#ooo thats already a tag
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Glorified w.i.p sketch of a scene from @avelera ‘s Giving Sanctuary (which you can find via their post here or on ao3). This scene has been eating at my brain so i needed to scribble it down...im also never ever drawing water again you can miss me with that
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tomlinsun · 2 years
so my two cents on the because mv: we’re seeing everything backwards, the last scene at the pool being what happens first and the one at the cafe being what happens last
i interpreted it this way bc the cafe scene, at least to me, looks like they’re being awkward w each other and maybe trying to make up for something. but we dont actually see anything bad happening in junji’s video, we only see the good parts.
so for me the timeline goes like this:
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the scene at the pool where they mess around n are having a good time is a flashback
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then we get the fight, tears are shed, hearts get broken (mine specifically)
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then we get the other pool scene, where we can see rie wearing the same sweater he wears at the cafe. hes walking alongside the pool, junji notices him, gets out of the pool and looks like he wants to say something to him.
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this is where i think they go to the cafe to talk things through and thats why they look kinda sad and are hesitant w each other. i still think whether they stay together in the end or not is up in the air, that kiss might have been a ‘everything is okay now’ as well as a ‘kissing you goodbye’
brilliant video as always n the song is so good too thank you rie n ooo for my LIFE. thats it thanks for coming to my ted talk <3
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laprimera · 3 months
ABOUT THE MUN - ooo I got tagged ooOooo
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what made you pick up the current muse(s) you have?
fixation as soon as the second trailer with her reveal came? Like the little snippets that was known about the game already weaved a pretty intricate (and disproven lol) plot and personality.
Even after everything got debunked I still kept my original lore + now I live and love the idea her ideal, picturesque self is actually a front for how clutzy and forgetful she really is as a super busy champion who's passionate about her region.
is there anything you don’t like to write?
so I make sure to plot with long term plot partners so we all get that character growth and exciting story with something good they can all take away in the end. No, the character doesnt have to die to prove a macab point. No the loving couple doesnt have to break up for some story twist. And thats what AU's are for if we're looking to explore something else so it's easy to separate from 👍
is there anything you really enjoy writing?
plot novellas 👀 I see a partner reply instantly to a plot thread and I jive for days on end until the next reply for real-- each one is a really juicy cliffhanger and a lot of them still haunt the back of my mind.
how do you come up with headcanons? 
most come with interactions or thoughts stemming from the game or story itself. Eventually they branch out and more ideas happen and a lot comes from looking at dash and bringing up some really interesting points!
do you write in silence or do you play music? 
Ambiance and music helps esp when silence is actually really distracting (thoughts wandering and what not-adhd be like that). The mood even influences the reply.
do you plan your replies or wing them?
planned for plot driven replies but ic bouts and simple replies are winged!
do you enjoy shipping? 
YES YES YES YES, though recently I have to be a little more careful about saying Im completely open to shipping on whim. At some points the plot involves the other person too much and it gets hard to move a story along esp with the nature of the rpc and the lifespan of interest in the muse/rpc (which is natural ofc!).
You're okay to show and express interest in shipping so we can take a direction with our muses interaction wise but I say it's not for certain until they develop some more long term. Who knows, maybe it was just a crush or a fling sort of thought :' 0
what’s your alias/name? 
Leche leche leche leche leche milk
favorite color?
red and greens
favorite song? 
Sugar, You by the Oh Honey has taken a lot of real-estate in my head lately--
last movie you watched?
I,,,havent watched a movie in a really long time Ill be honest OTL,, I dont have the attention span to sit down for more then twenty minutes if that.
last show you watched?
Aggretsuko final season! That,,,was awhile ago. See above oop--
last song you listened to?
Dont know the last song that played on my car radio 🤔
favorite food? 
spaghetti and meatballs and cereal < 3
favorite season?
spring 🌼
do you have a tumblr best friend?
ooh I dont want to make anyone feel left behind. My moots have a special place regardless of hobby or not <3
tagging: uh...
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Cg(s)- Eddie Dear+Frank Frankly
Little(s) - Julie Joyful
Age- 5
It was a nice spring earning and Julie, Eddie, and Frank were outside in a nice flowery field catching or just watching bugs.
Frank and Eddie don't really get much time together due to Eddie being a mail man so they thought this would be the perfect time to hang out together. On the way there they met Julie skipping around and being her usual self. “HAY JULIE”. Eddie yelled crossing the street. “Hm”? Julie turned around to see her best friend Frank and his boyfriend. “Hiya fellas, whatcha doing”? “Oh, we're just going down to the flower field to look at some bugs and to catch up on things”. Frank said with a smile holding a small leather bag that he carries around for his books and notes. “OOOOO~ that sounds like a lata fun. Can I tag along”? “Sure why not”. Eddie giggled turning to his boyfriend. “Is that ok with you hun”? “Sure I don't see why not.” “YAAAAY~”!!! Julie jumped with joy as she ran over the boys.
—Time skip cause i’m too lazy——
They had made it to a big field of flowers of all different kinds, peonies, tulips, windflowers little rose bushes on the sides, etc. There were many different bugs to look at. Butterflies, bees, Beatles, spiders, etc.
Julie giggled as she ran threw the flower patches. “Guys look, these ones are orange and yellow too, just like my horns”. She said pointing at the tulips and then right back to her horns.
“It sure does”. Eddie gasped. “FRANK LOOK, this one's orange”. Eddie pointed to an orange and black butterfly. “Ooooo~ that's a mark butterfly”. Frank said looking very happy to be talking about his interests.
Meanwhile, Julie was in her own little world chasing the bugs and nationally falling over the ruts of an occasional tree here and there.
“Oof, dat one really hurt”. She quickly put her hands on her mouth and looked over at frank and Eddie laughing at each other in the distance. “Thank god they didn’t here dat”. She groaned (“i cant regress now, I’m with my friends right now. Ooo- but what will they say if they find out”). Everything was flooding her head till she started spacing out.
