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vertigoed · 1 year
tinder 3.0 || fuckboy!satoru gojo
synopsis : in which you match with satoru gojo, tokyos most seeked after bachelor
summary: fem!reader, toxic!satoru
Part 1 | Part 2
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it is mandatory to imagine this version of gojo when reading this part :) thank u hehe
you wake up to an empty bed, feeling hungover as your groggy eyes try to adjust to the bright sunlight shining through the french windows. you look around at your surroundings as you feel the soft silk sheets underneath you. the room was opulent with plush carpeting and decorated with expensive looking artwork, some of which you recognised as takashi murakami's.
you wondered where satoru was as you check your phone to see the time- it was almost mid day. "fuck," you groaned, not realising you slept in so much.
you swing your legs over to the side of the bed and tread your way to the ensuite. you couldn't help but gasp at the extravagance of the space. the bathroom was adorned with gold fixtures, marbled floors and sparkling chandelier hanging over the huge sunken bathtub in the middle.
"he must have rich fucking parents," you muttered.
once you've freshened up, you make your way downstairs in search of your clothes from last night. you had the fright of your life when you walked into a small framed suited man sitting in the lounge room, reading a newspaper.
he looked equally as shocked and hastily stood up from his seat, giving you a bow.
"nice to meet you y/n, i'm kiyotaka ichiji. gojo asked me to drop you off home."
"oh!" you said awkwardly, "are you his chauffeur?"
the man chuckled flatly at your question and shook his head, "i'm his co-worker but i can see why you may get that impression. are you ready to leave?"
you look down at satoru's shirt and pants you were wearing, shifting your weight from one foot to another. "i'm definitely missing clothes but i don't want to waste your time any further so yeah i'm ready to go!"
as much as you could appreciate satoru's gesture of arranging a ride, you wished he would've given you a heads up that a stranger will be waiting for you in his apartment.
after a painfully long car ride, you thank ichiji and sprint out, taking the stairs instead of the elevator as you didn't want to risk running into any of your neighbours.
once you get into the comfort of your four walls, you throw yourself onto your bed and let out a sigh, feeling like you can finally breathe.
the past 24 hours felt like a crazy whirlwind of experiences and you felt like you came back from another universe. you take a look around at your humble abode and couldn't help but compare the contrast of your lifestyle to his.
you knew you were helplessly falling for someone who was on a whole different class from you and you drift off to sleep with pessimistic thoughts and a fatigued body.
you wake up 15 hours later with a headache, feeling like absolute shit from sleeping half the day. you don't check your phone until you've showered and scoffed down a hot meal. you then open up satoru's tinder messages.
gojo: i can't stop thinking about last night
gojo: give me your number
you notice he sent this at 2pm and you look at the current time which was 2am. you quickly text him back your digits, tightly clutching your glass of water as you watch the bubbles pop up showing that he was typing.
gojo: u take a whole day to reply to me
gojo: what could u possibly be doing that made u too busy for me 🤣
you narrow your eyes and take a sip, he was acting uncalled for. the toxic part of you wanted to play games with him. he didn't have to know you were actually passed out from being fucked out too hard by him.
you: i dont have my tinder notifications on
satoru didn't reply to that and this time round, you don't hear back from him for a very long time.
three months later
you feel your phone ring and pull it out to see who was calling you during class. you frown at the unknown number and press the decline button, thinking it was a scam call.
once your lecture has finished, nobara dragged you off to a mixer, ignoring your protests as per usual.
"i told you to dress nice today," she tuts at your outfit as you made your way to the bar.
"i hate going to mixers and you know that," you rolled your eyes, looking down at your sweater and pants.
you enter the bar and nobara waves at the two college guys that were arranged for the mixer. only one of them had an enthusiastic smile on their faces.
"i dibs the pink hair guy," nobara whispered to you.
"hey guys!" the pink haired boy beams at both of you as you sit yourself across from the dark haired one, "i'm yuji and this is megumi."
the megumi guy gives a curt nod, barely smiling. he didn't seem too interested in this gathering as well.
"i'm nobara and this is y/n," your friend greets him back and you give a small smile.
nobara and yuji instantly hit it off, passionately raving to each other about some show they both watch. you sigh in boredom, watching the bubbles in your beer pop as you tune in and out of their conversation.
megumi was dead silent, his position mirroring yours with his arms tightly crossed against his chest and his eyes staring into blank space.
"what's up with you guys?"
your head shoots to yuji who was gesturing at you and megumi.
"what do you mean?" you straighten your back.
"you guys look dead," nobara chimed in, taking a sip of her drink, she clicks her fingers at you "come on, i want to see some talking."
you and megumi meet eyes for a brief second before he looks away. you turn back to the other two with a forced smile, but your eyes were begging them to stop.
"we're comfortable with the silence," you shrugged, "you can't force a conversation between us, what if we just don't feel like chatting?"
"don't you want to get to know megumi?" yuji sounded almost hurt.
"she's hooked on this old rich dude who ghosted her two months ago," nobara speaks up. you noticed megumi raise his brows, causing you to kick her under the table and she hastily added, "i mean, not like super old, just older. besides the point, that's why i dragged her along to this mixer, hoping we can find a replacement for her."
"i see," yuji nodded and suddenly perked up, "well i like your honesty nobara!"
thankfully the food came to the rescue, saving you from this uncomfortable conversation. you busy yourself by stuffing your mouth with the karage and takoyaki, washing down every bite with beer and lemon sours.
eventually, you're on your third pint of beer and nobara and yuji were both passed out in their seats, refusing to wake up, leaving poor megumi to put up with your drunken rants.
"honestly," you drawl, slamming your fist onto the table and leaning into megumi, who looked bored out of his mind, "i really do hate him megumi, i do. i just wish he'd fuck off and i wish i never met him."
"he did fuck off," he stated. his cheeks were flushed pink from alcohol but he was the most sober one out of everyone.
"that's true," you nodded, resting your head against your palms, feeling pathetic for sulking over a one night stand. your head was aching from it constantly pounding.
"how are we going to take care of these two?" megumi changed the subject, gesturing at the bodies.
"well, i definitely can't carry any of them."
"i should've just stayed home," he closed his eyes while tilting his head back to stare at the ceiling.
you miserably nodded in agreement. you reach for your phone in your pocket and your heart drops when you find it to be empty.
"fuck! where's my phone?"
"when did you last have it?" megumi rolled his eyes, clearly not caring about your newfound dilemma.
you think back and realise you must have left it in the lecture room. you bury your head in the table, feeling even worse and begin slamming your forehead.
"i'm so fucking stupid," you said in between hits.
"okay, you're way too drunk right now, relax, just get it tomorrow," megumi placed his hand in between your head and the table.
you raise your head and his gaze softens at the sight of your tears. he tosses some tissues at you, his voice noticeably lighter, "come outside for a smoke, fresh air will sober you up a bit."
you follow him out, wiping away at your eyes. megumi offered you a cigarette which you accepted. you let him light the end for you.
you don't notice his dark eyes staring into you as he leaned up against the wall, his cigarette mingling in the warm summer breeze.
"you smoke often?" he asked.
"only when drunk, but-"
"gojo sensei?"
you tense at the name and slowly turned to where megumi was looking at. your breath hitches when you see the white haired man you were moping over standing right before your eyes.
his hair was shorter and messier with a new undercut. he looked like he had been working out with his tight-fitting shirt accentuating his bulging biceps and broad shoulders even further.
your eyes trail over to the beautiful, dark haired girl hanging onto his arms. you quickly looked away from the pair when the girl caught you staring.
"megumi!" satoru smiled, taking his hand away from the woman to give him a wave, his eyes flickered to your cigarette in your hand before he flashed a smile at you, "and y/n! what are you two doing here?"
"wait, how do you know gojo?" megumi turned to you with a bewildered expression.
your mouth opened and closed and you look over at satoru, hoping he'd say something, but of course, he enjoyed watching you squirm under pressure.
"we don't really know each other, i think we met once at a family event," you lied, glaring at the man who was trying to stifle his laugh.
megumi blinked at you with a blank face but didn't say anything. fuck does he know i'm lying? you think to yourself.
the girl was eyeing you up and down with her lips tightly pursed, suspecting something was off from the way satoru kept shamelessly focusing checking you out.
she nudges satoru to introduce her. he quickly clears his throat with a smile and said, "excuse my manners guy, i forgot to introduce my date, this is julia-"
"that's what i said," satoru continued and wrapped his hand around the girl's hip in the exact same way he held onto you and her scowl instantly softened into a smile.
you and julie were no different from each other.
"anyway, catch me up with what's going on with you two. how on earth do you guys know each other?"
you sighed under your breath realising the juxtaposition and take a long draw from your cigarette. your night couldn't get any worse than this.
"yuji dragged me to a mixer and i met her there," megumi replied with a shrug, glancing at you, "okay, well, have fun on your date."
"i'm just going to go back in as well," you announced and turn to walk in.
"i'm calling a taxi for julie now, any of you guys need a ride home?" satoru cuts megumi off. his blue eyes looking straight at you.
"i'm going to taxi with nobara," you answered, avoiding satoru's burning gaze.
you glance over at satoru's date who looked appalled at the current situation and felt a pang of guilt.
"i got my car," megumi replied dryly, "we're going back in, see you around sensei."
you don't look back at the couple and quickly follow megumi back into the bar. your blood was pumping at this point. it was infuriating that satoru was offering you a ride home when he was on another date as if he had no respect for either of you or julie.
does he really think you're that low?
you knew you had to down another pint of beer to wash away the frustration burning inside of you. megumi watched you throw back the drink in one chug, letting out a burp. he grimaced in disgust at your lack of manners.
"so what's the relationship between you two? you guys seem pretty close," you asked, wiping your mouth.
"he was my high school teacher but he looked after me when i was a kid," megumi answered, "are you into him?"
"no," you lied with a scoff but you knew your cheeks were flushed from that question.
"well you should probably drop all interest now. during the 12 years i've known him, he's never been tied down," said megumi before adding, "unless you're into the one night stands and being treated with no respect."
his words felt like a blade digging into your heart, bruising your ego and shattering the little hope you had. you don't answer for a bit and play with the hair tie around your wrist.
"well, good thing i'm not interested in your teacher."
"you are a terrible liar," megumi gives a small smirk, "let me guess, gojo is the guy you've been crying over. he fucked you and now you can't get over him?"
your jaw dropped, shocked that megumi could be so blunt when he seemed like such a reserved guy. your shoulders fall and you let out a dramatic sigh. you knew there was no point in denying the truth.
so you reveal everything to the guy who was raised by satoru gojo. one of those drunken moments that your sober self will soon enough come to regret.
you check the missed calls and messages when you find your phone the next morning. your eyes widen at the string of messages from the same unknown number that was calling you.
2:09PM it's me satoru pick up my call, im free tonight wanna hang?
11:00PM u like fucking little boys like megumi?
1:00am: he cant fuck u like i do
you scoffed at the nerve of this man to be acting jealous when he was the one who ghosted you for three months.
9:00am: don't worry he wasn't little
you sent the message without thinking, then instantly regret it as soon as it delivered. you pray satoru doesn't bring you up to megumi, otherwise you would have some very awkward explaining to do.
you brush off the jittery feeling and bite back a grin, placing your screen down so you can focus on your studying. couple of minutes later, your phone buzzes again.
9:10am: are you angry at me love?
9:11am: if it makes u feel better ur mouth and pussy feels better than hers . its unfair how good u feel .
9:12am: i know you've been thinking about me too
you bite the inside of your cheek until you taste metal and you hastily put your phone on do not disturb, ignoring the warm fuzziness building up inside you. you squeeze your thighs to relieve some tension and strain your eyes onto the words but your brain was processing no information.
you had your mid term exams coming up and you had no time to be playing into his games but, your mind kept on drifting onto that particular night and like an annoying itch, you were desperate to scratch it for some relief.
as if your body had its mind of its own, your fingers begin to type out a message despite nobara's voice ringing in your head.
"ugh, he hasn't been texting you because he's busy fucking his other matches, get over it."
"you fucked him once. it was a one night stand. have some self respect and get yourself a boy our age, you're better than this!"
but nobara was wrong, you weren't better than this.
in fact, you don't think you've even been this low in your life before.
