#okay ACTUAL last edit i promise i'm done now
queenofinys · 10 months
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cause it was never mine AUGUST The Eras Tour — Los Angeles, California
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melverie · 7 months
I took his hair dye away
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kangaracha · 5 months
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pairing chan x reader
genre ninth member au, enemies to lovers, angst, fluff, coming of age, social media, cancel culture, anxiety, depression, forbidden love,
summary To JYPE, the solution is simple; take the sole trainee that will not debut with your brand new girl group, and use her to replace the missing vocalist in your male group that insisted on starting as nine.
Unfortunately, to the fans and the members themselves, it isn't that simple.
status ongoing
taglist OPEN
a/n apparently it has been 28 days since the last chapter, but the good news is i now have 4 chapters written in advance so january at least will have content. for those who haven't seen the random announcements on my blog, i've been sick and honestly probably will be again in january so your patience is appreciated, and i'm sorry, i'm not usually this sporadic with a project like this! to my editing team, who are feeling betrayed seeing this surprise chapter in their notifications, my chrissy new years gift to you is not asking for edits in the holiday season, roast me in the chat if anything is wrong (keeps, that last part doesn't apply to you)
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Even as you knock on the door to the studio, you're nervous.
Maybe you shouldn't be; it's been nearly a month exactly now, and you're fairly sure at this point that none of the boys hate you, though calling some of them friends has been easier said than done. Maybe that's why you're nervous in the first place, because it's been so long and you're still unsure where you stand within the group, especially with the one you're supposed to meet now...
It's not your fault. Well, maybe it is a little bit - you're aware that you're struggling to relax in their company, the way you had with the girls in Midnight or other trainees. But your schedules are so different too, you only see the others in practise, or in passing in the halls. Some days you practise on your own, while they are off on one schedule or another, living the life of idols that have built up their name, other days only half of them are there. Sometimes there is no dance practise scheduled at all, their own individual lessons or other commitments taking precedence.
It won't be like this forever, you just keep telling yourself. Three weeks more, and then you debut with the rest of them, and you're part of the group for real. Three weeks of hard work, and then, maybe, it gets easier.
Maybe. You've thought that before, only for an opportunity to slip away through your fingers. You wouldn't be surprised if it happened again.
The door opens - Chan, leaning over from his chair to tug on the door handle before he returns to his desk. "Come in," he says warmly, an arm gesturing you towards the couch behind him. It's already occupied by Changbin, who makes you smile when he gives you a hello and a wave. "Sit with me," he says, in Korean and then again in broken English, patting the cushions. "I'll be quiet, I promise."
You're reminded suddenly of how loud he can be, during practises or even when everyone is just sitting around, but you hesitate to mention it, sitting quietly beside him instead. "You can tell him to leave if you want," Chan adds, his back turning to his laptop. "He's not actually here for anything important."
"I'm here for emotional support," Changbin claims, only he puts on such a voice as he says it that it makes both of you laugh. "It's an important job."
"Okay, well." Chan's hands spread, like he doesn't have any say in the situation. "If you don't need support, you can tell him to leave."
"He can stay," you answer readily, and you don't really doubt your answer at all. Out of all the members, Changbin has been one of the friendliest; he'd been so warm and accepting on your first day, and gone out of his way in days since to talk to you or pull you into a joke when you were on the outskirts watching. Even if he was only doing it because you looked pathetically out of place among them, you appreciated it. 
"Cool," Chan says, and then he shifts in his chair like he's uncomfortable, his eyes straying towards his laptop momentarily. "So. I wanted to talk to you about the comeback."
"I figured as much," you reply, aware that your hands are fidgeting nervously in your lap.
Chan's mouth opens, like he's going to say something, and then he hesitates, glancing away again. Apprehension rises in your throat, bitter like the taste of bad coffee as you swallow it back down again. It's one thing if you're nervous - but if he is unsure about what he's about to say too, then it could be-
"I've thought about it, and I've decided that you're not going to debut with us on this album."
Your heart stops and then starts again, your chest tightening around your lungs even though you've heard this story before. It shouldn't even surprise you by now, the let-down; thinking you might have now, finally, done the work and reaped the reward, and yet every time you seem to let the hope creep into your chest just so that you can crumble twice as hard. You hadn't even realised you'd become this married to the idea of joining Stray Kids in the last three weeks, and yet the idea of getting dropped again hurts like a pain in your chest.
This was your last chance. No one else will debut you. The world isn't that kind of kind.
"Okay," you say, through a jaw that feels like it won't move enough to form the words. "It's - I understand. I'm sorry that I couldn't do it."
"Hang on," Chan says, a hand hovering between you like he's ready to catch you if you turn to leave. "Just hear me out - it's not that you're not good enough, okay? I just think it will help you if we wait a little bit longer, and the company were happy to agree."
"You've worked hard," Changbin says beside you, his face earnest. "No one thinks you can't do it."
"No," Chan agrees. "I'm just looking at the timeline, and the schedule they've drawn up for you, and I think you'd do much better if we push debut back to our next comeback in September."
September. Three more months away, rather than three weeks; three more months to push through, nose to the grindstone, that deadline looming over your head. Three more months in which someone might realise they've made a grave mistake and pull you right back out again, when you'd been so close to that finish line. Three more months feeling like an imposter in these boys' lives, waiting for life to even out into some kind of normal.
"Is that okay?" Chan asks, and you bite down the spiral of thoughts that pulls your mind down towards a big, black hole and nod, trying to pretend that it's nothing. The frown on his face doesn't look convinced, nor does the sheet of paper that he reaches behind him to fetch, shoving it into your hands.
"I want you to understand," he says as you look down at the paper, forcing your fingers to only hold it gently before you can rip it. A schedule, the next three weeks of your life laid out in a neat little chart that is detailed down to the minute and overflowing with things to do. "This is the choice they've given us; either we push you through this schedule and extra dance practise and debut in three weeks, or we wait sixteen weeks, and you do all of these things with the rest of us in a reasonable timeframe. I've been looking at it all week, and...I think it's too much. Waiting gives us a song prepared for nine members, takes the pressure off of the managers, gives you time to get to know everyone..."
You're forced to swallow the lump in your throat as you read the schedule and realise that Chan is right; the next week is full of photoshoots and content creation, with no room left for the dance practise you know you need to keep up with. It's rushed, and it's daunting, and at first look you're not really sure at all how you would handle everything. It's the life you've been training for for years now, and yet so many of the things on this list you feel like you haven't trained for at all.
"You're right," you admit, around a tongue that sits too heavy in your mouth. "I don't know why they thought this would work in the first place, when I'm so-"
"Someone high up had a great idea, and wanted it seen through as fast as possible," Chan says before you can finish. "Stray Kids haven't had a really...successful year. Maybe they were thinking of dropping us unless something changed, maybe they just really liked you. They've already agreed to push your debut back to September anyway, so it's not something we need to worry about now."
"As long as they still think it's a good idea in September," you say, and you manage to keep your tone light even though it doesn't sound much like a joke to you at all.
Changbin is the one to speak up, his hand slapping the arm of the couch. "They can't mess with us like that," he declares in the kind of voice that says he has complete confidence in what he says. "You want to be in Stray Kids, you're in Stray Kids, and you're not leaving."
"Exactly," Chan says warmly, and you manage to muster up a smile even though that tension still squeezes tight in your chest at the thought of another three months of limbo, not knowing if you'll stay or if you'll go. "Now," he says, turning back to his laptop, "I have better news; I've got a part for you in God's Menu that I want to hear, and I can play the next title track for you..."
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@kokinu09 @rainfallingfromthesky @lixie-phoria @mysweethannie @chlodavids @hanniemylovelyquokka @tfshouldidohere @lauraliisa @puppysmileseungmin @kalopsian-thoughts @puppy-minnie @readerofallthingss @dvbkie099 @kthstrawberryshortcake-main @acker-night @d-chagi @lynlyndoll @borahae-reads @ihrtlix @yienmarkk @minhwa @i2innie @jinnie-ret @conwunder @amesification @starssongs98
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emjiroki · 6 months
✨️Little Yuuji drabble to brighten up our Friday✨️
Based on This little headcanon
Word count: 706
No warnings SFW
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“I can’t”
“You can”
“I really don’t think I c-”
“Don’t make me go over there and ask her out for you like you’re in kindergarten” Choso said, a dead serious look on his face. Yuuji knew he would do it too, his older brother was never one to make a false promise.
“I just… I don’t know” Yuuji groaned softly, a hand running down his face and feeling the heat on his cheeks.
“You love her right?”.
Yuuji almost choked on his tongue.
“Woah wait a minute!” He croaked, probably too loud in the hushed thrum of the library, “We’re- friends okay? I’ve only talked to her a few times”. That’s kind of true. He had accidentally bumped into you on the first day, nearly knocking your phone from your hand and he had apologized profusely, but you had only laughed and told him it was fine, the sweetest smile on your face that made Yuuji’s heart feel like it was going to burst. The next time, you had come to sit next to him, the soft floral sugariness of your perfume wafted to his nose as you sat down and asked him how his weekend had been.
“I mean I like her but I-”
“There’s only love and curiosity little brother,” Choso cut him off once again, twirling his pencil in his charcoal-stained fingers and adjusting his thin reading glasses as he focused back on the paper he was editing, “If you’re curious enough to try, your determined enough to succeed, Do It”. Yuuji rolled his eyes, realeasy for him to say.
“Yeah okay. You and all your psycho mumbo Jumbo” Yuuji grumbled, beginning to gather his stuff to go to his gym session with Megumi.
“You gonna do it?” Choso asked, not bothering to look up from his paper.
“Just leave it” Yuuji snapped, no real venom behind his words. He knew his brother was only looking out for him. Yuuji had just packed up his last book and was about to swing his back over his shoulder when Choso's hand shot out, nailing Yuuji in the chest and sending with enough force to stumble. The pink haired boys back thumped straight into someone, the loud clatter of papers hitting the floor proving it.
“I'm so sorry, my brother-” Yuuji started to apologize, his mouth clamping shut at the giggle that graced his ears.
“We really need to stop running into each other like this” You said, kneeling down to gather your stuff.
Yuuji was stiff for a moment before ducking down with you, picking up your notebook and the pencil that had rolled under the table.
“It was my brother this time,” Yuuji said with a sheepish smile, “sorry about that”.
“It's okay, really, I was just about to get out of here anyway” You said, standing with your stuff gathered before putting it away in your bag.
“Uh yeah me too actually, heading to the gym with Fushiguro” Yuuji replied, pulling his bag back up his shoulder, “what are you doing now?”.
“Studying” You sighed, “all my classes are done for the day”.
Choso picked that moment to clear his throat, his eyebrows raised in expectation at his paper when Yuuji looked at him. Then it clicked.
“Oh uh yeah mine too, um…” butterflies were hammering Yuuji's stomach as he looked into your pretty eyes and felt fire burning the tip of his nose. “Would you like to- uh- I don't know, go to a Cafe with me? Since we're not busy or anything”.
“Thought you had to hit the gym with your friend?” You asked, that sweet smile on your lips.
“I'll cancel! Right now, he can go with Inumaki or something” Yuuji said quickly, grabbing his phone and sending Megumi a quick message before stowing it away back in his bag, “done”. It felt like his brain was turning to pudding as you laughed, turning to the door.
“Well then let's get going Yuuji”.
God he loved the way you said his name.
“Y-yeah let's go”. He turned to his brother with a thumbs up and a big grin when you had turned away, Choso waving him on with a smirk as Yuuji jogged to catch up with you.