“Julie”? “Hay Juuuulieeeee, you ok”. “Hu, oh ya m fine”. Julie said trying not to sound so kiddish even thought thats her hole personality but today she was a little off. Her voice was a tad bit higher and she kinda slurred her words. “You sure cause we’ve been calling you for like two minutes now”? Frank sounded a bit worried. “Mhm, m fine, ima be ight back”. Julie then got up and started walking. She didn’t know where she was going, she just new she wanted to get away from the couple.
“Oof”. “Owy, owy, owy”! Julie cries, slowly turning into sobs. “JULIE”!!The boys cried out. “Are you ok”. Eddie says running over to the mentally younger. Julie is still sobbing uncontrollably. “Shh shh, hay everything’s gunna to be ok”. “M-m-m-m sowry”. Her sobs slowly turned into soft cries. “Theres no reason to be sorry, you just had a little accident, your ok, hehe”. Eddie reassures her. “M- what do you want me to do ki—oooh hehe”. Julie looks over at frank making grabby hands towards him. Frank gets down to her level.”are you little right now”. “Mhm” she blushes hiding her face from the two mentally older boys. ”Why didn’t you tell us”. “Cause is didn wan you to e weiwded out. I didn wan you to stwap bein m fwend”. Julie started to tear up. “I don’t know if you know this already but”. Julie looks up at Eddie. Eddie takes out a small stuffed bear and an orange,yellow,blue pacifier. “Im an age regressor too. Well a flip”. “Same here, and when where both small Howdy comes and takes care of us”. The two mentally boys looked over at Julie as she’s giggling ind stimming.
“Now, can we go catch buofwies”.
“Yes, yes, we can”.
Im so sorry that it took me so long.school has been tough cause i had a bunch of tests, but tysm for the request this was a lot of fun to make, especially with some of my headcanons.:)
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s-ccaam-era-crepe · 5 months
ooo can I hear about the bap crew?
OF COURSE <333 i loveeee talking about the bap crew thank youuuu
okay so first off general warnings for the podcasts and all my posts about it for the most part <3 there are mentions of cults, death/murder, religion (and the like) and i think thats it mostly? (as a general) but sometimes it can be a lot, take care of yourself yall <33 and the rest is under the cut there is a lot <3
with that out of the way i guess if you didn't know already lol !! they are my podcast ocs !!! i'm in the works of creating a horror <3 podcast that takes place in an amusement park with 5 main characters and a god <3
so this post here explains a lot about the main characters personalities and stuff and the tags #brickwoods and #bap on my tumblr have some other posts related to the crew <3 recently i've been doing some extra stuff for fleshing out their families who will eventually be showing up in podcast and i can do a quick over view of them here tho <3
oh and not necessarily crew related but the length of podcast <333 imma ramble about that for a sec <3 so season 1 is going to be all amusement park stuff and the last episode of that season will be a major plot point/death (sorta setting the darker/more dramatic scene for s2) s2 is also amusement park shenanigans however now that the stakes have been raised the rest of the cast is pretty scared now yk. but they have still their motivations for wanting to get out and so <3
s3 is going to be after our final girl rebecca escapes the park and tries to a) sorta solve why that happened in the first place (why them. who is the god etc etc) and b) try to give closure to the others families so yeah. plus some other plots things yk <3
and then s4 will most likely be rebecca trying to stop/take down the cult because she doesn't want something like this to happen again and the ending is in workshop <33 (aka i can't decide between like. a couple possible endings i have planned but main plot won't change despite which one i eventually choose :))
okay so back to the crew lol <33 since that other post explains a lot of basic stuff about them feel free to ask specific questions about them now that you have info about them <3 but for now family time !!!
(specific warnings for this area some bad parents mentioned)
so david <3 ae is an only child with 2 moms, they are very sweet and amazing and extremely Extremely heartbroken when david never comes home after the park and stuff. they definitely had like plans for college visits and they had a car ready for when david was going to get aer license. the two of them are going to be pretty sad to write for in s3 i think but also i love them as characters (i was posting about them like last week lol they are very cute and fun when they arent sad </3)
hmm sophia's family <3 so her dad was born into the cult when it was a bit less strict (he was 'home-schooled' by the cult but also was allowed out bc his family is a main influential family) and her mom married in. they aren't the nicest parents by a long shot, and they only respect sophia because she became the leader. sophia does have a sibling however she doesn't know about them bc their parents kept them separate in order not to 'taint' sophia's godly touch
rebecca's family doesn't have too much going on, it is also an only child and her parents have been active in her life, not as great/caring as davids parents yet not uncaring either. rebecca really just lived with them her whole life and doesn't totally feel like it connected with its parents in any important way tbh
sunni ! so sunni grew up with only his mom and his sister and after the incident with carter (wait did i tell yall that was her name yet. thats the mutual best friends name in case i Didnt say that already <3) sunni's sister Mary ended up moving out with a friend and not keeping in touch with sunni or their mom again. she also changed her last name as soon as she legally could. but yeah so sunni doesn't have a very close relationship with his mom either and he has no relationship with his sister anymore which upests him a lot but he also keeps this close to him
and blair <3 so blair has 2 brothers (twins age 10 (i think)) named ben and bruno (named by My twin siblings so) and their parents are pretty bad. blair is very protective of their younger brothers and has been trying for a while to save up enough to move all of them out but hasn't quite yet. they fight really hard in the park to try and get out because they do not want to leave their brothers with out someone else to help and be there with them.
and i think thats it for a basic run over of all their families and the characters in general a bit <3 :)) feel free to ask any questions based on this post, the last post or like. literally anything <33 they are my passion project and i love BAP sooo very much <3
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wackymaci · 10 months
✨Blog rules: pwease no rebwoggy (anything, not just this post!)✨
No I can’t make all these posts unrebloggable cause otherwise how would I re-reblog myself eight thousand times. duhhhh— ANYWAY—
“ooo april wtf is this” hello trusted Friends and Confidants WELL some of you already know what I’ve been doing in my spare time but for those of you who had taken part in the Twitter exodus ahem aHEM,
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THATS RIGHT IM… OHHHH MY GOD IM MAKING AN ELYSIUM WIKI???? like an actual wiki website which is just. insane honestly that I’m just Allowed To Do This for Some Reason—
I have not released the link to anyone just yet (except for fenixe obviously) and I have not said a word about this on my actual tumblr nor my actual public twitter or my growing public Instagram - I want to make an actual formal announcement If And When this IS more completed bc on top of coding one billion things I also have. oh god so much to write.