11am: ur right, i've been thinking about you
ok so nobara isnt a sorcerer in this but megumi and yuji are . this is set after the culling games and lets just be delusional and pretend nobody died, gojo won and its all sunshine and rainbows
TAGLIST: @mc-reborn @cherrymoon4 @creolequeen11210
lmk if you'd to be added to the taglist!!!! ❤️
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aakariiiii · 6 months
You’ll Catch My Coldˏˋ°•*⁀➷
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contains: mitsuya being sick, thats really it….
requests: open
a/n: i had this uncompleted in my drafts so i finished writing it n here i am uploading it!!! i kinda (only kinda) like it tbh so i hope you guys like it as well, just a reminder that requests are open!!!! please enjoy reading it <33
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It was 2pm at the moment, and I have been woken from my deep slumber that I promised myself I would get as a reward of my hard work during the academic year.
“Who the fuck wakes up at 2pm on the first day of summer vacation. And who the fuck even woke me up?” I ask myself as I rub my eyes to help clear my obscured vision.
My phone has been ringing for the past eternity, and it’s not shutting up.
I grab my phone to check who’s the asshole who’s been calling ever since the morning, only to find out that it’s my very dear boyfriend, mitsuya.
11 missed calls from taka <3
“oh shit, oh shit” I curse to myself as worry embraces me, spreading through my veins insidiously.
Did he die? Did something happen to him?
I ask myself these questions as I dial his number on my phone.
“pick up you idiot” i whisper to no one in particular.
“Luna, Mana, get the hell away from me.” I hear mitsuya on the other line cough up this sentence.
“Babe?” I ask
“y/n. Where the fu—hell have you been. I was starting to get worried, you idiot!” His voice, scratchy and full of cold, asked through the phone.
“Ahaaha…I have been…asleep…” I muttered shamefully and then added, “Are you okay though, you sound exhausted…and full of cold..”
“That’s the reason I ca—cough—ca—cough—” he stops to take a breath and continues “called. Luna and Mana are not leaving me alone and I dont want to spread my cold to them, the—cough—they’re trying to help me out which is pretty nice but I dont want them getting sick.”
“Okay, I’ll be there in a bit.” I say, getting up from my bed.
“I’ll get you some medicine on the way. Stay put, love you.” I add.
“Mhm, thank you—cough—Genuinely have n—cough—no idea what i’d do with—cough—without you, i love you so much.” he says in a weak, feeble voice.
“Oh shut it, I’m your girlfriend for a reason, dummy.” I replied.
“I’m—cough—I’m trying to be nice—cough—but anyway, b—cough—bye”
“Bye.” I giggle as I end the call. He’s so cute!
I slowly open the door of Mitsuya’s house, expecting him to be asleep. I truly did not expect to hear yells and giggles coming out from both Mitsuya and his sisters, who are currently seated in the living room.
I tip toe to secretly steal a glance, only to be greeted by the scene of Luna sitting on top of mitsuya, who was laying on the couch, head on the couch’s armrest, and Mana standing beside that armrest, gawking at mitsuya straight in the eyes from above.
I couldn’t help but let out a giggle, which turned all the attention to me, and with that, both Luna and Mana ran straight up to me, hugging my lower torso.
“Y/n! You’re here!” one of the girls yelled in excitement, causing me to grin.
“Indeed I am! How do you girls think Mitsuya’s been feeling?” I ask, playing along with their ‘doctor’ game.
“Well—based on what I have seen, I think he has—uhhhh…a cough!” Luna says hesitantly as Mana nods.
I kneel down as I place the grocery bags I brought on the floor, trying to reach to their level, and say in a surprised manner “Oh, really?! Poor Mitsuya, he must he feeling awful, right? What do you guys recommend him to do?”
“Sleep!” Mana answers and Luna adds, “Yeah, I think he must rest well!”
“Exactly, now why don’t you girls go to your room while I make sure that Nee-san gets the sleep he needs so that we can all play together later?” I offer, excitingly, earning nods and ‘yeah, hurray!’ from one of them as they rush to their rooms.
I stand up again and approach Mitsuya, and Oh God. Exhaustion was painted all over his face, tired eyes begging to sleep and some messy hair.
“How are you feeling, Taka?” I ask softly.
“Take a guess, babe,” He responds sarcastically in a rough, scratched voice.
“Well, based on what your little doctors told me, not very well,” I joke as I bring my hand to his forehead, and as expected, he was burning up.
“Woah, what an absolute genius you are, babe” he coughs.
“Yeah yeah, whatever. I get that all the time, but anyway, do you wanna head to your room? I’ll make you some food before handing you your medicine and then you can head to sleep and I’ll take care of the girls for tonight,”
“Sounds good to me, I think my head is about to explode,” He winces as he tries to get up in a vain attempt.
“Take it easy, Taka, let me help you,”
And with that, I help him up and make sure he walks without stumbling and breaking a bone to his room. I grab some water and place it beside his nightstand.
“You can sleep while I make the food if you want, but it shouldn’t take long,” I mention as I lean in to give him a quick kiss on the cheek.
“Yeah I think I’ll stay awake—b—cough—but you stay away from me- or else you—cough—you’ll catch my cold—“ He coughs again.
“Oh don’t be silly, of course I’ll catch your cold, but you’ll take care of me the next,” I grin as I begin making my way out of his room.
“I don’t know how I ended up being with you, but I’m not complaining,” he faintly mutters to himself, smiling softly at no one in particular.
He does realise that even if you make silly jokes sometimes, he’s indeed the luckiest man on earth to have you beside him.
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kenlvry · 1 year
hiii hello if requests are open again can i request stan, kyle, and kenny making up with reader after a fight? ☺️ i love your works sm!
making up after a fight
an, HELLO YES REQUETS ARE VERY OPEN thankyou sm 🤭🤞 im reading this while listening to boombayah yall . gn reader ( use od girlfriend in kyles oh and 16/17) also their kinda a bitch but its all good in the end
you two fought again, i mean it wasn't the first time, you two don't usually fight and when you do its intense. you just found out mans still hasn't deleted some of his hoes contacts and still talks to them like???? you brought it up and he immediately apologized but you wanted to explanation, you bring up how this has happen before and he still hasn't deleted em "look baby i was lazy, i dont even talk to them" he said walking closer to you. you brought this up when he's with the others, and it got heated. it ended with you flipping him off and going back home, " we're not helping you again this time btw". you blocked him everywhere and refuses to meet his eye at school. you thought abt it and maybe you overreacted, you decided to apologize and search for him everywhere, then you saw him talking with alot of girls and you couldn't be more angrier, you confront him then and there "wtf ken?? this is literally what we talked abt? if you want to cheat atleast make sure i dont find out" you ran away, you were so devastated how could he? after everything :(( . immediately running to your room crying and cursing kenny out, your mother then knocks and opens your bedroom door "kenny is here honey, should i let him in?" "no let him die out in the cold ma" your mom shrugged and left, few seconds later the door reopened at it was kenny "what do you want?" you rolled your eyes and he walked over to you on your bed "please hear me out" "im not even kicking you out js talk" you said sitting properly on the edge of the bed "look babe about the contacts, i keep their numbers on my phone because i ask them abt girl tips.." he said while looking down in shame, you scoffed "are u joking? thats so obviously a lie" "check my phone then, you can scroll until the top of the chat" he said giving you his phone, and it's true, its mostly "what do i do if she has her period" or "what do girls like as a gift" and "if she says shes ok but put notation at the end what does that mean" you laughed at how cute that was but then you remember earlier, you immediately glare back at him and he understood "i asked them how to comfort you, im not good at this shit bae" you laughed again and he inches closer to you "i would never cheat on you, i love you too much and you know that" kissing you and you kissed back smiling in the kiss.
again, you two aren't one to fight bc there was nothing to fight abt, but recently all he talks about is cartman and he won't shut up about him, cartman this cartman that youre sick of it, so you talk it out with them. "what do you mean i talk about cartman all the time? i wouldn't give that bitch any of my time" he said looking at you from his computer, you sighed "our past three convos is about cartman and how you cant stand him, earlier at school when we walked home tgt you talked about him, yesterday all you could say was how cartman was this and cartman was that, am i your girlfriend or is he??" you scoffed, "look can we talk abt this another time? I'm about to 1v1 cartman and loser has to do what winner wants" he said turning back to his computer "this is literally what im talking about! you are so caught up abt him you dont even pay attention to me, have you even see my text to you?" he sighed "i did, about the ice cream right" you couldn't believe him rn "my fucking pet hamster died kyle????" you can't stand this shit anymore you left slamming the door at him. sheila asked you to drink with her but you just ignored her, what the hell is wrong with kyle? he could've atleast replied about your pet hamster, he knew how much it meant to you. at school you wouldn't even stand near him, you talked with the girls and sat near tolkien and you walked home with tweek. you got a call and it was cartman, the cause of your fight "what is it" "yo dawg, kyle asked me to tell you to meet up with him at the pond" you were confused "why" "idk, but bring protection, im sure he didn't bring any" he said laughing and you rolled your eyes ending the call. you put your jacket on and went out to the park, from afar you see him on the bench swinging his feet. "kyle?" he stood up "oh uh y/n, here" he gave you flowers and motioned for you to sit down, "im not good at this um" he played with his thumbs and was looking nervous ,you laughed a little "take your time". he sighed "y/n im sorry, I should've paid more attention to you and not cast you away like some stranger, im really sorry about your pet hamster too, i know how much he means to you." puting a hand on your thigh while looking at you he smiled, you smiled back "well it's going to take alot more than just a simple sorry" you said sarcastically and looked away , he laughed "well then, should we watch a movie?" he stood up and so did you. that day you two watched a movie and had the best dated ever.
recently life has been real shitty for stan, with his dad being a dead beat who won't shut up about his farm, cartman being a bitch in general and kyle not understanding what he's going through, its rough for him. he takes it out on you, he'd randomly lash out on you then say sorry which isnt even a good apology, he would ignore you and your texts and reply in two days time. you have had enough and went to his house to talk about it with him. "i dont get mad at you and i dont ignore you, your making things up y/n" you sigh softly at his remark "stan if i were to ask people what they think about us they would say we're just friends and not in a relationship, thats how much you fucked up" he stood up from his chair at your remark "how much i fucked up?? maybe you shouldn't have texted me so goddamn much , maybe you shouldn't bother me when i'm clearly in a bad mood, how is it my fault?" "this is exactly what I'm talking about, I didn't do anything and you act as if i committed third degree murder" he scoffed "fine then what do you want? to break up? if thats what make you so happy then we are over" he said and going back to his game "fuck you stan, you couldn't even try to communicate with me, i know ur going through some shit rn but that doesn't give you the right to take it out on me im not ur toy." you left his house and went home, can you believe the audacity this boy had? you blocked him everywhere and deleted his name in your bio, when people found out they comforted you, some even flirting with you, you dont want to be associated with him anymore. he however realises how much he fucked up and was regretting every decision he did that day, he tried to talk to you many times but your friends would always block his way to talk to you, you could care less. you went home alone one day and can feel a presence behind you, you walk faster each second and to one point running with the man running after you "y/n!" he yelled and you immediately recognise the voice, you look back to see stan panting with his hands on his knees, you sighed rolling your eyes "what now stan?" "please, just let me explain" you stayed silent. "im.. im sorry, i should've talked to you about the things i was going through, i was just going through a hard time and yes its not an excuse i know, i didn't talk to you about it because i was scared you'd tease me so i isolated myself thinking it was for the better but instead it created something worse" his eyes were glassy and he sniffled. "I can't forgive you just yet yk" crossing your arms, "i know, so please be my mine again i will make it up to you" his desperate face was the cutest and you agreed, he took you out on many dates and was replying often, he opened up to you and you two always helped each other when needed. he couldn't imagine loosing you again and he's going to make sure he doesn't anymore.
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katewritesthings · 4 months
Love Me Like I Can // Chapter 2
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Chapter 2 // How to Touch a Girl
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•warnings: Cursing. Cheating. Sexual Situations. Drinking. Drug use. MINORS DO NOT INTERACT.
The first time Diana woke up the morning after her birthday was actual torture, she was sure. The need to empty her bladder caused her to wake far earlier than she would have liked, early morning light barely making it through the blackout curtains that decorated her bedroom. The redhead carefully disentangled herself from the limbs of her sister and friend and climbed out of bed, grabbing her phone from beside her on the bed. Making her way to the ensuite bathroom, Diana immediately regretted unlocking her device for two reasons. First the dull ache in her head made itself known the second the light hit her eyes in contrast to the dark bathroom. 6:21 AM . Second, was a series of text messages from a number not saved to her phone that she decided could wait before she absolutely exploded. After washing her hands and splashing cold water on her face, Diana braced herself and opened the text thread.
