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Pride fanart
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redleaderdemon · 2 days
The sickening thud of metal against flesh with a hint of metallic clang was music to Alex’s ears. They stared down at their tormentor of weeks, no, months, possibly YEARS at this point, Dr. Lankmann. He was still recovering from the blow, crumpled to the ground. Alex didn’t realize they had raised the crowbar again until they were already bringing it down with as much might as they could muster, the gorgeous sound ringing out again, now with a pained yelp.
“STOP THIS!” The doctor cried out, but Alex didn’t listen. Too long this man has smothered everything in their life, their voice, their home, their friends... Another burst of the sound, now with more clanging than before as the doctor has had the sense to raise his arms to protect himself. The sound wasn’t as beautiful this time, Alex silently noted to themselves, but they’ll fix that soon.
“Stop this and I’ll give you what you want!” This, however, made Alex pause with the crowbar raised above their head, deciding to give the doctor some time to plead his case.
“What is it that you want? I’ll take away the wanted posters, I’ll take the way the surveillance on your house, I’ll-”
“Set him free.”
“Set Winfrey, Specimen 02, free.” Alex said more loudly this time, not expecting their voice to raise. It never occurred to them how much they really cared and wanted to help until that moment. That they would rather help the sandwich-eating demon than fully carry out their revenge on the man who’s made them hurt for so long.. They didn’t even notice the caretakers starting to gather at this point, their only focus was on Dr. Herbert Lankmann. (Who names their child Herbert these days?)
“...That is the one thing I cannot do. That thing is far too dangerous!” Alex’s eye twitched and they raised the crowbar above their head again.
“WRONG ANSWER.” They barely registered the screams that erupted around them as they brought the crowbar down, that beautiful sound ringing out over and over as they let their pent of rage consume them. The screaming overpowered it in some moments, but they didn’t mind. After all, their best friend, The Smiling Snatcher, was here to help.
. . .
Alex breathed heavily as they loomed over the corpse of their former boss, barely recognisable as himself besides all the bent metal and broken LED screens the man had for eyes. They didn’t realize their new Veldigun status, even if they weren’t even nearly there to being fully transformed, had given them new found strength. They looked down at the bloody crowbar and chuckled a little, there was a noticeable bend in it from the sheer force they had used. 
Clyde wandered over to Alex and leaned against them, purring loudly as Alex rubbed their head. The veldigun was covered in their own fair share of blood, Caretaker corpses littering the hallway and soaking in pools of the stuff. At least they seemed to have some fun while Alex was having an emotional moment.
“Let’s go set Winfrey free, hm?” Alex suggested, that grin they’ve come to love slowly spreading across Clyde’s face. They yelped in surprise as Clyde picked them up, the demon laughing as they headed off to Room 66, excited to finally see their old partner and to introduce their newest member. Nothing could separate them now.
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nyeobium · 1 day
Bout time I posted these
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It's two hcs packed into one
- The Flock's vocal stimming is through repeating Simon which is used for expressing almost every emotion
- Simon's blind af
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shattered-lazuli · 2 days
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Hey doaiblr, I'm passing foward this message from discord to here. I understand that Dreams Of An Insominiac is a horror series, but please be careful with including dark topics in your aus.
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metricbutterfly · 19 hours
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doodle-girl · 2 days
Pastra: *doai shitposting to promote the Lankmann plush*
Me who can’t currently become a patron and therefore can’t see behind the scenes stuff, noticing that the shitpost video has significantly less visual effects editing to it and therefore I now have a better reference for Alex’s clothes and room:
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hey lankmann, have you heard of a certain Mr. The Swankmann?
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Lankmann: I do believe I know them! Would you like to mee-
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Swankmann: H3110, D34R CHUM5! (Hello, Dear Chums!)
*POV: Swankmann has given an old man with jaundice a heart attack*
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Swankmann: 1T 1S 1, TH3 SW4NDK4NN! H3R3 T0 SH4R3 W0ND3RFUL T03H™ M3RCH4ND153!~ PLUSH1ES, P0ST3R5, 4ND S0 MUCH M0R3! (It It I, The Swankmann! Here To Share WOnderful TOEH™ Merchandise!~ Plushies, Posters, And So Much More!)
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Swankmann: 0H! DR. L4NKM4NN! 4R3 Y0U T1R3D? (Oh! Dr. Lankmann! Are You Tired?)
Lankmann: Swankmann... Call an ambulance...
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softsynthetic · 6 hours
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The thumbnail I did for my video on DOAI!
Was very proud of how gnarly Lankmann looks ( bro does not brush his teeth)
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corrupteddoodles · 2 days
i’m feeling fluffy today so have some sweet lil art of simon and his wife on their wedding day
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do you think the lankman foundation participates in rainbow capitalism?
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Hey, um… where IS Eastridge County, anyway?
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pastraspec · 16 days
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Chat I am cooking for this new video!
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arkaix · 9 days
If I had a nickel for every time I saw a piece of content where both the protagonist and the antagonist have Multiple versions of themselves that look different and also Other characters have their Same face but are different from them-
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As a Kingdom Hearts fan I find this shit hilarious and I'm tired of pretending it's not
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shattered-lazuli · 2 days
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Yahoo, the silly creature but he's human!
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skettchyartendevours · 6 months
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So I wanted to see how many bracelets I could put on Clyde's arms...
The answer is a lot
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