I’ve started with the Maci page bc i figured it would be a good litmus to see how committed I actually wanted to be with this and I have… uhh STILLLLL been working on the Maci page so to be honest I don’t know if I’m actually completely on board with doing this whole thing as all of the 80 interlinked articles that’s gonna be involved BUT. to be more honest I’m also already kind of obsessed and so yknow what like. it’s gonna fuckin happen
EDIT, MARCH’24: or maybe not!?? who knows!!! By now this blog has ALSO turned into a haven to stack up some CANON CONVOS which I usually don’t EVER share, so at least this top secret space is being used for ssss…… something. LISTEN ITS JUST VIBES IN HERE—
anyway with twitter once again disintegrating like I said on Main Blog im gonna need Somewhere to put all my sneaky gushing about this project specifically cause I can’t talk about it anywhere else + general other sneaky gushing and so you know what yeah. priv tumblr IS the way to go.
I’ll prob crosspost some of the nonsense I’ve been rambling aboht on twt re ; this for the past two weeks in a bit but for nowwww here’s YOUR SUPER SECRET REVEAL FOR THIS BLOG and now I’m busyyyyyy………..👀
EDIT to add: all these preview snippets feature a litany of tragic backstories and so uh. trigger warnings for.,,, basically everything. proceed with caution. the entire wiki is doused in one million trigger warnings per page dw 🙃🙃 augh
preview snippets: paragraphs snipped from wiki WIP, subject to be changed before publication but as sneak previews on here!
canon convos: real snips from the Elysiumverse SOURCE MATERIAL scripty rp’verse taken from my archives! These can ONLY be glimpsed here!
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miscling · 5 months
So I had this head for a fun tasks for you ^^
You can added them to your list
🪆 for the next 30 mins cup your hands and stay on your tip toes. You want to be a good doll after all.
🤖 be a good robot and complete one thing on your todo list today
💄practice your make up. Put on a little make up! It will be fun.
You don't have to add any of them, but you could also start doing a monthly 1 week poll to add a new task and remove an old one and cycle them ^^ you already do a great job interacting with your followers
Anyway the task I give you is the 🪆 task I said earlier. If you need to pick something up and move your fingers then you can but when nothings in your hands keep them cuped in a doll way. ^^
ooo this one is fun i like this one i think i should definityl put on some of my high heels for maximum doll. typing ith cupped hands is soo hard though thats aslso fun ^^ i;ll make all my movements more doll like and plasticc and stand straighter arched back...
iidk abotu the robot one though i usxualkly do most of my takss but sometimes i guess i do get real caught up in tumblbr sometimes like being piused off to do job and come back could be good.
i asm sdefinitelt going to use the makleup one to go put on my slutty lippy i like having natural maakeup byut i can alwatys get sulyttioert.
i'mma need to keep a tally of the tasks I get and then be like these tasks got the least attention and whopps there we go gfonna delete them... i like having a long list though gives people lots of options! imma gonna go back through my tasks tag and see what's gotta go!
(also awwww i just lkike ta;lking to people and attention makes me so happy i just wanna encourage people to interact and talk and send ask meme questions and bhe all happy yogetyher being super horny and having fun.)
anyway, d0ll hands/movements have made it super jjhared rtot type so trhis answer is fuill if mitasakies (ough thatj one was bad)...
this is fun ^^ (also took half hoiur to tyes thios with doll handfds)
Thank you for the ask task! (4)
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Heyyy ty sappho ( @iworshipsappho ) for the taggg (this is veryy late i have been BUSYYY today but thog dont caare) this is probably one of the coolest tag games :3
1. Favourite colour and why: I loveeee pink she is so cutesy and pretty and beautiful and my best friend ever in the world and also orange she is beautifullll and my wife and i love her she makes everything sooo wonderful and is rhe reason i love sunsets so much AND BROWN she is the cosiest girl on earth thee is no cosier colour than brown shes the colour of HOMEEE dude
2. Five comfort movies: ooo man idk i dont watch movies often. But i suppose Brave is one of them its always been suchhh a comfort movie <333 other than thattt idk man haha
3. Favourite season and why: SUMMERRRR SUMMER SUMMER SUMMERRRR I LOVEEEE SUMMER he is my husband and i love him. Summer <333 eveyrhting is so golden and bright and beautiful and amaz g and warm and comfortable and happy and AAA i love summer so much <33333
4. Favourite book(s): ahahahahah fuck i dont read much like. At all. I like the sudoku book i have i suppose ???? And my sketchbook :3
5. Favourite aesthetic and why: imagine. Life is strange. As an aesthetic. All of life is strange. Everything that is life is strange is my aesthetic. I love life is strange. So much
6. Favourite genre and why: oo depends on what. Genre of music ?? Fuckinn. Lemme ask spotify haha one moment. Well my top mixes are Happy Chill Indie Rock Acoustic and Punk so like errrr. Idk man. I like songs that sound good. Like. Video game soundtracks. And. Will wood. Favourite genre of story ??? I likeeee. Actually quite a lot of stuff tbh sooo yea ill just stick 2 music
7. Favourite clothes style: timothy rand from blood in the bayou. I wanna look as horrendous as he does. He is so incredibly awesome. Alsoooo like. Dude idk what to describe it as. My favourite pieces of clothing i own areeee my black tshirt w awesome art of some random californian forest i think, my many tank tops, my denim jacket n my new b&w flannel anddd my black jeans and my denim skirt and my greenblue boots and my VANS :3 anddd my many necklaces and a ton of eyeliner and mascara and eternally black nails anddddd yea :33 but mainly timothy rand ^__^
