Monokuma just popped right back up out of nowhere.
“I told you, I’m not a teddy bear! I’m Monokuma!”
“AH?! ANOTHER?!” You screamed.
“You son of a bitch! You seriously just tried to kill me just now!” Mondo angrily said. This earned a stern response from Monokuma. “Well, yes. I was serious about trying to kill you. You did violate one of the school regulations, after all. I'll let you off with a warning this time, but you'd better be careful from now on. Any naughty boy or girl who violates my rules won't get off with just a little swat on the butt.”
“H-Hey…So does this mean there’s like, a bunch more of you around here somewhere?” Junko asked.
“Monokumas have been placed all throughout the school, yes. Plus, don't forget the surveillance cameras installed everywhere. And if you're caught breaking any rules, well... you all just saw what happened, right? You don’t want to get BLOWN TO BITS do you?” He laughs into his paws. “Puhuhu... And I won't be so forgiving with my punishment next time. So don't let it happen again!”
“You call that a punishment?...Th-This is just…wrong!” Makoto sputtered out.
“Now then, lastly…To commemorate your joyous entry into our school, I have a little something for you…” He takes out a handbook with the Hope’s Peak Academy logo on it. “This is our official student handbook! Pretty cool, huh? As you can see, it's fully digital. So naturally, we call it... The e-Handbook!”
“Ahem. Yes, well, moving on... This handbook is vital to a healthy school life, so don't lose it! When you start it up, it will display your name. Always make sure you have the right one! Now, this is not your everyday notebook. It has so many more uses than that! Also, it's completely waterproof. Splash it, wash it, drown it, it'll keep on ticking! And thanks to its space-age design, it can withstand an impact force of up to ten tons. Very resistant! It contains all of our school regulations, so make sure you review them thoroughly!”
He now gives us a stern look. “You'll hear me say this a lot, but any violation of school regulations will not be tolerated. Rules restrict, yes, but they also protect. Society, for example, would be utter chaos without laws. The same thing applies here! Which is why it's crucial we have strict punishments in place for violators. Okay, well...that brings our entrance ceremony to a close! Please enjoy your abundantly dreary school life! And...see ya losers!”
And with that, he was gone, leaving us all in a state of pure shock and fear.
“So, guys…How would you define what we just experienced?” Taka asked.
“How…? Why…? I don’t understand any of this…” Leon was shaking, muttering nonsense to himself. But Toko seemed to be even more in fear.
“We have to l-live here forever…? Or…k-kill?...Wh-What…? What just happened!?”
Kyoko and Celeste however, considerably seemed to be the calmest out of everyone here.
“Everyone, we need to just calm down. First, let's just take a second to summarize everything we just heard. Based on what Monokuma said, we essentially have two choice. Choice number one is that we each stay here, living a "communal life" together until the day we die. And the other choice is...” She trailed off, Celeste finishing what Kyoko was about to say.
“If we want to get out of here alive, we must kill someone. Right?”
Chihiro started to cry. “But...killing someone... That's...”
“It’s HORRIBLE! I want to go home! I-I need to see my dad…!” Your body continuously shook. This couldn’t be real, this wasn’t real it shouldn’t be real..
“A lie, is what it is. All these ridiculous things we've heard... This all has to be fake!” Taka was still visibly shaking. No matter how much we wanted to believe it was all a joke… a lie.. it was more than real.
“Right now, it doesn’t really matter if its real or fake. What matters is… Is there anyone here who's seriously considering all this...?” After Byakuya said this, we all went radio silent.
Nobody had a response. Including you and Makoto. You looked at Makoto, then looked around at the others.
We all stared at each other, trying to gauge each other’s thoughts. You could taste the metallic on your tongue from you biting your lip harshly. You then realized the hidden terror within the rules Monokuma laid out…’you must kill someone if you want to leave’. If you trap people in one place and lay out one weapon, someone is bound to take that weapon and murder to leave. It’s just nature, someone will kill. And it made you severely nervous.
We’re forced to wonder. “Is somebody going to betray us?”
And that was how your new school life began…. This school, which seemingly came from heaven at first had rose your hopes high…You thought it was a school full of hope.
But you were wrong. Instead…it was a school full of pure despair.
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Thanks for reading! Hope you'll stick around for my future chapters! <3
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aquagustd · 3 years
lisp 02 - JJK | M
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↣ he has you, but things have gotten worse when it comes to his instincts.
lisp masterlist
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pairing: hybrid!jungkook x reader
genre: smut, fluff, angst
word count: 8K
warnings/tags: snake hybrid!jungkook, dentist!jungkook, sorta new relationship, possessive!JK, mentions of violence, mentions of blood, strong language, bromance, sloth hybrid!namjoon, black panther hybrid!yoongi, dom!JK, explicit smut- clit pinching, choking, sex on the kitchen floor, pussy slapping, spanking, oral (f & m), throat fucking, scratching, biting, praise kink, dirty talk, overstimulation, riding, hickeys, double penetration, unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, cum inflation, creampie
a/n: guess who’s Yoongi’s scared human friend 🤪
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It’s quiet. So quiet.
Soft mumbles and the ringing from the telephone fill the crisp air. And you’re incredibly bored. Sana had said that Jungkook is busy with a patient, but you’ll get to see him next. She’s fun to chat to but that damn phone keeps interrupting your conversation.
“So,” she spins around in her chair, citrine eyes crinkling as she smiles, “yeah. What was I saying? Oh yeah! How long have you and Jungkook been dating?”
You lean over the counter, resting your chin on your arms, “seven months now.”
“Wow,” her tongue flicks out, “and you’ve been best friends since preschool?”
“Yeah,” your eyebrows furrow, “Jungkook told me yesterday that you and him-“
She waves a hand dismissively, manicured nails pinching through a stack of papers.
“It was just a friends with benefits thing. And then we tried dating for a while, but it didn’t work out.”
You laugh, “I’m not worried or anything. You might think that two snake hybrids would be perfect for each other.”
She chuckles, “hardly.”
“Your eyes are so pretty.”
She smiles, “thank you. I know that Jungkook’s eyes change color depending on his moods. I thought it might be a bad idea for me to take on a job as a receptionist, but I guess the people who come in here aren’t afraid at all.”
“If anything, they’re drawn to it,” you giggle, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
“I didn’t know Jungkook had a snake hybrid friend-“
“Oh no no no,” she holds her fist up to her mouth, “we aren’t friends. He just gave me this job because he saw me one night at the-“
The telephone rings again and she holds up her index finger. You tap your shoe on the wooden floors impatiently, eyes scanning the brightly lit area when you see the door to Jungkook’s operatory open, halting in your tracks when you take notice of who exits the room.
“Y/N. Hey.”
You walk toward him, standing a few feet away.
“Hey Yoongi.”
His long black tail swishes behind him, pearly whites on display as he smiles down at you.
“What are you doing here?”
Dumb question but he answers anyway.
“Oh I just came here for a routine check-up. I come here often. Do you know how relieved I was when I found out that a dentist who’s a hybrid is opening up a practice?!”
He takes a step forward, fluffy ear swivelling in Sana’s direction when she puts the phone down.
“Are you also- woah!”
He stares at you, eyes blown wide, “nothing. You just smell like-“
“Like what?”
You’re panicking a bit. Even more when you realize that he can place every scent that you emit. Every scent.
“No. Nothing,” he reaches up to touch your shoulder but decides against it, “see you around.”
You watch him zoom out of the office, tail almost getting caught in the door as he leaves.
You turn to Sana, “that was weird.”
She laughs, “he’s weird. He’s so particular about his teeth.”
You scratch the back of your neck, deciding to ask her because you don’t want to be in the presence of Jungkook if you smell bad. Even though the smell of your perfume and the clean scent from the office lingers in your nostrils.
“Do I smell bad?”
“No,” she grins, “you just…have Jungkook’s scent on you. A lot of it. Basically like a neon sign above your head to warn other hybrids.”
“Warn them about what?”
She shrugs, “that you’re his.”
Oh. The corners of your mouth lift a bit, knowing that you smell like him. That he left a literal imprint on you. You rush toward the wooden door, waving at Sana as you go.
The fluorescent light stings your eyes a bit, blinding you momentarily. You pull off your saddle bag and drop it on the chair next to the door. Broad back greeting you.
“Come in.”
His back is turned to you, the room smells strongly of detergent. You decide to have a little fun, so you deepen your voice a bit, speaking with a sultry tone.
“Yes, doctor.”
He’s too busy rinsing his hands at the small sink in the corner, drying them with a piece of tissue. You’ve been to his practice before, but this is the first time you’re one of his patients.
You aren’t actually here for a proper reason. Your boyfriend has been far too busy these days and this is the only way to get his attention for longer than fifteen minutes.
“Leave your file on the desk to your left.”
You have no file in your hands, so you walk to the dental unit, laying down flat on the chair.
“This is my first time here, doctor. Your office just opened and you’ve already made a reputation here for yourself,” voice low and seductive.
“Mhm,” back still turned to you. You jolt in the chair a bit when you hear him snap on his bright blue gloves.
“You know, even though there’s probably over a hundred different scents floating around in this room, hybrids and humans included,” he spins around, smirk in place, “I can still place yours, precious.”
How stupid of you to forget that your boyfriend is a hybrid. A snake hybrid who can smell better with his tongue, like he’s doing now, making his way toward you, tongue flicking out.
“Alright,” he clips a tissue to your chest, pulling up his mask, “open up.”
You grin, parting your legs as wide as they can go, dangling off the chair. You see his slit pupils dart from your face to your thighs, rolling his eyes a bit.
When you try to close your legs, a gloved, cold hand holds one down, keeping them open. You stare up at him, feigning innocence. His eyes are crimson red. The corner of your mouth quirks up, hand reaching up to stick it into his white coat, fingers grazing the material of his jeans before he grabs your hand, fingers curling around your wrist.
“Precious. Is this what you came here for?”
You shake your head, “I just wanted you. Been missing you.”
He softens a bit, but the grip he has on your thigh and wrist prevents you from moving even an inch toward him.
“Precious,” he pats your thigh, signaling for you to keep them open which you do, eyes fluttering shut when his fingers slide up your bare thigh, landing just below the hem of your shorts.
You feel him nip at the skin of your wrist, eyes flying open.
“Remember what I told you, precious.”
You gulp, nodding meekly, wiggling your hips a bit.
He unbuttons your shorts expertly, glove clad hand dipping into them, rubbing your throbbing clit through your panties. You sigh in bliss, it’s been weeks since he touched you like this.
He rubs tight circles on your pulsating bud, arousal pooling in the material.
It isn’t long before you’re squirming, asking for more. He pinches your clit softly and you cry out, seeing his tongue dart out of his mouth erratically.
“You come here, to my workplace and try to distract me. And I have other patients waiting outside.”
He leans down, lips brushing yours, “what do you think that gets you, precious?”
You’re pressed into the uncomfortable chair, eyes glued to his, pussy aching for his touch.
Your breath hitches when he slides his finger down your swollen folds then pulls away abruptly, leaving you whining.
“But you’ll just have to wait until I’m done, precious.”
You open your mouth to protest but he wags a finger in front of your face, in warning.
Begrudgingly, you get off the stool and stop at the door, glancing over your shoulder.
“What time will you be done?”
“When I’m done with my patients.”
Right. He leaves his office around 6PM every weekday, sometimes later.
“Wait in my office.”
You huff and slam the door as you leave, smiling a bit at Sana when you pass her desk and head out of the cramped-up space, crowded with his patients. He wants you to wait in that boring office of his with nothing to do but read the same ‘how to brush your teeth correctly’ charts all over again. And to top it all off you haven’t been with him for weeks. You’re going straight home, but what’s even more frustrating is that you can’t take care of yourself, because he’ll know. He knew the last time, and you had to place a pillow under your ass wherever you sat for two weeks.
You sulk, responding to emails with a permanent scowl on your face, cursing Jungkook whenever you think of him. You can’t help your thoughts, thinking that the first six months were just the honeymoon phase and now he’s grown bored of you. When you think of it, the last time you had sex was only because you initiated it. He does cuddle you and keep his hands in your jeans pockets, giving your ass little pinches. But that’s it from him.
It makes your heart curl up in your chest. You love him, a lot. But you have no idea how you would react if he were to ever hurt you. It scares you almost, the effect he has on you.
The sound of someone banging on your door pulls you out of your thoughts. You throw your blanket over the armrest of the couch and turn around the corner to your front door, thinking that it might be Hoseok or Taehyung. You yank the door open to be met with a very stern Jungkook, corners of his mouth turning down, hands stuffed in his jeans.
He steps into your apartment and closes the door behind him, backing you up into the kitchen, eyebrows up to his hairline, forked tongue poking out when his eyes rake down your figure.
“I thought I told you to wait?”
You scoff, sitting on the red barstool near the counter, folding your arms as you lean back.
“I wasn’t gonna wait till 6 in the evening. I had work to do.”
He laughs, scratching the skin above his eyebrow.
“Work that you could’ve been done some other time.”
Your mouth hangs open, blinking at your boyfriend stupidly.
“What are-“
He places his hands on either side of your body, palms pressing into the cool counter, caging you in. You gulp, feeling his heavy breath waft over your face, mint invading your nostrils.
“I thought. I told you. To wait.”
He repeats, each word darkening his eyes, swirling into red, sending a shiver down your spine.
“I- wasn’t-“
He clicks his tongue, eyes boring into yours. And you’re quick to correct yourself, even if you don’t want to.
“I’m sorry.”
“Not sorry enough. Apparently,” he reaches behind you, producing the half empty can of Coke you had abandoned a few hours ago.
His eyebrow jumps in question, long fingers holding the metal as if it were some dug up fossil.
“You know. I- I eat junk when I’m sad.”
“You were sad?”
You nod, eyes dropping to the floor, sweaty palms holding onto your knees.
“Why were you sad, precious?”
“Because,” you breathe, voice above a whisper, “I haven’t seen you in weeks and when we do see each other…It just doesn’t feel like before.”
Your eyes stay on the floor, fingers rubbing your knees.
Eyes flickering up to meet his, you see the pained look in them. Probably a mirror image of your own.
“I admit that I haven’t been spending as much time as I’d like with you. I’m sorry, okay?”
Smile stretching your lips, you reach for him, but he jerks away, your hand falls back into your lap, eyes glued to his face as he towers over you.
“But that doesn’t mean you should behave like a spoiled brat,” he spits, hand sliding along the counter to touch your back, cold fingers digging into your skin through the thin material of your sleepshirt.
“Do you admit it?”
You tip your head down, nodding slowly, eyes locked on his.
He bares his teeth as he smiles, fangs poking into his lower lip, “you admitting it won’t ease your punishment. Turn around.”
Quick to obey, you jump off the stool in the little space he provides, spinning around slowly, nerves creeping up your body.
“Hands flat in front of you.”
Your trembling fingers lay flush to the counter, eyes closing in anticipation.
“Open up. You know,” he chuckles, raspy and cold, “like what you did earlier.”
Taking your bottom lip between your teeth, you spread your legs a bit, fluffy socks slipping on the tiles. He hums in appreciation and your breath gets caught in your throat when you feel his cold fingers push up your shirt, pussy clenching around nothing when he tugs on the hem of your shorts and panties, pulling it over the globes of your ass, exposing you to his ravenous eyes.
“Look at you.”
His palms smooth down your thighs, chest rumbling as he groans.
You yelp when he presses you flat against the granite, cheek meeting the cold, ass cheeks enjoying the cold of his fingers.
“Take a deep breath for me precious.”
You take in as much as you can, feeling your hole clench uncontrollably as you exhale, knowing he must be watching you, how needy you are for him.
The first smack has you crying out so loudly that your throat starts to burn, even more because it landed where you didn’t expect it, right on your swollen folds.
“Fuck. You’re dripping,” laugh sending a wave of goosebumps all over your body, “soaking my fingers when I barely even touched you.”
You jolt up on the counter when he lands the second slap to your pussy, eyes prickling with tears with the power of his fingers, your own curling around the counter.
He smacks your right ass cheek, lightly, what he thinks is easeful.
“I said hands flat on the counter.”
Your palms slide up, limp forearms sitting next to you, each smack creating a pulsating effect on your engorged clit, knowing how red your folds must be with the force of his hand, soft sobs leaving your lips.
