royalarchivist · 6 months
Bagi: I think Badboyhalo is turning green. Without the rainbow stuff, I saw green stuff in his hand- in his back.
Fit: You might be right, yeah. I mean, it's hard to tell with- Hold on. Wait- wait. Bad, take your shirt off. Take your shirt off.
Bad: Well, I mean, I don't know if this is the right setting for-
Fit: Take your shirt off. [Leans into the mic and uses a deeper voice] Take your shirt off, take your shirt off, take your shirt off.
Empanada: whoa there are kids here and its me D:
Fit: Don't worry, Empanada- Bad's my good friend, and I just want to make sure that he's doing okay, you know? That's all I'm doing.
Bad: [Disappointed] Oh, ok... I guess Pac would be upset if it was anything else. Anyway!
Fit: Wait, what? What? Huh?
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[ Full Transcript ↓ ]
Bagi: I think Badboyhalo is turning green.
Empanada: [In response to Bad saying everything is fine] mhm sure uncle bad i believe you especially
Fit: You might be right, yeah. Wait, hold on- I mean, it's hard to tell with-
Bagi: Without the rainbow stuff, I saw green stuff in his hand- in his back.
Fit: Wait, really?
Bagi: In his back, yeah.
Bad: Yeah, I don't know what Bagi is talking about. [In a loud whisper] Bagi's been seeing things, Fit!
Fit: Hold on, wait- wait. Bad, take your shirt off. Take your shirt off.
Bad: Well, I mean, I don't know if this is the right setting for-
Fit: Take your shirt off. [Leans into the mic and uses a deeper voice] Take your shirt off, take your shirt off, take your shirt off, take your shirt off.
Bagi: [Cracking up]
Bad: OK, ok, ok! It's off! There you go!
Fit: [Sees the infection / marking on Bad's back] Um... That doesn't, uh... Yeah, you might want to get that checked out.
Bagi: It's kinda different, you know?
Fit: Yeah, I think you might want to see a doctor.
Bad: Nah, it looks fine! No, it looks fine.
Empanada: whoa there are kids here and its me D:
Fit: Don't worry, Empanada- I'm just checking- Bad's my good friend, and I just want to make sure that he's doing okay, you know? Like, that's all I'm doing.
Bad: [Disappointed] Oh, ok... I guess Pac would be upset if it was anything else. Anyway!
Fit: Wait, what? What? Huh? Huh? What?
Bad: Oh, you didn't want to check out my muscles? Anyways, it's fine... I just- you know. Anyways...
Empanada: you got pac after all
Fit: Yeah Empanada, he's my roommate! Yeah, he's my roommate, it's- it's- it's cool, it's cool.
Bad: You got Pac, after all. Your roommate.
Fit: My roommate, My roommate.
Empanada: sure tell yourself that
Bad: [Cracks up]
Bagi: [Also cracking up] Oh Empanada, I love you so much! You're definitely my daughter! You're so my daughter! Here- Empanada, here's another cookie for you!
Fit: [Groans] I'm catching strays, I'm catching strays from an Egg today, oh no...
Bad: This is great! Oh, my goodness...
Empanada: you wore each others clothes tio
Fit: Yeah, but that- but I mean, that was- I- I know it- it- um...
Bad: I love this, this is great.
Fit: I got nothing, I got nothing... I got no defense to that.
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bonefall · 2 months
Heyyyy since there's talk of the Breezepelt Attacking Poppyfrost scene going around, I just wanna remind people that he explicitly does that because he was groomed by the Dark Forest. Jayfeather points it out on the page that Breezepelt's stated motivation doesn't make sense, because it's not actually a rational idea Breezy-P came up with. It's then shown that actual factual evil demons are exploiting the anger he has from being a victim of child abuse, to indoctrinate and manipulate him into radical violence
I wrote a little essay about this with citations and stuff. It wasn't "for no reason," and anyone who tries to use the scene as "evidence" of Breezepelt being Secretly Evil to justify the abuse he underwent as a kid either didn't read it, has bad reading comprehension skills, or is cherrypicking on purpose.
Crowfeather emotionally and physically abused his child, Breezepelt was socially alienated by WindClan as a result, which leads to this moment. That is what is on the page.
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I was going through some Korean blogs on Naver, and found someone's 5-heart review of a bar, written in late 2023. Apparently the blogger found the bar's music really nice & looked up/saved 3 songs.
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cosbeans · 1 year
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comm for a friend :] <3
ᵐʸ ᶜᵒᵐᵐᶦˢᶦᵒⁿˢ ᵃʳᵉ ˢᵗᶦˡˡ ᶜᵘʳʳᵉⁿᵗˡʸ ᵒᵖᵉⁿᵎ
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cloudpalettes · 2 years
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i never hated you
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theshushdragonsleeps · 3 months
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Finally drew Goldfinch fan art! They are definitely my favorite duo
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threshie · 1 month
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@abz-j-harding @proton-wobbler @a-dinosaur-a-day My dash did this fun thing, and I thought you should see it. 🥰
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sukugo · 7 months
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gojo's lips in jujutsu kaisen 0
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chilumitos · 7 months
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𝆬 𓈒 ⴰ 🧁 my baby 𓈒 ۫ ೀ
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theswedishpajas · 8 months
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helsensm · 5 months
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started making it. had a breakdown. bon appetite.