‘Young love’ Choso thought to himself as he watched his brother hold the door for you, flashing him another big grin before the door shut, ‘what an idiot’.
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sergeifyodorov · 5 months
would u do a little analysis of how each team has done so far this season … i trust ur opinions so much
EACH team okay... under the cut bc i am not subjecting the masses to 32 nasty little thots cody edition
Bruins: RIP patrice of course but the bruins are steamrolling as ever... i think that if there is any evidence of the universe simply not caring abt good things it is that the bruins slip and stumble and have some of their best players retired and still manage to put up a 50 win season every year. <- salty leafs fan but ANYHWAY the bruins are easily a Playoff Team. simply "there" 5v5, strong power play, they make their money off finishing (pastrnak you filthy animal) and goaltending (swaymark you filthy animals). they have been trending downwards of late so i'm not entirely sure of like their final standings place but with this kind of head start they're staying up.
Sabres: currently in what we the people call a "decade of darkness." might be a "two decades of darkness" if we're going to be honest. the active player with the most playoff points with the sabres is tyler myers. 7 points. yeah the tall one most famous for having a subreddit that posts the gamescore card every time he's on the bottom of the gamescore card. sabres are really hard to fix because their first real step to contention is "hoping devon levi turns out really good." not promising. bad enough that by selling a piece or two celebrini is in sight. maybe that'll help? a third 1OA?
Red Wings: presenting the mid-season Season Ruining Unforced Error Award early by saying: not that they were going to be as good as their first few games of sniping suggested, but signing patrick kane tanked any realistic hope they have of playoffs. is patrick kane good? he's actually alright. maybe this time the surgery worked. is the team made better by having him on it? it surely isn't! a few REALLY BADLY TIMED dylan larkin based misfortunes have made it go from bad to worse. they were in A2 like a month ago and now they're Out. strengths: finishing. weaknesses: everything else, including morale.
Panthers: okay you've probably clocked this by now but ive been Generally Salty so far and that is bc a) im easily tempted to haterhood and b) currently discussing each team in the atlantic which does nothing to make me less Tempted To Haterhood. that being said the panthers are Good and For Real About It. they can do everything except finish chances, which is fine when the other team has way fewer chances than you and your goalie doesn't let any of them in. fuck ALLL the way off. place your bets on these guys having a deep playoff run. cross your fingers for them not having a deep playoff run i can't stand chuckyposting again it's RAN ITS COURSE. (also: machuk is probably still injured and absolutely Not doing as well as he did the last few seasons. maybe because he's just not that kind of guy but it's probably at least mostly the broken chest thing)
Canadiens: they are bad EXCEPT when it comes to overtime + the shootout. also much like the sabres they're going nowhere fast. i expect at least one of their goalies to be gone at the deadline... furthermore i think ppl who are ragging on slaf's slow development are simply expecting all 1OAs to be like an auston or a connor type (pick your connor) where they come in and immediately adapt -- slaf rings very reminiscent of quinton byfield to me, who was picked 2OA in 2020 and is only now starting to break out. give him time he's a baby...
Senators: despite how much literally everyone talks up all their players constantly, they are not good either. like the sabres or the habs... atlantic is 4 teams in the genuine hunt, 3 teams who suck and have sucked forever and will suck forevermore, and the red wings who haven't made up their minds yet. the sens actually Do have a singular Biggest Problem though and that's goaltending, but they're not a good enough team otherwise that getting a quality goaltender is going to make them playoffs worthy, especially not in the very short (this-season) run.
Lightning: the lightning are weird to me because like i think they're still making up their mind as A People what they want to do. kucherov is the best player in the league rn, this is stamkos' ufa season and he hasn't been offered an extension, vasilevskiy is back and vasying his levskiy... i fully believe they have the capability of getting a playoff spot, maybe even A3 if they want. we've all seen them in the playoffs, we know how they can turn ~It~ on at will. as always they're a deeply mid 5v5 team powered by very strong special teams... the goaltending numbers say goaltending is shit but they've been playing in front of the genuinely unplayable jonas johansson most of the season so i think it'll be fine.
Maple Leafs: as the team ive watched the moast i can talk about these guys for evar so for all of our sanities i will be brief: Auston Matthews, Baby, Look At Him, That's Auston, Auston Motherfucking "Sexy Mustached Bitch" Matthews!!!!!!! powered by an extremely strong power play and very good offence, and defence and goaltending that is held together by Morgan Rielly and a dream. possibly the only reason they're in a playoff spot is the fact that martin jones didn't get claimed on waivers three months ago and i am being dead serious about that. for some reason they're at their best when they're down by two. they do really need both their #1 goalie to come back from injury and to make a splash for a genuine nhl-calibre defenceman, but they're stubbornly determined to win games even through nasty flu.
Hurricanes: their usual selves -- analytics darlings, can't buy a goal. this year they can't buy a save either -- Freddie is out with a medical condition, Raanta is straight up not good, and Kochetkov is... well, he's Kochetkov. they're not far out of a spot but they'll need a hot hand if they want to get comfy... which i don't expect, frankly. they're good enough to make the playoffs, but they're not really a team that goes on heaters, so they'll be bubble until the end.
Blue Jackets: genuinely not sure they know what they're doing like... okay. from an outside pov they are obviously Tanking. they're bad in every way that matters except for finishing and the standings show it. but also like... they're at the point in their development cycle where they shouldn't be tanking... or at least are on the verge of Shouldn't Be Tanking. and again, because they don't know what they're doing, they hired mike babcock for this... if they know what they're doing they'll toss kekalainen as soon as they can and, following this year's draft, start Fighting. but let's be real i doubt that. adam fantilli it's your time to shine... sorry sweetheart!
Devils: see Hurricanes. Great on paper, can't buy a save. They've obviously been stunted by Timo, J'accuse, and Nico all being injured at various points, but goaltending is their biggest and most solvable problem. Unlike the Hurricanes, though, the Devils are fully capable of going on a heater, so the gap between them and WC2 isn't as big as it looks (probably.) Luke Hughes is going to be something special.
Rangers: Looks like Lafreniere is finally getting his feet under him -- but the Rangers have always been far more about getting old, known players to get a second wind with them than they've been about prospect development, and Quick and Wheeler are both showing this pretty definitively. Another one of those teams that's run by special teams and finishing/goaltending. Easy playoff spot, likely solid run. Nothing too interesting here.
Islanders: On the other hand, the Isles are interesting because... like... how did they get There? They have a negative goal differential, for heaven's sake! Their special teams are godawful, their defence is a sieve, they blow leads like that's what actually gets you points in this league, and they're somehow second in the Metropolitan??????? Is it Horvat? Barzal? Sorokin? (It's probably Sorokin.) They'll make the playoffs but i doubt they'll succeed in them.
Flyers: This one's also weird. They have the power play and offence of a peewee team in the big leagues, but have become defensively Actually Super Competent and are somehow good because of this? I'm going to theorize -- because you've asked me to but also because I really want to -- that this is due, at least in part, to somewhat of an inverse Kane-on-the-Red-Wings effect from their offseason removal of Provorov and DeAngelo; without them, the team is now not only better defensively on paper but also better as a team in the locker room. They're [uncle voice] playing with heart now! I doubt they're a real contender, but I think they might actually make playoffs.
Penguins: ...this one's also weird. They're good on paper. Like, really good on paper? Defensively "just okay" but offensively great, goaltending is fantastic, special teams are shutdown. They just can't buy a goal and they can't buy a good sequence.
Capitals: This one's weird, too, but in the opposite way -- aside from the power-play, the Caps are actually godawful on paper, especially when it comes to finishing (because when Ovechkin takes such a high percentage of your shots but he isn't scoring, your team REALLY suffers) but somehow they've managed to pinpoint sequencing luck (win close, lose ugly) and are somehow in WC1. Do I think they'll make the playoffs? Absolutely not -- if either the Devils or Canes step up, the Caps are the odd man out -- but it might be fun to see them try. Or hell, I hope they win-close-lose-ugly their way to a goddamn Cup final. Would be funny as fuck for Ovi's second-longest ever playoff run to come at the fresh young age of thirty-eight. Dude looks ragged out there. I'm going to shut up now before I start talking about finding him sexy
Coyotes: Simple on paper: bad at running play, good goaltending and finishing. Essentially what the Canucks are doing at a smaller scale. The Leafs should never have let Kerfoot walk and I mean that unironically. Okay, anyway, the Yotes are a bubble team and won't make higher than WC1 because of the logjam at the top of the Central, but holy fuck do I want them to make WC1 (or a playoff spot in general.) People ask "how can we grow the game" a lot, and when it comes to what the NHL can do directly, the number one biggest thing is win in small markets. Arizona has already created one of the sports' biggest stars -- Auston! -- and it's an absolutely massive TV market and a potential hotbed of new fans and new, great players. Arizona making a playoff spot -- or even better, going on a run -- would be amazing for the NHL. And it would be funny. And I would like that.
Blackhawks: shoutout to dave !!! dave who works for the hawks!!! anyway the hawks are very obviously tanking and good at it. Their only real point of interest is their Sacred Child, and holy fuck is their Sacred Child going to absolutely fucking smash it when he's given a team that's not entirely made up of scrubs. i think his analytics, especially his defensive numbers, are, like, fine? but accounting for his leverage (all situations, especially the difficult ones), his teammates (his best linemate is Anthony Beauvillier, and tito... is a third liner), and the fact that he's all of eighteen, he's definitely on track to be a Real Force. i kinda love him... okay moving on.
Avalanche: All-over good: finishing their biggest obvious strength, but hockeywise they don't have any real weaknesses... although there is some serious Drama brewing in that locker room and i think it might just be getting started. with landeskog gone for at least until the end of this year (and possibly forever) and ej a sabre, there is absolutely no one in there capable of actually emotionally running a team: makar lacking in a leader's magnetism, rantanen an idiot, toews and mackinnon far too high-strung and competitive, and no one else with seniority. they're a good enough team that it's not really affecting them right now, but ... i don't know, i can kind of feel it coming. They'll make the playoffs, but when the pressure is on they'll either step up or completely fall apart.
Stars: See above: all-over good, but saving their biggest obvious weakness. I think most of this is spurred by Otter being out -- Wedgewood is a serviceable backup goaltender, but obviously not capable of being a real starter, and the team is stuttering because of it. I doubt it'll be for long or too much difficulty (they're a good defensive team, so it's not going to affect them a lot, but they might lose a game or two they might have won with Otter, especially if he's out for a while), but it's going to keep them from taking a step on top of the Central. Easy playoff team, probable contender.
Wild: They are bad! Penalty kill is their worst weakness, but they're not great in goal either and the combination is kicking their ass. As much as I respect how well they've done with that giant cap-space penalty from the Parise/Suter buyouts all those years ago, it's... kind of time to throw in the towel. Get Flower those final few wins, because by god are they devoid of much other success. Right at the tail of a competitive arc. RIP. Tank incoming.
Predators: Weirdly good, even though Saros hasn't been his usual self? O'Reilly esp has been an absolutely fantastic addition for the team over the offseason. No huge strengths, no significant weaknesses. Not an amazing offensive team, but it's Nashville so they were never going to be -- the place practically breeds defensive forwards and all-around dmen. I don't expect they'll seriously contend, but they'll make the playoffs (unless someone offers the farm for Saros).