8. Favourite music genre: well shit i already answered this. Here ill just put my fav story genre. Which is errr. Well. Idk man. I like love stories but mainly the kind that r disguised as love storiez (AND NOT IN A ROMANTIC WAY) as much as i go crazy insane over romances i do fucking love the sorta Power Of Friendship Stories. Like i love riptide and i love doctor who and i love life is strange and i love omori and i love little nightmares bc theyre all like, everything sucks so much. And there are awful people and awful things in tne world. But atleast theres fucking friends and atleast we can love those friends and atleast theres beauty in the world. Love when a storys like. Uh oh the horrors (but also theres friends)
9. Favourite artists: WILL WOODDDD will wood is so fuckin good man his music is like the only music i cant get sick of even after listening to it for like. A week straight. Other than him i cant think of any individual artist i rlly like. Errr lemme check spotify again. C418 is like one of the only other examples i have a lot of the songs of in my Playlist. And cavetown but that was 2020. And crywank oo ig even tho i dont listen much anymore. And good kid but i listened 2 much in july and im sick of them now. And jhariah but thats just 1 album my friend recced. Ok and lemon demon but hes like a free pass. Ok and lovejoy as well but theyre also a free pass. And slaughter beach, dog but that was like a one week obsession n then i overlistened. Ok and toby fox and id say hes a free pass but hes Built Different ok hes more than a free pass. And two door cinema club but that was also just 1 album. Ok and wilbur hes also a free pass shut up. Anyways will woods music is good
10. Favourite fandoms: dude ok like. The mcyt fandom sucks in a way that i also love so much it has such a special place in my heart n despite me being muchhhh more on the outside of the fandom now and only still being here by proximity rlly its definitely like. A good one
11. Hobbies: PHOTOGRAPHY !!!!! and visual art BUT MAINLY PHOTOGRAPHY !!!!! And playing silly video games :3 but photography ^__^
12. Care language u give: i try with words but mostly just spending time together. If someones having a bad time i will spend time with them so they have a good time. But most the time thats not possible soooo i try 2 show i care with like. WAIT. i misread this as. Like. Sympathy. Like what u do when someones havin a bad day. Care language isss. Still spending time together, i will invite the ppl i care abt to hang out :3 anddd infodumping i only infodump to ppl i rlly care abt bc i trust them and want them to know abt the things that make me happy !!!! Bc then they can maybe like it too !!! :3 anddd in person Existing in each others proximity :333
13. Care language u like to recieve: physical touch <3 AND QUALITY TIME SOOO MUCH invite me to things ill love u forever. And like. Ppl thinking of me even if im not around. Love that shit so much
14. Are u more of extrovert/introvert/ambivert: EXTROVERTTTT i loveeeee people so much i love my friends and need them so much and i love meeting new ppl BUT I COME OFF AS AN INTROVERT just bc im scared of rejection and im used 2 ppl hating me for my autistic swag BUT i still love ppl so much <333
15. Morning/night person: a morning person forced 2 be a night person. But i loveeee the morning sooooo much even tho i am better at staying up late i HATEEEE the night and i LOVEEEE the morning
16. City/country/suburbs and why: hmmm i think i like the suburbs bc like dude its just fuckin Home like i hate the city bc its overwhelming and too big and too expensive and too polluted and too PUBLIC. And i do like the country but it feels unfamiliar to me bc i dont go there too often. And ofc theres a lack of easy paths to walk on when it comes 2 roads n shit. So i like the suburbs :3 its just fuckin home as mcuh as they suck
17. Favourire time of day + why: I LOVEEEE 8am so much. And 11am. Comfy times. BUT ONLY WHEN THEY BELONG TO ME if im spending my 8am or 11am doing smth i dont wanna do for someone i dont respect I HATE IT, but when 8am or 11am is MINE to do with as i PLEASE. Best times in the day. And 8pm bc a lotta things happen at 8pm
18. Do u have any religious beliefs: nah not rlly just bc my parents r awful n raised me 2 believe religion is "Evil" and just fuckin. Bad shit. But like even tho i ofc fuckin disagree w them to hell n back, still an atheist and will mostttt likelyyy stay that way i think ?
19. What does your ideal family look like to you: dude fucking Not Blood Family. My family is the ppl i love n the ppl i feel comfortable around and my family is my friends and my Blood Family will be dead to me the moment i move out. My ideal family is a group of ppl who love and care for each other and do not need to fuckin Seal It With Marriage Or Blood or whatever the fuck. Just ppl who look after each other and ppl who love each other whoever the fuck that is
20. Dream future: being happy and never talking to my parents and loving life still
21. Dream place to visit: wherever my friends live :3 never liked travel before so idk where id want to go bc ive always hated travelling so much bc ive never travelled w/o my family so. Yeah. Bad
22. Favourite type of nature: I LOVE RIVERS AND LAKEZ !!!!!! so much. And wetlands. And big meadows.
23. Favourite habitat: ooo ive liked savannahs a lot :33 but mainlyyy forests bc like the Technical Biome of where i live is a forest so its just like. Home yaknow
24. Describe myself in 4 words: IN, LOVE, WITH, LIFE !!!!!!!! :3 (or alternatively: fuck, it, we, ball)
25. If i could be another thing on earth whatd i be: A CAT A KITTY CAT MROW MEOW MEOW MEOW EMOW MEOW MEOWWWW ID BE A KITTY KITTY KITTY CAT A KITTY CAT KITTY CAT !!!!!!! :3c
26. Favourite type of weather: SUMMER THUNDERSTORMS and also veryyyy sunny days with like. 10% cloud cover. Perhaps 20%. But mostly blue sky :3
27. If u could travel anywhere right now where would it be: ANYWHERE ELSE ANYWHERE ELSE I HATE IT HERE !!!!!! but also. The house of one of my friends. So that i can sleep over and then hwng out. Bc im eepy. But also i need my friends.
