#orb reblogs.exe
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This is the best post on the bg3 subreddit everyone go home fhdndhd i love when this happens in games and movies omg 😆❤️
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in all my time in this fandom i have not seen a single person comment on the fact in the grymforge camp the only spot with direct sunlight is the spot Astarion sets camp in...
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oh no i just realized when shadowheart becomes dark Justiciar her nickname w ill be DJ SHART :/
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i dont think Raphael is coming back from this guys
gale the living legend truly living up to all of his claims of being amazing and powerful archmage by pulverizing the mf devil in one shot
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do something productive ❌
spend two hours trying to figure out where Gale lives in waterdeep based on an old map and the few shots of waterdeep from his tower cut scene✔️
anyway i think he lives on the edges of the castle ward area near where Grinda Garloth residence used to be and if the map is to be trusted i'd say anywhere in the sail street to dock street area
according to this map this is castle ward which also contains the blackstaff tower too
and according to the view outside of Gale's tower you cant really see any clear visible walls only a start of a mountain
so i think this is the only area that has indication of rocks that can show up directly in front of Gale's balcony
also a very faint wall can be seen beyond the mountain which backs up this location
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now in the second shot of waterdeep outside of Gale's balcony you see a few docks at an angle and i believe these are one of the three between sail street and dock street
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and since the map is from Waterdeep: Dragon Heist which is presumably set in 1492 the same year as the game is set i'd say this is plausible with a few differences taking into account constant building developments (like building new docks, putting up a statue, building a new house/shop) that can happen within a year
i found this other map too and i think its here
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anyway that was a fun little activity i love fantasy maps and could get lost in them for hours! keep in mind i can be wrong about this especially since we only have two scenes from the game to go of on
sources : 1,2,3,4,5, and Gale's Romance Cut scene from Bg3
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-Astarion - Baldur's gate 3-
full outfit:
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got this mod that puts Astarion in a corset for fun but i was not ready dknlskvn
full outfit:
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when people ask "why is Mystra bland and Shar and Vlaakith are MASSIVE AND SLAYING HARD?" i want to screem
Ugh if i see that post criticizing Mystra for looking average compared to Shar or vlaakith reblogged one more time Im gonna scream fchgcg do you guys not understand the difference ?
I didn't expect to wake up today and be a Mystra defense attorney but yall need your perspective to be ripped wide open
disclaimer: this only goes as deep as the game lore the actual lore the game is based on is much more expansive and goes into detail about everything im about to quickly explain so i recommend reading it.
So first off all lets redefine your understanding of what Mystra is ,
She is magic, she is the weave, the very fabric of the weave is Mystra, when gale reached out to the purple light and said he can feel her he was not kidding he was literally holding a tiny fraction of her in his hand
All of the scenes that include the astral sea? all the flashes of magic all the outer planes scenes ? All the colors and twinkling? the setting itself? all of it is Mystra
its not made by her it IS her
when my guy Gale said we stand in the palm of Mystra he wasn't being poetic he was being literal the very fabric of the illusion he conjures is Mystra not from her but is her
(on a side note Gale is pretty much very literal in his words and what he tells you but people always brush that off as some scholarly exaggeration for some reason which is another post tbh)
What did you guys think the meaning of magic dying with Mystra's death and her having be reborn 3 times to bring it back to stability?? Its not only because she controls it but because she *is* it.
When you look at Scene that have her or the weave do not only recognize Mystra as the face you see but include the background, the lights, the colors, the magic, everything, if its hard to visualize just imagine the weave and the weave plane as an extension of her dress all of it just the fabric of her dress going on and on and on making everything around her and Gale.
like notice how Mystra physically is not in these pics but she still is because every flash of purple is a thread of her being
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here when you look at her you probably only see her "human form" but expand your understanding to see her as the weave behind her the sparkles, and stars, the weave rain around her, the very floor she is standing on, the sky she is floating around in
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Now onto the second point:
Why do Shar and Vlaakith present as these all powerful terrifying massive beautiful entities when needing to converse with their followers and Mystra presents as a regular woman ?