Blues: I genuinely think so little about the Blues .... that whole thing with Jordan Kyrou has been the most I've thought about them for a bit. That and the fact that only three of their games haven't been decided by the first goal? They're not good and they're really boring. Yeehaw.
Jets: THE JETS let's get JUICY. Jets' biggest strengths by far are a) 5v5 defence and b) finishing/goaltending. Even with Kyle Connor out they're sniping and Hellebuyck and Brossoit are both absolutely on it. The Jets have always seemed to have this problem where on paper (take a shot every time I've written "on paper" in this post if you want to die of alcohol poisoning) they seem fantastic, then January onwards they absolutely plummet. And it's not January yet, so that might still happen, but that kind of thing tends to happen because of a dramatic morale shift, and now that Lowry's captain and Wheeler's left for New York... that might not happen? They've banked enough points that unless they're historically bad from here on out they're still a playoff team. If they keep up what they have going so far, they're a contender, but if it's the same Winnipeg with the same problems, then they're not.
Ducks: Taking a step in the right direction with Carlsson and Mintyukov, but still bad! I really hope Carlsson recovers well, he seems like a sweet boy. Also: what on Earth are they doing with Zegras. Is he a defenceman now? Are they making him play defence? Are he and Dixie D'Amelio still dating? I have many questions. I just hope whichever high draft pick they get is an idiot. I feel like they need another dumbass baby on the team.
Flames: The Flames also appear to have no idea what's going on. And frankly, neither do I! They're too good to be obviously tanking, but not near good enough to be a bubble team. They're definitely reluctant to sell, but their best hope to win soon absolutely should be selling. They have one of the worst contracts in the league on their payroll (wow... I hope the guy in charge of my favourite team didn't sign that!) and a bunch of really solid late-round picks and prospects cutting their teeth on the NHL. In short: they aren't going to make the playoffs and should be leaning into that, but they don't seem to have realized this yet.
Oilers: For the sake of not gloating, I'm going to sum this one up with a Marek quote: If you have a goalie, it's 70% of your team. If you don't, it's 100%. They've had finishing trouble, but considering they absolutely run the show at 5v5 AND special teams (they put nearly SIXTY SHOTS on Vasilevskiy the other day) a little finishing shouldn't be quite so dangerous if they didn't have two sieves minding the net. McDavid might hit 150 again and the Oil might still miss the playoffs. If they get in, they're going far, but at this point it'll be tough as fuck to make it in.
Kings: Average penalty kill. No other weaknesses. Kopitar 4 Selke.
Sharks: This is an absolutely glorious tankjob. No other way to put it. This is the pinnacle of tank design. This is the Wayne Gretzky of tankjobs. This is the Casablanca of tankjobs. This is the Saturn V of tankjobs. Nothing has been so beautifully engineered to suck since Sir James Dyson patented his vacuum or Nancy Reagan walked the earth. It's beautiful. It's gorgeous. I am in awe. They deserve Celebrini purely because of how flawless the tank is. I don't care if he has a warm undertone and would look pink in that fantastic teal. The boy needs San Jose.
Kraken: Good defensively at 5v5, bad pretty much everywhere else. I'm going to be honest with you all, last year was kind of a flash in the pan -- Seattle isn't great and they're neither headed upwards nor downwards. Not a bubble team, probably won't pick top ten. They haven't decided whether or not to build up or tank. Beyond the fantastic aesthetics and four-unranked-lines shtick, they don't really have a whole lot of competitive mojo: no star forwards, no goaltending. Wholeheartedly mid.
Canucks: oH BABY!!!!! The 23-24 Canucks made us all learn what PDO is. The 23-24 Canucks are first in the motherfucking league after being one spot out of being in the Bedard lottery. The 23-24 Canucks are on track to have the best shooting and saving percentage in league history. The 23-24 Canucks' leading goalscorer is Brock Boeser, the guy they've almost traded practically every year since they drafted him. The 23-24 Canucks started the season by naming the Wettest Little Man On The Planet captain and they haven't looked back since. I think they're an easy lock for a playoff spot -- but within the playoffs, do I know what they're going to do? I absolutely do not. They could PDO their way to a Cup or they could bow out in four games flat. Either is equally likely. They have thoroughly embraced Good Chaos. Quinn Hughes might win the Hart. Everything's coming up Vancouver.
Golden Knights: Not as good as they were last year. Ultimately still pretty good. Easy playoff spot. Definite contender. Jack Eichel is better than ever and I love him for it, the dickhead.
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
That last ask made me gag!!!!! You bet your ass Yoongi def has a crush on Jimin or had a crush on him at some point!!
Who do you think JK is more wary of? Yoonmin or Minimoni?
Because there is like an inside joke on Twitter about Jungkook being adorably against Minimoni 🤣 There is an actual compilation of that!!!
Yes. Its quite popular including the most recent one that no one ever includes. Jimin to RM:
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So I saw someone shading me under a certain post for using tiktoks and YT edits so here u go anon
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I'm sorry. Forgive me i play too much. It just baffles me why someone can't come say it to my face if you have something to say. 😂😂😂 ANYGAYS, here is the original clip. As u can see it happens exactly like on the TT. Look, I'm not here to mislead anyone. If I share something it's because I looked into it and saw it transpired the same way as the edit. 💅🏽
Moving on swiftly... as u can see that was in 2013 and already little JK was being territorial. I don't even think feelings had developed yet there but already he was doing this??? Damn. 👀
Jimin fell first but JK fell harder my ass. 😒
To answer your question, who JK is more weary of, the answer is everyone. Really. Not just RM and Suga. But he tends to be more vocal about RM. I honestly still don't understand his issue with Minimoni. Honestly. But also that's why we can't compare. Because with Suga sometimes, it can be borderline jealousy but with Minimoni I don't think its ever been about jealousy.
Take for example the flag part from RUN BTS. Its at the end of that video. He made sure to insert himself. Make sure people are not associating Jimin with RM. Same with Jimin teaching RM the own it dance. Which is a sexual song. JK was right there. He wasn't supposed to be. But he was. And then later Jikook did the song alone, together, in the dark, with the Jimcock waving at JK at some point. This man just doesn't want people to associate certain things with Jimin when it come to RM. I would love to know why 🤔
Side bar: speaking of own it do y'all remember when Jimin showed it to JK and was like "babe, look, guess who's it is... guess who's it is... it's yours."
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Okay. I'm done. I promise. Gotta go before I get accused of sexualising them again. As if Jimin wasn't hard for that entire thing but I'm a monster for pointing it out? Okay 🤭🤭🤭 Long live the Jimcock ✊🏽✊🏽✊🏽
Okay, now I'm done.
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griffin-girl-r · 8 months
Now it's her, but then was you (Part 3)
Created: 03.03.2023
Finished: 10.03.2023
Edited: 25.09.2023
Age: 15
Word count: 5,947
Warnings: Blood, Death, Miscarriage, Loss, Gubshot wound
Request: Yes (Wattpad user)
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Nikolai (Comic book character)
Part 2
One second.
16-year-old Natasha was anxiously waiting for her lover to show up at their meeting place.
Or better said, her fiancé whom she loved with all her heart.
"Natasha!" The boy that Natasha had been waiting for, called her with a wide grin on his face when he spotted her
"Nikolai!" Natasha shouted back with a smile as she ran into the boy's open arms
Nikolai kissed the red-headed girl with passion as he went a few days without seeing her.
He was a soldier in the Russian army.
Not by choice, that was clear.
He was taken away from his home by the government and forced to join the army to fight in a secret war they planned to start.
But now, he regrets nothing because, in this way, he got to meet his soulmate.
"How are you feeling?" The 17-year-old boy pulled away and cupped his finacée's face "I heard from one of the contacts I have in there that you have been feeling extremely sick for the past week since I saw you the last time."
"I'm okay." Natasha whispered "Don't worry."
"Don't lie to me, Tasha." The boy worriedly said "Have they done something to you?"
"Niko..." Natasha breathed out "Do you remember that night we spent together exactly a month ago after my birthday when you asked me to marry you?"
"How could I forget?" Nikolai nodded with a smile "One of the best days of my life."
"Well..." Natasha started as she looked down "I just found out that I'm pregnant, Niko." She quietly mumbled, unsure of the reaction her fiancé was going to have "4 weeks pregnant to be exact. The baby is yours."
Nikolai stared at young Natasha for a split moment as he processed the news he just heard in his shocked state.
"You-You're pregnant?" Nikolai stuttered "With my b-baby?"
Natasha nodded, still not daring to look up at Nikolai's face.
But instead of words, Natasha was pulled into a bone-crushing embrace as the tall boy pulled her head into his chest and kissed the top of it, over and over again.
Natasha was slightly taken aback by the sudden hug but wrapped her arms nonetheless around the boy's waist.
"That's wonderful." Nikolai sniffed, having a wide smile on his face and happy tears in his eyes "Oh, my Natasha, we are going to become parents. Do you know what that means? It means that we will finally be that family we dreamed about."
"You actually want this baby?" Natasha sniffed unsure as she pulled back from the hug "It comes with a lot of responsibility. You know, right?"
"Of course, I know. And my answer remains the same." Nikolai smiled "That's if you want to keep it too. You are the one who will carry it and go through all that pain of childbirth to bring this baby into the world, so if you say that you are not ready to go through all of this yet, I'm sure we could find a solution."
Natasha quickly nodded "I do want this child, Niko. I want it so much. This baby will mark a new beginning in our lives."
"Then I promise you that I will do everything I have to do, so I could get you out of that hell before our baby is born." The boy pressed a soft kiss on the girl's lips "I will be the man of this family and I'll protect you both. I'll find a way for us to escape somewhere they will never be able to find us. How about we go to the West? Settle there?"
"I'd love that so much." Natasha sniffed the happy tears away
"I hope we'll have a girl." Nikolai chuckled out of nowhere
"It's that so?" Natasha laughed "I thought that you would want our baby to be a boy. Well, you know, because you are a boy and most men wish to have a baby boy, not a girl."
"Not me." Nikolai shook his head "I want a baby girl that will be the spitting image of you. In this way, when we're old, I'll have a younger version of you and your beauty and kindness. You will forever stay young through our daughter, then through our granddaughter, and so on."
"Isn't it a little too early to think about grandkids?" The girl laughed
"Never!" Nikolai sternly stated with a smile "Grandkids will be a part of our life if we want to grow old together. But you know what I was thinking?"
"What?" Natasha softly smiled
"Let's not have just one daughter. Let's have 5 daughters. Maybe 6." Nikolai proposed "We can have 6 baby girls that look like you."
"You're really silly, Niko." Natasha laughed
"A silly man that is head over heels in love with you." The boy declared, bringing Natasha in for a kiss
The soon-to-be parents couldn't be happier.
Nothing could break this happiness they have.
"I love you." Nikolai whispered in Natasha's ear
Two seconds.
Natasha was sitting in her room now that she wasn't allowed to train anymore and the general gave direct orders for Natasha to be moved to a private room, given the fact that she was carrying his next best assassin.
It's been 2 days since she revealed to her boyfriend that they are expecting a baby and also 2 days since she saw him last.
She was missing him so dearly.
"Don't worry, my love." Natasha whispered as she placed her hand on her stomach "Daddy will come back to us soon. He is finding a way to get us out of here, so we could give you a normal life."
Natasha's little moment of peace was interrupted by the door of her new room being opened and four guards entered the room uninvited.
"Romanova." One of the guards said "You have to come with us." He pointed with his head to Natasha and 2 of the other guards rushed forward, grabbed Natasha by her arms, and pulled her onto her feet
"Why?" Natasha struggled to free herself "What is happening?"