28. Do u have any fears, serious or otherwise: i am scared offfff my parents and of school and of rejection and of social isolation and of outer space andddd. Of bad things happening to my cat.
29. Dream job: capitalism hater, royalty assassinator.
30. Would you be a pirate/vampire/cowboy/astronaut/werewolf/wizard/witch/knight/cryptid and why: A PIRATEEEE A PIRATEEE ID BE A FUCKINN PIRATEEE I LOVE PIRATES id also be a witch i wanna mix herbs n shit snd make silly magic with potions. And as cool as wizards are, i dont wanna be a technician. Wanna be an alchemist. Witch. Witch pirate. But mainly pirate i LOVEEE PIRATESSS SOOOO MUCH
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ipegchangbin · 2 years
!!! ooo this is an interesting tag game thank you @ughbehavior for tagging me!! its now my time to overshare HEHEHE
NAME: z ! aka the dude who pegs changbin
SIGN: scorpio sun, leo moon, capricorn rising
HEIGHT: 5’3” … thats rounded up
TIME: 10:50 am (as of writing this)
BIRTHDAY: its a secret to everybody ^^
FAVOURITE BAND/ARTIST: skz, svt, and nct dream! i actually listen to a variety of artists outside kpop but my current favs are the marias, unknown mortal orchestra, masaki suda, vaundy, metric, frank ocean, among many other artists!
LAST MOVIE: i rewatched paprika & perfect blue recently, theyre both so so good
LAST SHOW: i was in the middle of rewatching “mr. hiiragi’s homeroom” its worth a watch!! i just need to pick it up again LMAO
WHEN I CREATED THIS BLOG: precisely july 6(?) which is just a month ago 😭
WHAT I POST: fanart, hard thoughts, fic recs, Any And All Changbin & Sub!SVT Content, among other funny shit
OTHER BLOGS: i have a sfw side blog @ihugchangbin where i just reblog even more random stuff
DO I GET ASKS: yes and idm getting more 👁 kidding kidding i just love interacting
FOLLOWERS: its a funny number. most of them are my mutuals lmao i love all of u guys ^^
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: sometimes ill get 3, and then ill get 6, and then ill knock out for either hours on end or for 20 minutes. it depends
INSTRUMENTS: i play a bit of ukulele and guitar but im nowhere near good. i can definitely play hot cross buns on the recorder though
WHAT I’M WEARING: seungkwan’s 0526 shirt!! and a pair of comfy house shorts
DREAM JOB: i really want to be an architect. im having some doubts with the feasibility of pursuing it because my courses are beating my ass but its been my dream for a while. edit: idk what to make of this!!!
DREAM TRIP: ive always wanted to explore italy for its architecture, but my real dream trip is just to go around asia. ive been to multiple places already but i want to explore all of the countries closest to me!
FAVOURITE SONGS: hunnybee by unknown mortal orchestra. its such a feel good song, its been my consistent fav ever since it got released <3
@meivida @spicyfrogbrain @subby-kpop @hanjiesgf @hyunjinniesgirl @my-favorite-bangchan @eggielix @chvnssecret @linoguistics @hyuneater & literally anyone else who wants to join!
you dont have to participate if you dont want to and i apologize if youve been tagged previously, i just wanted to kill some time in between studies! again thank u and hope u guys r doing great🫂
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buckieduckie2 · 1 year
if you saw the tags in my last post never fucking mind because every time i think im connecting important dots that could have major break throughs theres always something that messes it all up
basicaly i got really excited because there was this thing with will and the movie Legend with tom curry where he wrote a complaint to a movie cridic and complaining about how it wont be released into america for another year blah blah blah so i looked up the US release date and it said April 18, 1986 and i thought to myself ooo that looks promissing so i tried to figure out significance and i THOUGHT i had something good for 8:15 gate but there werent enough damn letters.
april is the 4th month of the year, adding 4 to the 1 in 18, you get 5. and then theres the 8 left over from the 18 to make 815, but you see thats the problem, you already used up the 1 to make the 5 so you cant have the one to make the 15 part grrrr 👹 😭
its pretty close tho like-
tagging @will80sbyers because they seem to be smart with 8:15 and i still literally have no idea what the fuck any of it means
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itsadragonaesthetic · 2 years
I know America's culture can't compare to the centuries long histories of native culture and culture from other parts of the world (I always get a little mad when people ooo and awe at something thats like... 200 years old...) however, I still find American culture... endearing.
It's some fkn rag tag thing that was only put together in the last few centuries but humanity and custom has already tried to breed like a bunch of petri dishes being smushed together. Most significant things you can find that are truly unique don't go past a few miles in a town. It's all little attempts from people to hold onto something familiar, something lost, or finding a new definition of self and community where all previous records have sunk into the Atlantic or are buried in the already blood soaked soil.
Idk I could write an essay about it but yeah America is interesting.
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liu-yu-xin · 5 days
sorry if this is a stupid question but how do kpop fans help their groups win on shows/get points? i really dont know anything about kpop, i only just started listening to wayv a few months ago so none of this makes sense to me. does watching the music video on youtube help bc i do that a lot, but i dont have spotify or streaming stuff. also sorry if its weird to ask you, i just came across your blog when i was going through the tags looking at gifsets lol
Ooo i am not a good person to ask bc i also dont know lol. Afaik its a combination of things and each music show has a different way of calculating/weighting each thing like youtube streaming is a part of it, other streaming, there are apps where u vote, physical album sales, radio plays, etc. thats all i know. there are guides on twt if u want to look into it more but watching on yt definitely helps already!
