#outerbanks story
seriesxwriting · 1 year
Give us a chance
W Rafe Cameron
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Series- outer banks!
Summary- He’s been ignoring you lately? But now you and Rafe get stranded in the middle of the sea. Just you two. Alone. You can’t both hide your feelings foreverrr.
Warnings- swearing, kissing, Rafe saving your character from boys taking advantage.
(No season three spoilers in this)
Request are open for all and anything🫶
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“Are you serious right now” Rafe stormed over to me pulling me away from some guys lap. I don’t even know who he was but- alcohol makes you do stupid things. “Rafe- get off me” I giggled pushing him away from me. “Are you serious y/n” “what are you moaning about now” my eyes rolled as my arms folded. I tried to look at him but my eyes began falling shut.
“Your fucking hammered- you can barely stand up” he stepped over catching me with one arm around my waist. “That’s because you dragged me up from my seat too fast” I raised my eyebrows at him. “I’m taking you home” “Rafe no! I’m havi- having fun” I shook my head trying to pull back.
“Y/n!” “Why! Why are you taking me home why are you looking out for me- you do it all the time I see you watching me at parties, you’ve been watching me all night here” I frowned raising my voice slightly. “Because we’re friends” he frowned stepping close to me again.
“We were friends!” I scoffed, turning away from him as my eyes filled up with tears. “Before you so randomly started blowing me off and ignoring me- I’m not leaving with you unless you tell me why”. Rafe stared at me blankly before bringing his hand up to rub the side of his head. “Fine we will talk but on the way home” he bargained with me throwing me a stern look.
I gazed around at the rest of the party on the little near by island we had found. “Fine- how did you get here” “my boat” Rafe nodded his head towards it. “Come on- on then” I stirred spinning around a bit too fast, as I took my first step my legs began to wobble. Rafe lifted me in one Swift move, holding me in his arms walking to the boat.
“Unnecessary” I whispered wrapping my arms around his neck, kind of liking being up here. He stoped at the steps of his grand yacht to look down at me with his baby blue eyes. Holding the eye contact. Hot. How easy it would be to lift my head up right now.
“C-can you climb up?” Rafe shook his head tearing away from me. “Yes- yeah” I nodded gripping the ladder as rafe put me down on land. We both climbed up and went to sit in the wheelhouse. “I’m going to make you a coffee first- sober you up” “are you just delaying your answer?” I curled up in a ball on the sofa removing my shoes. Rafe looked at me with a knowing look and smiled before disappearing.
The music was fading when Rafe closed the door, the sounds of the party drowned out while I waited for him to return. He took about ten minutes before coming back with a blanket, slippers and a coffee in his arms for me. I smiled when I saw him, that was cute. “Five sugars?” Rafe smirked putting the cup down on the side table. “You remembered?”.
“How could I forget that, I’ve never met anyone else that takes five sugars” he chuckled, laying the slippers on the floor and opening the blanket for me. “Thank you Rafe” I nodded my head once. The boy kinda brushed past it, he wasn’t much of a sappy person and he couldn’t take a compliment or a thank you from anyone. Ever.
He started up the engine on the boat and slowly we started sailing away while I sipped my coffee and watched the island fade away. “So tell me” I looked over at him after a few minutes of silence. “What did I do wrong” “nothing” he replied bluntly staring into the pitch black ocean. “So what happened then? Why did you start pretending like I didn’t exist”
“We’re not doing this, I just said that so i could get you home” “I know” I answered softly. “it was worth a try” my shoulders shrugged sadly. “I also know I haven’t done anything wrong, because I’d never do anything to upset you rafe” I told him truthfully. “What ever it is you can talk to me we can sort it out- I don’t want you to stay away from me”
“That’s easier said than done, even if I wanted to I clearly couldn’t stay away from you” he told me in the exact same tone and facial expression. “Did- you want to?” I asked lowly hoping for a no. “No” Rafe turned to look at me now for the first time in this conversation. “I had to- I have to”.
“Why?” I questioned feeling full of confusion. “Why” Rafe laughed looking back into the night. “Why did you get so drunk tonight, there’s many why’s” he replied.
“I- had another argument with my parents” I told him after a few seconds looking at the floor. “That still happening?” “They want me to follow in the family business- I don’t want to, it’s never going to be solved” “well, I want to be in the family business- I feel like my dad doesn’t want me there sometimes” Rafe laughed to himself.
I looked over at him smiling at our similarities, just as I did the boat engine began to stop. Rafe frowned and hit the petrol sign on the panel like that was going to solve something. “What the fuck” he whispered to himself turning the key again and again. “Out of petrol?” “No I’ve still got half a tank- something must be caught it’s too dark to go out and see” he sighed putting his head in his hands.
“Fuck!” The boy slammed his hand into the steering wheel making me jump and spill the coffee down the blanket. “Shit- im sorry” Rafe jumped up when he noticed to grab a pack of tissues. “It’s- its okay, we just have to wait right? until the morning” “yeah” he nodded wiping the coffee off me whilst knelt down. He looked up at me and chuckled raising a hand with his thumb out.
He dragged it across my cheek wiping the splashes of coffee off me. I caught his hand when he tried taking it back. In this moment it was just me and Rafe in the world. The sounds of the sea were the only thing that could be heard. He was staring into my eyes and I did it back. I didn’t want this moment to end.
But something had to ruin it. A boat noise appeared and it sounded like someone was parking next to us. “Who’s- that?” I whispered feeling a sense of fear take over me. “Stay here” Rafe rubbed my hand with his thumb before standing up to go and see who it was. He opened the door peering down the side of the boat.
“Rafe? That you?” A voice yelled up “yeah” he called back down. “It’s just Tommy” Rafe told me when I stood up. I walked over to the side of him to see a very drunk Tommy, Daniel and Carl in the little speed boat beside us. “Y/n? What you doing here” Tommy asked loudly. “going- home” I answered.
“So Why are you guys parked in the middle of nowhere- you Two been up to something?” Carl giggled swigging the bottle again. “Nah engine is fucked we’re just waiting it out” Rafe told them taking precautions it looked like. Seeing Rafe looking at them like that made me feel kind of scared. What was he thinking, what were they up to?
The three boys started giggling and whispering to each other about something. “Tell you what, we will take y/n home, take real good care of her for you so she’s not stuck out here huh” Tommy offered up with a grin. I didn’t want to go with them something was off, but I didn’t know how to say no. I moved forward to go down the stairs but Rafe cut off my exist with his arm. Thank heaven. No thank Rafe Cameron.