"We don't know. The general's orders." The first guard explained as the other guards dragged Natasha away to Dreykov's office
Natasha was scared.
She couldn't understand what this was all about, until she was pushed inside Dreykov's office.
Natasha tripped and fell down on her knees, worry filling her mind that this could have hurt her baby.
"Welcome, Natasha." Dreykov dragged out with a smirk on his face "I hope you're ready for your surprise."
That's when Natasha looked up and noticed it.
It was a trail of blood that led from the door to Dreykov's feet where a pool of the said blood had already formed.
Natasha looked from the door to where that bloody trail was leading and she felt like her stomach made a flip when she saw whose blood was it.
It was the blood of her Nikolai who was now lying lifeless at Dreykov's feet as his body was covered in gunshot wounds.
"Niko!" Natasha shouted as she bolted up on her feet only to throw herself on her knees once again, but this time next to her lover's head
Natasha looked at the boy's pale face and at his skin which was starting to turn into a bluish color.
Hesitantly checking his pulse, the girl found none, much to her dread.
"Nikolai..." Natasha whispered as she gently cupped his face and shook it "Niko, please... Don't do this to me. To us." Tears flooded her eyes and she let them fall freely "This baby will need its dad. I need you, Nikolai. I can't do this alone. What will I tell our baby when they ask me about their dad?"
Natasha sniffed and grabbed the hand of her lover and placed it on her stomach, putting her own hand on top of his.
"Please stop playing and open your eyes, love. For me. For our baby." Natasha sobbed "Please!"
The girl bent down and placed a soft kiss on the now cold lips of the man who was going to be her husband one day. On the lips of the man who was the father of her baby.
Lips that Natasha knew they used to be warm, no matter how cold the weather was.
Nikolai's hand fell limp to the floor once Natasha let go of it.
And with Nikolai, a part of Natasha has died as well.
Now, their baby is the only thing Natasha clings to and the only thing she lives for.
Giving her baby the life she and Nikolai dreamed for it to have will be the only purpose in her life, besides loving that baby with all she has.
Three seconds.
"Hi, Niko." Natasha whispered as she knelt in front of Nikolai's grave "I have some news for you."
Natasha looked behind her at the 2 guards that had followed her, so she could visit the grave of her lover, then back down at the small bump of her stomach and she placed her hand on it.
"I just found out the gender of our baby this morning. They allowed me to have a check-up so they will make sure our baby is healthy." Natasha whispered as she rested her forehead on the gravestone "It's a baby girl, Niko, a girl. Just like you wanted from the beginning. We are going to be the parents of a beautiful baby girl." Natasha sniffed "Do not worry, my love. She is very strong, just like her dad. I promise you, Nikolai, that as soon as our daughter is born, I will escape with her. We will make you proud."
Natasha stood up, but not before placing one last kiss on the cold stone, as she walked back to the guards that were ready to lock her back up in her room.
But Natasha's happiness hasn't lasted for too long.
It was late at night, on the same day she visited the grave, after dinner, when she woke up screaming in pain.
Looking down, Natasha saw the pool of blood that had formed on her bed.
"No, please..." Natasha sobbed out in pain "Don't do this to me, Niko! Don't take her with you! I beg you! She's all I have left from you!"
20 minutes later, Natasha was emotionlessly staring at the ceiling in one of the Red Room's labs.
She just had a miscarriage.
She just lost the last part of Nikolai that she had.
But most importantly, she just lost her soul.
She lost her baby girl.
A baby that she will never be able to hold in her arms.
A baby that could have been, but never will be.
She lost her humanity.
Natasha opened her eyes.
You collapsed to the ground with a loud thud.
Natasha fell to her knees next to your head.
The rest of the world didn't matter to her anymore in those moments as she stared wide-eyed at your bleeding body lying limp on the floor.
This was giving her a deja-vú.
She hesitated for a second to get closer to you as she felt a wave of unbearable pain wash over her.
She knew this feeling. It wasn't the first time in her life that she felt like this.
She had experienced this kind of pain when she thought she had lost you in a miscarriage so many years ago.
She slowly came back to her senses after a few seconds of staring as realization set in of what was happening.
You were bleeding to your death and Natasha couldn't let that happen.
She had too many flashbacks of the possible outcomes of what could happen and she needed to act quickly.
For you, for Anna, and herself.
She and Anna couldn't lose you all over again.
"Baby?" Natasha tearfully called you as she gently shook your body hoping to get any reaction from you "Baby, please answer me! I beg you! I can't lose you all over again. Not again. This time I don't know if I will be able to make it without you." She cried "You can't just die! I need you. Anna needs her big sister. I won't let you die!"
And with one move, Natasha slid her arms under you and picked you up, desperately starting to run to get you some help.
"Help!" Natasha shouted as she burst inside the med bay almost taking down the door
Bruce, who was already assisting a few injured Avengers, looked up, only to see Natasha covered in the blood of her recently found older daughter while carrying her in her arms.
"Natasha?!" Bruce asked confused as he ran from Steve's side whose injuries he was assessing and started looking over you "What happened?! Where's Anna?"
"They shot her." Natasha cried "Anna it's currently being watched by Wanda. Please save my daughter. I just found her. I can't lose her."
"Give her to me." Bruce said as he extended his arms to take you from your mother who was reluctant to let go of you "We don't have time for games, Natasha. It's a gunshot wound to the chest. I need to take her into surgery right now or else we would not be able to save her. Please. We are losing precious time."
At the remainder that she could lose you, Natasha carefully placed you in Bruce's arms and stepped aside as he rushed inside a room with you in his arms while being followed by a few of the other doctors who were present there.
Once the door was closed and Natasha couldn't see you anymore, her knees gave up on her as she fell to the ground, heart-wrecking sobs coming out of her mouth.
Steve groaned as he stood up on his feed and crunched down beside his red-headed teammate.
"Steve?" Natasha cried out "I could lose her, Steve! I could lose my baby again. I barely just got her back. She can't leave me again because I know that if she does, this time it will be forever. There will be no her showing up in front of my doorstep alive and well."
"That won't happen, Nat." Steve rubbed her back as he already knew what Natasha was talking about, as Bruce had just a few minutes ago informed them of what was happening "I know because she is a strong girl. Just like her mother and she will survive this one as well."
"Steve, I failed my baby. I failed her, I failed Anna who is my little baby and I failed my Nikolai. I promised him I would protect our daughter at any cost and look where we are right now." Natasha sobbed "How could I ever gain their forgiveness after everything I let happen to them only because I wasn't capable enough to protect them?"
Steve opened his mouth to comfort Natasha but his ears picked up on the sound of small but quick footsteps, running toward them.
Natasha felt little arms wrapping around her neck as a little body hugged her as tight as it could.
"Don't cry, Mama." Anna whispered in her mother's ear as she rested her head on Natasha's shoulder "I don't like it when you cry."
"I'm sorry, baby girl." Natasha cried as she very tightly but carefully hugged her youngest daughter "Mama can't help it. She is really scared for your sister. I'm scared because Y/N/N was hurt very badly by the bad guys and I'm afraid that she won't be okay."
"Don't worry, Mama." Anna slightly pulled back and wiped Natasha's tears away with her palms "My sis promised me that she won't leave us ever again and I know that she wouldn't lie to us. She always keeps her promises." Anna innocently explained to Natasha trying to calm her mother down the best she could
"Y/N?" Anna asked as you both were eating some ice cream
"What is it, baby sis?" You asked, looking down at her while wiping your mouth with your hand
Ever since Anna asked you to be her big sister one week ago, you kept on calling her your baby sis and rarely called her by her name now.
"Now that you're here with me you won't leave, right?" Anna shily questioned "Because you're my big sis now."
"I promise to never ever leave you alone." You smiled and ruffed her hair "We're sisters forever."
Anna smiled and snuggled closer to your side.
She believes in your promise with all her heart.
Natasha didn't have the heart to tell Anna the real seriousness of the situation. She's still just a baby. Natasha knows that Anna won't fully understand what is happening to her. All Anna knew was that she just found out that she had an older sister who loved her to death and that every time they met for the first time, had kept her promises to her younger sister.
Natasha kept clinging to Anna as she tried to find some sort of comfort in holding her younger baby as her oldest baby is currently having a tough battle with her life.
Three hours later, Natasha was sitting in the waiting room in a chair and only a few of her friends were by her side as the rest were making sure that the compound was 100% safe and cleaned the mess that those intruders made.
Anna was soundly asleep without a worry, tucked safely in her mother's arms, as she was certain that her big sister would be just fine because that's what Y/N promised her.
Anna's positivity was the only thing keeping Natasha grounded in these moments when she felt like she was about to lose her mind from worry.
"Natasha?" Bruce's quiet voice pulled Natasha out of her mind
The woman quickly stood up on her feet as she waited for Bruce to give her some good news, being mindful that Anna was still asleep in her arms.
"We managed to save her." Bruce shily smiled "She is currently in one of the recovering rooms and we are keeping a close eye on her vitals but with care, time, and patience I'm very optimistic that she will recover in no time."
Natasha let out a breath she didn't know she was holding as the pressure she felt over her entire body, suddenly eased.
"Can I see her?" Natasha's voice filled up with hope as she gave Bruce a watery smile
"You can." Bruce nodded "I'll have to warn you first that she isn't looking in her best shape but as I previously said, she will look better with time. She is still asleep as we speak and I'd say that she could wake up somewhere in the next few hours, maybe even in a day but that is not to worry about. It's only normal."
"Thank you!" Natasha breathed out tearfully
"The good part about the spot where she was shot is that the bullet had missed her heart and important blood vessels by a few inches so there it's no risk of complications as she recovers. Yes, we will supervise her for the next 24 hours but that is just a formality, not a sign that something is wrong. Pain in the chest zone, headaches, or feeling of tightness in her chest are all normal symptoms after the surgery so do not worry. I have given her medicine to relieve the following pain but those symptoms will slowly disappear and in about 2 to 4 weeks she should be back up on her feet although she isn't allowed to train for at least the next 3 months and for the next month she has to take it easy. Is that clear?"
Natasha quickly nodded "Yes. Thank you once again, Bruce."
"I'm glad I could help." Bruce smiled "Now go inside."
"Can Anna come with me inside as well?" Natasha asked as she wasn't yet ready to let go of Anna
"Why not?!" Bruce shrugged "But as long as she doesn't mess up with the wires or anything else that her sister is attached to."
"She won't. I'll make sure she doesn't cause any trouble." Natasha nodded again "Thank you."
"Go now." Bruce stepped aside to allow Natasha to pass
"Do you want any of us to come with you inside?" Wanda worriedly asked
"No. It's okay." Natasha shook her head "I need some time alone with my girls."
Her girls.
It all felt so right.
She finally has her girls with her. Not just one of them. She can now share all the love she has inside her with the daughter she thought she lost as well.
Stepping inside the room where you were recovering, Natasha couldn't control the few lone tears that escaped her eyes at the sight of you.
It's true that in the past few months that you have been living with them she grew really attached to you, just like Anna did, without knowing why, given the fact that you were treating her so coldly, always keeping your distance from Natasha.
But now she understands everything.
She understands why you were so protective of Anna.
She understands why you were so cold and harsh towards her.
She understands why Anna felt an instant connection with you the first moment she laid her eyes on you.
And she now understands why she had felt that motherly urge to protect you and to keep trying to get closer to you.
