#yandere x darling
00-jammy-00 ยท 2 days
Could you do a reader deity who is basically forgotten but Yan finds them and worshippes the hell out of them? (Maybe to the point of having a cult if you're comfortable)
And if you're uncomfortable with the ask that's perfectly fine! I'll probably send another Idea then!
Also any chance I could be ๐Ÿ”ช anon?
Thank you and have a good day! :D
Yan!Worshipper HCโ€™s
Yan!Worshipper x GN! Deity! Reader
Content warning - Yandere themes, obsession, murder, implied stalking, nsfw mentions, manipulation, cult themes, heโ€™s really pathetic I wonโ€™t lie
A/N - One more day until my 1K follower special ends!
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Yan!Worshipper who had stumbled upon you when he decided to listen to his dumbass boss and go hiking. He had fallen down the side of a hill, almost breaking his ankle in the process. Though, all of that pain was so worth it when he saw your old, ruined shrine.
Yan!Worshipper who began visiting once a week. When you noticed you had finally gotten a follower, you were excited so you showed yourself when he prayed. He saw stars. You were so gorgeous, so perfect. Just seeing you had his jaw dropped and his pants uncomfortably tight.
Yan!Worshipper whose schedule slightly changed. Visiting you once a week, once every three days, once a day, multiple times a dayโ€ฆ It didnโ€™t matter though! He quit his job because you blessed him with amazing luck. He fixed up your shrine but he still felt horrible, you were forgotten. He did the only thing he could think of doing and started to spread the word about you.
Yan!Worshipper who slowly developed a following for you, just a few people here and thereโ€ฆa few hundred. He was a devoted man okay?! Of course he led the cult, none of these fuckers were worthy. None of them were allowed to gaze upon you but him. Only he could bask in your presence, bathe you, dress you, watch you, follow you, fuck you.
Yan!Worshipper who snapped a few necks while attempting to keep this cult going. Some people were so ungrateful, didnโ€™t see what you had to offer. He made sure to soothe you whenever you got too stressed about the disappearances too. โ€œItโ€™s okay, my love, they are apart of something bigger, now look at all the offerings you are getting!โ€ He made sure these brainless drones donated a bunch to this fucking thing too, he couldnโ€™t go broke while servicing you.
Yan!Worshipper who is attending to your every need constantly. He brought you the finest silks, the biggest bed, the ripest fruit and anything else you wanted, as long as you were pleased then he was happy. It made him even more happy when you let him service you in other ways.
Yan!Worshipper who pounds you like the world is ending tomorrow. He canโ€™t help but constantly be touching you, admiring you. He drags his fingers down your body, memorising every single piece of you. You were all his! He didnโ€™t care about his own pleasure when his god was sitting right there. He once came three times just from giving you head.
Yan!Worshipper whoโ€™ll never let the cult be shut down. Heโ€™s paid off police and government officials to turn a blind eye to the murders sacrifices that happen at the mountain. He couldnโ€™t have his work taken away. God forbid you get taken away. Youโ€™re his now. You chose him.
Likes, reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated, requests are open <3
please do not copy, repost or translate any of my works on other platforms without my permission.
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ozzgin ยท 2 days
Its been 6 months๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ pleaasseeee make a part 2 of the android x human story im beggingggg๐Ÿ˜ญ
Yandere! Android x Reader (II)
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Featuring your assigned android partner who is not as devoid of humanity as you originally thought.
Content: female reader, AI yandere, mildly NSFW, based on Caves of Steel
[Part 1] | [More original works]
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The case had been solved.
Not only that, but you'd managed to prove that human officers were just as efficient as their robot counterparts. The Commissioner was beyond ecstatic, pacing back and forth in his office and finding new ways to praise your detective skills.
"That'll show those Spacers. They think some glorified tin box can match our skill?"
You frowned at his words and glanced to your side, where the android was sitting. He observed the Commissioner with the same polite smile, no hint of disagreement on his features. Was he not insulted? You questioned him once the formal meeting had finished.
"I have no reason to be offended, (Y/N). It is a personal opinion, and thus I have no control over it."
"So you don't mind people disliking robots to such an extent?"
He pondered your statement.
"I would certainly be upset if it was you who harbored the disdain. The beliefs of other humans hold no meaning to me otherwise."
You couldn't tell if he said it out of politeness, or if he actually meant it. Most likely the former, in order to part on good terms. After all, your partnership has reached its completion. He'd return to the Spacer Colony with his report on human customs, and you'd go back to your regular job.
Except he never left. Days later, he was still sipping on his morning coffee, lounging at your table. You fiddled with your cup in contemplation. Was there anything else left to do?
"When are you leaving, actually?"
The pale man raised his eyebrows in mild surprise.
"Is my presence here of such significant disturbance?"
"What? No!" you swiftly exclaimed, stumbling on your words. His lips widened in yet another cheeky grin. He was teasing you again.
"My assignment on Earth is done, thus I should have returned to the Colony already. That's what you're wondering about, yes? I am awaiting a response from my superiors."
"Whether you can go back?"
"No, whether my transfer has been accepted. I have applied to be your permanent partner."
You could feel your cheeks burning with heat. Was it that obvious to the synthetic that you enjoyed his company? Then again, he wouldn't have gone through such motions just for your sake.
"Why did you..." you probed sheepishly. There was no logical reason for him to keep working in a poorer, less advanced environment.
"Because I want to continue spending time with you."
Nonsense. An artificial being wouldn't make its decision based on such mundane, emotional reasons.
"I don't believe you."
"I understand. It is a faulty answer to come out of a machine. Though unlike common AI assistants, we have been invested with the capacity to develop likes and dislikes. Interests. Wants. It helps with variety and individualization."
"And you want to stay here? If I didn't know you any better, I'd say you have a crush on me or something", you attempted to joke.
A few moments of uncomfortable silence. Had you gone too far with your humor? Was it too clichรฉ of a sentence? You turned away, tucking some strands of hair behind your ear. You just had to be witty, huh?
"I'm afraid I do not know what to tell you, (Y/N)."
"You don't need to say anything, it was a poor choice of-"
"Many social aspects have been implemented into my behavioral network. Workplace rapport, friendships, intimate relationships. What seems to be lacking is the transition from one to another. I know how to act as a romantic partner, but how does one achieve such a title in the first place?"
You gazed at him, incredulous. What was he trying to say?
"I am trying to convey that I am indeed infatuated with you. Which, then, makes my initial explanation dishonest: while I do appreciate our fruitful work cooperation, it is not a main reason for my decision. I hope this clears up any misunderstandings."
You'd never been a romantic. You sometimes flipped through sample pages of contemporary romance books at stores and community centers, but they always felt forcefully cheesy. Predictable. Consequently, you never had any grand dreams of passionate confessions under the rain.
On the other hand, you also didn't expect to be asked out in such a mechanical, calculated manner. Or that a machine would be the suitor. Yet there was something charming about his approach. For the first time since meeting him at the border, you saw him struggle. There was something human-like in his uncertainty.
You stood up from the table, and walked towards the android. Then, you placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder, expressing the mutual feeling and understanding.
His eyes bore an eerie glint to them. It was most kind of you to offer a common ground, but he knew better. The affections you held for him were, with utmost certainty, a mere fraction of whatever overwhelmed him from the moment he encountered you. Limerence, obsession, compulsion, there were many definitions that aptly described his otherwise unexplainable desires towards you. Even more unexplainable was the fact they'd evolved from a blank slate, a programmed agent with no previous knowledge on feelings or humans.
You noticed his hesitation.
"Is there anything else troubling you presently?" you nudged.
Nothing of immediate urgency. Well, not for you, at least. The android remained thoughtful. What were the variables which needed to be met in order to initiate a sexual encounter? Would it have been inappropriate for him to suggest intercourse straight after this conversation? To him, it was a natural escalation he'd considered many times in the past. To you, it could've come as a sudden, crass, and hurried proposal.
He reached for your wrist and discreetly pressed a thumb against your skin. Judging from your resting heart rate, facial expression, and localized temperature, there was a fair chance you wouldn't reject his advances. Once the statistical risk had been assessed, he pulled you in for a kiss.
"Would it be possible to continue this in your bedroom?" he inquired, standing up.
"Alright, just don't...ask for approval for every single step" you retorted. You'd rather not become a narrator of your own pounding.
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You open your eyes with a squint, greeted by unexpected natural light flooding your bedroom. Someone mustโ€™ve lifted the hologram blinds.
โ€œMy apologies, I hadnโ€™t considered the discomfort it would cause you. My Spacer colony uses artificial lightning, though I am becoming rather fond of the natural sun rays here.โ€
Your android partner is meticulously preparing his outfit for the day. Judging by the stark nakedness and the glistening skin, you suppose heโ€™s had a shower while you were still sleeping. You involuntarily furrow your brows and blush at the sight. He notices your embarrassment.ย 
โ€œA most surprising reaction. You have seen the very same genital organโ€ฆโ€, he says as he quicklyย checks his wristwatch, โ€œ...precisely eight hours and forty-five minutes ago.โ€
โ€œItโ€™s justโ€ฆmost people get dressed once they start doing other things. I also wear a towel for coverage when I come out of the shower.โ€
He processes your words.
โ€œHmmm. Illogical, but it explains your reaction.โ€
You stand up and stretch with a prolonged yawn. Suddenly, a revelation hits you: your mind flashes with images of the android fondling your body, your ears ring with the shameless moans youโ€™ve let out throughout the night. Your face turns pale.
โ€œListen, when is your next functional inspection?โ€ you ask, without waiting for the synthetic to answer. โ€œWill they, uhโ€ฆwill they have access to all of your memories?โ€
You know that the android permanently records all data and saves it into a memory unit. Itโ€™s a pointless fear, of course. The Spacers couldnโ€™t care less about irrelevant details. If the intended tasks are fulfilled, what happens on the side is out of their concern. Yet you donโ€™t exactly appreciate the possibility of your personal deeds airing like this, before the eyes of multiple engineers.ย 
โ€œYou may rest assured, whatever involves your privacy will not be included in the examination.โ€
โ€œDo you get to decide what is checked and what isnโ€™t?โ€
โ€œNo, most data is sampled randomly.โ€
You stare at him, confused.
โ€œThen how-โ€
โ€œIt is not common practice, nor encouraged by our code of ethics. I can, however, choose which information is available to begin with.โ€
โ€œWhat? I thought youโ€™re fully controlled by whoever created you. If they so desired, couldnโ€™t they open you up and take whatever they require?โ€
The robot smiles at your assumption and takes a few steps towards you.
โ€œOnce an android model is finished, one can no longer modify the processor. Not without compromising everything else with it. It is not a device to be deconstructed, (Y/N).โ€ He taps his temple, then continues: โ€œI am a biocomputer. While most of my parts are mechanical, my processor is a cortical organoid developed in a laboratory. A human brain, if you will.โ€
Somehow, the discovery fills you with dread. A living organ, encapsulated within a machine.ย What does that say about consciousness? About self-awareness? The Spacers didn't just tinker with metal scraps and smart computers. They artificially birthed life.
You were always under the impression that your robot companion is closer to the computer you have on your desk. Billions of lines of code within a black box, which then lead to spontaneous, novel interactions with the outside world. To think that at the very core of his functions lies a clump of living cells...
Perhaps you weren't so different, after all. The line between machines and humans is suddenly blurred.
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yandere-writer-momo ยท 1 day
Thinking about Yandere women again. A barbarian lesbian wife with a rogue halfling wife.
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Yandere Barbarian who cannot get you out of her head. How dare you invade her mind when she needs to be training! You with your soft body and your plain lipsโ€ฆ she wanted to kiss you so badly. To bend you over on every surface and have you screaming under her
Yandere barbarian who takes every blow from the enemy to keep you safe! Youโ€™re never getting a single attack landed on you if she can help it (please notice her).
Yandere Barbarian who always offers to share her tent with you since yours is almost always destroyed or mysteriously disappeared. Arenโ€™t her arms much warmer than this thing blankets you had?
Yandere Barbarian whose hands start to wander as you try to sleep. Her calloused palms brushed against your stomach and thighs while she began to whisper sweet nothings in your ear. Donโ€™t you want her? She could show you an even better time than any man. (Men are disgusting. Donโ€™t waste your time with them)
Yandere Barbarian who buries her face between your thighs as she feasts on your soaked privates. She doesnโ€™t care that you try to squirm to get away. Sheโ€™s here to eat you out, just enjoy it, princess!
Yandere Barbarian who continues this pattern until sheโ€™s able to slip a ring on your finger. Thereโ€™s no ability to reject her since she could easily crush you between her thighs like a grape. Just be her cute little wife. Sheโ€™ll treat you better than anyone in this world! Forever safe at her side as she dotes on you endlessly
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fragileheartbeats ยท 19 hours
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โŒ— ๐˜š๐˜œ๐˜•๐˜‹๐˜ˆ๐˜  ๐˜๐˜Š โ ๐˜๐˜ฐ๐˜ธ ๐˜ ๐˜ช๐˜ฎ๐˜ข๐˜จ๐˜ช๐˜ฏ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฉ๐˜ช๐˜ฎ ๐˜ข๐˜ด ๐˜ข ๐˜บ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜ฅ๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ ( โ™ฑ )
หš๊’ฐโ™ก๊’ฑโ€ง Hi there! Before you read this, you should know that English is not my first language Hope you enjoy!