“Yeah i Don’t think so” he shook his head with a smiled on the corner of his mouth. “What’s the problem Rafe? Don’t you want her safe at home” Carl laughed wiggling his eyebrows “she’s safe here, you can go now” “all kinda threats out here” “I said you can go, or are we going to have a problem? Because I promise you will lose” Rafe leant over the rail of the boat.
“It really should be the ladies decision- we could have some real fun together” Tommy smirked undressing me with his eyes. “Of course that part probably wouldn’t have been the ladies decision” carl shrugged and the three boys laughed. Rafe slammed his hand down on the pole before racing down the stairs. Tommys face dropped and he tried starting the boat up again.
Rafe reached over the side grabbing Carl by the neck. “You talk about her like that again I’ll fucking drown you” Rafe spat, as he drew his arm back to punch Tommy started the speed boat and Daniel held onto Carl. Rafe dropped him watching closely as they sped off panicking. My heart pounded against my chest and when Rafe turned around he saw it in my face.
“Your okay there gone” he told me walking back up to me. I ran down the stairs meeting him half way. I’d hugged rafe a thousand times but this time, he instigated it. His arms were open. And I hugged him tight as a tear fell onto his top. “I won’t let anyone lay a fucking finger on you y/n, ever” he whispered into my hair running his hand though it.
“How can you say that to me when your never with me anymore” “I’m always watching out for you, I’d never let anything happen” Rafe told me pushing my head up by my chin. “But yet you still can’t tell me why you can’t even be seen with me” I pulled away drying my eyes. “Y/n it’s in your best interest if you don’t know” he told me sadly and tried to walk up the stairs.
“No it’s not Rafe! I need to know what’s going on it plays on my mind constantly!” “You don’t, you think you do but you don’t want to know” he shook his head gently moving my arm so he could ascend to the top. “How can you possibly know that!” “Because if I tell you y/n! Everything is ruined everything changes!” Rafe shook his head, I noticed his eyes were a little watery too.
“I’m a big girl rafe, i might take you by surprise” I called out desperately still waiting on the steps. “You really… you really want to know?” Rafe chuckled shaking his head. But I just folded my arms and raised one eyebrow up. Rafe looked at me for a second before bolting it down the stairs. He stopped inches away from me, inches away from my lips. “Do you get it yet?” He whispered looking at my lips and then back up to my eyes.
My heart pounded against my chest as I leant in hitting his lips. Rafe pulled back instantly and looked at me with wide eyes. I held my breath waiting for him to say something but instead he came back to me pulling me towards him by my hip. I held onto his neck as we kissed for the first time ever. Rafe was right, this had ruined something. But this could be way better than what we had, change can be good.
He moved a hand to my faces as we pulled away breathless. I didn’t know what to say, neither did he apparently. So we kissed again until one of us knew how to react. “I’m still going to need an explanation here” I told him smiling not letting go of him. “Only if I get one too” Rafe shrugged holding onto me tight. “Can we sit down?”. He nodded taking my hand and we made it to the sofa. Rafe pulled me down by my waist on top of him as I squealed.
“We just kissed” he giggled like a boy with his first crush. “I think I’ve liked you for a long time rafe, I just didn’t realise until you stopped talking to me” I ran my thumb up and down his arm. “That’s why I stopped talking to you” “that doesn’t make sense? Why didn’t you just tell me?” His eyes dropped as if he didn’t want to talk about it. “Didn’t think I stood even a one percent chance really”
“What?” I frowned pushing his face to look at me. “I’m fucked up y/n, you can do better” “your not fucked up rafe! I won’t have you talking about yourself like that- I don’t want anything else I- I only want you rafe” I whispered playing with the bottom of his hair. “Your sweet you just don’t let people see it, but I see it and I always have” “so I haven’t ruined anything?” He questioned holding my face too.
“You made it better- presuming you make me your girlfriend of course” I giggled excitedly. “That was a given the moment I kissed you- I don’t kiss anyone like that” Rafe told me seriously. “I want you, your all I want all I’ve ever wanted” “I want you too rafe” I leant our foreheads together.
“You’ve got me”.
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nyxheda · 26 days
fun fact, i posted a familiar poll exactly 1 year ago.
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willshookaspear · 9 days
NOT BY BLOOD | RAFE - 12: the competition.
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"Fine," Rafe hissed, seemingly giving up. His eyes were black of frustration. His eyes darted down to her lips for just a second but then returned to dig into her eyes.
"Fine," Josie raised her brows in stubbornness, ignoring the tugs that would make it so easy to just let herself sink into him. It was like she actively had to force herself backwards, that's how strong her pull to him was. When Rafe looked as though he could explode he opened his mouth.
"Get back in the car," Rafe said through gritted teeth and pointed to the passenger door. Then he started walking around to his side.
"You don't tell me what to do," Josie hissed, feeling her hot face cool down and her breath come back to her as he stepped away.
"Get back in the car before I put you in the car," Rafe said firmly and opened his door and turned on the ignition. She could tell he wasn't joking and she wasn't looking to get manhandled today. Besides, she wasn't sure Rafe wouldn't just leave her by the side of the road. So she got into the car.
AO3: NOT BY BLOOD | RAFE CAMERON by willshookaspear
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auroras-space25 · 1 month
Hello Tickle Community📸
☁︎︎Hi! I’m Aurora☁︎︎
I’m new to the tickle community so here are some things about my new blog🌏
My requests are open and I will write fics and headcanons ♡︎
I only write for 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐞 characters/people and from a 𝐅𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 reader perspective ✧
I will write for 𝐋𝐞𝐞!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫, 𝐋𝐞𝐫!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫, 𝐒𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫, 𝐃𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫, 𝐒𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫, 𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫, 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫, 𝐓𝐞𝐞𝐧!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𑁍
I’m 18 years old so I’m not very into NSFW content ☽
My prompts are 100% open! Please feel free to put through any ideas ♧︎
I write for 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 and also 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐂𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬 from my list of Fandoms below✬
Messages are open but please be kind and respectful, you are free to ask anything whether it’s about tickling or not, just please be respectful ✫彡
Fandoms I Write For:
𝐓𝐯 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐰𝐬:ꨄ
Supernatural 𝐏𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐥𝐞𝐬 (Sam and Dean)
The Last Of Us
Gilmore Girls 𝐓𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐥𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 (Dean, Jess and Logan)
Teen Wolf
Criminal Minds
Daredevil 𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐭 𝐌𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐨𝐜𝐤 𝐋𝐞𝐫 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧
The Vampire Diaries/The Originals/Legacies
Brooklyn 99
The Summer I Turned Pretty
American Horror Story (Tate/James/Kit/Evan)
Stranger Things
Grey’s Anatomy
10 Things I Hate About You
The Outsiders
Scream 1-6
The Maze Runner
Pirates Of The Caribbean
The Dirt
MCU (Tony, Steve, Bucky, Peter Q, Peter P, Loki, Thor, Bruce, Clint, Deadpool, + The Actors)
Mötley Crüe 𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐫 𝐒𝐭𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐥𝐞𝐬 (𝐓𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐲 𝐋𝐞𝐞)
Guns N Roses
Arctic Monkeys
One Direction
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rafesveryrealgf · 1 year
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you can call me SJ!, 18+ blog, 20s, she/her, reblogs are appreciated!