If it had been anybody else, Natasha would have given up a long time ago in trying to get closer and befriend that person, but when it came to you, something inside her was screaming at her to keep trying to get you to open more towards her.
"Mama?" Anna sleepily mumbled as she stirred awake when Natasha sat down in a chair next to your bed
"Shh, sweetheart." Natasha quietly said as she started rubbing Anna's back up and down "You're okay. Mama is here. You don't have to worry."
"Y/N?" The small girl questioned in her sleepy state
"She is right here, baby." Natasha whispered "She is okay. She is just sleeping. Why don't you go back to sleep as well?"
"I wanna sleep next to Y/N." Anna mumbled more awake than before
"I don't think that is a good idea yet, baby. She is connected to some machines right now that are letting us know that she is okay while she's asleep and we don't want to mess up with them and potentially hurt Y/N, don't we?"
"I promise I'll be careful, Mama." Anna pleaded, looking up at her mother with the biggest puppy eyes she could muster "Please?!"
How could Natasha say 'no' to such big and beautiful eyes?
"Okay, fine." Natasha sighed "But we need to be really careful. Understood?"
"Yes, Mama!" Anna eagerly nodded
Natasha carefully laid Anna on the bed next to you, making sure to remind her once again to be careful around you and your sister gently snuggled closer to your side and fell back asleep.
Natasha leaned back in her chair as she watched over you and Anna and felt like she couldn't get enough of seeing you both together.
This was everything she ever wished for but, as always, thought she'd never have.
Natasha smiled.
You and Anna reminded Natasha of herself and Yelena when they were kids.
Natasha had the habit of accidentally hurting herself all the time and Yelena would just stay by Natasha's side while Melina was taking care of Natasha's wounds and after, her little sister would try everything to make Natasha smile and forget about the injury.
"I swear that, starting from right now, I will protect you both with everything that I am." Natasha whispered "I'll try my best and even more to be the best mother for you both and I'll try to make you open to me Y/N. I will be your mother too just like I wanted from the first moment I found out you were on the way. I will do everything that I can so we can become more than mother and daughter, more than teacher and student, we could become best friends, and partners in crime, and alongside Anna, we can become the best family ever. Loving, caring, happy and the list can go on and on. We will be the Romanoff trio. The 3 Romanoff girls that no one can stop from achieving their dream life. Mama loves you both so much, my girls. I promise that no one will ever be able to break us apart and keep us away from one another with lies." She stood up, bent over, and kissed Anastasia's head then yours "My sweet baby girls..." She whispered
"Mama?" A sleepy voice mumbled
At first, Natasha thought that Anna was the one to call for her but the voice sounded way more mature than Anna's little high-pitched voice.
"Mama?" The same voice whispered and Natasha looked from Anna's face to yours
As she did so, she found you looking directly at her face with a frown expression on your face.
Natasha swallowed down the tears that invaded her eyes in an instant at the realization that you had called her 'mama'. Something she was definitely not expecting to hear for a long time given the fact that she still needed to figure out a way in which she could make you listen to her entire story and get you to talk to her about your feelings as well over the revelation that she was your mother.
Natasha was hurt, angry, and sad over finding out that the daughter she thought she lost a very long time ago was kept away from her.
She could only guess that you were feeling confused, frustrated, and hurt that the woman you were raised to believe had abandoned you had, actually, never truly abandoned you.
That, while they lied to you that Natasha had abandoned you, they lied to Natasha as well about you being dead.
And all Natasha wanted was to make you forget all the lies, the pain, and the hurt and start to live a normal, happy, and full-of-love life where you knew that your mother and baby sister would always be there for you.
Whether you like it or not.
You are stuck with them now.
"Mama?" You called Natasha once again
"What did you just call me?" Natasha's voice waved filled with too many emotions and she frowned trying to keep her tears at bay
"Mama..." You breathed out once again and Natasha wasn't sure if you were entirely conscious of what you were saying given the meds you were on
"It's me..." Natasha cried out then sniffed "It's me, baby. I'm Mama. I am your Mama. Don't worry, baby girl, Mama is here. Everything will be okay. You will be okay. I'll make sure of it."
"Mama, hurts..." You quietly mumbled
"I know, baby. Mama knows, but the doctors have already given you medicine for it and very soon it will stop hurting." Natasha quietly explained as she stroked your hair out of your face "But look!" She gave you a soft smile "Mama is here. Your sister is here too. You will never again be alone. We're here now."
You slightly moved your head and spotted Anna peacefully sleeping, cuddled at your side, then looked back up at Natasha.
"Promise?" You whispered as your eyes started closing again
"I promise, baby girl. Mama promises." Natasha placed a gentle kiss on your forehead "Rest now, my love. You need your rest to get your strengths back. You need it. Mama and Anna will keep being here when you wake up after your nap, sweet girl."
And with your mother's reassuring words, you closed your eyes and fell into a peaceful slumber.
As soon as Natasha was sure that you were asleep she let her head fall on your shoulder and started sobbing.
She managed to keep it together only for as long as you were awake then she entirely lost it.
Hearing you call her 'mama' , just like it should have been from the very beginning if you weren't separated from her, was making Natasha's chest hurt from the amount of happiness that filled her heart.
She couldn't describe in words what it felt like when you called her like that but she can tell for sure that she wants to keep hearing you call her that for the rest of her life. She doesn't want to have to live without you for another second of her life.
You and Anna are now the center of her universe.
Her soul is finally complete again as the other half Natasha thought would forever stay dead came back to her at the most unexpected time in her life.
A few hours later, Natasha was cradling a now awake Anastasia in her arms, as the woman was quietly telling her daughter a story.
But the story was interrupted when you softly groaned, making known that you were now awake as your eyes slowly opened and you looked in the direction from where the voices were coming.
"Look who's awake." Natasha turned Anna around as she pointed to you with a smile on her face
"Sissy!" Anna cheerfully shouted and you groaned at the loud sound, making Anna immediately calm down "Sorry, sissy." The small girl quietly said
"It's okay..." You whispered "Why don't you come here and give me a hug so I could forgive you?" You smiled softly at her
Your little sister quickly moved from your mother's arms directly into yours as she very gently gave you a small hug.
"How are you feeling, Y/N?" Anna's small voice was filled with concern for your well-being as she sat crossed-legged on your bed
"I'm okay." You smiled "Don't you worry. With a little love from you, I will be better in no time and we can play and train together again very soon."
"I promise that I will look for the bad guys that hurt you and I will kick their butt!" Anna raised her chin and made you and Natasha share a laugh at her determination and innocence
"Thank you for doing it for me, baby sis." You giggled as you played along with Anna's game
Natasha was silently waiting for you to notice her presence as well and she knew by the way that you were trying to avoid her gaze that you hadn't yet forgiven her and that the previous moment from a few hours ago was nothing more than you being confused after the complicated surgery you had went through.
The oldest redhead sadly sighed and looked down at her feet.
How stupid could she be to believe that you had finally accepted her as your true mother?
"Mama?" You called and Natasha's breath hitched in her throat "Why are you standing there alone? Come here and give us a hug."
Natasha looked up at you tearfully as she rushed forward and brought you and Anna in a tight embrace. Both of you sighed happily once you were in her arms.
"My babies." Natasha cried as she pulled Anna closer to her and buried her nose in your hair, breathing in your scent that she felt like she couldn't get enough of
You smiled contently and Anna snuggled even further away in Natasha's arms as she enjoyed the new feeling of having her mother and her older sister by her side.
"Anna, baby..." Natasha hesitantly let go of you both "Why don't you go and tell Aunt Wanda to make you and Y/N her famous pancakes so we could celebrate that your sister is okay?"
"But, Mama..." Anna whined, not wanting to leave your side
"Anastasia." Natasha said more sternly
"Fine!" Anna rolled her eyes and jumped off the bed
"Aren't you a little bossy for a 6-year-old?" You asked with a giggle and Anna just turned around and ran out of the room to go find Wanda
You turned to look at Natasha only to find her already staring lovingly at you.
"Can we talk?" Natasha quietly questioned "But this time we'll be honest with one another. No lies and no hidden feelings."
"I think I'm ready to talk since we haven't got the chance to before we were attacked." You nodded
"I'm sorry." Natasha truthfully told you "I'm so sorry you had to go through everything that you did. This was not the life I wanted you to have and I swear that if I had known you were alive, I would have stopped at nothing to find you and bring you with me."
"I won't lie." You sighed "All my life I had asked myself if the reason why you abandoned me there was because I was a burden that kept you back or that you didn't want me because you haven't birthed me and that I was created in a lab where I developed inside those machines for so many months." You looked away from Natasha "But hearing your story now, seeing how you treat Anna, and putting together different pieces of information I've learned over time, had made me realize the truth. A truth that I wasn't yet ready to hear just because my pride, anger, and training wouldn't let me believe it." Turning your head again, you looked directly into her eyes "But now I believe you. I am not going to let the opportunity of having the best mother and little sister in the world pass by me just because I believed the lies of a manipulator more than the proofs that show me the real truth about my existence."
"I'll never understand how they managed to trick me back then but I promise you, my baby, that it will never happen again." Natasha took your hands in hers and started playing with them "Now that I have you back with me, you will never again be taken away from me. I love you so much, Y/N. I always did and I always will. No lie will ever be able to separate us."
"I think it's time to put the past behind us and look forward to a brighter future." You nodded "A happy future where we are together like the family we are. Just you, me, and Anna. We can do this together."
"Damn right, we can!" Natasha tearfully chuckled as she brought you in her arms once again "I know it will take time but we can overcome everything as long as we are together. Just me and my girls." She kissed the top of your head
And Natasha, as well as you, kept that promise of becoming a strong and inseparable family alongside Anna.
You could only be happy that everything you thought was right was actually wrong and not only that Natasha hadn't abandoned you, but she loved you with her entire heart.
Anna was happy to have that big sister she always wanted to have and to be surrounded by double the amount of love that was now coming from Natasha and you.
And about Natasha, she felt like she was living in a dream. She had two beautiful, healthy, and alive daughters, that loved her and had opened their hearts toward her.
After all this time and after everything that happened, the three Romanoff girls have finally got the family they always dreamed about.
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spicysagittarius · 11 months
If you don't turn off that stupid video game and have sex with me, I'm gonna masturbate right here
I wanna see how wet/hard I can make you before I fuck you
Keep the noise down, baby. Someone's gonna walk in while I have my dick in you
Okay, so, I thought I ran away with that last one, but I really ran with this one. Like, 2000 words of ran away. Oops! I'll probably post this as an AO3 fic, because why not. That version will obviously be edited, since this version is not. Enjoy! I have no idea if this makes any sense x
Also, I slightly altered a few details of your request. I hope that's okay. I just wanted to be able to combine as many details of your message as I could! I hope you like it xx
Peter’s on the sofa playing that goddamn FIFA game again with Harry and Miles, and it’s possibly the worst timing, because she’s ovulating and really fucking horny.
It’s not that they’re trying for a baby or anything. God, no. They’ve only been dating for a year and are still very much in college. No babies right now, no, just some frustrating hormones that are causing her really hot boyfriend to look even hotter, somehow, as he sits attentively on the couch in his boxers and old science tee. 
She has a plan, though. Oh, does she. He’s totally in for it.