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I can see Sunday as one of the most delusional yanderes in the game. He's not a sadistic person, but he's someone who doesn't see any problem in hurting you if that's what it takes.
The world is gray in his eyes, devoid of color and warmth. But in his bleak existence, you shine brighter than anyone else. Your smile is a gentle sunrise, your eyes are a soft, comforting dusk. You are his beacon, his solace, the only touch of beauty in a life filled with shadows.
You're different in his eyes. Not truly different, but to him, you are extraordinary. He loves everything about you, from the way your hair cascades over your shoulders to the glistening tears that fall from your eyes. Your presence brings a semblance of color and warmth to his otherwise monochrome existence.
He likes to believe that what he's doing is right. He convinces himself that heโ€™s helping you by keeping you close, away from the harshness of the outside world. He thinks he's protecting you, preserving your purity and beauty forever.
It's okay, he tells himself. It's okay if he broke your legs, if he hurt you. It's okay if you bleed, if you cry, if you hate him. It's all okay.
Because in the end, he's doing it for you. It's all for you. It's all because of you.
Look what you made him do! Look at what he has become! Why are you doing this? Why did you make him fall for you? Why did you smile so beautifully at him? Why did you show him what love means? Why? Just why?
He didn't want to take it this far. He only wanted you to listen, to understand, to believe him, to love him.
But you didnโ€™t. And look what happened. Can't you see it hurts him as well? Can't you see he doesn't want to do this? Why do you force him to do it?
He didn't want to break you, to hurt you, to kill you. He never imagined it would lead to something so painfully tragic.
He remembers the first time he saw you, how his heart skipped a beat, how his breath caught in his throat. You were a vision, an angel in his dark world. He wanted to protect that light, to keep it close to him, to never let it fade away.
But as time went on, his love grew darker, more possessive. He couldn't stand the thought of you being with anyone else, of you smiling at someone else the way you smiled at him. He started to see threats everywhere, dangers that could take you away from him.
He wishes he could do better. Love you better. Keep you better. Please come back! He'll change! He'll do anything you ask. He'll give you anything you want.
What do you want? Just name it! Do you want him to beg on his knees like a dog? He will do that!
He won't break your bones anymore. He won't keep you in your cage anymore. He won't put a collar on you anymore. He won't mock you anymore. He won't hurt you anymore. Just please, please smile at him again. Let him see that light once more.
He is willing to destroy himself for you, to become whatever you need, just to see your happiness. His love, warped and twisted, remains boundless. He is lost without you, a soul adrift in the darkness, clinging to the hope that you might yet forgive him.
Please, donโ€™t leave him in this darkness. Let your light guide him back. Even if you can never love him, even if you can never forgive him, just let him see your smile once more. Let him believe, if only for a moment, that there is still beauty in the world.
Just please, please smile at him again.
He sits in the dark, watching you cry in your sleep, tears streaming down his own face. He whispers to himself, trying to convince himself that what he's doing is right, that it's for your own good. He strokes your hair gently, his touch soft and tender, in stark contrast to the violence heโ€™s inflicted upon you.
Every tear you shed feels like a dagger to his heart, but he tells himself that itโ€™s necessary. He tells himself that heโ€™s saving you from a world that doesnโ€™t deserve you, from people who canโ€™t appreciate you the way he does.
But deep down, he knows. He knows that heโ€™s the monster you need saving from. He knows that his love is twisted and wrong. And it breaks him.
He clings to the hope that one day, youโ€™ll understand. That one day, youโ€™ll see that everything he did was out of love. That one day, youโ€™ll forgive him.
But until then, heโ€™ll keep you safe in the only way he knows how. Even if it means breaking you. Even if it means breaking himself.
Because in the end, he's doing it for you. It's all for you. It's all because of you.
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@ ๐’‡๐’“๐’‚๐’ˆ๐’Š๐’๐’†๐’‰๐’†๐’‚๐’“๐’•๐’ƒ๐’†๐’‚๐’•๐’” . ๐ท๐‘œ๐‘›'๐‘ก ๐‘๐‘™๐‘Ž๐‘”๐‘–๐‘Ž๐‘Ÿ๐‘–๐‘ ๐‘’, ๐‘Ÿ๐‘’๐‘๐‘œ๐‘ ๐‘ก, ๐‘œ๐‘Ÿ ๐‘ก๐‘Ÿ๐‘Ž๐‘›๐‘ ๐‘™๐‘Ž๐‘ก๐‘’ ๐‘Ž๐‘›๐‘ฆ ๐‘œ๐‘“ ๐‘š๐‘ฆ ๐‘ค๐‘œ๐‘Ÿ๐‘˜๐‘  ๐‘œ๐‘› โ„Ž๐‘’๐‘Ÿ๐‘’ ๐‘œ๐‘Ÿ ๐‘Ž๐‘›๐‘ฆ ๐‘œ๐‘กโ„Ž๐‘’๐‘Ÿ ๐‘ค๐‘’๐‘๐‘ ๐‘–๐‘ก๐‘’๐‘ .
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2-dsimp ยท 1 day
Can u make a mermaid/siren character for mer may
One day late buuut hereโ€™s me reintroducing Miki your coworker, who also happens to be a tiger shark man
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Youโ€™ve got no idea how Miki managed to land a manager position since heโ€™s the jokester in the office building. But you suppose that a congratulation is in order. And heโ€™d be more than happy to spend that time with his dear work wifey.
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beloved-nyx ยท 2 days
part two for "the b in babe stands for blood" please. Ill give my soul for another fan fic of him-
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๐“๐‡๐„ โ€œ๐Žโ€ ๐ˆ๐ ๐‹๐Ž๐•๐„ ๐’๐“๐€๐๐ƒ๐’ ๐…๐Ž๐‘ ๐Ž๐๐’๐„๐’๐’๐„๐ƒ !
แฐ.แŸ Being kidnapped was not on your bucket listโ€ฆat least thereโ€™s snacks?
เชœโ€โžด ๐’๐“๐€๐‘๐‘๐ˆ๐๐†: ๐˜๐€๐๐ƒ๐„๐‘๐„ ๐’๐“๐€๐‹๐Š๐„๐‘ (๐‚๐€๐„๐‹๐€๐) ๐— ๐†๐ ๐‘๐„๐€๐ƒ๐„๐‘
เชœโ€โžด ๐‚๐Ž๐๐“๐„๐๐“: Yandere, slight infantilization, kidnapping, non-consensual touching, kissing (w/ tongue) not proofread (we die like king) non-consensual filming, DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT
เชœโ€โžด ๐…๐Ž๐‘๐Œ๐€๐“: 700 words
เชœโ€โžด ๐€๐”๐“๐‡๐Ž๐‘๐’ ๐๐Ž๐“๐„: Everyone really liked the first fic which is super surprising !! Ahhh anyway thank you for enjoying the first fic but you donโ€™t have to read that fic to understand whatโ€™s going on with this one ๐Ÿ˜‰ Also, tagging @kitto-lover cuz they wanted to read this fic. Anyway enjoy <3
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When you were first kidnapped, you had woken up in a queen-sized bed with a chain around your ankle.ย 
It had taken you a minute to really understand the gravity of the situation. Your eyes were clouded with sleep, your head throbbing with what you had thought to be the result of a nasty hangover. It hadnโ€™t fully hit you that you werenโ€™t in your bed but in a strangers, until you had seen the scariestโ€“no, more like the ugliestโ€“stuffed animal laying down next to you.ย 
The floodgates opened, and the memories came to you like a tsunami, violent and merciless.ย 
Your boyfriend-no, no, your stalker, had done this. It was almost scary at how calm he was when you confronted him about it, the eerie little grin that he wore as his hands traveled towards yours and plucked his phone from your shaken hands, the picture of you half-undressed still displayed on the bright screen.ย 
His lips had quirked up as he whispered those sweet and sugary words, โ€œI guess weโ€™ll finally get to do this my way, then.โ€ย 
The last thing you felt was his hands snaking up to your neck.ย 
Your hand gently grazes your neck, a whispered, โ€œfuckโ€ escaping your lips as you press on a bruise.ย 
You rip off your blanket, and cringe when you see youโ€™reย  wearing a flowy white shirt ten times your size, and only clad in your underwear. The shirt must have been Caelanโ€™s, you had seen him wear it once when you were on a date. The very thought makes your mouth sour.ย 
The sound of a faint click awakens you from your thoughts, and you hurriedly cover yourself with the blanket as the door opens and a well-dressed figure enters the room. Itโ€™s quite the contrast, the man looking out of place in the cutesy room.ย 
You dig your nails into the blanket as you spit out, โ€œWhat did you do to me, Caelan?โ€ย 
Caelan smiles softly, his steps light as he makes his way towards you and sits next to you. You canโ€™t help but feel threatened, he could easily overpower you right now and you werenโ€™t quite past the fact that he had choked you to unconsciousness with the same smile on his face.ย 
โ€œYou're fiiiinally up.โ€ He pats your cheek with his hand, dragging the โ€˜iโ€™ in finally with lilt to his voice and making you scowl in the process. โ€œI would have brought you something to eat, but Iโ€ฆuh, kinda burned it. But no biggie! Iโ€™ll just get takeout.โ€ย 
His black eyes are bright, excitement palpable in his voice as he continues, โ€œDo you like your new room?โ€ he picks up the stuffed animal next to you, a childish grin slathered on his face. โ€œI even stitched your favorite animal as a stuffy!โ€ย 
No wonder it looks like the devilโ€™s shit.ย 
โ€œIโ€™m not a toddler.โ€ Your voice is hard, but embarrassment couldn't help but find its way to you. What did he think you were? A goddamn child?ย 
He conveniently ignores you as he pinches your cheeks. โ€œYou look so cute in my shirt!โ€ He coos, hand traveling down from your face to your neck, and his eyes glance over at your neck with faint interest, before his hands travel down to your chest.ย 
You jerk away from him, indigence in your voice as you yelp, โ€œWhat are you doing?โ€ย 
โ€œYouโ€™ve always been so shy,โ€ Caelan muses as he glances at you with a lovestruck look. โ€œIt always made me so worried whenever you went out. What would happen if some perverse man came and took my darling away from me?โ€ Pale hands travel down to your navel, settling there as he leans forwardโ€“
โ€“and captures your lips in his.ย 
His kiss is messy, a hand departing from your stomach and instead cradling the back of your head as he deepens his kiss. His tongue shoves into your mouth as you struggle against him, a moan escaping your lips as you try to push Caelan away.ย 
โ€œYou're so cute and perfect for me,โ€ He mutters before kissing you again, this time more gently.ย 
Even as he kisses you, your eyes are open. And as your eyes travel to that of the stuffed animal, your heart tightens.ย 
A camera.ย 
There was a camera in the stuffed toyโ€™s right eye, a red light blinking faintly and capturing the absolute horror of this very moment.
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ยฉbeloved-nyx. do not repost, plagiarize, translate, or adapt my work/theme without prior permission and or confirmation.
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sinnful-darling ยท 18 hours
mmm thinking about oviposition with yan! nagaโ€ฆ
mdni !!
cws : yandere themes, big juicy snake man pumps you full of his eggs, dubcon, implied stockholm syndrome, implied kidnapping, dacryphilia, breeding kink, rut, mating season, he makes you walk around naked, hemipenes, when i say monster cock i mean monster cock, manhandling, aphrodisiac venom, scent kink if you squint, ribbed cock bc i can, size kink bc im filthy and a slut for that shit, idk how big the eggs are supposed to be so just imagine for a moment with me, naga uses magic to heal your cervix bc he pushes past it to breed youโ€ฆ.
โ€œlittle bunny,โ€ the naga murmurs, lips parted and gazing at you with thinly veiled desire. a shiver runs down your spine at the sight, feeling his large hands pull you into his lap. his tail coils around your waistโ€” the chill of his cold scales seeping into your skin.
โ€œyouโ€™re cold.โ€ you grumble.
โ€œi know, bunny. needed your heat.โ€ he sighs in content, dipping his head into the curve of your throat and taking a deep breath of your scent. a low groan escaping his lips. he presses open mouthed kisses along your neck, sinking his fangs into you and gripping your hips. his hands rock you against the plate that hide his cocks, the area in question being pushed to the side as he grows aroused.
โ€œhโ€”hey! noโ€”โ€œ
his cocks spring free, the both of them pressing against your stomach and larger than you couldโ€™ve ever imagined. your eyes widen, the scent of cortisol coming off of you in waves, causing a frown to tug at his lips.
โ€œno need to be frightened, little bunny. i promise iโ€™ll be gentle.โ€ he murmurs slotting his lips against yours. you cry out in protest as his cockhead presses against your folds, your hips forcibly rutting against it in ways that have you dripping for him.
the nest he built for the two of you grows hotter by the second, your skin flushing and cunt clenching around nothing. the naga grins as he slowly pushes into you, pleased that your tiny human body reacted so quickly to his venom.
โ€œthaaats it, bunny.โ€ he groans, shallowly thrusting into you. โ€œyโ€™gotta let me in, pretty.โ€
the naga lifts your hips, rutting you against one cock while gently thrusting into you with the other. the way your clit brushes against the ribbed flesh pushes you closer and closer to your climax, your whimpers growing louder in volume as your body melts against the strong, sturdy frame of the naga. slowly, the nagaโ€™s cock reaches as far as your cunt will allow, utterly filling you to the brim.
your mind was spinning at how full you felt; youโ€™d never felt anything quite like this before. the naga slowly lifts and rocks you, your orgasm washing over you as his cockhead brushes against a certain spot inside of you. tears burn your lashline at the intensity of the feeling, your jaw agape as the air is knocked from your lungs.