*Please do not copy my work or move it to any other website/claim as your own, thank you!!*
All of my blurbs are under the #thots !!
* Outerbanks masterlist
* Characters I write for:
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starkeyba3 · 11 months
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Which one would you like to read? 👀
my wattpad: daddyxier
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thatsallshewrot3 · 7 months
Y'all I need these to become stories! Here's a list of prompts I'd love to see y'all use! Feel free to comment any others you think of!
-John B abused either physically or mentally by Big John
-The pogues finding out from Shoupe that someone tried to kill John B in jail
-John B battling addiction
-John B smokes and tries to quit and JJ is the supportive best friend he is
-John B self-harms after Big John disappears but the pogues don't find out till later on
-JJ is the one on the boat in season one instead of sarah when they get lost at sea
- John B gets kidnapped
-A JJ and John B Christmas
-A pogue Thanksgiving
-A pogue Christmas- lots of chaos and fluff and emotions
-John B gets stuck inside somewhere and the Pogues try to rescue him
-More about John B in jail
-The Pogues get matching tattoos
-A pogue vacation (Possibly somewhere snowy)
-John B collapses from lack of food (because I mean he's a teenager with no money before the gold. let's face it he's skipping meals)
-JJ and John B road trip
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ohbx · 1 year
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Kie’s insta story
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roleplay-acc · 3 months
Hi friends!! 19F here looking for a specific fandom rp… I’m currently obsessed with stranger things but have a specific hyperfixation on Henry creel/ 001 so am craving for someone to write him for me please on my hands and knees begging literally. I use discord majority of the time and I double up so will happily play anyone else for you, even if it’s someone from a totally different fandom. I write in detail when and if I have the motivation. I do loads of other fandoms even if I haven’t watched some I can still write a certain character for you if you do the same for me. If this interests you feel free to like this post or reach out. Ty !
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seriesxwriting · 1 year
rafe x maybank!reader where she goes to rafe after luke beat her up, but they’re not actually dating, just friends with benefits and he gets so worried cuz he doesn’t know about how luke treats her and jj and he just takes care of her
Thank you so much, I appreciate the request!! This sounds so fun to write I hope I can capture your idea for you<3.
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He’s my safe haven
Rafe x reader (jjs sister)
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Series- Outer banks
Warnings- swearing, domestic abuse (fighting), degrading words, sort of kissing. Main character putting herself down.
Summary- Request 💗
-requests are open for any characters 🫶
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“Where are you going bitch?” Luke scowled from the sofa. He had another beer in his hand now after I’d kicked the other one all over the floor trying to get away from him.
“Somewhere your not” I sniffed through the pain my body was going through. “And where are you going to go” he laughed out loud throwing his head bad. “No one wants you, you don’t matter to anyone” my dad spat at me before taking another slip. He slapped his lips together and put the glass on the table, getting up.
“She’s had enough!” JJ stormed out of his room to stand in front of me. “J don’t” I winced but he put his arm out to block me. “I decide when she’s had enough” luke chuckled getting closer to us. He violently grabbed JJ by the neck and threw him on the floor.
I tried to get out of the door but Luke gripped my ponytail pulling it backwards hard. I grunted as he slammed me into the wall. A second after he landed a gnarly punch to my stomach.
Repeating his actions from an half an hour ago. “You do it to yourself you know that, by just talking you do it to yourself” he screwed up his face before his fist drove back again. Using my knee I pushed him backwards before kicking him in between the legs.
He cried out in pain and I ran for the door. “You’ll get what’s coming for you one day” I slammed the door in his face and bolted from the house. Of course it was raining. In fact it was pouring down. I did hear something about a storm on the news earlier.
As much as I hated to admit it luke was technically right. I had no place to go, no safe haven. But running through the rain, crying my eyes out and being in so much fucking pain led me to one idea. It was a long shot but it was the only idea I had. And off to figure eight I went.
I knocked on Rafe’s window after climbing up biting back the screams from the intense pain all across my body. He was laying on his bed when he rolled his head over to sus out the noise. When he saw me sitting on the seal he grinned and bounced up tossing his phone on the bed.
“Well Well Well, look who it is showing up at my window” he swung his arms smugly walking towards the window to open it for me. He lifted the glass up and I climbed in.
“Hi” I breathed awkwardly looking at him, as I did his face dropped. “What the fuck happened?” He strode forward like we were magnets and held my face in his hands. Softly his thumb ran over a bruise that was forming on my cheek. He turned my face to the other side seeing another on my jawline. “You never seen a bruise before?” I smirked leaning forward into a kiss.
Rafe softly planted a quick kiss on my lips before pulling away from my face shaking his head.
“Just help me forget it rafe” I stepped closer to him again. “Not this time y/n- sit down” Rafe ordered pointing to his bed letting go of me.
He wondered off into his on-sweet while I didn’t know what to do with myself. “You going to tell me what happened?” He asked when coming back out. “I fell” my Shoulders shrugged awkwardly.
“Well your clearly lying, will you sit down please?” He asked again with a small medial kit under his arm. “Rafe this is not necessary, it don’t matter! I don’t matter!” I raised my voice slightly feeling my eyes prick with tears again.
“Y/n” he whispered shaking his head coming over to hug me as my chin wobbled. As soon as he did I broke down crying into his shirt balling it up in my fist just to keep him close. Rafe guided me to the bed where he sat and pulled me onto his lap. “You matter to me” he whispered squeezing me gently.
“Ive seen bruises on your body before- i think I was scared to ask in all honesty, but never on your face y/n never this bad”. I pulled away from his chest to look up at him wiping my face. “This isn’t your shit to deal with Rafe” I shook my head vigorously.
“Does it really look like I mind?” Rafe interrogated raising his eyebrow up. “Why is it so hard to believe I just want to help you” “I’ve told you how to help” I whispered moving my hand up to his face. “Don’t be stupid your clearly hurt, you need to rest” Rafe took my hand off his face holding it.
“And you need to change out of these wet clothes I can’t believe your dad let you out there in a storm”. My face dropped when Rafe mentioned my dads name and he picked up on it.