He’s in for it because she doesn’t have any trousers on, either. But while he’d taken his off for comfortability purposes, she’d done it for vengeful ones. And she’s feeling vengeful tonight, enough to not only be without trousers but to have changed into that one black thong that always sends him into a frenzy, along with the lingerie top she’d recently bought. It’s lacy and black and pushes her chest together just the right way, with off-the-shoulder straps and tiny red flowers stitched in the centre of the chest. 
She steps into the living room, watching him glance at her passively and then doing a quick double take. His eyes are wide, lips slightly parting in shock. “Hey…guys? Just a sec.” He mumbles into the mic on his headphones without looking away from her scantily-clad figure. When he’s muted himself and paused his game, he grunts. “Em, baby, what’s all this?”
MJ smirks. “You wouldn’t believe how wet I am right now.”
“I think you should turn that off and fuck me.” When he doesn’t respond in ten seconds, she groans in frustration. “Peter, I’m so serious. Don’t make me beg. It’s humiliating.”
That’s when he smirks. Uh-oh. She’s given him an idea. “You know what I think?” He grins, sitting up further. “I think that you should have to earn it. It shouldn’t be that easy, should it?” She just stutters in response. “You see, I was in the middle of a game,” Peter continues. “You couldn’t have waited until I was done?”
“No, you arsehole—“ 
“Then you’ll have to earn it. Prove to me that it’s worth quitting the game I’ve been planning with my friends for the whole week. Or else…” he shrugs with a teasing smile, “you can wait until tonight.”
Oh, fuck him. And begrudgingly, that’s exactly what she needs. “What do you want.” It’s an annoyed snap. 
“C’mere.” He pats his leg. MJ timidly approaches, watching his eyes rake down her body lustfully. When she’s close enough, he grips her hips and manhandles her onto his lap. She can feel how hard he is against her ass and fuck, she needs him inside her. 
“Here’s how it’s gonna go,” he mumbles into her ear, grabbing the controller again. “I’m gonna finish this game. If you can be good for me, be a good girl and wait here patiently, I’ll eat this pretty cunt and then fuck you until you can’t remember your own name.” She shudders from the growl of his voice. 
“Peter…” His proposal sounds promising but she’s distractingly wet between her legs and doesn’t think she can do it. 
Two can play this teasing game. “Actually, I have a better idea.” Oh, she’s a fucking genius for this one. “If that little FIFA game is so important to you, I can think of a few…other options that’ll satisfy me instead.” 
His eyes narrow as she darts back to his bedroom to locate the vibrator they keep in his sock drawer for the occasional messing around. In a flash, she rejoins him in the lounge, toy in hand. He still hasn’t resumed his game. 
“If you’re not gonna fuck me, I’m gonna do it myself. Right here. While you play.” She saunters back to him, switching the vibrator on. “You wanted me on your lap?” 
Once she’s settled on his lap again, this time on his left thigh with each thigh on either side of it, she teasingly grinds her damp thong against his bare leg once. “Turn your game back on, Peter,” she dares. 
That’s when she can tell, from the newly lit fire in his eyes, that he’s got a rebuttal again.
“Don’t worry, Em, I will. But first…” he quickly snatches the toy out of her hand. “I’m gonna do it for you. Played this one-handed enough times. Plus, the guys aren’t half as good and I could beat ‘em with my eyes closed. If you can manage to not cum until I’ve won, I’ll reward you.”
She huffs, ignoring the sudden gush in her thong that he can most definitely feel just as she can. “And if I do?”
“I’ll have to punish you, won’t I?” His condescending tone both infuriates and excites her. 
The vibrator’s already on, so he snakes his left arm around her and slips it under the lace of her thong. “You look so fucking pretty like this,” he mutters under his breath, the last thing he says to her before unmuting his mic. “‘Kay, guys, I’m back. Where were we?”
He ups the speed, then again, then once more, and it’s on one of the highest settings it can go. MJ has to literally bite the back of her hand to stay quiet, because fuck, it’s right on her clit and she’s just thankful he isn’t utilising the other part of the toy. 
As if he can read her mind, he’s manuevering the toy so that the dildo end of it isn’t vibrating on her clit anymore, but slides inside of her, every thick, spasming inch. She slaps her hands onto his forearm, squeezing tightly in non-verbal shock. Once the shaft is completely inside her, his fingers move up to make sure that the second end of the toy is positioned to torture her clit again. His fingers move to erotically rip the thong off of her cunt, the scraps hanging pathetically around her hips in tattered ruins. Her cheeks heat up in shame. 
But her panties were in the way, after all. She’s surprised he’s able to do both at the same time: with his right hand, he flicks the controller expertly, his eyes definitely glued to the screen. And yet, his left hand grips the base of the toy and begins to fuck her with it. There’s no way she’s gonna make it. Not until he finishes the game. Not when she’s already this close. 
There’s a break in the game after a minute or two, and by this time, she’s a puddle of lust and shuddering whines she can barely muffle beneath her hand. He quickly moves his right hand from the controller to her lacy top, yanking the top of it down so that her breasts spill free. The blush on her face deepens and she’s burning from the inside out. In shame or arousal, she’s not sure. Probably both. 
Groping her tits with a greedy hand, he murmurs into her ear teasingly, “Poor girl. Are you nearly there already? Couldn’t hold it? ’S only been a minute.”
The next few minutes after he resumes the game again are quite possibly the most agonising of her life. She can’t cum. She can’t make a sound. Everything in her, notably, her cunt, is screaming at her to fucking. do something. But she can’t. 
At the next break in the game, she shakes her head quickly. “Peter, I can’t,” 
“Aw, baby,” he pouts, pulling her long locks behind her ear so he can look at her. Watch her struggle. “Can’t what?”
“Can’t hold it.” She’s so close. Too close. “I have to…Peter, please, I have to cum. I can’t help it.” 
“Oh?” He snickers. “Well, you’re gonna have to keep the noise down, baby, or they’re gonna hear every sound. Actually,” Peter pulls off the headset with his other hand, then places it on her: each ear of the headphone over hers, the mic landing right in front of her mouth. She can hear the background music of their game, and Harry and Miles chuckling about something irrelevant through their mics. “Think you should say hi to ‘em, MJ. Been awhile, hmm?”
He’s honestly the rudest person she’s ever met. 
Miles and Harry pick up on his faint words. “Michelle?” It’s Harry. But she’s finding it really, really hard to focus on that instead of the mechanical whirring between her legs. 
“Uh.. yep! Y-yeah, hi, Harry. Miles.” She prays that she doesn’t sound as ruined as she feels. Peter watches her with a wide smirk on his face, shoving the faux cock faster inside her. Harder. Deeper. Her eyes water with the effort to conceal the state of her. 
“You good?” Miles asks. She’s obviously not done a great job. Fuck. 
“Yes.” It’s all she can manage, barely stopping a loud whine from escaping her throat. Silence on their end. She’s not convincing enough. “Uh huh.” Her addition sounds even more strained; a clear mistake. 
Peter just drills the silicone inside her, against her clit as she floods onto his thigh, making a sloppy mess of her arousal. Every time her hips jerk back, she unintentionally smears her cunt over the wetness on his leg, making even more of a mess on him. That, and the embarrassed need on her face, is making him throb. She can feel it as he sinfully grinds his hard length against her arse. 
“You sure, MJ? You don’t sound so great.” Harry murmurs. 
“I’m fine,” Michelle gasps. This time proves more obvious than the rest, mostly because Peter’s pulled his cock out of his briefs and the vibrator out of her cunt, replacing it with his hard length. When she’s stuffed full of him completely and lands against his hips after being dropped on his cock, the wind is nearly knocked out of her. He keeps the toy pressed against her clit, the part that was just inside her, heated from the sauna of her warm cunt. 
Her jaw drops and she falls forward; his arm is the only thing that prevents her from falling face-down on his coffee table. Her body jerks and she’s there…
Peter pulls her torso back against him to watch her, watch her fall off the edge and painfully force herself to stay quiet. The second he sees her cum, he rips the toy away, effectively ruining her orgasm, making it more intense and yet more aggravating for her. A long, barely there, tortured whine leaves her lips. 
He quickly grabs the headset off her head, returning it back to his. “Yeah, sorry, guys, she’s not feeling too great right now.”
Neither of them care to hear the coos of sympathy from his friends. He interrupts them, and would’ve normally felt an ounce of guilt. But not now. “Hey, guys? I need to go.” 
Michelle lifts her head from where it rested on her chest in orgasmic ruin.  Was he…
“Mkay. Bye now.” He says in parting, half-heartedly at best. 
“Peter,” she exhales, daring to look at him for the first time in what feels like hours. Unable to decide if she hates him or loves him, she watches his gaze sweep over her, over her dazed expression and her exposed breasts and her taut navel that beats with her heart as it it rests there in her stomach, and from there to the scraps of lace that she once called lingerie. 
“Em, baby…” he mutters. She’s confused by the sigh that leaves him then. It sounds disappointed. “You almost did it.”
At her puzzled expression, Peter just shakes his head. “I told you not to cum until I won the game.”
Oh, no. 
“I think,” he says with a slow, wicked smile, “that means you’re in for it.”
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recurring-polynya · 6 months
Writing/Art Update 12.5.2023
It took me all week, but I did, finally, finish Chapter 5.
I had two great wordcount weeks in a row. This was not a great wordcount week. I did spend a lot of time thinking about my fanfic, and plotting and outlining. These are not normally activities that I enjoy, but it honestly wasn't so bad. I decided that I didn't want to keep proceeding forward until I had decided how this thing is going to end. If you've ever read any of my writing advice posts, you'll know that I nearly always advise deciding how the fanfic will end before you start writing the fanfic. The only reason I didn't take my own advice is because I usually don't need to. While I am infamously bad at ending individual scenes and chapters, I nearly always know how a fanfic is going to end, and this time I just...didn't?
Anyway, I thought about it all week and thought up some scenes I would like to do and thought about the character arcs and motivations I wanted my three mains to go through in the second half of this fanfic, and I also thought about characters whom I felt had not gotten enough screentime. All of these things were easier than coming up with an ending, but I did eventually come up with an idea for my last few scenes, and I think it's good enough that the rest will fill itself in as I go. We are definitely shaping up to be 9 chapters and an epilogue, which means I am now slightly over halfway done? Yay? It still feels frustrating because the front half is pretty self-contained and I want to show it to people, but I cannot, it needs to wait but there's soooooo muuuuuuch left to goooooooo.
Anyway, let's focus on the positive! I added 2,939 (new) words to Chapter 5, bringing it up to 10,160, the longest chapter so far, but not egregiously so. I added one scene which is both unnecessary and dreadful. It ruins the pacing at the end of the chapter, it goofs up my alternating narrator structure, and it's just extremely weird. Also, if I cut it, the chapter length will better match the other ones. I wrote a note in my outline "this scene is bad and you should delete it." Will I? Readers, I likely will not. This is fanfic and when you write fanfic, you can just make people read unnecessary scenes about Renji and Iba's dirtbag friendship and they can't do anything about it because I do not receive any sort of compensation for this. I promise that if I come to my senses and actually ax, I will post it here. In other news, everyone who loved the Squad Six-gets-universal-healthcare scene from Hearts will be overjoyed to learn that this one features a bit in which Ukitake-and-Yumichika-discuss-the-Gotei-13-procurement-process. Once again, I do not get paid.
I also spent some time this week fixing up the portion of Chapter 6 that I had already written. Some of it needs to be fully reworked, but there was a significant chunk that could be pretty much pasted in with a little minor editing.
That brings the wordcount for this week to 17,423 for Part B, or 54,296 overall (+10,207 for the week). That is...that is starting to become a fanfic.