“Take it,” the sound echoes throughout your apartment, ring clad fingers lingering on your folds, spreading your slick everywhere.
Lower lip trembling, you stick your ass out more, he lands three harsh smacks to your ass in succession, frosty palm soothing the burn. He grabs your wrists and yanks you away from the counter, pulling you back onto him as he falls onto the floor.
You cry out feeling his rock-hard cocks dig into your thighs as he pulls off his pants hastily, tough chest burning into your back while you hold onto his thighs, lifting your hips a bit, watching how he grips base of his cock, tip disappearing into your sopping pussy.
He growls, fingers sliding up to wrap around your neck, keeping his cheek pressed to yours as he fucks into you, cock slipping in and out of your clenching walls.
“Fuck. You gonna cum so soon? You love pissing me off, don’t you?”
His voice is strained, thick cock grazing your sweet spot, twitching when you start to move in tandem with his thrusts, fingers digging into the skin of his thighs. His thumb and fingers press into the sides of your throat, your eyes roll back, working your hips back and forth, rolling onto his cock.
He keeps a tight hold around your neck, fingers inching down to rub your clit vigorously, you yell his name, pleasure surging through you when his fingers cut off your air, orgasm washing over you in an overflowing heat, shuddering on top of him. Loads of his cum shoot into you, his fingers dance up your jaw to tilt your head, lips covering yours feverishly.
You lay limp in his hold, slowly twisting around when he lifts you up off the ground, grinning contentedly.
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The candied scent drifts over you with the steam, scalding water calming your aching bones, soft scratches lulling you into a daze.
“Yes baby?”
He wraps an arm around your chest, pulling you further into his back, bubbles travelling with his hand.
“If I dye my hair, what color would you like to see on me?”
Your eyebrow jumps, tilting your head a bit to look up at him, seeing the water droplets collect between his collarbones.
“Won’t it irritate your scalp?”
He shakes his head, observing the way his fingers push your damp strands of hair away from your face, “Yoongi told me that there’s this hybrid-friendly dye, I want to try it.”
You laugh, “Yoongi?”
He shrugs, pink lips getting caught between his teeth, “he’s cool.”
You settle against his chest, eyes closing in contemplation.
“I like black on you.”
“Yeah,” you sigh, slipping further into the water, “but any color would look good on you.”
Fingers sliding between the valley of your breasts, he hums. He has a few colors that he wants to try, but he wants a color that might suit his scales. Then again, his scales aren’t vibrant so any color would match them.
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You’re walking down the short hallway, pressing your ear against Jungkook’s door when you hear the roaring, masculine laughter come from the other side. Eyebrows pinching together, you try to place the other voice, one is Jungkook’s, but the other is-
The sound of the door opening behind you grabs your attention, you’re met with a beaming Namjoon, holding a bunch of bananas in one hand, one peeled and half-eaten in his other.
“Hey,” you walk toward him, gesturing to the door behind you, “who’s in there with Jungkook?”
He leans against the doorframe, speaking as he chews, “some jaguar hybrid. He looks scary.”
Your eyes dart to the door behind you, “jaguar?”
“I don’t know,” he shrugs, “looked like a cat. Smelled like a dangerous cat.”
“Yeah, this is the first time I’ve heard him have fun with someone other than you,” he nods, plucking a banana from the bunch and thrusting it in your direction, “banana?”
You shake your head, “no thanks.”
When you spin around to unlock Jungkook’s door, Namjoon tails you to the other side of the hallway, you ignore him, twisting the handle and entering the apartment to see Jungkook holding Yoongi’s legs while he holds two dumbbells in his hands, lifting up off the floor, eyes bugging out of your head.
Jungkook’s hair is red.
Walking further into the lounge, Namjoon still following close behind, a weird scent fills your nostrils. It smells earthy.
“Oh. Hey, Y/N.”
Jungkook sets Yoongi down and you notice that they’re both sweating, Jungkook not as much as Yoongi.
“Do you like my hair?” He points to his fiery head proudly, “Yoongi dyed it for me.”
Yoongi lifts his palms, large hand stained with patches of red.
“You look…hot.”
He does look hot, very sexy, the red is so flattering on his skin tone, and you find yourself salivating, wanting to drag him into his bedroom and let him do whatever he wants with you.
“What’s that smell?”
You see Namjoon scrunch up his nose from the corner of your eye, still munching on his banana.
“Oh,” Yoongi hits Jungkook’s chest with the back of his hand, “we were working out.”
You gesture between the two of them, “so you guys are like, friends now?”
Yoongi exchanges a look with Jungkook, “does that bother you? You know, because we fu-“
You hold up your palms, “no! It doesn’t.”
“Y/N! Yoongi can do weird tricks with his tongue.”
Your eyes flicker to Yoongi, who side-eyes you, remembering his tricks.
“Show them,” Jungkook grins, handing him a bottle of water.
Yoongi takes a swig and sets the bottle down on the coffee table, he tips his head back and you watch with narrowed eyes as a spiral of water shoots out of his mouth, curving into the air to land on the table.
Namjoon claps from beside you, while Jungkook climbs onto Yoongi’s back who shoves him away.
“That’s the trick?”
Yoongi nods, rubbing the side of his nose with his knuckle, “yeah.”
You roll your eyes, the strong scent burning your eyes a bit.
“I think I’m gonna head home if you guys are still working out.”
Jungkook jogs up to you, the first time he’s speaking with his natural accent in front of others, “I’ll see you later or tomorrow, okay?”
With a kiss to your cheek, he saunters back to Yoongi who waves at you and Namjoon as you exit the apartment.
You adjust your bag on your shoulder and turn in the direction of the stairs when Namjoon’s soft voice stops you.
“You can hang out with me? If you want?”
Something about the look in his eyes is persuading you, so you follow him into his apartment, a fresh eucalyptus fragrance invading your senses as he guides you to a lounge with no couch, just enormous cushions sprawled across the floor.
“Sure you don’t want a banana?”
You shrug, arm stretching out, “gimme.”
He hands you one and watches as you peel, settling on the other purple cushion. His apartment has a similar set up to Jungkook’s but the interior is a stark contrast to his. Figurines sitting atop shelves that line every wall, plants in every corner, kitchen neat and clean.
“Yoongi is a panther hybrid. I know now,” he nods, nails tapping against his chin, “I sensed something between you and Yoongi.”
You cough, “yeah we uhh…had something going on for a few days.”
“Does it bother you that he and Jungkook are friends?”
“I don’t really know how I feel about it. Yoongi and I weren’t dating or anything.”
Namjoon hums, “well, I think it’s nice that Jungkook finally found a friend. It’s hard for us hybrids to find friends who don’t care about breeds and all that stuff.”
You’re curious about him, from the time Jungkook had introduced you to his neighbor, you’ve never seen anyone visit him.
“Do you have any friends?”
He picks at his nails, they look much more firm than human nails, white all the way to the cuticle.
“Not really,” he smiles, eyes disappearing into slits, “I had a friend. A long long long time ago.”
“Yeah? Was it a hybrid or…?”
He nods, voice small, “hybrid. Fox hybrid.”
Your eyes widen, “really?”
He chuckles, sinking down into the plush material, “yeah. He wasn’t like other predator hybrids.”
You mirror his action, the cushion is even more comfortable than you thought, “so…where is he now?”
“Something…happened,” his voice cracks a bit, eyes shifting from your face to the window behind you.
Your heart clenches in your chest, you reach over to pat his knee, “I’m sorry.”
He shakes his head, smile splitting his face in a second, “it’s okay.”
“I’m your friend. And so is Jungkook.”
His shoulders shake as he laughs, “you don’t have to be my friend out of pity.”
“I’m not. You seem like a fun person.”
He yawns, arms stretching into the air, “I guess so. Wanna see the hammock I strapped in the balcony?”
You nod eagerly, finishing up the banana and tossing the peel into the bin as you pass the kitchen. You want Hoseok and Taehyung to meet Namjoon. He’s so calm and sweet, at first glance you won’t notice it, but you know that his eyes hold more pain than he’d like to show.
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“Yeah, I’m heading out with Jungkook. For lunch,” you inform Taehyung then end the call, pulling the silver handle to enter the empty reception area. Your shoulders touch your ears when you see Jungkook turn around the corner and lock his office, tugging the lapels of his black jacket.
“Hey, precious. Ready?”
You take his awaiting palm, watching him switch off the lights and yank the door open, leaving your hand for a bit to lock the door.
“Did Sana leave already?”
He hums, forked tongue poking out as he guides you down the stairs and out of the building, “it’s quiet today, so I said we’ll close up early. Plus, we didn’t have anyone booked for this evening.”
It’s chilly outside, so Jungkook keeps his hand in yours the whole way to the restaurant, golden eyes flickering to yours as you speak. When you enter the restaurant, you tighten your hold on Jungkook’s hand, seeing Yoongi sit at the table you and Jungkook usually occupy whenever you eat here.
When Jungkook waves at him, you yank him down so his ear touches your lips.
“Did you invite him?”
He nods, smile dropping when he takes notice of the way you glower at Yoongi. It was supposed to be your lunch date.
“I’m sorry. Should I have asked first?”
You shake your head, fingers curling around Jungkook’s arm, “it’s okay.”
As you walk to the table, seeing Yoongi perk up as he grins at Jungkook, you think about what Namjoon said. About hybrids not being able to make friends easily. You should have known that, even if he didn’t tell you, because Jungkook didn’t have any friends since preschool and if he did try to befriend another predator hybrid, they would act too dominating. So, you try not to sulk as you order your food, Jungkook’s fingers brush the warm skin of your stomach under the table as he chats to Yoongi about some gym equipment.
You set the menu down, leaning into Jungkook’s side, “what are you ordering?”
Laughing, you smack his shoulder playfully, hair sticking on his jacket as you pull away from him, “you don’t eat steak in a hurry.”
“I told him to try the steak here. He might like it,” Yoongi shrugs, waving over the waitress and placing his and Jungkook’s order while you’re left to repeat the name of the vegetable wrap you chose.
The waitress gives a perfunctory smile and rushes off, while you’re left to listen to Jungkook and Yoongi’s chatter about some medical term. You’d think that Yoongi would be the third wheel but it’s you, you’re the one whose mouth is clamped shut, huffing when you can’t get a word in.
“Y/N,” Jungkook calls after ten minutes when the wood is served, “did you know that Yoongi is a gynaecologist?”
You can’t hide the shock on your face, eyes darting to Yoongi, “I…didn’t know that. I just knew that he was a doctor.”
Yoongi gives you a small smile as he tears into the steak, sauce being wiped away with a tissue as soon as it hits his face. Jungkook is just as messy, except he uses a knife to cut his steak while you pick at the vegetable wrap.
“We went to the same medical school,” Jungkook speaks around a mouthful, “just a few years apart.”
“If I wasn’t older than you, we would’ve probably met there!”
“Yeah! Except we’re from different departments,” Jungkook adds, tongue poking out as he speaks.
Jungkook’s lisp is coming out more and more, and the thought that he is comfortable enough to speak with his natural accent in front of Yoongi makes your heart stir. Jungkook never had a friend, other than you. You’re happy for him.
“Did you speak to that girl you told me about?”
Yoongi shakes his head, dropping the last piece of steak into his plate, “she’s still too scared. I know she likes me.”
“She’ll come around eventually,” Jungkook grins at you, while you shoot him a puzzled look.
“What girl?”
Jungkook points at Yoongi, “the human that’s too afraid to date Yoongi.”
You laugh, “she’s afraid? Why?”
“I don’t know,” Yoongi shrugs, “something about me losing control. She doesn’t have anything against hybrids though.”
When the bill comes out, Jungkook and Yoongi spend almost ten minutes arguing, in the end they decide to split the bill while you’re left baffled. They didn’t even bother to ask you to pitch in.
“What an odd trio. Two predators and a prey.”
Your head whips in the direction of the voice as you’re leaving the restaurant, seeing a man observe you from his seat near the entrance, Jungkook roots you to the spot, glaring at the hybrid. You have no idea what breed he is, but the two brown ears atop his head give you an idea, chocolate brown sclera burning with his pupils.
Yoongi is glaring at the smug-looking hybrid, the corner of his mouth quirks up when he turns to Jungkook who wears the same expression.
“You don’t know what danger you’re in darling, hanging with these two,” he points to Jungkook and Yoongi, your hold on Jungkook’s arm tightens when you feel him tense, looking up at him to see his jaw set, the beginnings of crimson eyes.
“Darling?” Jungkook steps forward, taking you with him while the man stands to his full height, he looks to be about Jungkook’s age but he’s far taller than him, so tall, Jungkook has to tip his head up when he stands a few feet away. The smoky scent from the hybrid overpowers Jungkook’s and it frightens you a bit. His teeth look terrifyingly sharp, and his nails look even sharper, as if he filed them that way.
“Who do you think you’re calling ‘darling’?”
Jungkook’s eyes are fully red now, fangs digging into his lower lip, you tug on his arm, silently pleading with him to let it go. He’s obviously looking for trouble.
You turn around to ask Yoongi for help, but his eyes are set on the bear hybrid, eyes a glowing yellow. A fearful shiver runs down your spine, especially when the waitress tells Yoongi to take whatever is happening outside.
“Y/N,” Yoongi calls your name once you’re standing in the parking lot, “come here.”
“No,” you try to grab Jungkook’s shoulders but he’s too stiff, and you know it’s too late. Especially when the other hybrid makes another remark.
“Tell your plaything to listen to the mongrel.”
Yoongi grabs your arm, pulling you away from Jungkook who tackles the man to the ground, cries echoing in the empty lot when he shoves his foot into Jungkook’s stomach, face hitting the metal pole near them. Your vision is blurry, hearing Jungkook groan in pain when the hybrid sinks his nails into the sensitive scales on the side of his neck.
You can’t bear to watch anymore, grabbing Yoongi by his shirt, “help him!”
He shakes his head, “he won’t let me. He’ll be fine.”
Blood is smeared across Jungkook’s forehead, almost unrecognizable with the way he pounces and tears at the hybrid’s throat. Your heart is pounding in your chest, face feeling hot, blood rushing to your head as you watch them, knowing that this isn’t going to end until one of them end up unconscious or worse. A threat is detected, and their animalistic urges take full control of their body. Each wound to Jungkook is like a wound to you, heart skipping several beats. And when Jungkook is twisted around, falling flat to the ground, knee meeting the back of his head wrathfully, the tears roll down your cheeks in agony.
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“Hold still.”
Jungkook fiddles with the sides of your shirt, eyes glued to the printed letters on them. He hisses when you dab the gash on his forehead, seeing his eyes scrunch shut, lips pursed as he tries not to jerk away from you and make you even more annoyed.
“Do you know how crazy you looked? Jungkook?”
The anger in your tone doesn’t waver when he glances up at you, big doe eyes meeting yours.
“Do you have any idea how terrified I was to see you like that? You were reckless.”
“He-“ he pouts, cool fingers tickling your bare thigh, “he was acting like an asshole.”
“He was provoking you,” you correct, grabbing another cotton ball to pat the scales on his neck with careful fingers, he twitches when you press down, head tilting to the side.
“Exactly. He shouldn’t have done that.”
“No,” you chide, face level with his, “you shouldn’t have done that.”
You hear him sigh as you rinse your hands in the sink, spinning around to survey his wounds one last time.
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s too late,” you chuckle emptily, “the damage is done. We’re never to enter that restaurant again, and everyone thinks you’re some kind of feral who doesn’t know how to behave in public.”
His gaze lowers to the beige mat on the floor, the lighting in his bathroom accentuates the golden flecks in his eyes when he stares up at you again, pulling you to stand between his legs as he sits on the toilet lid.
“I’m sorry.”
“What if your patients hear of this? Hmm?” You place your hands on his shoulders, thumbs rubbing the sides of his neck soothingly, slowly giving into his hypnotizing stare.
“They won’t,” he grabs your waist and sets you down on his thigh, arms encircling your torso.
His nose nudges yours, scent that is solely his filling your nostrils, you dip your head, connecting your lips in a sweet kiss, palm cupping his jaw delicately. His tongue slides along yours as you tilt your head to deepen the kiss, palm warming his back with soft rubs. Your lips travel down his jaw, cradling his face as you suckle on the skin below his ear.