+1(617)-555-1425 9:36 PM    you look sooo good in your IG pics 11:15 PM ugh i wish i was with you rn 12:20 AM cmon di. dont be a btich text me back 1:37 AM Ungrateful bitch.  2:39 AM   i see. youre out there fuckin with someone new. Thats  wh you wont text me back. He’ll just get bored of you like I did.  2:41 AM How long before he starts fucking yor sister 
Disappointed that the Boston area code and the content of messages meant the sender was clear, Diana quickly locked her phone and dropped it on the counter. She couldn’t deal with Connor right now. Leaving her phone in the bathroom, Diana crawled back into bed, thankful that she insisted on a “sleepover” last night and wasn’t alone to spiral.
The second time Diana woke up was slightly better than the first. She was alone in bed and her headache eased to a dull thumping, a glass of water on her bedside table. Emptying the glass in one go, Diana searched for her phone. A string of curses rang through her head when she remembered the reason that it was not beside her. After a dramatic sigh, she forced herself out of bed and into the bathroom. She turned on the light, looked in the mirror for the first time that day, and groaned out loud. Light reddish-purple bruises littering her neck and collarbone were visible under the sports bra she was wearing.
Annoyed with herself, Diana picked up her phone and checked the time: 12:12 PM. When she unlocked the device the messages from Connor were still open on the screen. While the reason for his vitriol was now apparent, clues painted on her skin, it didn’t make it justified. ‘It wasn’t like I had sex with Joe,’ she thought, ‘ And even if I had, I’m single and can fuck who I want. 
Diana blocked the number but kept the text thread to show Biz later and moved on to check her other notifications, some birthday wishes from people who couldn't make it last night and a missed call from Cathy at 9:30. Diana decided could give her manager a call back later and was replying to all of the messages and comments as she walked into the kitchen of the apartment she shared with her sister.
Biz, who was standing at the stove cooking bacon and French toast, spoke as Diana walked in eyes glued to her phone. “Gooood Morning beautiful, Happy actual birthday,” the younger woman sang in a joking manner. “Taylor left, she had to catch a flight for the awards tonight.” She paused a minute before excitedly saying, “There was a delivery for you this morning.”
Diana looked up at her last statement, confused even more at the smirk on the brunette’s face. “What delivery?”
Biz didn't respond except for pointing her spatula towards the living room, signaling Diana to investigate. Rolling her eyes, Diana did as she was told, walking farther down the hall to figure out what her sister was talking about.
She was not expecting multiple bouquets of roses placed in every nook and cranny they would fit to be decorating the living room. “What the fuck,” she muttered to herself, making her way toward the largest bouquet on the coffee table in the center of the room, silently counting the number of arrangements. Nine. 
‘What a strange number,’ she thought as she picked up the card attached to the large bundle of roses, looking out of place on the coffee table next to her TV remote.
Tried to get your number Cathy with no luck. Now who’s curving who? 513-555-6947 JB
Warmth filled Diana’s body as she reread the card for the third time, trying to make sense of it. Pulling up Cathy’s contact information on her phone and pressing call, she turned to see Bizz in the doorway smiling like the Cheshire Cat. 
“Soooo… who are those from?” Her tone gave her away, she already read the card.
“Fuck off,” Diana mouthed just as Cathy answered her phone, turning back to the flowers. “Cathy Allred,” the older woman answered cheerfully. “Hey, Cath, this is Di. I was just giving you a call back and wondering if you knew why there were 10 gigantic floral arrangements in my living room?” Diana greeted, attempting to keep her annoyance at her sister out of her voice.
Cathy’s throaty laugh came through the speaker and Di could imagine her expression was the same one that Biz was wearing. “Oh, honey. That handsome football player from last night was leaving messages at the buttcrack of dawn trying to weasel your number out of me. When I told him that I couldn’t clear that without your direct consent, he asked if he could send flowers to our office and have them forwarded to you if security approved the message. We just didn’t expect 9 separate bouquets.”
Diana was in shock. She couldn’t remember the last time she had received flowers unrelated to work.
“Well, uh, thank you, Cathy. That’s all I wanted. I’ll talk to you Wednesday,” Diana ended the phone call, still staring blankly at the literal dozens of roses sitting in her house. “Soooooo,” Biz’s voice came out in her signature sing-songy tone.  “Are ya gonna text him?” 
Diana bit her lip. “Well, I guess I should, right?”
She could feel her anxiety creeping up in the back of her mind, almost like frost crystallizing on glass in the winter. The first voices of self-doubt were beginning to scream you’re not good enough for him and he’s only going to break your heart when a hand on Diana’s shoulder refocused her.
“You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do, Di,” Biz’s comforting words filled her ears. “He’s a really hot guy who is into you, so I’d say go for it. Texting him doesn’t mean you’re getting married next month, babe. But you were humping his leg like a dog in heat last night, so it probably would be proper etiquette to at least acknowledge his existence.” As was exiting the room laughing at her own joke as she said the last part. Diana rolled her eyes and thought about her sister’s advice. Joe really was an attractive man and all signs were pointing to him being attracted to her. Their physical chemistry last night had been off the charts and even though they didn’t discuss anything super deep, she was engrossed in the conversation, always wanting to hear what Joe had to say next. She was going to do it, she was going to text him.
She added his number to her phone and began debating how to start the conversation. After drafting and redrafting the generic ‘Hi! It’s Diana” messages for nearly two minutes, she finally settled on one that would let Joe know who she was.
Joe (Quarterback) 12:32 PM    you left before saying bye last night, i’d say you’re still curving me.
Phone in hand, Diana made her way toward the smell of brunch. Before she could even make it to the breakfast nook her phone buzzed in her hands signifying she had received a text.
Tee wasn’t feeling great, I had to dash. Let me make it up to you. I’m in NYC until Monday night.
Butterflies filled Diana’s stomach as her eyes scanned the messages she had just received. Joe didn’t leave the party because he was embarrassed by their hookup like her anxiety had been trying to convince her. He had a legitimate reason and he wanted to see her again to make up for it. Before she could let her nerves stop her, she fired off a reply to Joe
i’ll hold you to it. 😜 i’m free all day tomorrow.
 Diana didn’t even get a chance to lock her phone before a new message appeared on her screen.
Not anymore. Lunch?
She wasn’t sure if it was nerves or hunger making her stomach turn the way it was, so she decided to load up her plate before responding. 
After eating a decent amount of brunch and taking a well-needed shower, Diana was lounging in her bed, Parks and Recreation on in the background, staring at Joe’s texts. So many conflicting thoughts were running through her head about what her response should be. As much as she wanted to see Joe again, she couldn’t shake the feeling of fear. Sure Joe seemed nice, but Connor seemed nice enough at first. She knew her ex had just sent the hateful texts to get under skin, but he knew which blows hit the hardest.
“Biiiiiiz! Come in here!” she shouted from her spot on the bed, in a frustrated squeal.
“What’s the matter?” The brunette questioned, popping her head through the door. “I think I agreed to hang out with Joe tomorrow and I’m scared,” Diana whined, dragging out the vowels in the word ‘scared’.
A snort came from Biz as she made her way fully into the room. “He’s a man, Di, not a monster. Why are you scared?”
Diana knew this was the moment that she should share that Connor had texted her this morning, but for some reason, she couldn’t get the words out of her mouth. Instead, what came out was a pitiful gasp for air that made Biz by surprise.
“Just, what if I’m supposed to be more healed than I am,” Diana breathed, tears in her eyes. “Like, what if Joe turns out to be as good as he seems? Doesn’t he deserve more than this heartbroken version of me? I’m barely myself again, Biz.”
“I think you should at least hang out with him and see where it goes. Worst comes to worst, you guys know you’re physically into each other,” Biz teased. Diana rolled her eyes, “What if he’s expecting to fuck and I’m not ready?” Biz shot her sister a look. “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do, Di. But let’s be real, you need to get dicked down. How long has it been?” Diana rolled her eyes again, not wanting to acknowledge she was currently on the longest dry spell she’d ever had. Things in the bedroom aspect of her relationship with Connor never really met her standards, always dissatisfied. The past six months of their relationship had consisted of barely any intimacy, Connor claiming he wasn’t attracted to Diana at the moment. Turns out, he was just getting his needs met by her best friend. “You’re right,” Diana gave in, texting Joe back.
1:26 PM deal, burrow. tomorrow at noon. Italian or Mexican? Shit. Just got word that public restaurants are a no-go. its okay. we can do pizza and sweets at my place
A new fear ran through Diana’s head as soon as she heard the “swoosh” sound from her head. “What if-” Diana was cut off by her sister throwing a pillow at her face. “Shut up,” Biz said in a more serious tone than before. “I get that you’re nervous, but stop coming up with these what-ifs. Smoke about it and attempt to channel your thoughts into something productive.” With that, Biz left the room.
Diana knew her sister was right. Not only did she tend to handle her anxiety better if she was channeling it into something productive, but she was behind on writing. Cathy had told her that the songwriters she was meeting with on Wednesday were expecting the start of at least six new songs and at this point, Diana only had four songs, three of which were fragments.
Lighting a preroll from her bedside table, Diana reached for her notebook, anxiety still at full force. As she hit the joint, she began to scribble down the thoughts that were looping in her head in an attempt to get them to stop.
I know that I’m better than this heartbroken version of me What if he can't compete with the things that I'm scared of that keep love from me? I get so attached and when it ends and the comedown hits I just end up hating me The energy that it takes to be somebody’s somebody just ain’t in me.
After she had stubbed out her joint, the voice of Diana’s anxiety had dulled to a whisper and her mood had lifted considerably. When Diana looked up from her notebook and checked her phone she saw two new messages from Joe.
Awesome. Can’t wait to see you.
What are you up to?
Smiling to herself, her fingers glided across the screen to type out that she was writing, hoping it could turn into a song and returning the question. Joe must have had his phone in hand because within record time her phone was signaling a new message.
Just left lunch with the guys, can I call you?
The butterflies from earlier had returned with a vengeance accompanied by a warm flush taking over her body. Within seconds of replying with an affirmative text, her phone was ringing in her hand indicating she was receiving a FaceTime call from Joe. “Hello,” she greeted hesitantly, internally cringing at her appearance in the camera. Her long hair was still wet from the shower and braided into Dutch braids down the side of her head and she had placed two star pimple patches on her forehead and chin, not expecting to see anyone but Biz. “Hey! You look great,” Joe responded, white smile beaming at Diana. He appeared to be sitting against a hotel headboard, dressed in a black Bengals hoodie. 
“No one likes a liar, Joe,” Diana smiled. “Wasn’t expecting a video call.”
“I just needed to make sure you were who you said you were,” Joe countered, smile turning into a playful grin. “Can’t be making plans to hang out with some rando, you know.” Diana rolled her eyes and placed her notebook on her bedside table, the action drawing Joe’s attention. “I’m sure girls are tripping over their own feet to eat lunch with you,” Diana let out a small laugh. “Unfortunately for you, I am myself and you have agreed to hang out with me. Now, if you’ll agree after this time, that’s a question for another day.” “Oh, yeah. What makes you say that?” Joe quirked an eyebrow, a grin still covering his beautiful mouth.
“Well, first of all, we’re getting pineapple on our pizza. Second of all, I planned on finishing my puzzle tomorrow, so you’re now getting roped into that.”
Laughter filled the speakers before Joe’s voice said, “Well, first things first, pineapple on pizza is the right decision… But a puzzle, really? What are you, 73?”
Diana was pleasantly surprised at the ease of carrying on a conversation with Joe. She had assumed that alcohol had lubricated their last interaction, but the way the conversation flowed for the next hour proved that wrong. Joe teasing her for doing puzzles led them to talk about their other hobbies which led to them talking about what started them on their careers.
“Yeah, so I’m hoping to be back by preseason, but there’s no guarantee. I just feel like I’m letting the team and the fans down, y’know,” Joe finished explaining his injury, something Diana had known the bare minimum about before this conversation. Rubbing the back of his neck, he looked to the side. “Sorry to overwhelm you.”
“No, please don’t ever apologize for sharing your emotions, Joe. You can’t hold everything in because you’re afraid of being judged.” Diana’s heart tugged for a moment, imagining how Joe must feel after the season he had last year. She wanted to make sure he knew that she was someone he could share with even if this went nowhere.
“Okay,” Joe nodded, but still changing the subject, “So, what about you? Any new music I get to look forward to?”
Diana rolled her eyes but smiled. Connor was never interested in her career, implying that the music his band made was better and more meaningful. It felt nice to have someone who wasn’t her sister inquire about the progress she was making on her new album. “Actually, I have a few writing sessions over the next few weeks with my label and some producers and start recording some new stuff in March. We’re planning on turning the EP into an extended into a standard album” “Oh, yeah? Do you have a lot of material?” Joe asked, seeming genuinely interested in the answer. “Uh, actually, I didn’t. I’ve been writing a lot recently, though, so hopefully..” Diana trailed off, hoping the heat on her cheeks didn’t show up on Joe’s end of the video call. It was embarrassing enough to admit to herself that she had been more inspired since Joe appeared in her life than she had been in six years, but she’d die if he figured it out.
