naffeclipse · 2 days
So I got another ear worm that's been digging at me for sleeping with the fishes au. What if dolphin y/n didn't swim away from the Orca Brothers. But more like eager to be of some use to them if it ment food and safety. Say if they were fleeing from a much worse situation that drove them straight to the orcas & they looked a little worse for wear.
Oh, interesting! Perhaps Y/N is escaping another mob pod that became too dangerous to continue in and you were suffering at the hands of their boss. Nothing like ducking behind a stronger, more deadly pod to ensure you won't return to that.
Seeing the orca siren brothers, you feel only relief and immediately offer your services. You know what these pods seek. You know how to make yourself useful. Eclipse is a touch suspicious of your quickness to submit to them, but Sun and Moon note the rake marks on your tail and back and they see to it that you get a good meal and plenty of time to rest before giving you assignments. The brothers are quite taken with you, and although you flinch whenever they reach for you to hold you close or freeze when their claws gently graze any of your scars, you're only glad to have come upon them.
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missterious-figure · 2 months
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I finally completed Moon! The last of @naffeclipse 's sleeping with the fishes boys! I had a bit of trouble with the design. I hope it's not too weird looking... But yes! Moon is taking a lovely midnight stroll(swim) with y/n and the baby. So happy.
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beanibooze · 1 year
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Got lazy but might add stuff to it. Inspo was orcas and yellow eyed rock fish because my fic takes place in Alaska :)
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secretlyurdad · 1 month
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I finally finished Apex Polarity by @naffeclipse and THE ENDING IS SO BITTERSWEET but I’m literally obsessed with orca eclipse and I had to do a piece for it😢
Thank you so much for the lovely story, I will miss them dearly🫶
I also drew out a little comic from the epilogue below!
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 4 months
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Sun/Moon/Eclipse as Merms x Sailor Reader AU,, but. Free Baby’d
(also, pls consider. idea: all of them think the baby is theirs bc none of them know how humans make babies so they just assume humans only need to spend time with the one they love the most and bam, baby appears)
Sun: No way, the baby is mine!!!! Look at their smile!!!! It's just like mine!!! Moon: FALSE they DEFINITELY have my eyes Eclipse: You're BOTH WRONG, *three hours of petty squabbling while Reader tries to get baby to go to sleep*
Bonus doodles/silly bs lol
sun, analyzing the evidence (mate has been avoiding him, has made a nest, is currently holding an infant): sun: sun: OH MY GOD DID YOU HAVE A BABY???????????????? reader, holding an infant fish they randomly found, panicking trying to figure how to be a fish-parent, worried that their fish friends might try to fucking EAT THE BABY: HUH???
sailor reader who befriended some mers and now the way they let each other know theyre around is by singing a call-and-response type song and waiting for the other to respond
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also eclipse is Big Scary Outside, Tiny Puppy Inside in every au i make, sorry but im right
Bonus bonus: You are a sailor that can’t swim. Moon takes advantage of this by constantly pulling u into the water so u have to hold onto him. It didn’t go very well the first time tho lol
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lil-lemon-snails · 6 months
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I'm not sure what possessed me to render an entire background but uh,, @naffeclipse's Orca!Eclipse has fucking bewitched me body and soul @.@ please go read Apex Polarity I love this big grabby fish boy!!!
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mewmeiw · 7 months
This is @naffeclipse’s Orca!Eclipse from the ao3 fic Apex Polarity :3
I love him so much, naff is an amazing writer and I love their fics so much
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melanirana · 7 months
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A comic based on this ask about Orca!Eclipse reaction to humpback whales saving his prey, so I had to. Went a bit bonkers for my standards.
And of course Cardinal Instinct/ Apex Ploarity are from the wonderfull @naffeclipse Enjoy!
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cipher-the-sidhe · 7 months
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@naffeclipse since you started talking about Orca!Eclipse with his little siren babies I have not been able to get this out of my head. Orca Siren Eclipse shows off his little baby Sun and Moon sirens to my Mer Sun and Moon and their little half-mer baby Eclipse.
I imagine both y/ns very apprehensive somewhere out of frame. WtTK!y/n at least would NOT be thrilled about her baby getting dangled in front of Orca!Eclipse like a snack
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mockingnerd · 7 months
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Holy shit I finally finished it! The interconnectivity of the British Columbian marine ecosystem is one of my favourite things in the world, so here are a few treasured icons.
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naffeclipse · 2 months
I'm sorry if this question has been asked in some form or another but... How would Eclipse, should he have ever moved away from the Arctic in search of a new home, react if he encountered a pair of orphaned Orca Siren Calves (Sun and Moon) being raised by a reclusive writer human Y/N? Like either their sibling got the Siren Transformation and the whole pod is just now... gone due to some unfortunate events... Or the Y/N just found the two orphans in the shallows near their very secluded home and the parents never came back?
Point is human Y/N is trying their best, but that means things aren't going all that great. Both kids can read and are cared for. Moon is a master of the door dash app when using the tablet kept on land near the water for them. But there's love... Lots of love.
How would he react to this?
Oh, I love this
You wanted to be left alone, unfortunately, the two... babies, didn't get the memo. They're so small. You have no idea what to do with the mythical creature children. Sirens. Sure, you've heard of them. So why aren't they taking care of their young? Why are they wailing at the edge of the icy land you've made your home on? It doesn't take long for you to take pity on the small things and feed them some chewed fish (but only this once).
Somehow, you end up with a small ice shelter where you've carved two breathing holes under the ice to let the seawater and the babies swim for a day, keeping a careful watch on them while jotting down a few ideas you've had for your writing (perhaps inspired by sirens). Then, at the night's end, you lovingly pick up both toddler-sized sirens, tucking one into each arm to carry them to your home where your bathtub has become a makeshift crib of seawater and half-chewed rubber duckies.