You hear him inhale sharply when your mouth grazes his scales. And for the first time, you kiss the fragile skin, tongue darting out experimentally along the slippery and cool trail along his neck. Your suckles become urgent, tongue swirling against the skin, feeling his Adam’s apple bob under your palm.
“Y/N. Y/N Y/N, wait.”
You pull away, eyebrows furrowed in question.
“There’s something I have to tell you.”
You adjust his shirt on his shoulder, “okay.”
He seems nervous, and that makes you a little anxious to hear what he has to say. He intertwines your fingers, holding the back of your hand up to his cheek.
“Y/N…We’ve been dating for seven months now.”
You suck your bottom lip into your mouth, nodding for him to continue.
“But I’ve loved you for longer.”
A smile breaks the serious air around the two of you, burying your face in his neck only for him to nudge you.
“Y/N. Listen. This is serious.”
Your fingers twist the hair at the back of his head, bright fringe falling into his eyes.
“I’m listening, baby.”
“Okay,” he gulps, “I just want you to know that…you’re the only family I have besides my mother. You are my family. But I’m hoping,” he breaks your gaze, fingers tracing patterns on your thigh, “I’m hoping that-“
The fact that he’s struggling to say the words makes your heart thump erratically in your chest, palms lying flat on his shoulders.
“Jungkook. What is it?”
“I want you to be my family…And I hope that one day we can extend our family.”
You nod, lump forming in your throat, “of course,” you peck his pout, “of course, baby. One day.”
“But it’s just that-“
Your eyes search his, urging him to continue, wondering why he has such a downhearted expression.
“I just don’t know if you’d want to have kids with me.”
You can’t help the tears from wetting your lashes, bottom lip trembling.
“Jungkook…Why would you ever think that? I love you,” you’re at a loss for words, you just want to comfort him, let him know that he’s the only man you’ve ever loved to the point where you would have his babies tomorrow if he asked. He means so much to you, and you can’t imagine your life without him. Your future even brighter if it were filled with little Jungkooks.
“It’s just. My mother told me once that my father was disappointed when I was born. It took him months to make peace with the fact that I was like my mother.”
You adjust your position on his lap, feeling his cold palm slither under your shirt.
“But he married your mother. Having a hybrid baby was inevitable.”
He shakes his head, “not always but most of the time. But the point is…would you be disappointed? If you have kids who have snake DNA in them?”
“I love you. And I’d love my kids even more.”
His frown morphs into a grin, forked tongue poking out, “yeah?”
You pinch his chin, “mhm. But where is all this coming from?”
He shrugs, “was just thinking about it. I’m not saying we should have kids now. I mean like…in the future. I just wanted to know.”
“Okay, okay,” you drag him to his bedroom.
“Yes. Not now.”
You push him down on the mattress, straddling his lap and pulling off his shirt, “but we can practice.”
Eyes narrowing into slits, his nails catch on your shirt, tearing down the center.
You smack his chest, “this is the fifth one!”
He rolls his eyes, pushing you back on the bed, your hair dangles off the mattress, giggling as he kisses down the valley of your breasts.
“I’ll buy you more,” he rips off your panties, dripping folds coming into contact with the frigid air.
His hands slide up your ass, rolling you over onto your side, smirking as he holds your thigh up, tongue rolling silkily along your folds. You pant, already feeling the effects of his saliva surge through your body, sparks shooting through you when his tongue lays flat against your clit, nudging it this way and that, slick pouring out onto his face.
“Fuck,” you bury your face in the sheets, hips rocking as his tongue curls into your slit, lapping up your juices greedily, humming around your clit, wiggling his face into your pussy. You cry out, jerking in his hold while his nails pierce into the meat of your thigh.
“I’m-“ you melt under his ministrations, hot pussy flush against his cold mouth as he creations a suction effect on your hole, seeing stars behind your lids when he continues to flick his tongue, feeling him on your slit and your throbbing bud, fingers tugging on his hair when his vibrating tongue becomes too much, hips pulsing against his face.
He kisses the crevice between your thigh and your pussy, fangs poking into the supple skin as you close your legs around his head, still recovering from your high.
“Love eating your pussy,” he lifts you up, you set your feet on the floor and kneel in front of him, smirking when you grab the base of his sticky cocks, “love fucking your throat too.”
You work your fists over his throbbing cocks, veins prominent on each one, spreading the precum along the shaft, twisting on each upstroke. He grabs the back of your head and pushes the tip into your awaiting mouth, balls slapping your chin as he begins with a ruthless pace, tears prickling your eyes when you feel the tip graze the back of your throat.
“So good. That’s it, precious.”
You moan, fist working just as fast as your mouth, hollowing out your cheeks to see his face contort into euphoria, fangs pressing into his lower lip as you bob your head over his length, tongue curling around the veins, tears streaming down your face.
“Look at you, such a good girl for me,” he holds your head with both his hands, keeping his cock buried in your tight throat while you hum, breathing evenly through your nostrils, gaze set on his. Your thumb splits the slit of his cock, copious amounts of precum dribbling out and coating your hand.
He pulls you off his cock and guides your swollen lips to the other one, chest heaving as much as yours. You’re happy to pleasure him in any way he wants, hearing him chuckle breathlessly when you push him a little further down your throat and swallow a few times.
One hand holds your head while the other grips your jaw, thumb digging into your cheek as your mouth slides up his girthy cock, hand coming up to fondle his balls, feeling it clench in your palm as you tug, cocks twitching in your hold. Your lips hover over the pink tip as you fill your lungs with air then sink back down, determined to make him cum, fist working just as fast, squeezing around his length. Groans slip from his mouth, head falling back as he fucks your mouth and your fist, shuddering when you feel ropes of cum hit your shoulder and slip down your throat, mixture of your saliva and his fluids trickle out of the corners of your mouth, fingers still working on his balls as he rides out his high, thumb and tongue flicking his frenulum.
“Fucking hell,” he wipes your bottom lip with the pads of his fingers, pulling you up to straddle his lap.
He starts to kiss you passionately, guiding the head of his cock to your entrance, before you pull away, resting your forehead against his, breaths stuttering as you speak.
“Can we do something tonight?” You husk, moving further up on the bed with him as he rests against the headboard.
“Yes precious?”
Gaze imploring, hungry fingers inching up your thighs. His clammy chest is not as sweaty and sticky as yours.
You sit on his thighs sideways, his eyes widen, straightening his posture a bit and accepting you onto his lap. His chest rests against your side, blood red eyes glued to your lips.
“Wait,” he rests his chin on your shoulder, you jump a bit when you feel his icy saliva drip down your back between your ass cheeks. He does it a few more times, your hole clenches in anticipation, inhaling a shaky breath when he asks you to lift your hips, seeing him grab the base of his cocks, the tips reaching both your entrances.
Your breath hitches when you sink down slowly, cocks slipping into you, stretching you open, feeling full, stuffed. He covers your mouth with his, tongue meeting yours as he guides you up and down, swallowing your gasps on each thrust.
“Fuuuuuck,” his head lolls back when you start to bounce on his cock, quivering walls squeezing around him, leaning forward and placing your fists on the bed for leverage, cries of his name bubbling from your lips.
When he starts to buck his hips, your hands slip on the sheets and he wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you up, the sounds of skin meeting skin in hot slaps echo in his room.
“So fucking hot. Letting me fuck you like this. You love it, don’t you? When you’re sitting on my cocks like this.”
You roll your hips forward, moaning at his words, biting down on your bottom lip, more tears sliding down your cheeks, the knot in your abdomen builds. His cocks drag in and out of your dripping holes, more and more of your slick coating his body.
“Ah, ah,” like puffs of air, he works his hips into you, nails puncturing the flesh on your ass, cocks twitching inside of you.
You sit up, laying your palms flat on the bed behind you, boobs bouncing as you chase your high, throwing your head back in bliss, his fangs and tongue meet your neck, suckling on the skin, leaving fresh bruises as he moves to another spot, tugging on your nipple until you cum with a deafening cry, mouth hanging open, eyes scrunched shut as you feel him paint your walls with his cum, pussy clenching uncontrollably, slick messing his sheets.
“Fuck-“ you collapse on the bed, cum leaking out of your holes as you shudder, feeling him settle in behind you, cold chest curling around your back.
He kisses down the curve of your neck, nails raking down your stomach, lingering near the bulge your belly has formed, sated with his cum.
You don’t answer, still grasping onto the oxygen until you can form a single coherent thought.
“I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.”
Smiling to yourself, you rest your fingers over his, slotting between his digits and squeezing in answer.
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The next morning, body still a little sore after the night’s activities, you greet Sana and gesture to the lunch bag you’re holding.
“Hey! He’ll be out in a bit.”
You nod, opting to take the seats meant for the patients, usually you wouldn’t sit here because you leave them for the people who actually have an appointment, but since it’s empty, you decide to sit opposite Sana’s desk, setting the lunch bag next to you. You make small talk until you hear the door to his operatory click open.
“And remember no candy, okay?”
Jungkook crouches down in front of the little girl, she plays with her mother’s fingers, nodding as he speaks. You can tell she was crying with her red cheeks and swollen eyes, but with Jungkook’s smile, her cheeks puff out too.
“You need to listen to mommy,” he pinches her cheek, “you want to have sparkly, white teeth, right?”
She nods, pointing at his mouth, “like yours.”
Your heart soars as you watch the exchange, seeing how gentle and sweet he’s being with the little girl. And she isn’t afraid of him at all, giggling when he does some weird dance and sings the song that he made up; ‘how to brush your teeth correctly.’
With one last high five, he waves at her as she goes, smiling when he notices you.
“Come,” he gestures for you to follow him into his office, locking the door as you sit up on the desk.
You reach up to touch the scar on his forehead, “how’re you doing?”
“You know I heal faster than humans,” he grabs your wrists, kissing each one.
“Yeah yeah.”
“How was work today?”
His fingers slide into your jeans pockets, keeping you against his toned chest. You toy with the collar on his coat.
“It was okay. Some asshole…” You trail off, knowing that it would be a terrible idea to tell him about the jerk that messed with your computer at work.
“What asshole?”
“Nothing,” you simper, running your palms up his shoulders, “I think that was the first time I saw you with a kid.”
“Really? Kids come here all the time, they’re braver than some fully grown humans.”
“When it comes to the dentist or the whole fear around visiting the dentist?”
His eyes narrow into slits, burying his whole hand into your pockets.
“The dentist.”
“Probably because the kids have no clue about your abilities,” you titter.
“My abilities? Hmm?”
You roll your eyes, unable to fight the blush that tints your cheeks, “you know that’s not what I’m talking about.”
“But you know what I’m talking about precious,” he tips your head up with his index finger.
“I love this color on you,” you run your fingers through his hair, “such a fabulous dentist.”
“And a fabulous fiancée to go with.”
The words don’t register in your brain until he pulls away, reaching into the drawer on his desk to produce a small, black box, breath getting caught in your throat.
“This isn’t how I planned to propose, and I know it might be too soon. But it’s fine if you want to wait a little longer-“ he scratches behind his ear, handing the box to you “-but you already know how I feel about you, Y/N.”
You glance at the small box sitting in your palm, maybe it does feel a little too soon. But what does time represent anyway? Not the quality of your love. Certainly not the infinite feelings you hold for him. He looks so happy, wondrous eyes observing your face. You don’t want to hurt him. He’s been through so much his whole life. But at the same time, your mind is running, so caught up in your thoughts, searching for the right thing to do. He’s protective of you, very protective and you find it endearing at times. But it makes you wonder. You think about the bear hybrid, how Jungkook lost control after a few words.
“So, will you? Y/N?”
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a/n: feedback is appreciated.
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taglist: @ggukkieland @moonchild1 @mwitsmejk @fancycollectormoon @nglmrk @bex-92br @taeslarityy @helenazbmrskai @bangtanhome
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xoxo-teddybear · 3 years
What Have I Done? - Bakugou Katsuki- pt.2
Bakugou x f!reader
Warnings: Angst, Mentions of suicidal thoughts, fluff, insane behavior, nsfw, noncon! Dubcon!, murder, stalking, abusive behavior, yandere!Bakugou, cursing, blood, lowkey kinda slow burn (meaning the beginning is a little boring BUT IT GETS GOOD I SWEAR😭)
Ep. Warnings: Angst, hitting, cursing, stalking, kidnapping, murder
Summary: It’s been awhile since you’ve left him. Two months actually but it was two months too long. Katsuki was slowly going insane and I guess you could say he officially has because he’s officially snapped. You become his main target, his number one priority, his entire being even though you’re trying to leave him. But Katsuki won’t let you. You’re his..and in the words of Bakugou Katsuki..you always will be.
A/N: ....I made it a yandere story y’all. OH SHI-
Chapter 1
Twitch, twitch, twitch. That’s all Katsuki’s body been doing. Either his eyes or his fingers, his body is uncomfortably moving. Shit doesn’t feel right for him. And he knows exactly why. You left him.
The first week was horrible. All Katsuki did was cry. He even kept his destroyed home in shambles because he couldn’t find the motivation to do anything. If it wasn’t for Kirishima, Katsuki would have starved himself to death. The second week was just as bad. Nothing but a crying baby being taken care of by his best friend.
The third week is when Katsuki become a drunkard. He made Kirishima and the boys of the Bakusquad constantly take him out whenever. As long as the place served alcohol, he would go. He would go and drink himself to sleep. While he was intoxicated he would cry about how he misses you and how he was a terrible husband. He always said you deserved better but he was too in love with you to let you go. The 4th week was pretty much the same.
After a whole month without you, Katsuki threw himself into depression. For the entirety of the second month, he locked himself within the walls of his home. Thankfully, it was now considered a home environment once again after his dear friends cleaned the place up for him. Katsuki stayed inside all day, drank his soul away every night, and sobbed constantly. Constantly regretting how he neglected you, how he mistreated you, and how he hurt you. He doesn’t even know how he even brought himself to do that. Even though he’s been alone for almost 2 months, he still had hope that you would come back. That things would go back to normal and he would be a better husband to you, just like he promised.
Katsuki felt himself going mad and slipping away, but what pulled the trigger was what Kirishima brought to him on the 6th week.
Katsuki looked down at the papers in his hands. Kirishima had walked in with a nervous and sad look on his face when he gave Katsuki the papers you had the red head deliver. “Sorry man...”
Katsuki shook as he stared at the divorce papers with wide eyes. He saw you already signed it and all the paper needed was his signature. His face grew dark as something in his mind snapped. Katsuki turned to his friend and instructed him to get out of his home.
“What? Man are you alright?” Kirishima said. He walked to his best friend and when he reached a hand out for him, Katsuki pulled on his arm and pushed him out the door. He slammed it shut and locked it as he looked at the papers.
A scary smile grew on the man’s face. His eyes grew crazy as he laughed maniacally. Hysterically. As if what he held was the most hilarious thing in the world. His palms began to spark as he used his quirk to destroyed the papers. The quick blast made his hair floof around a bit and when it was over, a pile of ashes lay at his feet.
“She-....she thinks she can leave me?” Bakugou began to walk to the framed picture on the coffee table. He picked up the picture of you both on your last anniversary and ran his finger over the image of you. “Poor Princess....you can’t leave me. You need me. Just as much as I need you. I mean..hehe...look at what I mess I’ve been. I can only assume you must be worse. But it’s okay, love...I’ll find you soon enough..and I’ll help you feel better,” he walked to his bedroom and layed down on the soft mattress as he held the frame close to his chest as he stared sinisterly at the ceiling, “and we’ll never be apart again.”
The 7th week was when it began. Katsuki took some time off of work. He was gonna be too busy for hero work. He had something much more important to do. He had to bring you home.
Katsuki spent the 7th week looking for information on you. He was up 24/7 reading all he can, talking to as many people as he can, and doing all the digging he could until he found you. Unfortunately for him but luckily for you, he found nothing. It pissed him off. How could you have completely erased your existence? Did you just go into hiding or was he not searching hard enough.
This time, the luck switched. Katsuki was just walking to the store when he looked to the far side and saw you in a cab. He had to do a double take to make sure he wasn’t mistaken but after a good glance and taking a picture for confirmation, he knew it was you. His body almost betrayed him as he almost went in to run after you but luckily his brain stopped him. He had to think. Katsuki hid in an alleyway nearby as he watched you from the side. When the driver continued down the road, that’s when he began to follow you. He used his hero training and quirk to keep up with the car. He followed you for miles until the cab finally stopped at some hotel. He watched you walk in and decided this was far enough.
