#paranoia fuel
spookcataloger · 15 days
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Ads are reading my mind (2018)
Anon hates intuitive ads (2019)
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golvio · 2 years
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amarantine-amirite · 2 years
Some Goodbyes
Here's what people don't understand when your parents are too busy to pay attention to you: You have to pay household bills out of your college fund because it's the only bank account with your name on it, so it's the only account that they let you access. You can't eat unless you're about to faint because they don't have time to go to the store. You end up doing all the housework so you lose track of assignments. You rely on your friends so much for attention that they start to push you away.
It gets worse. A lot worse. You have to put off doing your college essay because your parents said they would help you make sense of a prompt that you can't tell whether it's a bad translation or somebody having a stroke but never got around to it. Worst of all, you don't know whether or not your parents are still alive.
My mother had a big project with a tight deadline coming up, and there's a pretty sweet promotion on the other side of this. She's been working 15-hour days and we go for days on end without talking to each other. It's not because she wants to shut me out, it's because she's too busy. The only times that she's made time to talk to me have been when she's too upset to continue working.
It's been radio silence for almost a month now. The only sign of life is a phone message that I got yesterday. "Sheila told me everything. I'm on my way. We'll discuss it when I get home."
I keep playing it on loop in my head. Sheila told me everything. I'm on my way. We'll discuss it when I get home. Sheila told me everything. I'm on my way. We'll discuss it when I get home.
It doesn't just go around in my head like an earworm. It makes me think Mom's coming home, but she never actually shows up. It is almost noon, and she has not picked up any of my calls. To be honest, I am starting to think my mom is dead.
I called my dad, but he didn't answer his calls, nor did my grandfather. I am 15 years old. I'm scared and I don't know what to do. My mother could be on her way home but she's stuck in traffic, but she could not be.
One look at the news on the TV told me everything: Mom's boss lied about the promotion to manipulate her into having that work done by the deadline. Now that it's over, he fired her and took credit. Mom was livid, she snapped and tried to push the boss down the elevator shaft. I didn't quite go as planned, and she fell to her death.
And what's worse is I have no idea what I did. Am I in trouble? And who the hell is Sheila?
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maple-bow · 15 days
I'm not sure there was a hero in my previous story. Here's why:
Human sacrifice of Cassandra ends up saving the day. I'm not sure if I decided that this would be deliberate or an accident. If it's deliberate, then it was probably Constance who did it. That said, Constance acquires Cassandra's consciousness, which may make it manslaughter on Morgan's part, or passive suicidality on Cassandra's part.
The main excuse Morgan has is that he lucid dreamed himself into this dimension so he doesn't necessarily have full use of reason or full knowledge of what will happen. Morgan didn't necessarily know that Cassandra would die.
I think the outcome of this sacrifice is that Cassandra's consciousness became the goddess Constance, but she still lost the memories, which may have been transferred to Morgan.
But I think Cassandra's memories may have taken over Morgan's body instead of her old body.
The point of Constance or Morgan doing this would be to do something about a zombie apocalypse so "the needs of the many" justification could potentially apply but the apocalypse didn't necessarily get significantly modified. At least not in as many universes as it should have.
Which would imply Morgan lucid dreamed someone to death by accident for no good reason.
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As a general rule,
the bigger the monster is, the scarier it’s supposed to be.
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fecto-forgo · 11 months
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fermi paradox - it is the nature of intelligent life to destroy others.
(textless under cut)
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gxlden-angels · 9 months
I love getting my silly little dose of validation whenever I explain something as small to my childhood as "yea they taught us to be prepared to be soldiers in spiritual warfare between angels and demons from a young age" and having my therapist or a friend respond like
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askblueandviolet · 1 month
Why do you spy on Macaque?
Do you really like his drawings?
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#genuinely i didnt do this on purpose i was just very tired when i went to draw yesterday and did pose practice instead of new comic#but then i see franz kafka trending this morning and i remembered this hellsite has the most arbitrary holidays i love it#dr draws#danganronpa#dr#ndrv3#drv3#kokichi ouma#ouma kokichi#kokichi oma#oma kokichi#glittersart#TAPP AU#if you want it doesnt have to be#but i am working on an ask about how everyone is holding up post-sim#mostly in writing if thats alright bc im not positive yet how to draw out the story i want to tell#and therein is a small headcanon that kokichi kinda. for several reasons has a bit more intense a time than most of his classmates#and sometimes he Needs to sleep at arbitrary times during the school day. if he wont do it voluntarily he'll just kinda faint-#- which is especially frustrating for him because the lack of control and his inherent distrust of most people fuel his paranoia-#- and over time he designates a couple of Probably Secure places around campus that he can sleep if his dorm is too far.#ive started setting it up (itll take a lot of drawing to explain it all) but one of them is the animal shed#i do want to try actively to write about Students Who Aren't Kokichi but this all did start bc im kinda fixated atm#actually i think kokichi has been in all of the comics so far. like at least appeared#which will probably continue to be true as kokichis brand of pranking#('i put a kick-me sign on kaitos back and when saihara sees it theyll have an excuse to talk. all according to plan.')-caliber#is a nice device to crash characters into eachother like bumper cars
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tired-fandom-ndn · 11 months
I don't think kids really need to be protected from "inappropriate" content so much as they need the tools and safe adults in their lives to handle when they encounter things that they need help with, BUT I will say that there is a growing amount of misinformation and disinformation being spread online that is deliberately targeted towards children and people need to be aware of that and prepare for it.