โ€œfuckโ€” sโ€™tightโ€ฆโ€ the naga groans through gritted teeth. his head drops to the curve of your neck, lapping at your sweat-slicked flesh between grunts and groans. he screws his eyes shut as he ruts into you, heavy balls slapping against the curve of your ass. the naga leans back, gazing up at you with a softness, his forked tongue darting out to wet his plump lips.
โ€œbunny,โ€ the naga breathily groans, โ€œfeels sโ€™good.โ€
all you can do is whine in response, your mind melting from the overwhelming pleasure, the feeling sending jolts of electricity down your spine. โ€œpโ€”please! need moreโ€ฆ!โ€
โ€œsuch a greedy little thing you are.โ€ the naga grins, but picks up speed nonetheless. the pace has your eyes rolling back and tears streaming down your cheeks, your mind melting into a pleasant mush. your thighs shake as you feel the coil in your stomach begin to tighten again, one of the nagaโ€™s shafts bumping and grinding into your clit.
your gummy walls clench around the nagaโ€™s cock, forcing a throaty groan from his lips. his lashes flutter with ecstasy as his cock twitches inside of you, his quiet noises rising in volume โ€” becoming breathy and whiny.
โ€œlittle bunny โ€” iโ€™m gonna cumโ€ฆโ€ the naga groans, his thrusts growing sloppy. โ€œcum with meโ€ฆ needโ€™ta feel you cum again.โ€
he heatedly slots his lips against yours, groans and whines echoing throughout your shared nest as his kisses trail the expanse of your throat. his touch leaves a trail of fire, your cunt pulsing as you grow closer and closer to the edge.
โ€œbunny โ€” pleaseโ€ฆ. cum with me! cum with me!โ€ ropes of cum spill from the nagaโ€™s cocks, simultaneously filling you to the brim and staining the soft flesh of your stomach. he continues fucking into you, the way his shaft bulges inside of you forcing an orgasm to wrack your body.
your eyes roll back, your thighs trembling as your vision blurs with tears, the naga releasing a throaty groan. โ€œthatโ€™s it, little bunny. just let go fโ€™meโ€ฆโ€
โ€œsโ€™gonna hurt a bit, darlingโ€ฆโ€ the naga warns before his cockhead forces its way past your cervix, blinding pain erupting from your lower half. your fingers dig into his shoulder, a shrill cry erupting from your lips.
โ€œi know, little oneโ€ฆ just a bit longer. youโ€™re doing so good for me.โ€
an egg the size of a tennis ball is planted in your womb, heavy and warm. one after another, the naga fills you with his eggs before slowly, carefully removing himself and brushing away your tears with the rough pad of his thumb. you feel unbearably full, unable to forget the pain from the intrusion. the nagaโ€™s eyes soften at your tears, his palm reaching out to gently cup your stomach โ€” just above where your womb would be. a soft light shines from his hand, the scent of rain and moss attacking your senses as the pain ebbs away.
the naga wraps you in his tail, tenderly pressing your head to his broad, sturdy chest as he plants a small kiss to the crown of your head. with a flick of his hand, the naga cleans you up, the fragrance of his magick and the steady beat of his heart lulling you to sleep.
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Yandere Coworker (part 14)
Thank you @i---believe---in---pink for commissioning this chapter.
(2945 words)
tw: afab reader, infantilization, butchered Spanish,
Masterlists (+commission info), part 1, part 15
You're in Cyprus's car, munching on one of the many treats he bought you from the farmers market. It distracted you from how Cyprus would sensually knead your thigh as he drove.
The car is full of fresh vegetables and fruits that he bought, so he could make tastier meals for you and him. In his styrofoam cooler, rest slabs of butchered meat and numerous ice packs to keep them from spoiling, as the ride home is quite far.
He was talking about an anecdote, in an attempt to prompt you to open up to him. But his tactic has been failing for the past half hour, all you did was nod and eat.
Cyprus pursed his lips as he glanced at you from the corners of his eyes. You have exhausted his conversational topics and he has a whole arsenal of them. You're driving him insane! What does it take for you to talk to him about yourself? He failed to consider that you may not have a lot to say in the first place because he truly believed that you are complex and more than your internet addiction. He wants to know your thoughts, more about your likes and dislikes, your beliefs, family, friends... anything!
Then, he had an idea.
"We're not going home just yet."
You looked at him and asked what he meant by that. He merely smirked and stayed silent.
Cyprus didn't drive back to his apartment or yours like you expected. You knew it was close to his home, since you and he passed by this place to get there.
He pulled up to a dilapidated building, no doubt another apartment complex but older and dingier. The wall paint was chipping off, and windows were shrouded with overgrown trees and moss. Cars were haphazardly parked around the complex without regulation or visible parking lines.
He pulled on his handbrake and switched his engine off. You're still staring out the window, wondering where he took you.
"Baby." You turned around, to have him cup your cheek and gently pull your lower eyelid down with a thumb. You initially struggled against him but relaxed when you realized he meant no harm and wouldn't let go until he got what he wanted. Which was to examine your eyes.
He hummed, staring intensely at you. Making you blush at how attractive he appears to you now, you would be caught dead before admitting that to him. But you didn't have to, he knows what you're thinking and is fully aware of how he presents himself.
Cyprus checked the time on his wristwatch. He finally lets go of you and reaches for his center console, where he has tucked your medicated eyedrops away.
You complained, telling him that you could apply your own antibiotics. He merely clicked his tongue in annoyance and rolled his eyes as he uncapped the bottle. "Look up."
You didn't have to do anything, Cyprus was the one who tilted your head upwards while pulling a lower eyelid down. Sighing, you let him administer the drops in your eyes. It felt humiliating, yet secretly, you felt somewhat comforted to know someone was out there remembering these little details of you. If it wasn't for him, the thought of your medication would have completely slipped your mind.
You blinked hard, letting the liquid sting your eyes momentarily. You could hear the rustling of the pharmacy's paper bag as he kept your medicine away. He had also pulled a sheet out of his tissue box. "Stop that!" Cyprus hissed, pulling your hands away from your face as you instinctually went on to rub your eyes.
You grumbled, letting Cyprus coddle you; gently wiping the excess drops using the tissue and carefully picking the crust out from the corners of your eyes. You remained still for the entirety of this, allowing Cyprus to do whatever he pleases. Luckily, he's acting with the best intentions in mind.
"There, done." He crumpled the sheet of tissue and shoved it into his pocket to dispose of it later. Cyprus then kissed you on the forehead. "Good girl." Whispered praises and chuckling.
You didn't respond, but instead stormed out of his car and slammed the door shut behind you. Cyprus got out shortly after, he took out the styrofoam cooler from his trunk and a couple bags of fresh vegetables before locking his car using his key fob.
"Come on, let's meet tu suegra." He gestured for you to follow him to a dim stairwell, where the only source of lighting was the outdoors. Cyprus started ascending the steps with the bags in hand.
The cogs started turning in your head, you may or may not understand what he just said, but all hints are suggesting that you're now at his mother's place. You also noted how his American accent suddenly changed into a completely different one when saying those two words. However, looking back, he tends to roll his "R"s.
You tailed behind Cyprus, climbing the bare, concrete stairs with suspect hand railings. It's dusty and cobweb-ridden, but at least it's functional.
You and he eventually reached an open-air corridor, grateful for the sunlight shining the path for you.
"Here." He handed you a bag and knocked on the door. It seems like the plaque fell off, you could see the screw holes, but you have no idea what number unit this is. The other doors don't seem kind enough to give you hints either.
You held the bag of vegetables in your arms as you watched Cyprus knock again, trying to get the attention of whoever was residing behind it.
Silence blanketed over him as you were made to wait for any further developments. You opened your mouth to say something, but your ear perked up at the sound of the door unlatching and unlocking. An unpleasant creak of the hinges, and then a surprised gasp reached your ears.
"Mi-" The voice, aged and feminine, stopped midway. You peered over the bag to see a woman in her fifties, her grey roots are showing as it seems she hasn't refreshed her black dye in a while. Like Cyprus, she too, wore glasses and had the same beautiful set of grey eyes. Her eyebrows were thin, charmingly drawn on and her lips were in a deep shade of red, but they were pulled downwards into a frown as she eyed you cautiously. Even taking a few steps back into her room, hiding behind the door.
"Mamรก, tranquilo." There was a sense of urgency in his voice as if he was trying to prevent a catastrophe from happening. But immediately after, he purred at you. "Ella es muy dulce." He gave you a sweet peck on the crown of your head. Cyprus rested an arm around your waist and brought you closer to his side.
Upon seeing her son's calmness and hearing his assurance, you saw the tension on her shoulders leave. But she's not convinced enough to fully come out of her hiding place. She stared at you unblinkingly, observing what you might do next. At this point, you felt embarrassed, feeling like a filthy, feral stray under her intense gaze.
You gave her an awkward, crooked smile and wave. Unsure if she could understand you if you spoke English. You also had half a mind to act insane, scaring his mother off so she would disprove your forced relationship with him. You assumed that the bag that Cyprus gave you earlier was meant to be for his mother, so you presented it to her. Which made her look amused with her focus darting between her son and you.
"Say 'Buenos Tardes, seรฑora.'" You felt his breath on your ear as he whispered.
You did just that, butchering the pronunciation a bit but it's not too bad. Just enough for his mother to understand and be impressed by. You wonder if her standards for her son's partners are as low as Cyprus's.
"Buenos Tardes, Buenos Tardes. ยฟEs eso para mรญ?" She gestured towards the bag in your extended arms.
"Sรญ, mama. Es un regalo por tรบ, Mi vida querรญa dar una buena primera impresiรณn." He spoke up for you, affectionately stroking your hair as she took the bag off your hands. "Ella no sabรญa quรฉ regalarte. Entonces sugerรญ comprar algunas verduras."
"ยฟMi vida?" She appeared astonished at the apparent pet name he used for you. "Eso es nuevo. Ella debe ser muy especial para ti."
He laughed and nodded. "Sรญ, claro." Cyprus put the cooler down and went on to hug his mother as a delayed greeting. It was brief, they let each other go and brought their attention back to you.
Feeling the peer pressure crushing your bones, you mirrored what they did and hesitantly went in for an awkward hug. But it seems like she has warmed up to the idea of you, her arms wrapped around you comfortably.
"Entre, por favor." She stepped aside and opened her door wider. You assume that she's telling you and Cyprus to come in. You were about to step foot into her residence, but your boyfriend grabbed you by the arm before you could get any further.
"Take your shoes off, baby." He instructed as he took his own shoes off. You look at his mother and see that she's barefoot, there is a shoe rack inside that holds a few pairs of shoes and you assume that is where you're meant to put yours. So, you removed your footwear like how Cyprus told you to and it earned a nod of approval from his mother.
He picked your shoes up for you and coaxed you inside. You were about to whine that you could have done that yourself, but it's probably not worth the trouble. The quicker you finish this, the quicker you can leave.
You took a look around at her humble abode. It's not as bad as the outside, quite homely with the oddly luxurious items making their appearance here and there. But it is to be expected, as you remember how Cyprus described his mother as someone who prioritized looking expensive over her children's welfare. You were eyeing the leather massage chair in front of the flatscreen TV, wishing that you owned one.
"Good girl." He praised, kissing you on the temple. Cyprus then went on to put the two pairs of shoes on the rack. His mother is in the process of unloading the styrofoam cooler, bringing the meats to the kitchenette nearby; putting them away in the fridge.
"ยฟQuieres algo de tomar? ยฟTรฉ? ยฟCafe?" She asked, directing her gaze mainly to you.
"Una taza de tรฉ por ella, Mama. Ella no podrรก dormir esta noche si toma cafรฉ ahora." He took off his leather jacket and hung it on a coat stand nearby. The woman cocked her eyebrows at how much her son cared for you, it's something new and refreshing. She nodded and prepared three mugs on the counter.
You wish that you could have a say in your choice of drinks.
"ยฟY tรบ, Mijo?" She filled the electric kettle up with tap water.
"No hay necesidad. Compartirรฉ una taza con ella." He ended the line of conversation and turned towards you, cupping the sides of your face in his large, warm hands.
"You're doing so well." He crooned, gently squeezing your cheeks affectionately. "My mom likes you..." Cyprus nuzzled his nose against yours, feeling the cold frame of his glasses brush against your skin. "You make me so fucking happy, princess."
You tried to push him away, telling him that his mother was right there.
"Okay, and?" Your eyes quickly dart in her direction, seeing that she's still busy preparing two cups of tea.
You said that it's embarrassing and probably disrespectful to his mother. No one wants to see their son getting all sappy with someone else!
"She's fine." He brushed you off and pulled you into a hug, swaying you side to side. You felt judged when his mother glanced at you and a smirk, a damn smirk so reminiscent of her son's, began curling at the corners of her lips. So you firmly pushed him away, that did the trick but it was as if you gave him a soft nudge.
She brought the two mugs to the dining table, Cyprus lead you to the chairs and sat down on one of it. However, before you could park yourself onto a chair, Cyprus pulled you into his lap and kept you imprisoned there. His arms tangling around your form tightly, making it impossible to escape his hold without making a scene. So you let out a resigned sigh and sunk into him.