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rrxnjun · 1 year
oh my god thanku really love the date cuz its a national holiday here so every year i'm getting fireworks🤭🩷💗also can i ask when is ur birthday or is that top secret information?👀
oo i'm really glad u were able to keep the idea🥳🥳(but really cuz other wise i might have not found ur page and that is just heartbreaking when i think about it💔)
tbh i'm down if u end up coming just tell me cuz i'm 80% sure i will go🫡 i don't understand why they are not going to vienna like i remember it being so popular for concerts cuz i was so salty about the fact that it's just the neighboring country and they couldn't have come a little bit closer🤣 AHH MAN NOOO THATS SO SAD☹️☹️☹️I HOPE U WILL BE ABLE TO SEE THEM ONE DAY!!!!☹️
U ARE JUST AMAZING FOR THAT!! best tendencies 🤣 yeah i was very shocked as well but i didn't get edits about it luckily cuz i think that would have made me so much more sad🫡 I UNDERSTAND THAT SO MUCH I WAS THE SAME FOR AGOOD WHILE MANS WAS ON MY MIND 24/7 (and still he is very much there although not as much as he used to:/)🤭 IDK I DONT UNDERSTAND WHY THERE ARE BASICALLY NO TREASURE WRITERS HERE??? but i really think u would be an exceptional writer for them👀sooo i'm waiting for a treasure fic if u don't fall out of them ofc (although that is kinda hard to imo) ooo u know i think just a drabble couldn't hurt anyoneeee🤗 THEN IM WAITING FOR UR FIC EVEN MORE🥳
HOOE UR DOING WELL AS WELL!!! and i'm not too sweet u are too sweet!!!!!🩷💘💘 (and sorry again for the very late reply school sucks☹️)
(and i also wanted to ask that should i send u asks on ur other acc if i see something that i would bring up here just so i don't pollute this page anymore than i already did🤣like i just keep bringing up random topics here so sorry)
(liebestraum anon🌷💕💞)
omg thats so cool???? fireworks on your bday every year must be so amazing woah,,,, my bday is not a top secret dw 😌😌 its quite literally in 2 days (apr 16) lmao i feel very old and i also forgot its my bday this sunday so when my mum mentioned it i was like what already???
hhhh i am too!! i am currently actively writing it just so you know<33 if school doesnt kick my ass as hard (which it might bc i have my first final in 10 days LMAO) i think it should be done before summer AHAHA
have fun if you end up going!!! i had a talk w everyrone and came to the conclusion that i just cant go this year so thats :// maybe next year.... manifesting vienna fr that way i could be home the same day if i tried hard enough. VIENNA USED TO BE SO POPULAR W CONCERTS i swear every pop punk band and their mothers back in the day had a concert there. what happened im gen so confused i keep searching for it on every tour but nowadays no one goes there
you know the song TV by billie eilish??? thOSE edits make me so heartbroken. like 'dont know where you are right now, did you see me on TV?' bitch stop puting mashidam onto those lyrics i will have a full on meltdown. but anyways my man jihoon is still on my mind 24/7 and its gotten even worse man i need serious help i think. somebody call an exorcist. and stop supporting that drabble i will nOT write it (i am trying really hard to contain myself rn)
school sucks and it should be cancelled. >:(( i hope youre doing well i enjoyed hearing from you,, hope life treats you good in the next couple of days!!! mwah
also you can send asks whenever you want!! honestly this is my space and i dont mind clogging the dash djfkdlj if anyone minds these they can just block the tag, they curate their own tumblr experience :p but if you ever wanna send anything to mosviqu or my other blogs i honestly welcome you everywhere!!!
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theclampdown · 3 years
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boyfriend!bakugou headcannons
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before dating
- will start noticing you only after you either,,
A) do something intentionally heroic
B) do something incredibly stubborn/borderline reckless to save someone
-there is no room in his big boy ego brain for anyone who doesn’t possess hero qualities,, soz thats just the way it is
-thats not to say he would only date someone from the hero course tho,, he would 100% take interest in someone from any course
-as long as they’re as dedicated to helping others and giving their 100% to everything they do,, he’d be happy
-would watch you for a long time but would be incredibly obvious about it. he’d try and hide it and be sneaky, but everyone knows. even you.
-when he finally asks you out, there was not a single plan involved. he just saw you alone and decided to man up about it on a whim
-that being said- after he does ask you out, he immeadiately panics about what to do on your first date. que frantic google searching-
top searches from that night include
how do cool guys dress
how to stop blushing
first date ideas that arent romantic
why am i sweating so much
-first date is an utter disaster by traditional standards
-he takes you somewhere with an athletic aspect- like minigolf or laser tag. he pays for you but immeadiately follows it up with “you better actually play and don’t just make me waste my money! its not gonna be fun kicking your ass unless you try, got it?”
-you have fun and can’t stop smiling- but not bc lil katsuki is charming you.
-no, you’re smiling bc he’s embarrassing himself at every turn trying to impress you. at first it’s a little off-putting, but then you realize just how much he cares and it’s kinda cute
-cute in the a dog-chasing-it’s-tail-until-it-gets-dizzy-and-falls-over kinda cute; but adorable nonetheless
-bakugou walks away from the date thinking he crushed it. just absolutely blew it out of the water,, there’s no doubt in his mind even though there 100% should be
early relationship
-incredibly touchy,, but not in like traditional or “cute” ways
-prior to you, bakugou’s only significant feeling was pure rage,, so needless to say he doesn’t know how to handle his sudden urge to touch you all the time
-he’s super nervous about it and doesn’t know if it’s suddenly okay hug and touch you as much as he wants to,, so he resorts to less traditional means of skinship
-so he’ll flick your forehead when you smile just right at him. he’ll pinch your cheeks when you talk too much. he’ll drop his hand flat and heavy over yours while you’re writing,, just so the pencil skitters across the page and you yell at him.