You believe they're twins despite their different appearances, one touched with cream-colored orca markings and soft yellow frills framing his face. The other brother is black and white and has a slippery dark blue tendril behind his head, trailing into a luminous bulb. They have mismatched eyes but share one blue iris.
So much for only feeding them once. The tiny fish got you wrapped around their little claws.
They growl and chuff and softly whine whenever you're not within sight, and each of them demands time alone to snuggle against your chest before you set down your bedding on the bathroom floor and urge them to sleep through the night. You're right here if they need you. Somehow, one or both end up on you, dripping wet, and you can only groan and softly hold the babies through the night despite their constant wiggles and slick, sheeny bodies.
This goes on for a few years before you start to worry that your bathtub is too cramped for the children. Sun and Moon (oh gosh, you gave them names; now you're really attached) are so smart and excel at reading and writing, making use of markers and whiteboards, and remembering to let their hands dry before grabbing the paper from the floor of the ice shelter to draw doodles of the icy waves.
There were learning curves, such as when you had to scold Moon for biting you so hard his sharp teeth drew blood, but he cried, so you stopped being angry and showed him how to help you bandage your hand. See? All better. But no biting. Another time was Sun growing impatient with your slow pace as you gathered your writing materials before joining them in the ice shelter, and he grabbed your leg and halfway pulled you into the frigid water, shocking your system with the sheer cold before you scrambled out and had to retreat to your home to undress and get warm. Sun hid away from you, unwilling to come out despite your coaxing once night fell. You had to lay down a new rule: they cannot pull you into the water. You are not built like them. He clung to you and apologized, and you forgave him with a kiss on the forehead.
You wanted to be left alone with your children. (Yours. Your babies.) Unfortunately, they're not the only sirens around. You sense another presence just at dusk when you're preparing to take Sun out of the breathing hole (you can only carry one at a time now, and even then, it takes all your strength to lift with your legs—when did they get so big?) and pause with your hands under Sun's arms, his hands still opening and closing for you. Through the slight opening in the flap of the ice shelter, out into the shallows of the icy sea, you see two pairs of eyes, yellow and red, and piercing.
A siren.
You react with adrenaline and fear, fueled by the intention to protect your children no matter the cost, and pull Sun and Moon out of the breathing holes in a second. Placing them in the far corner, you shield them with your body. The strange siren pokes his head through the breathing hole not a moment later. Eyes wide, breathing harshly, you stare each other down, siren against human. His gaze slips past you, and he grins upon finding Sun's and Moon's big eyes peeking around you as they cling to your shoulders, confused and frightened. Their flukes flip anxiously.
The siren grinned at you, and for the better half of the night, you conversed with the siren about how you came upon your children. His intentions remain sinister and masked until he at last tells you how perfect he finds you and the boys. You stare, standoffish, but he assures you, he will be the father that they need, and the mate you deserve. You don't believe him. You don't trust him with your babies, but when he grabs your leg and rips you away from your children, much to their protests and small cries, you're caught under him and his caressing claws before you realize that his hunger is more.
It starts to make sense. Of course, Eclipse can teach them far more than you can about how to navigate their marine existant and how to properly hunt and not only take food from your hands. He teaches them how to sing, how to watch prey, how to use their strength and teeth to conquer. And you... you watch, realizing that you miss those bathtub days, but your boys are happy. They love Eclipse and Eclipse, well, when he's not tending to the children, he's spending time with you, laying his crossed arms on your lap to gaze up at you, insisting you accept a dead seal from him.
Maybe he has a bit of charm. And maybe you begrudgingly let you sing you to sleep when you're left fretting about Sun and Moon swimming late into the night on their own, but they're growing big. They don't fit in your arms anymore. You start to feel a little forgotten before you find all three sirens acting very suspiciously, your boys whispering before telling you that Dad—Eclipse wants to give you something. He softly presses a beautiful black pearl into your palm. You've never been much for anything that isn't practical, but it's beautiful, so you take it. Eclipse is pleased and so are the Sun and Moon. He steals a kiss from you. You don't mind.
You wanted to be left alone, but you find yourself in the siren's arms as you both watch a burning orange sunset and your sons playfully fighting in the small waves.
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pocket-goat · 1 year
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despite drawing iterators very humanish myself, i am a huge fan of whatever this genre of iterator fanart is,,,,,, some kind of bug <3
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puddledfishhh · 30 days
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What in the Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea
Also some silly sketches w Meikai and Sokka 😭😭😭
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h-didanart · 9 days
Probably the last mermay art I will do, unless I suddenly gain inspiration and decide to draw some other character(s) as fish
Have Bloodmoon from one of my aus and their absolutely-not-foster father and definitely-not-older brother
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And without the effects//background
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secretlyurdad · 8 months
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Cw: slight gore and blood
Poor y/n :,)
It’s the thought that counts right???🧍‍♀️
Apex Polarity by @naffeclipse !!
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 9 months
heeheehoohoo doodl dump time
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starting with,, betrothed au wedding attire, perhaps?? idk im not good at outfits lol
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pawn au and flower symbolism r like,, symbiotic in that way where one cant live without th other or smthn idk i just like vague and flowery metaphors in my stories skjdfhsdjfhsd
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following up with,, a bunch of ECLIPSE bc i love the mans no im not sorry
and,, lastly,,,,,,,,,
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me when i think abt canon-eclipse for 0.2 seconds ;; his voice is too precious im dying squirtle
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