He knew where you were now. He could wait a little longer before snatching you up. If he did it now in broad daylight, chaos would break out. He had to wait for the perfect moment to get you back. He was okay with waiting. He knew where you’ve been staying, how to get there, and knew what time you got back from wherever that cab picked you up. And then it hit him. The cab.
Katsuki went back to look at the picture he took of you in the cab and checked the license plate. With this information, he went home to find where the vehicle was.
Katsuki busted the door open to his home and ran straight to his in-home office. He went to log onto his work laptop that he used for hero work. The laptop contained the tools and websites that would allow him to find the cab. He finally reached the site he was looking for and went back to the picture. There, he typed in the license plate number.
“よ 57-342” he whispered aloud. Finally, he located the vehicle and went to find it. Katsuki followed the location until he found the house where the driver stayed. He waited in hiding, hoping someone would come out and hoped that the someone would be the driver. He waited and waited until finally, after almost 2 hours of waiting, a man came out. Katsuki quickly pulled up the picture and made sure it was the same person who was driving you, and to his luck, it was.
He quickly ran to the driver before he could get into the cab and pulled him into a dark corner. He slammed the man up against the wall and pulled up a picture of you. “Listen! You dropped this girl off at a hotel, I need to know where you picked her up! Tell me! Now!”
“W-whoa!” The driver exclaimed as he took notice of Katsuki’s identity. “Y-you’re Dynamight!”
Katsuki sucked his teeth at the fact that this guy knew who he was but then again, he wasn’t surprised. He was the number 2 hero after all. “Yeah! I am! Now tell me where you picked up my wife you dog-faced loser!” He screamed.
“Y-you’re wife??” The man looked at the picture and recognized you and the name you gave him. “Oh! M-Miss Y/N! Yes! Uh-..uh- I- she- I- ..I picked her up from a gym!” The man exclaimed.
“What gym?! Tell me!!!” Bakugou shouted at the man.
“I-I’m sorry! I don’t know if I can! She- she said she got divorced so how can I trust you’re her husband?!” The man shouted in fear.
“Are you calling me a liar?! I’m a fucking pro-hero! Why would I pull some bullshit like that! Tell me where my wife was! What?! Gym?!” Bakugou screamed once more. In fear, the man gave Katsuki the information he needed.
“Hosu Gym!” The man shook and Bakugou stared for a minute to scare the poor guy before dropping him to the ground. As he walked away, the man spoke up once more. “D-Dynamight, sir. I-If miss Y/N doesn’t want to see you..and you’re forcing information out of people..I’ll have to tell the authorities..sir.”
“You’re not gonna do a damn thing. You hear me?!” The pro screamed. Bakugou side eyed the man as he watched the driver get up from the ground.
“Sir. From the small conversation we had in the car, Miss Y/N said she was divorced-“
“We aren’t divorced!!” Bakugou said as he made a random explosion to intimidate the man. “We are still together, and she is still my wife, and none of this is any of your business!” Bakugou began to walk away but heard the driver grumble something under his breath that triggered something in his brain.
“I can see why she left a crazed man like you...” the driver mumbled. Katsuki quickly snapped his body to face the man and jumped on him. His burning hand found it’s way around the man’s neck and began to squeeze.
“The hell did you say?! You’re gonna wish you never said that you fucking fool, cuz now those are gonna be your last words!” Bakugou said before he activated an explosion and killed the man. Katsuki took deep breaths before realizing what he did and for some reason, he felt no remorse. And he knows why.
“That idiot should’ve known better than to talk about me and Y/N like that...s’his own fault he died.” Bakugou said before walking away from the gruesome scene. He acted like nothing happened as he made his way to Hosu Gym. He just needed to know what time your got there and when. Then, he could finally go home before continuing his plan for the next day.
The blonde decided to wait for some time before he went into the building. It was getting dark and so the gym would be closing soon. He waited and waited until finally, the place was empty. Empty except for the man who worked at the front desk.
Katsuki slipped in right before closing and hid himself in the locker room. He waited 10 minutes before going out and finding the one employee he saw. After exploring the area, Katsuki found the man sitting on a bench. He snuck up behind him, and pounced. He covered the man’s mouth as he tugged him into the back room. Once inside, The blonde threw the man in and locked the door to prevent anyone getting in or out.
“W-What is going on? D-Dynamight, what is happening?” The employee asked in fear. He assumed a threat was going on or some trouble was taking place outside of the gym. He had no idea the trouble was standing right in front of him.
“I need you to tell me when this lady came in.” Bakugou said and pulled up a picture of you. The man looked at the picture and shook his head.
“I’m sorry, but I don’t recognize-“
“YOU WILL! This woman came in here today and I need to know what time! TELL ME!” Bakugou screamed as he lit sparks in his palm. The man shook in fear at the hero’s booming voice and began to look harder. After a minute, he finally spoke.
“I- I remember. She came in hours ago! Sometime around 12 to 2!” The man said in hopes the yelling would stop. It didn’t.
“ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID?! There’s a huge space in between! I need to know exactly what time she came in! Don’t you morons have a sign in?!” Bakugou screamed.
“We do! We do sir!” The man nodded his head in fear. Bakugou huffed before walking over to him and dragging him by his collar to seat him on the chair in front of the computer.
“Then get into your data base and FIND MY WIFE!” The blonde screamed. The worker nodded frantically before getting right into it. Bakugou watched his every move and the computer. He kept a sparkling hand right next to the man’s head to keep him intimidated as he worked. Eventually, Bakugou saw your profile picture on the screen when the man scrolled down. “Stop. Her. Check what time she came in.”
The man read the drafts and spoke. “1:30 p.m.”
Bakugou nodded before walking to the door and unlocking it. He turned to the trembling man and gave a quick warning with a sinister smile. “If I ever find out that you told anybody, even your own damn friends or family, about what happened tonight, I won’t hesitate to come back and kill you. Am I clear?”
The man gave a quick and jittery “y-yes sir!” As he watched the pro-hero leave the room. Once Bakugou was gone, the man let out a breath of relief and allowed the few tears he was holding back to fall. Bakugou Katsuki definitely struck fear into those of the lives he met.
With this simple information, Bakugou smirked as he walked out the gym doors. He knows where you live, what gym you go to, what day you go, and what time you arrive. You were always a very punctual person. You had a schedule and you followed it through and through. He completely trusted the fact that when he came back here next week, he would be sure to see you. All he had to do now was wait 7 days.
7 days have passed and Katsuki was waiting for your presence in the gym. After finding out you arrived at 1:30, he showed up almost an hour earlier at 12 just in case. He waited and waited for you to show. He was almost out of patience, but after seeing that it was only 1:00, he settled the slightest bit. It wasn’t until he took notice of a familiar figure at the desk.
The man Katsuki had threaten nights ago was shivering and shaking in his boots as he greeted people at the door. He was aware that the pro hero was in the building and after the incident of what went down that night, he was definitely scared for his life. Bakugou began to walk to the man and said man could feel a scary aura coming around. When he turned, he was greeted with the sight of a smirking Katsuki.
“Hey friend,” Bakugou said with his hands in his pockets.
The man jumped at the sound of his voice and his scary presence made his eyes teary. “H-Hello Dynamight.”
“Thought I’d just come by to warn you again. When Y/N walks through those doors, don’t you fucking dare try telling her about me or my presence here. Got that.....” Katsuki said looking down at the man’s name tag. “Hiro Itadori? ‘Cuz if you do, your body goes boom. Understand?”
“Y-Yes Sir!” Hiro said as he looked to the ground with wide eyes as he felt himself break into a cold sweat. Bakugou patted the man’s back, causing him to flinch but when the hero walked away right after, Hiro calmed down. Unfortunately, that only lasted for about a second before you walked in.
“Hello Hiro!” You joyfully said. Your voice reached the ears of your ex-husband. Or more so, your “supposed to be” ex-husband. His ears perked up and he smirked as he hid behind a corner wall, taking the view of you in.
“Y/N.” He whispered to himself. He smiled and a blush bloomed on his porcelain skin as he admired you from afar. You were just as beautiful as he remembered. If anything, your looks seemed to have only gotten better. He watched as the man nervously greeted you and allowed you to go through with your workout. Katsuki smirked as he knew the man gave no hint at him being there, and so he would be able to watch you in peace.
Katsuki wasn’t there to keep tabs on your workout and what exercises you did. He was there just to watch you. Of course, while doing so, he admired you, but he was there to gain selfish intel. He watched you from start to end. Once you finished he followed you to your next location. It was still early and so it was safe to assume you weren’t heading to bed yet. He followed you back to your hotel and waited in another area until you walked out again. Sure enough, you did.
For the rest of the day, Bakugou followed and stalked your every move. He watched where you work, where you spent your free time, he followed you to the new cafe you seemed to enjoy, and then he followed you back to your hotel. Instead of waiting in another area and watching from afar, Bakugou climbed the side of the building and watched you from your hotel balcony through the glass door. He payed attention to your every move and noted what time you went to bed. Satisfied with the day’s revelations, he went back to his own home.
Knowing this information, Katsuki was able to sleep a little more peacefully. For the next few weeks, Katsuki followed this procedure. He became a full time stalker, even going so far as to call out of work for some time to put his full attention in you. He watched you like a hawk. He took note of everywhere you went, where you ate, who you spoke to, and what you did. All of it became engraved into his brain.
Now, Katsuki stood at your balcony for the umpteenth time as he stared at your sleeping form. It was deep into the night and with the moonlight on his back, he found enough courage and craze to open the door. He walked in quietly and shut the door, blocking the chilly air from seeping in to awaken your unconscious state. He approached your bed and crouched down to meet your face.
“Still as perfect as ever,” he whispered as he removed a few strands of hair out of your face. His touch didn’t seem to startle you and Katsuki took it as your body naturally indulging in his familiar touch. He blushed at the feeling of your oh so soft skin as his fingertips grazed your pillowy cheeks. His hand finally cupped the side of your face as his thumb drew circles along your skin. Your head unconsciously nuzzled into his warmth like it used to and Katsuki couldn’t help but smile. “Don’t worry Teddy Bear...I’ll bring you home soon.”
With that, Katsuki leaned down and softly placed a kiss on your lips. This was the lightest kiss he ever bestowed upon you. The pressure and weight was similar to a feather and the blonde struggled to restrain himself once he came in contact. He craved more but his mind knew better. Reluctantly, he pulled away and removed his hand from your face. He walked away, back to the balcony to take his leave but not before turning to look back at you. “Real soon.”
You woke up to a sense of familiarity in your room. Although you were alone, you could’ve sworn there was this chilling presence. It was faint but it was there. Taking in a breath and looking around at your surroundings, you reluctantly got out of bed and got ready for the day.
You did the usual. Got ready, got dressed, had breakfast, and went about your day. You went to the market to picked up a few things and ended up staying much longer than you liked. You walked in during daylight and came out when the sun was setting. You sighed in disappointment.
“Guess I can skip the gym this one time. I might as well get back home, read a book or two..” you went on talking to yourself about your schedule. You walked with the groceries in hand as you enjoyed the scenery on your way back, however, even with the shining sun creating it’s golden hour with a beautiful purple sky, you couldn’t help but feel wary of the stillness in the wind.
‘Where the fuck is she?!’ Bakugou thought to himself. He waited at the gym all damn day. He waited and waited to see your beautiful face but you never showed. If he had known that you would’ve skipped out on the gym today he wouldn’t have came here and wasted his time. Today was supposed to be the day. The day you came home.
Shaking off his negative thoughts, Bakugou continued with his backup plan. Although it would hurt his soul to bring harm to his precious princess, he reminded himself that he was doing this for her. He’s been so broken for the past months, he could only imagine how destroyed you must be. Hurting you was his way of helping you.
And so, Bakugou made his way to your hotel, where he found himself standing infront of your glass door at your balcony. To his dismay, you weren’t there. He released a huff before climbing down and once again, began to wait. He waited and waited in hiding, constantly on the lookout for you. It’s hard to find you in the city when you don’t follow your daily schedule, but knowing where you currently resided to get your rest made his job much easier.
Finally, after some time, he heard the familiar and comforting sound of your humming voice as you sang a little song to yourself. Bakugou took the sight of you in and blushed at your beauty from afar. He allowed himself to soak in the sound of your pretty voice before making his move. “Sorry Princess.”
You finally made it to the hotel. After your long stroll, you couldn’t wait to get some rest. Except, the closer you got, the more tense you became. You could feel the suspenseful aura in the air and your pace soon slowed down. Eventually, you came to a stop as your nerves got the best of you.
“Hello?” You said in the wind. You looked around and saw nothing but the pitch black night illuminated by the street lights and stars.
“Is someone there?” You asked again, turning your head another direction. Nothing but leaves in the wind. You released a sigh and continued your walk but became startled due to the sound of squirrels fighting in the trees.
“Ah!” You screamed and dropped your bag. After taking notice of the two animals going at it, you chuckled to yourself and turned to pick up your bag, unfortunately being startled once again at the sight of shoes in front of you. “AH!”
You jumped back in fear and took a fighting stance before you settled and relax at the sight of your supposed ex-husband. “Bakugou..it’s just you.”
“Mm, nope.” Bakugou said as he bent down to pick up your bag and hand it to you. “It’s Katsuki.”
His words sent your eyes rolling as you took your bag back with a hesistant hand. Something seemed..off.
“Not anymore. Thanks for the help. Bye.” You attempted to walk on to your hotel entrance but his arm stopped you.
“What? That’s it? Thanks? Bye?” Bakugou asked while gently pushing your body back in front of him. “We should talk, Y/N.”
“There’s nothing to talk abou-“
“There is.” Bakugou said with a firm voice, grabbing your full attention. Seeing your doe eyes look at him with caution caused him to settle. Bakugou sighed through his nose and allowed his hands to rest on your waist. “I miss you, Y/N. I want you to come back home.”
You shook your head at the idea and scrunched your eyes as you tried to step out of his hold. “Bakugou..”
“Hear me out, okay? It won’t be like last time, Teddy Bear-“
“You don’t know that-“
“I do. Because I’m going to try harder for you and I’m going to hold onto you and I’m not gonna ruin us for a second time. I still love you Y/N. I always have and I always will.” Bakugou sweetly said. You looked at him with the same eyes of caution before you placed your hands over his, giving him a sign of hope.
“I’m sorry, Bakugou,” you said, pulling his hands off of your waist. “I sent divorce papers. I don’t want to be with you anymore. I don’t love you anymore.”
“You don’t mean that.” Bakugou said with full confidence. Although you pulled his hands away from your waist, you still allowed him to keep a hold on your own hands.
“...I should.” You said looking down. With each word of denial, Bakugou took a step closer, invading your personal space. “You should get going-“
“No, Y/N-“
“Baby. I know you still want me. I know you still love me and I know you’re excited that I’m back. I love you...and you love me. So just admit it.” He said, inches away from your face. You stared in his eyes with a look of longing...and a hint of love. He was right. You did still love him. But after the neglect and harm he’s brought you, you didn’t know if you did want to go back. You didn’t know.
Sensing your hesistation, Bakugou slowly moved in to close the gap between you two. His hands let go off yours as he wrapped his arms around your waist. His face inched closer to yours and when you didn’t stop him, he continued. Finally, he gently placed his lips upon your own and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t feel something again. His kisses always brought a comforting feeling of butterflies in your stomach and after a second of feeling his warm lips, you kissed him back. Your hands found way around his neck as you pulled him in deeper and you could feel Bakugou smile into the kiss. It was hot and passionate. You were out in the open but for a moment it felt like no one else in the world existed. You would’ve gotten lost in the kiss had it not been for you remembering the situation you were in with the man.
Reluctantly, you gently pushed Bakugou off of you, but he still managed to press his forehead to your own. “Katsuki...you should go home.”
“Not without you.” He softly said. You shook your head as you completely pushed him off of you and gathered your things.
“Please...just go.” You said and began to walk away but Bakugou held onto your arm to stop you from moving any further.
“I’m not leaving without you, Y/N. Come home.” He stated.
“Bakugou! Just leave!” You shouted as you turned to him. When you faced the blonde man, you were shocked to see a crazed smile decorating his face.
