#omori hooligans
ysther · 11 months
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aubrey & co. posting
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sometimes-online · 4 months
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Group hug!
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moog-enthusiast · 1 year
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happy birthday aubrey 🍆
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captainonyak · 6 months
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Hooligans doodles cause idk, lol. I just think they're neat. 💜(maybe I'll color em later)
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greyroguer · 9 months
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Let's start again 👊
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(no clue if this blog is still alive 💀)
hey the Maverick. are you straight or nah?? 🤨🫵🏳️‍🌈
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THE MAVERICK: Hah a!!! The LadIeS Love me!! *he somewhat dodges the question*
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hihimihwa · 1 year
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Djnfmmsx I was so close to not finishing this- It's a redraw of last year's bday art!(slide 3) Lol back then i really just colour vomited on all my art. And didn't even shade it properly 💀. I hope it looks like I improved bec for me I'm really proud of my art right now qwq
(Here's the old art)
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Anyway- back to Aubrey. The queen. Auby. She and her friend group are so wholesome when you dig deeper into their friendship. At first glance it seems like some cliche delinquent group Aubrey joined just to feel less lonely, but in the three days of interacting with them - the hooligans doing their best to keep Kel and Sunny away from her, Kim giving her space and also expressing worry when Aubrey locked herself in her room, heck even Aubrey asked Hero and the others if she could bring the hooligans to hang out with them too - that they really care about each other. The hooligans aren't just some replacement for her old friend group, because even once she reconciled with Sunny, Hero, and Kel, she still treasured the hooligans.
This is like, my second time drawing the hooligans, but they're my favourite side characters. After Polly hehedhdbsbx
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basil-daisy · 1 year
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Time for a round of some of my favourite Tumblr posts of all time
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ctrl-altgr · 10 months
When does Omori take place?
[Content Warning: Spoilers for Omori, character death, weapons.]
This is a very long post, grab some popcorn.
[EDIT: Thanks for the addition by @basil-daisy, given the in-game dates and mention of a weekend in the photo album, it's more likely that headspace and the real world take place in 1996 and 2000 respectively, this actually adds on to the console idea. Though, I think the Dial-Up thing was probably more of a joke from Omocat, since it doesn't fit with the time-frame as well]
One of the main questions we dont get answers for in omori is when the game takes place, neither from the real world or sunny's headspace. However, it can be narrowed down to a decent margin of error.
Month Mentions?
We learn from Kel that Hero is coming home from college during the "Three days remaining" chapter of the game. This can be assumed to be the very beginning of the summer vacation. This would be arround May or June for colleges in the USA, which is likely where the game is set judging by the USA-style housing. This means the game takes place at least a month before Sunny's birthday, either in May or June, but what year is it?
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[ID: A quote from Kel to Sunny, "Actually... Since we're here, I should probably get a gift for HERO. He's in college right now, but he should be coming back sometime tomorrow." He and Sunny are stood by the entrance of a hobby shop, Hobbeez. Kel is grinning.]
Headspace Hints?
Headspace is by far the largest part of the game in terms of playtime, so there should be one or two clues hidden in there right? Well, inferring from the environments and one specific line of text, we can narrow it down to the decade.
In the Foe Facts journal, it is stated that the Dial-Up and Mixtape enemies are "Ancient," and "A relic of the past," giving us a large timeframe.
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[ID: A description of the Dial-Up enemy. To the left, there is a drawing of what it looks like. It appears to be an old CRT monitor showing a character similar to the old AOL logo, the monitor stands on a computer placed on its side, both of which are placed next to a telephone modem representing the Dial-Up. The description of the enemy to the right says, "An ancient form of accessing communication networks. Makes a horrible ear-piercing noise when used. - OMORI," Hero adds on to this by stating "Ah, this sound reminds me of the good old days..."]
This description of Dial-Up suggests Hero, being the oldest of the group, was old enough to fondly remember Dial-Up internet, but Sunny, in the form of Omori, does not. Hero is stated to be 15 by Sprout Mole Mike in headspace, and Omori is approximately 12, as Mari dies two months after Sunny's 12th birthday. Meaning Sunny and Hero are apart in age by 3 years.
In a recent patch of the game, and in all of the console versions of the game, one specific line of text gives the exact decade the headspace takes place in, which could be inferred either way.