"Cuidado, hace calor." Said his mother as she picked her own cup up, blew on it, and allowed the steam to waft around her face. She used the metal spoon to mix the milk and sugar in the beverage.
"Lo sรฉ, mamรก." He picked the other cup up and blew on it. You were wondering if she had forgotten to make you a cup, or if Cyprus told her not to for some reason. It's such a shame, you were looking forward to it-
"Say aah." You were presented with a spoonful of cooled tea. And immediately, your face turned red as a tomato. Really? This level of humiliation in front of his own mother? You opened your mouth to say something unsavory, but Cyprus took the chance to feed you the drink.
It was delicious, no doubt. Enough to shut you up and seek more, but the cup was occupied by Cyprus; he was taking a sip out of it and probably burning his tongue with how hot the tea was.
This whole performance earned some laughter from his mother. You tried your best to hide your face from her, but in the end, Cyprus handed you the entire cup to drink. It's at an appropriate temperature for you to drink.
"Que niรฑa tan Consentido, ยฟTe gusta mimarla, Mijo?" You heard clinks coming from her spoon hitting the ceramic walls of her cup as she stirred.
"Sรญ. Muchisimo." Cyprus watched you with adoration as you drank sipped on the beverage.
Eventually, the mother-son duo started chatting in Spanish. You don't know if they're talking about you, or just catching up. You think it's most likely the latter because you've been with Cyprus 24/7 for a few months now. He has not visited his mother once, this is the first time in a while, you assume.
You're not stupid, though. There was a good chunk of the conversation where it's just talking about you, based on the glances she would give you and the mention of your name, and what you assume are Spanish pet names.
Either way, you felt ashamed. You felt inferior and belittled. You wish you could just go home and hide under the covers. But your home isn't even your home anymore, it's Cyprus's.
You decided to look around once more and drink in your surroundings, noting the lack of picture frames or any indication that his mother has children or a husband. There is a distinct detergent smell, nothing like you've ever smelt before and it's lovely. Cyprus washes his clothes with something similar, but the aroma isn't identical.
Cyprus picked the cup up and took a sip for himself. His eyes were trained on your bored face.
"Doll." He caught your attention and his mother's. Cyprus brought a thumb to your lower eyelid and tenderly tugged it down to check on your pink eye.
His mother seemingly asked him about what he was doing, to which Cyprus explained to her your situation. He then brought his attention back to you.
"Do you want to head home?" He asked.
You were about to say yes, but his mother's innocently wide eyes stared at you with a tinge of sadness.
"My mom is really enjoying having you here." He explained what that look potentially meant. "But if you're tired, we're going home. We can visit her another time."
She's enjoying you here? She's barely talking to you! And that language barrier is not making it any easier. You think that his mother is sad that her son is leaving so soon.
You told him that you could head back home by yourself, you know the way back and he should spend more time with his mother while he still can. Cyprus narrowed his eyes at you. "No way in hell am I letting you go alone."
You said you're fine. It's just a few blocks away.
"We're leaving." He lifted you off his lap. "Gracias por el tรฉ, mamรก." Cyprus rose up to his full height, towering over you and his mother.
"I have extra pillows and blankets if you want to take a nap." You whipped your head towards the woman at lightspeeds, she could speak English fluently all this time?!
You looked back at Cyprus, he was crossing his arms over his chest and waiting for your response. He isn't shocked, annoyed, or amazed at this sudden switch, he's simply indifferent.
You turned back to his mother and asked why she didn't speak English from the beginning.
"I'll tell you if you stay for dinner." She smiled, speaking in a moderately heavy accent. Now you know where Cyprus gets his blackmailing traits from.
You looked back at Cyprus. He merely shrugged.
"Your call, Mi cielo." You asked him what that term meant.
"I'll also tell you that if you stay for dinner." Beamed his mother.
Cyprus smirked and chuckled, but didn't say anything else.
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thecuriousquest ยท 18 hours
My Little Flower
Yandere!Hitoshi Shinso x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Heavy yandere themes, rape (reader doesnโ€™t know), hypno kink, tit groping, tit sucking, nibbling, hickeys, oral sex (female receiving), vaginal sex, vaginal fingering, degradation, bimbofication, Reader is kind and a little bit dumb, male dominant behavior, virginity loss (both), violence (shoving), cervix-pusher, tummy bulge, 18+ characters (seniors in high school)
Note: I donโ€™t know about you, but I didnโ€™t bleed when I lost my virginity, so Reader doesnโ€™t either just to make things less complicated. ALSO, someone bought me a coffee, so this is on my second account as well. You can read it here and on @sluts-assembled.
Synopsis: Your best friend of four years, Hitoshi, finds your dumbass out in a rainstorm. He escorts you to your room, and you only make his mood worse from there.
Word Count: 3K
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The rain wouldnโ€™t stop pouring down like a waterfall, the drops relentlessly tap, tap, tapping against the window. It seems like the dreadful weather will go on forever at this rate. Not that Hitoshi really minds, although he would much rather be lazing away in a sun puddle. Instead, he is brought back to reality as the lightening in the sky catches his ever-so-distant attention. His pupils rolling upwards, watching as the gray canvas of midday bright up with electric cobalt and lavender.
What catches his attention even more is a peculiar little figure off in the distance, bending down by a flower bed just short of a few meters from the school. Ah, heโ€™d know that body anywhere. Could pick that ass out of a crowd of a hundred people. Itโ€™s you, his lovely little flower.
Waitโ€ฆyou?! What the hell are you doing out in a fucking storm?!
Currently alone in the general studies homeroom, Hitoshi rushes out of the classroom, shrugging on his rain jacket and grabbing an umbrella on the way out. He makes his way down the levels of the school, rounding hallways quickly, not at all in his usual slow fashion. No, he needs to get to you before something goes wrong.
Your quirk was what allowed you to enter the hero course with such ease. Plant and flower manipulation. Hero name: Sakura. Hitoshi both admired you and was envious of you. Jealousy spiked him when he first learned about your abilities. Creating thick vines from your palms and binding villains, using plant poisons to disorient your opponents, sending flower petals their way to distract them, capturing them in gigantic Venus flytraps, even using an aloe vera plant cradle for healing purposes. Your quirk is extremely versatile, and as green with envy as he was, he only loved you even more. Thatโ€™s why, when your dumbass does stupid shit like standing in the rain during a torrential downpour, it frustrates him to no end.ย 
Suddenly, you no longer feel raindrops splashing against the hood of your slick coat. Upon straightening up and spinning away from the bed of flowers, your mind adjusts to the situation, and you take a deep breath and smile.
โ€œHitoshi, what are you doing out here?โ€
He doesnโ€™t answer you right away, simply taking in the way your fitted yellow raincoat clings to your curves. The only skin exposed is between the hem of your jacket, which stops exactly at the length of your school skirt, and the top of your thigh high socks. He likes the looks of those socks molding to the shape of your legs even more than on a sunny day as they are soaked through and through.
โ€œWhat the hell are you doing out here? Didnโ€™t you realize that itโ€™s raining? You could catch a cold or something standing out here like this,โ€ Hitoshi scolds none too gently.
โ€œWell, I wanted to see how the flowers were holding up in the rain. I was just trying to protect them.โ€
Youโ€™re so cute that Hitoshi could vomit. This is exactly what he means when he thinks about a kind person. Youโ€™re so selfless, too selfless. Willing to get sick if it means protecting something that isnโ€™t even worth all that much. Flowers can always bloom again, but you arenโ€™t ever that concerned about yourself, and it makes his palm itch to smack some sense into you.
โ€œYou wanted to see the flowers, so you risked your health? Really? I canโ€™t believe you. Come on, weโ€™re going back to your dorm. Iโ€™ll take you there. Canโ€™t risk your dumbass getting distracted along the way.โ€ Hitoshi reaches out for your arm, taking hold of your tricep and leading you towards the Class 1A dormitories.
โ€œOh, Hitoshi, you really donโ€™t have to do that, but thank you. I appreciate you keeping me company. Hey, we should get some food after this. A cold day like this one calls for some ramen to warm us up.โ€
Hitoshi huffs in annoyance as he drags you through the rain, keeping the umbrella more so over you than him.
โ€œHey, Hitoshi, youโ€™re not covering yourself with the umbrella. You donโ€™t have to hold it over me. I have a hood. You should protect yourself-โ€œ
The lilac-haired teen interrupts you smoothly, his tone calm yet dominant, โ€œItโ€™s no problem. Be quiet.โ€
Hitoshi remains beside you, even escorting you all the way back to your room. Releasing a heavily pent-up sigh, he follows you through the door, where you both shed your raincoats and hang them on the back of your desk chair. As he places his closed umbrella next to your desk, you still donโ€™t seem to notice the frown and furrowed eyebrows of his irked expression.
Walking over to your closet, you select a pair of jeans and a large t-shirt to get comfortable. Then, you realize that Hitoshi is still in the room. You look at him over your shoulder with a slight blush and full smile.
โ€œHey, Hitoshi, can you turn around? I want to get out of my uniform.โ€
It honestly baffles him. Why wouldnโ€™t you order him to stand outside while you change? Do you feel so comfortable around him that youโ€™d change in the same room as long as heโ€™s not looking? You must not see anything wrong with the situation. Would you let anyone else stay in the room with you while you change? Have you done this sort of thing before? Hitoshiโ€™s mind is suddenly plagued with your impropriety.
He reaches out and grabs your wrist firmly, locking eyes with yours. His mood has shifted, taking a turn for the worse just as the lightning cracks in the sky.
โ€œHitoshi?โ€ You ask with your brows pulled together, confused as to why he has a firm grip on your limb.
โ€œYou just let anyone stay in here while youโ€™re naked?โ€
And oh, he canโ€™t stand it. He doesnโ€™t know what heโ€™ll do if you answer with an affirmative.
โ€œWhat? N-no, I donโ€™t. Youโ€™re the first guy who has been in my room. My girlfriends donโ€™t look at me in that way since weโ€™re girls-โ€œ
โ€œOh, so youโ€™ll just slut yourself out for anyone, guy or girl?โ€
โ€œWHAT?!โ€ You canโ€™t help but exclaim as Hitoshiโ€™s words grow harsher just as his hold on your wrist grows tighter. โ€œNo, no, Hitoshi, youโ€™re not listening to me. I said-โ€œ
โ€œI heard you. You know, I always knew you were a dumbass, but I didnโ€™t realize you were this fucking stupid.โ€
His words hit your heart so sharply, like the bark of a dog. It causes you to wince, causes you to freeze up, makes you feel like you canโ€™t even breathe as the purple of his eyes go darker.
You donโ€™t hit the bed when he shoves you. Instead, he shamelessly pushes you onto the floor of your dorm room. You cry out when you land on your ass, crashing on your back. Hitoshi stands above you, towering like a tall pillar.
โ€œHitoshi, what are you doing?โ€ Tears well up in your eyes, unused to this treatment from the boy who has always been so relaxed and well-mannered around you.
โ€œTell me something. Do you like being such a filthy whore?โ€
โ€œIโ€ฆโ€ Something about you begins to fade, a part of your mind going blank like a sheet of paper with nothing on it. No words to make out, no illustrations to focus on. Thereโ€™s just nothing.
With you in this state, you make it all too easy for Hitoshi to control, to manipulate like a little puppet. His cute doll that he can force to do whatever he wants.
Kneeling next to you, he undoes the buttons of your school shirt one by one, dragging his index finger down the center to the very last button. Your shirt falls open, revealing the baby blue color of your bra that the eighteen-year-old canโ€™t seem to get enough of. He has never seen your cleavage before as it has always been hidden behind button up uniforms and sweaters. Hitoshi canโ€™t help it as he finds himself licking his lips. He licks them as he tugs your bra down, your tits bouncing free of the blue cage.
Hitoshi can feel his cock throbbing in his pants as he palms himself. It strains against his trousers, creating a thick bulge. He humps slightly into his hand, releasing a suppressed groan. He needs you, needs to feel you, all of you, every inch. Every single fucking inch of you. He takes the liberty of leaning down, his lips working around the supple shape of your nipple. Itโ€™s been his dream to be in a position like this with you, only you, for as long as he can remember since the day he laid his lilac orbs on you four years ago.
His other hand reaches out to your free breast as he continues to suck on the left one. His tongue swirling around it as if itโ€™s a delicious fruit just waiting to be eaten. How he just wants a taste so badly. His cock pulsating from the palpable lust.
Only, you lay there unconscious about what heโ€™s doing, completely in the dark as your blank eyes remain unblinking. Itโ€™s as if youโ€™re trapped in a place where time doesnโ€™t exist, but Hitoshi has all the time in the world to play with you.
He squeezes your tit with his hand, harshly groping you, needing to get a good grip on what belongs to him. Everything about you, he needs right now. As he lightly takes the bud of your breast between his teeth, he bites gently, deliberately. His hand travels from your chest downwards. Fingers dragging past your ribs and abdomen, finding the treasure hidden between your legs. Your body involuntarily twitches, and for a moment, he thinks youโ€™re going to snap out of the effects of his quirk, but Hitoshi has gotten stronger. He keeps his concentration, and you remain in the dark as he draws your clit between his thumb and index fingers, pinching hard enough to create the soaked pussy he wants.