After a few more minutes of talking, one of Joe’s teammates knocked on his door causing Joe to get off the phone. They had been on the phone for an hour, but Diana was sure she could have talked to him for three more. Diana spent the rest of her night watching the Grammys on her couch. Diana’s team still thought it was best if she stayed home this year as Connor’s band was up for nomination and they wanted to avoid as many headlines about the two as they could. They insisted that Diana stream from home and interact with fans while the awards were happening, which worked out okay in her book. She had fun posting on her Instagram stories rooting for the artist she was friends or a fan of, secretly rejoicing when Bedford Scrolls lost the award they were up for. The fact that she was able to hang out with Joe because she stayed home was definitely, absolutely, not the main reason.
If there is one thing that will never change about Diana Hayes, it’s that she’s not a morning person. Or a “before 1 PM” person, really. So when her alarm went off at 10 this morning, she wanted to press snooze with everything in her being. That was until she actually looked at her phone and noticed the text notifications on her home screen. She had the normal business updates in her team group chat, but that wasn’t the one that caught Diana’s attention.
Joe (Quarterback) 7:01 AM Is there a specific dress code today?
A smile crossed Diana’s lips, relieved that he wasn’t canceling on her. Tapping a reply out on her phone, she got out of bed and headed towards her bathroom. 
10:02 AM whatever you’re comfortable in. i plan on restarting game of thrones today.
Diana busied herself by turning on her shower and adjusting the water temperature before her phone buzzed on the counter.
Sweats it is. 
Good choice on shows. Don’t know if you’ve heard, but I’m King In The North 😉
Diana responded with an eye roll emoji before telling Joe she would see him at noon and entering the shower. She took her time in the shower, excitement bubbling in her stomach at the uncertainty of what the afternoon held. It had been ages since she had been on a first date, if this even was one, she wasn’t sure what protocol was anymore.
An hour and twenty minutes, one pair of shaved legs, and a fight with a hair dryer later Diana was freaking out. Joe would be here in less than an hour and she was regretting everything. He’s going to make fun of me, Diana thought to herself, he’s going to come over, think I’m weird, and then make fun of me to his friends. Adjusting her position on the couch, Diana brought her hands up to pick at her lips, an anxious habit she’d had since a child. 
Before her fingers could even make contact with her mouth, Biz’s hand swatted it away, an amused look on her face.
“You told me to stop you from picking!” Biz held up her arms in defense, “I just wanted to remind you to tag the bakery the croissants are from on Insta before I leave.”
Biz was driving back to Philadelphia with Eli for the day, giving Diana and Joe the apartment alone for the day. After Biz made her way out of the door, Diana busied herself taking pictures for her social media posts, starting the first episode of Game of Thrones, and snacking on the sweets that had been delivered while she was in the shower. Before she knew it her phone was ringing, Joe’s name flashing across the screen. 
“Hey,” Diana greeted, standing to pace in the living room. 
“Hey,” Joe responded, “I’m about to get in the elevator, I just wanted to let you know I’m almost there.”
“Okay. Once you get to the 14th floor, we’re on the right. See you in a minute.”
Moments later, Diana was opening the front door of her apartment, eyes scanning over Joe’s body. He was dressed in a tie-dyed blue and purple, Space Jam crewneck and a pair of gray sweats. She had never understood before when her friends had talked about men in gray sweats, but seeing Joe had shown her the light.
“Hey,” Diana finally found her voice, gesturing for him to walk in the door.
“Hey, again,” Joe joked, making his way past Diana to stand in the entryway. Closing the door, Diana met Joe’s eyes and felt her face heat up. 
“So, I have uhm, some pastries and fruit in the living room if you want to go in there. I’m like halfway through the first episode of Game of Thrones if you want to go watch.” Diana’s voice came out quicker than normal, nerves filling the space between the butterflies in her stomach.
Joe shook his head with a grin. “Alright. That sounds great to me.”
The pair made their way past the kitchen and into the living room, Diana waving her arm in the direction of the couch. “Make yourself comfortable. What do you want to drink?”
“Water sounds great, thanks,” Joe answered, walking to the corner of the couch. When she returned, Joe had sat down and was taking in the surroundings of Diana’s living space. The room was the same cream color that most high-end rentals are nowadays, sectional taking up most of the space. A coffee table in front held Diana’s laptop, a plate with croissants, cinnamon rolls, and strawberries, a glass of water, and two of the flower arrangements that Joe sent her the day before. The sectional was up against a full wall picture window, sage green blinds pulled halfway across and faced a flat screen TV that was paused on an image of Daenerys Targaryen walking into a steaming bath. 
“I know it’s plain, but we’re only staying here temporarily,” Diana said referring to the room they were in, her presence startling Joe.
“Oh. Planning on moving soon?” Joe inquired, pulling himself deeper into the couch. Diana set the glasses down on the coffee table and sat down next to Joe, leaving about a foot of space between them.
“Kind of? I wanted to stay in New York until the tour starts and then Biz and I were going to look at houses,” Diana said in response, “I don’t necessarily want to settle down in a huge city, but I can’t imagine myself going back to Philly.”
“Did you hate it there or something?” Joe seemed genuinely intrigued about Diana’s plans, which was something that surprised her. She had only really known him for 36 hours and she was ready to tell him everything.
“Only since my dad died,” Diana said, instantly followed with, “Oh my god. That was so depressing. Ignore me.” 
“You’re fine. It’s the real reason,” Joe chuckled, “I’ll quit interrogating you.”
The two talked a little more about Joe’s flight back to Cincinnati at 9 and the Grammys that happened the night before, somehow landing on their Game of Thrones opinions. 
“I won’t deny that she’s completely batshit insane, yes. But she’s one of the best characters!” Diana said, excitedly of Cersei. “That’s not what you said, you said she was your favorite character,” Joe countered, “Which, if it is true, is wild.”
Diana laughed as she brought her legs onto the couch and crossed them crisscross-applesauce. The space that had previously existed between her and Joe disappeared, her knee pressing into his thigh. Attempting to ignore the heat that was making its way up her neck, Diana leaned forward and grabbed the remote. “Just watch it from my perspective,” she said before pressing play.
The rest of the first episode and the entire second one played while Diana and Joe snacked and gave commentary on what was happening in the show. Between episodes, Diana had readjusted, grabbing a blanket from the back of the couch and draping it over herself. She wasn’t sure when it happened, but sometime around the opening credits of the third episode after she had ordered pizza, she found herself pressed into Joe’s side with his arm wrapped around her shoulder. Within fifteen minutes of that, Diana found herself straddling Joe, hands on either side of his face, lips moving in sync with his. Joe’s right hand found its way to her hair as her lips traveled to the hair on his jawline.
“I like this scruff,” Diana panted between kisses, starting at his chin and making her way back up to the sensitive spot beneath his ear. Joe’s left hand traveled to her waist, reaching under her t-shirt and making contact with her bare skin. “I’ll keep that in mind,” just loud enough for Diana to hear. Diana ground her hips into his lap, feeling him harden beneath her and his hand traveled to her breast, massaging it eagerly.
They continued kissing a moment longer until Joe grabbed hold of Diana and laid her down on the couch. His lips found her neck and he asked, “Is this okay?” as he shifted his weight to not crush the woman below him, his left hand returned to its place under her shirt. “Take this off,” Joe said, gesturing to the material. Diana complied. “Couldn’t be better,” Diana sighed as Joe nipped lightly at her collarbone, tongue following shortly after his teeth.
“I’m sure there’s always room for improvement,” his voice laced with lust and arrogance. Just as Diana was about to ask what he meant, Joe’s hand moved from her breast to the waistband of her sweatpants.
With a nod of Diana’s head, Joe’s hand dipped beneath the waistband of both her sweatpants long fingers gently brushing her clit through her panties. A soft moan left Diana’s lips as she leaned forward to connect her lips to Joe’s again. His fingers teased her, using his thumb and forefinger to play with the material separating him from her core. Lifting her hips hoping Joe would get the hint, she pressed her core firmly against his fingers.
“More,” she breathed. Joe pulled the fabric aside and his fingers were instantly met with the slick wetness of Diana’s arousal. Sliding his middle finger along her slit, he brought it up to her clit and began to rub. Pleasure clouded Diana’s thoughts, Joe’s voice asking her if he could take her pants off barely making it through haze. She lifted her hips and pulled the material down her legs as Joe sat up, tugging his shirt over his head.
Joe stared at her for a moment, taking in the sight in front of him. Laying in only her black lace panties, Diana was too busy enjoying her own view to shy away from the hunger Joe was staring at her with. Joe was clearly a man who took care of his body and it showed. She was in awe.
Before Diana could process the definition of his muscles, Joe had resumed his position next to her, covering her lips with another kiss. Then, without hesitation, he took her left nipple in her mouth. Diana moaned again, arousal red hot between her legs. It wasn’t long until Joe’s mouth began moving downward again, leaving kisses until he got to Diana’s hip bones.
“Can I?” Joe asked, staring up hungrily at Diana. Hesitant, Diana thought it over for a second. She had only received oral three times in her past relationship as her ex had found numerous reasons to avoid the act, most of them criticisms of Diana. Everything from she was unattractive to she was too picky when it came to the way he did it. Trying to shake thoughts of her ex from her head, Diana reassured herself that every signal Joe had given her had proved he wanted to do this. Finally, she nodded her head.
Wasting no time after getting her consent, Joe placed his lips around Diana’s clit and began sucking. Instinctively, her hips bucked into him, eager for more pleasure. Diana felt Joe smile into her skin, then a finger slid into her while he continued to suck and lick at her.  After some movement, Joe added another finger, pausing a moment to help her get used to the width.
Diana tried to clear her mind, looking down at the man between her legs. His fingers were moving inside of her, curling to hit a spot inside of her that she seemed rather receptive to the first time he hit it. A warm tension was pooling in the pit of her stomach as she tried to clear any insecurities from her mind. “Fuck..” Joe’s mouth drew another slow moan out of Diana’s mouth. She leaned forward, propping herself up on her elbows. “As amazing as this feels- fuck. I don’t think that I’ll be able to- holy shit!- finish this way.” Joe pulled his face away from her core, licking his lips and shaking his head. “I think you underestimate my determination,” he stated. Not breaking eye contact, he dipped his head back down and placed another kiss on her clit and added another finger to the ones busy between her folds.
Joe’s hands and mouth continued in unison to work their magic until moments later when tension in her core began to build towards a peak and her body convulsed. She brought her hand to her mouth and bit down lightly as Joe’s teeth lightly grazed her clit. He used his free hand to rest against her hip bones, trying to hold her in place so he could help bring her to climax. Releasing her clit from his mouth, began to move his fingers with more purpose, trying to match the pace that Diana was trying to set. 
“Fuck. Fuck! Joe, I think I’m going to-” Diana was cut off by her orgasm. Joe continued to pump his fingers into her as he peppered kisses on her forehead. Warmth radiated through her body, starting at her core and rippling from her head to her toes. “That’s right, baby. Just let it happen,” he encouraged as Diana let herself give in to the sensation. 
Taking a deep breath and opening her eyes, Diana was staring into Joe’s blue eyes. “Thank you. I promise you did not need to do that” Diana whispered, trying not to let her nerves get the best of her. “I didn’t have to, I wanted to,” his response helped ease her worries. “Besides, I didn’t want to not live up to what was advertised,” he joked, referencing the interview Ja’Marr had given. Just then, the doorbell rang indicating that the pizza they delivered had arrived. 
An hour later, Joe and Diana had devoured an entire pizza and had spent the entire time deep in conversation. Trying to avoid bringing up what just happened, Diana kept the topics focused on friends and growing up. She learned about Joe’s parents and his brothers and heard what it was like to grow up in a relatively small town in Ohio, while she told Joe about how she grew up in Philadelphia, her mom leaving before she turned 10, and her dad passing away a few years ago. It felt almost relieving to have someone ask questions about the things she actually cared about.
It wasn’t long before Joe’s phone started ringing from its spot on the coffee table. Joe stood up and walked out of the room to take the call. It was a quarter till six, meaning that Joe’s flight left in less than 5 hours. Diana’s head began swimming with contradicting thoughts, sad that he had to leave soon and fear of what that meant.