“I’m going to get you some of Sarah’s clothes from the utility room- your welcome to use the shower there’s towels in there” Rafe kissed my hand before getting up and leaving the room. It was tempting, rafes shower was the best feeling in the world. “Fuck it” I shrugged and headed to the kooks shower.
I was only in there for ten or fifteen minutes before coming back into rafes room with a green towel wrapped around me. My hair was brushed out now too so I looked less of a mess. “Hey” I smiled weakly, Rafe watched the bruising on my chest and on my thighs as I walked round to him.
He didn’t say anything just got up and put his arm out to hold my face. I flinched. I don’t know why I didn’t mean to I know Rafe wouldn’t ever hurt me. “I’m sorry I…” “…Is it luke?” He whispered pulling back and cutting me off, looking into my eyes. Now I didn’t say anything, just stared up at him.
“I’m going to get changed now” I shut down the conversation and reached over picking up the pile of clothes rafe laid out for me, walking back into the bathroom. My heart pounded against my chest. Rafe had gotten me some grey jogging bottoms, a white crop top and a matching grey jumper for over the top which I didn’t put on because I was boiling, unfortunately that left on show the worst bruise that Luke landed on me before I left.
When I came back into rafes room he was laying in bed with the TV on. He patted the other side not looking at me.
Hesitantly, I walked over and climbed in under the warm covers next to him. The boy scooped me up landing my head on his chest while his arms were wrapped tightly around me.
“He’s a piece of shit” rafe whispered to me after a second, almost like he couldn’t hold it back. “I know” I replied with a minimal response. “And so Is JJ for letting that happen” “don’t say that” I snapped shaking my head. “JJ gets it worse because he’s always protecting me”, Rafe hummed watching the tv but not listening to it. He was thinking.
“You can’t go back there y/n” he exhaled sounding worried. “I have to go back rafe there’s no where else for me to go”
“You can crash here” rafe suggested clinging onto me tighter. “He’s my dad Rafe, i cant avoid him forever and I can’t stay here forever” I rubbed his hand with my thumb. “But it’s cute you care” I smiled to myself. “of course I care” he replied quickly, “you just need to know that your welcome here when ever you need- AND that you do matter y/n, you do”.
“thank you Rafe” I whispered looking up at him. His face was so close to mine. All I had to do was close the two centimetre gap between our lips. It was tempting, have you seen that man? Of course it was tempting.
He looked down at me with his piercing blue eyes and smirked after a few seconds. “Get it out your head it’s not happening yet, your still hurt” “yet is the key word there Cameron” I grinned shrugging. Rafe chuckled hugging me tighter.
I found my safe haven. It wasn’t a place after all, it was a person. It was Rafe Cameron.
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nyxheda · 19 days
Can you make a list with every show you watched? xx
I'm gonna rank each one of them.
The 100
Pretty Little Liars
American Horror Story
The Secret Circle
Skam Norway
The Originals
The Vampire Diaries
Hemlock Grove
Chilling Adventures Of Sabrina
Gossip Girl
The Legacies
The End Of The Fucking World
Anne With An E
Ginny & Georgia
Orange Is The New Black
Stranger Things
Teen Wolf
A Series Of Unfortunate Events
I Am Not Okay With This
13 Reasons Why
H2O/Sam & Cat r like childhood shows
i never finished Eyewitness/Deadly Class/Never Have I Ever
so i think those r all the shows i ever watched?
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goldengirlls · 2 years
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deion appreciation post
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agerefandoms · 1 year
The start of something new
Little! JJ
Babysitter! John B
(Fic. Word count: 1,046)
Plot: when JJ accidently slips for the very first time after a surfing accident, it's up to John B to save the day and start JJ on the path to something entirely new
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JJ and John B were racing toward the surf break. Anyone could hear the delighted laughs coming from both of them as they raced each other to the water line.
John B made it there first. His board hit the water and he jumped on, JJ following half a second behind.
"Ha! 3rd time in a row I bet you little man. Maybe you should just admit that I'm better then you!"
The causal nickname scratched at the back of JJ's mind and it got a little bit bigger. It was something that he can't quite put his finger on but has been getting evermore urgent. A feeling. It was as if it swallowed all thoughts and left him feeling... he didn't even know how to describe it himself. So he just pushed it back to the depths of his mind.
"Only because I tripped on a rock, gold digger" he teased back.
The friendly competition was quickly pushed aside when they hit the surf break.
They surfed for a while, both content to just be in each other's company and in the water.
That is, until JJ decided that he was going to try a foam climb. He would have gotten it too but he picked the wrong wave and it came crashing down on him sooner then expected.
His board flew out from under him and quickly got swallowed by the waves. He was dragged along behind and engulfed in the waves. He struggled to get up to the surface but it would have been a good 10 seconds before he was able to get a breathe and then he was quickly sucked down again.
And the same time, John B saw him get sucked under and sprung into action. He paddled over to where he saw JJ's board fly out from under him and watched to surface anxiously. When he finally did pop up, John B dived off his board.
He grabbed him by the back of his wetsuit and dragged him up to his board.
That feeling at the back of JJ's mind engulfed everything as soon as he was able to gulp in some air. He felt... soft
"Jesus's christ JJ. What happened? Are you ok?" John B asked, while doing a quick scan to make sure nothing was bleeding or broken.
That one small act of kindness was all it took for the water works to start. Within 10 seconds, broken sobs were breaking free from the poor boy. He scrambled to keep holding onto the borrowed board.
Of course, this just confused John B more. Out of all the years he's known JJ he's only ever seen him cry 3 times. Once when his mother left. Once when his father hit him the first time and once when he broke his leg. Certainly it's not like JJ to cry after missing a wave.
"Hey hey hey. JJ? What wrong? Are you hurt?" John B asked, somewhat frantically. He was sure that JJ had broken something. And something bad.
So when a certain slipped boy sobbed out a broken "da- da", John B was left at a lost for what to do.
He settled on slowly paddling himself and JJ in, figuring that he can calm JJ down and maybe call for an ambulance better on ground. (551)
It was a slow process of John B paddling out a few metres, then stopping to readjust himself and JJ for a minute.
After about 10 minutes though, they made it back and by this point, he had cried himself to a point of hyperventilation. But to John B's relief, he was uninjured.
"J. JJ. Can you look at me? Please?" John B asked gently.
Slowly but surely, JJ came down from his panic attack. He latched onto John B's arm. Still shaking slightly.
JJ didn't slow his cries but he did lift his gaze to John B with desperate "dada" thrown in every so often.