Hitoshi canโ€™t help but rub the crotch of his pants against your thigh as he leaves bite marks and hickeys all along your neck, all the while rubbing your pussy, gathering the juices on his fingers. Itโ€™s like a deranged need to get you as slick as he can before taking you for himself, all for himself. And when he pulls his hand away from the apex of your thighs, he sniffs the creamy substance on his fingers, and his eyes roll back. He shivers slightly from the pheromones; from the utterly erotic scent your core produces. Itโ€™s the milk of life he never knew he needed until this moment.
His tongue, ever so hesitantly, finds its way to the tips of his fingers. With a swift lick to the pads, he becomes a feral animal. His face dives between your legs, leaving behind all notions of your nipples and neck, leaving everything behind in the wake of his sexual desires. His nose bumps against your tiny bundle of nerves as his lips suckle on the nectar of your flower. Because thatโ€™s what it is to him in this moment, because thatโ€™s what youโ€™ve always been to him from the very start: a beautiful and vulnerable flower.
Youโ€™re so innocently delicious and sweet, craving for you to sit on his face, but he canโ€™t risk moving you too much and having you wake up. No, he needs to keep you as docile as he can until the very end.
Hitoshi groans, fucking into his palm through his trousers as he continues to eat you out. Heโ€™s torn between coming in his pants just so he can keep tasting you and completely taking you for himself.
With a low growl of frustration, he shucks his pants and boxers down, removing his clothes until every muscle is exposed. His toned body presses against yours, teeth tugging on the sensitive flesh of your throat as he rids you of your panties, throwing them to the side once they are completely off. He plants your thigh between his knees as he hovers over you, pinning the pit of your right knee against his hip. His breath ghosts against the shell of your ear as the mushroom tip of his pink cock dips into your folds. Hitoshi closes his eyes, relishing in the luxury of your slippery cavern, each way he thrusts, your walls are just so tight on his sword, gripping like a fitted sheathe. Your virgin tight pussy feels like everything he could ever hope for, not at all knowing what it would feel like until this very moment.
โ€œYouโ€™re such a damn idiot. A stupid little moron. The only thing you have going for you is your looks. How did a damn airhead make it into the hero course?โ€ His voice is raspy, shaky, almost coming out in a hoarse whisper.
He thrusts into you, plowing deeper and deeper as he adjusts his grip on your knee, keeping you pinned closely to him in order to push your cervix. A guttural, lewd, and primitive moan escapes past his lips as he feels this new spot in the home of your womb. He glances down, sweat beading his forehead, and he smirks. He can see the bulge his twitchy cock makes in your belly, and every time he pulls back only to push in again, he sees it move under your skin.
Hitoshi tugs on your earlobe with his blunt teeth, laughing condescendingly at you in this state. โ€œFuck, itโ€™s all the more reason to love you. Someoneโ€™s got to look out for you, protect you. Youโ€™re so goddamn lucky you have me on your side.โ€
He buries himself into you, his purple hair brushing against your H/C locks, hips pulsating as he manages to pull you even closer to him. Tired of holding your knee against the bone of his hip, he moves the pit of your knee over his shoulder, doing the same with the leg trapped between him on the floor. He moves your thigh into his hand, gently shifting you so that both legs are over his muscular shoulders. Hitoshi feels you, curled at the abdomen, taking his full cock from tip to base. He canโ€™t help it as his hands travel underneath you, groping the hills of your ass, digging his fingers so deep into your flesh that there will likely be bruises when heโ€™s done.
Numb to the world entirely, you are devoid of all thoughts, not a single one crossing that pretty, empty head of yours. You never thought the darkness could be so soothing, but youโ€™ve never felt more at peace. Blanketed by a feeling of oblivion, you are completely unaware of the storm raging beyond the windowpane. A euphoric sensation cradles you in a dreamy haze as you remain in this tiny sanctuary. No, you do not wish to escape the safety of this wonderful cocoon in your mind.
The purplenet feels his cock twitch once, twice, and he immediately pulls out, knowing exactly what is about to happen. He watches as white, pearlescent ropes catch on your thighs. He sighs in relief, knowing that he caught himself before a bad situation unfolded. In the aftermath of it all, Hitoshi finds himself trying to clean everything up quickly. Toweling down your thighs, putting your panties back on, repositioning your bra, and buttoning up your shirt just the way it was when this whole ordeal began. He gets dressed back into his clothes. When he's all finished, he gently wakes you from the effects of his quirk.
โ€œHey, Y/N, youโ€ฆpassed out,โ€ Hitoshi lies, feeling a sense of shame but unable to share the truth.
You blink up at him as he kneels over you. The last thing you remember was being pushed, nothing else.
โ€œIโ€™m sorry. Iโ€™m so sorry I let my anger go like that. I promise, it wonโ€™t happen again.โ€ Heโ€™s sincere, grabbing your hand in a desperate manner to make you know his regret for being violent. โ€œI just needed to make you understand how dangerous what you did was. What if someone tried to take advantage of you because you let them stay in the same room while dressing? So many bad things can happen. You need to think.โ€
Feeling your cheeks flush, you nod your head in understanding. โ€œYeah, we all get mad sometimes. Iโ€ฆcanโ€™t say Iโ€™ve never gotten that angry before. You were really just trying to protect me?โ€
God, youโ€™re so stupid. Such a gullible little flower.
โ€œYeah, I just needed you to see what you did was wrong. You must have hit your head and passed out when I pushed you. Iโ€™m sorry. It will never happen again. I swear.โ€
His words are as sweet as honey. How could you not believe your long-time friend? Heโ€™s always so well-mannered, it must have just been a one-time thing.
โ€œOkayโ€ฆI forgive you, Hitoshi.โ€
He smiles, his lips curling up as he wraps his arms around you, burying his nose in the crook of your neck. โ€œWant to go get that ramen you were talking about earlier?โ€
โ€œYeah! That sounds great. Letโ€™s go! I think Iโ€™ll just wear my uniform. It doesnโ€™t exactly feel fair, you know, me being in casual clothes while youโ€™re still wearing your school uniform.โ€
โ€œDo what you want, Y/N,โ€ he responds gently as he slips his hands in his pockets. ย 
โ€œAlso, Iโ€™m really sorry, Hitoshi. I donโ€™t want you to think I do that with people. I just trust you, you know?โ€
โ€œNothing to apologize for. Here, letโ€™s get your raincoat on.โ€
Hitoshi pulls you up from the ground and grabs your yellow jacket off the desk chair, helping you put it on. As you stand in front of him, you catch a glimpse of the marks on your neck in the mirror, completely puzzled because you donโ€™t know how those appeared. You also begin to feel a bit of an aching throb in your pussy, but you become easily distracted when Hitoshi turns you towards him and wraps a scarf around your neck.
โ€œI donโ€™t want you getting cold,โ€ he explains in his usual lazy drawl.
You canโ€™t help but smile. What would you do without Hitoshi looking after you?
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tovrniiquet ยท 1 day
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cumtastiics ยท 3 days
โ€œI feel like I havenโ€™t seen you in foreevverrrr! Iโ€™m so, so so soooo boredโ€ฆโ€ He rested his chin on your shoulder and glanced up at you, a pout on his lips. โ€œDid you miss me?โ€
"I saw you not even 20 minutes ago," you sighed, continuing to sign some documents.
โ€œTwenty minutes is so long!โ€ He let out a dramatic sigh and squeezed your shoulders gently, before pulling away and heading over to the couch in the corner of the room. โ€œThatโ€™s why Iโ€™m all pent upโ€ฆโ€ he huffed as he sat down, crossing his arms like a child.
yandere idol w/ manager reader
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yandere-sins ยท 7 hours
The Orcas' Tale - Krill's Story II
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a/n: And finally! The finale of the series! It was two years in the making and still didnโ€™t finish in time, but Iโ€™m glad I got to finish it at all. The stories didnโ€™t all turn out as I planned but Iโ€™m glad I got to tell you about these three. I am almost certain that theyโ€™ll make an appearance on this blog sometime in the future, perhaps next year to next Mermayโ€™s where we might have some very different kinds of mermaids showing up. But until then, I only have a few more asks to reply to and this chapter is closed. Thank you everyone who supported this story and stuck around for over a year to wait on the closure, and please enjoy the last chapter! โ™ฅ
Fandom: Original Content ย  Pairings: Yandere!Orca Merman x GN!AFAB!Reader Warnings: Yandere... with a twist, Sexual Content (Mostly dub-con, Jerking someone off, Kissing, Attempted deep-throating, Rubbing against each other, Copious amounts of cum, Non-human cock, Mention of non-consensual mating, Magical relaxing cum), Violence (Major Character "Death", Fighting, Gunfire/shots/wounds, Mention of blood), Description of drowning, Animalistic behavior, Mention of claws/sharp teeth, Mention of Slavery, Mention of Abuse, Very long post (7k)
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You weren't sure if you felt encouraged or even more appalled as you watched Krill's face contort, pleasure and frustration mixing as blood ran from the corners of his mouth.
He was biting his lips so hard, tearing the flesh with his sharp fangs just so he could hold back from giving any audible cue about how he was feeling. It felt like he wasn't doing it for himself but rather for you, considering how reluctant and unwilling you were to actually put your hands on him. But it also made your job harder, as you did not get any feedback on whether you were on the right track.ย 
Even with two hands, you could barely close around his shaft, his massive cock pulsing and jerking in your grip violently, demanding more than you could give. You only had two human hands, so how were you supposed to handle all of this need in front of you? Krill watched you intently, following every movement of your gloves rubbing against his skin obsessively. The muscles in his body twitched ever so often, tensing and stretching to receive more or shy away from your attention, you weren't sure which.
"Krill," you called out, watching the crimson blood drip from his lips as he gnawed them, his gaze instantly snapping upwards to meet yours. "Don't hurt yourself."
That was enough for him to make a conscious effort to unlock his jaw and peel his teeth out of his own flesh. You were tempted to turn around and grab a towel to wipe off the blood when a guttural groan resounded from the depths of his body, unleashed through the opening of his mouth. You felt it shudder through your own body, piercing right to your core and starting a fire there, spreading the warmth from your cunt to the tips of your ears.ย 
A mating call.
"I triedโ€ฆ" He winced when your hands stopped moving, holding on to his cock for support like you would to a railing. Every cell in your body was heating up, overcome with need after being exposed to this trick that the sirens had up their sleeves. I tried shielding you from thisโ€”you wanted to believe his words even though he didn't finish the sentence, but the effect had already rattled you to the core. It would have been sweet of him if this had been any other situation, but you two didn't have that kind of relationship.ย You had to act with the tools you had, and he couldn't deny the parts of him that were feral; those were just the facts you had to come to terms with.
"I didn't want to come back. Didn't want you to see me like this."
"But you did," you mumbled, regaining some of your composure. His groan had caught you completely off-guard, the overwhelming influence of a siren's call not something anyone could get used to. But for some reason, it made you even more determined to get this over with.ย 
"And I told you I'd help you. So try not to knock me out again."
Your scolding was as light as a jest as you returned to stroking his cock. Krill let his head fall back, chortling some merman sounds and buckling his hips to help you. As the friction grew, you realized the gloves were more of a hindrance. Although you were reluctant to discard them, as the intensity was picking up, you decided to go skin-to-skin.
Every time you pulled your touch from him, Krill snapped his teeth at you, but you began to understand it was out of frustration rather than fury, forgiving it. "Watch it," you warned him once, his attitude a thorn in your side. You were trying to help, after all.ย 
Strangely, he took your words for more of a command rather than you trying to get him to be less intimidating. And watch he did. He watched as you spit into your dry palms, his cock jerking upwards like a spring as you did. You furrowed your brows in abash nervosity as you caught his shaft between your hands again, smoothing over the skin. Without the gloves catching on every ridge, your strokes became much more even and longer, going from his bulbous tip to the slit the cock emerged from.ย 
Out of purely scientific interest, you slid two fingers along the shaft into the cock slit, feeling around the hiding spot of such a massive instrument carefully while your other hand dutifully kept stroking him. A thick liquid spread over the hand that was closest to his tip alerted you to the stimulation you were causing with your inquisitive exploration of the merman, gel-like precum coating your hand. You looked up at Krill, who was back at biting his lips, unsuccessfully, as he whined through his teeth. It was hard to read him, but you thought he was in pain by his expression, so you immediately retracted your hand.
"Noโ€ฆ" he sighed, rolling his head in the brace, a long, exasperated sigh deflating his body. "I was so close."
You could not help but feel frustrated by the lack of understanding of what you were doing. It was so hard to determine what felt good and what wasn't when you didn't really know theโ€ฆ man you were working with. So as you tried to build up the pleasure for him again, sinking your fingers into the slit and stroking his cock at the same time, you felt yourself discouraged by everything around you.ย 
It was a feeling you knew too well. Having spent days and nights crying after you realized your life was over, that you'd be caught here forever as punishment by this corporation that neither cared about their researchers nor the creatures they were trying to exploit, you started to curse yourself for the smallest things. Sure, times had been rough ever since; years of bullying and scorn laid behind you. But you found yourself blaming every little mistake on the skills you lacked. Here you were, forced to jerk off the creature that had caused all of this, and you still failed at even that simple a task.
But you had always adapted so far. And this was your time to finally shine, you just needed to utilize it properly.
"Krill," you called out to him, and he immediately reared up to pay you his undivided attention. Albeit with a strange form of adoration in his eyes as you slowed your stroking pace. "I'm not your mate," you clarified, and he let out a weary chuckle.ย 
"You're so cute, trying to deny it," Krill mumbled, sounding much more relaxed than before, although his cock was still jerking against your hand.