When Joe ended the call, he walked back into the room, looking at his phone. “Apparently, I should leave in no more than ten minutes to make it back in time to pack for our flight. I guess I should leave” Joe looked just as conflicted as Diana felt. “Will I get to see you again?”
Diana felt her heart start beating harder than it ever had. This man was a fucking dream. “Yeah, that’d be cool. I’d like that,” Diana nodded, walking Joe to the door. 
“Cool. I had a really good time today,” a smile covered Joe’s face when Diana turned a deep red. “I’m willing to repeat it anytime,” he said with a wink.
Diana shoved Joe slightly, arriving at the front door. Joe engulfed her in a hug, placing a kiss on the crown of her head. 
“But seriously, I would like to hang out again. I’ll text you, okay?” He was looking down at her now, smirk still on his face
With a nod, Diana pushed herself onto her tiptoes to kiss him goodbye. Making sure she locked the door behind him, she raced to her phone to send her sister a text.
Sending the message, Diana couldn’t help to smile to herself. She wasn’t quite sure what she wanted from this relationship with Joe, but she knew for sure she wanted more of it.
Sorry for the delay, I just couldn't get this chapter right! Hope you all enjoy! If you've read this far, please let me know what you think, even on anon!
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@therapycat21 @rd14 @wickedfun9
110 notes · View notes
wannabelife · 10 months
telepathy – myg
paring: yoongi x afab reader
genre: smut
warnings: phone sex, fingering, handjob, descriptive, multiple orgasms, dirty talk
a/n: i missed yoongi on stage so muuuch!! like wdym tour ended?? :((( did u all watch the final?? also, i cant believe he's already leaving :((((( here's a lil something to help us cope :)
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and there you are again, screen in front of you while agust d performs live but far away from you. you dont really know why you summit yourself to this. you could just ignore it and go to bed, but you can't.
since tour, yoongi and you can not always call each other, because of schedule, work but especially timezones. being away for quite some time just makes you a bit more needy than usual. also, the way he's sweating on stage, hip thrusting to nothing, growling, and working his hands on the guitar doesn't help at all.
you decide to shut the computer screen since this lack of attention is getting you frustrated. there's nothing more you can do.
a hour fly by of you trying to sleep, but your mind just can't seem to leave you alone today. you turn around on the bed to light the lamp on your nightstand as you grab your phone, checking the time, it is already past midnight. you know yoongi's concert had already finished around this time. you stare at your phone contemplating if you should call him or not.
maybe you should, whats the real bad in that? at least, you could try. you disk the numbers and wait for an answer on speaker.
"hello" yoongi's voice echoes in the room, sounding lower and raspier than usual because of all the singing and shouting on stage. you cant put a finger on it but at the moment it hits your ears, you feel your stomach tingles.
"hi, its me" you reply hating that you sound weak.
"i know its you" he let out a giggle and you can sense he's smiling "how are you?"
"im fine, what about you? was the show tiring today? you looked excited"
"i dont really feel it since im just happy to be on stage" you nod at his words even tho he cant really see you. after a small time of silence, he adds "were you watching?"
"what? your show? of course i was"
"what do you think?"
"what do you mean what i think?" you laugh a little because why would it matter "i like it... i like it a lot... its quite frustrating tho, just watching, not able to act— hm, act on... i mean, its nice, i like it a lot"
you can hear him laughing out loud on the other side while you just want to hang up on him and ignore everything. why would you ramble and stutter like that? there's no real reason for it.
"act on what? you didnt finish"
"i cant really come up what i was going to say"
"i know you are lying, yn. just go ahead and say it what you were thinking. act on what?"
"act on... my thoughts"
"and what is it that you imagine?"
"why does it matter anyways? they are just thoughts"
"why cant you just say you miss me? aren't you enough needy to ask for me?" you blush at his straightforwardness, not so unusual but always surprising.
"i am. i am needy for you, yoongi. i miss you so much. i want you but cant have you right now, and its so fucking frustrating" you groan more to yourself but that affects him too.
"tell me what is it that you miss so much, maybe i can help"
"your touch, yoongi. your perfect mouth on me"
he inhales after hearing you, his cock threatening to get hard at just the thought of it. the thought of you. he misses your touch too, the way you suck him like no one else does, the way you know all his right spots. the pretty sounds you make when he's on you and the way you two can go from raw and needy to passionate and slow. he misses having multiple rounds with you.
"does my slut miss it that much?"
you whine at the possessiveness in his voice, its true, you're his little slut after all.
"come on, bring the toy i bought you to your side. let me help my baby cum"
you hate how excited you feel at his words, jumping out of bed in one montion to do what he asked you, taking all of your clothes off in your way back, staying spreed naked for him even tho he cant see you.
"im already naked for you"
"how needy" he smirks to himself "send me a picture just to make sure you're right for me"
you open the camera on your chat room with him, making sure to open your pussy with your two middle fingers so he can see it perfectly. as you send it, you can hear the notification ring on the other side.
"you look so beautiful. lay down for me" he hears the bed sheets making a sound as you get comfortable and when it dies down, he assumes you're just right to get it started "i need you to suck your fingers for me, understood? when you are done bring them to your beautiful nipples"
you do as he says and after you suck them wet with your saliva, you use it to carass your nipples. your eyes closing at the feeling.
"babe, tell me how many fingers have you sucked?"
"four" as you deliver your answer, he lets out a low moan at the thought of it, he always knew your mouth can take a lot "what you want me to do?"
"keep massaging your pretty titties" you keep going but this is not enough right now, like he heard your thoughts, he speaks again "now pinch your nipples for me" you moan at the amazing feeling hitting you "i miss biting your pretty nipples and getting those moans myself" you cant help your legs closing for some kind of friction, your core begging for attention.
"i need more, yoongi-ah" you whine.
"alright alright, you can touch yourself now, but you cant touch your clit"
you whimper, a bit desperate trying to reach the pleasure he's keeping away from you.
"what's that? are you complaining?"
"no" as you obey him, you bring your finger to your core, teasing your entrance.
"tell me, how wet are you?"
"not much" you slide your finger up and down your bare pussy, not reaching your clit as he asked.
"gotta prepare that tight cunt, right?" you are just able to babble a small hmm as an answer as you start to feel the tension building between your legs "you can get on your clit now since you're doing so good for me, such a good girl"
as you slide again on your folds, you finally get where you need the most. you start drawing circles on your clit in a small motion at first. the wet noises getting louder each stroke as you pick up your pace. feeling like he deserves more too, you get the speakers close to your core so it can capture the wet sounds as you masturbate "can your heart it, yoongi? it's for you, all because of you"
"you're doing so great, my pussy slut, getting me so hard"
you keep moaning, your pussy clenching and as if he was there with you, feeling you himself, he speaks up "can you enter a finger for me?"
"yes– yes, oh my god... thank you, thank you" you enter with your middle finger, going in and out slowly to ajust. as you're fingering yourself, you get your thumb on your clit again doubling the feeling. you add another finger whimpering at the sensation inside you.
you're able to hear yoongi's bealt getting undone "baby, you are doing so good, keep going for me" you hear muffled sounds of movements on the other side of the line as a spitting sound hit your ears. yoongi spits on his hands, getting it to stroke lazily at his hard cock.
"curl your fingers, baby, make yourself cum"
you curl your two middle fingers inside you "its not enough" you grunt.
"i know, i know. my fingers and cock can reach so much more, make you feel so much better" you whimper, not able to stop the moans because you cant have him right now "just keep going, you're doing great" you fasten your fingers, moaning louder when your other hand start to work faster on your clit.
"who's cunt is it?"
"yours, yoongi. only yours"
"that's right. mine. mine tight beautiful cunt, fits me so perfectly" you can start to hear yoongi working on his cock, the sound getting louder, him leaving low gasps every now and then.
"im close" the built on your stomach getting closer to the edge each minute as your head is thrown back and eyes shutting.
"cum for me, yn" and you do. after his command, you let it go. goosebumps spreading all over your body as you mewl.
"get the toy i asked you" his voice sounds out of breath compare to before. your mind going blank, having a hard time to process his words after your high, but you get the sex toy either way. bringing it to life, the buzzing sound being easy to be heard "good girl" he praises you for obeying so nicely everything he asks.
the screen of your phone lights up, and you can see yoongi is facetiming you. you answer fastly, placing it on the desk in front of your bed, so he has a great view of it and you. he's half naked, his cheeks a bit rosy and his hand on his cock. he grazes his thumb on its head, collecting more precum from it as he sighs in relief.
you spread yourself in front of the screen, finally bringing the toy to your clit. feeling sensitive post orgasm, you whine at the slight pain it brings you that it's not bad at all.
"get another finger inside, i know you can take it" you moan and slowly add the third finger inside you, curling it up, making you see stars "fuck, look at me, yn" he pleads.
you do. he's faster on his length as he brings his other hand to caress his balls. yoongi moans audibly now, watching you without blinking, nipples hard, your fingers working on your cunt, and he can see it clenching around them too.
you fight the urge to close your eyes to keep the eye contact, the overstimulation hitting you as you circle the toy on your clit. your legs threatening to close as the built starts again "that's right, my babe is going to give me another one"
"cum with me, yoongi, please" he hears you, swearing at the view, at your words, at the feeling. your body goes stiff for a second, your legs trembling and a whine coming out in high pitch as you are cumming again. the toy leaving your hand hitting the floor with a sound, just the three fingers fighting to prolong your orgasm.
yoongi cant stop staring at your form, your pretty sounds and your eyes rolling back from the pleasure "fuck, im close" he says and you finally start to relax, all the cum dripping from your core weting the mattress as he cant help it anymore. he's coming undone with a moan.
both of you breathing loudly and fast, as your chests goes up and down, waiting for the comedown.
"you are amazing" he sighs.
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mintsvnoo · 6 months
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PAIRING lee heeseung x gnr
— in which (name) dislikes his academic rival lee heeseung, but they end up partnered for a photography project. late-night shoot turns into an unexpected overnight stay at heeseung's place, and (name) wakes up late with heeseung in their arms, and also a stomach fluttering with butterflies.
GENRE one-sided rivalry to crushes? non-idol au
A. NOTE first headcanon, hope youll like it
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(more under the cut)
⋆。 ˚ lee heeseung
“woops looks like u two are late!”
you hated lee heeseung, you just do — his face, eyes, lips, smile, oh how you just hated every bit of him, also doesn't make things better when he just had to be better in academics than you! heck, your crush – which took an amount of self-esteem for you to build up the courage to ask them out, literally rejected you because they had their eyes of that heeseung! a reasonable explanation on why you wanted to die right now when your photography professor announced your partners for a 2 person group project, literally everyone wanted to be partnered with heeseung but you and yet you were the one who was picked to be his darn partner! “hello, y/n? are you listening?” heeseung said while he snapped his fingers to your face, “uh ahm, yes” you replied while leaning back while ghost rolling your eyes. “great! then you being the muse it is!” “wait what”
“move over to the left a bit, a bit more.. there! don't move” *click!* damn even his camera is better than yours, and to be honest being with him is different than you imagined, like TEN times worse than you imagined! it's been hours! and you're still not done with this thing, he had dragged you to so many different places at the point you don't even know where you are at and you didn't know your city is this big?! (you never go outside) plus the project only required ten pictures, so why was he taking a bajillion pictures of you! man did you just want to go home now, “i think thats enough pictures for now, we should get some rest, we need to edit the rendering of this too.” heeseung said after taking the last picture of you, looking back at the photos to see it. “okay.. um where are we exactly?” putting down your numbed arms slightly massaging as heeseung looks up at you, slightly smiling at the question he doesn't hear often, “you don't know this part of the city? where in (insert random city name)—” “(random city name)?! are the trains still stationed at this time?!” you said while checking your phone to see the time, 10:03!? darn it seems like ten isnt your lucky number, gosh theres definitely no train stationed at this time, plus you dont have enough money for a taxi when your place is 3 miles away from this part of the city.. looks like you have to walk all the way home now.. “do you... want to stay at my place for the night? my place is not far from here” the sudden suggestions surprised you taking your attention away from your phone to look at heeseung. “eh?”
every sophomore at your college will be dying just to be in your current situation, eating at heeseung, changing into heeseung clothes, sharing a bed with heeseung.... “sorry couldn't find the extra mats.. you can take the bed ill take the couch” heeseung said as he guided you to his room “no need, ill just take the couch.” “no! you're my guest you should take the bed!” “but-” “no.” and that's why you're now in this predicament, sharing a bed with heeseung, before going to sleep it was fine both at your respected side of the bed, heck there was even two pillows at the middle to keep both of you away from ones side and yet when you woke up the first thing you noticed was that the man you so called hate was all coddled up on you, the pillow dividers long forgotten, and the next thing you noticed was that... crap! your late.