-he’ll push you over. not like a hard shove or anything,, but if he sees you sitting on the ground or squatting, he’ll just sort of push you over??? especially if you’re standing up from a chair,,
-ofc he catches you before you can fall or anything, but really he just uses “saving” you as an excuse to touch you
-he’ll push at you, catch you, and then smirk at you with “god, you’re so clumsy. i won’t always be around to save your sorry ass, you know.”
-it’s annoying so you just push him away and glare, but unfortunately for you, that’s what he wanted the whole time bc he’s a little shit
-that being said,, he’s still suprisingly sweet in even weirder ways
-bakugou’ll make you food. but he’ll never be around when you eat it,, you’ve tried before to eat the meals he cooks for you right after he cooks them, but he gets too embarrassed and finds an excuse to leave right when you’re about to eat the first bite
-he’ll tease you. a lot. about everything. but nobody else can tease you,, if somebody’s embarrassing you, bakugou will either threaten them until they stop talking or make a scene until nobody is paying attention to you anymore
-he’ll leave you little notes. most of them just have little doodles on them with reminders about homework or training, but they’re cute nonetheless
-when he takes you out on dates his hands always crackle when he first sees you. you’ve come to learn that the more dressed up you are, the more his palms will crackle
-normally you have to be the one to initiate any sort of romantic contact,, pls just kiss him already he’s almost always thinking about it but cant find the courage to do so
-when he does kiss or hug you on his own accord,, don’t say anything. he’ll pull away super quick and get all red!!!
established relationship
- suuuper clingy
-, not in the sense that he’s constantly phyiscally all over you,, he just won’t go anywhere with the class if you’re staying back, or will just follow you around the whole day if he’s got nothing else to do
-like,, if the bakusquad is looking for him they’re honestly just better off looking for you since he’s never far behind
-strangely enough, bakugou’s pretty quiet?? if he’s comfortable around you, he’ll stop being so prideful and picking so many arguments.
-his whole badass front at school wears him out,, so if katsuki comes to hang out with you after a long school day he’ll probably want to sit and just listen to you talk
-is a whole ass cat when it comes to physical affection. he normally acts indifferent entirely, but when he wants attention he wants attention
-might as well just drop everything you’re doing since he’s gonna throw you on the bed and just lay directly on top of you until you stop fighting him
-pet his hair super softly and tell him he’s strong and that you’re proud of him pls,, katsuki will cry
-formal dates happen less often now, but you see him more,,, in fact, you’re almost never without him. when he’s not doing school or studying or training katsuki is always where you are
-he’s pretty possessive and jealous- not just of like other guys, but literally anything that’s getting your attention. see examples 1 & 2
1.) ooo new book that has you super enthralled??? soz, it’s not just your book anymore. katsuki sits you on his lap and tells you that the only way he’s gonna let you continue to “waste your time on something so stupid” is if you read it out loud to him
2.) omg you got a new puppy that you’re just enamoured with?? tough, it’s bakugou’s puppy now too,, and he never lets it leave his side so the only way you’re gonna get to cuddle with the puppy is if you cuddle with bakugou too
-he’s super proud of you so he’ll introduce you as his s/o to everyone he meets,,, and if the person he’s talking to also has an s/o??? good lord katsuki would never shut tf up about how much better and stronger and cooler you two were than the other couple
-is not embarrassed about pda. at all. if everyone already knows you’re together than there’s nothing to hide,, he thinks that since he put in all the work to get you to love him than he should be able to reap the rewards,, anywhere. at anytime.
-that being said, he does find showing affection in front of others to be v v embarassing!!! so to combat that he turns it up to 11 and flirts and flusters you so bad so that all the 1A guys just think he’s super cool and manly with u instead of soft
-that being said, the second you guys are alone it’s like a switch has been flipped and you could fluster him only by batting your eyes just right
-insists you ‘cook’ with him. katsuki doesn’t let you do much but like cut up vegetables or stir, but he likes to listen to you talk while he does everything else
-generally pretty touch starved but only really indulges if you make the first move. like, he won’t ever tell you to come sit with him on the couch, but if you sit down?? then immeadiately he’s pulling you into his side and doesn’t let you up until he’s ready to get up as well
-still pokes and flicks and shoves you. also now feels comfortable enough to prank you. he thinks you’re adorable when you get mad enough to yell at him so prepare to be mad a lot.
-tells you he loves you damn near constantly. he wont say it first tho bc ~tsundere~ but after you admitted it first, he’ll say it. and once you know??? then he’s gonna make sure it’s known,,, blasty baby doesnt do anything half-assed esp not something as important as showing his love
-he likes to pick out your clothes for you bc otherwise you’ll walk about looking too cute and its a problem bc he never figured out how to get his hands to stop crackling
-will call you dumbass, idiot, moron, halfwit, klutz, etc in public but in private it’s usually princess or little brat or very rarely baby
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oh-for-fic-sake · 3 years
Would you ever write something about daddy Henry giving his little maintenance spankings to make sure she behaves (because she's a little brat)?😋
Summary: Maintenance spanking for a naughty little girl who didnt want her icecream after dinner.
Warnings: DDLG, Spanking, Swearing, Temper Tantrums, a Waste Of Ice Cream
Tagging: @viking-raider
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"What the hell was that young lady?" Henry growled as he thundered down the hall hearing your foul language.
After throwing a tantrum in the kitchen about eating veggies you'd had the audacity to get up from the table without being excused and thought he let you eat ice-cream instead.
It was a ballsy move, opening the icebox freezer when he had told you not to and fishing out ice-cream he had forbid you from eating before finishing your dinner.
Henry had enough by that point, you'd done all this in front of him with a haughty little expression
You thought you'd be spared a spanking because of your tooth ache but you were wrong, very wrong.
After standing up and confiscating the spoon you'd got to eat your icecream you'd run off whilst he called for you to sit down and eat your dinner.
You huffed and left the kitchen tipping over your chair on the way out prompting him to follow.
And now here he was standing at the door to the living room where you had stormed off to and was now sulking.