It's also December, and there's a lot of stuff going on, so I'm really trying to not be too ambitious in my goal-setting, but I'm hoping that maybe I'll be able to get through Chapter 7 by the end of the year.
I did a drawing tutorial this week. It was okay. I'm kinda 🫠about drawing lately, but sometimes I can only really concentrate on one thing at a time.
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Date night <3
Ozzy and tender meet up for a date! It’s always nice to make up with a “good friend”. @spotaus
warnings: chicken tender being awkward, talk of murder and eating humans, an author who doesn't know how to write dancing Edit: not prof read
Ozzy walked through Waterfall, umbrella in hand. The cave walls glowed gleefully. It felt lively as he traversed the cave system. He had made many encounters with new monsters. Although they were less of “encounters” but rather a fight. They were hungry, that Ozzy knew. However, he didn’t plan for his journey to end yet. Not like last time. He followed a new path covered in echo flowers. Ozzy smiled to think of how lucky he was to know of the underground. He’s glad he listened to Sans rant for now he knows where to go, and hot to get there.
ACT - pick up an echo flower?
ACT- you picked up an echo flower. It whispered it secrets to you.
Ozzy placed the echo flower in his pocket. He’d move a few good meters before his phone began to ring. He dug through his bag and answer.
“Hello, Sans”
Sans takes a moment to answer. His voice is laid back and almost a lack of emotion.
“Hey, Ozzy. I need a favor.”
Ozzy ran across the rickety bridge to not start and “encounter” the water fall strangle didn’t seem to bother his ability to hear sans.
“mmm, depends. What kind of favor?”
Sans shifts from the other side of the call.
“I just- look-“
“I want to see you again.”
Ozzy froze and held umbrella tightly. His chest felt tingly and his face heated up.
“I want to make up for last time.”
“meet me in the city, alright?”
“Yeah, okay.”
Click! Ozzy hung up and just stared blankly. Wow. That’s a lot to unpack. Ozzy couldn’t unpack however cause he just matched forward towards the city. Along the way he swayed with pride and excitement. This sway turned in to full on dancing. He twirled and twisted. He went low and high. He danced to his own rhythm; how own beat. He stop with fatigue. He was full of joy and all nerves let him. Then a cough came from behind him.
“…You were taking a bit I wanted to make sure you were okay.”
Ozzy blushed and nodded.
“Sorry I-“
“We should get going.”
The two walked together. Ozzy stayed close to Sans in hopes that Sans would scare of encounters.
“Sans can we talk abou-“
“Not here. There’s a lot of prying ears. Wait till we to the restaurant.” Ozzy let out a small “okay” before walking in gruesome silence.
a 7 minute walk later.*
Ozzy entered the restaurant with sans. It was empty besides for the owner; It was a cat monster. The owner egarely seated Ozzy and Sans. Sans smiled hesitantly to Ozzy. The shadow of his hood covered his face. “Sorry the view wasn't quite what ya expected." He trails off, "Glad you agreed to meet with me... I didn't mention it, but the Underground's a lot more dangerous outside Snowdin... you alright?" Ozzy scoffed. “No, Sans, I’m doing this for the bit.” Sans smiled to Ozzy.
“Sans. I need you to be honest, like, completely honest. No more white lies, no more disguises.” Ozzy takes a moment to think, “I want to meet you. The real you, there’s no consequences. I want run off I promise.” Sans sighed and pulled his hood down. “You sure do know how to make a monster talk, huh?” Sans smiled “Okay, well. I’m Sans, Sans the skeleton. Though, some folks call me Pretender. You figured this one out already, but I'm not human. Usually I'm uhh, bones, and uh….i’ve killed and eaten humans.” He looks down to his plate. “Most monster have, actually. I... stopped. Obviously. Promised myself I'd not kill any other humans." A scoff, and he pauses so his voice doesn't tremble. He clasps his hands, like he's folding in on himself. "And I don't really do much these days. I watch out for Paps, walk patrols, go to Grillby's. Now I'm watching out for you. Or- I was, before you figured out I was pretending.” Ozzy smiles. “That’s a it?” Sans’s eye lights shrink. “Uhm, yeah I haven’t done a lot of living down here..sorry?” Ozzy shook his head. “Oh no! Don’t worry tender! We could just leave together and do something living together.” Ozzy paused. “Not like live together but like- we could go on adventures…I mean I’m sure you’re great to live with but-“ Sans nods and smiles. “I understand don’t worry!” Ozzy nodded and dinner was filled with laughter and tale of adventure and the surface. Sans told of his lab days and Ozzy shared his alley dancing story’s. Hours had pasted by the time they left.
“hey, tender?”
“would you like to dance?”
Ozzy’s smiles disappear.
“sorry, but I promise to dance some other time!”
Ozzy nodded.
“alright, Sans. <3”
@oodlesndoodles wish that were you lol >;)
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manygalaxiesinone · 1 year
Farewell Ash...
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((I've seen a lot of videos on this lately and even though I stopped watching the anime since gen 3 or 4, knowing Ash is stepping down as the protag does hit. So, I figured why not make my own bit. It's not a fancy video, edit, or anything but it's the best thing I can think of doing, at least on my own. I hope you guys enjoy.))
Ash: Looks up at the door to "the other side". "..."
Luffy: "You sure about this? There's going to be a whole lot more to see out there."
Ash: "Yeah. I've been thinking about it for a while now."
Izuku: "I still can't believe it's actually happening."
Rimuru: "Yeah, it's really not going to be the same without you around."
Tohru: "This is cruel. I just got back too."
Arcueid: "How do you think I feel right now?!"
Goku: "Guys let him go. I know it's hard, but I can tell he made up his mind. I know I'm one of the last people who should be saying this but...there comes a time when you fully realize you're at the end of your journey. All we can do now is send him off with a smile."
Ash: "Thanks, Goku." Takes a breath. "You ready Pikachu?"
Pikachu: "Pi." Nods
Ash: Nods back. "..." Walks forward as the door opens up until he reaches the last step.
Tai: "Hey hey! Look who finally showed up!"
Ash & Pikachu: -!!-
Yugi: "You sure kept us waiting, haven't you Ash?"
Kuriboh: "Kuri kuri!"
Agumon: "There's plenty of marshmallows for us to roast inside! Hurry up before everything gets all stale!"
Tai: "I don't think we have to worry about that here, buddy."
Yugi: "There's lots of new games for us to try together too. Yusuke and Usagi have been getting pretty competitive lately."
Kuriboh: "Kuri!"
Ash: Starts crying "You guys..." Recalls all their adventures in their respective shows. (It really has been a crazy journey all these years. So many wonderful people to see, so many things to try out. It all felt like a dream. One I thought would last forever...until...) Recalls seeing Yugi and Tai pass on their torches to Jaden and Davis. (Everything started to...change.) Remembers Goku and Luffy holding him and Pikachu back as Tai and Yugi walk through the door to the other side, shouting at them about how they weren't done and they promised to go together. (I was scared...frightened...but I had to keep going. I still needed to achieve my destiny. In fact, I'm sure a lot of people are feeling this way now.) Thinks about more of his travels (But eventually I realized that...time moves on for everyone...and that's okay. What's important is how you spend it.)
Tai: Holds out his hand. "Come on, what are you waiting for?! This door can't stay open forever!"
Yugi: Holds out his hand. "I'm sure you have a lot of stories to tell us. We'll hear you out no matter how exciting or repetitive it gets."
Ash: Wipes his tears and run towards the two of them with Pikachu right behind. (And I'm glad I spent mine with all of you.)
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shares-a-vest · 9 months
WIP Wednesday Weekend Game
I was tagged by @farahsamboolents thank you! 💖💖💖
Okay, my brain is working again. Had my rant post yesterday, then a nap, then played Sims so now I'm all good... I think... Ugh, irl things, whyyy can't my life just be writing fic 😂
Here’s how it works:
In a reblog of this post (so people can find you in the notes) or new thread (w/ rules attached) if you want to play on your own, post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to play!
After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can't share from (for example, an event or gift fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share.
That’s it! You can invite others to join in, or just post. I’ll be searching the reblogs to find people to send asks to!
If you’re reading this, you’re invited!
If you see someone posting a WIP Wednesday Game snippet, send them an ask! Make them write.
File Names:
The first two are files with multiple ficlets etc. the others are fics.
ST Father's Day Edition
Joanie Munson AU
Claudia Henderson to the Rescue FINAL
Looking at Me Looking at You
Steddie Taylor's Version
From what was supposed to be a week-long writing project for myself (ST Father's Day Edition). A combo of this particular 'ficlet' blowing out to 1k + and the aforementioned brain-not-functioning. Buuut it's also from my Joanie Munson AU so if i don't get it done it won't be entirely irrelevant mid-week.
They managed to coax Steve from his Sad Dad cocoon with a sandwich and the promise that late take-out is a perfectly acceptable substitute (and thus isn't actually ruining) Double Date Night. Even Nancy nods along with encouragement in the three seconds she tears her attention away from little Joanie-Bear. But of course, the kid has to be Little Miss Fusspot, rejecting via dramatic dry-sobs the applesauce she'd made grabby hands for a good twenty minutes ago. Steve sighs, allowing the applesauce-covered spoon in his hand to dip at a dangerous enough angle Robin startles on the couch at the thought of yellow-green goop going everywhere. He scrubs a hand over his face as Joanie starts up another bout of squirming in Nancy's arms. "What can I do to get this applesauce into you tonight, munchkin?" he says, sounding every bit a used car salesman stereotype before upticking for a sickly-sweet, "You have to eat before bedtime." Nancy sits upright, commanding, "Alright, time to swap over." As they juggle Joanie and her not-wanted jar of applesauce, Eddie chuckles into his paperback. He elbows Robin in the ribs. "I should take a picture," she mumbles out the side of her mouth.
No pressure tags: @eddiemunsonsmum @momotonescreaming @rocknrollsalad @slowandsteddie @spicysix
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silver-wields-a-pen · 6 months
Still no writing, and I put the editing on hold because pain is a thing that dominates my life 😭
So instead I decided to decorate my new dining table! It came unvarnished and had the perfect surface for drawing on, so that's what I did!
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It gets better, I promise 🤣
I had an idea for a flower lion with the leaves as its mane. And yeah, I was slightly concerned I was about to fuck up my table with bad art but I really wanted to do this. It won't be just me drawing on the table, my nieces and nephews will too. I thought it'd be a fun family bonding thing for us to do and a nice family memento, plus their moms never let them draw on anything at their houses and I'm the "cool aunt" 🤣
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Anyway, I gessoed the area I was gonna paint and redid the sketch. Already looks better, right?
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Yup, he's pink. Yup, that's my concept design on the seat to the left. I really struggled with getting the shade of pink I wanted. I never mixed paint colours before to get a custom colour, so this was a learning experience.
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Yeah, his mane is big. I tried shading the bridge of his nose lighter, but this is also something I never did before. I never really painted much and my teachers only cared about the students who were already good at art and didn't need help, so this is me learning as a go. And I'm still scared at this point I fucked up the table 🤣
This actually took me like a week to do in total, so it was a slow process of painting bits at a time, stopping to see if I liked it, trying to fix any mistakes I made and then taking another break to rest.
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Oh look, he changed colour!