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candyredappledragon · 5 months
h-hi! the name is kieran. nice to meet you! ive been here for a bit and uhm.... sadly figuring out how to use this site! ( kind of afraid of interacting with others especially but im trying my best to not be easily scared ! ) i am not familiar with technology and or online things/words so please be patient with me. i know there are other kierans here too and honestly theyre pretty cool! ....d-dont tell them i said that. im not really a battler so if you are trying to look for one then im sorry to say that you will be disappointed but you can ask the others though. really sorry
..uh thank you for checking my blog— furret youre on my facEXSFDGCVHH
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🍎 Please no genuine anon hate, nsfw, or anything really bad. ( You can be mean to Kieran! ) Pelipper mail is okay ( but malice is off for now ). Sapient Pokemon or the likes of interacting are fine too, Kieran is too much of a goofball to notice it. Please don't give him Pokemon the thought is appreciated but if you do they'll turn into stickers lol.
Please don't be weird. I'm serious. As well PLEASE be patient with me and not be pushy. I'm trying my best!
This Kieran is in AU as to what happens if Florian doesn't lie to him about Ogerpon and whatnot! Kieran still doesn't get Ogerpon and is fine with it ( kind of, as in this made him feel inferior to having friends and will always be chosen over by other people. ) His way of thinking is that maybe he should try to be nice and kind to others so that will help him get friends as he sees Florian do this the same to others. ( The only thing Kieran thinks he's not good at is having a funny personality. He is very awkward in person. ) Blueberry Academy was hard on him as he was almost practically as ignored and students tend to forget he is the champion because of his cowardly personality. Florian took over later as champion. Okay there.
(By the way this is a summary please don't hurt me. 💔)
Plus I will try to draw for asks but they won't be the best but surely will motivate me to draw! If there are no asks then I'll just draw daily things with Kieran so it's a win-win for me!
💥 This Kieran doesn't like to get involved with stuff so feel free to drag him into antics! He isn't the one to approach people either so if you are wondering why I don't start convos with other blogs with asks that's why. ( I'm shy too. ) He's a bit of a coward online and in person but he won't shy away trying to be friends with others.
🍎 Posts are tagged to make things easier! Feel free to block one of them to make your experience smooth!
Art related: art tag , art reply , daily Kieran art
Text related: text reply/reply text , text ask , text post , ooc post , reply reblog
Other: long post
Anything you want to be tagged? Please let me know! :)
"Can we use your art?" Feel free to use the art or whatever! Don't need to credit and I prefer not to be credited. You can edit it too! Idgaf just no bigotry. :,] "What do we call you and do you have pronouns?" Uhm, you can call me Eight or any other version of the number 8 itself. [ Ex: Ocho, Hachi, Acht, etc ]. No pronouns! Refer me to by name or just call me mod or some other third thing lol. "What art program do you use?" Clip Studio Paint! "Are you okay with collabs?" Of course! Please feel free to message me anytime. :] "What time do you post art/responses?" Uhm....... anytime to be honest? My sleep schedule is ABYSMAL. I am very much online unless I'm busy doing comp. "Are replies time sensitive when interacting with this blog?" Nope! Take your time with your replies. I am pretty chill and everyone is pretty busy with real life. Fair warning I'm a ditz. :( "Why did you make this blog?" To draw Kieran a thousand times over until I'm dead lol. ( Even if it isn't posted on this blog!) And world build my stupid au. :u I'm just currently on a small burnout on drawing. I'm sorry. :c
"Is this a sideblog?" Yeah, you are never going to find out my main!! It's very cringe ( it has different media art ). I will interact with my other sideblog with thoughts and reactions at times. [ if you are curious @/hahahasquib ]
"Do you like Kieran?" No. ( Yes. A normal amount. )
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lacedupforyou · 1 year
Hii!! I really love your hc wich Genshin! And I love the fluff you add to the storys! So, if you dont mind, I am going to request a yandere abyss price Aether (my baby boy) with a reader who just got captured (people have mixed opinions on how abyss prince would act, and I really look forword to your hc!)
Thank you for reading my request, and if you dont feel like replying, its fine, I understand.Have a nice day and make sure to drink enough water! <3
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The Princess | Yandere Abyss Prince Aether |
| Sorry for the long wait! Should be fully active 5/9/23 | Enjoy! Thank you for your sweet words. :)) |
For this ask reader is a pyro sword user.
~ Suggestive Content, I'm nobody's parent but this will contain slight nsfw at the end. If there is a part 2. That will probably be NSFW. I have other works if you do not wish to read that, or request a separate fic.
You were a friend of Lumine's. Traveling with her after she had saved you from an encounter with Dvalin. You met her in mondstat but traveled with her everywhere! Helping her along the ways and doing what you could. You, Paimon, and Lumine, Were great friends. Traveling from Liyue to Inazuma, to Sumeru. You were almost a guardian to the prince.
Of course the prince of the abyss had seen you traveling with his sister. He became interested. Even after his journeys he had not noticed your compassion, your bravery, your loyalty. Of course he spent more time watching you with his sister. The way you protected her, Gathered things with her, and slept at night. He was obsessed.
Of course, he kept wanting more. So he had an abyss mage steal a few strands of your hair. He spent time sitting on his throne admiring it. The way it shined.
He always felt himself wanting more. to feel the warmth of your skin on his bitter heart. So, While traveling fontaine, He had 2 abyss herald's kidnap you.
You were in the streets of fontaine, Checking out the shops, the goods, the commissions. When the world suddenly became empty abyss. It was blue and empty, You cried out for Lumine and paimon but you were not in fontaine anymore..
The abyss herald's had shown up and though you were a vision holder you were out-numbered. The abyss herald of frost fall had frozen your body up to your shoulders. You tried to melt everything but you were worn out and exhausted. The cold making you drift off into a sleep.
When you had awoken it was to a post your arms around your back tied to a long pillar, You were sitting with your legs out You had felt hands on your cheeks, You looked up to see the prince of the abyss..Examining you? He was stroking your hair like you were some pet for his amusement. He held a serious expression but it seemed to be at ease.
"Who..Are you?" You finally broke the silence.
"The abyss prince. Your prince. You will learn, I know you will. Stay quiet. I need..this."
You felt your face redder as the man kept examining your face. You noticed you were in different clothes. White robes, Instead of your normal wear.
"You- You changed me-? Or did the abyss heral-"
"Yes I did. What of it?" He spoke bluntly.
You were dumbfounded. You were in a huge hall with purple tints. You struggled in your restraints and shouted at the prince telling him to release you and that he was crazy.
He harshly grabbed your jaw. "Watch your tongue, I shall cut it off if you cannot show some obedience to your king." That got you quiet. You noticed his features. They were so similar to Lumine, It was eerie.
"I can tell what're you are thinking. Yes I am related to them. But we are very different. Hold still."
His arms unhooked the cuffs but kept them on you behind your back. He lifted your body bridal style and walked to his throne, Sitting on it and sitting you in his lap still bridal style. You were stricken with fear. Where was your vision? Lumine must be worried. Would they come for you? What was he going to do with you..?
The hall was empty, Quiet. You were in your wave of thoughts until you felt his hand snake to your inner thigh.
"My princess.. I've watched you for so long.. I won't let you go. No matter where you go. I'll drag you here. You're my princess. Forever."
(Part 2? Request it! I need to know people want more lol. I haven't wrote NSFW yet but I hope it will be good if requested. Sorry for the days of silence on my part. Remember to shower and do some self care <3.)
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lucid-daydreaming-art · 2 months
intro post whoopee!!!
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hi guys im lucid :D you can also call me daylin i don’t really care but i may be like woah how do you know my name (i will forget about making this post 2 seconds after posting it) also I AM AN ADULT im 22 and i do not use pronouns just use my name pleaseeeeeee if you have a disability that makes words hard to process i understand if that’s difficult you can just use they/them instead
first off just getting this out there if youre proship, zoo, pedo, incest supporter, endo system supporter, any kind of discriminatory against protected minority groups, and anti-otherkin, shoo. dont want you here youre not welcome. bye bye my content isnt for you.
immmmm an infp-t 4w5 sanguine-melancholic existential-intrapersonal-visual learner seer of heart prospit dreamer true neutral rogue shifter airbender and dragon type trainer for all you personality label freaks
i like to DRAW!!!!! this is an art blog!!!! i will only post art here, all of my reblogs will be on @trickstergemini save for the posts my close friends make that i want to support here. sometimes i will post just text but thats only if i really need to let you guys known something or im answering a question
my commissions are OPEN!!!!!!!! right now they are strictly on emergency status, which means you choose the price and what i draw and ill agree if its not ridiculously unfair. check back soon for it to be changed to fixed price commissions though
im AUTISTIC i am on that mf spectrum been diagnosed since i was three. for me this means im not naturally fluent in social norms or what’s expected from an interaction or how to read others very well. i also have heavy special interests and find it really hard to turn the conversation away from something im fixating on or specially interested in. i also have extremeeeee sensory issues and a hard time being completely flexible when im comfortable in a routine so just be patient with me man adjustments are hard for me. my empathy is also extremely low and im a really really high masking person so if i come off as well versed or allistic just know that i either took a million years to format the right way to say things or i am entirely going off a predetermined script and will fumble if caught off guard. other important stuff ive got adhd bpd cptsd and major depressive disorder which all those combined makes me really flaky when it comes to responding or follow through. i may not reply to you for like 500 years or maybe i will be gods speediest most motivated soldier. just don’t expect me to be a readily available fully capable robot ok?? ok.
i am one half of @ask-kas-n-lamp the other half is some guy i don’t know he just hacked himself into the account and now i have to deal with him
in all seriousness mod dum, aka @unoriginal-and-dumb or unodum or unoriginal or whatever u know him by, thats my qpp thats my platonic soulmate my bestest friend my number one crate my brain cyst the doctor has to surgically remove from me my parasocial relationship my stalker my servant i keep locked up in my basement and i feed him cement and staples for every meal and for dessert maybe he gets rust shavings. he will be featured in my art like a lot or in my comments and reblogs and i will also be present in his stuff sometimes. if im drawing kasper im drawing his design, that design is not made by me its made by him sooo you should check him out and support him if you like that style or how about instead we get a mass unfollowing going there and you all come to my page and i exclusively will draw his design of kasper and get all the credit lets do that instead
if my requests are closed that means theyre closed EXCEPT for lampert requests those will always be open please ask me to draw him and i will take like three weeks but will happily draw him
uuueeehhhmmm my special interests are pokemon homestuck regretevator geography disney parks and personality psychology. i guess i also am specially interested in dragons but its less of an ill infodump to you interest and more of an i want to be surrounded by this thing because it brings me extreme comfort because it feels like me. i am otherkin im a dragon and i look like this:
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i will also represent myself like this if im feeling it:
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yes i know i am not actually a physical dragon and im not a spiritual kinner i kin for identity purposes and the fact that i feel some pretty intense crippling species dysphoria idk ive been like this since i was 5 i don’t really have memories of my life where i wasnt experiencing animalistic behaviors and instincts
my favorite music artists are s3rl twenty øne piløts onerepublic imagine dragons of monsters and men thefatrat glass animals ajr queen nine inch nails and muse my favorite medias are httyd movies pokemon homestuck regretevator invader zim our flag means death infinity train gravity falls rosencrantz and guildenstern are dead doctor who my little pony fim dont starve and the mcelroy brothers content
heres some more characters i represent myself as:
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ok BYE
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kookslastbutton · 3 months
How’s our TLTD couple doing? Any updates on the pregnancy?
Omg so sorry for this late reply!! 🥺❤ our TLTD couple are doing well! Still trying for that baby!
Why don't we check in with them—
Jungkook: "Honestly, trying to get pregnant is harder than writing my 300 page economics dissertation for my PhD! Much more fun of course, but we're seriously at it almost every night and my sweet wife is still not positive! Maybe there's something faulty with the tests she's using.
Y/N: "It's not the test Kook. Remember, we went to the hospital and Seokjin told us that it could be because—"
Jungkook: "No, dont say it! Seokjin's likely wrong, there's nothing wrong with my....abilities.
Y/N: "Seokjin is a doctor baby. He has two PhD's in medicine. I think we should really consider what he's saying."
Jungkook: "...fine, but he never said he was 100% sure that was the problem. I say we'll just have to be patient and try harder!"
Y/N: "I don't know much harder we can go Kook. We've been doing everything we can think of. If you dont get me pregnant by next month, I want us to start looking into other options okay?"