There are alot of points i can touch on that will explain there are a 100 reasons
But the main ones are Shar and Vlaakith NEED to intimidate their followers into recognizing them (in other words put the fear of god and anime into the hearts of people that look to them) because without this fear that they inspire they have no influence, they need to convince anyone that lays eyes on them that they are powerful from the very first glance, their power and influence depend on how much people fear them into submission.along side looking ethereal and menacing Shar uses pain and Vlaakith uses false godhood and rewritten gith history to achieve that . that's why they are beautiful and fearsome and massive and their temples/creche's are massive and grand Vlaakith's being on the highest mountain in the tallest building and Shar's gauntlet and house of pain being the deepest underground Structure to exist to the point that its a bit unbelievable (to the point that i had to pan with my camera outside around the mountain to see if its even plausible fhdjd) all of this is supposed to inspire absolute fear and submission into anyone that walks in makes them feel small and dominated by the goddesses power in a single instant so they can instantly gain control over them.
What about Mystra? What do we see she has in comparison?
We see Mystra only has her alter where its used for communication because that's all she needs... She doesn't need to prove her power she doesn't need to make people fear her she doesn't need submission and domination she doesn't need to be recognized because any magic wielding entity can just look into themselves and feel her threads inside of them can look around and feel her presence that's all she needs. And when she communicates with her weave users (what would be considered as her followers but not really) she needs to present an equal footing to them not a dominant one because she needs to discuss things, to reason, to convince them, not only because they are smart and powerful with or without her but because she has no say in what they do with the weave (as long as it doesn't ruin the balance) she cannot stop them or take it from them but she can persuade them to go a certain direction that's the extent of it. And that's why her alignment is neutral instead of evil even though we know she doesn't have the best actions and methods but she doesn't need to hurt people to gain power she simply... Is... And that gives her her power. (another side note this is also gale cant simply stop believing in her or abandon her worship or take of his earnings etc its not that simple as she is in the air he breathes yk)
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i finally found out how to upload audio to tumblr
the audio is from my game but if you wanna watch it its here
Halsin :
- nature has been most kind to let me share in your heart, what do you need?
-that was something i had dreamed about for some time *laughs* and now i realize just how woefully meager my dreams were compared to the reality , i would still be there with you now if the sun hasn't intruded on us and the city hasn't stirred for the day.
- we were as one , the warmth of your skin..
the feel of your...
i must be careful of i'll loose the run of myself again.
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Love when my dash does a thing
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That post about Gale having to remake his spell book after the orb and how before it used to be full of perfectly written and chosen spells the book itself being perfect and neat but after adventuring his new book is full of spells that relate to his new friends and the pages are not neat as so many things and people got ahold of it (like scratch or karlach) and the book looking like it went through so much because it got dirty from adventuring but its now more perfect than ever yeah.... I think about that post daily
Edit: I FINALLY FOUND THE POST IT JUST DISAPPEARED OF THE FACE OF THE EARTH FOR ME FOR HALF ADAY THE RESURFACED LOL here it is ❤️ go read it leave a like reblog and say nice things to op and then come cry with me
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interesting book Rolan is carrying was he reading up on the topic to try and help the teiflings and his family with the mental aftermath of the descent of Elturel? man i love this guys so much omg T_T
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Im literally struggling so hard not to just romance Gale again in my plan for a new save 😭
I mean look at him
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Thats a habibi right there how can i not give love to habibi every chance i get 😭❤️
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hello i opened my game to look at him and die now you get to do the same
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I find it funny how people are confused with Gale telling tav that he has a cat then says shes not a cat shes a tressym then again that shes his friend
As if we all dont do the same exact thing with our cats like first we go yes i have a pet cat :3 then after a while we will say to anyone who listens that they are our children our friends our roomates the owners of our house actually :D
But also like dont lie to me and tell me that if your cat had the ability to speak and talk back to you in a human language you wouldn't try to stay on the kitties good side but adressing them properly? In this context "Tara is not a cat shes a tressym and a very capable one at that" is completely correct no writing plot holes here lol gale is trying to respect Tara in her presence because he doesn't want to get an earful from her about it the same way your cat would scratch ur eyes out and call you an idiot if you called her your "pet" infront of her and other people Tara would fireball his ass into oblivion if he calls her his pet cat infront of his friends lol
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