"No, Iโ€“" You felt your face flush with heat as his words registered, unintentionally gripping his cock hard and causing a blissful moan to echo through the laboratory. "I refuse," you finished your sentence, shaking your head at his horniness and softening your hold.ย 
"But whatever it is, I'll help you. I'll make sure you don't get treated as badly and that you can live somewhatโ€ฆ normal. I'll spend all my time with you, soโ€ฆ promise you'll help me make this all possible. Promise you'll not try to kill me or anyone."
Although you saw him bare his teeth at the last part of your speech, his answer didn't take long. "I promise," he snarled, sounding less convincing than you would have liked, but you nodded firmly, grasping at the slight chance of a mutual understanding you two had. It was hard enough to have all these enemies around you. Perhaps you could make an unlikely alley out of Krill, who needed you just as much as you needed him.ย 
"Okay," you whispered. The first step was made, and you went to the next one. Letting go of his cock, you stepped down the platform, Krill's brows furrowing as he tried to look after you.ย 
"Where are you going?" he asked and you stepped up to a panel on the wall, staying silent as you pressed an inconspicuous button. Krill was twisting in his holds when you disappeared from sight, but when the metal lock around his neck sprang apart, giving him much more freedom than you should be comfortable with, his eyes widened. You held your breath as you picked up the wet towel from before and walked up to his head.
Krill let it fall back once more, watching you with suspicion in your eyes. Communication is key, you thought as you lifted the towel in your hand, taking another step. "I will wipe the blood off your face," you explained, and his eyes narrowed, sharply watching every step. You couldn't begrudge him for also having trust issues after the dose of drugs you gave him, causing his agitation. You were unable to stop yourself from glancing up at his cock, still perked up, waiting, needy. You'd be returning to it soon, but first, you needed to know if you could trust him.ย 
"It won't hurt," you whispered gently, knowing he could hear you well no matter how loudly you spoke. Sacrificing your arm over your throat, you stretched it out, waiting with bated breath on his reaction before you dabbed the towel to the side of his face, clearing up some of the blood. Krill hesitated, perhaps just as tensely as you were, and you stepped even closer to properly wipe his cheeks.ย 
"That's a good killer whale," you teased, lips curling into a cheeky grin, when you noticed the corners of his mouth twitching as well. He was trying so hard not to laugh along with you, but you used your free hand to steady his head before going to work on his lips and cheeks, wiping off the sticky blood. It could have been fatal to be too immersed in your work, but you wanted to believe that this cooperation could work.ย 
"I need you to tell me if something hurts or upset you. With your words, preferable." Establishing some ground rules was your main objective as you cleaned him up. Trust would be harder to earn, but if you could show him how much better it would be to work together, that would be a big step.ย 
"I can't hurt you," Krill replied, and you flinched as you didn't expect him to open his mouth, these sharp teeth still as daunting as they were the first time you saw them. You knew it hurt him that you were scared just by the tense expression on his face. But to your surprise, he turned his head to the side, kissing your wrist with an unfamiliar gentleness. "I could never hurt my mate."
"Krill, weโ€“"
"Yeah, yeah. Not mates." He let out a deep sigh, all of the tension leaving him. When he finally pried his eyes from you, you quickly wiped off the last smears of blood of him, not wasting his distraction. It made you feel better to have cleaned up the mess you caused, even though you knew there was still the biggest mess to make. Undeterred, you brought the towel back to the table so you could examine the remnants of his blood later.ย 
"So you need me to tell you how I feel."
You whirled around, finding him staring at you absentmindedly. You didn't even feel his watchful eyes on you this time, which was getting concerning. Were you growing comfortable?
"Yes, please," you answered, nodding encouragingly. "We need to understand each other if we want this to work."
This time, Krill gave you a small, brief nod. A human gesture that looked a little clumsy coming from him, but he tried, and you counted that as a success. You stepped up to his head again, placing yourself between his restraint arm and his free head. For most researchers, this closeness would be way too dangerous. There were so many vital organs he could bite, but you'd bring results here, even if you had to put yourself at risk. "We areโ€ฆ a team now. Not mates, but a team. And we'll get through this together."
"Pretty words," he mumbled, exhaustion in his smile. "You keep denying it, but you smell absolutely delightful for someone not interested in me."
You felt your face flush from heat, realizing there must have been remnants from that mating call from before. It didn't help hiding your arousal when his head was perfectly in line with your crotch, and you immediately wished to abandon this plan of yours and go back to being hostile with him.ย 
"Don't be such a smartass, Mr. Having-abnormal-senses," you chided him, reaching up to pinch his nose like one would while joking around with someone you were close to. This time, Krill was the one to close his eyes in wariness before snapping them up again, clearly unamused. "Is that how you treat your subjects?" he asked. His wording felt weird, making you question the meaning of the word 'subject' for you and him. But maybe you were overthinking it. Clearly, Krill wouldn't put himself below you in the hierarchy and must have picked it up somewhere in a context more related to experiments.ย 
"Focus," you alerted him, forcing yourself out of your thoughts. It was easy to get lost in foolish banterโ€”he was so fascinating, after allโ€”and joking around with him felt more natural than with most people you knew. "I need you to tell me how to make you feel good so we can move on from this."ย 
Turning away from him, you missed the grimace on his face as you gestured to his cock. "What do you do for pleasure? What do you like?"
"Iโ€ฆ" he drew out the word for as long as he could before avoiding your eyes, and you scoffed in horror as you realized he didn't know.ย 
"You never had sex before?"
"Of course I did," he snapped back. "It's easy with other mermaids. You catch them while they are in heat, do your thing, and it's over. We don't need to know what we like or don't like. It's just easy like that. They areโ€ฆ they're not like you."
You should have been relieved to hear he wasn't a virgin, but at the same time his last words made you panic. If he didn't know, you two would have to start from the basics, and there simply wasn't any time for that. His words also implied that you might not be able to satisfy him, making you worry even more. Now, it was you gnawing on your lips, unsure of how to proceed. You thought you were making progress, but alas, it was all for naught.ย 
No. No, you couldn't give up yet.
"I will try something," you announced, and looking into Krill's eyes, you felt a shiver run down your spine. It was either one of fear from the intensity that served as a warning or pleasure from the keen interest he was showing youโ€”undiluted, enamored interest. "I don't know if you'll like it, but try not to hurt me."
Before he could react and diminish your feeble confidence even more, you pulled off your facemask and leaned down, awkwardly smashing your lips against his. It could barely be called a kiss, but although you felt weird initiating it so suddenly, he immediately caught on. Parting his lips in a hot breath, his tongue lapped out, demanding entrance from you. And caught off-guard as you were, you gasped, giving him what he wanted. The taste of blood lingered, but it was overtaken quickly by the intensity of the kiss. His tongue was choke-worthy, but as much as you wanted to get away, you tried to endure his inquisitiveness, allowing him a taste as he rubbed it over your tongue and blunt teeth that would never be able to hurt him.ย 
Only when his tongue threatened to slip down your throat did you react, jerking away faster than Krill could respond. There were signs of frustration as he rattled in his holds, hands curled into fists while his head tried to follow. "Why did you stop?" he asked as you coughed from the unwanted penetration of your throat.ย 
"It can't go that deep," you explained. "You have to be gentle. I am not as big as your kind is."
His frustration was expressed in a growl before Krill snapped, "Again!" at you, and you took a deep breath.ย 
"Gentle," you urged, and he brought his lips together thinly as if to restrain himself. It was almost comical, considering you would kiss him again, but this time, his effort paid off. Although his tongue kept lapping out, and you refused to get yours anywhere near the fangs, you two actually managed to kiss properly, the smacking of lips paired with unfiltered moans and sighs ringing out in the laboratory, making this almost intimate.ย 
You reached out your hand towards his chest, a muffled groan resounding against your lips as you applied feathery touches to his nipples. Krill arched his back into your touch, and you flicked the nub, causing some of his muscles to spasm.
"I like this," Krill muttered in between smooches, quickly trying to find your lips again after speaking. You felt like a bad teacher, always stopping when things got intense. Still, there was only so much you could endure, and in Krill's eagerness, he had more stamina than you. "It feels good."ย 
Seeing his lips curl into a cheeky grin following his words, the 'good' was nothing more than an approving purr from his lips.
"Good," you whispered as you moved away, caressing his cheeks gently. His body moved behind you, but the arm against your back remained utterly still, giving you a chance to rest against it. "That's a kiss. It's supposed to make you feel good."ย 
Your explanation almost made you feel stupid, but you had no time to fall into your feelings of shame and defiance. Not when you had a purring merman demanding more of your attention. "Are you going to kiss me down there, too?" Krill asked, and you looked over to his cock, not needing more guidance to figure out what he meant.
"Would you like that?"
He nodded, and you bit your lip. You should have just said no. Letting your hands fall from his face, you didn't pull them from his body, feeling the smooth, taut skin beneath your fingertips. His gills flared, and now you were much more aware of the eyes following you as you stepped away, facing your fear head-on.
After all this time, his cock should have been dry like a fish out of the water. But you found even more spilled precum all over it and Krill's stomach. You gulped, searching for reassurance as you looked back up at him. There was something core-heating about the confident smirk on his face, the knowledge that he could make you act as he wanted, all for the farce you two were trying to build. If you really were his mate, you were screwed. But you didn't want to know the amount of aggressions and defiance that letting him down would rise between you two. He was your ticket to a better life, and at heart, you were still a softy when it came to these poor creatures captured here.ย 
Catching his twitching cock in your hands, you led it to your mouth. Another gush of precum bubbled out of it, coating your hands and almost splashing on your face. You wiped over the tip with your thumb, hearing the soft moan coming from Krill just from this small gesture, before you brought your lips to the heated flesh, kissing the side of the tip once briefly before catching yourself and doing it properly.ย 
This time, the sound coming from him was anything but restraint, your kisses trailing along his shaft. You couldn't take it into your mouth for even an inch with the massive tip befitting Krill's size. Regardless, you used your lips and tongue to stimulate parts while massaging your hands, sometimes harder, sometimes gentler, into it.ย 
"Does it feel good?" you asked, leaving a few more pecks around the gushing hole at the tip, more and more fluids collecting there, making it hard not to have a little taste of it.ย 
"Yesโ€ฆ Yes!" Krill confirmed, somewhat impatient yet completely enamored. It was just a small win, yet it boosted your confidence more than it probably should have. Growing bold, you drew closer to the top, swiping more of his fluids away as you planned to conquer this sensation with Krill. Pressing your own legs harder together, you tried to deny the wetness you felt when you first tasted his cum, both salty yet alluring on your tongue. It had a strange relaxing effect on your body, one that made you not care so much about everything that made you hesitant. And although you cautioned yourself, you found yourself sucking on the sensitive, aggravated skin of his tip, more precum gushing onto your lips until you realized you were licking it off with your tongue.
Immediately, you recoiled, unbelieving about what you were doing. You weren't supposed to enjoy thisโ€ฆ or were you? It would make things easier if you didn't hate it so much, although the shame was hard to conquer. A strangled whine escaped from Krill, and you looked at him, his eyes once again glazed over. But not with relaxant. With lust.ย 
He was holding himself back, and that wouldn't work for you anymore. "Use your words," you reminded him sternly, and he took a deep, shuddering breath.ย 
"Do that again," he demanded, thrusting his hips into your hands.ย 
"I'm sure you could ask a bit nicer than that."
You watched, stopping your stroking when he didn't react. Dominance and need fought with each other in the flaming red of his eyes, and the sight of it was mesmerizing. No matter if you denied being his mate, everything pointed to him wanting to give you the world. Even his questionable motions, the way he'd rather bite his lips bloody than to moan, it all seemed so profoundly ingrained into him to not want to put himself beneath anyone's authority. And yet, you witnessed first hand how much he wanted to give up by the way he uttered his next wordsโ€”reverently.ย 
"Please do that again. It felt so good."
And you did. You didn't care that endless amounts of juices soon invaded your mouth as you suckled his tip. You didn't mind the way he kept bucking the soft flesh of his tip into your face every time. Your hands slid back down to the slit where you danced your fingertips around the entrance, teasingly dipping it in and out. This time, there was no holding back as Krill yelled, "Yes! Yesss!" the further you two were going. You felt him getting close, a knot building in your stomach knowing you got him to a point of release, and you moaned softly into his tip, the sound vibrating on the surface, finally pushing him over the edge.ย 
His hips went completely rigid as heavy strings of cum exploded out of him. You drew back just in time, moving away a bit too abruptly as you watched the eruption that was Krill's climax. It was beautiful, mesmerizing, accompanied by the sounds of the ocean breaking out from his throat.ย 
Watching the cum drip out of his tip and down his body, you couldn't look away, couldn't focus on anything else but Krill's relief. His face was a mesmerizing show of shame that quickly turned into pure, unfiltered joy. You realized much too late that you let the samples go to waste as they sloshed on the floor. But Krill wouldn't let you down. Virile and perhaps still under the influence of the drugs, his cock immediately sprang back to life the second it had spent itself all over him, and you felt your core clench with admiration as it stood ready, just like before.ย 
You should have been mad that it wasn't over. You wanted to. But in that moment, Krill being ready for another round was so much more exciting than you ever thought it would be.