"Good boy JJ. Can you try and slow your breathing for me?" He asked
Did John B have any idea as to what was happening? No
Was he still going to do his best to help his best friend? Hell yeah
And if that meant JJ hiding in John B's arms while calling him "dada", then John B was alright with that.
He could always figure out what happened later after all
It took John B nearly a half hour to calm JJ down enough that he stopped crying.
He decided right then and there that JJ would not be going home to his dad. So John B stood up, getting ready to go to the van.
JJ just stared at him blankly, not making any move to get up.
"Come on bubba. We need to get you back to the shack so we can get cleaned up. Can you stand up please?"
Still he sat there, the poor kid not at all comprehending what the other boy was talking about.
Eventually John B gave up and picked him up. He was surprised by how easily he could pick him up and made a mental note to have a chat to him later about how much he is eating.
He carried JJ over to the Van and put JJ in the passenger seat. He put on his seat belt and they rode back to the shack in silence.
It wasn't long before they got back to the shack but the sun was starting to set, signalling to John B that they had been at the beach all day.
Luckily they had told all the other pogues where they were going before hand so he didn't have to worry about any check ins until the next morning.
He carried him in and placed him as gently as he could on his bed. JJ quickly buried his head into the soft pillow.
He reminded John B so much of a small child that he dug through his bag of childhood belongings as fast as he could to produce a stuffed shark.
He placed the shark in JJ's arms before backing out of the room as quietly as possible. Which of course meant John B tripping over a clump of clothes.
He stumbled out of the room and closed the door. It was only 7 pm but he figured that JJ would be asleep for the rest of the night after the crying session he had earlier.
So he jumped on the old family computer and began researching what the hell happened on that beach.
He researched late into the night, crashing on the couch at well into the early morning.
JJ woke up before he did. He woke him up by putting some old bread into the toaster.
"Morning John B. How'd you sleep?" He asked causally.
"... Morning?" He replied, confused by how... normal JJ was acting. "What happened yesterday?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean why did you cry for nearly an hour after falling off your board?"
This made JJ pause where he was before quietly asking "I did what?"
"You cried for nearly an hour yesterday" John B wasn't sure whether or not JJ had slipped before so he knew he needed to be careful with how he handled this.
"I don't remember doing that man" he replied, continuing with buttering 4 pieces of toast. (492)
"What do you remember?"
"Uhhh... I remember coming off the board. I remember getting caught in the white wash. I remember feeling really scared. And the last thing i remember is you asking me if I was ok before just feeling... fuzzy I guess?" The blonde groaned in frustration. He slammed the knife into the counter, frustrated with being unable to communicate exactly what he meant.
"Have you ever had that 'fuzzy' feeling before?" John B prompted
"I mean... kinda? Ne'er as overwhelmin' as ye'te'ay though." JJ let out a very childish whine apon discovering that his words weren't obeying him again.
"JJ... do you know what age regression is?" He asked, getting over how uncomfortable he is to help his best friend.
"Nuh uh" he replied.
"Well J, age regression is basically when someone's mind reverts to when they were younger" he replied.
"'S dat why 'm talkin' all funny 'n' all fuzzy?" The mentally younger boy asked simply.
"Mmh. So can you tell me how old you feel right now bubba?"
JJ thought about before replying excitedly, "'M 4 I t'ink"
John B chuckled at his enthusiasm. "Well what do you wanna do baby J?"
JJ blushed at the nickname before taking another moment to think, instead replying, "John B?"
"I wan' go ba'k to de be
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equallyshaw · 2 years
ᴛʜᴇ ᴘʀɪɴᴄᴇꜱꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ᴀᴍᴇʀɪᴄᴀɴ ʙᴏʏ - Qᴜɪɴɴ ʜᴜɢʜᴇꜱ. ᴘᴛ 3.
Snippet that has characters face claims:
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warnings: swearing.
word count: 3.01k
@pierrelucduboiis - love u and all the support !
Piper stared at the ceiling in her private suite at the Carlyle Hotel in New York city, down the hall from her brother, Natasha and Eric. The four had landed around 2 am private jet after spending a week in Manhattan Beach. Which meant now, there summer in the States was winding down. They'd be spending three days here and then off to Toronto and potentially Vancouver to see some of there family friends. Piper heard a knock before her door opened, revealing Joey and a tray of breakfast. "You read my mind, Joe." She mused, sitting up and pulling the sheets to her covered chest. He smiled, making sure everything was good before walking and giving her a playful salute. She hopped off the bed and quickly jogged to the closet, throwing the door open and smiling at the sight in front of her. Quinn Hughes discheveled on the floor, on his phone, with the most incredible bed head. He looked up at her and caught her smile, "What are you smiling at at this ungodly hour?" he mused getting up and stepping towards her, pushing some hair behind her ear, whilst staring into her eyes. She giggled softly, as he leaned in and pulled her in by the waist as he kissed her. She melted into the kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck pulling him in as close as possible. They broke apart, blushing likes fools. "Well theres this guy that hurriedly ran in here when somebodies brother mentioned Joey would be stopping by with breakfast." She joked looking down at his bare chest, softly rubbing it with her index finger. "Hmm, some guy huh?" He said with delight in his eye. She nodded looking up, "Hmm. He can't seem to get a brush through his hair though. Got any tips?" She said playfully pushing some of his hair out of his eyes. "Ohh, cheeky girl." He said picking her up and jogging over to the bed and throwing her down gently.
She grinned, as he laid down next to her. "Hi there." She said leaning in and giving him a quick peck. He grinned, throwing the comforter over them.
Two hours later, after many cups of coffee and croissants. Natasha, Piper, August, Eric and Quinn made there way out of the hotel and went for some more coffee before heading over to some sightseeing places the twins had always wanted to go. "You're saying that all the times you've been here, you've never gone to central park?" Eric asked as they all got there coffee and the twins nodded. "Our parents would go for like early morning runs sometimes but we never got to go." August explained, taking ahold of Natasha's hand. She smiled up at him, "Also, I wanna do the Roosevelt Island air ferry or whatever it's called." Piper added. Quinn got quiet and tense, which Piper took notice of quickly. "You okay?" She questioned looking up at the boy. He nodded, but she didn't take that answer. "Are you afraid of heights?" She asked and he hesitantly nodded. She softly smiled, giving him a quick peck on the cheek. He looked down at her, giving her a confused but cute look. "Its fine. We don't have to do it." She smiled, pulling him along to get back with the other three.
