#os game rp
im gonna type! something! here!! an then im gonna send it and see what happens!!
[Hello. You just sent a message to me.]
[What is your name?]
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Alright... I got this first model ready... I'll call the echoes
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guilty-shot-au · 20 days
Okay, I have been meaning to say this for a while, because I think this is a noticeable problem in our community:
Every ask matters And yet there are NONE
Do you feel bored in this RP fandom?
Tired of browsing a rarely updating tag?
Notice how half the community is joining ask games?
Ever wonder why many OS RP blogs go almost completely inactive?
Notice how there's half a dozen boring and slow as hell arcs going on recently?
This is because many blogs get NO asks at all. Popular or not.
Even OS Game RP giants like @diginiko-asks and @nyat-a-cat (currently shadowbanned so ask @the-kerfus-machine ) can experience a complete lack of asks sent sometimes!
And we need YOU to send some to the blogs you follow!
No matter what you send, no matter if they get answered or not, having asks to answer is good for everyone!
If you find yourself constantly waiting for asks all day, without actually sending asks out yourself, you are a part of the problem!
This community thrives on interaction, not waiting!
Want to help this community? Want to improve people's days? Try sending three or more asks to random blogs a day!
Feel anxious to send asks? Nobody in this RP will do anything to you, and the characters do not reflect any of the blog runners intentions. Also, the anon option is there for a reason! Always remember that you have good intentions!
Feel like you will worsen someone's day by sending an ask? As long as you follow the rules set by the blog runner, you won't! At worst, it's a forgivable annoyance.
And if you are running an RP blog, remember: you are not obligated to reply to any asks sent, do not let this hobby cause you burnout.
"Oh, but I don't know who to ask!"
Just browse the "#OS game RP" tag, it's more effective than you might think at finding new blogs!
Check the blogs you follow, there's likely an RP blog or two you forgot about.
There's already large lists of OS game RP blogs out there, check out Mapmaker's interview list and the fifh masterpost!
"Oh, but I don't know what to ask!"
Here's some ideas:
Philosophy, hobbies, and specific preferences are simple topics to form questions in, and can tell a lot about a character!
Ask something as YOUR character! - Have a casual conversation between two different characters with someone else in a thread, share lore on the way, tell stories, and have fun!
Question some lore! - If you can ask something regarding a character's backstory, especially to fill in the potential plot holes, that can be very healthy for the writing side of running an RP blog!
A lot of blogs are actually fine with M!As, if they are simple or interesting!
Found yourself questioning or answering something interesting out of RP? Great ask!
Found something interesting in a quiz? That's a great ask idea!
Came up with something that would probably cause funny reactions? - Ask away!
Heard a silly question in general? Great! Guess who you can redirect it to!
Remember: Questions do not have to be complicated! Don't feel bad if something of yours does not get answered, because you had good intentions in the end!
But I am never going to tell you to send people random nonsense just for them to not have empty inboxes, so try to avoid:
Random memes/words - These are hard to work with and are unlikely to lead to interesting things.
Basic compliments - Most characters will probably say "thanks", unless they have a backstory for it.
Repeating jokes - No one's gonna have fun if you just send "Fifh" to Freeware entity for the 15th time without putting a unique twist on it.
Spam, NSFW, exc. - Just no.
In general, it's best to put thought in your asks.
If you have anything to state on the topic, please do so in the reblogs. I encourage you to check them.
Share this around and tell your friends to send out asks regularly!
Anyways good night, sleep deprived ramble over.
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*A formless plushie spontaneously materializes itself into existence. Its form changes depending on who is holding it to give the proper amount of cuddle comfort. It is not sentient, and is incapable of turning into anything harmful. Enjoy!*
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Grown up word!
- @diginiko-asks
// your first niko encountered!
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No, that's...<sigh>
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nyat-a-cat · 2 months
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Hey Kat, have you seen one of the author’s books?
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The one about phospher? i think it fell in the rifh!
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Out from the corner of their eye, Niko's device is pulsing a light blue glow. A faint breaking static could be heard.
If they were to grab it, an uncomfortable tingling sensation would force them to pull back.
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That’s… weird.
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[Redacted]?? Can you come check this out??
[Hm… that is odd.]
[There’s definitely some form of energy signature? But it’s not light magic, or at least not the kind I can typically sense.] [I wonder what’s going on..?]
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the-writer-machine · 2 months
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[Oh, you're back.]
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Patch me into kerfus.
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I'll explain later.
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A glowing rift appears within the world.
It begins to get brighter, likely indicating something is about to come through…
What is that?!
[Dunno. Get outta here, go call the other two. I'll handle this for now.]
[...However I have too.]
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alulablog · 1 month
Alula has been hiding from the mini-fifh in the ruins for hours now…
Suddenly, there’s a bright flash of light outside.
Alula peeks outside. The mini-fifh appear to be gone, but the rifh is still there…
*the two peek outside.*
still there! i wonder if any more fish is gonna come out… at least they’re not here now…?
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os-mapmaker · 4 months
Hmm… before I begin making a map of all the currently known OneShot timelines, I should collect a bio for as many characters across timelines as possible.
If you have a OneShot RP blog and notice this post, like or reblog so I can find you to get an interview with your timeline’s characters.
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diginiko-asks · 1 month
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ask-player-of-games · 2 months
With the original rifh closed, the light energies of the defeated mini-fifh begin to combine together into one large blue light…
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Suddenly, the light explodes into a new, even bigger rifh.
The new rifh begins to glow brightly… Something new is coming out, and it’s likely going to be much bigger than a mini-fifh…
Well that's concerning
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guilty-shot-au · 2 months
Within the mirage, a rift emerges.
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It’s glowing. Something is trying to enter the world…
And here the anomaly appeared in the world, near the mirages of Selvia.
Another threat was ready put the world at danger (?) ((I think??)).
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(to alula)
have a basket of croissants, my avian friend
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tides-of-timelines · 9 days
The tides have reached their peak.
The finale begins now.
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A rifh opens up in an almost empty white void…
. . .
It begins to glow…and out falls a young plant spirit.
( @squares-begone )
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