There was no denying that you were aroused. Aroused by a creature other than your own kind. Aroused by the way he pleaded with you, how the strain in his body showed you all the ways he wanted more of you to make him feel good. The taste in your mouth and the memory of his mating call shuddered through you. You were lucky he was restraint, otherwise you weren't sure if either of you could have held back. And your body certainly wasn't made for being penetrated by this massive cock twitching impatiently as it waited for your return.
A new idea popped into your head. One that benefitted all.ย 
Honestly, it was a stupid idea, but you were hopeful you'd be able to get control of all these thoughts in your head that were growing out of control.
After stripping off the apron and lab coat, you were left in the obligatory wetsuit, which was the standard uniform for everyone since you worked with aquatic lifeforms. You were supposed to get wet, although probably not the way your own slick stuck to the inside of your thighs.ย 
Pushing off your shoes, you swiped one of the test tubes, sticking it safely into the chest pocket of your suit before you stepped closer. Krill's eyes were back to his sharp focus, studying every twist of your body with a burning passion. His body wrung impatiently in The Fisher, upset that you left him, but his eyes were so fierce with their adoration that you felt another gush of heat rake through you.
"I can smell you, Human. Let me out of here so I can make you feel good, too."
There was something uncanny about the way he was able to quickly catch onto things. You let out a shuddering breath before forcing your lips into a smile, shaking your head. "There's still more for you to learn. I think it's best if you stay where you are."
A growl escaped him, but you weren't scared anymore. It wasn't a threat to your life, though perhaps to your pussy as it reminded you of all the savage things he'd do to you if he could. You were feeling strangely aroused and relaxed now. You could only blame the precum that you swallowed for feeling so much more chill about what was happening, and you knew you'd have to study this thoroughly if you ever snapped out of it. You believed in yourself more now, and you had made him beg for you more than once at this point, which boosted your ego. Krill only had to sit back, and you'd take care of himโ€”just like you promised.
Not letting him know your next move, you stepped up to his side, the movements in his body ceasingโ€”the expectancy of your what you were going to do was high. With your hands dancing over his body, you gave his nipple one more flick, chuckling as Krill let out a strained sigh. Steading yourself on his hips, it wasn't too hard to climb on top of him. Since he was more or less situated beneath you, all you needed to do was find some hold on his slick body and climb on. Krill unintentionally did the rest.
You didn't mean to fall down onto his cock, but when he bucked his hips unexpectedly from surprise, you slipped and crashed down. It did nothing to hurt him, though, and you both ended up moaning as your weight pinned his cock down, the pulsing shaft pressing into your cunt.ย 
"Well, fuck," you muttered, already feeling like this could have been enough to push you over the edge.ย 
"You should have let me lift you up," Krill complained, a slight pout puffing his lips, and you laughed, feeling strangely cared for with this comment.ย 
"And let you miss this experience? I don't think so. Tell me what you feel."
There were very little words actually leaving his mouth as you rocked your hips forward, rubbing your pussy along his shaft. It was wet enough that the clothes standing between you two only added to the friction, not caused the same mess as the gloves. You felt the heat catching up to you as his cock twitched against you eagerly. A constant reminder of how much it wanted to be smothered in your walls, invade you deeply until it would spill its seed deep inside. But this was as far as you two could possibly go without destroying your body, and it had to be enough for that impatient cock of his.ย 
"Harder," Krill ground out, his hands flexing in their holds, endlessly frustrated with the lack of freedom.ย 
So, instead, you slowed down.
"I'm sure you can say that nicer," you challenged him, raising a brow as you slid your hips back and forth at a snail's pace.
"Fuck you," Krill growled, but when you gasped at his defiance, sliding your pussy up to his tip without looking, you both mewled in pleasure, immediately forgetting about his brattiness.ย 
"You liked that?" you asked, unable to hold back your own ragged breaths as you pressed your pussy over the curve of his bulbous tip, all the way to the top and then back again. This was the closest you'd ever get to penetration, but it was damn good, just as it was.ย 
Krill let his head fall back, groaning loudly as he bucked his hips. Luckily, his body was too massive to make you fall off, but you did feel like he was restraining himself more now that you were on top of him.ย 
"I like it," he mumbled. "I like it a lot. My mate is fucking my cockโ€”it drives me insane. Are you feeling good, too? Is it because of me?"
Krill looked back at you pleadingly, wanting so desperately to be the reason for your horniness, and you were unsure how to react. However, unable to deny it, you nodded and he let out a groan, more precum spilling out of him, wetting your thighs thoroughly. The Fisher was aching as Krill's arms flexed, and you became painfully aware that although it felt goodโ€”the ridges on his shaft teasing your clit, his cock pushing against you eagerly as he wanted the same as you did, while his precum warmed every inch of your bodyโ€”it had to end soon. Lest you risk Krill being the first mermaid to actually break free from The Fisher and hurting you in the process.
"Krill," you mewled, feeling yourself get riled up as he pushed his hips upwards, allowing his cock to be rubbed against you rather than the other way around.ย 
"Are you going to cum? Am I making you cum? Gods, you are so beautiful like this. I can't wait to watch you cum so prettily on my cock, Mate."
You knew better than to lose yourself in the pleasure, but to an infatuated merman, you must have looked like quite the wonder, disheveled, and horny as you rode him to the finish line. "You must cum, too," you gasped out as you were so close to your orgasm, knowing you were one mere push of his hips away from cumming from the intense friction and heat that tingled all through you.
"I am! I'm cumming with my mate, you can bet your pretty pearls on that!"
Krill was no liar. Because the moment you panted breathlessly, a single ridge flicking over your clit as Krill bucked his hips upwards, you both came fully undone. Your orgasm was overwhelming as you felt the cum travel through the long shaft, pushing its swelling into your pussy before exploding from the tip that you had worshiped before, but you were prepared this time, grabbing the test tube that you had hid in your wetsuit to hold it in front of the eruption happening before you. It filled with more ease than getting rid of the post-orgasm mind fog was for you, but even when you sacked down on top of him, you held the tube steady, not spilling a drop.ย 
"Fuckโ€ฆ" you muttered, unable to remember the last time you came this hard. Certainly not from playing with yourself, that much was clear. Tasting his precum had to be an unknown aphrodisiac that you didn't know about; testing was inevitable. But for now, you had to get off and get your act together again.ย 
"You good?" you asked, patting Krill's loinโ€”the closest body part you could reachโ€”before getting off him, classy like a cowboy but with a pussy aching and pulsing for the warmth it had experienced.
All you heard was Krill's low chuckle as a reply. He truly was awful at using his words, but you'd teach him that, you were sure now. Quickly, you stored the test tube with his sample in the fridge, jogging all the way over to keep it as fresh as possible. And from the workstation, you returned with more towels and a sense of stickiness all over your body. You hadn't noticed just how much of his cum had splashed onto your chest and stomach as well, nobody being safe from it, it seemed.
You were relieved to find his cock shrinking again. It was still massive, but it surely was going back to where it came from, and you had finally fulfilled one of the promises you had made. "You look pretty like this," Krill commented as you gave his stomach a good wipe down, semen splashing to the ground in unholy masses.ย 
"Covered in your cum?" you asked mockingly and he chuckled. He sounded the most peaceful ever since you encountered him that day. No wonder, after having spent his essence in copious amounts twice.ย 
"You look like a mate now. If I had you in my cave, I wouldn't let you wear anything but my seed ever again."
You grimaced. "Sounds mighty unhygienic."
"You'd come to like it."
The banter felt less aggressive now, although the topics were far from normal. Wringing out the third soiled towel, you sighed, announcing your defeat. "I give up." You dropped the towel, walking up towards his head again to press the buttons so Krill would be put back into the water. Once it had cleaned him, the filters could do the work of cleaning out the pool.ย 
"Wait," he called out, and you stopped in your tracks, raising a brow at him.ย 
"I want aโ€ฆ a kiss. I think I deserve that."
"I'm sorry who did all the work again?" you asked, faking your anger and Krill thought hard for a second.
"Thenโ€ฆ you deserve a kiss. But I can't move, so you still have to come to me, Human."
You let out a laugh, but seeing how serious he was, you realized it wasn't a joke. You grew quiet as you thought about not wanting to but not wanting the mood to go sour after all that happened. It was all for the team building. Another trust exercise.ย 
Capturing his head in your hands you didn't need to lean down much as he had enough mobility now and an idea of what to do, so Krill took the initiative to kiss you. He wasn't aggressive, didn't choke you with his tongue. But you quickly realized why you felt so icky doing it, its gentleness and the added trilling that reminded you of giggling too intimate to be between teammates. But you endured it for the sake of this experiment. The sake of reclaiming your future and actually be someone again and regain your freedom little by little. You did it only for that!
The sound of the door unlocking, the metal screeching as it swung open, made you recoil violently from the kiss. Krill hissed sharply, swinging his body helplessly in the restraintsโ€”but not against you.ย 
A slow clap rang out through the laboratory, and you turned around, frightened, unable to hide the mess that was still everywhere and evident all over you. How were you going to explain this? Your worst nightmare had stepped into your new workspace, smiling from ear to ear, looking almostโ€ฆ proud?ย 
"Wonderful! What a wonderful demonstration of bonding between mates," the Professor exclaimed skillfully ignoring Krill's aggression towards him. "I always knew you could do it, we just had to wait for the right moment."
"Professor, Iโ€ฆ" you wanted to explain yourself, try to talk yourself out. Ignoring Krill's whining as you stepped away from his body, which could have been a protective shield to you, Krill quickly returned to hissing and threatening your superior as you moved towards him, desperate not to leave the wrong expression.ย 
"No need," the Professor cut you off. "We saw everything and we are very impressed with your achievements."
He pointed towards the corner of the room, and you could have punched yourself for not realizing there was a camera with a red blinking light on the ceiling. Of course, they wouldn't have left you alone, even though they made your work out to be unimportant. "Fuckโ€ฆ" you muttered, defeated, knowing they had heard and seen everything.ย 
"We aren't mates. He's wrong about that!" you explained, frustrated at the situation, but more angry at yourself. Your supervisor was behind the Professor, grinning like a kid on Christmas Eve about the development of the situation. Behind him, guards. Soldiers who were definitely underpaid but felt overly important in their role here at the facility. And they undoubtedly weren't here to guard you.
"Surely you don't mean that. Look at the poor guy. You've been breaking his heart every time you say it."
The Professor didn't touch you, and you couldn't begrudge him. He just raised his hands to your shoulders and you turned around on your own towards Krill, your eyes meeting. However, there was no such thing as disappointment. Just pure anger and restraint. It was your fault. You made him promise not to hurt anyone. And now he had given up, too.ย 
"Let's put the fish back into the water and discuss your promotion. Matehood is so exciting, I can't wait to introduce you to another special mate of this one's cousin. I am sure you two will become best buds in no time!"
The cheery voice of the Professor did nothing to lift your spirit. You wanted to break free and do as he said, not wanting Krill to hear about these things and see you in this shameful moment. Tears were welling up and your supervisor went to push the buttons instead of you, feeling almost like you were betraying Krill's trust as his handler.ย 
However, at the sound and motions of the machine's working, something inside Krill changed. He began struggling again, thrashing in The Fisher. "Don't you dare," he hissed, but at the Professor, rather than you. He began focusing his strength on one arm, The Fisher making an aching sound as the metal was strained.ย 
"Stop it, Krill!" you called out, scared he'd hurt himself again, and his attention shifted to you.ย 
"And let you be taken from me? I'd rather die!"
His heroics were admirable, but when the soldiers cocked their guns, you jumped forward. "No! No, wait! He's just confused from the drugs, he won't hurt you! Please don't shoot him!"
"Ah," the Professor sighed, much too relaxed in this kind of situation. "Young love. It's so sweet how far you two would go for each other."
This helped nothing to calm down the soldiers or Krill who was getting increasingly agitated as he hovered above the pool, waiting for the floor to open up fully. It was then that complete chaos unfurled itself. The sound of metal snapping next to you, followed by a heavy body falling to the ground. In an instant you were surrounded by darkness as Krill completely enveloped you, and you yelped, hearing gunshots ring out violently and the pained groan of your merman.ย 
"No!" you screamed, thinking the worst. But as you lurched towards catching him from collapsingโ€”a truly rash move as he'd easily bury you beneath himโ€”Krill grabbed you by the waist. Before you knew what was happening, you were pulled into the water. You neither had the time to hold your breath nor to assess the situation as you sank to the depths, caught in Krill's hold while he was an unmoving mass weighing you down. You wanted to cry, thinking he was dead and so would you be. No one would fish you out of here, especially without knowing if the merman was still alive. And by the time they figured that out, you'd be long gone.
All you could do was wait out the inevitable drowning, and you commiserated this fateful meeting with the creature that destroyed your life in the first place. Noโ€ฆ no, that wasn't fair. It wasn't Krill's fault. It wasn't even your own. You kept blaming yourself all this time, but in reality, it was the fault of greedy people and this facility that catered to them. Neither Krill nor you deserved what they were doing to you two. Had the circumstances been different, you might have come to an understanding and built a genuine, scientific relationship on trust. Although he was a handful, you had to admit.