"We do need to be at the hotel soon, though guys." Piper explained a few hours later, as they were finishing up a later lunch. The twins were needed to be ready to leave at around 6 pm in order to get to the exhibit on time with the Sussex's. They could not be a minute late. "Dude, there is not way were gonna get back on time." August explained. The group were all the way on the other side of time and walking would be too much. "I volunteer to rent a car." Piper said raising his hand. The group nodded, preparing to leave the resturant. Normal people, or people who weren't in the public eye like them, could take ubers and taxis but the twins could not. It was too dangeorus. Thankfully rent-a-car was down the street and they made there way down there. "Everybody buckle up...it may be a bumpy ride." August joked causing his twin to flip him off causing the group to laugh. "Alrighty, maps please." She said taking August's phone and putting in the hotel and were fortunate to be getting back in time to get ready. Piper pulled out of the spot, and into the street. They made it 10 minutes before, Piper noticed a black suv had been trailing them for the duration of the ride. "Auggie..." Piper breathed softly, looking into her mirrors. Her breathing began to speed up, her thoughts getting sucked into the music. Her eyes began to water, the feeling of having no way out was becoming reality. They were stuck in traffic. Unable to escape. "Auggie." Piper said a bit louder, her knuckles turning white. The four were stuck in a heated conversation not realizing the situation at hand. "No. No!" Piper screamed as she saw the window open and a camera coming in view. "Auggie!" Piper said as traffic began to move. She looked over to her right and saw another car next to them, they were surrounded. "Oh shit!" August said realizing what was happening. "Piper just keep driving, we are okay." August tried to reassure his twin. They came to another stop, and another suv came up to the left of them. "They're following us." Piper said through tears. "What the fuck is wrong with these people?" Natasha asked looking around the car. "They always find us, somehow someway." August responded. "Piper, keep your eyes forward." August said typing away on his phone. The scene was a blur as they waited in traffic, and it happened so quickly. Somebody hopped out the suv to the left of them and proceeded to take photos of Piper driving. Clearly, getting shots of Quinn and the others in the backseat. Piper sobbed, as her anxiety began. August could tell she was getting flashbacks, and proceeded to take control of the situation. "Get her out of that seat, Quinn. Now!" He demanded of the dark haired boy, and he unbuckled Piper and pulled her over the console allowing August to get into the drivers seat. Traffic moved on, allowing them to drive off. Natasha pulled the petrified girl into the backseat, Eric helping buckle her and the best friend pulled her into her arms. Piper's mind brought her back to the scariest time in her life, when her family was chased relentlessly back in the UK. Almost resulting in an car crash. Piper shook as August neared the hotel, the group feeling bad for the girl. They were scared, she had never given them any reason before to be.
August pulled into the back of the hotel, hopped out and with Joey's help they were able to get her into the elevator without being seen. The group piled in as Piper clung to her older twin. August knowing exactly what was going through her mind.
Piper layed in bed an hour later, clinging to her pillow as the room was filled with silence. Her brother softly knocked before walking in, and sat down on the bed at her feet. Her mind was racing, she was frustrated, furious, sad and an overall mess. "Pipes...you need to get ready." He said grabbing ahold of her hand. She looked towards him, sighing. She nodded sitting up and walking over towards the bathroom. She quickly went to brush out her curls that she had all day, putting some natural makeup and finishing off with a perfume choice. She headed into the closet and brought out her pink orange checkered midi dress with a matching headband. "You look 6." August joked as she walked out with her heels on. She stuck out her tongue and grabbed her purse. "You ready?" He asked and she nodded, walking out with him. "Did Joey hear anything on how he found us?" She asked and August looked down, and swallowed. "Yeah, Ill tell you later." He said as they stepped into the elevator. "Where is he?" She asked as they walked out towards the car that was taking them there with the group. "August." She said stopping and looking at him, demanding answers. August sighed, before looking back at his little sister. Piper's head cocked to the side in confusion before understanding what the look meant. "No. NO!" She said taking a few steps back. He would never do such a thing. "He didn't do it, Augs." She said as Joey walked outside. "I am afraid so Piper." Joey said placing a hand on her upper back. She looked up towards Joey and felt tears brim her eyes. "Quinn wouldn't." She repeated as she walked towards the car. Natasha and Eric were already buckled up as she got in the back seat with them. "Guys?" She looked towards the two and they had sad looks on there face. Unknown to her, Natasha had texted August that Quinn would in fact never do such a thing. He was the most undramatic person, somebody who honestly disassociated when around people. Especially the media. But that's what the palace had said, so he had to believe them.
They pulled up the event and saw the figures of Meghan and Harry pass through the doors of the Met. August got out first, opening the door for his little twin. She stepped out plastering a very fake smile on her face. She waved to the crowd, and walked towards the awaiting 'fans'. "Hi guys, how are you guys doing today?" She asked as her and her brother shook hands. "Six hours? Oh my goodness, we are not that importnant." The blonde joked, as she moved along to a girl that seemed to be her age. "Hi Piper!" She smiled widely and Piper smiled back, giving her a hug. "Hi, what's your name?" She asked the royal follower. "Im Audrey. I actually came from Vancouver just to see you guys!" She beamed and Piper took a deep inhale before smiling. "Vancouver? That's so far! It was very sweet of you to come see the exhibit." Piper said diplomatically. "Ofcourse, been following you two for years!" She responded and Piper nodded. "It was very nice meeting you, have a safe trip back home." Piper smiled before walking off. The twins waved one last time before walking inside. Eric and Natasha were inside waiting for them, drinking some champagne. The twins headed over towards Meghan and Harry first, before going off and greeting people.
"Piper!" Meghan smiled pulling the blonde into a warm and friendly hug. "Ugh, ive missed you so much. Too bad we missed you guys last week." She said as they pulled apart. "I know, youll have to come out for one of your breaks this year." Meghan responded with a smile. "Ill make sure you guys aren't on a trip to Switzerland. Miss that place." Piper grinned and Meghan smiled. "Are you okay though? H and I heard about what happened?" Meghan said rubbing her arm up and down a few times. Piper felt her lip begin to quiver and looked down. "Hey hey its ok." Meghan said stepping closer. "You're fine. You are safe, I promise." Meghan said lowly. Piper nodded, sniffling and trying to pull herself together. Thankgoodness they were in a private room before heading out into the exhibit. "Im ok. I just keep having flashbacks of it." She said and Meghan knew what she had meant. "I know, I promise you though that you are safe. And that, they will pass." She smiled at the blonde. "I know." She said with a soft smile. She turned towards Harry and August, and Harry pulled her into a hug. "So good to see you again, Pipes." The ginger cousin smiled. Piper nodded, and went on to ask about the kiddos back in California. The conversation switched over towards what had happened earlier, "Apprently Quinn this guy I was seeing, did it. But it just does not make sense." She said shrugging. Harry nodded, "Hmm. Palace confirm?" Harry questioned and she nodded. He gave her a sad smile, "Im sorry Piper." He said pulling her in for another hug. The hug ended when they heard that the exhibit was ready to begin.