If you talk to Mr. Jawsum post-Humphrey fight, he hands over the Last Resort to Hero, which adds a portrait of him to the hallway following up to an elevator that leads to a waiting room. The desciption of this portrait tells us the year that Headspace takes place in, 199X, where the last digit of the year is hidden from us.
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[ID: A hallway in the Last Resort. Portraits line the wall, each of the previous and current owners of the Last Resort. All previous owners, shown to the left, are sharks (the last anthropomorphised). The most recent owner, to the right, Hero, whom the portrait description says began managing the establishment starting year "199X," where supposedly the final digit of the year is obfuscated.]
However, there is a slight contradiction in the years here. Broadband had a surgance and overtook Dial-Up as the main internet provider post-2000, and so Sunny may be misremembering things, unless Hero's family had access to broadband internet in the 90s. Which is unlikely. (There is also not much information that I could find on the popularity of different internet providers between 1990 and 2000)
So then, it is likely that headspace takes place between this shift, towards the end of the 90s.
Town Tips?
From the real world, we don't get many clues to the placement of the story time-wise. So, what can we infer?
Well, a large amount of the households in Faraway do not have computers, and if they do, they are usually in the parents' room, as a work computer. And, all of the computers and televisions use CRT rather than LED/LCD, with most people having CRT monitors up to 2007.
Using the merch produced by Omocat, we can also see that the hooligans as a group have been around since 20XX, with the final two digits of the year hidden. However, we know that Sunny has not been outside for 4 years, meaning we can narrow it down to 2004 or prior.
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[ID: Official Omori merch. A black bomber jacket showing depictions of nail-bats, flowers, pinwheels, a statue of a gate, and two road signs, one showing a bicycle, the other showing three scooters. The text across the bomber jacket reads "Faraway Town - The future belongs to the dreamers - Since 20XX - Ride or die - Hooligans"]
Hobbeez also has a few gaming consoles in stock, with the newest one in there having cartridge games. It appears to resemble a SNES, however it is unlikely that is what is, since they discontinued production in 1999 in North America.
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[ID: A zoomed in screenshot of the "Brand new console system" found in hobbeez. Sunny, seen to the right, is looking at the console.]
What is more likely for this to be is something similar to a N64, which released after the SNES but also sold its games as cartridges. The first nintendo console to start using compact discs was the GameCube, as such, this gives a narrow window for the placement of the game. So, when did each of these consoles start and stop production?
The N64 was discontinued in April 2002 worldwide, with the GameCube being released in North America November 2001. This gives us an approximate window for when the real world of Omori takes place, as it is unlikely that a small hobby shop like Hobbeez would be selling many of the brand new consoles day one of the GC's release.
Well, with headspace being Sunny's memories, it is unlikely for complete consistancy with the timeframe of the story, but headspace most likely takes place in the years surrounding 1998, four years prior to the real world timeline.
Faraway however most likely takes place May 2002. Though Kel takes notice to the price of the console, which would be much lower than its release price, it would still be a lot of money for a 16 year old. It is also unclear if the description "brand new console system," refers to the specific console in Hobbeez, or the system as a whole.
Wow, we're done. What do you think? If you have any other ideas of to what year this could take place, feel free to mention it to me!! :D
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pineappleciders · 2 years
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i love drawing in my school notes app
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kangel-wannabe · 9 months
i prolly forgor some sorry hfwueisjghnijfdk
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olioli-oxenover · 5 months
Sorry I haven't drawn him in like- Alittle under year, But I drew some more of him!
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Vance! love him sm still
TW? Blood.
Theres a drawing with a nosebleed under the cut :/
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my style is really coming together over the year huh?
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sometimes-online · 1 year
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Original image: https://www.tumblr.com/ghostfixedsysknight/719983839844433920?source=share
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kiyuyu · 2 years
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77ngiez · 8 months
please reblog to help get more traction!! if you're interested in both modding and contributing, click the modding option!!
the zine would be digital and free. there would be a discord server for those involvef on the zine. ships and shipping content would be allowed, so long as they focus on at least one hooligan. the possible exception would be aubrey x sunny/kel/basil - it's possible that some content of such ships would be allowed, but for the most part these ships are extremely popular in the fandom and wouldn't really fit the vision of the zine.
feel free to drop any questions you have in the notes!!
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moog-enthusiast · 2 years
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kim…. she’s so silly
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