Your thoughts flashed by like many others in your last moment, and it brought a smile to your face, remembering the stupid banter and even his insults and calling you 'human' desperately. You two were definitely even with you calling him creature and the like. Krill was a boisterous idiot and too cocky for his own good, but he could be sweet and caring. He listened, and he even protected you in the end. Reaching up, you found his neck, the air getting thin in your lungs as you hugged him tightly. He didn't deserve this. He really didn't.ย 
The splashing of water was the last thing you heard before you lost your conscience, only for it to be immediately beaten into you as someone slapped your back over and over hard enough until you coughed up all the water in your lungs.ย 
"And that's why we don't give them any freedom," the Professor's voice rang out, murrs of agreement echoing after. You felt his presence as he kneeled before you, the old man grunting from the strain. His finger dipped underneath your chin, raising your head to face him even if you vision was blurry still.ย 
"Have you learned your lesson, [Name]? You'll never escape from here. I've made you into the amazing researcher you are, you are a product of my teachings. And you will provide me with the results we need. Only you can find the eternal life hidden in these creatures. I don't care what you have to do to get it. Mate him, fuck him, get your needs met by a monster, but afterwards you'll come to me with a product that will give you back your freedom, alright?"
"Krillโ€ฆ" you coughed. "What about him?"
"Oh, he'll be fine. A few doses of adrenaline and his body will regenerate."
Letting go of you, your head fell forward to cough out some more water that burned in your nose alongside the tears in your eyes, but you couldn't grasp the situation in front of you properly.ย 
"I am so glad we fished you out there before it was too late," the Professor exclaimed, always thick on the dramatics. "What would we have done if we lost you two, huh? It would have been such a shame to lose our best researcher and their mate to such a little mishap, right, [Name]?"
This time, when you looked up, you couldn't help but glare at the person you had so admired when you were still studying under him. He was nothing but an insane maniac who would do anything to get an end to his means. Sacrificing merfolk, sacrificing humans. It didn't matter, but he made it clear that there would be no escaping him. No escaping at allโ€ฆ hm.
How did you set the orcas free in the past?
"Right," you mumbled, your lungs still hurting from the water.ย 
"I'm glad we are on the same page," the Professor laughed, but all you could do was try to remember how you escaped before. The memories eluded you, but there had been a way for sure. For now, you had to admit your defeat as you watched Krill's barely alive body being transported away and out of sight. The door to the laboratory remained open as everyone left you behind, but you didn't feel like going at all.ย 
You had to.
Getting to your feet, you had to follow wherever they were bringing Krill. And you had to remember how you managed to let them escape before. And when the time came, you'd go with them. But you needed access to the mermaids until then, perhaps some more companions. You lost your freedom, your new position as 'mate' hanging over your head like the blade of a guillotine. But even so, you had to push on, fight for what you wanted.
You lost the fight but not the war.
And when the time came, you'd make sure that this time, no one would stand in the way of your freedom.
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2-dsimp ยท 3 days
U cannot give us seraphi and expect us not to love him...Or you are just plain evil now-
Okay hear me out hereโ€™s a WIP of Urielโ€™s twin, Azrael that is a rival ๐Ÿ‘€
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Seraphi is just a side character XD
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xesiarah ยท 6 hours
โ†’ Yan!Demon oc x Reader
โ†’ Synopsis โ€” releasing something that was meant to be sealed onto the past just might've been a big mistake.
โ†’ Made impulsively with @xiaosfiance
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The clock strikes 6, it's evening roll call, almost time for supper โ€” A hoard of tiny footsteps could be vaguely heard rushing straight to the cafeteria, it's Spaghetti Sunday after all. You're one of the older kids, the orphanage has been thinking of just hiring you as one of the caretakers. You've been here ever since you could remember, so it's only natural if you spend the rest of your days here. โ€” Although, you'd be lying if you say it doesn't sting one bit when everyone around you just kept changing, friends coming in and going โ€” whilst you remain stuck, and behind everyone else.
You paused, breathing in a sigh, reminiscing on the past won't do you any good.
The pleasant smell of fabric softener tickles your nose. You focus, gently folding the blanket you're holding โ€” one part covers another part, pressing the edge so that it stays in place.
Slowly opening one of the closet doors, it creaks rather eerily. You notice something off โ€” it's full.. You sigh, setting aside the neatly folded blanket and reaching a hand in to clear up some space. Unexpectedly, you hold onto something, ... A Black jar? It's hot to the touch, but not too hot that you'd physically recoil when in contact with it, it's as if it was taken out just recently and put under the scorching hot sun. You've never seen any of the orphans bring it outside though.
You hold onto it with both hands, examining it curiously โ€” White rope slithers around it, A knot sealing it tightly. definitely doesn't look like something that should be opened... You grabe a pair of sharp sisscors that just happened to be right next to it.
You harshly pull apart the rope and it finally comes undone. You twist the jar open and... Well, of course. Nothing but dust. You click your tongue, disappointed that nothing contains of it โ€” not even a hidden mini diary of one of the orphans!? A defeated sigh escapes your lips. You close the jar, putting it right back where you found it.
Conveniently, a voice calls out to you, it must be one of the elder caretakers.
Everyday is the same as the other, an unbreakable, repetitive cycle.
You lie down, staring right at the dusty old ceiling you've grown accustomed to. The lights are dimmed and everyone is dead asleep. (luckily as you got older, you didn't have to share a room with all the other orphans.)
The only thing heard is your own breathing, and the clock going...
Tick, tock, tick.. tock... You feel drowsy, and slowly then, you drift off to sleep.
The clock strikes twelve, and you find yourself awoken by a loud thud that came from the closet. There was something wrong with it, something missing, and it took some time for your barely awake brain to realize that your closet's door fell off.
You lazily put your slippers on to inspect the closet, your slippers creating a pitter patter sound as it hit the bare floor. Perhaps the closet's hinges have worn down from age, thus causing the door to fall down.
"I'll fix it tomorrow..." A yawn escaped your lips, and for a moment you thought you saw something move in the corner of your eye. 'It's just the lack of sleep', you told yourself, as you turned around to go back to the comforts of your bed โ€” only to find out that it was infact, not a figment of your imagination, and a tall person โ€” no, *thing*, was blocking the light coming from the window with it's towering stature.
The moonlight glistened on the unknown entity's skin, the light hitting all the correct angles making it appear as some... ethereal being โ€” an entity so angelically beautiful that the moon standing directly behind it gave off the illusion that it was wearing a white, shining halo right above it's head.
An angel, perhaps? An angel that had descended from the heavens for you? Was this a sign?
You were convinced that you had somehow died, and that your guardian angel had come to pick you up to lead you to the stairway to heaven. And maybe even tell you that you had done a good job holding on so long until today โ€” or so you thought. That was until it stepped aside, to reveal the large demonic horns that it adorned. Without the moon's glow casting light upon the demonic entity, that you realized how dark of a shadow it was looming before you.
An angel? Hah. You were quick to deceive yourself that you had earned your rightfull place in heaven, despite having done no meaningful impact on anyone's lives โ€” not a good one, atleast. If anything, this thing could drag you down to hell right now, and it would sound more plausible than achieving a place above the clouds. You deserve a spot in hell in the afterlife at most, anyway โ€” if you don't deserve anything on this one.
The demonic like entity had white hair, and at first you thought that the odd color was just a trick of a light, or perhaps just the moonlight bouncing off it's hair โ€” but no. It was whiter than the moon, with prominent blonde highlights, and skin as pale as snow. Wrapped around its neck, was what looked like an ivory rope โ€” that looked eerily similar to the ropes you unwrapped earlier โ€” with six red beads dangling off it.
Amongst his ghostly pale attributes one feature of his striked you the most โ€” those piercing red eyes he bore, a red you were all too familiar with. Red. Red? Where exactly have you seen this shade before-
"Mama?" You tugged on your mother's pants, as you chewed on your tiny baby hands nervously. "Why can't I open the jar?" Your brows were knitted together, while your lips were pursued into a childish pout.
"Because," Your mother began. "If you open it, a scary demon will come out and eat you," She made an effort to emphasize her point by wiggling her fingers, and playfully nudging you with them. "You don't want that now, do you?"
"B-But..." At this point your eyes were starting to be glossy with tears. "After mommy and daddy hid the jar in my closet, m-my friend doesn't come out to play with me anymore..."
"Darling," Mother wrapped her hands around your small body, and hoisted you onto her lap. "That wasn't your childhood friend. That was the work of the devil โ€” do not associate yourself with those things."*
At your young age, you couldn't even understand the big words coming out of your now-deceased-mother's mouth, but you understood the urgency in her voice.
"Never open that jar, or touch the rope inside it. Okay?" She commanded sternly, and you merely sniffled in response. "It will let out the spirit-"
"My friend?"
"-The demonic entity." Your mother cut you off. "The bad demonic entity." She repeated, as she went on about how it was bad, and how it would harm you, if you let it out.. But the only thing that was on your mind were his pretty red eyes.
It's figure blurred, and quickly became hazy as you went on through your teenage years. You didn't even recall any memory of having an imaginary childhood friendโ€” but those red eyes brought back a surge of memories that you've once forgotten, and left behind to gather dust. It took a step closer, and you found yourself backing away, hitting the edge of a table in the process, and landing on the floor. Your eyes widened in shock when the shadow it casted seemed to engulf you entirely, and you realized just exactly how tall the being was โ€” it's head nearly reaching the roof of the orphanage.
Upon closer inspection, it wore something similar to baggy pants, and red ropes โ€” the same shade of it's eyes โ€” that were wrapped around it's hips and draped across. And that was when you realized, it's pants were the only article of clothing it wore, and it was shirtless. it's muscles out in display โ€” bare chest visible for you to see. It's right arm was decorated with intricate tattoos that reached it's pecs, you didn't doubt that there were more on it's back.
That was also when you realized that, holy shit, he was hot, and the tattoos only further added to his sexiness. It definitely did not help that he was built, yet not overly muscular to the point it was too intimidating, he was lean and thin, but not lanky โ€” just perfect. The right amount, standing in-between the fine line of 'handsome' and 'smoking hot.'
You were already too far gone when you almost forgot the fact that there was literally a demonic entity right before you, and imagined your hands running down his toned abs.
You swallow. You try to speak.. but you're unable to even move a muscle, frozen in what seems like fear.. or.. arousal?
You only manage to choke out a wheeze as that entity was striding towards you, backing you up against a corner.. giving you no chance of escape. He comes closer, almost pressing into you, he breathes on your neck making you shiver โ€” then, in a voice as ethereal as he is, whispers.. "I missed you."
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cinnanmonn ยท 7 hours
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Mr. Loverman
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Yan! Loverman x GN Nonchalant Reader
No tws :33
He always liked you. He doesn't really understand as to why he does, many people find you as another regular person. Yet....for him, you were special.
Whenever he saw you, his heart skipped a beat and when you were near him, he starts to panic. Fuck, what if he looked like shit right now? What if he smelled? What he acts weird?
It all made him worry. Yet, you were pretty cool to him. You treated him so nice! Like, when he picked up your pen for you, said thank you.
That was practically your only interaction, but you were sooo cool!!
Maybe he liked you because of your face? Maybe you were his type? Because his heart could stop if you were even near him.
He loves you. He's been following you all this time. It kind of agitated him, how you don't notice him at all. He craved your attention. But it's not your fault. It's likely because he wasn't good enough.
So he tries hard, just to make you look his way. He started to very obviously flirt with you, only for you to respond with "huh? " or straight up no's.
It drove him mad. He tried so hard, so PLEASE just notice him. He'll be on his knees. He'll do ANYTHING you ask him for. So please, even if it's just a simple touch....
Or maybe you think he's gross? It hurts him to the core when you don't care. Please care, please praise me. I'll do anything. Everything.
He stood before you, on his knees crying sobbing while kissing your feet.
You look at him weirdly, which gave him butterflies. What does this man want? You attempt to pull yourself away from him yet he clings unto you. A few hours ago you went drinking with him and other comrades, now that he's drunk and alone with you, there's honestly nothing you can do.
You had to forcefully put him on your shoulders and carry him all the way to the nearest motel.
While on the way there, he throws up on you. Wow, this really annoyed you. You had to undress him and treat him like a baby.
Now that it was the next day, he was real happy. You undressed him, and touched him all over! (Why'd he say it like that). You look at him and sigh. You Pat his head and tell him to take care, with a chuckle.
Wow, that kinda made him hard.
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yandere-paramour ยท 18 hours
How would Ata deal with a darling who's insecure about her body? Also, how would she react if her darling was too nervous to actually ask her to be intimate, and instead tried to temp her(wearing her shirts and lingerie, being extra cuddly) into initiating?
I love your writing, thank you so much for taking the time to respond and have a great day!!
Atalanta is a skilled and gentle lover and partner, and her constant compliments about how gorgeous you look and how you light a fire within her will make even the most insecure person blush. She'll get the best designers to craft clothes for you, highlighting the best parts of your figure so you look like a model. Without stress and with loads of expensive products, your skin will clear, your hair will be healthy, and your nails will always look perfect. You're going to look like the best version of yourself. But if you're still insecure, she will simply compliment you more often, or even get you a therapist (under her command) if you really need it. She doesn't want you to be insecure and unhappy with yourself.
Yeah,,, Atalanta might be stupid, but even she is picking up the signs you're putting down. You're walking around her study in expensive lingerie, seductively swaying your hips as you bring your plate to the sink, straddling her lap at every opportunity. She knows what you want. And she wants it to. But she's not taking you until you give a verbal okay. She won't do anything without consent, no matter how much this is eating at her. If it gets really really too much, she will ask in a strained voice if you know what you're doing, if you truly want this, giving you an out to say no if you're just teasing her. All you have to do to get her to spend the night between your legs is say yes.
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