Jungkook: "...I guess that's fair. When are you getting home by the way? I've missed you. That art convention has you gone for a week!"
Y/N: "It's only been four days you big baby! I'll be home tomorrow night. My flight gets in at 6:40."
Jungkook: "Okay, I'll be there to pick you up. Just tell me the gate number. It fricken sucks being in an empty house and sleeping in an empty bed. I wanna hold you in my arms so bad."
Y/N: "I know, I miss you too. When I get home how about we....mm, maybe I should tell you in private, actually."
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firehousefreak911 · 1 year
Idk if you would write this but could you do something where the reader is bobby’s daughter and she’s a doctor but he hasn’t seen her in a long time until he walks into the hospital with Buck or something?
You were working a double shift at the hospital. It had been nothing but incoming trauma for hours. You finally had a second to breathe. You were standing at the nurses desk filling out paperwork when you heard a familiar voice.
“I’m telling you I’m fine, I don’t need to be seen” you heard the man say.
The woman accompanying him responded, “Athena is already on her way, so it’s probably safer if you get checked out”
You turned around and saw the last person you expected to see, your dad. The last time you saw him was about 6 years ago when he showed up to your dorm room drunk out his mind.
The paramedic with him saw you looking over and motioned for you.
“You had got caught, cover blown “ you thought, you put on a fake smile and walk over.
“Hi, I’m Doctor…”you began when he cut you off.
“Y/n?” He said looking hopeful. He had tried many times to reach out since he got sober but you stopped trusting him and his apologies.
“You look good” you said finally looking him in the eyes.
“Do you know each other?” Asked who you figured was Hen.
“Yeah, I’m his daughter” you said. You could tell that your dad wanted to hide. He never did well in situations like this.
“So what brings you in Captain Nash?” You ask trying to push everything away, hoping it’s not the alcohol and pills again. Hen excused herself.
“The floor I was on collapsed and I landed wrong” he said holding up a wounded wrist.
“I’m 5 years clean” he said, trying to start a conversation.
“That’s good” you said not wanting to cave.
“I tried reaching out over the years” he pushed.
You we’re trying your best not to show emotion. You heard a voice outside the curtain.
“I know” you reply.
“Well I thought it would be best if you found out from me” he started and was cut off with a beautiful woman entering the area.
“Bobby? Are you ok?” She asked, grabbing his shoulder.
“Yeah, Thena, I actually want you to meet someone” Bobby looked at this woman with so much love. It was the same look he gave your mother. It shattered you.
“this is Dr. Y/n Nash, my daughter, and this is my wife, Athena” he says introducing you.
You couldn’t help it. You run from the area and find the break room.
“I’m sure she’ll come around Bobby” Athena said , caressing Bobby’s good hand with her free one, as she drove home. A nurse ended up coming in a finishing up with him.
“I dont know if she will Athena, it’s been 6 years since I saw her and I was so drunk I don’t remember what happened. I’ve been trying to fix it for years, I screwed up big time and I should’ve tried harder to fix it” he said
“Bobby you have paid for your mistakes and you fight like hell everyday. But maybe she just hasn’t seen that yet.” Athena said.
Bobby nodded silently.
—back at the hospital you wipe off your face and exit the break room. Maria, the nurse who took over for you, walked up to you.
“I know you don’t want to talk to him but he asked me to give you this” she handed you a piece of paper with his number on it.
After you shift you went home. You sat on your couch looking at this number. You don’t know when you dialed it. You heard it ring and you grew nervous.
“Hello?” You heard his voice say.
“Dad?” You asked.
“Y/!N?! I’m so glad you called” he cheered
“Um can we meet? I want to see you, we need to talk” you caved. You knew it was time to forgive him.
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royalarms · 2 months
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what made you pick up the current muse(s) you have? i love noctis . final fantasy xv is my favorite game of all time and i've put ungodly hours into it , but fun fact ! i actually wrote prompto from 2016-2020/2021ish ( i dont remember haha ) but immediately the game became my favorite final fantasy game , and then eventually topped my passion for kingdom hearts and crisis core and just . became my number one . i still wanted a way to experience and express my love for it , but my personality had shifted sooo much over the past several years and prompto just didn't fit for me anymore , so i opted for noctis . gave him a go and ended up connecting with him on a level i would have never though LOL . i've always really really loved and enjoyed his character but writing a protagonist always gave me the willies so i never ventured into it . now im stuck here .
is there anything you don’t like to write? there are several things i WON'T write , but i don't know if there's anything i particularly dislike . i feel like if i have the right writing partner we can make most anything fun .
is there anything you really enjoy writing? i love writing things i've never written before ! new characters , new interactions , cool plots i've never written out , etc . i like to keep it exciting .
do you write in silence or do you play music? i either listen to lyricless music or write in silence . every once in awhile i can write with songs with lyrics on but it has to be really quiet . i'll turn on my character playlists in those moments , but i honestly think i do my best writing in silence .
do you plan your replies or wing them? both ! i don't have an explanation here , it just depends on the thread and the plot (if any) and when and how inspiration strikes .
do you enjoy shipping? yes . as long as the age gap isn't weird or intense toxicity is going on , i'm USUALLY down for most things :)
what’s your alias/name? aster >:) age? 25 birthday? march 29 favorite color? red ! favorite song? ohhh shoot . i love linkin park for my favorite band , but favorite SONG ? let me check my most replayed on spotify LOL . um. scatterbrain by kxllswxtch , voices in my head by falling in reverse , and numb by the used 💀 all of them are negative tw if anyone wants to listen last movie you watched? i literally do not know , i don't watch a lot of movies last show you watched? the wit/cher last song you listened to? listening to squishy caterpillars riding on bullets by istasha ( negative n drug tw ) ............. favorite food? curry and adobo :) favorite season? spring ! do you have a tumblr best friend? i dont love the phrase "tumblr best friend" idk what that entails but i have three ppl i love dearly and talk to a lot ! @otlaw , @starshcwer , @onegil ❤️❤️❤️
tagged by: i stole thisss
tagging : you should steal it too :)
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Law and the Strawhats were at Dressrosa then return to Zou. You have the Akarui Akarui No Mi fruit,the Bright Bright No Mi. To create and manipulate a large number of tiny stars in various colors you choose. Your a female doctor. You help the heart pirates crew by doing check ups and paperwork for Law. Law and the Strawhats come to Zou to meet up.
Context: Female doctor, fluff, Zou, marriage, SFW
Minor Mistakes
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"Thank you for helping me into this Wanda" you coo.
"No problem thank you for helping us during the raid. We couldn't have won without you guys garchu" Wanda says mentioning you, the heart pirates, and the Strawhats that came to Zou after the battle to help heal everyone.
"I was just helping, my Bright Bright no mi can only do so much" you say as she finishes lacing you up on your side. It's a silk black dress with the lacing having a slit down the leg with thin straps on top.
"Do you think Law will like thi-"
*knock knock knock*
"(N) are you in there?" your ears hear Bepo on the other side of the door.
"You can come in now" you say adjusting your black velvet 2 inch platform shoes, looking up to see Bepo.
"Whatsup Bepo?" You question.
"Well (n) we need a doctor to do the paperwork.." Bepo says looking down not wanting to ruin your fun.
"Well it is about time I get back to work, I dont want Law to have to do much, when he gets back" you state staley. Getting up you walk over and twirl in front of Bepo.
"What do you think Bepo?" You ask.
"You look really pretty (n) I really like your shoes too" Bepo says sweetly.
"Thank you Bepo! Do you think Law will like it?" You ask quizzically wanting to know his answer.
"I'm not sure, but if I were him I would like it (n)" Bepo says.
"That's okay I'll find out soon enough. Let's go Bepo. Goodbye Wanda!" You say waving to her, then wrapping an arm around Bepos arm. At the edge of Zou, you create hundreds of tiny stars in a baby blue and pink color, as they float together in a cloud formation.
"Let's go Bepo" you say both of you jumping onto the mass of stars. Floating down to the subs deck.
On The Polar Tang
"Next!" You yell at your desk, still dressed in the black silk dress doing paperwork and check ups on the crew. Penguin comes in and sits on the med bay bed after you roll new paper out on the bed.
"(N) I think I have a rash on my side" he says lifting his shirt to show you.
"Oh my, yes its definitely a rash here. I'm giving you some special ointment for it. It should clear up after a couple days" saying as you write down a report of this event with your pen and clipboard.
"Thanks (n) your the best. I like when your my doctor. Law can be harsh sometimes" he says.
"Awee that's so sweet Penguin thank you" you say as your finished with your patient.
"Next!" You yell at the last patient.
"Oh Ikkaku nice to see you so what can I do for you?" You say sweetly.
"I um... need you to check ... down there" she says fidgeting with her hands.
"Okay let me close the door" you say getting up to lock the med bay door.
"Thank god Law brought on another female doctor" she says.
"Well he made it hard to refuse. Okay now take off your panties, so I can examine you" You say cooly used to examining the crew, these past three years.
"How did he make it hard to refuse?" Ikkaku cocks her head to the side questioning you. You think back three years ago.
After an hour of asking you to join his crew, you were waiting for one single word.
"Okay will you join my crew as a female doctor... please.." Law begs politely.
"Let's just keep this between you and me but, he basically begged me to join the crew hehe" you shine as Ikkaku is ready for you. You put on medical gloves then examine her genital area then place some big paper cover onto her so she can get dressed again.
"You have Folliculitis. Just how long has it been like this?" You question her.
"I noticed it right before you left up Zou, that was a week or so ago" she replys.
"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry. And I know how hard it is to get up and down Zou" you say removing your gloves and throwing them away. Then you write your report.
"Hey (n) I noticed your ring on your wedding finger...." Ikkaku trails off.
"Oh this?" You raise your hand letting her see the (c) stone with a silver band.
"Its just a promise ring Law gave it to me. Let's also keep this between us, hell kill me if I tell anyone" you say scratching your long (c) hair. Searching through the antibiotics tray you find what you need.
"Here take two pills a day for ten days and it should clear up" you fist bump Ikkaku.
"Your good to go now Ikkaku I hope you feel better" you say feeling for her femininity.
"Your the best (n) thanks" she says as she unlocks the bay door and leaves it open. You get back to your paperwork and forget the time.
The Next Day In the Afternoon
You wake up on yours and Laws shared desk.
"(N)! Law is back!" You hear a familiar voice call you. Suddenly Bepo pops into the room.
"What?! Hes finally back? Yes! Let's go now!" You exclaim and Bepo nods.
"By the way Sachi and Penguin want to come" Bepo says softly.
"Okay hurry and round them up" you say as you walk on deck waiting for them. Once ready you create loads of tiny stars in the shape of clouds cooling them off so they wont burn anyone and float everyone up to Zou. Up in the sky.
"I see him everyone! It feels like forever!" You exclaim and they nod knowing theres something between you and the Captain but keeping it hush hush. You float everyone around Zunesha's trunk pouring water on itself to the hidden part of Zou where everyone was. Once on the ground your stars pop out of existence.
"Welcome Bepo, Sachi, Penguin and (n) garchu" the guards say letting you pass before Law and the other Strawhats get there.
"Garchu" you all say as you walk inside and you go to see Nami. Walking in you see Nami asleep on a gaint bear.
"Their back Nami!" You yell as Nami wakes up then realizes what you said.
"What their back now?!" She yells, her purple national treasure dress fluttering side to side. You both meet up with Chopper, Bepo, Sachi, and Penguin then go to the gate inside and wait. Finally you all see them enter the Strawhats, and Law. You and Nami run up to your Captain's and give them hugs Law slightly blushing tilting his head down, while Nami explained what happened to Sanji.
"I've missed you Law" you whisper in his ear sending shivers down his spine. He wraps an arm around your waist.
"I've missed you as well. What's this?" He motions a hand down the lace part of your dress causing you to shiver.
"Hey Traffy I've got to go rescue my crewmate Sanji so well be back soon" Luffy says boldly.
"All right we'll stay here. Here take a piece of my vivre card, to find your way back" Law states blankly.
"Bye Nami bye Luffy and everyone" you say to them as they wave goodbye. Law releases you looking you up and down and whispers
"I like this side of you" making you blush cherry red then is slowly fades. Your not used to Law being so direct he must have faced a powerful enemy, your sure he'll tell you about later in your shared bedroom.
"All right let's go" Law states for us all to hear.
"Um Captain is it okay if I stay here for awhile?" Bepo asks shyly.
"That's fine I'll send (n) to go get you when your done" Trafalgar says as you nod.
"Better make the most of it garchu!" You say and hug a fluffy Bepo. He hugs you back then let's go.