“Too bad. I’m not asking Y/N. I’m telling. You’re coming home with me. Tonight.” He said and you scoffed at him with slight fear.
“You’re crazy!” You said and tried to shake his hold off of you, but of course failed.
“About you? Yes.” He said as he pulled you in closer. You squirmed against his hold until he pressed you in his chest and kept you in his grasp. You continued to fight against him but he grabbed your face with one hand to force you to stop and look at him.
“Let me go!”
“Listen! You either come home with me the easy way..or my way.” He warned. You looked at him with fear laced all around your face as you watched his insane side surface. You began to squirm again and fight once more.
“I’m not going!” You spat. Bakugou just released a simple laugh before caressing the side of your face.
“Yes. You are.” With that, the gentle hand on the side of your face formed into a first as he swung and knocked you out. You dropped unconscious in his hold and Bakugou was quick to carry you princess style and walk away, abandoning your groceries on the sidewalk.
“Shoulda listened. Cant believe you forced me to hurt you like that, baby.” Bakugou spoke to your unconscious state as he walked back home through dead city streets. “Don’t worry though, I’ll take care of you once we make it back. And then, we’ll never be apart again. I promise.”
You awoke to chains being locked on your wrist that were tied against a headboard. You layed on a large mattress in a dark room with a dim light. As you looked around, you recognized the familiar place. The place you used to make love for hours with your ex-husband. The place where movie dates and cuddle sessions were a must. The place you locked yourself in before leaving your last relationship. Katsuki’s bedroom.
You tried to jump out of bed but the restraints pulled you back down. You tried to scream and only muffled sounds could be heard. Katsuki taped your mouth shut. You tried using your quirk but it didn’t work. You looked to your restraints and saw the cuffs he used to hold you were quirk restraining cuffs. With nothing else to do, you tossed and turned in the bed as you allowed the muffled sounds to be as loud as they could. Eventually, the ruckus you were making brought the attention of your captor. Katsuki Bakugou.
Hearing all the noise, Bakugou busted opened the door to be met with your frustrated and teary eyes. You glared at him as he smirked at your locked up state. He took the opportunity to walk up to you and caress your face.
“I’m so sorry I had to hit you baby,” he said leaning down to place a kiss on your forehead. “But you left me with no choice. All you had to do was come home on your own free will and I wouldn’t have had to do all that.”
You began to tremble with anger and fear as you stared up at the man. Your teary eyes challenged his insane rubies as he sat on the side of the bed.
“How does it feel to be back? Hm?” He asked, ripping off the tape. You groaned at the pain and grew sick as you saw Bakugou pervertedly lick his lips at the sound. You leaned back and huffed with heavy breath before answering him.
“What the hell is wrong with you?! Let me go!” You screamed. He only looked at you in confusion as another sinister smile took place on his lips.
“Why would I do that, Teddy Bear?” He asked, allowing his thumb to create sweet and soft circles on your cheek.
“I don’t want you anymore Katsuki! I don’t want to be with you!” Bakugou merely raised a brow at your words and continued to listen. “You burned me-“
You looked at the man in front of you with fear and shock written on your face. Your cheek stung as your face now turned to the side but Bakugou quickly changed that by taking you by your chin to make you face him and wrapped a hand around your neck, chocking you. You gasped for air as Bakugou’s smirk became replaced with a frown and his brows became pointed.
“How dare you?! You’re asking what’s wrong with me but what the hell is wrong with you?! You left me, for months, Y/N. I was heartbroken. I was basically dead with you gone. I did you a fucking favor bringing you back. If I was so fucked, I can only imagine how horrible you must’ve been feeling. You’re lucky I came and save you. Saved us. And now, we can be happy again.” He explained.
“K-...Katsuki-..p-please!” You forced out, trying to beg for air.
“SHUT UP! I saved you, Y/N. So don’t even try to mention the little accident that happened so long ago, baby. Now you can forgive me. And don’t worry..I’m ready to listen to all the apologies you surely have for me...even if I have to choke them out of you.” He seethed with his hand tightening. Your eyes began to pop as the blood flow began to fill your face. Your eyes turned red as you struggled for air.
“I-...I-I’m..K-Katsuki! ...I’m sorry!” You shouted as best as you could. Luckily for you, the second you did, Bakugou’s hand lost its grip and simply rested on your neck. You choked and coughed as you relished in the sweet taste of oxygen. He smiled and leaned down to give your lips a sweet peck to shut you up and tapped your cheek before he walked to the door. Before leaving, he turned around to look at you and give you your official welcome back.
“I’m glad you’re home, baby. Can’t believe you really tried leaving. You’re mine, Y/N. And you always will be....don’t forget it.”
He slammed the door shut, walking away from the room with a smile. And you?
You cried.
A/N: Back by popular demand, we have part 2 to “What Have I Done.” How was it? In my opinion the beginning SUCKED! But I promise it’ll get better! The story will focus on Y/N and Bakugou’s new lives now so stay tuned and I hope you guys enjoyed it!
Tag list: @captainchrisstan @jazzylove @bakugous-trauma @konohahoee @whatdidshesayyy @chibiiichann @lover-of-helios @unicornlover25 @tamakisropebunny @iliketobullydeku @peacchfuz @fairybnha3 @ebiharachan @levimeko @5sos-wdw @naluciosa @anime-weeb-bnha @bakucumsackslut @asteria-obey-me
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angsty-omi · 3 years
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you get jealous of their manager
suna rintarou; sakusa kiyoomi
angst to fluff, hurt/comfort.
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suna rintarou
when rin told you about the new manager, you didn’t expect her to be blonde, curvy, and absolutely gorgeous. honestly, just looking at her made you insecure. the way all the boys gawked at her everytime she walked by. you didn’t care about the boys though, you only cared about a boy, your boyfriend rin. she’s with him longer than he’s with you. practices take up most of his day, so you only saw him once he got to your shared apartment where he was too tired to do anything that exterted energy. to be fair, you were fine just staying in, but imagining him with her during practices made you uncomfortable.
it was even worse when he’d go out to dinner with the team and her. you couldn’t remember the last time he’d even ask you on a date. you hated the way he stopped trying once you started dating. starting to reach the AMs when you called him.
“y/n?” his slurred tone showed that he was drunk.
“suna? where are you? it’s almost 12 am.” you scolded. how could you not? he’s drunk and with a girl that you were very envious of.
“first of all, can you chill? i literally told you that i’d be out with the boys, i don’t understand why you’re getting so upset,”
“upset? you’re literally out with a girl who’s very attarctive” you frustrated.
“oh i see what this is now, you’re jealous and you don’t trust me.”
“it’s not a matter of trust, it’s just i fe-feel uncomfortable and i oh i don’t know wanted to talk about it?” you started to raise your voice. the attempt to set a boundary has failed, and rather was replaced with you being the enemy.
“she’s my friend y/n, get over it because you’ll be seeing a lot more of her,” rin hissed.
“i’m not telling you who you can be friends with or not, but you have to understand where i’m coming from” you murmured.
“just leave me alone, i can be friends with whoever i want, and the last thing i’m going to do is let a bitch dictate that.” suna argued loudly.
it was followed up by silence, with a girl voice cutting in, “rin-rin let’s do this song together!” in a high pitch squeal caught the mic.
“oh so you’re rin rin now huh? i can’t be surprised considering how much time you spend with her!”
“well maybe i like hanging out with her. did you ever think of that y/n? it’s nice to have someone who wouldn’t nag or bitch about me, she doesn’t pry for me to open up,” he attempted to justify his actions.
“okay fine then, if she’s soooo perfect than just date her” words just started spilling out of your brain, and it was too late to take it back.
“maybe i will!” he roared. after he sunk in what he was saying, he followed up with “w-wait i didn’t mea-” trying to save his relationship.
“do whatever you want suna, whether you’re with her or not it’s not my problem anymore, i’m done.” you ended the call, tears freely flowing down your face.
you couldn’t sleep that night. pathetically, you’d hope that suna would at least give you a call back, or any sign that he still cared for you. but he didn’t, and you assumed that was your answer. you would reevaluate the relationship after a good nights sleep on the couch. you couldn’t sleep on the bed due to suna’s lingering scent.
when 4am rolled around, the door opened as quietly as possible. suna assumed that you were asleep in bed, and was prepared to join you. when he walked in the bedroom and saw the bed still made, he panicked. did you really leave? were you actually done with the relationship? he checked everywhere, the bathroom, kitchen, the basement, and not the most obvious place ever. he dialed your phone, and heard loud ringing from the living room. he slapped his forehead in stupidity and made his way over to you. his heart broke at the sight. the way you tried to fit your body with the throw blanket, unaware that you were shivering at the cold. your face was also pale, with dried tears on them. you looked so broken and so drained. immediately, suna carried you off the couch bridal style, and tucked you into the soft king sized bed. he then, moved onto his side and slid under the sheets. it’s only when he grabs your waist is when he feels safe enough to sleep.
five hours later, you awake with dried tears still in your eyes. you wiped them with your arm, and felt weight around your waist. once your eyes were cleared, it was suna. you let yourself comfort in his warmth for just a bit more, knowing that there’s a huge argument to come.
“suna we can’t just not talk about this,” you whispered into his ear, knowing he was awake. he hid in the crook of your neck, “i’m sorry. i’m so so sorry, please take me back.”
“i can’t just accept your apology blindly, we have to set boundaries or else we’ll never move forward.” you sighed while tracing circles on his bare chest.
“i’ll never even look at her again,” his face deadpanned. your laugh vibrated against his chest, “that’s not needed, it’s not really her fault anyways. how about, we spend more time on dates and devote days for each other?”
“anything, princess.”
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sakusa kiyoomi
sakusa hated physical touch, the spread of germs with a single handshake grossed him out. that’s why he built a cold exterior to prevent many from getting close. however, when he met you, you happened to be the exception and you took pride in the fact that he was only comfortable with you. he’ll never admit it to you though, and claims he only ‘endures’ your hugs. although, you knew your limit, you would never show affection in front of people. if there’s one thing sakusa hates, it’s PDA.
so you couldn’t really blame the new cute manager for flirting with him, because it seemed like he was single. listen, you trusted sakusa with your whole heart, but you just wanted to see how he would react with a girl flirting with him.
you hid behind the door, eavesdropping behind the door.
“sakusa-senpai, can you please help me up?” the cute manger whined.
“can you not get up yourself?” sakusa groaned.
“no i think i twisted something,” as a girl, you knew exactly what she was doing and her execution was poor. you rolled your eyes, assuming sakusa too would know what she was doing.
but he didn’t.
“thank you, sakusa-senpai!” she squealed, and then what you can assume, she hugged him. because then it caught him by suprise, and they both fell together, with her on top of him. you didn’t hear him scolding her, rather he was laughing. he was happy with her presence when he wouldn’t even physically show it with you. you decided to just walk in and stop this.
amidst of their laughter, both heads looked up at you. “sakusa, don’t you have to get home soon?” with an eyebrow raised.
“uh actually sakusa-senpai it’s getting dark, mind if you could walk me home?” she babbled.
“fine, y/n you can walk yourself right?” he said casually, while packing up his things.
“y-yeah i guess” you stammered.
on your walk home, you were reevaluating what just happened. no longer did you feel special anymore. your brain started to overthink itself, why did they look better as a couple? and why was he so relaxed around her? was i just not the right person? has he found his true love? all these scenarios made you start to tear up. you were in love with the germaphobic man, for god sakes.
when you got the shared apartment, you immediately took a shower, knowing that sakusa was going to nag you anyways when you got home.
then, you started on dinner and chopping up some vegetables when you heard the door open. he nodded at you, acknowledging your presence and was waiting for the hug you gave him everytime he came home. but you didn’t, and he awkwardly just stood there for good minute or two. to your suprise, he was the first one to make the move. he wrapped his arms behind you and resting his head on your neck. immediately, you shrugged him off.
he furrowed his eyebrows, “is there something wrong?”
“i don’t know, is there something wrong?” you repeated his question.
“i wouldn’t know, that’s why i asked.” he bellowed.
you put the knife down and faced him, “you know i love the double standard of how i have to shower before i get to touch you, but that whore gets to touch you whenever,” you ranted.
“our new manager? you can’t be serious. we fell, it was an accident.”
“maybe you thought it was, but i know what she was doing because i, too am a girl. if you guys just ‘fell’ why did it take so long for you to get back up? why’d you let her touch you for so long?” you questioned.
“i wasn’t thinking about it, not everything i do in life is rotated around germs-”
“except when it’s with me” your voice cracked. “right? it’s when it’s with me, that must be it. that’s why you never show any affection, but it’s okay for you because you’ve gotten tons from me and her!” you raved.
he tried to wrap his around you, but you moved out the way.
“don’t touch me with that whore’s filth,” you muttered, turning off the burner and stomped to your shared bedroom, slamming the door. your insecurities were roaring on the inside. sakusa chose to sleep on the couch, thinking you needed space. but, that was the least thing you wanted. you wanted him to beg, or to at least apologize.
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over the following days, you didn’t wait for him outside of practice. in fact, the only time he saw you was in the morning before classes and at night when you left leftovers for him in the kitchen. after the argument, he pushed everyone away, especially with the new manager. he only wanted one person’s touch, yours. and to achieve that, he had to put in some effort. that night when he got home, he went straight to the shower. you assumed it was just a normal silent treatment day, so you went to bed scrolling.
you felt the weight on the other side of the bed. knowing who it was, you continued to aimlessly scroll on tiktok. sakusa abruptly grabbed your waist and coddled you, drowning you in pecks all around your face.
“mh.. sakus.. sa.. mh..” continuously getting cut off with his cute pecks on your lips. you decided to let go of the whole manager situation, and let yourself to just be happy. you wrapped your arms around his neck and put him even closer to you. he then pulled away and you dramatically groaned.
putting his face close to yours, “i love you y/n l/n.” before continuing.
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a/n: if you like this series please request some characters you’d like to see!
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sunarinluvr · 3 years
|| haikyuu boys finding you asleep on the couch after an argument ||
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includes: kuroo tetsurou, miya osamu, & oikawa tooru
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a/n- hello! sorry for posting so late, but this has been sitting in my drafts for a while and i was actually in the mood to finish it so i hope yall enjoy! oh and im not really sure about how i feel about it,,, might take it down later we shall see.
warnings: none ( lmk if there’s anything! )
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last night you saw a post kuroo’s “work wife” had made on instagram with her kissing him on the cheek, and it didn’t make you feel the best, so you decided to bring it up to him the next morning. and you did, just as he was getting ready for work you talked to him about it.
you were standing in front of him filled with anger arguing about how it made you uncomfortable, “can you please listen?! i dont feel comfortable with your “work wife” kissing you?” you yelled. “Y/N it was on the cheek its not a big deal!” and to be honest you just wanted to cry. 
finally, he walked past you and opened the door. “i don’t have time for this y/n, stop being so insecure! at least she wouldn’t argue over something so small!” and with that, he slammed the door and you stood there stunned. kuroo knew that he shouldn’t have said that, instant regret and guilt filled his gut.
 but he already said it, he can’t do anything about it now. with a frustrated sigh, he went to work. hoping to fix everything when he gets home. you stood there speechless, as you realized you still had work so slowly you made your way to the bathroom. 
after getting ready and grabbing a quick snack you were out the door with a heavy chest. once you get home, tired and feeling worse than before. you trudged to the couch and plopped down letting out a shaky sigh remembering the argument and the words he said repeating in your head. 
you broke down crying, and before you knew it, the exhaustion from today took over and you were sound asleep on the couch. kuroo got home an hour later, he felt guilty and was already practicing how he’d apologize to you as he walked in.“y/n? kitten?” no answer. 
he called out again, and was met with silence, he made his way over to the living room where he found you sleeping on the couch. gently walking towards you he knelt down, and saw your tear-stained face which made his heart sink. “i fucked up” he said to himself.
giving you a gentle kiss on your forehead he softly apologized and carried you to the bedroom. you ended up waking up when you felt his body weight dent the bed. “tetsu?” you said softly squinting at him. relief rushes through his body at the sound of his nickname. looking at you with guilt in his eyes
“im so sorry kitten, i shouldn’t have said that. i didn’t mean to hurt you” he said gently. at that tears started flowing again and he was quick to hug you and wipe your tears with his other hand. “it’s ok, i shouldn’t have been so insecure anyways” 
he shook his head with a frown “no it’s not your fault ok? i didn’t mean anything i said. i love you so so much and i’m so lucky that you’re mine” you look up at him and gave him a small smile “okay” before cuddling closer to him. giving you a soft kiss on the lips he hugged you tighter as you both fell asleep.
osamu was just having a horrible day, his head was pounding and the customers he had to deal with today were just plain rude. then he had to do most of the work since one of his employees called in sick, and for some reason, everything just annoyed him.
you on the other hand did not know about his day at all and thought it would be nice of you to make a surprise visit. walking in with a huge smile on your face stopping midway when you realize he wasn’t at the counter. “where’s samu?” you asked sweetly to the employee
“he’s in the back, i think he has a headache,” she says giving you a small smile. you can tell something was off by the way she spoke but decided to just brush it off and make your way to the back. “hi samu! surprise!” you exclaimed cheerfully as you make your way towards him
he just kind of looks at you, which you thought was weird, but you decided to hug him anyways. when he doesn’t hug you back and groan, you pull away and look at him “baby i heard you had a headache. i didn’t bring any medicine, but we could eat first and i-” 
you couldn’t even finish your sentence since osamu just stood up. he was infuriated and had no clue why, usually loved listening to you but today he was just annoyed. “look y/n a don’t mean ta be rude, but a don't have the energy for this right now. please just go home.” he said coldly staring right at you.