The lighting isn't great, but I mixed another two shades of pink, including one metallic and went over him. Don't worry, imma fix the scruffy parts, but this is a big improvement already 😁
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Okay, he's a little scruffy still, but that's on purpose. He has a fluffy texture that's hard to see because of the lighting, but it looks better in person. I decided not to fuss further with the colour and blending because I knew I'd fuck up. I saw a good stopping point so I took it. The inner layer of leaves came together quick although I was worrying how I'd do the veins in them. No matter what I do with leaves they always look terrible the second I add the details.
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Getting close to finished now. This was the end of last week. I went with a succulent type leaf and left off fine details. He's kinda cartoony looking so I think it works.
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Adding shading and outlines in places just to tidy it up, but this is pretty much done. Pics are kinda bad, but whenever I look at it I'm happy with how cute it is, so I'm happy with the end result.
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Got a tiny bit heavy handed with the sealant but this is all done! That's not coming off the table without some effort. I love the shading on his eyes and face, and I think it's a nice contrast to how simple the mane is. He looks like a happy lion and I'm happy with it ❤️
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fierceferrets · 6 months
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Happy December, Ferret Fam, this update is gonna be quick so lets jump into it! Ive learned a lot fro making these roadmaps; I am still overdoing it! And that's okay because I am constantly learning and coming down into a better workload for me. I'm gonna figure it out, I promise!
For now though, to wrap it up; we didn't get much done between school and life drama, but we did work on Beelzebuds next strip and we wrapped up some 'thangs' which is really really good. Leia has even started writing again which is promising for next year. While I plan on taking the last week of December to relax, I do plan on at least finishing BB strip 064 and starting strip 065. Patreon Reward catchup I expect to stretch into 2024 but at the very least I'll be planning that out/starting it too.
DungeonMinis 2024: I know everyone is very excited to learn about whats going on with DungeonMinis. What I can tell you is, right now Leia and I are looking to come back August 2024. That will mark the 2nd year it will have been on hiatus, which seems like a perfect comeback, and gives us almost a whole year to prepare. Work for it most likely won't begin until Summer, but subscribers will be getting the play-by-play updates as we make them until that sweet August date.
Youtube 2024: The youtube will also be returning in 2024. As mentioned on stream, we are moving away from recording AAA games (excluding Dark Picture & Supermassive Games) this should make updating much easier, and so the last AAA title you'll see us record for now will be our Dead Space Remake playthrough we completed over the summer that I have ran into delay after delay of editing.
Roadmap Changes: I like making these roadmaps, so I am going to continue doing them, but I think I'm going to update the format from a 3-month update span to a seasonal update span. It will allow me to be more open about my schedule and I think, in the long run, more consistent with actually getting work done as expected so I stop having to write up so many delays.
And that's all for now
Thanks for checking in on your favorite ferrets <3 your continue support means the world to us.
As always, if you're looking for consistent updates or info from us about our work, discord is your best bet to find us. We hope you have a wonderful holiday and, speaking of discord, consider joining us for our annual holiday event; friendmas! In which we spread holiday cheer by firing gifts and friendship at each other.
Love your faces!
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rallamajoop · 2 years
About that Human Resources sequel
Human Resources was always supposed to get a sequel. Nothing too long or involved ‒ probably just a couple K's of epilogue-ish material, to share some ideas about how Nandor and Guillermo's relationship might progress from "well yes, we have had sex once" onwards to, y'know, wherever that goes.
So naturally, when I actually sat down to write the thing, it grew into something several hundred words longer than the original story. Honestly, I'm not even that surprised when this sort of thing happens anymore, and yet...
Anyway, said sequel is still another round of edits and some proper betaing short of being ready to actually post, but given that 1) I have been promising this damn thing long enough, and 2) it is close enough to done that I've already created the parent series for it on AO3 and everything, have a couple of preview scenes:
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“As you know,” Nandor begins, sitting straight-backed in his customary chair like a monarch in the midst of a royal pronouncement, “on account of how it was all caught on film because you documentary people are now just leaving cameras around to record things in empty rooms for some reason – I and my familiar Guillermo had an encounter of an… intimate nature last night. On this very couch! And a bit up against the wall before that – but you know all this, you have all the footage and all that.
“Now, I am told that when this sort of thing happens between two people who live in the same house, and who have not done that sort of thing before in one of your documentary programs, it can be the cause of quite a lot of ex-cite-ment. So I would like to make it officially very clear that there is nothing for the getting excited about in this case! Yes, it happened – and a very good time was had, especially by Guillermo, because of course I am very good in bed – but it was mostly just a one-time kind of thing. We had our fun and all, but you must understand that it does not change anything between me and Guillermo. He is still the familiar, and I am still the vampire, even though now I have touched him on the peepee.”
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“Oh my god, this changes everything,” says Guillermo, grinning in a helpless sort of way, like he couldn’t stop if he tried. “A week ago, I never even knew he was interested, and now – oh man. I guess I’d never even really thought this was possible, let alone that he might…” Sitting on his bed in his room, Guillermo is trying very hard to keep his voice to stage-whisper levels, without much success. “I know, I know – it was ‘just’ the one time, but some of the stuff he said to me, while we were… just, damn. This is serious!”
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“Yes, certain things may have been said in the heat of the moment,” Nandor pronounces, “but I think we are all grown-ups here, and we understand that they do not necessarily mean anything. Maybe it will happen again sometime, since Guillermo has made us all aware that sex with familiars is an option which is back on the table for us vampires now. But it is never a good idea to let a familiar get too ‘familiar’ with that sort of special treatment, because then they get ideas above their station, and they start thinking they are too goodto clean anything that is not attached to you, and then you have to eat them and start all over breaking in a new familiar, and it is just so much trouble! No-one wants that, least of all Guillermo! So it was fun and all, but you should not go thinking it will be the sort of thing that is going anywhere.”
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“…and this could just go anywhere!” says Guillermo, “Like, it’s still so new – it’s not like he’s…” he gives a nervous laugh, “not like we’ve even talked about it yet, but I just…” He glances briefly at his phone, and nearly does a double take, “I just need to get some sleep – I’ve got like four hours of daylight left before he’s… I mean, before I’m on duty again. Okay.” Looking over the camera, he asks, “Can we wrap this up?”
A brief montage shows Guillermo turning off lights and turning in for the night – or for the afternoon, as the case may be.
Come sunset, though, he’s up and ready again as usual – if a little baggy-eyed, having obviously been too excited to get much sleep. He gives the camera a slightly-nervous smile at Nandor’s door.
“Haven’t been this excited to go in here since I started this job,” he tells the camera. “But I don’t really know where he’s… you know, what he’s thinking this is, yet, so I’m just gonna play it cool – go in there and… do my job.” Guillermo self-consciously straightens his shirt, and then finally reaches for the doorknob.
Inside, he dutifully checks the curtains, and then takes his place by the coffin as Nandor wakes.
“Guillermo?” Nandor calls, voice a little muffled as he opens his coffin from within, “are you there?” When his eyes fall on his waiting familiar, however, something happens to them – Nandor freezes, mouth slightly agape.
“Good evening, Master,” says Guillermo, largely oblivious as he holds out a hand to help his master out of his coffin. “What can I… hey!”
He cuts off as Nandor bats the proffered hand away and grabs him by the front of the shirt, lifting him bodily off the floor with supernatural strength. Before Guillermo has time for more than a startled yelp, he’s been dragged right into the coffin, on top of Nandor – the lid somehow, improbably, managing to slam shut over the both of them. That one, brief yelp remains Guillermo’s only objection – the noise he makes next suggests no objections to anything now happening inside.
After a moment, the coffin itself begins faintly rocking from side to side.
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kpophubb · 1 year
Hi lovely ☀ I'm so happy to hear from you, this week I was literally checking your Tumblr five times per day with my tags. I miss you so much and this week I also needed you so much, but it's okay💛 I'm so sad that you are sick😿😿 I thought you recovered but you mentioned that you don't feel good and I'm just so sad about this(((
Honestly this week I have my period, and I have to take 💊 every single day because it's just so painful 😔so I think we could have some sick party together😹
I had an exam last week which I failed, but I was so confident but I failed and my manager was so stressful and is pressuring me so much😮‍💨🤕🥴
How were your weekends? Today is Sunday and I just don't feel anything ...tomorrow I have to start work again and it's not tomorrow even it's like in 6 hours(((
Today I talked to my grandma and the second time during this 10 months and she's not doing good and mental health is bad she's pretty messed up 😣😭I'm watching this one movie now and it just reminds me of some Horrors that have been through and how lucky I am to actually Escape. ironically the movie is called No Escape. The movie is so well done tho 😭😭💔😢🥺
I Never thought these things would ever happen to me.. or would ever happen in my reality 😔😔I am just so shocked that this happened and they're still consequences and I just don't want to be a part of this you know❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹💔 I wish all of this was just a nightmare and I wake up tomorrow and everything is like before
I actually wanted to send you a short message just wish you could have happy Monday and better week 😭😢🥺🥺🥺💛💛
Stay strong baby I am just so thankful that you exist thank you for all the love you give me💛
Thank you for hyunnies gifs and quotes 🤗💗 I miss you so badly
You probably have no idea and will never understand the way you helped me during this sickness period of my life😔❤️‍🩹💗 thank you so much for saving your hyunnie lixie. Please get well soon
Hi hi hi my love 🥺🤍 tumblr has been mean to me with my other asks since they crash when I make em too long (?) and can’t be edited later so here we go!😭 keeping it short but ilysm 💗 and value every little bit u say ~
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First of all don’t worry about me, I’m doing better now altho I skipped my medication yesterday bc I thought I got better but apparently it made my sickness worse and took away my good night’s sleep 💔 but anyway I’m mentally active now..how are you feeling baby?:( is your period pain GONE?? I’m so sorry for being ia I’m here now promise ☀️💛🫂
The movie seems so strong..and really pain invoking and lesson learning is it on Netflix? If so, I’d love to watch while trying to understand you..
Aah it’s getting hectic for you I can say :( no sleep and so much work 😭 but I really hope smh u get a break soon and can rest as much as you need anonie. <3
I can understand about the whole nightmare part. Altho I have not been in such an intense situation like you (that’s why I give it to u always that you’re super strong bc you are my love) but I have had super dark times too and I can relate to that part where I’d be terrified and cry myself to sleep everyday and beg whatever deity was listening to make it better tomorrow and make it all vanish..but everyday I woke up and nothing changed and that made me feel devastated and made me feel like I was better off gone 💔
but I sincerely hope like me a time comes in your life where everyday would feel as good as a dream where you keep wishing you never wake up from the happiness..💖 the things of the past will never really leave u and even tho the shackles are gone someday and you’re free to walk forward, the scary marks will still be there to your feet. But look baby, slowly you’re healing even if it’s at a micro pace, getting a job, connecting w your family member (grandma) and slowly getting up even tho the suffocating feeling still haunts u, it’s slowly leading to a betterment. Like this, I’m sure you will walk towards light, love and happiness soon. Just faith it till u make it okay??
exams Are shitty..and it’s so disappointing to fail after giving your best it’s like realising your best never amounted to anything but hey love remember what I told u? “Human beings are filled w crazy potential even if you feel like u gave your best today you could still wake up tomorrow and try harder.” So keep your chin high, take a deep breath and try hard again. 💘 every success comes with ten failures, remember that.
and lastly I’ll always be here to save u and pull you up just like lixie does for hyunjin. It’s a promise, not a fancy statement. And I keep my words always. I love you sm and I couldn’t add the last quote bc that post isn’t working anymore but it was..
“The world doesn’t matter. YOU matter. ��☀️..”♡♡
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