Eric and Natasha followed behind the twins, talking amongst themselves. Eric was getting updates from Jack, since Quinn went straight to Newark as soon as he was 'kicked out'. "Quinn didn't do it. I don't understand why they keep saying that he did." Eric commented, and Natasha agreed. "No I know, it doesn't add up. At all." She responded drinking the champagne. "Also fuck this. I feel so bad for them." She murmured and Eric agreed. "It's so stuffy, so formal and so boring." He said causing Natasha to chuckle. The two caught some looks from those around them. Piper made a beline for them, and took the remaining champage that Natasha had and drank it quickly. Joey cleared his throat from near by, causing Piper to roll her eyes. "What do you say about blowing this joint?" Piper said arching an eyebrow, and looked between the sibilings. Natasha and Eric grinned, loving this side of the blonde. "What about Auggie?" Eric asked and they looked over towards him being engrossed in a conversation with somebody from Denmark. "Eh." She said shrugging before going over to Joey that she was going to the washroom. He nodded, having a nearby security dude escort her. Natasha and Eric followed, a few minutes after. Piper slipped out of the bathroom, as the security guy got called away for something. She met up with Natasha and Eric, and they made there way to a back entrance that she had been through previous times. She was going to get in a lot of trouble, but she wanted to be anywhere but here.
Over in Newark, Quinn was a complete mess. He didn't understand why he was being blamed for something he'd never do in a million years. Let alone have the thought of it. Jack had been so gracious in allowing him to hide out here for a few nights before they went back home to Michigan. "This is fucked up." Jack repeated as he looked through instagram. Quinn threw a throw pillow at his brother. Jack looked towards him and gave him a sad smile. "Im sorry." He said and Quinn nodded. "Oh god, she's getting trashed." Jack murmured a few minutes later after watching a snapchat from Eric. "Wait what?" Quinn asked already knowing who he meant. "Piper." He said replaying the snap for his older brother. Piper was jumped up and down, with champagne and shots in front of her. They were at a exclusive club that had a no phone policy but the three were able to keep theres, for security purposes. And well, she is a Princess after all.
The trio returned to the hotel a few hours later, Piper be the drunkest one of all. She walked into her room and saw Joey and August sitting at the table in the middle of the foyer. August looked up and at the same time jumped up, pulling her into his arms. "Woah, woah there buddy." She said softly pushing him off of her. Joey stood up, sighing and walking out and standing next to the door. Back in the room, Piper tore off her heels, threw them aside and tore off her purse and headband. she rubbed her temples, feeling a headache coming on. "What the hell was that?" August asked now getting mad, now that she was back safetly. "Auggie..not now." She said plopping down onto her freshly made bed. "No, you are not getting off so easily." He said pulling her up by the arm so she was sitting up now. "Stop!" She screamed, standing up and facing her brother. "Don't you dare fucking touch me!" She screamed, walking into the bathroom and slammed the door- locking it behind her. August groaned, realizing what had just happened. He heard a soft knock at the door, and he went to go open it. Natasha stood there in her pjs and looked absolutley adorable to August. He smiled at her, pulling her inside the room. She leaned up to give him a quick peck before opening the door and pushing him out, "Not a chance bud, go hang out with Eric." She said shutting the door in August's face.
Back in the bathroom, Piper sat down next to the toilet crying. She pulled her knees up to her chest and cried for god knows how long.
Early the next morning, the twins got on there private jet with Joey ofcourse and made there way to Toronto. Piper walked off the plane and saw the black tinted range rover waiting for them, and saw the unmistakable grin of her best friend and second brother. "Charles!" She shrieked and took off into a sprint towards the dude. He wrapped his arms around her and spun her around, causing her to giggle loudly. He set her down and went to go greet August. Piper got into the back seat and texted Natasha that they had landed. She smiled as the two of them got into the front seat, "Please tell me we are doing what I think we are doing." Piper said getting in between them and looking between them. Charles and August looked at one another, "I don't know what you are talking about." August smirked joking. "Yeah, don't know." Charles responded and Piper groaned, plopping back into her seat and buckling. "Haha very fun." She mused, resting her eyes. Next time she opened them, they were at the royal's Toronto lake house.
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@natashapierceeee: look who I met tonight !!!!
788 likes, 15 comments + limited.
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@blondepiper00: omg she’s so pretty !!!!
@ericpierce: holy crap how !!!
@auggiethegreat: seems like a brat
@blondepiper00: idk who u are — but that’s so rude
@charlesdowntown: yep seems like a bitch
@ericpierce: L.O.L
@natashapierceeee: get off my page w that garbage
@lhughes_6: why does she look like a child ??
@natashapierceeee: read the room bro. Read the room.
@ericpierce: ^^^
I hope you guys enjoyed !!!!
Part 4 coming soon :)
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starkeyba3 · 2 years
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(On wattpad by daddyxier)
- not posted yet but here’s a sneak peek🤭🫣
u and sarah were still drinking then by the last shot sarah passed out
Y/N- sar? sarah?! wake up (u said drunkly)
but sarah already passed out after drinking so much alcohol
Y/N- sarah!? lets dance!! (u said drunkly)
You shock her shoulder to wake her up but she still didn’t wake up she was completely passed out
then u went to the couch where rafe, topper, and kelce and the other kooks were
u walking drunkly
then u laid on the other kooks and rafe's lap
RAFE- shit routledge get up
rafe helps u get up to sit down straight on the couch beside him
RAFE- are u drunk? (He said while looking at you)
Y/N- Rafe I wanna dance!! (you said with a high tone)
RAFE- go dance then (he said irritated)
Y/N- Sarah doesn't want to dance with me
RAFE- where's sarah?
Y/N- mhm probably passed out in the bar station (u said drunkly)
RAFE- shit dad's gonna kill me
rafe got up and carried sarah
and rafe called one of his trusted friends/one of sarah's friends
RAFE- hey! small favor... could you take sarah home? shes totally passed out
FRIEND- sure sure
the friend takes sarah and placed her in her car and drove sarah home
then rafe sat next to u where he originally sat
Y/N- u guys wanna play truth or dare (u said drunkly)
TOPPER- uh okay... u look so drunk.. how many did drink?
Y/N- i dont know like 200 shots (u said drunkly and smirked)
TOPPER- yup u're totally drunk
Y/N- anyways bitches lets play (u said drunkly)
Y/N- truth or dare
KELCE- this is gonna be fun (he smirks)
Y/N- okay I'll go first, ask me (u said drunkly)
TOPPER- truth or dare y/n?