“excuse me? i came here to surprise you and this is what i get??” you said in shock, voice a little louder this time. rolling his eyes “Oh wow am so surprised! now will ya please go home? a don’t wanna argue right now!” he yelled. with tears forming in your eyes you quickly wiped them and left. osamu knew he shouldn’t have said all that, but he was too mad to run after you in front of all the customers. 
you rushed home and sluggishly made your way to your room to change into something comfier, making your way to the couch, curling up into a ball allowing your tears to fall, and somehow falling asleep, after getting tired of crying. he gets home a few hours later, guilt building up in his stomach as he mentally slaps himself for the things he said. 
walking into the living room he opened the lights and you were the first thing he noticed. seeing you curled up into a ball on the couch made his heart drop to his stomach. you on the other hand woke up because of the sudden change of lighting. 
gradually adjusting your sight you see him and switch your gaze onto the floor when you saw him look at you too. seeing your puffy eyes he walks towards you slowly and sits beside you giving you enough space. “am sorry, a shouldn’t have taken my frustration out on ya.”
you look at him with watery eyes and his heart sinks “yea i was just trying to be nice, sorry i didn’t warn you before coming” he opened his arms and you instinctively scooted closer to him, he sighs “no a love it when you surprise me a was jus having a bad day a love ya so much ok?” finally hugging him “okay i love you too” giving you a quick kiss he offered to make you food and of course you said yes.
you love oikawa, and you’re very supportive and understanding especially when it comes to his career. but he has an awful habit of overworking himself and as much as you love him you can't bear the fact that you couldn’t even see him anymore.
he goes home late at night -as in you’re already sound asleep late- and when you do stay up to see him, he’s too tired to even keep a conversation. then the next morning he’s gone before you could even wake up. you’ve spoken to him about this many times, but alas nothing changed.
you woke up to an empty bed as usual, but today was different though, you’ve planned a dinner for about 2 weeks now. you were very excited because it’s been so long since you both spent some quality time together and he promised to come home early. 
getting up you send him a little text reminding him of your dinner tonight, with a smile you head on over to the bathroom to get ready for work. once work was over you made a quick visit to the grocery store to buy the ingredients you’ll need to make tonight’s dinner. 
quietly humming to yourself while going through each aisle, and double-checking your list to make sure you’re not missing anything while checking your phone here and there. oikawa still hasn’t replied “he must be busy,” you say to yourself as you send him another text about the dinner just in case. after about 30 minutes you get home rushing since it was already late, and immediately getting started on dinner. 
once you're done you sat down and waited, and waited, and waited. it's been 4 hours. dinners cold and still no sign of your boyfriend. you decided to call him pissed off that he couldn’t even show up to one dinner, “hello? y/n i can't talk right now i still need to practice” 
he said as soon as he picked up. “tooru? did you get my texts? what about dinner, we’ve made plans for this 2 weeks prior! i even-” you were cut off “look just eat without me ok? we can eat again somet-” now it was your turn to cut him off. 
“oikawa tooru, you leave the house while i’m asleep and come back when i'm asleep. i just wanted to spend time with you..whatever good luck at practice,” you replied as you hang up. his heart sank when he heard the crack in your voice rushing to his car on his way home to you because he knows he fucked up. 
buying your favorite flowers for you on the way home cursing himself and the world for making it traffic at that exact moment. when he got home the first thing he saw was the food and you fast asleep on the couch. he felt a pang of guilt about being late. 
“y/n chan?” he said while gently waking you up. you stare at him with red puffy eyes and he hugged you giving you the flowers “im sorry baby, i should’ve prioritized you and our dinner. i promise ill do better” you saw how genuine he was being so you accepted the flowers and hugged him tighter as he offered to reheat the food you made.
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reblogs are highly appreciated!
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teawithkpop · 3 years
[M] - PhysCom - Pt 7
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pt 1 - pt 2 - pt 3 - bc 1 - pt 4 - pt 5 - pt 6 - pt 7
Pairing: BTS - OT7 x Reader
Rating: Mature [18+]
Length: 5.4k words
Genre: PhysCom AU - smut with dashes of angst, and a shitload of romance and complicated feelings,, uhuhu (porn with plot??)
Warnings: swearing, a lot of emotional turmoil, talk of pregnancy scares (birth control, contraceptives, etc.), implied discrimination towards sex workers (not by any of the boys dw), mentions of sexual acts
slowly hands you a cake that says "I haven't updated this fic in 14 months and I don't know when the next part is coming but here's an update thanks for being patient" in comic sans
The rush to the hospital goes by in a blur of tears and shouting and panic and questions that you can't bring yourself to answer. The only constant is Min Yoongi's hand, firmly locked in your own throughout the ordeal, tethering you to reality.
You now sit in a private room on a sterile medical table and wait to be seen, too numb inside to feel the sting of the cold metal as it cuts into the backs of your thighs. Yoongi stands beside you, still holding your hand, his fingers are laced through yours and squeezing as if it could sap away the fear that eats away your insides, leaving you hollow and empty.
"It'll be alright. Don't worry about a damn thing, okay?" He shifts his weight anxiously, betraying his own underlying worries.
You barely remember him throwing his jacket over you before being rushed out of the house, and you don't feel deserving of the modest coverage. Though the leather is worn and soft against your skin, all you can feel is the harsh metallic zipper, scratching at your chest as though reminding you of your wrongdoings.
"Yoongi…" you start to say, but he cuts you off, his voice a hoarse whisper.
"Don't you fucking dare. Don't apologize."
You feel tears well up in your eyes. Your chest grows tight with the words he's forbidden you to say.
"I've already called Namjoon, it'll all be fine. Don't worry." He works his jaw and rubs your hand with surprising tenderness, glancing to the little window in the door every other second.
He's been assuring you with those same words for the past half hour, but it feels like it's been an eternity. As you glance at the clock on the wall, watching the hands tick by, you imagine a scene like that of a health documentary. Tiny sperm, swimming up your insides… fertilizing your previously dormant eggs.
Fuck. You've fucked up.
You might be pregnant with Min Yoongi's child. Your Opticon birth control implant could send you into toxic shock at any moment.
You don't see how things can get much worse than this.
The door finally opens, and what appears to be a nurse steps inside. She holds a clipboard, and examines it while she lets the door close behind her. "Let's see now, Miss..." Her shoulders slump marginally as her eyes reach your name. "Oh, right. The PhysCom."
You don't have the energy to ignore the change in her tone from friendly to disinterested, and simply nod. However, you feel Yoongi stiffen beside you.
The nurse lets out a brief sigh and dons a professional expression. "So, what appears to be the problem?" She directs the question to Yoongi.
"We think her birth control implant isn't working." Yoongi explains, his eyes darting furtively between you and the nurse. "She, um… she reached orgasm."
You flush at the memory, ashamed of your failure to adhere to even the most basic of rules set before you.
The nurse makes a noncommittal noise and jots something down. "Says here it’s an Opticon. And you didn't turn it off, sir?"
He shakes his head.
The nurse touches the end of her pen to her mouth, a note of sympathy forming in her eyes. Not for you, but for Yoongi. "How long have you had her?"
"Excuse me?" Yoongi raises an eyebrow.
The nurse tucks the clipboard under her arm, giving him a weary, patient smile. “With PhysComs, we have a list of probable scenarios we’re supposed to check for, to better inform the doctor of the situation, and speed along the treatment process.”
She barely spares you a glance before returning her attention to Yoongi, her voice lowered just a fraction. “It’s not uncommon for newly hired female PhysComs to try and… well, intentionally get pregnant from their clients. Especially if those clients have any amount of wealth or status.”
Yoongi seems lost for words.
She nods as if to agree with his surprise. “It’s some psychosis associated with the job,” she says with a shrug, then straightens her posture once more. “So has she been acting strangely at all? What are her symptoms?”
Your ears burn a bit at being talked about like you’re not in the room, but this isn’t the first time you’ve been in such a position. Oftentimes checkups during training were the same way, the physicians would speak exclusively among themselves and Madame while they examined every inch of you, inside and out.
Yoongi, however, is not used to such an experience.
“Why don’t you ask her yourself?” He says, in a voice much calmer than you would have expected. But one glance at his face tells you all you need to know. His eyes are burning like hot coals. Molten and dangerous.
The nurse doesn’t pick up on his irritation, and busily flips through the pages on her clipboard. “I need reliable information, sir. If you please,” she prompts him.
You can feel Yoongi’s hand clench around yours, and you turn to quiet him.
“It’s okay,” you murmur, hoping to reassure him enough so he’ll talk to her, but he stands his ground, his eyes glued on the nurse.
“Get out,” Yoongi says.
The nurse does a double take. “Excuse me, sir?”
“I said get the fuck out of here.” He points to the door. “Send us someone who will actually help.”
She fumes silently for a moment, but decides not to argue with him, and heads for the door in a huff.
Yoongi scoffs as you two are left alone once more. “What the fuck kind of bedside manner was that supposed to be?” He mutters, staring at the door.
“It’s okay.” You place a hand on his arm.
“No, it’s not.” He’s adamant, and you sigh wearily. How do you explain that this is only what can be expected?
You pick out a few haphazard words from the maelstrom in your brain, too tired to find the best phrasing. “Medical personnel… they don’t really get it.”
“Get what?” He asks, turning to you in outrage. “Being a fucking decent human being?”
You flinch, withdrawing your hand. You’re too tired to try and get your point across. But he notices you wilt and immediately comes closer, lowering his voice and placing both his hands on your arms. “I’m sorry,” he murmurs, the edge of anger fading away to gentleness. Kindness. “What do you mean?”
You sigh, looking off to the side. You don’t deserve to have him look at you like that.
You carefully remove his hands, trying to maintain some semblance of a professional distance, even in the face of disaster. “Most hospitals don’t look favorably at PhysComs. We were given a few lectures about it in training. We use up their resources and time that could instead be given to patients who didn’t willingly put themselves at risk.”
You remember how your fellow trainees had reacted after those discussions. Many of them found the treatment to be unfair, but you yourself felt that, in a way, the medical field’s viewpoint was reasonable. Your choices are what landed you here.
“What the- what are you talking about?” He huffs, still seemingly in the dark. “You didn’t ask for this… this scare. It wasn’t your fault.” He tries to meet your eyes, but your gaze is fixed firmly to the linoleum floor.
A mirthless smile paints your lips. “But I chose this life. And these risks along with it.”
Before he can question you further, the door bursts open and Kim Namjoon enters the room, both his dress shirt and his hair are rumpled, and his eyes are frantic. “Sweetheart?” He rushes to your side and crushes you in a hug. “Are you alright?”
You hear Yoongi let out a breath of relief. “She’s okay, for the moment.”
Something about the way Namjoon holds you feels like a lamp being held against your cold skin. You’re too damp inside to light a flame yourself, but his own body warms you from the outside in the meantime. You want to let yourself enjoy it, but the memory of your unresolved questions leaves you limp in his arms, filled with nothing but misery and confusion.
He pulls back after a moment, checking you over for signs of injury. His eyes are wide with concern. “What happened? Tell me everything.”
A flare of shame rises up in you at the notion of telling Namjoon about your rule-breaking and everything that occured since this morning.
Thankfully, Yoongi seems to sense your hesitance, and he fills in most of the pieces for Namjoon. Namjoon’s expression remains stoic as Yoongi recounts what happened - you being brought home unconcious, seducing Yoongi - up until the mention of your orgasm. Namjoon’s jaw slackens slightly at this, and his eyes scan your face, searching for something.
It’s at this moment that the doctor walks in, a different nurse at his side. He’s a slightly older man, a few wrinkles creasing his brow, and a smile that appears kind until it lands on you. His face is then tinged with that same indifference that most medical professionals give you.
You wish it was your usual physician, but since this was an emergency, you didn’t have time to take the trip to your usual practice. Whatever hospital is nearest, that’s what Yoongi had told the driver.
The man turns to Namjoon, who arguably commands more presence than Yoongi, and the kindness returns. “Sorry for the delay. Busy night. From what I understand, your PhysCom has malfunctioned, is that correct?”
“Her Opticon malfunctioned, yes.” Namjoon corrects him. His diplomatic tendencies are a blessing right now. You just want to know if you’re pregnant or not. You want to know if you’re losing your job. You want to go home.
The doctor runs a few physical tests on you, feeling your breasts, peering down your throat, and examining your vaginal canal, checking for any other symptoms of malfunction from your Opticon. “All’s well so far.” He says, pulling his forefingers out of you, snapping off his gloves, and disposing of them. “May I take a look at the ComGear?”
You feel a flash of panic, waking you out of your stupor. Fuck, was it still in the group chat? You pull out the slim device, heart hammering as you check. Nope. Just settings. Thank god.
You hand it over, and then remember with a looming feeling of dread exactly why it might have been left on the settings page...
“You do so much for us, jagiya.” Taehyung keeps his hands braced on your arms, his thumb rubbing gently against your skin. “You’re always there for us. Always giving… Now it’s time for you to receive.”
“I’m sorry! It’s my fault-” Jimin’s eyes fall to your compromising position, Yoongi’s dick still out, your leaking core exposed, and claps a hand over his mouth. He looks like he might cry. “Oh no...”
The pieces fall into place, and there’s no doubt in your mind. They must have switched it off.
But why? Why, why, why…?
The doctor - you’re too frazzled to read his nametag - pulls out a pair of reading glasses and takes a look at your ComGear, poking around the device with his pointer finger. “Hm. Strange.” He squints. “The Opticon does appear to be switched off.”
Namjoon blinks. “That’s impossible.”
“I’m afraid that’s the case.” The doctor shows him the setting, the toggle very much in the off position. Namjoon takes the device and looks at it in shock.
The doctor coughs. “I know that, um… for some individuals, the temptation and the… risk associated with no protection during intercourse can be sexually arousing. It’s not the first time we’ve gotten a case like this.”
He removes his glasses, folding them back into his pocket. “However, I would remind you and anyone else who uses this one’s services that although Physical Companions may be virtually expendable, it can become quite expensive for your own sake to impregnate them on a whim, using and discarding them, what with the standard fees for breaching their contract and-”
“Thank you, Doctor.” Namjoon interrupts him, and you notice the iron grip he now has on Yoongi’s arm. Likely the only thing restraining him from throwing a punch. “We’ll be more careful.” Namjoon glances at you, confusion making a little crease between his brows. “Is there some sort of morning after pill she can take, or…?”
“I’m afraid the lingering effects of the Opticon implant render any outside hormone blockers ineffective.” The doctor says, his smile turning thin. “It’s a bit of a blessing and a curse. The hormone production and ovulation suppressant in the Opticon normally make the chance of fertilization zero percent while in use. After it’s switched off, chances are still fairly low at 30 percent, for up to 24 hours. But the chances of fertilization after taking a morning after pill are significantly lower than that, at only five percent.”