"All right (n) let's go" Law says to you and you follow him as he walks off. Once at the edge you create many stars in the shapes of a disk. You both jump on as you descend onto the deck of the Polar Tang. "Here we are cutie" you say making Law blush slightly. Since there was no one on deck he allowed this advance, after all he was your boyfriend of two years. You should have broken him down by now you thought.
"So what do you really think?" You twirl your long (c) hair fluttering in the breeze. He smirks into a small smile.
"I think it's been too long since I've seen you" he says carrying Kikoku and heading inside. You follow him frowning.
"Dont worry about the paperwork. Ive all ready done the crews checkups and all the paperwork" you state blankly. Law then double takes and goes to your shared bedroom.
"You've gotten so good at your job" Law states.
"So why did you actually recruit me to your crew?" You question.
"For check ups, paperwork, and ... I thought you were... cute.." he says the last part in a whisper but it makes you both blush. He puts Kikoku to rest and turns to look at you. Walking up to him still shorter than him even with platforms you whisper
"So that's your way of hitting on someone?" It makes him shiver as he wraps his arms around your waist down to your lace draws and gently pulls it, as you place your hands on his chest. Your dress starts to unravel as you lean up to him he leans down and your lips meet. Fighting for dominance your tounges battle until you both break for air.
"I love you (n)" Law whispers in your ear.
"I love you too Trafalgar" you say rubbing his chest unbuttoning his buttons. He tells you about what had happened then begins to undress you slowly savoring each moment.
Clothes sprawled about in the early morning having done the deed, as you both have many times before. You roll over to see Trafalgars grey eyes staring back at you.
"Your finally awake (n) let's take a shower" you hear him chime.
'Why is he in such a good mood?' You ponder naked heading to the shower you both get in. Your pierced breasts clung to his tattooed chest as he turned on the warm water. Your long (c) hair getting wet you both clean yourselves, rinse, then get out. You decided to wear his hoodie and a navy blue skirt with thigh high brown boots.
"You may want to dress a bit better" hearing Trafalgar say to you.
"Hn but why darling?" You coo to him making him gain a light pink on his handsome face.
"Just itll be nice to see you in something nice again, like with that dress" he states blush fading. You nod at him then turn around looking for clothes. You end up wearing a white lolita dress with white bow platform shoes and thigh high white socks. Turning to him you open your mouth but he talks instead
"That's perfect dear" walking up to you he wraps his arms around your waist and leans down to kiss you then kisses your nose, forehead, and cheek before letting go.
"You look stunning" he exclaims to you which makes you squeel with love.
"The Strawhats should be arriving any day now. Theres something I need to do when they get back" quizzically you look up to him but he just shrugs.
Up At Zou the Strawhats Returned With Sanji
"I'm so glad your all, all right" you exclaim as a certain chef makes googling eyes on your cute figure and white attire.
"Mi amor will you please marry me?" Sanji exclaims.
"Sorry but no, theres only one person I love" you glance at Law only to see him swallow hard.
'He must hate Sanji being all over me' you think quietly. You form stars under Sanji and move him away from you.
"Shes a superstar oh lala" Sanji nosebleeds and Nami punches him in the head.
"Cant you see shes obviously with Law" Nami exclaims causing you and Law to blush slightly.
'Was it that obvious?' You think to yourself.
"Hey everyone let's party!" You hear Luffy yell and all the minks bring out food and drinks while Sanji prepares other food for everyone. Once everyone was well into partying you felt Law tug at your hand, and lead you to the center of the party. He kneels down on one knee and opens a box with a beautiful big silver ring in it. Meanwhile he catches everyones attention gulping he asks
"(N) D. (LN) will you do me the honor and marry me?" Laws words roll off your ears as you blush a deep red not to fond of the attention but liking it at the same time.
"Yes of course Trafalgar" you say as he stands to take off the promise ring and slides the ring on your finger. You giggled in happiness. He whispers in your ear over the loud applauses and yelling.
"Thank you for the honor"
"You know what this calls for? A wedding cake!" Sanji yells as he finishes with the other food. He heads off in the direction of their ship. You embrace Law wrapping your hands around him kissing him off guard, but he kisses you back with a smile on his face. Breaking for air you both hear awes.
After Some Time Has Passed
You and Law were sitting drinking with everyone when you spot a familiar blonde holding a gaint wedding cake.
Since the proposal you managed to get all your crew up to Zou, for the wedding which was approved by the heads of Zou. The absolute head of Zou decided to be the one to marry you both after much fighting from the cat and dog.
At The Wedding
Everyone is sitting, everything is in place they even built an arch for you both last minute.
"Do you Trafalgar D. Water Law take (n) D. (LN) to be your wedful wife?" The head asks. Holding your hands you notice Law was slightly trembling, so you rub his hands with yours.
"I do" Law manages to say in front of all these eyes.
"Do you (n) D. (LN) take Trafalgar D. Water Law to be your faithful husband?" Glancing at the crowd you start to tremble as well. Seeing Bepo, Sachi and Penguin crying before saying
"I do"
"With that you may now kiss the bride" You lean in halfway and Law leans the rest of the way closing the gap you both kiss. After a good second you both depart.
"I now pronounce you husband and wife" abrupt cheering happens everyone stands continuing the party with another party. You and Law go over to the wedding cake and cut small slices wrap your arms around eachother as you feed eachother a bite of wedding cake. More applauses and cheering happens as Trafalgar leads you away from the party to have some quick fun in the sub and start the honeymoon away from prying eyes.
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lukeevangelista · 1 year
“I hope you got what you wanted.”
From the angst list but it doesn’t have to be angsty if you don’t want it to be! With Swayman please!!! 😊
I Hope You’re Happy - J. Swayman
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Tears welled up in your eyes as you saw the photos in the group chat with some of the other girls, them not realizing they had sent in the one that you were in. 
‘I’m so sorry Y/N. I didnt mean to send that here..’ one of the girls, Danielle, sent to the group. 
‘its ok. I gtg.’ you sent back as a tear escaped your eyes, down your left cheek. 
Jeremy had been on road trip and clearly had been having more fun that he told you. 
There had been photos that had came out of him leaving with a girl that was not you. Danielle had found them on twitter, sending them to the group, which as mentioned, had you in it causing you to find out. 
Danielle had decided to come over to check on you, her feeling guilty at the fact that this had been told to you. You had been ignoring her texts and calls, the guilt starting to get worse as she knocked on your door. 
“I’m so-”
“Dont apologize Dani. None of this is your fault.” You whispered as you let her in your apartment, “it’s all on Jeremy’s shoulders at this point.” 
“I know but you wouldnt be feeling-”
“I'm glad I found out instead of being oblivious to it all and not knowing that my boyfriend is out here cheating on me.”
“Still.” she sighed, “Is there anything I can do?”
“Actually, would it be okay if I stay with you and Charlie until I figure out what were going to do with the apartment?”
“Uh-yes.” She immediately said, “You’re more than welcome to crash with us.”
“Thanks Dani.” You pulled her into a hug.
“Don’t mention it. It’s the least I could do.”
“I really hope all of this was worth it Jeremy.” You whispered as you packed an overnight bag to head to your friends house, “I hope you got what you wanted.” You continued, “Whatever it was. I hope you got what you wanted and you’re happy with yourself and your decisions.”
You started down the stairs, Jeremy hot on your heels as he tried to stop you.
“Babe please let me-“
“Do not call me that.” You hissed as you cut him off, “You lost that right when decided to lay in that girls bed.”
“Where are you going?” He whispered as you neared the front door. 
“It’s not any of your business now,” you replied, “But if you must know, I’m going to the Coyles.” “Will you let me at least know you got there?” 
“No.” you let out a laugh, “Like I said, you lost that right to worry about me Jeremy. I no longer owe you anything.” you continued, “Matter of fact, just lose my number Swayman.”
“I wish you would let me explain myself.” He argued as he grabbed your arm, “You’re not even giving me a chance!”
“Why? So you can talk out of your ass and try to convince me to stay?” You chuckled, “Good one. But I’m not going to stick around while my partner is out here fucking anything with a pulse.”
Jeremy let out a frustrated sigh, letting go of your arm as you left the apartment.
“It’ll all be okay.” You shakily said to yourself, “You’re strong. You don’t need him.”
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sunshine-scented · 1 year
Take care for now and I hope your day/afternoon/night is going well!
- 🧋 ♡
No! Don't ever stop! I really like to talk to people so I don't really mind you rambling on my asks. You can talk about the most basic things and I'd still gladly read them ♡
I dont know if I have a favorite genre but I do have a favorite love trope, it's definitely soulmate AU, and the classic Childhood Friends to Lovers!! Goshh I'm a sucker for those stories
I have a very well amazingly hidden attraction to Nezha hehe, but I still also like the funky monkey man Sun Wukong as well! Just not as much as Nezha ;)
My favorite episode is all Nezha scenes on yt I think is the Amnesia Wukong one until the Forging of the samadhi fire (I forgot the episode number and I'm too tired to check, whoops) mainly because that's where Pigsy gets to shine with his whole doubts against monkey king until the boiling point where everyone realizes he was practically leading them to failure. It's so interesting to see the characters change based on their personalities!! Ack I'm rambling, my bad~
My favorite color is Red! And Pink because of Nezha because of how bold and dominating the color looks as itself ♡
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lvxybby · 10 months
His Forever (james patrick march x reader)
I checked into a hotel after my night out drinking with my band mates. "Y/N are you sure you dont want us to drive you home?" My band mate eric asked me. "no...i've gotta check out the studio tomorrow...ill just uber there its closer than wasting my gas" I say walking to the check-in desk. "ok then...see you soon...love ya" eric said walking away. "bye Y/N" my other band mate brandon said following eric. i sigh and begin to talk to the front desk lady. "hi can i have a room for one?" i ask politely "sure that'll be $74 dollars" she replied. she turned around and gave me a key "room 64 sweetheart." she spoke with a smile. "thank you have a great night" i say walking off to my room. i see my room and begin to unlock it but i hear a voice...a very fancy voice from behind me "hello dear, enjoying your stay?" the male voice said as i turned around. i looked him up and down...he looked familiar but i couldn't put my finger on it. maybe the alcohol is messing with me. "oh well...i just got here" i reply nicely. the male was dressed very nice. he had a 1920's style. his pencil mustache and slicked back hair made him look so much more attractive. "oh..i see well im james march, the owner of this fine hotel" he stuck his hand out to me. then it snapped. james march was the owner of hotel cortez...he built the hotel and killed its residents. i shook my head thinking its just alcohol. i shook his hand. "well dear you shall get some rest...you seem a bit tipsy" he said bowing a bit. "o-ok have a good night" i say unlocking my door and heading into my room. i set down my things i came in with such as my guitar and small purse with my essentials in it. i look at the room. its very fancy and nice. its large and has a huge bed. i admire the room. it has rather a very sweet smell to it. like caramel. i go over to the window and open it. i pull out my carton of cigarettes and lighter. i light the cancer stick and begin to fill my lungs with the deadly smoke. tonights show was rough. so many people were there and my stage fright almost got the best of me. there was a fist fight at the bar and my guitar string broke while i was playing. it was so rough. me and brandon got into it cause he said he doesnt like the guitar solos i add to the songs, and he wants me to pay for a new bass for him, which i denied. he should pay for his own things. hes a adult who is capable to pay for his own bass. he makes enough money and im not gonna baby him. i realize i burnt all of my cigarette. i sigh before throwing it out the window. i close it and lay on the bed. i end up dozing off. i wake up to the sun light peeking through the window. i sit up and decide its best to get ready since i have to record in the studio today. i reach for my purse and look around for my phone. once i find it i call the taxi company. but no service. i dial again but no service again. i sigh before going to the studios number and dialing it. no answer. straight to voicemail. i sigh and throw my phone on the bed "fuck what am i gonna do?" i ask myself. i grab my pack of cigarettes and take one out before starting to smoke. i inhale the cancerous smoke into my lungs as i try to relieve my stress. before i knew it i ended up smoking the whole pack. the room was filled with the smoke. i threw the carton at the wall. "its ok i can make the appointment another time." i reassure myself. i think to myself before noticing the bedside phone. i pick it up but it was dead silent. not even the soft hum to let you know it was working. i look at the cord and notice it looks like its been chewed through. i slam the phone down. i sigh before going over to the door. my head is pounding from the night before. and that made me remember "the real james march" i sigh before exiting the room i walk down the long hallways but the familiar voice stops me again. "hello dear are you feeling better?" i snap around and see the same male. "james" stood there. it couldnt be him. he died in the 20's i learned about him in history class. now i knew it wasnt the alcohol.
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