"you want to repeat that to my face little one?" he growled hearing the half muttered curse words you were calling him.
"N-nothing daddy" you gasped panicking slightly eyes wide as you realise your little fit may have just cost you.
"Oh no go on daddy's a what? Come on tell me" he grunted tipping his head at you frowning non to impressed with you cussing him out under your breath.
"Go on princess what is daddy?" He grunted staring at you
"A... very handsome amazing king?" You tried to backtrack and pretend that you hadn't just been cussing him out to Kal who was sitting in the corner giving you the 'ooo your in trouble' eyes.
"Really because it sounded to me that you called me an asshole?" Henry asked shifting on his feet casually looking huge and intimidating by the door blocking your only exit.
"No daddy I-I'd never do that!" you spoke voice going high as you realised he may be serious this time.
"And lying too? Oh no poppet! No no no!" He growled crossing the room.
You squeaked and turned on all fours trying to scamper away over the sofa.
You were fast but he was faster henry managed to cross the room and sit on the sofa capturing your ankles and dragged you back as you whimpered yelling as he held you face down over his lap.
"Now here we go, a little brat needing a reminder~" he hummed striking your up turned bottom in a loud slap, the sting was instant even through the jeans.
"And why? Because daddy is an asshole that wont let you eat a whole litre tub of caramel ice-cream after refusing to eat your dinner" he huffed holding you down with one hand as you made a fuss.
"No I'm sorry daddy no!" You whined kicking out trying to find some leverage to kick off and escape.
Henry moved propping his knee higher so you wouldn't kick the table beside the sofa and knock everything off.
"Now now none of that, after all I'm an asshole and wont listen" he said in a jovial mood despite you being rude?
"bu-but daddy my tooth hurts!!??" you yipped trying to fight him but he was just to big and strong.
"and now your ass will too!" He muttered moved quickly tugging your jeans down as you squirmed wriggling your hips trying to get away only managing to help him pull them over your bottom dragging your small knickers with them leaving you bare.
You cried out covering your bottom only for him to tuck both wrists in one hand holding them in your back before letting out a chuckle.
"Oh baby look at this pale little rump~" he teased patting the still cold cheeks rubbing a little heat into them.
"Noo daddy please don't! I'm sorry!" you cried out as he move popping your cheeks a few times letting a slow warmth creep across them.
"Nothing says sorry like a little red tushy and you haven't had one of those in a while love its why your being a brat!" he commented before landing heavier spanks across your bottom.
You kicked out but it was futile, you whined in defeat hanging your head sniffling resigning yourself to a spanking.
"Good girl, now you hold still while daddy sees to this very naughty botty" he said cheerfully before beginning to administer a proper thrashing.
Your sobbing began quite quickly as he began to impart a lesson onto your vulnerable cheeks scolding you all the while about being rude and naughty.
You squirmed as he lit a fire in your ass giving you something to be sorry about, leaving stinging burning swats over the whole of your ass without breaking a sweat.
"there we go! A very red bottom~ Something to be embarrassed about"
"oh baby your butt is soo cute all red and hot~ like a tiny rip cherry daddy is tempted to take a bite" he teased as you wailed below the sting was to much and your bottom was swelling already.
" there we go! A very sorry little princess...Now you will be marching right back to the table and eat your veggies without the attitude!" he scolded finally tipping you up to stand you your own two feet beside him as you sobbed into your hands trying to hide your shameful tears in your palms.
"y-yes daddy... B-but my tooth really did hurt daddy" you offered pitifully as you wiped your face on your sleeves.
"i know, you have a trip to the dentist tomorrow for an emergency appointment" he explained slowly bending over to capture your knickers and began shimmying them up your legs.
"nooOOOoo daddy i dont wana goo!!!" you complained at him shaking your knees trying not to stomp at him before your undies were even covering you.
"well thats a shame isnt it? Your going now come on up we get" he drolled finally pulling your knickers over your bottom but made you step out of your jeans
"daddy?- I want-" you pointed to your thick jeans that would offer some protection should he decide to give you a few more swats.
"nope, these are staying off, its warm enough and means I can get to you easier if you start acting up again now into the kitchen" and stood up pointing to the door.
You blinked at him eyes still wet with tears, lip quivering but he raised a brow prompting you to spin and head for the door at a snails pace.
"mush" he said walking behinde you patting your tender ass making you yelp and move faster.
"now you will finish half of your mash potato and all of your carrots! Daddy made soft veggies specially for you tonight and your sore tooth" he instructed leading you over to your seat whilst fetching your plate out of the oven where henry had put it to keep warm before chasing you.
You sniffed but took the offered fork and began eating small bites feeling sorry for yourself.
Henry moved to the sink quickly rinsing his own plate once he was sure you were eating nicely.
"oh look? The icecream you were trying to sneak is all melted now well that is a shame isn't it?" he said whilst picking up the drenched ben and jerry's carton you had been trying to steal.
He shook his head and stepped on the peddle of the bin
You whined tearing up as the carton hit the bottom of the bin with finality.
Instantly you burst into tears again holding your arms out making grabby hands to him.
"come on love eat your dinner" the scolded nodding to your half full plate.
"b-but daddy that was a full carton?!" you cried out loud upset over the loss of your special icecream.
"yes well brats don't get icecream now finish your dinner" he said with no remorse what's ever
"but what about pudding?" you whimpered moving to nibble another baby carrot as slowly as you possibly could.
"you get none, now hurry and eat before daddy thinks you need another reminder to do as your told" he threatened calmly leaning back on the counter watching you closely as you picked at your food.
You looked down in self pity and began to eat a little faster
"if you finish everything on your plate you can have some chocolate custard" he caved unable to see you so miserable but wanted to remain firm.
"r-really daddy?" you sniffled peering at him shyly
"yes poppet but only if you clean your plate" he reiterated making you smile softly to yourself and nodded before eating your dinner nicely.
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