He shrugs. “We’ll just have to wait and see. Chances are, your PhysCom will be right as rain and ready to pleasure clients again in about a week.”
A week.
First a week of suspension on Namjoon’s terms… Now it’s on medical advisement.
“A week? What should we do until then?” Namjoon voices your very thoughts, Yoongi seething silently beside him.
“Well, we won’t have any results until three to five days from now.” The man clarifies. “But I highly recommend you leave the implant switched off and keep her on traditional contraceptives until we know for sure. I strongly recommend utilizing other PhysComs in the meantime, just to be safe.”
You’re finished.
The doctor hands Namjoon a paper bag, most likely containing birth control pills and condoms. “She may be somewhat volatile for the next few days. You can bring her in for another checkup in a week.”
You’re weak.
“Thank you.”
You’re numb.
It was a silent car ride back to the house, and as Namjoon helps you step out of the vehicle, one hand holding yours for stability while the other rests on your lower back, you can’t help feeling utterly useless. Detached from your surroundings.
What’s the point of any of this now? There’s no way they’ll want to use you until this is resolved. You’re of no use to them as a sex toy until at least a week from now, and by then it’ll be far too late to earn their favor back.
“We need to have a meeting. Call the others into the living room.” Namjoon speaks to Yoongi in an undertone, and you feel a small ache of hope. Maybe things will work out if everyone just talks to each other.
But when you enter the house and Namjoon begins to steer you upstairs, you finally find your voice.
“No.” You resist against him, turning around at the base of the stairs. “No, I want to be part of the meeting.”
The surprise quickly fades from his face, instead turning to concern. “You need to rest."
Something about the look on his face, about being told yet again through his actions that this doesn’t concern you, it causes something inside you to snap, your apathy vanishing in the wake of this new beast beginning to rear its ugly head within you.
Your throat closes up and a scream erupts from your aching chest. "You don't know what I need!"
Namjoon matches your desperation with an infuriatingly patient look of sympathy. He approaches you, his hand outstretched, but you stagger back away from him. He smiles sadly and drops his hand. "Stay here. It's what's best for you."
What's best for you.
The words throb in your mind, like the memory of an old wound. They bounce listlessly off the walls of your grandiose prison long after Namjoon shuts the door, sealing you away again.
You don't know what comes over you as you see visions of launching yourself at the door, pounding and scratching at the wood like a wild animal.
You could just open the door and follow him downstairs. Some part of you does register that.
But you want them to hear you. You want them to hear you rip your throat raw as you exorcise your demons.
You blink and you're standing still.
You haven't moved.
Your spacious room feels stifling. Like the walls are closing in on you, suffocating you.
Silken ropes sway in the dusk, catching your eye from beyond the balcony window. Your escape route from earlier that day.
You don't think twice before stuffing a few meager belongings into the long forgotten backpack kicked beneath your bed.
You need to leave this place.
You can't stay here.
It had started drizzling not long after you left the house, and even now as you sit on the damp curbside, waiting for the next bus to take you far away from this place, it strikes you as funny, in a way, that the weather is crying for you, since you can't muster any tears of your own.
It's cold and misty, a foreboding atmosphere, by all accounts. It makes you question if what you're about to do is the right call.
But you shut down the arguments in your head as quickly as they appear.
Second guessing was what had gotten you into this situation. You need to follow your instincts.
And your instincts are telling you to flee.
It won't be so bad, you try to convince yourself. After the first night on the road, you'll eventually find a new town, a new home, a new place for yourself in this fucked up world. You've done it before, you can do it again.
You're considering suitable aliases for your new persona, when you sense another person approaching, their shoes tramping through the wet grass.
You don't look up at them, hoping they'll pass by and leave you alone. But they come to a stop beside you.
You keep your gaze on the road, droplets rippling the puddled potholes.
Then the stranger goes to sit on the curb too, and you can't help but look at them.
You'd recognize those lips anywhere, even beneath a baggy hooded sweatshirt.
"It's a bit late to run errands, don't you think?" Seokjin says, pulling his sleeves down to keep out the chill as he perches beside you.
He glances at you, then looks ahead at the road, the same way you were. You return your gaze forward, too exhausted to make a run for it. Though you don't get the sense that he would chase after you, even if you tried to escape.
Maybe that's exactly why you decide to stay put, but you don't give the suspicion any more thought.
"What do you want?" You finally ask, your voice croaky from being silent for so long.
"Liar," you mutter, hugging your knees to your chest. "Everyone wants something."
He chuckles. Rests back on his hands. "I guess you're right about that."
Damn right you are. You didn't study the human condition through your years of training to be fooled so easily by pretty words.
"So?" You prompt him, still staring at the dreary horizon.
He takes a moment to respond. The silence is punctuated by the distant noises of traffic, an occasional car passing by, its headlights shimmering in the mist before disappearing down the road.
“The others are all out looking for you, you know,” he says simply. “Why do you think that is?”
If it were anyone else that had run away - their manager, a friend - you know what the answer would be. Because they care about that person. But how can you believe that about yourself, when you know you can never amount to anyone with that level of importance to them?
Ironic, since you’re the person with which they can be most intimate and vulnerable.
“I’m a liability,” you reply halfheartedly.
His silence serves to confirm your suspicions. A runaway PhysCom? Far too risky for a group at their level. You could become one of those anonymous sources like you saw in the news. A firsthand account of the BTS members’ secret sexual urges. Unacceptable. Snatches of words from the NDA you signed buzz around the edges of your mind like stray flies.
But since you're no longer connected to your network, then your tracker is probably disconnected. If the bus had come just a little earlier, you might already have escaped without a trace.
“You really think that’s the only reason?” Seokjin’s voice pulls you back to the moment.
His abysmal attempt to divert from the problem gets a hollow laugh out of you.
“Any other reason has ulterior motives. It’s just business.” You check the time on your ComGear. The bus should be here any minute. “I’m leaving, and I won’t let you stop me.”
“I don’t intend to,” he agrees, to your surprise. “God knows you’ve been put through enough.” He then leans forward, resting his forearms across his legs. “But for what it’s worth, you deserve to know the truth.”
Your ears perk up at this.
Seokjin seems to take your silence as permission to continue. “The reason we decided to suspend you. It wasn’t… entirely selfless.”
You purse your lips in irritation and fix your gaze upon the horizon, settling your chin beneath your crossed arms. “Right. Ulterior motives, like I said.”
He clicks his tongue. “Touche.”
You wait for him to continue, but he doesn't.
Your curiosity gets the better of you.
“So, what… were you planning to replace me?” You ask, trying to sound contemptuous. “I heard you all having your little group meeting in the kitchen. There are plenty of shiny new whores at your disposal, take your pick.”
He still makes no noise.
You wait, preparing to accept a bitter confirmation of all your fears.
But then he finds his voice. “We could never replace you, dear.”
You stop. Look over at him. His eyes are half lidded, his smile bittersweet as he stares off into the distance. After a few moments, he fishes around in his pocket and pulls something out, then hands it to you.
His smartphone.
“Here,” he murmurs, sympathy in the quirk of his lips. “In case you need to call anyone. Those devices they give you don’t have a cell plan, I assume.”
He seems to sense your wariness, and waves the phone a bit in a gesture of insistence. “I can buy a dozen new ones. It’s no trouble.”
You very hesitantly take it. “Thanks.”
Of course, he has no way to know that your ComGear is now jailbroken, for all intents and purposes. But… is this a trap? What if there’s a tracker in the phone? But why would he need to put a tracker in it if he doesn’t know your ComGear is off the grid?
The rumble of an approaching motor pulls you out of your cyclical thoughts, and you get on your feet, slowly coming out of your dissociative sulk.
But you still feel numb. Nothing matters anymore.
Nothing at all.
Jin gets up along with you, slipping his hands into his hoodie pocket. “Stay safe, alright?”
You give a brief nod of acknowledgment, only half in his direction as you shrug your bag onto your shoulder more securely. The hydraulics of the bus screech as the vehicle comes to a stop and lowers slightly, allowing you to step onboard.
You glance back, fully expecting Jin to stop you. But he doesn’t. He blinks raindrops out of his eyes while you board, and gives you a small smile once the doors close behind you. He lifts a hand in farewell, then turns and starts to walk away down the street.
He’s really letting you go.
You pay your fare and find a seat towards the back of the nearly empty bus. Rain pelts at the windows, picking up in earnest, and it feels like yet another layer, another barrier, separating yourself and creating an ever-growing chasm from the life you knew up until yesterday.
You pull out Jin’s phone, staring at the dark screen and wiping away stray raindrops from the surface with your sleeve. Why had he come to find you, if not to stop you?
“But for what it’s worth, you deserve to know the truth.”
Maybe he felt guilty. Or remorseful for the hell you’ve been put through recently. You would normally have felt immense satisfaction at such a thought.
But you can’t feel much of anything right now.
You don’t think you’ll be able to feel properly again. At least not for a long, long time…
Hm? The screen lit up. You must have pressed a button by accident. You swipe at it again, and to your surprise it unlocks. Who doesn’t put a passcode on their phone?
Is it possible… he disabled it before he gave it to you? Maybe. Whatever. You’re so tired of thinking, playing investigator and second guessing people’s motivations.
You scroll over to the phone icon, and tap on it, briefly considering calling your parents. But the wetness on your fingers messes with the touchscreen and you open the messages app instead.
You’re about to wipe the screen and try again, but… the most recent messages are… all about you. You tap on the group chat among the seven of them, currently bustling with activity.
[ Kim Namjoon ]: has anyone found her [ Park Jimin ]: hyung I’m so sorry [ Park Jimin ]: it’s all my fault [ Min Yoongi ]: she’s not at the studio [ Kim Namjoon ]: we’ll talk about it later Jimin [ Kim Namjoon ]: everyone keep looking [Jeon Jungkook]: manager said they can call her network to track her down [Kim Taehyung ]: should we do that? [ Jung Hoseok ]: no! she could get in trouble :( [ Min Yoongi ]: she’s not a stray pet [ Kim Namjoon ]: exactly [ Kim Namjoon ]: we need to keep this quiet for her sake [Kim Taehyung ]: she hasn’t replied to my texts or calls [ Min Yoongi ]: me neither [Jeon Jungkook]: hyung... will she be okay? [ Kim Namjoon ]: everything will be fine don’t worry [ Kim Namjoon ]: we’re going to fix this somehow [ Min Yoongi ]: whatever it takes [ Jung Hoseok ]: where could she have gone... [ Park Jimin ]: what if she doesn’t come back?
You scroll further up, past days and weeks and months of texts between them… not even a day between mentions of you. Wondering if you’re alright. Hoping you’ve eaten enough. Wanting to do more with you.
The thread of texts Jimin sent to Seokjin just yesterday.
Hyung I wish things were different I want to hold her I want to tell her she’s enough I wish I could kiss her… I think I love her Do you ever feel that way?
And Seokjin’s reply.
I do I know just what you mean Why do you think I turned those secondaries away last night, hm? No one can compare She really is special…
He didn’t… fuck the secondaries? After you broke at dinner, he… didn’t...?
You switch to his thread with Namjoon from a few days ago.
I know you’re our leader but I don’t think this is the way to go You need to be more cautious
Namjoon’s reply.
What we need is action, hyung If we work together on this, we could get rid of these unnecessary rules We could all have what we want Including her It’s what’s best for everyone
Seokjin took several minutes to reply.
You’re going to lose her.
Jin knew. He tried to talk Namjoon out of writing that stupid essay, or maybe it was about your suspension.
Either way, he defended you.
You open his thread with Hoseok. Dimly, you recognize that you shouldn’t be snooping, but you’re too absorbed to stop.
Hyung, I think she really wants this All of us ♡ I don’t know how, but we need to show her that it’s okay That we want it just as much
How do you know that’s what she wants?
I can’t say ♡ But I know now She wouldn’t reject us Our feelings She feels something too
The date and time lines up with this morning. The morning after he made love to you.
He didn’t tell them. He kept your secret.
“Our feelings”? What does he mean? Him, Jimin, Taehyung… Seokjin? Do they all…?
Your head spins, the hollowness of your heart filling with a rush of jumbled emotions, like a tide crashing in. All your numbness is washed out with light, just a pinprick at first, that grows rapidly into a ray of warmth as you consider what all this could mean. The chasm starts to narrow, and you get the urge to jump ship, to turn back and figure this shit out. To know once and for all what they want from you. What you mean to them.
But how can you trust this isn’t a trap? How can you be sure?
The answer is as simple as they come.
You can’t.
You can’t be absolutely certain that their intentions are pure… that this is the right thing to do… that you won’t be hurt again.
But maybe... trust isn’t about being infallible. Being right. Being sure.
Maybe it’s built on what ifs. On trying again, even with no guarantees.
Guarantees are only as good as their word, and talk is cheap. Lies are easy. Your Opticon had a 100% guarantee, and look where that got you.
But you remember the way Hoseok held you that night, and made love to you like you’ve never felt in your life... When Jimin kissed his way down your body, with only the best of intentions. Namjoon’s strong arms embracing you when you felt powerless. Yoongi’s hand never leaving yours, even while you waited in the hospital. Jungkook carrying you home after you fainted, breaking your door to make sure you were safe in bed. The look in Taehyung’s eyes when he finally kissed you, breaking the ice you’d been growing around your heart.
How Seokjin let you go.
You get up with a start, rush to the front of the bus, and hastily ask the driver to let you off, much to the old man’s disgruntlement, but the moment the doors whoosh open, you take off at a run.
You want to go home.
You want to try again.
No matter how much you try to bury it, to forget the way they make you feel, you care about them. All of them. On a much deeper level than that of a PhysCom and client. And it scares you.
But you’re done running from fear. From uncertainty.
Now you’re running towards it willingly, as you give chase down the torrential streets, searching for that familiar hooded figure and hoping you’re not too late. You’re embracing the doubt, the fear, the uncertainty, the paranoia... letting their shadowy claws sink into you until they can’t hurt you anymore. Until they fade away, cowering under the glow of your determination.
You’re setting some new rules for yourself, no longer letting fear control your thoughts and actions, barring you from any chance of happiness.
You see Seokjin in the distance, trudging home through the pouring rain. You run faster.
You’re fucking terrified. But you’ve never felt so free in your life.
“Jin!” You shout to get his attention, still a block away. He turns around, and shakes his head, seemingly confused, but a smile starts to appear. You smile too.
Finally, you catch up to him, and without warning, you throw your arms around his shoulders. Damn, he’s always taller than you remember.
He laughs, shocked by your change of heart. “What are you doing?”
“I want to hear you say it.” You reply, looking up at him as rain dashes down your face. You don’t know when you started crying, but you’re grateful to the weather for masking your tears.
“Say what?” He asks, his hands resting on your waist to support you. Thunder rumbles in the distance, rain sliding down his perfect face.
“How you feel about me.” You reply, studying his eyes. “Be honest.”
He seems to sense the gravity in your words. He holds you closer. His eyes soften.
“I think I’ve fallen in love with you.”
For the first time since all of this started, you sense no deception in his words, no double meaning, no hidden agenda.
Because you aren’t searching for reasons to doubt this time.
You’re searching for reasons to trust, and you find them.
You want to kiss him. So you do.
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mochegato · 3 years
Well, Well, Well, If It Isn’t the Consequences of My Actions
Continuation of Truth Be Told
Marinette was still trying to parse through the events of the previous night.  Time, advice from Tikki, sleep, hysterical laughter, and the alcohol she’d drunk as soon as she’d gotten home hadn’t really helped.  To make it worse, Adrien had noticed something was up with her and had followed her to her studio so he could make sure she was okay, so she hadn’t been able to continue her breakdown in peace, because that would mean explaining the previous night to him.  And although Red H… Jason may have issues with secret identities, she did not.
She looked at her notice-free phone again with a sigh.  Maybe she should restart it.  Maybe he had tried calling or texting, but her phone wasn’t working correctly.  That had happened before, right?  That would explain why he hadn’t tried to contact her yet. Or, maybe with a more sober mind, he had decided he really wasn’t that interested.  Or!  Or he didn’t remember her.  Maybe he didn’t remember anything about her and was staring at his own phone right now in utter confusion about why her number was in it.