I'm not exaggerating in the slightest when I say it took about a week of watching Youtube Kids for my baby sister to start parroting Q-Anon level conspiracies about the government hiding the fact that extinct animals like wooly mammoths and saber tooth tigers are still alive. This wasn't innocent shit, she was getting genuinely upset about the government supposedly watching her through the security cameras of a sandwich restaurant.
There are people out there, especially content farms, who knowingly and deliberately spread misinformation to children specifically and who knowingly spread disinformation about basic scientific facts. And that's not even getting into content farms that share "life hacks" that get kids injured or killed.
The internet is becoming more dangerous for kids and it has very little to do with fanfiction, it's almost all because corporations like youtube prioritize their profits over the safety of children.
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spookcataloger · 10 months
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Anons sister is a yandere (2023)
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ectonurites · 6 months
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#tragically had to skip the 'are you afraid of me' exchange i love at the start bc. this scene is Long#super dark times#josh templeton#zach taylor#sam edits#btw i'm firmly in the 'Josh didn't kill John' camp. bc to me THIS scene is the point that... makes the most sense as Josh's breaking point/#'villain turn' if that's what you'd want to call it. because this is really when Josh... sort of 'officially' loses Zach. from early on in#the movie it becomes clear how much Zach is like... an anchor for him—the way Josh is just fucking *chanting* his name in distress during#the Daryl accident. The way Josh begs Zach to believe him that it was an accident. The way Josh turns to Zach for answers/clarity/direction#Like even if we want to take a cynical approach and think of it as Josh just latching onto Zach in the Daryl situation because he was There#rather than that being an established thing w/ them... in the aftermath of that same incident Josh is still looking to/depending on him!#Josh self isolates at first... but after they talk & Zach tells him they shouldn't act weird Josh goes back to school. (yes#he lashes out there because He's Dealing With The Crushing Guilt but *all* of 'em are acting off then—Charlie specifically calls attention#to the idea they all probably are) Josh goes to the party just like Zach said they should and is *visibly confused* when Zach seems mad to#see him there. He goes to Zach's house to talk and you can SEE how caught off guard he is by what Zach says. Even though the script version#of this scene is VERY different from the final version I do think this one bit of description from it is... insightful: 'Josh seems sincere#almost vulnerable. But Zach is too focused to see it.' LIKE in this scene Zach is already convinced Josh has lost it! He's trying to act#more neutral about it (claiming they could just 'draw a line') but we saw his phone call with Charlie. Because of his own guilt-fueled#paranoia—something shown pretty clearly through the assorted dream sequences and like tht scene of him walking in the hall hearing people#gossip about Daryl—it seems like everything lines up too well! that '*of course* it's Josh and what if it's *been* Josh all along and well#then the role *I* played in the situation really isn't *my* fault because it was all *Josh* and...' etc. even if that's more subconscious#But like... this scene is really when it hits Josh! from the moment he asks if Zach's afraid of him now like... there's a shift. although#Zach says he isn't... i mean he fucking stumbles on the word 'afraid' (like... he hangs on the 'f' sound a moment too long to sound natural#its very subtle but like Noticeable). But Josh sees right through him. Zach doesn't trust him anymore. Zach thinks he's the bad guy. the#monster. Josh feeling like he lost the last person he had in his corner feels like the most realistic thing to... push him over the#edge. like that's a compelling tragedy to me—the idea that these two poorly coping with the Daryl situation in these separated ways where#they *aren't* talking/communicating ends up CREATING the feedback loop that makes everything get worse and worse.#But for that to be the case... it wouldn't make sense for Josh to have just randomly killed John before this scene. I think it's a more#interesting story if certain things really ARE just coincidences but it's that Zach's paranoia won't let him see that 🤷
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hinako-supremacy · 7 months
look at my cosplay, boy
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the gargoyle's name is francois in case youre wondering
closeup of the mask vv
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rainworldroompoll · 5 months
Pick Your Favorite Rain World Room, Day 123
This is not single elimination! Every room with at least 10.0% vote will move on to the next round.
There is a hidden slugcat in one of the rooms (they can be in any color). If u can see it comment or reblog with where they are and if u are first, u get a cookie!
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Credit for game screenshots goes to: Rain World Interactive Map and me
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antibioware · 2 months
me watching PowerPak's myhouse.wad video: this is SO COOL. I love everything about this.
me watching the specific part about the Navidson's 6 minutes and a half hallway:
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bardicbird · 4 months
hi i really want to read house of leaves but i’m a Little Bit of a wimp when it specifically comes to paranoia-fueling horror. some fourth wall breaking i’m all good with but like—specific shit that makes you feel unsafe in your room or like you have to keep looking behind your back i’m absolutely Awful with. how much would you say house of leaves has that kind of horror?
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