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royalarchivist · 1 month
Phil: So apparently, me talking about Tajín the other day got the attention of Roier's girlfriend, and she messaged Kristin and was like, "Oh, if Phil really likes Tajín, he might try this!" and it's called "Miguelito" I think? It's like a sweeter version of Tajín, almost. So I ordered some, it wasn't cheap, and- here you go– [Phil holds the small orange packet up to the camera] I haven't tried it yet. Gonna try it. It might my new favorite.
Sabi (Roier's girlfriend) recommending new Mexican treats and spices to Phil is so sweet 🥺💕
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deimosatellite · 1 year
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your hand in marriage mr kunikida OTL
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devilart2199-aibi · 1 year
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▶️ Vote Beans
▶️ Vote Tango
▶️ Vote Etho
▶️ Vote Cleo
▶️ Vote Ren
▶️ Vote Scar
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ttullp · 1 year
baby, i’m jealous ! oneshot operation name pure love, go eunhyuk x reader this has been on my drafts for so long time to let it go ig
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eunhyuk had arrived a bit earlier then expected. you both had agreed to meet up at the train station a few hours after school to go watch a movie together. the initial plan was to go together immediately after school, but lets just say something abruptly came up that you had delay it by a few hours.
he was aimlessly scrolling through his phone, as he was trying to think of a reason as to why you suddenly delayed your plan. as if on cue, the song that reminded him of you played on his earphones. his lips slightly quirked upwards, remembering the times where you both had just started the relationship. the times where you would introduce him to the songs that piqued your interests, the songs you would both listen to on the bus on the way to school.
he looked at the time, it was already 3.55 pm. the movie you both were going to see is at 4.30, and the agreed time for you to meet each other at the train station was 3.45 pm. 'i guess she still has something to deal with' was what he thought as he looked around the station. everyone was busy minding their own business and tending to their own lives.
once again, eunhyuk finds himself staring at the people passing in and out of the entrance, hoping to find a familiar figure amidst all the crowd, you. just as he was lost in daze, he spotted you trying to go through the flock of people finding their way out
eunhyuk stepped towards your direction and reached out his hand with the intention of pulling you out to a less crowded place.
he grabbed your right hand and dragged you to a less cramped space. he wondered if you suddenly gained more weight overnight, it was just the fact that he didn't recall you being this particular weight when he had pulled you to his side.
"ah, eunhyuk! you're here already" you beamed as the familiar sight of his facial features come into vision.
before eunhyuk could reply to your greeting, he noticed a hand clutching onto your left hand, a male's. looking right past your shoulder was another familiar figure with eyes that match their blonde golden hair. even if he's wearing a cap, his features wear easy to distinguish.
"gee y/n, why'd you suddenly walked so fast" grumbled the said blonde
"baek dohwa." eunhyuk spat out coldly, glaring at him "what are you doing with my girlfriend and may i ask why you're grasping onto her hand so desperately?" emphasizing the word 'my'.
"well your girlfriend here insisted on me coming" dohwa scoffed, also emphasizing the word 'your'.
eunhyuk could feel turmoil raging in his heart, the weird feeling he would feel whenever he sees you being with someone else other than him. was it sadness he felt? anger? was he angry that you decided to spend your time on with someone else?
he didn't know. from what he could tell, baek dohwa was nothing but a playboy.
"uhm-" you stepped in the middle of both of them "eunhyuk if we don't get going were going to miss our train" eunhyuk gritted his teeth "lets go."
you trailed behind you boyfriend, looking back and waving a quite goodbye to dohwa. dohwa waved back at you with a smirk.
glancing back at your raven haired partner, his dissatisfied expression definitely noticeable.
"are you mad?" you questioned "no" he answered, a hidden tone that somewhat made it sound as if he was mad.
the sound of both your footsteps being heard amidst the bustling crowds, you checked time on your phone, it was already 4.05
both of you had probably missed the train at this point, oh well.
you stopped in your tracks, pulling eunhyuk gently by the hand, also stopping him. your eyes met his gaze, his eyebrows quirking up, 'why'd you stop?' clearly written on his face, as if he's annoyed
"you know dohwa's my cousin, right?" you sighed, as if the blonde being your cousin isn't a known fact going around your school, your boyfriend just so happens to not know
"what?" confusion now painted all over his facial features yep. he definitely didn't know.
"i was heading towards here and bumped into him on the way, he decided to tag along even when i told him to mind his own business" you scoffed, being used to his antics by now
"oh i see.." he replied, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly, contemplating what to say next "so are we going to catch that movie, or..?"
you chuckled, grabbing a hold of his hand "sure, lets go"
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the-phantom-peach · 11 months
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You guys are never going to fucking believe this
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