#or survive
dorenarox · 1 year
Me : *Is completely fine with the team I have*
Autobalance :
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gentleali · 1 year
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clairenatural · 3 months
there's a cherry blossom tree in DC that keeps blooming every year even though it shouldn't and the park service keeps thinking it's dead and then it keeps blooming! well they're removing a lot of trees to rehabilitate the area and they've said it's finally time for stumpy to go and they're going to mulch it and use the mulch to enrich all the other trees so it can help everything else keep going. and they're also going to plant spliced little pieces of it all over so that stumpy can live forever and this is genuinely sending me into a spiral
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bloodstainedmuzzle · 4 months
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Resident Evil 4 Remake (2023) Leon S. Kennedy [ 1 / ??? ]
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rapidpunches · 9 months
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james-p-sullivan · 5 months
the older i get and the closer i am to reaching 30, the more the people around me try to deny me my age. it’s a constant ‘oh you’re just turning 29 again teehee 🤭’ or ‘dont tell your SO that, he’ll leave you for a younger model 😉’ and i just???? hate it?????????
i spent my entire teenaged years fighting for my life. i crawled through the deepest pits of my depression to cling to the promise of a life beyond that pain. i was so convinced that i was going to die young, that i would never see the grace of my age starting with a 2, let alone 3.
so im going to turn 30, and there’s not a damn thing anyone can do to stop me from loving it.
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wrenchwenches · 24 days
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sweatermuppet · 2 months
ill keep writing about surviving because i don't know what else there is
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demonzoro · 3 months
love a character that's like. i survived (<- not a brag) (<- this is a curse that weighs on me every waking hour)
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utilitycaster · 5 months
I should note, I hate the soulmates "we would fall in love in every universe" trope for the aforementioned "where's the tension and interest and really anything worthwhile" reasons. However, "we would find each other in every universe" fucking rips. We would interact meaningfully in every universe but sometimes we are lovers and sometimes we are friends and sometimes we are bitter enemies and sometimes we'd simply both be in the same HOA.
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selfhealingmoments · 11 months
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quitblamingnarcissism · 6 months
Your parents are not "narcissists". They're typical authoritarian assholes who treat you like their property because society allows them to.
Your ex boyfriend is not a "narcissist". He's a typical misogynistic douchebag who treats women like shit because society allows him to.
Your boss is not a "narcissist". They're a typical classist dipshit who thinks workers' entire purpose in life is to generate profit because society allows them to.
And even if they happen to be a "narcissist", that's not what gave them the power to get away with abuse.
So stop blaming mental illness and start blaming society's normalization of abuse. Stop acting like someone has to have a mental illness in order to do something cruel when ordinary people have been doing atrocious things since forever.
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ibtisams · 6 months
A report just came out from a Palestinian hostage saying he was strapped with bombs and sent into a Hamas tunnel, with Israel prepared to blow the tunnel up with his body if fighters were found inside and yet people are still making the “Hamas uses human shields” arguments that have been confirmed to be a myth with no supporting evidence
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guy who's stuck in a timeloop for so long he stops wanting to leave it. guy who started out trying to escape but slowly grew used to and became comforted by the familiarity of the repeating day. guy who is no longer who he was before the timeloop. guy who is offered a way out and violently refuses it because he can't leave, doesn't want to leave. guy who escapes the timeloop by chance or force or accident and doesn't know how to live anymore. guy who keeps going through motions that don't match the situation and keeps having conversations that aren't actually occurring. guy who panics every time he realizes he can't predict the next instant. guy who left the timeloop but still lives with it.
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oncillabrigade · 2 months
Finally read Robins!
I have a lot of thoughts, but I just want to say this panel is the funniest thing I've ever seen:
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books-and-cookies · 8 months
can the cost of living like... chill
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