Y/N- truth (u said drunkly)
TOPPER- okay.. lets start easy...what was ur first impression about us y/n?
Y/N- us? who is us?
TOPPER- me, rafe, and kelce
Y/N- mhm lets see... kelce is i thought was the quiet one but whenever he opens his mouth i lost my brain cells (u said drunkly)
KELCE- what the fuck? (kelce laughs)
Y/N- topper is the nice guy sort of but also jerky type? You know he’s like a mix of both (u said drunkly)
TOPPER- wow wow! okay! What about rafe? (he laughs)
Y/N- and rafe is the cocky one, very cocky (u said drunkly)
RAFE- i get that alot (he smirks)
Y/N- mhm next! (u said drunkly)
KELCE- truth or dare?
Y/N- mhm truth (u said drunkly)
KELCE- if u were a guy who is the girl u would kiss? the people who are sitting on the couch
Y/N- mhm (u look around)
then u spot a ginger haired girl
Y/N- her (u said drunkly and pointed at the ginger haired girl)
GINGER HAIRED GIRL- oh? i gotta say im honored u picked me (she laughs and let out a flying kiss)
Y/N- i got it ((u said drunkly, smiled and catched the kiss she gave)
Y/N- also who said i have to be a guy... i can still be a girl and make out with her (u said drunkly and winked at her and she winked back and smiled at you at u)
then everyone in the couch said "OHHHH"
Y/N- next!! (u said drunkly)
GINGER HAIRD GIRL- truth or dare?
Y/N- lets try dare now (u said drunkly)
GINGER HAIRED GIRL- make out with me (she smirks)
TOPPER- oh shit...
KELCE- oh im excited to see this
everyone's eyes were on u and the ginger haired girl
u stood up and went to the ginger haired girl and sat beside her
u and the ginger haired girl made out heavily and when u were about to end making out u bit her lip away gently
KOOKS ON THE COUCH- "shit thats.. that was hot"
u and the girl stopped making out and went back to ur seat
and u wiped ur side mouth with ur thumb to wipe the wet area
Y/N- i think its getting hot in here
RAFE- oh its about to be... truth or dare (he looks at u)
Y/N- dare (u said drunkly)
RAFE- make out with everyone in this couch for under 1 minute... bet u cant (he smirks)
Y/N- oh? watch me cameron (u said drunkly and smirked)
U stood up and went to the couch in front of u and u started off with topper
u sat beside topper and u both started making out
then after topper u went and faced kelce who was beside topper and kissed kelce then after kissing kelce u went to the other kooks and kissed them
u kissed all the other kooks and rafe was next
u stood up and sat on top of rafe's lap which made his leg twitch
RAFE- woah (he said after his leg twitched)
TOPPER- thats unfair how come u get to sit on his lap
KELCE- fr you didn't sit on any of our laps
u looked at them then looked at rafe
Y/N- its ur turn home boy (u said drunkly and smirked)
rafe licked his lips slightly and looked at u up and down
he held the side of your waist and u both started making out with each other
u pulled away and stopped kissing rafe and got out of rafe's lap and sat on the couch beside him
RAFE- hey! we aren't done! (he looks at u)
u went back to ur seat which was beside rafe
Y/N- mhm (u said drunkly and u smirked)
TOPPER- bro u only got 10 seconds?
they started laughing
RAFE- it was suppose to be a minute!
Y/N- under a minute u said...10 seconds is considered as under a minute (u said drunkly and looked at rafe smirking)
KOOKS ON THE COUCH- damn home girl's wild
Y/N- hey where's ur bathroom?
TOPPER- just upstairs to the 3rd floor to the right
u stood up and went to the bathroom
and u went to the bathroom and talked to urself
rafe stood up from the couch
KELCE- yo where u going?
RAFE- just gonna do some shots
rafe went up to the 3rd floor to the bathroom
then u stopped talking to urself and opened the door and you were about to leave
But then rafe was outside right on time and when you opened the door he went inside which made u walk backwards back inside the bathroom
Y/N- rafe (u said drunkly)
RAFE- y/n
Y/N- what are you doing here?
RAFE- well what are you doing here?
Y/N- i was talking to my self, i think im going crazing
RAFE- i also think im going crazy u left me hanging over there and only made out with me for 10 seconds
Y/N- what? What about that?
RAFE- you left me hanging, 10 seconds isn't enough it was unfair for me
Y/N: oh you wanted more? i dont think u deserve it (u said drunkly and laughed)
RAFE- i do deserve it
rafe unexpectedly lifted u up and placed u on top of the sink counter and started kissing u aggressively
and u kissed him back and he started kissing ur neck leaving u hickies
and he started to go down on u and started kissing ur thigh going up which also leaves hickies
which made u moan and he stops
then started to make out again
then rafe pulls u to the bench infront of the sink he sits there and he makes u sit on his lap
before sitting down u saw a hard bump rafe made u sit on the hard bump (his hard bump down there)
RAFE- sit!
u sat on it and a moan came out of ur mouth
while heavily making out rafe held ur hips and made ur hips move back and forth slowly and by time passes by the way he moved ur hips on him became faster which made u both moan loudly
RAFE- fuck! (he bits his bottom lip)
u held on to the back of his neck
Y/N- (u moan) rafe... (u said drunkly)
RAFE- (he moans) yea
Y/N- fa-fa- (u moan) faster (u said drunkly)
then rafe goes way more faster which made both of ur moans way more louder and could be heard outside the bathroom
u were unbottoning ur shirt slowly and rafe was looking at it
u only unbottoned 2 of the bottons of ur shirt but then someone knocked on the door
KOOK- hello? anyone there?
RAFE- what?! (he shouts)
KOOK- get out! my pee is gonna explode!
Y/N- shit (u said drunkly)
rafe opened the door and got out immediently while u were hiding behind the door
then the girl saw rafe
KOOK- rafe? have u seen sarah?
RAFE- uh... she went home..
then the kook went inside and was about to close the door
KOOK- oh shit u scared me.. what are yo-..? oh u and rafe?
then u quickly ran out the bathroom and the girl looked confused and closed the bathroom door
rafe went back to the couch downstairs and sat down
KELCE- got ur shots?
RAFE- yea
u came back to the couch
and sat down
TOPPER- what took u so long?
Y/N- just got fresh air (u said drunkly)
then kelce notices something on ur thighs
KELCE- whats that?
Y/N- whats wat? (u said drunkly)
kelce points at ur thights
then rafe looks at u
Y/N- uh just rashes
u were wearing shorts at that time thats why the hickies were seen
u suddenly passed out
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