She was brought out of her spiral by the sound of the bell over the door.  “Sorry we’re…” she started until she saw who it was, “…closed.”  Her breath caught for a second when Jason smiled charmingly at her. “Oh no, no, no, no,” she muttered to herself, glancing over at Adrien nervously.  This could not be happening right now.  He was supposed to call or text.  Not… how did he even know where she would be?  Damned bats.
Adrien perked up from his spot grading students’ papers, an incredulous grin on his lips.  “Oh my God, please tell me that’s Rose’s boy that you told to fuck off. Can I get rid of him, please?  I haven’t gotten to be destructive in a while.”
Marinette wrinkled her face in disgust at the idea of seeing that guy again.  “No! He happened after,” she said getting up to meet Jason.
“You ran into him after your date?  How dare you not tell me about him!” Adrien hissed at her as she walked away.
She turned around to face him as she walked away. “Oh, I dare,” she hissed back.
“Is he why you’ve been so off today?” he whisper yelled.
“Weren’t you going to go get some coffee?  Now?” She called back.
Adrien looked between the two of them and raised an eyebrow at Marinette making sure she really wanted to be left alone with this guy who was easily as big as her dad.  “Yeah.  I need… caffeine apparently.  Something for you too?”  She nodded at him, but kept her eyes on Jason.  “Hey guy I’m suspiciously not allowed to talk to, you want anything from the coffee shop?”
Jason’s eyes flicked over to him for a few seconds to shake his head.  “No, thank you.  I’m fine.”
“Yeah, you are,” Marinette whispered to herself, not anticipating Adrien passing by just then on his way out the door.  
“Heard that,” he grinned before leaving.  
Marinette glared at him but quickly returned her gaze to Jason.  Once she was sure Adrien had gone and couldn’t hear them, Marinette finally broke the silence.  “I was expecting a call or a text,” she said carefully.  “Not that I mind the in-person appearance,” she added quickly.  “It was just… unexpected,” she finished awkwardly.
“I could have sworn you said to meet you at your work,” Jason said a little more innocently than was natural.  Marinette smiled, but quickly schooled her expression and shook her head.  Jason smiled back and shrugged.  “Huh, must be the memory lapses.  Kind of hazy.  Things come in and out.”  He knocked his knuckles against his head lightly.
Marinette raised an eyebrow.  “Is that so?”
“Yep,” he nodded popping the P.  His smile morphed into a smirk.
“Poor you,” she pouted in mock sympathy.  “Then I don't suppose you remember the proposal.”
Jason's smirk dropped. This time his wide eyes looked completely natural and believable. “Proposal?” he asked apprehensively.
“Yeah, the proposal,” she prompted him.  “Don't tell me you forgot about it,” she continued, her own eyes going wide to match his and her voice turning timid.  “You said you didn't have a ring on you, but you couldn't imagine living another day without me.  You wanted to get married as soon as possible.  Oh no.”  She gasped quietly for effect.  “You have forgotten.”
Jason blinked a few times.  He was doing a masterful job of containing any outward signs of his panic.  Marinette could just barely see a few flickers in his eyes that he quickly tamped out.  “What? No!  No, no, no.  That’s just… No, no, not at all,” he stammered.  “It's just, that's so…” he chuckled nervously, “so not like me.  I'm just... impressed how, uh… how bold I was,” he offered.
Marinette watched him closely for a few seconds before she burst out laughing.  Jason's jaw dropped to the floor.  “You were joking,” he observed in awe.  Marinette couldn't answer.  She was gasping too hard for breath, doubled over and grasping her sides.  “Oh thank God.  I want to be mad but I'm just too grateful. Shit, you almost gave me a heart attack.”
Marinette grinned at him when her laughs finally edged down to chuckles.  “Well, that seems fair.  You almost gave me quite a few last night.  And your brother, I think.”
Jason grimaced.  “Was I that bad?”
Marinette quirked her head to the side in thought. “No, not bad.  Just… like when you just kind of stared at me for a few minutes, without saying anything, which apparently was because you were impressed but I thought it was because you were a serial killer.”  Jason chuckled lightly and bobbed his head in apology.  “Or when you revealed your face, no mask.  Or, when you told me your full name and your brother’s first name, and that he was your brother.”  
Jason winced at that revelation.  That would explain the dagger he was almost too sluggish to dodge this morning.  And the glares and lecture on the importance of security and identities.  “Maybe not my finest moment,” he conceded as he rubbed the back of his neck.
Marinette giggled at that.  “Maybe not, but you were extremely drugged and extremely endearing.”  She looked down, a light blush settling on her cheeks.  “And very complimentary.”  
“Well, that’s good at least.  I don’t really remember anything I said.”  He rubbed the back of his neck and shuffled his feet, looking around the store instead of at her.  “So, did you want to talk about last night?” he offered a bit more casually than was natural.
Marinette could see the discomfort in his eyes even if they weren’t pointed at her.  She smiled kindly at him, hoping it would put him at ease.  “Why?  You worried that you said something embarrassing?” she teased lightly.  “You didn’t.”
“Not really,” he shrugged and looked back at her and relaxed into a charming smile.  “I don't embarrass that easily.  And if I said anything I should be embarrassed about, you wouldn't have given me your number.”
Marinette scoffed at him and leaned against the table they were next to.  “I gave you my number, so you’d stop giving me clues to your identity… and your brother’s.  Didn’t work. You were quite determined.”
“I must have thought you were worth it,” Jason smiled. “High me is a very astute me.”  Marinette blushed at the sincerity in his eyes. How was he still this charming even when he wasn’t blitzed out of his mind?  “But,” he continued with renewed vigor, “if I’d done anything too bad, you would have told me already, or kicked me out.”
Marinette laughed lightly.  “Well, you’re not wrong.”  She looked back up after a beat with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.  “So, the background check on me is complete then? You’re allowed to interact with me now.”
Jason rolled his eyes and leaned closer to her over the table.  “I mean, the blood sample results were good.  Your cholesterol is a little high, by the way,” he started thoughtfully.  “It was kind of you to donate though.  Very conscientious.  And you really should call your parents.  It’s been a few days.”  Marinette paled significantly as he continued to speak.  Jason grinned.  “And we have an appointment to talk to your first boyfriend.”
Marinette rolled her eyes and let out a relieved laugh. “You reached for the sun with that one and your wings melted.”  He looked at her questioningly.  “He would have told me if he had an interview with anyone.  We talk a lot.  Not to mention why do that when you could just interview him in person.  He’ll be in town for his tour next week anyway.”
“Wait… really?”
“You didn’t even know who it was?” Marinette laughed.
“I’m sure my family have been doing extensive research on you and they probably know, but I didn’t have anything to do with it. If there was anything bad, they would tell me, otherwise I want to find out from you,” he answered sincerely and taking her hand.  “The only thing I know about you is your name and that’s only because you put it in my phone. I had a vague recollection of what you looked like and being incredibly impressed with you, but that’s pretty much it. That’s one of the reasons I wanted to come down in person, to see if…” he searched for the best way to finish the thought.
Marinette nodded.  “To see if the chemistry was as good as you remember?  To see if it was still good when you weren’t drugged?” she offered nervously.
“Yeah,” Jason agreed.  “You too?”
Marinette took a breath and looked back up at him through her lashes, giving his hand a squeeze.  “Yeah.  I was nervous it was all because of the drugs.”
Jason gave her a relieved smile.  At least he wasn’t the only one nervous about it.  He wasn’t alone in this.  She was navigating it with him.  He squeezed her hand back.  “So,” he started, leaning back to give her a roguish grin, but keeping a grip on her hand, “who is the ex-boyfriend on tour?”
“Luka Couffaine.”
“Guitarist for Jagged Stone!” he exclaimed loudly, his eyes wide in surprise.
“Yeah.  I mean he wasn’t at the time.  But now, yes.”  Her eyes shone with mirth at his awed expression.  “Did you want to meet him?”
“What?  No! That’s… that would be weird, wanting to meet your girlfriend’s ex and his dad.  That’s just…”
“I didn’t mention his dad,” she cut him off knowingly.  “And… girlfriend?”  He gave her a sheepish look and looked down.  He opened his mouth to say something in response but she cut him off with laughter.  “So, that’s a yes then?”
“I mean… if you’re offering,” he tried to say casually.
“I see.  This whole thing was just an elaborate scam so you could meet Jagged Stone,” she pouted in mock offense.  She looked past him and smiled.
Jason rolled his eyes and he leaned onto the counter so he was just a few inches from her.  “You caught me.  I exposed my secret identity just so I could meet a rock star.”  Marinette’s eyes instantly widened and her body went rigid.
“Secret identity?” Adrien asked as he set down her coffee cup next to Marinette.
Jason froze.  “I… didn’t realize he was back.”
“You are shit at secret identities,” Marinette hissed to him.  “Even when you aren’t high you can’t keep one.”
“I…’m still under the effects?” he offered with a wince.  
“And you couldn’t have waited to come see me until it has dissipated?” she groaned.
“No, I couldn’t wait to see you,” he said instantly, looking deeply in her eyes.
“Oh… um… okay,” she stuttered.  Her cheeks flushed deeply.  “I… would have thought it would be gone by now,” she finished quietly.
“Nope.  Still lingering.”  He made a vague motion toward his body.
“Yeah, go with that when your brothers find out.” Marinette sighed.  “Why do they let you go undercover if you’re so bad at hiding your identity?” she asked a bit louder.
Jason’s eyes scrunched in confusion.
“Isn’t that like first day at the academy?” She continued.  She made a subtle rolling motion with her hands so only he could see it.
His eyes widened in realization.  “I think I missed that day.  Police training is pretty boring… and corrupt.”
Adrien scoffed and threw his arm over her shoulder. “Bullshit.  You just don’t want to lose the bet.  Also, backdoor, no bell.”
“Fucking backdoor,” Jason grumbled looking down and shaking his head.  He looked back up at Marinette with a raised eyebrow that she didn’t see because she was glaring at Adrien.  “Bet?”
“There is no bet,” Marinette rushed to assure him.
“That she’d date another hero,” Adrien explained, pointedly ignoring her glare.  “I’m Adrien by the way.  I’m her…” he stopped to think about his next words.  “We really need to come up with a term for it.  I’m her in no way sexual or romantic life partner?”
Marinette rolled her eyes.  “I thought we agreed on pseudo brother.”
“Right, right,” Adrien nodded.  “That puts me above Alya, so I like it.  But I still like mine better.”
“If I can interrupt,” Jason cut in, “Jason, nice to meet you.  And, another?”
“Also, he’s not a hero!” Marinette objected at the same time.
“How many heroes have you dated?  And she’s not wrong, I’m not a hero,” Jason added.
“Ooh, vigilante then.” Adrien nodded.  He started mentally running through all the vigilantes in Gotham.  “I think that counts, but you can always try that.”
“Let’s get back to the dating heroes thing,” Jason tried.
“But it won’t matter anyway, because nobody is going to find out about this,” her voice lowered and became very pointed.  “Right, Adrien?  Because we’re talking about someone else’s identity.  And it doesn’t matter because he isn’t a hero and the terms of the bet, which I didn’t agree to, I might add, were very specific: hero.”
“So how many heroes do you have to date for it to become a bet?” Jason asked.
“It’s more about how many heroes have had a crush on her,” Adrien answered with a smirk.  
Jason raised an eyebrow.  “How many have developed a crush on her?”
“Every hero that’s met her,” Adrien answered with a resolute nod.
“That’s not true!” Marinette exclaimed.
Jason nodded his head as he thought about that. “How many heroes is that? Approximately?” he asked Adrien, ignoring Marinette’s interruption.
“She’s met at least twenty-five.”  Marinette groaned at the glee in Adrien’s voice.
Jason’s eyes widened and turned to her. “Twenty-five?”  He turned back to Adrien.  “And they all liked her?”  
Adrien nodded with a smug smile.  “All of them.”
“No, they don’t,” Marinette insisted.
He blinked a few times.  “My brother met her.”
Marinette stared at him slack jawed until she collapsed her head onto the table.  “You SUCK at secret identities,” she mumbled into the table.  “Okay,” she announced loud enough to stop Jason and Adrien from continuing to talk.  “First,” she turned to Adrien, “that is categorically untrue.”
“You haven’t met twenty-five heroes?” Jason asked.
“Oh no, that’s a low estimate on how many I’ve met. But only like,” she narrowed her eyes and quirked her lips in thought, “three have liked me.”  
Adrien snickered.  “That’s not even close.  There was…”
“Second,” she said cutting him off, “your brother isn’t a hero,” she said pointedly.  “Third, he was a dick.”
“Literally,” Jason snickered.
Marinette smacked his shoulder and looked over at Adrien. “He was overly friendly, but not in a Rose way; in a smarmy, I’m going to manipulate you with my charm way.”
“That’s your opinion of him,” Jason pointed out. “Adrien said heroes get a crush on you so it sounds like I need to watch him around you.”
“Fourth,” she leaned closer to Jason with a hiss, “maybe you just shouldn’t talk.”
“I think we need to up the count too,” Adrien eyed Jason critically.  “Seems like we need to add a few new heroes to the total.”
Marinette stepped in between the two.  “And you won’t try to figure out any more about his identity, because that would be a violation, right Adrien?” she continued even sharper.
Adrien rolled his eyes but nodded.  “Yeah, yeah.  Whatever.  I’ll try but there’s only so many people in the hero adjacent community that fit his dimensions.”  
Marinette slapped him upside the head and he scowled back at her.  “Stop thinking,” she hissed.  “You’re a model it shouldn’t be that hard for you to do.”  Her smirk widened at his exaggerated offended gasp.
Adrien leaned back stared at her eyes slightly narrowed.  “Ex-model, thank you very much.  Which means I've been given a permit to think again.  And just for that, I'm going to.  Day and night.  I'm going to get out charts and diagrams, create association maps, cyberstalk people, all just because I can.”
Marinette groaned and dropped her head in her hands.  “I hate you. You can’t punish him as payback toward me.”
“You’re right,” Adrien nodded thoughtfully.  “I should make it up to Jason.  Say Jason, how many stories has she told you about our teenage years?  Has she told you about the first time we saw a movie together?  How about the first time we were at a sleepover together?”
Marinette’s eyes widened.   “Alright!” Marinette exclaimed loudly.  “I believe it’s time to get you out of here… before… uh… you say anything else embarrassing, Jason,” she insisted.  “Let’s go. Now.”  She pulled Jason out of the room by the elbow.  “You get to lock up Adrien.”
“Your coffee!” he called after her.  But she and Jason were already gone.  Adrien chuckled.  “Like I need to think to know who that is,” he scoffed taking a sip of his coffee and return to grading homework.
Jason waited a block before he spoke up.  “So… you want to tell me about the sleepover or do you want to let blondie tell me later?”
Marinette mock glared at him.  “Look, if we’re going to go over all of my embarrassing moments, we’ll never talk about anything else… ever… There’s a lot,” she stressed.
Jason chuckled and pulled her to a stop.  He picked up her hand and laced their fingers together.  He gently tucked some loose hair behind her ear, letting his fingers linger along her jaw. “Is this okay?”
Marinette looked up at him wide eyed, but nodded, a deep blush gracing her cheeks again.  “Ye... um, yeah.  That’s… um, yeah, that’s okay.”
“So… history of dating heroes, huh?  Guess you weren’t that impressed with my skills last night then.”
Marinette groaned playfully.  “Okay, seriously, it was only the one and yes, you were very impressive.  The way you… were able to stand for a prolonged period of time after the amount of drugs that got pumped into your system… very impressive.”
Jason barked out a laugh.  “Why thank you.  I have lots of other impressive qualities I can astound you with.  How would you feel about a date so I can show them to you?”
“Yeah, I like the sound of that,” she grinned up at him swinging their arms between them.
“You know, I might not remember anything else about last night, but there was one thing I thought I remembered and I was definitely right about,” he took a step closer to her until their chests were almost touching and leaned down to gaze adoringly into her eyes, “you’re fucking hot.”
She let out a surprised snort, her face turning bright red and Jason smirked at her.  She buried her face in his chest to hide her blush.  Jason chuckled as he wound his arms around her waist and hugged her close. “Come on,” he whispered into her ear.  “I know a good place to get food right around the corner.”  She looked up at him and nodded, letting him pull her toward the restaurant.
Continued in Night of the Consequences
@jasonette-july-event @maribatserver @ashbrea381writings
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